ma-rE • GREAT WONDER OF THE NIS ETEF:STII CENTI'M PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. 't Al the St. Louis. (Xto.) Dent/x.llst Below, we publish a letter to Dr. 5t0..1, of Ia t , from • gentlemen In Maine, which ,pmts Kloirtugly o r tbe superior merits of his hair Louie_ Such el Khmer Lowt have Its effect, when coming from a reliable sour,. Ie ' certificate. are guarantees of truth, t h e Itr uawi. ,„„ COIXIIIIIIIa, nor useless puffery from the pr.r. Hai I Sat, Professor U J /food tr Co GICNTLkaIIiN Having nu attention called a few month. wind' to the highly beneficial effects of Your ball rest , /a- ; tIVe, / was Induced to make application of It upon in! oa n hair, which had become quite gray, probably one-thiru white ;my st blinkers wir of the same character ?Lome three mouths Mince I procured a lr oith. of four hair muff. ratite, and and It 1 bbon b,und it was prni In t ; • bat I had wished I used it shout twice a 1..44 I hate 41bre procured another bottle of who - h I ha•t. nosed won.. I can now certify to the solid that the gray of white hair has totally disappeared, hoth on my head and fafv, fi• ii my hair has resurelt.,l its natural c. liar, and I bailers lin•lt soft and glossy than It his been before for tWenty.ti Vt. years. lam now sixty years old sny ggo..d ode at the s i re of fifty-two, has nerd it with %cal.. vflect. The above notice I deem due to ou for our ialuablc discovery. lam assured that • hoe, or s ill rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my statement. lam a citizen of this rill and a resident here fur the last Illteen years. and ain known tomfarl, every one hero and adjoinitur I. xb. Ally u cal. , make of the • with rorywatii- atilt, Lieu, IC at , oar aerrlet, th. 1e • ..I c In tither, as I ain trb , r., I=l Prufessor Wood— in' •he titdort.4l,o to 10. ee the beta portiots , o Lair. trout the ettectp of the yellow fever I.llettn, tr. aao itluoel to make a tital of your l rellttrAttid, aLd h•un.l it to .1, swrr a. the very tt.1.4 uer.lot half I. uO.l I ►u.l tin worst. Call rapt.... uo t.lo.ration. ,ou .0 Ktt in¢ to It.e silt rted .urh a treaeurt K !tra c k!. u A lii,Lirter Hi rOg Ull. •tamhnt. sod rtkai, I t'• I Lur• 1, .1 roultbeld, Mats He u a ge; h eu,a n ni trent intlurur. univor.a:ly bri, •rd Wuott lk-ar •It Itar uw taa..,- t. .a. tier iteptornttiv. rt Kit... bit i.uta.urr t... 1%, that ti• t. et Las bet a altrileut lu t. Ill..Vllttg,1t14.0, nut ► rototant tort.lro. tto ill K. a ith which I hare torvil tthunieti from mt na.4 had alt.. rr,r,rval this i.s, Lieti 14 1,. ber..trut, gra,, • ps.,l 5.t... r rf v. ill, h 1%. tact pleaptary a.l pn,6t 1 ot.ra lirotoratise IP pit up of 3 *item, tt.: and tt, t. a put, and i.tailP fur our pt.r I iittii the 11 ,, Itan at twenty yrr I.t toor. In i 1 ttii n !hall •UlAn rrtatir fOr 114.• 41(.1 t.(0110. ;1, K ~uart, 4(1 rent /11.,re LIJ r. p , ri. 0 ivt qo .1 NlOllll A. I 1., I? •, F• stri aliV. \.. ork (In tbe yrut. \ l it. r an. 11l Market I And sold by I.rUgg vt. au, k an. y 1•01.6 h ,atrr. "BANG UP" fillY'.llEs When era. Reldltrocertee, Where did 1 go wit hout And bring a load honie ou n a nt When Tea i• wanted, to 0 1 er: ,err, And Sugar to entire! with care, You'r always lure 1.0 Cod them a 1.., Who has lots of rboires ii•itier And other kinds of whol,sonie Besides *1.700 others otoler•l... 41 Who green you with IL 1 , 111111L,S And shown you .11 that's to eeer. trot up SO lahle), I le/to Who keeps the ortelnal • •13 4%1. 1I The best that's made beneath the • For which en ninny long and Who'. at hie poet 1.111 early Si..' let. To watt on all—big. small and great, At the ettert• eon). rof Sib nod 11 BA! 1,14 * /.% brie, March 12,1.59 —do, HATS & CAPS AT COST. .1 VI NG made ! mr - o. 1119•11/P tog.. 1r 11,er 1 . ,t . 1 Is.• ••• k • I. 111.1 .:Jfif • - - Jlll,j. New York. I bat. a Imo .rk 1.111 be !told at uutioual r it. I , IIITII Erie, 11 , 1. 15, 1959 —l9 C7O-T-OEI -1 2' . Off . [ r II . Cffi.Bv return , in. -kne.l,• thank , 14 numerous friends arid patron,. for 'Aft LITOrf COLBY 1s still taking the Low l'Ecair PICrl atm ' COLBY now propnses an astomidang reduction ID the price oral! the higher priced Anthroty pea ' knows you have heretofore paid farce tutus Nu mach for Pictures as you aught. ('.,1111* determined to bring the price of Ambrotype Futures (and really tl,. iinly perm., worth having,) within th. Kearh I the Masecs Colby is really the tcerae'rnicoefa4 tor, •It nil times lie found In the itomwzwir I.; ft o, l'a , hrst door weirl of Bank of Commerce E CITY MILLS B II A V 1.11(:-.T Pt opt it•t(o • ER H. MAJITTACTrRKK AYiU WuoI.IISALX IAD RiTA:L Flour , Corn Meal, Mill Feed, BRAN, (,AT. 4 „ (1)11N, , FLOUR AND FEED STORE, At my Old Stood, Barka • Block, or ' r mouth of ill corner, cut aide of the Park, Fri.neh greet, where I bar constantly on hand Fl.(/1 it of all kioda of toy ow n clod tog, Corn Meal and 111.1 Kntu and :4,4. hp, c orn oats, Ste, all of w hirh will be 001.1 at the low. at markt. rater, Singly for (Wail, and free of charge the City II It II AV I , EISTICE Erie, April 30, lafak SCA L E.. % ) : KM prrpart-ti t.. ftt nunl, air• of an) Lend .lie at much len prtePas than ever 14 fore told in Ulu. city ♦ug. 20 J C. SELDEN = Bed, Sale and Commusloa Store t 3 VP ELLSEY ham been REM" .‘ ED to the Molt Rudd tag On West side, nest to Jareeki's Gun Shop, hetirevi Eighth and Ninth, on State, Ene, Pa. Nur. 12, 1869. Great Attraction for the Holidays ! West, Park JEWELRY STORE PARat,ON BUILDING, NEAR I'EACH : , TRELT, ZEFt.X3EI, THE Proprietor of this e" , tablishrtient now receiving mud opening, from New York City, a meat extensive is tatty of eiegant GOLD. SILVER, PI. ATED AN FANCY GOoDS, Expressly se.ected for the Season Trade, which the public are respectfully invited to examine, hoping something may be found suited to the taste of every on., with it. dui:emeriti. In the way of Low PItICIS to make purchases. Having the Goods and facilities to supply soy demand, a share of patronage 11 expected Dec. a, IM9-26 T Y A CSTI - pitziraz ! BEIZINE ! ! 1.• For removing C Srtrrs, from Stile N ado.. tr.., lust melted and for sale at LIALDWI%. i I n tro STOISR, No. 6, Reed Haw, Erre. (.F - ipEA(' i .. An excellent article for the cure of Coairisa, Colds, Irr scold at HALIPKIV:. lottl SfORE, Kee.' Ilona.. PLATE') CA K E BASK ETS--New Dow opening at the R" .1 Pork ..Irstrlry Store, 26 PARAGON BUILDING, near Peach 't NEW GROCERY And Provision Store ! sIT NO. 1 REED HOUSE, ERIE, PENNA - L_T .1. WHA 1.1,4)N. ha.. 4 on hand and %% 411 m a . sell as cheap as can be bought elsewhere, for Cash or Produce, any of the following lrtciea, Yli Flour, Fish, Salt, Fruits, Tea, Coitus, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Otl, Ste* , Ware, Wooden •Ware, Tobacco, t igars, ConfenUonerieis, etr., etc The assortment lo all Fresh, and of the first quality I invite an examination of my stock and prices, hoping by strict attention to boisiormi and honorable dealing, to merit a share of patronage - My motto is "Quick gales and Prompt Returns 7 Produce of all kinds wanted ri 4 ., Dee. 24, 'fiit--3nal 114. W 1141.1.0 Valuable Land for Bale. THE UNDERSIUNED t )FFEIL.4 1:4 )i{ bale • tract of land known an the "Riddle tract' ly• ins filar coital east of Waterford, oo the Erie te Waterford phiwk Pwilidlf , da containing about I,uuo aerl hie laud it tkabered, and admirably adopted, when cleared, •er t.rening purposes—it i• also divided by the Sunbury e.rico Railmad It will he mold in a body or subdivided in tracts to suit purchasers. July 16 1669 - 6t I SASH, DOORS & BLINDS. T HE subscriber having - leased the• lately occupied by c e , apectfully inform the public that h• will continue to min übucturw MASH, 11001114 81.111 4 41 m, s i neKiNu mot i.utNus, &e.. of the best mat. rials, and In a style or werlman.l4l, that cannot be excellesl in thin city SURFACE PLANING and sCIIGLI. sA WIN( promptly attended to and executed to a superior man oer All work warranted, and proms as cheap atb cheapest. Itepatring and small pad, promptly att•tAfdtt Sbop oo Pesch St., a km doors north of Baptist Church Erie, Dee, 17, 1t1695-211U JAME' i'll‘K)1( NOTICE. L I. BALDWIN jS the affth,o7:ed I. th.e male of DR. ?(I,THAV WEAL !..XTRAtt tent OF FIREWT in the raty of Erie. Read the folio.. ing Erie, b., 70, 1%30 1 hereby appoint 1./1 B•LIOX IX my agent for the aMe of Weever.. Larant ,f f ',creed to the city of Er*, and girl to him the mile end errienen sale in mad city. N. WFA reeetnll Ifilibing to get the re. 111 1 ,4 artiat brand go to 11t1.1 , ‘111%%4 DRC Dee 17, 'l#ll- :Vg. ES: l' , 1:1 • •••_ Paint. skruol.ll suns,N 'ar own, toast) awl fancy Hair awl ..asorlUitsit of ail beds, f Ritt7,HES, 16 , Eidow, Qoi,r, , er Twat, •nd 'ern Of ral• ME GRISWOLD'S COLUMN• ;;PPP AUTUMN TRADE! ! DRY GOODS STORE ! ==! IIE!11!l!M1T1!13IllIl =MEM FIN y RV Ilil l!rilM1:1 .1 K. BRAG,, lIREIEM3 MEI= I auk 1 ON. 1.% par ti rltLlu the In. TR% 1.4%. .ad fr"in tL I= JAMFS Atty In fart, (Irtr =EI , TIM... , Reed /low. T 8 SI/iCIUIR STATE i,ST'XiMP.II", Opposite Brown's Hotel ! rHk. LARcr AND FI FGANT MAIIRLIN HIDLINT EEO Great Attraction in Erie. t tit! Dry Goods, CARPETS, etc., FOR ALL 4 ►F NORTH WESTERN PI4:NN'A. AND ARE OFFERED AT r_ionini I=orloe•ns 1111 N t DK SOLD WI lIY 10151 II THE 11111 11 1111 WM. A ORISWOLD I 4 -11... T It IirkIVRD ANTI Now Offers for CASH AT 'r ti F x.trurEtfr PB.XCES. The Largest & Most Attractive Stock o CEIL.IEL romrir as .A.1•71:1 House Furnishing Goods, In Marie k 1 !444 f 4 f 4 4 A :-AVIN(I “). From 10 td 20 per Cent CAN 11 MADE BY BUYING GOODS At this Establishment 1 t ! Its , t i i EVF.HV DES(_'RIPTIuN uF _IDR.,.,SS SILICS, MI DRESS GOODS iNNA, FRENCH, Blil 'll E, WOo( )1,, AND Sitellet ES3aistwlis BI.AcK AND (4)LoRED cl' "I II cLoAKS AND HM;LA NS Montebello Cloaks, I'llE (lEMS ()F FAS II I ()N loak Cloths and Trimmings. PA (TERNS F'ilt CLOAKS and RAGLANS Rich Point Lace Seta, 4 'ollar4 and Sleeves from $2ll to s:.t Valenciennes and Gipure Lace Collars an.l Sleeves, Fine French and Setts liars & Sleeves, Embroideries & Lacei, TRIMMINGS Hosiery and Gloves, IX)IITSTIC AND House Furnishing Goods EVERY sqIILE! Madder Prints 61 cents per ard. fte.t M:uld,•r Prints wa ted. only 10 cents per yard. ;nod quality Ueta►ines only 124 cents. More than one hundred A les DeLaine lest finality made, 2t) d.. worth 2s. 0 A 4 Carpets and Oil Cloths, JUST II FA 'EI VEI ( - )V ER 2® PIECES For,osifing ,Single Rooms ma Howes Will find it to their advantage to examine hi, STOCK English, Velvet and Brussels C/ALIEUPTErreII, All Wool, Three Ply and Ingrain CARPETS! A grr4l Wool Carpet for 50 eta. a your( A g.44lCarpet for Nil 'GU ETTS. RUGS, i'lll'Mß CLOTHS • MU= ace and Embroidered Muslin, Curtain Window Drapery ! DAMASK A\t► WINDOW SHADES &c WM. A. GRISWOLD. Erie, Jet. 21. 1559—.17 (SRO VER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED HIM SIM MI MS N EW Extra Charge $5 for Hemmers 495 BROADWAY, Thaws Y►ehtae! Ow from two .pool►, .a porrhared from um More, rogulrlifi no re-winding of thread , they Bowl, Fall, Giothor, ►ad titch to ► ►apocior My le, lag each seam by their own operation, without recourse to the hand-needle, as as required by otbsr machine% nay will do better nod •beatwr sewing than a seamstress can, even Vitae works fbr owe rest es Agar, and are, o n questionably, tti' at Machines In the market for fitnily sewing, on account of Until simplicity, duratility, ea.« e taariarrtmeot, sod adaptatkm to all varieties 01 fao.ili rowltsfp---aaacating either beery or floe work wltb eyoal and without special atliaatmeot Al *Thiene. of the Unaptedinned ■uperionty , •1 blectonee, the Georti k ti•iie SkitlNG 1f At rll{T beg leave to manta (fully n•fer I. the 1.11.,m to. .flavlng had one Eoi GrOttr R Baker's llstobows iu ini family for nearly a year and •halt, I take pletuori Su commending It as every Way reliable tur the purpotu• for which it is doalrke4—Fannly Sewing."—Mrs Juskra Learsti, alb , of Nes Dr Iseult, Er blur of 11 I /adv. penkleal "1 coulees myself delighted with your Seyriug o.he, which hike been in my family for many mouth.. It h.. Marais teen ready for duty, requiring uo adjnotuiroh is easily adapty-il to rrrr y vanety of family yeti • I.y irlschpl changing the spools gd thread."—Ai r ry 11,•abrth S rife of Rev In. ..itriekiaml, Chemises Aloocate. "After trying soarers.' differrut good ma, llinra, I prv• !erred yours, tor atruunt of ita simplicity, and the per• feet tame with which tt is managed, as well u the litreorth and durability of the seam After long experienee, I (set competent to sneak In this manner, and to ronlideutl) recommend it for ever,' variety of family sewing " Afro B Spooner, wife of Ike Fab/ ye of lerooicive Mar I have axed a Gaovaa k 13Aara Sewn. %Machkw for two years, 'Lod halls found it adapted to al klo.i of fam ily sowing, frum Cambric to Broadcloth Garment. hare been woru out •ithout the giving way of a putt b The allachtats is easily kept in order, and early used • % Iry A. IR Whipple, inje ql Rn. Whipple, i'Ve re lor "Tour :owing Machlos has been in use in tut family the peat twu years, and the ladles request rue to vet.) ou their tbstbssonials to Its perfect adaptednene, 10. w 1.11 ns labor-saving qualities In the pertormanee t.f rnmi 1t sus' household sewing."— Robert Boorman, Arr I on "For several months we have used Grover , • Sewing Machine, and bare come to the roneium,a that every lady wbo destrvoi her awing beauftfolly grittily done, would be most fortunate in ~f I reliable and indefatigable 1 , 1114,1,' a b " '. combined qualities of beauty, Mantra, used snaphrlty, Ire invilu►ble - -J. Ir. Morns, alaseitt, of G r ., I'. !Yarn, Utter of the Rome Jorriml. Extract of a letter Irmo THOS. R i.KAt II T, M .„ nil American gentleman, now rostient iff ') :of 1, \, VI dated January 12, IS , "I had a teat made Io llelbourue, ,0 I SL.:I, i ab. I, there were over three llionaaad yard* "I ',am, 4,4, with One of Grover k Baker's Madinat., and a single W.. of that has outatodd all the dosale mania POW •••1 Try ...Cory with a needle and twine " "If Homer could hymned up Irgta lu. 11111t‘6 V 11%.1..., h. would slog the advent of Grover & Baker a. a more I." niclarint nairac/e of art than WAS ever Veau ol .11jit h• He would denounce midnight allirt-nutklits a• t 1.4 toi apriog of ware uonusnherrd " Prof Aorta "I take pleasure In' saying, that the lir,,trt kfra. r :t ew i ng ig% c i,,,,e s have i n ,t r , than .uet.w0....1 so, r proa tree After trying and returulog. others, I ha, ti.ree „I them In operation in me different Ours, rod aPter f.tat Terri trial, hare no (cult to tint " / H Ifoom,,nd, Amato, of South Coroftwo •ife has had OD* of Grover it. .1..1 rI. tog Machines for some time, and lam eatuh.. u u ue o. the best labor-saving machines that bay teen 10,1 uteri I take mach pleasure to frcontrorriding r. t t.e pu Lh. ' —J. 0 Harris, Grererrier of Tennessee "It II a beautiful thing, stud pub, bod, tot.. an eitement 01 good humor. Were I a I viii insist upon Saints Grover cod Baker lie, in,: an .•terns , holiday in commemoration of tl.e,r e.:4 r•r I.u• manity."—Claseses N. Clay. ••I think It b 7 far the best patent u t% a. It it% can be aataphr.l from the (facet eatatbrie t.. hou • gr. caseltnere. It sews otronrer, faster, and mor. 1.4 autllu II j than unit can lunaglnn. If mine could not ur rrplaom money could not buy it - Mrs .' f; grove., %alkroll Dean "It Ls speedy, very neat, and durstle in its work : easily untlerstsKel and kept in repair. 1 ~alue•tly rertan mead this Machin* to all my aectosintanees and ethers.' I=l3fl=:===ela "We find tails Machias to work to our satserse-tis.n, mud with pleasure nee:owl:o,nd it to the public, a. se Seise,' the Grover At Baker to be the beet Seeriug Mar Isis.. u..• ' -- Deane Brothers, diluent., True -rr need elciusively lor fatuity purpoees, u itL ordinary care, I will wager they will lad OM. 'three Pro, veins and ten; and never get out sir ti 1 - John ErsksPOrNaskrallt., The. "1 hare had your Machine for several weeks, ►od am perfectly saUsfied that the work it doe■ a the isrst and moat beautiful that eTer was made " - !Ha l ,. Nasbotile, Trim '•1 tae my klactilni=npon meets , dresemsakunr, and m e linen stitching, and the , work is admirable— far Letter than the best hand-sewing, or limy other machine I here e‘er esen."—Lesey B. Tliaseywon, PiarAralle, Tres !'•I And the work the strongest and most beau to I I hive ever seen, made either by hand or marhute • and re. gard the Grover Baker Machine a. nue of th..great..t Weaalnge to our area."—Mrs Myler„Nialtrille, Mot "I have one of Grover tv Sewing Machines lu nee al funlly,and end It intaluabie I can cooedi•ntlr recommend it to all persons In want of a MAtiIIDM "- fr. T. Ties/pea, Nashville, Tram. takeploaaure in certifying to the ut,hh ~1 the Gr„, or & Baker Sewing Machina. I have nerd on• on ►lmoot every description of work for mouth,., and And it much stronger and better in respect than wart donne hand. —Mrs. D. W Wheeler, itashrule, TERN. "1 would bennwilling to diepose of ray Grriver & Baker Machine for a huge amount, could I not replace It sewn a, pleasure."—Mrs. N. O. brute', Ass Amalie, Tree "Our two Machines., purchased from you, do the work of twenty young ladies. W• with pleasure recommend the Grover It Baker Stewing Machine to t,e the best in use."—Air. Stillman 4 c.., Airmapku, Than. "The Grover it Baker Sewing Machine works admirably I think the stitch and work far ouperior to that of any Sawing Machine I ever saw fin tine work, I think the Machine would be Mani to beat W J Dark., Mesimhu, Than. the Machine molly managed, very durable, and take pleasure In recommending it to all aho wish wore economy, and pleasure - -Airs Thus, Airs. Ph4 Tea.. liti Grover & Baker Sewing Machine* hare given such tatietaction that we cheerfu Ily recommend them to all who wish I good and auhetantial Sewing Machine. It executes work with much care and speed, and more curly than any other machine I have seen: —Mrs R 11 Markel!, Mr... Trim "I am happy to give my testimony in favor of Grover k Baker's Sewing Machine, and of the perfect satisfaction it gives in every respect. It awes neatly, and Is by no IMAM complicated, and I prefer it to all others! have seeti."— Mrs. Bryan, wife of Roo J. N. &yea, Alempkie, Tenn. "It affords me much pleasure to say, that the Machine works well ; and I do not hesitate to recommend it as possessing all the advantages you claim for it. My wife Iles very much pleaaed with It, and we take pleasure in cer tifying to this effecV—R. C. Brinkley, kleigokus, Tkup- Zigee me pleasure to find the Grover & Baker Sewing giving en much satisfaction. I have it In con stant tins, end find it all that could be desired. It is the most dinpl!nad durable machine in use, and I heartily , "Haring seen, examined, and need many other kinds cn Bening Machines, I feel tree to my that the Grover & Ba ker Machines are &a-superior to all others In use."—M. Prawns Seitz, Maskedle, Tkaa. "I oonslder my Sewing Machine invaluable, and would not take ave times its cost, I(1 could cot supply Ito p 1.,. With it I no do all my family mewing in shoot one-fourth the time I could with my Land., " M J , Nathrillr, , Tom. 11/1, - SEN I) F( 1R A CI RCU LA R. FRESH ToMATuEs II ERMETICALLY Sealed. retaining the ori K 'nal narnr, in anal cans (or gamily use, on sale at leria, Juno 11, lug —1 Groceries ! Groceries ! ! BECK:MAN, 10ENDIG & CO HAVE JUST RECEIVED from the &latent Cttiei the LARGEST and most VARIED ASSORTMENT of GROCER TES, evorr brought to thisituarket, which we 1.11. r to roll a WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Mao ; ow banal eoustautly, SA LT—PoRK —W I EREL—Ct )1 AX . aascl JR o tett 1 . Also s Largo srooritssal of Mil:mils sod Hemp Rol., 1.6.4 Cords, ?wises, Tarrr4 Rope, /Vista and Pitch, Wholessie sa4 &Mall L CLOTHS 4 W ALL WIDTHS Water Lime constantly on hand 13=2 pi:Ds J uA received from lilt' 4 . 4 intlititi‘. I.,flatiother itapply . the.* Lied% obtained brat pronoun, at 00 Stale Fair, rolling from and antrardn b y the Aga". sonli G. Ir. ELLsky TESTIMoNIALS 2=E==26l:lll J. J LINTS. Agent. Erie March 12, 1869 —1.y.40. No. 2 Wrkohe., Block, Era Pa ' , ll--I.ARD--N.k11..- `,S---14 1, A Ss-Wt )01). AN WILLoW WARE! Also no band 200 Bbls. PICKED Winter Apples LirCountry Merchants supplied trlth a full assert anent. Call and ace us berme purchasing ear BECK VAN, KetiNllll; k i I) No. 211 , inl4o-212, Wrlght•i L pct f rie SPR I NG %,„ doff! , Y4e ea L OCATED AT BUFFAI.I). Seneca S Nlain Sltoris N •• Cooper Institute.' Astor Place PHILADELPHIA. Corner 7th & Chestnut St ALBANY. No 448 Broadway CLEVELAND, ( or Seneca & Superior Streets DETROIT. No ;ti V thointtrtl Arenne CHICAGO. cor Clark anti Washlngtun Streets Stodeole entering any olar thee.. CoUrger, by the payment of PO, become entitled to the privileges of the entire "chain," comprtaing ee%en of the meat thorough, exteueire, complete and popular Itturineva Schools in the world For Cat/A.loEller, and Circulate. eall a , the College He.tur, or address i.e NEW YoRK _.. • BRYANT Sr STRATTON'S AMERICAN MERCHANT 1 MONTHLY NLAUAZINE, t-i t Pant li2g. Ifer.ufeetures. %vi tal! one, To riturnereisl Law, Pt•litleal Eciitiosu), t iterstufe, Alt anti :•tatistice/ Information - Published month!) oorer T. Terms $3 Per annum, sith the usual reduction to Clubs The work IS dePtsurd t- be a souLti riponent Q , 11, and ludustrini interests of America reh , 2e, 1 ShA -le .42 TO HOUSE KEEPERS. _ S( ET!! I N'; E N W.-B. T. BA IiEST MEDICINAL SALKMATI. 6, I. rnanwfwetured from tt•MIXIOb salt, sod as 0 prepared entlrelv •Itlfert•nt (tutu ,t! or tnaleratus. All the 'deleted/lu. , matter •:- A') tracted euch • manner s• to pr. - wine« , ‘D • lima, Millen it, and all kinds of Cake w ith. I 14) t out containing a particle Salerat un. ben 7` t!e Brea,' or Lake i• balte.l therot, lio-ing ...merrtr.ult‘ ter, i,artt• le ..f.ti•••s , .1. • to to el. and through 11,. Orwa.l or litsetnt a bile tistlnw: 68 to ,, i r. nal taut COI4IIIOO E ) ll ltatrt il•pur You w• 11 r.. 411) AN I L , .11e Warn( this Snleritom that tt os • ut•r• • din,. tit r orn ~thee -1.11. 70 it tx ',Sat .1 11. j.,1; n, .u,, Rnsowr LnuS d, 'ft 1..1 Ll' t cBwale' ou the top. Wlleu purCua.e paper 'ou Fthoul..l p rer.erre th.+w rapper, at..l loe particular'. Iret. the tir‘t Pvtetl . , A %I) Ilke , 11.• drat-1,311.1 ulK,ve Full dirt•ctioua for tnakisqc Broad ww, WuratuA ~ur Or ge.ats. Tar k y tar, will ar,lanpanv earl) parkau• • slat 44,4 twos I, r mask tub all ktotl• I'2...try 1114 s, %%•1...r a `',..l.yre l'..vrarte 68 Make Yon' Own Soap, % \I. N. 11..3.33,1r1".1.•'s 70 Pure Concentrated Potash ! kv.r-,• • • ••-• • ..1 mart " 0,101 I• 111111. [an.— I Its 6870 ,••, • , • tai. al. t'otaaL n. our 68 . 7( )V, r 71, W.1.1,1np0 n.t , New V•qk 70 Cheap and Fashionable that cannot ~ ,Ito sat Boy's Coats for 50 cts. upwards. - I _ l ~\Th. .ti ‘l , ll-It r o r 11,1,• !sin lb. 4t fa,r) st 1 s ‘•is rt SOWS.a .r,,,,trtmwvatrh.,nske• H- ha • at. , •+l., l l, 11yritti s n Ir t. irssisr • ors t,t BE %Di 11 ‘11)1, IsOTIII ' , or, K 5.... • •1 , k whirl, a 11 M •• 4 c r.n.,, Ist lis ...Y., t. , , not tiro eons, s 1 f 11rtirlistsr sri r, Komi lure anott,, r such ,•• t, i,lit h.,ar 17- N 13 31 1•1111.1.1.1 0 . • I 'i• Vote, Juno 24. "0") Ft 11• N -'1 . 11.1. A.11E11) tsAtt d• JOll m t . ',em, t,t I t/Int•it %t t ' . .! 'att. 1 1.• I. • ft, L., .11. t mu. t t tt: tt , I .t\ ttltif • I=l tilietlher %CI ti nitoc , o• 1 i. 11.10., nervo.orarl to 4.1, In 1}... proi..ll. ,•••• Loo t lorvot, •• I t , • • F:levo•ntlt ,„ 1•, A pill '2,1.'0 ,, I' %LI: & .11 lit \ FURNITURE! FURNITURE! I I. 1:1.:\III\ I , lIIs . 1., 0 ..44 1 , 4 4 : 11/II •.. T. , .• 11.1.1111 g, 4411 . 14111 141 - 111 t, t.. All I ‘ 4 4 1,14, ' 4:4 1 u. , k. bnilt 4,1• , •••••• tl...Nt purl ••,e, wl. -. t., • •••t•I n••••• • • I lIRNITURE, •'1 Aim,. met Wnr- °gush% 1.1•1 11.1' 1.1 , , a31 , 11..i.11 , 4 Vt. . 1 1,1 r.t may tw 1,1(141 hurems. raMra, I (:,noon TuMra, Enclosed II os4 •tands. ~gasman 11.4 -Sit(NdS, /Aria +(..d. re.rh, aitue and ( "moor! iiedtdead-, ardruhrs, rib , . hr, O r, Ihnorarturwl I:, o . 3 • p A. I - Et s The )&trotoi . now!. I. ful, of I A-TERN Kt HNITI HY, Ruch s 4 Sofa', Tett a rot,. Larc.. R., kelr, Eaay antra, and s k i a•hial.e.l hasrs, Mat Iple Top Centre at... 1 I a II au, quartette Stand) Tb. r c. 4 '5411” ..itet Ali. •lxt. a lar l e• Luna., of workmen. •-cmi,itat tc war:Lim-la, our a r i n .l e . cabinet hoe to • to !Ma The puhho,l .• :a. ',art fiertlCo in- V it,' i 1 Itahl: tar Ltll II t.., 6, /am hot to to ill,:/ r••• 1/./ ) • 1.1n../•11/1 /111 to the I. tv or Olneh Len. A I 1/// 2 1 lrn.Lua tAkhh 10 Pt rhallitt r IMM/hr. . 2 11 h1111.1•T, Erie, H•rrli 19, - 4. Prtkprieti.r. N. B.—Just rec. n : emlorse in, all 1 2 2M , ../iUrilitir• a 1 rll N 31 I - It I' II 1 ./. 1 11 . Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed House, 11.%4 10; I, It( E , 1{ . 1 . 11'.N ( II( ILI) ' , l( I 1 I Ac A 11., 11 large and eomplt te Wk." t t ,pt acid Sheet It. at.. Ai..., A lAre ment of Cutlery nod Pu , krt Knzrea, kr, , Hritania Castara and Tea , „7-' _ pots, al., Tea and fahle `1 , ...0ne. Braes. Co.per, Porcelain ; round K. t. tin., al., a large n•eortm.•n• of Japan Ware of all ktnda, an , l the !wet saaort. ent of Tea TrayA, in hr.., r l .11 • haves and Sties, also, Lanterns, Collt••• Cl•rn V"' per*, Selves. ( hopping Knives, F hat Irons, r hot id. su.l I "pg., Pokers, CO.l !lode,sl/01". is, Spades, Hoes, Potato nooks, Fish Hook., kc., Foot Tut's, flip Baths and Bathing Tuba, Refrigerators. 11.1. P Patent Cream Freeser, alan, Pumps of all descriptions. Lead Lead, Pump Chalnp, and Tubing Stove Pita. and F,lbios Canal Pumps, and Lamps, %ales Coolers, and flltera, Fluid lamps of all kinds, Seale. and Stilyards, 'Link and Sheet Iron, Wire, Nab lovers, Candlestli ks and Lamps, Table Mats in Finks, Hammers Shovel and T o ur, Stand, and link Pllllol'4o Pails, To) let Ware, Tea Bella, Tumbler Hminara, Snuffers and Tra es, Mouse and Rat Traps, N ails, Screws, Tacks and Oil Fetideni, Feather Dusters, Breed toasters, 11 }44 Bone., Dog Cotten., French Code Pots, Stew Pan g (Idind Stone. and Hangings, with Srreens. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash only Jobbing domino the shortest notice. Copper, Bras., Pewter •nil Ragstaken in exchange for goods. Pleasecall and examine my stork, sUld satisfy roan...tees. Elie, May 16, 1848. Tours N. HANSON'S GI LT Po RTRA FRAM F.S. Gilt Mouldings, Looking Glassea Flue French lath ographs in Frames, or out, selling cheap at the 13321319 HAMS AND ID)11INV. J. HANSON is now reeelllng from Cincinnati • choice lot of Sugar Curd llama, and same of th e gea ring Whole ' , hat Hominy. Call at tbr June I/, 1689-1. GROCERY DENT, CirEPSIOE . SYRUP AND MOLAssES. ebolee, embracing three gnarl! of Syrup— s go o d article ba • better and very tine flavored 64 Rtew art'. Golden or Willie Syrup 8. : X. • Orleans R01*111. 4 18 the eery best kind for Baking purpcowa at JuneiLl RANSON'S MOWERY 1: FISII-MACK GI LT FLO ER EIt. M. 81. To P e nnpliote Chambor Suit of Fornituro. For sale on entntoirokra. Applefi W. ri.t.sEY, Eris, Juno 4, 18241.-4,. '....yriug Hod Store . 1 . •, 1;,111:‘,(; •I) ESTABLISH m...„1„,t,,, IP. It a ore anti thriving piney where buitineve iv g I re wivertiovutent of the, liatomouton rtottiomvot fb& GRt N'b:R A good supply of mast .~tirle. In till Groevry liar tux, ha found at HAN 4 0 . tett GROCICRI", Jlllll. Chearido p.% I NTS ' PA I NTS ! PA INTS !! ! dry nud tu oil, American and French Ita er and Hailed Linseed 011, Venetian Red, ,„ h id.r«, Chr,.iiie k reach Green, and ID Or V every flung in the linen( PAIMTM, fnr it/Licit the Mot e May 12. T. 8 SINCLAIR. Mrdirtual ..•lervittl. aims, I letu,, t• i.t wl loaf of bread, • Ith a wisio, NI effervfmu Inv . i , I 011 BOY'S CLOTHING ! \ iln.lll TAILOR r ..1 -1 •le vr 1J u I,lot writer i>4))*: , ANI) MEV:, MEI =I l% • `, fr. I \ I-1 111 iri-t I MEI =IB=MEI2II At the old Stand. 1 BUCKWHEAI D frill.: anti ror ado by JACOB H ANSON GRANNIII Sr CO'S r it io i'ELEBRATEII (4-. 4 OYSTERS! .a From Baltimore and Deleware Bay, received Daily, at _ A. WILD'S, Meat Market, and Vegetable Store, .1 WELSH, Ag't. Cheapaide. P S Orders from the country promptly attended to. Erie, Dec. 10, ' DON'T FAIL, to see SIXTH ANNUAL A NNO SCE II It NT. anal brilliant oars, la aaorb • Nor 11 lE= 000ZINC.—FRENCH and AMERICAN, Snow Whits and Porcelain.. 24U CARTIER k BRO. t • 000 LBS., WHITE LEAD.- Of he following brush'. Losglon, New •k, Atlantic:, Crystal Pulses, NhirraMag Valley, t I k BRO. I', rk 'UV 5 00 GALLONS, LINSEED, LARD • ••..t riorNEirs OIL. CARTICR k BRO Vl{ I E Cifl'N TY DI UTUA INSI:11- x:4 ANCE- COMPANY Incorpor uted in 15.39-- Charter Prr,lettial.' Property Issas ed A salami Lem by Plre lot so) Tenn net exeeeding dee years. Policies Issued upon the deposit of Premiere Notes, of upon the payment atts• steal Stria Bates to Jimmy witia oat the liability of a resoluta Not*. Losses paid with out litigation. One Malt only baa fear boon brought aga loot tb la Company Tti.Osayewg b raisrriy fru from debt, sad is a safe haat raiilhatra. DIRICCTORS Janie.l 1141,11.01. C. M., Wni ► Rludierctrel. statth, J. Zioissorly, Jor W Stwmit. l' Kr pier, Tim*. Moorhead, J &rub Bauman, eottr. A Elliot, E Babbitt, Wtu. B Hata. JusUas. oFFICERSI JArt C Si ItAItALL, ?MOIL JOl4lOl iirllllllooll, !NY Gito A ELLIOTT, Ottler, to IY.srrn nauctivon t bleiSvary'• Lay on. Clospaide Ens, Pa. h:ri«, April 25, MA _ _ tr.% N 1)1.E !- lin., Fort. Rake, Shovel, Auer ' Chlasel,Sa and l'lsue Handles, at .61 J. V. SRLDEN'S . . DR. LA CROIX'S PNIVATY MEDICAL TREATISE ON TIIR PHYS/oLuG/CAL r/EW MARRIAGA, 250 PA(;E...; AND 130 EN(iIiAVINGS. Price only ?VIM-n% rpcyre Sent free I• postage to all parts of ;the t• Dion. vsn iho innmoitim or youth and Maturity, disclosing Ihr sorrel Millet of both sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression t , I 'pints. palpitation of the heart, Ntlif idai Imaginings, lueoluotary imaginations, EiusLings„ defective memory, irpligestbna and lassitude, ■arA conlisessos of thralls, vs terror of a fissirisagr Scheel Awe a centre Student, and • }nap .Ifarrusi Lindy, tr , 4c. It is a truthful adviser the married and those euutemplsting marriage, who entertain secret doubt• of their physical condition, and s.r. c”oselous of I.nri K hataniw th« bralth, bspp sn.l pry, lief*, to *bleb e•ery human being is en; tied y SG 11EN u Ito MY U.. Wed ai h 11101413e11a, row al:, caused by ► b. 4 habit In youth. the alfritts of which ale khan:wait, pains, forget:l44l..6e, auoietimea a ringing of the ears, weak oyw, 11 etkorstr of the back and lower es tremitusa, coutuaion f Wet. , kuse ut- memory, with mel aue hoiy, may be cured by the author's NE% PARIS AND I.fiNDGN TREATMENT We hate, for the greater part of the past year ' devoted uor time in VISITING THE El ROPEAN ROSPITAI.I4, uralling °unwires of the knowledge and rr+ssrebea of the moot okiiled pielana and Surgeon. in Rumps sod the Continent Thom.: who pint, theme...lves under our ~ere will mow ho , e the full betiont of the mug NI, it' A's I) EI if( Al I. II I{I,IIEDIF—q which we are enal•l..l ti, introduce into .0 r I ruttier, and the public may net , u o.ore.l of the •aioe r. SECRI,CY and atlru• tlon I.otto, paid to Ito+ rawev, arl'och has so muereaafully .11.tIo{uiptn41 or he,. lofwv, a. a Phy .1 -lan to our PECI 1.1 Alt .!. pa ~ to • o Ir. f...00nal prto ti , P, far Lk. pm,' irrroty-Art won. %I II }I.IIAI rl' LIN 1.A.11.1 11/4i for Meglictor Monti 4 , ! • lit', hip 1.11.12 Irott-.1 w Ib.••s•mf. Of MM., 'to: • tr.l.ft C10t... • ItlinUt •nr bad 11.. unnr but Ur f •male i'vrindie• ni P 1... 11. .14 WV. Mar) It , tilmiierteti 1., 16,,;,-. I ill.. tl,.m if 1 / 1 ., 111 (I'l4ll ler 14111. LOWS of tla• , ta t kerl , wpany tnyc aich 1. k,II, 1, 1,1, • t•f/i r,w gently, vet AU art nr Joie tilt MIMEO CLCJ TII I N Yn,« it r 1.. s 110 •t. lint part u, IMEEMOMIII crrltrr I %kir, N l.• Vti a rtrafideahaa medical ad IR it', t•• and of tlataw znteee•tlng complaints t.• a hi( 1, t• lr ‘l,ll, at. oricatil2ol4.o r.n.l e i• th en , i i bl e , am tArto if t Ins 1/04.1 to ( . oU•Ilit US 1 Ii ' F I I. rau.t:at.Ys•lr• YROTR( - For mar rie..l F a Ii•a]!I n II ant .font, or who Gate no de a,, t.. rt.urra..- It. Sr family, roar It al.taiord u alx.%r ap. rh-. IL, •atr, and ham ht...n xt to ..t t ly li a ad 410 yr., I'rtur .... flu rr . Attendani edgily, from) in the noirtiinK till 9 at utwlit,andou Sunihwi from 2 1,1 with full directions fnit to aol p art of V, filt..l Math* or r labia... be patients communicattuig their kttrr orr...youdeurt rtrirt 0- I I , nth., 10 lIWI . • a1 11 as rAtabii.kled.Unthig the name of NI I A IKUIX, at N.,"31 blatolvt., 1 St,. AI , r-oes .1 Mr.lical Wok of .12 pab l iali, oo Sperm t. , rrOlea, for graf•Jfons rarrailafots, by a*t rr•ace, who ha. mail.U ed 4 f nervous debility, laaeltude, dr rvirit., tir0...a1e..., pains lu the flmba and L. timidity, dirsines., Jai,. PLO of sight, pimp le ,flue Co U/or I , reonitiniz fr • in eaxly error., by (41110,h:4th.. in.truet ions en. n u IL,. 1..0k, eonridere it his duty, In gratitude to th• author, and forth. t a . n ofit of Coo pomp ter error, •utierrra, to I.llbils4l Ihr 131•111:111 usPal - lie s. free In not adders., on the reeelot =lll .1X , P1 , •, of the work isontaming tVOry tuft, u,-,tp,r, re, mr.4l A larrign Alt Any, N 1 Stranbro's Patent Seed Sower ! F , ing I . 1 ,, N ~ r , Timothy. Millet awl a 1.., h. at, Barley and u• arl r a.. kinds of train, finder mid Lime. There re 51.... no 11•• . machine fur *owing in roan, Ito t linen. I .rot, iv Beet and Sugar Cane need,* There Mit. tin+, hat. now been telUire the Farmers of tlteuigall n, Pr' e taro yvara, and hare been tested by moo than twit liundr..4 Fanners . all of • boom an willing to pre 'drone nrtttitatra In their furor Thin improienient to Seed Sowing con•uit• in the nee a • cur.; or small rope In eornionation with tubes or bridges, which PO protect the cord from the weight of the awd that it works without friction and with much sate, • An nn grinding, and lb. seed is disetuired without receiving an) injury The, in no d•nger ut rlog,ii/g, as i• the MOO with other Seed AOWPIA, and they ran to. guaged !to as to no. any .I...tired quantity Wind doe. aot affekt the even dist., buCon t f the seed and, in ease of rain, the Deed is well pr•tecte.: In the not toy the corer ltefereheo can be made to nearly two hundred Fanners. but we w:11 select only a few of the twat and moat relhibie why. bare tined them F W Fairman, Homer Johnson, Rufus Thaler, John W l ongdon, all of Plymouth if ich tit m. I i l.r, Justin Kellogg, Pittsfield, Mich. : Slot.r.• I ride, lion Kingsley 9, Bingham, Bout U. N, 8ut t..11.1,1, Dr. Wells. Green Oak, Mich. my- Thu Ilac Aimee took (Mr first prewar= at alit MicA. e a* .ktair Fen lor fike peer 14Lb, sett ale* at several earn ft t.etrris the acme .Side. Priv, only SIS 00 for the Coultnr..l blachioe. All Ma chines u arranted to pile Wictofartioup, and may be return ed after a reasonable titne If they do nut prove PO, and tha moors wlli be refunded: Atv Touts anti County Blights for yule le the Dilate of Pvlll,ll,l.•nia. Address, H HILT , Pontiac., Mich. For stile by \ Ilurphoy, I a,11.1.11, Marsh kCo , and 040. Erie. Pa Dee 31, 18103-6us3o Celebrated Cough Remedy. E, PLEAS A AT, SPIEJ)I" AND EFFECTUAL L RE FOR COUMS, c'OLDS, CROUPS, ASTH MA, Blil) TI ('.4 TARR RI, .41VD W 1100 PM .),.G„ Tretned) has been used du ring the lent 13 Yearn with unequalled SUCOMI tu „,iug th e Os., thoraxes, and ahnnid be used by every prrpou N.1111,1t d u ith any affection of the Throat and Lung , . Use Halts Caw,* Remedy re mere your rt,w2.4 se Halts CasitA Remedy to cure Colds. 1 - f r r ito Half.. Carrh Remedy lb erre istraso ifl's• Mara CAI 44 Reree4, to cure o.ettp. - I ra. , /has (barb Reused, ts ears Brame/ma's. I ge Hair, (1.0 Remedy for Whoortar-(barb It will prompt'. liiseen the Cough and shorten Recourse one half from It. onlin•ry tedious duration. For re• MON i no( irritation from the Longs and air passages., it is unequalled in its operation—lts use invigumtes the pal• nionstr organs and greatly strengthens the voice, there by roablins, many people to endure greater exposure with out serious results. Read the following evidence from a laost of Erna county witneesen who have used this medi cine, such testimony: at. for itself W«, the undersign citizens of Kris City and vicinity, have used Dr. I'. HALL'S Celebrated Cough Remedy with great success, to curing diseseen of the Throat amid Lungs, su it taye pa«asure in recommending its use to the a®ict ed as • needy and elfortusl ronwily, full worthy of public conlidence. - Jame./ T110[01..012. W H. Cooper, John lieltiorn, Sr , Joseph Deemer, John A.Tracy, lien). Grant, John W ICLane, Lucius A. Hull, John W {lays, Thomas McKee, John R. Cochran, 11". ii. Gallagher. John K. Punters, Chas. W. Kelso, John H. Warren, D. P Knaign, John S. Brown, A. 11 • Tarbell, John Galbraith, K. A. Bennett, Vathaw Hamilton, J Salsbury, J. W. Rysn, U. Mayer, Robert Cochran, .1 L. Long, Nnifron Build Inc, T L. Al :•TIN Daniel Bear, Jaa Robinson 24 J. Robinson, 4. r . wed, W. F. Rioderrurelsl, .; 1 P. E. Barton, I. , , Alanson Sher...l4of D. Shirk, Richard Ref. J T. Case. Daniel Haver— Wilson Kin C. K. Riblet, H. P. Wiebaday J. Mooney, Jimer„ J. W. Culver. C H. Wright, Wm. H. May, Ur Foy mi. in Erie only by P. HALL, at his Drug, Fl clue and Paiut Moro, new !wilding, State St., • few doom south of the Public Square. A very liberal discount mode when sbld at Wholesale. AGILXTIL—B. C. nr, Girard • G. T. JIWITT, R. C. Tows, Northeast Oimusxrts., Pervi•vr Luce, f "t k P" t : E . B. gle•Por. Waterford:W. P. 0111 4t, iTnion. Hazeltine k co., Warren: Wwed k Johnson, Union. AGENTS. —Wm. S. Prnudilk Edinboro: Falrrlew , Elias Brecht, Pterrettania: R. J Herron, Manchester Francis Lamson, /Mean. Befall price. 1175 X eta. to &Kea per bottle Rec. RI, 1S: 9.—itat27 NOTICE. New Arrangement ! - 1 - HAVE assotiated with me in the Ura l. wry and Plovtalon Business, JACOB lIIINNHiI. The bu•inen will be continued to the name and style of P & J. KINNIO. Jan-4S-44.M P )IINNIG. iF tRE ~NI~~NCE iN T OF thitATITI DE DOCT. P. HALL'S (inlet. Si C. Duman., H. 0. Root, BOOKS, Magazines, Paper, Stationery, WALL•PAPER, &a., Mil PARK ROW BOOK STORE D. Y. Prop/trier. Eriflo, Pei VS, HOU I, 1/0)1 Is, NJI IS THIS DAY ifri.Nl maferbusaut of rich Gilt China Tsars, if _att.- Cupp and flasaltra Wags, Candlestick; &MI a post variety of USEFUL APE) ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES, suitable far the tiolidayt Elogont Cake Sasketo, TVS dots, Pitelpirs, Hilver ('up., York., Spoons, Ladles, Napkin Nap, (beautiful fattcrur,) nod lota of rich J 11 lry, and Taney lignsin —ran and... Brie, Der 21., leffn. Co.Partnershij i ' New ram. MoOARTER KELLOGG. llf AVE susanciat with me in the I;r0- tory and Pruvialon Weiner S. N. Kfil.l I s.;t„ the baldness will hereafter be conducted lu the nano. and s.yle of IIIeCARTKIL KILLOGG Vie, Juno IL H 169—1 JOSEPH IfeCAXTER PERSONS WANTING CHANGE oF climate for health. See advertisement of Hammon tut Land', 'mother solemn. 6 fbn • APPLE PEARER.s.-119 dozen Apple Patron that will do the rota time and no mistake, for aale eery low by a C Aug, 20, I WA. FLY NETS.—A few doz. 0( cut ~n a n Lingo Hon* Nets, cheap at J ,( SEI.DEN: 4 • - - Pie , ") ALL WANTING FAHMs. A l vertloorosot of Hammonton PURE LARD OIL: Suitable for Bwraiag and Liairtratier purposes earrazeted to give astiehietion 'net 'received, ado for .al. at BALDWIN'S Davo:Seoaa-No. a, Reed Dewey 24,tf _T M. JUSTICE IN THE PIE:Lt) . AGAIN I WOULD NAY to toy friend. end the public tc raw& that I bare commenced the Talierteig and Ready Made Uletlilleir Hualaers, In all it. varsona branch., in tilt Ft., lat.-ly occupta,l by Yr. Case, on the Public Squarr. 6rlweeti 8ru.13 . 1111 , 40 and the Bred Nouse ' *herr I viol Polito-41,f tto ha, it all times a choice eelartion of CLOTS'S, CANIIIBIBLILISN, AND V W—` 4 TINGS, which I will make up to order upon !Own Wolter, 111‘.1 warrant to give Attafact4on or rerPon. in want of anything mmy line ma deprr upon trkiig fairly dealt with, an I Btu determined not to ',eke op sof gi.d. bit such as 111 give ratudartion lan wailog a rood as sortinent LOY MADE CLOTHING, wk.& will be of Home snake and eurantsit to Ge sp. ro proem:it'd or MOW., rrtunded. Persons pit:charmg foriCAsill aro invited to call au eaantirie my Gouda and I'fICIIOL, OA I am .irteriumel to aril chit for Club. CUTTIPiti done on short niitiOr 41.1 warrant.l e, Oct. 2,186 A Jr,TICE rr E - 1. - ) - ELAW -; A It - E CT 1 ; .11. 1 N It 1 A 'NCR COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA AKE now doing Moline*, on the Mutual plan, ,Isy so the in eared a participation in the pronte of tb. I .04ii oy without liability beyond the premium petit Risks upon the lAkes and Canal. mowed on the W... favorable terme 1.11.P.P. will he liborally and protrq t, adjust.' Fire nate on rmerchandine, buildings and other proper in town or country, for a limited term permanently DIRECTORS Joseph H goal, Jatnoo Theophalue Paulding, John C. Intro, Bobort Burton, John Garrott, Flash Craig, Ederar..„ Henry I tar. fraud b 5ta. , ... he r Medici Neer it Irani., William if.;, la IL. ton.. fir It N litioton John !odor, Jr ..pourer lielloarle he.orgo Sorrel:, John J p,„ Eduard Oar John Ii nro.o, it J0hn....,, H J. F•folorol A Wm Sissy... Ire. . ErAppli g, rttio run IMuot.te la. . ril 4, IKL; I 10111..... V _ INH; %R . ViNH ;Alt ' VINEIiAIi Pit, 1 oirr Vlnt•Fitt ran I.« hsel 1 / 4 1 1.1.1 KMAN, %DIG ApjFil 9, CARPENTER:- A 1(.. 1 fifty,. riProliily mad. , liar.. .114 ,, 11'1• li• r.. I rr. 0 1 Carp...ter* 00 ,, I ii.l• 1.. , I , ...npl••••• m ,I• N EXTRACN .as April V, 16:04 k GN":" 1 i.T H.,,,hr mns 51 J I -f 1 1.1- 1859. Fall Trade ! 1859 "I II E EXTEN: , IVF IN11'111:1.11 Is\ European Manufactured D HY (i 00 D E \ 1111. ES t' A ti MC B r 'V I:. )1 S Til (*TER THEM TI) CONSUMERS VERY LOW PRICES ! ! I All NOW RECEIVING .1)R - 1-4:SS Elf LI AND Raßf 1.31-;:,. 4 STAPLE GOODs, CLOTHS, SHAWLS, Bleached and Brown Bheetings.Euiti CALIFLX 2 '33II7VIIVQ-118. ! At No. 5, Exchange Row Erie, Pa Sept. 17.-15 WM. ALI.. .1 li Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! WE are now prepared to famish all who are in want of IitTOVV, of any description, at lower !„r prices than have ewer been sold In Erie CounCy. Oar amortment eompruwelall thethe modern improved, among which may be found the Banner, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse, Empire, Brilliant, Herald, And numbsr of other desirable styles of Elevated itnctis, Also thejustky celehlated Mayfloeer, Bower, Buena \ iota. and • number of otair patterns of Low Oren Stove. Also the Morning Glori a. Cottage Parlor, Yodel b. i f 'a;t i liir, Open Hall, larg e n la u tt m ir, a r n7l otl . :e n ; stores of superior qualitiee which we will cell for Cash, Lumber, Beef, Grain, or barter in general, at lens figures than any house in the City, and warrant them to give entire eatisfactian To persons wishing any thing in the abore fine we %mild ea, thy, as • Call and you shall not be disappoint.-. 1 At lb.. Foundry, N W. Corner of State and I ith eta EH., Aug. IS, BARB & USE CROSBY'S MAGNETIC BALM ! FOR RfiEI'MATISNI, HEAD 1( . IIE, SOT. Throat, Set lied net, Felon., t'i'es, Sprains,. Brnisee, Cute and Strains, 'welled ~ sods, Stift Johsta, Swelled Breasts, Snot Nipples, Toot!"", he, which It will cure in from dire to ten minutes, t h, Ibla Corna, Ries or Tender Feet, Bestows" or Est-ache. Gout, lame Back, Scald; krt., he. It is alto equally efficacious in the cure of thesauri in Hones, or other animals, such as Ringbnne Spar in,Chafes, Foundered Feet, Lameneu, contracting of the Muscles, Sprains, Wind Galls. Se-nitrite*, Cracked Heels, Old Sore., Poll Evil, litc, Although this is a new article, now h.r the hrot time brought before the public, yet it has peen eerelel. teet.d in a greet number of cares, and found all that ill clamir.l for It, us certificates now in the possession of the Proprie tor, folly show. Get abottle sod try it ; and if it is not all It is meted, rebut it and your money will he refunded C. CROSBY sole manufacturer and l'r.,prietor, 210 114.12 Street, Buthilo ; and sold ter L. I. BALDWIN, Erie SLKEYEB., Waterford. Price, 25 Cents per lie Stl. July 23 ILIO - - - - - Gold and Silver Watches. European and Atnerican maker-, in Rant and Open Pine Carat Came Good Railroad glilTime seareanted to keep securste Part.ieular end easeful attention toren to Iteltturlott Watehes and Time Pieces of or., ,I..otirtotts, warranted, at the WKST PARK IKWICI.RY sTo Rs Parson Building, near Peach sit F 1 N E .1 EW Ei.ft .-- Beau t fu 1 LAVA. Corsi, Carbuncle, Cameo, anal P.arl $.1...1 errant Pins, Ear Pendants, Bra...elev., Cull Butionx, Study.. New dadene.spbendld Goode. Jewelry of deecription made to order and all kind* of nepoiriog glom by the beet of workmen ou short notice. IS. T. ht. AUSTIN, Paragon Bulldina _ _ t)RSE BLANKETS.-1t) Horse (thin keta, assorted qualities, cheap by an. 7. J C SKATES, all kites and goal; 0t ale by j J SF.I UEN SPICES of all KI N I at No. 2, Wright'a 111 , •cli April 9, Islol. • BleClikleN, ERN 1i147 41 .1 . - - $l,OO. E IM)LLAR. AGOOD W A 111{A NTED AX E eau bought for $1 at J. r. 51:1.14.12'S SILVER WA RE.—Table and Tea Spoon., Forks, Ladles, Jelly and B• 1111 Spooue, the Knirr•, Griddle Slicietels, Cake Cutters, Napkin Rum Ac /ti• - Yount VIIIIIOEI and Jenny Lind Pattern*, RliCPl' Spoons Mails, and constantly on hand a good article of Vine Silver Pure es Cbsa. 26. T. Y. ACSTLV. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH _BITTERS. T VI a fact alai, at wlllO hultials lanai!) , lo lilibjert t.. dir.s. or loss. r ,...:. Wu,. • • m I tt s•I Ant i .;” I' /I 4.0.11uda/aJa. ' t 1 %I at k rln ..1.1 A 1. I . 11 , . 4t Lzprets,••. r rJ, 1.1.1 c an 1 Wt.rittir d arras - 114 at i - Eav• and \ L t zlit F • rk 'ti 1 1,k , 11,1 11 , l'te• :•••••• \ 1 11 1 5../9 NEW GROCERY e A t•i ,11 F:Y rill Eli:, Hew. 14.1•1!••: to, • Bear!, tl. • heret t Fii}2 , ll FAMILY t,I Iti IL:I t:VD I'Klll 16141 N% ST H 11%T 1111 Ilk Kul NI , WOODEN &WrLLOW.WARE Er' Cash %lad the I.l;lkeet ttlsrkrt I Itnit••of (..nutry l'rs 41, e II T. AI 1.11E1% Erie. Aprl: 23. INS! 11011lNT BRC*-11 I- , Th.. tlnt‘..t tneut of l',llo lit u,i,e• iu the t ity sa'r BAI ti -! Nu 5 STILL IN THE FIELD ' L. I. 13 A.141)-W A\U ILE' %I DRUGGIST AND APOTHECAR I 5 h•.. d -11_,T A \ 1 Nit ropleni•lied lII\ n..a• prepared to the equally an low an thi eau ,Idattt.od at a , • linhtnent in tL.. ee,.t.n•u M:' Ls. • v.\10.1-11 , 11'.1i1 - 1 • M I 1' 11 .1:"I*1( 'I I - \V 1 N 1)41W lil-1 - ' 1N 1 1 1' 1' ,I' I' Tiie Pro and 11,:n ..e a . trrante t., ' ia bud gennine. I l,e now ..0 /, .1 and 1 , . ■U yerita .lock nt Fine Havana and Pincipe Cigars. Also, Pure Wines ind Etrandit 11(3.31. &t rs pn mptly t.:led and .att.tactton guar, •-e owl I.: jr.... and ,nalttl 11 It F . No. 5 Iter F !louse, Erir,l'“ :\ . cs•l yn•lug au sokortment of ter fin) ur•, brarolr, French, F:uglish and Amern•an, for sale i• 1:4t1 CARTkIi k til FARM FOR SALE ! Tli 1111 , 10Nignet tact 6.1* ,di PIO lIIL tote tertnl, a I , ll=ll t lit I 4: IIIIt.••• tarn'. tonnah:p of •ituate at, and a ball milra In in the [buil "I " burg. (Arun c..utaina blty arm. 0 1 g00..1 arrow) brat lab.l„ lartity .tit of which o• •tatie ut Itnprorrnkrui it has a "tong tail 0..4 , chard. togelli• t a all wombat-tonal barn. Thrt''' ' 1:111.1•• rk• , an.l s 111,, 01013/1/1•14 . till e k further varl‘miagn elt.“11, 5.1 II Ilel.arr , , 'kat: of the rib., at %4 alri 100 gi, F rte. Oct v INI_Nt IN II P. 4 KNINII , .• Administration Notice' I 1 r rElis .‘,l, ion on In t•t....iM lllinitt ‘llglklusan, late M, h• • I•ATlttg Iron Kt •nt• .1 t,. 111 ,. 110114 V I. he,' by gito.ll to sl: perok.ffi, in.!. • Isl. lln 111, %WI stirsln•l u st lot til t.l el. •gr mrtil. • \ I IMF .. 1,1, 1at12% 6.434 • t 1•1 retd. I ••• I • 111 1( ITI .11 paid, lot \V heat, liNe. I lk Oita at the Erie City 14111. !warts pr, &psi 30. H kl. t t 7 M . IMI CCM '; ~r.. Depart MEI IMES 1860 MN MEE 111 I= 1!E•=111 =I 111X111 IXIIO Ql 11.1T\ BIM= L.l i,n IL