THE OBSERVER. Mal „go ► USIFICTR, LDC•L EMUS SATURDAY MORNING. FEB. )8, 1860 o r The Campbells are stmounood for %le wu ,t s y evening, as rarrsett Hill. Titer reveal an attractive programme _ _ _ s ir AA and Ave were started for iht g o wn Penitentiary, at Alleeway city, on Tbareday ism. So we are rid of ahem at lam. Mr 0 W Pollock, of this city ha; s ppotnusd rood master for the Weetern lo n ian of the Sunbury and Erie Railway. st i r The Venango Spectator says the rush to t ut region by oil seekers continues to biennium. disooveries are wade, and new companies turned. every day tisesas Cu.►sa —Mr. Lewis Wegener. Teach er of Garman in Eris Academy, announces that A wall open a class in Perry Blorit. on Mon day sat See advertisement, or The alarm of fire on Monday night, was o ccasioned by the burning of asmall shanty os Myrtle•st., between Twelfth and Thirteenth ,t Lose—to the owner $lO ;to the public, sorbing sir The Jamestown /attract/ gives it as it , . Jebbertie opinion lhat, "accidents on the ice Art apt to be severe " There's a Dogberry for ftlu In our opinion, accidents any where I re apt to be severe." NI. Mr Wm. C. White, Bookseller and :Us user, Waterford, is our duly authorised agent that place Any subseriptions, Advertising, r Job Work, left with him win he receipted and attended to Air Solomon says : "He that get let h a wife getteth 'good tbing." This expression of Sol emou doubtless suggested thu very appropo4 tern, "when you get a good thing, keep it " ler Weave indebted to Senator Drucan et. of the lows Semite, and Senator ANl , ltesoN, of he Cailfornia Senate, both Erie hops, fur ul ecial aivors. war Messrs. Haves & JORDAN annuunee -General Closing Out Sale" of Dr.) Civuds. at the well-known busy "Bee-Hlie " The estab lishment of Megan. H. dt J , has grown to be one of the "institutions" of the city -and it deserves its well .earned reputation St.*. - Terusemient PIOGIUSIIIVIL —Messrs tonig, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, havVutt Issued I Seat Catalogue of their goods in book form - quite a novel idea for this section of country The Mining Brothers are evidently ••goine , eio " We wish them success or- We call attention to the rani 4 lir r:ohinson, Homoeopathist Physician. in &awl'. r column. Dr. R. has located permanently .tuong us, and brings with him the reputation skillful physician. and a courteous gentle- .„ , ...00gr It should be remembered the, the pr.. ode of the Ball, to be given I.)i the Sous Of elta next Tuesday wonting, will be appropri . A in part to the poor of our city. and in part the Mount Vernon fund- two °brew, in i„.turelves, most worthy of the liberal patron .c of the public oft_ Quite a ••conflict is reported to era. , t , be office of one of our neigbbor>•. at d NUle t ,[nor, the jade, bath it. that it will hkely owe wholly "irrepressible. unit..., toe , Lato 1 . , had from one of the ^solil men n.,w ~t. : which is by no means certain ear The well-known "Old l'oint lirewet% .1 Otto. W. Smith, Pittsburg, has passed (Le *lds of Fleming Bros , who have appoint - Assars. Caugbey A Clark sole ageus4 LLso section for their celebrated X XX, aid httiaett Ales. See advertisement . Par The frame work for the bridge ut tti ttenbury and Erie Railway io ems* the Alle theuy River at Warren, was dispatched fur its de-tination on Wednesday It seems It, us It le "carrying omit to Newcastle" to se ntto 41151141 for timber to build a bridge in the pine regions of Warren county, but we suppose the ..tupany did the best they could Un • ' The trial of CIIALLZI Flex, for the warder of Jo■x Frxxo, in Waterford t. an •4tp in August last, was taken up in Court iii eriday, and concluded on Saturday by the Jur ) finding &verdict of Manslaughter, when Judge Galbraith sentenced him to the Penitcn ',,sry for two years. The verdict i• in Accor dance with the evidence. tar Those in want of ehenp milliner). votis and we should like to see the lady that 4 nut- will do well to read the adifertiaemect ot Niles COLT. She proposes to sell MT her tensire stock st prime cost. for the purpose ..r.luring up business, consequently “hargainq Itarisins" can be had at her ,tore Obit A reward of six hundred dollar., tered for the arrest and delivery of one John iitatrsegarattA, who is accused of the murder of 1 Reeves, neer Warren, Ohio, on tile 21si tilt Re is described as "a man shout '22 or yes:4 ,r a g e NEI feet or six feet two inche. in height, ..tuplexion inclined to be dart: lour t.. 1 hlnck ; slim build." bar The Crawford Juurnal uftys that 1,1111.• • ilk 114 the Derma point froth Vetulville, on the Lrte and Pittsburg Rail Road The citizen% ~ f ute rival sections have had the various road, utessurad, and it turns out that Lineoville eta :i.att is nearer by a little over . f , ur mile., than that of Contunintville. Linesville ie therefore .heal as kr as heard from, and will be the t,e i nt for Rail Road embarkation until the eont • iheti,at of the "Atlantic and Great W e stern " Aeroisriturr.—We,_neglected lest week to ...tiee the appointment of Mr. D. Ii t'LAYru\ , Supyrinteedeat of the Erie S Pittsburgh Radioed Our friend, Oso. If ,Nielsriss. who ha.' been running the concern until organise tot was perfected, has been relieved of a por t.un of his duty, and devotes his whole amen , .11 to the Freight Department, of whirli he is ..enerst Agent. Bar 'Fhe Concert, on Friday evening of hist by Father Kemp's "Old Folks,' wan Itrittul stieceell. new hall wss"c•ruwd ed to its titniont capacity. h our intelligent su..l appreciative audience. it e nre happy to that it is the intention of Father h".. , lnp to favor u. with another concert soot". Fie promises it stall be one of their heat effort. lldr The rage for public "presetitation4 has eatetultui in Erie. Oh Tuesday afternoon ktiot, the pupils -of the holism elawt. at the Aeatteauy. presented Mr. Olmstead. the Frio vipal. with • gold pen. The beneficiary was, is such teases) "taken by surprise," ',tit ;perforated the task without —etttbarra.o.- 12E213 be' At the annual meeting of the stock- Lsdders of tlitt 8. R E. Railroad. in Philadel phia on Mouday. the old Board of Director!, was re elected, with the exception of Mr. Wil kes. et Elk. whose place is supplied by Jos. Y. itrintasrr, Esq., of this city \ for Ilitera-ia advises • inattettimiii lakes that confessedly possesses so many sdv !ages xs a manufacturing point as Erie. Why en do not more of our people turn their attentl to this SOUP!s of wealth? The cineetkm is not easy to answer We see about us all the els: ments for the profitable snantillsetare otalmost every kind of goods—glass, iron, shoes, nails, agricultural implements, wooden ware, edge tools----in short every thing that yankee inge nuity can invent, can be manufactured here chesper than amid the bleak hills of New Eng land, or in the crowded and over populated region round about Philadelphia. With one line of communication to the coal fields, itifi two more with arms reaching out to the same points, there will be no leek of fuel to drive machinery. The Lake Superior region will furnish us iron sad copper as cheap as any other city on the Lakes--with communieation by Lake, by Canal, and by Rail in every direc tion--surely there is no field that possesses so many advantages as this for the investment of capital in the direction indicated . Why can not shoes be mile sr cheap here as in Massa chusetts! Why nut c 1454 as cheap-es in Pitts burg' Why not cutlery as cheap as In Phil adelphia! Why not wooden ware, brooms, nails, window glass, windy. 'and every thing else our merehanis buy from eastern manufac tures" They can. It only requires the will. and a liberal encouragement on the part of our citizens, to draw the necessary operatives and capitalists to our midst, and thus to build up a Manufacturing city second to nose in lite cunt' try 3PlRiTrAlts3i TO soMT. PrßPost —The Woo field Republican tell+ of it gentleman of that village who has long been a believer in Spirit ualism, and had it impressed upon his mind recently, by some friendly spirit, that riches were in store for him in the oil regious of Pennsylvania : and that a certain sleeping me dium, or clairvoyant doctor, who has also re soled here Tor a short time, would be used as the instrument, by ,bQe.robodied existences. to indicate the locality. in the vicinity of Tit 114. where was e inexhaustible -un plies of oil The two set out for Tit 11.1 ill,. and reached there in one of our coldest tune% .ind were at once impelled by some invisible - power, to prospect in a certain and out of Ile way lo• catty , and having provided themselves with he necessary implements, did Th.• flied urn dropped down Ito the snow, went to sleep, or passed into a•ciairvoyant state: and atter re maining in that contlitiop fur a time that start lid those around Lou, li revived, and pointed out a place, and directed the workmen tt. Lora for oil The:. Ii it gone down but a little depth before the pules' nth ru•died up in a large 11111 pot erful stream, and bids fait io be one 01 t tie most profitable ei i ;n,< tut that .ertion I,le s p irits' Aar lumberman, minted FRAN, is H t HT, of Wbodeock, Crawford county. is .otltl to have in) stertously diaappeateti in l'ittshnrg on the :Alb of January ou" that day he lift the :_4( lintel, to trt ke r 'the Viet v)ltti•l vain to go via 1,b14 city. since which tithe he ha• nut been hiard from llc dad to. hta person•thout five/hundred dollars in Ft , ' sit l paper money /lie has always lte,n H pto - teetl) steady, -.titer man, and of sound mind and it t' suppos.ed that he must have been fond ly dealt with Liephart was a lipavy set man, shout fire feet nine inches and black hair and whiskers, with lite front teeth tnis-gtig. and was about forty years of age lle had on at the time he left the hotel, a pair of coarse boots, wore a dark blue knit jacket, a slouched whtie felt hat. and a blark overcoat oniside, with a plaid lining Any person hav ing an) information about said individual-will address tinily at Vi °mktg.!, Crawk.ozd county, Pettus) lyania, anti they will tie later ally rewarded t't;tßtuuut ~t %TY ITEM, —Harper NI It, b.. 11, F.g. ! , editor ..f the Meadville Age lifts %ll'. drawn front that concern, atot Fhr pallet kill hereafter he ptthli.hal t.y lies nattier partner in the evtnbln•laturnt Gennnn u•mittn, named Smith, te-...1.1,1 4 A0121e three en.t of Nlelohille. 00111111 , 1', 'I sutelde hy hnoging un Nlomin) m..rtliikg, 6tl, in•t N t , t Ntorivn. Ji . of Souci, 14 'tercet ed on Saturday for Ittc.rlt,l; ou• money. f.nd lodged :„ exten , ts c•Onl I it. I,ttt the farm of Di. Thompson. t.r••tr Lunt', of Tie Teiti, IChr•ro opened, is over four tee! in ‘hicknetsannl pr, l - ably extend. over ve‘t'll: f e t hr I t.r. 4•.! acre. The coal is oi at, excellent Nein of 1, ~r hal been foubd iu wage tp ,by a party seeking for oil. This i .rellog appears likely to lead to many ‘l.lo. aide discovertes in this country tuq.elto.,,, of Coal and Salt have been found and what other ritluable tuinerala may yet ‘c found, no une can tell. The oil huninssa seems lo be ta kiag the lead Mr. KICIINARD arrived at Nlendville Ittt Monday evening, and during the past wed. active preparations have been going on, prep aratory to commencing work on the ktlantii and Great Western Railroad. We are indebted to the Crawford /) .. for information contained in atm. e nets. Ara- Not withtuanding the awful disclosures in ••Freak Leslies Illustrated r , tper concern ing the Sons of Malta, we venture to assets that the Lodge iu this city has, during i,truce. distributed more money :mon the ptseir than all the strictly moral societies put together Many a widow and many au orphan --many a sick, discouraged and destitute fel- Ices- mortal—has had reason to bless this mys terious brotherhood in this city during the last two years. By their fruit ye shall kunw ►hem ' New Be:A. - -The congregation of the lurk Presbyterian Church hitve purchased n new hell. from the celebrated foundry of Nlenally & son, Troy. N V . and on Tuesday last raised it to its place iu the belfry. From the little heard of it. qualities, it is judged to he one of fine tone—indeed. Nlenally's bells are all of the best quality The hell just purchased weigh., with the frame, 1100 The and coat 5409 It 1.4 in pitch. gb, and is intended to harnivii7e with those of the Cuurt (louse and the First l'reshyterian Church. Pt —We are not addicted to the hal,tt of indiscriminately puffing every thing that may happen to storeet our attention.. and if we were, we certainly should not puff the ordi rly and well known billiard saloon kept by Pete Goodwin, under the Reed [louse. The cheer) terap•rariry drink, dispensed at hie connter. need no recommendation from us then the cigars—they are of thetnselvee the twist delicious jog one could wish for. B ar The Jamestown Journal quotes a par • *graph from the Oheerrer and gives our neigh bor of the Gazette credit for it : and in doing so, gays the gazette 'wig's& up promptly for the interests of Erie on all occasions. The people of that city ought to appreciate the Go zettc'a persevering zeal in this direction."— True. hut yet we doubt whether the gqzette cares to be complimented on —borrowed cap ital." The Journal man had better rub up his spectacles and try again Brie Wholesale Prices Current anesetortrins Flow, =auto and Toys, V Bbl, " Erie CouLty, Superttni., - Beekwbest Flour, r trot., *twat. White, w bast. BM, • RTI4\ Osts,.'N Barley, . PUO% ti lONS. ibtatts . ' ..... - Dried App,*, - • • • • • • • Drted Peadmi, • TA, lard, • Outs*, En P 400, -------- - • - h. • • - ristt, TP Dbl., Trout. Godasti. • Ost ' li mker o . xom. I to T. T . Sbi• Port totes,— • • - . 9 000 60 ..... ..6 00 6 Ou ..... 80 16 oo • rt 00 GROCERIIRS, --N. 0 , 9 lb . . P. R. •\• - • 11 1:9 Cre5h.d....... II • Poscursed: . co,ffee . " Duck -- R. r tb,. f fruAns - J aAa. Si lecr.—• 010, VOLANess.—S. O. teal., ..... Ti.* --Youog Fly *On, # 10, Old Impe, fa: Black, S ri, 1. A - —Pepper,. Pimento, Cloves, Cassia, ... Notmsirs, Lamp 011, 1 0a1.,_ . Lard Oil, Tslap.•ri 011, 11 .rd ♦ ~rd, r4re. ILARRAT ItISRUDT SLR ut•a_RXE'SCelebrated Female ►'lll6, PROTFCTLD 13171116 lrf MOTAL . Prepared Jr.,as a preacesptsuis of J thgrkr, M. D Phpasesan Etiratirdlisary to Ike knurls. Ti Is Invaluable nteiticine la unfailing in the cure of alt threw pwirlf ul not tiativireiti• ellsoiniestoeschich constitution is subject It moderates all exceed sod r all otialtructiona, and ls apaiss4f curs may 1... rclisesi TO It A RRI ED JLA MA t tt Hart 0tt,1t...1 It will. Ina abort How% Win, toy nthrttblr pitrt..l ritb Trgohely. uotAkot Prtt , one Dollar. Leant o•ttaruaxnt t‘tlll. Hri tam, It:litres - ma eoxntorfelt• C7AElCrriri.4:3lW. new RUS Akogsld pa So 1 . 11/PIX by females alarms 14 1. IR THRTE MANTHS of Prifle. , V7 as SU, are .r.r , 1.. I.,esdr ua Alsocarrtrge, Mgt at any other lip. they 41 r Safe In all ester 01 Nrrrnne so , Spinal Affections, Pam so it a liseit and Lsotlp, Fano no slight exertion. Paints, Lou of tins lArart, llystnt. eland Whites, these Pills will «11. n% a eure obro all trier means have failed ; and al i•o‘ , erful comedy, do uotcontalo Iron, calomel 0 noon,' , or nu, thtog hurtful to the conattlutton rUjef direr U, ti 4 tlt the patufhlet ■r.,und t•imh parkao , rhoul•ll.e rzrefplly prettrTNl. i 6 .•n2 for IL. Unitx4l Mau., .1)11 Cauada, ( LAN, 1 r. Baldwin k fthebeAter, Y i:,O •m, R t n•inge st•tup. roeloned to Lay to t — Aren , . 01,. .n•ore • t.ttle. rot,t•inmq 40 pills IA , elnrill lUAII •r' 1.. I. P♦ .k IP, Fak, I. ill TUlllrit:'4' I.IIE EXIIILARANT • .• h t the A te.l ' :•••treny th to the Weak ' • preywatton Las met %-1111 the app-o••1 of the . • r: 1•011.', tn. 1 the .!lee ..s epee at.. 3 r . - 4.1.• proclaim. it t o Nilltql'Al.l.F.l) ==l F ti 14. ant aboul.l t. ar.•d by all nrrr• • a i. rpe• 01, vI I atunulalna the nersvl to their natural EMT t educe a runt tint, 1, , . matter bow I=ll=9 ••L • 1 • Eft I II: , 01 • Xpi•lltlir`lit, and .1 a • I 'Pr r ,” , 11 , IP •tn E•Fr• • ! f'.ll ISti , TVA'. T! the Conl , •11 A.l-1- r: orrr ail othrr Oil. in m nr k e t—f.t-r4 inct.aded it or etioans fre» tn vs eat= Nvtd erplopino, nod et lino • beerier hndr, en w hi , h tanked the eltret,.. eel and hen' *mei« in nee 7 h« I.lnne then thrown he lore Con•iimr, ,‘l , l •1. Itirm I r,,d the right whlch it I.ll' wily In I eARTICE R 13W' VI EL PEA:- -1101 Bushels Canndit POllB bar •nle • I:1:. K VAN, liKsron _ CANT) Y. CONFECTIONF.RY STORF NviuGiur, BLocK. • THE %vould reqpectfully nr bum ibe c 0.7.., - 1 : 1t... br bwk Itift opeurd at th. 1.1,e, a , 10 , 1 rt• ft.o.,,tua.nt of Plain and Fanoy CANDIES OF AII. "/F.l PTIOX9 ALAI.“UtiI Drops. 4 'ordial I 'ream Ororm. It ii Bon-, Together with a fine wo r tment of FRENCH AND (I)NFEcTIoNERN, FINE NEW Flt SMYRNA AND sEEN.Ess RAI3INS (TRREN'IS. siIFT SHELL AI.MuNDs. BRAZIL, PEECAN AND 111cKuity NuTs, WALNUTS. anti i .elect stock of FAMILY --GROCERIES V r 11 A YoUNI;' 11Vs0N-617NPoWDER. IMPERIAL. COLON( AND IM PERIAL TEAS.—REFINF,D AND RAW SniARS-- EXTRA sYlalb AND Mu LAsSES—W(H)DEN AND WIL- D W A R VA NCI" BASK EM ice.. ntl -elhog CHEAP at the New Store. .101 IN BASTARD. N. o.—h, it few .111 be owned with the 30... e A NEW BAKERY, will ' , alibi* me to Neal*/ BREAD, CAKES CRACKERS, SODA BUISCUIT, .tc.. .Ac. uPon RE/ 305 ABLX MAYS. Pusey CApes, £Oll mbar pods it lay list will rw Potsp AM 1111/141910m *bort mottos. al* Nov. is. 11166--2411. CARTI% k 111141T11E'H hl "Ft )I{S 111!:1:01M13!1EI N. liil tRI .. 11. t lAN 14 otriN, I , Nztotleat f;f , .tf t-•(' HA CV. t i'mad•M J kn.! /111;, A s ynt Xrl“ =I • ~ • •1 Id in tht. • •I•alinn holt • • • .• .tnr =I ' : i, - 44.1 'but • ••••1 ' o: Pro , • • .• ;aro, 'Hen* INCE!CM111=01!11!! lEll=ll I=o MIA cITRi And FR(' ITS 01 all RALT)B L 3:711:7:.; marl Q mvauttorivissirii:iliGalv,,muspe=trz. r,CONKEY SHANNONV grlitt.tbraii! tagrieVA . ; W i eCH IT/ 8, AIITAIII4 4ND Wilt PIO %U 4TI H. FIE IS great remedy has been n4..d ie. tam reeiLwttz V atil""34 li4 pekatd a of U/th&Mai 4111" War AILI REED If you wail* buy H A R D , . 4E . A NT R xlik OIJ S • • 4 „ Can be found ' F"' A Large Aesortinento'' PLATED KNEVEs. PLATED BPI oNs. PLATED Fon KS • CA 8VER,,,, ,4 TABLE ILNIVE.4 A Fultlis, BREAD ANIVE!:;. BUTCHE:: E 7. BUTCHER'S STEELS. BUTCHER'S SAWS fi CLE k LILS Skates ! bkates ! Mites AT MeCONIKEY & SHANNON'S Bells ! Bells ! tells ! ..:5,'.103 30,615 Op CHOPPING AXES.. -HAND AXES. I;itivt AXLS. ALSO. A FEW 12.34 BOYS AXKS, it ltbuu 1)46 STORE TRUCKS, , SAWS ! Saws 11 muLit —nit—AND:cross CI : T- WOOD N) HAND. at NO. 2 REED HOUSE. MEI STEEP. , CUTTER SHoEs• 6raiNas AND AXLES IRON, STF, ( EL AN. NAILS. '42 0 (lo HELD M N Iv V I OES R PENT E TOOLS. tic , * 7 1 :4 ,t I..liioC STOCK 11111.1)ERs HAR.OW A iti., TAX'IO. LATeHEs. Pic . xc 74 810 1.13 141.691169 eld 3 260 00 60,1100 St NO. 2 FRONTING TBE PARR, RE RD HOFSE, AND NO. I ICDENI.II NTItIiKT. Sign of the ANVIL. wE are Ant fh‘ AY Li 42, VIMKPR & I • Iphrore.l 11 4 .4 üb, m b TWIN 5h•150 , 1 gill/.. •nd I.' 4 .10 0 e^• • • Sc, 111.., littch , ...kville Erie, Dee. 14, 501,686 h 7 AUCTION SALE:4I! B 1 IV A LIKI; CIT TI'IISDA% THEILAII S pIATII It I/ %I*. AT 10 %. AT tlts tzTORE .41N Fliy,Novi hay. t irt. , • gg, (. 4 1t. , 1,4‘ , ) , •• t *ell, aro 11%01,1 in r., it e ens !rt.*, the .ste., butt tt test e h'27! V. • I,TEK I II I.M DI'XE FHAtr , ,t Rich nod MOll it 11••••11P14 it. 1.01, °potting , •t the 191 , :z. , T PAW%1,1.10( Ntteht-0.. g ENMARBLED Enameled Slate Mantels! TN IMITATION OF TIIF MixiT Bh- ITNe•I inntprit R.. I ri re, h rum, li,l A rzheTor Von, hrorl.ll. Symn I nrp'horr, At, , A Fnr oak 1,1 (Won prtee• WALTER. 11 h.STEN. -11" , T1": tVtl (`ONfill • poN VFW ft*VT, F'r. net. 11.114 IL co. A I, R. IMPORTANT CH A N GE!! JOIINSTON & BR' • iN•uving Ji,potsoki 'Jr .nt., VITAtt. IP,.♦ .Ait list lJfl tzup, he•tace d.volir their ea• .co .• a , •" 4 ” reROCF.RIF. , , FLOUR FISH. E'ri • . At their spurious sale* rooms. r,r ns • Sloe( and l iftA .freAtr, Brie pa I.lllr inereated facilities emsqv us 1.. cum pets with sup JOBBER'S west of 11:" ENV - '17033:11: trirr, •11.1 , 1 an examinatiou of uur retrect fully SolititeNlfrtm nll who It 1154 this tuttiltet for th e uri•om , of buing got. , 1. 1111 Ing made Itrrsngenient for reouring the hp.i - 0 13 rands of Flour, IMRE Dtreet ft ~ .tn the liead of Flour 111111 ' k 6. 'AT feel canfiden' that the VARIETY t)F IIIIANDS we are now enabled to offer cannot foil to meet the Yams of this whole section of country. Ict 8.'.:0-18. .1 .;(11-.` 7' This Way, Gentlemen ! INTZIIN7 flll WHITER WITHIN GENSHEIMER'S Corner of State and Seventh sts., k.rie THE subscriber Iwo )ustrgeire:d ►t M== gl tore, On Um Curerr •d State itntlS.rvcitts Os. • Isrt, atne► al FALL, AND Wlla TICK GWIR4, of Ihr laleid Style*, end vritl ...train** to nn heed a large astaortmeat id..',1)1 MADE .CLOTIIING, .anitod to taw %EASON, Coonbollayi at Dress, Frock and Back Coats fleets'," et, le and orb., reeteofitit lands. erarato, Hart* l'ulrr-abirta. Itninerw, Ftendkotoblota, •:o, inn, Novato , ' of dttb•rrot onslitio• ; in abort, hi keep, ein•ry ammo 0,,,,•1ty knot to a nothing Eantntothoteot. Lite tint-Mug iy atanninetured bonaylf, and earrobted equal to any to t my reTanne wohing artlnina itt t, • •in• a ri to twit and et molar Ina at , ,ek. as he i/oleU , I• t In ta ondenanld by an ..atabOabretent oast (4 lie. Ye , •-1, I 10111100 nootVr, d .. 1 an .hurt twat*. co - Dol . ( forret the piece, Ornabrotorr's Coorreee, rue /yr 41 -tinny yid Serowe,* alroolO. I[. rte. -opt.l.4.—tbon JOHN GENA , Fll. r% 51.1 . ,1611 151:1.1.' ---Another lot or thn.e One}, 13ntii has. horn rreetvrdll J. C .4.1.13 V). tour Lots for 8A L E Eunderbigned. Trustcws - of the I Pro•l's terian Chinch of bah, n oder fir sok oo Argentae trans, the FOUR BEAUTIFUL LOTS ,11.1..e.i1e the root.ler.e. nt Ur Vitiator,. cm Irltene.ll street. ech 1.1 halo 41 1-2 flora no otreet Inn pet Jrrn t.. an oiler M. Comet Lot hike a front 11. .1.-er.l 14'41 1-4 feet and froht ne tichth &tree/ Inv fort The ehei t thstouer theee lota fr. m the 1N1.1,i MA kr 11...t0 anions the anal deettralthe In 114 Sty . JtJltli 1. It BAJO. • A KI.NO ORO Wtinft. Krie, Jan 12. lid • :G1 .`1 /if MT SMITH. Tenet... Mott,x-5.4 Itinn—hoW t*. TIIE Tti sr ascßyßir cc E COUNTRY GENTLEMAN" -- xrile>, the Hon Jowl W In the t Lenge , . Deinntesa. le the &WM of, imptoot quitopon, TIM it r AGRIfTITCRAL PAPER IN TH UNMORT*II.- " TH biTRY GENTLEMAN . Is published We,t , pees quarto, &net &totem!! span Ita VlYtugSTa VII h. with ilien—itmucunitlag at that time OP T••111' tin itronmetentik.amowe thew sof ushpsedi p q,. lorVer b'1 0 ". .n.l an turret wwl amount of clintents. TH6 COUNTRY' ORXIMPIAN forme far the 4,40. Otte and practical Journal tor the Partner and ...tint,. itesidcsit, published to lids . TM" . XW4I if: 'Awl A icart. miarses t tb reralttanse. (sr Intanelpie Nam Pen, 1 L'Tligld TL LEER k SON, Albaai , S . ARTIANGEWINTS ltuyit bow conipleed which the publishers of the. CO6MPRT GuvrtainiA, aM en" shied to older TWO Hnialitgl) AND FIFTY - "OF 111 JitiT sTßAKaztuty M.O. TS, as a Premium t.r Ptra Pethimillars secosishaissi by the au* 4V i a r liii . d.** farther particular* with Prommeetuaiss and 14 T Aox. Jan /--:1) NOTICE. New Arrarement ! . • T HAVE associated with me in the (i A r stiows,assissms. Joon walla now will be clattered ki tii Lea • mutev_la nt . k V e' ' ; . NEE Ate 2 REED Roust: Nt). 11OVSE AT PtIO/NKEV s MIANSONI4 IT= 1411:-)540, d•io: •mom g• *Ci. Mows asiril 416~4 1. as" Adam rr n.. Roar. Cough tt env Oa*. Heir. Omega bee* le asnrifhtatkiii& nr - motripprk . "alimituoielmigurniefseX It will pr”reptie lessen tho atmet and &WM" htiattaisa oar }mil to ila, polisueig Imilepsa fin to aa,iog trilitidida. , da.a 'tki.t4a#s aid ' his so.lsAned iv: It A limo—lt. tow tavi rat- Loner/ Api . gilwahly . IWoldslolloo rola% Illnddo 71 cora b, *Sahibs., &As iireeplerto *Who. inpa • iitl&. leer saviors/ rem ta. kos4 the tollowi trine • llell ol Riffs meaty" witnesses who this walle have and Dr. F. i LL • . Cddebra great asomsa, la miring of the Tevtaad and tan pYeawr. U. Its sob din so • • y Sat ',new.% wady, I wastby of pabille enakaakqe., ~f , _, . f , , . , James tkookiana, ' W. ii. 3 ( j oieirik jobs it lams, Pr , Joseph Dwratow, inba AM . . bawl, Kraal., John W. hi , : Lembo*. HUH, John w Mks, ; Motu. Wagon, jobs R. Coe:Ursa, W. M. John R. Iheabart, Maw. : I . l l= Joh. 11. W _. . Wafhph Jahn AL ,b,..„ . cic t - .1. %.., . John •i, ...,i ....'' li• ''' Robert J. Cochran, J. 11140, I. naatal Boar, ;-1 .- SSW Id. el . WtatilL*o/3, ;tibia . *ch. W F. Rtaktraoeht. e a Rowel. P. F. Barton, I. L. rontsr, Alownott Slawano4 .1. W. Hull, n , hoh. , , Owls. 161414. niedn .1 r 44144 ', , . ' 'C. Dessarn J Case. IL 0, Root. .Iwolel Hover. Wilsoa King, C K. Kibler. • K. P. ilobellog. J. H0n0r..,, Daniel alas, i W Crthrr, C B. Wright. Win 1 4. - 0471. , '-, I: . - -: ar For 'slain Frio only Li I. HALL at his lira', tirrdleine and Paint Stony Rall'• new building, State St., aIF • lloons south of the Public FAaar• A wort liberal dieruunt madealma gbh! at Wholeriall . gulag) —. O . C. Er r, 111111ryrkt, IL T. Jaileri, 11., C. loirw fledlttaaid I 3- Cdninidii nbanrik. L B. illootmet Wasialibrolf. P. GM . " P L d. amy t 1 I axial Inv k C. , ile arm.; W dad • Johmos, U. M.S.t ACI EN TH. --Wm. It Prnattat, &Habana; J.. Kilo -11101, Fairview , Visa Brecht, Srerrviessis; It. .1 Herron, lisprheoiet i. Pram* Lawson 11%.164. Ratan prier. &Meta.' in . 41.4iireia. per WO, t), .a, 1 6 69 —11n227 E. P. XIDDI 4 RTON lk BRO., COO LL! it ROCHMEagazinms. .7134001.1.7a4LXV13 Scotch and rriah Whiskies, o UT. SirEARY. MAJAERIA AND CHAMPAGNE out kow.Kaari. , Choice Old 'Monongahela, WELIELELIT, AND RYE WHISKI ES I'. 45i: BUM., 11. r., -.Lod lAriest and tee( iike'eted stock of Pl.llO Old Whiskey in Ow rb,t,a ' , tains; all f which la high I. tuiro..r.4l b, agr is - - b Vivant at., k line assortment of the be„ hrs.,. and aura for oat. •rry clam at BALDWIN'S DRUG STORE., Na. 6, Assn! Mese -—-- - - - CI IE E.sglit 'S FEMALE PILLS, for enl BALDWIN'S DRUG STOUR. , .:k tl No. S, Wed Hutu* Stranbro's Patent Seed Sower ! 11112 1 0WIIIDurinI4.114)vet, Timot_ll', et rod JIL" 'lnnTartan Gram :hods: elm, 1. at, Berlll Ind ors. ly all kind; of Cash.. Planter and Limy. There is al.. at. atticltmmit tit Vito machine rot In rows, if‘cs. 'trrnt. anion : fleet and Surer Cane Strechn michinrs hare now been Letore lb 1r of tc tooth Mari, two rug; mid berobeg• beg.'" 1• , ,,, bundled farmer,. : all of whom are siring to tr.t at, ong terrific...att. to t lon r fu ror 11.4 animator:wept in tie um nr small rope In combination with tubes or to /I,e. s, • I. .oh an protect the coal from the weight, of the 'but it worts without friction and with much ism. mtn./of no crtutilsw, anal the mini is divas:lW mtbnut rr. I ,Itlg sty. IPJIIT nem 1. no deny rot clory In v. the elmme with other ‘ne. ri • wet, • nod they can le "guested ion se tower any • quantity Wind ant Milne. thn rwim distri ,,,...•( ; in ran.. f rein, the 'NW 1/11 *nil tt•ett GI in the ti e **Vet Hitfoiritoit bit zoido se Deasy Oro bartittita liParwort.: trn I , V M rnif T a few e 4 thtt beet .ad tone ',Habil" %h.. Mrt. not ti thttm F W Fatrmmt, Honxr Jobostat, Ituf • rtia‘•r, Jnila Anon, W t tyttitton..ll of II ) notatb Fu'ler, Justin Kelittiry. PAI.RrW. Web . -- 1, • • ..da„ Hm. Kauinkl•l Klual am, H I.r. p .111,„ Gr..-n-fJok, 11103. fir' 11 * Pflater took the Jirstpreertio el Um Aka*. far thilespo , 10011. aid atm diiirerel Owe tv e. tits tore .state nu :o r the Condoned linrbus. All Mr . • 1... ...errant...l to rive saGefett ion, and may be return • r • ...Annan'. tame tf they do not prove r.o, and the 1a...., .111 b. funded. A few Town and Cooney Rights I. r ale In tn. state of Ponne y lvanta. Address, 11 N. HILL. POWALto bitch. lor sale he a Iturphet. Lid.lep, Ranh ken , and Geo. tth I 11-1.. Doe St. 11160-30230 Erie Canal Company.. AN Election for Seven Directors of the Vele Carta! enitpian, will be held at their ogle* In t It% of Fail., na the lirst Roods,' of Marsh asza A. IL CAUGHXY, Bas. _ _ Rogers & Bennett ! t m l 0:1 0114 g Nos 11 and 12 EMPIRE BLOCK, 11A Vl': a large •tut well Selected Stock I MEI VI r. - , 1% Mites' Shovel,' end, Spedeg I NA Ito.X 1 E 5.41 1 S S 1 k F. 8- c'AI7DLERY, HAHNE:4S TIZIMMINUS, s e . t e (TTI,VI:I* ti, t.ct ►ln,oet ...,e,ry :ling, el the OW St►nd, Ulnr•h" N 0 . ,. 11 %in' 12 *Stet 4 c. Stl'OQt • 2tric3. Jan :'I 110 C! P.P.B tt !SENNETT CROcit ERY INr) MASS WA RI; SiTC) - Et, LAMPS FOR BURNING OIL' No. 12. I:hititiiolook. by . A 11111(1.--34 AUCTION! t; rt.. at Sale ofl)ry Goo(ls. A V I Nti tletostninetl to 'relinquish Ihe tt.rotot.l4, Ruettoris, the rubeenher will reit at it their more io the Hughes' Mock, filar St heir Patin. gtoeli, ama.telsag is part alb, Limey Prieto, t;mehenta, liustlns Flahoela Alpacas. Panatelas. sad other IP r 41e0.1.; !..11k. Liam aeol rlotha. Shiellage. lahle Disport, Toweling. Head Kathroadeliea, Friars, Gimps, Con's Tam's I otton sad Wool Uln_ra mod Pada, la greet vart. , lon4 inAillty: lit der s.d Drawers, Wool Jaclika, 'bawl. Scarfs Basques, Hoods, Cmafort era. l""eki, de , al** Clulablatrite. Satinet% and Kea turk) Jump; togetherswith a largo amortiowat of Beak ills Worn Aud Ifittepit Hoots sod shoot, s ate i mi l s . Heals Idaaa abdUlartailltia Shirts, la all *NTING TO 6010 DOLLARS!! IYtll.a't the lashowt bl44er for CASH, or wp mred credit if &why& MI saw wader $lO 01.4.; over 1 : 0 4131t TAMllVr e r is t w o lir e tp m e i 114 n IwtM; over sllllo,w'w mouths with istorrot catittleM:=l4= l4l 4 . tattte ill Y. ea 11111 a i t si i m t Doc• from lo scan 4 o'clock. P. Id_ seta lb* Noe SiII dlOposell oft litacire P*ekolti,lllll,l44 qs attoolla WU. look% t W VW 1 4 1 anrsa Courts. Aseslosear. k alta n 41•44,?, Ern /111011TKI4 OF wTFtL SPIKE AI LE'S S'PRIN(IB O%V 1 LS Pl. ATIED WARE ILO! i ER4I x 13 B`f,i,ETT "4-a-VAltit**l - 7~ 100011011T1 ipuppOio E re. Sorrow ai %as Ham 11400,4114 • le sitaibrft 090.• NOLO 1 1 4.0111111111 Kr wow Ibilirlkar backspin& Amp •Nd Aniv,sio ms, ile topolftg 00110•11.10"Owihriy. ,* araumars Oft awls W sash w biNNERIIIVII le be 'Mout n ititahlge ape ail *Wile imisk Ise part lbws ti Isaves-aisifidkrlr Meivist drift wirompo "mom *doe woe* it la jurt the wadi impeCaligrz erseses . %al mat so pips* logo t soli" ll* seminar torivenides ask pal la Wadi% *al Pisoofte Iherveisaiko Olas. Item. bowel e k ° Owe et willowy neelkage. baby; videlk row ad- WA* - MST soosor- - $l.—A iissempwiesmabottis. Ponlarlids, Moutassta Ogee% NM" 'tart ON Nor Taft.. Memo 21DIM C. Drumm h Das /Da helh aa llka ; Put . tor lashes trams ganiti ' L . P i l lea these thi eget smear la ye 11141 by sil promteint itatiessm sat t sar. DeslemsL aw ileanee eat lbw slandrate sable a aseestSPALDEKCP 4 rano GLIM *See seellag up Owe Yell Ilse It will Meat say Ames. SP•LDIWS s rss►alJW GLIVR. minx uf MAT Imes sipaLDEXCIII runs= elms, SuLD BY irtAlloputas, II Aunwcrs PfIUtPAIED 91.14, NOW, Ity 1111;41011ML SPALIAX4rS PIMIkUUCD aura, BOLD BY lIARDWAXX 1111=113. sPALAIINTS rarrAllie CUM. 1, 0 4:1111ail 1-) 4.1.1 iadLa.":6 SPALOOIOI rturaamD cr" SOLD BY PVIUMIti DMUS sr.u.barev gum= Clam- F r STILLDINCS PRZ?AUg QLUa. SOLD BY aitocias SPALDNG'S PIMPARN) awi. soLu BY COUNTRY KatCRAWS GINOULLY bliarlectissod 1,1 IigNKY C. 'PALM° i 00", SIO PUT! grktirt. Xre York ‘ddays, Most-thlies. Box N.. moo. on Alphabetical List of Articialt 11•144. daiw i rd !mg restored to dtaltr 11~h sad usp. In - 404. r slaw POI I / 4 1111p) ;V* • -.-- • 4 %eau nosaleat-llordta u Lead. Bursas." ( . aid, Caritas 11 Meats Dolls i' Nene. 6.15v.r." f Met& Pass 4 Mean,. Wallets li lil reds Kati* 1 Mauro 141656 9r"rt J Mewls Jan K steads Knobs 3,.. - bloods aces. Wart 16 Wads Itner-Proass X Moab Bond Peas 0 Asada 04tomoso P Woods P l / 9 40-lettis Q Womb 1411114114144994 it Mead. Sorising-liorses S Newt, Saba 1' Mao& Table, C Swab Vinbrellrblisdos ✓ Maeda Vases w w oe & Wout-Bossms X 11.94111 KEW= Waits Y Ike& 'Sod- Tr 1 Mond' 240 yr Weed-Wert Z as la ecesidestlar i Lt a l saie l Heildra P11JU46152.11 {SLUE Is assail In Libraries dad 1 s Meads . S 1 " P 16•944 VIT4II ‘. : r 3 A Vesta V 01114161146; A 4 L Illealls = i i mp0n. 62811493 X. 6 II bleeds am. D 6 I Mends Usages i 7 X Needs New iksskers N 6 0 Mends (Ms Stoats a 9 3 Needs Seboal looks a 10 P Nude Parasol. ' P i 11 g Meads hays* A 33 12 g Wadi Illettriest Illaddassa I 12 ti P Itirsdr Pew 11116egiags P 18 14 A 11410‘• Ares-Cbalre •Al 14 11 X leirks Milberg Ensidtors X 14 if g 161.4. error 465551144 6ll 11 b Venda Desks D 17 is 9, argots Ulobss a 18 19 3, lairds Looseasel Loam L 39 c Wangs Daladstwed irtareitsuss a C 91 1 Moab Xgreseture X ' n n Nude town Walt II 23 Meads Clam Beards XI 24 bleed. Max Ed 96 Mends Stall work bl 16 Moo* Filkt Week 241 2z. 114114sHarm . ss wg limo 16 Homy * 25/ 30 No Mends ok Plasm Pram 14s so 31 214846 886n166/4114 $1 n .i.. 41 1r Etimaisig 12 13 Naas% Setwol 17trattare a 44 Val& Papier Mario 84 33 Xmas 1464444110 i 25 n Sends Parka Missble 814 37 Xresds Ores ST as Mods Day Josupors alt 80 Loads ivory Walk 84 40 Needs Motel Bairns 40 41 Xmas Pleleszes 41 12 limb Quill WNW& 42 43 Moods Towel Rusks 43 44 Molds Irma Stands 44 46 Undo Delatrads 46 46 Meads DMus 46 47 Wanda Chessmen 47 44 Vends Ballot bear 44 49 M• 044 Verhartask 49 MI lionAis Vackgsmoos How& 44 61 Mods Bandliosse 11 62 No Slack Boards 32 Xablls Baas Viols 81 6 23 4 Needs IttUbrlrTablos II 45 Mara 114111444 Cues 165 91 Musa Bird Care 96 57 165645 Brogrostlelcs 67 66 Maids !look Caws to 59 Moods Boot Crtwas :4 du limas &nub 116451154 tAi 61 Mends gruales 51 OS Maeda Cabinets Id 64 11110114 hare. 11l 63 Llama 5 1..644 ma* ad 66 1.444 Crutehm 64 OT "nada t uptatudia In 68 Meads s.:urtaios lii no m.r.d. (•.. i . Ile 79 Itentt4 t Odle% is 71 Mead* . amass ill 71 b4ssm44 Chaise, ' , :I 73 116•44 Chula 74 161546 i kabe•-Ft6A,..6 7/ 75 Asada I. and. 4. 45.4 ' :4 76 %tern 74 11 16456#6. 1 4 414 6. \ 76 14 Work•-taud• 11 59 19nds Desag tit • boort% It ile ilea& (Mabee 11 yyr I; Meads Dionne let Meads Diastlessa 111 $3 Asada Doors 83 63 Nook Dem6no66 . 5.1 41 Igratia "irradiant* ad • 54 /leads /lobe • It: . 1 / 6 Mods Halluator. el 17 Mead. Gissoware of fel 16.4. Handles II 99 Meads 0611 A Peaks *one 11 99 Mewls KIP. 1A 111 91 MaleTope 16'. Meads ,„_, it: Ita lbw& llodsts 91 In Non& Arming Ilimaikie• itaareir 0, 96 Meads Ands 0: 0 0 1tc,04. Padtdtbuind•Wi r A 01 Meads Pe:lora. el 0. Mends I-larboards to In intatio Wodamits.Wltat ' al li a 11m10 Willow-Waft 191 SPALEtaliiti PRSIPARNI OVVI4 .OLII BY MTIOSIIILIRI t+l 4J. NliH's YItiPIUD ~iLl ►, SOLD SY ILMUGGItiII .P4l.bliko,r3 MKEraZU OLCK, reLD BY GROCW BPAL4ANat 110/ARED GM)* r--- soLD tor tiAanllty iron* imtj,lstrA titrbit44l4o ► BY HuCr% ItMiasma *root& SPALDING'S nirrintstr GU) FOLD BY FANCY CIOODS DRAWL% sPauriPiErs YBXPAIIIID uI.CE. DM D BY Cot WIRY aIiIaCILINTS GlOrtitaLLl liserbmitend by II Lli ELY C. VA LDIII6I. a Co. No. U PLATT STNErT. Nam fort 141dron Pest OS, K,1141. S Put ■p la awe esatbiales IM m 11*st, 11404 01 Twelve I ma tact A lismitillA LlAbograpli C.o. accomiiiisieig sea fteilmittn Hog Awls , I nria LANDLORDS AND TENANTS. I 4 tow us mom to Tim mamma of ! thrall= of dim* alit4 Prins. V. Ilbcagobey of In* to mot Om, awl ma " - la egebser, ) =WWI prem. __, LIF. ita. De5..11.11111110411111 alleria =ai . , t ME PN! f , - B