r eland and 'Brie Railroad ON and after Ilion( Nc,veinher 1 4th 11159, and entil furth.r to 014.• Nom,. run re follows, viz:— LEAVE CLEVELAND I. 10 A Y, Mail Trlllll •tOllll at ;01 Wa... "qatt..u. tort 11144t0r, Petro., rni..tiville and ailil4lllBl Kris 54 P. l I.lt.kilt. 4.! P 11 , Bulllakt 6 Si P. K. v uu I'. X. Itxpre.ot ?nun It AshumaClocumaat mad (Ann:, ..” at til• SS 8411 1 14, 4 'LI) A St LEAVE ERIE 1 IS A. K. 19ibtExprautTrilastopeat I;‘rnrd, t Aideta, sad ,P4lttesriti. , and Itri,r 41 Clemlaud I 06, A. K. 3 15 I" M. Mall Train atop. Wa, , tatiou• \cepa Saybrook, I'r-n, lirotor ~t B tck 36. and arri•es at Clot...lane at 7 ns, A. N. AU the through train. , going Weatwarit, at I Clavalasit with trains tor Tule.ti.. Chicago, Colocul.u. 'await, /rt ke. Alt the through trams 0.4 4,11 EaPllntr , ),rantwel it hair kirk with the train., of tt“. 7•: Y t: En. Railroad sit it lialtalo with the N entral Rod N \ Ratko/oh, H. NoTTINI:11 kSL, ~ulwnnirudru~ Cleveland, No. 14 1819. BUFFALO & ERIE R. R. (I N ancl after Monday, No, einther 1 4 1F G 9. Plunativr ?rsn • I • 1 r•in t;,i. ! low. 1 1.E.1VINI :.tcf 11 :At A. al , prep., ;hail lark 1110. i , lit•• 1 I 'rovic,, sr-, Rout,. at 4 k OU A M., derausoliatura. plutz at all as artiting at titillate , at I.! I• M 30 I Erprear Mall. •t4,111.15,g at liart.,r I North k pat, "tate I.ln. quines , U rail . Duukirk, I ri mkt, Ft an. I art, • tv td,,. reek, and lian,harytl, e rnt lng t., 4. %1 LEA VI NI Ft' A Li II 3k, A M., grpr ea M. et 01,1,0 P.l II Mite Creek, (. Ire, n•l.. lounktrk,:sa.lon.. I',n•lne•l Ktat• LW!, North Emyt at. I ••• •.. ~.. 0 r,,,1 ~ v • F. at 32.3 tw. /I, cesteratata , .., ',tort ug n •t . anti - tug ■1 Krim. at 00 II MI, V , r pr. • Ago , • tilt aa.l It'.+•lt. t . V i.e' Knirrt.ol i:ht F ..utkoPet at Dunkirk All yrrn v.. f. r New York Roston, A r Ithu R. ' , or pi : , 1 p =I! =BEM NEW YORK & ERIE It. R T 1 ANG r: ,r T 1 ni - j;s:. comm •1 DAN,C J 0.1 i, 1-f+ Trainil will 4.4%. 1., I Eastward Bound Depart Nee 1 F.IN ra Xight Si Stec& Ivrea rut Freight. Ws, Frei,At The Night Pagel...A..o"a :Ind 11, Trait, 1.6 t, ,ery they The Acromm..latil, trnaa r, ulet• vr, L el Litton. N11\4 , 1 NAM. .11AR: 2 1i, Hearer Lhaisktric, January 1, leleo-41 tf SUNURY &ERIE RAILWAY. 1511114FINAMAMIN CHANGE OF TIME ! t...)N and after Mt IN D.\ 1 the 2 041 In•t , the PASSENGEIi THAI:, ..,', LEAVIC WAK EN, al CM. A. M., du.,,, •- .t .... . 11 , I ••••! •r riving it Erse at 11, A. :H. E TrIL li/[AVE ERIE, tat 4 P. NI.. aft, r is.l ebtore Routs ; arrive at Warrea at 5.43, M E i- On Ilondayp. Wettneedaye and 1 :/ti.V , l at 4.Z.u, . ■ • Local Freight Train with t'aaeeurer attaelled Ware ie for Warren. arriving at - 4 Returningon alternate duel .1 I 11 A at Il SS. A Y and ar• et I. Supt's Ottlets, W SCALE. , •! :•( I Atli I r.)411 , •! 'urn a • I an, k ! AM 11:111C11 leas prirves than o w 'd Aug. 20. SE:I.DES CiCor—,l3 - 3r LIMINE AGill COLBY returns hi , ,inerro thlink , to hi , numerous friends and patr, , n. G r past tar, , r• COLBY Latin taking the Low Pit - rt • COLBY now proposes on aetonsahlog redu.t.on the pries of all the higher orient Anthroty pet ' COLBY knows you have heretofore yaol !kers ;ooea aa Ipatil Pictures fus yes ought Colby to deterolinwito brlng the pries of Ambrotype Pictures tend rosily the only ptetuf.s worth hoeing,) 'ratan the Rea• la f the Id saw Con., be really the people's benefactor, and may at all Ifni., be found in the Roeurzwric lit ten. EH , . Ps., first door of Bank of Commerce '244 N OTI('E.—The Furniture. 4 hair, spring Bed, sale and Store 4! G. W. ELLSEY Lna been REM \ hi) to the lirit.k BuTtil the on Went side., neat: to Jar-.lgio t,un 81,41.1.'1 , i - con Eighth and Ninth Sty.... to, nr. Stale, Fri. T'a No•. 12, 11a69. Great Attraction for the Holidays' West. Park JEWELRY STORE, PARAGON BrILDING, NEAR i'F.ACH •TP.FFT . THE Propnetor of flu- e,tal It•llniplit DOW recielvlng .opot tug, from New York City, amost euteudre a riot 7 of elegant 10 )LT rd L ER, LATE I) AN7 Tixpresaly se.ected for the Season Trade, which the po bhc lar• respectfully invited to examine, 11,.pmg ok• inettoln,: nay be found4ulted to the taste of -e,ery one, with la. dueementa in the way of Low Puicts to male purchases Ilaving the Goods and tacillti., t. supply any ~ .oruand, .4 share of patronage a mcp.rt*d • Dec 8, 19b9--2A NW ARRANGE.IIEIS T. THE undersigned having purchased rht eithre Stock of BOOTS 1 . N. 4,.. SHOES! LEATHER, FINPIVI. RL.III;LRm, . Hwretotoro owned b♦ W. Frtth, w.II • oht in as the :Am Dees st the OLD stANn No. 3, PIRYT Bi.ocK, STATI. STRAIT, Ekl i. P ll* La no* prepared to off..r greater lnducetornta to A❑ In want of good BOOTS AND SHOES, Mao was ever offered to the people or AA oelern Penney ranla Bta MOW. will be to here • es cry r ,r 1 Away from the Stara Satisfied, If lair dealinic, low t oo « e sod rood rood., will be any in,:timment. 1 0 ker., tehiur to buy Boots sad Shoes, this 14 1// 1.. the Store lo future CrEnlari . C.l NPV 4 COrtiarnee Customers sruerdeel assured of setting erxel no,l relinhie BOOTS, SIIHEs AN I) (;.‘ITER:. Of all deseripUono at Puree to pelt the That... A ensortnient of GAITERS. BUSKINS, ••;I.IP , HERR, ke. Hoye, Yonthr, Misses end Chlidrent, 2-teee4t sad Gallen of erery rartet.3. ►low astertsica of lime- Made Itp and (..114 Beef, 'ascii (sawn be surpansed in Erin Er:Rapiiiring dorm. with 11•11tIMPOS aniiiptioetuahir , Nov. 26, '69-26. RICH4UJ ht. Iti.}.l 1110113.171/111 ! ! ! For removing GRUM! !•• Kite, f0r,0 3 44%, nreolved And for sale at BAI LIN IN'S Ilktd ftoat, N.. 6, Reed liasswiErie. T . HOMPSON'S .s.: —YRup of IPEA(' An ettopiltat arttelf. tor do , corp .- Of Caarita. Cold& 4e, mold at BALDWIN'S DRI.I; t41(414. 211.tt No. S. kto.ol How. PLAT ED CA K E B.IsKET:---New et v les now opening at the Wert Park Jeitetrs Stuns, lid P4R.4100,1' 1 CfLD/YG, near Peach :- t . NEW G R OCERY And Provision Store ! , AT NO. 1 REED HOUSZ, ERtE, PENY A Il i minas J. AV li ALL( IN, has on hand and will • obis, al can be bought shies here, for Cash or lam, any of the following articles, nix . Flour, Fish, Salt, Fruits, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, M.:asses, S)mp. Oil, Stotts-Ware, Wooden.Wsre, Tomer°, ( lora, Conhotioseriee, etc., eta. The assortment is all Fresh, and of the first quality. I incite an examination of in. stock and prima, hoping by strict attention t 4 business and honorable dealing, to merit a share of pttrnt.agt. - My motto le "Quick Sales and Prompt Retunis OW" Produce of all kinds wanted. .4.0 Er* D•C. 24, 19-3 = 29 EITT:WRALL(IN SMILE, DOORS & BLINDS. T HE subscriber having leased the Shop lately occupied b. t oIK k Co, would r, i=ly Worm the public that lot 14.11 oontin u•• n.t SKI/H, DOOItS, BLINDS, STICKING MOULDINIis, Sze., et the best mat•riala, and in a style of workmanchip that cannot be sunned in this city. SURFACE PLANIN(i and SCROLL sA 11' ti promptly attended to and eseeutegl In a supprtor &mo ms. MI work warranted, and prints as cheap as the sbiapsat. Repairing mid small jobs premptly •tirode d to 81ep on Pencil Bt.,a krw doors north of Barlett kurrli arta, Dee,17,111414-211tf JAWE- CROOK. ki °TICE. BA.LDWIN ii tht. (.)11 . 1, apa,,r, zed Agent for the sal« 0( DR. NATHAN WEA LE CT OF FIREWEED to Itor It, of Fair. Reed the following - Krto, 14e. In, 1'49 Ikaptby appoint 1.. 1 H•LIVIV spent for the We of Wafer, Lztrsd of Fireweed la the city of EA., and give t o the sole end trellanse Pak in paid city WEAVER Peewee wishing to get the remotes snide .111 retrivt., berood go to BALI/ WINs [(ELM tat Mk, ILI* Dec. 17,'b9—!S No.:, Ibml thaw 13 BRUSH RUSH Es' BRU ES!' ItlirNlll.l , !" hut, varnlah„ Gloloine, IR triplop Wht! . WiaL ludo., Hoe, a O, Scroh, Tauber*, or awl Mon 11•11' and Tietii, *ad rooorol sasortiaoot o all bailor fikrAfiLt, or ids by may 21 T. 11. 2112CLAUL. GRISWOLD'S COLUMN• AUTUMN TRADE! ! ST.A.TE STREET, Otvosite 'Brown's Bcatel ! rim Lify:F. ANI) ItI.F.JAN'T MAItHIa intoner DRY GO O DS STORE ! Great Attraction in Erie. 1860. Dry Goods, NORTH WESTE RN PENN'A. Less r:,rl.oe•as .. .) , . , 11 fly NCI II '1 T 111111111111! I=llll W lff A. GRISWOLD /lA% JI i.T RE('EITHVI AM) • Now Offers for CASHI MEMO .5 • s 4 44.) 1• ■ 111 2 • 1 t.) {CI s 4.J r MEM The Largest & Most Attractive Stock of Y?, ``Y Co) 0 9 House Furnishing Goods, 4 4 ; 1 1 ; IP 4 IP 4 4 Mil 1.. Ni From 10 to 20 per Cent. At this Establishment ! ! ! I DRESS SIDES, DRESS GOODS stalls shawls P,LArK AND (LURED T NI Al :,TIN loak Cloths and Trimmings. pArr ERNS I;6R CLOAKS and RAGLANS. Ritli Point Lace Seta, Collar , and Sleeves from -) to $5O Valenciennes and Gipu Collars and Sleeves, Fin French and S%i Isis Setts ' ars & Sleeves, Embrpideries & Laces, pitEAS TRIMMINGS. Hosiery and Gloves, Madder Prints 61 cents per yard. Ite.t Madder Prints warranted. only 10 cents per yard. (iockl quality DeLinea only 124 cents. More than one hundred styles DeLeine hest quality made, 20 cts. worth 2s. Carpets and Oil Cloths, JUST RECEIVED OVER 200 PIECES Prr,tems F.O-mahrtip Ninole Rooms and Houses Will find it to their ativimtage to examine 1)14 YTOCK English, Velvet and Brussels CJAL.I4-I:9ltrinal, All Wool, Three Ply and Ingrain 1 Ili I 'GI i ETTS, RUGS, Curtain Window Drapery ! DAMASK AND WINDOW SHADES &c EEO I tit CARPETS, etc., poll ALI. Of AND 4HE OFFERED AT CA% Br OLD BT AT THE I.EriVEBl' PILIC,EB. - 1 7:111,!'grr'471 In. ifirile 1 A SAVI N(4 OF cAN BE MADE BY BUYING GOODS EV Eli \ DESCRIPTIoN liF WEI INDIA, FRENCH • RROCIIE, WOO L. AND "WTI! CLOAKS AN!) RAGLAN Montebello Cloaks, HIE GEMS ]OF FASHhiN DON ILSTIC •ND House Furnishing Goods ()F EVERY STYLE' 0 A 4 CARPETS! A good Wool Carpet for 50 etc a yard A go(xlCarpet for 25 et CRUMB CLOTHS H ASSACKS, and igt, CLOTHS OF Lace and Embroidered Muslin, WM. A. GRISWOLD. Erie, Oct. 21, 1854—.17 GROVER & BAKER'S ill Y IRMO NE'.L ES—Pricee from ts.'.o $1•25 Extra Charge $5 for Hemmers 495 BROADWAY, Tb... blacklists sew from two spools, as purthaoed from Geo store, requiring oo re-w lading or thread , the , . Hem, Pell, Gather, and stitch in a superior style, timi,- lug each mom by their own operation, without recourw to tbe band-neardie, as la required by other Wadi/Lift They •411 do better and obtainer mowing than a etounitowe eon, even if eh« works for Pu oral on arras, and are, un questionably, a gal Mackvats in the market for roil) sewing, on atoouot of their ausiyhrity, duniUllit3, •am 0 saaaaigeosest, and adaptation to all varieties of faull:t ..wing—execnting either heavy or line work with oval !facility, and without special adjustment. AA seldom* of the unquestioned superiority ui 'their llloalgato. the (blurt* k HAKIM 8411 Ow M•cli 'sr 6041- PAST boll WWI to roopoettall, relit to the follow Ins TESTIMUN 1 A I. S -la hug had one of Gruver & Bakers Ilaeliiiie• is m y family for nearly a year and a.belf, 1 take pli-smire in commending it as every way reliable lor thru rp m oa for which it is dmigned—ramily rlewing."—Mrs. Joshua Lesson, wile of firs Ile Leavitt, Etiter of A F. /ads- "1 coulees myself delighted with Hach is, •hieh bamboos' in my family for many months. It hae always been ready for duty, requiring no adjust/inn:it, and la easily adapted to every Tariety of family sowing. b) •Impl) shanghai the spool. of thread."—Mrs. Allitelteeh wife of Rut Ile .Inekhetite, rdaur of I. alisietian Aileiwate. "After trying several different good machines, I Jae_ ferred yours, Oh 111CODUOt 01 its slruphntr , and the ver !wet ease with which it is managed, as well we the .tiwityth and durability of the seam. After long ette•iietice, 11. el competent to sneak to this quaver, .1,.; to co ntidp n i s oteummend It fur every variety orbily sewthg "—Aka £ ligresmer, wife el the Eilder rooklyn Atez ' , Limes oaeda G Baas* Sevin %Machine for two years, and have found it adapted to al kinds of fam ily mewing, from Caudaric to Broadcloth. Garments have been worn out without the giving way of a Anal. The Mathias la easily kept to order, and manly used. - 4. B. Wilappic, age of Res. Geo. Whapple, Pins Feet .Your Sawing - Madams has been In use in my family this put two years, and the ladies request me to give you their tastimoniala to its perfect adaptedneae, as well as labor-wing qualities to the perlormaure of family and household sewing"—Reiert Beorsea , Arts lark. "For offend months an have used Grover & Baker's Sewing Msebine, and have some to the conclusion that every laily who desties her sewing iseartrAdry and newt, done, would be moat fortunate in possamung one of those reliable and indefatigable 'iron recerlic-women,' whose einablned qualities of Senwty, streaga, and maphicuy, are Invaluable"—J. AY Marra, diszedraler of I:eo tiro ?. Perris, Rater 9f Ike lAme Jeuresi. tithe - et of a letter from Thoe. R. I.r.strtvv, kr,4 ,10 A merman gentleman, now resident in Sydney, IN fr. Walee, dated January 12, 18t4 . had a tent made in Melbourne, in 103, in which there were over threw thousand yards of sewing &ale with one of Grover It Baker's Illtelanes, and a sinigic seam of that has outatood all the double name !hewed by with a noodle and tw int." "If 1101:11.r mould derailed up from boo murk, would sing the .demo( of Grover Az Baker as a rn. rw be attpliat 133119•0411 of art titan was ever V ulean's moth) Hi would denounce midnight shirt-making s,•'ti spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof ,Vort), take pleasure In saying, that the ft wins linchines have more than sustain.] m, r.l. ,e -thin After trying and riturolog others, I hat. liarir tln operation iu my Marriott places, and. after four )dais' trial, tare no limit to find " J H. H0w5r.....1, Scimitar ft Soda Carolina. Y) wife has had one of Grover & Baker's Family Sew lag Machines for some time, and lam satisfied it is one the had labor-caring machines that has been inrented. I take mach pleasure in recommending it to 'hr put.hr • —J. 4. Newts, Governer of Tresseirse "UM a beautiful thing, and pub everybody ,n!.. . o rc citerment of good humor. Were I a Catholic, I MOM upon Saints Grover and Daher having au eternal holiday in oonnnoinoralion of Limit good deeds fur hu manity."—Grins M. Cloy think It by far the best patent In asp. nos blschm an De adapted from the Itnest earobstc to the hearo.st easstmers. It news stronger, taster, and more hem:anon, than one can imagine It mine could not to replaced, money could oot Loy - Mrs..' O. Broom Nashroffe "Otis speedy, eery neat, and durable in ,t •ork is sadly understood sod kept in repair I earnestly meow mend Ws Machin* to all nu tequalattuore and °awn," —Mrs. it 4. Forrest, Menrpires revs. "We dud this lite...bine to work to our guit,..fs.-toti, and with pietas?* reeoinmend it to the pribiley as cc I..tiere the Grover It Baker to be the best Sewing Vaohloo in use " —Diary &Alert, Alliseina, Tess. .if tuna exclusively for bunny ptirpoees, with ordinary ears, I will wager they will last ono 'three pear. yeare end ton, and never get out of 41. "—JAR Ember, Noshorile, nos "I have had your Machine for several weeks, and run perfectly satished that the work it does is the best and , most beautiful that ever was nude "—Marrs. Altaimaya, Nanlnville, Tres. "1 use my Machine upon coats, drelutmaking, at 4 tint !inert stitching, and the work Is adroirshie—far letter than the beet hand-sewing, or soy other machine have ever seen."—Lary B. Thearpora., Neihrille, Tres/ "I find the work the strongest and tredet Leant I I have ever seen, made either by hand or/Machine, and re =he Grover 4 Baker Machine mrens of the greatest go to our sez."—Mrs. ltesketilt, Tree "1 have one of Grover k. BitteereSeeing Machines in nee In my finally, and and It iota/6.04e. 1 can confident!) recommend it to all pommel') want of a marl,ine • I; T. Tlwaspanti, ,Tasketlis, an. "1 take pleasure to eprßty tag to the utility of the 1;11 , , - sir It Baker Sewing brae-Lines. I hare osed one ..a almost every description ,4 work for months, and find It snarl stroure andistlei , oin every respect than work done by hand. —Mrs, . Wheeler, Naehrille, Tree. "1 wouldAfe unwilling to dispose of my Grover & Raker Mathias •r a large amount, could I not replace It against p 1 • ."—Mrs. H. 0 Scatel, Nauteslie, Thee two Machine% parehmed from you, do th e work o verity young ladlea. We with linuure recommend Le Grover k Baker Sewing Machine to to the beat in naa."—N. SPilase + C.., Newark's, Them. "The Grover k Baker Sewing Machine worts admirably. I think the stitch end work far mipsrlor to that of any Sewing Machine I ever saw. On rine work, I think the Machine would be hard to beat."—ll'. J. Dame, Notisplas, Thu. .1 nod the Machine easily managed, very durable, and taw pleasure In recommending It to all "Tao wish wave- nience economy, and plesuoure. - plia4belrme. Grover It Baker Sewing Machines have given such satisfaction that we cheerfully recommend them to all who WWI • goOd and subidantiod Saving Machine. It erect, ta% work with much care and Teed, and more finely than any otherenachane I Lars seen.' —Mrs. R. B. Alsichell, Meie liy l'lnts. . . .1 am happy to give my testimony in favor & Baker's Sawing Macbtne and of the perfect satiahiction it rhea In every respect. It sews neatly, and Is by no means oomplleated, and I prefer It to all others I hare *esp."— Repsea, rife ef Rev 4. N. Bryan, .Ithrop&se, nee. "It affords me much pleseure to say, that the Machine 'roam well ; and I de not hesitate to recommend It as all the advantages you claim for it. Ily wife Crs Ang mach pleased with It, and we take platoore in cer tifying to this abet."—R. C. Brinkley, Meseplus, Teter atm use pleasure to lad the Grover k Baker Seeing mush ustistsetion. I hare it to coc aina tuo, and Sod it all that could be deaured. It it the soma dimple and durable machine In use, and I heartily numenneend It."—F. N. Mate, Akweydria, Term "Raying seen, examined, and need malty other Binds o Beerterg Machines, feel free to my that the Grover k Ba ker Madams are far ea or to all others I o nee ' - -N Promos Sett., ALsleiiie, TM. notmldwr my Sowing Mutant 'nut!noble, and would not titllnt Awe timed its nest, if 1 oould not supply its piano. With It I out do all my family owwlng In übout ono-fourth Om time I could with my bands " J Stott, Neskeille, Tlenn. sap- SEND FOR A CIRCULAR...6Ra J. J. LINTS, Agent, Erie Yuck 12, 1852.-1y.40. FRESH TOMATOES HERMETICALLY Sealed. retaining the original flavor, In an2a/ oasis for tainAly oars on wale at Vie, JIM* 11, 1569-1 Groceries 1 Groceries ! ! BEOIOKAIq, ZENDIG & 00 HAVE JUST RECEIVED from the Eastern Chios eh* LARGEST and mast VARIED ASSORTMENT of GTtOCERIES, leer brought to this_ market, which we offer to WI • WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Also : on band constantly, SALT-PORK-WHITE FISH-MACK EREL-CODFISH-LA RD-NA 1 Ls-- OPlzoloswlo es.rs.d. IFt. t" LL. 300 Bbls. PICKED Winter Apples Alp & burp aamortoseet of kiiarlla and Hemp Rep., r«.l Cords, ?wises, Tarred Rep.. Oakum and Pitch. W bal. - ma/ 0 sad Retail. Water Lime constantly on hand ALL WIDTHS lair Country Merchants ouppliod with full owort moot. Call awl moo us b.f. rs purebsoiug RE.CAVAN, Kamm k , • No. 29, 1364-212, Wright', Taber! Oct Cris, B'jwst received from the CompLo ) , Loather NINO'', them Bede obtained Orat primate= -t the t• State lift, tall= trom $O,OO aad upwards by _the ASOS a. ir. nift CELEBRATED NEW l'u It K I=;=2l=3 No. 3, Wriyhe a Block, Erie Po A XLES--GL ASS-WOOD, AN L' WILLOW WARE! Also on band SPRING - , (*--eotidk/§)//..) INZEiI c T Ell A BUFFALO. Culuer N •• Cooper lu nnnn • ..• t•i. e PHILADELPHIA. Corner 116 ALBANT. No. 44$ Pro:WIN:l,y ('LEVEL .\ N C.a. Stqlee:t ,c,: !- DETROIT. No. 7n 1w00..19kat.1 .t‘eim(- rilicAno. icor Clark nn,l Sted•titx ont..ing eni 4,41.4 t the. I j pat 'rent 4[41 s444,,iecow. eDLtlyd It , 41.4 144 • g.. t •4.. "eliaLt4, - PUlClpillo3ljr Peter ,f•i YltVl.P,Ve : rl.llll.lCte Brd I.orti!mr i'414 , 44 • •• '• world. Pnr 4'atalogri...l44l 4") re, rRI; R . tLr , 1., 1141dre 4 11.0 Ai Ain" f. BRYANT T'f()\ AMERICAN MERCHANT A MONTHLY MAC/A7,INT Devoted In Commer ,, Unwit , •fnr , .. I, culture. liochecical Qci• n• • Law, rollt teal Ecouorny, i4teruturc. •i aot:lat.tlo'tt• Ii •", Publt.hrd montl.l‘ • I . 1 11. • pot annum, with the U AJai PNIIICS poll 10 1.1 11.4 t 1.. • . rtt La Saddened ti• L. s utuail ut of I • Canua, &ad Inalutrial intert vto i f Aturri4 Martin, 2ti, 114141.—1y.0 TO HOUSE KEEPERS. SoMETH INO T It A lit - it BEST MEDIC'S t 1 c kl f t RA 7 .I". 68 ' 1. 1 ;rrpa u rItl et r u u r t t i d re i t; " ntt% " t u . " t u tt "' 11 " 1:1 1 :1 . :t, " . (iS Sultostur. All tiro dolotertourt u.ottO4 rx ASn I.ruotrol to PAWL A r. to r' Brest!, Lifscutt, sml sill ta tura+ f It rlt 07 7()out outatalaing A partakle of :41 , 114/ U. Whet] i I that Breast or LA.IIO IA uttl,tl tlt in t 1 . 1 . eilleit/C s hairoume cis 14 "11/11,711 , u. is L•eltwd tbrOUg6 111,A4 •( Ili. int 'it.... it,clg 68 el 1.. 111 1 \ 41... g tee .an t • Salt., Wm.-,*' } bin, AND PArceivt by IL. II•te V ' A,••rat it is );!•,-• • • - , 41. 4 tu 70 ~ , it in j4C•t•, A 1... Wrni.4l" M4dl3:atutl Sal , erettua " 111, Veto n•.'.• rd luau of bit • 11:. .1 • • .1 68: .ratertun tb• try.. 15' belt , u pt. rehtu‘e , pa 14. r ~ 1 1 talOtild 1,1.1.1•1, .1., • and be part u..uhtr t. ept t r• AND 144. th. an•t— 4rautt us. r•.• ,alr,clAi.nol fir meL roi 0 tht:l l . 11 e , dli , etionx tor tu.l. Me All kin 1a• Riga , •• • MIL.: , • i CW014014. 6 S Blake Your Own Soap, it 1 pelt • M. T. 13.3.1333:1:1"1"8 7() Pure Concentrated Pot Fish ' , • ~„ ;• put .).. 68 15 ILA ,am. 1 2 • rO.l A N?, 4 11V . i , 1i 111.1 3•1• ~, 68 u. 1 %, : • • if A 70 N... AU ITO WA•1:,,,r,..A pu BOY'S CLOTHING ! Cheap and Fashionable A 71/4S A n -r-Lort• - *t.• • - Co • • • ko -- —,, that c&& rakl ••• tar.t•l• 6 Boy's Coata for 60 ots. upwards lIA V IN(' Ipe•n 'll 1.... , 11r1ng V.•l 1.11,111. a OA, 1 , 1 bh , paity.n.q.av • .. READI Dl' VA , • lorto Ir.!. le •, no..n 1,55. mnr.lFel • tie 1„,•.:, • 1.. re" \ nr.l id • M ,, ,1N.e" , f.. 1 ,1110.11. I.rn• k .•'.>r!• • . •-• F r,.. J • - ‘•01 !I 1"1",VI , L ' 1 1 1.:. 1 1' .1011,0..11'S TES tuna 1111 , •ot I T . l r ri, I lt•el nut r* Co) 11. , • I, T i f H z IPIUNTSIN togrthrr I.'ll neeeimarr to h... r.. 0 • n't lorc.l M.lrvt•stli St,. to, t April 2, IN:4 , FURNITURE! FURNITURE! N , '• - Ey . L' 0 .idllll4. • 11 . bunt • • expr... • s• , u ;. azol ne,•• et• • , • FURNITURE. ml•ra.-Inc all kinit• • • . 0,../111,)%t,11,. 74 7 7 , t,• • ' g• • Parransa 7abfca, F mean. I', i g , a , ...scads, 1 ./.11/1/1111 11 We slanda, /dr a/ to, •. rata/ a, 4 uitaxe an, .a / ,a'. Wartir4,4rx ( warn , • , 1:0=IIIIIIII %C1-1.2 k S, (If every c, ~ / e at..l •,, oat.. The 'welts:Li r lr lull of F A h 1 Is I mach as : , olna,l6fe-a Tete., I NIT. }4 k. l.• I • Cltaira, ard 1.11 k uC. al l • I I. 1., Top l'etttre at ‘: . a, • ~!I 4 Z. 14.0 d Tbr tlri^d fit« r f it larg«. of a ..rkznyn, comp • ' it F. hi it/ 4. .1 • t cabinet mite in 11. 1..« t .1.. rt.rt o.c,r The public, partit tl vited In call not to 1.. taro!, ,•1., blarialle.r.... ebanaze for furniturr liar. 4 he. T. 11.—Juxt ihr all hy At the old Stand NT 31 I' I? 1' 11 11 . Betweeen Brown's Hotct & Reed House, I: A.-:-(11:1M 11, • Ilt.)1.1) 1;,..V: - All.O, a lat-g• a: • • t•t.rt _ Wont I ... .t •a a • t K • Ac., Liz. . • I a-t-r,. Ten gam" NA .1 3 7.4l :rtkr, fig lA t .4 • 4 I 41 K • - ti•••••• rt.,. . 1 1113,1 Ai: A•u. rto a. meat. 17. 31 La, :ICI avd g ale; IA111 , 111..• • • .• 4 4.5.1VC11., C1101.11111:z KI.IT • k,,• „. Pokers, t oai • • • •• . .., Potato Hooar, , ~ and Batt:dog Tub., !left,., rat. :•, .t 1 nulit Fre. ler, !Geo, 1',,c40.0t0 I • r.:I I .1 1 ' I A:&11. / lm p Chalux, at.,: 10,111.; •' • • •• • : .••• Carrel A.u4l a:,,,, ` • , fluid I.atups of all kind., SP, ar 7..nk Sheet Iron, Wirt, INal. Co , as. I • . 10 T.lllblo Matt 10 I , lpkt, 'Lau' ! /1,1 Tiplig, ?ta sol o and YUk Paw and Nit., Tot 14 - . re rt., I Nil p, Tuna: Drainora Snuffer. Rod Tn.., 114•11.0 e e , l Rat Tt •t' Screws, Taeka and till Fender., F.-Cher lot.teta, Gr....5-touter; touter; Geed Boxex, r•, I ro tale 11,1 n, tiler's' PISA, Grind Stone/. ant/ flan.-,cat, All of which will be solo 1 heap / not . done on the attorteot notlce. I. 1. • Ragstaken In exeloanfre for Q.OO i.. Please tall and examine my • t twk , sa• • Erie, May 15, 1.54, • MI RAKfiON'S GILT PORT]: kI T t• IL\ )1 i Gin mould,um I ••• •• V ovaphs I.llllllM‘, t,r out, ,11111,r, •!,r Mareil IY - I_l AMSAN I) 11 4 )M I . J. HAssos I. num rw.el,inir fro% I ;,,..nont. • eholee lot of gtHrikr l'Ntne, an I *or tt:e {ea, sows Whitt Fliva hominy. Call at t 1... Trine 11, 1•651.--1. 1:11. 1 . FRY 14 NIDE SYRUP ANT) 310LA.N..E.-• V.T7 Choice. Vtitlanciug thrpo a genii article 5a : better and lei, nor ie. 0:,1 fix ; - art'. Gulden or vr1.11..3mp If.lsere•, the Very best F. 111.1 for bale: or , p 0.4 Juni 11.1 lit rt.) 13 . _ GILT FLnw II(E I ). )1 A1;It r. T() fV c.mpletis IL:Lt.'. •• •• • , r .1, r • Cr•menimiton. app!, 1.. IN PI I ' 1. Erie. J no* A. 18449.—C.: r ' SEED frI'CKW-H-ItA July 9, 1/169. kf.nur,...; , •••i, •• ~ ♦n. t and ":7, t, I rP thee, buoineges N4I ••• Await,. tiel Rettloment .1110; Gl,l N hat l KS..‘rood , 11))1,11 1111-1 articles IG th. liroc..r• ' , lte Itokr ho f, In.: n! HANtfll, P F .41111 4.1 t ,“ F„Ftl F.riv, Jou. 11, 1 5 .M 1 - 1 t br,tion.h. DA I N'N ! PA I ' 1f N • " h bile LOY dry hod in I, An.erloan an.t zinc Raw. mad Boiled Linseed Oil, 1 French Oebre, Chr.,no. an , l Fr. nr?, Green. and to every thing in the hoe of PAINT*. for ahle at the ritu.e ' 1w 12. T. 8. SINCLAIR, • . ‘t %As .v ESE lIIMIE=EIII I= COI . ' \ CLUTiIi =RIM lEEE MEI = IMENEMINIE =I MEM =ll FAME 111111 I II .ni =TEE : n 1' N r-L • • .1,‘ . . 1 I , { 1,,,10c .GRANNIS & CO'S i'ELF.III2ATF.» f til j OYSTERS! From Baltimore and .Imieware Bay. remised Dail), at - A. WILD'S, , Meat Market, ,01 , 1 Vegetable Store. .t kg't ('heapaide. I' - S. nr,lertt from the country promptly often led to. Erie, Dec. 10, '5O---27.tf. DI "F AI 1., to see SUCTii ANNUAL aspl brUlact offers, in anorb e eulksmn Nov 21. - --- -- I . 000 LIS. 4- - 71*W —FRENCH and AllicnicAN. tinow White and POTOI4IIIO. 11.4i1 CARTRR h. BRO. O ()0() 1.85.. WIIITF: IF,AI). Of . Uw toiloutn g Wanda. London, Nen Y ,, , L , Allan ti •, C'er Pal. Palace, N, lagara, Spring Valley, No CARTILR II BRO - - - K)A 1..0.N,•,, LI:SEEI). 1,A1{1) ‘,l TA VSFIr.*: , on. CARTICH h HHu - Nsufk ri ' 4 4o , —cE ~,:ti 1-I: r y 31 - 7 T AI. I N•-1. f 00 r. I', ii A \ Inenrywn rated ivolg:3l4--(,harter Per, x eu.i/: Properly ammo ed Asalluri 1.••• by Fire for en) Tetra Dot ezethedlag five Tear. i . ! • tries ioautd upon tie deposit of Premium Volvo, io opot tip. pa) Tornio( thew...mai Stock Rates in Money with out Mr r of a ri•zniurn Kota. L 00....• paid with out litigatiolm. tine Salt uuly has Pvrt been 1,1,131,1,1.ga ood tlw rotnpatly. kl•Cuelpalny tr., fro= dieht, and is • says Awns Inatlutssis. I HECTOR:4 In , t • ‘l, • 1,1 '4. Tittalx, WI, I. I< I nctrtl.... - J o 4.4Lurortly, J... .1.1 71 ••• 'Thm Mnnrbrad, larevh • .1. I•. E tlsbLitt, V. n.. It 14,.•} J M Justlee J/ s• 1 \iAbHl‘ll./.1-1 , 1....10./ I.An: A ELLIorr, ()Moe, ru Lnw.r• ijuLul•ou k marl 1a• nftlr« Chrxtald.. Erie. Pa. Apt-t 1 1b.•5 Vstk, 111.0:1.o. ■t 51 GREAT WONDER uf• 111 i. N LTEEN Ili CEN TC RI PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. S.‘ . " 4 thl. . Lotn.4, (bio.) Durnoct it • ptlitit4ta nll tte - T 10 In. • th.g tt!, (n ,„ „ vputirman 111 MA . to , 41. b h (JO I;f d p,. notwtir.r Merit" of hu hair tow.. r uch ••• dente inti•t t. ,girrt. wLen u.n It , tit a 11 r.n. rste. x••• rna•• 01.10 .1 trl.lll, the lot Ot. ouw, ; } =I ry • II:01, n A . $ll tuunti.a n it notoru • . I .n.lneu,tl to t I I . Ike:, my Ilug/,..quit« 1 ... I Is• I}ll/ , 1 " '••7 tri ro {ll,, .:„,. ~„, )11.410, iPIC. 1 1-r wlart.l , „, Ilel 11 , 111:44.4. I it alii•tit Si. I , • . • I 111, 111111 , ~ ' 70 , I.ls L. CI , •4% than it nu. •. • • a•••.• h.n r , ,s tats ilaltw ir.iw Lel , 1,1 ' , 1111/1, to P., EINIE MIMI I= =EI IMII!!=!1 =II lira 111121211 EMI MEI '"1 . 1% 1;111*N11-.:, I , . T A. I u . =INT ~. I •• tn.t••, and c,. .1 , 01 - ILLlLlread t•LL 1 1 L • •I 1,. 11 , 14..• I n„.lLeh 1 1/ L _.••• m ,ny ~r, 111. k • •• • •1 PLI nr.ll' 41 • • : N I. .11 - an.t s' tml corx..r •til azo. }I it 1 1 , %1 Fn. Slarrli 1. 1••40 11 I I MENT' I \i/ 4 ,) %Hi)/ 'S I 4 ! Al I I( F. NT 'Mi. 11l %lA/ 1T1.: • 1.1.- .4_171i11110 lIMIE • ! , t 1. to• • Notturity, I t Dr AN, A; tats. Mari•l'ln )IMkT SLIENTI IA( 001 KISTION. •• • .t • • ••:••• • ~‘ • f • r Jr 1. r1,'5. , 1. I. 0 . 1 r • i• Lin W 11• Z : r111111rt: I 't tII fr. in I rte.h +‘ • t • 11.. f s. h. is L. 111r,J1r..5.• 101 116\ T \ El ' 11(TI ( I I•.11t:SLOTI41 F. .•r =ME I lie 101..1 et', 1•1., ,11-.111. in Loud" n lar N.. Il 111 • Kra I• ,art, tn. only nye,' it's. t-t 1 for the rune 5 4 1,,,,n., It ',in. •tt. r tint ifipttart • I 111.. iretittal fgatt caused • t t • ' 11.1 t . I I • }.t.. ma, l\1) 1/1 Il 111 * • • f;fl, fr , 1:11 M oclork in , I• 171•;r11114 lirei 11;10 1/..••••rt 0.1.4t0 An•l pytaptow 01* awe ,1 , •;:••; maul Wealk.nt an, •4. • tu,• of I t I rtAlkit., uru all 1b.,. ,••,:u. 4./111...1 1.2. 111 leerrl bu ilt ;•I ,t;110;. ; 1•r..4.1111.•• et;lk/I : 11..1:1••‘;■, ,••• ill Ow • w•,l Nuth bad, 1,1 trt•ntuu 1.• Io t •olup• wart, cl till 3,4“, 4„ pryp. 11••• in Fr• f.• /.1;•; AU, , ,, A (1 RI-. %v.% Rit VSTk.II. 1 , , 411 L luviS d. voted their •tteutiun exviu :Vu. "I a Oft Tyl,rth., bass• ; r IA: I,r, nintt render 111 thuir Cr, Start. I+ ;-aterally sii.nnsrludrui by Hu r.tf , tit r• , O, in, e; , •t‘ a arel,lr g in rt. -I the co . ri.. - .• R. urpose N‘ LllB L1..1 ..• 0 • tot n rrown..l • 1 t•••• • • t the., , IL olir lid. '1 e flkofkr 01 the late r4.lllpl.lll,l, the I, ~t,,tlon to thnt ..1 lA.. most tn,e1.11•11,11 d sun. tereiteo thry hale al • 1 ', raut,..r . the ty • 1 1b.,. prev..ntion and I*u, , 1.161 'lke aT•• 'nvnnnhls ?, 111. , . that the moat bur • ntl mslimiant rums • •:1.. I .1..11 T.... ,hawingll3ollltiele. • ur '.l, IT. lit 1.1 tr.4atruutit. there, tos r, tis,• suss - u.•. ed in discovering, In • , .u.• • • - , tl • I ri nate, elTectusl &nil mu. t rultti all C..su. inntioh of remedies wblrh t...nr au icons. •si cluita• thr•••• Ist. A. pre lost ale A 11,2 .• . ,1 14,1. `C . , ❑lllll,llt b. pruduetir • 1 bad 4,, 1E•we1l • rre Al.:, 4 11,515 at.. IntitTldUS is; • r•b.rr rot", dirt It then • ar. •,I n r% t alleviellinn. • •• •t. 11.•„ • k 1. 't• hat s,s. 1111,111tly •h. r.. +,' , no ••5 , V10nt , ..11 v, ra', n'• r • ut •11.C.1 sia! 2101 nuretier for Iti. • navt , n ((H NTIt I INV MID!. ) t ll••• world tra;..l ••••••• , I I , ,ir CA , e 111. netnittan, •• f•Jr 11.441,1:[•• A.l4.ltr•s. , \ • Ilnin ..1.0 Quay 611 Vet, tla \ Y. rob. S, 1.4:710. ;.. HATS & CAI 3t i COST. A !NG made r <-7 5 nrmnimineutsi torn - tut" au"' linr kind 0110.- a._ 4. r In , •m , I ntll ri-11 111 . V •t 1-r 411.1 /17Pre,1 1 110 : „. - • or „i v Ciutiiti sin s'aninq _ err, 111, tuy twww auntie-it witlan till. IRA TiLs UST? MIA (rant tha most FeWhioti‘lol. Igouswo in N..% York I liiil4-t„ that mild at .1.1141101 W Nt. a QUITH ris ilnt. Ift69 —l9 Valuable Land for Sale. TIIE iiFFEIZS I , lllt „1., tra.-1 • I 1•1111.1 known u ti,. ••}(I4•11. taut - Is ing Asnr i, en.t nl V{el•—• - nr.l, tha Fri.k Watod, d plank too an n.l rnntalitint• 1,106 arre.o 1t t. kola ' nod admirahlr sdoptaot who n cloarood. ' • ' , UM SIP( -kinharr [lv liAllrnltel It will he •ii••• 1 I, a r a ahrti t „hid ttaeta to putt linrehatiera Jialy 10 11159.-00 ,FFICE Ks =I i,1•16. .1 ( 04114-p*al =EI ERIDEM IMOUIIIIII =MEE , 4 .01A1 1 I 1. . ht ir • .1.,t. a., I=l 11•11 ME EMI Itll I= 11=1111 r.ett at.th,l I Je.9 , tha. j•s IMES OEM I 41, , 0 • IMI=IIIII • I 4. 4,tot•• • r rI•• • . f rrliik r t...• a 1.1 , • . I .• ••„ ;.tos , •• I.r Iw g sp. • IMI 1113 11= tt.ll.ltr • r.I F. r l • -• • n •1111,4 t Atty in fact, Girard B() K Magazines, Paper, Stationery, WALI.•PAPER, &c., CM PARK ROW BOOK STORE D. I'. IK:404IG:41, rroptletor R r ir, F t : ?e, G I, I NJ( • I • THI , DAY ore'. •“• a rpten.lid allsoritsue”l /i I I lan* Ceara, 11.0 t . and !tativir, Hay. , ralk.ll•lsbela,amd a grrllit varlet, MA:YU L. 1.% OIL.( IV I: NT./ L k TICL sotto/0k f o r th.. lJ , dolor. Elegant Ciao lisAkots, TV& IL•tti Ildebtrs. Milerr t u 1.., Forks, 8 pnous. Ladino, Napkto Rlag (I*ouritu I i.st trrood and lots of rirh Jrw.l rims, sod rant, • ••••i• - t nil and OOP FA*, Dee yS.ISLA. Co. Partnership —New Firm PIIcCAIITER & KELLOGG. 11AV I.: a.,r,ocinto(l with. Inv in tin; - I t • a. 4 Ilmennon I , u•lnF Ti 1.. 111 nll. the tt. , ne . .• will berratm conduct.l I u ti. uanu n. ' I A 1 i t t 1 K I.:"."" j " CFKEPIF Kee AHT F it ),,NS \VA NT! CH ANi F i for hcaiW S' , ...Fm:v•rtoeement of I I a11.112 , ,11 be 1.1t1141, aUt.ther column 6Mn A PPLE PEAItER.S.-1 11 dozcli .11,1,10 roar,* that will do ft. 'tort rv•rr Um« and co solatalo, for Nair Dry low i,t .1 s suit 21,, FLI• lcw ~, i t/. i; 4 . 4,t (WI :I // Llneu florae Nets., chi ai. •t Fl I/ENS rr:tt AL 'EE AI ). ertlian.nt Ilarrosiout4loll end c fp, Suitable for Eircatia, and Y.atifereiating parrpoar• emenioted to Ore aatisfa.etioia win for PILL,. at liancrirtiaa.No lisuee iittf Js 't EIN 'l'll E 1.1) . kts 1•VOII • 11.1/ ttAl to w) (mewl• awl tio. pulate getswral that I have et.aanwhearl ToMiring no 4 {trod) 'lade (ladling I-tuataras, In all its varwum branch.", to the Sl,,re lately .• ceop.rd by Mr ca,a, on the habits:Sap:are, beta,. I/ Itrna - n•a Hotel and the Reed How*, where I will r to I ay. a t all t 1111011 • tholes selection of IL:LA/T(IS, ILAI.44IMEUE!.. .4 NI) % irbtrh I will make up to order or,n nhort hud warrant to gnu eaUplact too or no sat , o( nn. tb lug in cut I,nr Call eh.p. , .t u lu,nt stirlv c•qt with. um lam dot. mined n. tto our to;. nnr g,...•• t 1, ,,. ru , di 1.• I, At 1 1. •..rtfit,tlt IaiADY MADE CLOTHING, 4,1 Home cualLe and ...M1L . ..,L , ny roomy flooded. I moos plire./11.1/4 01 CASII are 103.1..1 t.. ru I RD.. 44444 Prie#ll. a. I Jana ..16.1. , rrnkui.; to stLI nab. - (1 TTI t(. Jan. on abort n”Lee and warranted ne (WI 2. I,.ih JOHN MJt ' STILE. gill F. 111,LANVAItE INSCit- Asti, IcIiPANY I'LLILAW.I.PIIIA. !LIR!: non doing bustnesi , on the Mutual plan- ,ITtng th. tu •1 , inrttelpation in the prontA the L. mpg, ithntit LiAl.glity he) wad the prtumlul pout H 1.1.0 npou tLe l.ak•e ena C.ua 1“1111:V.: on 'hi• mn.t rm• • I MEM ro. r •Rn ••,•. , Le.: tizttr•i for it, trlnt. 4 l trtra ro.nruLn• J u t vas Gar. ev, `ftmLol nr,tl H. :.tar, ...A.- I. I avi , It Ii ' t. I • r } • LI. I ", ri • - :'r I, • •.S,LIIOI. tl -1. t 111. I 4 i, . i 11•• 1 Mi .. ~• V'\l' , l \ 11..11: \IN I . ‘ I t .kta Ir I y I at rtl Vlt i t I \ A;• 4 • (111' . 11:N 1 =I F \IR A, .1% IIIEI 1859. Fall Trade! 1859 European Manufactured 1) y ) ) VI;1 1.4 Li 31 T. t Til Ti CONST3M.FIR.:- . VERY LOW PRICES ! I AX NOW RECEIVING I 111// A.\ 1' jeA ~1 ~f STAPLE GOODS, CLOTHS, SHAWLS, Bleached and Brown Sheeting', and C ..11..X1. X" E TIN fCwr SI At No. 5, Exchange Row, Eric, Pa. , ept. IT -I NV M I ,q 1.1.. .;1: Stoves ! Stoves ! I Stoves ! ! ! \' f !•: , :u:e l pa rt.. I t., i6f 3Tt PFD, of am tion. at 14 leer' ' , nee. than hare es er been 504,1 in Ern Ununte liar aeaortmee , compnara all the modern improse4l, among which may to found the ":).A Banner, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse, Empire, Brilliant, Herald, And number it ,ther li. •ir able at? ;en f f Elev aced , yet. ny, A Ino Ow ;n.ts crlot•txtrk: Mart:lower, Bower, Buena \ 0.t., end a number of other patterns of Love Oven st o r e . __ AI., (no Horning Glory, Cottage Parlor, N...iel Parlnr, Oren Frnnitlln, and a Large ntimhor of Box, Plate, Halt. (Aire, Sell Regulato , , and otnr r .t,,, of of xi/per lor qualittos which a. 11111 toil for Ca• 11, Lumber, Beet. Grain, or tarter In general, at to. , figures than an bowie in tl, I Ito, and warrant them tin give entire natinfaction Ti person. wishing any thing in the ahore line we eon o i .a. ~,,. as n C•.inrol too 01,01 tot to dinaprolntsol At too ilo: Foundry, N W. Corner or Mate and llth et* Erie, ug. la, 1K.,i , -- lo tf HARR 41. JO ), ,sm,N, USE CROSBY'S MAGNETIC BALM ! FAA:. It Li EL'II,IT ISM. {{EMI .\t'l{l:. ~,,.. 11,,,,t,,,,,., ...I lnm, } • loan. l'-nr,i 4, Pei", arson... ftrateee, Cute and Straina.:.aei I. d I, a. oo s ...t i n Jotntn, r •eteil ltrt•ltat... rare Nipt , .h.a. " 1 ..01. , ,tt he, which It will cure in I. on, fire to ton tillt&U , el, I hliblattla.cortot, run. or Tender I. ret, Desire. ur } startle, Gout, lane Back, , ralda, kr , ,t , It lo also !VIII'', OliClieloll4 in the cure ~1".,..4 . ...r . 1 ., Borate, or other :mulatto, such so alnizi.ne 51.,‘1n,l bafvf, r0t101.1.11 , 1 i M , , LAW, on. Contracting of (lee Sluxcioft, , 1 , 1 - 4 1 / 1 .. Wu.. .;al4 , eratebes, I reeked bor.., Ulu °on k, Poll PVII. lie, Aittnaah t' n i• a ur, article, now h , r the hr,a trine brought before C..• putnrr, yPt It hex bo. a .evetel, tret•tt in a great number f meet, and found all that I. planund for Lt, n certtbeat..e leo, la the p 0,1841.011011 .11.11 e Prut.r.- tor, ru;o, *h... 141 • * bottle stop try it , and 11 UI. out IR ',OM rßturo it 11.101 your Mot:My will to refutoi,,l C CRIISBY anle manufacturer tn,lrrrprletor.2lo Nsin and ant.l b L. I. LI A I.IIW IN. Ern.• ---. MMilillEl=lll Gold and Silver Watches. (IF European and Arnerioan mai.cr•, nl I.....rnt‘n.ifi tt and 'pun F int l •tat ( UPS GI 0,1.1 Ita, 4, 4 4 Time KeeperA, • ar.anted to Levi. aceu:ste Tone Particular and careful sttpntinu Riven 'o I:6.patz,ng Wateben and Time lien.* of ever) deecnpt ion ■rid Ti. ware a nted,•t the WK `T PARK JEWEL} 1 R,, hiraval it.:lldltig, or ..d ME •lEWELItI —l.lvautilul LAVA. o.nl, Carbuncle, awl Pearl , ct,, ..1 Breast I.lna,F.ar Pendants, Bracelet... ls% tt But•• no, N dealgna, ap/ancled Criar4l. Jewelry 3 [LW tn , rdnr And • I kind• nl repiiri air the tte.• .1 T, nollol9. T AUSIIIN, Paragun -11, •=4: MAN 6E1: , i.-111tt 11 01 ...,. k, IA A ..... u.ater,.rb.•ap l., Jan 7. 3 c •••• K A . rf:s. nll -lie , and .a,c b• .1 t 111nI? , , all K1N14 4 , at Nu. 2. Wrigfir. Apr: to, 1 6 .1,0 MICK ‘I AN. 10. 81,00. $l.OO. (,'tilt) \V NA trEl , 1N I- (an 1..“1,111 f. r $ •t DI. S ILV I.:"WAREIlit"""1"' " Jrl), ant liar,' , 1..• , Griddle . 4 1Norels, Cake l'utlerai N•pkir ac , A. , - Monnt Vernon and Jean, Ita4 Made, and constantl• on bind, good article of Flue nilynr Pure u Cola. 26. T lie ArSTLNi. W II .41Ti1 1 n / .11;;' 4 1 T P'4 Itlf I , BOOTS, SHOES 1., A Ti - i I Evo: I t• , (1:11:r f 1,1.- -.014 Irnsry thuu grmirlr. h.• -,ll'l r la 11.1.1,1 (1,1 NTItl Mk lit :IA To have Boots or Shoe, ,Lttt, i L • 1110111 c ou.d 1.4.11..t0 Ia 41%• th. rgq.atatt, a o; ”..*/ r e • o to wtok ..r.ror,, al, raar•, i• ' • - Er,nr.:• • Ay,.. 4 . nrvit , '• tir p , ,r , 1"/“.... f.luc tA4 t • • the. • • t , • I apaplapr'ps:Pr t. I, 1 , ••65, I dl.} k •o‘. •• HOST TTER'S STOMAC BITTERS. 7le a 'Aft J., at p.m. , rt.d , ..,pry mambr LUDwu foully a etubject t., 1 ar or th A t r l n t Ar . PULICtIi n. :,t1 .11+14 tl. a ' J • the f I 'E. ' , 1:1:m...4 tp•p•oplipo, It a, •., to tu,apt., • t •ao. , pa•ma: •. • , far i a IT •, "'• • (.'t '• ' • ptr 61,0 rs • „: tit r• n • 0 • IC .t 1...L.1,1 4.1 • I 11.1 P puP; oat, I,r •Irt•P la' , , • , •:.1. c.•tat'• - ) ~•r;A:At•I • Ilv% U . 'A. g L • Ls. 1.• , ,11111:, I 11 L.I . - •.. ?m,. • Let., tUa hea..1.1.) the •Icopiet.ruc , •• ,, t plreng' t/ tun.; L er • cure of • .1 I• N 1., to et Appt r Ar•• i. • •• , :r• Lt. aMr • • ; 18,11/ph, I It %, i.. 1 ...• t 0.% I. ..•vt I,: I ; el.. - Ti / N•',• ro,rul• ITEINIS .11 .11V n 111;0 ' Ls. — / .••••••• s• r• •• • =I VI - . I, pf NEW GROCERI k( 1!.1;i 11 , MIMI WOODEN &liiii'iLLOW.li7 t •rd 1.;,1„«t mar k. t' ',lntr. 1 r• A . , pr,l D.ll NT L'!;1"••1!1 - 11 • PA,. iir13. 1 ,.• /1,1 11 1101 1. , 11 E 1 \ DRUGGIST ARD APOTHEC A V:• 5. h.- FL AVIN' , n1 , 1.1 , 1.-11..11 .01 . AP the, Val) 11101M1 I 111 I D 111, Ow. •., NTS. 1'1; 1 ) Y E• H.-. I I.I;f1 MLA.' WI N it N It 1 1 1 Y Ti,.. o nnt! IL • •v• nrt•t '• ' • ' • •11:1 g•nnutne. I !Int t I. Sil • • - PI/ pont, stork rd Fine Havana and Principe Clan Also, Pure Wines and Brandc. 14-at 1.1.1a.:31xc3x, trs}: pr• rt.rtir 4lot satlalaction • r• 441. 1 . .\ Fir • No. 3 Her iou.r. 500 13 ,, E WI N 11* t.l A privng an assorttn•nt of •rr brandr, Ft,rivh, t , .nglia•ki and knwrwin.. r .Z4tf ERIE CITY MILL IT • R ItAvErtsTicK • • li.acracrrxar •in WLIOLYtiAt.. • Flour, Corn Meal, Mill ft' FIOUR AND FEED STO RE. ,I , • - tat d. Itc• •• ;•. • • so. kW. ..f the Vr• alk. rt , • , • '' Lc( K , iukt• t r•rn %I.•• 1 at 0. 11,11 , •• oats, kc, ril, • rgh...11 • 1.. 1• •• 1. • ratep, 601,14 fur Cask, Is I ' the City H Li s FARM FOR SALE ri E u tt‘ wrsiimerl oil , '• lOW/110 10111, `•: I , f ..11•11.?•• • •• • • * sods La t rtlu.t :/. nr IL. •,.. 0000 t,d ar.l, I • • slat. •' 1..• r ..11‘ Le iroul. • .• r and •In u • furthrr or th.- II Administration Notice r•rrEu-z • f u ,I 1., '‘ trtotr 1' Iv „ ' I I .• • V. 1.. to IT. 56 • tisr•tontv s u• • =I o.• 1,1 •• • • CA'll loot to' 11 16 Uata at the Erse l.ty 11:11 F f oat'. ape 30. H Ha‘ Ft- FRESH ARRIVAL, N o. Bin SHOP Rubbers and Finding, Wholesale Department wr« , • •rtiele In th.• fo,osetti, I, r.•r 4 .ul•plr, rile Nntfirxi.enfor of , Made to Measur. 11X . ANC I; fi`X"l'lat 1...1 I ek. } III!EMII 12111=1 !Mil l kt 11 FEE-11 M II \ IND Pkil%o.loN- UN Il EMI MIMI 141 %I IT '1 HIE BALLIU.N STILL IN THE FIELD L. 1. B_A_IA )AV I EIZEIMEI MISIMMEMIMiI pr, 30,:5..0 -4 MI MN =SI on= t ! ( I V