THE OBSERVER. 13. F. SLOAN, Editor. or. - TEEMS: 111 60 MB MAE IN ADVIL-NC/4 SATURDAY, AUG. 25, ietiO D I 9IOCRA.TIC NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR, HENRY D. FOSTER, OF WERTMOKELAND CO SI) :JV.I :ñ:{ils)L. I 3= RICHARD VAUX, =1 1 Fazu A. Ss . %ER, 14 ISAAC NECK HOW. 2 WY C. PATTARSON, 15 (Ito U. JAux+.o.,. 3 JOSEPH CROCKETT. j. J. A Aut. 4 J U. BRENNER, 17 J B. DANNut, 5 G. W. JACOBY, 1l J. R. ettAwri.Ri.. CHARLES KELLEY. 19 H N LEE. 7 0. P JAmes. 2u J 11 flue aLL, 13 DAvin SCH .LL. 21 N P. FETTERMAN. 9 J . L. LIUHTNER, 22 SAKI Y.L M !NEM' 10 S. S. BARBER, 2:1 WILLI 'Look, 11 T. H. WALKER, 21 B 1) Ilksium. 1. S S. WINCHESTER, .25 C. yLiißu CHI RI u 13 JOSEPH LAUD ACII. Democratic County Convention The Den.ocracy of Erib County are re .luested to meet at the usual place of hold• ing elections in the -,everal borough-4 and townships on Saturday, Sept, 8, 1860, at 2 P. I. and appoint two delegates cal li to tnect in County Convention, to assemble in the city of Erie on the following Wednesday, "ept., 12, at 2 P. M., to take action in re lation to nominating a County ticket, Can didates for C'ongres's and .Midge, and .uch other business as may legitimately come before the Convention. The Democracy of the city of Erie will meet at the Common and Select Council Rooms, in Wriglrt's Block, at 7 o'clock I' M . the same day. and elect two Telerate• (rum each ward, to attend the same. By order of the Committee, B. F. S LOA N • Chairman. Erie, Aug.. 25 lgi;o. HENRY D. POSTER We want no better evidence of the alarm pervading the Republican ranks in this State at the prospect that the Union of the Democratic party will secure the election of Henry D. Foster, than the attacks made upon that gentlemen since the meeting of the Democratic Committee at Cresson. All at once the Republican press has opened its batteries of denunciation and de traction against our candidate for Gov ernor, and Mr. Curtin has been spurred in to unwonted activity by the alarming pro gress that Gen. Foster is making in the af fections of the people. It is too late, gen tlemen Republicans! You cannot stem the tide which is carrying lien. Foster into the.Uubernatortal chair—and least of all can you stay its progress by the disreputa ble means you have adopted. It there isa man in the State whose character should shield him from the reckless assaults of politicians, that man is Henry D. Foster. His life is unstained by a single act dis creditable to epublic man. Where he is best known he is regarded with unexam pled esteem and affection. We doubt whether there ever was a man in Pennsyl vania who attached to him more devoted friends than Mr. Foster.' Theiihole west ern country is ringing with his praise.— Without once having done an act to court public applause, without using any, of the arts of the politiCian or the demagogue. he has won substantial regard by his many high and enduring qualities. No man ever dared to accuse him of an ungenerous or a dishonest action. it is well known that hi, scrupulous honesty and the generosity of his nature has absorbed the earnings of a profession in which he has no superior; and yet, strange to say, the leanness of his purse is the principle accusation which his enenfies bring against him. Certain charg es have been truniped up, through the in strumentality of John Covode, who, insti gated by the enimily which little men feel for great minds, attempted to torture cer tain testimony taken before the Covode Committee to Gen. Fosters discredit. This testimony amounts to nothing, except so far twit disproves the insinuations that Mr. Foster received aid from Mr. Witte to en able him to carry on the congressional campaign in lisss against I 'ovode s , If he ha- been assisted by his political friends we do no see that it would tend to his dis credit, considering that he was running against a man who could spend his thou sands without depleting a well filled purse. If the enemies of Mr. Foster expect to insure him before the public they must use heavier artillery than this. His character is too well established toisuffer from such assaults. You must use some other wea l ,- on than a popgun to kill an eagle. 'flit' people have already taken the measure of Gen. Foster, and pronounced it up to the liubernational standard. They are also tolerably familiar with the career of Col. Curtin. They have not forgotten his con nection with the Pollock administration, and not a few persons have a vivid recol lection of some of his operations as Secre tary of the Commonwealth. He was noin inatedby a legislative cabal composes! of men who tkierstood their own interests, and who nervNwere known to come out losers at the end of a session. An atmos phere of distrust surrounds him, which all his oratory cannot dispel. His political position is confusing and confounding.— Having abandoned the American party, of which he wag a prominent leader, lie is obliged to swallow Lincoln and the four teenth plank of the Chicago platform with the best grace that he can. In so doing he has disgusted and repelled many .of his former friends, who are now his active ene mies. These circumstances have all con spired to weaken him before the people tp such a degree that we hazard nothing in saying that thousassis of the Opposition in this State will cast their votes in tkAober next for Henry 1). Foster, whose assailants may as well resign themselves to the fact —which every day is making more appar ent—that he will be elected Governor of Pennsylvania.—Har. Union. ,a• Still they come! The Luzerne Union, published at the home of Col. H. B. Wright, the President of the 26th of July Conven tion, accedes to the Cresson compromise. The papers that hold out against it at* few indeed. The straight-out movement has been whittled down to almost nothing.— Democrats are not so easily transferred to the Republicans as certain persons imag_ fined. ger We trust our readers will not *Otto notice tlo• cull for a County I ,tivi main In today's paper The I tennieratn party of Erie Count) i- not a untionty party, with hall a score of fat office, to distribute among it- followers to incite ttac tivity. but it is integral patio(' the eat whole, and et lOU` It C7i,tll iq Ot her will count in the victory ire &Ink iPVt. We shall win under the lead of IigNRY FOSTER, for (.overnor. We say nothing about the November soonest, because of our -divided household :" but success in ietober is wit4in the gra of the Demo cratic party, tend in securing that we are anxious this (."minty shall bear her full share To iloithat organization is abeolute lv necessary', knd the first step tee such or ganization tOie convention called When the delegate-;from the ditTerent townships assemble, it %eill be for them to say wheth er a ' Minty :141.1 District ticket shall be put in the field or not. t hir own impres sioutk that it ought to liedone— dist I)ens rwratie voter- ought to he furnished with a rallying point, and an opportunity to re cord their prote.t against the tearty ruling this county. A good ticket in nomination --0111' composed 01 men w lice , If elect ed. would elo honor to the party---will have the oh., t of drowning out a lull vote., and and a full vott• m eat we it ww ill cement, and keep alive oar gmn . /mien. And although some may imagine the great I ienna rat ic pal t) is irretrievably divided on national iluestions, and will ins like the wing py from the lied-- twat chess-1mm11(1 few 3 eollllollilli.mi and new factions grow up from its rianain , i, we a, firmly believe :is we do that the sun will rise in the east, that four years hence it will 14resent as undivided a front as it ever eliel It, principles air as essential to the perpetual) of the government :u. the 'onstitution Itself It has shaped our for eign :mil debto-t le ',obey almost interupt edly ever since the revolution, and it will continue to do so to the tint. Factions and combination., like those composing the Republican paity, may triumph for a brief sem.son, lint 'uch a success cannot be per manent. OEO 'M KEINI but we tli.l not etet nut with the ottject of reviewing the past, presi•nt, and future of the Democrat ie party ; but simply to invite attention to the CALI. in i , 4-day'!, paper; and to ark our friends to organiw for HAN RI D. FOSTER and ItTORT Ds_ We would not be surprised to see Michigan wheel into the Democratic ranks this hill. There is evidently a great reac tion in that State. Changes are occurring daily—perhaps not so much stimulated by national questions, as produced by State policy. The people of Michigan have fresh in their recollection the corrupt and ruin ous Republican State rule, with which they have been cursed for years. They re member how their favorite was tricked out of the nomination at Chicago, and the be gin to turn their backs upon the self-doom ed party, and are learning to "march to the music of i the Union" in the lead of the indomitable bought.. The latest accession to our ranks in the Sanilac Le.iger. This journal, oneof the oldest and mast intiu ental in the State, has heretofore sup ported the Republican party. In its l as t issue, it lowers the flag of Limioln, Hamlin, Trowbridge & Co., anil hoists the names of Douglas and the old war-horse harry. (40 for thel,ed . orr ' "Still they come " sir It i. a noticeable fact, says an ex change, that where there was a Know Noth ing Lodge of any nuznercial strength, there is certain to be a Republican wide-awake club organizeu in its stead. compomed of the same eletnen t-. having the same object in view, and the ,arne politicians are di recting its movements. A change of names has not changed its purposes, nor a change of dnrk-lantern• for torches will answer to blind the observer as to their real objects. Under the old garb. the united forces of the Democracy would overpower the par ty/aria who now hope to deceive into their rank, -ome of those opposed to Know Nothingii-m, by the use of a new title and the resort to parade and show They may psi tially successful f;vr a tiime, and, when their scheme i- fully underitood. they will fall into di-repute as suddenly as did the oath-bound secret clubs. llge. There k not a Repu{!lean paper, except the N. V. Evening from the Trtio,oc down to the. (i,nole, that, while the) still profess to he in favor of pmts lion, are not now doing it+ utmost to sell out the Clay 'Tariff Whigs to the free traddr Hamlin. who always denounced -aid op posed the Ameriean protective system of the lamented The "almighty nig get •' makes strange Is.l-fellovrs in politics. as. The lh•l'ublicans brag a good (141 about their ability to carry Illinois hit the "find gun" from that state does not look as though their claim is well found ed. A special electumi%aS held in Gslsma a few days ago for city Treasurer and the Republicans made special efforts to party it, but were not successful, the Demoerats electing their candidate by more than the usual majority. Galena is in the centre of a strong Republican District. FO.TER AND VOToßY.—There appears to he no discord among the Democrats of the state (whether Breckenridge or Douglas men) on the .object of governor. The voice of all is for FOSTER, anti if they all vvo.rli for him earnestly and in good faith the second Tuesday of october will crown their efforts with ,weary. There is no rea son why any Democrat should not vote for Foster ; and considerations of patriotism will, we trust, induce many who ATP not in dentified with party, to give him their support. Let us all, then, go in fbr Fot.crtg •‘ VlrTosr. be. We hearst great. deal from the Re publican pr' about the corruptions of the present admini.tration, and the reforms Lincoln will inaugurate when he becomes President. But the Boston Charier, in re ferring to this cry of reform, begs to be t.s delivered from any such, if t eir reform in the general government be ything such as it has been in those Sta where they have come into power. It says: "There are no two ideas more in varruince than reform and republicanism ; and the short experimence we have already bad of republicanism, in the States where it has obtained the upper band, authorizes the firm belief that its accession to power 'in the general government would be the sig nal for an amount of corruption. corn will swearwhich all we have yet wi will swear self-denying punty." l er The Clumbervbnrr, Valley fo)an'il: which curries the Douglas flag at its mast head, and wits the first paper in the State to raise that gentleman's name' after his no ination sit Baltimore, refuses to steWo R s : r..... t In WIC 4 rifiniew and Haldeman. -. 'lt II ... .. . op s t ir n , , g ti rim Gasse.—Faffriey* .Ans i jib all the subdlty ft* which if is no ed, e union of the entire Dem ocratic party of the State on the Electoral ticket formed by the Reading Conventian. It is in a degree presumptions on the part of Mr. Forney to step back into the Demo cratic party, uninvited, and attempt to con trol its action. ft - is becoming more and more apparent every day that the Press is secretly working for the overthrow of the Democratic party iu this State. The signs of the times clearly indicate that the pe riod is not very remote when Forney will tollow in tie footsteps of his illustrious leader. Hickman, and land openly and above-board in the Black Republican ranks. It will be a lucky day for the Democracy when they get rid of him and his treason able scheming. While he professes to sup port Judge Douglas he is straining every sinew to circumvent him, and hopes the party will be "gratified" with a ''clean vic tory or a clean defeat," he is not at all particular which it may be. In order. however, to make sure of a "clean defeat" for the party, he publishes a call in the Press for a fleeting, at Harrisburg, on the 15th last., to get up an electoral ticket in opposition to the regular ticket formed by the Reading i ',invention. If he secwes the attendance of a baker's dozen of [Dem ocrats, other than of his own kidney, at the bogus meeting, called for the 15th, we will have a poorer opinion of the Democrt ic party of Pennsylvania than we ever ex pected to entertain. • StAyr Isscaaarriosi Vianixi.L.—The Richmond Despatch states that a conspir acy was foftned one day last week, by the slaves of Mr. H. Hairston, a wealthy farm er of lialifax county, Va., to murder his overseer. After stating that six of theta induced the overseer to accompany them to the woods, where they alleged a party of slaves were preparing for an insurrec tion, the Despatch says: The negroes led the way until getting into theforest, when they suddenly stor ped near a newly dug pit, when the spokes man confronted him, and, pointing to the hole, said to him : "There, you d—d son of a b—h, is your grave. You have but fifteen minutes to make your peace with God, or land in hell." Quick as thought the overseer drew his Colt's revolver, kill ed four of the ruffians dead at hir feet, and shot the fifth one in the abdomen, seeing which, the sixth man took to his heels through the woods, and the overseer hav ing no other weapon, he escaped. The im pression prevails that the six negroes had determined to murder the overseer, because of some deserved punishment one or more of them had received, and laid the above plaas to get hitn off in the woods to effect their ends. Hisnee of mind in tak ing his pistol, ancr his coolness in the hour of danger, when no white person was nigh to aid him, doubtless saved him from a horrid death. stir The Forney-Halderman State Ex ecutive Committee, appointed by authority of a mass meeting held at Harrisburg, met in that borough on the 15th inst., and sat with closed doors. The proceedings have not been made public, further than that t bey have determined on fortning a straight out Forney disorganizing ticket. Forney is determined the State shall be carried for Lincoln, and is using Douglas' name to do it with, that's evident. Pr The editor of the Centre Democrat, who warmly sustains the Republican nom. ineea, and recently paid a visit to Atlantic City, thus alludes to the Hon. Henry D. Foster, whom he met at that place. We commend it to the perusal of some of the politicians of this section: "We arewe are in a hostile position tow ards l Gen. as ter, for we like him very much, and come what may, no word or abuse shall escape our lips when Apeaking of him, nor will we stand by and hear him traduced by any one. The man who maligns,him in our presence, will be told be is mitaken ; if he repeats his abuse, he will be to d he is a liar ; and if he reit erates a thi time what we know to be lathe, %se will smash his teeth down his t hroat ." stir At a meeting of the Douglas Dem ocratic Club of Wilkes-Barre, on Saturday evening last. the followingresolution was passed : Re :laved, That the Douglas Democratic Club of the borough of Wilkes-Barre ap prove the action of the State Central Com mittee at Cresson, on the 9th inst., and ac cept the proposed plan of presenting but a single electoral ticket, as the one best fit ted to secure the vote of Pennsylvania for Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel V. John son, the regular nominees of the Democra cy, and to place our noble old Common wealth where she belongs, in the front rank of States which spurn all sec tiotudism as a curse. and and all disunionists as trai tors. i The Philadelphia Pennsylvanian ex plodes the story reported by the telegraph, alleging the entry of Breckenridge men in to the &lice of the Democrat at Fulton, ( Ps.) the mutilation of the form, and issu ing Lira paper with Breckenridge and Lane at the head as candidates, in place of Doug las and Johnson, who had been supported by the editor. The junior editor did it, it seems, in the absence of the senior, and he tells the story as follows : "We, the junior editor of this paper, be ing strongly in favor of Breckenridge and Lane, believing them to be the true rep resentatives of Democratic principles and the regularly nominated candidates of the party, take this opportunity, while the senior editor is absent at Cresson, attend ing the meeting of the State Central Com mittee, on our own responsibility, to hoist the names of our favorite candidates, to express our individual opinion, and what we know to be the almost unanimous feel ing of the voters of this county." Nur Yeas Aosierr LINCOLN.- It is now reduced almost to a positive certainty that Linooln will of carry New York, and it follows, as a Matter of course, that be can not be elected Presdident of these United Stater. In regard to the voteof New York, J. W. Sheehan, Esq., Editor of the Chica go Than, the confidential friend of Judge Douglas, ,clio speaks whew he knows, says : "For the satisfaction of our readers and the public generally, we can say that to make assunnice dm/My sure, and to place the result beyond ail nmtingency, there have been and are now arrangements making which will give the vote of New York against Mr. Lincoln. That result will be accomplished beyond all question ; the vote of that State will never be cast for Lincoln. New York will not only vote against him, but will give a nutiOrityof ar ty thousand against him. His election is, there fore, an ascertained impossibility. The failure to receive the thirty-five votes of the State, will exclude the possibility of his election ; he has no other State to fall back upon 'to make good the deficiency. When we say that the vote of New York will not be' giv en to Lincoln, we do not speak unadvised ly. We speak confidently, upon fall as eurance, that what we say has been - reedy ed upon firmly and immovably." Stunt Ntitto. Hon. John Covode has been re-notuinated Congress. A grocer in Philatildpithi has gone for y days to Moyamensinglitheon for using Wee weights. Some people use one Ignitor thekingesti ity to get into debt, and the other half to avoid paying it. Judge Douglas has telegraphed to t , his friends in Chicago, that be will be there ear ly in September. —4641. Susan Deeenr, the venerable relict' of the late Commodore Stephen Decatur, died in Washington on the 21stiinat., in the eighty fourth year of her age. According to the New York Times. Judge Douglas is about to take the "stump" in Vir ginia, oommencing on his return from Maine, at the White Sulpher Springs. --„; The prettiest things the republicans are able to say of "Old Abe" are those compli mentary remarks wade by Mr Douglas when he and Lincoln stumped Illinois together in I 8:18. A lielperite, named Bland, if in jail at Springfield, Ky., for circulating the Helper book, which is in violation of the law proscrib ing the introduction of incendiary pamphlet , ' into the State A frog was killed in l'entreCroton, Mass a short lime since, while attempting to swal low a chicken three weeks old The frog mewl ured nineteen inches in length. What a break fast half a dozen such fellows would make 8. M. Boont.--This gentleman IMPS been making quite a stir in Wisconsin,hut the lead ing papers of that State unite indeclaring his moral charac'er to be such as to render him until to lake the lead in any reform The lightning. daring a rhower at Balti more on Wealneaday, ,trurk the la-I eiirriage of a funeral train , fortunately, however, the occupants; who were all huller, escaped with out severe injury, although the carriage was much shattered. Mitts Delia A Webster, somewhat notor ious for her philanthropic exertions to run stares away from their masters in Kentucky, and for her disreputable association with NT lain male abolitionists, has turned up again, as a lecturer, at Cincinnati The invention of a new clock. upon the principle of the thermometer, by the pressure of air on mercury, is creating a gret sensation in Paris. The cost of the clock, which goes twenty four hours, and then has 'linty to he turned like the hour glass, is not more than a franc. James Waggoner, the negro who was kid napped in Ohio some tuonthssince, hurried off to Kentucky, and there gold into slavery to pay for jail fees, lately brought suit to estab lish his freedom. The Kentucky Court has decided that he was a free negro, and he has been set at liberty. A few days ago, in Indiana, n man by the name of Horton was killed bY his own son, in attempting to take a pistol from him, fur tear he would kill some one else. The parricide was lodged in jail, and in the same jail were three of his brothers confined for different crimes. Four brothers in one jail for crimt. —L. J. Loverine, a school teacher, and one who has preached at various time in some of the churches, has been discovered in a se ries of robberies at Valparaiso, lowa He was apparently one of the most devoted christians, and the crime discovered in him astonishes every one. He has made his escape. The new Custom House at Chicago is completed and the contractor has delivered over the keys to the proper representathe of the (hormonal. The building Is intended to secounnodata tbeost °flee, CuatomHouse, and Federal emeriti': li VDV feet on Dearborn St., by 78 feet on Monroe Street, and cost $240,000. 1 / A special Providence mewed to protect four little children sleeping in a room in New London, on Monday night, when the house was struck by lightning and the eubtile Auld shivered one bedstead and tore off the foot board of the other, without injuring in the least the innocents who were there reposing on the very bedsteads thus shattered and destroyed. We regret to learn that the lion. 'Joseph Fry, of Lehigh, a veteran Democrat, and warm personal friend of Mt. Buchanan, died on Wednesday last, at his residence in Allentown, Mr. Fry had been a' long tried and valued friend of the party to which he belonged— having been a member of the State Legislature the State Senate, and the lower house of Con gress. He was also a member of the Conven tion to revise the Constitution. Being very popular. both in public and private capacity, his loss will be deeply regretted by numerous friends. By a careful eternisation of the geogra phy of the world, it has been ascertained that the great artesian bore at Columbus, Ohio, will, on passing through to the opposite ride of the globe, come out exactly fifteen miles from the great China wall on the China side. and about 250 miles from Pekin This is a discov ery of Importance. and must vastly encourage the citizens of Columbus. if they do not suc ceed in obtaining water, they intend, we are told, to pass a telegraph wire through, so as to bring Columbus in direct communication wits the Celestial Empire. A stone cutter, one day last week, was on the top of the Sherman Howie. in Chicago, six `stories high, and untied a rope attached to a. derrick, in conseqnence of which the derrick fell, carrying him with it, and killing him in stantly. After the occurrence, a box was placed where he fell, giving the fact that he" was an honest, sober man, and left a family, into which, before night, was drop ped $ll7,- 12. Rude workmen would pass along and search their pockets for hard ea el coins.— Ladies on shopping excursions ent, would q pause to add to the contents oral@ box. A neat and charming maiden in Indiana, the fortunate possessor of a considerable pro perty, became engaged for marriage to a green unattractive, clumsy boy of eighteen years.— The day for the wedding was fired, and the course of rustic lore was running smoothly enough. One day the groom expectant ap +eared before his mistress with wrinkled brow, quivering chin, eyes tilled with tears. "My father says I shan't marry unless I first pay him for my time." This was all he said. The woman at once sent him to the sharp parent with instructions to kart the lowest rate of ex change at which the time could be changed In to money. "1 will sell yon"—said the father —"for $2OO, and not a cent less." "And I will buy you," returned the damsel, when the offer was communitatted to her. She paid the moony, married the property, and has since so atuddnously cultivated it, that a great im provement personally, *Maly, and intellectu ally, has taken place.. --- • ffsinttattead;' 'A.ugust 22..- - The State Central 110-eintitittee of • Utit Constitutional Unioti'plirty, met here to-day : every Con greasitmil' tract was repiesented. Chefs , Ins accounts were nicely-ad from all parts of the state, and a stun g dispositiOn was tnaniNted for a union of all national men. A Committee was appointed to select Pres idential electom. Letter From Land of Grease. Fnim the Pittsburgh Poet.) FRANKLIN, Auitnit 18th, 1,40/. c In an last notes of travel in modern grease, prolised 'to ere some account of the well el Titusville on Oi/Creek. I visited these yesterday in co y with Mr. Strati, ofMittehurgh, and iskj. Epley, of Franklin, tom' Fain muds indebted for valuable iaornintion. As we drove from the town towards the creek, we met Mr. E. L. Drake, the man who gave the first impetus to this new gi gaptic business by opeping the first well, and soon afterwards came in sight of his wait, the "Pioneer" and another bored since. They are on the creek, a mile and three-quarters below the town. The first, which threw out thirty or forty barrels a day when first opened, is now being pump ed and yields eight or ten barrels a day.— The other is just ready for pumping, and promises to do as well, if not better. op erations have been suspended for some time, owing to misunderstandings between the Rock Oil Company who purchased the land on which the wells are situated, and the Seneca Oil Company, who leased from the former a portion of it, and in both Mr Drake has an ifiterest. The difficulties have, as I learn, been . adjusted,and opera tions will he re-commenced with more ac• tivity. Passing down the creek about half a mile, we crossed over to the Crossley Well, 1311 feet deep, owned by Crossley, NV it lierop co. It was pumping a large stream of water, with very little oil, not more i ban four barrels per day. The yield now aver ages eight barrels per day, though when th e ein was struck, one hundred :111.1 eight barrels were pumped out daily for a week. Returning to the other side of the cret•k, we found two men boring in the welt 01 Epley, Martin & Co. They had reached :t depth of 1'25 feet, and had excellent Intl' cations. The kx)le and cable, when drawn up from the hole, were very grea-sy for set - enty feet, and a quart. of oil could easily have been scraped oft Near by, Eaton /t l'o., at a depth I% feet, have a fair show of oil. Guignon & Co., of Sugar tlrove, Warren county, hate bored 60 feet, with out any good indications. Some twenty rods above, we found an excellent well but recently opened, that of M. A. Plumer & Co. It is 14t) leetldeep, and yield, with a very inferior engine, that works only about twelve hours in twenty four, fifty to severity-five barrels NVe next crossed to a small island in the creek, with an area of something over two acre.. On the main-land we observed sev eral old oil pits, supposed to have been used by the indutns or early French settlers for gathering petroleum fifty or a hundred years ago, and on stirring up the oil at tlo• edge of the creek, large blotches of pure oil and bubbles of gas came up to the sur face. These `•rurface indications" are the best I have seen in the oil region, and from appearances on the island tt is probable that every well now being bored will yield a good supply of oil. The only well pump ing is that of J. P. Fowler & Co., feet. It. has been pumping only two'days,. and yields some eighteen barrels. M. S. Adams• Esq., formerly of Maple Furnace, has leased the entire island, and is one of the firm named above. The sub-leases are held by Bliss, Wright A, Co., of Chautauqua county, N. V., who are boring two wells, one at I-Fl feet with a good show of oil, and one at (I) feet with no show. Bridget. Ridgeway, A, Co., of Franklin, 12;1 feet, good show, and .lames Race, & t 0., of Iluason. N Y , with a good show, at 116 feet. On the mainland below, a good many wells are going down, but none very deep, and as each. well has its shanty of rough boards attached, the vicinity presents the appearance of a small colony, or a Califor nia mining town. 1- I ,everal wells are being bored just above Titusville, on Oil Creek. I)n‘., of these, the property of Horner, Clossin & Co., has been bored over 44.)0 feet deep, with a good show of oil. J. T. WCombs, of Pittsburg, is one of the firm. Returning to Titusville, we met several gentlemen from Tideoute; on the Alleg heny river, thirty three miles above Frank lin, where the oil fever is very high, one evidence of which, is that on Thanklay at least one hundred oil sites in that vicinity were leased, the land owners receiving a large bonus in cash, in addition-to half - the oil pumped up. This excitement was oc casimed by the striking of a most prolific vein of oil on the 10th inst., and some five others since. We could not visit the local ity, and gfilhered all the reliable informa tion possible, which I will give you. The "Hackenburg" wtell excells any thing yet discovered. On the 10th, while one man was at work at the hole, then 115 feet deep, the oil was thrown up at least twenty feet. The man, to save the oil. placed a board on the top of the conduc tor, but so great was the pressure of oil and gas that his weight did not "avail to keep the oil from running over. The hole was plugged up, and whenever opened a stream, four inches in diameter, of almost pure oil, was thrown to a considerable height. On Wednesday. the plug was re moved and the well threw out thirty bar rels in forty minutes. This would Is , 1,040 barrels a day, without a pump, but it is scarcely possible for such an enormous flow to continue. On the same day the well discharged, through all inch pipe, in serted in-the plug, fifteen barrels of oil, mixed with water in twenty two minutes. It is not much wonder that with such a well the oil excitement should run high at Tideoute. On the island, at Tideoute. Rodgers Hall have struck a vein at 1'25 feet, which. promises an immense yield, but not as great as the Heckenburg. At the Waters' well, a short distance above the Monster Well, oil has also been struck. The Vosburg Well, on the opposite side of the river, 14Q feet deep, is pumping, and; yields thirty to for ty barrels of oil per day. This is on a tract adjoining that owned by W. W.. Wallace of Pittsburg. On his farm the King Well is yielding, with a small pump, ten barrels per day. i in Friday a large vein was open ed on the next farm below, which promis es to yield abundantly. From every indi cation here, it is apparent that the yield of oil iu the vicinity of. Tideoutewill be great er than any other locality now being op erated. IfsTaisimi..—A brief and doubly sad case of love, courtship, marriage and de sertion took place, as We are informed, in one of the wbortleherry swamps a few miles distant from this place, a few days since.— Two young ladies, of whose names we are not informed, were tnet by three men, equally as strange to us, When a spontane ous feeling of admiration and love seemed toSaianifest itself between the two and two —the third representing himself a preach er of the gospel. The courtship, though brief, resulted:in an engagement with the two young men each to take one under his lifelong protection, and then or there be joined in the holy bonds for "wea[ or wo," to tread through the ups and -downs of life's slippery path together, and share with each other the happiness that seem ed to brighten up before them in the dis tance of years. But, "A: is ft/I rarity of Christian charity;" their hont : loon was asbriefas their courtship, and taker merg ing into civilization, where some respect to law and system is observed, the espoused failed to be recognised longer as partners of the joys, feelings and pride of their liege lords, who had been married 'just in fun," not being aware of the validity of such a contract. The bogus divine had left, for parts unknown, and the other two are un der arrest to' appear for trial tkmorrow. Flint bemoan:l. A Bu Tuns is Isois!!is.—The.Wahash Intilligeneer has the following story of s "bee tuner" in that place: One of the remarkable sights on the 4th was Mr. Twinning and lus queen bee. The day before he came in our office with an old plug hat. He had two holes in it about midway to the crown—one in 'front, the other in • e back part. ?folding the hat in his hand .d turning it over so as to show that it we. empty, he sael, ••You see now that this ha. s empty. To-morrow I intend to have asw • of bee, at work in it, mulling honey, Urn intend to wear it on my head with the bee in it '• Sure enough, on the 4th. am we we • going out in the grove, we Ilan,. aeross r Twin ning. He was located under ash tree. and was exhibiting to an admiring owd of men and women his wonderful pa bee hive. (in his head was the identic• hat that he had shown us the day before. it was literally covered all over with bees, busy at work, going in and out at the or fews before mentioned. All the spare space in the hat was tilled with new comb, that had been made within twelve hours. In his hand he held the queen bee, which lie was showing to every one who would venture near enough to gaze on and admire the wonderhil little insect. !tyj,•ing all the time he was giving an elos t uefit and in struetne lecture on the habit-, worth, and rate of In-e+ FM. LAILL , -Th.. Detroit Trebtine in a late issue pre•.cnts a toll list of the vessels film' the s oreat Lakes which are now eu gaged ui the European and coasting trade The comprises fifty seven vessels of art average capacity of three hundredawl sev enteen tons. We know of:nothing which more plainly mark* the onterpe,e of our countrymen than the rapid u n •re.c-e 4.1 the tonnage on the Lakes and the total di-re glint of distance and danger evinced liv such men ► the leapt:tin of the little gehtamei lately announced as having ar med at Con-tantinople trout I locago. The aggregate capaeit) of the-4. seselst• tons. The Ted .ays inyurnc, for vessels to load for Liverpool. t ;ad ix. ton, etc., are now stuste ckitarnoti, and it adds, "if' this had been predicted six )ears ago. there is tint au old taker but would have smiled incredulously." s one of the steam tugs belonging to the fleet to carry ing cattle front lirazo. to tu b a. she is a nice little steamship, and has had her en gine changed to a low pressure, and an in genious self-conducting invention connect ed with it, for producing fresh I%.ttei from salt. • Se la misi,.—Fully live thousand people gathere4l upon the bank of the riveAtt Cincitmati on Friday b wit ness the feat of Dan Rice's elephant, !Alla Itookh, swimming from the Kentucky to the I ) hio shore. (hi the lirs4 attempt sev eral skills laden with iwople accompanied the elephant, but when a hundred feet from the shore Miss Lalla evinced an ugly dtvosition, and chafied them all out of the water. The I ',unmercial "At times nothing but the end of her trunk would be , ‘, isablc.„ then the top of her hea , and again she would dive entirely out of sight, rentanung under water until tho,e on -bore began to think she was drowned, when of a sudden she would come to the surfaeo with a .urge that would throw her huge b u lk h a ll %%ay out of the water lost:mix MI sur..a. —A daughter of Z. iiritiltb, of Milford, Delaware, wa, found inur.lpr.-.1 and ‘lol.iu,l on Sunday la't, het tics ty being concealed behind .4ome bushes. Her skull was Iwoken and a rope %%as around her neck. s t i.p i ein .eented to rest upon a mulatto lad, about eighteen )ears old, who gi‘e the name of John Wa,hingtoti (lent) non. Ile conterwerl the deed, and .tated that he mime up to her at the bar-. and an nmweessfu I ell; irt t 9 riVi.ll her he deliberately h.a, to prevent an expo-tire of his wicked attempt Ile knee k eel her down. then choked 11 , 1 ttule 111.5 hand's. lent her user the head lin chili and then for fear that , fin w.•11;.1 ~..Illt• to 4 lite he tied a %tring tightly around her neek and threw her into the elite i with her fitee in the water IMEI SINI.ULAIt PRESEPiTIIII%T.- Tlw Valley (N. V.) Register relates the folloa in,g singular eireurrrstance • "A little 1.n% , about thirteen years of age, son of Mr. Cul ver, had made arrangements to attend the baloon ascension at .ttratoga. lltw mother, however, the night previous to the aseen sion, having dreamed that her little sun wa , called hence by a voice from Heaven, would not consent to his going so far from home, being unable to repress the fear that ,orne calamity was about to befall him yet, to lessen his disappointment, allowed hint to accompany some einupaniuns into the tie!, l herr) nig. I n returning. however, t hey tar ried at the river, when by sour nu,-tap the little tenon fell in and wa. , drowned Hi , comrades tried their best to save 1110, but their strength was not sufbs•ient.- ciopedad ilotices. nr. CARD.—The Undersigned takes this method of expreering his gratitude to the citizen+ of Erm for their efficient aid in oar init hi, property at the fire on Monday morning last He has ourvlved thr ca lamity, heavy 14 it was, and may now be found at No .1, Perry B lark, where ha would - be glad to owe his friends and the public F.rie,aug,lB -II H .11RECKI. A W dew.. 1,. return his grateful acknowledgements to those von tlernen who so kindly and efßeienUy aided hum on remvo• ing his stook of furniture on Sunday night last during the fire no State street. Owing to thaw promptueroi and energy his too. was romparatively light —thusFllllAm; him to continue the huminera in his new location ,r, the 'Mop lately occupied by Mr llehadey, decueed, where I. will be happy to owe has old custom.r, a nd tr i , n d i Erir,aug lb—lilt. Mr PRINTING INK.- PRINUNN nth please reinetuber that they can Ley the best article of Nairn Ism eyet aae.t , manufackfne4 I.y S. H. Hamra k Sox, New Hayek, Conn , at the Oirerrere of fice, for 22 ate. per pound. and chef/fi r er than that evt.n, there fa any other establishment West of Batfififfebat w .11 turrosb as gfxsi an scads for less! This Ink biased in printing the Oistererr, fiaulte, free Press and Spectator, Erie: Rreere, canueentellie; and Jeatrea/ and Republfesta, Mead, ills. aug KIK ARK A L"TELOILIZED TO AN. nouns', SILAS E. TEEL, of Erie, as so IN Dk:- itENT Candidate lor Register aud Recorder, X U 11,Ot . t to the lots of the people. A TRAP READY SET -FLYPAPER One pined of which it is said will kill a Veen oft ars sold at a int pear, a 'beet by junc3o-4 CARTCHk BFtii srorita !SPONGE-Well adapted fur Tbritalicer isle, a most aninhle moortment at t • Drug Btorepf CARTKIt lz Ilkto - - MrIN Di (it) MA UDR bt-thchromate and Prao slate of Potaab, ziu,rar of Lead, Cassia and all other articles oiled in Dying of the very drat quality to he bad at the Drag Store of I'ARTER Willi tarUPI. WINSLOW ;la esperi.mccal nun and female physician, has a l.raottliglir lyrup fo thhuren teethia4g, which greatly facilitate, the process o eeethlaig by matteatrag the gums reducing all indammation -will allay all pain and is sure to rive/ate the bowel.- Depend upon it, mothers, it will give met I. roureel, ea asalrelief sad health to your katabta. Pvrlivrt I) safe to II due.. Sr* adnirtierinent in amither column. Iyl7. BarBURRILL'S TURKISH LINI.IIRNT. The recipe fir making this oelebratsil Liniment wasoutained by a gentle -iota while visiting the Tartlet' Empire, few yea:sniper.. W bile there he witnessed It. use sport horses, and so remarkable were the cures, he concluded to purchase the recipe for making ft for hie own use, if nothing more. After returning to 1.1)/. Cu... try, he made some, and tried it to several case. of melt up, rheumatism, [truism; etc., and found it to curt more speedily than any article ever discovered. Becoming ac quainted-with the gaitletnan, I purchased the recipe, and have made and need It with great mucoess, and found one half hut never been told of its latrine.- value. For Rheu matism, Spmfos, Chilblalsot, Pains in the Back or Cheat, Cramps, Swelled Pace, Bore Throat, Neuralgia, Tooth ache, or Barellings of slivery kind—it warranted to cure. isor Donee Rprained,Chafevi, Cracked Heide, etc., It la the moot valuable LIMedICII34I in vogue. The pro prietor, knowing full well its merits, will authorise every wont to refund the money where perfect saUsfaction not given. A large number of cartlikatee could be given If timasmary, hat one trial will mile). the molt skeptical It is perfectly male to take inwardly in ease of Coin ur. Cramp. The Liniment is for male by all Druggists. J. iiiIFIRILL t CO., Proptiettent, No. 102 Steam mt., New-York. Bohr In Erie, by I. Haldwiti, No. a . Rxed HOUND, and Carter t Bro., Park Row. april=s-47 NirDR. VA.LPZA.U'II CALIM K.EIU N E.— The tuestest biscovvey of the Age l—Per the almoot instantaneous cure of danker au the mouth, throat or stomach, resulting from Scarlatina or Typhus lever; or any other cause ; sore nipple*, ulcerated gum., burn; sores of all kind., Impure breath, &c. It is the best purifier for the breath of anything eery oileced to the public. To whiten and preserve the teeth, apply with a brush ; It will histantly remove ait tartar and other 'invite sub stances, and leave-the teeth a. white and clear a. pearls It Is entirely free I airpolonsons an Warms; and ran be given teen infest with perfect safety. It is a valuable article fur every family to have in the home, as It will remove pain from cute mai burns quicker than anything known. ice will warrant it to give esti, faction in every sm. Petro II ants per bottie. J. BURRELL & Co.. Proprietor; lift Neiman street, h ew York. aprtißB--47 Sold 1 WA; by L. I. Baldwin. No. it, Reed Nov.., auk Cuter r Bro., Park Bow. THIN alltlelT REMID. Fir MIR J A Idb C ELA CelebrsteYd malo Plila. riaritante Liernots NY r•Taln l'•epored frau • proweriptieo if J t Limit, hi 1, Pkiincsa• Eslrsorghaany So Me qua* Thu livraluabl• to...diem. id Odifil.iling in lb. "f °ln I and 410,01 . .1.111 eiiedbadd to 11 , 1.• Ch the Vailitliatp , n a. subjfet It inallorato• all *.e•ss &ad , t 00... di] Obotrnetlooo, and ► virfro.fl• ce re may be r..,. no. TO Mt'MIRO LADIM4 ais preullarly •uite+l It rill, In ■ short time, the monthly period with regularity garb bottle, prier. (hW Donal, hear• the 14 ottootto,t itanip of (treat Britain, to prevont counterfeit. CI.A.:I7 • XvirCOZ47. nese Pule ..layeld wet k obbibb by /m. 4. ifY ,, br tae f'/AST THREE' MOIrTHS al Pregnancy, AS they err re to Ina/ a. Agseinarnyee, tat at arm Inner hoe face yr e. In II wore of Nervous, and tepinal Alteetione, Pao. the • and I luo., Irathru• on alight exertion, Palpita Urfa r.f t Heart, ityate“co. and Whit..., three hill, elect aCu when all other wean.. haw. failed. and though ap. Hal remedy, do not contain antlenony or a. thing hurtful to the co rfahtuU.n rail directions the pamphlet arond parka. which .bould by ca fully preserved Solo Agent for the +Wei. a., 1 JOB , Lat. I Ilaidam N, 1 N H —fl,oo and 8 p.atAir ot•Itil • otir 1...,,, ft , thortsed Agent, will inoure tile, c by return marl. For sale by Carter k Bro , and I. I ELI la n. g, ang 1-Iy9. DEATHS On the 1 4 ,11 i In (Iliad pivot- n pr.,l rat Ird and painful- illneps. WP ti Christian fortitude. JOIIN I I; \ Ili, H, year' On the 14;th inst , lifter a potivAel SAMUEL L FOSTER. Ex.! y .1 59 year.. Suddenly on the I 7th ingt ol 4 hokr % I T , fantunt. RUDOLPH l' yotinge.t dilld of Dr I and r aced 4-, months and ::.1•.v• Z'o-pai(o Adrertiotments. German School, Perry Block. Til E new school ) rar ut tilts In.tant,,.l. COMIXIOOI4.II on the third of September Th. • innn abd Latin Languaa, will he taught thorringly The orisont year, of 44 week•, it divided into qua n„ tram, of 11 week, For Grit/310 and lAt it. it:Oin) per quarter For t,erman or Latin ..1.•11•0, attend/tone donne, • ti• whole day $3,40 For attendance half a day . .0 School hence from l in Itt, A Y., and from 1 to 4, l' tug 26-2tllo. 1,01 . 1'4 WAGS F.R "The Black Tongue and Scarlet Fever, Ia creating quits an alarm in o' neighborhood, soil •ant • fettle of CASTER'S EXTRACT nF aY ASI WltElf, to be ready for It, 'it mbould make itaappearao. • smong my etold , m, a. I hear it highly recommended ll/ each eases nlslopg my nelgtibC•r*— •of them .ay the r are never without it in their liourrea " such were then marks of a Fmmer at our counter priderday as he called for • bottle of this moat valuable Ettract Let other, rt eretrie the Baum prudence and be prepared with such .. as en...deuce has allow it to be most sale and reliatir. auk 2:4-12. DISSOLUTION. Tll E Partner' hip before exktitie the nano. of Bar it Kolossy, in lb. Hoot %Lk • bnainr•ss, va• this dal dissoirwl by mat nal runori. The buNtro,, a 11 he vocmou•ii u heretnrom n 11 "Ib" .111b01 Net •I I the bu•;••.• lEMErI 13:1111113 CHANGE! CHANGE!! Anus her eliik-nge in t he l'ruprictur-thip of i he Reed House Drum Store !! k itTER have lairella•ed MT I BA, DIAJA DRUGS,MEDICINES,PAINTS, GLASS DYE STUFFS, etc., Acid Laaocoited ..It tnetn a• Partster, ft A LANDON to • 1 the li/ooe•• 1.. 1 1 m /ture tae coot/octet] node, lite I.ame so I Otto o .1 A, I.A N 1111 N & Cl) 1[1110:m.1u tin tom 1.1 " the P...toset..r, lo reirtaii acid replao.ab IL. prraeot .M a rk, and in avere au pains or expeoire Dress... to make Ilium Katabliallmosit one of the must extenaive la I complete in this part of the connt • They drawn ample: the I,eat are, lb Ig, ottferio,t !Item at pile.. Ilia , will astiodaetory t air reaaon&ble pr - rbt2.1.1 They feel witt•liroi that the fiomer cuatomet• t t•l•me hiltl, on let the preseut areal:wen:seta sultoo.r.• toloceitteul l .• 4.11.1,1UY Iwir ...i• as ItrletattrP. and lb.: • larce p0t!,..,. .1 the Pot lII' will Is. ii.oluee.l befote lug purel.••••••. stt 'ito. to glee Hot... • e/tli t thtlS anus-. I , lollist hes that ht. , . gt • t •• promote.l at Ao o. Po .1 ao; LANI.O. Al., ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, ).X ON% 1 ‘, It% 1 t..:h W • nmid, =EOM 111=1 1=11!!!11 IA Ill•r IN •4 , 111/ , 'N....,•••• ...1111,1 4101 •11 , 1 n,004t. he 11.. tel hx• • , tt . • :.•I 1 .6410 gme•la, .1 el lOU cotnp'irlr 01 alwl Illiel/1011.,r 141. ..fa hundred pr loan. • to L koinfor OAT nested •• (hr (slow( t. 4 to inn pulii.looma, and nottilL, that wroirlu m.l Lan .'.•.1.41 for Mr enn•rniener nod a , riot drat I ra Way ban ow. It. I I” il• detail, aril repo:. ion et It, butane at home anal aterirealfrom its Its superb appointmentk•L It. ken, far towforis sued farrnes, ha. been oobanca-I er are ye, nr Ili. oitintvarlod .‘Prttooo of the Proprtetue• : ntl2 HIIC F. 1.1., WHITCOMB & EXCURSION TO WARREN ! Thursday, August 30, 1860. ID A RTI ES washing to attend the pi...Pflug at Warren ,in t 30th inst., will lAN atlia ed an opportunity of going or., and rrinrnlog Sam, Jai at kiall-Eare. Cars will leave the v•rlous Stat.,. on the iantury k Vie Re.4ltoad, am tollows 9 00 A. 11 ".n,l, 10 02 I'n on, 10 2% •• I'AtinLel.l. II 0.. 11 Couro,,l, 10 J 1 •• 1 ~u pgr I r, 12 1 , . P 11 Columbuc 11 In '• I•. me, 1:40 " Retaratnic owl lease It ...en at thk), P II , and ter, at Erte at abnut In lt, I' II Quo *4 rrl6n•, Frir I Aug 22, Psfor ERIE ACADEMY. TH E F#ll fet m ot the ERIE At'A Et EM Y „,ii ,„ i m, „- ....n the I Oth el Kept. next, under th e ,i,,,,.n0n t rd F' A I. ti F, A Id , with competent U.I. and F . .. 011, •111,WITItA. nod fi.4IIIIUIP fourteen weeks I be N inter Term w,ll rflanenc...o the 2.1 of iwno•rr ne,t, and eon Unne t4.urteeo week, and after • week ea ration, tow Spr.o, Term • ..; sod conttooAt fo .1 neva weeks Terms of Tuition, nu Follow• R....ling, IV ritmg, A rithturtie, English 4kraniniar and t4.l.lfraphi, 1.. r trran of fnurtrisn Latin, Gra,dt, Aliebra, 6..ornotrt, Trignnomelr, and Survoying, t T. API (111.1111 V, Natural. 11.,ral and 1124,11... Anal l'hansophY. Enroch an•i brrmau , . se h Extra, I. A I r tia;, auk 3112 ton cal I. Qec'• Painting, Paper Hanging, Gl,z ing, &c. , &c. I .IIE SuL.rrilt•3 lieg , lea% ts to into' lu tit 1 , 0 hi , that he ha. purl haged the buetor•a of th late firm of Utar &1. aorta, and a prepared to et • all jOhw of I'ainttna • Paper Hanging, and 131 min. •.•h •hich the public may favor him in inch manner n . inch priiva as cannot fail to Omar. Be also defiiel t. return thank, tor the •err liberal patronage extend.! i • the tate erm and rreperttully soltcut a continuance oil , same. All the 1./Ink accounts mod busineme of the late trill be settled by the undereiKned aunt 9-11 PLANTATION T( q)1)1', OLD HOMESTEAL TONIC. A1)E1.11 . 114 . ` , . 1:,•1t•rago and Tnnir ueed h) alumet eiery Planter. Home•te.l and Ranch in the Try'. 4 It t, elver...lly adapted to tt e olinuto of tio• country and c0w...4,1 to to toe nio.l e ttm orholooome and ,iehm..n. Tout, in the wort I F from intnxicaticiir quailti,•4, it I. lalrillie.l.lll and should Lr found un thr , ololootrd ...Very lanai!, a. well sat the Bar .•1 ever( ....vital.' Hotel DRAKE k l'oopr • C Bt. RGFN:i Alt', 1% In•lesale Agents, in 1,14 —ll7. Cash ! Cash ! ! 1 011,01041 INiZEN Di4,S ---11 . e will I.IN for the •IK.Ne .luantll) ..f cr..”l fresh eggs, delirrr. In Inrnris nr quanta., at our rtore nn State, botrre.,, 11th and I*.th Street, DIX \ !NCI. TIIIIIAI.` I ,SIiIRI k ftt DISSOLUTION, Nil'lt'E i lierebi that the part n..rrlur 11.1ttt.f..rt. tic tw tu the utttamittrtn tarmitt•lin the nutatt.lnv July • 1460, by mutant noutnnut WOOL ! WOOL ! ! faCOCO,O4OO ii 1717azitite•c:1 FoR ,viiii•ii ,ni 1(.:,.1, :it figures Heing sgenl4 Lr 10.1.41rin 111•ttufaelorrt, will sushi. U• to t• full market priees. VINC6NT, lIIRK Ali , fate, May 1., IWO. : 4 131e, betwera tuna t /1:1L .14 Three Weeks from Canton. lIA ctl 16. FRl.:mu youNG HY:• 2 OS TEA. I tbrre week• from Canton at 60 cant. per pound, lost value 7b orntn, at I NCENT, TIBH All, SHIRK R CO tin State, hotwron 11th and 12lb .ta IMOD Goods from Auction ! CASE. I,ot X) yards. Sheep's Gray Cadet and Steel bliaed, Main and Maid Satiuetta from aui lion for .11 and cent,r yard , rani robs ILV.4 eta may h. pe TIRRAL4, SALIM t C.. Linseed Oil ! - 1 0 BARRELS of Raw and Boiled Lin pod OH, for sale to quostitloo to Ault purchasers 10003-41. T. S. SUICLAIL !Mil IZEMiI IZIRMI Sprwg cr., 1., 11 t 11 Garlitod 11 47 SAM A. BLALIi, Supt W EMI =I t.c:4) W GRAY 1.1 , 111 I.