ME OBSERVER. , TAW VOITI/ii II BIM ‘1011N1\6..11•LI 11. 114141 e t• 111.1e101 M.l 1., 11%R111.. •4 Ihu St. „ 4 4. :4 44 O! II RII, for R 1,A.L.:1, ~f PPl4.lle. Itrui =I to r 1 . 1,.• 10.0. 10 !he I:ooknty re~nitinr (rout r , t he 1'1).11 - lit , ll.le, I. v. 06131 1 .11 0 ,1 nl =EU !hi, ~ Friday i morniug of an . • ,•• Crir and t'lereland road last 1111 gs•ing weal. near Fairlie*, • . 11r , Zl.Litari fi r- Inidin Piercer !Attie Cont)ittiiv' II ~t, %Innday evening. and I , 1,1,0 appearance for their nutulvere, ,o, lea by s liras. Band 1 ,,, „„,,„ on the Warren r•ei r ion I I. 1,1 put up the bridge ',el IV I pltu'e forthwith It 14 It ti. 11.10.1 411./ .cure of the timbers ou the Inkislor ihe rm.-tare is ob the out •tty, the U'irren lids/ t a r received from the - 111.• Nal . , I. put the U b. Stearn )44 into get'? WO NI 1,0011 Ad the repairs .L • now In Ill'Ogrevi shall have been curs thought the ves4el can b e iV the tenth of Auguet &kr l'ltv Elle Annual Conference ~f the 1 I aslemble.l in this Jk'slit rl rvitling Abort: two It it i ailni-tern nre prenefil Among the Me Rev Ur. (SALN f> KIN , ••LEY, rte " the Western CArtattan and Kri 01, i)1 RUIN anal CAliVron war \lr V Rarcut.u.. rorinerly an eti,i on lite 11estern pmlion of the Sunbury Lite Rail Road, has been appotuted by Supt. tit %. Freight and, 'r tek et gent at this point %ti N Ittot repiii•ti oat to' induitly and ener ty„ and hi• aelAciion iw Ihi. poction rri;l nn lunbledl) !qv,. a.icantage Io the Soar The h'eputd , , IYesitield, 'At tile • Erie, Pit %hipped %.;man 'nth elublren in 11114 ' (. 1)1PI by (tr... in gel rid 'hew and add, (but 4.110; ,•11.4e, alien occur Lti.w any tittug Al , out t h e trio* i‘t ,;,, , but Fu=ture 0". .2.1,,ah 11101 ..uly , !dr .I,,ry 1e 'rt.! 1111.111,W1 tl.. • Inv L. , 1, it 1 " , ' . 11.0, 11101- 11.14.11 I'ol mere' r lever%l 1. it. their ?mint, t ,Ir -treetm, 44nd hitt tuptdlt uuptuttnv .n I lartlce of their gave %e vipeel her Su cuuver 41kould the organiza,ti , ..t ..• .is at pre-Sent the. El. , 44,54 will be 4unle u ,L.,* with any 4,t the 4 rack p.ll ,•111" lli 1111.1 lor,A *MT 1,,%e 1 / 4 1(.4 •ttid \111,:.t1,' sit" \ 1'11114.1,11.h. ilsnl IPan w ',Oka a 114- i•er •4i•l atl.i WI .1 r., I • It• ii•ol , Elll4g o•ur.l • t rh•• • iu¢ Ltd . Of lilt- 1,1 6 vin tn• a kir Isll.l •ipl.ritle4 I. I I I , • t9r Church r, 1.1 t iht, -r.•: ry true :t it rßr - ./1. I trril %%11 ' • ,Vt• „• irarhrit critr• art, t;;;;t; ct..• I, ,11,1 EMI f 1:o n•••W f 1.1 nor • ill I MEM ,PArt,r4l u ,1,1,14 ,le.iteti 1.0 iho I' ,•, :,11111 1111.1 tg, rt.let tte .111••• IN 111%1 .I'. •11111 , 11 , 11 ,. .1 -11 ,L !111 t. k drift ~1 if tnly •tll, e Lit/ ••;11.111 , 11eet 11,1,e,1 • ~tv,..: P rit.1.1.1. Hil;r.uL.,•ril~r:,~rLr~~.l ..cet !she ex pew". &tar • , .; 0.011, I alma . r „•,I \kr-10,11 441E41 , 144411 4 S, ,, ti.lay henttl~ ion lid An I I.IK IToti rott urrisea I', Ant° ilor Vern I,r I) ,1 ft / 11 'rhear .114er provp.i. , ll Ivo, c, tie kra tT Dani,:rk llbether ,o or to -he o,tedly foun.lered on Saturday night. an.l 1 hare pet i.t0 , 1 Capt lea‘e* fl ••• trontl, Wr helirt i• :he With wwc ut lli iew.. k.or ItAItLEY of Mr J , .11, r 'ICUS fatally injured »I ti.e LAILe Shure Itep...t ll t t ridgy evening by b. itig the forehead with a har, bell wily!, slipped from 111.• It -old while eserei. , lng with Ili 1. e 11 , 1111 Ho, .1. rainier him UnCun.lelolll arl‘i I '1 ,, ‘.• ai- Ici:L .1i ieW hour,. 11e was Ati neti%e , t: awl !opt the alliw;ion La, 11':Ien upon ill, doting In rn , . will' a .Ic-i,y —linz•ur pea' The Marshal*. are now, taking runny ut the cit) They nometin?es rake -trange tacts in people s ape One of these genilemen called at a house in the t a. , ward this week, and on enquiring the age • be lady of the mausion wan informe.i she fuenty-sstera •• Aud how old il9 0111 young IN who I presume is your daughter said ingutaitive man with the big biicik "0, my oldevt tirtighter, and OR.. .itt- Census man ..reconled "%a went 'say fully bainsfietl that there are e• ph% whu lame:lce rLeir maternal luneM 31 a VMly eur prriuti in lifr ' ear The Coueert os llunday evening. by JL t irisAue. OL.c i•, raaisted hr Mias Cm was a perfecr ettc,ros Firrar flail .1.• filled awl judging from the frequent de cif applauee from the large NCR' lellghted -oh the enlert sin MiNt di v tam Li Cut.r tt pusiem:ra •he • , re evennea4 ii s te elettrneSt. • 111iffiko purh Miao I'LLICsTia bas tint • cuntr7cilu klutb ladies have :ily many warn' friend., and wiih • IcA‘e 11-Ittc&l IL, them s high ittifrari. • of their musical talents Wor the ',lir walker. I. nix ann ,, wit•ed tur a light rope perform -I‘..irien.lly afternot,n, on hand. .1 I utigh ..t the I.l"graluine 'l., .G'tl , 41,114(1W( l , .tt "1 t he. %iv-, ‘•.l•%•cett Vii.d.'l,l ilia rut 'nit • Ithia• ww -frH4•hr,l rorner St•ur rt-ri 1 'he ratk 1 , . Ihe .I..nre itg.ut & ,'• •t I - y v two lu,udr•,. feel 0 , 140 - VS L• “if,rts,t In kholit 1. he :" Lilted when 11., ~t ',llor 4... curing • ),'.rye f„ !P, 1.1 ot . •Pliittl •10 perr.,rtu - 11. 1.111 , 4 •lit hanging +tot try the feel, k tug ht+ full length up t, rile withttut , iippori, Ste A rcu u tuget.,.l. unti 11 pet wan, •• 1,, a uneaM 'l.l 7 :3(t oortpid - 114.u.keur repeftiral air i• e•itlr tlrr ukl.lit run or fiiriou• Al) nor on I lie bill+ 0,,L1 ft4Sl2,. at Oita uthet, ugly. on subscrvion to the ObsorTor. RELIGIOUS NOT/CE.—Rev. W. Taylor, the California Street Preacher, will Lecture this MOAT) evening it 8 o'clock. Admission 26 me. The proceedik* lb. applied by the man apes of the Dime Society to the fitraishing of the new NI E rhurch. Swojeet--Cauroawie AS 4 Hour APPOI.' . by the Erie Annual Confer enee for preaehiug to-morrow (Sunday :1 Erw—First M. E. Church, Seventh Street -11 o'clock A. M., Bishop JAl6$ ; 8 P. M.. Wm. Taylor. Simpshn M E. Church-11 A. M., Dr C. Kiuply P M., Dr. Carlton; 8 P. M., O. B. Hawkins. First Presbyterian Church —ll A. SI., Dr. Harris ; BP. 51., N. Norton. Park Church-11 A. M., Dr. Durbin ; 8 P. M , J. Tribby. Universalist Church-11 A. M., E. A. Johnson ; BP. M., Moses Hill. Preaching in the East Park 5 P. M., by D. C. Wright. Sunday School children will meet at the First M. E. Church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Several addresses will he delivered. Missionary .4Nnisersary, will be held at 8 o'clock Saturday evening at First M. E. Cureb, Addresses will be delivered by Dr. Durbin, and Dr Harris Love feast at tt o ,lurk at the First M. E. Chttreh Sunday wonting F 1. iloc,,u Warren, Pa.-11 u'eloek A. M., k:.l L Bs , ker 8 o'olock P. M., A. C. Tibbett4 thrurd--10+ A. M., R. A. Caruthers , 2.} I' M., N. G. Luke 8 P M , John Ahhot Eairplatm —24 P M., J. Leslie . Asbury Chapel, 10} A. ML,:. Whitely North Fast-10} A M. J. E Chapin 5 P NI.. H. I Fisher Waterford-1Y I' 1 igoaU, T tirahaut, .1 %I Green. )birtercred. —T. D. Tait. ounry, .V --4) Ahead K'~aleyvillr I(: R Puttee. N a ir The Conneaut Reporter records a tad accident on the - Moreland and Erie road on the night of the 4th. It says on that night the engineer on the freight train going east, on his arrival at that station, discovered evidences that ties train had pu.sed over the hotly of some portion, and that a mans font way hanging to the cow ,:rtelter \len were immediate dis• patched we-t In At'arch and near the crossing, three miles east of hingeville, rho remains of a Littman body wu. found (mildy mutilated, which were afterwards identified as those of James ti lltnitle, , on of J D Hinkle, and resides about a wile East 01 where the accident occurred Young Hinkle had been to tienel a on Wed to wend the Fourth, and on his return home got off the Accommodation train at King We stilton A young man who be ..oinpanied hint e.s, that after tarrying an hour or so Ili the xicluity of the Railroad sta tion, the two atm tett together down the track.: the boy untying nrst at his home, after a walk of i toile unit a halt when he bid Hinkle good night, Ilwstr remarking that he was sleepy, but thought he could walk in the cen tre ut the track without difficulty About a utile and a hall front where liinkle and the tio) sepurated. sue the first traces of the accident, and it is quits clear tt,14.1. having been up the night presioua, he sat down on the cuttle guard to test, i th his fret hanging oier the ext•aea t,ou, and there went to bleep The freight train vest passed lott point about half past tett clock •iii mull hate struck bun while in a sithog p,.;ute, carrying the Lod) several rods where it wa• passed by the night Express and where the freight train afterwards came ni MC' with the body I ., IISIDIA -Titusville, fatuous a s lie cent', ut the oil excitement, was li+ited by a s y destructive tornado on the eNening of the 4;1, It commenced at about I'. M., and laid waste ever) thing in its course The lows of property ik W 1171111.1.1 at :410,4*.110 Thirty huildni t- damaged 1,1 a greater or less exteal tie.a were turr up and carried long distances, and "..rte a alga remains of the ont imildings and tenet.% which were In lire direc• tion of the temp, Several had arms and ribs to oken, 'besides betug otherwise bruised , two, or three received internal injuries All it Ia hoped will recoN PI Those who were caught in the tempest were ouleutl) seized and hurl ed about in sarious directions—some against moldings, trec• and fences, anti ninny were tossed it tams pla,e to place until quite senseless Some were 11121,1,1 by tree-tops, boards. roofs of houses, and poxes of timbre which flew in all directiotis. SeN era! were lifted from their lontolsouns and cart fed a c.,.b4olei mhle distance Cite greater number ot the dam aged building- were uurootel, atuong whikh way the dwelling of Mr George Brewer a tint, two-story house. elegantly furnished. which now Iles a mass 0f ruins One horse was killed, and one Ituln leg hrukuu The tot-undo through, the s Lllage a southeasterlj di rection. and .eenie.l to spend its fury it' a iiru• h e r lot near ihr Ilarnsdale oil well rhe rush of people to and fro beggars description No.ll At Elba }WAD-- , tie lake pleasure l it noting the increase ut freight AM' travel over they route The American E :press Co , have tran,ferred the Meadville route. %is Edenieuru. to ibis road, and are sending goods via the new route to Conneautville, and thence by wagon to Meadville With such men es Jesse Peck for conductor, and Mr Cornwall for engineer, the traveling public will always be satisfied, fur two more obliging and careful men were never in charge of a train. The tb crease of business is not rapid but perceptible. and sufficient to authorise the utmost effort to prosecute the route through to Pittsburgh Passengers now leaving here at noun tuiy reach Pittsburgh next morning by thts route This is Alone by meeting packets at Sharon in the evening, and Capt. Duffy & Co , wif land passengers, after a good night's rest on packet, at New Brighton. connecting with the train run expressly fur that connection by the P Ft W C , and thus arrive at Pittsburg it 8, 3u A \I —Girard Republican RA/L1110A1)* ALMOPT A:43ITRILA7I7/0 BPACS A traveler -by rail. between New York City and New' Orleans. wntes that be took break fest at Rochester, N. Y., dinner at Erie, Penn , end supper at Cleveland, Ohio ; then breakfast the next morning at Seymour, Ind , dinner at Olitey, 11l , and breakfast the next morning at Columbus,!liy , being only one meal In each of those large States as he swept through them— having left Chambers street at fire P, M one day, and arrived in Cleveland at twenty min utes past tire P ou the next : making the whole distance traveled, six hundred and for ty-one miles, in twenty-four hours and twenty minutes, and passing through the States of New York, Penneylvanta. Ohio, Indiana, li ii 1101.1 and Kentucky Last's FloeTs —The Meadville Re pettlawn referring to the effects of the June frosty of last year upon Crawford County, given the following importations of titan end wheat, t s' consequence, in the tolnilit , of Slav and June alone Bibs Flour. bushels W bloat 1. 175 3,727. I .r,412 4,169. Mal June The irriter aleulaieslhat county has paid over $lOO,OOO during the year, fur Sour .1,4,a xi the itqt nal rreult of the froop sm r \lehl•s Band discoursed sweet music lo the good people of Conneautville on the 4th, and from the •.putfa - in Use papers we Kis in .lined to think they ware well received, ;and the peqpte -esttsfied At hest we se -Devil A. military Court of Inquiry, con vaned by order of A4j• Gen. Wilson, to inquire into the facts of the contested brigadier Generalship of the 20th Division of the Pennsylvania volunteers, met at the Armory of the Wayne Guards, in this city, on Tuesday. The Court was composed of Msj. Gen. Wm. H. Reim, sth Div. P. V., )raj. Gen. George Hay, 4th Div. P. V., and Col. L. S. Cantwell, lat Reg. 2d Brig. 18th :Div. P. V. The contestants were lien. J. K. St Clair, of Crawford, who had received and held the commission of Mkj. General of the division ; and Gen. M. schlaudaker, of this city, who contested his right to the ximmission. Benj. Grant, Esq., appeared for lien. St. Clair ; and J. Rosa:Thompson, Esq., for Gen. Schlaudaker. The following is the decision in,the case: "Having maturely considered the evi dence, the Board of Officers decided that a number of the rotes cast was illegal, and therefore rejected, and that from the teq timony Mathias Schlaudaker received the highest number of the lawful votes polled; euid was duly elected Major General of the tOth Division P. V. and that J. R. St Clair is not entitled to his commission." A Moult. Duk.—ls not this the most deli eately done dun that ever was done' It is a circular to delinquent . atibei•ribers front our cotemporariee of the I4.ievr York Home .A.nreui . and le certainly a model in ita way . It JOURNAL OFTWE, 107 Fulton-yi New York, Gear Sir . In the hurry of your engagements you have doubtless overlooked and forgotten, as a small trifle, the small sum of a year's in debtedness to the home Journal; but as the rivers are kept running by the drops of falling dew, so it is necessary to our continuance that the falling dew should come punctually to !he fountain head By dropping your dew into the post office, for us. you will oblige, Ymir■, with respect, Monate & Wtt.t.ts Will such of our readers who have received the wiser vet- a year, nud have failed to remem ber the small trifle they owe uti, ,, take this motie.t duo to themselves, end drop the —dew into the Punt office Code Saws mail will bring it to us •klar L 'NON To OwaElla oe Caro► —The Penn sylvania Railroad Company of late have beeu very much annoyed by cattle and other live stock running upon the track., and the Oct et's! Superintendent has kilned s notice calling the attention Of parties owning live stock to the following xtraeot from no opinion gken by Chtel Juettoe liihyou, in the ease the Railroad Company Skinner, 7 Harris. page 298 I Au owner of iat Ile suffered to get at large. and which are killed or injured on a railway, has nv recourse to the t'ompany or it v serv ants; on the contrary he may be liable for the damage done by theta to the Company or its l'avaengery 1.! A Railway cutupeuy lb a purl liaNer to cutpuderatom of putilic aceoe,modatiou and convenience, of the exclusive posessiou of the ground paid for to the proprietors of it, and of -a license to use the greatest attainable rota of ape. d, with which neither the person nor prop erty of another may interfere IS,. tiroklleal damage, however, must be dune 3 the pleetion Rs to whether the oilier of the animal killed knelt of hit Jeopardy. wa wa e material inquiry in the ,•:+O.• per• A new Comet Is now •teible in 11, north western part of the Leavens, a it.l* grecs above the Lortiou Through au inverted teleacope it resembles a red-heated hall g ently repotting on the ape: of a perpendicular and copyms jet fountain of white light The train is broad, and Alityilayq a .lark Qtripe like the tins of a cylindrical roue, with slender etre•ut, ers like the lung tail feathers of the lyre hied About nine u cluck, or a little before, it may be seen in a clear evening, considerably higher and much more northerly than the planets Jupiter and Venus It, seems to he very busi ly engaged in attending to its own hu,initsii and generating Iti own pyrotechnit. hiplettilor str The Farmer drat Gard , nrr euute. this month in •h entiro hap .It 1- beat in appearance and certainly a great ittipiou‘,• tnent oh the old style It contains 1;4 'tog, or matter tudt.tpeit.attie to evert Fume? •tioi Ganlenei In the Couutr, 1,. *largp .•ireolittion from All enT tged cultural pursuit. line .1•. 1 1,4, ant. , • he price .1 •liblet • • Lir Pir+lrol tt2itle bar Wz call iittenti.oi, 1 , , the idvartl...iot of ut Plantation Today in I' utifo•• nr.• 111tote•iite tu this GO TO MTONKEY & SHANNON'S N 431. Ot REED HOUSE If you want to buy HARDWARE• A` • ft f to I Can be found A Large Assortment of PLATED KNIVEtt, PLtTED SPOONS, PLkTED FORKS. ARVERS AND FORKS TABLE KNIVES k FORKS BREAD KNIVES, BUTCHER KNIVES, BUTCHER's STEELS, BUTCHER'S SAWS cLEAVER4 Skates ! Skates ! Skates ! Mcen'Ain' rt. SHANNI)ti'S Bells ! Bells ! Bells ! kr Nt AXES. H AND AXES. BROati AXE.s, ALSO. A FEW BUYS %XEM. ut NO '2 REED HOUSE. STORE TRIIC AT McCONVE I Y a SHANNON S Sawa ! Sawa ! ! m u - L L—ANI) CROSS CUT--WOOD AND!H IND, 1 t NO 2 REED HOUSE Writ 11' I•TFIt slioEs, SPRINGS IND AXIS-4, 'WI. STEEL AND NAIL:, BELLOWS, ANVILS t. VICES. ektIYEATERS TOOLS, A LARDY. liTocK 1111'11.0.Es' HARDWARE. LOCKS. LATCHES, &c , Sic No. FRON'TING THE PARK. REED. HOUSE, AND NO 1 FRENCH sTRERT. Sign of the ANVIL. WE kip sago Agents for NAY EAR, VICKLR k C•YS., tsisbrated Cast Ittssl Chunk Shaeleld Log, ssd also tug Pala ke./10 Cs '• Coss. , Dee, 24, 1559--29 Bargains! Bargains! WM. A. GRISWOLD'S CARPET WARE HOUSE ! Fy:zi ,, i*JODleleflE 41101%340M Tote &Atom seems entirely fatleo ow Prtess 7 1 ‘e Largest mat Most Desirable SYuck seer vfered Era% One Dollar and Fifty . Cents real atoe A (1100th for ()ne Dollar to Cad. IMPYOIII EBY AT MOLES DRY cit.c•c•izinat Prices Always Unifbrm. NEW STiLl>; I►itt:6s sILKs. Good Black titlk fa: TS per yard Serape sad li..rnite Robes, ()readies, Jaceaeta sad Lawaa, Berate ♦aila* English Brrsre mad Metals. Goods for Liei Igeouellilus Dee,i Mural's New Style for Ladles* Dre...• rte rurlb no yer M. , z 2 W) II", of beec Skro u”d .Nadu.'.'. Hot IL li•rhwl, au.t W•tranted. Clcotb Raglan, and silk Para.kni• mod Auta KiquaL •ud tilu‘sa, IFIPac beat and bn,lsnttb.•tinirs and Shlrtings, Prints and air ilndroatie (funds by the pions and yard at New York Zeph, r Worsted mud ' 4 hetlia,l Words A r arr. 'elt9,l, or CARPETS, NivrrlNGS, And House Furnishing Goods GI evely ‘.it oec 1 A fine Amortment of t'ASSI NEER'', VESTINtIS and LINEN (II d Nion and Boys' Sum tnet 'We•nr. have l , r,•n ad.led n, ti n , M a n n _ moth sto.•k We Study to Please and i•rtibt .Tlle !.Icl.o. r. nr 1.• —tmvs2tl— New and Fashionable - 1 7 2,MM1D - 13_0T_TSE, I. now receiving n 1,111 and ntiwk of Including ever thing kept in a first clsu house. both of The attention of CABII BUYERS is so Iteited. Ap 2', 1860. 47 WE, Lllllllllll, MEI lITTIII Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 'I NV II ESALEAND RETAIL, or U.. Proprietor of tYe t'►PITOI. Aleut !Woos, Bareoieut of lirowo , o Motel may 12-49 WRIGHT'S BLOCK., .5 . T.4 2"E STREET, - ERIE, PA . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, 1 honsatte and Forewn Fruds, Willow, Ro o d sad Stone Wan., Vegetables, ke., Sr. ►l way■ se Gaud and selling &Seep, at April 'Pi JOHN BAN YARD'S New ilroseri. Three Week. from Canton! 1 0 HALF CHFTS, 650 Ibm FRESH Old NO BYSON TEAL, (three , weeks tram Canton I t recto per pound, real value 78 awls, at VINCIII4IIIIBBALN SHIRK k Co. treat On State, between Ilth and 11th Sta. EIFEI) SICICA,Q4OOO Xabookl2ll74waatect FUR which we will pay Cash at outside fcurts. Being sionts fotUrtern Manufacturer~ erlll able us to pay tall a:barite pners. VINCIINT, TISBALIt, SHIRK a Co S:na Ilsy 12, Ism State, between 11th k 12th ate. 100,000 DOZEN EGGS.—We will pay •ash for the above quantity or good fresh eggs delivered in barrels or lees yo►ntity, at oar star. on Slate, betwson llth 4Lod lreh knots. Way 5. INCINT.TIBBALS, SHIRK & CO. UTTERI BUTTER—W will pay cash for Hatbr la ileitis* or Loom qaaatity, luting the coming apasou May S. V INCEST, 118 RAU+. AMAX k CO. 150)11;1%, laeraat.raad - 1, • hAftlll, eolora ararraultd aa a rock, ot 12 ‘. cent,. par yard, good valet*. say S. VINCRNT, ?UM& Lg. MORK it CO. . - ...______ OH K Ca.*, 3,600 yards, Kentucky Jeans and alt Wool rillea Tweed., Heavy kleehantes Cottns Caeattnerea, Cottoning* and Sumner Studs for uses sod bays, hoax 11S, ate. to 44 eta Gnat barettlae. klay b. VI:MICH?, TIIIIIALfI, ARM it CO. ink - Tii MOyarda, Denims from 10 to 12% soutiaL j one bah", 1820 yards, striped abirania, f to 1256 etc ttay S.VINCENT,TIBBALS, 8111R1t CU. - _ T UMBER WANTED. ,000 Walnut. .1.4 nod Cherry Board'', Boautliag nod Plank. Erie. rr•bl7 --4 A. W. ELIAILY QPA.LDINO'S LIQUID OLUE.—By qie Odom or outglobottio. by C TES 120. LARGE PROFITS KINWEED!!! 00 TO UREAT DRY GOODS 1011111 FOR BARGAINS IRWei (uST IMINIFITATIoN ' FOR All G'43 Warrantee! al litrrommeneled! Terms Cash, ERB 01 L ( 'LOTHS, Mean what We Bak! WM. A. GRISWOLD. 186 0 . SPRING TRADE!! DRY GOODS! Wholesale and Retail!! GEO. W. MERRILL, N. I. Fashionable Goods, Staple and Fancy Goods. N. PHILLIPS, !4.A1.1i1l IS N... I BROWN'S BLOCK, ERIK, Pt El Whom ► fall samortzurill of choice WOOL ! WOOL ! ! Cash! Cash! SecOnd Arrival Large and Attractive Stock SPRING&SHIER GOODS AT S. S. Morrison's Now is the time to wore GREAT BARGAINS!! Our goods having been purchased since the !event downfall in PRICES. I - am now prepared to offer at lee than PANIC PRICITIG4 I SILK BAREGES, CHALLIES, GRAY MOHAIRS, TRAVELING DREsB GOODS, ORGANDIES, JA('- . ONETS, LAWNS, LACE POINTs. J A PAN ESE MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SCARFS. PARASOLS, For the Next Thirty Days, AT REDUCED PRICES ! juneV-53. K. S. MORRIStIN GREAT BARGAINS SPRING &. SIMMER GOODS ! NEW STORE IN PARAGON BLOCK s. MORRISON is now Opening and IN. daily Rreetrini a Splendid Stack of ICNOLISH, DERMA?". TRIOMF". ziWlAn AND AMERICAN DRY to Great Variety of style* and coloritig . einlirsetog all the uurettiaa or the wittoon, ae fart as they appear to the Eastern Market. We would coil Particular Attention to our Estenaive Stack 01 . I COI4III ASO IRISH UNID', EHRROIDERING, HAMPKERCH I R,F4, ORF.SS TRINING, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, and all the Modem Sty few of Silk', The*. Goode, Arc vv♦ h.,e on baud g gpleudid Assortment of CLOTH AND 4 lLit MANTILLA'', RENCiI LACE POINT., SHAWL.-, ilas, We have • !Arse •how w e01.131.1e1e e4toet. K S. 110P.K1:111`i Vrth, liwy 0, 16W _ - - HEAD QUARTERS Groceries and Provisions, IV I,N L.., AN I) L1610"4/1t*, 1 4 1 . M. ‘.l 111..11 . OAK F.I: :tw Ivo , • 'receiving at then Utley-it:ll4 Block, Slate -treat t lunge atel Alpe? im atuc k, of ;di( ICERIEs Pitt 0.• W I N ES. WIILL 4 M .\N I NTUN E WARE, FRUITS, NUTS, Sr.e., together with ever) thing found Ina House of this kind, whieh they will sell /L 4 cheap as any other establishment in this cite Int Cash or most Ulna* of country produce r ir Call and era 111/ 1 -11. nimble •lispeare f. 1141.111`t 01111 ft 1010. 0111110 f booriNurotly C. , ob 1•10 fr. 11,111 (114.1 VFW balrodas by tailing atlhe Grocery Head Quarters! ANIERIt2AN w7K, sTATE TREE. 111•=1:11.4 MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS! AT I 40W PRICES ! m us. II HALL. now reetnving tmtu New York her Stock ”I ST_TMAIMIR. C3l-O.OIDS Connisting of Silk. (.rape awl 'traw BON ` ETS, SHAKER HOODS!! lihireh's Straw hats and Bonnets Zephyr. Knitting and Yankee Notions. Together with 11 general assortment of LADIES' tioODS. which will be sold at. the loweNt rates lor CASH or Hew ly Pay. Peachstre.t. 4th above the Depot. _ _ _ &R 6 ~NI OCE ERIE COUNTY Nil.l . I' A I. IN'St . it- ANC& CoUpANY !scarp); aced in 1839-- Charirr Per,wival: Property Isom ea Agallant Lima by Etre for ji a ) I=== l'olition issued upon the deposit of Premien. Nut., 0 . npon the payment of the usual stock Rate. in Mutiny with• out tha liability of a I remium Not.. LOINell paid with not litigation. One suit only him eg. or ham brought Itgn Mat thin Company. TinaCompeoy in chord, free Irma felt, surf ei a salt hew routtituttow. DIRECTORA. Wm. & Flays, James C. Marshall, Jos. 11 Starrett C. IL MA*is, D. B. Sl'Creary, x. Babbitt, Wa, Rindartmebi, J. Zimmer Wm. 8. Brown GMT, A. F.lllot, Benjamin Grant, Jacob Hanson, J. M. Jambe., ovricKtts E 3 r,e C W•51.210•LL, Ptvst. JONA. Ist '011.10.t. St , Wm. F. Rimmautrcnr, ?T' office, in !tears 0n..., it AM'rewn'• Chaapaide Eno. Pa. Kr* June 16, Mkt ERIE OITY MILLS!! H B. HAVERSTICK, Provrietot Opposite Lake Shore Rail Road Depot ; Ware-Room—No. 8, Bonnell Block, State st, Brie, Penna. 11.4.nrAc1eittut Am) WmoLitsAti. ASTI RETAIL Diu.Ausit Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, SHORTS, BRAN, OATS, CORN, &C., FLOUR AND FRED STORE, n. Q Bannon Block, 3 doors above the Pout Ofllee, Atateetteet,l have ooustantly on head FLOC It of all blade of my own grinding, Coro Meal and Bill Teed, Um and lihoeta, Coen, Oats, he, an or which will be mold at the lowest market rates, Strictly Per Chsk, and delivered fne of charge to the City. janee-48. H. B. HAVER.EttICK: New Leather Store ! It KETTELBERGER & CO., NO. 2 PERRY BLOCK, STATE ST . WOULD respectfully inform the pon, is oasts' that they bare award a Dew I.KATHKR AND VINDIOIII7. WITORIC la the above named place, where they will keep eonatant. ly op bond all aorta of loather of deerriptlon en.l color", w bleb they will evil at the lovorat povwthlv orl«e. They bore by atrial altentloe to their bonne.. and a 44.• termination to please r.rrshody who are' •Itl, them, to merit a liberal share of nobly. patronage. Th.. al. LWp on hand all tiodrof ffiIDBMAKF.R AND TANNKR root.s. Lima*" rar Bookbinders and Tanner Oil. rifr Cash will be pal.' for :Akins, Raw Mole. .n.l MUM" fl RKTTELBRRICKH 41‘ COI tri, April 2111, 1860 1,11 . _ ?VEIREE Ittindre.l a+aek• j. RACK SALT for .*I br L A. ORRISOV , Juns3o-4. Nn. I, Commercial Botldiag. • - 9 ra - licEfiS WHITE LEAD , of tliffereot ^'!ANY qmittie• aid Mande, ir Mare and I'M aale at Khaimah sad Retail Radom ma mealy Ow...atm at a roan advaace or ma/mho/Aaron prima. 7 S. SINCLAIR. OF A New Store. IV NICK AT TIIE can SCIII.OI , AKRH C. A. Bennett & Co., (N.e , esopts to Rogers& Besmetti) 1 „ 1 . , V • A . ' • ".. I 14 1 ~,, 4 ., , :'';'•• ' F , . 4.1, , 1 : , 1•..' ',"7 I a, • ~;,..,-,/,. .. • • •-,.- ,;;:.,. Cl i . 44 • 5 , lit S 0 I r klLimm i coPQ : 1 -few- g Nos. 11 and 12 EMPIRE BLOCK, ir AVE n large nod well Nelectal stock 1111 nf IRO NAII.B, STEEL, SPIKE, sPRINug ANYILs, VICF.S. lIELLOWS, Ames' Shovels and Spades ! NA I 1..8—P1 PE BOXES— WASH} it s.i ►r -II 0 S-II 0 It S S 11 0 t: $ SADDLERY, IARNESS TRIMMINGS, Aa CUTLERS" PL %TEL) WARE' ci fart almost every bung. t)1,1 BLOCK, No. 11 and 12 aitaite, eiltroet. Mric. tea.. I.IBENNETT & C ROCKERY ANi? WARE . SiTOFt, LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL Si 1.. Empiro Mock, hy t; 1 it \ N M nom, J•n. 211, IE4O.- -34. HEAD QUARTERS., BALDWIN'S DRUG STORE • so.- ft, OV4E , P k. ttur Purckawlum Utug, grJactne-R, Pa plc. ‘.lk, Op. 7 , t, Punter'. Articipm, IVla.l.•gr 40.1 b•n, kesio, I'vrfulawry, 'tar lin.. sad T.:oh Bruithent, Pun , . Win." •nd LllOlOlll h,r Ledlall, Crulpl,ll.•, Bu rt. out Hulot. l'ulut Bru•hrr. •r 1 CI Oh, art.. Irt• Wholesale & Retail Drug Store C..untn nwrclatht• al I bo , 1 rout thrt ••Lr pHodll to the lin.. of Itruce, kr., e' ~ry low rat.* Oar faciltti..f,,, er..itot •urre... to the city. Sattsfite!.., ,;• 11, We., .• 11. trigar• . prior and quo] it% 9S T.. 4.• F.rlrt ti Wl,or 1 . n.l Inr . t'r nt IV, DIV 4 . • 14.1t1: 0,1 !I 11.1 0 1 I - hltl (ill, t. ~0,, , otr Fr. gell ~,, at i 0, 01% ,• - P;tl A prl ' hl I 4r, \ It. GRFAT EXCITEMENT INEMI Sign of the Big Shoe !! Macs. la a- t 4c) , , Witr, to. tJe r• 11.11 •I, • .;40. • BOOTS, SHOES rd. FINDINGS, la % artet% nu.l Quallil4 • 111 t.” 1T1,1,1 {•• '.". ‘`. •13•••v,pm.1 1.1...1 0 r syl.l, T;I , .{lll At Chest, PT NI. 311, r 141,1W11t li/ This Section of Country ! 11101111 V ...Ir . / I I 1-'ll OH It 1., 1111" I'l, V, /hereto% ior .t • 11 I ...,'llol',l't =I .og, RED:r :1 -; I=Ml=l touter*t. CALL 3•1•: mat. Ih. Ili id 11 r - i - x A .- G .1. , *i .u. cZ.M LC W. ate rel. t. , 1 011. 1:. 1 1 1 1• RY SIIL . R . 1 . 114 , 1 - I'% A. 11) I)F, I/ • r oh A....rtrn..nts of Salt /lurk .•• •er u 4AD yr 'Lawn, •114.1 wu; wit • . , f.. • ( ro (•••ther, I{llll pa% 4114 LB , ' ill REES 11111IMMT la at t . welt .up diem. Verson. MlRilltlit In purrhaa , % 11 do rail to Int,k at our e.toek ..euvre imp ha +I up eh.. herr. We oda° mtato the of Mr. Cotter in our Custom Department, Wbo,.. well elirne.l rot nlal 1.,r lidoP Fire weeds u n eOlOllOlllll (rem us. April 2 I -4t3 SUGARS! ) 'rti4llt4l. t ir:Lttulated G. knit l'orroirm, Slr.rar, clorttsor titan tiora9--4:t iiiNI.FRN I. CUT k 11FrKSI ripRY lI ANI Ail) 4V. It Ten for t.. (I p.r i.0•11b41. •• Ity.i...rutt Tea for • I.r pouinl • t:uni r Tr • 6.r C.. 4. lo 111, .rrystAr..l to 4.% r ..t •I.t. • 1..•. ..r ERIE I: ITV \V 11l I'E LEA ), A t hint w Whit. Lead and r ntit.r 144 to.. •,d rt. .• h. to Lead for ad* Teri b,e at 6 U IPW I Dry, . d lair.! Hotta. A LLEN'S 1,( oL1) 1111).\1:9,101 h., 1 , r16,7: 4 i111 0 .. mayol--bl. TR. Ti'uli• 1 'EI.EIiItATEI) 11EAVV AND i 4o:1471( 1 N powl“ , lt.i--Th. bit newly tor the ears of I:. ... • a • , , 04.•,-.os. ,ust sareta..4 a n d Obt sats at t: it ttl'lN".. ittlt.'it STItRIC• Istay2h---r.l N., n Ites.l titossa. ------... _ - - ---- . _ SLEIC II 11E1. 1 : -. A not her lot of thoie dm, 1. .Ittg la 1 . e . 1• to sT r I.len 1..1.1 V.l by Jan, 7. J. C :SUDAN. • II HAYES. & JORDAN,: BEE HIVE DRY GOODS! CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN ERIE . HAYES & JORDAN A X LES, DRESS GOODS, HAYES & JORDAN DRY GOODS. HAYES & JORDAN FOR THE TRADE HAYES & JORDAN HAYES & JORDAN B EE-FIIVE!! IST MAY 1 18E30- Good--News for the Million t it F ti.vr re.:l3lv:ng, it theft Store, am F.torrolli .o 4 Tvaltlit alma* = 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS I Dry Goods. Crockery, Glassware, Boots & Shoes, Ft_oe 112a.cLe C7lcot 13.1X145,4 U..• a... 1 .noto Leyhor n,:attp and Soft W !fats, rte., rte., h.l fq...1) purchased in &Wen outrkotr IS per rent lewo &hap early 'Aortas prime, and sill be so; tat oorol.vowitogly low mtgs. la exchange fi.r k.r.l• or Country Pro4uee, Lumber or approved YT, TIDDALS, S dIRZ CO. Erie, Ility ~ IS6o. 1!11III BERA(i F., .1 tiglaise, Challaies and Wook to l route•trd••,•t Ors Heil their rail rides. 500 rE A LA SHAWLS, many of theta F'ifty per teat taster rift, at HAYES le Jotto•ars. FRENCIf LACE. all Silk—Silk and Lew v•itti , :.• a... liumou•. awful eba4. at HAYES It A Sll LS from auction, =eh under re g ular pricrA, al lb. HER H 1•11. iAN DA'S, FRENCH 31T.ISLINS and kf IA 03.1., t.Autiful • shi damp at IIAYSJi k JORDAN'S, lldem iileaeheil Muslim the Luella g i.,r 12,4 eta ever sold asyobars at HAYES It JORDANII. 51'3 , 1 MEI? SILKS at Bargains; some reel isms ties at cis, call early for abates ostler' at HAYES a JOhDill'f. CLOTIIS, Ca' ssimeres, Summer Stuns, Lhasa for Mob and Boys waar—orary tutu la tbis liats. that Is dpstrable, sad sway Leah soiclter n sloe at tit* BEE a C LOTH MANTILLAS, from No to taros leaa thao eon be bought oloowhort. Froneh ittripe sad bliddloon Whet' Coa% WI labrtea, at HAYi 5011D43111. BARI: v KELSEY ROBE , , ROBES, Double Cape's, 3, 3.7. and 11 Flounces. Remind Deng* Asibilift Hobe., Newest Styles sad my at mriy26-51. HA MS JORDON* INTEREtG• FACTS Pon livarrsom, :' ,-, EMI NO. 1, BROWN'S ROTRL, . SELL HAVE TILE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, WOOLEN AND OTHER EREN OPENED IN ERIE, AND AM RECEIVING NEW• STYLES iND NEW FABRICS. DAILY ARE WELL PERSUADED THAT 000 D STOCKS AND LOW PRICES MUST SELL TILE WHOLE roMMUNITY IS AROUSAL) AND AWAKENS') To ITS BEST INTEREST, ANI. BUY OF I'llEl 11AVB THE NWST ENTIIA I. RATION 111'11Na LoW .-kND SELLINU LolY IS TILE MOTTO OF VI EY CANNOT cOMPLAIN F TR.AIM. l4EI14; DULL tirs'kUSß, KEEP THZ !'lUt'J:i DOWN AND TBUS rittisi3 THY t r•z•TOMERti I THE EVERT BODY ►BUYS THEIR BARGAINS OF HAYES & JORDAN. INCENT. 't IBBALS, 811110( & Cb I= Groceries, Hard Ware, I AYES &JORDAN oI'EN THIS DAN Goods from Auction! I 010 yard Sheep's Gray, rtsin i, raid Ilettoettsfree CllC Z ~1 ~,,t I. • vird. Mid tofu. gaM 116. „ 5 '%IN4•P NT, TIBRAIII, BMX REMOVED. tin , ier-igned hiss removed his asst .• tem, 4. No 2, Rood Boa*, ri 'heads otroet. D.4r “r f .psits his old Mabel, when Ihs lr bow t,, old friends and an la waist of Obis in tap ho. Itursl6-2. IL - - LINSEED OIL 1(1 BARRELS of Raw and Boiled Unseal' Ott. for auto iu . t uantitirs to suit ullieriukum. um ) 46-41. T. ff. 1 ( A SE. 2.n00 PRINT pe , frei colors.. Istmo erf pattainliVelr di. 0. tad Talus L2' Ct. 146 r 6 v Is ersi. rtsam" MUIR Wit Car., MO •ar4o, Rastoot PrhiblA ilo. V INCILIMII3IIII6O. Siull.lilll4 TIIIIr.