The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 23, 1860, Image 2

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B. F. :SLOAN, Eciitot
Ni.thnig ' Or, iu lese44. &L hit tune we WI Ile
fritisy nottlitig, pr li,oe !tie tinvcreding+ 1. 1
wu.wuou'lhou4l*:s , ',Low tug I fiat Itar‘ll3 .
.lel.l Intel in ett i.mde I..Nsilds a W 111,111031011
fetter from et. I nett.l ua ilir igtottinti .peuks hope
hilly et tilt insult leirt n and the notion:46on
of Seymour of hew 1, 01 U r 4ola• he nt)
be • trite prophet , the procer.lings that
113Ve re , ched fir d., not loolt t er) fur or
'1:14o Ipo oveo on Tltpr.any aulalitng w*.
reeetottoto opt the tirpoprt ,t the ettunniilN
on rodent which had toet•to ut -,essiopit 1411101
I ite•.l4) To that t',.toottittee hold tooeto cotthoi
(.41 (tot I...tostlaratt•iti t I the rre , lruttah t‘i tick
*sate.. trout he: att.- that tor,,,lrd at Chart,.
14,', Most 01 Intim. .ecteditag.tieltinte. load rt,
11111,/ and vi 11111t41 (hell 4 4 . 418. t 41.1 ..ther drit
v ale, hftv ing b 4 6011 I he .4
w hi c h, noder t he r'e, o 6 th 1..11 .1 ill, l L u ie%l
t .11101 . .t.1•41. 1111.1 , itte 1.9 :Lie. 19 .4 . 1)4
new; deitlate., w.•;% ell' I Thy
c,nwintit. vul U. I s Nlitg rrpoi i re , kV ulaled
I floAtromwe, te• al , lit a, 4,1
eltA a•rt, • ..)tra., fled. 41,1 +not
• , • in 1 411 , 1. • ..fah, le
1..1.1r1t lon, 11, \
t . 1.1 t•lii. Suto ia I 'di
-1,•!. ill \ it 1111.1.,
tll t'. 11 .it
•el\l • Tito . . it i it tritt t hr original
Ni q• iittlistrlititti lye of ow :•• , iitt.
de'eg•tiv, trtil : La.. the 01 the or
..edi the:Adm.- , teti
ti lid in /11 u• id ! ;11 .
\ll fa it \I t of .1
\ dirt the athurwiun ,d the
e troth , the admisalitu ut
t tit •it each delegation trout Georgia with halt
the vide tut itieSt. i te dir each, hilt if either re
'llbl` , 1 , 11310 . then the remainder shall lie
ent iliva to cast the full cote. the admission of
-elm trout At ham t the original ilele
g 1 , . 11/1111) . ./ 1,, 111 , , %vie . .. )111 , 1 the CO/1-
te4lailt to one vide, hilt if either tpru.e+ to
take 71 . 21U4 the other 0 , entitled to ix-t the full
Site ot the :ague.
: , leseniii. of the_u,n. Ikelptif.,t the lid ,
not iti id the Committee. preidmted ri report in
tits or of the ittlini.e4ittii of Mr Hallett, of Mass.,
r from Slo., Mt•it-rs Bayard and White
-1.• from Dieluware the original delegates from
dirliausa-, I tut iiia. Louisiana, Georgia. and m
ilting the Florida ilelegate , to lake their .enth
rind enio tliii.viite of their 1 , 1111. in the Com en
The repots proceeiie.t to -ay this was a
:tog the tutor,• eximetice ot the Dem
.a:r•Ltic I..‘rt a- a national party mot re% ieWed
th. La.,e nt,i,in 1i , z1.11-1 the right of the Cott
%et,tioti to ler! t• where .tates
1,3.1 e:et tr.l .it'it•L73le. 1 , 1 revt,-. tit them, even
% ttl lrtwal 14 - 1 . • not a re,iigttatik.n
I lie lull"wing die letter alltele4 r Itl.ove
13%L.r111 ,, 1tt .11 NF Do, 1%41;11
Itt u: Slit We h•trt. ,kne nothitig yei The
eomminer are ran-Awning the credentials of
the tlelegotett from the , ccedttte States The
delrgation trutit 't ri are tut cunning
foxes—mskinv iti•ttpottitions again., the South
fur the evoient purpn,e ltelna th.ignaniutoti.
in young /lent down
A , on the 090 41e, and Bart b:VRII , CE
nn the othet. I Chink will he the eortestanv ,
tor —ine tinow when the Cll\ ention will rLde
otl Seyinotir. of,_\ 1 , who I unilerAtalol
Iroin a gentleman dl tfIC mutt. will he aatit4fax
tor} to the Neu lork delegation and to Doug
it he ta.l- ot t nomination I not Until,
it will waive Ow hint+ rule and I
think ()might- elnnot Le nominated under It
I think the Tenne ,, ee te., , ltit ion, referring the
, I no-tion , •f SlaN,ry in the Territories to the
will I.e tiled to the platform a,
kipt.,l -h ,n—that the South will all
he represented an !that harmony will ultimate
ly reign in our midst. and that we will have
for our standard bearer a man well fitted for
the position, honest and incorruptible—a giant,
in intellect—who will be more acceptable to an
intellectual people than he who is nominated
and is running because pf his ability to e'er
%se mere brute force with the beetle and
wedge- an occupation in which ( doubt not we
have many in our country who are his equals.
yml Ifeenan with a little training in that par
tit ular branch of manbny. would he his superi-
V cry Truly Your 4,
e z :tr We notice the Trite .41,1,P-troop has com
menced lite publication of Senator Sr aNs.a•s
patch Thi. I- right The Ara , r,,,,n im the
14,10.1k:1u paper of thi.l county, bow•
i•r %lop-Ant:Ole the fuel natty .e to the old
fogies of :hat parl) who carne in at the elev.
poll ! hour for organization, and pock
et..,l it+ plunder Iteir.g the ersyrtrai organ of
the party it cour}r....lroitl.l know what
al.ll not, 1 , 1 eiro4ilren of
[tenni:lit-nu sentiment 001 lieptildican-princi-
I'lm, lit tbb, viea of the ea.e rt. .q r feer' r t i of
the upeeell ..r Senator St S trout among the
of Republic:oi Senator. with
1,,t1.3n(.. 1: —iy• 14:111y ht•re iw
ptaimi ion of the I I.leago
pho rorro, two... Heed t o ..he or Its 11)1 . 0 , 1 sup
porters :Lad a 1%04 t ho e, 117;7'.e 1114,4
I.l°oll .• lig, ai'Mr St aNett's
p.,; : t oat, Jo si as there Ills been at 111111. Or She
but tlie tact that limit the Sett dor
and the j•oirmil tinder consideration acre Re
-I,,,bTicans in rt.) thing, hut assuming of
/he name. Ling hefore (Lose whose cavil hail
thioan aside the I log or Know Nothing gnu
tight 1.. hr ,ttflit-it lit to .411 ali iliat
s.; \l it !MI \ are die 1n ntiulgt.
lan of pure and tittadulterated
Itut if this is not enough, we have the iinestion
-.1 Ole Senah.l difinitely and
author aft rely settled The Republican Legis
lature of Massichtisetts. which was called 1.,
get her not many days ago to legislate on the cow
disease, also passed resolution. , defining Mr
winners polities, and legislating him a Re
'publican of the highest rank This was done
in order promptly to rebuke those presses in
Sew York, which, by their silence. insinuations
nod open assertions, undertook to make people
believe that the Senator from Massachusetts
was not a Republican—that the Republicans,
us a party, were no more responsible for what
Mr Sumner said in the Senate, than they were
for what Mr. Garrison said in his Liberator.—
The Legislature of Massachusetts has decided
t his controversy and decided it in such a way
as not to leave a doubt. The decision is
much clearer than the "protection' clans, of
the Lincoln plat form It has not only legisla
ted that Mr. Sumner is a Republican in good
•tanding, but it has endorsed his speech, which
the N. Y Tliaes denounced, which the Tribune
would not read, and which the Courier 4. En
juicer characterized as an "Abolition - per
formance The TlMee denunciations were de
-etred. the Treham . , silence wa s an int a t ra ti on
of -civil prudence ' hut the Courrer.•earacter
law ion was unjust and improper. Mr. Sumner To Tlll EDITOR Of TIIII
is no more an aholiiionist than those who cup. You will confer a favor by: publishing the fol
port him : and we have the authority of the lowing communication in your paper.
Legi.lature for this
The accredited tad hitt
enc trusted organs of the Rephhheen y of
Nevi' York may undertake to poo-poo . um.
Her and his Isle speech, but the LegidatUre of
Massachusetts endorse him end ft. And the
same Way he sail of the Asteruca here, *hieh
publishes his speneh with commendation, To
h tore we hare no legislature to emlortre it
1.11; its position as the ortyrruil organ of the Re.
publican party cannot be set amide by elegies:A.l' 7
hour recruits, who look for spoils inalesul of
Letter Prom the Cieneeee Valley
eorreepoodenee of the Observer
i Damevivat, N. Y., Juno I'S. 184 U)
DK AR Fatzso Stoat, : This place is situated
at the head of the famous Genetic , ' Valley about
fifty miles south of Rochester. Of late years
the wheat crop has suffered almost * total ez
tinpt ion from the invasions of the weevil. As
the inhabitant's of this valley depend upon this
crop as their :vain stay, its failure for several
successive years has proved highly disastrous
to this whole region, Capital and labor have
heen forced. into new channels, while the farm
•tig interests have suffered. Inansville, like
ever, other village in this Stat. of a le* I hou
rand inhabitants, has itA Institutions.
There it here an Educational establishment
of the C 1111441 under the control of the
Mi thodi n t denomination The President, Rev
S S :Ter, 1) 1) is a gentleman of scholarly
atl al II men t s, comprehensive views, and of large
lilwiLtlity lie ir , withal, a fine pulpit orator,
and is universally esteemed b 7 all ilenomina
11. - one of the Teachers I found to he a
BOA ,+t 114 another a Lutheran—once a Pro or
ui Frie - Ilev Ilr Boyer The chi:4.ns in
order t“ i•i,joy ihe advantages of stick en lu
-tit whin hove contributed sonic six acres of
land awl Fitlean Thousand Dollars towards
thr erec , ion of suitable buildings This for a
ploee of Four or Foe Thousand inhabitants, of
no great amount of wealth, and considering
that the business ponions of the town have
been but tit down twice within eighteen months,
is doing nob]) It exhibits at least an appre
ciation of literary privilegeif which might well
provoke the emulation of places of larger pre:
ten•+ions nu visiting the school I witnessed
the exercise, of a class of about twenty in the
Latin Itemler and another of about fifteen in
Virgil There are about one hundred and fifty
outh of both sexes in a full course at differeta
stages, of a classical and collegiate training
They were all ilay pupils, residing with their
permits in or near the village In fact, there
are more pupils than accommodations fur them.
And this, notwithstanding, only twenty-five
stile•+ from here (at Liana. N the Methe
.listr have two other institutions with from sev
en hundred and fifty to one thousand pupils.
The other Institution for which Dansyille is
justly celebrated, and to which I wish to call
attention, is the Wat er-Cure establishment of F
Wilson Hurd Co It rejoices in the comfort
able designation of -Our Home." It is located
on a mountain slope un the eastern side of the
village The mountain rises gradually to the
Might of about one thousand feet, and the Cure
stands about two hundred feet up the slope, so
that it overlooks the whole village, and the
mountain ranges beyond, and the valley of the
Genesee with its ri , lily cultivated farms The
view in respect to variety, or beauty, or extent,
can scnrcely lie equalled Here the people
conic for health after being drugged to their
heart s content. No medicines are adminis
tered No cold baths, no medicated baths.—
Only soft water from the "All Healing Spring"
shove I mean on the hill) and at long inter
vals Pest and sleep. and vegetable diet, and
pure mountain air. and the exhilerating pros
pect and cheerful society, and harmless sports
—these are the means resorted to for health,
and they ore, in ninny cases, completely 5ac
,•,,3-tal The expense while here ranges front
seven to ten dollars per week. Clergymen of
whateter tletioniinat ion and Editors of whatev
er political complexion are invited to enjoy
the hospitalities of -Our Home" without any
charge whatever Of the former class we find
here several of our old acquaintance who speak
highly or the treatment as being adapted to the
restoration of their overtaxed energies.
The Laws of Life, a Health Journal, is pub
lished here monthly and is the advocate of the
managers of the Cure Among other things it
aims at creating a public sentiment in favor of
a short dress for ladies, which is the style of
dress adopted here. Most of the lady patients
are converts to this doctrine, at least as long
as they remain here. Although there is a small
conservative minoritly who resist the innova
tion and persist in Hie old course in conformi
ty with the prevailid i g sentiment in the com
munity at large, nottwithstanding they admit
that it is objectionable on the score of health.
Dr. Jackson. the Physician in Chief at "Our
Home - is a tine Lecturer and entertains an au
dience of about one hundred persons each
morning after breakfast with , 11,12 exposition of
the Laws of Health. In one of his Lectures
which I heard he commented' most exultingly
upon the recent address of Dr. 0 W Holmes,
of the Atlantic Monthly, before the Boston
Medical Fraternity, in which be recommends
the abandonment of drugs and medinines for
remedial purposes. The Doctor's religious iii
lluence is by some supposed to be deleterious.
It is certainly dangerous to be ih the constant
society of a titan of superior intellect, of an
agreeable address and most facile utterance
who is at the same‘tinie a reformer, and who
scruples not to pluck the beard of venerated
error. But editors are not much given to mere
theory, and clergymen are, presumed to be
grounded in the Faith, Mid inexperienced youth
do not often find their !way to such a place as
a Water Cure They have not yet lost their
confidence in Patent remedies Hence, al
though infidel sentiments are freely bandied
about here, they may or they may not find
lodgement, according we the mind is or is not
ready fur their reception. Common sense rath
er thdn religion* principle. tieema_to give tone
to this little community Certainly no indica
tions of Free-Love-ism are notieable is the
casual observer O. W 0
no,, The Gazette is very much gratified that
we published last week that "confidential" lith
ographic letter of our member, and "in the
name of Mr. B. thanks" us for it. All right :
we are always willing to do our Republican
friends a good turn when we can. But, if
"that lett+ presents," as the Gazette asserts.
"unanswe hie reasons for his nomination,"
why does not find a place in the columns of
our neigh r . The Gazette professes to desire
his re-no nation above all things, and yet
here is a • ocument" calculated to help him
to that no ination, so it claims, which is care
exeiulled from its columns. How is thhit
But the IGaiette seems to think that we man
ifest anxiety tbr the success of Mr. Babbitt's
competitor{ As two Republicans we don't care
a Bungtowfn cepper which whips. Batas a fight
between tWo nstn, we have just the same right
to have our choice as the Gazette had, on sever
al occasions, to manifest undue anxiety for
our deftpat,; when it thought some of our com
petitors hod us driven to the wall on two sev
eral occasions within the I , spihalf-dosen years.
The wilier. , as Iftepubtleaa.l *eked ttabiser
don theltis Gdastte, for the roma. thig that
paper is the arsons iof the pertx, arid IMpeause
artistes. *l°64 sad etherwhie in itivotisy of
Mr ihibbitt, had wiipeared for two weeks cott
spicuously in its columns. The request was
respectfully refused on the grounds that "Mr.
Walker or his friends had no claims un that
(yet thr, &tin _Gaudio. j
been asserted by &attic of Mr. Babbitt's Mends
that if ho does not receive the re-nomination
for Congress in the approaching County Con
vention, it will indicate that his course sa
Representative does not meet with the approv
al of his constituents.
The unfairness of this claim must be evident
to every one, as the mere circumstance of Mr.
Babbitt or Mr. Walker obtaining the nomina
tion would not in any respect affect the merits
of the former gentleman's official conduct.—
There is no doubt that the Republicans of this
district concur heartily with the position Mr.
B. has taken on all the political questions that
have come before Congress, and if his over
zealous frietes are really destroui of securing en
endorsement of his course, let them present a
resolution to that effect when the convention
meets, and It will doubtless receive unanimous
It does not follow that because a man 'has
done his duty in it public position he must, of
necessity, he re-elected to the prejudice of
others equally deserving of the piece; and as
some of the ablest men in the country have
tilled but one term in Congress. a failure to
obtain a re election is no evidence of dissat
isfaction un the part of a constituency Mr
Babbitt has lied his term. err rather will have
it when it expires un the 4th of March 1861 ;
he has tilled his place creditable to himself and
to his district, and all that Mr Walker's friends
ask is the same opportunity for hint
Crawford county trill liar( rt iu end she
will claim it for four years, when it will he too
late for our present aspirants to seek it In
this view of the case the friends of Mr Walker,
who are a-large body of the Republicans of this
county. feel that they will be excluded unjust
ly from obtaining the only office which they
ask in recognition of his important services to
the party. Is it not as proper that he should
be rewarded by a two years term for his labors
in the Republican cause as that Mr. Babbitt
should be And is it not more proper that these
honors should be equally dirtied between them
than that Mr. Babbitt should receive them all,
and Mr. W sour. Both these gentlemen came
before us in !KA, pressed with all the ability
and industry their respective friends possessed
Mr Babbitt obtained the nomination, and then
his friends, and among them those without
whose aid he could not hate been nominated
at all. stated that on. i•rm was all that lie de
sired, that he considered hituself deserting of
that mark of confidence from his party, and
that he would on the expiration of that term,
willingly yield to Mr. Walker, ur whomsoever
might be the choice of Ile party. It is urged
by some that Mr. Rabbit tis not bound by these
pledgee made by others, true, tie is nct bound
to them leyolig, yet it is neither respectful nor
generous to those friends to repudiate their
promises after they worked so faithfully for hi.‘
elevation Why is it that su tuany of the tuost
active supporters of Mr Babbitt itt IS.'s are
nut supporting hint now ! It cannot be that
they are dissatisfied with his course in Congress,
for of that, there is nu complaint, nor can it be
that they consider his nomination so certain
that their efforts are unnecessary, for the feel
ing in favor of Mr. Walker has shown itself
both In the press and among the people to
formidable extent, and if these gentlemen re
garded their favorite of ikJr e ntitled as mile'
to a nomination now 10 4 he was then. why do
they show such indifference in the contest.while
the old friends of Mr Walker and many of those
who supported Mr. Babbitt in 12 ,- 4'4 are uniting
with such unaninwy upon Mr Waller now.
thiF.ELRI rs Sewsau —When the philoso•
pher of the Trituri,, with the heep of the Pennsyl
vania delegation, laid out SEWARD at Chicago,
and secured the nomination of a sort of third
rate champion of the "irrepressible conflict"
in the !Trion of Lt.eoLN, the friends of the
New York Senator came down upon him with
all their force, and charged that his course to
wards their favorite was instigated through
disappointment in not receiving office at his
hands. To substantiate Ilk, they claimed
there was a letter extant from GREL,LEI to &m
-ann, which proved the charge. RULE% , noth
ing daunted, called fur this letter; and &w
-son, equally as willing, responded by placing
it in the hands of Warn, of the Albany Juurn
of. by whom it was forwarded t u Ciaxistev, and
by him published in last week's Tribune. It
proves to be a remarkable letter, and has
attracted much attention He gives, it must
be admitted. some very good and substan
tial reasons for dissolving the partnership
which had been in existence fourteen or six
teen years, during which time SLWA,Iit, had ob
tained all the honors, WE so ell the emoluments
and money, and tiaxxxxv all the hard work
During that time Sawaso had advanced to the
position of Senator, Wain had made hi mse lf
rich out of the plunder and meetings of the
party. while CiiKitLEY, in his garret with his
crust, had battled on with poverty until he
rose to his present position solely by his own
unaided exertions and without the ass.atance
Ora dollar or even a good word from his part
ners San tell and W /At reaped all the bene
fit, while tinitat.v.) alone did the work. It is
no wonder he thought it time the partnership
was brought to a close. There can be little
doubt but this disclosure will damage GRIWXBY
among the extreme partisans of ticwaats, such
as are found in New York and *owe parts of
New England, and at the West, nut with the
11114/18e$ of his own party the philosopher will
not he damaged in the least. All the justice,
all the right, and all the truth are on his side.
lie found that he could tiot work with 811WAIID,
and therefore gave him notice of the fact, and
this honest declaration Siwaao has used to
his disadvantage. opposed him at
Chicago, just as he had a right to do, and the
reason he gave for it, want of availability, was
sufficient, fur it was true, no matter whether
it was his real reason or not. As it is, Gana-
LIT has come out ahead. Bswaan and his
desperate set of abolitionists were pietty well
used up at Chiesgo, but what little Was left of
them has now been finisliedhy the philosopher.
They are shown to be as ungrateful as they
are dishonest. We only wish we had room
for the letter, for it is a crusher.
gip- Believing that "fair play is a jewel,"
oven in politics, and that every man has& right
to be heard through the columns of a public
journal, either by himself or friends, we have
inserted a communication in another column
relative to the conflicting claims of Messrs.
Babbitt and Walker to the Republican nomina
tion in this district for Congress. This com
munication seeks the medium of our columns,
simply because it was refused a place in those
of the Gazette, theorgan of the party. The fight
now going on between these two rivals of the
house of Lincoln is one with which we have no
concern, eicept to record the sayings and doings
of each as they arise. Whether Babbitt whips
Walker, or Walker whips Babbitt, is no con
cern of ours; but., as we said before -fair play
is a jewel." even in adog fight
lia 01111SERVIRI :- j
The LogWawa of Rhadkolalatal adjourn
Jett on Prtday after amnia") et jour day 4.
The wheat harvest has eommenced in Vir
ginia, in the neighborhood of of Lynehburg.
Saran' NW is said to be injured beyond
cure, the Itendous having been snapped by
Heenan's terrible blows.
Six young ladies of rending, renounc
ed the world and took the veil on Tuesday
law, with all the solemn and impressive cere
monies of the Catholic church
Dr. Thomas Attleell. an eminent chemist
and naturalist., has been sent from Washington
to prosecute an investigation into the cattle dis
ease now raging in the Eastern States.
The artesian well of Mr. LA l'lt R, in Read
ing, has resched s depth of over 190) feet. If
they keep on boring we would nut he surprised
to hear of their striking tt vein of liquid brim.
A conductor on * railroad lending from
Petersburg. Va.. took the liberty of telling e
lady whose feet he saw, that thty were pretty
The lady complained to the directors, and they
dismissed the indiscreet official
About thirty fanners of Bucks county,
Pa., sustainef i nearly a total loss of their wheat
by the recent hail storm, whi h passed ore?
the lower part of that county. Quite a num
ber hare ploughed up their fields and planted
The Rev 11. M Storri of Cincinnati inot
recently preached a sermon on murder, and
stated that during his residence in that City
there had Leen more than one hundred mur
ders. or an average of twu a month, while in no
instance had the prepetator been execide.l
- - The inhabitant, of Carroll e.offity
are very much excited about with male child,
front seven to ten years old, that has b.•eu seen
.everal times in the woods. The place ha, 1.4.11
found where it had siert the preeee.llng n,vitt
and eaten a frog
Ilenry Harrington, 411444,1 min Dutch....
county, while on his death-betl, conlesbed that
some eighteen years ago, he and another m an
murdered a pedlar by the name of Lee,
they also rubbed Harrington
left many years ago, and hatitiot been hettitlot
The pedlar was remeinbere.l and missed
A new scandal etvte has tratt.pired , tt St
Louis A highly re.pect-thle Met; haul warned
3 young and interesting lady tt.,t long utnee , _
Ho thought her N. pore N. t ii.• ilti.t3lllVd
Another wealthy inerelytto ri. , ti•e•l 4 lead
ing the lady astray- The wit.•'t repent
att.' the itut.htind has lu,itglit the 1n411...r
the Court 4
—.l man named Wilt:tam Pontius wtt ar
rested in Kittanning, la.t week charged
with having murdered re'le The defend
dnt ii a resident ot It. i•
alleged that. some week- •.itee. he
of his wife, that he til.ght ni %rt% 4 in• I iu th ,
hottae, of whom he had loecomeotutalwre.l
holy of the decease.' b, jail to i mse ex hito te ,i
unmistakable ntarlo of rittletiee after death
are continnnlly cutting 1., light in
with the :event tertride V.,414.111 win , l
A young lady of Cart w.i.
en by it in the w.wls nu l
than two hundred yards without touching the
ground, when the alighled eumparli ely un
harmed by the aide of a post, ;• 1% 111. b - he
clung until the skorm
A man named Dean Gilbert, lasing iu
Preseutt. Mau., committed •w wide Sunday
night in n very singular wanner lie I laitc
ed a rock weighing neat l,} a OW and in.tene.l
it tip with a piece et boar.i, and arter lie had
crawled under, kicked the board “ut and iL••
rock fell cruslung lain to death lie tra:•
terupenxto man. in 4:omit,' t
Only GO yeftrs of age
In the great tornado w hich recently swri..
through lowa, destroying among outer place. ,
the town of Camao cite, a terrine calamity befell
Mr John Westphall. who formerly owned the
g ard e n known by hit , natne The Louse in
which he lived was enttrely destroyed by the
storm, and he wig' ill, whole famil, nine in
number, buried in the ruins
The Wheeling lob says a feiA
days since the lion .1 Crittenden hi
pocket picked of $941, a bile in the CM'S bet ween
Baltimore and Washniton Ili< late ‘l. t,.
Baltimore was to visit the jail and try to in
dentify the thief among the numerous persons
there confined, but he failed to recognize among
them one person whom he suspected, and wit
sat near him in the cars when he was robbed
The Belfast file 1 tge report, the 'brutal
treatment of an orphan girl, nine years of age,
named Conant. who, for going without permis
sion of her mistress to see a playmate who had
died, was striped and cruelly beaten with a
fence picket, and then plunged in a rack of wa
ter. It this Transaction had taken plto e in
Georgia, and the vii tint was ld k, IThata howl
we should hear from the -irrepressihles
—The Philadelphia N..rth expr e .,-
es the following opinion of the Japsne--e.—
s•The Japanese• take theta as yon w ill. are
queer style of clot le Like tiger •tont :
toes. and Spankh oh%et. tli •} inipr..‘e upon
acquaintance .11 eight yon Lein d"wit
as little better than Shippen Atr..o
at the end of it very brier you
make up yuta mini that whit they .run know
ig not particularly worth knowing
The Boston 1,14,131 Ad. errixer thinks it for
tunate that Mr. Seward WII•11101- nuattinuied for
the Piectitiency, because he is a son ut the
Empire State, has traveled abroad, and his
public life shows that be would like to govern
the United States with a certain sort of imper
ial magnificence." if Seward hod been nom
basted does any one believe the Ath•erq , er
would have discovered any of these olu o cti,,ns?
A German child in the town of Ashford, had
been very ill with with scarlet fever. On Sun
day last says the Cattaraugns Itepublrean, the
child seemed to die, and on Monday prepara
tions were made for its burial. Monday after
noon the funeral was held, and the body of the
child, accompanied by a largo number of friends,
was conveyed to the grave. As the dirt began
to fall upon the coffin, a feeble cry was beard.
The coffin was instantly raised and opened, and
a shriek of "Mother !" hnrst from the lips of
the resuscitated child. tis oarless to attempt
a description of the see* that followed. The
child is hi a fair way toi recover.
A beautifullirl of seventeen summers, a
relative of of the f lpe Commodore Stewart, re
stonily eloped frotn a boarding school near Bal
timore, where her mother resides, with a man
calling himself N. Bryant. He took
her to Richmond{ Va., where she submitted to
brutal trestmeatifrom hiss, till last Thursday
he became so ferSudons that she considered her
lift in terrified and affrighted
Red from his pripp and sought protection at
the house of a Ighbor. The heart broken
girl was sent to bee mother's dwelling.
The Londo4 Spectator, with that remark
able familiarity With Americans affairs display
ed by English johmals, says that the old whip
have nominated Air. BlLL—that a Convention
in Illinois has n e.
minated Mr. HAMLIN for Pr
*dna. and Mr. 11111 for Vier-Presidast---and
that the whoa , R ld will be greatly modified
before the'eleetl4s comes on In June.
•tna*t linvc
'Mindy%llAnti I 1,11
Oar It is almost useless to caution people I HFAD Cit' A RTERS
in: r egard to lottery swindles, for we verily be
lieve there is n class that like to squander their
l imey in that way. Still a worker caution in
referent* to in adroit dodge p i / the lottery
dealers may save Semi their money. We no- I Groceries and Provisions,
tice every tag* and thy numbs t% of letters an
the Peat oft* in Otis oity,--endet the number
generally addressed to us—sometimes written,
sometimes lithographed, enclosing printed
"Schemes ' of the "beleware State Lottery,
and other similar swindles 4 , The letters are
sigued,,“Confidentially and respectfully yours,
Smallwood S: C 0.," or some other fictitious
mune. The circular, which is f'n the form Pt/Wk. "I
of a private letter, says . "Being anxious to 6 it 4 PCER 1 ES,
create an excitement in your vicinity, we have V: I \
E 4,
selected for you a package of 25 tickets, in this
most excellent lottery, which can draw the WI I ,
WI 14 II 1 EN
four highest prizes, amounting tarnearly
tits'," It adds: "We have made you this otter
with the view of getting you a prize," &c.—
Letters of this description from Baltimore and 1:t• rs„
elsewhere are frequently circulated here, but Nl' „1,,t•
we have never heard of any one green enough 1, to ge t t i er with ei et y thing tounti in a Iloutw
to be caught by them , of this kunl, which they %%ill -ell a- heap
as ant 411.11. t 4—Lahti-litrivnt in this city lot
i 'Ash • .r in.'.
o-fag'o Nrertiotmtitts.
l'ONslantio of
J I OBKBPrr, Primo Trutt,.
• SW A lin, ttneotol do .
F. IIeWBOICTKR, Contact ft r,
i. g CLARK, Baritone,
J. C. BUR-Sti Primo BlJohls,
D J LOCKWOOD, tfeeond Ba• to,
Peapect fully announce to the f Prie, t hat t he f
toll Igoe a
Monday Evening, June 26,1860,
1, 11 shn•h tIC^ICI as th.•r MITI I ritfo..lllC.• a rh. ur cfOrr
t ../
Glees, Songs, Quartetts, Trios, &c.
MR F.VVRF.III.: I. RAKFR, tit* .voor.o.'.irt...t n o' ,"
C.AlSlllaroompanist., W ill pr• 71,4• It the 1 lair.. M lit. ;. lentx, to 1.. 1..1 r the i•in ipn!
Viol< and 11 ,uk stun 110.• , • oiwn SI t•ticeyt
•t. M.
T'' 1: l' II It•
t.'4 )1; FELlot, s
S tvAttEni rl.
Estalp:ukh,t h_.„
No ER ELT, \E%‘ tri;F,
rip ~.
PRINTIN.; N ITKUI I' • '' I I\ .
TA!. TV11 , ,,1, /.L s. IN.
..1...1106+ , 1 m. 1.41 '
•r.. 1 el•lpant •.• •
*lit , is 11,., “Mumic,, ..•
Printing, ut lb. .yr. pr I rat .
01 , 1 T. p.. ~„ „, g „
...en, l tti..r. , l l'r. .... *l,l • •
ff.. 13 • . „,
Pr ti,.. tl
ii,.. 1 4 •
a• to
;a.,1 (~r - at .1,
I) In uf.. , P.. '
3 •
r 11: • f
Erie County Agricultural society
Till: M
J I , t!,, •• /. • •
I • 11 , , • •••
' , Amur II .•1 Y rk
.4.^1 II
r Oi rotnt.el (4,•. I
ittLt•• • t,,,tut„ . t, . • .
for In khe abc.T.• or •
B• of C.Jattutttoe tt•l Pr•lnluaus l'uL.L.csl
ill —T. a I' Iff•
Steam Engines for Sale.
rrok gOO. I 1...11 , 1 I 01 1 i \
a,.•••ut L.
C:tolh apps , r,! •,•'•• ^l'
Pain in the Back Cured!
I'Ar.un La Lad •Attirr..l L.o en•l • • t• T•ic .t. 1 Ai ,
t fin k, •• •.,1.; • . 1••1, •
sno h.tlL.l fr. to th •11.1111
tie ueed Lls C•trti rjr• fra,'d r • • in
pommel Eatprl lyf Nmetrt 11 r, et w .1 . Is,• t... te.
on the r• ,1t1.1114,11. rt• 1g na *1,1.3.1 1.1,
• pt..u11,1 r.r., In •,.It. .•• it 11,
Pt, pl,lttlOn it« i4IT. ,•isl t
101111Lbial t,ii• t af , •I ' A A 1, , U1 1.411,,t, ~ is
aI. V. n, • i,,, IS NI ••• I
1 iv. wavy can.n• l',tas 014 n"... a• th, ta. • ,
andPr•Tat•• , ! t 'J r . 'mart 11 Vett I. t 5,•
prutl4.nt nr nilentl in Ann be nit.,
l'r•pamtin • li• n • U. ;,.t, .u, •
u n.: —1,2
Tfi nt thn
to•tato tan It I, n olftp, .Ir.oo k•rol, at l'‘O.
11c Sale ral haluri.L) Juror at 10 A. .1i ,
the Ar t • it
iuFrto, g. r• Penn,
Report*. urmshorlo t, from 1 . 1 . op. • •
1)1.1111.11).. 6,x.1 ••; r r. 11.•:* 101..101ii .0, 1
...flll4 MAIO 0.N1.:1 , 1.1 NI AP,
1.. A 111 \ ETT,
A.looLo.trito •
Executor's Notice.
Wu Ent:AS lilter, to-tainorttary on tilt;
estate of Jarol, r t:r of tl, horoucl.
'Lamborn, tleveaatl, hare lavn granted t,. k ,"
notice .' , ) K it, n to alt i 'sou• to mao: -
t 11214 to make imm.etist.. ciaMt+
a,zakto.t it vv.:11.1..4W ',rem at them duit autheuticate,:f. , r
pkr• t .1 11 t UI.FIF.ILT.,,ON,
of Vel3sl3,Co EThrottzh, Cr 6,110,1 (
Inn 21i- :II
Give Ear ye Deaf!
A LADY who ha., ht.. 11
NeTre Pills , n 114.1ne.1s 1, , r .N.rt Dcbehtv, n di,.
pasts*. etc „saya that lb.w l'tlta livre riot oni . i pro, e d ,
,ereat advantage to tier, in the thehr.l. re for *bleb all.
took them, tint they haTt. af- , A loln•t entirele e t :i t ...4 1,,,
of Herdneas of J.kartat,e . ,t), *Li ch elle ha.) 60ea Inn::
afflicted rune 2 -4,2 C AR .. .Fit I; Itch t
Goods from Auction!
(•.‘sE, Elmo :,1,00 1 ) . , ; ray, (
I and gteel Wlre.l.l . lsin Plal.l Satinette fr..o, POl
tiro for 31 and 50 cents per rer.l, reel! raise 63Si, cis
T HE undervigneiliia, reni. , ‘ .41 ill. It l. .t
IAI t"V.. Ree.i ,n Frt.n, 1/
ntroort, nerr'y oporotor 0:,1 rut whorr rill
hSppt t o v...• 1,, .. • .1 fnell•4o '144 .11 taint of nnrtlu~
in for 11 Ingrie, .5. 4141.1 V
1 ( - I IiAIMELS of Rwa :not 1',“i1 ( . 41 1,j11.;,. 4 41
%.7 for 1,16' 1 , 1 .1 . 11%1111! 101 , to nirhnon•r.
ma air, T 4I \t 4.lft
DR. 1'11V:411' (',1311q1( )1; t 11 N'i . -
F.NT'—a n external r..rn0.1 , r for the, i'mnr.2 mix
tasl ears of Toothache, ruts, Burns, Ag oe in 11... I.'ner su I
litrast Bruises, Chapped Ltint a.L.I I tl-1 .•,
gar Ache, Come, kr . kr., a r sale nt
gal-DW I \ d 11R1:11 e TORE,
nia!*.Yl- 51
N. Ilintre.
op; ('offer', c'riu•lits(l. (;ninulatcti
end powdered Surer, ellesper then eleenhere, ,t
riIRY ItANYAHI Y. H. Tea for to $1 per pound
Imperial Ti a for . Pl , . fir pr poon•I
oriented to i;tve leit,rfaetinn or soon., refunded
CA 131 N El' WARS Work men Experi
enon.lmer. pny
juneforit-62. ti ELLSET
gRIE CITY wurrE LEAD. Atlantic
Whit, I.eowd Lod rattans other brand. of Pure Willie
for wale very low at Dru g( Store,
mar."l-111. NO. t Revd Haute
pu E 01.1) wII EA'f 111 SK Ey of the
ettoderit kind and sup:l4lor to Any ether Wln.kee
for )(edit:that poll:earl:, for Attir nt
BALDWIN'S IlltUt: :4T0114:,
mays 9-6.1. •ed !louse.
ALLEN'S WU) MEI I. Babbitt'.
asierstusi for solo at RA/.%VIN, d Story,
No. .• Howo.
for the cure of Henrys, he., in Roma, just nvelve,l sn.l
be man at BALDWIN'S DRUG Erpoim,
mAr26-61. No. 6 Reed House.
ZrltY RANA' Itlrs MOCIIA, ()LI) !i
Jam, la6uiza, Rio, r usetwl sod round Coffees
Raityaldis embed, wranotated, pulverised, Coffee A.
sad Coffee 11, New Orleans, Humored° and Porto Rico
Rowers, selling low at RANY AMPS.
1.2 11.11 d,. P. R., N. ft, Cuba and M.Ms
comb, 81:GA RS, ranginf lo Price !my 7}i twat*
'p, at Ell lIERNKBT t BECKMAN'S.
dose , n or single bottle, by 3S C TER k RR°
SLEIII U BELlX—Another lot of thiee
cheap .Irigh Retie hare been r.volved by
Jan,T 1, C. s rings .
ER - W A NTEI).—AoiN ,
and Cherry Board% Scantling and Plank
e, matehaT-41 W ELLSE\
reCf At th. ”1.1 .tatot. \ftleriertn
itlrA4c , Stale , treet a large nit.l ~,tipertOr
ne car .0,1 •—• •1 • 111 , 1 l• 1,. II.? R un
4111.• 01 , 12•044 , 1e15tit 4 , 41. t
rlll :Ir. it•the
Grocery Head Quarters!
E .\ N B •4:K, kT -TR EVA
Jule' '2, ligo 1 n N 111..11 kKER
BY I ,l i fintr,'
C.,k1 , 1 F . , Ik..
14,1 '1166.1. in ,• n -,- ( 1, . „
M .
Lion at the a , 66 -k, 06
ON 4 4iniduv the 30th day 4,1 lime, 1.40,
it M the A... a
tx.ient., low In •• • -_ •tz.t,
ti ,u,ht* of tit, A.... of In I ot fronting
lite i••: t l9 it.,
\ 1;1(.4, 1, ; • -" .1..1
melo nli the riot r) I t V • .
1.11. tr•rnt,l.,
a,. %I d/. 1.1 )• • • ~* '•*2 * raa
4.1.• 6. rtr
hi •-f
Ih. • ) 1 i t.
21:14, Z 1519, .1102, 11 6. 1,7.11 A, fts,),l
a,,ln et, Jai \ •
21 oi 2114', '2lu l , 21,1, 21(14, ~(1.-•
t.O relli 11. t. I and 1 , oel.-
TF.101.• "te• fourth lit Lnu,, an tia".
4 , •• IpyL,••ni. tflt
1,r,11.1 a n y: ".‘ ' • ; tYn•••., '
M E- - II II \I i
!it kriN
STIMM 7-2 Et G- 0 0 _Li S
1 , . 1 ,
I it., : •• -
‘‘.1,11 .t t tt; t
1 , 1
\ -. 114 1 ., t.iN I • ii-:14• t.
Ith 1114 . I 'fill.l 4 -2
irtRE 11,-- E tkeEl
I NsUfkr
Fc(IUNTY Mr I (*AI. i\- , 1 I;
AMA , . .111'
hterarn qt, i 7 1 I rP, r A ), r•tai .
Pronerli I tk.ut ed bt Fire lur not
nivr • ~• t, ~.-•••
th. ; ~1•,,,,, t ....OP prk.l 1.1.1
1110. :ItliOt 11.1 i : '•1 r' hr Aizq
mgt. Ili:. 1 - 4 /11, I /M.( iptPirdPig •• fro, fr...
driN, cr4 ri n p healle
! r n
1t... onr. C. ‘13rr , 11 . .1 lOF \I -.tern I
C. M T 0 ,1.1 • CI M MIS , V• 111.
WI" F Kin • ••• •. J , tr. - ;A r o,.
‘,. • •••t • • ‘t...0 . • • 1130,,
“flicP, In 4•.-- Mr( rwirt • • to r
Chrapm.l. F
H . '•
Opposite Lake Shore Rail Road Depot
Ware-Room No. 6, Bonnell Block,
State st , Erie, Penna.
I St 7, I,u 5,1, Nnni 6aai. • , 11 itlki A. .‘4 41 Si,
Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed,
•ti(wltT , . I 4.“--• •".••
rto;! 1 :4,•• ' . , i'••
lk s‘e • ...• 1.1 • nil \lt, -
..1 m," • ' • I• • • • lINn
Con., ~,.• , 4, , .i.. ~•1. ,• •,
low..ort towric.o • ri Ind i 11 f,rw
~r in til. •
;' ' t I! t
New Leather Store!
.N 1) 1;! I'' j . , '1 I I'
I. 1) 1.-Iw, 111111 v
I.F. VTII l'lt %NI) 1 , 1•41)1%1: •••TOlit•
in th. m.o‘ 0 0e,., h • I,-
Iv tn, Mao' aU p.. 11• • t • tr) .•
•,lor%, whir+ 1. • •• at •l• 1 .MNIIL:Mv• pile..
Th; ,- . t., a! • i• .ntl , •n to their
terinmetp.a to ~ri1...12, nhn •1.11 itti them, to
merit a lite•ral tr,,, 2 40
ou 11..01 all ka1t...•.?
3110K1t IFLER A\u T ONF R
1.141111 , 1 -l or 1{4.41,114.r. xll.l TlLtint, 11,1,
oßaw 111.....4 11111,1
Sk$ClA. I irrr:i itEn..l. It a Cl/
Krs , „Apr.l
For the Spring Trade ! !
,Ngly tug -
New wtvlew ot •
P .414.31 HVA; IVG .1 NI) • ...lg.
B(>I3I)ERS 9
Compri•ine Irma ...hitn.,t) to
tlrt n.ft ~r n•nrh, F:nz' •h Maw
ufsetore, a • 1,,w..r l rlg•t•*ll,an
April2l- 4r , 'ELDEN.
87'.1 STI?t:ET. - Eh' I.', P.l
Where a full a•oortinipot of Ch u b.
Dom, rtir and f r •
Wi 110 W nod And Stow. Ware, Vro-la". aro ni
•4111 on hand and anltlnz rh~xp, at
April 2r4. /MIN itA \ 1 Neir
" Thirteen per cent Saved.
THE (11.11. oil I. I,vti Id 3.1111“ . .1
w 'thou, color or khi.,r— ith A rh•Nr
Itaurso, and 1.111 hut loin., 16w Ihat ..1 1111 N tither proud
In ymtrket--thon i. nn ad.t c in th, trtyl
show. prier 'Oil 1)01.1.Alt A t.ALLON. no,
Brand sold only Ay Aphll 11l CARTF.R k DR"
WINES IND 1,1411 is
fl ~RI r .1 ICKio \
V. \! A F:ROW \„
11.0 , Jlll
.1 Ju.t,,,
..FFIt F.h.4
JON., 0.1 •S
11.%1.1 h.N Plr.
E 3
Bargains! Bargains!!
LANE I'lo4lr , I.\ I/
1, It 1
lit Ot I 1).) . 1 c if' )1:1'
Th, 1.41 , 0“ •It.l • WU. ly
Td, ~. • 11,0 J1, , ,.,r'1, .~
real I;
1A.11.40 co•I
lIVIST YIN 1011 Y AT 0111301111
DRY Gi-COC,I)ga!
. 1 /, /.
Terms Cash,
Prices Always Uniform
N I ‘v
J t r..! rt• ' •' • !••
ktik.. •• •!, I. • • •8 ! 1...
!.• ••• • 1. , • !. • • • ,
u I.
, ‘t • 1 14 It i • 4 •
.t 1:' ‘•
And Liouse Furnishing Gooah
.- I -
We Study to Please and
18 6 0
NeNl and
Wholesalo and Retail"
1 4 II .f/Z. I 1t,.6 wtk.ek
Fashionable Goods,
lilt A••pi m I
h•. 1,1•. 1.. tli
Staplo and Fancy Goods
athlirt-n \ SII rt 1 EL:. 1-
Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars
\ Nv Mil!, Es: \ \NI RF i \
No. I BRIM 1111.0t s h, Lill .
rr %No Proprietor of the l t PITO! diem..
.loloon, lino...pent of Ilroa‘ n*. liott I
Three Weeks from Canton!
1 () II Fall t •
t, lthrre •oekotr,”
t • • 1- 'Sine I:. Celatil, nt
MI (In State, tot•nren Ilth
secoco.cococo t cc'
V()R I%lti,lt wlll
n l orw U.,u g a.a4ta fur Eaatero Man t •-•
Inlt marl. t prow•
‘l." I-4 1%1k) ttetvire.rt, \
Caah! Cash!
100.0.0 Efit;S 1% 0 1
Cif oi goo,i froub • •
it••• • at our o,.r*
11th au.l ,•rt,4pt
Was INrFNT TlRit
uI'"I'•I'ER: BUTTER -N'.• ;II
Ilbr Rutter iPtl 4
arrair ar.a.ra
Va , r 5 r LIMN AI, SHIRK AI
)S l { ,Pt• p tt.• t•t• r trlasago
. •• ar• • r.p. k,. ,
pt r yard, good vhi
%lA% VT, Tlllfr t I Yz., Ftk
I 11, k, Joinuo awl
X y I t 11r. oanh • t .4t./ t ,•
Cotir•nad•••• ‘•••: r •• ?‘.11• toi
rt• 1 , . 44 et.. rrat harts 1
1 \ ENT, Milt 41- 4 , Sill '
14. 4 , 1
Nay 5. INCI..N T. 111111 -.111
?. 4 1 0 .
8 '4 , 14 1 4;14 .
I.IIC bale bill ) •10 8.. rs 11441• I 411 roti n g.., Htt '
Ilby NINO. T,11118AL. , ,' , 111 , tn •
( ANL. 2,1h4) CiliN I i,l\ ,
G•et n 441.4.4. ref 0 , ,
I •tnt. rt4.l tali. I 2
%It , . 5 1 INFANT, TI/t/tAl.Q.. 4 lll)ik
412 ARDEN HAKE:... I , "
x_A•zbot.h., {'otka, he ,st 44 Jt' 481 It'
1 01 111
r • • 1, I
• • ' • I •• I
Mpan what Mitt•
N. -I.