• ▪ .01:1 RVER. P'. sLO A .N., Edit,. TER MB: 111.1 80 piciorsuut, enyaosigs Ittr- RDAY, JeLY 14, 1860 ; • i stii AT, DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR, TIENRY D. FOSTER, (F WESTMOKELAND CO ESIDENTIAL ELECTORS LLECIIO:. Vl' LA Ilt6l , RICHARTI VAUX. GEO M KEIM DIATUIt T ...LECTORS • 1 FILID. A. Silvan, 14 ISAAI' WM. C. PATTERSON, lsr GEi, 11 ki JONIPIi CRch:IZITT. 16 J.. 1 Aim, J. 0. BRENNER, 17 .1 B 10%\t1:. 6 G. W JAO.LII. J R 6 CHAIII.V.A KEI 11.1 V% H N 1.0 . 7 0. 1' .1.t.xt.., J 11 110111.1.1.. UArID SC N 1' Frrtt.tot t‘, • .1 L. Li4,Wr\6l:, 22 SA Al NII.AH.HELI lu S RARHEIL, :!:_S AM 15.1.)k 11 T H. WALKrIt B 10 11,01L/N. 12 S. S. Wtxciu 111 Resolved by the Stets Central Com- mittee of Pa rh..l, • ill, • rte. to a perfect unity azalust =oftener:ay we recommend to the Demor ran' of retina, Matta to Uni te then, tote. In, Ire dent on Niesl ticket formed at fteonlitio n the lot n!" ot Morein, on the following bast* and on lerstairdini, n,n Th. , It wld rleetorni tick• t olloun•I i-r it should appear ton aneertannienz the r-n.O to tine nnthrt Mateo of the I 111 in, t h at t ,ng tt., ,1.1, • note of Venus) I. ann. Inr ' , tr., hen A S i n He m , ei V Johnoon, it ...win. t tin. w Ifresinnent &tot \ noni Preot nlent over Ileitaes I nueolu and Rem Ii in, thi-ti .ball tn. tinder -on Pvt.. non.ot 000 l rote in tine other hamd it ono,ll.torq.n.ltr that nutlnt ..k•I• %WO., .t 1 not C I Years. Donee. and Johnson, hat wooed elect J. I Breckenridge mil h I nne l'itnnicient at. t 'n nee I T. ,• seat ~ter .i . t)4111 1131111. a. 1- t ttt• shall be raft lur them. andtu,i.e tilt unit. - -I n“ts l'run eiliranla would a, t elect either of 1.,. 4 « the electors may divide it between them according to their own judgement of •bat nou J be the best for tile country and the Democrat, part. --the , ia•i• of lbu united salon being thaffi is the inr , f,noti I might Out, of all Democrats, bourne: ttne ,Itter a le, r , men s od minor f principle or taoltry, t-• at;aiti,t r ~.latt -n enemy, and to arcrt. ntat ,- Ft .11.M.1r that et,tt., I!, [-It t 1:' , 1 k RepoiniinJ. Trolliell. A WoRD ,t o t l i „•:tucv,ll, (11 , ,ou , r•ing politic, ha. the 1,11 i AN 111- "hi tit. plat 01 * - 4'llts 'mum . 15 the word ; even the party press' dare not lead off for either •et of candidate•. Even SLciaN ot the Fa ie (P 5 ,, tot once non-pluss e4. I i like Pat'- direction to the traveler, he knows that e Inch ei el road he takes he'llwish.he'd taken the other before he sets to Ins' Jouinev's end Should he go tot Douglas, it goo- 11, head as Postmas ter. and gOi ernmont pap dries up . and if for Breckenridge. lose , his newspaper patron tgo. and eeerves the kicks and eurso- of three fourths of the party in hi- own county." So far as we :no concerned we beg the anioer to keep perfectly cool ••(.!.ir cow -c" does not trouble us at rid it (ortainl) should not the editor ot the We said two weeki since that then %se could see a way pointed out that stave the remotest hole of beat;ng the Republican., we would embrace it That wa ha. been pointed out t. the 'ventral ttee. and ire are -4 . a. it is for the friends of Mr. Douglas and the friend- ot 3fr. Brecken ridge to unite upon the same clectorial ticket. it' that ticket i elected--and it can be—it stand , pledged to vote for Doug las it the %cite of the •tate will elect him, and if it will not elect Douglas. and will elect Breckenridge, then it is to be, as it should, cast for him. This will not please the but it pleases us It may meet op position, also, from professed friends of Douglas, such as. Foaxrr, hut it will not from any one actually desirous of beating I.lxcoLs! It may meet opposition from ultraiste on the Breckenridgeside. ton who way of thinking, but it will command it belt CO the reflecting, earnest Democracy of the State. And we had rather command their approval than receive the patronage of fanatics, whether they sail under the flag ot the "little giant," of under that of the brave Kentuckian! In regard to our head coming off if we should support Douglas. we apprehend the i,uoer is altogether mistaken. At all events, it has not entered into our calcula • tans in this matter. Upon carefully ex amining the proceedings at Baltimore we were fully convinced that the nomination o f Dougla. was riot made in accordance, with the usages of the party: still, ifit could have been demonstrated that he stood a rea sonable chance of eleetiontreshould have "pitched in" for him with as much entltus• iasm as though he were our first choice, and the legitimate and undisputed nominee of the party We have no hopes, as matters stand now, of the election of Mi. Douglas, unless it be in the House, and to carry it to the House the vote of Pennsylvania is ne cessary, and that can only be obtained by a hearty co-operation in the scheme of the t 'antral Committee. Equally as wide, of the mark is the cbur ier's idea of our "losing our newspaper pat ronage, and receiving the kicks and curses of three-fourths of our party," if we should go for Breckenridge. The patronge of this paper does not depend upon a political party. It is above and beyond the reach of the frowns of party, or of politicians.-- When we get down so low as to publish a paper merely to echo the behests or party leaders, and subsist upon the 'crumbs which they vouchsafe to dole out !to their organs, we'll move to Coloteautville and run opposition to the Courier. If a man "curs es" us bemuse we are not intensely Doug las let him "curse." If he "kick 4;" us be- Cause we are intensely Douglas, let him kick ; but mark you. let him be careful that he does not get kicked back. In a word, we publish a paper, and do a gen eral job business, and if we cam't make it an object for OW customers to take our paper, advertise in it, and give us his job work, we don't want his patronage. That's all! sis.. A correspondent, who is not One of that much abused class, "an office-holder" and never has been, in remitting some money to us the other day, says in closing his letter, -I want to see Bazcs.vainos and Lairs at the head of tike Oilverver: can you go it ?" My good sir, .it is 'not necessary nor politic. Our Central Committe has re commended a course which, if carried out by the friends of the two candidates. will save the State from Lincoln. That plan we bate unfurled at the head of our paper, and we will not embarrass its ultimate suc cess by incumbering it with the name of either candidate. "Are the brethern satis fied ?" Ile- Adel' Isaacs Menkeu who set up a /claim some time two to the hand and heart ..ef-j i ohn C. Heenan, has been "blessed" w• a masculine infant whose paternal Paquersilif it will be difficult to establish. albs says it is a "Beitioia £c7." Mr. Miles 'laylor, Chairman of the I bug la, National ommittee. has jollied, in the nume of the enuittee.• r chit-tiler from Itashington rettviting rigatwit! the - union o all Democ its upon a comu*m electori ai ticket for e purpnhe of I lel'eating the election of the Black Republican candi dittes.. The 'Democracy of Penn , yliania Isay vvell inquire, who i, Mr. Miles Taylor, and who authorized lion to interfere with the IDerocreratie organization in tin , Sutter We are comp() lent to arrange our own pri. litical affair., *about. the aid and ai,aiAt ante of a member of ('ongres, from Lone iana. Mr. fayloi Old hi, Corutnittee grt` '‘l/1 Irt ., ) 01 , 1)Ni.. , / toia union eketorial t o , h : u;,l itistAt upot the loimalion id .1 straight-out Dougla ticket in this and oili er states, where iinlon •Ilime can prevent the success of I.,ric‘iln What can he the lohji.rt, ul tilts movement ' Whit but the I: ,iittok..iefeat of the 11,•inoev,tey an.l the elec.- NE, , n .it .t I:•.ptd‘hean President ! Let n o s 1.0 .1 in .tnent at the imEsitem the f rie nd: ~f Itrttigl.t will put theinseive. 111 liy 1.011.111 v foil“t ing tle• impertinent li reetee• ill Mil.- , Waylor. Y RI; lilt rI If TOVEIUMRAINOII. i 1 BORIUG Th. , I 1,•!:10, rat. tv..•!nhi.•d :it it.... , upolf at. rtat e 1 ' 4 , 11V1•1111..11. %%1111' . 11 I n F4.l)rtiar htkl,n.)lll - Hem 1). Fo4ler, an l tonal tlekvt At Ho, . 4 1110 lllll.' ! h., )tiventunComuttittol it .Jr p.iri) 1 ,, . mt ,. \ uplcuti,t.t4oo.lllip 4li ill 1= In ttl ..! tho ( 11:11i 111 I '01111011;0W t i,get 11,r t I. ‘‘.l- ?...•:it ~ ~,11-111t oilig 1111 II .11 1 1 11 11 , II , 1' 1...11,.11 !trading loony lit.togitttt4 tbe I hi- \t...41 hu‘.. L did not -vti. :-10/11 ,t^ .0,11 .1',./0.1: .1- ford:.!, Porn. aheml thy• t. 331,0 n 1 I tir,in(l) n tll / Clltl ii-h than& ;n•t tl% .t alit .-.1 , 111 .nt•l 111.• he't .:101 11$ 0 11. i! ' l • in If. if!. % ~ r ik th.,ii pro t0.d.1 , • 11) II to thot olinnit I=ll2ll=ll tee—one t.) %%id 011 01.. 0k1.t.t., }Prt•,. , It 111. the party, and the other t.. -ugch•-•t i mea sure f.l lie:1111w I. Due in De tnu. I.et -ay that the lattei eoura.u.e, not the true one. Proceedaig upon tlo• fair .1.-uniption that eithei of the I ratio candidates in the field %soul,' b e preferable to the electio n of a Republican, they agreed to leicommend that the electors chosen at Heading should cast the vote of the state fsr Mr Douglas, in case it would secure hit eleet,on . but if that ehonld prove impossible, then they should vote for Mr. Breckinridge, if the ore •r 1 the would elect hint Ever) malt can -ee at a glance that the only hole of carrying the state for the Democracy lie- in the tor:ilia' loption of thy, plan-- and. alas, that tho-e who oppose it aould rather see Lincoin elected Pre-elent than a Democrat Mt Mlle.; Tis 101' 1. 01,1 la ir Committee prefer Lincoln There - 1 11 , , power without the itgulat Demoi rat:c organiza4oll Pennsylt atua to )I.ing . , • the electetial ticket adopted l.y the Readinglotivenlain let the ex trenie p ~ artizan of Mt. Doti la- attempt to put another ticket in the 1%,1.1 they im mediately pliee then seise- in an attitude of rebellion to the Democrii t lc , , rganization. The Reading l'onven ton aceomplislie.d work fully bc-fore tt tehetrned. And the electorial ticket it nominated I-. jug ms much an act of the part) te , the nomination of Henn I , I ii-ter. The Coniention did not authorize Mr. Mil,--CaYlOrliz interitirta -yds anui, but committed that organization to the •.t..tte I lent:al Citomittee, whi, It is alone empowered to take any action in this ctuergettcy, and whiell has taken such pa cific and conciliatory action a., ever) loyal Democrat in the Commonwealth will re spect and follow. het outside meddlers %Nith our internal aliairs, in conjunction with ilismestie factioinsts and traitors. at• tempt to di-organtzet the party by running another (doctorial ticket than that author ized ht the Reading . C4)lllention, and they at once put Mr Douglas in the humiliat ing position of the candidate. of a mete faction. The mass Of the Democracy of Penney Ivanitt, who (mire more fur the integ rity of the party than for the triumph of any individual. will site for the union ticket and adhere to the.regular organiza tion, in spite of the troasonable counsel. , of Forney, the Black Republican Clerk of the I.lotrae, and in r.pite of Mr. Miles Tayloi.— The Democracy. of yo- ItiN Mania are com petent to settle their (v al onleatie atiairx, —iforr,s6ury -Iv, me- - mayor Wool), of New York. is nt lot bUt"GLAq. and has Issued a manifesto, reta c to the duty of the National Democracy nt the Stall of New York in particular, and of the whole country iii general, in ilie present Pres idential crisis It is written in answer to an inquiry addressed to him by Jown Aan Al len. esq., of Schuyler county, and may he con sidered significant as indicating a movement which will probahly %ought to be initiated. for carryrog the election as against the Repub lican nominee. lie expresses his full convic tion that if the respective friends of Douglas and Breckenridge plate dist inctlickets in the field in every State. Lincoln will tie elected. In this contingency he propose s slat a Douglas ticket shall be run exclusively lathe Northern and Western States and a Breekenridg ticket in the South. which will insure 't he, defeat of Lincoln, when the Democratic i.,Electors can either agree upon one of their tioniinees, or upon Wane other man--thus keeping thg,Na tional Government in the hands a' the Democ racy, and retrieving their position in the State of New York In accordance with his convic tions of-duty w this respect. mr Wood an nounces his intention of supporting Douglas VI- A sharp piece of rascality was prac ticed upon the Buffalo audeleieland Bro kers last week. In the firqt nalmed city, a sharper w.-tituit. Aeveral offices and ex changed at each a hundred dollar bill on the "Prescott Bank of Lowell" fiat other currency. In Clevelanki, the hills offered were of the same denomination, and on the "Newton Bank of Massachusetts." - The same story of wishing to exchange for Western bills was used, and was sueresa fill in getting off 'otne eight or tert billq of $lOO each. or Two men were convicted and sal:deuced in Pittsburgh last week of selling lottery tick ets! Their names were Wavrta Witartans And W*. Emus- Williams has been sentenced to one . . year in theVestern Penitentiary. -and Earle to six months in the county jail] M., Buffalo papers form milt:oat* based lA. Brigham Young has not been in upon the number of names in the City di- I Philadelphia—the story was a milord. He rectory just published upon which they j WAS at Salt Lake, at last accounts, ett.ioY claim a population /01,000 1 ing hintaalf at a big pio-nio Ilene Illene Tekel Uphanin! Ma Enytoe. —The Charleston-Baltimore Convention having proved a failure, I move you sit, that the Democratic people of these United Staten call another Convention to meet in the city of New York on the Itith of Septem ber Meat No member of the former conven tionsand no Federal office bearer to be a mem of this. Neither any so-called nominee of the former convention to be balloted for at this.— There are as good fish in theses its ever were caught. Such conventions, raised by the Maj esty of the people themselves, would make Dem ocratic nominations before whom the present nominees should and would no doubt retire. Thus the Democracy could try its strength undivided against the enemy and thus the ..so her, second thought of the people—seldom wrong and always efficient" would conquer as of old. is my motion seconded' ldr• In combatting the fact that the nomination of udge Dor G LAs wa s n ot ma d e by alwo-third's majority. the Louisville hem .-ran makes the following statement tieneral Cuss was nominated for Presi dent to the Democrats in Itqrs, under the inle that he hail received two-thirds of the etc actually cast. lie ( lid not g e t tw o _ thirds of all the Electoral College, and the President of the Convention, Andrew Ste venson of Virginia, a prominent statesman, ene or whose sons now represents the t 'ov ngton (Kentucky) District in Congress, ruled that it was not necessary to have more than Itto•thirds of the totes inn-en • fen.. , and N% that was the result ' ilthough supported with gretitet unanimity and enthusiasm than .ludgo ),at ts, was ingloriously defeated The of lodge Dot ‘;I.AS 1111 Yr made a sad, I.ltal. and a foolish mistake. They ini :kg.ined lii could succeed by brag, bluster and bra; ado. They were the des ntees of .1 mail, rather than nf a principle and they tooliAlly adhered to then man after the ineiplos , lie advocated had been revog naed a 4.1 m iilor od. liad Maj. Ith•ltard- =I 1 . 11••\ .4 ON •01, to l Dean Richmond. wbo weir cm• powered to withdrawn hi. mint° according to hi , in , tructions. when it wa, c‘i , h . lit, 1, , a eontrao cour,e. the party hopele , sh do idetl, them would lime adze him the most popuhti man in the r untr) A 4 it like Gen he will I old a po,ition among the great men of tin nation but he will nerei he Yre,i dent , • - IRI4 HARI) IfAimr.mms, who elannt, to 61 - the member from l'ennsyl vania of th National Democratic Commit tee," hay 'ltuthorized" that reliable Dem ocrat, col 4 I:orTiey, who holds the very Democratic position of Clerk of the present Re,zodAc., tcmgres., to announce that he, the said Richard, "will, under instructions -kola that Committee, address letters to the "different candidates for electors, appoint the lit.ading convention, demand , -ing 01 them an explicit answer whether they Ate in tat or et the nomination o 'lloict.i.s and JonssoN, fur President and •N'tee President. If they -hall refuse to 'an-wer, of -hail answer in fat ot of the lti-untoinst-, then their name- will Lpe "rn-u•ken from the roll, awl others substi "tuted." In other wotds, if the electors named at Reading shall desire to sate the Stag• trout the embrace of Lincoln, II carrying out in good faith the recommen dation of the Central Committee, Mr. Richard .1. Ifaldeman will - strike them prom the roll" and fill their places with trilling tools of FORNEI. Well, it is said • I.rass - will induce a man to attempt any iaently has his full share. The State Con t cation named certain gentlemen electors; these men Richard proposes to chatechise, and if they don't answer to suit him, he's going to ••strike them from the roll." What a pits it is the elder Ifaldetuan hadn't left the son brains instead of -tin." war The Democratic city Executive Committee of Philadelphia, at a meeting last Tuesday, adopted a resolution endors ing the action of the State Committee rel utive to the Electorial Ticket, and recom mending a full and hearty acquiescence in the compromise proposed. The vote on its adoption stood 12 to 10. All the mem ber, of the Committee but two, were pres ent. A resolution offered by Wm. V. 'McGrath, declaring the action of the Stare Committee not binding, was loted down, by lu ave , to 12 noes. resolution offer ed by Mr. McCarthy, endorsing the llon. 11Exai It. Fosrva the Democratic nominee f or I ;overnor. and also the Reading Plat• f orm , i% as adopte,l by a vote of 12 ayes to I 110. ogL. F. PR% I's man Fliday, t kv am i ona i," has not indulged in a fling at the editor of t • paper, in his letters from Washington, for so e time. We began to think we were neg ted, or had committed •sorue political sin, ..d thus had become a fa vorite with the t..rk of the present Re publican Congress. t, to our intense sa tisfaction, we find we ar - e.• 11 right in mon day's Pre, , "Occasional" conies down upon us because we are anxious to .ay. .the State from the Republicans this fall, and as a means to accomplish that end, advo cate the plan proposed by the State Cen tral committee. Foxvir and his man Occasional" are the best guide-boards we ever had—when they advocate:/ policy, if we go contrary we're sure to be right mgr. The members of the Altoona 'on vention were every one of them life-long Democrats. There was not an office-hold er or an office-hunter among them P reSS. In plain English, that's a lie Mr. For ney ! There was one John W. Forney in the Altoona Convention who was so much ()fan office-hunter that he has belied his life-long professions by "hunting" w tfiee from the Republicans—that of Clerk. 1 the House. When he obtained it, he got drunk, and in a ilublic speech, compared himself to Maaerla, to the infinite disgust of the very me rk who were, and are using him to diorsct and divide the Democratic ,party. iir The New York Tribune sneers at the 4uggestion that the Empire State can be tamed, through a combination of the anti- Republican forces, against Mr. Lincoln.— The Roston wants to know what is to hinder the consummation of this thing? It would he quite as fair to do this as it was to peek a Convention with "bogus" deka j:ates from 4 ►regon and Texas, in order to defeat the ablest man in the Republican party. 11111" A/411ew pipe' has been issued in New York:0110d the "Sentinel " The Sentinel is Democrat in polities, carneAtly wittiest the principles of l'airty. zealously sustaining the Regular City, State and National organi zation*: it will endeavor to conciliate, eetnent and consolidate a United and Invincible De mocracy. Its Pobtimil Department will corn prise articles from prominent and able Demo cratic Writer. and At a t emelt. —among the rest, Hon. John .%, Div lion. James T. Brady, lion. John Cochrane, lion John Appleton, lion. John J. Taylor. Ilan. U % Ogden, and others. Its Literary Department will be second to no other journal in the ~ , ountry, comprising as it will contribmifirrea a iniNcellaneolis and hu- J ACKSoN ICE morons character from tt Ella Ellwood, t A l oe.; Caleh Lyon, John prong! W. S. Florence, t Loy, and others. It, 1 'amel Therdrteal nod Tht , ical placol to CO4IIOOOO lan partmeut wi'l elahora' i pri.inir all matters of loc since The • and ?Will 1,, ••111,serthel , I Dar (i• "rzt• R.trwrta has a,repiel an Ito !tato inatiguritom Ilie Pert' . on the 1101 ~f :4eivertil , t• Pen cit t,o-v fin.' !id 11 • 0•04vn the 101 • 1 .1 WS- At a Prinic.r -full4.lving ••.•ntittr•ul L. 111 . 111:1110ll 01 I1(%V Ste' An m,rtini• 11 tn•k , - 1..1111:1 fir p r „ n ., 1apt. , .1 to tiff , vi..l A )f, Rltrgr..... - I I ti titre-J- 4 1.-d an Ma. Icz Ira t I ;intr , l.•; tatz .1 Itl of named ,01 ,,, •1 -10 ti.k,l ,lured 1,e1“.•%111,.. I,lln A forged ctcny , I dl his pr ,p, tt•, ty,,, exhibitol Lv her, ~•,, 1 .1 ~ marriage certificate -lc: n, .1 Lt , 7t, t istist minister nl Detr ,, ,7 o ncy,i )111 oi 1 ,.1 0 11, , ,, :she cv 1n11.7-,1, I. It :-r. to and, committed I , t the htur , l , •, l',tpers which wero foun t mob 7 cart ,, o .7, her room hit msli I .tr,tiol the -111.7,7,7 n that her I a-t latt-kra.l , t; :II the same ni.mmi tent 1 by .6n officer oho was cogn, 'ant • :she mach. a miserahle tot , ~t .lit , l 11.1 I a-t -ened fur a cPrtart,t N . at 111.• tir- t suspicion. The ooman thought 1 1 ,r-elf ca pable of' doing the mut.lcr wholesale and first cla-, , i y the w•tv she went at it, hut the resul: Line,% how far inexperienced calculation •;,-) adray VICTIMIZED 111 2.4IPSIEQ. — . fly. Colroi • of an old bachelor named Weaver, In Lehigh county, were recently relte‘e , l ot •;.'itt by a couple of gipsies. 1 tie ull tp, it , cernit, was :Flittering front -icl, % h , •n t h.. gap .lies hearing of It lio• h-ti-• 1101 pres•rd , I for him; .r th, .141, tune to htig him that to mako cut, the reined} thev Int/ un der their treatment• dei•o-,t Dui e lilllll.tred dollars under a stone in .1 ,a•it Lot place, and that the mom.% antra nat't there for a certain time. at the , 1 ,.1 1 ,1 1: ,•1 1 would be restored to health 1 . 11.• money was forked ot or. place.l undet the -tone, and very soma pocketed 1.% tie• giPs 4 '• vtil" 103.1 , tr•ick , %,,en a,s they had their 1,i,1• . lea% the man to lament the le-- lio,ne‘ well a% hit health I he% ‘%.•,, eapttne.sd• and lode, tle• ilerit‘evn jail to await trial The lireekeili:.lg,, ntn.r th,• I . racy. held a State Con , t at -tringtield, to-day, and adopte.l 1,--olutions endorsing the nomination of lire( kenriagoand Lane, and recommendonz each enmity and sena torial (I ittrigt 4 1 14 „tI4 i/ )'lf e f t rilf ensuing election The following ."tale ti‘ ket tva., nomina ted : For (loveitinr—Thonw M. Hope ; for Lieut. governor—Tinorna., Snell . for Secretary of State—lt. T. Burk . for .1 udi toi —Harvey lor Trea,urpr— W. H. Cather : for Elector. at Large—Jelin Dougherty awl Thomp-on Campbell The nomination., acre received with much entitutqa...ln awl a 'alute of nne hundred and fire gun, e tired in ti:eir honor P4rASA N T.-W 1 :001,4•1' and B. Letcher hada difficulo in Lexington, Kentuckv.o 11 the 14th ult., whu h pr,