The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 03, 1860, Image 3

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    1 tit AGstx.---The oil excitement in the Titus
ville region continues unabated, some hundred
artesian wells are in active perforation at this
time, and a sufficient number turn out success
ful to keep the feeling up. The attention of
capitalists is already attracted to the region,
and on Monday last the property of Messrs.
Brewer. Watson & Co., we understand, was
putchased by a party of gentlemen from New
ork, for n figure something like $l3O,O(Xt,
sixty thousand dollars.) This property em
braces an extensive lumber establishment, and
the adjacent lands include fronts on the oil
yielding streams for several miles in extent.
A. yet, no Philadelphian that we know ; $ r Lae
male his appearance at the borings, audit is
perfectly safe to predict that although this
wealth seems almost confined within the lim
its of Pennsylvania, that Philadelphia will have
toi representation here until a half million or
.0 *ill have been invested from other states.—
.A Philadelphian loves his comforts at home too
well to leave them on any enterprise of the
kind And if an inhabitant of the city of
••bilotherly l, , ee" liasby.accident an investment
,if $lO,OOO or so in the rural districts, it is
sure bet that he will risk the loss of it rather
than pass a night in a country tavern Thus
New York has ever been before-hand in all
these western enterprises Broadway 14 in
finitely prejudiced in the direction of the setting
son and were one to he transported front the
upper end of that great thoroughfare to
-It t•el I o Chicago, unknown to himself, circuto
-pecti•ai would seem only to prove to hint that
he aas a little further up Broadway, so thor
oughly has Nevi York impressed herself upon
the 'ohm.) nerasy of the west In this connec
tion me are reminded of an anecdote of a rich
Philadelphia young merchant, who as a volun
teer, aecumpanie.l the expedition of Gen. Wash
ington from that city to quell the whiskey in
insurrection during the pater presidents) ,
rile Philadelphian was placed on guard of the
lotgg . age wagon* in a bivouac near Paoli The
, dlteet ~t :lie night came his rounds, and the
!•,•n ,Intiod to him that he wished to retire
1)1 rourse his request was objected
t,,. t o t camr "aid that sleep he stint hare.
the otheer replied. my dear sir you are per
hap- unaware ~f the value of the etorrs you
pi-il-ion.; and .the commissar"!
•• said the mercator,
liow touch are the wagons and their con-
I en! worth -Ten thousand dollars at the
least, slid the officer. Mercator produced a
..f paper from his pocket, the back of R
letter perhaps, and with a pencil hy Alm dim
nie•iltil. WI check for the full amount
-11 ere lie. "let that stand for --
h•t!,,,, the -tore,. lofty he damaged to the
111.., !wig at. I,lucted from it--I ton.t g o
I, 1 .4 , 1 Plots ire legitimate descemianti of
1... r till 1: Ali: its I'G ila~le•lphin
.11:1 11% Flllk. AT GIRARII e are
trty hem that the beautiful borough of
Cirard • in this county, WRY 'dialled by a very
•Itooru, tire tire on Tuesday inclining last It
‘,/1 ut the West end and tipper part of
II Ite,cy's three and a half story blot k,
Let wren I and o'clock, .1 , and before 4
o clot k had consumed the ent ire block. contain
ing Stoles of Rockwell St. ikessey, and Levi
I • vc , l-I,.fc and dwelling houQes of C F Rock
se;: nu 1 \‘ m Platt A two story block mule
itatc,.‘ n.ljotuing %as also ronqinied. contain
tiv •Iwc,ltrigs and stores of John Kissel and
I I ciet Kibler Nest thereto, and destroyed.
, building occupied by John Becker
t.l , et) —nest the old isiern stand, oe
c•ttetc I by five different families. Mr Bessey's
is about t,insi lie resides in New York,
I it is not known whether he had any in
-ttrpito•e ~ t tud Mr Rockwell's loss on mer
yl,lll,ll4*. is e-t misted at sl,taii, and oh furni
,,„ .„ „r The G,,,:•tt, gtres
tlic 1111.11tIt Ur insurances as tnlln,wa Mr
R., kw. II 1- ,rt•ttred in the .Etna Company. of
11 !to r hcaning of this City » Agent for
":1 Loveridge 13 insured in same
tt..E.:!..laloil—fully covering iii, loss
it/ 4 4 to pill down nt in
-11,1 uI .I.tha
lt,.llranet. Hr Platt'q Ftvt,
~ la —lr ,114•1. Julia Berker's
ti n ran., Mr Perk) ~WI tt,l the
(,% :II ItiaS aioviii cre4i
11,,Irmwe Mr J T Sttarnmq an , PMr L
-1111rrr , 1 ~r ac lna. —ahl , ,hut nut
I,,,vrn \I , in•ont..l in :he .Ettoi tor
TL • L. 1 other... clootgli too krge in
?too atto,out. I..everPly felt. beesto...
%.11. Ictre , u-(aule , l u are eery po,,r
( It ~ NV I ..RI , Cur Itie..lay cif
Itt , t week a si.itt of E iluitlekoper, itt
\le illy. wet wick a erious injury 1y the
ii Jimal iti.ehatge or a gun. The entire
I.•tre.• Nil erel at the tirenst, retsseil
iv% o.'ll I lie rilis and, the muscle. and Itelge,l in
his 1 , 1,k Cite ✓ , .urnol says he hears hut in
juries wilt, furtitit,le, nn l i+ in a fan• . 1% Ti.
Stockton. of Mead township. aged
1 I eats, wag killed on Tuesday of last week.
vi hen engaged in drawing logs with a Mr Wil
der %While \!r Wilder was loosing the chain
to hind the logs, the horses started, causing
one of the log. to roll off which passed
diately over the lienil of the little hey, crushing
it completely Hat, and of course:causing in.tant
A severe wind atom vkiied the vicinity of
Meadville on Wed i neatlay evening last. but we
hear of no %orlon* damage 'wring done here
The Conneautville Rerunf asp it pasted over
that pillage. blowing down fences, tearing oil
slamming to gate.. and frightening peo
ple generally
NVID It PORTER, of Meadville, has been
re-appointed It Cadet in the C. S Picnic., and
will -Lion enter the Military Academy at West
The t'rawtord Juurn4 says work has bee
commenced upon the Atlantic st. Great Wester
Railroad in Warren county, and it is to he it
rftnntng order to Akron. Ohio, by the l,t o r
July. I St;l
RCN' I>r Barker, President of Allegheny Cult
lege. .Ite.l in Meadville on Sunday morningi,
ahour o clock He was in his usual health,
on Saturday. and, after tea, went into hisstudy
to attend to some of hie Collegiate duties.-:-
During the evening he was found tohare fallen
from his chair in a state of unconsciousness,
and died in a few hours. The Crawford Jour.
~if say. -This community is deeply afflicted
in his loss, for we feel that his place can never
he filled as he has filled it lie was a ripe
scholar. a profound theologian, a successful
instructor, and a sincere Christian. But he
ha+ fallen like a true warrior with his armor
on—his memory will he cherished among uses
grateful incense."
iggl". We have been Using. in jotting down
mir items this week, from a bottle of "Ggigips's
vs It( AI," advertised in another column.
We lire free to say it is the best domestic
article we ever used. It flows freely, is jet
lititek, and the manufacturer says will not cor
rode a steel pen. Our experience so far con
firms his claim in this respect At all events
it is a good article.
Vier .1 considerable force is occupied at tie
Ern- t ity Iron Works. in the manufacture of
drtll4, pumps. and other articles for us. in
”earching for Seneca (ill We are informed
that the orders for outfits at this establishment
number u high as six or eight per day.
Jrmsair DIOLIM tits IRAN xis —A New
Dos.—So time since a stringer presented
himself at tlidiblackstnith shop of J. C. Moran,
corner of 84th and Holland streets, and re
quested the 14tter to fit a shoe to a horse which
he was drivii 4 Stranger was a well dressed
young man, itsf modest demeanor. and repre
sented himseit as a certain "Mr White,' of
North East, ;adding that he was dealing in
notions in a email way, and driving a smart
trade In the Oroceryand provision lotze Now ,
Mr. Moran, the smith, is an honest Ilihernian,
Ile has the deputation ot being an excellent
workman, end setting horse shoes is his par
ticular forte. As he soliloquized. - shore. tit
moo's a jintleman," he was no doubt giving
the must graieful of turns to the shoe he held
in his pincerS, with the idea that - a good jolt
deserves anolher." and the •• mon was et i
demi), an appreciative customer Well, the
shoe was finished and sot to the horse a foot,
and a hank note offered in payment The
smith didn't like appearance of note, and inn
mated as much to Mr. White, but was
silenced by . the latter Indignantly asserting
that he •• was a well known business 1111111. and
wasn't dealing in that kind ot money Mr
Moran was not lung in learning that the money
he had taken from the "jintleman" was a -cat"
of an untamed and untamable species, and that
he had been add—whereupon complaint was
made to Justice Thornton, who issued n pre
remptury order to the Mr White' aforesaid,
calling upon him to give au aceiiiint'of himself
Now, it so happens that there n •Mr White
at North East. and it - is also rers certain that
he is usually a •• well dressed young wan, -
and in the grocery and plovision trade but
thui •• Mr White most solemnly declares that
he never had a horse shod in Erie in his file ,
moreover, ha proposes to prove, by the m eat
positive evidence, that he hasn't been in Erie
since last August , on the contrary. tde smith
Insists that this theory - mon - that dtildled
him, only a ••little more dilicate Both par
ties are known as upright and worthy men
It is evident that some ingenious Jeremy
Diddler has adopted this dodge to • ratse the
wind, and heal played it most iiticcessfolly
Moran don't see the point to the and will
undoubtedly hereafter keep nn eye upon all
well dressed young gentlemen proteasing to be
in the grocery and provision trade
RATMER A Portit —.4 couple of Ed itor. down
in the interior of New Turk hale got to
puting, fur the lack yrs. - awn/Ling !hurl: eic,,yeg.
whether at is right —to abut.. ••1 r shaeo
At the net accounts the riliebt:un tested t k , •
The champion of nu Lear FL put the f.•lluw utg
question to the eliatupiott • • 10, , on the lq
namely ••11 tkowls are tieoe...Ar , , to
health, as soma pretend to say why a:, Lot
women pros tied with tutu tl 411 Joel,
They sutler nothing LILY ot hair
around the mouth and tm I. r the nu., .thy
then should num sutler ' F. a htell his o ppo
nent retorted by prnpouielLng thIS pertinent
inquiry —Why sras nut woman toads hke
Lunn w e ,ry letpect Th , LI .u. n I
and —no hair incoutinehliy up
ger The following :au-•a are titni
at the March Tenn. ~t
C•durt •
Johnsuu se Johnson, •,clivuro•
Reid. Trustees. &.e , (Irn I art 41 1.5 , .4
Wadswurtli cs Taggart
Hinds vs Martin,
Bryant vs Willard & Whet..: •-t
Saw.. vs Wheeler,
EL12,11(11 vt. Killpatrick et al
Ken tall S. u sK Strutber-
same NS Irvine.
Evs ,f Wait vs Ruland,
Simloiry S.: Erie R R Co heel
Same vs Hunt
Same ‘s Scott
Lowry vs liar et si
Bryant vs Jones,
Same vs Jones Stet, hoot
Kline s. Carroll v. Fre\
English v. Rohin.on.
Brown s. Barr vs Com Invoranee Cotni.ony
Al It ch S Co t.t, Barr S. Br„ ,
Sennett. Barr ti Co y. M e r-l a a h l, ( b . !
Gaggin Smith vs Mayer
Rogers v. Randall.
MCKetizie Is Iltu.kins
TOOT vs Saint'
Grego!). s: Co ‘..! May, t.,4i."1“ e .
\kilo! e N 1 !limn!.
Perkins vs
11a3e , t ' 4 ,1, 4 i .
ET7113 4 ef! Rocse.
T"Ald Burt .
Seine Same,
Senncll, Itnr S: 1 u N- F',% .T.
kV"' tt tile Itt.t meet 'to!
1. II S.lll. ~f Malin. the .leitth t r
worth haying 111.1.T1 nunuuue , • , l I 111. I oil,Witig
repolutions were adopted
R,5a,, , /, 'Mat this Lodge ha- heat .1 with
emotion. of Line') .en.rtulit), the ittittotint.entelit
of the death of James 1' zi hrotb o et
in good .tantling of do. Lodge, a nd o f the
while we 1,4,w In submit...ion to the
mandate of Him who &Icon and taketh
away. we feel truly, that ere nsto t fa,th
ful brother and a worths cit ilell
That thtq Ladge re-)a:.' fully teuil
ers to the famtl) and frien , ls f the deccn•ed
the expreaeion4 of a heartfelt ,)liiiinthy .in
oecaiiion of their mournful bereavement
ll,pdrecl, That the Secretary t.e imtrnetrd
to communicate these proceedings I. the land!) .
of the deceased, and that-the -ante he puldoh
ea in our city paper% K !WANE: FT.
Erie, March ht. 1:• 4 0 ::sei'll . l 31
REMA IIIKAHLE CURE roe si.•3 —Nathan
iel Bradley, an old resident ,d ti.i , a•s
operated on one day la- , 1..% lit de
Heintse, in the Platt llnnt,e, Alluon, and en
tirely cured of deafnea' Mr Bradley is 00.1
years of age, and has been .utTering upward.
of 40 year. He lives in our vicinity, ant re
lates Joyfully the above fact For this success
ful operation on one of our moat aged and re
apeeted cit izen+ we feel a great pleatoire in pa,.
ing the Doctor around —(lrl.‘loa Rep
air List of Traverse Juror. f. r s court of
Common Pleas to be held at Erie. ..n aho
Monday in March, 18tli1
B.F Bissell, Greenfield Am..- Baker, Spring
field . Royal li Brooks, Curtis ('.de, Franklin.
Nelson Clute, Walter Compton, Washington ,
Washington Crane, Elk ('reek . Henry Crane,
Andrew Cau zhey, Millcreek ; Stephen Conine,
Greenfield ; L. B. Chevalier, Erie ; Wru. Chef...-
man, Wm. Dimpsey, Conneaut . Laniel Fen
ton, Greenfield , J K Gross, I. B Goodell,
Edeuboro ; Henry Huntley, Sam' II Huntley,
Conneaut ; James Ilimrod, Francis D. Strong.
Waterford , Hiram Huntingdon, Elk Creek .
P G. Finn, Conrad Kolb, Win J Sterrett, Jas
H. Tenant, Erie George Jautia, Le Bceulf .
Albert J. Kelso, Millcreek ; Francis Kidder,
John E. Whittemore, Conneaut ; Jeremiah
Knoyl, Green ; Robt. McWilliams, Washington,
W H. Palmer, David Palmer. North East; Hi
ram F. Bible!, McKean: Wm Stilisninn, liar.
borcreek ; Josiah Shreve. Union.
OM. List of Traverse .Itirrini fo r
of Common Pleas to be held nt Erie, oil the
3d Mcnday in March, 1/.60.
Wm. Arbuckle 2.4. Mil!creek llosia
Barnes. Conneaut ; Phillip D. Bryant, liar
horcreek ; S. P. Beecher, John K. Cald
well, Francis Clark, Millcreek ; Merrick
Chamberlin. Union ; Thomas Cirthing N.
East ; Clandius Dumars, Summit : Eli Dun.
combe. Amity ; William Jones, Green ;
Thomas Kendrick, Harborcreek ; James
Lytle, Obadiah Miller, Elihu Marvin, Erie:
John Mixer, Cnion ; George Meeker. Mc-
Kean ; Samuel Mclntyre, Springfield T.
J. McKee. Conneaut ; J. H. Miles, Girard;
Samuel Myers, George Wei Her Fairview;
George Nicholson, Millcreek ; Joseph Pat
terson, Green ; R. S. Robinson. Amity ; K
L. Rockwell, Greenfield ; Nelson Robinson.
Elk Creek ; Spencer F. Stafford, McKean;
John H. Sweet, Springfield S. S. Sanborn.
North East ; Simeon S'tewart, Henry Yen
Drew!. Concord ; George Selden. Erie :
Jacob Sharp, Le Buff Edward Williams,
Washington ; ChestgrWest, Waterford.
Mar Lint of Traverse Jurors for an ad
journed Court of Quarter Sessions to be
held at Erie, on the 4th Monday in March
A. E. Allen, Edinboro; W. R. Allen,
Ephraim Jones, James Smedley, North
East ; Geo. W. Baldwin, Amity ; Henry
Brown, Union ; John Beekman, Joel Held
ler, Daniel Long, Jacob Rohl, Fairview ;
Wm. Brewster,Christopher Englehairt, W.
P. Gilson, Wm. A. Jordon, Jonas Stark,
Thomas Stewart, John A. Tracy, John
Teel, Jacob Vosburg, Lewis Busick,
James Hart, James L. Reed, Millcreek ;
Eldridge .1. Case. Perry Devore, Spring
field ; William Cooper, Robert Sewell,
Harborereek : Samuel P. Cloud, Green
field , Jatuft J. Callen, Girard ; Phineas
Pomemy. Franklin, John W. Prescott, H.
J. Wright, Elk Creek ' • Howard Peek, Ezra
Troop, Franci4 Randall, Conneaut ; Reu
ben Stanelilt McKean . Squire J. Trask,
1001". All —Honorable Templars'' are request
ed to he present on next Tuesday evening, at
their hall, all there i■ business of importance
to be transacted
lit ()alma or W. C. T
We understand an Irishman was se
riously if aot fatally injured, on the lAkeShore
Railroad, Thursday evening. Ile was on the
track eugage.l in making up a freight train,
and was struck by a locomotive in motion,
breaking en arm and several ribs.
spetutt itoticto.
Youth to the Aged' Stronath to the Weak'
l• Dove) preparation hill Met watt the approval of the
acuity In every part of the world, aatl 0.• disen‘oror and
ervl , ltelor foot lossly proclaim It to be
ea • egee.wwiere moderator', of emoted or inert inactions.
Hutch*. re' Life Eshilersot ebould be need by alt Derv
"us perfume, &a it etimulatee the write to their bats's'
• , r.b. and will out produce • reaction no matter bow
suddenly dropped.
It to aleer w tau wb roam, mod will gin relief in DTOPIP
.i i with the beet do.. • brief parelittenc• in Its Imo will
ate the et..utarh to • deem, of perfect health, and
Allll4ll ,Is spepets forever
rt.. a red 0111114 Lreertaiu ti snake Ilutchicrs'
EN lillarant • household article innsmuch uit will:ends*
them yuuthful t o feeling and in strength, and enable tMm
t., over again the days of their priallne Joy. It not
exhilarates but streneitens, and is !wally an
Westing, erreeiaiiy to those who bare been winded
P. 4.44.rition 4.1.1,1114 by calstortune., or ordinary Mah
n... \.. matter what therms*. of the inwotency of any
Lunen organ, this superb Exhilarant remove tb•
...di et at once and (orate,
IlutelilnKs Life Exbilisrlut .bould be umwd by all per
a•u who h.te disordered net , PS, IltonLeb, titer, usuwesi
sr Action, torpid iutelleet, or town*** of 'pinta It hi
• •tripounited from ballniel4., yet powerful .tmpleo, and
• rt ilns not • grain or • turn of 1131Doral substance.
r itli IiAITr.D.4I, Will t11000•ef In
ElLiklant the realization of their hopes
‘ll.i UllepproakAMbil. 1/1 , 1111111.1013 U(0?
• t:.% Pinta R H Itt 'CHING% la Itl4 Cit./abort
t, y.„I Au be it‘tArlngseti to him
. itr, lirre bur bottle $1 ; six
~• /.. i I }I I 1.% 1 , CARTF.R k
..1!1;r.. to
11/ - • A %M r.. ••k‘.. 0.. stro•ngtll Imm min..l*
• •.• t t.,At •-x.•••lPtit Hutrhinits' 1.11,
.n It I, Les.lLlni it/ lel Its operations. As us
• • ru, lit It t,.no ftinal- marshaling the wed and
• IL • l• tAleffll I celerity and peritlanetit otreet
• i RTFII k BRI , and I. I BALDWIN, Eris, Pa.
.• 1./fr I . ...tbklarant Lh • rejuvecistor of
,11rnitAblo •‘orlbfairr. For elf Ilfr•
, 64.11/ pmSurrd , Il court be con
t Inc It If &bk. • rose for Llliictlosa
~•. th.. .tomach or brain lta mission is
•! ritality, and pbyab ai ability Soldby
I.TLIt X HR.. •rol 1.. 1. HAI.IIWIN, Erie, Pa. 45.1. r.
I.tft. Eihtlarant. I.sdlen of weak arid
:T ...111411 , 1• • I. tl•• • take the Hotehtogii lAte
..• • . u.Ake ,ou .trony, healthy and happy,
•IrON • •: ILO 0 , 111 , 41,.1ar../ulikt tile, front themenst
• .tt r. the health to the sickly
45 II
..!*l.l. I ..xtvu , •ru
r 1 I. ‘I F rtv. fn
!tutetkinz.' lUr F.ttatarant on, ott»e .lL remora
•I *.r.rrp...11.!.. nm rf..-t. of VII 401 or Vista
.e. vut ..ho•tri nt stomAch rwe ki the ttorst-
Inst.! ant: alltAinfulfer•linka sill
,n ~• 1.1 by I. I IsA I I , IW Ern., Pa 46 ly
,! I.ln e. I ife xlitikl and IA qui rt and effectual, cur
• „.r.l . • I tu...t scsravated ease of ItTatureta,
• t • 0q.1.1.t.t•, land all ..thrir donitarpro.nt. Vb.
• .10. I vid M.r rIS. hnd will revive the rnelancltoly and
I. • pin. •;0111). 47, n.ettiatrly Tta. foveae, nervous, and
~.'t 401,1 Lf I I H.11.1)W/N, grit
I — e" n. loto hire hio6lth tYpt.l,l Hatebiove
I tbda ts a.a • rvynrennot., and
~1• r,•• atranatn, with tuagieal pronaptnara
~ •a , pert 1.41,1.4••• For old and I . ..Way...rano* it
t , , A lIRtiTIiF.R and
4.i I y
h. ..f I r .14.1•11. t • 111 allwolrOf rn
1, I it.. 1,0.1 iwinSer•., unequellecl
mt. ,
I. !It u.„ • tin nil. dint/VP...In(
• 1,• •• r calm and cheer-
r , .,. lk P •trrngth Irttb magic
46 ly
an 1 ,g. pol It• If w„
Nt,slarnui «.ak at.atc.a.ett
„• •• hablubillour
• . rn'•, •ul and a msatrr w the shove cam-
I RH.. , anol I. 1. iiALDWIN.
Kirl VII I'o IINT TO V t.31.4k
t t: • +Prepared by Cornelius
I. M I t , 'i;ew City. The combination
~1" Ingmliento, u 1 tbeee are the result of • long and
ellvtl•tre practice Tbs.. hMIIOII.I In their operation and
enrreetins all irreirtilarittes, Painful lleasirnt., r.utnnnng nil obatrurtionN whether from cold or
"there beeiselle, lain in the side, palpitation of the
hen ri, a n, a;1 urn nun affections, hysterics, fatigue,
toml in the sr .1 limb., kc , disturber! sleep, which
•11.•• tn•ni lnt.t rn pllOO of
theeowinan'•lle are m•ainabk,u they will bring
• • the mon11•1‘1.:iod with tegularity. Latham who hare
n diaappolnted in the nee of other has can place the
o• meet eonlidence to lir l heementan's Pills doing all that
tho, "-prom-nt t o do
s(rscThee. is one condltann of the female eye
ten, in which the Pill* cannot be taken without produc
nig a PECI: LI Ait file' 4 l;l.T The condition referred to is
Eli NAV(' —ths result, MISCARRIAGE. Such Is the
e.ilstab)e tendenry of the med,rine , to newton!, the
functions, to a norms; enn,htton, that even the reproduc
ti, e of nature cannot rvwi•t it.
Wa r ranted rued,. vegetable, and fr.efrotn anything in-
Explicit dir.etions, which should be read, ac
each hot Pyle,. $l. Sent by ball on enclosing
it to the ,tenen,t agent Sold by one Ilroutat In weary
••••n in the rnlted Staten It. It. Hrroutios, General
e,tent for the United States, lab Chambers St ,New York.
T., w h all should be addrefwd.
T S. SINCLAIR, gent.
. ,
SIR JA.1.128 CLARKE% Celebrated
Pernain Pilbl. PROTIwTrt. LIMPKIttIIAT toy AL PATIN?
Prepared rromi • prearrepluns rf Ste / I .,C7erlr, M
Phyneetta ETOttordattery to tit gaunt. •
Tins ill aluable medicine is unfailing lalle cunt of QI
those painful and dangerous diseaues to which the femala
ronrtttu'lon is subject It tooders.te• all edema and ro
t:miss all obstructions., and • speedy surd tray be relied
I• v«-utiary euite.l. It will, to a short time, bring on
tbe monthly perifal with regularity.
Faoh bottle, price Orbe Dollar, hears the Gorernmeat
, tang. or Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
Theft Pah &Wald sot le take. by/males aria/ At
I IkS7' THREE MONTHS of Privpursey, dsa, airy are
.err t. brtag , n. Murerrusge, ►.t 1111 .fty other had tAry
ore NV,
in ail '►eei of Nerer t.o■ an ' Spinal Affection'', Pain to
the H►ek and Limbs. F'►tagv on slight exertion. Palpitia.
Lon of the lleart, flysterl _wand Whites, these Pills will
efie e t s cure when ►ll titer uwwna have failed , wd al•
though a powerful romedy, do notroutain iron, whatnot
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution
Full illreetlona 1.0 "the pamphlet aroonal each package
which should be eneeplif preserved.
s,de Agent for the United Ntates and Canada,
jo;AtrA, (Late 4 C. Baldwin &Co.,'
Rochester, N. T.
N B —sl,u. and si I..osiage stamps tlieilloo4 to Loy an
norised Agent, ill insure a bottle, containing KO OW
by retern
For sale by Carter . ft liro.,and L.l. Baldwin, Erie, Ph.
CoOTIO ?MIMI I'll.lA—Prepared by the Sole
Posseroor of the Original Prescription, used most ex
tensively in all g.uropean Female Hospitals, and Infallible
in removing atoppmers and irregularities of the mensal
These pills are nothing new, bet have been used by the
doctors for many years, both la France and America, with
unparalleled sneers in every ease ; and he is urged by
many thousand ladles who bare used them, to uishe the
idlle public, for the alleviation of Blom sollering from any
Irregularities of *Waver attars, as well as to retrofit
pregnancy to them Isla" elioartMoltii artilaot permit an
incresee of family. Precisrat females, or those supposing
themselves so, are cautioned against aping these pill.
white pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibil
ity alter .he above admonition, although their mildness
would prevent any mischief to the health otter mist. them
pills are rreonnia•nded. Full and explicit direction ac
conipituy nab box Plor sate by 1..1. BALDWIN, Erie,
and ... Sleeper, Waterford.
N. B --One dollar and three postage stamps enclosed to
any ant hot - lard agent, will insure a aaekaAe of pills by rip
turn rani:. C CHUAN , General Agent,
July .4.1, BullaJo, N Y.
PIKE VT Kieripormotir Rai
YORD'S I4T.r Invigorator sod Pan.llr Callow
t 11. la m.noth•r tofu's",
- WHITE BEANS-200 Bushels White
fat wit chest, by
tabl-118 HECKMAN, IMMO a CO.
I•`j i ~1-`~ J•~ ;i I:i
Of tile Coombe,Somers of tire• Coosaly of
!mid. for Om year A. D. lee,.
la complisata with law the fkaualadoowro of that
Ooasty of ids wake the Ibliowissy wahlhit of the la
adroit sad larpeadlttues of the add pottatp Ibr the poor
A. D. 18811, to width la sattarsel a alataoseat of lb. Dag&
ado of Otatuty sad Stag* Taus levied l .see Tows
thlp, Borough sad Ward la the Dowdy Oar add year;
oleo, a .tat gnat of trae Oatstaadleg D•bts das, as per
A oditor'• Report, Jemmy, lido.
To set of Cub Is 'Pressen Jae 1, IMO, par
Aeditar's Report for tbsysar INLM. $1424 79
" " reed frost W. R. leaNetr, bal. of
jade. au account of
lama and boo, 14'2 WI
" " " " I. Tratrater„ ea met ask
of stray. w Ou
. " " J. D. Sfalth, •• 3 77
..' "D. sir. Vane, " 4 - 477
" " " " J. Illnavar, Pro , ua a,
fbfrited raaosaigaa. :7130
" " en the year
11140. SO 21
" " '" 1,467, IC le
1668, 1446 76
'• " ' 1660, 1 true 69
" " " Commonwealth fur 04
roared payment of Slate
Tomas, :WI SI
=paszdi OM.
JO, p Ktfu STeetst, SIS uo
" Henry IL puler. IS 00
" tl.A.Daveaport,soditlnA l'N's 604 Reed's ses. lb 00
L 1. I.
A't p. Ibr Coal sad W00..1 for Jail sod Court House, 249 $3
p B. R. Sloan for postage etasupe an t mat: 5 04
" Caughery A Clark for bromic ti
' J Zinoneatly et al., boarding Jurors In Com
monwealth CLOP. tit Ta
"ady, rednoded money reed uu sale stray ,11, au
" W , Raton, Impetus t. 6A L. election, in 00
" Waigant ilanitantiary. boarding Instates, 416 40
Lkounonwealtb of PIMP& , deficit on State
Till for 1d67 A ItlsB,
fur rmordityr mad rumor,
Al p tins Company for R.• %atom, pips, ac , ♦% 25
" John Klllpatrirk, for It Konn.iy's ..rryi.....,300 00
for bedding, SI B'J
" John Cotkatabie A Co. for repoira 44 85
" D. ti. Landon, - - 600
W.a J. Ilootiakson, • - ►o 50
" John Hubbard, for cleaning. 500
" Olds a Low, for pump, SIV
" tt. Barr, animas for bunkA. II 35
" N. Murphy. stove, pipe, •e , ht 09
" Gray a Grillin. mating glans, dOO
" John Constable, Jr. " "3 20
" J. L. Blowert, physician, $ 90 00
" J.W. MeLisisa et al., clothing for prieweepe, 2tB 31
Jelin Dillon, 'lroning 'anomie', lc., 62 litl
" J. KUipatrick, rata 113'43, boarding priessuara. 19 2
A't p. Ou Conaway, for pa consumed, 2ti 40
" Webb & Thayer, for pitchers,- 100
" Jareeki Brothers. for repairing seals. 100
Hagan & Bennett, for tumblers, 76
J. Johnston A Bro., for brooms. candle". Ir 13 03
' 1.. IC. Briggs, for blarkimlthing, .1 63
" N Murphy, Mr grate., kr , 533
" Wm. A. Griswold, for carpet for reign room. 69 07
Hayes &Jordan. Dlr matting for yore rooms. 30 64
" Carter I Itre., for paints, oils, 6.. 17 10
" A Sherwood, for paint lug. 2.5 WA
" Wm 1 aludermwht. for wasp, ~...:
Al I. to , morel Bonds Noe 12, 13, 111. 19 end
27, County Loan, mow uu
Interest dual on C... 0 tar Bots.lo to Jai] I.
J L kokir
Traverse Jurors for at t eodaora at vile oar
erul Uourts, 49.37 44
tlrsod Jurors for attvoeista. Y rksouions
lourts, "..t9
0 IN 5T.t14L1.6
A't p 1A4144'1401 tot waking re* tt no, t....t.tutitrior
stessionta, Ivy WS
A't pat.] Dl.trkt A t tontry Fh.rlQ.Cterk uf 4,luar
Witname. lu t•ommoownith ram.*
It• ELEctIoNs
p Ltmatablem for giving non,* of
and notifying persons elt ted. 142 bo
' 1:1.-lion boards for attendant* and in.
king riaurog and pair
y A K. White, crier, L 42 60
" !Avid Bran, Up ,t...
Henry 0R.... •• •• 42 6t,
K Harmon, •' 3 Liu
1' Mutlioto. aol J ski , K) nu
Anil pool Jallllo., Skintler Pro . for issuing You
Ire,., certifying Jury fee. end Cowl
Cleoe. recording illeeUim returns suit
certifying the same to the &w•rel.ri
the Commonwealth of P... I
COltirt YR.
Amt pall Thomas Iril4.n et . bolding M
Alut pel.l Wet. W Kett.,
William Putnam,
' Joeeph Ilend.reoo
Amt rei.t for putThhiete entlual etetetoent
sheriff's prorlamatiou of ot...tkeriti
tk.o. adlrrtising. Jtc
toff Nfillfr
AI p W $l.-Lab., rouNeying root kits U. pr1...13, 15U Ski
•ummoolott jurorh. 191 Td
CLERK lli ltit
ACI odd Cooluitspit,nneg sad A wilt. t'. t ler It
A't p Charts WI fur non ebenttin. It tiller Ihj u s ,
Ana psLl Calumimilouer., Count/01r mini Sur
to Conn. nut t.iwn•liip,
Amt 1061 for Dork•A• in Prothginotart•• i•ini It*
,•nntrer oftio,-. and Ink. pft;wr and
Wank work Air Courts and Cunitni•
Ami Pro M11e...
A t p Relee”.Aglienltl Snoiety.per net ur I.eenst•lc, It,l.
Awl inl.l the nert•rsl Ilmetinu Iloards for
Ina the general ele , tinn for le,S9
A't I. la full of Rol tilsit/4.11 furthe yearA. U l`ssV. un.)
Amt paid Charlts W Kel., oneearl...slam t.o Ili
And the mount verb reneteed for hie services In Inking
.N.i wtr of Auesser s A.. 1 Pu.d
Mstaupl L Forst.i, $45 do
Mast VI ant, Kri•
sot Tionnoui Ste•art.
Mlltrreek tow pawl. tlrano• Thayer.
Elation-reek " C Seott.
North Bast " John Graham.
Oro J Jewett, lU tai
itreentlelit township Jeanie ft Prinilie • I: tar
Venatitto J 6 ,11. Prltte.
Wattsbant borouph. t.raatua Rookie, 1 . 2 IAU
Amity township,
.'harles Stewart.
. . •11.10
Way us t' A. Wheelock. .7( (10
Cot:wont V. II ebrauaban. IA Ou
Vision Jo Alton Maker. 24 iin
L. Dm Off " Adam P. Boyd. '..15 to
Waterford ' Itnieet Bruen. ,I,li dal
borough. Yrunebt B Gray, ' 12 UU
Oruro low ruthip. John Barney. I k 44:,
Summit - Eli Krbitter. IT MI
McKean orrrn Itaod. PI to
Ws/dilution " Erhard Stilleren, 14 OU
Edinboro borough. Mortluu.rPhr t hi u 11l lA/
Franklin township. Alonzo Alden, 1 4 . WI
Enteral& " John W. Prevelitg .3 tAi
Conneaut " Wm. Cbsoomast. V' to
Springfield - J. SrWtob Miller ~ 101
Girard John t` Miller
" borough. t' V. Rockwell
P■frnrw township John Raton
AN:RS:4JUN 1 059
List of the sevens' Assessors and Assistant Asse-.or. in
the County of Erie fur the year 13.39, together ebb the
seven) amounts each reedy/el for his service* In taking
the asklinameameut Amplest 100.., rat
DistruitS. Assessors Au') Airs hod
IL Ward Erie, T. Evans. $,54.1 00 I....Momeyer, $l5 . e 1
John W. Hay., 12 on
W Ward Y.rie, T 51seert, till 00 I% to A Brown, 13 a,
I. W. Olde, 13 oo II1101:11:4 x BEN NETT
Mllleresk, T Plekinger. 'l7 00 Joe. Henderson, 14 *MI , , J, ,, ~,. 1•e:,,
Jcbn McKee . 14 , MI _ _
Ilarborureek, A c Elec., 3.5 u 0 James Rrawlisy, 0 (h.
John Huhu, !, , - This Way, Gentlemen !
North 4:uaL, OS. 1.009. :ou OU John Sillyman, Ou ig."JOWNT
4141m1 R.lngsbu ,1 00
North Bast Lo. Jll Haynes, 15 00 11. '. Town. 3 tes f , IL ~. *INTER CLOTHING
B Instead, 2 00 '''.
C Morgan. jt) 00 A. Burton, auo.f, LL
U. C Parker, 3 u 0
P. Csedage 34 00 Jacob Fritts, 500
A. D. Yost, 5 no
J 1.) Clark. 10 00 11-Chapin, 3 00
L. O. Hall, 5w
41.1' e.,ibii, n 23 I ICI Almon Durwood., 3 00
J C Witch, 3 00
•010. ll.ath, :Si 00 (' A Wheelock, si 00
Wm. A Grey, 6 00
IL itteuhley. ins 00 Isaac Colgrove, 300
Win. P Metre,., 1 00
tir o Smiley. 42 00 Wm. trent/It, 6 (MI
Elias Drake, a (10
C 4 I'. (L. A 34 00 J B. Shreve, 10 00
Oen. Kellisein 10 011
c i 11,, , ,1 1111 o 0 Lewis Sedosick. :ou
Calvin Avery, 7 00
Wlt•TfUrd In John %Loot, 18 00 Dark Bay& 000
Chester 11 sie, 8 VII
25 00 cam) liiillsouru. 4 UV
88. Myers, 4 MI
800110.41. ./ t...rthrop 20 iNI I. R Tauen. 4 W
M 3.
Revels , ''t ots
u ls
McKean, Sneed Leland MI lu John 1 , 11 Is, II 00
A M. Tome, IS Ou
Washington. Hobert N. shit. 09 00 V.W.i.t.Shgnroad. A 00
D. I SinetSin 11 01)
lkiluboto, N C Au•tin 13 00 11. Mel 3 00
plase P. P.C. Tun . 3
pl .
pe a l Prsocss, 10 Cu WM 00.1 et, 500
Nelson Rlrh, 5 00
liikereek. Was Brows., 32. 00 C. Winch r, 1 '25
H. y, 4 25
Conneaut, I Herrington. 44 00 John liptiaMing; 400
A. I. Damning. 4 044
Springlield. Hessen Rump 44 00 Milton Porter, 000
P. M. Brindle, II CO ' -- -- -- ----- -- --- - - --------
J McClelland. 2)4 Hu tutu Sherman. 1 00 1060—NOW is Till., TIME To '41.'10(1218V !_.14041
' Mb° C ' illinet ' 7 ''''' 46 PH E COUNTRY (iENTL EM AN -
Girard ho , 11 Barnett. lt 00 Neham Smith, '4 00
M. Randall. 3 Cm .11. writs, the lion Jon:" W eXTW(IIITI4 is the Ching:,
Democrat, 10 . the nee , se of,wrrn . orr goicalsov, THE H, K T
Fairview, D H Chapman 40 Iro James A.Warner, V 00
Alec Nicholson 4no AGRICL LT I I. Rll. I APE,. , IN THE epaTED STATEN "
THE COUNTItY OF.HTLKMAN is published Weekly
Aosr.unt paid Aseremors sad Assistants, $l3l. '9
and , lie ~ I
TREASCIt kit 3d parrs .ivarto, eaten,. upon r I rralialin Ol.
Cala With P4.lo—inangitnaing at that Once serval ins
Ault of commhssion allowed T J Devore, Count r
Treasurer fbr ISMS. :,,., ~,, proyevarnti—arnnog them an ynharirryil pair.., larger lop.,
1174T1i Ft Y. ' nod an increased amount of Contents.
TH k Cs st STILT GENTLEMAN foram far the most cons
Amt paid the Commonwealths being the State'v plete and nnictieal Journal for the Fanner and Cuuntry
prOairirdota Of rural itenriroil on taint Snore Itessadent,published in this country Taint. Ttrus DOL
on County Bates and I.evVre4 also On State pet LARS AYE en Address with remittance, or for "ample
Donal Err the year Igbil. la roll fur said year Numbest, 1 l'lll EH TUch.KILA SON, A Itespy, NI.
*inapt the amount Mitatandine nri soweatel •.• ARRANGEMENTS have joist been completed by
Leda. 1 o - 315 4:' which the publishers of the Coca Ter liOntLE11•11 ore Irn.
Tuba and. of disbursement's including awl 4,1 shied to Oar TWO HI. WIRED A5l) 1 , irry OF THE
State tales noHared and paid over to the Cosa- , BM' :ATEA WHERRY PLANTS, u s Premium for Fire
isanwesith. $441 , 1 el , Subscriber. accompanied be the cash I'2lol Write Mr
Ault Cub in the Tr... 0 ,4 n Jett 1.1. 14641. 44150 IS , blether particular, wstb Prospectuses and Posters. L. T.
1 At Sow. Jan-B--34
nell3os, 99
Deduct a't of Warren's outatelotios Jon 1.1201, 464 PA l 10111(TU ILE I.' It AM Di & MOULDINGS.
• 4, Rich u,.1. and Mouldings, good assortment, now
$4131011 10, opening et the ti'leST PARK Jk.WELRY STORE.,
!lore.—Tbe ea-lieliaLidiim and allowance WOW/actor" on , tan :PIR/GOIN BUILDING
their Duplicates Nettled during the year. are ant eta
lineal in the facreruing statement inasmuch as they
were seither paid into no, out of the Treasury, sad are
safteurs, (including abetment* for errors,) to wit
Wattsbu rif
l ninn
Le bumf!
0 trent
diat. of abatements At Wel tax allowed °olive-
tam 109, WO 19
costaimioa i -11 M, 1121 X
St st itamaitt biasafe• OstsLasolluir Jaa: 1,
A`t. of bed. outeteneg o 4 Unaided Lando lbw ISU, $1
" " ISOtt,
St. end Co. N 044., 7.11 71
St. sod Co rli 68 SO
DUN 66411 comemis.
Ann. of bsl, due boo X. Sidaneer, Wettig, pi 412
" " Jl'. IL Black, Utuon, le{ 111
" " Maori, Le Baia, " Id 9 91
• .Vlscent Wittf'd b 0.," 965 U
Alai duo from Jaen. . /Plane, on art. fines
el.‘t AWN to his bands for collection, 111763. 00
•es.Palki beliace In full Nan mottlement
Of the amount of Duplicates of °Dusty, Poor and Stable
taxes levied on marsh of the rerpeettve Townahlpe,
Borough, and Wardle In the meaty of Re* being 76
cents Count) and Poor,and 25 cents State talonaking
a total of one dollar tea un every $lOO of the value•
lion for the year 109, together with the amount of
Militia Onto, and the names of Marie* Collectors, he.
Outputs CV/azure eamea. as ilk:Haim Wutles. nue.
Lit Ward, Erie, L. SlOaieyer, $5302 44 $o 60 $lBl 50
W• 44 W6lll. " David Burtuu. 6250 46 40 50 105 00
Millereft, J M. Warren. 5165 5.5 $5O 213 00
liarborrreek. Wm. Scott, ner 05 156 00
North 15ext tp., 88. Speucer, 52150 7432 60
North lest br , C. & .thysteg, 561 SS 72 .... 51 23 00
Oreentlekl, A. R. Beeman, 082 04 23 00
reassign, Job. H. Smith, 11.6 12 2Ou 15 00
Wattstuirg. Abbott Skinner, 231 II) lOu 10 00
Amity, tieorse blab, 574 76 250
Wayne. D. B. Spumy', 8:61 26 . 13 00
COU^. I I, Break Wiper, SU7 06 10 50
Pnlun. Jae. B. Black, 1013 57 7. 13 60
Le Demi, Jobs Moors, 1000 W. MI 00
Waterford tp.. Ws. Iliatrod, 1461 50 . 77 00
Waterford bo- Ws. Vbeopet. 710 24 12 24 36 50
Orlon.", Wm. B. Weed, 1020 13
$48104 10
Summit, Miro% Hays, 043 50 fir 00
M' Kan, N. Crandall 12511 36 36 50
Washingtoe. 0 T. liFladlen, 1446 00 40 00
fidinburo, ►tenry Lawrie. 305 54 4 BO 64 06
Franklin, Alonao Alden, WO 19 660
Marrero', Tltua Roblavem, 006 RI 150 32 50
Conneaut, Wm B. De V4011%1360 25 1 00 36 ou
Springfield, E. r. Sinful, 2410 10 37t 44 50
II irsrd Op.. John Seller, 2.253 P 7 250 24 00
liirard Or , li eotig. Rea, 002 BB 57 :k 33 50
Fairview, B. B. Alien, :MIS 76 II 71. 117 00
tal 21
24 LK)
Looms .f Oenspatioi—Esot Ward, Frio. $B6 00 . West
Wald, Kris. $ll4 Oil; Waterford bo.. 400 Springtivdd,
6 80 : ()Irani bo., 11 00; Fairview, 40
-Ault, of County tar, which Includes Collectors
naamlealoa, lust tax and outstanding on on
...awl lauds levied for the year 111.59. s2arwo
Al Poor tax levlc.l per raj of tirrrtont h,r 141 U, 11000 U 0
It.. ISSU, 11038 SI
Indlobtedskees of the County.
A't of Bonds out•ding Jan I Iva). on en lan, $25.000 00
• • t•• It of ttaf, , 1.50000
po.froo Do
L*duet kin( 0( 8..0d► reJ►etnwl ►n,l MM... i 1..!
In 11311, County loon. 5.Uu1l OU
Ata of Bond, outatandlug Jan 1. law. $21.000 00
Total it. of bonds taauel to tl.e kit t o. 100,000 00
Ke the undersigned Commissiouen. of Erie rounty,
"rtirY lh.t ito rorVoine , tat.m. of I. e full exhibit of
the Receipt. awl Karst. tote. of .►W County for t h e
r«►r A MOri 001.:
Attest,_ .N W. lIENDERPON,
Geo. W Cuirom, Clerk Com'r. of Erie r'o
ComoiiimOonerf Other, Erie, Jau 1, ISOU
tt a, the undersigned auditors of Erie Poway, haring
met at the office of the County Courttassionera, and
haring .eaprfolly examined the amounts and voucher, of
the 'Commissioners and Treasurer of Erie county ait,ne
said. Err the year 1E169, du repyrt that we pad them CO7
red, awl that we hod a balance to the hands of P*l4
Treasure/rot County funds of four thousand threw bun•
deed - and eighty-six Dollar. and eighteen rents , 11iPo a
balance outptanding due the County from the .arer.i
waren mentioned of three thousand ae•ro hundred and
Moat) -one dollare arid •isty two ...tits, which amount
Includes the balance of State tax uneolleciad on unseat
ed lands. as welt fir am)nnt of Court fine. and Jury tee.
placed In hand, of Sheriff ‘11...ku. for collection threw
under WV hands and peals, at Erte. this third day off.. •
A b eighteen hundrad and sixty
'Pt courav Auditors
Erie Canal Company.
A N Election for Seven Directors of the
Erie Canal Company will be held at their office to
the City of Kai', on the first Monday of Ilareb seat
I. (41.4- 4t35
Rogersoe & Bennett !
Nos. 11 and - 12 EXPIRE BLOCK,
IT AVE n hint*, 3n41 well Seketeml Stick
ILL 41
►S 04)
41.1 U.)
VII F.:,
Ames' Shovels and Spades . !
- II (I E :,
In fart alta,o , l every thing. of the't/tdStantl
RVPIRE Itl 'AC'/ . No. 11 and 12
X) 00
25 00
Mtn. to lEit re, at. Eric, .IPP,rx.
T 653 25
r9,1 , ;n: k. by
Corner of State and Seventh sts., Erie,
THE sul.p.wriber
b.' , Jost rneeivnl
Store. oo the Corner of
Std. sod Sysroth •U
of th• latest styles, sod
will enntiooe to korp on
band a lamp aa.•.rtm. u 1
Suited to tbs. elf{.4w4EY, 4'ittwoliallag 51
Dress, Frock and Sack Coats
of every sit le and price, Vests of all kinds, Cravabs ebitte
Cuder-Storte, nrarerit, ilatoikerchtets, co,lisro, Booster,
of different qualities , in .hart, be keeps every article
usually kept inn Clothing Estabitsbrtwmt. Ills Clothing
to manufactured by him.elf, and wsrrsteted equal to any
to the cite perrons wishing articles in his line will do
well to gill mid examine hie stock, as he Intends not to
be undersold by any establishment slut of New York.—
, Clothing made to order nn short oath,.
Diretfirres She Aim, aresiriesee • Corwrr, rer•
Aar le Mail owl Serena struts
Eno, 4 vpt. 24 —1849 itINN 1iik12:41.6111F.R.
100 BUSHELS nice Dried Apples on
lased sod I .r sal. by
fib 4-35 BCCILYAN, /MM HG k CJ
$3701 82
And..SY. /Wu. St gm /toa
Iµ67C 39
: , TEF L
(1 It E NII it S-
'Bl.-1' .. GOOD 144)
Clearing Out of
lel r 220,
We Will Sell Our
F . I) It
C.13.1513E3 Z
(41i1F.1( 7a-CO S T 1 EawdLiYEhPOP u
vela b.. hod of tint Druggists In
TERro 1
!rill ßl
AD4 by all (loftier, w Medium. in the adjolnl towns SD i
linage* of Penn , Ohio, and N. Y , and he the Proprietor.
in Erie. 37 CARTER k HRI,
ER ARMADA. now Laying in this Port
Payments easy Will escbangs for mai
Al ° di
tate particulars For particula voquire of
Erir, Fob II -Za J
THE YORE JUICE,—Wine of the J u
of the Grape, and nothing else, no Alcohol, no .sagee
made by Samuel Pelden of ll•nehester. Erie county. ana
sold only by 37 CARTER. k BR
WEAVER'S SYRUP—The genuine ar.
title for the Cure of Ery•lpelas mid other diaordet
amine from an itupur‘i litate of the Mood, for sale by
febi S— 37 CARTER k BRO
newt the ,istwollang cures qt reto!,-
of &fob,
Ur IT CCRED Mr. S. Hetoenws.r. ProPrivtor of
ars Stivet Omnibus Line, of Neuralgia awl Riaturoatmo
lu the peek ead shoulder.
OME BOTTLE. cured Mr. Flu Weed, Cotnunnoou
Merchant, of severe Neuralgia ortbe bead and neck, aR.r
all other remedies
Ei''.llr. 1.. GROSVENOR, of Perry street, who w '
confined to th e house,. awl entire') unable to attend t
business, (s now well from the use of Watson'. Neursiv.
rir THE NEURALGIA KIN tt eared Yr. Jo.,ep%
Ity, Seneca stmt, of !NFLAYZATOICT 11111T11•7111111 of
standing At the 'tote ..t eotmtkenetog tts use he
tined to Ws belt
gar JAIIIK. 4 VA NV AIai:NM:KG, a well-known yo
Hee.: ati of thi. env, wa. oureil of Rheumatism and A. o
nagis in itr Worst form
Reed, No attret, was nun!, after Hilt.. ot‘,..r
Scre', N
IZICC)3LOCa.AfLIC7a 43r7M7.
Scotch and Irish Whiskies,
Choice Old Monongahela,
'E. P. X. &
Hate on 'laud the hotpot had Beet Selectee' 41.,c1.
Fine Old Whiskey
or say deafen la the rafter, Plate.: ell al' which o , 10.
ly Itnyn,wo.l ov age F 1 1110111.} TON k i.hi
I! la North Front et., l'ho,
Q l. A A fine
ap.ortment of tbe -I
end sires far sate tfry dse al
11(11.1)WIN . ft PRlti 1. 1 7111111.
NO 6, Need How..
• °NE pRicE sToRE!
New Arrangements—New Firm '
A T tit«. stand of N
State rtrvet. I anew% mhos, the Pool lam
~.I , ..rtfullv ~torn Ilia uk• to Or poen, 1. r
&von trod toOtit t rwatioustme of rout patsortaeo t , t
?tiro Firm, aoaurtug you that we shall avail tourer •
our or perloaor la the business and epee. no pan* t.. om I , •
this one at the very best plsces to pit rehaut goo.t
In Eria county ltur aim rill U. to are), on haw' , •, • •
swam of
Good Sound and Clean Goods,
Which we continue In *ell on the CY& and. ithoet
Credit system, which will enable ne *Jaw to hut ft
Cash greatly to Ib. adeartwee met. C r edit Ric.. I. ‘,„,
ruaton,era, set well a* otirwelara Ws shall 6erealt• i ,
tarictly on the
Our floods are all marked ia plata ?trams, so that
PIM be un yarlatioa 5n Oars, as la attett Th. , ow•
fromit ate said ou loos wild doubtful mai.
Naos* ;Ai - -14 :lb CEO-f-----1
Will be !kelt as low as the Goode eon .d be nold In
m►ruat, subset, however, to a liberal r•doetloa when
M the quantity or at wholewale In addition On our et... k
wa shall receive now noppllev
Wanted ! Wanted ! ! Wanted ! !
Chem*. Butler, EMI. Clever and Timothy Seed, FiOU
Pork, Lard. White Reno*, Onions, and ail litsvO, of its.
duce and nanutnetared arUcles. Woolen Yarn, mitten*,
Sock), Baskets, Butter Pirtle's, Fish and Pork Barn le,
to , for which w will pay Warhol Price In Cash or Gr
orrice. Mew ve ea ■ call