The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 12, 1860, Image 2

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~ 0 E iitrOr Mucha pot her :shout platform% To Go tie Nev re G o . ..—That is the quest- NoW roa CHICACKI !• --OtLr
R, as wat have eteint,iftew.yearal.Republican
. . , . , •.-, ~ , down at Charles
hie .1-eenidelnget milled a n eional CollYendon f rien d N e re t eciisn. Supetintentlent of the ton "hugely." For ten days they expand
/I, 1 0 . 141,()AN. Editnr meets to get het to 110113111 A tee' candidate for the
-- -...--- I leveland and Erie road, to pack our trunk, 1 eel their faces to a broad grin, and chuckled
presidency anel, as if we had no constitution, and see the g• d Republican row -w t with et •,_, .t, !Pus news of the
TIMM& al 60 PER lritAlt IN AD V.a. NCE
n hint' new one or mere o. one must be made ' ' i :lis Ape° 1 it, t itl i ou . -2:',” allidi'selita the loth of
iip to snit the coneielexios heat °TeX's- he + u n o' Ju n e, s o, '"" 4 : :: ' y, It direr
tug the COW 1.1111011, tor lop I ng re ere deo, 1 se . , e '4 '- - - 4. c r - 4 v . turned their
afterwirtis pays . the ,1101 re to it, loud n Y. e th re thotig , ,W, it 4 " ee. " antetodatitm of our
i indeed no living eigatili ,
.fla sinimann w . e
'h . t, ts de min ''' Thatissett aleiecorn. In this
hound to pay repr,f toll :L ' a--
,to get the twenty-seve'r - ", = ' Peamsyl- mood, one of the most influential of their
The Charleston Convention had to adjourn
vania as a unit, e. a her'', is extremely anx- journals exclaims "Our way to success et
I the other day. merely " .nine quibble of titf- ions that we should go up, and take charge "thickly beset with difficulties. We know
terenee in opinion upon a subject on which the
emistitution is perfeetly plain. and to:which in of his Interests in t h is end of die t Witte +A- "#ittt there) grill be diffiefrences of sentiment
sibliiiMsfillhellsailitbil -
practise there ongint se he, stud i twilievwthuter4
i the most perfect of Rotenone
iattly that be haii'lit the most implicit
The question is Shall there be Slavery or confidence in the theeretion of his present
leader, hence the unitweinetus held out to
ni ' , livery in the Territories'
Greclyisin, old.liiigsistu, SAIRATItiCM, Wen- its. We replied, that. in the event of his
dal Phillipoeui, John Brownism, or some other election, Kite Would site us all the mule
01 the thousand New England t-ilevilaniats contracts, we'll consiOr _the matter. Lie
t the filltll/0.1 mat &pitying puritanism) asserts said one had been alressiy.promtsed, but we
t ivii thee,• -hall lee none The Southern slave- should have all the rett, end to make tip
owners a-sett and with perfect, truth, that for that, he'd give us the fingering of the
their tights in the Territories are equal to Winnebago annuities: IVo told him it..
~ors, s li d nothing short ofahsolute sovereignty wanted the whole mule or none, anal .10 We
shall abridge or Impair those rights, then split—est aside, Ilestringhtm matters had
pies not without it view exclusively to the gone with his Winnelogo rival, 4 .ces.iril
N ooke g ood then [' g ain, not without making i mme d ia t e ly t e l egra ph e d t o keep our- e3..t.
( gAll pelt I.llltill peeled for steam ship grants, and 'warm
""rle'lw""lb/e, c"`"lieu me d er t atte s to tea that they were mueli better Arkin',
-,,„.., in nominatin g m candidate for the peen- than tusk contracts of Witinehign inch
done-y. how this question is itt he settled, keens ans,
..4 344 o wn o 1
i.,as4al "amnia a mice." anti
tag pert& ty well that it has no power le 'tl
came down upon us with an 0114 to pn H ui
ii " " qO,-lion °IB ni 8 uni P el 114 "" lettlei " — under his banner, and pointed vignifiestit
1141 • 11111,1 ilk• ['remittent it nominates, t/ alerted.
t , , c 1 tr- 1 , f. ( c
yto t h e Rite iari nor, o o o af , C o-,
lib- tie power to settle it For let the riser
di ni . ‘,..u. he ii that they may, let him Two made out ot ' 'Siva wool - tinder leis speak
, enthip of she Itouse , ,--- tut/ n • hat is Spealeal •
1 e .... whatever dogma ma} suit him, Cot aim it
of the Home to Pre-nchmt. *aid he, with a
nisi help to elect lout, ii requires% the other
knowing wink • True, but then there i..
le ..-ial . et the government, the eo-unlumone
"John Charles and .Jesse, " about lobo Ite-
Fir in, hh.l Of the federal power , t.; concur wit h
bin' t o sn% approach to n settlement of It: and publicans swore iii 1' it, they -nevera Nfld.
indeild• then it is a question whether the three no never, not any more nit by no means,"
e-t lot. cow 'mug are competent lo the task desert until they are carried triumphantly
Vet ii ens he reused, without any platform and to the White House. Who 1-, going to
protiatilt without aiij law of Congress, except represent them at Cbiesgo sat , ' we tleerley
perhaps Ail executive "needful rule 'to carry has deserted them; Bennett, aura decerted
0111 the pedginent% of the Supreme Court therm even our spriatd eagre-Godeand-lilser
t territeer% 2 % open to immigration from all ty friend elf' the Jamestown Lb ono, eel, who
the sates toy citireu of the United slues kept John Charles thing at In, masthead
can go there and take hi s pr o p er ty w i th him longafter Buchanan wasittaugurated- -even
oi VI hal I • %Pr kind The Northern man goes h e hasilesertedhis"C' --,,,ilesar k ti leisJevese. '
will, his its or MS RIM or anything that Is yea, we'll go: Lief behind, us truths con
hi, The ' , out hern man goes with his •• ser- tracts! go away sheunistiap grunts! stand
a ant or his maid (servant' his oa or his Ma or bete* "free wool "' "John ('harks and his
anything that is he..' But the Northern man, Jesse," are crying aloud for a friend !--a
as it were. " covert his Iletelb°t'll servant," I ltte representative!--and the ems of ever) lie
least he objects to that servant being brought
tublican is turned to stone ' hurrah for
into the some territory with him, thereby de- C hicago, then! Shall it be said that "John
prising his neighbor of the use of that aorvaat Charles and Jesse" wanted a friend and
as much as if he - coveted ' hint—or drives could not find one I No! never'
him o u t of the territory ' The Southern MIR,
if he cannot protect himself, or is overpowered,
brings suit in the courts ,of the territory for
trespass or whateyer the taw thigh' call it.—
Suppose the judges of the everts to be equally
prejudieed against see-Buda, with the defendant,
in such a ; ape is there no appeal' Cannot
our soeiherner carry his ease to the Supreme
Court o f the United States! If these last
courts shall fail him, (if indeed Kuehn% ahsur
ditj is conceivable) then it will be Genet° pro
ceed towards the ultimate limits that hare al
ready Lech spoken of loud mime ' ,•h of late
But surely a patient trial of the 'efficacy of law
should firth be made That efficacy need not
he doubted until after such trial. And with
our constitution and these legal courses before
us. what peed is there for a set of brawling
politicians selected by the bar room j e sters of
every district in the oountry) ezpotendaig if you
please the federal constitution'
The constitution in this country is-the found
ation of all authority—it is the same in power
with - 'hie King" in the Entitled constitutio*
*inch potter is symbolically said to be mospet•
Ile of dotiig wrong Just so with our coned,.
twice; It can do no wrong, for under it by a
misconcetition of its meaning, if wrong should
accident4l) he done, then that wrong most be
righted and made of none effect .
But take another instance. The tarreorrie
filled with Greet). and Oiddinres, with Wen
del Plellipae, and John Browne--the mama
of decaying puritanism—when the Southerner
comes there maikhritigs his slaves. The territo.
ry acting on the squatter sovereignty arrange
ment. has passed, we will ay.& law excluding
slaves hcfnre it has become A stile. The
Southerner withdraws in obetlience to or
pelled by that law, and brings his acti
against that territory for deprivation of h
constitutional right in the Supreme Court. W'
he not gain his suit' If there be a sense of
police left in the court he will gain It, and rf
the action falls, then it will be time to proceed
as hedore to those ultimate measures, the talk
of which has become se familiar to us of late.
Theee remedies are befbre me, Mr. Editor, axed
until therare exile/mug why need we babble
of plattornis tine legal prineiple settled
legally i'.• it'd 111 a thousand platforms and pro
gramme. PUBLIUR.
- - - - -
What will be done at Baltimore?
A week has passed ...Ince the news came
that the Democratie National Convention
had adjourned, to meet at Baltimore on i
the Isth ot' June; and every day the .014---
tem is asked us, by editions Democrats,
what the Convention will do when it re n--
sentbies7 We cannot answer W e entire..
it is the first political knot that we a annot
see sonic way of untying. The friends of
!di I he'et.As in the convention arse stub
horn His enemies air e, l ually ...tillaxtrit.
And hetree. as in every other view. where
.tuhhot n parties come ui contact, compro_
ini,te becomes alma-t impossible 11.‘41 the
Charleston t'onven lion adjourned ek. de..
and the delegates referred the q uestion
ha, to the people. I‘4. are 5.01 , 11041 thee
trrobleni of who shall lead the pat ti to vs
tory this hill would find all t.:l , ‘
IVith the people the s l ue-tion 11, t o men is
of but secondary importance Tlie 11A%.
us A leader- -a man around %%brim 'we
eau rally- - let him egune from the NOrtli or
!row the skald', front the East ui Iron' the
.we care 111.1-whom and a e 111 load!
t -irrepressible eon fliet " that there 1- ail
iiiesetahle party still in existence to meet
•itid conquor sectionalist wherever it unit*
leer its head—whether at Rochester, led
I estiAaL , or in the larleston ('onten
tion tell lit VA.( Et The great Democrat
heart az right It beats. responsive to
principle, not mail ' elt Does not Ikeljr% t.
that within the brain of heart sc at!) Ant
luau all the talent, 'or all the tirtue in the
nation is centered. it knows there are
litany admirable qualities in this than Doi u
t At• lie has pluck, courage, will ' and
' mind! But so has BREA KEN ales.!, and lit N
TEIt, and 441-THRIE : and so will have other
Douglases, and other Breckenridges, and
other Hunter-, and other tinthries, when
these men of toda) have passed awa).
'l'he Democratic nut-sea remember the
National Conventions of 1544 and 11.452,
,inti hoe in the first, when the patriots who
composed it found they could not agree
upon any one of the prominently named
stersmen before the eountry, laid them
aside, and nominated the "unknown"
Pout ! And how in the latter. when a simi
lar state of affairs had been produced, they
passed by Buchanan, and Marcy, and Dick
inson, and Cass, and placed the standard
of the party in the hands of PIERCE! And
light gallantly, in both Instanoes, was the
party led to victory. If it is the will of th
convention, when it assembles at 'Latti
more, to nominate DOUGLAN. in the name
of all that is just, give him the nomination!
lf, on the contrary, it is the will of the
'cinven tion to nominate titrviitttk,or Batt
retinae:, or Hutertrit by all means let one
be nominated ' But if neither one nor the
other of these men can command the ne
cessary vote, pass them by, and give us some
new man. Why should a mere man, who
has his peer in every one of his eonstitu
ents, stand in the way of success of a great
party! What is Stephen A. Douglas that
the Democratic party should be wrecked
in order to apease his ambition ! What i.
John C. Breckenridge, or James tkuthrie,
or R. M. T. Winter, in the balance, when
we come to sum up the ills which would
flow from the election of such a man as
Wm. H. Saw/dui—a result which is just ita
sure to occur as that. the sun will rise in
the east on the 4th of March, unless
the gentlemen composing the National
_ Convention resolve to retrace their steps
At Baltimore, lay aside their personal dis
likes, forego personal ambition, and give
us a candidate who Will enter upon the
campaign with neither friends to-reward
nor enemies to punish ! There are plenty
of such men in the Democratic ranks—men
equally as worthy and equally as capable
its any of those who were balloted for at
'harleston. There is the gallant and lucky
young Senator from the Pacific State, Col.
Metros S. LsrtiA it, of California' Let the
nomination fall there, and how the young
l*nocracy of the Nation would rally to
his standard ! There is brave Tow SEveock,
of t`rinneeticut, who with even Fernando
Wood to drag hilt down, came so near re
'teeming his native State a few weeks since.
Or, if the Convention should deem that
age brings wisdom, there is the courtly
and polished DALI.A.%, of our own State,
who has been out of the country during
the turmoil and divisions which are new
so near wrecking otir party, Then, in
this category, there is the old "War Horse,"
of the Ohlo Democracy—brave eld
Atamt, whose eloquenoe was wont to elec
trify the Senate when Webster, and elk,
and Benton. and Wright, that galas,vtof
great men, ruled the popular heart. But
we need not enumerate the names of emi s
uent statesmen whose nomination would
be responded to by the masses ! The quest
tion resolves itself into the simple on•-, will
the Baltimore Convention take t'nis view
of its responsibilities, and give us one fora
standard bearer, and thtut "snatch victory
from the jaws of defeat," or will it wreck
the party, and perhaps. the country, in as
attempt of its members to achieve a per
' Ronal triumph. . We confess we fear the
result ; we confess that there are more
"clouds lowering o'er our house,"than ever
before obscured the political horison..--
Nothing but the most exalted, unselfish
patriotism will serve to drive them away,
and of that article, the proceedings at
Charleston has not given us a - great deal of
faith in its existence to a large extent
• among the gentlemen chosen to represent
the Democracy of the Nation !
tor Among the devices got up to defeat
SEWARD at Chicago, by Greeley e. Co., iN
the attempt making topalm upon the con
vention sets of Peter nigh delegates from
Virginia, Maryland and Rentucy. That a
genuine Republican should be grown on,
the soil of a slave State is an improbahlia
fact. This production must be of artifinial
cultirttion. There may be contrivances
for forting early Republicans, as well as
strawberries and asparagus, and we are in
clinadtothink that there are up North, but
theactil Amen South is a i Uttle too warm, it
seedts to us.
sir The Gasette is "exercised" to know
•I•ase the Observer - "will milers itself cow.
seqqaut upon the nomination of Dough,
at Baltimore." Whet lit. Douglas is nom
inated at Baltimore we'll tell our neliptbor!
Can lee wail?
se- Th e (;.zeite thinks if we should -go'
it" for Populiti sovereignty, as Douglas
understands tlie term, it, would be "eon
usiderable of s sumerset, 'but not more
"rolvkahle than several he (we) humus:la."
Ytwhaio . but then wehave very illustrious
examples to Justify us—lbe ,6tardig. for is
gi =CO. but a few years slope that our
coteniporary sustained the tahairtistnukm
of Fillmore, fugitive slave law and all. The
pad ps.. yao. was several nice little Li t t bits,
in the way of government advertis ing.,—
Thal made the Fugitive *lave law a blessed
enactment , ,vr at best, an.enatetruent that
bad to be dissented from in the mildest
and most ductile tones. it is but a few
years ago, the Gazette held up a bee trade
democrat as a political monstrosity-An
1856, the Gazette supported a free-, trade
Democrat for President, and ii is ready to
day to rapport another in the person of S.
P. Chase. There is no "surnerset' w ithere,
"i.s there? There are several other nice little
. 4anersets" our neighbor has made within
a hlf dozen years equally as — remarkable"
as most ••retnarkable" that ma he laid
at iatoleor.
NArto:rst. t, %lON CoXyliclox.—The
0) Vnion hveiii n *et at Manses*, on
Tnetriay, and organised by the election of
iirssmtstrro% !kiln% of New York. *resident.
ANT tranttaell4 the , usual btutiaters a vote
was taken fors ca\litlate for Plesitivni Wilk
the toll.•xing result: •
nave i*LLOT
Butt .4,
and duty re-'
no pnlie7
broad bunfik
Country, the,
anforomant arks
a of she Coo
the Comm
...Wain, protect 1
_____ principles, thus affording,
'seen, Ky at loam and abroad, end secure an
lilaccings of Übarty to t o ttentsehss and poster*
lir We learn that the deputy marshals
who have been appointed to take the COMP*
will commoner their labor,. on the brat ofJune,
and expect to complete it aikido six
weal a.—
Full instructions hare already been Issued trout
'Washington, including the points that are le
be made and the eneetions that are to he attired.
Net only is the population to he rinthhered,
but the statistics of numufactures, scriculsursl
products, stock, and ail Linda of property are
to be aseertained. The whole work can be
very much herniated it people will collect
their facts and make their estimates before
hand, and have theta ready for the deputy
marshals to copy. Farmers, e-apessiolly, would
do well to *timid to this the tirst leisure day.
as it will be more convenient to do it now I Ilan
it would he in the busy season of June, and
besides it would he AltiCil more accurate than
when done by word of mouth. Lrery cultiva
tor should set down the number of Ins acres,
the amount or ••.a. anel , anal the number
of acres devoted In each, the amount of
stock, and of farm and dairy products. Man
ufacturers also ehould have their statistics
ready. Every man has an interest ha making
the census returns as complete And -full mad
ac cura te possible. and this tau only he dome
by individual care and accuracy. and will de
pend much more upon the people thet.toolves
than upon the officers.
Bar The G a :ell, Nrr rri rr ii;
in saying "that last year lint shave per
cent. was allowed to city collector'.'' We
beg to assurh our Oteinporary that we
have use most utsdoubtedantliorit) tOr
kering to our Miteruent-.-at all events the
'veto of the Mayort.'ittid the entruttentt of
'the Press have saved the city two pet cent.
On the collections this )esr. suit under-
Standing of last year's cmcestinte4ia
The Mayor issued iris warrant to the High
l'onstable dirt*tiug him to , ollect the eit3
tart, but at the argent solicitation of the
oliertorq. the High (.I,estett{r employed
to &Alert the tax and twirl thine per
cent. for dniug It. No One >k tows these
Nets better than the senii4 bailor:AA the
Vignette. The late aukendmeat totthe elty
charter changed the irtmle ofsippointiiig
the collectors. taking it froui plc high 6on
stable and 81/H10;41N/ 1 111e ‘oolllcait to *P.
!utint them.
Mar lit noticing the fitet ttitit,thisipapar
last week iftelairaw 1 it 4 oontivroeil 'faith
in the sufileienev, tt4 n tlerlantion prim
siple., of the tineuluati PlaqoriA. die 0 ,, -
ictic says : ':Stipesose A.:41406mi Ilia.
"form shoulti.l.e,interpreted 4sy'theiliskistr
",'ity arithorisie Douglas' cibekriiie of rtitt
`outer tiover..igttty: 22 -witere - alli if testilk Pie
l'weigitbor With AlWdeciariti .ogar,AarrePor.
"is the views awl, ppiittrot they" Nation*
• !A4treinitstiatitin r 'Mee ansivor tirebv lout
On the minority, ofeourge r
cif the, 0 0 ;ev e you4erfol / ca Wing-
, ,
sir Ever): hodiTn ti rrie Reiss : ;, 4)
it. ~441 e
fixt 1414 for some, rowels. eFe./iuile Lori to poo
an onstrusons Method tsfx for a -few parr part.
la °consoles. witli Ant fiat. WP skonid -MN; lo
ki li oir isbetherntlle e Mt:ming statenient. coin
ntunicated ici' tyi 'bj ti'Velitille' getifliiitan,',i's
tiu.-...iessaniy.; That iltere Mu born colisiond
fickle** .. to of the Wien.liani. daring tho
etint . of this itantstosta; seheot tax, flied,
tip the - Said of '4OR,llOB' &4t iimi above th.
*ton ~ 'expettdiat,*/1 1 ArtfttPomi, ilia
.. - 11astintatiss4. out &Tong :tI A ~ Dinee;
en deelleeeleee IA lie. Per gene, ../( hil kr.4ta as.
it is *brads*, one at the inongstocienagen 4,
of perpettsted moon n-tatJriddeti itethemnity.'
It is an outrage in toe' itiefreArtif to tey .1414
eilificeimPrP lAgPlaiqi. 4.4 , 1146 , 14* N.,
pens of sdapnaofil ant! in 40 Itteetbatt discs, it
ii doubly** °wedge lb foram four , hipstness - mien
--and therm.. the ones who Par Oils tan leo a'
great . extent —td inaicil - hti itl fo'Yikiloiitte4
out et oix per eettt.„7ille 1 443r,'01: ts: ti N h ai-i4,
paying ten and twelso l piconnt. Asa'. mutiny to
awry on trait huninetts. •Ife do del nig: that
alt tx
e version of thnstat tart! erne....loutono Usk
i s. 4, 4 . .:t ' ;! iouttQl;* - ei.l 1)
. -I. •
, -, ' I • lOW ' ' t4a0' , 11.! vUm .I
of Tops..
= ex-
e the ogee. to''
dtviiliiis by **-
*lust 'parties:
ion** wogsaly sposubwil Won ,
clay aftromoOwnt. " I tlgt o
An 1, 1 0 4 ~ ,A4 K A,I : 44f IV - i
' 1.4
- 1164340 a Thalo l lo ,NoiablßOKKOMPlialrOlkil
It two dttisslabOremi: met histral. Wallow
bides& MOP
**Joon , 4 A 5 04 9 2
.. .irt 4 1 444 . 4
rtsi ,* 4 gh. Mama
doollha•biwtolad,piso- and shot ihogluot
.1 T
the d
- • ' • ••• _ .omintention—not sim
ply differences arising from individual
"preference,, but as to the general policy
"that it behooves us to pursue." One of
the dangers this journal apprehends is an
attempt by some Republicans to abrogate
their platform of 1856, and substitute that
of the I umuw , ratie party—non-interven
tion and it exclaims with more feeling
than the danger seem , to warrant s _ that
At,. "platform is just as rotten as it was in
"*Liti. The false and accursed doctrine
"that a man holds his right to his own
"body and the fruit• of his own labor, by
"Use turn of a ballot. is dishonoring to the
••t:asssos, and afoul stigma upon the fat
"manify of the nineteenth century. 'mi.
"question or slavery awl freedom i. ag,reat
••ntoral 4ueatiou, anti no tree Republican
"dare blink this aspect it it. Tn offer any
"exeuse for, or attempt to palliate the de
"fortuity of either of the •twin i
-to touch pitch and stand defiled before
"the world. It would he to strike our glo•
• Anus flag in the frier* of a retiring foe ;is
"if deserter, entail be won 11) such a base
''t/eviue We hope the Republican who
•woultl dare • cotopmeni.:c the position we
'have won by six rriin ..f incessant
, tieve:lsful warfare, holds no ticket of at
'iraission to t,ho Chicago Convention -
.Ves.but t boy do t hough—l hor's Eli Thayer.
and n Wore of other., :ill bent un discard
ing "intervention - and mounting the
yore-aturunadtalter-ited "squatter gover
eigti" dogma, that the first dozen 4.ruatter.
in w territory chilli prohibit the introduc
tion or tho s e "twin r,lavery and
polygamy.. Awl upon this rock —the same
rook thus our Convention came near split
ting-on--an attempt to make a new creed
foe the party, our Republican friends at
Chicago tnay also split. We :dal
jrce- We hare often had occasion to no-
Vise approvingly thft judicious course of
Hon. llostsvio Ist Assistant Post
Master 14enaral. In a letter written 11. Ide
of the Taunton (Mass) Gazette, from Wash
ington, we find the following just compli
ment. to Mr. E.' ; e world of which is
t rue and merited, and which we take laeae ,
pre in transferrivrg to our column.
"Vf the latter, in the absence of l'ost
master General Holt, lion. Horatio King,
the First Assistant, is now the acting head.
Mr. King is a gentleman of rare qualifica
tions for his impo:tant post, having hro't
to the service superior adininistrritive abil
ities and having now acquired lty hi., con.
neetion with this Department the mast
perfect familiarity with ghe operation- of
the 5y5t431.13, as well as an extett , iie
quaintance with men and nrateni connec
ted with the service. I lets a noble specimen
of the New England Democrat, having
risen to his national }Kt:titian upon los na
tive merit and farce lot character, from
those preparatory schools of greatness, the
printing office and the newspaper sanctum.
Ile is not only a judicions political writer,
Ins* bats-sastieress- soish, !issor.. upon HIM..
pleasant paths of litentry labor, and his
agreeable 'waifs' are the frequent and fa
vorite occupluits, ackuwiedgod. or anotiy
=MX, of newspaper corners throughout
the country. His unvahied courtesy. cor
thal recogniuon of visitors of an offici a l
character, and lits carerel cousidermioll of
subjects claiming his attention. have won
him the respect, i •Infidence and admira
tion of all who have had the pleasure of an
intercourse with him iii his present posi
tion. which it may be supposeti is one of tI in
lint in lioil le:11 importance limier the illv
ska- .Phe Itemoeratte , eatulidate4 for city
Ilfficoi who were defoatefl at the recent
eleett4ti in Philadelphia• hair eutplo}cti
three puunent lawyerb of that tit) tai
tigate'ltlko alleged frautl4 tiro
were 4 , tellitied front office
bee . Twenty•nine - giir6 awl boys. on a
j' nie and fishing party, were drowned in
lieliken's mill-pond, near t Innden. *4 . I
on Saturday. l'he bolt >unk in the mid
dle of the pond. l'ht,.owater ham been
drawn otiagul 18 bali,eit have been town).
&fir An officer/of the United !Niue%
Army, iThn has Om ,
his opinion of 'Arizona .
We havet,Oust traveled over the much
talketi-ef,Tritery of Arizona. Such an
other tiod-forsaken. untimbered, unwater
suolkuizied country never before fell
under my vision. amt my optic; Wive run
°ref 3 gand ..f what I,ad
gig- The Butler fitrahhitatos that n I:tw
yer rienteit Hippie has abstonded front that
place, with a girl named Maria J. lirinket-
Hipph4 leavne a wile and child, lie haring
taken one of his children with him. but
lett the other. -He eiirrie.l nfr t 0.2.000 of
othel• people's money.
I;n‘pry'iNg3.—Evety wan who has a house
hum alstits Routh side to it ; and there dig deep.
impfour-flett al least. and u wide and as long
vv you Mu-rout. Pulverize and enrieh thit
toil WA: f l i r t time groz at 'least oIY grape
vide. Every man who keeps house and has
Ciunily-,-tut 011 RCS should have—will have
to Lad seine Leans to dispose of soapsuds and
other refute Water, the year road.----Now
twitting is mete congenial to vines and frull
1114 - 11 Aoki ciintelbutions of such materials at
the F. t 3:00 of the vine. In addition to patting it
Arb•oh Fho 141100 you can make an under
groundt drain Bona your rear door, and end it
about two feet underground, contiguous to the
rootti thti vine ; and then. to make room for
all thot, uk eome, dig down two feet further.
the site* a, hogshead, and fill to the top of
thedtaia with sods, and MI up the rest with
earth. in doing you have provided for that
twhieh otherlitise:migbt become a nuisance, and
make it coridnowrery much to the growth of
:P 6ll . o 4 4o •Posie- 1 luxuries in the way of fruit ;
_roil can thus besides, the felicity, in a
ye , ' or. tint. at -itaing beneath your "own
u •%rben the time is summer, and
`the tour tit' 0100 evening, is a privil
edge seare4y be overrated.
ai r 2 s. Asmaws, under direction of
1 .4%. Wass 113., y'riueipal Engineer &E. R.R
i" new sultallikin tasking she pesihninary tar
tly, far theiprOpeiled Railroad front this eity
io the olPreigiblutr'*. A. starts at s point
Shout o , fle i'Asit from Union Station, on
Gtr Soilt,.ap4 tie Satiny. and wiU run
• nisi lines thew. to Rankin, in %tensing°
County Funds for this purpose are rum WI,
intlidoed by tibmairmt.
eoLLSOL.—Among The many excellent fta
tnres of the course of stitdy pursued at this
College, is that of business penmanship The
system used lay truly be regarded as the
standard one, it having taken precedence over
all others in the principal cities and institu
tions of learning In the country l , It is used in
every commercial school of ally merit, and
'has for years taken first premiums at all the
State and local Mrs where it ho been put. in
competition. No where has it been more sue-.
cessfully taught than at the Mercantile College
of this city, and no institution has turned out
a greater number of accomplished penmen.—
Writing, to be pursued to advantage, must be
uuide the subject of study, and careful prac
tice under a oinn tent teacher, and such, the
public w* at this institution.— Haire&
lodr- The National Union Convention,
finished its labors on Thursday by placing
lion. EnwmtnErr.asrr in nomination for
the Vice Presidency. Not a word can be
said in disparagement of the platform adop
ted l,v the Convention, or the personal
character of the men who have been se
lected. hut it ra idle to suppose that, in
the present excit••d state of the public
mind o 1 topics_ such a ticket
, can command a large vote. It is possi
ble lien may carry Termer...tee, and he will
h,• supported vigorously in Maryland ; but
ouo-ide of these States, the ticket cannot
show much strength. The people, now-a
days, want Iwe men awl square-toed plat
Erie Wholesale Prices Current.
iiit KA USTI' MVP', ACC.
1 lour. liuuoow twit lowa, if' BM , .. f 4 b 00.4 • 54 )
- Erie County, Superfine,
6' Wirmuuain, . . .... ....4 7505 7.
Buckwheat Flour, r ell, t ~ .. .. 2 ($4.50
Wheat, White, Y bum): . . 1 2441 tUt
" Rcii, " ... .. .... .. I Mal 25
Rye, 70
thata, . .. ... .. .. 36 414 38
liarlei, . - - - Wien
Flax .4.4.1.
Clovrr 3.41,.... . . . . . . . -4 7b
Tintoth r !1...N1, .. •• . '3 GO
!Noonan `le.-1. . 2 1/0
Driexl A pplrs,
Dr ,0, 1 r+Arbrg,
131,1 — --- • rlottti
Irm 00 W 50
P C‘rt 4 71
o. • •
Mackerel, N.- 1
• • . 4 70
l'„rk .r •. , ' - 6 ram u614A6
• • • - IS ou
GROl' Eli I E .t
„u,. N.ll, r th,
. R.
Coffee, A ,
t;offee, h ,
Corr' c lt,o, V ff.,
J saj..
nt r.--- t Gel.,
ilet.Annrs.—N. 0., IP Gad , .... ..
Tr A 6 -- ---Young II) soil. I , It.,
Imp*, ta - I ... 45470
gr , exa Pepper,li.Ol6lll
Pluaentn,- ... _lOOll
• •
Clog es,. - 0 4483/
Ctaals.„ . . - -. ._.._. 28870
Nutmeg., . ... . - Tilell 130
Letup Oil, , P Gal , ._ .. •
Lard OIL.
Tanners' Of, . 56470
Wn,..t, Tl..rd ,• r. r , ,, . _ . 2 2400. 00
. .1 74602 .110
New Mail Arrangement
tiv and after this kluts - % .31ail, will clot.) at
- this Offic.• v G/1101%"rl
WI) Mali art, t 4 ' re , land & F. , 10 it K.,
New lark, lanifel..lnAl-10.,, IV It r, .1:0/14.1,
k Eno P.
Clrveland .
Meadville, Mrs, I 1. It❑ r
eta licKAou v.' Fdiu6n
Warvro, L awn Wn•orr..r•' nt.•l -A F
R. R.
Now rorli,
Buff* N.. . z ,
Cies tolmad 94.1 Ylttekbur,
Wate-'0, 4 . •, .
&Dal fiontordt“
Watt•burf, Kq pr, Cart, nil.. 1:•1'..
Turrtirt •, 91
I I Erie. VI AN II '4. 1,•1
44(1. al A prsl .
by Rev. Mr Kitoter Itr ':F:(► X BRAWLF.Y,
of Titusville. nn,l M 1;'," 1 KEVX;F:
the former pine.
IT/ Minn, N , : t•it r , s Her C
Chapman. - Mt l' II Hi of North
Ea•o. 1,1 It MN' MIT II .1 ' 4 .ltertivin, \ 1
on the .It i.y
Mr BEN.' \IINSIAWUM •tirl Al.-, AM \
In. Waterford. on the '3l i I.s ReA T T
Bradfori. St)l,\ "I K tn .!
Mi.. M VRN M ARS!!
By the RA.% W lii:tck'wt it. the A
inst. v ihe ~r the lather 111
Summit Town-uir. Sir (;I:(1 M. CRANE, "1
C.inton tlhi.. 11,s I'A Iti )LIN E ERII.INI
On 'rue-4 v 11..rtiing Syntoi,e. N
Y. 1 . 1711' 11 SD I IN. .1241 91..011f
On the 7til w.t , or , otiAtiopi on. %b. F A.
KOEHLER.. r if ‘t',.r...l.:•••l..ti.ww.hip. aged 44
?o-gam's Adrerti%inents.
D u. ~ (Mel
fNl\ ti 1 *I ONO PuHI
rtlf••”.., 11 IN re Ili Block. ROSidelate
Brow I'm , nu. 12m3. 6 —49
N% ”poli an Enyhs/
sad Claumacal t k .at howl for pup*. •.f both arre.
in the gm. Rank Buil:ink , oo ung,,iiiv, May
1860, at uA. M. Tonne from Ry t O„ [W.
jwr quarter u&r.le‘ru wkkr Ur+ t. attl aW. tra,b
chum of young lima. .t her won, i•fi Vaat .Siath••lreet.
Terms for tbi• rip. Four floflar• I „,
wayl2. 2-46. Gk,,• %‘,
Bonr.. ,m,r. t\!. MABERN.
THE subscriber %%oul,l revectfully in
form Om citizens of Erie an.l its vicinity, that
he hag now on 1iv.).1 a very riel.irtible stock of
Which he will offer at %%1 le of I!
tail a price, far below the rimitrion t etat
price l of such goals for ea.'''.
314ty of the goods ar e eup.tnto made, be
ing the stock of Ove of the bet retail houses
in BUffalo, and were designed expressly
for the retail trade: To be sold at the
Ct").llE, uNl:~• u ALL!!
Aid liou Shall ay Dissativfed !:
Perry Block, State Street,
A Few ,lociri .oath of the Park, Erie, Pa
H. T. WHITE Agent.
May 12, 1860.
The Irrepressible Con fl 't in
Wooden Heels All the Rage !
NTLY in opposition to Van 816 SHOO. Selling
Outs her it the sign of
lad an the Bankrupt Stock before purchasing skienhere
and you nil race mom.
H. T. WHITE, Agent.
MIMS aLoce, sr3a lay,
VOR which we will pry Cash' at outside
j: soma Dun sesta fer Maauftetaties• sW
umbl• to per filn Muh pr
l ices.
riSCINT, Itaaaia, masa a co.
trio Illsy 12, UM State. bitvora 11th It Mt dm.
- i •
Ne* 4an( Fashionable
DR 1000$!
Wholesale and Retail!
No. 4,
12, - E,ED 1:10-CTSM,
-reck-iviug a full and trends stn. k ..t
Fashionable Goods,
evt•r) tiling kept in a War lasi
111)ilaw. h„th of
Staple and Fancy Goods
gerThe stteettinti 011 . 1 11 ul N
licitetl 1, , t,
Z?. SEA. "IwITIS.3I33EI=t!
For Sale at Auction !
W I 1.1. lA' -Old 1..4 t... 1:
4.r1,, a I t.J,), I.t ..r
. 1 OM. 1 5 454 , At 14) timl , i o..s.t.ttv
About 20,000 limn/ /wet, equal to about No to I "tts,utou Ewe
tabard .... um of whil e k.h, ctieomie-, ~..4
lock, Dituestaans as follows
White Oak 24 fret loos, hawu Gue to..t . -a r.
feet long, hewn 6bylo iu Asti and Coca tub- r
feet to o& !servo one foot monists; de. l) and 16 feet
hews' 9 by liendoek 30, 31 and =awl /0 r..
h..n cum toot 'guar% do. 9b foot teas, been h.
Persons nis, esansioe the timber TYCO; f ff..
land Street, and at the betel nitlir
":•41111 - 00
1 60
The 11.10, fin tie in lute to euitpurchwe r., 1. •
menee at the ylle at the foot of Hoiland F F.RII
Calib in Specie, to be paid immediately after the ea:,
lsy order of Lt.Gd J. D .4.11.. :,,,t•
Engineer of Lake Harbor 1% urka
Nay, 12„
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE FIRM of ROC EltS S. litAN iq
this day dissolved tpy mutual rflueent Ihe
and aseouota 61 the arm eaa toe :12.1 at t 10., • .•
A. Ite•nuett k ro , in RfN7Kit..-
'FITE I:n4r-signed ha \ F fortae.l P - . 0 tn.
X ship in the DAILY of G. A. ISENSETt Co., in the
Hardware and Crockerr huelor.o., •od will ea, ry tho
same at the old .Land of RD K ere & Bennett, :o ~o, If o• r.
at all WWI MAY be foetid a to' S assnrtotutt of ilarde , , e,
Iron, Nana, frockert, ale , 'A. BESNE: ;
ruay9w3-49 L
ENS, MIS, run VW,
Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars,
Al wHiltlYzAl E ANP RET
No. 4 Itiltil%t MUTE. Y%
far Aheit ereprietor al the diming
tild4lloll. Illarenitut of tirewo•ls 11 al el
Las 11-4 i
v 4., A
I?. 4S V ‘I
1.: ♦ . . 1• 11
New Opening—New Goods !
H. B. 11 I - BliAlt I)
Wt )1:1.1) rove, ttli!tv li3i tiu t • it:, 11.
and the publle f&neralle. tha• ‘s.• ha. sonunen,",
Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron liiueiness,
In all its rnri►tlee. at !co I, 121;1:1•
State Street, opl.udi.• Wrtght's Mock, u here FA. 1. 4ru
►t all LW:ma, a good ►apply of any and rwrllhlrc tr "
hue, toetbur with a large ao.eiripo,.: of
lapann: 1 ,i,kl
And Rouse Furni-bing Cited gen:rsHi•
Jobbing and Repairing °fall kludge ntta•udr 1 to prompt
ly and tboroughlr Flontinc. t:nttrr„ and I 'nl,lurtetr%
put up at abort noting ,
T.i all (bor. in slant r I .0 l'.1" it .
Bay giro ono a call, as f lin tainii.i not
choapora. or (panty a go.•'. d pH!,
lIL RA 1.011 S.t it r)pen a
13 , 1.431 in the Ar iciettl 1 n Nn•o!n,, Ni 7, +h. h
•il eouttnue until Jul) bit
The Floglinb brunebel will b. th. Lo• i ••
rate of tuition will be f 3,30 fir 1 1 vr.l.
The Board of Managers
(Y: the Erie tt• A:ft iciihrr:il
•iti 11..1d a n tr i . tthe 11, ua
111.1Gth ,u.t , la .•', t .1.:1
.rand Wv...!tvesvlay of ao : .N-r, m. Iv:. !h.: , ft".
Erie Nay 3 11360. t A A CH3l4..Set. v.
ii 4 1.0141 ImIZEN -144. will root ,
fur the ab..rr quantlt, 1111 ' 40.,d
barnds or lean 4111arlrirr, n t nur .t ••••• a • 11••. • , 1
11th and 12th StrePto
May, 6.
_ _
tso:N r, TIBB c.;
BTitR! ' --We v. RI 14”, em4lw
for Butter it; PirLtt•• ;
coming season.
Nav 5. \ \
H ) 1 i ELS, a.alirt »t:VAdg b , lilemrer
tat maik. C.. Rs,' rig*
LUMBER W.ISTED.--; 51t,okh .:nut.
and Cherry Wards, Scan! liar anal elan.
Kris. marehl7-41 d. W.
TRY I)ANYAR:. s 1 H. Tim f,.r .1, to SI per pound.
louportal Tee 10r int pr poet L 4
Gtinpnwttor Tea 'or 4.1 per p.un4
-• Oolong anti F•otteborig as to 7, prib
ansat.4 to girr gatiesetkm or Looney rofoodrd
Jaya, Lagniro, Rio, rusted tad ground Coffees
Try Santini's crurhod,'graoulated, Col Te. A.
and Co'.ll R., Now °Holm.% Ittiororodo url Porn Rico
sugar; gelling low at RANYARDII.
DONE, Hams, Shoulders, Pre !leer,
Kw, Butter, Lard, Cod Flall, Mackerel, App'ea
tato. aria Vegetables innverall • , at BA N V#I.IIYS.
AFINE Stock of Fancy Brands of el-
GAM and TOBACCO. Call and azainino thew at
Goodin dollroted to any part of the city BABY ARI •
STEWARTS SY RU l', Extra ( ;olden du.
I," Sugar House do, New Orlesn. Volume., Vuomlppl
do , Porto Rico do.. of rood i nslity sad cheap, st
BANS' tlf.fr4
ONK Case, 1800 yards, Lancaster and GLsesaT. , e , (Lug-
Um, colors •rarriktilled tart rock, at 12', sods
Per yard, good value.
Kay L. C iNczrr, TUISALS, SMIRM. Sc CO ft
(ThNlf. Case, 2,500 yards, Kentucky Jeans and all Wool
Mess Tweeds, Heavy Mechanics Cotten Direr.
Cottoondes and dormer Staffs for awe aadJiefr, from I
12% eta. to 44 cts. Omit bargains.
May 11. yINCENT , TIBBALR, k. (XL
ON' We, IWO yards, Deutinitrein 3b >. Ll* mess:
Owe bale, 1630yordlik, Wiped iliktioca, Ln .1:1}4 e
May 6. IINCENT.IIBBALS 1 11111 K k. CO."
ONE asks 'WO Os: Fin* NO6 Eraird dbeetiate, c
b.. ISO yds. liaacy Moogiolgs.B cts
Or Dale 610 yds iGatra Heavy Sh‘tings, 9 % s.LI
Nay a. VIX'CiNT,TII3II.6I.:.4.SLILEN 3 CO.
1 CASE, 2,000 pulls, "UPI NTS PRINT'.
perlbet moo latest sty). of potters* fur 1U 0.. p..
yard, reel value 13N, eta.
Oar= itiOmlt i r r ret Maui afkl ik eta.
Select School
Cash! Cash !
A -SPRING, isfio. jp
47k0r.14 (iv
aril= 14e041 33r-pazittoi
T 4.
Gents.' Dress and Soft Hats
" Walking & Traveling Caps
Boys' Caps and Soft Rata
hildren'a Fancy Hata &. Oapa
Act ortl4/er. rarbety nt Man• • awl
MIN W I 1.1.1;11(IRY
1 Late nt , m,', UENT , 'FI RN CI1111)4 .
SILK and DRIVINIi (11.1)Vr.A
' } - 1(611 7 .1(1" %LI KINJ)
. twe, , ,tif..l .•.rtsr.eut T vs, :icarfa, Ntor
1031E111.1F.11. .43
No. 8t VCIEELE33=I
I. a liargn *lna A lista, 4xi awl
Hata at W1.01.111'1..
Lrie, Way
G RE 1T II AR G % 1 \ .
1)1 NEW
k'T TH F.
\I %t I\ PAR dicr tiLitf•K
Mi)111{1:14 )N 1, nu% 1 11N•n:nq 11.1
111. • 4. ,$ in` n e plc od .1 Stock •,!
tlrest t %No.*, Nt) lea and , rtotatte.ed
tt, ~•,% ell t ttoe Ae ;V. M Ise' I. ttn,7 •ypenz Ia La,
Restetn Inrk. W e ...101 , 1 all f's , tlcutar Attention 1.
• Let..nef • -tack of
•tf;OTt'll AND I ii 141.1 I !NESS,
W 131 TE ..ontf PS,
m.•n • San, Dress G 044.,
A e Lau a :•! , .vuglad A/aorta:tent or
.11FA.:(11 I ACR POINTS.
4 AH A Cl*
( I u , s l s• v, a complete 3l., IL
r • 4 woftalsov
vit., way i,, 1.J51)
IST MAY 1 1860.
Good News for the Million!
AR E now receiving, at their Store,
etata•, Iretvwei tilewewth •oA Twelfth otmet.s,
Ivry Goods,
Hard Ware,
g3"4:137 Mario fOlcothirts
Wli k.'h ut.\ • I k Liz•terh
. 1 5 Pee vent Ir.M IBMn ea rt.' %piing priers,
rat., I, r
'P. P. iproi,
.• .
I , 4
- oi,o of the most successful Fire
Insurivico.Companica of this orany
, ountry
CASH CAPITAL, - 61,500,000
SURPLUS OVER, - 600,000
trtn.r Le a.,
asn4 .t. ' .114[1,...„Lt•
Led Ain ,
,q.l t
New Leather Store !
11. K I , 7I7ELIiEIt(; ER sk
W 4 )1:1.1) ro-povt full% info' the idtl4,,.
, that d o ry 11%, pr
3.44 , e h• re • •••r • t.t keep
Ir iatt 'd sp.' ' r ,Nerl • awerkplion so , '
r a : wrli at thr prualble pr
`s. -• t lila to their !•11.1111ele and s
teralinata 1.1. a2O • - vrrt be...! 1.10• . s ea: th them. I
merit a !wee,: e'.l3e. Art.ifk,re The. Is• t•-••
•114 , 1 7 . M \-!:t k\ ir \ \ NO: •
i. , hturr for 110#31,bulA
10 rni sod Tapuer uu
;11 t.e paid for Skins, }Law Hale* aDJ
t~, S, PKN
Tin Ware for Everybody!
lll}' I{lloll' PLAI II
:Nfl •It l'I!r:s• land Estal.ll,lie.l
}.. tm tavola Brosrtril Rotes nod tt..
`.. rttoent el.mprires oiler,. a ruele 11.
•11 1 111. I -on sn.l C •Err ticw--Britlazum
bat«, tra..r.• c..:..thrs*,
Stewart Cooking Store!
t sios: supplied sit reaaoas
• •• f.,r 4 ouorai ut Lltr übd bommt,
4 ti -h "Fxcetpinr. ' llotirsteepers ars
e.-rost r 'new"' lo etatnino it lu addition, I bare s
g o ueril asaortunout of Coo. and Parlor Stoves of tke
pa t'• : Waite, ~1 4,1%1tai sa large as smart
Se • t s- „In ;-• f, in L ie( hare the agat ,
t c.4.-tst tte..l
BREcAIt'I:II)(.h • I (JAL (///. 3 LA
safe !tight of the a., tto
owlifeepe- I fi,eu I, su•l best substitute for gas to ell. ,
Iv. . n:, sbythine lo for line erre me s ,sy
rt /I eistasle all it to • oiol, on pneo
tie, Lay 5, leeel N 111 FtSl4)
New Millinery.
H IVY( iN a Cd)t.'LD. fo rm e!
111 w m,..A.}..101 ,
het-,q.. Dr.l Elt w."
• 'l n 114.01 . 3•. I
• I I IT ' , IRA., ",
6•r+ ttt.• 1.1. t.,
Incit.llo call sn•
n. l wltty and pi
Krt.. April 21, ISM
't k ror the Spring Trade!!
1 HAVE m more :Ind
SIMI daily rveclvin.4 •• .'' .
Neu , Surhmi of • • „ ow
r O'ER H.lwilv;s . 4 m ) :: ~ lea- ......
Cum p•..• n( xa •h+ aiiU.•ti from the m..-t tomcat
Ow 1,11, .•. Hilt. of Freeeh. English and Azneriesa itt l
t•/'", 1 I ..r, price"' than before °awed
tpt, -1 1,
Thirteen per cent Saved.
rr 111: (I).k r, 4 401iti 11) 1 . 14 Ailtl o4l
wstboot voiffr or odor—hurol lea)) a cleat acs 44 .•
dame, and -Lll .141 lc•nc.r that our 0 4 h , er"
)11 starlet—tho 44 14 no miatake ui this as a IRS. A. ,
141° ‘ • 1.44 e 0 "N , 4, NE 1491 iAR 1141 I
Brood *old emir br apl2l-1 4 1 CARTER k ISIto
Y7'ATE ST R EET, - NI F. P. 4
Where a fail suaartment of cha.ce
D. m, •flr •I h•roln Frets.
11ood and Atone Warr, Ve t r e q4blv., l ,
Wart ntl ham( alba' se/Ila i r ettaatts, t
April ffil JOff BANY ARMS Nei,
Goods from Auction!
I t'ASE.
1. 0 00 yards, Sheep's Gray. Cadet
and Steel Plata and Plaid Satinets from
lion W 13140 60 amnia per japi, ruit tabus 62X cta
Boots & Shoes,
•zl.l DEN