The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 14, 1860, Image 2

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    •mil gitUss.
via. The New England Cattle Disease is soil
to be spreading, and to be assuming alarming
NIP If some of our idependent editors
Were to 4/121 decent men, their olde%t 41,•-
quaintances wouldn't know them.
'lir Commend a fool for his wit, s
knave for his honesty, or a coward for his
bravery, and he will receive you pnto hi,
or Six men were killed by being 1,r.•-
cipitated uown the shaft of a coal mine ai
Irwin Station, Pa., a few ila
...lice. in eiiii
x'ynence of the breaking of a reap.
b a r Judge McLean 1, now mentton..4l in
connection with the Prealdenoy: and tie•r..
are thaw who think lie will b' nornimii•
at Baltimore and Chicago
afir It in a mistake to:suppose that Lime
is money. We know of on, or I o roa , I
companies that make 111,1 rJi.• tun , --hill
DO money.
&dr A bill has Ispn intrrshte..d i nto t he, of Alsbntilti. for trill-I.llllllg
rusgroes rewnvirttst 14. , .
mar It wits announ, ed m iii.•
Canadian Parliatuvw. 11,.n.11.) night. chit
the 'Prince tit Wale. nut lea e
laud, on hit, t., America. th.
10th cif July.
a& The Repnblionn majority in t mt•m
nati at the Sprtrm r•lection ot I : k n.!
1'459. orer'2,ooll. Thi“pritt:r Itont
°crane tnatortt h Itoh‘l`lll 1,111 uli.l 7.11,
Bar Lorenzo Slliert, I. eLt,llt
to have invented a gun a lilt L ••%%111
charge one hundred or lip liuii l 1,11,
consecutively, giving: the
tunity to shelter hinn•elf.'•
Or' Mr. retterp.Ciii I /It\ I- 11:t , inset) -.111,
ing for several (bits It the ;I,L; ~1
matioo or the eye; but ,ki.e;
Lion has been perfornied. Attil it 1% thought
he will return to the ..4nlitt , In a do, or
war A dispatch from th i u , dtichland
county, Wisconsin, says that a 11011 , , .11
that village, occupied h ) a tamik
Reagan, was ile:troy e.. 1 firc la , t Tuts-. 1.1
and six children porishisi in tlic tianic-. tic
eldest of whom was as teen )i .ir- old
sir Old Mrs. Brown 1 , making
thing out of the mai t) rdom of If er If if -I
Besides the material aid alre:l4l% a 41% at,,
by the fanatics of New Engl nil, the (../11:11
ly foolish niggers Hayti lia).. Iva% -ti
uihuted a thou+and dollar , tot her
In Connecticut, foul ) .31 ap). h.•
Democrats had 7,000 Note , tin in
two years ago they had n,(Ks, lint \ 4-tr.
; this year, nn a poll of ;0 . 0011. the
have 500 against them. The lt. , publleale.
are now roosting on the lowe-t I r.un h of
the tree of liberty.
fir The Union Convention. to m ee t in
Baltimore on the 9th of next month. has
secured the Front street theatre t, r tiye
days, at the rate of *too per day. Ile
front tier of boxes is in he de% otcil exc•lu
sioely to amuse of the ladies; who may vsl-11
to be present.
J ''(ut west," in Dixon, 11l , refer
Brandt, aged eighteen years, is husl.and t.,
Mary ditto aged sixteen yearN, t h e t‘v,,
are joint proprietors of tweet) -t« pounds
of boy, aged six months—so that if Pete!
is not one of the Apostle- lie can at lc.t-t
claim to be one of the early father..
or A young man, writing from the
Washoe silver region in Califoi ma. , -ay,
that it is the finest country in the world
for shooting. t Wily a day prior to that up
on which the letter was written, tire men
had been shot, "and, ' he remark , . • • t
a poor day for shooting at that."
Noir A lad about 14 or Pi years of age.
son of Mr.eharle4 Moncrief, whileengage,l
at the puddle rolls in the. North Mills of
the Phtenix Iron Co., Chester county, Pa.,
had his clothes caught in some of the ma
chinery and was drawn ~through the r 011...
he was, stavge to say, not killed at the
time:hut lingered until Saturday, when
he was relieved from hi, sufferings I.\
sir In a prison in New York, living
comfortably and securely. is a man who
murdered a woman in Broadway. hy -hoot
ing her with a puitol. The crime was to
tally unprovoked, and Vl committed
eight months or more since. In a gnoo , -
yard in New York lies John 'rinunins, «let
eight weeks ago only, killed a rowdy for
insulting Mrs. Crimmins, and trying to
break up a little store which Dhe kept to
aid her husband in supporting the family.
The murderer of the harlot has money
The murderer of the rowdy had none
stir The jury in the great breach of
promise case of Misa Effie l'arstang Hen
ry M. Shaw, have brought in a verdict in
favor of Mr. Shaw. This result was not
unanticipated by those who had carefully
read the testimony in the case on the pre
ent trial, much of which showed the ehar.
meter of the plaintiff in no enviable light.
She does not ictend however to give up her
chance of fingering .$1114),(01111 of Mr. sliaw'-
money at this repulse. fl i rr c0un,..1 at
once made a mottun for a new trial, and it
this is refused they are determined. it i
stated, to carry the itilm• to the Supreme
s t ir The Mayor of Cincinnati. imitating
the celebrated Caliph of Bagdad, nightly
prowls about the city, (liAguised ill an old
slouched hat and a coat ragged and
in order that he may the more effectual!)
satisfy himself of the police force. Iti the,
rounds the Mayor will frequently gee the
the signal of distress and danger hy rap-.
ping on the pavement, and then datt iut
an alley, so that he might await thu hur
ried approach of the utlicers unseen.
experiments are attended ‘Nitli not a little
danger, for on ono OCCUMOTI 11114 11 , 1111 r .Ls
detected by a burly, %di" wa ,
about to rap him over the head, and in all
probability would have done.° lcid lie not
disclosed his true character
or The high wind that prevailed t o ,
Wednesday afternoon WIL , the e•iii.e of a
comical accident near t'llicago. 1 coun
trymen who was driving in with a load of
hay which was not partieularly well hal
anced walked along sale of It. and %r t .
suddenly overwhelmed by a small •iv.i
lanche, which bore him down and
him completely from all intercourse with
the outer world. The wind had inconti
nently unshipped his loud, and tipped it
directly on his head, and, ILA thi•re hap
pened to be nobody close by at the mo
ment, he lay helpless for some time. 'The
gale howled a mournful re(tuiein arourvi
his tomb, and he hada_ I.
nit made
mind that his time was come, when assist
awe arrived, the first intimation of which
he received through the medium of a
pitchfork, which made a "lose fte.utild
nnee with his person. and ettuN , ll ' , nine bad
Dutch oaths. -
ter A citizen of Memplitm, Tenn.. ha
lust returned from a trip to Arkansas. and
tells the following, which will mnvey an
idea of how they do up matter. in Ow
state : Having occasion to stop at a small
town on the river, he was compelled to re
main over Sunday. Alter the usual rep
tatiorus incident to a 4abbath morning, i n
strolled through the only street in the
place, and halted at the "grocery," around
which a crowd of a dozen people were con
gregated. He remained there'three hours,
and in that time one man was shot and
fatally wounded, and two oth`ers seriously
stabbed, in three seperate tights. From a
fighting country himself, ourfriend's equa
nimity was not seriously disteirbed, but he
was rather surprised that, after the affrays
were over, the perpetrators of the shooting
and stabbing should resume their previous
occupation with seeming unconcern --
Turning to an acquaintance, he inquired •
"I't you arrest anybody here'" •
no l" was the answer. "ice ain't rnen,panded
I s FF. I .c.).‘ N.
it 1110 $ll 50 PER Y EAU IN ADV 4LNl'tl
It DA Y. APRIL 14. 140
Ah Important Result--the Wisoon
sin El6tion.
i urru h:t. lawn a v. -r) important eke
t 1,,11 in Wi-won4in lately—no less than the
1 , ) the peopleinf one of the Judges
...;upietnv of that State. And
-ti.,n_i• ,t Ina) appear, se !lave seen
l•e•I% an allu-ion to itin any Republican
r , ••t-nn- for t)IN silence arc
101.1111. and :110 Hit...
).`lll , -111 e, (in %% behove.)
'll , tlll in M editor of an Abolition
1 .31.,r M.k.ttikee, tried befiire the
I • 1111 , 1 s 4:11.•- I ) .- COltrt of Wkeon.iti.
lola' ion of the Fugitive e
. aillint!tu t•t•Louo it fugitive slave froin
of nite4 State:- Ma , tial,
-1 tilt If no,. he W3' CY/M*lo.ol. tint 11
.1.• 1.114• . .111 , 1 and setiteneeil to a
ink lie wa, untnetib
,t. ! i•ribuizi;t In•!nro the Supremel%nirt
n i , ll
T•ti. , l Th. , : (*.mitt 41rvided tiu
k \,• I IN , 0/.161141 hill, and
11..1 A. .11 ~! .ts provi,lons no eit
,wu of Ite -Itou he deprived of his
t . .. -utfer pumdarnent. lty
' l iLi 1101. • .11 , 1.1.1 It lc'. :It Wa.shington,
Ht. . I tied to the Supreme Court
tle• Colo .1 sttut hull Court announe
i b , the dectsion of the
,i ! :....eon-on. In the
. the death of Chief Jostle(
n 1‘.‘1...,1 .1 icancy un that bcneh
and I t appoint
, ,1 ; , 11 to fill tile Vllearley.
ki ought before hint in .lams
ArN OW plait that the Su
pro , ll. ' , tut the :-Atatev Aa,/
/!;, froln the state Courts i
a•es arising inalei the law, of the Unitecl
fudge I ItzoN gave an opinion at
once. that the 1. - niteti States supreme Court
~,,• soil/ Jurisdiction under the Judiciary
‘it t 4 17'7, in some eases if not in all--
loon ahteh opinion, however, Justice Cole
thQ.ented. and no formal or valid decision
v,a- matte The announcement of Judge,
I tixini's pinion threw the whole Abolition
AM 1 , into uproar and consternation. The
• of win" were let loose upon him,
and the determination: avowed to drive
lion from the bench. He had repudiated
on, of the main articles of the Republican
creed, and smashed the Nullification plank
i n the A bol it I,in platform, an. I was marked
a.. .1 certain and ,peedy victim to party
'keilgeatioe. A Republican State Conven
tion asiQemliled in February, and at the
dictation of carl Schurz and other Null,
cation Ic., Nits and expounders, lion. A.
(ITT •-1.0.%.5, an avowed Nullifier, WM
110Illinitt.. , Chief Suistice. Judge Dix
on %%as brought out 'as an independent
anihilatc. :0141 by the votes of I temocrats
and iiortion of the Repub
lican tv. (embracing the larger portion
of old line Whigs, i he ha, boen triumphant
ly elected. :mil the Init.- of the Union and
the iittliorit of tlif- Supreme Federvil
I 'own ino , t signally vindicated. A higher
impoitaiice attached to the contest, and a
welt interest was fidt in the result, be
en-. of Ow ro-arret4 of Booth 1 , .%. the U.
a few weeks since, when, upon
:ii.pheat, ,, ti to the Sukireme Court for the
%%lit ei r ,/,,• ! tudge I tixon
•- egai ding. Lima., the prisoner
.01 the I nto d : , tittei duly cent icted anU
-et it out lit. ,crtence, and not to be
r. a 1...1 or rescued bt the State courts.—
And tide- :- the rea.-or why the Republi
can pi, -den! over the Wisconsin
lectaiii- it has that Wisoonsin,
c% ota eantfot be relied upon when the issue
in il , reet between Abolitionism and
Wk. Ihe Harrisburg Sent,nel, the 'elf_
eon , tituted or,:tin th ict 1S! , in Pennsyl
-3111.1. 1111/'-t 1.4' ( ktrernely hard up for twit
ter of complaint against the administration
%%Iwo it to Ye-ort to the charre that.
oni• of the Wood delegates to Charleston
ni Ni-;r Yolk. ii tined Ha s brou c k, tan dis
eliarged, from the cui•toin Iloutw because
Ii e a Douglas man. k Mayor Wood a
I traigl.i man ? Is his delegation Douglas
m.• 11" The .Nr ' k noi% bet ter. It knows
II: it n. itlier Wood nor lu, delegates are
U , iti la , 10.-ii, or have any affinity with
the Isditieal yp—i.,4ty of the Illinois Sena
\ recent iiiinakir of the Now York
/1•,. fi',4l. in 'in article on Wood's recent
ihrrinvi.o• to 'onnoctieut, which article
the the Mayor's immesliate organ.
endorse-. says . •'I t. has been rumored
- that the Mayor wa. inclined to favor
-mew Doluzlit. for the Presidency, but if so,
• II- ha.- evidently had the .apacity to see
'how hopeless was his prospects for the
• nomination At all event, Mr. Wood
-ha- tam tor the first time, .o Gtr its we re
"membr r, nut openly in favor of the
of protection to `slave' property in
-the TorrilOrlf , . and has rebuked 'tspiatter
--overoignty• a.- fully and as completely as
-can he .fired." If tins L. the sentiments
or 111 , delegates to Charleston,
it would .eein to ii that. .n far from the
admini.tration being "determined to crush
oat Dougla,istri" .it the &stint/ says, by
tit.. removal of the official complained of,
it is endeavoring to "crush out" the claim
.et op by the extreme South. The truth
1.. the .5'e, , , , e% hi so Much given to finding
fault with the President, that it hardly
knows any other tupe to play.
Till. Republican* boasted that they would
cu'rry '(innei•ticut I , y 5,000, and are "great
ly disappointed," an the Hartford (lien:nit
expresses t. to find their majority whittled
,lawn to itltnry , t flaking. , There is no de
spondency among the Democracy, but the
most cheerful, active preparation for the
work to come. In Norwich, the "borne of
Buckingham," the Democrats cat down the
Republican majority of 257 of last year, to
147 thi, year ! A gain for Seymour of 110.
"So much for Buckingham !" In Hartford,
the "home of Seymour," the Republican
iintiority of 93 of l;e4 jeer, baa been wiped
out. and majority rolled up for Seymour of
! Seymour's gslin, 44-1! At the city
election. wl tell ramp off on the 9th, inteek
after the State election, Henry C. Deming,
Dersiociiit, was elected Mayor by 444 ma
i jority. The whole Democratic City Ticket
was elected by an average majority of 465,
The *Mermen and Councilmen are equal
ly divided. Th 43 whole number of votes
cast was, 4,373. It if suchsparks these
from t?ottnecticut that convinces us that,
in November, the State is certain for the
Democratic nominee.
M., The Ginette is . exceedingly restive
under the allusions we have made to the
course of Curtin, Finney and lif'Clure in
defeating the legislation asked for by the
Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company.—
And well it may be. Erie city and eamnty
has half a million invested in that work.
all of which is endangered by the evident
figuring Of that . iirm to postpone the matter
till next witer, when they hope to is' in
power, and in a position to make a "good
thing out of it." The thvette . s talk about
Messrs. Finney and M'Clure uniting in the
support of the bill which was adopted is
a gross subterfuge. That bill was the iden
tical one, with a slight alteration, which
Finney threw into the Senate and hurried
through for the purpose of heading off and
preventing the legislation asked for It
postpones the final settlement of the mat
ter until the time the fine hope to be in
position at the seat of government. It is
precisely what /ley wanted—not what the
company wanted, or our debt ridden city
and county. But our neighbor i hone-t
enough to acknowledge one thing—and
that is. that Finney and M'Clure, who ure
Curtin's Secretary of Commonwealth and
Attorney t lenaral in prospective, were "tc
tiodly contrnlhd by the manayers , ! 1* I'en,,syl
rani.l t'entral Radroad." We thank our
neighbor for that sentence. flow controll
ed! Neither represent constituents Inter
e4ted in that Company ! Neither represent
districts penetrated by that. road !
controlled, then' Had our neighbor his
eye upon this paragraph, in the Philadel
phia bppin-r, a Republican paper, in which
the editor comments upon the character
of the late Republican legislature, alien he
wrote that sentence!
"Never in the history of Pennsylvania
has a se , sion been marked by more cot
rupt. wicked intriguing than the present
Every good citizen feels the blush of lion
t-,t Indignation tingling his cheeks when
he thinks of their proceedings. No nu-as
u -e, however beneficial, could F tam! the
slightest, chance of passing, unless hy the
profuse expenditure of money. Almost
every man, with some noble exception-,
had his price, and, if common rumor he
true, it was an enormous price. If it could
not be paid in the hard cash, secure pro
spective profits were just as good."
flow "controlled," we repeat. Did the
Pennsylvania Central furnish the ••ncevl
ful" fur the campaign that fall, which the
Sunbury and Erie was unable to Flo ' If
not, we again ask, how were Messrs. Fin
ney and M'Clure, Curtin's Secretary of
Commonwealth and Attorney (general in
prospective, "controlled by the mangers
of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad ?"
Perhaps a Coo ~/e investigating committee
might find something to do in Pennsylva
nia. More light, we say more light"
Bar A bookbinder named PE - mum:F., in
Washington city, in his eagerness to bully
the character of the President and Attor
ney General, has got in a scrape which he
may find it difficult to get out of. Ile went
before the Senate Committee and swore
that be had placed in the hands of the
President a proposal for the Executive
binding ; that this proposal had been re
ferred to the Attorney General by the
President, with a certain endorsement on
the back thereof, which he had seen : and
that afterward the Attorney General had
carried the proposal to the President and
induced him to make another and differ
ent endorsement thereon, &e. The docu
ment itself, which was pro4luted before the
committee, proved that Pettibone had
lied as to the alleged alteration of the en
dorsement, and the Attorney General and
others who were examined as witnesses
proved other fab-ehoods upon the malig
nant rascal. The ('estattutisn chages Petti
bone with perjury, and he seems likely
to be handed over to the Oriminal Curt
for trial fot that offence. It will be re
membered that the President said in his
protest that nothing but perjury could in
jure his good name. As he was writing
the protest, Pettibone was making the
11‘.. The Observer publishes the whole of
President BUCHANAN'S Protest, with ap
probatory cotuments. It had better kept
the document front its readers. Its neces
sary effect must be to excite ..uspielon that
a greater degree of corruption exists in
connection with the Executive Department
of the Government than has heretofore
been supposed, and that this parade of
'lnjured innocence" is only an excuse
thrown out in, advance to more effectually
seal it Iron honest eve-4.-4%1:4k.
That out cotemporary aloes not believe
one word of the above is evident from one
significant fact—he has not yei t t las readers
see that prt , test. Ilad he the least idea its
more extensive publication would inure
to the benefit of the Republican party, by
"exciting suspicion that a greater degree
of corruption exists • • than has here
tofore been supposed," the broad columns
of the C,c,•tr, would have spread it bel , .re
the people ere this.
NIL The good people of Massachuse t.
are in the enjoyment of a small rebellion
against the United States authorities. It
appears that Frank B. Sanborn, one of the
contumacious witnesses subpmna4l by the
Senate Harper's Ferry Investigating Corn
mitte, was arrested by officers at his resi
dence in Concord, on Tuesday evening.—
Sanborn created a terrible rum pus, and the
entire town was soon in violent e., emotion,
and one man's death Ls said to ha. e been
occasioned by the uproar. A writ of habe
as corpus was sued out by Sanborn's
friends in Boston, and after a hearing the
prisoner was discharged. The Itifsle,..cliu
setts Legislature took up the subject, and
directed the law officer of the State to de
fend Sanborn.
OIL S. M. Booth. of Milwaukee, the
founder of the Republican party in Wis
consin, now serving
,nut his sentence for
violating the fugitive slave law, has settled
another little matter which has given him
some trouble and was likely to give him a
good deal more. It will be recollected that
after his first trial for the seduction of a
little girl who was in the habit of remain
ing over night with his children, he pro
cured the removal of the case to I►ane
county, for the second trial. The Madison
Arytu says he has settled the matter by
paying the girl it'2,ooo. and inducing her to
leave the State.
I IS. Since the Reeding nomination, the
Buchanan Democracy have been flattering
themselves that Kr. Fonairt mid his follow
ers would support the Ticket theie select
ed, at all events.—ea silo
Neither since nor protriclus to the Read
ing Convention have- the Democracy flat
tered themselves that Forney would sup
port their nom inees,ei ther State or national.
Nor is it desirable that he should. Having
joined the Republican party—having ac
oepted office at the hands of the bslievers
in John Brown and the "irrepresaitle con
flict"—his support can not add one vote to
the Democratic ticket, or his opposition
take one away. As for his "followers," if
the Gazette means the Anti-Lecompton
Democrats of the State, it is sufficient to
show where they stand, to point to Hon.
Wm. Montgomery, Edward Webb, Esq.,
Daniel Dougherty, Dr. Nebbinger, and
hundreds of others who, for a time, coun
ttnaticed Forney in his treason, but who
now are as firmly for Fangs as we are our
self. It ix about time that a paper like the
Gazette, which professes' to deal fairly with
its opponents, should cease to quote the
('lerk of the present Republican Congress
as a Democrat. It is a trick that k neith
er honorable nor creditably '
•_.JAI/C,l KIRK PAIL:LW:NG, IJi, di in
guislied American author, died at hi, resi
dence, near Tarrytown. New York. at 12
o'clock, on Wednesday night, in the slst
year of his age. Mr. Paulding was iissoci
ated with Washington litving in the publi
cation of "skalmagundi." l Ile lived on the
estate given to the Paulding family Ly the
iovernment, in recognitlion of the-patriot
ic conduct of his ancest4r, Mr. Paulding.
of Revolutionary fame, Who assisted in the
capture of Major Andre lie had recently
erected a gothic residen're if white marlile,
one of the most attractii o on the banks of
the Flodsoki. The decifased held several
important and honorable pulslie positions
during his long and ustiful life, the last of
which was the office of Secretary the
Navy under the admin wit ration of President
Van Buren.
eft. There are heavy Ithods at the South
and West the past week. The lowlands
along the Monongahela and Alleghany
Rivers art, completely inundated. The
r.+° came 'to suddenly that several coal
boats on the Monongahela were swept over
the dam and sunk. The number lost was
thirteen, the lass being over
loss in Allegheny has been consideralile -
Several manufactories have been ttoodtsl
and farhtlies in some instances were driven
from their dwellings. The railroads also
have sutlered from land glides, which have
impeded travel. Altogether, it has been
one of the most destructive freshets (-Nis--
rienced for many years. The rivers haNe
mostly now attained their highe-t stage.
rising about an inch per hour. The Mo
nongahela pier mark indicates 411 feet and
4 inches, only 20 inches loss than the great
freshet of I In (thin, the Clevels,,d
A. Pittsburgh and Central Hhio rr .. .ads are
both was.-hed away in several places. and
will be rendered impae,able fur a day or
two. At 'Columbus all the roads leading
into that place are overflow"•d.
111eL. It is useless to attempt to elect any
man to prominent office who has "sympa
thized" with John Brown, or endorsed the
Helper treason. John Sherman iii l both,
and he lost the office of Speaker. Seth
Padelford did both, and the Republican
party have lost Rhode Island. W. II Sew
ard recommended Helper's book, and it
remains to be seen whether the Chicago
l'onvention will risk their chances of the
Custom Houses and Post Uffices on that
WA. The State Convention of the so
called National Union party, will ureet at
Lancaster, on the 2.5 th of April. for the
purpose of appointing ilttli•gitte- a the Na:
tional Con% ention which meet , . in Italti
more on the 9th of May next. The friends
of the movement say that ever) State in
the Union, except California and Oregon,
will be represented in the latter conventual.
We have not heard of any delegate% I.,riag
elected from this county.
MORg TFIUNIAR —At the chartor eleetp,m
in Albany, N. Y. this week, the Imrnoernt
carried the eity by from roll) to 1111111mRjor
ity, electing their Mayor and a majority
of the ('ity Government Thi, is the place
where the Republicans fired a hundred
guns for old John Brown ' "Things is
IS— The Legislature of Wisconsin has
passed an act reducing the rate of interest
from 11 to lo per cent Ilitherto, all eon
tracts, where not otherwise expressed, the
rate has been 7 per cent. That rate con
tinues, but the highest rate, not usurious,
will be lo per rent.
Twetity thousand Swedes and Nor
wegians are reported to I,e getting in read
iness to embark for the Unite.l States earls
in the 'routing summer. They will liring
much wealth with them, and what is bet
ter, they sill bring confirmed hal,it4 or
morality, industry and economy
W 4,.. A poor fellow qay.: "In an evil
hour I I , ecame addicted to drink. From
that moment I have been going down.
until I have become an outcast. a loafer,
a thing of no account fit for nothing
else but to be a Republican member of
MIL. lion. John Robbins, Jr., is the
Democratic candidate for Mayor of Phila
delphia. The Republicans have re-notpi
fluted the present incumbent, Mayor Hen
The Cleveland Phziadeder announ
ces that coupon tickets from Cleveland to
Charleston and back can be had for i4/2.25
the round trip. The rout is by Wheeling
and Washington.
kir The county of Rucks is entirely out
of debt. The (!onimissioners, at a special
meeting last Saturday, paid off every out
standing obligation against the county.—
Good for }lucks ! Taxation should be cheap
t here.
le.. In'' •egress on Wednesday, the bill
admits; , ,•• I:insas under the Wyandotte
('onstit •u was passed,' 123 to 73.
- L.-.,-.-....tiiip..
M.. A quiet. inoffensive man named
John I tently, was shot by Nicholas Cooney,
in Synk while the latter was suffering
under n fit of mania a rota.
la— The - editor of the Mt. Vernon Ban
ner recently traveled through portions of
the counties of Licking, Coshocton, Tusea
rawas, Harrison, Carroll and Jefferson, and
says that the fields of wheat never looked
better at this season of the year than they
do now
to-glag'o Nvertionnento.
Election Notice.
A N ; Election f or Directore.of the Erie
211.thir Conway will E. bad at 6000 e.. in Übe Cfty
of Pais, lb* Inn 'haft of Nik lost, treat 2to 4
&alai* P. 411111:CILLE,
aprillib-2w4.11 Bony.
_ _
Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware I
JI. TANNER, Agent, ham removed has
. stock to the new building north of the
Ohierrer Stearn Printing Ottlee; opposite the Port Mee,
where he may be found In the future ready to wait
apes big old Moods sod lb* pohltii. Us ishosib to QOM
on the business with noodwrod ass ,
and solicits a share of public patronage. apaill4-46
Spring and Summer Goods !
.IT'STICE has removed his Tai
t, • loriortod Ready Ma& Clotlllog Stoni, to
No. s, Brown's Hotel, State street,
Whom be is cow mceiring • we and superior stock Of
In him line, which ho will mks up to order upon short no
tice„ and warrant to r ivi, .tudietion or no asks Per
sons in waLt of anything In his line ma depend upon
being fairly dealt with, so he is &demised not to imam
up any gaols but xuelt as w ill gore satisinction H. keep.
constantly on band a good assortment of
of Ilome make and 'warranted to to u rapreventwel or
money refunded.
Persons purchasing for VAl±lll arm invited to ell sad
',amino my Goole and Price*, as I am deterauned to aril
cheap for Diah.
par CUTTING door on short Notice and warmatail
•pril 14-16 JOlll4 11 .11:4TICK.
• ._= =
Wholeiale and Retail !I
'rho !TICE.: at whirl)
they are offered, are ay
At Ninety Cents !
OIL C1_,071-IS, &C.
No. 5, Exchaige Row.
aprill4- AZ). WX. BELL
Cleveland and Erie Railroad.
ON and after Monday, April 9th, ls6o,
and until further hotter J'aereenger ?nacho tetll num
lull tedium's, VIZ:—
10 10 A. II Mall Train stamps at all Way Statism@ swept
Wickliffe, 11..titor, Casouvillo awl tbap 4.04,
and arri•en at Kele 130 P. M.
3 20 I' M Clactimati Expreso, nappm7 41
Ashtabula and Girard, arraes Et* 'at 6 ;.6 i
1) I' M. Night Expreis Tram atupo at p a , 1,
Aabtabula awl thrani, nal).
ft , Ki ri:
12 1; A 11
L E .'V ERiE
1 5.% A N. Night Flxv• "ea Traiu Atup• at th Aid:dates
/a and
onlr. aad arriv eat rd,
.2), A
11 P W lhi F.rproo,, stopping at Girard, Conneaut.
Ashta4ula sod Painesville, arrives In Cleve
laud at 5 20 I. 14.
W l A. W. Wall Train "tope at all Way Stations eveept
sayl.rook, ( roovlllo, ferry , Xeutot and Wieklllir,
and arrivvo at 30, Y. M
All the thiou4li trait, *oli; Wvetward, meant at
Cleveland With train. Tot. do, Oho Ago, i .A14(11011*.
riunati., [MLitt/wolfs, Ae. Av
All the through train. p in" I.....tward,rotalect at Duo
kirk with the trains of tb. N Y k Brio Railroad- and at
Buffalo with lb. , N Y Central and Buffalo and N Y. City
Railroad' s for N... York, Albany. Baotou. Niagara Ballo.
"..r ,kr li . NoTTINi.IIAII, Superintesdent
Cleveland, A.,,r11 7, IVA
Erie -B,•L Pittsburg Mail Road.
IN and alter Monday. April !Itlt, 1A;‘).
and until forth., Nfriiew, by acerannirwisiann Train
will ran si follows
I.E.a 6 iiIRA RU
P. 6I
(‘ rani,
.2 20 Jamestown,
( romrs, 2 35 llelant's (*Pryer+
Satidyn, 2 45 Espy" tilt,
.116100. 2 5,5 1.16.4rti11e,
Well'h .14111 w, 4 10 I...niuler &Awl.
Spring Corn..y. 1 IN; I ootwautrllle,
Cousleautvkile, 3 35 Sprint, Curnyrs,
Cooler Road. ; 1.5 1 , 1•11'. 1 / 1 114,
Linenvllle, 4 16 Alhmo,
Kap) viii.. 4 40 . 4 40417. s
n's Cornerm, I*, Xl Crt,ll.lll,
Jai., t•••• 11, Zi 4.. 4.traril.
The train Irmo the South e..t,to.rta at Girard with Lail
trair.a on the r k, F R R for all point. Kant aort Went.
The trait 1. awn. Ott the atrival of
the Fotpreao Train We..t on the t' At 1, R. R. and eonneeto
si it `ttag.•a ♦t otineants die and 1.. ..atrial.. for lifinadetllla
and at Jatorntown apt li .4 tagen ror I ;reetiville, Mercer,
Sharon, and New I,eatie
11,1160. I
11. IIeINTI I Freight Agent
aped'+, 1.0.0 41
3.113130. .I.Beo.
ekN an,l att.•r Munil:q•, April 9th, ISM
j raseipli g t r Trumr will run on thin ILoid mut t0u0..-
i. E.% V NI i }HI E.
1 orl A. .14kt Express, littg.pinc at West6lld. Dun
kirk artisilvei Creek, arrives •1 Buffalo at I 20 A. M
u. I' M.. Mau, Ptnppinir at 1..rt4 i:ast. Quinsy, West
nel.l. Salem, Dunkirk. Slivarernek, trvingrantl
an. Center, arriving arliutlialts, at 6 131'. M.
6 .0, P M t sstrteasti Erpress,sto.pplorat West/1014. Dun
../rl. sod Silver (.reek, acme at Butralo at 150 P.M
641 A 14 , r...a Med. ,attititing at Ilamhkirgh, IS
Mite t reek, titan. Centre, Irving, Stlver t melt,
rk„ -talent, I••trt,antl. Wt•xtfield.4o WcY, States
I the, N..rth 4:apt ,oh arborerrek, arvivlngat kria
at Iti :00 A M.
1000 A M , Day Erprra, ,tnititing at Silver Creek, Dun
kirk, Weattlel,l stet F.Axt, arrives it Ent, at
1 4, 14
10 :10, 1' 14 , Nagai Erprese, Ituritnuig t Attrer Creek, Don
kirk and WeattlelLi aryl Ing at , Frt.. at 2 11$ A 11.
The Exprowa MEI, and Night Et preaw tramp !wing Rait
connect at Dunkirk and Duda/0 with I,:cioretut 'Emma for
N. York, R o pton, kr. Hull Itttatt time a shout 10 min
utea (Later than Erie tame
a Aril n , 1.400.-25
C4IA N("; E )I.' 111 )1' Rs. ( ENCI
T mine eDu ulrrk abutit 11,« Widow Inc kwara
Eastward Bound- Depart.
New lark Espreee,
Night- Rrprets .
Aeretunsalatlnn. .
Stook :
Cibeuseati rem*
Hug .....
FILM Freight
Way Freight
The Night Klimek, Stork Expneite, Hog and Fast
Freight Trains run every day Pakten/tern be the Accom
modation tram for Stations rani of Binghamton, Till
renint n over night at Binghamton or Elmira mid pro
ceed the nett mon:tint.
CHAS. 1111 Sul. Oriel Ana.
NATH MARCH, Root.bow
Dunkirk, April V, DM-41AL
ON and after Thursday, April 12, 1(611,
itho4, at 730. A... 1111., daily, (Sunday ezerptedi ar
rivtnig, at Kiie at 11.00, A.. 11.
LHAVK ERIK, at• 3 P. M., aftpr arrival of Lab*
Shore Roads ; arrive at Warjen at GAM, Ps M.
11617' On Mondays, Weilnealay• and Fridays at 6.30 A.i.
a Loaal neigh% Train with Passenger Car attached wifl
leave EA. thr Warn n, arriving at 3.00 r. a.
Returning on alternate dav • will ' v Warren kw Erie
at 1 06, P. M , and arrive at te a. P. V.,
BAll'l It Suht. W. D
k.rie, 1 10, 1010.-116.
Supt's Odic*, W. D
MA RRI AG EGI T I tieing a
privata instructor for married person%
or those about to he married, both male and
female, in everything oonorruing the physi
ology and relations of our reseal system, and the pro
duction Or preventatiort of offspring Incl=all the new
diaooveriee never before given in the k:
by WY. YOUNG, N. D. This Is really • rid=
interesting work. It la written is plain language for the
general reader, and la Illustrated with numerous
wimp. AU young married people, or those sonless
marriage, end" having the least impedimomt to
life, ahoeld read this book. It dbelosee secrets that ev
ery one should be acquainted with still it is • book that
must be locked up, and not Ile about the house. It will
be sent to strqn on the receipt of twenty-Ivo costa, la
11474 e or pea tamps. Addison DR. WM. YOUNG,
41S SMU g St., above 4th„
what may be your disease. brume you place yourself un
der the tore of any one of the notorious Qrsoca—aalive
or foreign—who advertise Io this or any other paper, get
a espy of either of Dr. Yetieg's Bunks, and mad It care
fully. It will be the means of sawing you many • dollar,
your health, and possibly poor lib.
DR. YOUNG cants consulted on of Use disease diroarilbal to his publications. at his Odes, No. 416 Spruce
Street, above Fourth. sprill4-446
Three Large Sales Rooms.
Prices Always Uniform.
Opposite Brown's Hotel.
Of to CAS!! buyer. greater inducement 4
i n DRY 4;04 at. AND cA
than any other nottst• at the I it,
An the Late St If.. of
SILKS, rind 141(F...;S FA 10114 '
EMBRoIDERLYIN anti LA( Es t, 1. 1 IV Es,
ant ever) 4 t)1.•
Domestic Gods ma.l.•
2d Floor of ttiS Establishment
is now filled with all the, late and t
4tylv4 litid Makes of I...NtiLlt•ll
American N'elvet, lirm-els and
Lace & Embroidered Window I)r4pery
HI 0r .4 1' . .. FI: RN Is If I N 4
A U.
7 10
litMl[l.4l.v thf. lure .1 t
X 15
S 1,9
9 U 6
9 20
9 40
V :A
10 10
10 30
Pt te",
lifirStratv Gorxis. Slink or , , Childron . 4 I !AS.
Ildootnera, Stave Trinnino , , . A. , H.
Ribbons, Cow, Hood Dross., Hoop II".
eery, Morel, Chenille's. matenalp to•
tether with mow other ortirkm for todi.ownd
A full oupplo of XILK. CR 1111: A,.1) {RI tip
STR4w adiviirsTs oundontir on hand.
Bleached and rnpased in the bent manner
N 444,11,1 at • hole:oat.. I,lli
In t heir llitee.e low 4 eon N. Iwo ch t olswollere for • .
Apeil 7, IMP) mit& I:T.-
Select School Removed.
MISS FA NN 'V A W nin.) t!,l
her "ieleet School frum the lioq.
the rear of the Park Church, to a more ' •
and better Room, over the Engine limier, on rearl, ,
between Seventh aurr Eiythth, where .1, Not„ • thv
may& of bee Mende.
7 boss Dot sequisinted with her r-,p‘r...,
she begs to refer to the following 111,1 K -1 s.
have seholars attisaling her eel I viz
Mrs. N, 001.1.1NR, Mr. JOHN lilt. PA N.
'• IC P. HAYKS. .• P K1.'11.1. It
April 7, 1860,-44
CA t"riox Whereas Illy
has left my bed no•I hoard 111 1/6 , ... ♦nr mit cause
or provocstson, antler I. hereby Kireo to eal µrm.,. too
to harbor or trust her 013 my recount, A• I n,. al t
debts of her contrartlns after thi.
Erie, April 6, 1960.- -3144•
Fresh Arrival of New Goods.
JUST RECEIVED awl wlline
fur CASH or abort crrdit. at
.140111 t's
No 11 ri •.,t a I+l,l,
..3 10 A. K.
,420 r.
. A. Is.
.10 20 A. M.
.. 900 r. m.
..6 46 r. a.
.. 3 00 r. r.
. 6 16 A. EL
April 7, HMO.
I F you want, a nice Alll nrt'.\RßlA(d
for zoo' ohildroo, go to Jt II A Kto
?I O. 3, Wrlgbt "Block, allow ~,o th. rat
pried to Lust you:
Carriage from SI 75 to SW 00 each: a 1•", a nne as* trl
swot of Sauey Baskets and floe Can.lfe• Apr, I 4
- -
HEREAFTER my off - 14.4. 11'111 1.4. oven
constantly during business 11,•uro, • ; 11
dearer to @erre acceptably all who /111 pn pan d
ons "Vulcanite" or any rent wrll tried InTr• nt iq
nodal einem-ling artificial Teeth W %l 41:11 1.,
asarctilil—ati A D.ntipt
LASS.--A iinea,.... , oranvnt of the b 4,
fg, Wale eery Ciaat at
213 No. 5, Reed Mu,.
)Nf BS, IA DI ES KA NS, PA It 1•4 k N.i
%_/ Combs, flaatt4, Haar Pins, Etruslien, of an enallesi
variety at do 2tl PAR .4t;t)N nu 'Lin 'C
Sealed, retaining the oriatnal tla,or , in small
cans for !molly use. on sale at
Kyle, Jose 11, 18SO --1
- - •
$l,OO. ONE Di )LLAR. $1,00;
bought fur $1 at J• :411.1)10;,..
I am preptrod to forobth Sttales of any kind
aim at much loos priona than ever beton. sold ja this
Aug. 110. J C SKI.IIKN
for Flavoring of all, at
Anvil 9, 1159. BECKMAN, KENDIG k Co
J 0 NSF. BLANKETS.— 11N) 1.1 orse itiatell
luta. warted qualitios, cheep b
. i.s . e. 7. J (' SELItitN. :
SPICPI3 of all K I N DS,
at No. 2. Weight's Mock.
April 11, Mil. BECKMAN, KRNIIIGken '
all Ayala and qualltiaa, at tow prior., by
ust. J t' s MAW
- -- 1
PARIS FANS, COM Its s. II Al It. I'l N.-
befrst 4 41...—jtut .1...04.1 at th 4
Wool Pout Jewetry9t r or. r II 1I • +TI •
Feb. I* P&L
StI!.DING'S LIQU 11l ; 1.1: E.-By
or sine* bottle, by 33 C TER k lIRO
Terms Cash, t
Cutler the Supen u!
Rugs, Matta, Matting,
wiNixoA p..y;
Ant/ e% erg thing tit t I.;t• hitt ttt
ITnl'• 4 E I< EFPINI; i .I H
Carpets Made and Laid
"I' it 1' rile I ;
'l' Y I' Hh. I P
lE‘M I' It I r \4, „
'r E 1 M I' It f r If
CA E T T I-I }- 13 I-:. ta, T
11,11.11.. •
Ftank t hr. la.
l'r . uv , 1
NOt. I•It r Ilea. 1,./r, I a \
I t.el at the titan. •ta.r .terrptl••
.4)6 pr pare4l to wll Iva
term.. ag an! 1., dealer 1.1 R e so
Manufactures to 'Order
thlug in Lis .ILts, st,lol he
he e U mprrae.ntwt. n p., kale
Rn g • „ a., ca•t, toen way rth
g In Al•F.Rthan t.hey eau he ha , . L. I
etore 111 tut. ettr E. I t
;arm, Aptk, 5, 1960
The Season for Painting
Aitlt I V E.l I , anfl t.) ti„.
LLerrab•ls mad. upon U. In thin .at,
.upper 1 ourlielr ea atfi a Lute and
.•1 rr erTthinf r.quin .1 in the line ot 0 „
We hay , .
NA . II 1 . 1 . 1.. LEA It,
of , 1111..rrnt laanda and in •
itiea, mom. et 0. and ionic a !ATLI V 11
l't Ili( 'EI.A 1 N I E 11,1
It' )STI )N PA IZI.I )1i I I N
right and..le..; P ro•ort, ar
Blind and I.alt.r. Paintin4 I •
11..c...1 and Rae .t.. 7,
ril .
at lair
term.. any r.rt •rtlr.• warraLiti , . .
Lb. n. a ah't • I.
", 1.11
1. 111. matter of 0, •'The Fin; -
of t h e- Sleti•••••u•t, • (LL
• .•
t •• • I
• 1 I . 1. , Y 1
I •n• I..ft
t tit I.
N. tal. rt•
Administrator's Notice.
}. iz• 4)E kom I- 11, \
L A I ‘A I TI 4 1 • a.
"rt•,•,••• • f • • s•
livske/111.1 .• pt‘ , -r .• %.
I' nor) Coolls.
mu 4..1 ~ , I
fr Ill. :11 h., 111.11 otrers t,,r jai. 11.- 11
r arm • folltsale4l..o Ow 1 al., • L
, prit..711. , :, I p , Ihr Cana •,. • •
.105 ,111 ,... a 1 111 stilt•I•lo ,mt
It I til:h •lat.• 1 1 t 11 • , 1
KEN: 4 I , AF F F.
Garman and English School.
rrilt. I, 1 1, it.. •t 31r UW ,
4 A t N. 4
rn I iii".•L
PAL 4.11. 131.,,
1,, I.Th, v. I 1.. 1d411,01. , 1
tit. gil ❑ that lALIKUAir t•
11 ••••••• rit,sr. a 1,14•11•11.. kflellAh tau. '
• • 4 : ISCiI $1 e'
1..,5. Mar i 1 , •1 t:.4
I)1 l i.l Ili IN 1 , 1 i.1 . .k HT.\ ERSIIII
T! • . • oer-i.••, I •erei,•fore eststlng bets.,
i t itreklk;,, h.., ml 1 , Himiereseekt, tinder IS
o tire • ' ,tine, k odic k t'.• espies-411. limitats.e.
•le 1.1 .1V of 1, ri Mr Neenah retires from I.lollirui
. .•. , •-••ntto.r by W. F
art,l H Ih. Oman, la h.. 1111 ronll.o /...1 !et' ,
.11.• tl,ll RI \ Di:KNECHT k Htelill
N ,,, 4. „i,,,111 1.114!# Vottt`t•l
lo•r.t.y t• 1u) eilld 311 perl , IIII•
Mg. 014..1{111.J., it lean• Cases he me to Th.
Br". n, of 11 at • .bur;, r'•• tame to the
1 , 4 A. for • ta/Tlll3, he., on
jut. rpt, HP/ same gra.,
F ~u gL r• t. on the peat of Brown 1 ,,
Di4II riot told. JOHN fliN
.1 7, In.o +tea.
F rame flrru•l4. ral
SIA th stn. t, to sr n , rtovr 01 Holland I.ltrgrog
with ;std. n. he
A •c, asat t.— 111 lota.? Pratawal,oa t or
Lti I .1 . \ N E SEAT a')
0 tlmrr , at r 9,,r. , Mahogany Table* and Stands, Spr
8A,1411, e", her it, t• mr).l New York pr
r . , s • t +at tr •rn, f..r sale on C4M1121141.10a.
the Aqrtt I no% A 4. ; W I.I.LRRY, Er
11,4., Fork, nal.%Alger Chu...
and rsur 11•44.1;• A, at J, C .14ELDF: \ •
VI N 1.1;A I; ' I VINEI; k N
r.• i ~l , qua be had at
Apr, 111. 1,:+41
do•lte • 1 I. Tre. sod Timntby ge.ii for .n t
It F.t 104 AN. K P 94 1 111; 11: 1
No 2 'A nett • 14.
I.E1( II —Anothor 144 (.1
1,3 11e.11.1,311.1.r0n nvitixrd t.!
Ifs 11 -`. !Ind Tong?. Smut's,
I.,.),Lanti•, L.r Rale br 21 J C 11"
BEit w ANTED.-
J and l'berr) !tom le, rant utg auiltlant
hte. marchli 4.. W •F .
rricE YS - It' . IANS.-Tlh , I'
_LI I Sinl•ES and ~.11.1 Arad IM 111..1 iNttm
•.1 4:rn0u1.... , 1 Ttio. on %I, -11“, a very full
al tlao Otuic at. •.•..1 CARTeR
%.1 ) ,‘Lti. an t '
egrh, 01 , 4 - the ilt,/j, .6f th e ru t o - en kivet. ot ..f %Jo.: ne.;
plc - ruliE 11? M E'S MoUI.III
Rtris ItRi•11014 1.,: toad assorimrolt, t
110 ‘ll-r 1 tI:K .1k viFI.RY SYl.ltr
1 1%11 P./RIGOR RIAL/tOtt
h 1 I.:Ws SY I'---The Kenuull
•'.t. Cr, •Iprin• and .other,h4 •
11'14111.1: from .tale 4 .1 'he 11/, fnr .4:.1
lebl , :r -CARTER k Rh.
PEI{. .NI ER .--- :Ind 41..11 t letn,
wl.4lu¢ to r.. 1 rrwnt r,, , rfurDery st reduced lat..-
.rll ricer: H4l UWIV'y DRl'd !4TORR,
28 If No. 6, Rev, Hoof .•
GO TL a. 1 .. 1 ,
rr „ •l1 111 1..t.1
'FRI TR 1 'IR,
II FiF>T fok oftK 11
rlre liEsT . 4 TI
I'll F: 1 2 -'4 I Ni \'l Ell!
I 1011”..,41, A. ,'A
flif:, 4l li6ElZVElc 441.11
%eat and Durellit
The gut/scriber •
~v a very p.
14 IT' A
f vI kinds algal ,
I • 1 r i'•l
It 11
9..1, 14..141/
•e 104 k. •
mir • TFRRV
Farms for Sale
1 ~ I'. .•.