The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 07, 1860, Image 4
ERIE CITY MILLS! H . B. HA V ERSTI CH , Proprietor XASCPACIVILVII AND WHOLICSALI •311) ki.117•11. In•Lxx ri Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, SWIMS, BRAN, OATS, CORN, itc., FLOUR AID FEED STORE, at miy Old Stand, Beebe', Bleak, one door mouth of the earner, east dee of tb• Park, French street, where I bat, constantly on hand FLOCK of all kinds of my own grind ing, Corn Meal and Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, Corm Oats, he., all of which will be 'old at the lowest market rate*. Strictly ler CNA, and delleered free of charge in the City. N. R HAVERSTICH. Sri*, April 30, PM --41 B OOK S, Magazines, Paper, Stationery, WALT,. PAPER, &c., Mil PARK ROW BOOK STORE D. P. ENPAIGN. Pro Pricier Krte, 4.L 26. IBSSi FARM FOR SALE ! THE undersigned niferm for Nitle, on rea sonabi•• tonna, a small lut valuable farm. in the township of Venting.., Itne egintr, situst• about three sod • hill mile. Rom the lioulq..l.img eillialre of Watt.- burg Sabi farm r”otaina sere., of ge..orlfirat. and and. twent% lire of which in in a kr 4. 0 . mate ..f improvement , It has a piling an.! ,irrimluz toireth r with a eubotantial barn The terms of tw male east. and an utirt..evtlitnahle idle gin - 11 , urher rarticut.are ,iiquire .4 II IC Lao , , ~ r the ..../ , ..erther at Watt if .1.4. Erie r .. la lie! I. 1.,::1#-1 , It E4SWOh:TII SASH, DOORS & BLINDS. T HE subscriber having kasc , i the later 0Ce1104.41 CROOK k f•. wo," re .p.-etfully inf“nn the public litn , .•n:.i.ue • • man tilecture '4,111. DOOR', BLING!s, STICKING :KO! I.DINGs, ..f mnt«rtala, and in a ..trr• rinut.•hlt that caLnot hr evrilett 131 tilt. et.. SURFACE PLANIN6 ana SCR( )1,1, SA IN(; attend.! 1 xt...1 cot, a lateen , r tta4n twr Ail Is ark warranted, and prl..,a as Chirlip 1, the eape•t Repeartof knit onla I pot. rot:IIVA , 1tt1.,,A1..11 0 ` , hop on Tract. St. a Lew doors u-rth of Itardist Church Ent., laee,l7, 1 , 844 --.lfelf .1 ANIR- CAI N Worms and Worm Fever. m_EI)NI that art- ctroitg. art id, awl b.-atul, In the r..... .ch, a i ru to ehi. , r. h outrisring with Lint pis, only Increases the Fever, and -en ders the chit.] restless alit uno..infortable Meat, m.s in 0r.e.1.1 cues, should cninhirer with a Wiieni At,. tet, , te i.e tlF‘Ale.ot re, suth there an .111 01)..13 the vur• ~ f the skin, an.l operate mildly on the Liras . . Burr/sand Kid neys. and thus aid nature - in miding the ',stern thruiigh it. natural channel.. I s hate, er flit...nets Its action, or p.,isticis the tiot.:F. and rotates the Petrel.. Nu Norm Medicine vet dis,,,ered c0m1,14.4 all Items qualities i. ,ertretl:, as I GERSIA WORM C a!'• , In the prepetrtnr, WILLIAM NI , Ft, Gertniiin t r a the Feelke,4 proprietors. CANT, a at •KOT3 rfr. Ihi roe e.shin to U. Ills kilfri of W,, fu , oe ; ti. ton 6 , r C,ii.tex • ~tisx .5 WI FLY 41/.1 LI, l ,et tit , WM . :, ef , te• I,nt it., an, Knot, Feb lIEN NEW G HOCET-Z - V And Provision Store ! T .10 1 REED H!)1'• ERIE. PE\ td Hl. IV 1 ( 1.1.1)N, hand arid Ivlll . n.ll n• Ch , ai a cnn bur: ht elsewhere, 1,.r Caab . tr. ,rue... any .•1 for f4.l.owing artlcies, I.,ur. Fish, rota, T, a, C , .ftee, Sugar, ilulassea, ru i (1,4 ...t,,rm-W are, Woodt.n Ware, Toaco, t 'Kars, C.,rit,tumertee, etc , etc The assorttoeut IA an Fr., z „ . f thr Bret quatits. I dyne an exaoutuatt..n of rn) et.,‘ aoa pricer. h..t tt.g b. .Lt. t •theutthu t.. business arid hot.. , rab.e tiea,ttig, ti , luertt a share of pat rtglag..— rnot.,. is "Quick Sales and Prompt Returns." rir Prr,Juce of ply kinds • anted bate, c 24, '.:tlo--zitn2v 11j?Ir11Al.1.0N A, OTICE. T I BALDWIN is the o n ly at,04,,r1:,,i Ag.,t for the ente of UK. ATIA WEAL EIVI, L• T uF 111tOt F. 1.1.) to the city of Kn.. hoed tl r 1 !lowing . . . I 1.. r• hs appoint L. I. ii•towili rn) agent for the Cr of H cuts, k-strieci of Fursruee m tha tics of Erie, ac•! lime 1. I, tin ih• tale and ezriostre oak cc oatd city. N. A LAVER. .1.11,DR to g .•ttL• genllll4/ dirtseie will nmrm tpt ran.: oto BALM% IS'S Dig t; STORE, Ene, IN.• 17,'.41—:b 1 1. 0. 5, Reed fierose, Valuable Land for Sale TIIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR .ale a tract ot land known &ash. `•Riddle tract' ly ing four mil. east of Waterford, on the Erie it Waterford plank T , as .4d C 0011101131( •t+,ut /.000 scree. Tl.s land is well ti.nbered, and admirably adopted, when neared, far ' -rmang purposes—it is also divided by the Sunbury arie Railroad. It will be son] in a body or eubdirided to tracts to 'nit porchaikers July 16 1U9.-6tt a LOOM IS, a Id THIS DAY OPENING a .plrndol assortuaeot of Hell Gtlt Chula Vue., Motto Cup. auk Saucers, Mum Candlesticks, and a gmst variety 1,1 USEFUL .11:VD 0R.V.4.11E.NT.41. ARTICI.F.S. au oahle for the Holtdaya i:legazt Cale Bask. ta, Tea, POthers, Sliver Cups, I. orb, Spf.ona, 1,41 .5. Nal Bing*, I brauttfu I patterns,) and lota of n. h le V. , tt at class, and Fancy Gouda.—Call and see Erie. Dee * Co.Partnership—New kirm MoCAE.TER Si, KELLOGG. IHAVE associated with me in the hro eery and ProTisinn businefa S. M. 1iE1.1,066. in the bustnexa Brill herraftrr br conducted In tilt. nam. 4.1 :„.yle of IitCARTER it KELLOGG. tile. Juno 11. 18209-1 JOSEPH McCARTFIL Gold and Silver Watches CIF European and American maker-,f% n . NJEtuniing and Open Fine Carat Cara. Good Itrailroad Time Keeper*, warranted to keep accurate Tune. Particular and careful attention g%veO to Repairing Wstelie• and Time neves of every deacrtption, and wo k warranted, at the WEST PARK JEWELRY ST()Rr.. Paragon Building, new Peach E:EI FINE JEWELRY.—lieautiful LA \' Coral, Carbuncle, Cameo, and Pearl Seto of Breast hue, Ear Peudauta, itntcelosa, Cut( Buttons, Studa, kr ?:ew desurna, mpleutitd Goods. Jewelry of every detcrlptinn made to nrdord and atl Muds of repauing done by the heat of workmen nn short notice :M. IL AUSTIN, Paragon But.ding _ . SILV El-MA RE.—Table and Tea Spoon 4, Forks, Ladled., Jelly and !leery Spanna, Ptr Knives, •;mddle Shoves, Cake t. utters., b•pkxn Ruse, do, ,at Mount Vernon and Jena% hind Patterns `nicer .poono Made., and ennatantly on band a good lirtleir of Ftne nllser Pare se Oats T. N at 'TIN PAINTS ! PAINTS : ! PAINTS I : White Lead . dry and In oil. Amencan and French Late, Raw, and Belled linseed 011, Venetian Bed. French Ochre, Chrome an. French Green, and it. &h. -, every thing io the line of rAINTS, for saint the St., e May 12, T. S AINCLA SYRUP AND MOLASs` 4 F>I, Very choice, embracing three grades of "yraii— • good ankle be ; better and eery tine flavored el" ; Steyr art's Golden or Wbite Syrup 8a ; New Orleans Molasses, the very best kind for Raking purposes at Jane ILI li•lialOb'S GROCERY DI POT CARPENTERS' & JuINERS' T(XAS Iba nsoentlir goads large additt,as to goy forgoer stork of Carpenters sod JOLL&TII Too's, making It the most complete in It. eth Itstrh 'tto IT. SPRING jEcl)s just received from the Company, tber supply, therm beds oLtatned drat premium at the State Fair, welling fro 1. and upward.. the Areal nova W EI.t.SEY B E Zlll ! BENZI7III ! or rotooving from Star N ovdevs, Irc., past rittoo•rd god for .1.• •t BALD% IN'S Duro STOIUt, A . . , LI, Reed Rowe, Ott. )31PsoN'S sYRI"P OF 'PEA(' •An ere...nett %Owl.. for the run. Coos/to, fidatir Id HAI.DIVINZIINI:ti tP,,F .; tt „ H,, I NALAT ED CAKE 13A:•,KET's—New at) It-A nu. opening et the ff restart Jattlry :Afore, tM I'l XI I)N BUILDING), near tech GILT FI. I INV Eltf I). M A It It LE TI) footplate t Manta, •ult of F ortiture For oat* ut Contlitiounou Apply to I. VI" ri Iri Y. Jute 1, 144 —L2. SEED nt"( EWEIEAT on baud sod lbr sale by July 9. 049. JACOB II Solt PERsoNs WISHINU YannfiMOrW lo a one. and thrivingplace where bumper I. Fowl roe advertue rtorni of the Ilasuntoo.ou Seitilement- Sees. GROCERIES. -A good supOy of - roost artiehre in the Grocery it.. may be found of HONON'd FAbill,N tato d'EgY. Junell, 1%9 —l. _ _ - - - DETZ.SuNS WANTING CII.kNGE ehmate for Irylt6 See ativerldroment of Hammon no Lauda, another columns. deem A PPLE. PEARER.S.-10 down Apple Pvertre that will do the work every the, sod no mistake. fur male very low by J. C. SkLDLN. And 20,10 h. • FLY NETS.—A few doz. of cotton a n Lulea flares Nets, cheep it J. C. tif.l.Priel. rpo ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AI) rertirement of Hammonton Lands. den& p - t - IIitLAM) OIL ! Suitable for karma, and Lebructsag • arnsoted to gins satisfaction last •rternrd, n ror sate at SALIVRIN'it Dims throes-Na. /1. Rood Banos 24.0 pMRUSHES! BRESIIao.: B R 1 . .; - Sll F — Z47: 1 . Paint, Varnish,tlraininir, Striping. Whin. Waal,. ow, Hors., SornA, Torpors, plain and fuser Het/ and Teeth, •nd enteral amortment of an kandrof intUsti LS or sale by may 21 T. S. SINCLa Tit IiALWNS, LINSEED. LARD &ad TANNIMII OtL. CARTIER k BHA QICATES, SKATES, all 114016,nd 4uali cr We by J. C. lIELVEN. 1859. FW - 11 Trade ! 1859 TUE EXTEN•4I VF. IMPORTATION European Manufactured DRY GIOODSI F:N A L t 4 B TT ! C 0 'INT S Tj M EIS S VERY LOW PRICES ! ! SIt;KS! R1(11 .1 NI, RARE. Large• Varioties of ST AP 1, 1 G 001) S , CLOTHS, SHAWLS, Bleached and Brown Sheetinp, and in , *MC X I\7' Clan At No. 5, Exchefrige Row, Erie, Pa •••• 1 4 1' ; WM. BELL JI? Groceries ! Groceries !! BECKMAN, KENDIG & CO., 2, Block, Ern. Pu .1 F Jl'.f It ECEIVED the I , to , ert, th. I AItGLST and 11.4.1 i 4 tRIXD =1 te• Ltr• e¢r • t !itch re ..11rer to re!! ► ; WHOLES/4,E or RETAIL. ' t •• •.1114 ••• - --\ V IT.E. FISH MACK -Ct )DFHH --I,A RD-- N A 11:.;- k X 1..\ Wi 10D, A\ t' "vC/c7l:xcolasszalo exxaci Wt.otaa.ll. 200 El)la. PICKED Winter Apples. aw•r.r..• ut Hemp HA,pe, Hai • ,iul .• h alum tot, htrli, And ttr taxi! Water Lime constantly on hand I „Lt, MI 1.-I.anto .uppll.-,1 11 nth a tun aw..r. R . I and RI. us hrfore turebasiag here. ta t K 31,1111, k EEL, t Erie, N.. -9, 1..4-212, Wright's Block. FOur Valuable Central Lots for SALE. HE. undersigned. Tru.stees United l'r«st Vt. rl►q V Lurch of Erie, now offer fur sale, on ttorable Tema, the FOUR BEAUTIFUL LOTS ttpivoitatv the residence 01 Dr Faulkner. on French street. 1..0 h lot h.. 41 1.2 !h e t front 01) T3ench street 137100 feet deep to an allay. the Corn. r Lot has • front on French strv• t of 44 1-4 it et art.. Ircnt on l' street 100 feet The short ditstutct of these tote fry= the PublicSluare make 11. cm among the moot deelrsble• to the Illy • JOHN IL Ik•Rkii.N. • N. It. BAWL A. KING, 6Ett WOOD, El, Jan 1; 11.6 r. 1113 illAT SIIITIL Trusters. TIl l . DItI.ANVAI;F: 11:TL'Al. INSCR- Am.r.c4O4l.ANY of I'iII.LADELYIILt. A Uhl now Elotag business on the Mutant plan, eying the to sured I 1..1. tivat ion ID the profit. of the Compa ny, without Jatolit.t t.ey ono the premium paid. Risks upon the 1-4,c•• and Canals Inhered on the most favorahls t. rule , I •••ev• oil be liberally and promptly a.: lists.' • 11-. r.sla. 0i k 14srcoandow,butldings and other property in town or e retry, fora limited term permaseratly o DIItECTORS. 4 : - .....1.1. I real, James C. Band, Theophil4s Pan.ding, John C. Davis, Holvert Burton, John Garrett, Hash Crgig, Samuel Edwards, Hew,- Lg. ^enc.% David B. Stacey, Chart, P liells; Isaac R. harts, W 1111.03 Folsoolii, Wilinsm Hay, - s Thltmss. Dr it. N. Huston, J,•'.r, leller, jr Spencer Mellvane, toorg•Irn•11. John J. Newlin, John E. Penrose. J tj J 01E1..3., ii. Jones Brooke, E•hhood Alt•udrr, WX. Il•i. , the It 0,131 S. I. Illf BOCLP, See,. gyp' Application can be made to k.rte, Al•rilt4, 14h?. J. KELLOGG, „.. a a t, Erie. Ent, I/re. 10, 1559 JAMES MILLS, Atty* in fart, Girard Stoves Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! wt.: 1 , 110{% prepared to fu all who are in went of :,,Tl,VF'sz, °(;w, deecrtirtitat. •t lower rya... ever been mold in Erie nun ty O.* .. nnrtmrnt roinpriamiall ww•—_ the m, , dren 1111 pr.. Vied, IMOD/ whirl Ettny *...1,,tie0l the A t..t t ,m , j of other desirably. at) les of Elevated Ovens, AI-. the ..tof s et•lenrattel Ida) flower, Power, Morns lista, an.l a nuuttelir of miter patterns of Low Oven stoves.— Ate.. the Me nine tflory, I oltagr Parlor, Model Parlor, loiOpen Frani,ltn, and a large number of Box. Plnte, Ball, tithe*, Sell Regulator, and other jt., es of superior qualities which we will Nell fur Inch, Lumber, Beef, Grain, or barter in c.,,,-.1, ,o I. es figures than coy house to the City, and warrant tb4in to rite entire astiafaztion. To persona • ialting an thing in the a 1.... line we would sa Give tin 1 ( .1;.0a vou •ha..! not be disappointed. A t t h e Old Foundry, '4 W. Corner of State and I Ith sta. Fri.. .Aug} 13, la."•ii--11.1 if BARR & JOIINSON. .._ USE CEOSBY'S MAGNETIC BALM ! P'''ItHEI:MATIsIk, HEAD ACHE, ,oreil.rosit,t , vrelleti Face, Felons, Cramp., Piles, prams, B 0., Colo and Swelled Glands, Stilt Joints, Se led Breasts, for e Toothaebe, which it r are In how fire to ten minutes, itultilelna, Corns, ?ore or Trader Firet, Deettires or Karachi., Gout, Lame tin , ice, kc It is al. equally thearioroi in the eurr of iloreases to Borne, or other au mu Is, such u Rioghone Stavin, Chafes,. ronniteresi if set, laturnroo, contr./clang of the Muscle.., sprains Wind Gillis Serati.!...., Cracked Meets, Old sore*, /tr. Althongh this Ls • new article, now for the lint time Brought before the 'white, )et it ha/1t0...a severely tested in • great number ref case*, and found all that is claimed for it, as certificates now in the puaseasiou "(the Proprie tor, ruby show Get a bottle and try tt ; and if it is not all it V mom mood. return it and your money will ire refunded. C. CK11:4131" sole mxopfacturer and Proprietor, MO Wain Strg.t. Buffs', and mall by I. I BALDWIN, Etie ; el. Waterford. 2b Cents per Bottle. JOly 23 19:41 —137. I11llhI!llN1 _ I WOULD .4.4 Y to my ktend. and th. public in cecwral that I have commenced the Tuileries ■.d Ready Made l'letidas Binsineee, a.l it■ various branches, in the store lately occupied bl Mt. Cute, ou the Public Square, between Brown'. Hotel and the Real efivrc I will endeavor to have at all tint. a chow. melection ci CLOTHS, CAP• 4 II:IIIf.IiES, AND YIESTINGIS s Irbicl, i • ,I 1 make up to order upon abort potter, and warrant to gin. satisfaction or DO ND,. ?MOOD to want of ayl thing in my Imo can doprod • yds bring fairly dealt • al, as lam &tomtit/hi not to mak* up any goods bat sorb as will give satisfaction lam making a good as sortment of BEADY MADE CLOTHING, • !itch %ill I. of Honor make and warranted to be an re presented or money refunded. lorsoue purchasing for CAPilll ate Invited to C•4l and stator,. cos ihiods sod Priam, ma I am detail:owed to yen heap lor 41.3 " 7111 4 16 done on short notice and irarmanted. Pet 2, Mill K. Jr4TICE. C JGOLLIES'W LiAltfic air i gilt re fri tm . s his since and pstion. Le r thanr put ks to his Ewalt • 'till taking ihr Low PltiCtf Pieetzen ! VOILAY now pref..* an estonnhing reduction in the primp of ail the kugber pneed Ambrotrpee t COLBY know lon have heretofore paid tkree tenor es wont J'er Pertawre ad roe amen Colby Le determined to twins the pyre of p. Pictr eta (and really On only picture. vrc , t t cat mg.) entitle the mooch of the Buren Colby 0 molt, the pen**, benefactor. and my at ell time' be Wand in the Roaasteritsti Dwct, Feria Pa.. Best door west of Rank of Commerce. 2.4t1 Great Attraction for the Holidays Went Park JEIWEptY STORE, PARAGON BrILDING, HEAR PEACH STREET, lEn..titl, PAL. TuEProprietor of t • establishment is Mir receiving t and opening from New York City, as ~ , ,i Nek_er t . . most ostensive vs riet t y of eliipnt , .!'i'':' :7 , GOLD, SILVER, PLATED AN - ' ,-- FANCY GOODS, Ezpremly ese.eeted • for the •sestionfTvadn. which the public are respeetfull. invited to ..:swine, hoping something may be found rutted to the teat 4 of every one, with I. durvitienta in the way of Low Potcße to make purebases. Illmrloglite Good, sad facilitiro to supply me demand, atlliZ*23( l = .26 rl Irt ii expected !" T. 11. AUSTIN. • GRIND STONES '. __ 10 Tuna Berea Grind Stones and Grind Stan Russia( ger We by my2Lbl. J. 0. 811r.LDILN. TO OPFER THEM TO I AM NOW RECEIVING (; II( ) (_'I.:}IIES, NV 1 I. 1. NV NV A E % '.1.. on hood Bannsr, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse, Empire, Brilliant, Herald, NEW YORK & EVE IL R. ainatomwmoiimg CHANCE OF' 111 WM-4. (VIMMENcING SCI•DAY, JAII. thl 1, ISls.t Train. will two., • nl al, a. , •I 1. I ••,r , tit • Eastward Bound— Depart. N.. York Fiprriuk .• u ,lit g at Lippe* . Atammadata,a. .So e 1U • 2 r 2 fife r Way bt . . ..... Th. Night Express, Stock and llo i r Train• rut/ .sery day. TIN Accommodation Imin imtaiLs over nagLt at CII . A.S. Cen'l NATIL MARSH, Itocehrev. Dunkirk, January 1, I%lan—Jl it Cleveland and Erie Railroad. ELIBILIIIMINAPRig EIRE ON and after Honda), Sol ember 1 tth, 11a9, and until Furth, l'aporn i itt Trait. w-tl, me ma follow. •ts:— LEAVE CLEN' EI,AND 10 10 A. M. Mail Tram •mpa at alt tl ay CY) Wickliffft, )(rotor, I'rt ry, 121,1111I1Vilil• Saw: &ad arrivre at Fru. 164 l' SI . h.rkltl 1 2'i I' V , 19•41916 6 06 I'. 61 9 00 P. II Night Espr.• • Tram attn.. et Ashtabula, l'onseaut 9uu "Irani, ..u1y,•:.1 ft: r et Mlle 12 2.6 . A 11 : kW:UM, 4 .:11 A Ni LEAVE ERIE 3 16 A. M. Night at.qaat i:trar.l,Coureaut. Asbtabula. anti l'ainev•llle • 11 . Cleveland 115. A 11 16 P. M. !Lail Train •t•. 1.. ttt alt Wa‘ -tat t on, Saybrook, r (11.11V1i i., I'l.'l', Wlttn't.r and W irkltti sad arrives at t • laue at 7 A. 1 All the through tr‘lo• gtotn,r W. reward. .-nu • at Cleveland with trains for T .led.t.* I i 'SW!, t olu r clonal!, te. he. •I: the through tra.u. Ko n a F:aaltaArd, runi.. tnt is kirk with the trion. I/10 :s F.:I to•ttad, a u lkk o with the N null Hull:11u nut! \ t 1,, SurTlNiiii Snperiltl•ndvn. Clitvetuid. Nov. 14. 1519. MEMO. IEIEIO. BUITALO & ERIE R. R. gigitinaIF_MITIREIPEC ON and aftkr , No% ruil,ol 1.1, 1849, Poiabenser rra IRO. WI./ I t.Ol nn 11, In IL, u.l : • . WWI: LEAVING Lill' 11: to, A r.. Nteb Express. •tn; ‘r,str,.., kirk ard ••••11yri vrowk, n rrrn, •et R,Ord • At 4 k SI 7 4XI A 14 AtetAkaddisott. rtolitlng. .0.101 .. !•11. ,,, •, arriving at liuttnirk at 12 30 1' St 2 20 P 11., Erpreas Mad. stoipping North Fart, Stair Une. Vnm.•r 4.t • Munich k. Wlcerrrwl, Ircwq , EVEfin. r, lh Ni Cryiel, arid 11actildtrgli, a mil Ing at B• T. , nt e .•: V. LEAN-ItiO ll „^A) A M., JErpnros ..114u1, tt,spi utz Akt Mile Creek, Es arta Centre, lrt • e 6 itunlurlt, Soklei..,, Portland, it'eette id, Quincy, ;'a,. Line, North East and Ia: tcrelk t arr,..., at 3 29Y. N. 400 r. lt., Afccassadataaa, atoppiug at 4. • .... arming at Env. at 9 tar A 4 11 99, 1' /1., Atekt Ez,preas, ,topying At:701,..! Cl..e A, I ‘lo auk bud We atf Id, arr. vlag at ET, k . ..Jo A :of The F. - Ipm.. Stair. Sight I , ...cprv<ll trim,. go Ili,* Catilleet wt Dunkirk .n 4 Ittlifitit, with Ixi ro 1 , 4 New York, Bust. tt, Yv It tti I; , k. ~ 41. t tiles butt/. than Nor 14. tv.r4o —::• N 1111..7:N. -1. C 0 „«< LOCATED A'l BUFFALO, Corner Senecas Main :;trf ef N Y. CITY, —Conyer 'TIE{ utu." A•,t, r Place PHILADELPHIA. Corrtr 71 s t ALBANY, No. 94S Brorols tt CLEVELAND, Cor St:Dee:l6 : 4 t/i ertor TROIT, No. 70 Wuo,haril ArrLiie CRICAGO, cur Clark and Wa:,l4lngton Eltudiust• Putreiog wI I'DY of [ht., (.14.e.0, Ly U. paymmat of $40.3.,0n.- rutitlec to the 1 tlll,egt-2 of the rutty* l'obsto," comprulog r,elk t It Ihn,,, ug h, ostoroalUotoplrtr nd popular I'o ...o to the world. Coral. gore and e.II ot the Collor. ROOMS, or address as shot e. BRYANT & STRATTON'S AMERICAN MERCHANT MONTHLY KAOAZINE, Devoted to Commerce, Bankine. Manotacturew, A ail oulture, Ilechanical Science, Commercial Law, l'olitical Tammy, Literature, All and :•tatt*tsral Information.— Putguthed monthly at Cooper inall!utip, N. Y. Terme t•i per annum, with the usual reduction to l lute. The INO , k la &Wiped to be a *crawl • t tomer t or the Commercial and induatrtal interePlA of furl - It arch, 26, la% —ly 42. STILL IN THE FIELD ! L. I. BALD - W IN, 1V1.101.r.1E 4 , a) RfT4ll DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 5, Reed 11,0,.. HAVING repleniArd in) sunk, 1 ton no. prepared to larnialA tbe fob amg a:: • equally as low as they can ol.t.atcoci at a .) Ualuaeal to tbt. sectlon DRUGS, MEDI('INES, E311 1 '.1.1 wi \ - DYE STUFFS, PF.RFUNIERY. PAINTER'S ARTD . I.E.- wINDIi \l' GI, A .:•• ANDP l• T T Y Pb. Drug, Mild Wel p are. w arra n trePl3, par* aaai roma*. 1 havo Dopy on Land and rettonsit suptrior stud. t.i Pine Havana and Principe Cigars, Also, Pure Wines and Brandies VO2l. NEEIECe.3.I. USE. &e Orders prfriptl, M1..4 and satlotartion gnaraulaer regard to prlce and E r- - 31r.Miff.H. THE PI.ACE ' Ne• 3 Heed - Firmer. Erie. Pit. Nor. 5, 1/469 U Ir • VIRE 4 10.- - pidE I NStIlk 4 RIECU T t• A I::sup.. .L 4 ANCE COMPANY Incorpor (lied in 1, 1 , - ha rt, r r,f t oat' Property bow rd Agaltnit Loa by Fire ler nal Terns not exceeding Ilse lent... Policies issued upon the deposit of Preto win Notea, r I opou the. piqubrut ugual Stuck Patio. in Money. ith out the liability of • 1 reinium Note. laird wttt out titivation. Our suit ha). rot, ton n hruught aga tint this Company. Thu( umpaity os entirety free (rum Laid, sad so a safe haw truitesahan DIRECTUK:4 James C. Mamball, C M. Ttbbalx, Wm. F Biuderned S. Smith, .1 Zimmerly. Jo. M •tterr t , . K. P. Kepler, Thu, Moorikea.:, .iar.•t• George A. Elliot, E. Babbitt, Wm I: Ha:, A, .1. II Justlee. OFFICER: , J 46s C M.xxxu.t., rmo. JosAS ~ t s . •••,, =1 OM In Megan. Gunr.l•i3O ta Mtg . , I Chespaido Erie, N. Erie, April 26. 1t16.9 NEW GROCERY CAUGIIEY BROTHERS, Harr opened it ••-nu •t aro'. Pronoun Store in Bratty's Bloc 4, Tnrtb-ioo U.. West kart, otters. a igviod •upple of FRESH FA let lI.Y P(74 'II R I ES, AND Pittpvisioxps Ilia 1:13231 to ALJTI _A SO- WOODEN & WILLOW WARE E r- Cash and the highest mark. t 1., kinds of Country Prndure B. C. CAUGHEY, Erin, April ZS, 1e69 . HATS & CAPS AT COST. ....,) TT Avi NG made ler ngern•nta toad .4! A. . ...,...., t in o .. t.,: . 7n i ot . h i a i r kind m ot y tt i t: „ Ne - -. 2 * -li _-..... ttro. at ock of Hato and the Dozen o 1:( • :. .c2 1 1 ,- ..: 4 4 ,4 ;115'..-41.` Cap ea ir le by a I CO.l. I!. . 7: ' 74'.-. ' - ' l' . ' .: l- - - 1 4 tlnn.ta . are aintrat rT ,{ ^ t;V IT new, ha . In: twa.t. la I S --- "-• , --- ihaa.rd aro! 11. the lA•t -4• TIN OATS an... torn filo e --- —s - moat Fashionable House. Inew 'reek. I be,* a Large stork of Buffalo Robes, that bos sold al unusual low prie..• . net. 16, 1100 —l9. S. SMITH NOTICE. New Arrangement ! T HAVE associated with me in the tiro- Orliand Provision Hi:Anna, JAMB MINNIG basimess will bo rotitinue4 in lb« mime and stale .1 J. Jan 21-34 DAINTEs.—The fine 4 wietot sent al Paint Brushes In tht. City fnt sale at BALDWIN'S DRUG STORK 26tt Nn 5 Reed HOMY. D"'T FA IL, to see SIXTH ANNUAL A.Nsonceptairr, mod Wilford offers, In anntbe eolusia- N0t.21. Celebrated Cough liewedy, ASIM PLE/sANT :AWED) . AND BF lETTV CURE FOR COf7G OOLDs CROUPS. ASTH MA. RRONCH/773, 611"..ARILfi, I/ID 01100 P LvG (x) L.... T"'great remedy has been used du ring the Isat 15 Years with ueennalle.l sueetets le et 1 inK l 7 e l eteeep ammo& sad eboald he• e.ed tit torory person 11111/, ted with any eafewetioet of tb.• The.. t .rd Langb, Cr_ Ca* Halts M ari RIMSSiIy to align. ('h Or UK Heal} o ars *with to rwre Cob• 1.. A" Ure 1104 covh &okay to care Ashlteed lifUto Halt 0 UntrA Reoeady to cure (I'velp Use 'ha 0.0 Amu* I. cure Lireweekatut. Lioe 110tite ('vg* Row* fur lileopteg- CenagA I t will prum pi to Nilone* the Gogh end shorten it , . MUM' "no hail from it 4 on:lista:7 tedlcsu• duration. Fur re :(l“ving irritation frnms the Lo re east air pamiliges, ft t o Limed united 111 fie Ilwrtition—ita use invigorates the pul. unary orgen, end srestly •trengtheat the voire, thrrr- Ir 113.1. n) to endure great.Preliottottre with “u r.. •,,,tlll r...ititta. fl. rad the folLeinz from • h,..t Free &ohty wh, hat tzw.l ii.A medi. our it teetn•a,lr ..-411.• In- it.. It • f hurt W. .1 fir. I. }LAIL el I tied., h •nre.,a. iii enrlter ,1,,,,M1+4.4 nl tht rft ,,, ol.nd .n , l 1.5 k, p1,14%.1, It me. 11.0 thet.intlj I • Lille to the agile t.• , 1 ltA 4 • •I• tub! r. mtdv, urtlo ..f .Jl . ll 14. n J... 0 lin, .1.`11,1 h C., J. ?L. %Vat", ••• ,loLn Ma'..v. 11.1r 1 .1 • J it.•tiert Danr..l Rent.. .1 I:. I'll. , W. • u D -I irk, • •1.4,1 ltc ./ r r arre. I • . Is Lib' , J sr I \V •, r. H kivr. }, • .„„ . • .. hIP - . 1 r t.a•., (a. (1,, L ( T..WN V. r nen. , ' 4.•••.111(.11rrt Wr,.•11..w 1.1.?• 11, I I: -.•.•i r .C4l. rf :• ritrrn ,k I , 1I err .••; 1.4%, , .1 A. Jr. 114, il. 1 .IIPTI GI: IS. 'l'h -V rz. P• 1 t, E . J K r, I, Flilfileu , tow. , Brt•ch•, e tan, I , a F•orron Van, ht • I , V ran. .1. ‘i'n•..: tr , ••• • ' I . • • —• rr.r7 IN (i 8 '• - • : pacts a rilatici r ti :` L n.•), t) •nit a ;article Jf rtal alien I / V La lire. t .ake Jake,' ; -• r.. .4.11 ult., 1 ti . I • .'• • , • - • , • • 6 8 y.nty • 411 . 0 .1 ”. pai tn.! 1 r•t. ;“.1f .FIL. 0.11 70 wrapper • '' II itt be It•thni , 44.l tillent •." 'rno,iirture, loaf Firraci, elith 8 water on top Kb. n 4.0 prrtitaae 6 paper you uttoUlp prr-vt so Use wrairt, 141 d rre particular, to 114 - 0 nett etactly AND like the :42 70 s i r • S . n i / 1 1:1,11: 11 Az rretpaas 'nal. , 4 68 Make Your Own Soap, wltti A NI) 3341.3333r1"1''S 7() Pure Concentrated Potash ANL, !.•h, put • , 1 , 11. ent 1 lb . 3 Ibe , 68 . I.: It. , tr, • .oloi . 0 n/l. • a,. I . 0 , 1 „ 1-t•taiilti it, tw,,r. "nr•Prwt•lrn, and L r ." 70N T. nit 80:3 T. AND es. and 7n ww,,,,t0.-1 • New Vork."o e ).‘ 2 shit At the old Stand x - T M V I: P 11 Y , N . Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed House, meta of Tou i raja, in Ert.. • 1,1 - Lain .41. •, n, , lanterns. • 11 Or. port, ••• t Ltoil,;• : Vol y tot,, Flat :n rot, ,• I. la , 11. 01,.. F •vt & it an :••*. •r• g: • rat, • V,, • . ,•. t •-• t• • Pomp of ni Me- ; • I , Al :111. •• r. r 1 1 •11,, • I •• 1 1 ;••, ‘1,• • ••r (.•••••• It, ,•1 0 ',1• •• ., I .11 llnl. • •••• ~. tt.: / a.. t 1,, „. •• .1. ,• / .•, tt I nnti,, TKI•le Mats tn hras 77777 If h, •nn onift. .mllll.ll rsn• . "1-t t,lt. a• • , NI•rIl•-• f • 1 If f,, f • ••• • , in. k• (.1: I I • ati, .4 Cu kc' • f. ••4 ON 41.1 KINUN, :.4 t; MAT BE POI NI) ME It (' ( AUGIIF.Y DOOT. P. mini It t lir! 1.114-.4% ‘1" tlnYlavlier \ MEM UT,. I, F: A. t.i. • t J. 1.. Long. Jam, Jd .••• li li , I. Provril, liu;i, •1,. , miti 1 O. }toot, i• r • I tri4o,t, .., • lit TO HOUSE KEEPERS . . • • a" • :rrrilt • . 0 0 . . ~) t 11.10 tt.t • toll dirt ctioci fur Pro ,' 1:11111r1 c!,,tair ELo 4,, • -•liaary HAS (IN HAND I. TtGE As..-I)I:ThIENT OF Ili lif 11,T) Gi 0IPs; sTi • %:•.,, a 'arr.. and e , .tnpl. t. win: .rnroa of ,pper, tad :" AM% t [rim War. Alm', a larg•• 8.•,..1"1 - - me•n • • f Cutter, lad Puck e• t Kl,lvers .t . ' • .te, ISI iiallill 1 abl. rant.,. and Tes• .. • i • •ts, also. Tea and TA -o- SI • • •I.•, B r,./..., CODper, I' o r co. I a n and t•r••1.1.• he • - r -..: 1.101., Idlift, a Largl .- - •rtr .• ! •A,Japlko ICiin• of •ti I t 6• In 1 , 1 I a•t• Aro . ••• •ml• • r •t • k ti.. •I• } .1... %IN. I p 1• • S!' /.1.,1 FURNITURE! FURNITURE! T 11 1111'1E7 I[l-Z PFM O )\ - 11) Ili ity lit.l , llpr. I I. .IC.I h .1 r • 1 et hi. 1 i.:.t •, HEE FURNITUB.E, ' laortvt alt kIB. t 124‘11.,.V 1.• TI lb t 4 ao • -H • f 1, - -f ton' rperaus aidts, I .:e: ~ .,n libiro Plirtn.ed 10 .utti -;///to't t 4txdt, //c/it .staltd. reg,,h r uitare and ( entrot, , n I • det aLLP .rar ( r,) , hr , r "ii. f •atzr CHAII S., The p•-coed 1.1 • .1' Lit full k ItNITI RE, 1.1(11 a. 1" . .4144, reig,ll, 10.44.14 r.. uthm. n'g hr., 41 , , 1. , a rh.ti , ., Nnrtdr • , .•• , 1 V ,, tr •.. MEM w. H.° 10. rr, t, ISt on 11 r pt a; ISM 11. I ttl pro'irliiftrl• 11, r .1., • il• 0. t, cri , . n 1, 1 .. ft% MIT.. 11111 LO . If. le. 11111r,ft,./ I, IT I I ‘,/ r'40.11. tr. AU kind, o. - ( /..Ke 1. r fulDltur. ne, %larch It', 1.49 —4l inv ,•/• ~•,11. BOY'S CLOTHING ! Cheap and Fashionable. that cannot till to Pat it:, I Boy's Coats for 50 cts. upwards. Nr; i ‘•..n ut etovid.•ral.l4• ex i •e n ..o to proeuni., the latept fik,Olar■ an , : rlttet Tic he I , lto a sh..ry nt ro•r K>tDY %I/ 1. S'Ll/Tl.l I NII•. • • • tut:lt or* of I ... L o c k, Ich PO , 1 !ZITS tly (~//1 111 ..rier r.. dos.. I lb.• in ..irra 4,1" t lutbtn¢ *1:1 pet barn ',bother xuch an nrrrtunitr L. bur cheap. ['i• S A Nar. t l and Military. Cl”ttiinr maile to order r•nn..nrtde tern,. ane ratl•fechnn warranted Fri". Jure. 2.. Itt39 —3 •OLD FOUNDRY" ,T! LL AIIEAD 7 .! BA KU J0111,11.10N are prepar• faarls•Ali at Wholesale and atet•at, Plow s of the her and most approved palter!, and aa, ale We attention :o Farr • ra , l other. ta, their r k • a - cal:misting .1) ,41111, I JNO, tt' I'l TT:, R 1:1:0 NI , .L. CNN together e imtora,Corn PlantersDli other srtie:es nrceimar. rr areo to be properly appreciated. Don't tn• - Old Fnerdnr, N. W. Corner State and Elect.," .-t, Fri , April 2 AK D I Y. ./ HA NSW: Ie unw'reeelvlng from Clnetnnatt ele.tee 4.l ef Sorer Cured flame. sod same of the fre est.' Of htlr t her Hominy. fall at the FItY DEPOT. CI:FEMME Ju•lo 1 I. 1h!..46-1 1.01,1TU AIT FRAMES. " k.l:. 11.,plaIng..1Awkir fnewee, Fine FrPoch I Ith ,grart.• 10 V . 141.4.0, or at, P.; tme cheap It the agnn Ttuihilpg, T ArE.TIN =ES • 00 () \\MITE tt. !OHO* tng . Lozokm. Nre York, Atlaatie,Cryetal Palace, Xlage2a, TNE Sprin it BRO. g Valley, CAR MRS. WINSLOW, lexperieneed Nurse and FemaleA 4lisietnn. prevents to ths sttontkon of Rootlets' ht r 800`11X11Ter BIrILTTP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates tbe process of teetbiog. by 'soft- ' ening the game, reducing all innannnation—will oily all Dain and opasmodie action, and ill were Se regisiste !.Aerie, epend upon It, m, theme it will give rest to younelree. atol red.:4 and health to your labiate. We hare put up ' and sold this rail- --------. she for over ten ) ears, and mosey. IT& In acoafideocs and troth of It trhat we have Divert been aw e to may: O any listuri other medicine— Never has lk faded as • agile liar stance. to /eat a ears, when Unto: ly used. "ever 12 „ 4 .1,, i .., ~ did we know an Instance o twat- 1 ''' s' s' .'. ' •-• e laisation by any ....1 °newts° u Ilk— I S\ RLI'.- 00 tee eeistraq. all are d *Wed with its (pees- lions, and Speak In terms of conmendatkin of its Magi& effects and medical virtues We speak to this matter ..w hat we know," after y ears' teo l experience, and our r e putation for the fulfi nt of what we bete dtl dir os. in almost every instance where the intent is auffering from pain awl exhaustlon, relief will be found In fifteen or item. n Inutee after the !syrup Is edminiatered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the {noel ex petiO,Ueed and skillful hu.raea in New Ra g land, and has been used with necerralling soccessin theorists of .-a..... It not only relleeri the children from pain, but to. Igo rates the etranach and bowels, compete andity, and , t ,,.,,, t ,,,,,,, and eneriry to the whole system. It will a 1,,,„„ ,,,„„ u ~..,t 1 . , tell ~. G a !Nen is TIM Bowirte, ash WIND ,-,,, ~ . ~,,! , ~.,, ~,. • c. .t, a U 11101., which, If not speedily t , t ,e , ••••,.. 11.1 10 -•••-•...', death. We be hes eii the heat . _ For and surest rein.- d• ~,, the treritt I L ................, ....,............. in all cases of ii)seutery a 0 ~1 I Diarrhea an Chtl tit , t,, s I cil,,,rtt Teething. I arisesfrom teeth log Or any (Abel I I canna. We would Aa I l o veer, ---------•—• who has a child ~u r f...,, from hny of the foregoing romplalnte—to not let ~.ur pl. j udnia, 4,r the prejudlore of other% e to o a be t...,,, ) ,. ur nod. fin, Jill and the relief that will be BUM. ).._ shoo i utely sure—to tallow this medicine, if timely 1 1.,—,i i nil duet Lone for using will accompant, rack bot tle. None genuine under' the fac-dmile of 1: eitTiti tt PERKIN 1 4 , heir York. is no the outside wrapper. •• , i old he- Morrie, throughout the world Principal Office, Nes 13 !'char Mt, New Verb.. ...A. 11:ici. ~ Nl.l - 1i CEN'N PER itiIITI.F. lr 17 LIVER INVIGORATOR, IEVE.II. DEBILITATES, I T 1 corn ir.,u n (It .(1 entirel y fruin 13 u Ins, and hie twr,u24. an r,tabilkhed fart, a wtindard wed- 1 'etre, known •nd apprn- ~j wed be all that have used it, and I. now rswortrtl to 0 1 4 With enuhdenee in .1 rt b• ~,.. ',•,1 , 1/ It IA St— 0 t t , R.Wr laded fit i I• 4 , 6 . • d tl3oll.end} w !th in the last two years ~ h , I y.' eit ono p all hotted 6 - ' of ,itet, or the 'amorous •,..toi 1;•41 certificates le wt. posssasins oboe. TI.. .'LL.• oily 1-• ~ : apt- .4 to the temperament of ig I , r 1041,1,:.tal taking 1t,,.... sa d used in snob gonna ti, ii ii, t , ket gently nn (..../ the liiieeLiti 1,... thii ~ • Lau., of tour 'A In.l:tin ot guide ton In •1,.. ~..• if the LIVER' w ISV I t:oRATOk, nod it it,- ,re Liver l'ons.lplaints, Ww' illo At. fork., D ) op epoia. Chronic Dtortiunea, • it „,,, I', m it. e ntt I It . , tnler3,Denlet,ftourStowl we3, 14whi , nal costive- 1 .., oem. Choleric, Chair. ro. ('bolero llorboo. ( bolero lafanteene, .. lott.iitirP, mnito , :lite, tp- sit mac , Weaknesses •n d Rll% torlt sted .ikecv-ogful.l t n as so Ordinary Flint. 13r . Irdielne. It •iii ILI cure SICKBEA D• %UDE, 'it. th...iiiialtiti• an testif.),) let twenty minute., f t5,...r three Teappoonfoli are take/tat - • nourne,nent of MIA,. . i All lobo age It are /011 ,, g *lt, tswl.butoss P . I In its fi s sor rir MIX WATEIkIN TOE MOCTH WITH TIDE INVIGIOILITDE, AND SWALLOW both together, I • !Lt.. CATHARTIC PILLS, A , F.A.LTABLX LITILat"IB, AID rrr cr iI ou.sacAsts, I', P.mlly Father- tie te a gentle Lot active , a tharto• whtrb * the T.rvirrietor has need In lit , ;iracitce more 'hen A, ao years. The caastant.2. Inemeaslog demand [rum lb.*. slit, have lone u.. d the.. •—• PILLS, and the satifac ii. ma which alt exprees• a in reward to their use, has in.luce.l me to place them. /„" within the reach varall. The Pinfeesi• u weilbuow that different Ca *.ltartics act I.n Litlet , tt r,3,4 portions of the Rowels. Ir,PSIIL r t- 7111. 1 111T1C PILL ham, II•f. . u.. to tt, eel. •ttablished tact, bees ¶i • ni a cart- C.) Mr of the purest Teireta• hie Flitracts, - which act alike on every part of the alimentav canal ud are " 4 GOOD and SAPS to all cases where thartic 1/. latiltied, &Wit. la DE LAINGIs3IENTr. 01 1 _„ TUN, T M• CH, rub* ID K Bach and Loins, Costive neer, }'stn and riorene.• ewer the whole SoilY. [torn sudden ~I , 1, w 1td, 41 4 .retiriently, U Deglocted, in I h.og uart, LON, 01 A , a 14 1 i liter the only, Reatiess. news, 11. adeelo r sncht n the head, all loges. matory I) fee am ee, W111t51... in Children or Adults, 1.012. 131 ~/1-31. a it great Patlger of tLe Blood, .aud mar /k• ~YY • to, VI bleb beak litteir, uu mei wia to nieht.ou U ir• this advertisement. Dose. I, t.• 3 - Price, 30 Cease. The Laser and Ireautly Cathartic lilts are r. Druggiate Kr 111 111.14, *IA sold who!, rale by the 1 rade to all the halo. L. ens T. W. I..INFOIitD, M. D.. Ilanufm•turer and Proprietor, :135, trettilwa). New I • rk. J oil INAL—Iya. PEAcii :,1 ove the lioffalo Road, , Ach,.vn .s. anu'idtwitpertfull) call taw attent..its t.. 1 the pul„ t< t., their large and complete rwilortinetit,of P 441 E AND JTON ES. mr of tli• moat awful and durable kinda awn .•ani t fail to glir. Natnifartion to thaw who are ttum. We warrant all on , .tote. and when aatiatartion f rrot,.! .11 Mr party, ilinire not ITteitO value ti fiir nt - tr E.., we will mak, it ail right. Our storre MEM •• 'tend Le al I Rill ph re , t•••••iitable to borne roanufac t rre • ME MEI ,K, • Sad 1r.,n0 and II! wanner alCaat 6111 f tt or tnannlswtnrt..l to order A • , p t . .% •I'of %TN of On perinf make and dare t.. 1 t . • on t ntnt -1 rail and a fair trial of our art. 'es • a': • ...I. 1r..; lA.. ad: ,roarraoti, aatuafactinn. .:1, A‘.HEr-I , N HENRY. Stranbro's Patent Seed Slfwer ! Clover. Timotliv, Millet and F itL.,, r an..n Grass ti h. it, Barlei &ad .arty ail ►tnds o•f Plai , t, and Lime. There nttarl.m4 nt to this for sow ing in rows, u t liana, i arrot., Onion. 11. pt. and Sugar Cane SOlNitlie MEI T'.,. %furl Ito. Id". row lawn Lofore the Farm e rs of ,s{, can %nil 1,11, been tested by more tae.. :so 1.11'1.1,4 I arrne•r *II Pi whom are Willing to cire at rot : a r 1.3 h.-al co In their Was•,r. lin;.:ol.•ii.ent rt fnd 4nwinQ enlll.ifii m the USN I w vont .mall rot.. In oornionation with tubes or it, I, prr.t,ot frf•M the of the t h at it wiirlf• uif at: •ti and with much mule, , 40•. c j rif. sir '1 lb, 6.e-barged without r 1% g • I. n , t ..f. 4. to the case with other P.ln t.r :uo.r.d I. as to SO. &ay but,,, u...4t.“, • , 1* ratn, the ...d is well Reit. t XII In' lllAlit . It, t,ran. t‘to hundred Flllllllll - 1; c 1,1 weir ct , a,lrw bw ultr. trtlit •bd scoo•t rrliable or b.. 6wu urd ti...ny • l• W. t airman, Homer Johnson, Bur" I bay er John tor pion. all of Plymouth ti.oh , .1 uPtin Ky•lloitz, liv•r/ am, MOO. H. I , i, Hut u., t0.i.1, llr A di*, I,ry, I. I o t. 711.• Wad..., took Ike first prerassat at the /dui's- Ara .1 ~, t ale Four Joe tat wear 1t...4% and raw et menu Casa p• Fart so 1%,„. same :gate I't„.obly $l5 ou !or thr ilachtoe. all Ma al.ttat, sarrat,,to,l to lot , . 'lll.:at:tr.:J. and mob 114mb:in:t -oo art, a tun.. .t they 10 not prove so, and the tn,,nry w: . .1 rriundrq, A trrr Taau arta County }tights for ss'r in tt • %hit.. Adam., 11 N. HILL, Pontiac, inch- For .alo br \ V. I i.tdrll, ll•r+b kCo , sad 0114, EC!. vie, Ore 31, 1850-Bm9o I=lll/11911 t 1 Lt . • A • I r•u: (Alt or 41 , 111,,t tall* n IXI 11 Kllll 1., 1 I )Itrr,.rs s •Tri/ • tr. \Et f. LI,A4:E I'HOPERI'Y Fk.)l: SALE. Tit NoW OFFERS FOE Al.i .100 IArTrI, to UNION VILLAGE, Erie Co . Pa. ooe tirtu • f 6.lVrew one of 80 acres, and another of lln aerev. ail put:a:J4.'or !obits or outlots ; two es ev:ien t it airy J. 04 1: ut4 too mitre from Inu o TL I% it at prosent the best It ENLCA OIL rtt in Fir.• ot.i. W. Plank 60 fret n this Laud, and i• itrort, ruing with great MINIMA, ytantutrs ei otl haring folreed ttselt os, the top of it,. iv. It t , the ninet douriphoes village in krt. eonntr, the -unhury 'it'd Erie Railroad paselog directly I , tton,:h t', malting it the first point out of Rile of vouch Importance. The Atl•ntte k Gnat Western Rauroset D o e in progroes, passing through it %leo Fifty-three pima ft.l.l.linga hair been moth. to Uti 01 the year, tho goret health of our inhabitants. the prosperity of our tame-. and tradesmen, Niti)t.lnei to wake ruins Tlit ri too to forest yoar surplus capital. CONS AND pdh: IS IT. P if STRANAIIAN JulIN GI: 111.01, TAILOR• por of •••1 II e and Voort,, e•ro Fn•, It, k,4.1• c •n•tantly on %%1111114.e to order, 'S AND MKS'S CLOTHING.. . r SUNBifil & ER/E RAILWAY, aft4MIN4IIMINEARIN CHANGE OF TIMM! ON and after MONDAY the 13th inst , the PAASENGF.R VW,: nit LEAVK WAR. HEN, at 7.30, A. 31., daily, Ounday excepted) ar riving at Erie at 11.•20, A. M. 13.E 4- 11733.2Z1NG, LEAVE ERIE, a; 4 P. N., after arrival of 'Lake Shore Roads ; arrive at Warren at 14.13, Pt rir On Mondays., Wednes sac Is al 1.46, A.Y. a Local Freight Train with teen attached wUI lase, Erie for Warreu, art,, l at . a. Returniag oa alternate will let .t amp (or Die at 12.40. A. M , an 4 arrive at Erie at i. A P. M., : 2 AWL. A. BLACK, Supt. W. D. flupc• W D Erie, Feb ED 11160.-99. ODOM DITCHER WHOLESALE GROCERS RARR k JOHNSON No, 10, BrQu'li's Blod Erie, Oct. 8,18 S). N OT 1( ' E.—The Furniture, Chair, Spring Bed, Sale and Communion Store of G. W. El I. O El' hap been alum ,rn t o the Beta Ing on Wnat next Jarears Gun Stop, between and Nina/0041*ln, no State. gni% Pa. Nov. It, 1869. 1 9 000 LBS., ZINC.—FRENCH and AIMLW/a, Snow Whit. and Ponaidatia 24tf OMITS* It IRO. SAN FORD'S rrire Our Dollar t"''• Houle - k [...41- SANFORD'S FIMII.I ()NINA SUED =I I=l EAGLE FOUNDRY. ITZEIM! Great Seneca Oil Prospects. J. 0. BURGESS a CO., .6.3.4,23. tis far FAIRBANK'S SCALES ! SPALDING'S (PREPARREI► oLLIF erauniors PftEPA REP f. I I'F: ECONOMY ' MO• 1,1,1-• %It I ri l l- Stitcli to Timex aecleleale snit hams, erea is rea-refri.aitd jesethea tt la virry deeirablr to have atom cheap atAl I way for rrpaitinq Yurnitore, Toy., Crorkerr meets all rust, mergencir a, and 1.1 0,1101. • S:a !La d to b• without a It i• slirsy• read) an.' r ' , lrk ing•point lturrs is no longer a twocesslt , for litoplog chairs, splintered renews, headless dull.. broken cradles. It is foot the article for rose, shell, 1001 otbl ornamental work oo popubsKwltb the ladies of iv/lora:war and taste. Tblsadisdrable preparation is used , old, Wins, chotni • sally lead in solution, and possessing all the rain).). qui littp e of the t..a •abinstiriskets• (.10• h Ma! 11..4 In tbs Saes of otdtnarj smoilse, beaus wor• ad bears .I.ISEFUE IN EVERY tiOrtil. N. 11.—.‘ flntaL •tWID(a4IrfMQL iwttl.• Proof -to Put u o for Dealers le Ease* eoutaaulakg (our,.n gli t, and teeth . . drawn, a taeutiful I.lo,ograph alto. I. r mf o tu panting mei. package. ZA dangle konttl. : 4 1' ALLAN I'REPA REP I:LLF. ee tea ttmea Ha cost annually to arm bolambold sow bj sal Kumla/tut Stationers, Druggiata, hardware and Furniture Dealer.. rir.eer., and Fauri 4 1 or,. Cowstry mereiwunto should toskon do t..:f :WA I . I /I SG" PRIMARID 01.1 'IC when mulling up .11elt at: .tat li will *tend any ehtne.le SPA I DING 1 PhP.PAP.I 1 , wi soLD BY FL Ft \ HOLD HY COUNTRY MERCHANTS dENERAI., T Maio:tacit, red b .L4Crwea Post-Whoa, Box No. 11,60 Q ei la liza Alybabetual List 01 A rtlCir • a Lit-12 damage.! ma, b. rratured to then urigtaai u vein I tooso by A Mende Account-84.ra. B Mends Bureaus • ~ends Cradles D Mends boils h. Ltaseres Mends Fens • Mends guitars H Mends HArps I Menus Inlaid W.-re J Mends Jars K Mends Knobs L Mends Leather Wort M blends Mirror-Frame. Is' Mends Newel I casts Uttumac• Y • Mwd. hano-k ortes • Memds quilt-Frames II Mend• ituelciut-I{..rees S Mends S. Ica Mende Tables • Mend. I.robrell. ✓ Mend/ tsae. Y. Mends Work Hoses • Mends Xylograrbic tt., ks I Mende Yard-!tieks Z Mends Zephyr W....1-Work is In conclu..a , u, useful in Libraries and I s iteo , lll Soho Mend. :".14.11 -ts Mends Fuiet A 11..:14.1s Hubby 11..zses 25 Mends 1551..14u5t....pes 2V $4041.1 H..oey Bose* Jrl I.lemis Plata:. Frame. 31 mt oats Stteretanea 3.Z Mends t rove:lug 33 Meads :School r urultuys 44 Mends Papier Mach,. 3, Mends Wardrobe, 3t, Mends Pansu 37 Mends Crab. 38 Mends Baby Jumpe r. by thuds ivory N vvlc 40 MeCIAL4 41 Mends Pictures 4.1 Mends QuiU N Lends Towel hacks 44 Mends Wash Mande 45 Mends Bedsteads 46 Mends Drum. 47 Mends Chessmen 66 Mends Ballot hoses Menus lierbaratim 60 blends fisetgaanmon 80, 51 Mends Band Roars SY Meads black boards 53 Mends Bass Vs.., • 54 Mends Baliasrd tablas Mends Bilitard Coes 66 Meads bird Cages 67 kends.Broemstacks 59 Blends /tool. Lases m e ads Boot Crimps 60 Mends brush Handles 61 Mends Brushes 63 Mends Cabinets 64 Mends Churns 65 Mends Clock Cases 66 Mends Crutches 67 Mends Cupbtaros Mends Curtains 79 Mends Casings 70 Mends teddies 71 Mends turnery' 72 Mends Chairs 73 Mends Charts 74 Mends Clothes-Fran:leo 76 Mends Card-Cases 76 Mends Chests 77 Mends Dairies 75 Venda Work-Stands By Mends Draught-Boards 80 Mends Dashes yY Mends Divans 51 Mends Dice-Boles Mends Doors 53 Mends Dominoes 84 Mends Fireboarda BS Mends nuts" 56 Mends Ballusters 67 Mends Glassware atk Mends Hiszvllev VV Mends Deltas Pearl. Wsr -90 Mends Kates 91 Mende Tops Mends Orßaa. s 93 Mends Models 94 Mends Sewing Mach,. 146 Mends Panels Mends Pasteboard W.. 97 Mends Patterns 08 Mends r.idetooards 98 blends Wooodeo-Ware 108 Mende Winos-Ware a11,,t lb. ..ra their; BOLD BY COCNTRY 11KR( .4 Naaullieturyd by A tld rags Put up is Twelve I" oxen sub .Stare Street Meow 17 NOTICE, TO P II YSICI A N Oaalata of Cerium, l'or Chloride of Iroo. Hydroeysaate of Gun, nip of tho h,•11. 14214. of Illancsoese, lodide of Zioc, Brasaide of Potion. Tama* of and ether rare eat valuable Cbarakal Preparations ran be found at the Store of 36 CARTER k BRO. SPALDINCPS PIIKPAItt I' SAFE TAE PIECES 4 i . 4 i DWG'S PIIkroIRED (11. re , I• AIMING a Box No. 3,600. 1\ 1..:1 C:it.tUl. IN BVERY HOU- k: tPAI.I.INg. , I FREPARED t;LCE. SCOJD TIY STATSONEIL, S' ALDING'i YRF.I . ARFI` .:1 ' b 01.1) BY DRl.:4.k.tzsT:: , e.441111(6"8 PREPARED ut.t. i 601. D BY H►RDwARE PEA! EN SiPALLISCPS PREPARE!. GI I I SPALL/INt.'S L SOLD BY }UNAITVRBDEALEHJ SPALDING'S PRI;PARkb is I 4 1.1.11 BY FANCY•OOOOS LILA 1.141.:, I=l .OL.L) EIY ußtick.ft.., =! HENRY C SPALI,IN‘, A 4 30 PLATT STRi.E.T, PR}.I'A REA) GI U. Melds hethres Mends Accordevi.s flea.:••.r !feuds Oaguerrek.ilp. Venda lames Muds Nes. liresfag.s Meads cks Mends School 13n ,, ts Meads Parasols Minds liulets Meads Ma. Mends Paper fianion. Mends Arm-Chairs Mend. I:idtet I J14{14.41 Meads k.raser 1.14, :le.. Mewls Menole (.l.ube• Msnds Luustued Lest re Mende UpholSten-d k u rte Mends En-I:est. ee Mends Aetali %sada ILen I:tont-A.6 Mends Yule. ma SPALPING':•• :-4.1.1) BY STATIoNFRA srAt.ntNGz PREP•HF.D 0.1 ! , 01.1) BY BRUUGIS'N . 11 YALDING'S PREMARK!. 8 , [!T• S-I.D BY GROCER*, SrALI)ING'S PREPARID Gi.cp !OLD BY HARIPEARF. STufi,El. SPALDING'zi YktKPAREU LI:E. SOLD BY HOUSE FURNISHINo STORii, SPALDING'S PRI"PARPD 5 1 01. D BY VA•t'Y k 1 APALPING'S IREPA NEP £ HENRY C. 4PAI.DING. k Co N. , 3U PLATT QTR ET. so -IN I .•r\ Prot OVltto, Box No 1,600 rases entail alug• either i , ~,r A loam tiful Lithograph o w accompany tog each Package ROSTETTE STOMACH B 1 MEE! =EI L- • 114/1 Ist, 1.• •• h•• r , Jooii I hiladi , •f; • • r.. to oog: o 14•1••• to . 4, - 0 -, re. t . „ . . . , • c.t, •wt n.r leapt • • •• I 1.1.10 , o• • • Ott r..• •• • •.7. 1t0.... • t •h•flo LA OV 4 A ,. , 1:1•11. a) Oa , n. to trUe,, ' 1 Lrc.. f./ Ail-1..., • h t ir arm, r MEE= pr , ' '.u. I •st it•vr. r ng .IW', • . "stir a/kit ; (t • f ALI% mol• t. •It 'l , . • sl`.l • wit t$ In ''' , a o. boi,e ' MEM I=l IIIICEIMMENI:1 a• prf...11 • I *by a„ 1.1 K AZ I kLIO•fl t. le l•. • .1 , • I.• . ,• • _ .trent tbrts.r 01 to. .%.1•-111 In /1., 7.4 i. I. n :130 G• fin.• • I= 10 , 1 , 11 1,114 1,0 r. to .4 Al 11.• • kIrPA 4..4,1 1. 40, Ito to , , ste• •ab 11 lt. n h. I • .1. NOS ?1" rt.u. I ~., 1 .• !. 94.2 p rwt • • 1,.11.7. •)., •tt 41( NIL : tl• k• ..••• I I = =I MEM =a , ~• ( 11 thr n a y r r i• Tiff7l.F. • • 111 I' y b =:1=11 LLB• !./fltt al“ Pk Mac. ova tr d t,„ 111 I o,stp r2ll, I .1 a ytata, yr (ere, ~nag, ••, „ 46:t, • I _I roan, . R 71.;:. 1' 1. \ t • ' SRI GREAT WO of- liii: NINL.IEE PROFESSOR HAIR RESTOR 5.. , ,Y . th.. -, 11...1f vt, we ;1.1l.1.•11 • ..C.r 1. I; m a grut.raun. 13 1i v ~ ...i..., , enpertnr TM Tit , r ( torr L., • .r., I),C Lakl r 11. let C . :, R rdr.a • rlr. a._ I. I 01.41.31•IVIP, rib , l••••,•• lol•t• : . • - Prelims,' 4 J k I 1*•1114' • trllv „ rL rxt , I.q Hs-, I WI.. 11.“• • w to,u • tit Mt 0.1 , L.2.k r , . rat,k ... •. • I • t had .1101.,.. • ;.rocva• • r . • , -• f • • Line 4 . lEEE! lEEE OEM it , 1 , 4 t i tl , , ; NI DR. LA CR i i r li 25U' SEMI tern, 'a I 1.1,1 , ‘r A LL ) o .• .) 1.1 A.l h• • , kl • L . =REIM 10 •11.1 , uc L.. ou- •• ; t•. • I. •.. AN:. .1 , 1 • t. tut,. , • . . Itsiso f 11 atc • diPti n 7,111•1,1 • 1). , •1" LIAR uo•pat'ltp•t:: tremlq-pre earn rK lit , • a , 21 att r 'A ai 11“ , !1, • lA,It • • ;,. 1 W • I 111II=E1 ,; ~ , it. I tlr , 41 •‘. • ••• .t.) • ' th• •• t4..deit,s , • •rganlzati" n art. . 1.0t..t t • lad, 9 91. b... 1,9,11 In .11 n. t It tip r IMO Et=l Vrakt tr.. tr • ly tonVolrtola I tar ur Illy. I, %. t". is T 01: I.IL_!T . \'. i , a . I , —. lc I Iverotra 6•• C•a!tNoa (Welt twq , r • 1 ,Irr log* 1.1 r . • .3 :17 I=l TIN 1:4..1. &r. 1..1 • .I;, '•, n. • •sy •• It il•rtl• to 1,9,101,1 i t • 1.• . ' r •r• tire Moo. Act., • , 114 rtO:weta., 0 r Ile 'EH L. r. t... 4111) a .1 . 1.0 1a1..:‘ l. •, quite.: A ht.... I:. .i.". lebls-- I 3-.• , 13 .,Nt.-t• 1. Where ehd I g., AUS brIZIg a 10 it A When lttl And St,g4. .r'.' Your &41003Q111444•• I. 10 1P 6o Ltu .• t• . And 1. 1. •4,cne talc. F .ht. Who •I. uit pl.. it It.l • (il , t II p r••: Who Of. Mllfftlyal .1: I 1 ' r•t •• • • UIIII= 1.0 . 11 at hi. I. J-• A . M 1•• At the streets Nth .giki : 4 13 Lrlo, X are h 12,165 V.--44.), Ea Ii CIE1111! 1!1=!I 1= per-tp - oni I= , , • . 1. t ~ 1111111 li=l2l =I M. \ '1 \ . $44.