The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 28, 1860, Image 2
THE OBSERVER, 11 B. F. SLOAN, Editor . .. ' SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1661) TIC /10111:INATION FOR GOVERNOR, HENRY D. BUSTER, ON WBSTMOILICLAND CO The Buchanan• Walker Letter The Washington correspondent of th. Harrisburg Mims saye the much vaunted. and long talked of letter. addressed by the holdout to the Hon. Robert J. Walker, of the 12th July, 1857, durinethe time the latter gentleman was acting as Governor of Kansas, has at last seen the light. through the indefatigable exertions of the Covode &selling Committee. From the manner in whibh this fimous letter was darkly hinted at in private circles, and through the oolosans.of the public press opposed to she Administration, the community were, no doubt, led to ooqjecture that when this letter should be published, it would shake the Republic Rom its centre to its circum ference—that nothing short of a special interposition of Providence could avert the dire calamities that would follow in the train of this terrible missive. Well, "the mountain has labored, and - brptight forth a moose," and a very insignificant mouse at that. Notwithstanding the publication of the letter, it appears that the world is Going on just as smoothly as before its ap pearance. The calamities, which even the astute and able Mr. Walker thought would remit from the publication, are found to be but mere chimeras of that gentleman's 'fevered Imagination ; and, alter all. the letter, so far from being as destructive in /Ss consequences as one of Jove's thunder. bolts, is one of the most courteous, harm less and dignified epistles that was ever penned by any great man in this or any other country. Before stopping to examing the peculiar of this letter, now made fa, mous by Cove(le, it may not prove amiss to ettquirswhat a committee raised to in ♦estigate alleged corruption on the partof the President and Cabinet, had to do with this letter %Wel plainly does not squint it bribery or corruption, and which Walker himself treats as purely a private affair? Certainly it does not come within the ,=ante of their scope of investigation.— The:eamtnittee was not raised toaeccertain whether the President had changed his Hausa. policy or not. And if it had been, the Committee has not proved it by this Wane. Hers is the letter, which we are willing to let speak Ibr itself: WASinierox, July 12, 1847. Yr DMA SIR duly received your letter of the 211th ult., on Friday last. I reed it to the Cabinet, then in session. The Vilaw which it oontlined were not calcula ted to assure us of your success, though we Aid not despond. Hence you may judge with whet matinfaction we received the cc lomat of the pwoosedinip of the National Democeatic Convention, held at Leoomp• Omen the 3d inst. The point, on which your and oar stamen depends is the sub minion of the Constitution to the people ; and by the people I mean, and I have no acerb& you mean the actual bonu fide resi denta who have been long enough in the Teenier" to identify themselves with its fete. The Legislature determined three relas the period of residence to en ti ii viduale to vote for members of the Ceavention I and if the Convention should thinkproper to adopt the same period to entithiindividuals to vote for or against the Constitution, it appears to me this would be reasonable. On the question of iabinitang the Constitution to the bona fide remident settlers of Kansas, I am willing to stand or fall. In sustaining such a princi ple we cannot fell. It is the principle of she Kane-Seigaska bill, the principle of popular sovereignty, and the principle at the foundation of all popular government. The more it is discussed the stronger it become. Should the Convention of /len ses adopt this prindple, all will be settled hareamitmely ; and, with the bleating of Providence, you will return triumphantly hem your arduous, important and respon sible mission. The strictures of the Geor gia and Missiesippi Conventions will then pare ,to be speed il y forgotten. In re tard to our news. from that State hemming every day. We have not yet bad time to hear much from Mis sissippi. Bbonld you answer the resolution of the latter, I would advise you to make the great principle of the submission of the Constitution tea. boar Jibs residents of NEMOMM osespionously prominent. On this you will be irresistible. With the question of climate every person is acquainted, and themore you inset upon this the more will our urge that we are violating the le of non-interference at the of the Kansas-Nebreaka law.— It lameness that people at a distance, who have no practical acquaintance with the ,condition of Kamm, should undertake to be wiser than those on the spot. It is be yond all guava= the true policy to build up a great Democratic party there to sus tain the Constitution and the laws, com passed of pro-slavery and free State Demo crats; and If the mejority should be against slavery, to obtain such constitutional pro as will secure the right of slave holders in Missouri and other States and maintain all the laws guarding the.just rights of the South. In Immediate juxtaposition with the above letter dated the 12th of July, 1857, let us phis* an extract from the message of the President, dated the 6th day of Decem ber following, five months afterwards. which is in these woods : my deep convictions of duty, I could have pursued no other course. It is true, that. as an individual, I had express ed an opinion, both before and during the amnion of the 0.121121t1041, in favor of sub mitting the remaining clauses of the Con stitution; as well as diatom:warning 'Leery, to the people. But, acting man official shanalsirt neither myself nor any human an had the power to re-judge the of the Convention, and decilitre the which it had framed to be a nullity. To have done this would have been a violation of the Kansas and Nehru lea • left the people of the Terri to..LB" free to form and regnhite • institutions in their own way, ant only to the Constitution of the United - • ' It would equally have vi olated the great principle of popular Sov ereignty, at the S taadation of oar instil*. lima, to deprive the people of the power, .re t, , l proper to exercise it, of to =themselves tTer= rt, without row/drift them to :abject their constitu ent" to the trouble, expense, and delay of a=Leleetion. It would have been in tOlnalty precedents in our his tory • In the very bed age of th e •• • adulators of Territo rial* 7 4.1 • . the Undon, without a pre. sidoroinli their . "It to . leniented that a question so • • wires viewed in its Prectiml • "C , people of Kansas, whether decided Ma way or the other, should have kindled such a ism* of excitement through- out tit(' country. This reflection may prove to h a legation of wisdom :iml of warning foi our future+ , guidaner. Prac tically considered, the Auestion is simply whether the people)of tb4Tessitup shoal first eoine Into the tlionand that °hang any provision in the* constitition a• - agreeable to themselvsii, oravkillish very same object by ingnstining tof t Union and framing soaker titution in accordance with their will? In eithor case, the result would be precisely the same. The only difference in point of fact is, thatjtbe object would have been much sooner stained, and the passification of Kansas supra apeedili 449144 bad IL-been admitted Ss a Stateuring the last session of Congress." It is worthy of remark here, that the language of the letter and that of the above extract, which was written five months afterwards, is strikingly similar; yea, almost identical, both in phraseology and import. In the letter he says---"It is 'strange that people at a distance, wh ".have'not practical acquaintance with the "oendktion of Kansas, should undertake to "Geiwiser than those on the spot." And ie the message of the 6th December, 1858, he-says- it is to be:lamented that a quer 'lien so insignificant, when • viewed in its "practical effects on the people of Kansas "whether decided one way 'or the other "should have kindled such a flame of ex "eitement throughout the country." Thus Showing that so far from the President having changed his:ground upon the ques tion of the submission of the:Kansas Con st itutian to the'people of the Territory, who were bens fide residents of that Territory, or 'of running counter to the sentiments ex• pressed inhhis private letter to Governor Walker in July, 1857, that the same senti ments are present with him and expressed by him in his message, in language almost precisely similar. The President also says that "It is true that, as an individual, I had expressed an opinion, both before and daring the session of Convention, in favor of submitting the remaining clauses "of the Constitution, as well as that eon "eerning slavery, to the people." If there is inconsistency here, we cannot see it. If those who seek'to distort the facts of histo ry to their base or selfish purposes, in or der to convict the Chief Magistrate of double-dealing on the Kansas question, seek to find the proofs to substantiate that charge against the President, they must produce other and setter evidence than can be found either in the Walker letter or in his message just quoted, and until they , do so, they must stand before the country in the uneniiiable light of political trick sters, destitute of that manly fairness which should ever characterise discussions among high-minded, honorable gentlemen. For our own part, we rejoice, as a friend of the President., that the Walker letter has been dragged to light, for which flavor both the President and his friends should feel alike grateful to Governor Walker and the tio. vcxle Comittee.. POTTilt AND PRTOIL.—The Republican press, which - is virtuously opposed to duel ing, and is supported by all the Sharps rifle clergymen in the country, has had a rich placer to work for ten days past growing out of a difficulty betweerVaroa, of Virginia, and Pones, of Wisconsin, both members of Congress. One of these fire eating representatives of the fanaticism of the North; and the South, is a Republi can, and the other a Democrat. Each is a type of his class--and neither, if good sense and and a regard for the interests of the country oontrolled eleotions instead of gross, and hurtful sectionalism, would ever have been sent to Congress. The matter over which these two Honorable. quarreled is equally as absurd as the at tempt of , the peace-loving, religiously in cltned Republicans to make a hero out of Potter. If two school boys had fought about such a trivial affair, their parents would have spanked them. and sent them to bed without their suppers, and the ver dict of their playmates would have been, served them right t. Potter and Pryor should be served in much the same way They ought to be kicked out of Congress The cause of difficulty was as follows : A ranting fanatic from:lllinois, named Lorne ~or, made a speech, and as he proceeded, worked himself into such a towering rage "that he lefthis seat and advanced into the aisle, where he began addressing the South ern and Democratic members personally, shaking his fist at them and using language 'such as is not heard except from black guards. Washburn, from Maine, was temporarily in the chair, and did not ex ert himself at all in restraining the frantic Sucker. Pryor and others rose from their seats and said the member should be con fined to parliamentary rules. His seat was the proper place for him to speak from, and it would aid to preserve the dignity and order of the House if he shook his fists from that distant quarter. The valiant Potter now interfered to sustain Lovejoy. The Globe reported the speeches and the scene, butt not to Potter's mind. He carui• ed to be ineertei, by the reporters, words which they did not hear, placing himself in a very defiant and heroic attitude, and especially as insulting to Pryor, who, in looking over the manuscript of the report, saw the interpolation, and erased it. The G/06e,however, appeared with theokjeotion able interpolation in ; and then Pryor called the attention of the House to it, and asked explanations. Potter asserted he had used the language, and that it might be con strued as persons liked, and that he would stand up to it. A challenge from Pryor was the speedy result. Potter accepted It; but named Bowie-knives as the weapons to be used. The Virginian, who thought of nothing but' "coffee and pistols for two," of course objected to the Wisconsin instru ments as not being according to the code but "vulgar and brutal." This no doubt had all been calculated upon by Potter ; hence the fight did not come off, and - now the Republican press proclaim Potter a hero, and ire ahould'nt wonder if In their eothusiame they would Dominate hint for President at Chicago. In all seriousness, is'ist this lamentable. First, it is :lamentable that a couple ofetach men, led an by a worse one even, Lowasar, of Illinois, should set this whole memtry agog by making braggart , ?pod , fool. of themselves and secondly. Is'ntit lament able that the press of a party that makes such high claims to morality ahouki all at once become the advocate, defender, and apologist of the barbarous practice of darl ing. For we bold it to he utterly hives sible to defend or applaud either thee one or the other of these men, and notappland and defend the system by which they pro posed to settle this difficulty. If Potter was right in accepting a shapeup to Ike tield, and proposing the murderous knite, then dueling itself is right whether the weapons be pistols. rifles, or small swords. When amen say* he abhors the system, antattie same time accepts ati invitation to &e Id, plain sort of people. on the priwids that factions speak louder then notAelillptdiniude that he lies. When editor* use up columns in denouncing the code, and then use up as many more in writing praises of one who proclaims him self ready to stand by the code, plain sort of people will conclude again that their, virtue is put on and taken off, like . an overcoat, to suit the weather ! At the beet, then this Porrse and faros affair is a wretched one ; and would have been dismissed with a slight parapraph had we not seen an evident determination to make a hero out of Potter by those whO are continually denouncing dueling, and pointing to it as evidence of a want of eiv • 'on in the South. A Mons THAT /NWT PAT.—The effort of the republicans to create politicalcapital for them selves by the passage of the bill for the sup pression of polygamy in Utah does not bear the abundant crop that was antiiipated of it. It has now gouts to the Senate anti been referred to the appropriate oommittee, and will, in the coasts of time, it is to be hoped, be effectually killed: The republicans know that the whole sentiment of all sections of the country is a unit against polygamy, and that probably not a doss* individuals in the United States, out side of Utah, can be found to speak a word in Its favor. But the democrats believe that Con gress has no power to meddle with it in the Territories, and, even if it bad, the bill which was presented would nut be of the slightest avail In accomplishing its purpose. They therefore opposed it, and forthwith the repub licans raise a cry that the democrats are in fa vor of polygamy, just as they are in favor of slavery because they do not vote to abolish and suppress it in the Territories, where Congress really has no power over it :—ts process of reasoning just about as lucid as that which makes all men in favor of murder who oppose the hanging and quartering of murderers sir Some of those wonderfully wise editors wbo, in discussing the Pryor and Putter affair. assert that the refusal of the former to fight the latter with any weapons be might choose, lean unheard of principle of the code duello, are not half as wise as they imagine. We remember that Goy. Wise several years ago refused to fight Oholson of Mississippi be cause the latter chose lutims as the weapons— and both Wise and Cost 4oirmoon, of Maryland, refused to challenge Dr. Duncan, of Ohio, after the latter had denounced them both on the floor of Congress am "liars, scoundrels and cowards," incense he announced that he would fight only with broad-swoerds. Potter's dodge then, only shows that it was intended as such, and not as an actual proposition to fight In this connection allow us to say that, after reading the correspondence of these beliger eat Congressmen, we have come to the conclu sion that the only one that really wanted to fight, among the four mixed up in the affair, was Potter's second, Col. Lander. As the say ing is, he'd as soon fight as eat ; but Pryor soil Potter bad rather eat, decidedly. Demoorstio National Convention CMAILSIIIOIII, S. C., Apnl '2;3 The Convention was called to order by Judge Smalley, Chairman of the National Committee Francis B. Flourney, of Ark., was chosen WinararY Chairman. and ratuirebe4 t1...h. Co.. the honor. William F. Ritchie was appointed tempora ry Secretary. Mr. Fisher, of Virginia, offered a letter from the Wood delegation of New York. The reading of it was objected to by Mr. Cochrane, of N. V., as not in order. ('onsid erable excitement ensued. Mr Fisher denied the right of the delegate from New York to speak on the 'subject., and said that when the letter was read he bad a resolution to offer Mr. Cochrane demanded the reading of the resolution. The question was put to the Con vention whether the letter should he reed It was decided in the negative Mr. Cochrane moved that the rules of the last Convention be adopted. Mr. Fisher claimed that he had the right to the floor. (Immense confusion and cries of order.) The President decidid that Mr (ochtane was entitled to the door. Mr. ,Fisher would not be trampled upon He had his rights and would maintain them Mr. Clark, of Ala., protested against the de cision of the chair. Mr. Walker, of Ala., called, came forward, mounted the Cleak's table and demanded that he should be heard. appealing from the deci sion of the Chair. The question was put un the appeal and the Chair sustained. (Immenense cheering. Mr. Fisher again rose and offered to present the letter from the Wood delegation. The President decided the reception of the letter out of order. Mr. Cook, of Ohio, offered a resolution to appoint a committee on permanent organiza tion. Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi, offered an amendment, that the Committee shall consist only of members of States from which there is no contest. Mr. Richardson, of Illinou, spoke in favor of harmony, and urged gentlemen to. I,e calm and preserve order. Mr. Cochrane did not desire anything but a fair hearing. Mr. Cook, of Ohio, offered a resolution ca oludin New York and Illinois froM par t! in the organization, the entire dele• as being contested. Mr. Clark, of Mo., protested that the reso lution was out of order—that no states should be excluded whose delegated have been admit ted to the door. (Cheering sad excitement Mr. Cook considered that those who were admitted to the door had a right to participate In the acts of organisation, except the commit tee of credentials. Alo debate; folktwed, participated in by Mamma Biobardwn, Judge Meek of Ala.. and Barksdale of Mimi. Mr. Cessna offered an amendment, that two committees, one on orpnisation and one on credentials, be appointed ; Illinois and New York to be excluded from the latter. The previous question was called. and the resolution adopted by ayes, 254; nays, 44. Resolutions were introduced requesting the dis from New York and Illinois not to e participate in' thern until the right to the oats of the o dds settled. A =ties to lay the resolution on the table was untried--ayea, 269; nays, 44. The &Mee were celled, and the nu- •of she committee en trtaintion and arecieet le ap pointed by the legations. A retehaloa was offered requesting tha cre deatiala to be banded to the Secretary. Fisher, of Virginia, demanded that Fernando Wood's Wee be now reed sad the Com ' sates • Mr. Co Coo 'h that it be received and neared to the ecenntittee without a reading. After much excitement it was adopted. The vote on excluding the New York and 11- ' linois de leimthme from Committee on Creden :tia/s, wee abopied with the following negative rotas; Maryland; 1; Virginia, 16; Georgia 10; Louishma, 6;• Alindasissippi, 7; ,Texas, 6; California, 2; balance all in the &f -ilmed"... Ayes, 244; nays, 64. Oa the motion to request them not to panic ipses in the organisation, the vote was nearly 'Me same, steep. that Virginia voted in the af firmative end Arkansas in the negative. I The credentials having been banded to the 'oommittee, on motion the Convention adjourn ed ati Velook until to -tampon. Cmaamtrrim. April 24. The Notional Qoaveatioa reassembled at 10 o'clock this manilas. The oeaualttse ea Permanent Organization reported k hoot of the Hoe. Caleb Cushing ter Pimatisai, and sae 'floe President sad Bee retary tram each State in the Union. Those of Pennsylvania are Thomas Cunningham and F. Van Zant. The Comonithoe On - P_ n Lai ton also repo to wit That in an Suite bit 0, been provided or directed by es • t on bow it 9 vote may be given, dia. Domikioa ssi r i t. the right ofentgth 4dawai if toe al vote.,--. - c-•• vsrl;: - r Mr Wright, of Pa., ma eitstrbng appeal for harmony lt harmony did not prevail here. the nomination to be made would not be worth the paper un which they were recorded, when brought before the people. lle wet in favor of the rule Emir delegate should be permit - ted to cast his vole insect:ordeal°. with iris eon victions and those of his constituents. Penn sylvania had never voted as a unit, except when their sentiment wits unanimous. He closed by demanding the previous queation, and the vote was then taken on that part of the report relating to presiding oftices, and it was adopted unanimously • dr, Flournoy then returned 01/Luke. coun seling moderation and harmony. We are all marching under one flag—the Democratic pn r ty has but one Sag—the flag of our count!) - He denounced sectionalism, and hoped IN more allusions would be made to such divi-lons. The lioti Caleb Cushing was then tutrodiee ed to the Convention, and spoke as follows tlEsruolrEs or fag CultiVENriov —I respect fully tender to you my most earuet expre— , ion of profound gratitude for the honor which you hare this day done inc in appointing too to preside over your deliberation. It is, how ev er, a responsible duty imposed much ro , ,re than a high honor conferred. In the discharge '‘ot that .luty. m Coe di rection tit business and of debate. and on the preservation of ordek, it shall he in:, con-tans endeavor faithfully and impartially So °thewo here as your minister, and not humbly to to fleet your will. In a great deliber.itive assem• bly like this, it is nin the presiding officer in whom the strength! resides, It is not his strength, but yours-r-your intelligence—your sense of order—you 4 instinct of self-respect.-- I rely, gentlemen, cdntidently upon you. ii tt upon myself, for 1111'i PrOUIFIL [lna parlianietita ry dispatch ut the lorituess of the, I: o ru h p..i,tlkAl Gentlemen, yon Imv come - litre !non la greet, hills of the Eastern kitates—arum the rich ',totes of the imperial centre—from the sun lighted plains of the Soutti—from the fetal:, State oohs mighty basin pf the Mississippi the golon shores obi the dista t )reu.oll . 111` California I Loud dheers. You have come hither in the were;..' ..t to highest functions of! a free people. to partici pate, to aid in the election of the future ruler• of the Republic. Volt du tins as the repte wentatives of the Lliiiniocratic party—id that peat party of the Onion, whose proud m,ssion it is to maintain the public liberties, to recon cile popular freedom with constitutions' or der, to maintain the sacred reserved rights of the sovereign States. t Loud and long contin ued applause. i To stand. in II wont, the per petual sentinels of the outpost+ of the Consti tution tries of -lhat s the talk, and loud and enthusiastic cheering i Slurs, gentlemen. is the motto inscribed on that scroll in the hands of the monumental statue of the great statesman of South Carolina, "Truth, Justice and the Constitution. - I Loud cheers posed to us are those who labor to overthrow the Constitution under the false and insiduous pretense of supporting it, those who are aim ing to produce in this country n permanent sectional conspiracy- a traitorous sectional conspiracy of one half of the States of the l a ims against the other' half those who, impelled by the sttipt.l and half insane spirit of faction and fanaticism, would hurry our land on to revolution and to civil war. The..e, the band ed enemies of the ('onstitution. it is the part, the high and noble part of the Democracy of the Union to withstand, to strike down, and to conquor. Aye, that is our part. und we well du it in the name of dear country- - with tne help of God we will do it. Loud awl enthu siastic cheers.) Aye, we will do it f.r, gen tlemen. we will nut distrust ourselies we will not ,lespair of the genius of our count ry we will continue to repose in undoubting furl, tit the good Providence of Almighty Go.I I. ot.l applause A warm debate then sprung up on the rule ieported by the 'oninatt tee on t irgan ization, in whit it Messis Richaitlson, McCook, Cessna of Pennsyl 11111. L. 8.11 I ) 111 Mississippi, Josiah Randall :aid many oth ers took part. Mr. Randall also oppotesl tt, tlis laitng that. certain refractory member- in the Pennsylvania delegation proposol to y ay late and misrepresent their cen,tituents ut voting for Douglas, whose nomination, in his opinion, would lead to certain defeat. He then went into a review of the action of preceeding Democratic( 'onvention.on the subject. Mr. Richardson rose to reply. and asked Mr. Randall who made him an expounder of Democratic principle and preetslent How lung had the gentletnan been ni the Democratic ranks Several per-one rose to point- to tittle!. flue Chairman decided that Mr. Re-b -enison was entitled to the tlot tr. an] then changed his decision denying het tight. Mr. Richardson standing on .1 chair in the centre of the ball within, Beeves rolled up. and determined to Is• W.l, fi nally allowed to go en, anti again it meked Mr. Randall as having recently come into the fold. alluding to his political anteced ents as entitling his opinion, on Diem:a:re cy to but little consideration. lie did not desire after a life's sen ice in the cause to be reproved by the recruit- of esterday. - [Applause. I The question wa, then called on the mo tion to strike out the rule relati%e to the right of members of each delegation to vote as they think proper unless instructed Li the Convention that appointed them.— During the call of the roll the greatest ex citement existed. The Tennessee, Virginia and Indiana delegations protested against the announce ment of the Chairman giving the votes of the several States 118 a unit against the adoption of the rule. The vote was finaliy announced as fol. lows: Yeas, 101 . nay-, WS; so the rule was adopted, and the majority of a delega tion cannot compel the minority to ‘Ote with them as 3 unit unless instiucted by the Convention that appointed them. The resolution offered y ester day fei the appointment of a Committee on Resolu tions and a Platform was then called pip, and an amendment offered that no ballot. ing be allowed for President or Vice Pres ident until the Committee have iirele their report. A vote was first taken on the resolution for the appointment of the Commit tee, which was adopted. The Committee wa, then appointee. After the Committee on Platform e announced, the motion was renewed on the proposition that no balloting shall take place until the report of the Committee on Platform be adopted. A motion to lay the resolution on the ta• ble was rejected—yeas 32k, nays 2701. The vote was then taken on the resolution, an-1 it was adopted by acclamation. A long debate then ensued on a proposi tion to limit members from speaking more than once on the same subject, and it was finally laid over till to-morrow. Judge Meek presented. the Alabama platform and it was referred to the Coin mittee on Platform. The Convention adjourneil till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. eIIARLE:4TUN, April 2.5. The Convention re-attend/led at 1.1 o'clock this morning. The resolution restricting '.peckers to fif teen minutes, and but once on a subject. was taken up, debated and rejected—ay-4-4 120, nays 121. Ex-Gov. Rolliw4m. chairman of the Ver mont delcru, .u, died 'of appoplexy this morning. A restilii ~n relative to debate, restrict ing speaks.. , to fifteen minuted on all sub jects except on platform=,. was then intro duced and ado 1 ' 4,ncl on that the rule of the House of Representatives would apply, hauling . each speaker to one hour. A resolution to appoint a national com mittee to act for the next four years, was discussed, and finally referred to a select committee, to inquire into the propriety of giving the national committee power to name both tha time and ,place of holding the convention. The committee on cre dentials reported that the sitting delegates from New York, Illinois, Massachusetto. and Maryland,—the latter T. M. Lanahan, and Roliert .1 Brunt—are entitled to their »eat,. The repo: t" I Elie minority of the com mittee was- presented. it was signed by the meinburs of the Committee from Ala hams, Texas. tleorgla, and MiesissipPi, and recommends - that one half el each of the ewY(.lk contestants be at:Witted to thy' convintioni--eseh to cast It Votes. The debate on the report at the cometut tee on credentials, W:1.4 continued till six k. hen it was closed by the previous que,tion being. called A vote was first, taker: on the Illinois tpiestion, and Messrs Brent and - Lanai/All were awarded seats.— A vote was then tartan by 4tates,:ou the minority report of the Committee, to di vide the vote , between the two New York delegation-. The Suttee that voted were Nortt carol mA. . ieorgia, 10: . I • Alabama, 9 ; Mississippi, , lennetseo, 9 : California, 1-+; :1.--Ayes, 55, Nays, 245; so the Dean Richmond delegate% were admitted - the Wood delegates excluded. nowittieement of the result was re ce:%. -I Iv:II, cherry anti great excitement. . o intion 1., Admit the Wood dole- t ,, 11,01 , ,rar) a eata on_the floor added to tli t ; Gut the resolution was finally Lull uniler the rule until to- ut iri.,iv M I M. , m.zoineiy moved that the re-io ior appointing a National Commit tee he Lel over till after the nomination et cailiilati , fir Presidency. 1 . 11•••1••,tt4 of Gov. Robinson, of %'erittotit Nd , .111110U11Ceti, kind gi resolution of (•(.11 ‘l , .lonce with In family was adopted. It reroß t•LI to accompany the u ntu Lilt/ MAIL. lioll4o tthe I "at untn.-hately :tiler the wljournment. t:onyeminn then, at 7 o ' clock, aa- The i unreal ion assembled at 10 o clock r Fit chugh, vt Virginia, presented a series .1 I .-Autionit on the fugitive slave la* Re to; od to :M. eowmittee on 11 r Hugh., of Peutptylvania, recognising as a Irt.'f - that while the Irvernuient ha.s nu power to pt °lee!, slave' property in the territories, it : Prot t ie fur enforcing existing laws and I. wectmg existing rights Referred to the ooinuoth, on platturms. 'ftio eolomit too on I,lal i-rius 14 uC , and is understood they are wholly unable to ugret and that three ~ p araie :plat forms will I , C presented Mt Brown, or l'enwiyivania.pre•iented a res olution declaring ;Mil euligriiiit. to the terri tor r .•arrying with t Lem .dare property are protection to such property ECE MI dt \ Itker atnen.lutent , le , i4ritiu tho duty of ill , . govortinient tl.l leral protection to all IRVIN; of property, or utherwi , e. in Ito. tern: ;rte." or on the h Lgit 'Ca! The amendweni %An ce pied, and the re.* Int i , ti 111 aineu. led ivt..r. rd 1.41 the e.numitte. on plat form. [h.. Tenn Platform an. then load and re ferred A dozen or more resolutions a ith re gard to slavery in the Terntories were eresent ed from vanou. delegates and referred to the Platform Committee A number of resolutions relative to Railroad% to the Pacific were at..., pre.ented and referred. Mr.tlewunl At Georgia presented a resoln ttou on the right- of .luNehoiler., deseriliinga suitable Abut 111. i. nit I declaring James Guth rie. or by . no• pi urn wain to Ilulaiillate for the Pre- oletiot .1 re.stant nal on •',,, tnt td I,4tug presented Capt. kaittli Ityn.lcr4 pt ,p04e.1 to include Mu whi-ke) in the t., he pretfet Nlr Bayair.l of 11.1 hopert that the t'unvett tion Would not Le male to appear rirlieulou before tho country ty re.olutinna, an , moved that tiwy Ire referred without reading ('apt Ityrefoi , ire , It rire•l t , y big 'intend mem to pro r,, itieur. an I he had cite eneilerl The COTIIIIIII!.•.• tat n plai!..ilik tiol being reaely .1 report. the 4.1.4...irne.1 till four 4•lock Ike" A outl;_ , man of the name at I'l la ra WA, treated to a ride uifron a rail, at. Knox % 11le, Fenn., on tlif• 31ander oug expav•-..,0n4 10War , 1% ladle 4 of r,•llllen,e.. 11.1a.•11 4 ; ran gel the yeller mother ..t the 11..11 Fralteis hanger :Ln.l of Irene: .I.nin .1 -hrauger. died at t:anandanzu t on Tuy.l LL last. of the age of 91 1 cunt .• Del- ALIN. •l une t,amld.•, a woiow Eatinntoai, tta . t tint influence of I tnun,.ui,uu.i. ,i4t/ hrrt..•ll to the • 411 , 41 In/ t h ,• nth MM.., having it t. ra it:uncle ttt tool thy" hktml 4.! thr it..•%. Jacob N. liar ll„. alie Lf ed 'tit. poisoner, ti in pro gress :it I:ell - vier, New .ler-ey. Prof. I Illcon ha- a liah tell lac contents of MN. fiat :den s -t.,tnw I. tool kaiak! arsenic in oonsalerubhe ylahtity. lite evidence looks rather bard fOr the le% ererel gentle- gee Item) Vaal. Of Nilltord, Hunter-ton Co., N. .1 was. robbed 1.. t Saturday of a stun of money, hi dolling. and his wife, by an employee of his, named Nelson. Two lo‘ely gills, of one and three years of age, wrrii. Mt helntel. Ras clothing way taken iro . his room while he was asleep. Stir A Chicag. ) correspondent sliys th e t report that proceedings had been 1 ., on. tinned in the Burch ai. e, ur that the tartar has beet/ cvl/10•01111.t.ell, is wholly untrue, as the counsel fen detcnce is at present preparing-his answer to the complaint, and the case will be tried probably ut the next session of the 'actut Stir A young girl. the daughter of a lawyer in Toledo, ()in.,. being struck with a longing to become an actress, ran away trout home and went -to Detroit. Apply ing to :et many theatrical managers as she could find. received the same answer from all--a negative. She then disappear and Mid n o t I found at latest av . CI Mint,. INN — A few evenings since, a lady in LoNington, Michigan, was playing upon a melodeon, when a mouse emerged from the corner of the room, ran up tremblingly to the instrument, then ascended the dress of the performer into her lap, and finally nestled under- her hasque. e The little ani mal was in such a high state (intestacy that it was utterly powerless, and had the per former continued longer it would have ex pit .41 kir -1 'nett+lie coffin. containing the body of a young lady who had been buried more than four years. was lately opened in Memphis, Tenn. The body was in an ex cellent state of preservation—the hair, pa! ticulorly was e Cry lite-like, and, what is more AstonishMg, full-blown camelia japonica; which some affectionate hand tied twined is) the tres-es of the girl, was re- - markably fresh looking, the leaves retain ing their -s )ft, greenish hue to perfection. far An Alabama paper contains a long ,tory about a negro. a pilot on one of the Chattahoochee river steamgoatis, whose skin, it is ,tatetl, is eh 'gin • im a jet black to the faire-t whit ' ec k and arms, as far as the tinge! , are smooth, soft, delicate whiteness, that ‘‘,.uld rival that of the tentlereAt, purest Circassian :" rehile "his lips are (*fa •aoft, ruddy hue, and his face and body are beginning to show the same radical change.' Barnum should get- hiu.. Sir The Washington correspondent of the Charleston Cuttri( r, tells a curious story about the money raised to curry Pennsyl vania for i.vcit.issst. He says a Fillmore merchant in New York received a spiritu al communication from some departed worthies, telling him that it was his duty to prevent the coalition between the Amer. loans and Ite,publicans in Pennsylvania, by which Fremont could have secured the State, and that the spiritualpoliticiau ,expended-$70,000 of his own money to defeat the coalition, and succeeded. "And be jabers ye did it well r' CHARLIVOSTON, April '26 E:semes star A corresionilen. the Nest Orleans 7',.‘s I'. '.., .• , .1 ••an *trait" which ~,..e.:•. .. • ;,. f tween C .A. Col. S. ktidg. o, i ..1 Walk's.. , Lod: ge. 0... `.% '' . rt c te l ;t i g den t e,..1 1„ t i su• to • f.•I-• , 4 • t f er. lialottolli: I Oki h lainuitregs.l,-tl.l. learitlla T., ifi t iel, \‘ ,i:, —Waal: you 1,1...1.-.4•, "II -then sent a 11' /N. Ipy I1'.• 1, ' ; I i 'doitr,iibich newt P, it rippe..r. % , ' , l-1t 111 ie for explanation In 1111 ,1 \ et I.• note, lien Walker lepheel that .a 11 I 'o /341 " Aid ittit 1111. e/ ill IQ itUI/U4ll I'. I. A i , 1 or courage or 1'..1 Loekridg• A 1,11 .II.• affair entlett wt . :lb. - nit win ipreli t., !. -to) Capt. Fayssoux A/IA W.I.MPI ••• 1t1(11 1 ' fo-!am'o Adrertisentritts. New Leather Store ! 11. K t(4 ER .vv t I'ERRI .Y r.l Wi ) 1'1.1 ) r1•-•!), - -et11.111) tul tlu t!: , In g.nrril :fat th•) haver ~ prrotA I hew FINI/IN 4. 1•TI//:f to lb* shot, n•uawd klacw• S m•r• .L.• ••• • • . 17 cro baud ail ••• . • colurN which lbw, will .„ ..Thiry bop, by sarict !Btu.° !,, • . tarmistatiwo ••‘••,) tool. •,) • iniwit Iltorral Wasps of va4•llt •• • on Laud all kin& of ifi , ./F.II.iKER I\uT t• . Loather fur Rookbi , •.i.,••• end T•tnr••• (I ! frir Comb will tar pa,.l ,r Itiw I r, Skins. II KETTKI •• • Wiw i April, 1880 "One of the most succestff , tl Fire Insurance Oompaniee of this or an y °thin. oountry.”—Supersigt . • ' dries Mpartmear, Rune , 1 ~r.. _ .. , t. a' * .... ... . -:.3 ‘... f••_: \ , -.. ' 2 ,A X le .I'' • : t io ;.., , , . ico v CeNtt tkP`C‘ CASH CAPITAL, - $1,500,000 SURPLUS OVER, 600,000 APPLICA fluN;•, • . word on u ( • r• , .• equal reeponalbiltty, .ad .1; ••• • and paid by the undersign...l A . • - Ap 2b-47 186 0 . SPRING TRADE! NelN and rd-,ll.l4)trahlc DRY GOODS! Wholesale and Retail!! GEO. W. MERRILL Nu. I. RE - ET) HOUR E% IS D'W reC'eit Fashiona ble Goods Including t h boiii Staple and Fancy Goods }'The 3 , " r New Opening----New , :.),,,i-, R. B. II I' Ii I: .\•-•tf , 111. • and the pubtl , g•os.. • L •• , Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron 13- k,l ad Ito mrieti.m. at N P.• ••• • - State :•trort, oppanutt• . ... •t tuth • good et I,a: tt. t 111:111,tOgitkle.1a itb a in t• ••-',:i, COOK/NC & PARLOR STOVES And flou+e F,lrw.hing Jobbing mail ly and to"rou,;lior T. put up at abort I c.iee TO . 01 0100, 1,1 .t • say glr. MO • Mil, as l art N. , " 1 n eti , elptirmg Or yualit• r .1"/" "N .\ I „,,•otinc, of des: r. • • . , stock of GRI vcr,lftEs, FL.(II !I At their spacious r Streets., Erie, f COMpete with any J. 5...'. E.r.4xLv_i I 1 4 ts respectfully unlititod from the porpoao of buyieht nom , mental fur lowering the BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR! direct from tho head or Elio FL , 1r ). • dent that ad Variety of Brood. odor cannot Lad to mart thstrulit. t' t of country, PIMPS jOULIALII, • Erin. Aprfl 21.1860. 3 'WRIGHT'S BLOCK, STA TE STREEI a full .." .antut f '1 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, llorrvt•c / Willow. Woottand ?hone Wart., ware no hand $lll4 rh..p. at April 25. JOHN LI 1..\ :1 AI: TRY BA NY A.RD'. 3f I 1 I J1111.a.. Btu, r./.•lr , I 11.. .1 • ••• Try Banyard'a entailed, gran Isk, • and Coffee IL, New Odorant N: •14-1 4.• • • Sugar., menial/ low at , • :•• T RY BANYAt tr s Y. II Tr. I • Tt A # liunpowdet T-a n. .• • d 44 Oolong stoldS. ~,...• • t. warranted to ore aatatart tort or 1,11,,ti • •• QTEWART'S EMT' t , Anicar }loom. New Orwmats If • .• do , Porto Rico do t .-'1114,4 11)0( )li.K. Baru., Shottlyl4.N. 1.1 Rap. Buttor, lard, end Ilah, 51a '. • ' %atomaged Vegetable.* cantered 1) at . AFINE S'tock of F:til4 y i.r.u.• i- GABS aad TOBACCO. Cedl al! d<-t., "svra Goodo &Owned to aeret of 44? ..nty ~MAAt Att.P 'New Millinery. Mai lIIL'CoN e ; ;ul"1.1). with Ilia A.K.Cole =r ad • now • amoetureast Millinery Cilr4DClol3/ IN LOONIT BU S T 2 TE S TREE etTAI Where the Lactic (betted to di and .... se %polity and prices. Brie, April 21, NNW PAPER HAITGINGS For the bpring Trade ! ! IHAVE in Storo , - un dally rveriving New Styles' of PIPER Ref.ILIIMGS AM) B R JD, E R Comprising all the qualitlee, from the' ro. • ••• •• • the hoed guilty of Trench, Paeiteb :Ind A Ili I / I . 4 / afaetare, at Louse pekes than before niter..! april2l-441 J 4 '4E1.0. Thirtaini per cent Hayed. -THE COAL 01 sold by - without sailor or citing—town,' tI, s rim r • , Same, sail will hut longer than that • n tin • In market—thaw* Is nn mistake t u • a 17,1 , ~.1 shoe. Pries ONLY ONE DOLL—Sit A II 1I I oN. !head deld *sly by 1021-4,11 CARTER k HRO. SPRIG [RADE --' =I CARPET WAhf, ii()IS6L Three Large Sales kooms MARBLE PIIOIT, Tlift MEI, Opposite Brown's Hotel --II !;- I= =I =III ED = =MI DRY 40014 =I xr Y r&-r Terms Cash, ME Prices Always Uniform Wm. A. GRis\%lui WM 1 . 111 11/ ••1 4 k N; , \ ,to NM NM ..‘ 1.• ..1 11. 1 it I Pi(i111 M \ •11 IV , I '•-• N.;I N•-• ‘' =NM k\! , ' THE CARPET ROOM 2d Flool• of tnis Establishmen ! .1, .. SAIII.L. A. GRISWOLD I) I \I 111 -'. ETF-- Rugs. . W: 1 ! A OP rWOLD G-RF AT EXCITEMENT of tlic Big, Sl.oe INT ). 1U BOOTS, SHOES & FINDINGS MEI lIM ..‘ , li. til %I IT ~... This Section of Country ( IVI Mr 1:L.11). MEG 11 C it.• XN' (1. t-)t' .3. K Xi •!1=!!!!Ii.M:IIP:1 ;d v.,th frl, .-1•• fel ,11 rnv L.i Hal, =MIMI LEADER Mill fiIdIESIIIPUTMEIT ' --0 )1 .•I 1 er. tt% w141...4 t irt:tnt 1111,114•111 Mr. Cotter In our Custom Departmew Triennial Convention of Schoo Directors r 1 1 11 . , . , =II Election Notice. t,•,11 I;10 i s Vltttr ,11 .1 I , . TSSOLUTION. •zi l'N T. ,, , • " k . 1.11,1 r• 1 I tot r- 111=IZIII 4 '"'"' 1 1,11.”-7 ,11 0 .. 111 New A.rrdngeme nt Pr 11 1 II : -•. n :11 K►aW.:u NPLI\f, 11 iron q. liatief •'• rbee• ..n FP •R •,. ~, MEM lIMII HIHH x kl.l SE M2:1Z:IIMICII "I tti 1 I 4 ALBLItT