The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 04, 1860, Image 1
The 6rie Elbotrlttr. uy 13. F. SLOAN. -4. .n.l..nrihera, if papa is adraue• • m ill b. Sent t”ane avimfitre.6,aled It .„„ r.,te ler larcer <quits. 1 - ;„ :tiling to pay within the year, the , :•••••etinuo.lan.l the account ample nut at ant left with a proper neierr tot 11.1' A ttit•lNl; • Isrt...r a Nuane Nee • •ne 6 OEII square 3 enouths $ll OD lOD Ota " 6 600 , th , 125 One " 9 " 676 ~•. • .•Itn4eable at ;dearer.. 110 • , „,I the, t/ Itinnth•• Si: I •, one tear, 6110 $ months., e•erie I ill the knitters. flteeettery at $3 per • •r 'I 'ant. ors, •I T ant under •.• • • ni• a Ilne het n.. .....,„ nn i,e el.. n 1 ... 11 .\,,, 1 ,., 1 • • ,•1.1.11,,, I r... 01. linnzeo. • • k •.1 In p • • • • • • I. I rat.' I ~.1.4, 4111'1,1.' 1 $ll, BU SIN ESS DIRECTORY iil• % I Htlll t, e \ • ti.•• 11. A. hi 1..1 41 P. .'l%h. S I . ‘.lll. I: • ii..” • • •11. %I 1:111F1 d (111 k .4K.Pet . 11 . s• 1 . • 01. II . %. v”.• i.l . I.r Ilo•r.ri. FlOl.l I • 1.1 ii.• .‘• d 0(1 I . it El .411 I rItPKNI. I 41 I 411 hno .1 11111 01 r i H I I ...TE• 1 1" HT 1•44. PIII,I it• Mt.oc o I V.... K.. ••• Hr... t, • fi..i ~,,, IM=I!EM3 %. 11111 g t uh.. .t. r• . • M NA 0 I • • • r • t • • • lEEE. I=l • %I. 1111,h, =EMI 1i PI It awTO It It , w II I • 10% I . %% g ,-,liggN tl I g =EI ..1 1111 It 1 • liir rr-r r 11 sk, M 6. I I • " 1111.1 11. I 11'1.1 IC o't.l i 4111i711,.. t t , k I %it It %It 1 ‘ % I • .1. 'lilt,/ %N. 111=CE=1:1 =IZEI IIIIMM13:1 .I I:04) It. it , .1 ~ i. 4 ♦i II *4 1%. % It • 1.• t. 1•I• • REM % I/111 1.1 %••••• .1 . I h h It t . I 1)1...% MIE lookt 0.1•• 1 I, .• =II 1,1,1 I I.A 11%11-II IS ‘1.11%% . • %1 111 11.. \I" Ih &...II "••••,•••,• / orwt, 11•11 % 411111) „ 1..41 \I %HT, It 10t.1.1.4•1•t Ii 11 \ 1.1 ~i ~:~., IMEI \I I.-- I . I . 1(11111)1.'", • 7 •• I %111 1:'I I IIT Ib. 1!%•• .‘„ .•• 1 1 % . mv..i.4 ..,114. P . . L. , . i',/11. SW. 1).. , •1 1. , A It! , ks I St !.o. 1 1 TTI. INEMEE=I k - OE= 1 , •I\l I II If lIMINI B. F. SIA)IN, VOLUME 31 lir ii.l.l4ll K. LANE. i A TTO&I$111r ANDUOCIIIIIIALLOR AT LAW,.-1 Mlle* rennered to corner mows of Roaenairelea Ma*, ebrner State Street and the Public `aquare, Prie,Tha. 1 _ .0.- W M• N. 1141 1• 1 ;s 11 . 11 ;leT, clear• in Ineaty'ai,Cleine• 1A... k n.rtli .1.10 e.l Priblie S.,urr.., G.rtiwrlr ocrupgr.. by ti 'rill k ‘... 411 sr..rk earrnote,l WM. 1. 1: 11.111(.11TH. ITT. , MNIII AT I.A• 4.a At! , • t • tlie I .011 114.1.11. r. F. rip. PR. . F. 11" I 1 1 :1, 11 \ T ' I NT. , 111ier , in Kiartt• l fillas.• Dort 11.11.1, ..1 t lit , Park. ra 71, W 11.1.1 AM T I 110 , 11 ; 1 4 1 . 744. 4 1. 11,A,.. A v, t4I s•••• U. • kr, se,urat• nr, I •••1,11, dra•• •• •i• • ••• ./s• ;tor, ••, • -}„. .1. ( I Rt Ess & ) GROCERIES, =MI E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., COGNAC & ROCHELLILIIRANDIES, X3C 4CIP ND 4:31- Scotch and Irish Whiskies, o ILI. -II 1.1t1:1*. 1eA1)F.1:l AN!) Choice Old Monongahela, NAT II .10 .t3A-9r, 11:QM=1 1:11 Pine Old Whiskey • • t .! -We.. .•f r uri , i'itn:• A. • I •• I I r J. N. KLINE & CO., .•. I• 41 r IE Wines, Brandies, Gins, &e . W.•H, th. Ehowort h %%.•t eOf good • ' ~041 . 11 proud of it though thev • :I'ol 10 -I .•) •It I , 4:.n "Id -ti to J. C. BURL ESS & CO., I hnO 14-1,111..... Ito thi•rn ton, out of wool. I•mtit no: -ow, I‘ll.•thot theft Oek th2litol o t, or tiwir WHOLESALE GROCERS; -,..e•A• for h lon.l who ol \%1‘.111.1 001 , 1'1111W/it 1 /Pit .tVgitt to OW. 10.1' ItaS. hill th• I 4 %.•,- 1101011. hollq• 111 fill Volk %%h. Ie FAIRBANICS Spk-LES . ! ' • ~.4 1.•-•• rwther,•trol h!.l :I- mut lo•r. two •1 0 .1- 111.1 Who 111 f.. 1 With then . ' Th• lo.• 11, I w.o. a old lady, -. • 1,110-h. br04.4.1i. I hi! MEM MEM= =I IMMO MEI - rIl r Elie•L • fink' thry could 'hhe Flour, Pork, Beof, Salt, Grain, f.f tit.. )it . .ittiost / rrl t T7it' , lll) it.. 11:111 , J1 111 re. hut she ;NMl:cid with lilt. Jli met. with an acci.knt nt No. 1, Commercial Buildings, 11.1 Ma,ter (:harle4 the nit illd tb. ioilligettt of the fatnil!. , I.•• N t••• .t Inn ItAn.l-4.1n. .I.A..hintr, Chung 1 .nittr and a gtrAt fa t..l 1. nick the latltet.. It wa.4 It•tnl thr•re t-i ett in the town whon the yrt g..t nlttil that ho goina to I,e t.• 11••rorttl•Ift Iltft Nth• r ssa, vntanger brother to the I 01 or ft trrnwgrttt, and tinti .4eve•rt gtrlg •H'lt• 11. trout tlityrn: •itl NVt•-11..t‘• vets u it.•:Autv. and the cinder II I . 11 1 i t -hi. I I i t,,i _,)t m.O I ita I • In ul. ••/II ..111, •.n;:1112 littol 1.1 I‘ IT:y! tilt 101 t 1.... e. • I'II OW 1.111 .•- 11 111 I 11.1/I . lltitanh• its; t't •.t ...ILO. • I. 1 ~ I „I I„ ,s i , t dk.,l I t r hitt •••111. it .W _ - FLEMING BR,O'S., on, .0. :11111 11.• r II.•r • ' .(11.•r 1....•.• "Ir. svecEs.saßs To ./ A‘ I.• t. •••t• 1. I ill I 1/11 I ) 11 ( iE IV. sNll'l'll. Art , i• :_,—, „ I . th.., not Brewers, Idolaters and Hop Dealer, • •- I !hi 11, "11 min rlll-..1 Ow • nt.r, .1..) . • I ' . " •'i.l. • 1 " "••• • 1' .• A -u•r.. ..1, > .Intl .1 1, 1 lii.-••• !1!.1,2 jo s , :1 Point Brewery, Pittabtirg, ‘, " th.,l 1..,_ ti•••••• v.•tnls Mr. I Itti••illiV 111.1 •ti • •1•11.-1,-, ...cturt t tit. . - • • t •• • •••,• ••••••,,,•4• 0 ,11 ~1•4041 ti;, 1•••Iletied to • 1110 .it Iriir•-111C. •11 1 •t I Irr.' t • •t.• lil. 1,..••••••••I -It hold \,tl .-t.•;11 g it loin r h.qu t.. l.r map tgpr • V- I.• t. • • •In. 1 ioungt., th ut •W.• tht‘ -.11.1 Otero 11.1,1 •aat'qomet lona hots‘, en hint awl his pret . but it lola' , Met e. with helelly, • .c ,• an•l A •.-r‘tr-.1•1.• •t !..111 - 1)0t tOl11.• tit t it n•ty . tin' wt,lding 11.1‘wits ti•o4 tor Ow 1.1 nt limitary and all the milli • \it 1%101 tinnnel.t DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO. \ 1, 1 .lip MFIZ ( II \ N : t N 1171 11. 11. 11.,tity T Ilit• r.t.! 01..1 titoy . n..•u.t 1,,a111.11 ,AILI.I d. !1.. WAMSUTTA PRINTS! _A_ M. S Tr_ 1:1 _A_GI =II =MEM , 1.0 .• •• !i a' •, • 4,1: 1 1,mis,i,!1: H. T. HAVENS 12, 111/Zi h• a• .1:i. .I.‘ i. 1141 ‘• • ,•• ••.! • •••• CI • • tint,. I. • /,}„,, 1' t \ 11 /Itch ot.l 1 4 1:'F'1 . ,•I i• ICI Il••• Pd . " •••. •Vg: I • lAN ib 1 AN!) NFU' 1. N 4 •l *\l 14 - I I r 1%14 1f ri k`. (1114 r 111.. “nit depemicncorif (mid% • Paty e • • N. • • k.e1,1 for Ith.•.1••• :11"1.-1 -I Atinn itit,t and tbe In • .• til.. r. l "II I lit. ot tit.trringe • ••I I trn , qlll..l iti- tititimolt death, t% itli lii ipt• t , I .11141 irk(' 1.1-1.1. I think TIIN 1111 MaWA 1.• I 1 111. 1111,.1 1111. - 4, 1.1 . all Non. i , f hi gazines, Pa per Stationery,, • .1:4 - k.i., , •.•. 1., in, Li0.vd...1 ; 2.• ~..1•.•1 1.. , ..t .f. wil,t, •,. 1.,- -• I:.•i‘ \\ " 111 II ile is 1. .1•Ilt 101 1 113 1111 . WIIN 01 I , ii-in , ..... it .truck tin that , Iti . - . tat ...1 I , artictilmily long. Th.. good 111 111 : 4 1 III ' .•I LLIk tot 11001111,f, I.llt OW gi I. rut ti , ? ' dn . I. I '..nntl% -lion tins mother went PARK ROW BOOK STORE ;1it....-tit•-. :aid t 1 •. -t 4 trr- torn - thoir hair low.: the t „u-in talko , l sil weal ing Inciurn - It. 1 . . F.N...11/...., l'ropt 1 • lor , ill!! ::t4ll her , I:tv•- • Arri him' it W 1.. q lear , • , l than f,I,- %V.•-tlia% • n ho iii , irded ou '... 1 .1 lug 1 Illni vkoold it.•‘.•l re,•fo et - Itvi -cliw -, . Th.: ti I:I ICKIZik- ' . (ii:(, ) ( ' ElZit:S 1 I • ' . —llll 1 \ 1 .1 1 .01- g . 1,.• ex i m ' • " 101141 1 111" 3' l ' l ' . 1 1 1 1 11, i -i • h.\ . 00Is "Is 11111 I 1.1.. 110 L. l lli , f ' llwr.. wf , ra• II : • r• - .lt tunny \ pr-e -n tit-t• 11 sd—nt it. N 0 1 , 0 ,1 toLV.eli 1,10. liirtl., G IZ/ 0 C — P .-1 1 IRJ I - Pt S 101 inoutninl ‘‘itlatiut a nigh. sir a •iuttahlt• i I 1 t•rnat k Ms wick -11poritttPutl.41 the WHOLESALE OR RETAI4, tin tkine iii clip s ., Ain, a- I 111 1 i never -.Pen .. -• r . ,11 r '1..0 1 r. ,. .- 0.1 u•...r al. ii.“ !1/110 .1, to ...y otlo•r , and %%lion the , work . torn w , •l - 0 gon.• holm - . h.. 9 , ent boor. at 1 ., % , ...1 - :\ V I. IIT & 111.; 101\1 1 .. - I 1 ., .: n ~; ~. 1.1,,, kI.I, 1 , . 11120 ft 11111-1011 g It I.N }1t111 . 4. 1 11 . ! The ILIII. I'd NU, 10 !Wt out cor th.. f.,,,,11' Give Ear ye Deaf! , t null ill 1110 Niltil.tvr church, at liovrrly, k I. 111%%1,, 1,...; I ;, I, u..,01,1 ~,,.• •, a1...1/I 01100 ....1/I.'is in the alnrnuon It AN,,,,, ~,,.;„ , ~," !...„,,.!, , , N„ .. ,,„ i„bda . H a i, i n w- In •• I. I -trimly private allatr, though /./.,... 0, ,1.• -. Pia . 1,,, -s .0 s“ , 1 --. i -1 I 11111141101,- i , f the (OW twinen a ould have 0.. ' ...,. ' ?, it. ! titio-t1 titer r.•1%•1.1.1 for the ,1,.u.,1 byaconii. • • "' .., , .111 5 111 •It 1111 OW wa , . The owtotionir. of , i cl . / silo' 7 fin ;, . , t ~ ",..,,,,,g ~.L.6„;,,,,.i16.• ; 17 " 1 ~:12;:i-1".11.55("",',:, ... ,1;: II"N'l 111 % \I; • l ''''''":t iv ''' ,i,11,:„. 1 ,, r i.1.,“-tl‘inhi ‘lk.t t..- 1t.,, ~;,,.;,, ~ ~‘, iii. id r . ~nil the %.41111 W.1,.... 1 111:1t, tlll ll 4l4 4 otigilt F,,, ~, ~, ~ \T.,- ti ki?Nt El 11 " kl I.V I , t;11 111 P I tn . ‘ - t 11 , tir My undo Inta got it .. ...I. ' , •'n.: .. •' . ' ~ .. • '' . ' :l 111 I , •. , .1 's , 11: - 111111 , 1 hut evnkritly .iii not vr,..1, in. rolaellt al hi. work. Ifo had a lone i : '1 ~ .t 1. . - -t. ”1...,11.11 , tmieliriti. tau of 1, 1 , . $l.OO. 11\ I' 11. 11.1, 1, I:. $l.OO. I ~ 1.1 I i I,fi 1 , •71:111 ,- ; ,,, ...uttr , , in Lin. %%mk t ...nil , w‘I:ItA N T El . ANE 4 1 " i 1" i -1...1. 331 , 1 11 , 1/ .. 100/ they vei.nt away look ja, , .•1, ~ 0 ..., ... ri Lt . , 1...! toffilrk• , 1.1-o. All waq in train, rii.el :11 , ttito - ral na- to taki i ;II Iq.. no ..t , I t% Iwi t . ri onlyollo2 .I.IWII 111- rbn.'ll , intr---they ‘ssa.• rutlii.r steep aunt narrow. for wri live , ' m ,44p sit k,hip. out hon.e.t of York —my IIII ei.• - 1+1.41. tell, and I,r , ,iski I. I. .! I tho ' t 1,.. •, , 11 . ..1 hay,- gone rwui when t 11, sloetor 1 , •I'l 111111)10 1710-t 15.51 it tekiliiil 1.. 11.1“%.•.n1, If hiind ill hu in...-- rni is ..1. 4 -:.. to ..nnie. and 1 tri , -1 to paknfr him by 4 ,tia.r - ,,,, 1„,..,„„1„,,t Ow hineral with Ow Iteli , '4 • •it.:,•lt - and =1 , . RIP MIME 111111 IMI r• • • L. IK g #i„ • =3 1'.11.1.- '4 \U. , " • %1./ i• ' 141 , 4 to. 1011 I •lo 1"• • I 1. oof 1I loootool it .• • k! toga. la 1.4 prt., sa UWI •‘• , . 0.101. • t.• •', i•• , • 1.• I o ... I 10. •• ‘2 . 1.11"1., \ I:I 4 1 iM • A IR p i 17.. I sr ....< 11 0' 1 , di= ; -._ . .. - . - ---. . , . ; ~,.. .• . , R ..I . ISERVE . ...., . ~...:._ . „• Tr, '..-- .-.---- --.....- -... . ._ -. . .r - . . / $1,56 .PER ANNUM . EDITOR & PROPRI ETOR. ,• . ?, • _ . . . FLOUR, PORK, &c., .I'l' 11"HOLE:LS.11,14_ 7 I ,t,• cIIANII'.II,NE \\*lNF'•• 10.1.0 =1 • ~ hi 01 A i 4RHIII I I \lPt#ll . , iii .•••••,•• • i I 1.1p611.t.• .`1 Pia I 1 n.c140.1411. Lea. 'Dim for 1'42'1- L. A. MORRISON, IMM= FEIf .g II la I . v in c.... .. EMI '"'“a t.. No. 3, REED HOUSE, arr ra,araarr 4 . 4..rear•r ra • , I a 1,11.1114 =l@ . alp • • C~I.EIMPACIkNF. WALLPAPER, &.c , IMIEI .t a• • . • 1. •I r. Jane - -I ..11 }:I \I .t r It I:pf KV ki w. 41 , . , '.' Mt' 1110' 111.• ‘‘ hen lIIV Litt Ile•r , heal, arid I. l lm u id Ill .• II , 4;11 goo4l 111:111 II:I I 1) WOO Irx.+ lung • br It til an Inmost nl , i woman tot .ttol t titll/1 . 1•41 . 111i!1 , 1/ , 1111..,-, to t •rtaking lin,. to 1.-tve to -.on - n.1.041% ; i•lit 11 , lid not it to tin anti t.-11 ‘ , lll tto rt--,-ott 11 . 11,n I luta 1.••••11 :thout ti‘.- rear, hint. and hail tt own niy -.Alt, :is It 141 , 11 V, :I vallt oecurrod in our neigh -1..1 I. %% hi. h 1'.411-(41 greater lamentation 01:111 Any it ,td had leal,l of •Inee my ap t heitan. 1114..leeelLO.d gelltit•- IN DL Hie lama% Mot Il Lf. stn 111 thcir 11,1%, •1 111) lin, lllirk, and all :1 , 1 alit Yorkshire families ME \‘' I, t -1 ME MIMI I. i ••%.-1 )4(iiig or 11.11,1-.llle, i.ut HI L, I 1 1 N.. N. N. It tt.i, jit-t t month t.) c. - . 111.., and ‘‘.l- t.lll,itig thi• mat( it, %%hell lit. , irk. At :said it. f• cold tirort it turn , -41 t., e.rlllll .1 h't tnr t."AN hope , , mid with .11ii , V.•••Is MT I i.• ~ a-t int., lii , 11111,111. .1 in a MEI ISEISCEI ERIE, PA., SATURDAY M *àttiaL ME 1 From the N. Y. 1rV1D.....1f I '‘..t 1 "SONG." - -4-4-- =1 me=:i 1e n. , t : the color r.feurnm., I 411,411111, '4..n4 tht.b•lnly 1.,. • I i• 1 i5,..11111 1111/ golden PheAtr, From I analets in Lb.. 1111.4../”W• e.. 01 the popl.nt high in f..rth th“ Bong.. of Nature k:trt./ i• 0,014 I, f.t[ tl.e lipe 0' lau.ltiug toree verLal idrainn. - Whilot the flay dote,. of lo.erb. 1:1‘.11, blond iu N•frainn .11 the leer fume.l , l.rrat It of ...Jlt am h.. 11 tt w, 41 Kul e. r.. t 1. fair. ',Art!. Or flit' Ilya u•,t I Ibr f lad 13, mutts, • he smat3 L.•d+ Or 4 'tl4 th Ir Vrwud std 4F,t. It. 1.11,• ettt otal fountains H• tr .t• ..1•I Cl.rllll ClL&lntl...! II".r.:, avagl. lair I a-t u.•t tlit• lak•leta sinrinx Earth Lair! I..arth la fair: Itoice literature. . V roll t Lar..b• le False Funeral Stoneman. Nothing. T4tY77l twn ; mover Nor NM aq t - - pert*Tore. He ,more sit -his • look. threw the pillows at his lionsekeepereoe dPred me to bring him up the key of the workshop. and kept it fast clutched in his hand. I sat up with him that night. In a couple of hours, ho grew calm and Nonni but e..ulti not 4loop, though Om house was all quiet, and the hout,ekeepur snoring in the corner. Tlwri h' began to groan, as if tbr•rr warn rornr•tling %come tlinn H brok- on leg on lii mind, and - Tom. - said he. hill I . ll ' t I been always kind to %co.'?" "No doubt of it, uncle, " said I "Well, Tom. I w•int you to do me a great ire— p u•I u•ul.u• service, rota. and I'll never forget it to you. You know Mr. El.A%.trt tunoral ouua oft to-morrow at the) 're very high iwople " er tear, tinily; I'll take vitro (if it ail well were• there yourself.'• I know )ou would, Tom—l know you vould I could tru-t you with the hears lig ot an earl'. coffin ; and for managing nutes. 1 ,lont know your equal But thrre'm oln e thin g more t 4) be done t Mlle OVer that old wotnan don't BEM MI teat well a( the and Ow's mleeping ana no nn.tnki —tool los voice stink to ti whisper-- /1111 "that, whatever you hear or see, you'll make no remark to any one liviswandbe ais cautious :is you ean stlxiut the body? There's tout play. - he, fir I began to look frightened : "but maybe this leg's a judg ment liir taking on melt a business. How- mile% er. t“ have three hundred pounds 'or It •oel get the half, 'rota, the till half it conduct It proix.rly, and Fivt• !no ),,hir NoIPITIn ()tell tiv; er break that • I'Melo, - I. "I'll promise, and kevp L. h., . but )ou Inunt toll Intl what i t is.'' ••Woll. Tom - -and Ito drew a long ',real!' -"it's a living man you're going to put in hat eottin m the workshop ! I have made. t. high and fullotoir•holo+ • ho will liequite comfortable Nobody knows about it but eele and Stoneman, and yourself they'll gi, with on Mind you trust no one else. Don't Ink so stupid, man ; can't you un ier•tand, Mr. Elpworthy didn't dir at all and never had the brain fey, r ; but he want. t. get off Willi marrying Miss Vt'ast hay. or winiething or that .4011. They'ir taking a 4 1 1n , er way about it. 1 roust ..iay liut there genteel people have rrayq of their oviii It %V a, the cousin that prepared my mind 1.,r it ill the back parlor; that wo man's up to anything. I stood outagaini4 a hand ut it. till I heart that the ton of Beverley Church WIIP a poor NAL tint' of thews The key of the coffin is to gi‘en to Min ; tt will be locked and not screwed down. you see and when all's over at the ‘itillt—it will be iliok night at that time, for we .Isn't too\ e till three, and them. I teeeinhei 111% 5 are , ihort - he'll come and hell, Mi El,wortliv out and smuggle e II In. soli celtier. l'heie'e enough thine to take him anrwhere under a feigned Mille: . "Could lie get ott the marriage no eazi er I. for the thought of taking a living man in a hear,,e, and bearing the set - % iee read IA of hint. made wv Wood run cold. You see I wit 4 )oung '•There' -omething more than the mar riage in it, though tilfly 1111.111 ' t tell will happen in Ill) Lupine.., and tLi~ I-, one of the ,meere , ..t. But you'll Manage ;t. Tom. and get in) ble--ing, he sidem )our halt of t lie three hundred ponn ds; and don't he :strata of anything coming wrong, tor I net or .4.1% any man hook 1.0 I proitiked my uncle to do the lat , tine.o4 and ke. p t he •-eeret. A hundred and fifty pounds W.A. j. t. u, a young man, I. gintmag the N o t Id In the undertakinir-line: and tL. "Id man %%A.. :I)1/1•NiZqle./ with what •• .11,. nir that i. 101 l I' t I Lti t•I t lip .1i day- tot he ia!k••.i ..t part net-h.l• th, e.Nia•et liom lie .1 ;, ..'llll, h , t •111111., • It , .11 11.1/.-c0.i,•,.L11,1 two 1)1 II , ~.1111: 1.. 411, ,, a1 , 11. -, 1 Ntt it • 1.•. 11,) , t .1. • 1, th. •iff.•l 1.• .".1 , 1 • ..1 Iu .11.1 •41 .1 . 11.• t 11.1. I) 111.••1 .1111. 111..1/0111/1 ; I 1 3 / 1 .- 1 4 ' - ' • °l ' " "". ,5 , r1.;,•. k.. 1 ktiu'it h.II 111 111. -.11r..11•1 .1I•1 l• • I/ 1.1 1...1 111.4,4.11 I 1.101) 1111. 1 , 4E11 It. i'l•l' .3)111 113Ve• .44'11 he mr-11.1.••• • 1 1 0 . 1 . /1. Ise rot out, mourning 111111 /.11. 111r111101 the yet nothing but s-.. 1 1. , 111.. v‘;11.1 , olV , 3•••• .147 , •• --•••I I li. .1.1 01.111 ...I anintig:steele 51.1,131111 r..l' the G'.•llnr heart- then ; 131; %%111.11 Is'.. 1 , 11( lon the ltl'‘ rley 0.01. the gave us a sign 111.1 .1%,I1) i• .•111 .11 a ratihng pace: 11111..! 110% •2•1•1. r th.• ground at su. h I.otore. Yet. it W 21 ., getting .luck hen we rea. theold r. and the tau de g,titithled at ha\ I.) .In .1111 y , 10 1311• De tlootylt the rw•rvlrr noArly k WO got over the utiles. The ...Intl 111. ' , Mere , ' 'lllO the family vault ; it is as more than hall tilled with Mr. Els ! v.... 1 I.nel:idlers, but there war: it gond %solo gi it.• lit the hall, nn.l no want of air. It s. '.ll eight. ik and the, le. gy rn to st tried oil 111.. twain. 111 g ooliolir , went to the Oro. it Inn, who', the Indio , wore to wait till the 'extol/ came t.. 1..1 thoto kit , ... ) WIL , MA' out -- the ...1-11. 1%..ti1d not go home without that 11.1%- ..11.1 I -lipped hint the ke., at the church tv , lit•.itsootit.....l pi) it all a 1.0.11 the , ationQ of Pio t ..1. - 1).••• 11 , 111 Is a.- hf6t .f.. 11.11" were 51..113111.111 •••• of us lik ed the ed., 1 we were ail to he 141,1,1 for it ;old I nrti . .t .:ty the ..Id num rant.- doss it•ly with the needful, not to speak 'lle : ant I %%as to maile his pat tic•l II 1111.111 .1. 4 1.“ NV,• got the mon oN 1..01 .t lilt it wasn't right and I isa- getting into 11 13 it Hirt e %NIL- 3 1114.;"III' 11...1* 1341. 311.1 I/1. 11.111•Wkel•13•1' came 1.1 say that Or. Park panted to see me or my uncle \V hat .4..111.1 he %atm, and how had he t - ottio 1.. t, Parke wit., the t hy hoods dootor, tool thornily ...tying...rat the loner 11 . h,i bent in th...poond mourn ine awl 'I left hint talking to the •••\ ton alv eliothes were thrown on, and I ‘v.e. doss n stairs in a minute. looking as sober a•• I could ; hut the doctor's look would hay.• ...bored any man. "Thoutai.. - ho. "thi , hit, turned out a had hust nes.. and I cannot at'count for it : but Mr. Khosottliv has .lied in rams-.t. When the sexton and I .I).•nr‘l the coffin, we found hint evid and -titi I think he thed from trialit, for such a tape of terror I never saw It ii ain ' t your tinoio ' t fault ; there is no .I..iiht he had au' enough. bre it can ' t he both.'., and the hi-'• said &bout it, the lief tor t.. 1 all ',out . . lam going to Di. .1.1 - ion- to take hon .I..wn me to Beverly. The , kei 1. ',tot Elsworthy. to -e.• if anythine can be (lone , and Adams i' the otik man Ice could trust but I know it's id no no-. ' l'he itie•t,il elicits:cats wati. well founded Mr Elsworthy could not be re ori‘ ereil .nil liter tri, ing evervt.hiti to no Put',l , 4 , Qe. they laid him down again in tb. entlin with air:ll...lee The ladie-4 came hack, and we kept the -ieeret : tart In letms than inx month- after, a rumor arta abroad id Ire.t on the North Eaatern Bank tln inve.t i ; . ! tl t a Iltet provod to be over 111- 11 nn.l n .tKniv vrt• but the 411:4`..1114,•41 mana ter. His family k,new without about ; being all hales, the-v %%.•;••• entirely ignorant of banking af fair- but they left York next •44111. 43 In 401 , k handanme howe at Scarborough, and fi l ''' '-1 4, :1860. , • 11 09,11.110 set Amer MP** ' t o meet dSd not appear to p ro sper, for the were never well, and always nervous ; n one of them could sleep alone or wlthou light in the room ; owl tut attendent from a private asylum had to he got for the Cousin. I don't think the matter ever let my uncle's mind ho never would under take an aid job after it : and sit the part neiNhile; di England w,,uhl not have made me emit nt U... in the liustneiw. Mad run the red; ot :mother false funet al. A [('MOTE OF fißv. 1)R. 1 . 4 KT*" RIGHT. -TllO (4)ll.)wing amPetloto rel:sted by Dr. Cart wright, the pioneer Nfothixiimt clergyman of the Writ : "The first time I ran for office in San gamon county. I was on (he north side of the Sangamon River as vvesay in the West, electioneering or, rather trying to get ac quainted with the people, for I wasat that earl) c lay a great stainger to many of them. Passing through a bushy point of •under growth, near a ferry, where I intended to oross the River, I heard just befdre me *ouie one talking very loudly I reigned my horse to liswn. I heard some one say that. Peter Cartwright was a d—d rascal ; and so were all Methodist preachers; they would all steal horses, and that it was a scandal to the wuntry that such a num as Cartwright should offer as a representuXive of the country and that the first time he saw him he intended to whip him for his impudence. This surprised nie a little, and I looked around for someway to pass with out tooling in contact with this company Lout there WILY no path that 1 could see and the brush was so thick I could not get through So I summoned all my courage awl role boldly up awl spoke to the men. There were six of them, and, as 1 learned, but one of them had ever seen me. `So I sail Will you promise I know "Getitlemen, who is it among you that i 4 going to whip I:artwi ight the first time you meet him r The man who had threuteued, spoke out and said "I am the lark that's going to ihraNh him well." SAid 1, "Cartwright is known to he much of a wan, and it will take a man to whip hint, mind you." "()h, n n!" quid the fellow, "1 ran whip any Ifethodio preacher the Lord ever made." "Well, sir," said I, "you cannot do it lori now I tell you, my name is Cartwright, and I neviir like to live in dread ; if you really intend to whip me, come and do it now." lie looked a little confused and said . "Ph ! you can't fool me that way you are not t2artwrigitt." "Well," said 1 , "that it my name, and I am a candidate for the legislature, and now )our time : if you must whip Inc do it now He -*pi, -No, no, you are not Pete! artwrigitt at all , you only want to filo By this time we had moved slowly to the ',oat, and when we got on it., he broke out in a fresh volley of cues on Cartwright.— I mid to it gentleman on the host. "liere, 101.1 in) loirtie: - and nlepping up to this pursing dise.ple. I suit, sternly. to him. "Sow, sir. you have to whip me, a.,4 you threteue.l, or quit curving me, or I will put you in the river, and baptize you in the name of the devil, for surely you belong to Itiht'' This settled lii and, atrange to say. when the elPetion .ram., off: he went to the poll , awl toted fin me, and remained ever alWirwarda niy war' and constant friend" 'l'h whieh makes thtx story worthy, of ropetihon that the man who ran attainA Mr. I.:artwright. for RepresPntatiyt. ut 111 , .1% 4 Otint3. and wax beatPn. wit the Itypnbitean eandidate for the Pt.—pl.-tit-v. Mr. (.....trt w right 71 Dtma writ t att.l 'Let 1..-ett tram Ids boyhood. Pitiver.s.—Tbe "hopeful . ' i.ubieets of the Prince of Wtileg in Nova SerktiA, of giving him a ta. , te of their qualc.‘. pr.pare..l a pTiratb•,,, for h.. Ili~hnreit, with t loyal inscription re lit its 111.Stli)V. Th. pig- T h. 01 NeVitountllnnti • not to I.a+ backward, have selet-ted un onorinoti, black dog of that ilk which, with a collar coating tr , ..100, i, to pre , ented to the Prince. Whitt the c.tiliola. will do dot Japprztr. The 1 . 311,1 , 11) rrntre.ive . ITIAV find S I. lIIAII.--+'+ kennel,. but what h.. will .li, IA 1111 t .Prindstone %boob! not 1.. . i,ise.l SOlll , . of !hoar Ninia Scotip itriiiii , t,oies are thing.. 1"e trti-A that one of tnNlernte i.ite may he se !Paned. in a hi, li rive the donor+, !nude happy I , v cra..nn nereptanoe. will do well nut to hollow their gift with ?iolieittides.-- wa4 prex.4.nted with it iireeious million hall dug up at Bunker Hill. Ile reoeived it approTiriately, and, it ,urpos ed, bid it quietly ilropiked nverlionisl on the voyage from Brooklyn to flog eity.— We doubt that the Nova Seotia grindstone wild he more highly honored. This inania for making presents to great folks is ludicrous. We confidently expect that, sewing machines, patent reapers, baby jumpers, mammoth turnip+, and splendid ly embossed bibles, will he tendered to the royal visitor while in this country.— There is nothing too useless, too inappro propriste. or too 'pi -red. to be made a gift to the niueleenduring magnate who falls into our hands. \Vilma Kossuth watt here, the workmen in Herring's safe factory, car ried away by the symiattlietie enthusiasm, worked at, nights, and. :as the labor was i.erformed rok .n.. r.. poilathly produeed the best safe that ever Wit. 4 made. which they presented to the great Hungarian. "a mean's flr the .ate-keeping of his vain nide paper- and money." Kossuth made miteli of them, and immediately sold their kale w the shrewd Uenin, who, for some 1 lour or live hundred dollars, thus became por•etrseci of the best safe in the world. fine imagines the hapless bewilderment of our late Japanese friends, when, at the command of the dreaded Tycoon, they shall undiirtake to explain the mysteries of some of the presents which, to the amount of one hundred earl loads, encum ber the eamtward•hound Niagara.-- N. V. TV.s4./ II:=1 TUE FOLLY OF TIIRLAT.. -I /MOP knew a mother who insii.tetl on her daughter's learning a leivon, adding that she should he kept without food until it was maid.— Now it wits easy to keep her child without focal, but utterly imp siblo to compel her to kart' a lesson ; consequently it becarne a trial if K trengt h between the mother and (11114. What w. 1,4 the eonsequence The chill wa, faced with rare powers, (she had nefel of them in after life the en tire day pass.ed, until twelve o'clock at utelit: when the mother, wally alarmed .s.“l - You shall have your supper now and go t, bed . And to niurrow morning before, the lesson must be said: . "No." returned the eliild, ' You said I should have nothing to eat until I maid my losAln curl :14 I (lon't mean to may it, I won't, cwt" Fatal • It wag clear the child %souk' not ',rive way, nii.l the mother did' A lea aon to All mother+ never to uttor r threat waich they hnnnot or will not carry ont to thf, totertnewt Erery cloud had' 41ver lining William Crega, the Notorious Conn- torfenswr. From the Philadelphia Press we glean the following interesting incidents 01 the career of one of the most notorious coun terfeiters our country has yet produced.- That paper speaking of Cregar, says : Ile is a nativeof the old townshipot ItoxlKwough, in this county, and spent his boyhood in Ifitna'ytnik. Ilis father, tor many years, engages' in manufacturing vomiter tett win and fraudulent issues of bank notes, and by this mean, amassed a von siderable amount of property. William followed the footstep, of lii. illustrious predecessor, and with the same suece., having followed this nefarious bii,ines., from }it earliest years up to tlo. tnue. — Ile Is now between tOrt y-to, o ant lift)• year:, of age, diminutive in , cue. rather pre possessing appear.tnee, exeeediegly pleasant and hospitable vvio n has purposes can be served. coal enjoys probably as eltende,l .311 almost any other man living in the t•il‘ of Philadelphia. His father raised a large faun]) of viol. dren,and died sonic yearsagollt Idanayulik. His on William WWI not his Livorint by any means, and consequently, at his leath he cut him off without ashilling. William, nothing daunted by this unexpected went, however, some y...1r. attel ar , l. pr., tinned a note fur several t ins:mil dollars against his father's estate (which note, liy the way, was doul.tleis a forgery.) I roughs suit in our cuurG fur the ann,unt, and %%as finally 4.lccesAful in it.4...ivlng th.• iuu .1e• mended. With the read) money 111114 obtained, Cregar purchased a Linn near the little town of on the the Skippack, lu !slontgonier) still resides there in the ..uninter season. - The farm has been highly cultivated. the buildings are vouvuitahou .111(1 su I. tho grounds handsomely laid out, att.l many of his companions in guilt have to.- quently resorted to this secluded spot temporary asylum,aA I en per-ur. Ly thl• officers of the law. In this connection We 111,1' . . ie• gar has, perhaps, done more to furni-li victims for the penitentiary than aro,v oCh er man in this country„yet, by lu. nati.• tact arid ahrewdticaa, and by mean. wealth, when driven to the ty,dl, lie, ha:, nearly always managed ...cap,• men himself Is:y eorruptinc iitlli•er-, and not unfrequentiv ;n Montgomery county he Int., had in his tune under his patronage and eiirittol doctors., judges, farmers. .inil men are( ationr, po that It Wa-alin. ,, t. to even arre-t Limn when L,. guilt wa- 10 ,, re than suspected, and still mole .litlii convict him. In Dia l , Li 11440110 U, 11,Pr...-duet eouuterfeiter, mimed th.or ir o- Burton. arrested by Otrieer Samuel (lap rendezvous, in !Anew:ter c ount \ , started with him fur thr , ray ll e h „ Burton heavily itandentled an i io.ned When they reaelled a pout nett. W., Philadelphia, and while tile e tr. were tear cling at the rate forty miles ..ti Lou iturteqi jumped from the tr.ii. and. he.o.. it meld he stopped. 1..1,1.1,-7, pected %vas the mo% einent to Mr liouldy that h. es t sire.l. 1-:%er‘ elt,nt wa•• mad• to effect his re capture, hut to no avail Some time after. liov%ei et , 'regar eili lr's-I,llior of •3ti•i rt timed tbe irons and 11,114. tiff- ', ip peen ivied by Burton. It in.. tn it tip iiteroseapeil injury wlion jinitipt , l riot I t o ears, nnt.l tirade lit, 1 ,•_ ! , 41 n he wit, r. it. ve.l ~1 11r,.1 s.lli/ Pent 1111 hie 1% .11 I. lks•' cre g :, t.,,g.,, in ..ountPrfeiting the. e,.in Ntlt.te4 lit ins tarts in Niontvotnerr..ount, and %ben arrrAtt-.1 t n excer-thil.!ly im.• It of mintt-rl , •ifing 1. , 4,14 were , recovere‘i rho I,ollt ~‘ t• 1141 tOOl , t% ltih , ralCl/111 1 .; I pl.• 111- isoe• fora notoriou- kurgiar It.tLit i I nal I,— Chu k. While they were makinz tiwir ',parch in the barn tb..) fotilid a 1,..rr,•1 tsloth. lultle Ill...title , pre , . 1011, the st. 4 e an honest, 6hoezit o (li!,trkt of Keneingt..l., into and robboa entiro ThP g tuals hail been earl led :xi% aN llt on by two tiiitvry v, Ito ...crot.r , i 11141.1 at CwiLaLi boube. kid ptb•rti of, exe.-pt thr., ',dare! Wa- valued at about ll,ey aqui mike', nu 1,•1' 'sae. ht,rateu but newly so, as iti•ok 113.1 eN"l•lculk keel used for that pin pie, 1 ;Wt., Pr atwoeeded in I I tl.iu ne 1,1 Ii„ Hod in waking In- , t 1 •1.11 111 , 9111 c. - but suleeiluentl) nue 1.111 against loin on tLi. ,•`, Anil 1.. 11C/ WlttrllllN esit t'-1..1 '.ot ‘1 f it iiitluelive ex.‘r. 1.4 , 1 V. di, no ottieial nt th 1: 1.'2 .11 ...111i1 ilt• 111.111( . 1.4 to arrest loin At thiN tinii• he Ltd '••I tat.. .111Clai , I. II•,./JII•1I of I. 1111.11 1 ill , tilt trOl. flat W11.'111,11 k.lii 4,1 ofli. tab starte.l uI parson, atiothei hint or the fart, and thus vocal N.. 1 1 .1.` 1111•11 ‘s Ito tt et eat that tilt, it the police force i ("ell 1 t•11i.% • .1 Shortly utter 1111 , 4, a pat (.1 the doptit Mai +dial. of air I . Dile,' >Mit , I • owl, of till to in., hunt ut Ni•.iiti..:oho•rt With the .leternitnation ttt ?tin—tun: roll. and taking hint into cu tout ,i,.„1 'They found hint lo•t..riou , operations in a nitai Lis 1,1. dance. lie immediately .111,erte,1 their design, and by ht. Unconiinon agilitx anti .%yrift-lootPrities-, ,nce t wded in tu.tking In PNeApe. Ile nits however, and le-might the li&te Kane. and senttliced t., te.,ntl.- nu prieottment in the Pernterittary. that being tin• tirt.t woo, t. far we call learn. dila lit wit!' eVisl cttntint tl ui that stitutton. A 3 soon a.. his term .•xpired. he re-nto his eounterfetting operation:, and 110041041 the eountry with fraudulent bank in different parts of thr rouuu t. I he was arre.ted by some Philadeli.Ma i— lieemen for counterfeiting. awl on that occasion the proof agairst bun 4Ya.• over whelming. lle offered 1111111e11-t . .- 1 / 1 11 , of money to the officer• it the) would ri team: him, but all his effort. proied unavadin; He was arraigned for trial, hut. virtly thro the efforts of his 4-hrew4l4.ottii.el, and particularly by mane extraordinary tntiu enees brought to hear upon lunch higher officials, he was acquitted. At the tion of the verdict, he is Alkeil out of the court house with a - T4roud air of -,4:t 1 -1,44•1 saying boldly to the pollee and 4• 41 e lected in am king of the •Koftiackprs' eounterielter: ono, more--1 will.ll,e away to in; 11111IVe heath.' fie returned to his honk, ut Monig,im. erv, and subsequently gated that hi- ii 144•1- tv cost him over three ibott.and -- Since then be has been a," bold :4- r ;lon, s p en d in g of his time in trequently visiting the poll, hue his pockets net.. filled with counterfeit money. Ilitvinif once he, a ,4hniel in the old militia of Mont.lotnerY, he wl4 the habit of Inviting the tmlitary 4,f that county to go Into at every sett-on Ili) there ocea,ion. most prolu4se prevailed. oel the conipanies a—onil,led enjoyed 'lean. selves hugely lie ova, 4:orient II dressed by the t.iie of Carl. Williaati anti on the oeeasions of pubhe deun4mtra tiotte made - his appearance in lull unilorm. - When the military of Ehls city partici pated in the late reception of the Japan ese Embassy, Cregar had the etProntery to desire a position in the line, but one of the 0,-4. Co.. Charles Thompson Jones, or itoxborough Dragoons, quickly frus trated his design. et,i.mel Ureter, not to be outdone by this treattnen4 par:tientarly as he was dressed in his bastlreguneatals, and mounted on a s 'rited and beautiful horse, took up an isolated potation, in ad vance of the prooessiotn, and simunanded universal. attention by his fine bearing, and elegant equipments, many supposing him to be a distinguished aloof from a dis tance, who had been invited to take part in tin. festivities. IN ADVANCE NUMBER 9 • A Foray EDITOR.—A groat deal is being said at the present about duelling, and we will reproduce M. S. if. Ilammond'a let ter to a St. Louis gentleman. in which he giv.i his reasons for not matting an enemy in mortal eotnbat : fended a hot-blonded tueniber of the F. Ps of New York. He sent a polite invitation through a friend, for me to visit Baltimore. I iming no leivine-e: in that direction, tiveline.l. Ile again, through a friend, in vited me to visit (*.made. Having just re turned from a 11.1iing excursion to the in tet ior of her Slajesty's colony, and having no occasion to go that way, I declined. He tln•u iu ilireet terms invited ma to name friend and time, weapons and place, to in dulge iii the pleasant pastime of cutting each other'.' throats. I thought the mat te•r of and declined a third time, &align ing tile following reasons: It The thing was contrary to law, and had no dosire'to be hung for killing him, or that ho qhould be hung for killing me. I had a e ire who loved me, and who mourn ior me tf f fell. fie had on ly a mistress, who would rejoice at his Death, ail relieving lier from the necessity of tlym4 trim tits protection to that of bite other man. I Lad three children. for whose edu cation I was in honor and by nature bound to Iwo% ido. lie h ad none. I. Society had no stake In his life 11 N C. , IIIIIIU3IIce could Iss no blessing, and UN •con tinuance m. loss. S o yi e ty h a d c l a im s --upon him >t had none. .ee him— —first. t11 , 4)11 tn,• , I'.l, A Asti:! - r. Tait A.—lf th,. following be true it illmd.rate. Vadikee .‘ •k Iwo ~,,_o; fOnr creditor's start ed tom' L'• 'ton in the same train of cars, ter tie I J., p,,-, of atne•hing the property ~1 ; I,toi de Farmington, Maine Ili ,•,%cd e h one separately. anti they •• eh of the object of the lait dared not , t+ay a. word al- Lit u. 11,.% acqunintancea all, talking I ..holg exc'ept that w, Inch they tho-t ~t NMien they arrived at the Farnoti*ton. wioeh was three - tlot; debtor did busineei.s, t-topli,oching 1;,...ut. a solitary cab, h; t willed Three got iu an I r• ooittancr, to the fourth, and "Hie fourth ran after :mot lie liie ilitver if he warded to sell 6,- 11 , 1- , 11,. ropliitd that he tint— 'hat h.• w hot worth more that, ?.:00, but h. wouhl lint ~.11 huh for that He • skeii hini it hi• wuukl tak* $lOO for him. "Yes," -rttol ht• tourtal luau" qu/Lkily pelt/ ot .•r th , Inotier, tank the reins, am! back- While I edito<l th© AThany /?eg;sier I of- And thig.• meter lias tested Pver twit. ,t (.1).,11 Ilwoutsi‘le with the (Inver 1 tii.• tii. t,. a hank T slippe,l it frnni the and tipi,ed it up 4o that the two could not be opened, and iumpedup on the bor,e's haek hn.l roaeotf, while the • in••1410r-'• woie linking “ut of' the window. il.• ro•le t.• a lawyer's. got a writ rua.te anti srrcwl,P 01Pht •orured. and got hack to the :14 the - insiders" came up vining. nn.l 1•1...ving., eab num bo't2 i“r Thu --old" men tror, , l to 1... v tli it rum, it the fortunate no. who I.,und propPrtv •utfteient to pay lif•ht. would not tell it in Boston. —WIIO is there that has I=l n! .1 fle•tr. rernt , rnilrance of hilt or her Qw. , r I ear, f•dl d ditylcwhen faith and hol••' Is e•i ruulc l,alr. d by rude contact %vast a ruder n••rj N..t many, imag ine• tt'ell • we a:s friend.—not an old a votin;:, man—who WaS unfortu time in 111- tir , t love, or rather no love at all. I.u: ‘vh.. lir, now a sweetheart., the very who ‘.l all that is go.NI and %%,• .•, 4.414 11,r proclit ity t 4) 1,1,1••• 1131.1 v -.inverts. Lut. destairs lonnt.n‘. !,,) the oth..r clay silo thug (hies l•ted illin “ti A . l.LutWitching way nil` ui e.trne , t, }1,4 )01.1 Say ! II :11.• tender words applied, Ws.- htt% ) 1.11-1 , !” ' th 0nz..1 cirl," he tried, "forhotir, to \ th(l,l` eS an 4i Iswerr,"- 11,m, the omit he took, 1n 1 You'vciworn, .0.4• 11, 71.1 It. .h.I 1..-atateott• ‘1 hullo with a will. Stich pirltctll 1.. an n. tnnahlel,—a-hrn.}.•get,. ['Liking ul , 14) him for dt‘appkAnitinent -, , rll,Nrs pr..-t•nt. For the 1 , ,m14 lit td• tii.• 1 4 . 1 ..• 1 ., .11 of tlnr wut k contmucd. A N1: -. 1 , 1 , 1.• ‘ , 11..\.-11(•., , e1i help the •,‘h., 'DI 1.,. , 1“ , If Call 119tikl.t . "elle 111, , I.• l•N crylwAy. If indll 1.1 , 1,11 OV/tr , th.eeeded. we .h. 11.1 to know it. Not that we in 1 1 .• \ .• ~ - g through this world trytty t • 1111•1 1....tt1i to knock his h e ad ,1,- 1 .1, every man's opinion ; I,gi,t mg :ind ..11.4,wim.: aria crowding every 11, ut tt In. nrc. dffer lion' him. That IA 1 , 111 V• .1 ilt•r • t rt•like. IPt hor people have n a 4 h: th. 4.p.aliolts, so have you to your. , life error by supposing that !het - N% rc-i,ct rot' Inert , for turning our coat et iiiateh theirs. Wear 3.“ t, "wit sp;te of wind and weath- .0,1111 -111i , }1111e, Until rOtlVllletli ' art , I.)nv 1•t e 0,14 Ow v... Illat ti.g lit •, irre-olute tell tirneii the tri,tl l ,lo « • .n.l tilt ,ituttle and twiit,:that, hi ow-4. a .ily independence to .t.til ti. it gi 0,111.1. M Wlsil. 1 yvOul , l nting, I in me gravo, t .ome ono in his ninilleh.d - There liem one .1 I • frien.l to In , and pi ivetel) of the klig,•l-4 Of the youn e ; , no tut. kit , •is it. but lie aided me in time of : I on. , what I art to him." Dr a-111,1 :Mho:: flame bome widow, with a choking iitt,telhng bet •.11 tr: , tia 1.11•01 MAW : lie viAite.l too oi And found my amt an tunploi •,il.l t (,p Inv 'lighter a home in a lirtioal, 1.1111,1 y, would rather that ••r-.11 , .40{4'1.1 , tand at my grar, , . th it his e:.•,174.1 .•l• it the ino-t be iii. ful ... ,- tilptlired Ill'lniiment of Pnrian or Italian marble. The he:irei‘t broken itt ter ance r,11..a.i of pc •L kindness., and tear- 0: grattnl in. atery Shed upou the t 117. ;;rave Jro now.. Vain:ll)le to itiy estima tion Orin t!i, iii t costly cenotaph ever rr2= st i r A fellow, the other day, sold ..oute clothing to a Jew After the sale had bePen concludwl. be !said to him ' I lo yCku out 6:1101W thst they Luang awl ; tog,t her On the gallowb to En:ieu~l' w.t• the rejoin , ior "but ain't 1 1 .1 hl. hot lb ot u,,ain't there, seeing that thou Ii t 11.! 11111 un 140/101111t of h 1.4 11:11"1"1 :111 1 1 1110 ..thee on :1000unt of ht. OMNI =ECM Siar It 11l 11 , .1 generally known that t'... ..v..r itt.1111...1 by Itorw tk.i, .1..t0n or .4 the r.iti• thirty three miles tut 11.)tar. I Ibigit.-1 -Nit-4 of the locu m-Live, v.. II oi.h, on one 9 1 t'ii• ;,... t thy rti.te of ,i4venty. eign• ;.... oil It cowl that e. Holt bead it..l ion twenty-qix statute .in how, it inch lUAI, tittle even ma d e our North River. PM