_ _ , i • ' ~~ MELODEON MANUFACTORY , t l / 1 442 -TWKliii piat cutirr BY BUYING 07 WILLIAM WILLING 1 9 8M1,J 9 ..1L. Mt! T HE experience of twenty years, and the idea that l eould mike PIANOS AND MELODEONS lo trio cheaper than I can buy them eliewherr, hemrAntie rest ISlebasper, /limber le cheaper, Mel le cheaper, iron the mina, libdoced me to employ competent and complete, experienced workmen, w carried on a Plano Manufactory thein• pelmet; lye years. and who soli me their entire eleceimmy to make such twitruturntd, OW I Ann, noW prepared to furnish my aumernmi (n-mi CM Pianos and Melodeons superior Tone and finish, awl w fli WaRRgNT wrI3C3EIZIEr For say length of Onto, to gfir. col Ir LET'S KATI ni ACTI ON. j Wy &potation ax a MIIMICLIA and boainexa moo would be lost if throe laxtruntento should not prone gond, and I Latium the nubile that nothing to spared to bring "bald the doom-nil moult, eta,: Proctoring a Gar Kai substantial Mare, wish b will gave geed watleteatHea. and stay la tan. looser thee any Plane t knew •f. TERMS VERY EASY PRICES VERY REAS()S k 1:1,E ' V.t% PATRONIZE Your Own Citizens at Home ( , 1:111:1;So 11116 R.c.l / / RETAIL ' Ext-outod promptly oml Iw r:, L3T- ProJure, 0n14,0 ”1.1 0..1 , 1)2M•7311 , 4 1.111111 bar, neat any thing eta , I cO.lll wit again ..ru o n k . will be taken to •schniiir, for Piaui , Melt, &lona, linleitnera and any thing Oita 1 hair ri no more *I LE.T ' DONE WELL • NEW NIUSIC EVERY WEEK ! )N E RUT Tlll (BENT ARTICLES i)N IL\ NI THE, t.ENursi: 1-NRlvAl.r 1. Chickering & Son's Piano Fortes, I= Hat, yout ter hewn! of a poor etorgrrinir Polito I.t.t w ,r.t,• it a• 111.1 I %Id eN14111.1/lit . it. ti WILLINt• Tit) El)l . l'ultS -Von all r(.metill HT the /dr Horace Tintrrs ”r Yrw Tort, has trade for Nilvert. "In Tour 144.e77 , The utidersiirwed will do • Littro but er, I rou wiTl him with a Mil, wod Will furnish t.. 0 with xii) i'moo )... ttriiirt. Gut. =MIM:III=1 ONE PRICE STOIIE ! New Arrangements--New Firm ! P. & J. MINNIG, the 1,0.1 S,tart,l (.1 -1?- State. Ptrrot, 4 Ll.nr. Rho,. tho .t MSc., SSHnI.E' kNI , RETAIL. DEALERS IN GROGERIES PROVISIONS, Would reslw , trolly return thanks lo pnbltr /or past lar,P and o .•,5 .1 rontonuan, •of ritirorllZN 555 the t inn, run that sre ahall a,aal 0ur5..1,1 s i•f ur t.peroon , in the hustness and spare an pains to make Shit ons nl tae very best places to purchase goods in trte oonaty llur atm lb tn k.rop nn hand a good nalsortment of Good Sound and Clean Goods, wb,a, ' cont.:to...to - r 4 ,11 on tho Cash and Short Credit System. sinl s tli ensile tot to boy for Oath great ly to the etntrarttag. ',set Cre.itt Priet, Gs our •u+tornere, u sell n• otirselve. shnll L.n MOH. go .(ratty un lh.• ONE PRICE SYSTEM vur Luodsrrrllll snarled in phut, Istruvot, Po that them can be no taratton an pliers, as o. often the cane whore Bonds are sold on long and doubtful ereAtt. rEba -7:1I Lt. Wtll f.vd as low as the Goods could Le sold in this market, PLItUKt, however, to a liberal reduction when sold by the quau Wy or at wholesale. lo atitiltion to out stock we ..hail receti e new supplies FROM NEW YORK EVERY MoNTII Wanted Wanted ! ! Want d ! ! Cheer, Butter, E( Rs. Clover and Timothy Seed, flour, Pork:Lard, White "Sew, Unions, and all kind■ or Pro duce and Manufactured article*, Woolen Barn. ti ittrux, Socks, Baakets, ButtaiFiriuna, Fish and Pork Barrel*, /re., for which we will pay Market Prire in Cash or Gro ceries. Please ve as a caiL Erie, jan P. & 3. PRE DELAWARE kII.'TI:AL ANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. • AKE now doing business on the Mutual plan, giving , the In tared • participation in the profits of theCesnpa uyoiltkosit Lability beyond the premium paid Risks upon the Lakes and Canals Insured on thtsUies• t &rural:deism.. Lxsyses will be liberally and prodiptly adjusted. Fire naks on merehandise,buildings and other property 10 town or country, for a limited term permanently. DIRECTORS. Joseph 11. Beal, J10:11011C Hand, Theophilus Paulding, John C Dar u. Robert Burton, John Garrett, Hugh Craig, Samuel Edward., Henry Lawrence, David R. Stagier, Charles Kelley, Isaac it Dan., Yolwelt, William Hay, Ur. M. Thome; Dr R II Huston, John Taller, Jr Spencer George Semi', John J. Newlin, Edward Darlintors, John H J G. Johnson, 11. Juneo Brooke, Edmond Alouder, Wa Mak , toe RICRAItti 9 NEwsorl-D, Seel. "" Application can tc made to Lino, April 1, 1847. .1 KKLI.OIM, „ront, Frio PLATED CAKE BASK ETs_New , ty i,- now °prom( at the West Park Jeweiry 26 P4R4GON BUILD/AG, nrar Pesch St SEED BUCKWHEAT un hand and for %alp by July 9. IM9. GHi )1 ER I ES.- --A goo 4 I su rply of mo , t a.rt tete, in the Groete7 line mei br found mt HANSON'S FAIL GROCERY Erae,Jutbe 11, 18.59.-1. Cheapen:le DAf NT ti RI 'S If ES.-- Thi. tinev.t aratrt mtut of Paint Brush.. in the City for vale BALDWIN'S DRI 281,1 No. G Rve , l 11. mer p - -- - --- URE LARD OIL' - - Suitable fur Rirraung and bubricatoirperposes warranltod to ere ilatuthaetion Dial recetverb ado for male at BALDWIN'S Darn STioas No. 5, Reed Houma 44,tr BRUSHES! BRUSHES!! BRUSHES!!! Paint, Varninh Graining, Striping, White Waal, Window, Horse, Sem la Tanners, plain ondbiney Hair and Teeth, and plural assortment of all kande of lIRUSHILS or sale by may 21 T. S. SINCLAIR. C -- -- - - -- N EEsElif AN'S FEMALE PILLS. fo r sale at BALDWIIfII DRCG STORE, 112_11 No. li, Need Houma HANDLE! Hoe, Fork, flake, Shovel, Attiter, Citismil, Saw soil Mae. Handles, •t bl J C. RFLIWN'S SYRUP AN I) lit I A5,i1,24, err choice, embracing three grades of r. rn p ►ir wid article fie better and very thle flavored 6e , :view art. Golden or White Syrup be ; New Orleans Rammer, the VIII 7 beat kind for Want parpoinve at Jane 11.1 HANSON'S GROCERY OF.POT CARPENTERS' Sc Jo! N ERS' lu m p reciotly colds largo saditloos to my former stork airvormtere' and Joubers' Tools, making it t.b. molt completes In the. city. Vlach 12 '69. J. C. 1 4 11.3.14 , 'N _ _ HARTFORD Fire Insur nce Co. Of HARTFORD, Oonn. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $936,709 00. R. W. RUSSELL, Agent. apl2l-1y46. At W. C. CURRY'S Office. WEAVER'S SYRUP—The genuine ar . Ueda for U. Caro of Zryrdpelas and other disorders Mang lerate an impure rotate of the blood, for male by fobIS-37 CARTRR k BRO. eirCL) STONES ! 10 Tuna Barra Grind Stones and Grind Ryon nararlair, for ad. by i5y211.61. J. 0. SELDK.N. CULTIVATOR TEETH.—tine and Two Sono, Stool Cultivator Tooth, for oak Ty . 0 104 - 4 6 J. C. SZLDRN. I)ERFTHERY..---Ladies and Gentlemen wtablng to pt goad Pmfamay at rodocod prier , .01 visit. BALDWIN'S DRUG STORR, Ott No. 4 Rood Hour* 10111ZUEE BENZINE 1 I For ramortog Chums SPOTS, from Nh. Warless, i.e., Jut readied and for sal* at BALDWIN'S Dire lv.. 6, Red /trig. SW. poß4llams, Shoulders, Dried Beef, . Wt. Lard, Cod Pub , Madiorol, Apple* ro tates and • • torettallY. at BAN YARD'S. AFINE Stook of Fancy Brands of CI GAM and TOBACCO. Pau sad esimlos Ulm kt Geode delivered to any port of the city. BANYARTrri, _ _ STEW A RT'S SYRUP, Extra Golden do. iJ saw H... do., Naar Weans Nolatass, lialasappt Pods law 40, al good qaailty sad alh, at A,113:111. Ul/~ e=E LOCATE BUFFALO. Co N, Y. CITY, PPILADELPI ALBANY. No CI.EVELINII ormorr, WAG°, c 1.4 1 ;1' 1,()CIS. Cm. 7111 and - 14ttient• outmring any one of . ipliytneut of $4O, become elatillwd to Ow pruttovro of Utr "ebatn," rompri•ing 'wren of lb. most thorough, rittoosPre, complelo and potbolar Itomorv4 Selloolig to the. world Fur l'atalov,• anti all at the Conolt tho.tro, 501dr..... u stuns, Bit Y.% PiT Sr STIL TUN. 41:ENICILA I. INI4IIOI-ATION. gtandard of Pe isanceigt at , the•faaums " Apr.-true'," Stud.. otA nn r..nuorooe At Mt) llCar, thrrr ►re no TIt•• PrindtpnlA and Toschero of th to Chain of Cone,re• no extetuno nxrionintAnee in 133 Von largo Cll.lOO, and .11.4 . 1 4•3333Sigrt 33 a feltarlar. to Iti t the. r the Ponot to tt.reAtit • , f riser g rad anion Apt LI loW-1 41 % it it A( E I ' I I. a 1,, tie htotroot , Ot (nr rnnrrto I ponnint, or Ito , r about to he ttrtrtiotl, L.t t, not: , a•ol fen Ale. In 4 I rttnoe ruing tho it) •1 oloiy trail rolAtions of mit 44 4,11: 4 1 I v: or, •I d,.1 'ton or pre,en.t.so lon .4 3 / 4 31 43 krii.g, .;I i.'• ilevot 1..1 n l• • 344, tie • .. A intervittng nork. It Is is rifler. ,o pint. lan;:t • t• IZVOI • Mi mailer, and I. 113‘11.3313334411 4 411 , 1 tlUIr33 .4 En _t .In,. All tirig Illarri 3 - 3 11.e0p1e.1.r1310.4. 4 4. 1...111. , 1..4.1 1111,1, 01.• thf Is. it :tn.., se. •• try 01.• .11.,141.7 4 4444 1unint 41 4.4. , vli3: . 4- 44 1111.1.1 he Ineltml 3/13,a1.441 not IP. 0 , 433 the - he Writ tll ony 1410 all !lit rgeeint nt Iwoliti I . b,o co* ..r 1 4,33, 3 ,4 44a1ai 344 . Audi ear 1 1 13 1 3 1 ' 41., „ 4 4 3, :4 , 31{1 41.41 , • , .0 4 . 11, Phtlnifo'ithta, (r" 51 IL llt I ;LI: , A\il t ,rIfTUN ATE-. \ in4l • 4 • ‘rt.nt t• 1 43• bo r . , ur t 041, 4 4.4 yr.! pin... ) , 111v,1(1111. th-t . the rat nny 6 , 11.• 111 the not ortota• Qt •• .n 1 .1 4 3-- a In, mtrentoo to that on nuy other paver, 4,,4443 ‘4414,) Is aber of , l l r 1 'sun_'. [14 , 3 kr, on.. read it car... Nil,. 13 a too. iii. STIR 343 31, )4411 man) 14•.4.,.1.1, ) 444; 44 health, and loo.otitt, , our lIM I c o d 'I 6414 rvli,t ll r t. derterthro lii 1131. pill II4 4 1I,4•11. at 11.44 4 331 , 4 , 411. Sr ill, t•tno t , ne h o;,1101 = rr II E 111.41% trti ti r• 1.625 4 • NEW INK ! VANADIC BLACK IN The only INK that will not Corrode Tiff: totkei iber otter- t.. the pul,lit• ,It Black lnk. Which Li nupertor 14/ any Inca in Une It has tan 1.0 ntudy for years to supply n want uhtch Ln. bee." alt. ay. felt , that of havitnz an lltkk poreraslni: all the qualities of • perfect Writing k /old, and that l ee( he has fully obtatned by the Intention /if an ink 'eh , / II tint". smoothly from the pen, In, *lll t a mo ments delay, a Jet Black when used In perfee'ly horror lean to Plot.] pens ; deposits no 1...110.11i • VI .t 1 u , i,-* mould , anal is un hang-able in color ILia Ink -land alone in posaekattnr all lb....qualities For rude by the Itni,lowrerit and Whole/ad/ liro.-er. RICII A lint; AGG IN, Mannufacturtug Chemlat E le, febt:—::str GI Li' iP:T 1t.% I T I Al E.'. Gill Illouldin g ii,l, t okin g iii.../ S Vint. I , ,nri, 11 • o g ruphii In E ratpra, or out, wling einfuip at Um Paragon Buildin g , T It. Al N 12E113 BIoOARTER & KELLOGG. .1 E w jilt nu , in die ; aer and 1 rota. ,n bueinees A. M. EEI.I.OtHI, in the baxine VierOttrter conducted in the name and style liK S KE1.1.0(111 _Erie, June 11. 1t1.51*-1 JOSEPH 14.-PARTF:H. Gold and Silver Watches. Or:Eurnjwim an , l .\ut.'rie`:ui mak vr-, in Hunting and I)p.n F Aral l'asr, Good Railroad Tune Kerjarlia, warranted to k..; accurate Time. Part.eolar and eareilliati,gltlon ittioll to it. pillfltlit Wlttetifol and Ti un , herr Fr very do neription, an , / o wart a atel, nl thr W EST i'Alti( J FWEI.FtY TiSRr 26 if Parairon Budding, near Peach St. ca V F., N% It Tilt S I glon.s, 1,1 vnrica, Jril• and Derr, , Noontis, l'lr Griddle :goo., nt. ruitera, Vapkii. R. e , , A.e &r Won Tot Nem.", and Jenns Lind Pattern , rr Spoon.. Wade, and roonntarth on Land nr ar t . Ode ftf F Silt., Punt no I era. 2n T II AI".+TIN p.k I N ! I'.llN l'S ! ! l'.‘ I whits. Lent. try at.ll In 1.11, A*101 . 1 , 1.11 and French -Zinc, Raw and IloUrd Linseed Oil, Vvlwllan RP4I French ochre, Chr.vrTn• and French Oren, and rn ehrr every thing In the lane ..1 P , 111 Tri, tor oalertt the Stan May 12. I'. 1 4 SINCLAIR. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! Wl; nil . 111 - 1 W ilreilatl l ll In kIITIIOI oil a ht. AI , 41 want 11f .. ir ST (I V 1 1 :....', 111 f an) /I. l Frrlrltillll at lower , r prtm Matt hate .111 r been *old In fate I ioi/nty. t. tor ap4,rttnent .tomprptea 0/ maw_ the nowletts in:pr....41, :at o m a hi.li ' , l i n 1/101 41 • r 0 1.1. i 1 'if. a. • Ba er, Plymouth Bock, Eclipse, mpire, Brilliant,- Herald, And nunt,er of Other depot-stall ,ty lea of Elot ate.: hyena, ,het titly'rtelehrated Mar doaer, Bowl r, Buena % iota and 2 1111111161 1 1 . .1 other taproot. o r 1,... (1,,,, :...i, ~, Al,. tilt' NOIIIIIIII 1.1..rr, I a,t , ,gp• rar'...... 1f,,,j..1 1.,,.1,,,, 4104 41;4,1 k ratlia: n, •111 i A 1 - ryl. 11 1 111.1.11 , r of )111t, Plato, Hall, Other, Sell Reett:ator, and t thor atm-, a of ',uteri., quaottea a Llll I. we will ~ II I 6'r I llAil, Lumber, Beef. Grain, or bar', 111 at nem]. at• tram nicurra than any i. l -UN. to the Cr',, and warrant them to Fite entire aattafaction P. pera.na a tabtntr qtly thtnir in the 314 re hoe wr would 'tat it ye a. a eatl•Od 1 nil .hall not `.e.l.ati.ointxtl At (a« (I Id Foam:Ty, S. W. Corner ot Mate and I I 111 etc En , . At , ,l, 2:1, 1 9 :a— 11l if I' OM A. J6II\ Mt\ J 4 , 2011 lIANSON E itildt•r•igncd "11, 7 - " II if . a . itorialli« tent., aant.Ail saltll.l, !trio. in the tor nplop of roango, r:rir coon!). •ituatr uhruf nod a halt isoirr from th« hour,l.inr , .." bur.: 'sot farip(lllyrpt alt.! anconii Wilton& . • 1 ~r .'atr ~r 6,1 , t It I.- a ' , oh; awl or. •Ms The t. nn. la. num... Cane, and an u raerptioushlr ti tl« given Y or farther loortitislara rroin r 4•1 It ti, I-an., Wtot..t.nru. of tlir aulkarrilmer at Wat rfor.l, F •ir I °rt. 4 18^..tt--14.tt . Fa:stlt.lltll T llAVFon hand and %%111 11 iv. l ait,R, t h I PAINTS AND ('()1.()IZS! Shrtmun and French Greenoire and in nil, F rem It Ochre, Venetian Heil. }ire l'nuir Paint, Chinetw and A nieriran Vermillion, boded and raw 1./flowed Dil, Turpentine, Pot ty, Glam, kn. l'emana intending to h 114 i it tn their Wrantage to eall before mirelsailna i.nwhern, at the Drug and 'hint :tore 14 mar 26-41. Corner ,tat. and ~ .•rntli Ito I it lIiNT( (1). respectfully call Ow attesitton of dealers to their harp. and .11 pPrior stook of (.111(WERIES, • ETC., At their xpaelnat salvo rooms, iwtarr of State and Ptrth Street.", Erie, P► Oar immune! facilities enahle ue to com p e le with nay .1( 'BUPA wind of Nrw 'York City An EXA.VINATION 01' 1)17? 8701'ti ix reeipeetfally soiltited from all who Malt Ibis market fnr the purtmee of baying gond*. flexing mute arrange ments for Revering the BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR ! direct from the head of the Flour market, we feel erinfi• dent that lie Variety of Brands we are now enableit to offet cot fail meet the wants of the IA hole eertii , st of &wintry. JO9IIILPII JOIDIRON, ORVILIJI Jo lllol4ol, Eris, April 21, pl6O. 13LIRE )I,t) NVLI EAT W lIISK EY of the choicest kind and supetior to soy other Whiater for Medicinal po4potats, for lisle at BALDWIN'S DRUB 3TIIRF., fio.6 Reed may 66-61 PRY BA NY A RD'S N 'II A, I)1,1) Java, Lairuira. Plo, masted ^n. l Kmuod Coffey*. Try Banyard'a ernAse.el. granu/ated. ',life* A. aad Coffee 8., Now Brim**, Idu•oot and Porto RIN. = 1.2 luhdi'.P. R, N 0 Culni and Mug Illetl"Aagairi6Prtiaggli/re CM / E .r.vafs e „. , ,ia !Si , er Renecui ,:t. Nlniu Streets. Cooper Ins awe. - Astor l'lnee lA. Lorne 7111 x Cliesinut St 41s li - r,.:1,1 ay i'or Seneca it Superior streets 70 Woodward Avenue Clark and Wa•dlington Street., Vibe tit reets r.MPLOVMENT 10,01.1 of Whitele t i, ‘V Kt•lnC. al A LIM I\'•4 tint I. :• , Ti Ha% N... 5,1,4,4 Ho.. affrinint, xpziive". Co'Partnership—New Igrm FARM FOR SALE ! ! PAINTS! PAIN tobaixting. lae 130 ESC, RA ' l / 4 I Pyle. Ofaiy TW [NTT -VI• IL elOll 'Sent poala to all part. of the 1 . MOD 1,, th e oath a•d maturity, titt.ttkeittZ Iha we rot follies of loth =LS of all ages, My sing •:• . I , llity, , , •UAto•., of of if,. I,•+,t . , i•bfai ttleetetaar) ttneettisttens, Utak, it.hoo, to•nw„ iudiestion and [mutt ode, nlh c•ofesoloo• of tartan ( we " ti a tiosedise D rarad Alms, o Goatee 51114ca1, • Trim( Named! Lady, 4c, 4r It is 4, Ir to the Rat flit , / and them , , outtlt, Ont., , I . array . , oaten/LW oweret doubt* orf their pl,•nr n , • ~ r who an conactoup of hawing haaartio.: the hmltt.., rap, ocaq and pnrt t . fo which It• ry r „ • „„, fled YOUNG II ebo•re •„ ally mined be a taw r al It t o aredimmers, pains, foe . e the ears, weak *yea, eak/..1.1 f the tart tminities, confuston of id. c., t o. ,„ aneholy, may be cured by the •utietre LONDOTi iftEATIIENT We have, for the Krnater par , o f „ our time in VISITINi. THE },L1.1t1i,„4 \ availing ouraileee of • the most skilled Pk) toeisns - on the Continent Those • iiii 1..1. t r Our Care will now bare lb. AND KYVICACIOUS ilhili.Pll ~ to introduce into our practice, assured of the same teal, 114 i 4 4 • ~ lion baring paid to their clues, rI, . distioguiehed beret9f,). LIAR department of , bresity-fire years. Vaaaca Fax•ta . , the affinity of which Miele , and never Gilled to effect . results, will use none but al Pills. The only pror-so• ladies should nut take tree, „, !I've they are in certain . which will be found on the re; box,) though always isle Si.. . • act) re are they. Price per box. 'I hey „, the United State.. =MI Wi II ERIN I= MIESIEM TO THE LADIES—WIT, nooota rr,••,,,,• visor with retread to an) 01 tbor ato-o.t.t to which their delicate organiaat, al , ' particularly invited to con•olt n. 1 - 11 .. E1 CTR‘, - 11•LvAlit. l'itutt• whose health will not lira to Menai* thetr family, may ne 1101.11 It 1/I ile•rcretly .all, on 1 1•10 1 11,11 Ur • ilia 1411 t •.felt r•.!or. . t• .Atteoilaiex dally, from .1 10 11 0 i• 11001111,4/1./ 011 SIALIIII3 1 1 from 2 Li... a I' X lite•ticiors with full dire, aro' 10 .1 v 01111.41 0 1 Statre or lanzdas, kiits. t. V 1,131111,0 their lomptome by Itrt r itu•oroo,•••• • ly confidential rir- Dr. I:a Office in •t1i110r4t.... •••• the name of tilt. I A CIO 'IX. at N , N bany, N. Y .iN ACT Ole GitATITI 1.11 . '20,060 copies of a par.. ~,•, (wales', for orairitores nrrrlatina,l.y a , been effertUaily run.: ,t sirtrnua or -Writ., {a r., in ti • bark, tcmiditv, 1. vzrnr,a ,r dirnbeok of t, pinq .• • memory, repultiug It Lau ear:. y io•trurtinna Ir. flan , t hl. gratitude to LI.« •utbur, aid L., th- eei tire and %cremes eurlert.r.. F. 1..V..•1, tu•sus lie will therefore send Or. to any ft.t4tynaa, ow of two statnpw, &ropy of the vlo , k muth l uio, anatn.n ryquinonl , , „ , i• 8.%N1 , 1'1 . " RII N . M i two . irk maol •••litocerl4: II her. did I go without , iki3ll, col Lau% • load lo•nr, of • •a, When Tea is rraute4l, I in , And Suusr to eri.Yt r i•nt, uu r idu tyr AMP tip Lnd th. iti Who ham hal. of cl.••.• • - I:Ater A.i.i .ther kii /...6.1•M. /3,l'P • nitio.rl d •r•ler.:• • ,/ to •11 Aml •414.•• • Vl.ll •Il tta • 1./ Ir.•••• 1 , 4 • A.... 5. • . Wipe k.. po ti r grow/ "II 0, St Tharp rt • .1 , 1.,0r WILL , It In mauc ti.ll ' it h kt 1.•••• ! a At thr cr.otA, r ...II). 11, ll= Erie, Ilkr, h I.:, I NEW YORK & ERIE R . aftwApwaimp4mg CII 1N1;1•1 I II: 111 , 1 . 1: - .)1I , moNI,,N, m • T1111..4.1 r Eastward Bound NT :v. F • , ED! r New Millinery. Millinery G.- CD , 0 .70i . ! h • h • I +I/ k/ / I I• I Its. kpr WOOL! WOOL!! WOOL!!! 11 11 AV I. tlt , \ . z.•nc‘ uI u • 13.0 h1:114.0. \Lrk• I r 1 - • mat • C.A..531-1 DRY GOODS HODS Wholesale and Re tii.•\ ar 41,••,I GOLD DOLLARS At Ninety Cents ! CXfl 1 -3 Er_FIN (4 MO OIL, CLOTHS, 84 - C No. 5, Exchange Row. ~I till 4-4. i REMOVED ! Spring and Summer Goods: M I 1 . 14 E 1. - • t - Itrowil', II •-• 11 hero he 1. hot/. t • ..•It • 1 ! .••PRIAI: 4 %// Vi tli R r.rl. ko 1.114 hle111.•• 1•11/.., ti • • '•1,1•••• 1.1, tie... Sod .Irraut t.. 41,.. i• ri. 'AM t tot trltt ~• .Ilv ttivt• rutitte4 t• • Ulr ALIT .• i...“11t11111.11' Nand ....1....1 of READY MADE CLOTHING ! 11..1,10 nmko arid a armnte.l t.. uu.nv♦ rofund...l Person.. purellaralog for (ASH 11, Int 11 , 41 o‘amino my GoMin Sala Pric-• a, NA 1 am ~ o •••,11 aikfor Okra, LW Cr TT/ N(; • n.. 111 r %EI • aprtll4 46 ‘1,2 New, Opening—New Goods' R. B. It BB A 1) re.kpecit fully inform and the. public Ketierally, that b - Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Bti•;wo , mall it% rat-wt.., at $. 1, /MA.. :gate opp,itte Wright's Block, ',h. • at all on. s, a i ,, 041 supply of Stir at, • lino, tor«lluq wath a lan* ' COOKING & PARLOR STOVES Aud Hotim. F,tri.,:-I.ole 01 Jobbing and R.•p, r.• t.• ; ly and thoroughly h t; put up at abort wt,•. To all th,ar in %Ant ~17‘110 say give tor oall. s . lU. or Chetptlfne. nt ii ti .• •• gIIOV ELS. an.l 1%)11:!, S tam a, for .41.1., Pain in the Back Oured! AParson who 11.4 lonic and aaverelv •,.) in the RACL, frout.ts 101"1. •upp•ood, Kidnerit and Immn.l no rel...r trim tha Iwo, 1 , • • ' ha used ha. I.aen ejfertaalle cored, I. pound i ,trot. of Maar( Weed, •I luck •• • • nee. on tlia f a Halo! • A • vtoaely h unit pram pt n 11,.1 mu • mitui If 1•• raltt►l.le Preo.st tie tom,. hi. .4. ll' ! whilumt tin. F.atrsurt tr the prtre Har I an tl la We hat never know i 3 111(.1111 rue ninny ..,"" of Pain and di.. ioa • ' and H Prepared E aunts e 4 Amor, II red 1. it • prudent or economical oil FAIL It% I i • tot •,:ii• heparatiob Irbes a Bottle can be bad for •• junia--62. CLAIM{ a BR, 1' El ut .ri, 1.. t.. 1 .6 • • ,n r , MIMI IMECiI am WM. BELL =I