THE OBSERVER. IL &'1.0.1\, t; - - Si 50 PER YEAR IN AL VA k SATURDAY, MARCH 3. 14) Dem4or%tio State Convention Gen. Henry D. Poster, of West moreland Nominated! This body met at Reading on Wednes day, and was organized by the election of Hon. We. H. Witten, of York. as Pre-e -dent. After the Convention had been fully organized by the selection of a large number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries, Mr. Vansant moved that a committee of one t pm each Congressional District be ap pointed to choose delegates to Charleston, `and electors for each of said districts. Mr. Cessna moved te postpone the matter. Mr. Plumer opposed the postponetnent, and favored the appointment of the dole gates and electors by the Chair. Mr.. Montgomery favored the appoint ment of delegates and electors by !h i e del egates themselves of each Congneissional District of this Convention. During the debate, Mr. North of Lan caster, expressed a preference for Jolin (2. Breckenridge for President, which was re ceived with thunders of applause I v the Convention. Mr. Vansanes mot ion waas defeat ed, yeas 44); nays 91 A resolution that the Conrention (sleet tour delegates to the l'harl►ton Com en tion and two electors at large, and that the delegates of each Congressional District ...e -lect two delegates and one elect ,, i for them. .elves, was agreed to amid great cheering, Nominations were then made• fin• the- Charleston delegates at large, anti on the Gat ballot, lion. Wm ltigler and .1,,1m L. Dawson were elected The Convention then adjourned at A to hour until morning, without tram-acting any other business of importance. When the Convention assembled in the morning, the selection of Delegates at largt vvaa completed 1, the 'Aimee of lion. \V ro Montgomery, of Washington. and E Baker, of Philadelphia. Richard Vitus, of mei tieorge M. Kim, of Berke, Wr,IP 1•1165 , 11 l•l.•(• tors at large. Nominations were made for a can. lidate tor Uosernor. Wm. 11. Witte's name was hailed with applause, and a -.,lute fired by the Keystone Club. Among the other names put tut ward was John L. Dawson, Jaks,l, F 1), Nimrod Strickland, and H. B. Wright The tint ballot resulted as 1 . 0110 W ., Wm. W:tte 4'J, Fry 10 ; Wright 12. The wane,. scatter ing. This is all the proceedings tho regular dispatches to the press furnished , but tho following which we find in a l'h•celand 141- per, gives the final result of the contest • ItrAaisc, Pa., March I Henry 1). Foster. of W.-.4tmoreland, nom inated for Governor I.y acclamation by thr Democratic state Convention. This indicates that there wa- a long con test between the prominent candidates, and a final compromise on FOSTER. We hail it is a good omen—a cheering indica tion that the I)etnix.racy of Penteiylvalua are united, confident, and ileteimmed ”ti victory! Republican State Convention. If we had room-we should like to lay the proceedings of the Republican State t,'on vention, which met at Harrisburg last week, in full before our reader , It was. we have every reason to believe, the most remarkable exhibition of "ground and lof ty" political tumbling, as well as the most abject performance of eating one'-' (•.%%n w.ords, that has ever taken place in this state. The chief spokesman in this cow ocation of "buzzards," to use the ,classic language of Hon. DAVID TAGGART, one of the defeat ed candidates for Governor, %a.= the “own er of the party" in this county, Mr. M. B. Lower. He was the great "I am," the Ju piter Tonus, of the whole concern. Ile moved, and the convention obeyed. He spake, and they listened! Ile threatened. and they meekly "diied up," and submit ted ! With such an engineer is it any won der the deliberations of the Conven tion resulted in nominating Gen. Stvoc Csatzaos, as the choice of the party in Pennsylvania for President, and ANDY CrRTAIN, of the Pollock administration notoriety, for Covernor. After we have heard so much from the press and the orators of this party abmit the profligacy of political conventions, who would have devined such a result as this? Who could have been convinced that any respectable party would ever have instructed its dele gation to a National Convention to favor the nomination of such a man as Simon Cameron for the Presidency of this great Republic f When we look back over this man's past history, blasted and blistered and corrupted by every species of bribery and plunder ; as an American citizen, and as a citizen of this great Keystone State of the Union, we feel humbled and humilia ted, that within the borders of this old eommonwealth any party could be found so lost to shame that it would send its del egation to a convention instructed to sup port Simon Cameron for the chief (dice in this nation' What recommends this man? What but lot fox-like cunning—h;,3 unscrupulous character and their hopes of plunder recommended Aim to thor factor and purchased their instructions? But we need not construct language of our own to de scribe the characteristics of this man, w hom the "owner of the party in Erie county." has brought forward for his meek follow ers to endorse. If any of our readers have a file of the Erie Gaa'Us for the year 1,455, let them turn to the number for,Fels. and they will find a paper signed by twen ty-eight members of the then "opposition" Legislature in which the political charac ter of Gen. Csesaos is drawn with &master hand. To this paper are signed the names, among others, of DAVID TAGGART, who re 'calved-sixteen votes for Governor In the Convention last week, and who was subse quently designated as elector for the 11th district by the same body—Hon. FRANCIS JORDAN, delegate to Chicago from the 17th district ; and G. J. BALL, Esq., of this city. In that paper we are told that the signers could not, in justice to themselves, vote for Gen. CAVERGN for Senator—"a man," they say, "whose whole history is but the "history of intrigue—a man who has de- •Il I \II i tii. .H :11.i 1 If 1 , • - • 111110 Arno .•r• 1- /4 has net nr nann• with the word. A• always professed to he a I -nidlerut• .tn , l Yet that party only remetn hers him lawatt•nol his treachrv, and speak of itie,il a-- a traitor. As a Whig, it is his boast that he never voted a Whig ticket in his life—that party being saved from such a disgrace. As an Atherican, and an Anti-,Slayk-ry mart. let the record speak for itself," After quoting .some resolutions showing him to have hut:a few months previous acted with the Democratic party. Messrs. Tag gart; Jordan, Ball, and their twenty-five colleagues, a•antirtue— ••When has he changed his opinions up on these questions! When, or where, has he disowned them! And even if there he any recent recantation got up for the pres ent emergency, Arre is not character enough in the gum to impose !upon rreduky itself. Ifut do not the people of Pennsylvania expect something more of the present Leg lature than the election of 'An old political hock r ball the American party, then, in the face of all its professions and actions, be iisie made the dishonored instrument in elevating Simon Cameron to the highest office in it, gift and thus hold him up to the world as the exponent, embodiment and personification of Americanism 1' We trust not. We emt.rider Alma)* repre.tewat,,r 9,),X1,7(7n,1 u !it exponent of no Im mo a . .1, Pennsylvanians, we re member that ottr State motto, as adopted liy our ancestors of seventy-six. is '• t avtL, LIBERTY, AND INDUMNDENCIL" We rever ence this glorious old motto ; and bear in mind that we hut recently swore, as rep re-entative,, to perform our duties, as such, with FII , EI in fidelity toourconstituents, hilelit ) to our native State, and fidelity to the ennoliling principles engraven on our State e , cutcheon Shall we then, or can we, consi-tently with the oaths we have taken. , ums - irt notrunolkw, m, dedlitule (nl . ery wool,/ diagrare the h- :N o• -v,00 gm, too- 'lithe(' Stale:— and I\llll . ll Wu feel well assured, our con ,tatuents will repudiate with scorn and righteous indignation. We recognize no power in any caucus, to require us thus to sacrifice "tir integrity. to throw away our sell re-pest. or to violate our oaths; and therefoie that in the independence of freemen, we strike down king caucus at the billing of ink country. Alto% e our venerated motto, and associ ated nith it in all the memories of the past, and our hopes for the future, is the American eagle—our national emblem, and our eountry's pride. It ever adorns starry flag and it fipreatls its 'wings of glory over us.' as a protecting angel. - When ate go into the hail of the Rouse of Representatives. to execute the most im portant trust confided to us, we desire to meet uoine thing there having some analo gy or coneordance with these glorious re eolleetions and these sacred emblems.— iirant us this or something approximating to thi-, and all will be well , and our hearts and our hands will be with you, both to 410 and to dare. But n hat we say unto one we say unto all, iNrifr not In there 4, parta4e a( ,4! Here then:is the character of the candi date of the Republican party of Pennsyl vania de.erilctl by Republicans themselves. It i- not a flattering description, we admit, lad it contains element nhich ought to “mmund a to the attention of In , l to the candidate for Governoi. we have iinple time to examine hi. claim.. I court', and qualification, hereafter. t word we will add, and that i, that he wra %otod for on the first ballot by Mr. M. B. Lov. a., which oto we think completely take. the. ".torch" out of that gentleman's proto , rtom on tin , railroad question, which mo. %%ova to be hi , chief ~ t ook in trade in the eoininunitv =:=l pi- An old subscriber awl valued friend gat 4• a legit err the other day on our du ties as an billet The subject matter of les complaint was that we hate not-pitch ed i nt o " th e 'ourts of this District because of what he eonceives the lax administration of J ust.' this particular bill of complaint ea. the '• e.a...e." Now, whether that uwertuuate young man should have been or should not have been hung, is not a yiestion for IN Or any other newspa per I:ditor to decide. At his trial our own opinion was that he was guilty of murder. and tinder, the present -law the penalty for that et nue is death. Two sworn juries. both of which bad all the evidence Is-for,- thorn, earns to the same conclusion. The) Court, however, thought different, and in !let opinion we believe vine-tenths of the bar of this county—composed of gen tlemen "learned in the law"--;concur. But whether the bar concurs in this opinion, or whether it does not, the Court, which is the judge of the law in this case, was of the opinion that according to the true reading of the law defining the crime for which he was tried, the prisoner was not guilt) of premeditated murder In a case like that of Fou•t, it is a nice question to decide whether there was premeditation sufficient to oonstitute murder in the first degree or not at all events it is so nice that we can readily see how a jury, under the influence of able counsel, could come to one conclu sion, while the Court. unoperated upon by any such influence, should come to a very ditferent one. In this view of the case the opinions of the jury and the Court should both eepected ; and jbeing respected, it is not the province of a newspaper to belabor with violent language either the one or the other. To disagree with the Conn, in respectful language, is very prop er. And that ts precisely what we did.— We said at the time that we doubted the propriety of the court's grunting a new trial and that wa l l . al l that, as a public journalist, we thought we were called upon to say. With equal firmness we say now we doubt the propriety of a newspa per Editor denouncing a Judge as venal, and corrupt, and profligate, and lampoon ing him from week to week and from month to month, for the simple reason that the said .1 udge and the said Editor do not look through the same spectacles at given subject We do not believe that such a course is calculated to "reform" the - Judiciary, or benefit the people. On the contrary. whilejust and respectful criticism is the true province of the newspaper, un just criticismand vituperative abuse of any one is the province of none but black guards, who, venal themselves, can see no motive in others but that which sways their own ignoble natures. An editor should be very pure himself—should he above reproach, and above suspicion of Improper motives—before he lends himself to the task of impeaching the integrity of a judge upon the Bench, or his associates beside hint. hence it is, that while we value the judgment of our friend, alluded to at first, we cannot concur in his conclu sions as to the line of ixtliey ire should pur sue in this, or any other case, which may be a subject of judicial investigation. Ausi•isioN ut K ''' -11).` Pllt is% ill.. some vein correct linli 111Wrtlinl• ' WWI ut regard to the sdint--ion of Kan-as, It say• in the National House of liepre-en tatives the Committee on Territories ILI% c under eonsideration the admission of Kan sas under the Constitution framed at Wy andotte during last summer, and there no doubt that they will report favorulile to the creation of a new State. With the provisions of this Constitution the public generally are familiar enough. There is nothing in it particularly novel or offensive: and hence no objection can be urged to the admission of Kansas as a State, either in or out of Congress, except the allegation that she has not the population demanded by the celebrated ENGLISH bill. This alle gation is, however, by no means well sub stantiated ; and we learn that the delegate from Kansas is preparing to show, from the Territorial census and from the returns of recent elections, that the /..saSWe resi dents there number full one hundred thousand. But even should this number of inhabi tants not be found within the limits of the Territory, our opinion is that she is still entitled to admission. The provision of the Estottsu bill which requires a certain population before her admission, was ob jectionable in many respects. and should not be held as binding by the representa tives of the people. It is establishing it Precedent which can result in no immedi• ate good, and which, if enforced,will contin ues dangerous and disagreeable agitation The admission of Kansas into the. Union would render her sovereign, and the quo , Lion of slavery within her borders would at once be removed from the arena of na tional politics. The people there would not only have the tight to "regulate their affairs in their own way," but it would he their duty to do so. and they alone eotild be responsible for the exercise of the vie or they held. The battle of the slavery question in Kansas has been fought and won. Southern statesmen admit that it never eau be established there, and It !- therefore, useless, and worse than welt—. to continue to agitate it. AY a general principle we believe that the sooner organized Territories are ad mitted into the Union. and endowed with State sovereignty, the better it will be fot the national peace and safett so long a they ielllatu the i•reatures (II they are liable to all kind- LA agitutioil In outside visionaries ; but when made the guardians of their own internal Alum" this interference must necessarily cease Ihe 1 Kansas been admitted four .igo. nine-tenths of the evils resulting front the Slavery agitation would have been :n .The past cannot be remedied, it is true, but the future may be cared for , awl hence we urge the speedy admission of this Tel - ritary under any reasonably fair Con-tats tion. TROUBLE AELEAD. We tent our IteptiLlo can friends are doomed to troul.le loefoore they harmonize thi- discordant element. composing their party. The Now York r, e‘lited by lien. Rion got en notice to the Chicago Convention in aol vance that if its favorite. :N EN AHD, t , not nominated, there will he a general ' • Iyolt" of all his friends. So much for that wing of the "harmonious" opposition, Now let us look at the CAMERoN wing of the party. The other day the General ' . chief !Ogle man. spokesman, and bottle-holder tenor al, Ilr. M. B. Loot Rh, of I hi , City, illf , PlTtitql the party in solemn convention assembbsl that if it went to Ifissouri to find a candi date, (Bates) to the exclusion of tien. cont emn, ut would wash his hands, shake the dirt from his feet, and return to his tors( love, the Democratic party. Whereupon. so the report informs us, they,- MI • a eral cry all over the Convention of "co go!" Since then the I ieinocrootoe I .111 x ,on. tion at Reading has been held, but we 01.0 not hear that any one in that 1.0(1v ri- Toni led, "come' come'" tom. Not less than seven hundred per sons are said to bt.• profl%sionally engaged in counterfeiting moneN in the state ot Ohio alone.—E.reko,, / ,. A much larger number in the , atue are engaged in enunterfeiting philanthro py—at the head of the gang ,foAlni.i It Giddings and S. P. Clia.e WASHINGTON, Feb. :N.--The North ( 'sr ohm, upposition Conventibn has nomina ted, by acclamation, John Poole, of nig qustauk, for Governor, awl pse retegrasf u 4 on the parer... Wonder if he pt any relation to the cel ebrated 13d(Y, lr , whom the - opt.o,ltion" cannonized in New York a few ear, ago The Convention at Harrisburg last week appeared to be a sort resurrection of defunct politicians. It tray presided over by k, the weakest brother that ever filled the Executive chair of this .lute—it nominated CURTAIN. who died politically when the Pollock administration expired —and it was; engineered by Lowsy, who has caused every politician he has embraceil to 'commit (4-1,, de ae. Ufa' The last Girard contains a cotnmunicaiion from S. E. Woodruff, Esq., warmly advocating the passage into a law of Mr. Teller's Bill givingjurisdiction to Justice. of the PP/WO in minor ottenee.. Itf course—Mr. W. is a Lawyer, and. as one of that "ancient :and honorable" fra ternity remarked to us the other tiny when conversing upon "Mr. Teller's bill," its passage wilt prove a rich harvest to the profession. The more you complicate law. the more you add to litigation. and the more litigation there is the more fees flow to the lawyer's pockets. My, Peace reigns in Africa! The dalc!te says it understandk that the difficulties in, the True Ameriont bttice have been adjusted by the purchase of the material. by Mr. Catlin. I= M., The time for holding the Republi can Convention to meet nt Chicago to nominate a candidate- for President, has been changed tel Wednesday the loth day of May, a resolve of the manager. at their meeting in Albany this week. cireat is Greeley sts,. The Louisville Journal, one of the Southern allies of the Republicans. speak ing of that party, nips : "The mission of the party is fulfilled.— It has no longer a decent pretext for exist ing. Disbandment has in every point of view become a paramount duty." It would seem that this advice is about to be followed, for their representative. in Congress have gone out of their rank. for all the officers of the House, and it is sta ted that "it is arranged" that their candi date and platform for the Presidential election are to be of the "silver grey" stripe (r)carnit attrs. (ientlenten who smoke alleg.• tli..t it tu n o, them cairn and compliteent. flte . tell um that the more they fume the 1.•.. they fret. Sigir Last week some villain entered the ,table of Theodore Farley, near Fort Main, and rut out the tongue of 3 O,W btr• A MN. lhwle died in . I . oo\ Fn lay from unirtitieation of the ant, proelue•- i'd by a Ore of a needle which had entered the palm of her hand a iseek previon , . IP071" Mr. Root, of Iluntaville, purchased a e ouple of bed )4.1 k at any tion, and ,00n after carrying them 11091 e, one of his chil , lren broke out i‘ithelhe small pox, caught. it thought. hom those blanket- pa' Ch.. Democratic state ',tut e ll ii oll ., of Michigan lowa a,n.l \V Isenn.iii. 114• I, lug t Ito present week, passed resolution- en (lot g Senator I kiglas. and teedrmint t. I lug hint for the Charleston nomination. star A lad tit fifteen years. mooed Hen ry Kunkle. a telegraph obv'i'ator at a ...tat ion on ft western railroad, has been arrested for robbing the wails. He confessed be bad been earrying on the system of .1, 1 4,4131t0n. for a year past. Ma" liedpatli . - recent •• Lite of 1 . .,14.1111 .101111 ii" that at the count'. nce• latent ut hi- career he "failed in n Iti.ol peculation. - Th. autbui 'night 11.1‘e .elil eil tied he ended Ins car..ct an.,111. failure in it ger. NVe have tt 11.111101' 10,11) _that hot_i,ed of all 4 „ri, of ruinia---- t,, the effect that the lion 111111 of the eolintry are favoring the nomination of 11. Outline for the Presidency, -Inc,• tlo• I iii livation of hi- Lodi' record taar II I , -aid tiro 11011. Datio 11. eltant• ‘‘f Ito.trt. and will prol,ally:mak, 1 ,r01e,..14.n amity and vonnk,vt. lann-ielt %Nati -4,ine church. im•fory tln.l ranter. kir A malf• child n:1- re. ,tith tit Starolkfiald, Itealtli and troll form ‘vitit ..11 dfsfult-I pair "r ‘‘bi,ker. -ttut, Lin g Iron' f•tir ,-ar • It I p.m tivt. ‘‘,•.•l,- old l.rhzlit .m.l I %.•I% alt 11 a giowlng "Or Thoma- .1 etrol "ilt -.L144, 1.11.0 thr 01.1 ~ 111,• tutu:, tlav attt-rupt to v.•l flay I , tmer 1...11,11g the nann•ot Nopui.henti." the ulifiltu.•nt of propiwcy ha. t , i 11 1 , day and gunet atn gat- A I,ruto Rich l I ;ittyllt , 1,1 '....etlgssick. hJ-1..•••11 vonnnltte,l to jail for N t terx Lok In- ..wn (laugh ter, I 1 to it old N 1 hi) •e 1 Ow ettiqn•t t,, :II Ii \ Lir- 110 C.'llip.•ll , d 101 t. , 1110110 t.) the 111 , -1 ‘ll/01 And 110..nt ttratment L,th I,y 11,tli- , •11 and di. M.1111 0 ,111.1 , 0,..41 4.1111 u..! I es-el ith 1111)1 stir Win. \111 , 11.11 I 11111!. Aedloll , .1i • , 1/1 , 11• I i1.1.1111,- o , ollt In. arm , t.. 1 to lier 1114 timilt, •in enil to 111. exi-14 - 11 , 1•. ll V. 1, h.. 1 t., t i 4. how... an 1,4111211,1 'l\ 1111 .11 , 1. j11:1 11 utile fr. m him Ow .t It hail I.,•••ii tit, 11 , ,t 1•%1.1. Sydr hi tit. ,l•• .00 ...I. en 111 , 1, tviv, 1 . (•, c (t%.) !line that at. o. 1 ,‘ titttali that at. ht.• te, t t.ll thi• •••••flat..t 1- tit ,• t... , t ..1.•11 1111 Till. 1111•10111.1(•.11\' I- tll4 -t t CI . ta.tit.tql4 , l to tho not the Can {Act di 0, four ANt•letl "'I 1.1111.1- 1.11, th.. I.tlll IrIlk:11;.' .11 t ; . 1 211,: Gar enterpt. .1./. 1 1 -ev h:v••• prelutted :11.• nu ..sing trof.f4 for the the, ‘”ealizt- .. I\ All. 'I :1 ,1 111 tilt` 1,40.1 , ( 111• 111'gl1• , 1,1 do in 11111,1\ 11004, \\Jilin 1111I . ‘ .111• 11•.1 I , . 1 131/ 1.11 tht. lirlllll ~,, • 1/ ../101,11J10 . 1% I. 1111- 1/11.•11 Ile 111.1 nl,l 1..01 ers The 1.1111.- the., .6%, A -0,1 e r then in tura; 0.1 -tit t.. market. I‘lll. 11, tir t 11 „tlik the 1,11,.. ).. 111.1e1-e.l t; .‘ll Frog, ,ire \'ln„ . 4 11,1 h., wer. , pm•om•.l m 1111,) lit-t `;.ituitia) I.‘ In n.• "id" . 1 ' an hour tft. t Ikitl (no !MAI tit...v. in.( Ow mfr. -utlertag nitwit 1, th, titn• th.• lett , t INrittoll t. , tit.. that Itt•I 1,• , i rpeto.l 1:11,• )..ittt• It -.. 1 hottle vvitL ;,\ ,l 1 I t il4 1 - 11 it r ...aid, „ , th ROth it, .ill.l I al11.• ablrillingiV .11.• I" .1 with What 1.•-tilt atti s The I,t tt. a, i-e 12, is la-ginning \tear .1 st es I now appears titql MI • Its it. .1 been mitbletled to Itel , t'etition by het hit hand. and that the whit It It, common il -1 114 1. 1.14 . 114 1 extorted ''rout her by threat- die etas confined by dim -s. and n r ',lll et en threatened her li f e etch t pi-tiil It is clearly .hoar that Charg"da ..l " . lng "/I'' it to hot in the lot Mild) lint thile on Ike .1i ye-tion lit Fail I lilt . .•: the alleged (Tillie hat I.: to I Mr C tito, • 111., of Alban). It, r lias Liken the matter in hand. and able eiain-el in t lo cago hate einpow.""l t" 1".1`.• thorough inst-ti tt'.l.‘ll 1 , 1 Ow ‘ll Ste Mart I : riller, a touu: ((opt i-- nned in un, tilt , penitilitiati for count, - feiting, made her e , capeoli the kt from the fifth story of the lit ison. kV get ting out of her window :nit passing ng the side of the building, upon the cot me s e or wat•Pr table, about eighteen niche. broad. Passing along the flout of the building. at the immense height of fifty of sixty toot front the ground, with nothing to hotel to and upon the projection scareel . i front the ground, she leached, at the .11,. tance of about forty feet nom her room window, a Olive where it was neees . sary b lter to jump about twelve feet to the root ( - tithe west wing The leap iva, taken. proved a sac one. and the dauntless ao man next fastened to the rimier ot the °id a rope which she had mail ,. of her balding, grasped it in her hands, and swinging from the roof, passed down on the fliut.ode of the wall, over windows where other convicts were sleeping, and flown to terra lonia, where. at a distance ofalout forty' ve tett below the roof she landed in the arms of a confederate. bar : nexu•aot•,linarvaflhirlut oceurt col t Hanoi or, says the Lockport /•••,,,... -- List week a respectable trades - it runan With two children, went to the police office and stated that she had murdered her brother in her own house, and that she wished to be taken into custody The police went to the house and found the dead body of her brother, whose name w.f., Ras`rd, lying in one of the room, with his throat out - - The woman said that the man. aftt‘r losing from drunkenness 1444.veral situations :1,4 I . llqll. t 1 advocates, had been r 0 4 ne ,..,f, t o the necessity of aeeepting the position of railway peter, but that she hail kindly al lowed' hint to live with her gratis, on con dition o f his g ivfo. 4 a solemn promise that he would , :tote drink in the future. This prom:se he had not kept. and The night] before he had returned home so drunk that he had fallen asleep un the floor.. Irritated at his shameful conduct, she cut his thrall. The police thinking the wimian irtstutc, had her examined by medi6el men, but no indication of lumen• could be-fliseovereil. It turned out that she bad - committed the murder in the presence of lier two children, ages I ten awl twelve, and that before giving herself' tutu custody she had made her will. MARRIAGES. tun the _ .1 by the Rev. Mr Hamilton, NI, JAME:, kl \tit° Ni 1. 1 ,1 A AllAti Kl:in of West on thr •28th inst , by Rev. Joeeph H. Press ly, Mr. ROLLIN L. STONE, of Wotterfo4l. t o .I %JUAN MeNCTT. of Erie. DRATIIB At hit, residence in Erie, on 81IntinY the 26 th tort . JANIEB T. ESSWORTIL Esq., Deputy Sheriff t,f thi.t eotinty. iu the 40th hear of his mge. At the residence. of his father, Joseph Hen derson, Eeq., to Nlillereek township, on the morning of the 'lrith tilt . OEOHGE HENDER tit)N, aged 29 yeartil, CONraTA are antborised to an. noose* that CHAR/SA MlLLif.ft will be a assail date for the odic* of Constable of ths Weet Ward of tke I tt. of Erie, at the elerticia to be held on Friday the 16th lIIIIT JUSTICE OF TOO FRAC/to—Yr. Stoos—You wilt please announce to your ousoorous residers that WI I.IIA M THORNTON will be • candidata for re election to the office of Jostles of tt Pesos in the Loa Ward, at the rooting municipal otoetter. Tbo port prompt find efiercol le Pe rrin. of /Ir. ThOTlftolll Sa lIID °Meer, hi. trietly frank sad honest .Ivslings with his coosUtasots for the !met are . ears, La a eon, sus:sates for his full sad faithful performance of the duties of the ales for whieb he ix an imp/mint, sad hla past business tritaromarm *AL nor rititime le that rapacity prows MD eihrieitey for the r,dt.e. The auflrage. r ( the public to his behalf is aolicitei Feb 25 len A WARD Justice of the Peace. The (mewls of k. P. MANNIATT, of t h e Loot Ward of the City of Arlo, preterit id. name to the independent Voters or mud Want as a cataidabe for the calm uldu•tice of the Pease, to be voted for at the ensuing intinlcip.l eleetiou Mr Bennetkts well gaslitted to All the positton and it . te. ted will discharge this duties of 01111 0150 b with credit b I thaelf and tidetity to suitors Erie, FI•14 30,1600 . • _ E.ll.llthiltilfti and till Oat Door Laborers are much exposed, (especially to the Fail suit :spring, I to the many sodden end severe changes .1 the weather—too wet and too cold—sad hence often take cold, which closes up the Pores ot - the akin, and mimes Ferers, Cats,* 'err Threat, Rhassalima, Sklwaroo of the Joists, and many other painful afections , all of which might have been prevented or quickly thrown off, by u. king • few drop* in hut water, of Carter s Campania Es. tract of Smart Irecil. It unly made to be tried to prove the tru th of till!, statement, mushy--3! THE 310!4T DIPITURAMINIES Ningrelgies lbobliarle, or .Nersoext iheadecar, can, la Mae case• nut of ten, be cared by wungSS lain I NKIVIII PILLS and EXTRA!" OP 814.• RT What, There Is more certainty atteatlng the use of them two snetAictries in these 011.961, than any other that we ever knew. inarch3-3 1 1 ogra 311t1 4 , Wl dsl.OWran experienced our. and female physician. h•• • Soothing Syrup to toilareis teething, which greatly iscilltat. the process o veething by "often lag the gum. reducing all inflammation sill .flay all pain and to cum to !aguiste the bowels-- 1t.,.. n I upon It, bothers, it ally give re.t to )ouraelree ‘n•lre.l.4 end health to ) our infants. Perfectly safe in II caw. See aireertisement In another cabana. ivi: Erie W holesale Prices Current uttßauWTt Ern, & r r t I lit thom. and In• Itt,l • I.'Fiet manly, , opertw, •• 11 111" f; Dun, Bork .• boat Flour, ♦rat P tr 1,00.1 k«fi, Corn R 3 risr.ev, . Fla, l'Ittl{11. 1 11()N% Ltratat, nyted Dri.l f*ra , lies, tf , t , Bntt r. 11,••••••• ihms, Ahool I. r*, A roh, ••• ,•1 =I , f1.•111. rvt. . 1 I ; fr• .r I: KU(] IC al E. 1•13 r •tr r, .er• .1; =I IllUill i , t I , I \ II I'„1 , li. it r It II po I .1 lo rt 11 •%, 11. I.Ard Tn4un•r. 11,1, • W 4..4, .oft, Atlvcrtiscinctttri. FOR RENT lleal f .4 , 4,1 31/ , 0.1... rt., with oellmr, • f•,.e• , i okr•lrti le'• Aj.,41, te,•• I C IPT J MI.. \ I Al' 'TO LET. 101% 1.11.'4..311( 1:0 , qt1- .11Itt ~,, f •,.1, =REM 4.l Y I Something New to Invalids ! DR. CHAS. DE HEINTZE, LIST 1\ It k I rum Ihr Opthatmle and Aural liunple•t, 111;FFALO. rq V. C th.• 11 • F:r,, Pa., for t Irw • Nton•!,T FohrIllr• tonto.n 'W.1... to 1,4 non in %•.1.•1 In or loz elver. tnnt .1 1 •.1...4 1 r. • ( r. 1.44% and ,ong ;,;, tl. ;410.......tiLy for • - :if, h. on I i• Al lorn,er.•pt 4 for, lio.trurted fly 'tits • A } 11 1 i• I 1,1. It III,: • et r, ry, n., poyn, , •; , an ! 1.•5 1111 • Iel ..1 Is 1.41 the Irpult that JIG Iln. Ili- ". ..;•• to. 11, 11 014111110 4,1•1 Aural `,/ .„, ..lar ••••. F ,e. P,.ly pus ~f th e .. ,& Inarch3- .la3ot J. N. KLINE & CO., , or• cromr. Ito A LINE (' IR/:1 I Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c \ ! i!• 11:1'n! it •!tre.l .1 (A 1. Folm.ilikcll °lir:oil-1" . =ME! G` ( WFf i 7 , 4, k.4C7 C 4 T R 0 41 L. I. BALDWIN 41 tf IZ-. rrll brand a Wlitte Loud War .ct.i at wh..t.wie end Ratafi at I.D ti IN'S DR( f 3 STORR. No. h, Reed Rouse. Great Seneca Oil Prospects. FARM A n vILLAtiE PHI WERTY l'oß SALE. 1I E 1: its( I{lllEl , l N( )W tFF R T LE,IOO LOTS, in 11.LA 4 4, Erle Co iPar Also, one farm of no seeps, on.. of CO acres, and another of 130 wires, all suitable for inlets or ...allots two Pi ... Aleut Water Prirfregrei : o acres of lend two miles from Union. This is at present the best PiIIiNECA OIL Property in Erie eo our Wool hawing souk go fr e t nu tiiis Land. end I. .till pro .llli i great woaaS large quantities of oil hicin .err the top of Well. Union in the M.. .11 rt Mari in Erie aousity, the Sunbury and Erie Belli, easing dlnietly through It, nicking it the first point n of Erie of much importance. The Atlantic & Brest Western Railroad Igor to progress, passing through It also. Fitty•three perms font Buildings bare been Wade in S•nion the past year, the good health of our inhabitants. Ihe prosperity of oar tanners and tradesmen, all itimbinii to make talon Toe PLACII to - Invrot your eirplo• capital. coma AND IT. - P. G STRANABAN Union Mulls Yeti 25, ISl6o—tinsa9 . . _ A NEW INK uAGGIN'SVAN.‘DIC BLACK INK. 1 - The only MC that will not Corrode 'u 4. rpl I E subscriber offers to the public a let Muck Ink, which fa superior to our Tom In use. It has been his study for years to supply 4 want which ha. been always felt ; that of haring an Ink powerasang .11 the 4:instill.. of a prefect Writtnit Plold, sod that ob ject he Io fully obtained lir the itIVINIIiiOtI of ask lot olmoh now s smoothly fmw the peo, ts, without s mo. thente arta'', a Jet Black . when urevl . Is peritetly Dame to steel peas iirpnatts no iwolitneut will nem. mould ; sod Is unchankeable in eqilor This Ink stand alone iu possessing all these qualities RICHARD 11.&001N, lellVe- - altf Kaasfacturing Chemist. I NEW C' ANDY- 1•01 CONFECT/ON /11/ ST() ! s4l. IVRI4;111".. 4 ltl.t N'K THE untiersigned wottld 0 11 11 ) in . forms tit" , eltiasm, of Kris loot 11..i0 lit, t t.t b. has just °poised at the. slaw* plan.. a chow. 11.1.01 taw nt ..r Plain and Fanny CANDIES I); U.I. 0r..; RI I'TII A 1,54 (;utti I )ropm, I '01;lial I )1•01.:., Ron Ron., Mot too. Together with a tine assortment ot FRENctI CANDIES. AND CnN FEI I'ION ER Y. FINE NEW FIGS, SMYRNA AND SEEDI.E.s•• ItAl4l CURRENTS. mareba— 3 4 4'ITRI A 444( FRUITS 441 :411 k 444.14. surr sliEl.l. AI.MoNDS, 1111.17.11 I'EFA•AN ANI) lIICKWCY Nrr , w I.NuTs. :tn.' a ,4:lert FAMILY GROCERIES ! s•rCH Akt N . fIVNG HYS4)N---(iI • NPUIA DElt, IMPERIAL, m lEDN(I AND DI PERIAL TEAS,—REFINEI) \ AND RAW SniARS--- EXTRA SYRIT AND MI LAss 4 4Es----WooDEN AND WIL. W A IIE---F A NrY P.ASKFF. , , •111 cIIEAP nt th. :4.ton ti 'lf \ "11 K. •le W .l►\. lot upoeu•ti • ttts \l.• • . `•• A NEW BAKERY, vbi,b wall enable rue t, furtsith IiREAI), cAK Es, (•RAcK - 51)1,A , s.c uPc•.s RE.d t UNABLE TERMS nue? Cake*, and other Kowete In my lino oral be rot up for twerties on .tiort octane, Erie, Iv, I Roil— MR. NVA(I.ESEIt. E.rC. , open II Pe-ho,l fur trAehin,{ II t..nnst/ o.wpm:wing Februar, 20th, •t P.rry tilnek, where he will give 1....c0mi to t:000. here „/ t, m , at the Academy. from J to M Th. regular veho.,l j.nun , fr,na 4 / 2 ,1 i S., 4 Teaching Mewling, 11,415mm/tr. I . .ortlacknily, orthography, ke , in th« l;fltriatl langria.g. prartir*/ Meth/A will W por.u.••' No Taeal tb.. Aeyd, m y Torato for (h... h. t.►e io n . 1? f for II ....A. Theo. net ennan.ncing $.l 41 L. A. MORRISON, Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain, flovEle, 771107711 SEEI)..t• No. I, Commercial Buildings, $4 54.) . 5 440 54) 11042 . / 234/ 3/1 I 1241 2.5 • NOCI IHiH `11)E THY f• 11K Betr,“ stale and Pr. Feblb 4 SPECIAL NOTICE. F 1 E Fubseriber havinq t bunttwas by or t Mltge2 I to FIRsT 1).41 of .11'1;11, \ 1.2.1 / wtot k ‘, an I 4...traidt• 344 04,C 1 Ul/ 1' 1: !MI I I). tr• *AI gin. ordar , .111 •.,. t,• e•a sr. 1 fs) Logi' 1240 , I • tu•l.l.te f t.r. aarttao ra h •.• ate t all alai MI tro. the oatite .Irlat • • Tl , v ••••• i" fl , •11.•-• A =I Mil City Property for Sale and Rent THE , 111.-erW,rl.,, .i„. 01« r 1., 16, • •,, 9 iffit9o4k , b' U04(4 . 4, 13-4 I: CO i. tor• n. L.; %.1.1 known 1.• I. t-• • r.•••••••tt j Ist April next, 5 4 40 0 , 7%00 /110--for etit 01. H Y(1►PIl(f1111 e(rrrt• /Leo—Brick 'h•r. Ikt • 1.. • er Nwn Fourth and 1.1,1 , t itrv•el, c.rn, .1 Ws!taut 11‘.43.1.6 tio 41" 434.: 3.5 prop 4C.porloi 4/90 k‘r, 4 rnt, T%,1 .1r• • I' ~r for. 1. 1.., 1.. Also-- A i• rstm• ti • I I Turd ' Votir•' EOM I=l M. ttr2 414 tll I( All It ~ .031 L.:. Oil hdl MO Erie. Fp1,1 , 4-.-. .• Four Valuable Central Lots for SALE. Frit Ettli , l,l . -1.z.:1••1 Trtr-i. • ti ,•• t Pr,4l, termn 111 , • . • . • 1 • or ole term., 11.. 71 441 . .) 11) t_ Ou FOUR BEAUTIFUL LOTS 111,1....• e• Fart. lot 1.1. 11 1 2 • • de.p I, an 4,1•• 110 r I .111 4 Tn.. IllAkr I lit 114,1, ° I, • • .' \ •. 'OS.' • ••", r•.• -1.... .1 ( " 1 ' ( N .1 I. R\ \V ‘l,ll-,1: IlL,1:1 (it TIII 104E1.11'i A. ...All 'tut .IT 10 Alll- --I'tlP).ll\ I I:1 H 1'.4-mo•na • •• • • L 1 11,1. 1,1, lAA It th.lltt 1? r,,a. : I r'. ft d - 11 . 1 IV ((MI r •..1 r ME! S ll 1 ' .1 • .1.1.' Innlll4 . t 1, 0 1 ,1 11 JILII, 7 Worms and Worm Fever. EDICIN Es that aro , tioti t l, Art 01 al,. 1 11 heating to the 414.1101 .. 1.r hie„ K i. suffering with Worms, onis :o..rease• r, and den the child restlesa and ituromtortahte 11...1z ..:n. • proper In such case., should ...ultimo with a At tidote or destroyer, such others SR will open the von • . f the Aim, and operau.mddiv on the L. rrr, Borth *Rd hut lees', and thu• sid oats. re .n ridding the et deco thiouzl. Its natural channels. I a haterer obetruetesetion, o r pelsons tue 'Nide and irritates the nerie.. No Worm Medicine yet diecorered combines all therm .111.ditien perfectly as CARTER'S GERMAN WI dtkl CANDY, man. Wieland by the origins! proprietor, WILL ikm frorn Berman,,, for the preaent proprietor., 4...tltkrkk BItotRER. Those 'tattoo, to nee tilt. kind of Worm Ned. Wine should he partleillar to ask for ('.ti. , k/kMMAN WOMI CAMPY, arod not let 11,nueel.• • 1.. pt.: on with nor other Elie, Eel. SUNBURY& ERIE RAILWAY. affiggimataimwirmig CHANGE OF TIME ! ON lima :tiler L'S 1 the l.:th the PASSF.N.;ER t IS Wt It- HEN, •t 1.30, 1. M., daily, '` , .1.1.!n• vcc., ••• ' tiring at Erie at 11.40, A. M. LEI V 111 EKIB, en 4 I'. )1., art. r arurni ••1 Nhare ROW/. ; arm, at Warrrn at 5.13, I': M. par On Won.ta, a, Wealliradaya and I , ndat's at t It Lueal Fradlrltt Traan a ith Patuarunar Car attarhod a lea,. Krt.. for Warmn, arrit lug at :a, p Katurulnir on alternate day., utll lent, Warr.. at 12 60. A Y and arm eat Erie at ti dt , P SAIII. A. Hl. tr I, aura. a Z'UprElliCe. W. U Eno, laud S - PALDINWs 1.1(1•11) (;I.t - E. - thc dOSOLI or single bottM, ty ar CA KTF.Ii. A IMO NUTICE "to kN , -lly phlte of Lime. So. '• l'otvo• •mt Wean:mote, &ry mad fa ...Trap, from the L&..,-or •• raman, Phlia.lelpto• by rAitTt.ft MO' trr tt•E T •• Oxalate of Cem ow. l'er l'hloritle of Imo. Hydrocyaoate of I roo, I rot. of the o' I• o Imhde of Itangauese, lodide of Zior, Broml• eof ' otaerna, Tanste of tloltata„ and other Mr. and ralualar Chemical Pr.ra7,11011•1,1 be foam: at the Store of ai CAKTt.R A. 111(11 ITICE Ti) Pi{ VSI.(I.INs —The tzi.- MOIDIrS an 4 Am.atoma, Soli.l and Flu.' E‘trart. and Graftatee of Tilden k Iferrilf, a ery (WI a3,•rtmeot at the Drag Store of 3 I . sltTi.ft li‘to FRENCH CLASS. DR. A. BAkii, a ,)! th. I Etiversity, Trig los • ,ouree •1 5 5 LF, ) N iq the rriPheik (.11,011p1Aft., Ili 14rr. 11111., : ,1 ‘ $3,14 for the etttlre •2 l• to tW U. DAR[' FANS, (I)St W.. , A HAI iZ lAte.t 1. • - j ust twerar , } al the West Park JoirelryEtt. T 11. AUSTIN Feb. IN, MIL Cream Droje, German School. =1 ti I I{ I/ .• .11 ti 1• =II ri I. I • .4 t‘ . ...isti 1 }lr..- • r. t•• k% • • '•• 1..• • =I ; t INF ' t , 1,1. nl P,l; .\ J 1 11.1 \ .01 k o 2 ‘N .• • r• •• . IL ETI7 33.71" X (Y,:S; MTONKEY S'IIANNOV REED HOUSE' If you want to buy H A I? I) W A H 1.1 A' ' Can be found A Large Assortment o 11.1 TED KNIVES, SPoioNs, PLATED Ff/ItEs CARVERS A\ 1.. TABLE If‘ I:}{KAD KNl\ I BUTCHER KNIVE ICIIER S STEELS, I:I•TI'HER s SAWS .c I'l,E 11 Skates ! Skates ! Skates I \I..IIINKLI "U I'.'•, Bells ! Bells ! Bells 011 , 1•1•INI, ANL-, II AN!) %\E:- AXI STORE TRUCKS, 11 M. citNhEl Saws Saws ! - LI. ‘` , l) UT I\l. 2 BErl, 11,,; 111.1: -11 1 0E:-. s.; IRO %NU NAILS, ItEhL(tlt\\l II • \ Ti)oLs. mamma Ist I1,1)}.1::- II IRDWARL. LocKS. 1,.1Ti 111 \.) Hu\TIT THE \o) I f - H -:; Sign of the ANVIL. \ N T I IVK t Pritot, Lrg., •ii : r DV(' 2. \V ( IMPORTANT CHANGE =EI (it I; lE. • t r t ~.' ~ L;r ut Hot,, .M H. T. HAVENS I\ • I . • • ••• N... No. 3, REED HOLSL. no 11 1.1k.:i I 1=Ii!M;EIME111 C: 11 NI PAL iNT caT M• 4114.111 I •• • l• AiI•RN el. ' , Ilia Delaware Mutual Safety INSURANCE COMPANY iii:P.1:111.1 , is, 1,1,, z .• ‘: 1135. ~r r ler, r Tli11:1 , t • XIXI_2.4LI7.NLIca l A A : " . " 1\ „. : , \I: I all part K%\ NI. • IA r7lll:‘\ .I—.l. I- , rlll..‘fr \l. fit.,,a•r, t'l .1, r 1 I i'•. pr • rr,pl I , . • 0 , 11.14 Io• r • ,, rll I•• r, iv.l , llte • Ira , ruury taut N.",•• : 1 110,1 :•tat.•• Trewary pot 4,1, N..t..• e.t.r..1 '..likportrs I .0n 1., the ( ity .4 I ;n1..1041 11 t....)11111tA 143.t0n•1.:: %I. Err rrut =1 1:14j. AI 1. per cent Liou,l% 14 . 1 k. 1,% l'h..enget {.ZO wzy I ~rnpanr 7 pe , •,. • Ho.o/.2.. • , tort 1 ;el - tomato.. thiet,Kt %R.( i.t.o?. euxrutoo..l lb.. 1 r!, vielph , hs,/ Prnun I .n., C‘,11.4,0‘, I at ',fir, N“.lt, t ., •111.1141”., 1.1,4 a 1, Vt. ,n Ilk•laaript, • ,•v•t•tot,, ••;••••., \ Tat t• iveau loam SA% In., Platia.lolth. u d 11. t•••1;rae, :*41.8 In r..• u..,; • 11 , 1 . A 'I . 1 It• 4 lAIII, • IMME And M" o o4' , ‘, Rr•l F.tnt. I 'olll' .111, 1,0 k.,v-kv .hi.., m.fe, It. at •,:t.r.• 1.11- n o V., "! .1 the 1'0t1ai.4141., •l1:1•11, 11, .11110 ' J.• 0.1 R 11 Jon... .1., kult..rt Bttrtt.t.. J I.poph H Josh tat, l' F.r, I; I ',I Huiell S•tnaut.l M. tatt..laa Thratplaa'atan Patea.a I)nritaazt .F mauves I. Itarloa K•tal. 11 rrw, t*l, !.•I. it ENMARBLED Enameled Slate Mantel 1 \!MIT I \ 1? Al, ri •4 • - It., al ,/ kb . • I 1 • • = 1\ 11. ): i H 1..,-.1 I. LerION C(i11111 -1 • lON MEI , 114' rt,uch.,•r, GO TO NO. Q I; F. i. I, IMII k r REF:I) 1:1:1.111 k XL:- ! '44 1il.E1) Mi.( 1 L11: , ,i , =EI '!-.: . \ l . I Ur lIMI I • i , =I I=l •'inv.. t I ~ 1 , 1 1' )1:•• ( .01 1 1 1 41111,, r 1.••• • 1 • •• 14 11 I. nr, Siolllll. ....'s I . Dan. `V•tilt , er Wn•nr '•111. .1 11%1. 1 . 11•1. .1. R %% II I M 11:1I k••• I II % I I kill.. MI 13