7he foie Obottrer. „ \ND rol,Frium, 13y B. Fl BLOAN Atticlt aubaeribetli, if pita In advaiirt• " w e,. w kll tre wut to onr td.lrcaa f or for larger dub.. • •nlwr fathyg to pay wit Lin tli. tear. and tin' , 11.1X•Ohul BlRtir .0151 ,pit, and 1.41 111 ith a pt.. 1., 0 , 6i4 . ..r KM' , .4 \ f.:RTISI nuke w.•1.71 1, tt0- 4.4 $ • •• (k{ .. '• 1 ,•. ♦ dotttgrable •t I.lr•rurv, t 10 tm.ul6., tn.. nt L .."1, 1.1 ~11.1. I. 1.0 the. finkillwks - * ar•1,1,3, 1!111! I • tv•erl• .1 X11 1. , 11 t . 1. ie. restmahe Nt••1111.•• altos e.I I*,• ii•T • ',la I • 1•••." Adaith.l.: ch•row• • 1 ti./ the .trer , l.ellleli • 1/.1,1 he 1k • • v•I, r•nt I ft, t Prtlikettle I. 1 . ..4.10r.: :011104 • 111.1Ing Mai 1 ..20( BUSINESS DIRECTORY -I %lit KY, •. IN 1N 111YORTED .4•I , reuch Brandies, Giro., hainiani,cne, •, 11•1eirx, ilalart,Snerr, B,,rt.And .11 a/110 mattufacturw of 4 . H.oiri.”.ti, liononcatiela, ke Heed 11.•,.. .. 0 -1,-1, Erie. I t ii M WOOD, 11' toortOrtlre ott Hro t • II HALL )1 ..,,,ri.turt, a:. ! • „ • K ott • n. al,l • -"\• ,• itt: a gvneral rth.• :1 I .1, I. a I.trert. •Itt: 14., • ' 111 Ill: li"0 4 & (1)., I WHOI k DIL•LrItS I,N.N LK P tat.- >t n et, N.. lu ()I.E, ~ B:NIOilt, booOK MA, 1, , • 11.1 , tori . Of It1[1•1.-11,ke , lit Hlliek. Fro., il)k% N. C. WI 1...U\, rT44li• FY k 4.4 t L-44k Al 1 444 • t• 4. 11 , 4 L, tt, t • ••t• kyr 11 , 44,1 nt. as .4 144 1 , 4•.:44.4• ts ;01. tEt. It NI K 1.1NDII; CO, ) {$All iNI. it/TA v, ; • \ ti I tu pr,:spl !Men: , n I pnt ot T a x. to: I .v.l et a/•. , I II A SI • t., ar,•l. At %. . COLN:. R , • 1.10, \V!J. i.•••:•• 1•1 11 fl 'll4o' 1.1,••• ,Ittlnt; thel . tr I, t t• TON rETTI".. . 11 nAI, I ti 1)1A11./4. tit %% tl I 11. r, Ifni 1.1,1 1 t I: 11 1.. S JOI111)1 %%,4 , .,v•0 v.l kr rkl el I NI.. k, I 11., I t 111'. 1.'.1 . 1/11T. 17,0,11 r A. \ .11' -rz•-• ' • • r t 1 ." \v '. %lint \I 111. kr, nv i I • 1 , .111' - -I'l I. it IC. =EU= =CM \\•,, ,s. NI 14:11.1 I It. I II %II )111/.1. h\\l T.T. liN Nr , 0%11.1.1 & -II `OlO%. /,, If =I =MIMI lilt 11 ,. A. I BM ME .1 %111 .4 1(111111% =MEI EOM j ) 3. .1. 1115.5.11 =MI %I,L a 4,1 tiJ I dk, IC Yrli 7NI i~~ • ,h~v\f-.'• d . li k 1 A. F %Hit %It. 1 I .• • • . :%?•, f ..I), ` v ~. ,l. \ ..14 kl 111 11{11 & (0.. . • . F • 1.11!•'1.. 1 11 1 1/F1.1.. r / a EA RHODE..., F A•ttro• A r A prx A.. • A. r. • Ares. I r A . r e.t Park, F r.. I=l `Fllltf•E 11. ( I Tl,Eii. AT I OA . EMI ..1.141t1 , 1 011 N. I • • • Al,, Fri•. 1 A 1.11( ( VI Hill INA: X 1.{( 4 . , ... r inv.rt«.l V. 1L•. •r,.i I 1., r., •«.3%-• I'. • ■ I C•I OHIO , • 1 I ) kl MA, f•I TI Kt .•. r a'l t , f I,llt, MO.' 11/1i I , lllllli t Lain. \ 4K. Kk.1.: 4 4.1, I )tKK if , Ftty“ 11 lIIED ( )1 .114. a I.IIIN . 14••1 • TI lIIM. A. A krl • • • n ' and. Pump. r I rtS . • r • twat noa to 11•4 , rw. F Pa. 4,lwrlowt for earr.nnr. • a, rpara t.- Fa.. elawai • I H. 4). 1.. ELLIOTT. RY.!I.K•T PANT', • - xriu. l. l Park 1., ' • k ear! ••ffrie Haut tail' tu., • • - 1%.,4 g Hilti4h. J. MORTON.. A 1 • otroi• , • +s, 1I IMI=!PIMIMENI • . a. Itll tur KH 1,.1.(111•11:• 31 go.; ID r‘f -r t, .01 VI •,•.• ` .. .tre•et, Fr*. P., I :111.1 RE %TIME.. Ux A ...111,. F. r q .l/ •I I '',•• 01 . l• Prs /tri ....mg*, oil I,•th• &,• 1 N. ' ' I , V 1 1 . 1 . 1 M THORNTON, OF TM) U.,rter.r. r I r , ••• • 141111 )(fire n r. =I .1 F. I/OWNING, ATTIIK•k . 47 I 4% ,s t K THY " • Pmell•• in 'I • • • rpc ~••'• .1 F re- ,•tr, • %•• pr. , tript an•I•• •.• (411••;,! • Tt ••• t..• .1 . 6. r mi. • • • - 1 , Cr ••• ••, in , . In 11. tf.l r " • "• 4TT,,4411 it • .1' I/TT I( Nit 4 , 111. if. Ali • ' • . l'•••t• I. 1it1.10%% 14. ." r , t,nt• ka rn.nK till,- :4 ADAMS fk: SC/N. 11 u.• at. • . '" • ' ' • 4. Flou. • A I_ ' ‘I • I . ki I f. 1101111040 •,• I,rni. r ... I 1, i 4, 13111){ n I:II., Pa It. F. SL )A N. EDITOR S: PROPRIETOR VOLUME 3o ,J SELDEN, . not xnst t awl Retail dealer in all kinds (.1 Ku,l tab, German and American Hardware, Anvils, Tice., Iran. Nails, steel, ke tkaddlery sod Carriage Trimmings, Illletllue he It ng and Pseking French street, opposite the It.-..l lioutte. Erie, Ps ( 4. ILI. b.wi N. ATTORYET AT 1.4 W. Ila. remand 14. u(110• bi that of ELIJAH Bas air?. lieu , truer i•I the Public Square, • here be will at. !end pretuidlv to all buittrie.e entrurtell ti his care F:rie, 2, 1x54, 3m2f. TEETH H LITE, thankful for the liberal Y • patronage cw v Arm, announces that haring procured the a t • tr. J Lt CF., he Is prepared to :o el: kinds 01 I eotoi .rt promptly and In the latest 19 :moot improt t' .t •. nto the attention of the public o. sewn called to •1,- CONTINUOUS OUM WORK. ...Lae), he baa been engaged an making tee the pent year, to the entire sattsfaction of his patrons, that he to now prepared to put up Teeth on VULCANIZED RLRRER, 1.1.• ts ins the some adtantages powwowed by the Cunha 11 , 11. lion Work, leaving no reams or imams for the areu• mule tom td food, sod giving to the face a perfectly natural 4,1 re and for chirps It in profeeshie to nay other 111'0,11, ‘1.4.1. no it 1111 not wear the teeth Teeth put silver 1,, those who prefer it. l'‘-tle'ilar attention pool to tilling and preserving Wu vs, teeth. anti Also Is, the correeticui 4.1 ‘rregularttiels•— . !nee Hi itextis s Him k , Perk Roe F rot, Dec :A. IwOte—tlyn'29 NOTICE without exoeption, know lug then . ..ell - re indebted to II!, are eartieritly requrtt ,,,,„ pat paine without delar • as the late change in tut. ttu•lupp• render' an early disposal of unsettled affairs mq-Lrsti‘e, and ae tru• t that the indulgence becetotree I be Kraterbili Pecipineatril by a prompt ret pi ohs. t hip none. fret 8 .1 JOHNiiTUA & BRO. .1. ('. lII' itOgSS & CO., GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &c ., .11' NV 1101,ESA ~,,... 111. A \I ill 111 the ••:treet PIANO FORTE 11,()1) VON MANVFACTORY , SAVE TWENTY PER CENT W I I,LI A M WILLING "E lA. X . X= 2 .13 XV .1%7 • Aft. T III , • , ,10.110•1114 , 1,,f •,/,, in the L. 1., th,t 1 could make PIANOS AND MELODEONS it • 11..111. r tl,nu 1 ,tin 1.111" them elm.t here, bec...o. • r • -i ,, ,• Ap.r, coal tr, cheaper, A %atm, imltived me t., employ competent , el venom.. d rorklurn. *h. ~•' Pk no Mmulfeetnrr - ••• to , unit tor. I best • Y to make curb tostrumemw, ..•• 1. , ft; rni•h Int num. r.m. fn. ut• ITII • • •nd 1411 i VP E~RFi dNT "I'XiEIAiL I I an, . ;•I. • ....Li., to giro (I)MI'I.IKTE t("111110i. MI I: o I. 4. • VN•treln ADA bISAMet.• man would I •tr 11i.... I iirt [lea prove' gttotl, •ntl 1 ••• t• t• • ttt.“ t't O. • oi.nr , .1 tot ring ittg,ut /..111i, ILI Prodartna a (Jur and •sabantatlal Piano, wick k s%ltl sit%e good satisfy/44161n, and stay In luxe Ithan mos Plano I knots el. I I: FIIY EAST' 11:10:s vHo RE %;4)N IItLE PATRONIZE .1* Your Own Citizens at Home ! ' 1 , / I, ~••• w , • t.tkett is I.nti k t. tt.r t flirt° PI \ T ,l 11 \l\l,litlN %\ \F:\l \II 'lt I'\ [EV 1:1.K s , la 'I I !IF: 111-:, , T 11',114 , N II \\l \I I\l' I \ Al HI Chickering & Son's Piano Portes, M. li_ ~,„ ,„ the . t• ',iv.... for , • • T. • ' hr. • I 1.1 .in • i . Ire r ro. ••. ‘t,•l tsll v. • r 4..u.1;i••• %f Nllll\li •1 1• 11 )ll('iE \V. SNI ITI I.) Brewers. Idolaters and Hop Dealers. kput 11m.,e41 the ntur, interebt I,k ‘t , ItITII, the uld 1.0 well I. u Point Brewery, Pittsburg, ;•-••par.••: to rurnifl• t•• flip numprorio ,••,•I•,m • t' • t•rtn. xn art Of X• N. K•tinrlt Ar • 11. • th,t cannot I. elinel'oli 1 , , sin ?••• , 1 . r••.untr) • .•• the I,eommodation id our u•domer• 1111% WU,r elm‘e appointed Ite.ara Caozhey fa Clark, 11 t.. 1 i; of krie , our :e ogou . for thoo ‘solotti =ME =I COAL OIL ! COAL OIL ! ! si - put , II; (1' [Try L 4 =IS t r i.PI of an.] EST 011. t •. 14 '4, Y . prt, • ONE DOUAI: TIIEGALI,(_)N r...,r,.'.• (1111. , n At, I STII I. loon, th• qusittit trt•u gre t•• th•• plat• st tL / . 111 COMB OEM DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO. i; 1): - • NI E R C If ANTS 11..1.11 tits• I rule that that ate , i ‘fl z to new anl lwatatarul pattrrnot. Jim WAMSIITTA PRINTS ! E'EN! .A.INILOSECPJA.Gi. A N. N Print, ti Loh cry Print In the Country for perfection of execution and derlign In fall Madder Colors PI, Prthto ere rrn.echeaper than an, to mullet, and meeting with . ante r - r Ird. ro Or attended to. kW —1 TX, tt 11. • 1,. Ar,,. 4 11? IS reit riled from Nets ," A, an d n u.. tag Ler S toi k of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS ..a•latang of 2tlld :Ntraw PAmnet.., l lllE Cal.& I. t•ra, R11.b.,n0, 'inches. Chenille. . set alL..ria, a•llara. 1-srea.. At- kr Aiwa, Cornetts 11 ,,, , p Skirt., 11, .n.rr. 7.tephvr Hoods, linlttlor Sara sod 14. T. F nihrol.kry, I.art. Kid Gloves, 'tune psr ionthis A. , . r all a • 111(1 • 111 be %old a. Irmit ran I+L.mv ht e;a. • 1.1 11113111 re - , 11 Fit: 4 •ul ph...i 111th all zo.irt zu their line 11 h..1..a'". MR.'? iiTIS =ERIE Ml=M Wlf' ) NV A SAFE. The pubeeriber has one large size 11F:101 \ 41 4, SAFE. whtell to , rill ,liopoop of cheap for %.11 r r tr-•: paper Yo' 1, SUOTT F iie. April 14 1.1:Or - -44 tf BUILDERS HARDWARE A .n.l e•,mpl•t. aavortmeol of Builders and a.m., for wt . . %et, lo• by oer29 21. J. C ‘2.‘ POLE ,t 4 R i At ; E TI/111.1).1 1 N 4 1...) A fco.l agn..rtn...nt ..f Saddlery and Carriage Trim Mines, for +ale arry low t r y 21 J. C. 811:IdiEN• 1 .1 It l' EN T and .14 •Ni'ei; the Tara. and Ktorek m the. City, at t 1.459 . C 1kt.n4.8. , 1.1.011 1( 4 . i • rrEßs.(l.-sv , •N. :$1 in 'lug Ly Knit be! IA taitelt, St tb.• 11201,. .1 C 3F Ln .N /V EL. , . lilisce - r sale he 21 J C riIABLE I'l TI. ER - c . , Pocket Kniv4 or Is I Ft, leo ntk.l. / a.siltwo, •t I. r prifelt, by 14J '29, .1. SELD 'N fill NI , 1. 1" 1 . •F . .F.1 1 ' TIN!' rriiN' SE I)! ' L INJ thlralt'l. Dire Syr Cleati Timothy ?A.M. J rt. .1. MIA I", "Ai. • heal , he Fri.., 4 Pet 15, I't9. BECKMAN KENDIG 10:0. (7arl 4 Ruble.• . I ...t 11. • •. 11•3 t...,-!1.4;4,...t . ..0 i'''' -:- ': - 1. , TH.E ... ~..1. yo Iwo__ ._ _ , ,_. _, ~• ..... i. .... . .. .. =ZED Pianos and Melodeons 11// ,, / / I// ... 1 • • P 14411 . I A. • o.l l ' I%N 55 I! i FLEMING BRO'S., coRA TO TARTER k BROTH} R MO Ac 82 Chamber,' St.. N. Y ZEE= MILLINERY_ NEM. A N erperieneed Nthae and Female A rbyslersia, pressma a thl attest/Ka of mothers bet 8430T3XXNG 181r33.17P, TOR CHILDREN . fRETHING, which vastly facilitates the proem; of toathiog, by soft ening the pall, reducing all liglanienatioo—evlll allay all m in and rpsonoetie action, and UP sere to revelete bowels, spoil it, mothers, it wit give rest to yourselv es. arn d relict and health to your labnts. We have pot up and enkl this ant• years, and can say, KM in confidence and truth of it whet we ham never been able to say of soy other medicine— /fever leer is a sengh en art, f. dl • sere , when tame ly used. ever n ee thi n ., did we know an in tone. of direst. ••• W ideation try any one who used it.— SY RU P. On the contrary, all are delighted ' Untie, and speak In terms of commendation of its magical effects sad needieal virtues We speak in this matter "what we knew," after tan rem' expectance, and pledge our reputation for the fulelenot of what we hem declare. In almost every Madame when the What is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be food in fifteeo or twenty minutes after the syrup is iidnaintstered. This valuable prowastion litho proocriptioo of one of the most experienced and skilltal Nurses In New England, and has been used with never-failleg maims In thou/lends of cases. It not only relieves the children from pain, bat Invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve WWII° in 11111 WOWNII, AND W IND COLN', and overcomes eouvulaions, which, if not speedily remedied, *id In lieve it the best For and surest reme dy in the world ,„„,..., ,„„,„ in all came of Dysentery and Utinsl).ll.l3.ll Diarrhoea in Chit dreg whether it I T eet hi ng miesetnem teeth log or any other I • cause. W • would sa y t o every suffering from any of the fore going complaints—Moot let your prejudices, nor the milkire of others, stand be tween your 'o ff ering chit and the relief that will be more. lea, iheolutely sure—to follow this medicine, If timely used. Full dhectiotut for ainng will accompany each dot tie. None genuine unless the fee-simile of CURTI A k PERKINS, New York, IN on the outside wrapper. cr- Sold4auggists throughout the world. Fri , No. 13,1Dedar Nu, New York. uctl i . le Vall ONLY 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 17.17 =MED LIVER INVIGORATOR, rtzvait DEBLLITATuto, TT is compounded entirely from Gums, 1, and has become an eittakdiabed Ike, a standard Med icine, known and spree- ' .„3 vfed by all that have used it, and Is now resorted to PM with confidence it ad the iliseaiet for which Ills re- epmmecided. It has cured thousands within the last two years who Mad fr i rem' p all hopes ,of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates In my ixosesaion show. The does may be adapt- ed to the temperament of the ihdtvidual taking it, and used In such quanti tie. ex to act gently on the Boucle. hit the dictates of jour Judgment guide you in the use of the MI XXI INVIGORATOR, and ,t Bill cam Liver Cour] plalats, Ittlitows At tacks, Dy•pe p• la, Chromic Diarrhoea, Summer Complaints Dye- intery,Dropsy,flourStorm Leh, Habitual Costive- nese, Cliaterie,Chwite g rya, Cholera Morhoo, Cholera' laigatata, Flatulence, Jaundice, Fe- eid, male Weaknesses,a n d may he used mucceashally l‘ as an OriUsuarrstmele It :Medicine. It will cur* SICK lifi II AD r, ACHE, fu thousands ran testify ,) lie twenty winates, .1 two or three Teippoonls are taken at commencement of attack. .e All who sae It are giving their testimony..tri its kro r THEMIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW bock together. CATHARTIC PILLS, IZEIE=2I All TIGMT, AID WILL MINP UI LIT OLIM•Tt The Family Caliber- de PILL, Is a gentle/ but actireCathartie which I the priatuttor has seed in tar practice more than 20 g 2 years. The constantly acre..- ,A log demand trom those • ho hare long used these PIE Let, and the stairs,- tinn which all express 14 in regard to their use, has induced me to plans them 0 . 4 within the reach of ail The Profeeatort w • I 1 know that different Ca thart,co act on different P. 4 portions of the Bowels. The FAMILY CA. THAHTIC PILL has, with due reference to this , well established fact, been compounded from a earl- C . ) ety of the purest Vegeta ble Kitntcts, which act alike on every part of the alimentary canal, and are GOOD and SAFE in all cases where a °Marti, 11 Is seeded, each as ON FLANGDM RPM* OF et T lOM A C H. Sleepiness, Pains in the WIT Back and Lokna L Costive rain and Soreness ,~ll weer the itsils Body, from sudden cold, which 4 9 fremiently, if neglected, end Ina long coon* are M ear, lout of Appetite, a r.upingSlensation of sold 1.4 over the body, Restless nuts, Headache, or weight in the bend, all l allay. malory Diee aloe a, %VILMA ID Children or Adults, RHEURATISX. a al great P•ellier of the Weed, and many dieter — I es to which Utah Is heir, gm numerous to mention C.) In 11111141Vernor111r01 DOS., 1, to S. Price, 30 resits. The E l ide Inellidiarailor and Family Cathartic PIM ant rettilled by Druggists generally, and sot hot.. hr the Trade in all the large towns I Pt. T. W. MAN FORD, M. li.. illanufseturer and to r, 3 3 3i i ir•admay. Near ler k. Jul, .- iv(. _ HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL. A it ENEV()LENT IN 1'1'1'1'11)N 1. /'7'.9 I I o.etkibliiitiet.l hy opeelal tudgiikm. to t..r tit. kris. I .ii the -1. k soil Plietresioeiil, allltetewl with VIM( LENT I& Delol3tift 1/I!..ifetiaks. The MARL) ASSOCMTION, In vie. of It ., a. ful ..inn iun n( human 96. a nal di...neer, and e deceptions practiomi upon the victim,. 01 •ueL dire►oa•• 67 1l narks, /Wren: I . l,Pet•il Own Consulting Surgeon, as a CB Aft Cri 1 111 M. At'T a. 'thy of their 13111100, to open a Dispen.r.) tot 11.. tr. atmeut "(Ott claaa of thiseases, in all shear fi.rtats, aid to / we. Mt - MCA/. ADVICE fiRATN to all who •1 ply t.,) letter, nal, a dr.- cription of their acuditlon, tag., occupation, habits ul life, R e..) and in case of ettretue poverty, to Pi &SRO' NIEDICINES FREE OF cnARGE It Is needless to add that the Atasoctation itomittnorls the higheet Medical aka] . t th• ago, and will furnish the moot improved modern treatment The Ihreutora of the asenciation, in their 'annul Report upon the treatment of usual diseases, supreme* tb• blithest witiafactaon with the sucusa which has attended the labors of their sorseocia in the cure of Spenguitor• rtua, Seminal Weaknesa c Cioneirrtora, the etre of Onattiam or Seif-Abilite, Douses of the Kid ney• sod Bladder, Re., and order a continuance of the soul, plan for the anantcr year The Director,' on a review of the put, feel assured that their labors In tits sphere of benevuleut effort hare been 01 great benefit to the afflicted, eapecially to the young, and they bare reeolved to devote themselves, •ith t neared zeal, to this very important and much despises] retie!. Au admirable Report on gpronatorrhara, Seminal Weeknesa, the rice of °mutton, Witaturbatiou, or Self. Ahuse ' and other diseases of the Sexual °ramie, by the Consnlting Surgeon, will be sent by mail, flu • wailed eneelopeo FREE OF CRARI4:, no receipt of TWo STAMPS for postage. Other Report. • .1 Tracts on the nature and treattnent of Sexual diters.ex, dirt, he , are rocatantly being published fi r •rstoitous distribution, and will be sent to the &filleted. Some of the new reme dies and methods of treatment 6,c...t0...xi during the past year, are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, lir J SKILLIN HOE ORTON, Acting Sargeon, Howard Aesorialion, No 2 lt,,uth Ninth street, Ptittedelphia, Pa. LEMING By order of the Directors. (irt. EntAD. HKARTWEI.I., 1y 41 Secretary. heasden EAGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH Street, above the Buffalo Road. Erie, Pu. Acheson &jimmy would respectfully mill the attention of the publieno their largo and complets amortmeet of PARLOR, OFFICE AND COOK STOVES. Comprising tome of the moat useful and durable klods which cannot fall to give satisfaction to thews who nee them. We warrant all our stoves and when satisfaction is not fully trimmed and the party does sot receive value for hie money we will make it all right. Our stoves stand En" sod will prove creditable as home manufac tures. Kettles., Sletah•shoes, Sad Irons and all manner of Cast yoggaa ondiand or manufactured to order. MAWS AM; now-Poters of superior make 'and dues tdlity always Oa hand. A call and a fair trial of our aril rtes i• ail w• ask aod we will guarrantee ransfactson. Erie, Oct. 21,1669. ACHESON k HENRY WHOLESALE GROCERS Is►4geata for FAIRBANK'S SCALES ! No. 10, Brown's Block, Itrie, Ott. It, 1860. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CANE SEAT and Salt. Seat Chairs, Ilaholy Tablas and Stands, Spring Bed; Feather lade and Nattraatea, at New Tart prices, tor dash, jaat Drat from Sant, for tale on wamiaidoa, to the hoot. noire G. W. ELLSWY Lite. CIOMBS, LADIES FANS, PARIS FANS ‘,_) Combs, Baskets, Hair Me, Breams, of an oodles. variety at Um 96 PARAGON BUILDING. aoLD PEN S.—Dawson, Warren k HYdia , - Tr Tip Pear" cremated eta bloatha a good article at low prim. W Pei Jewett,/ stem. PURE BRANDIES,-,lust received hroogh the Custom House at Erie, end for sale April M. by CART= la BRO. PERFITM ERY.—Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to got good Porfinnory at rodueod a res. will visit BALDWIN'S DRUG (TO 214.tf No. A, Rood Ronr II EDGE SHEARS, Pruning Knives, Bedding Salvos, at J C SELDKWS. ERIE, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1860. SANFORD'S I•rlre Oslo Dollar per 0.111. -A se.Nrys FAMI L 1 COMPOUNDED J. O. BURGESS & 00., E 2 The wile mat thoughltelly twretwe over A book loseribed with the sehooli t irrs maw A tear--oo• loft, —1:11 bot et the wirer' She quickly rioted when itilviteabasd yea He wawa, and be went swar+-It we. pentium-- With erold'ealtn words op= sitter side : But, )ust at the sound of tberoom door abutting A drradful door In bar*wittsteed wide Lore, ahe had read of It to ingot rontsaree— Lore that could sorrow. bat never fall, Built her own palace of nob is backs, •ll the wide world a tally tale Bleak and Whir, and utterly doleful, Spreads to the wonsan heeenap otitis ; Hour alter hour she looks bl bar soul, full Of .1.. p dismay and tarine!Pet Art* Face In both hands, gibe lira on the carpet': The black cloud kemen'd, the storm rain Ibll : Oh ! lite ham so much to wither and warp It— One poor bean's day what poet can tell asp • Week FORGIVEN. From !be Wo.tehrsaa Y.. 1 RreMetor "The peace of God, that passes all un derstanding." The man looked up with a smile. His wife, sitting opposite, understood him, and smiled also, then there was a silence for a few minutes. "Better than all our worldly pleasures of the past," she murmured. "Far, far better!" Thus these two children of God, born of the Spirit within a few short months, talked of the kingdom and its righteousness.— They sat in a richly furnished room. The surroundings spoke of wealth, liberality and good taste in their possessor. Mirrors and pictures glittered in the ruddy lightof a blazing fire. The two---.lohn Meredith and his wife—were alone, reading the Word of God. Their hopes as well as their hearts new-born, and they rejoiced togeth er in the Saviour of sinners. By-and-by the Bible was laid upon the shelf; prayer ascended heavenward, and then Mrs. Mere dith took out her knitting,. -John," she said, a few moments after. The evening paper rustled in his hands as the old man looked up. "What kind of present were you think ing of getting for the children r" "Well, I haven't thought yet," was the reply. "UPar little ones! they shall have all their heart's desire. Harry's two girls will want dolls and a few knick-knacks, and Helen's Isi)s, sleds, skates, and some thing usetul as well as pretty. What do you sigh for, wile !" I was thinking of Martha." The paper fell from the old man's nerv ous grasp lie snatched his spectacles from his forehead and wiped them with vehemence. His face took an expression of agonizing sorrow, and finally, unable to control his emotions, his head fell, he bow ed himself upon his arms, and shook with suppressed sobs. '•Father, I didn't maw to make you feel so badly," said the womith, looking at him, her knitting work stillij“he grasp of her rigid fingers—the batfry tears tailing un wiped over her cheeks. "I couldn't help thinking of her, just at this time, and then, when you read of that peace—that perfect peace--I thought, how could we feel the full lime of that blessed verse, unless we forgive poor Martha." "Wife" lie raised his head, shook it as if he would dash the waves of his anguish back upon his heart again, and gasped, rather than spoke the words, "Wife, wife, remember a bar she is ! here she is " -.lolln. Non know we might have saved her. kit I i. how harsh and unforgiving we all have been. My poor, poor child '!" and her wet e).-- saw the 11.1 on urn lovely et:l:len head. standing In her knee. -She Iw:oath/I that, I forgive me, I hail 'never the heart to cross her. What wonder that she grew up proud and sinful, that she took to %atilt) when we lived in and for the world. and Were ourselves hat or, of , ; „ d! ii, John, have we not been tarn again born into gentleness, long suffering. torg.veness, charity, that better than all gifts . ! We helped undo her. Shall we not try to make her whole again ?" -She won't etanit. said the man in a smothered ioice. -The woman crossed her hands -The hall of yarn had fallen unheeded and rolled to' the opposite side of the room, so had the tears dried upon her cheeks, but the shade of motherly sadness and tenderness lingered upon her features. She spoke in tremulous tones. "I have been to-day where I have often been since I gave my heart toGod. I could not help it husband—l could not help it. My mother's love has yearned over her, and it has seemed, at times, as if my heart would break. Don't look - so, John. I tell you that poor sinful child has been on my soul hour by hour, moment by moment, until I have almost felt her head laying on my breast Its I prayed, and I knew God would give her back to us. Yes, I con quered my pride, I searched among out casts till I heard where she was. I found the place, but she was gone—gone-0 ! where do you think ? To the home pro vided for the erring—the repentant—weep ing, mourning. perhaps without hope. This I was told by a pallid creature, dying of consumption, (Heaven help her and all of them) sick, and sorry, and weary of life. 'She was never like one of utt,' said the wo man, 'and it you see her again, tell her I bless her tbr her kindness towards me.'— Well, John, I haven't seen her yet ; I can't see her till—till"—the lips quivered; there was a moment of silent weeping ; then the mother arose, quickly placed a pen before him, and put the stand of ink at his elbow. "What are these for wife 1" "Write to her, John, U write for her. I know how you bare struggled to forget her, but you can't : 0 no, you can't. She MIA our first-born, my husband, the light of our eyes, darling of our new home. I know how she has brought the white hairs on your temples too early ; how she has planted shame in your path, and called up blushes on the cheeks of the others, her brothers and sisters ; but 0, how often her dear head has lain in innocence over your heart and mine; how we led her by the hand into the very broad road to destruc tion, and now, though we can't forget that she has been our bane, as well as blessing; can't expect that the world will take her back and forget what she has been, Christ will receive her as the dear lamb long lost, and we may lead her to Hint, and rejoice throughout eternity that she is saved by our instrumentality." -Wife, I would take her back ; but think of the children." State Street IL. "They are married, John. They have homes of their own, and if they do not choose to receive her there, this shall be her shelter ; yes, these arms. But they, too, are Christian disciples, and I have heard them talk of poor sister Martha as those who cared for her soul. She has sought some other place than the house of iniquity. I feel in my heart that she has repented. For four Christmas days we have tried to forget that she was ever born unto us ; now let her come as the prodigal son came to his father. How did he spend his living—because she is a woman, is she Tiler than he ? No, no, no ; we will meet MIN lofts!. A •WTIPR her half way. Write. John, it. will Cost you some pride, but write ; we will send it to morrow. Write, my husband." A few tears fell upon the paper. What wonder that the trembling hands essayed almost in vain to form the words of wel come! But the tears and the grief-touch ed words to 4ifferent from his straight-for ward manly writing, would not these tell her that the heart, a.s well MI the hand, said—Come ?" "Peace on earth . good will to men." Softly, reverently, John Meredith's voice lingered over the word- I t was Christmas day, bright, cold, but most beautiful. The little grand children sat by their thought ful parents. The presents were laid aside at this hour of fansily devotion. In the centre of the room stood a great Christmas tree, covered with tapers, and from which. hung still other gifts, enclosed for the even ing's enjoyment. - The lips of John Meredith were unsealed, and words of wisdom flowed therefrom as they never had before. :Never to the list eners had the peace of God seemed so worthy of possession ; never had the love of Christ appeared go grand, so overwhel ming, especially towards the poor, the mis erable, and the lost. After prayer's Mrs. Meredith beckoned her children, and they followed her into the next room. There was Mary, Ellen and George. Mary was very young ; a sweet, blue-eyed creature. George was manly, broad shouldered, broad browed, like his father ; and Ellen, a mat ronly woman and a mother. It was evident that some unwonted agi tation made Mrs. Meredith falter. She was pale as she stood looking tenderly upon them, while they, curious and mute, waited for what she would say. She turn ed first to George. "My son, there was a woman of whom we read that Jesus forgave with these words, 'Go and sin no more.' • The young man grew pale and half turn ed away. No human heart' knew what his sufferings had been, how keen. how like the cruelest torture, .nice his sisters sin had become public. lle was exceed ingly sensitive, of a high spirit, proud of his OA name: and ,he, that bright beau tiful creature, alaste hand he had clung to for so many; year,. had put him to open shame. "Can you guess what I mean ?'' came again from the mother's trembling lips. "I wish she was dead, mother," was all he said, in a low, husky, quivering voice. "She LI, I trust, dead to sin from hence foth, and alive to Christ." How solemn. IIQw tinpre+skre .ouncleti the words! Thc ter's sat together , Ma ry had hidden her hive hosom, as her brother spoke - Your father and we hate [wen the most deeply wronged" continued the p.O - woman. "bnt forgsren the. so do I forgive her. and 1 our fatliPt has re solved to take her kirk " “Hare!“ exclaimed the v ung man with an emphasis that startled them all "Yes. here, where she WAS Loin." "Then, mother, this is no place for my sisters—for me.'• "George!" the voice we, stern with a new sorrow ; "if ever you are led into sin, which (Ind forbid. remember that though the world would stone %oil, there is one place where you can ever come"—she held her arms forth. "A mother's heart will never cast you out. my son." There was no rept) ; the young matt shivered from head to foot. then turning away hastily, left and the house. "Don't mind him, mother," said Mary, her sweet fare tearful. 'set +wiling. "It was too sudden be lriru . rt is harder WI him than for u-. lam glad Martha is com ing home, nitqlier." awl the glistening drops fell softly from her eyes a+ she spoke "And you, Ellen ''' -She is my sister, mother." was the gen tle reply. Gloriously the night of Chri.ttniei set in. It was keenly cold W?thin, there was delicate tracery on windows reddened with holiday fires; within, the Christma.s wreaths hung over door„ a nd circled picture+, some of them remembrances of lips that were dust, and eye+ that were ashes, hut the kindly look of the soul that animated them now crowned with the beauty of h ea v e n. still beamed upon the groups below. There was the hearty voices of children, with their exclamations of delight at the beauty of the Christmas tree, and thanks to the donors. The Ist m:+ t ree was all ablaze, but strange to say, lame but the children seemed to enjoy it after the great surprise. The parents sat tin xions and restless. It had been snowing once noon, and the ground is covered, as with a garment pure and white, so that they heard not the approach of %heels. George had not been home since he went sway in anger—and altogether it was a +onihre Christnut+ night. "Is this the house V' asked the driver. as the handsome vehicle which had been sent for a penitent, stopped at the door. "Yes,” was the faint reply. "Any baggage, ma'am.—shall I ring the bell ?" "0! no—no—no, - and the vetted figure prepared to descend the steps. "All paid. ma'am '" aid the driver, and mounting to his box he drove ofi'. as if wean•, the figure moved to the stone steps and made a if she would ascend. One surmounted. she leand hevily :twined the gray coping. The street was very still. only afar oticoulil be heard the carriages. A street lamp blazed o%er the head of the solitary woman supporting herself there. against the cold. 'temp wall. There was a sound like chocking -ohs. a rattling as of paper. i The woman was trying to peruse a note which she held in her hands. Altko' she copld not read it distinctly. the mes sage rain thus- Deceinh. r, I A Ili. MA It lIIA MLR F. I.ITil —Yon have disgraced youese f, you have disgraced your family.— Never, so help I.IP. !leaven, can you be a daugh ter to 4s more. Take the curse of those who gave pipe being, and never dare to look upon their feces again. Those who were your pa rents, hut disown you from henceforth Another rested in h.•r trembling grasp. This she held to her lips pressed to her heart—and well might she deem it previous. Thus it read • DRAB CHILI) M ‘IITUA,--COUit home to us.— May God forgive us fur having cursed you Come, and be a beloved daughter once more. We forgive all the past, to Christ has forgiven us We will send fur you on Christmas night. Your Father and Mother "0 blessed, blessed forgiveness !" she murmured, still leaning there, the snow whitening her garments. "But how can I meet. them ? I shall die of crushing shame. 0, how can I meet them 1 They will all be here to-night. It they would only ,hide me ; if I could only creep round by the back way, and go to my chamber, and stay there forever. I never can look into their faces, never, never." She sobbed low but passionately, never minding the wind that blew little drifts upon the edges of the stone steps, and made her shiver unwittingly. With long ing eyes she traced the yellow light reflect ed from the windows upon the walk ; she held her breath now and anon, to listen to the sound of children's voice., and then she sobbed again. She did not note the approaching footsteps, nor any presence, until startled by a manly vice, exclaiming: "Woman, who do you want? What is the matter." $1,50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. i With i low groan, she turned her face i to the door and sank upon her knees. • had drawn back with a shiver that was not of cold, and theie he stood, Food battling with evil for the mastery of his soul. There he stood, pressing his hands, now folded, one into the other, his heart swelling now with indignation, now with a gentle, man ly sorrow ; anon with repugnance and pride. But that kneeling figure In the mild December ni ht, so forlorn, so - droop ing, ing, so shrinkin rom:all human compas sion,ecd unmann im. He moved a step forward and betiding, cried out in • husky whisper. "Is it Martha?" -0! George," saidLthe figure ; what a voice it was. What a revelation they em bodied—those two words of deepest re morse and utter hopeless. - Another pause, during which pride gave some fierce throbs, and then his times lost their manliness, as he said— " Martha, come ; they all expect you." "All! all! 0 take me up stairs ; take me out of the way; they must hate me." "God forbid !" said the young man, fer vently and more tremulously ; "none of us hate you, Martha ; come, my sister." "Heaven blessi you for those words. 0! you must be better, holier than others to give such joy to a broken heart ; you do pity me ; you do forgive me, only let me hear you say it." ..I pity and forgive you !" said the young man, solemnly, and, as he spoke, he was conscious of a sweet rapture ‘ stealing into his soul, filling him with, pure and Christ like -love for the forlorn, the wretched, the sinning. Ile took her hand now. It was the first time he had felt happiness that Christmas. Ile determined to love and shield the poor lamb who had, with all her vanity and willfulness, been a loving sister to him. "Come," he said, gently leading her up the steps, "you will soon forget that you were separated from us in the warm -welcome that awaits you." He rang the bell. A servant opened the Tor—but other footsteps were heard. •• Dear soul !" said the pitying domestic, under her breath. -Right in here!" whispered George. They stood on the threshold, brother and sister : she white as a lily, blinded by the blazing light, reeling, stretching out her hands; he holding the poor, frail frame with one strong arm •'t t, my child ! my Martha! my first born !" cried:Mrs. Meredith, tottering to ward her ; and the repentant woman lay helpless as aft infant, sobbing on her moth er's breast. - Ai for Mr. Meredith, he took the wasted haistis ; he threw back the cling ing veil, all wet with snow-drops, and pat tA4l in his old, fatherly way, the still sunny tresses that were braided beneath. As for thosisters,they hung about her,weeping and full of pity, full of love. As for the child ren, they stood midway, transfixed, with toys in their motionless hands, looking, wondering, grieving, and understanding nothing of it all. As for George, he stood with head hidden, but the words—" God, I thank thee for subduing this rebellious heart." issuing from his parted lips. And they made her a warm corner by the fire, and rallied her, treating her as if !die had always been one of them. She -sat, dejected, still happy, thinking how much it all seemed like Christ's love and forgiveness ; how much this home seemed like heaven • how angel-white was virtue, taking this ;haps ; how glowing -with .the never dying lilies of remorse was that pit from which heir poor feet had been taken. Vey, her repentance was genuine, for had not human love, inspired by Divine forgive ness, reached ,out its sheltering arms to her. upholding and sustaining her tremb ling soul r And thcugh the cross of per secution and the world's neglect must be borne for wear+ years : though the crown of thorns, woven by the fingers of memory, will ever press her temples, yet from that (Togs she will build a temple of beauty and holiness, and out of that crown will spring heavenly jewels. as through Christ she con quers, and through Christ is at last victo rious. 4) ! Christ thou glory of the world. as well as the l,rightness of heaven ; the im age of the invisible (pod : teat+ us how to forgive. AvarDATs.-4A Washington correspon dent of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, under ITatZ of Feb. 4. notes a visit to the White Rouse. and says the President did his full share in joking and telling anecdotes. among which''' he says he related an anec dote of an eminent lawyer of Pittsburg, cl i which was W I told and will bear repeat ing. James o wl was fitted first for the ministry« an being about to preach his trial sermon, which he had committed to memory: he ivent to the woods alone, as he suppneed, for the last rehearsal. A ven erable old patriarch of the church. Father McMillan, s4peeting Ross's intention as w e ll as his piety. followed at a safe distance, 4e creeping up hind the ambitious youth. s t o od .enrot behind a tree. Ross spread himself and natty wnund up with "Amen! I'll be d—d if that won't just suit old Mc- Millan." and wheeling on his heel, old McMillan stood before him. "No. Jas. Ross." saidihe old man. "that does not just suit old McMillan, nor will you do for a preacher." Ross reviewed_ the evidence of his call ing 4 and concluded 'that the taw was - . just they thing for him." SIVGI'LAR AND FIAREtI. COI Of SON:CAN arttsw.—La4 Thursday night. says the Manchester , Mirror, during the violent snow storm which was raging at that time, Mrs. Helper. wife of George Helper. of Fisherville, N. N., arose in her sleep with out awakening her nurse, who was sleep ing with her, and passed out at the back door. and...jurped or fell into a well. forty feet deep. containing about two feet of water. The nurse subsequently awaking. missed her. , and search was made apd she was at length found in that precari ous condition and extricated. Mrs. Help er had for years been in feeble health and only one week previous had been confined, giving birth twine. She had long been fearibl that some of her children would fall into the well, and had frequently dreamed about it, and had probably been dreaming this night of such an accident, and went to the supposed rescue. She es caped with few slight bruises, but the shock to the nervous system of one in so delicate health must have been severe.— Her escape was almost miraculous_ Pecember, 18a/ OIL. "A New Dodge" is told by the New York Ledger : "A wealthy merchant of that city, who is in the habit of carrying more money in his pocket than Gs prudent for any one to keep about his person, recently received a telegram from his wife who was visiting some friends in the country, stating that she was very ill. He at once started to see her. On arriving at the railway station nearest her place of abode, he hired a horse And buggy, and set out about dark for a cross country drive of some eight miles.— When he had goue about half the distance, he was stopped by a couple of men, who robbed him of his gold watch and several hundred dollars in cash. In return for the booty, they kindly told him that he need have no fears for his wife's health, as they sent him the telegram in hopes of having the pleasure of meeting him after dark in' some convenient spot, far from the busy haunts of men. The merchant thinks that something should be done by the telegr ph companies to protect people tram such Impositions:" NUMBER 39 A Twins TAU- LOOT ANDTo Daa'rn ox tin Paziain,—The F F it " . raul's Alfzeiwsotian aad 14mes, of the 10th inst., ex traets from Nor'Wester, published at, the 1 :e..1 Raw settlements, a sad narratoe. A =including Mr. Mackenzie, started Georgetown, at the mouth of the Buf falo River, to cross the prairie to Fort Lar ry. They started December 23d, taking mules. The latter gave out in three days, distance only half done and provisions get ting short. Here they were hopeless, in the heart of a vast, dreary, unknown prai rie, in ► cold, bleak month, far beyond the reach of all sympathy and aid, with starve- Lion staring them in the face. Oh Thurs day, the 29th, Mr: Mackenzie re l olved to reach Pembina, and send back succor.— The engineer accompanied him. The day was cold and stormy, and a bitter blast from the North drove them back', They all camped together that' night hear Pine River, about 50 miles from Pembina. In the morning Mackenzie started again alone He had a presentiment that he would not get through. He wore but one thin coat, and was lightly dad throughout, wishing to be as little burdened with clothes as poem ble, as he intended to run most of the way A bit of pemicen, the size of him fist, was all his food. On Monday morning David Tait pushed ahead, and reached Pembina the same evening. Mr. W. had not been there. Two men were sent and they fell in with the remnant of the party shortly after midnight on Tuewiay, and after supplying their urgent needs, went off in search of Mackenzie. Wednesday they came upon traces which brought them to hls corpse. After leaving his companions, hh seemed to have followed the trail for a consider able distance, and then to have lost his way. Night cam, rii him, _-me upon oewildere. by the growing darkness and the drifting snow, be made towards a clump of trees, with the intention probably, of kindling a fire. If such was his object, he seemed to be unable to accomplish it ; and his beaten track showed that to keep hini=eli from freezing, he had spent the hour* of that lonesome night, in running iround in a circle. With the break of day,' he again started across the trackless wasfe, • very step that he took carrying further and further from the spot which he was strain ing every nerve to reach. Another weary day of fruitless travel wail followed by a WY . - ond night even more dreary thau the fiat Again he had managed to stave off' what he Must have felt to have be,n the hour of his dissolution by long hours of ceaseleb, activity. A third day's journey, brought him towards Lac des Roseau X. Here he attempted torun round as before. But the strength and courage which ha,l Hitherto sustained him, now forsook him.' He dragged his tired footstepti through the loose snow towards a tree, from which he pluCked a branch and hung thereon a shred of his tattered coiat as a signal to mark his dismal resting phioe ; he next tore oti another branch of the same tree, which he placed as a pillow for his cold bedand then laid upon it his weary head and died. His right hand was on his heart, and his left hung by h is side, firmly holding d compass The body gave indications of having uncle! gone great suffering. Some portions of it had been froaen and thawed many times in succession, before death intervened mud released it from further anguish. A PROTILST AGAINST EARLY RISING.--14 Hall, in the February number or his lout nal of Health, says : One of the very worst economies of the time is that filched from necessary sleep The wholesale but blind commendation ot early rising, is as mischievous in practice as it is errant in theory. Early rising crime against the noblest part of our phys ical nature, unless it is preceded by an eat ly retiring. Multitudes of business men in large cities count it a saving of time if they make &journey of a hundred or two miles ek night by steistaboat.or_raibeay. It is a ruinous mistake. It never fails to be fol lowed by a want of general well feeling lot several days after, if, indeed, the man does not return home actually sick, or so near it as to be unfit for a full attention to his business for a week afterwards. When a man leaves home on business, it is always important he should have his wits about him ; that the mind should he fresh and vigorous, the spirit lively, bur)) - ant and cheerful. So man can any that it is thus with him after a night on a railroad car or on the shelf of a steamboat. The first great receipt for sound, con n ert ect, and refreshing sleep is physical eXPI cise. Toil is the price of sleep. We caution parents, particularly, not to allow their children to be waked up of morning; let nature wake them up, she will not do it. prematurely ; but have s care that they go to bed at an early hour let it be earlier and earlier, until it is found that they wake up of themselves in full time to dress for breakfast. Being waked up early, and allowed to engage in difficult or any studies late and just before retiring, has given many a beautiful and promising child brain fever, or determined ordnism, ailments to the production of water ou the brain. WINE Marian.—A correspondent of tkie Doylestown Democrat gives the followilig experience in making Catawba wine • I give you the process of several successful attempts in making Catawba wine. Then. can be made several brands of wine from the Catawba grape ; the Still wine, Light Catawba and Sparkling Catawba wines.— The first is made from a full pressing of the fruit, pure Juice, without any sugar ad ; ded, it is an acidulous wine not altogether palatable but the favorite wine of the lot - ers of Hock. The Light Catawba is an ex cellent light dinner wine, mild, slightly stimulating and pleasant; it is made a follows : Pick your grapes from the stenis and bruise with the bands, press not quite dry at the first pressing, take out the porn ace and throw into a tub, adding as much water as you have pure pressed juice, give the pomace a second thorough pres,iiiig and pour the mast Into clean casks, addin g 2 lbs. sugar to the gallon, after rerun:ilia' non, add 1 gill of brandy to b gallons ot wine, to keep from acetic fermentation. and bung up right, rack off in mid winter and you have all you can desire for:s wine. The third proctkss is somewhat ,111 ferent. The result of my experimetii , in making Sparkling Catawba, I attribut.• more to good luck than skill, mid cannot give an assurance of success in all ca p,. I made a good sparkling Catawba wine taking the pure juice of the grape of the first preening. adding 3 lbs. relined sugar o, the gallon and fermenting in a cask, raok offend bottle as soon as fermentation eeams-, cork, seal and invert the bottles immedi ately. A bright sparkling wine wa_s the result, but I had several bottles to burst The Isabella grape can be premed and worked by the same methods but it is much deficient in saccharine matter. Any of your readers who have succeeded in making grape juice wine by any other process I would be pleased to have their receipt. ' through the columns of your paper." VOL. A remarkable story is told by lla vana journal of the discovery in Lower California of an immense Salt Lake, the existence of which has hitherto been un known to the civilised world. The lake is said to be one hundred miles in length and twenty-five in width, and besides itn immense resources of salt, contains guano islands, which will produce at least 200,0(t) tons. The mouth of the river leading to this inland lake is said to be a little North of the 27th parallel of latitude. As to the country round about, the writer says deer, swine, goats and rabbits are abundant in the country. The same birds are seen that are found in upper California. But it is a very sterile country, and totally unfit for habitation; various cans have occurred of Indians dying of hunger. iir Gold in small quantities has been found in Bucks county, Pa. It is oontainett in a rein of laiid ore, near Doylestown. and, bnw ( ildi