ERIE 17TTYK ILLS! 1_1" B. RANtERSTICK, Proprietor, • At4ll l l,4l9lhits, Aro 19uocira.µ.3 AND Ileum DiuLs' lh Flour. Corn Meal, Mill Feed, 13401; : a. BRAN. OATS, CORN, By, FLOUR AND FRRD STORE, At my Old Mead, Beebe's Bloat, door south of tile rumor, fent side of the Part, Presets street, where I MT. c•oostantly on band FLOUR stroll kinds of my own risot to& Corn Me.l nod Mill Fred, limo sod Nimes. Corn. °els, Re., all of 'bleb will be wee at tiro lowest usssitot rates. Strwaill for Ps* and tiolireti-d free of "(bootie to rho City tl 11 AVRASITICIC. Pie, April NI, lease —47 13 1111 K S, Magazines, Paper, Stationery, WALLPAPER, Az., 1213 PARK ROW BOOK STORE 1).1'. KIVNICINI, Vroprieter Vpb 2 , 11, 18.59 ,FARM FOR SALE TIT E unqlerslytted “fre r , fin' sale, on rea rnnst•lr trrmr, a AMA' t 1,11 ‘ltltkabl• harm, In the i.or; n•bip of %.n•tig , .,;11, .llnate abut three up' • lual wile* Dom the if...Art.4;ll;g •iIIISKIM nl WAt tn Liarg Usu. emitatilti ; of Kn4•l ar.t and wood tr;ttnni land. I v •hirl, • t•tn or ;51prurnsuria ,it 1140 p 1 , 1 Anil 11.. , 1, teigvolltur with a wilbrt.••tial,latri; The ten,. r sll twiiis **toy, and Alt t Ides tales iltten Far irtrtlerlftro ro;ionr.• 11 It; Lane, V; Alt-Ins rv, tt, .f the otshorritor at W•t•tf..r.l, M net tt Clet 1,424- 19 II ENSwoirrii SASS, DOORS & BLINDS. T it E sub.criber in k ; leln4eti the Shol tatrty °CCU wed bt eR. 4.K & • , utid rr 111110101:. lanrUl the publie that he will roi l ' ium.ln ms, UfWOOS noosts, BLown,d, 111W/.11/ NUS, de. of the host mat...stain, luta in • kyle or workmanship iha saanot blfetnetirsl iu this city sVRFACE PLANIN6 and SCle( ILL SAWING proloptiv atlmoded to and onerutet ao a aup.•nor ronn no, AU wort worraotod, and pricer an ehrat. ar Lb diwnpest. Hopskirinf sod jobs pronsplty att.-ode-4U sh.lcnt Pout St., a fow doont north of Baptist Chu rrh Brie, bee, 17, IS39i -- 28 tf JAMF:. CR.N)k Worms and Worm Fever. YICIN ES that are strong, aeriti anti M heating to the alomaell, when gin, to child'', .offering with Worms, only increase.. the Perer, and reo• 'tern the child restless and uncomfortable Idecheinee proper tofulatsuwa, should combine with a Worn, A o Note or dealt° r, ouch others sa will open the pores of the sktn,and operate mildly on the layer, Rocas drawl kd erya, sod thus nature to ridding the x 3 stem throng its natural channel! tf whataner obetrnetx It, action, or poisons the nubile and irritate% the ' , erre' ?Co Worm lledleine 3ot diaeov•red combine% all these qualities an verteelly es VARTXWA *Atilt AN ('Asilty,Loga. 'doctored by the original proprietor, WiLci%M Soli, (from fieemany,) for the present proprietors, CARTIM k Ilsoretst. Thane wishing to 11141. thhi kind of Worm Hod ~he ah,wW be particular to net for CAIITII6\ GIRMAR Wow" CANDI,, and not let themsekee he pat off with any other Erie, Yeb 2a-38. NEW GROCERY And Provision Store ! AT NO. 1 REED HOUSE, ERIE, PEPlred 3. A HALIA)N hits on hand and ivill N ~, *Alex cheep as can be bought elem. hero, tor Caab Produell, any or the follolll,ng artulre. s ri • Flour. Fish, Self, Yruitq Tea, Co,rr.. Roger, )blesses, „rap, ttene-Ware, Wooden-Ware, Tohareo, rikrare, eententiotvertes, etc , etc.. The essnettivent to eil Yresh, end of the drat quality. I Invite an examination of !lay .tack and prima, hoping by strict attentiou to bunneas dellaing, to men t a *bare of patronage -- fly motto ha •Vniek Sales led Prompt Returns." Probate uf elf kttele wantevl. ALI ICAIe, Dec. lA, '5lO--ilen29 H. NTHALLON NOTICE -14 1. BALDwrs is the ,•qy ,i t ahon..-ed . Agent for theists of DR. NATHAN WEAVER'S EY RAC? 01 , FIREWEED in the city at Erie. Rand the following : Erie, Dec. 10,1469 !.." I hereby sppoint 1.. I, FIll.111 , 1•1 My agent for the sale :t Wearer,* KT.Slred of p'trporral in the city of Este, and sere to him the rote and crammer war in mid city N. WEAVE-R. Persons wishing to get the g rester wrtide will swawin twr and fro to BALDWIN'S 11111•11 STORE. Kmit, bee 17, '59---Tii No it, Reed Howse Valuable Land for Sale. THE UNDERSMNEI) oFFERS Fun male • tract ut Iliad known as the "Riddle tract' ly ape four miles east of Waterford, "a the k:nek Waterford plank tvad,aod containin; about LOW acre.. TLIII land wall timbered, and admirably adapted, when cleared, fee I;rmiax purpornes— it is ale° divided by the fluabary brie . /t he mild in a body or subdivided in traces to =it purchasers . July 16 1669.-60 a !Jo() M is ‘..), • IN MS DAY OPENING a pplenilid assortment or rich Gilt China Van., blotto Cups and Saucer; Mugs, Candleatteks,and a great ranety of LISZFUL /AD ORNANEA74I. aul table for Use Holiday a Elegant Cake Flasketa, Tea Seta, Pitcher', Silver ups, Forks, Spoon*, Ladles, Salaam R (sm, (beautiful patterns,) and lots of rich Jewelry, Nlf at cbes, Arad Fancy Good* —Call and Deo. Saw, Dee- 441858. Co,Partnership--New Perm MoCARTER & KELLOGG. lIIAVE aposocintert with rite in the beer eery sod Pre:mutton buyinean It the builuenn will hereafter be conducted in the UMW' and Vi l Z t J li ta cC ise A li.l Ft 4 1 K K LIA-S TOSF.III 111K•A RTY Gold and Silver Watches OF European awl American makers , . 111 Bunting . And Open Vine Carat Cases Good Railroad no4Time Keepers, warranted to keep &recasts Time Particular and cAreful attention given to 11..paoring Watches and Time Keenan( terry description, said wart. a nted, at th e WEST PARK JEWELRY STORE, 26 tf Paragon Scalding, neat Peach St - - - ViNE .1 EW Y.-- l'tenutlittl 1. A V A. Carhuncle, Catileu, and Pearl Sets of Breast FA , Peudsdit=racclres, Cull Buttons, Studc, A. New designs. spge Goods. Jewelry of ov,y description made to order awl all kinds of repairing door by the best of workmen on short notice 26, I M AUSTIN, Paragon _ . 4,1 1 1. 1 ." ER W A R ;Ina Tva Sporin-, i'orka, Ladles, Jelly anal Rem Spoons, Pie Knives, Griddle :hovels, Cake t'utters, Napkin Rugs, kr , ke Mount Yerntio and demo Lind Patterns. Siher Spoons, Made, and constantly OD band n px.4 an let. of Fine Sih•cf Pare as ilme 26 T M AUSTIN pA NTS ! PA I NTS IA I NTS ! Whit. Lead, dry and in uil, A itiericau and Freneli Line, Kaw and Belled Linstersl Of, Venetian Red. French Ochs*, (Arouse and Pi-end, linen, and in slier every thing In the him of P41141 , m, for sa le at the Sbtte May 12. T. S SINCLAIIt StiRCP AND Mi 'Very rimiest, etabtacitig three grad/A of rep • good &elide as ; better and Seer tine tisane,...) no ; Ste. art's Noldeo or White Syrup its , New Orleans M.dassats, the eery best kind for Baking purpose. at June 11.1 11ANBON*8 UROCF.RY lif:Pt/T CA RP ENT ERS' & ,It 11 ERS"D m /LS I have reirently made lark. 1011CobP to my former stork of ilkiirpsistene sod Joinevie 1 04oilt making It tbe most romplet« in 'he rill) •I•ti J r• 1..). 1.1, SPII N G jot EIN jag rceeived from tho 'omp:my. another sa pply, , the.. Ete.lp Oda nett tl rat pnoni pu at tbe State fair, selling from $6,011 and upwardw, ny th. Agant novs P.1.1...(EY ENZIII73 ! BENZINS ! For meaning I:KRUM Srvisie, from 84ke, Wuoit.s, *C., just rereiteel and for seta at BALDWIN'S Dow., Atoka, Hs. 5, Reed Hew, 24V. • rrilllMPSt !Vs SN'ltt•P f)1: An a - sealant articlr for tlm cur. of C o sieroi, arr. roll at BALDWIN'S DID (: :Mw No Ra c ed !louse D LAT IA( AK E les • now nittbr at th• West Pork Jelte.hry 116 ARAGom auttotmG, rimir P.. 4.11 St GI LT FLOWER f:i I, 11 A It B E T( P complete Chamber 'halt of Yuroiture For ells on Commission. Apply to G W RI )ri., Jas. 4, Isl/ —42 - Sitnng tied t‘tore. SEED BUCK EAT Los band and for fair 11 July 4 , PIMA . JACOB II ANA‘IN P.u - _ Erisss Ti E.` 4 TA 1.1:• 4 I I Yana/wt.:win.. in 8. new and thriving place where beet nem Is cond. Sep advertisement of the Hammonton Settletnetth thud GR , WER I EN.—A good suplly of most articles tp the Grocery line mai be found at HAP:BOWS IfAIIII.I GROCERY. Itrin, Jaen 21, 1869 —I. Cheapaide. P ERSONS WANTING ( ; 11AN ; GE -- lip climate for health. , , Sc. adverthemeut of Hammon oo Lands, another column. 6Am __ . j k - PPLE PEARERS.—Io dozen Apple Namara that will do the work etem time atilt no wastaket, for saki very low by J. C. 131LLIN A n 26,1846. FLYNers.—A few doz. of cotton a n Lloen Bonn Hem, cheap at J. C. BELDILIY6. - - Fro ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AD. ertliasumat of Hammonton Lando. 6m6 PURE LARD OIL! Suitable fur Astrassz sad Losbruatisr warm:4W to fire 'atoll/action mat :received,o for oak at NALDWiN'S Darn BTWILII-NO 6, heed Hem*. 24,tf fo t HUSIIEq! BRUSHES:: fiRLTSEIES!:! Paint, Varntah., Graining, Striping, Wbite Wye, r adow, Hone, Iterob, 1'11.0411711, plain and liner Hair and Teeth, and gen•ral aloortment of all kirale of iiitINII EA or ogle by may 2/ T. 8. arwel.Auc. - - AIIJI “ALLoNS. LINSEED. {Ju tf.tfkl And TANNER'S toll,. CARTER k Bico QKATKS. SKATES, all sinks and - quail ot "fat tm J C 9EIZES McCONKEY & SHANNON'S NO. sa REED HOUSE!. HA RD W A it E . AT Ii u . 2 REED II 0 1.7 S I.: Can be found PLATED KNIVES, PLATED SPOONS, PLATED FUKKS, CARVERS AND FORKS, TABLE ' 'IVES s: EMIRS (MEAD ' ES. BUTCHER BUTCHER'S EELS. lirrellEß'S SA sti CLEAVERS Skates ! Skates ! Skates ! CIIiWPIN(I AXF:S, HAND AXEs, lift()A1) AXES, ALSO, A FEW )r AXES At g REED HuVA STORE TRUCKS, Saws ! Saws N MUI.EV ILL—AND.CIIOSB CUT-+WO4)I AND it VNIIN at •NO 2 REED Horst STKEL cuTTEtt sii4)Es, SPRINGS AND AXLES IRON, :;TEEI. AND NAILS, BELLOWS. ANVILS & VD TS t lIPENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE IiToCK BUILDERS' HARDWARE, WCKS, LATCHES, sc., At NO 2 FRONTINU THE PARK, REED HOUSE. ASI) NO. I FRENCH STREET e Sign of the ANVIL WE are also Agents fof N4 YIA)R, NICKER jk co'B., Celebrated Cut 94e1 Church 2aberliold Yog., and also far &tele . the Co 'a Itcythos, Hitcheocarllhr Coua. Erie, Dec. 24, 185%-2.;,1 ONE PRICE STORIV New Arrangements--Nev Firm I & J. MINNIG, t. t t. ht; e old u 4 Sdtand 1) oom above ; .. C os in t n4 l , ,,,, No. 4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DEALERS IN GROGERIES i PROVISIONS, Would reales:A(4lly return thank' to the peddle for pest favors m. 1,01411% • oontineasseta your patronage to the New Firm, nelearseg you WA we shall stroll ourssieee of our espotioset in the badmen see Opoteoo ppretlne to make this one of the very bed Diodeto ytirohsee obbd-• to Arse count). Oneida will be to beep me heed a good opoortmotrt (4 . Good Sound and Clean Goods, whieb we optativ*, to sell an the Cash arid Short Credit System. olueh sill enable oa shoe to hey for Cash greatly to the stdvontige over Credit Priam to our customer*, so well so oureelere. We shall hereafter go otrictly oo the ONE PRICE SYSTEM ! Our Goods are =tried l• plain Ifloreee, so that there can be no rariatioo Is prleser„ as Si often the case where go ods are sub! can lone sad cloatstlia creeelit. C:01711. WortICIMBJES Wal be hied a. low au thes floods tout be weld In them market, subject, however, ton reduction when sold by the. quantity or at whelseiele la add Uwe to our stork we shall rvertry lOW supplies FIO iM NEW Yi +UK 14:ERY Ml Nl'll JAM F. 9 1111,RS, A ttr to feet, titnixd d ! Wahl, d ! Waiderl Chasms, ButSpr, F. g 1 Clover sad Timothy Sera, Flour, Pork, I.ard, Whit. Brans, Oninus, and all 'mots of l'so. duee amt Ytnulutyyred artirles, Woolen Yarn Ai itt*llN SOCA A, RYketa , ashlar Firkins, fah sad Pa„ k Barrels, A.r , tot %Klett a, will pay Market Price in Cash or Gm .-.ones Please Kir. us • ca/l. I.rtr, jan2ll 34 i• b .1. IMPORTANT CHANGE!! J)., ha% ing duposo.l 0 .of their inr.ex, will from ttilir ti t ,. Lure .1.,50t0 thrir row. atir o riou to tobitnft CROVERIES. Al 111 , :ir riatetous ssles roma, rorae, and Fifth la reef*, Erie Pa lur increased Neill! It'S enable us tu eom pel e w Ith any ./(0 B R S west of fiF "r*312.1C. CITY, aria an examination of our iv re.pect fully solicited from all who Ow. market for the ptirpose of buying goods. Haring tuade arrangements fur securing the beat Brands of Flour, Direct from the head of Flour market, we feel confident that the 'VARIETY OF BRANDS we are now enable.] to offer cannot fail to meet the rant. , of this whole section of eountry. t let >'• IN J JOllNtoltits & E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., COGNAC & ROCHILLE BRANDIES, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, 14)}e1', slf ERR)", MADERIA ANI ciIAMPAGNE \VINES. Choice Old Monongahela, WHEAT, AND uY: B. M. 23310., flare on htn.l the I arent sod Bert Selected Stork of Pine Old Whiskey or any drairri. iu the I"nitr.l Shama; all of which is high ly Itnprovr4 Icy Norio. K l' MIDDLETON k MRD., ly Li North 'enrol It., Phila. JM.STIOE IN 'TI E. FIELD J . AGAIN. I WOULD MAY te my Mends and the puWle Ie grormal that have entemeated the Taillathe; avid heady Made elaillatail Haewlaieas, in its yahooss branches, io the Mere burly oreareied by Lr. Case, oti the Publle Square, between Brows's Hotel Lod the Reed floosie, where I will eadwaeor to have at all time. a rheas selection of CLOTItra, CAMAIMK9IIO O 4 AND VINTIN4Ati, w Loeb I will mnke up to osier upon short notice, and vrarrsitt to give satisfaction Or no &Rh Perihelia in went ..I anything he my line Me depend upon bnlng fiiirly dealt with. as lam Meteromined not to mate op any roods but ea hse will give satisfaction. I ars making a good as- TlLtqat Of READY MADE CLOISINO, bleb rill br of Home maks, and warranted to be as presented or mosey tatandod. Penrose porebaatng for CASH an invited to tall and ..xamilos my Goods and Prices, ae 1 amdetermined to sell chrojor Cash. CsoapTTING dons on abort no and warranted. re, Oct. 2, 1888, JOHN N. TCHTICE. edRTf:R'S NiIIVIt PILLS c•ARTEK.' ANTI-COSTI Egad LIVER POWDrR, CARTERS PENA LE RE STORATI VE , CARTERS !INWARD It TR NOTREIVIRG RVTTERS; CARTER S BALM OF GILEAD ; CARTER S COMPOUND EXT of SMART WEED CARTER s GERMAN WORM CdffDri Can be bad of the Druggist. la NORMEIS CORA/ID, FAIR VIEW, If.d TERF( • N'ArPsinika, EDINVoito. GRINI) ST( )N ES ! 10 Tuns Henn Grind Moues and Grind Sion limberly fur solo by Inylin.fol .1. C. SlCLUrini. C II EEsEMA N'S FEMALE PILLS, for aAolo t BALDWIN% DRUG STOWE* 'dr" No 6, Reed Howe GO TO If you want to buy A Large Assortment of AT Mii . uNKEY s 611ANN(iN Bells ! Bells ! Bells ! AT No 2 REED 110CsE AT Niel'oNKEV & !SHANNON'S WHOLESALE. Filli R FISH, SAL?, ETC S'l'oolK, = 313ECOX-aM5.4!1.2\7=1 C3rXl\7*, I= Nonex T _ _ Eft DEtAWARt brentAt TN:4'n- AN CS 1:0.1$ l' APi y to nituratuoAu4.. fa it sew chits be*IIIIIM nu she Ill•taxi Na. Nuns tbn hi Owed it piutletratiou in the reittle of the Compa ny, without 14bilit4 trnsuud tile protuluto paid alas upon the Lanni sod Cattalo Itoostiv4l ou the mold bearable b torims 1+..... *ln 1, libel-ail) and promptly 11 1 6 . 1 . 1 re ltat . - Oil sourilhaluiliee. Wilding. iitui oth•riktopoli7 Is tehrb sr emetostry, in • 'mated terum poretumeutly DIU RCTORS. H. Soak, JR.:swill' ltatol, 1 hoophllus Malang, John e lia•ta, 1t.....-tt Wart" Joh n Garrett, Hugh Cod& 11404.0 l FA r aril., Pretty LA.161444, Davidii. Stier', Mario. 1414307 , haft R. 1 / 4 .1.. William roafeu, WflHam flay, Dr. a. 111011101. Pr. R. M. Btu/ton, Joha Toner, it. Speed*? bleliessbe. G•or l ito Sorrell, John J. Newitts, K.lward Derillatbri. Jolts B. 1'..0m...., .1 Il Jokotatto, P. J4.141 , P He4okr, leAtnotot A loo,lo t , , Wu llan ". ref KfCS•Itl, S. timineurtu. Prey . UrApplicallou eau l r mi,to to April 4, 180 J KRI.I.IN:ii, / e st, Erie Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! WE are now I al•Ilatel I to furnhib all who are In want of trOVILN, of env deperketran, at loetw Cwhew than hare Pr' be.ll •old krie ounty. Our xaanrtasont eentro a all emu s __ th e Motieril imprortel, •monK w loch way be round the • Banner, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse, Empire, Brilliant, Herald, and esieber of other &ramble ply 1a of elegraLed f twat, Alen the je/tly reiterated Martine ..r, Pewee, Bums %l o ra, and a number of other pattern. of Low oven store, Afro the Norsitrig Glory, Cottage Parlor, l' frode 'itrii.r, Open i lr i rgen .l4 loln,...a . nd s. a li larire gi ii . u h ro r bie . r . ... l l o i t t i .:: : attires of superior qualthes which we will tell Carib, Lumber, Beef, Groin. or 'porter ire general, at leas figurer than any /10U. to OW Cll Y. a nd warrant them to ere entire .ate, et To idd•rnolid wishing . any thing in the above floe we imiiiiil tar (lie US a Call andyou thrill not I* ill•appoint..l .Si Hi.. i ilil Foundry, N iff Corner of State and I Ith ate Kale, Aug. IS, tew—lo.lf liAltk k JOHN: 4 IIN. --- ----- --- _— Ilea oxofors lILAGITIMO BALM ! F4)11 I{ll El'idA'FlSltt, ll 1.:.%11 Al'lll.. sere Throat, Smelled Face, Felons, Cramps, l'i Ir., Sprague, BruIP•11, Cuts and Stntiria,Swi•lleit (Sand., 51.11 Joiota, Swelled ilieseln, Sore Nippier., Toothat be, aLe 1 i It will mire to from Ave tn,ten nitnut..e, eliitt.itninti,esirnii. ;ton or Teuder Feet, Heaton. or Farm:he, (not, Lalll. Back, Staid," ida., Re. It is alai, equally eBleeriour In the core of there.... ,” lime., or other animal., mach as Rinelo in e Spat in, I 'ha h.., Foutittemi Feet, lAtaPtilid•. runt Val till ' , or the Mi.. lea, Sprains. Witid Usti*, NA-raid...a, I rtel.e.l lireh,„ ( Ihl rh,, 44, Yell Ail, Re. Altheeth tide Is a new article, nue fur the fire I,me hroulglit before the public,) et It I.oa been eeterely lo•dli-,1 In a great 1i10131.4 r l rate.., and found all that . i i l ini...l for it. as Oprtificateill one in the prier...ion ..I the rroprie tor, fully Phila. Get a bottle stull try it : and ib it it not all it Id ..root mend, return it and your looney will le ref,, ode.l C. (34.0.4 It V mile manufacturer and Vroprietor.•2lo Wtin Street, Hurrah, , and wild Ly 1.. I. BALDWIN. Fro. • SLKEYER, 'Waterford. Price, 24 Cent. ver Itott le July lli /349.-177. r4,,, „,,,,exf""" / / // LOCATED AT BUFFALO, Corner Seneca it Main Street. N CITY, "Cooper inatitote, - A.R.r Pine PHILADELPHIA, Corner 7th & Chroont Nt ALBANY. No. 43 Broadway, CLEVELAND, ('or Seneca ci Sor.erozo Street DETROIT, No 70 n,,odward Al ettot , cor Clark :ma Stntel Student, entering any noir „r i,•-•••• 4 I 16,1.11., lit the payment 01 s4o,lreennie entitle"' I. the 1 , 4 . 1,1. 01 the •olle• "chain," entupinting Parrll of the n,. t 11,4.111(th •,tl{ll•l•l fitlPlOrO , Fe lool. in the world For CAU‘loguen into 4 I rrolars • Mi . a/ I I ( . 1.111^,r. iir Bin 41q . & sTit t anoN AMERICAN MERCHANT A MONTH LY MAGAZINE, Devoted to Commerce, Banking, Ilanufaetur+-4, Agri ealtute, lierhantral Schroer, fonimerrtal I.w, rohtteal Economy, Literature, Art an. Statistical itifornittioti l'ablisitiod monthly at Cooper lnatitute. N 11" Tenn., .f.. 3 Per annum, rah the usual retlnettna to Chst“. fl, whrk IS tissigas4l to 1, 0 ► 000dfl elpoDellt at the C..tomeretal and holuotrtal interent, of A I,..rirs March, 2A, MO —ly 42. STILL IN THE FIELD ! L. 1. 13A_LDW I N , illol.ESA IF. A U ' RETAI I DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY N , 5. Ner4 How., la A VINi repletiv4ll4,l st,Ncls, lam DOR iprrpar.l d, (tumuli tho holy,* lav ITI silo* r q ually as low as then raw ol.taon.wl•t am lorrol,r .. t al. Imbuyeat in t/..• Peettoo 31E1)1(1 N Es, if Fibllc.k (111. s. V.II:NIsIIF.s 1)Y V, STUFF- 4 , 1.:1;FI'M F1:1 l'A I NTEWS A ICUIg '1.1; • \V I N I ) 1„1 s The Drool and Arw w arriinti. , t.. t . 41111 irritator I tot,. TO.Is on two! nod r... ••T maprno r block oh Fine Havana and Principe Cigars, Also, Pure Wines apd Brandies rixEDic.a.x, rsv. t)r.t.ri promptly 1.11.41 and .I,N, 1, 1) rvgant to price and .otalit) It I PLACR. !' No. 3 Itited Eric. '.,1.t!.41 NEW GROCERY. ( ) IA UMI EY BIZirl'111.:I:s, Hate r.peruerl a (.....r, r• arid Pr,, Stare I u Boslll'. Dlorl, Norlli `1.1«..• the Weltt *h.q.e a Root r •frpl% of iltEmi FAMILY Ido of 'Elt I ks A ND P140%1%111'4. QM I= et.'4l.lTl @EI WOODEN &WILLOW WARE pr" Curb •nd the 6i r Lwf markpi ;owe kiDtif 01 eg.ntry Pr. ainnr. It I` t'A gno. April 2j 11569 HATS & CAPS AT COST IT A V I N(; inlide • srmag” , nentir toe., , -,-, tutu anotlwr ktmloit,us . ". \ ...:,.:, ,4., ,.. „ _ _ ittg•pm, I• td .11 ta Wil ' ....117 . - __ - • . ....":4: _Ai -= 1111. ‘l2,i k , bl llit , • na.l i q 1 - -7,..._;,, * F#it- i Ape , 6! Mt. 1 , .//...1) t.r. -4 " . - ' , .......;:r1',. - ' , ..2.;'—Vk— a ir mktel... at l'i),T 11,t .5::" -;-,- -,"'''''-- _ ..........'. • 3 1....1• mr4. ft 111340.1 plitsit• ~,-.7,11 '' ' ...,„:.- • . II nr , r, I.As r.,(1,..ta par , • - • rlbarw.l VI It hi" Ihe ISM ' i T., bfit 1.1 11.1 d irlll4, Ulb 4 . - wort i'lLbli , W.I.- Holten la l\..w York. • 1 have iv, tarp •to , k of iiisfla'io R o la...that Will be sold at WWWWWWI Ins prier. _ r• ,1111'11 grid/. iket, 16., 109 - 19. r4. L ...›.4§. =iv-4 C ( B )LB ro l' a r i e rvi tt: is r da ns a h d is pa sin n ce i r n e , tha t i f i a l :o s Ti to,hi (AILS Y a. WO taking the Low Nuevo Pic-maze' 001611 lir now reposes aStonishing mlurtmn Jo the pries WWI tbs higbar priced Ambrotypes COLBY knows you hays henetefore paid Wee holes as smell fee Piderer aa yea ovekt. Colby is bring the pries of Anabrotype Pictures Auld really the only *turn! worth haring.) within the Reach of lb« 11.eael Colby is mail/ the people's benefactor, and tone at time. be toned in the Rosaanentio Bumf, Erie, I'a, flr• ' • r at Bank of Couirrieree. 141 t f Great Attraction for the Holidays ! West Park JEWELRY STORE, PARAGON BUILDING, Nb.AR PEACII STRFET, IWELXIEV , THE Proprietor of this estaid i sh i nent it now Meriting sod Oprping.rrove New York eltjew most extensive vs riety of elegant - 1.11, SI I. V FR, PLATED AN! FANCY Moils Expressly se.ecteal for the &luso 'l'm& which thr huhu, an respectfully inv,to.l to rxerniu.., may he found mitt& to the hute of every onr, tlb II,• doe...meats to the woy of Imo' ritens to make pu n Having the Goods an.l tnrilltire to supply ally droust, a sham of potronsgo is Ozpt•elrd DOC- IMO.--215 I'. E. AUSTIN. rt., kr. . trnrother wi., , tura, Corn PlantaninnJotherarticlel a'"v"i'ary 1., ' h, bn properly appnaotat4l. I ~,,, 't f.,4 , , , t, •• 1..,, romutry," N w Corner Slate and Flarrath ' , tr. •.-- E r i e P. NOT/CE. April 'I. 1,, ZIAILR At JOIISSOS. New Arrangement ! HAMS •\ \ I' 111,311 NY. J I , , •. ,, N i. 0 . , ,, trim Cinrinnai, I El AN . E agsociated with me in the (iro- j • e h°l ''' 1..1 o r 'ne ,,, (~,. .d Ham., . I ^. l . 01,0 .• of tin. re". ~.....y .4 eroo.ion Quin ..... , jAci)R imixi,, Ti,. ,I wise 14 tit, 4 hal 11 , •intnr. Call at thr bonion. will ~. n, ,, ntinund in thn nnn , nn . i nt , ln ~,, r . ~ ,t n Junr 11, last-1. CIROCIKRY PXPOT, CARPSIDIR.._ J. lIIINNIG. jaa.2l--14.0 P iIINTIIO., GI LT P( INTRA IT FRAME _ S. • th l t I ‘..uithsv..i...kinglitualwa,Fltie Prebeli Nth "yrspho in F r vlirPm, or oat, Isallinu chimp at the paragon Building, T Y. AI 1.71 N PAINT BRCS II klS. The finest ass4-)0 Meat a( Point firnakhoo la thoeity for ,al. •t BAI.I/WIIVA IMUO KTORF, Tett No ARout Hour ward. N. I 11 I I. I ' .- lIT E LEA I).— llf Tv )N7 FAIL. to !We SIXTH ANNUAL s.kftri.r I .lllrlrix hrand. P; elf juitNtiouscEmovr, awl brilliaut oalmt, luworb.l York, A tisetle, Cn•tal Niiiicars, Sprier VAIN% eolsma .z.t Nov. I Vti CARTYR t BRO. P.'IIEALVIS - Celebrated Cough Remedy. a sare, PLR.. saurr arr./Dram /Frac-That CURE roa covanf. cfg f E9 " WV "' A 3171- MA/,, ItRONCHITI .1, CAITIMMui. AIM II HOOP I Ali 411011011 Tills great remedy ban beet used du i rine th.le4 Is Y.*ru with unequalled sumer to t octopi the, sibo» dieeners, and should be used by every person *Meted 'Mb soy affeetlon of the ?hive and Mum*. far tio• Matto Clrugh Rembuly is nue pisa Cotterk olir tie Haiti t..`4 Reused, to rare Ostia. t(k. mar. Coseh Ronwaty to cure 4othssa ltoo Halts Cumoira arm* to moo Ono,. U.. Hairs (Lech Reused, to ewes & Ilor Malty ()mirk Reavedi iv , ' Ork.mPolf .C. 004 It will promptly lessen the Cough mid shorten its mune one-half from Ito ordinary tedtone duration. For re moving Irritation from the Lungs arid air wear*, it is onv`ikalle 4 in It operation—its Use irivtgoistre the pul monary goons on.] gr m alr Ft rougibeus the yoke. Ilmarer I.y enaldlus many prople to rtntut. (rester r xpeatif. with out results. knirl the following P. 'donee from • host 14 Fri* county Immerse* who have need this medi cine, ouch testimony sneaks for It.e.if We, the undersigned riturnot of Pup City and rtnielly, have used Pr. P }TALL.. reletrested Cough }tamed) with great success, In ,nrlncr elleeimos of sod Lunar., scul t sae plenum rt. In rerommendine Ito nee to the altlirtled MA • 14.4.4 Y and w•th. Inn! , fnti r orl Is e pu t- lw Joon. ThompAou. W 11, c..oper, John Mr!bunt, Nc , Jirirlob pretonr, j,din A ?mei, Hew Grant. .I.tbn W Wl:aue I. ot ou. A. Hui), John W Til, Thom. liege*. John R 1' ran, W M. Gallagivet Job** It . Da rs, I bar W K.hto, J/141111. Walrrn, 14 1 IF.Taign. Alba R. Brown. A lil • rart.ol, Jutm “n.tbriat h, K. A Kennett Mathew lianolleo ./ Salabor), J. W. Ryan, 11 liiiyvr. Robertßob. Corbi•e I I. Lour IlLttt..l r J itntimom„ H K. Randerus4.l,t. C. IL MMMEM I r k ftwitarA J. T. OW, Darti,l Ifuver K. }MAO, J Mooney, I. W. Culver, Wm 11 War, - Fur slily in Eno• nal% by 11A 1.1.. Itrug. M... 1 1, in• and houl Store, 11.111's I..nil.ltn lit.. a Ira, doora .. , ,nth of the S. / uarr. A ii. V Itbera +h. n .1.1.: tt 16 . 114.1,,a1e II I . 1, Girard ; T wrrr, It I' N..rttwa.t • Onmifrritku, Fx/rei,a , • him rt 1 of•kport: It. Sh-• Wale/f4n) W. Y cr u st, I "1"r, 18/o,oltin. k I 'fa Warm ; Wood k .1.11n•on. AGENTS.- tf Prnattflt, Ettlobnrf.• .1 Kin. not, F lira ow , rfttu I tfrrr.t, Want tierrt., I.3ltuoti. it*.tagl 1`.7 el', to per LOC, ti Tu 180 -dm= TO HOUSE KEEPERS. SI( )2§1171 . 11 INi KW.- P. T. RA 1:1111 - 1'S REST II }. Ill( AI.SA I EIRATI 68 , ig mantsfutt. red trulu eotniu4•l3 nit' 6( . 3 preivaml •tinn e4l. from othlrr Aftleratax. AII th. matter et. •• l•raCiml 111 Kul It A 11IsiMET as to pro,ttier 131.eutt, sod all kind. ~(Cake with -7( ) 1,,,t C..131.1(11111 x vat ..f Saleratuot when the ~r t ak. t. Lake.' theret.) pro d u ring whole... t oo re* one ry part, de of Sukrutue 11. turned to ,1118 and pane. A through the linlot or Etuuontu 614 68 68 nothing reptilian but comuloo Salt Water sod Flour You utll r. man), A " I ,, u o kt i, e 6) the Wit. of Ihia tialeratus that 4, .4 70 " parke,l an rms. lett J rapiwr "ft T. 841.1,LIt'm Hen iliriirtioni for braking Etrvaii wit!. 7()t,„„ enar Milk lir Crwain Tar tar, will sersiaripany each package; for UI.OIIIIK 441 kradr of l'aatry , Fr, , l' , ran i EERIE tt I P 411.0. 11Al RE I IMPY " - 0 4 • • 74 4. , t*A 4 k, .4 '' A t A . , Oat, . / hot rainnot tall to Rattily all Boy's Coats for 50 cts. upwards. •Vf IK•vn at conideralllt• expen,e in proforma the latest triahious and parter rot, he pi. max a share of pcblic patraonar IN, has align (or nal*, as Kral, a lame aiminriment of F I DY 111. t 1)1(CLUTIIIIN11:, 1J... balance. of a onnflt, will be aolki arfatly twlnw Coat in "H a i- to don. nut Ow concern In want 1.1 Clothing will lint are .• ,It an npport unity 1.0 1111 V 0103 p. Cr. Vntal nO , l Unitary Clothing made to nnler on t'w•aottabl, tnrtnn, and latiplketion IVILITZLOPti Fri.., Jon. Pt:,9,_a 6 '(, 1 . 11 1 Pi It'Nl/ItY" STILL AIIEAIr.! BAHR az JOIINSON prPpar r,l to foroislt at Wholesals and I r ktait, Mows of the Ixal and most &urns -p.. 1 materus, and lurdn the rarmers au.f others to ttwir Stott on Laud ettaalatlag4o F. I -IWO 1 4 uric. Outuarx., H. 0 Hoot, Wlilkon KIWI. U Y Ilettadt.) twaniPl diner, C B. Wrivbt, it LAlferrut rwm other :44.1ert. Mrttlcturd Sale ;' pictum, tyr sMt. Pal /Oat u t t rrad , with a glare ut rtfrr...oinr 60 water on the blp. When you panel:m.ollr 0 paper you ikhouhl orevorte the erreyirr, Ana be particular to get the unit A '%" hke the bri.t— brand ,A *hove aim), for nuiroe :LA.% %aLer and .4,1104 68 Make Your Own Soap, 7 WITH AND IL 'l'. 34.a.1131X`I)T'S 70 Pure Concentrated Potash! Warranteil or tit/11,12th of ~,..brt b r, I ) . put up 111 canes-1 11. , 3 , i l ath Noi 7() OCT malting !lard and F.dt Snap ( onto torn „.! IL.' " ,Ot VAL.! I till. Itt: for all hr 7( H. T. HABIIITT, A% 1./ ) M ALCM TO WlVll,tugtoo•rt ,141.111 York 7 I Iw 18.1 r and No. ali Indwat Holton, At the old Stand. N I+l I' It P li 1' , Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed Houe, lIAR ON tIANO \ E A iRT3I ENT Hi HUH ) 4; 114 s'n ivEs, A,. Alan, a barite ah.l N.atplpte rtsurnt of 0,1,1.1,, and t.t.t Iron aslr. Alan, a larKr A•trurt sa meat of Cutlery and Pocket K ke , ritlianta Table a•tatra and Tea *lon. Tea and tirtt.a, (topper, Po r.c Plata and aLoo, a largr utaurtur of of /span Wan• or n:1 kind., and ..rt maul TPs Trar., in Erie, °fall "-1ta1.,. and d as., alan , Larkt, rua, .(14,t M lilt., ti or. Ctlappts4 , KUtlvn, Flat, • 1 t t,%..1,. I.,uga, 110 d. M . atilitx.ardp, ` 4 1)01.1a, l'ntaln flunks, t t.t 11"ok., Ice • I n ot Tut., hii p ßath,. Ltatt,mg Tuba, I:r•frtzt raL,en , .31.aases lit Crean, Fre.irr, atm., Poulos or aid., ril•riora .4.1 I .4.1, ('amp Mont. Ylpr and 1.:110.••• anal Plitupa, and I.aint.a, jN ester Coulrra, and tiller., I. a.: /amp.. .1 All kwga, So a t a •a.l at .1s 7.1c.1it. sod ` 1 . 0 "'l Ir.•n, W , r", ean.l3.atieLa and Table. , 11%1, in•. Hammer. :41401 el and 'Tony.. •sinuel, sad YIIk l'atta and Pak la, Ti. 4 let Wart., Tea 14 11., Tu mblet Et „,., M•ot.r and Nat Trnp., \ Tack, so I (10 Do, t, I, IS re Id tnaarrr•, 1'..11.r., In. °.l. I "Ilt• 1 . 1.111, :`tellr fart., druid- , t4.111... Slid Ilan t t war, will, All I.r a 111. 11 will la ..dd 1,1 1 , 1.,. Cu), ..ul , l .1..0‘. 00 the r wan,- lira •, P. ar• r ind Rr L ot t.lten en rxetran rr f•.r c. ol• mil ale Ifor li.ura.dr May 15 , /1:10, Y.1 , 11r, N FURNITURE! FURNITURE! I If 1:11 . 1,E7 ((As PE9tl l Vt..l) 111; , • 1.1 Furnllum vt met, too, do. U. L b ul l • tort a. t•,l F URNITURE, • (01.ractniz all 1..0.111 of Cabinet Wan. 0.001) I,os .41 I 111.111,1 mrut. (10 thr first Hoot may be 100 harr.(al, katrwasigi Itsch(seal 1( as* (.I.lmjs. ( ormowe Noah :(112(4•141. 4.4,00 Nismais. Clad Be.birpd,. %ford,. 04s, I 'Arc. Unita:lM liirrl as ills a largo. stocL 0 Ai l EA. 18. S, llf ","' ao•l 14 ICII• to soil optilowni 1.1 ." t1 , 0 , r lull of 1 t-.1 - I,IIS I . l. , Rsan RI le. th as ~ .61+,1e1.• a Tele.t, I .nrg.• it.•. t, r... I:.•ntl«nwn' F.iviq osiii all I.ltid+ tif t OPIIIIITIO,I I loom, Ilarb/ T o p l'elitre raw V. hat Not, and Q.:lt - tett 'IA Oil.. Tile third tin., en , 11,01 , . 30Aterink en•s ft isten nnio nrk min, i0n.1,1.111 1., nottni.t., tun an, art,, In in I wl.innt ht.. oil It , I. in.' •I, rt. • ~. I The puldvc,l.arttruintly th• al , It HUH% egl to %II rnd , on II I. ,11.41 ai• I an/ 1.. I ••1 I • vl ,•-I it, .114. I Lly 4.r h. 4 4 .4 4•4 All kind• or 111,1. 1 .„•I fur mt um. .1 14 F4l4`, ;re), 41 I•nprit•Lor. 1: .1 h laryr /lot g•I N alirrl, rmbrwr any all p 1.,. , / lka 111., BOY'S CLOTHING ! Cheap and Fashionable ())/ 's; GRA 11.1)1, TAILOR. irr.t- of State ftrid 14.'..”111 ■lrrrte, Kyle, t,el cr , no , tantly on bail, o f "HI Hoke to order. All. ' 4 11.1111 A/V IS(It'S AND MF:III'S CLOTfirritip 101 h ich hr olh•r,prier. J (tNo, WOLVF:RINF., l'ITTS131:116, ,nrivrA N experienced Nam and Female rhoeisu. ponor obi to Cho attritive ot isothoro tro SOWAIXEING sinativ. rue ?MITRING, which greatly facilitates the proems of lastblo by roll mil mg tile gyms. redstin idhussisiMon- , isGt alloy all Io cad spasmodic action, and to W. II foram* hoosis, arm 14 nauthara, it will give rest to yoursetves. .a . ;:0rr.7121 and health to your lata. Wit have pot op aid sold this art!- els for oar tea yearn, mid elm way, 1 Kra. truttt as of we star to itay of we Hum 1 Meser tem a (taut 4,0. v, le eV • la R. 1 - aysT Soothing i..u.. or .i...m -. vb.. wont It--- MY RI ii '. all are delighted lions, awl speak in tome countwieletioa of Its Insegical agents and inediral virtuee We speak la Ude matter "Attest vokaue," afire ten years' espetiencei end pledge ear re gralgtion for thsehilellineat of whet we, ba t e & e a u ., In al west every instance when the Infant ls statteitag trona pain and rababstlon relief will be tenni! In Illtaes or tweedy tniontra idles ibeattspin adniteletered. This valuable prerntrstion 11. prlPftriptiOn of one of the most rapertrored tad alai/hat Warne in New ganglind, and laud been bend with never baton Ancona in thousands It pot only relieve* lb. et:M.lmb from petit, but lovicorates the iitoreach and bowel., corrects acidity, and give. tone and energy to the whole system. It will al. moat in ,m, u tty rail. vs IX TVs BOW XI" Ann W iwo CuLu , mei o eunaulsora, which, if not Ir hly 1,110,11e4, «nil - • ---- —-- • - death. be fart. It the best For and surest reine d% In tli« world 14 alt ours of Itenietery en d CSILDIUIII I Martha* inebtl Iran, wletberit Tee thin g. I Crow teeth 'rig or any ntber co I ranter We 'would • y t o evory whoa has a child •ufferiug from any of the foregoing complaints-ti toot hot your pnojedite., nor ttto prejudices of otter*, .lead pe tal., o) our outterttar ciald and tiot ndlef that will hu num. .. %h., lately faro - to follow this medicine, if Untody Full direction. for suing will remenpany each hot- TI. Nio eauino unleiia the far-iiinallo uI t I ItTirl. & l't.itKlNA, Nor York, l on thinintaide wrapper far Ora ggibis tkroOthor t the • orl.l Principal Pia. 13 ;Cedar Kt., New VID art I PN ICE uN I, y 26 crorra ?RR 11( It INVIGORATOR, NICVICH VlialLlTATlirl, IF 1., compountled entirely trom !;onus, ...Iwo 1.e.-lime an eatablishaal fart, a standard 1.4' Irina, ktiontt and appro- .3 -Ned by all that bas e used it, and is now reitorted to , Fit ,a,th roolidrare to aU the iliiieale. for which it is re- 0 rout Inelt. , l It la, cured thousand. within the last two years It tl.l lOW AIN elan v all (pope! , ‘—' 01'0 4 1.4 all lhe GUlDenon , ,pc.ikit.l cortllleatoa in my tmneeuutoci chow no Woo. may le adapt-. rd to the temperament of lie tar-.. , .dual IN‘ing 11,,..... an d ti.ood In curt. 11111M1 1,..,.,.1 % • 1.. art gently •111 %.0 11.. 111011.1 a. Lot Ile. dictates iif tour Et judynn tit guide J) on 111 th e i ,.... of It.. 1.1 V Eiti tat I NYIOORA TOlt , acid arid cute laver ('au - 1 ,Aigialo, sutios. Ai, inch.. OYopepa In, t'hronie Diarrhoea, Summer 100. plaints Dye- istety,Dropay,Soertatnnr ,I, I latotual Ciiiiitira-, nein, Cholerie, Mole ra. Cholera Morbna, 'T. ' Cholera istaarara, I. latolonro, daundire, F.- 1:4 male Wti oakmmes, a n d 11014 10. 11/“.i ii aceeeahally ~,, ax an Ordinary Irtamoi ly Iliedletne. It alit PI • ore fa SC it II IIC AIN AGAR, Oa ttomeando bp, ran leatifid in lamas., minutes, .1 la .. or thro. ' 0.1 Toftepoonfo le are taken at commenromont orattaak 1 All what ear it are Oa lea th,t te.I.ITOD, I" in ite favor n- r yi 1 x WATEIt IN Tint IVIIICTII WITO TIM INV 1,4,;01LAT4•1t., ANA) ps% A 1.1.0 W both iosrthirr• CATHARTIC PILLS SAGRT•uLIt SITgACTA, •Jia. ITT T. is GLASS CARR.% Family l'ushar- ale P 11.1., In a Ir^utie' hut ..,:tievCathartir a bleb ' the prorrietor bat used in hi , prattle. snore than I.'t. Oa Tears. The constantly iorreas - 14 Ina demand trout those who 4a,r lent 1.11.•.11.11..11.• P 11.1. 1 ., and the sal ifs* lion uhieti all ...Lyme. 0.4 • 1n reload to their indored me to gla r e them 1.0 within the reach of all The rtoteset..ii a a 11 kuow that dittereut Ca• , 'hart. wet on .lAI. tent Pal portioto of the }towels. Tb.. EA:011.1i l ' ‘. 'TIIARTI( ' PILL bay., with doe rwtarenee t.• thl• welt ...MALI tidied fact, been e0n:11.4 , 41 ,1 ...1 tr.., r. marl C) Irty Drub. puma 1 act 31111. t. oh/ ~,,, knit the •limentary rein:, and are 1:0111) and A% PE in all ran.. In 11.•rn a Calliartn E. 4 a.eded , sari. as DIC 01? +Talk riTI.7IAC H. ran - aa. 11.1 Pc , 1114e1.. nail 1,‘,11... IL native (11.-I `..11 ever Ike veliole from wdd. a roll, a ln. h mg freiinieutl,, If naaleeted, end an a long . id ieito ler, I . as 4.1 A 1, 1 I li.. , Kettles.. i./....,„11eadaeh., or weight 11. e head, all 11211steri. roniory 111. , na r it. H (SOH Nl* in Children or Admits, Kii Mal a 41,1 a teat Portlier of ths nod twit.) .11 ,1 11 1 1 . 1 . 11 1,..,,, . to mention olu this seb 4,1 iseutent State. 1, I.• Prier, :10 Ceels. The Liver I..tlgereter and Voksellv Catlterife MIN as- n.1..11.410 1 1 rnicgistri re.he'rally, and a.. 1.1 wI• 1., 1 , , In 111 I.ln. larz. tea' na. T. W. .43,411e01t1). N. t)., iii3tlUlA. Ulf mu.' Pre.prirt.,r 33 3, ir•adua,. New erli. July Y. 1 9 4 , 9 .1)4 EAGLE FOUNDRY. DE \cif 1:td1310 Ro a d A.L. u >Li') ...Uhl rt,opectlialb I Otonti.n , I ll , ' , leirge complet tlrtment • A f 1,, 11.1 . A.1 hbria C%11%1.t 1.•,k t, • IT. ti,gy,g •4 4 . th•• 111. A. Ns 11 rnut so ou t .1. , . •• sod a 4.0 .0.1. , 1.1.c114.1., not 1011. •‘1 ~•.. Ind 111. Ia: 10,1111 l ila .1 .11 "Oa, lour gaol. , oo rro t• M 4111161- Kot'• •I Ir. !WM. 1 , (1 . ZAl titt. l• It • L{13.11 , 1 • 1•••1 INT • 1..• 1 . 1 1 . 111•1 • I •1114 make and dura, AN • •••• 1.11.1 t.sli a1..1 a 1 1 ,r I f - 1 ,14 IbUr art, rips .t. aatirrartmo. •• tl II 1..,4 & HENRY Stranbro's Patent Seed Sower ! 1. 4 1 4 1 1Z 110 I , NI t. I 1111 , q11\ and 11.4, ti. and -01 Ina•to, and Lone. There AP A 0... an 11 , P. tan,- I.: 10 111. ID. I it, h, knnn.lln, in roes, R u t R. 0., I. ‘17.1, (tikinnu,iteet arut.,:n+tivir Cane Sew4a. Tiin•-•• \lnnelinnn. t0t10n,,,,0r 1e n 141,, Farmers or in irknr,tl ln, 1.6-51 t by more thinnn lA.. huni. lln Int... n il e i„ os 'l9 1. 1 Tli, vu l i....i e ut ituf (nun., la to tb. use •.f rI IA , 111• All ...11,1 Allalli.ll with haws Of btu •• , ,t 1 . NIP prt,te, t req.: wroeLl a the ,t Lt it win ante. it Inn. tr., 1111.1 Ullielt sue, 110 s nu.Lnc, 1.1,•1 'b. i.e.: a N l‘Prlinrge.l Inlthout Nat "1.4. PAII •te.‘ TI.. I. I , r i• Olen.e With Ot11•4' • L. 16, ••• • t 4, An) dr-Kiro.: • .• t”( 11, 1,1 1... • Aff. .1 thp • 411Xtrt hull. I • 1 I a. • n.•• ‘.l cdro.ti r• 1., 1..1 4 1 " • 44 " .4 4 4 • t.. tut. ail, (.0 lisindiro,lF4rror r.. bnl 1111.. •• .1 • I 1 1 / -t 11•CiaLle at. 1,141•• 11 , 4, 0,1111 Itl f',,rlllllll. 11..m0r Jublu.u, Ituru• That. r, 1..1 ti 1.1.11; N 1 1 1 u, all ..1 mouth 1414. Pt 11 at roll. r, .1,1•11. •,f, I, ; 1i.. , 1 K 1114,41, 1:111,t ‘lll, 11.. 11 ~Brat Iptfit•L', 11, 1 1 111, )411.11 rr Vitn. 11w hrst rem/ma uf the 31lek. ea* .stale le , Ih , Pe , " i• al eere , all 'atm ty f..'. hi. lan" , tgi I•rier. n nl, $l, ,•1 ler Ile 1 endow .1 11•4 hi. , All 11. 4.1 i gae..Arr•lit.,l ("..i,•• nnli.lart 14.11. %u.l Mao turn elt after a r• it 11., .r, 1..1 the ..mono,i tr• r. f•lissf... , Al. u 7.. a mad County )11.1.t0 for 111.• to Ih, •t. .•( • tali., •mum 11111. 1..r1e. 11. tit' N T 1"I Al,l\' l' If k llse(trim)l ill N:l9- Charler /rr,>r•luul.' I'vnrerti I bowl ignia,i La.. by kir, lor nu) Tors 11101 dlnx Oar yrnm. l'oheae l a ...areal all on the at• pa•eat of l'renaloor Nobler, 111 npanra the Faso truant of tile areal , toek 'tate. an Maatret .nth otat the lorladatr oa a I r*.nbium ott• I ...v. 1.1.1 filth 0111 latizatanit 1 , 0.. torah I 1.-e laraarreht •wat. am, Ihre corny:tor, 144( . /marali, q evrltrrlN ',re l'.na &ht. ramol is a raft hmove row shri,w iei I< 1.:4' tip Ka, J' ,loo . M. Vo.n. F Ittndernivb. Smith, Zlnthwt la, Joe M Stet et It. Ketaiet. ll•rreorr, A Flhot, Nalalaltt, N rat, It Milk. J 111 Jngvr / V, I: 4 .1, C %VAR...IIAI I, PrP. , t ./0),.n fit viri..olr, ge^ 1 , 0 A. P.l.l.)trrr, Unser, In Mean,. I:nllni,on Law Meier Fra., Pa. i'rw, Apr,' Great Seneca Oil Prospects. FARM N V 1 ; WEIZTY TII E P.-trli I BEI: N' )NV IFFEI:s Fi )1: SALK, 100 LOIN, to I Nl' l x t IL Lai:E. Co , r. Air., One firth of 60 arr.., o n.. a 30 um. , .n 4 tuotMr of 130 nen., all muitahle for Inlot% or outtoto , two ea o.llCat Wet., rrhile g oa ; rw hVro'• of ktol ton mule., from rnmu• Th.. 4. at Prea.ot the Lest SENECA Oil, Propert,y in Erie Co, 00 0 Wo. 'yin, I n,nk 60 feet am the Land, and 1..1111 poor mat .ureisca Ve quantitle. of 011 having : .1 I .r the top of •Well. Colon in the 0.0511. 4,11%111 la(.' itt Edge CUunty the Sunbury and Erie Railroad directly throueu it, making it the first point out of Erie of much iaupor. nor, The Atlantic k Grrat Western Railroad no. 1 0 pmarrom, passing tbromch it alas' Vltty-three perms trent Building. have toen made on I nine; the peat year, the good Learnt of our inliaddlants. it,. proltperlti of nor farm e r s and tradeinnen, all romlllne to make Cnion tux r/.•ez to tuveet your Surplus Cal ltal, 1'07.11t AND litit IT. SLIKINAIIAN. rtoou Erb 25, 111.:"A wIARrr; CRTC II E.R, Nwrlk . Tu PII YsICI AN 4. O tolate of Corium. Per Chlorhle of iron, Ilydrorysoate of Iron, Serup of the 10.11.1 e of Imo, bob& of kfaticariese, fothtle'Line, Bromide of Potossa, numby of quints', airol other faro and minable Chemical Preparation, can 1* found at the. Mon, of J CARTER k, HBO, - - _ N . qicE.—The Furniture, Chair, Spring 13.41, sale sod Commlesion Blom of W Er has Levu RICII4I/1 rat to the Brick Build lbw on Wept ..I,le, next to Joreehts 1;1110 Shop, between blighth awl Ninth Streets, on State, Krt., Pa. No, tz, 11569. 1 000 A I M a lrßle A 7 N A N . 4. no ' . 1.1b R tta " ati . U P I ! a i n ai t t l i • >i/ti cARTIR & BRO --- KM: SAN FORD'S Pelee , One Donne per Ratite SANFORDT3 . VA.MI IA (,i)SSI'vlNk)Es) Ala Vitali. •Nu ik ILL 10.V.E.r IM xv't ctail•Tlr. , 11, I( h. AND of ii „,T.r% 1111.1, rwrilkar, Ntrh I '. 11. k I .;I, l'.. 6m1.10 ittSllßn Ft )It SA 1.1 GROVER & BAKER'S lIILY giliff MACHINES to meadow sad tam la.Ter boss parr modlelse-- so • am le air rare, whoa time- SKI we tome as iidartass by Lay Oa the aoatrary, N E\V y from -1 2 extra Charge $5 for ilemmers kr, {tilt v \ AY The., 11..-Lm•• Ye. rr , u, Inn •010,t• N• fro tin 114. re•lud s uq 61 1 / 1 011.1 h• Hr„,. and 't tt a lt •••• fag Ibna hart, 4.pernltn... 'nit!, •••I F P tat at..l ••••••11r, •n• to onyukrn•l ••1••nn 1,... • ,u.. The, • 11! •:•• I. t•rrsud • b•-all•nq •••••• tI. •••• ••• • .- • • elt peen asite eneks for owe test Cs evil,' au I a, ra., 'ln guantioilabl), the r.l Mu. holes m 1 h...r11.1, I. 5 . 4 sewing, nu art nnnt •.1 11.6 . 11 • ;1t.). 1, 1tt..%10 • ••• Innongeenent, and a.anplaLtah 1.. al•• art•l it •• NA 1111, teiri 11 , uting Vitlarr tarm . , a ~t ;Ir.. rfl,•-orl borslity, and without Rtareiatt 1 , 1 . 01 , Irte,,t An wvninn•-• . •Il uun, unoth,o• 4 nu, • • • 1:.••sr llsebineh th• Ikon is h ha), tit `in • ••• • s ••• rue beg leave to reopeelfully refer t., f 1•• f• .1....,„ T t hi t, i A “lianina had nne ..1 lour. r A ask, 14s, .1 y family Ins unsrly a 1.0, Alia! ta 141 Z ;•;. n. • h aonstweniling it as errn) way reliable Int lb. aurlua• Ins which it a •Innoianr.l Fenn!, Lesseal, re/. of A t er lir I mos it f, Pdar-r. I 1,1, piesignal 6 'l coulcou, b,l vlf .I..l,Kbte.l•ith ,out Nod,. which brwo in in) f•suilt I;.r /II • - !• hoe,. 1.41114:1 fur duty, rw)la I rsily .1" .din•tnr. , • ',I 11.4.011, ••tapt...i lob rr. ry y ..1.• litnrly Chat/4101 of thruud 4fr, hin44.lawd., fir* fir 'in, daur of • 1 Chrorlian afreewe "After trying reveral • i, I , ferre.l your., no •• t Of ;ILL • L• ; Ls • r feet ease with wtorli l',. rut ow. •d , y• • s .. • durability of the Aram All,, 10,: j.• r ..• I 1...1 o ,, ii weak lor, recommend ,t 1... r eVery S 11.11 ell ~ f lain I, a in, /!•• :.11•••••"•. 0 41 01 the #4.44.• Br "I have used a I:noise /c ha. 1 4 , M.. • • • two years, mid hair 11 d 1.10 . ..• Ily Mewing, fronie.mohrie 1., been .4111 01.1 t. • ,thtmt. • I a.1.',1, r,,. Machiew sexily kro,.? io °Met, /11., 4.4-511 111 4 H. irkspryle. irtjer of Fry tiru H iHrph, "Your :"Pewiug 113CL.Illt been the twat two years, and tine I , no, t • .a • •, „ , their LAetllll ttttt to Ito to rlrrt & w art. 10t.., aa , labor wt log qualitter, the r I,.rinat,t, • t , bousrliold inf. - - Asher, niwoftoorre. 1545 . 55, L•••••• 4 "For w'vrral luocitbs we have 1. 110 I• r LS, 1. L k. I . Sewing Marta or, and ta.e rain. !,, 1„,. every holy ho limo,. her 14,0,101/ and dom., would be 410. t in I ••Mie t.• .1 e.111.1.1e and Indefatigable 'lron rirer.l'..-w, et," A -• combined quah tit /dot Scalar, ifre1 , 14 , 111,, 051541 rt■opital,, 000 Invaluable 0 — J Mena, Jaye ,p( Meru, Editor of flu Home „ Eltr•Ct Id • Irttrr (row Tnon I: It. • 7, Airserican gentleman, now reoutent t ' 4 . , Wales, dated Jauuary 12, 1?1,15 "I had a tent made 11, Mrtbr,ur.,..„ I , . there were over three thousand tart. 0, lOA . 1 , I'4 with •Ile tiroler A; Bal., ~ Macl.o ••• it : of that hao outstoo.l nil the doable t. i r. with a urnolte sod team,.' "If 11.111114 , 4r01,14 ehler4 to In .• rout I, • ' ..• wool.) sing a1...11..4! r ulgnlWl tnrrae4. 01 lit t. 11.1.11 Ca. ever ••• •I , ll‘l tie NO .4.11.1 [111.!.141,,. 1 11. rt .•, •• ••!, .prin.' 0( • • 1.11,1•11 , eve•I " l'rst na) tt,g, that ..... r r 'ea tog Ma, hint.. hat, t halt 101,a5 ••I 111, A• ; L. I tlll4. t ..: tLelll Iu up,nratlno It, 1, • ror,t, alt. r trial. 1 11 V, no Ivoti to r ~1. 5 I/ Seawater of So.ll t.irroi/aa "I‘y hoe ba , l , dir • I.: •• • r I: .5• .5 lug Mantling. (or .e 1 lule, :tin I mint s t 1,r1 . •••1 tLr beat larn,r-rat log nil i it. 1.4 • !. I tas. runrl, pleasure in 1,., • J ffsirria„ tiOrt•••,, h.:grass "It 10 a 1.4,••111iftll % rttntinnot W 11,1.0.1 huto1•• 1•14$11.11,01., 1,0, 5. holiday lip ~ ., 1 1ina.-n1.•,t,..• 14.•11,. ( WWI., ( 144, "1 1i,11.4 It b, fur • 1.. ran be soapto.l trot. the 11,o• • that, •,,.w ran non, to, t • moot.) f011...11,14,1 1.10 , 1I•4 Tees " It DI ,11101elly. I , eiiNliy I/ (1.10 t•t••• • mend thin /11111 . 1210. • L. n,I n 5 WV - Mrs Al d #orresl, Alewl,ku • • "A . G 1.4 Mi. NI t.. ., yl.•reurt. n•rotnux•ua it to •!..• I .• • U.. t.tot,A It A ie t L.. . —Autry /fretkert, teir5..,..44, Tr. v. "If alon•41 «u lut4o. 0 I. I Li, ear.. I• ill tlycer r rvt it at "1 I.nre 1.1 our Na perfectly xittioned flint ¶ los taw' twaulAnt Mal ev.r w,. Ir. 21FinAirtilr, Team "1 uwAny Varl,ittfr 4t4.0 t •1. 401.414.44t; - 1.4.,:, awl , „) Orr. 4to - h.r 401 .4,0 - /ACV 1 .make lib I,n Lo 11 or 4..r1t. 1 1.• 1 1, •!5 Ur.. eV, 44445.44,.. Irt 1,41.1 ..• 471,i Ilit “ .r .., er I.aker Sim inn. or t.. r eeT lv.r one K. 1.11, tannl,,an4 tn.' i , rec. 41011010 It it to all (..4•••• r nuelpinno, ArsAird/e, "I tkieple*Nure in r•er Ws, t• t•t• $ li.. rS. tug Harlot... 1 ,t Every !to. sort. I r, .. 11trolliZ••T slot tier 111 , tr 001.1 .• -.lfro i "1 would Deoaw.lli 14: to di-p, • s , M Imor for a Image. mot ol •1 1100 r. - Mr,. /1. 4 ..*".-ore 1 . / 'w tur tw 1.1,•••1, ' • • ro of wept/ yo.log ri• k Bak, t'ott MN, ti• wow:* - Sttlioneatt 4- ( , mph, •I) ttrw,rl k .rst Ine I think the Atitelt 411. i St, utig Ittotchtut. 1 ~gnaw. I 111,,1•1 t Tens. "I bud CA•., take pleapuiv iu arrow, econouly, an.t it{ra- •, , s. yet., Prat,. .111« tiror, k 11.11,, • otallatactleu r'•.; . • • .u. VIP), a p.... 1 au.l • • %(;. or”rt with mut). tar, 1,4 • .ti.•: u , • ' . ~• 01.hor Ile I 111, lir I, I t 7 in, Team "1 33 , 1 11 ‘1 , 1 , 1" I.t cltr m. t•••• 11,,, • • ./I r ' -• Baker's liersog Ilkettito•, 3 / 1 . ..• •.• t t•A t,. es In tn.r, rrry..ct It - A ••, ,„, ••••1 1 / I .:leaned • latt..l I f• rt t• 1./ • d.y 1, • Mrs. Brisls•, ortfr of leer 4 II Ifrqu, 'Wok r , I, . mocli• •orlo. 13.11 311'. lU. o. 1 , .• ' t pow ...•3ing 311 the • • flinty ,•„t tt 1.1„ 1 titling to 1-1,1. Itv It, tr, / "It Kite. ulr I.l.4usun. to Its.. tit. o“ . n i;ak• - - Machine Cl, trig n., iisurli • +.ll-1 IL ' OAlot 1101,„ An.] fitml t all that r,„1•1 • Worit Situ'Or &tit/ Jurnbly 111211 • 6111C,r,, I M *de, f „ "lisiA tug 0 .49.1, ,, nt1iith..!, at, 11 , • 1,, r 1 !kr% low/ //, • .1, yf ;1, 1, bet Maohln«. am fmr •411. rior •.• f • P'rawriots ..ell , Norahr,llo, ma "irt•u•l4oo M . , A ) A,: W.)) ), )) ) ,) , 1 , nntLs), lim. 0 rt. e..t.ti I • ~11 ~. • - • . W ab a t can oh/Mt flit 6111111) Co A la i . 1 the time 1 ot.u,l,lst nth ut %If 71,Ag h Ft IR A t 11;4 l 1\ 1: .1 J /. lfacoh I', tc , :o) 4AI 1859. Fall Trade ! 1850 EXl'l.: nt \ ~,\ European ?Manufactured 1.-Z Y. GO( COI\TSUMi` VERY LOW PRICES ! ! DT-111.,' S 1 TA< BICH ILI kr. I .11'. V STAPLE G () o I) s CLOTHS, SB4WLS, Bleached and Brown Sheetings, and C'ES..X 2 I.roM'X'I2•TCN-13 : At No. 5, Exchange Row, Erie, P.l Sept. 17.-15 WM . I',F. I. 1., .1 J. 0. BURGESS & CO„ WHOLESALE GROCERS AtiLirc32xtimi f car FAIRBANK'S SCALES ! Nu. 10, Brute,. 's Bteq, . S. Into, oet g, 1850 CELEBRATEI) \ \ 111. 1. 1 1 4 I.I I IIIC, h IME lIIE INT • , ,I. 4,,. i. , ~„ ; Ess (3JXX r Hi; I AM NOW RECEIVING ME