Sevntßenth (sport of the nitiitiors orthe - ErfiCanal Co 7b the Honorable, the Senate and House of Represestatioee. of As Coat monwealtA of Poutayloartio : Gitsrunzatt—ln obedience to the requirements of the Fif teenth Section of the Act of Assembly incorporating the Erie Canal pew. the Direr ,tpos thmieqf have the honor to pre sent to On/ Ronorable'boastit: the following Report of their proceedings during the past year, showing the amount of re ceipts from Tolls, Water Rents, &c., and the amount of the cost of Repairs and timpervision, during the year ending the 31st December, MIA Receipts for 1859. Amount received the- Tolls, menived for Water Rents, through Bishop Young, restitution at the Confessional Atu't received from relate of Smith Jackson. 1106'd, •• reel for iron boiltii aekt Total receiver for 1849, Expenditures. REPRIRS AND SUPERVISION Amount paid for Repairs and SupervisiOu. new work. pay of Lock-tenders and Foremen, avpaits of and we building Aqueduct". Locks and Lock (laws. and Farm and Tow-path Bridge*, thedgiug, viz • Beaver Corrtioitot Ttni. • Fratikti Frvtier Dredge Aocottnt. . Summit Dredge SALARIES Amount paid Salaries of Secretary:Treasurer, Super intim:Wont and Col/rotor* to Jan'y sat, Is 6o . • - - I:4OIIANTAL EXPVISES. Amount paid for Office Rent, Fuel,' Stationery, Ad vertising. Printing, etc.. to ,date Amount paid for Costs and Legal Services in defence of suits in Philadelphia and . Expenditures for I •;,5 , 1 . For further particulars in relation to the financial affairs of the company and the condition of the ()foal. your Honorable bailee aro respectfully referred to the Annual St a lenient of the Tielourei 11111t1 the Report of the Nurierititetletit. office of the Erie.):amil t%).. ) CHAS. M. REED. Erie Jan') loth. P. METCALF. A. SCOTT, JOHN HEARN, DAVID MeALLASTER. JOHN A. TRACY. Sworn sad subscribed before rue, this tenth day of January, JOHN SWENEY. Al a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Erie Canal "EDP*GY, held Dec. 31st. 185% the following Resolution was adopted '• Rostra, That the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay Three per cent. Interest on the Bonds and Certificates for the year ending Jan'y Ist, 1860 ; and the sum of twenty-five thousand Dollars is hereby appropriated for that purpose." A. H. CAUGHEY, See. Seventeenth Annual Statement OF THE TREASURE OF THE ERIFf CANAL COMPANY. Tv Me Horvaredge, tAe &sale aid Iloilte of Representatives of the Om rotorkwadiA of Potnryiva rua. titNTLENEN:—The Act of Assembly, approved the seventh day of March, IM3, incorporating the Fzie Canal Company, requires that the Treasurer of said Company shall, on the sec ond Tuesday of January in every year, transmit to the Legis lature, sworn or affirmed to, a statement of the aff a ii, of t h e Company In compliance with _this said Act of Assembly, the under signed, Treasure; or — the Erie Canal Company, has the honor of Preas..V.l.M4 to your Honorable bodies the following report of the financial condition of the Company, made up from the vouchers and records of tnis office, for the year ending Decwri bar 31st, A. D. 1859. David MeA/laster. Treasurer, ,u account loth the Erie (anal Ciaapa V, . . 1860, Jan'y 2, To balance in Treasury, as per Re port of Jan'y Ist, 1859, 162.447 35 To bal. reported as outstanding in hands of (Alec- I Oars, at that date, Amount received for iron Bolts sold " received by hands of Bishop Young, res " titution at the Confessional, " Bal. Appropriation unexpended, ... . cunt cant of Tolls received by the several Collec tor the year 1859, as reported to me, vii : 0 Office, 8Z.1,668 UK Oonneeutville " .... ... ....... 3,138 02 Meadville " 1,334 42 Greenville '' 44,678 19 New Castle & Junction Office, .... 15,776 37 New Brighton , 7,821 84 Way Tolls collected by Superinten dent., Do. Water Rents. ' Ain't received from FAtate of Smith Jackson. de eisswett, CREDIT By Appropriations made by the Board of Directors for disbursement on the several lines of the Ca , nal, da., $411,0Z 54 " Ain't paid on Judgments and other liabilities of the Co. compromised and canceled, --•!-• Ain't Bank notes failed-in Collector's hands, Atn't Tolls refunded, by resolution of the Board, on Coal, •‘ Ain't paid Salaries of Superintendent. Secretary. Treasurer and Collectors for the year 1839. • Ain't of interest paid on bonds and certificates, not heretofore presented, isn't paid for legal services, coats of suits, Az., In Philadelphia, and elsewhere, . Arn't paid C. Bolard, .• Ain't do Expenses in settling with Collectors, .. Asn't outstanding in hands of Collectors, " Attached and now in suit awaiting the de cision of the Courts,* Ain't heretofore appropriated for payment of in terest on Bonds and Certificates, subject to call, . . Am't of Appropriation to pay three per cent. in terest on Bonds and Certificates for the year end ing December 31st, IM9, •• Cash in the Treasury, INDEBTEDNESS OF THE COMPANY. The amount of Indebtedneas of the Company, at par Report Jan'y 1, 1859, was . 1,4:17.1T0 IA From which is to be deducted the amount of debt eanealled in 1859, To which is to he added the interest fbr the year ending December 31, 1-859, on the Bonds and Certificates of the Company uncancelltd. ... From this is to be deducted the amount of inte rest on Bonds and Certificates, previously ap propriated, paid in 1858 and 1859, The Company then are indebted as nearly as can • be ascertained from the Records of this Office. 31.470.705 07 All of which is respectfully submitted. Treasurer's Office, Erie Canal Co.. Brie, isn'y 10th. A. D. 1860. Ems Couxrr, P. , as The day before me, a snstice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid, personally appeared David McAllaster, Trea surer of the Erie Canal Company, and made oath in due form of law, that the annexed and foregoing Statement is just and true, to the beat of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and outerribed before me, this 10th day ci Jan'''. A. Lk 1860. JOHN SWENEY, Jv4ks Pesce. Superintendent's Annual Report. 76 oie ?rimiest end Directors •2( as Erie (hod Cbuyiany. Guivisese : Your Canal was opened by the late Superinten dent about the 15th of April, and delivered over to me, cm his resignation, on the first of May, in as good condition as the de cayed nature of the works would admit. It was closed about the Bth of December, there having been seven and two-thirds months of successful navigation ; during which time there was no interruption of navigation except that caused by some small breaks, and the detention consequent upon the lowness of water on the Summit during the month of August. The season has been a highly sooosissful one for the Compa ny, the tolls having exceeded those of any former year. The hunter of the Onial is steadily inc • and' there it every prospect of its continuing to do so if the is kept in prop er repair. To do this, however, will require very heavy expen ditures for the next three years. A largeat the simonises on the Canal are of timber, and , been 1* tlss for a number of years, are very much decayed and resrre building. Much of the Can al is too narrow Mr loaded t o pees each other, and requires widening and bothining. • e snaey places needs raising, and other works are =which are more particularly stated under the heads of the eseetal divisions. When all these works are completed and the Canal placed in first rate order, it can be kept in re- • Since this Statement was prepared, information has 'beet ?e -gg/wog. dim the milt of Penrose vs. the Erie Canal Co. pending in the Supreme Court. has been decided against the Company. $93,817 57 1,971 05 100 o►o 23 00 17 92 Scki,93l 64 16.716 7,4 --- 12,590 45 .. 057 30 . 4,503 IC, I,lot 56 s 6 5.5)43 on 641 414 119:1 12 $5e),912 71 Jul Peace 3.1'.N 48 17 9'2 100 00 3,15' 00 400 85 1,971 (.6 95.78 X ti 2 $1G5.065 37 17.149 30 13 00 2,2aS 59 lEEE 1.11t3 39 993 12 700 00 11 75 1,625 46 40,(XX) (X) 4 717 44 25,000 00 17,698 7$ 44.564 06 51.412,606 12 61.025 G 2 $1,473,0 fl 74 4426 V DAVID *cALLASTER, rreasw'rrr Erie (Antal ( b j pair for A very moderate expendittire until the work again re ) quirt's renewin The expenditures on tho runt of your Canalrm the Ist of May to the 3tst of December. 18:0, were as tot ws, viz : Amount paid for repairing, Breaks. $1.551 55 '• •• re-building Dams. Bridges, tie., . • Am't paid for materials delivered for redaiilding Looks, Lock, pates. Waste Weirs, se., Se., during the present Winter. AM% paid for ordinary expetp.e.... including dredg ing of Beaver I)ive.ion, Shenango Line, and pay of Foremen. Lock Tenders. ......... . 14.44. t A m't id tor construction and equipment, of new Dredge, including expenses of.sanie during the fall . - • • • ----- ('ossaior LlNC—ilia is the most expensive division on the Canal to keep iu repair, having two large Aqueducts, and More than twice, as many locks and farm bridges, in proportion to length, as any other portion of the line, and from havinglieen originally einistrueted in a less substantial manner than the other divisions. It leas seventy-one Locks, only two of which are cut stone, and the balance) composite Locks. The stone Locks require no repairs, and are not likelysAo require anything but new gates fora number of yetis. the composite Locks , six have been tw-built, and the remaining sixty-three are very much decayed and lutist all be re-built. withitr the next three years. Material has been prepared and arrangements made for re-building eleven this winter. Twenty-six must be re-built next winter, and twenty-six the following winter. Eighty-one of the Lock Gates are nearly worn out, and will soon require 'Patent)-two will he put in the present season, and the balance must he renewed in the two following tears. Forty-six spills around locks have decayed and require re-build ing. The most dangerous ones should be renewed next sum mer and the others in the following summer. Three large waste weirs and three smaller ones require re-building. For two of the large on,-, those at Conneautville .end Albion. ma terials have been I.lepared ; and they will 1.4• re-built during the present winter. Hie others van be made to last another year. The tarp Aqueduet over Walnut Creek is badly decay ed, but can be repair...! and made safe for another summer.-- -Timber and lumber for re-liudiling it are being prepared this winter. The Aqueduct will be re-built during (becoming sum mer. and will be teddy for USe oil the opening of navigation in the spring of Much of the tow-path on this liiTision is too low. Portion. of the Four and Eleven-mile levels are in an unsafe condition, and require immediate attention. Some four miles iu all should be raised front one to two feet. This divi- Skin, like all the others, is in many places too narrow for load ed boats to pass each ot bet W h were loading but one way no difficulty was experienced But since the Lake Superior iron ore has come into general use by the furnaees of the Shaming() Valle), and boats are loadink both ways, much difficulty and detention have necurrol, Abont one mite of cribbing is required tor protection of short levels and other ph.- ces ; but most of this can be dispensed with until the more im portant works are completed. as it does not litreet the safety or the Canal; its object being to reduce the expense of keeping up the tow-path. Six Farm Bridges require re-building. The extraordinary expenses on this Division for this season. in re-building Walnut Creek Aqueduct, the Locks, Gates. Waste Weirs, disc., and for preparing the material for the work. which must be re-built next winter, is as follows- For re-building Walnut Creek Aqueduct, SP4,3u4i ‘lll Locke, Lock Crates, Waste Weirs, Spills, &e, in present season, .. For material fur re-building Locks, luck lintel, Waste Weirs, Jic., next winter, ... For raising tow-path and bottoming out 'anal,. 4,001 Suitere—Notwithstanding the extreme dryness of the past summer, a very good stage of water has been maintained on this level, and no difficulty experienced in passing boats, Ceptr in the month of August, when considerable detention oc curred. But this was as much the result of overloading boats as of lowness of water. During the summer greet difficulty was experieneed in getting water down from the Lake, to fill the Level after locking down a number 01 looms, owing to the shoalness of the channel and the obstruction of the grass.— This portion of the Canal will be dredged out early in the com ing summer. and this difficulty permanently overcome. This Level, which was never taken out to the required depth, in °consequence of meeting quicksand, has always been a source of expense and annoyance to the Compaey and to boatmen. - After a careful examination and tests with the small dredge, I became convinced that the quicksand could be taken out " with a dredge of suitable dimensions, - for SlO.OOl. and so re ported to your Board. The dredge was ordered and construct ed last fall, but was got in operation too late to du more than test her working, which was highly favorable. I was in hopes this winter would prove an open one, in which event I expect ed to have done a large amount of the dredging on this Level before the opening of nacigatiee. In the I have been disap pointed, and have been compelled to ley up the dredge. We will probably be able to use her for two months before the openinf, of navigation, and to fully complete the dredging by the spring of 1861. Should I fail in taking rout the quicksand. (of which I have no fears,) the ()construction of the dredge will still be an excellent invieument, as she will save twice her cost in dredging the Feeder—a work that is more necessary than that of reducing the Summit, and one that, if thoroughly done, would, in a great measure, obviate the necessity fur the former. FLINCU Cal= FEEDER. ---This, the moat important portion of your line, (as from it the water is derived to keep up the Ca nal,) requires extensive improvements ; it being, in its present state, impossible to pass sufficient water to keep up the Sum mit during the summer. From the Lake to French Creek Aqueduct the Canal is full of grass, and no amount of cutting will keep it out so as to give a free passage to the water. The only remedy is to dredge it ; and I propose, when the dredging of the Summit Level is suspended by the opening of naviga tion, to place the dredge upon the Feeder and dredge it to the depth ofseven feet, from the Lake to French (leek Aqueduct This, with a thorough cleaning out of the 'anal from the Aque duct to Remus Darn, will, I think, place the Feeder in a con dition to pass sufficient water to feed (h.' 4 ',trial at all seasons of the year. 2500 The sheeting at the foot of Remus Dam had entirely washed away. Abdut half of it was repaired in Is:is. and the balance has been completed the past summer. The Dam is now in good condition, with the exception of a few spar timbers, that have decayed, and the!sheeting on the comb of the Dam, whioli should be renewed next summer. Portions of the chute at this Dam are badly decayed, liming been built of hemlock EMI ber. It must be thorOughly overhauled within a year or two. several spills and waste weirs have decayed and been tilled up. Some of them can be dispense.! with : but it will be necessary to re-build two this winter. The banks of the Canal are in many places too low, and require raising, hut if the Hoard determine to dredge and bottom the Canal, this can be done with material taken from the ('anal, ‘sithout extra expense. Considerable rip-rapping ha., been ilone at 'onneaut Lake the past summer, and more is required. It will lie necessary to spend four hundred dollars on this work next summer to pre vent further damage to the banks. Theextraordinary expenses the present season for dredging 'the Summit and Feeder and other works, will be as follows-- For dredging Summit and Feeder, . . $4,000 on " bottoming Canal,. .2,111,10 (kl " new work on dams. waste weirs and bridges, . 1,000 00 " rip-rapping Conneaut -Lake, . . • 40m) vei Total, SaIINANUO Lixt,—This Division esmsistm of lone miles of slack water and fifty-one miles of canal, on which are tile dams and forty-four locks. The upper sheeting of these dams has been broken by large trees lodging on them, and require re-plank ing. _They also require some new sheeting timbers on the low er face, and the crib work above dam No. I and at the head of the pool of dam No. 2 should be re-built. These repairs will place the dams in condition to last ten years without any extra repairs. Of the locks, thirty-seven are cut stone and seven composite. None of the stone locks require any repairs this winter, except locks Nos. 6 and 13. The latter requires new miter sills, and the former, which was built on quick sand, and has heretofore given considerable trouble, is reported to be partially undermined at the lower end. It will be examined this winter and put in thorough repair. Mix of the composite locks will last another year with slight repairs, but will require to be re-built next winter. The remaining lock is partially un dermined, and must be thoroughly overhauled and re-built this winter. The lock gates on this Division are good, and, with the exception of a few balance beams, will require no extra repairs for several years. Xany of the spills around locks hare rotted Mil, It is us:TOM:it that they should be kept in repair ; and it Will be necessary , to re-build ten next summer, and also four farm and two tow-paals„bridges. fin the lower end of this Di vision, two weirs are out — of repair sad closed up. Dory should be repaired and opened. it iselso necessary to re-latild tw o waste weirs and two spills this Mason. 11.1batow path hammy ?laces is very low, and neachl nuair4; fro orie to tNyo fee, for a en&of twelve miles. work, and the re-bitikling and repairing of waste Weir., is highly necessary • as this Divisien, from its location. is sub ject to sudden floods of water, and, from the insufficiency of the waste weirs and lowness of the tow path, is in ebnetant danger of breaks. The Canal on this Division needs bottom ing out and widening for a length of six milei , it being of in emfficient width for loaded boats to pass each other. The crib bing along the tow path in the town of I is very much decayed, but with some repairs can be mad,. to last this year, It will be necessary to re-build it next year. The tow path around Rartstown Reservoir has been gradually washin g away for several years, and should be protected with stone or tim ber. Blfrespping would be the most effectual, and it can be completely protected with this for a sum not exceedin4 $l,OOO. The extraordinary exnses required on this Division this sewn, toput it in compl ete p order, are as follows— For dams, waste weirs, spilt'', bridges, &e., $5,OtXl Ou " raising tow path,...- 3,000 00 bottoming and widening ('anal, ... 3,500 Ou " rip-rapping Reservoir.. . • .. 1,000 Ott Total. $12,500 on Burnt Dtviso X.—This bivision consists of twenty-three miles of slack water and %even and three-fourths miles of ca nal, on which are eighteen locks and , seven darns. All the locks except that at Hardscrabble are Cut stone, and none of 4pills. Farm - 0111 ',401) c 4; '',..; ° 1 Xli Total, 27.24 r 83 Tutal, tz:V.2,stNi (111 them are likely to rogure any nlrt 4 'n"i'r" I "Taira, except that at Cannoquinessing. This loelt, originally built 00 narrow , la" been orefrded in by the p r *re 1131 the earth behind the walls, and is trcnibi'mtnne for boats to pas, especially* high water. If it remains in int present state I would not recommend the Company to re-build it. But should It Crowd in any more it will bt necessary to do .o, and will involve a large expentliture Six pairs of new gates are required on this Division. Two pair will be put in this winter and the I.alance next sunsmer. The (lams on this Division have been built a long time and are in a decayed and dangerous condition. At the time I took charge of the Canal there was a break the Bridgewater darn: and during the sum mer 170 feet of it was thoroughly re-built at an expense of $1,47:4 0(), All the tim ber in these dams below water, and the stone filling, which are the heaviest por tions, can be saved by immediately re building the decayed parts. But if neglect ed until they break, the whole will be washed away and the expense of removing (itutalrupled. I am of the opinion that these dams can be re-built and made as good as new for a sum not exceeding $12,00 0 . If totally washed away, they cannot be re placed fur $40.000, In the event of their loss the Company would lose a s e a-am', tolls on the Division. amounting to some $2l 1,1 it 10, and S3(1,4101/ MI the cost of re-huild ing, making a total loss of $50,000. In view of these facts. I cannot too strongly urge the expediency of re-building the dam, with the least possible delay. ft would probably be impracticable to re-build them all this season: but the New Castle, cannoquinessing, and the balance of the Bridgewater darn, might lie emu pleted next summer, and the others in the following summer. Material has Wet) contracted for re-building Cannoquinessing dam next yqnninvr, and the same should'sbe done in regal(' to the New 'astle and Bridgewater dents. Should the present %%inter prove ors 4,evere as VIPSPI)t apt icarances seem to indicate, and break up suddenly in the spring, there will be serious danger of los lng a portion of the dams on this liivisien; and the event is so probable in their present state. that I would recommetel the Company to keep a fund 44(' not f.'s, than $20,000 in the Treasury to meet a con tingency of this kind. tine of the Aque ducts below New Castle has broken twice the past summer, and both were in such an unsafe condition that I had material delivered during the fall for re-building them. The contr,ets have been let and they will be completed by the first of March, and will cost about $1•204i. About th ree miles of Canal on this Division require bot toming out and sonic portions et the t ow path. especially below the Junetion, re quire raising. Several I"arm Bridges and Spills around lock- will soon have to Lie renewed. The extraordinary expenditure.. ref l uir ed on this Divi4ion this P , eason are as 1 0 1 lovre , : For Re-building Cattnocluincs sing, Sew Ca.stle attil Itridge. water !Pants, N;.54N1 oi) Fo r Lock Gates, Labor and Iron for Aqueduct:, " liottoming Canal and rai4- ing Towing Path, INNI INI The foregoing statements show a very large amount of works necessary to be completed this season : but they aft. all in toy opinion indispensable to the successful working of the Canal, and have been estimated as low as I think it possible to construct them. The works ou the Aqueducts. Locks, Darns, Weft*. &c.. must be done if the Canal is to be kept in operation, and the only reduction that can be made in the proposed expenditure is that for raising the tow path and bottoming out and widening the ('anal. To dispense with the for mer may result in breaks that will cost wore than thetunount required to raise the tow path. But tbe only effect of the latter on the Compa ny would be a reduction of tolls from incapac ity of boats to carry as large loads as they otheryrise would. if both are dispensed with, the extraordinary expenses for the season will lie VW' ,000. Ifthese works are proceeded with the probable expenditures from the Ist of Jan uary, 1864) to the lat of May. INA —by which time the Company will he in receipt of sufficient tolls to meet current expenses will be as fol lows-- For Extraortjinary Repairs of 18110, _ nrdinary Expenßes anti pav of 1 I ffiCerS, &c., for . 47,01111 1)0 Fort vrdinary repairs and put- ting the Canal in order Winter and spring of lsti I, Li toil (.41 For Labor on Locks. Lock hat... W r 44. 144, &c., necessary to itt winter of 1g1;1. 7.niN) in) Twal, 5P29.14n tou, To meet tii. expendituru th.• company will havecaqi in tbo Treasury unappropriated. . Probable Reeeipt , tor Is 61), it thus appears that suet making a must liberal estimate of the receipts for 1860, there is a deficiency of $13,4g1 for milking the necessary repairs and paying expenses to May Ist. 1861.; or if the raising of the tow path and bottoming is dispensed with, of 81,431 '22.-- Irn.ny serious damage is done to the ('anal or Beaver Division Dams this Winter, or if navi gation is interrupted from breaks or other Causes next summer and the receipts are re duced to 1,570.0tX), —as in 12 , 48,'• the Company will be 8:1:1,000 short of sufficient testis to make the necessary repairs on Locks. Dams. tie. and to pay their ordinary expenses to May Ist, 1861. The expenses of the ('anal have been reduced as much as possible the past summer. All payments for materials or labor have been made monthly in cash, and every effort made to economize in the expendi tures; in which I toile been a6lt .ecolitir.l the several foremen iu charge, all or whom are experienced, competent, and ationtive to the interests of the Canal. Respeet fully submitted, W.. REED. Soperoiteadeut Superintendents Office, Jan'y Ist. 18441. j At the old Stand. N . si IT R P II Y . Betweeen Brown's Hotel a Reed Henze, HAP ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF noun_ HOLD GOODS, STI >N* ES, &r. Alto, a large and complete assortment of copper, and Sheet hos alma A 1.., a large assort ' . meat of Cutlery and Poe k• t Knives, be., lisitanta Tubbs Castors and Tea ... .1 pots, also, Tea and Table Spoons, Bram, om_ sper,P oree I sin and OroundKet tles, also, a %arse assortment of Japan Ware of *II kt.da, and the btot assort . •t of TeaTraya, is Ibis, of all !Omani am!, . alas, Maras, Coils* HU* Corn Poppers, SdiTOO, • ppleg Knives, flat Iran; t hovels and 1 onp, Pokers, Coda - Rods, Washboards, Shovels, Spikiest, Hoes, Potato Hooks, Flab Hooka, he, root Tabs, Hip Bath. and Bathing Tubs, Halkiserstons, Names Patent Cream_ Presser, also, Pumps of alldsocripllaus. Lead PlpcoJbeel Pump Mains, sad Titbits Stove Pips Sod =boss. PillOs4, and Lampe, Water Coolers, aed inters, fluid lamp .f all kw* Stales sad Stipsurcia s flak a nd Pinot Ina, Wire, Dish Covers, Candlesticks wad Tibia Mats is Fists, Hammers ltboval and Tamps Staid, and With Pass road Pails, Toylet Ware, Ti. lUDs, Tumbler Drainers, !Mutters and Trays, Mouse and Bat Traps, Nails, demote, Tacks and Oil Teaders, Feather rotates+, Dread lasatera, Deed Seam. Dos Colima, Preach Cade Pots, Stets Paaa, Grind Stones lad limerings, with Screens. All of which will be sold cheap for Cash only. Jobbing donee the shariest notice. Copper. Prams Ps , " tor an 4 Racetalurn to *sawn far cools. Pl.asmeall and se my stock, and sallaly yourselves , . Erie, blay Id, litslL Yours N. HURT'S iLT PORTHAIT FRAIOO. \ Gilt Wouldfuss. Looking Glasses, fine Preach litts .. agile ta Prarnes, or nit, selling cheap st the Paraces Ds !Wing, March It T. M. St rTIN. HA Ms AND HOMINY. ' HA' 3011 Wow ~Mug how Cibeinoab a sautes i . ~ ' 42=4 No" molt some ot tb• es- NW In, 't-1 .an itt tb• Jane i ~......t. a Y DiltPOT. CitEPSIDIC. - SYRUP AND YoLAssw r.„ bs‘os sisbesciog groin at E— a food artkl• e brew sad rosy throe Esr ored 4.4 respw. sto srVa 04,14 es sr ; 1108yrwp ; New WSW Molasses, tile vets Wed Ism Wilts pgssirs haw 11.1 HANDOWE aßactar DEPOT. GILT FLOWERED, MARBLE Tt)P aomploto Cboasbor Solt of handball,. Yew Jodo or Coutosinfoo. Appto . W. WWI Y, Mo. Also 4,IIOCL IprtO Sol Moos S EEL) _ BUCltThArirtAt: 0n bent and for We by July 9, taw JACOB HANSON CELEBRATKI) pma Via*Maori aad Delaware Bay. received Daily, at A. WILD'S, Meat Market, and Vegetable Store. J. WELSH, AO. t:heapable. I'. S. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Erie, Dia. 10, Ir"r FAIL to Pee MIXTH AN NI; A NOONCNttikV, and Waist Quern, In inertly admen. Km .21. I 00ti LAB., ZINC.—FRENCII and .7 AIIRRICAPC, Snow White and Porcelain. 9 tat! CANTU' k BRO. L11.`4, WHITE LEAD.— Of 5.000 thc following brapas. London, New York, Atlantic, Orinitai Polann, Maas" Swing Valley, 2.4tl CARTICR k BRO. . . __ __ _. __ __.— . 5 00 GALLONS. LINSEED, LARD • sad ?ARNIM'S f HI- CARTZR k Ran ERIE COP N M ITT VA L ANCE COMPANY. Aeolic» cited in 1839-- Charter i'er,nlowt! rroperty lasated Against Lobs by /Ire for •01 Term eel exceeding ' , Wears. l'olsclefi issued upon the deposit of Witftioni Not«ti o. awn tl. payment 'Attlee usual Stock Malec to Money with out the , li ability a • nada= Mohr Loewe raid with out litigation. OS. null roily has ever been hrongbt sge toot this Company. Tits•Omnpeng te enter/qv free debt, an/ se • Rife Mae isisiMairo. DIRECTORS. James C. Vorobsit, C. 111.11bbak, Win. I Itisolorno. bl :4, Smith, J. Zimmerli, Jos. 14.:floro tt Krplet, ?boo. Moorhead, Jacob Georg A. KAltat, K. lAPI*Att, Mel 11. Have, J. M. Joatice. orrtegits. J. 16. C. X•¢II.ItALL, Preat JON•N Gll.lki.rlN. GM A. kuuorr, Tram Ofitee, fo Miming Ottotllann k Ilee'reary'p law ofh Cbespaide Brie, ram • _ . yrA N liLES ! Hoe, pork, !LAP, Shor.l, A oirer, t hista.l, and Plane Handley •t Gl J +};l.11 \'e. HAIR RESTORATIVE. SA VS the St. Louis. I lernot`rta 1141. pObiAb ivtltor to Ilr % ”.”1, ,h. from aßa.nUrtnatt to Stains. tritteli strtstka glowingly •npertor merit? of LIP tate tome. ...melt 11, lamp, n,13•( WI. Its street, when n .ttring , bon] • rsitablr?in u re If rort ItitAtro an. guarantees of truth, Ito. Ur ett-r:e ro• so etolilk.lll, nor oasts. puttsry Iron. tl.. 1a.,. LI•VIS, I istei. Prof. wor O. J. Wood ictitaattia : Havlog Toy attention a I s .. Amore to the highly beuehetal enecti. e: ;eur Lair rebtors titre, 1 area losluocd tetuake•pplicall.4l.llllll.ol2llly 4111/S hair, which had become yutte gray, proi,affs whit.: my whisker, were of the Paine chars, t. r :4110e three months niece I o...cured a bott:.• ,out hair rem... tatletie wee owed it I coru tound it wax proving what I 104 wished. I use.' it ablaut twice a Or. k I have .inns. prorated another bottle of which I hare owed mews. I exit now certify to the world that the gray Or white hair hag totally slisappetited, both oat ms 'hi ad are', Care, ate: toy hair has resumed it. natural co•lor and I belies. CIO, salt mid aka', than it has be. it before her taeots yenta. lam 00a 11.15% years ow , in, g.' •I .1. age of fifty-two, low Uhed it VI It h WO* t. The a/SOY! [Wilco I dertO -lON to 101 l lOr i fair V141%111141 discovery I aro •11.11,11 that %hoes, •ill rightly use, as per directioha, will not has -, oecar ion to coutra.het rap statements I 'tn. n rtua n o(l6te its end a re in de.,t for th• last filteeii seat., and ant too. a t..tea i ty One here and a,gouuog (owl. Au, 11S. ~.11 Mal" of the above with toy name ea/wheel, ii. at ;tour s. all wish to presers• the beauties ,rt Salo, 11...110 1. a. Kell a, int.ell I em truly, sou-, $(4,70u oil Total Professor 1 / 2 4,041-- I , r4r ',II - If at u,K bat tL« minfortulir to 10 , 000 tba heat l a.rticfla ..f m, hall.. from the effects Pi the. ,ellow let, p Its rgoi. I IN tLf , u.,lun i t to make a trt►l 'our preparati,.n, 40.4 l f..uu•t it tp ewer as the Vert' 111) hair t• now thlck ant gloomy, Lad UP worts call e‘i.reoo my oLnyahnor 1., giviv .tlhr•r,l such }lSt EN JIMN:oiN Thy acKirritiov .1, Key J K ts la Cif Mist*, Ui.r ptaiultng. >1.•I 0f thr tirll,ooo‘ t leurrti BrocalSeld, flan h. FP II 1re.1411.-innta .I great 111 , thi..a mad univor.loll) Lb.a.d Ald lINF.K. I: r 0.4. 1 ,. Id. Jan I'4 IK.h. Profeaeor Wood firer Nunn: mw r trial tear Harr Rewtornthe, d Iv% re ow pl. art., W uty, that 'le ri feet has been est. lleut 10 10-10.1,N mg 100 r 0.011,1, 000.440 and a constant teurteney atehlog a Ith i 1 lain been troubled from my cadldhl.rel bad reolorreal IttlaLltir. Which tram herettuog gran. 1., .1111 Ong iSla I rotor rre nand tan other %Miele aft at , it., the man , F,llMOlOl.v or pros You ra tr. .. Tot nl, $115.03 7s . . . Dr. A KOS k SOS have devoted their attention t %el u Mindy to this peculiar risme"( malselsos, sod th. roffer !her bore consequently bt,tql e to MI., to their friloor creature* is fully teatilleof and gratefully arknow lodged by conyalesCent patients and others daily arriving in town &OM aft parts of the country, for the exprelllt toll rwile only of consultatinn, aWe their east. lons h ut tp- Loeb, marm o t with the most sigma] advantages; yet trout 'that they luxe experienced to inquiring into th. eauseot the tufts tiobs complaint, mum th, Sr most stomp)... ry.wil)l3ol, t o that of the most dangerous nod inveterate.) they hate rib al- I n. w stentertallard the posedidlity of their prevention and re oval, and likewise invariably fogad that the w o n 11,,,. mol malignant ron, ...1. i.. r t. td ' A mos (' ,d_ a b e te a sed to one or the Milne (bgri....: laostraare, o r the all effects of 1101111WIti mamma; there fore. lir. kilns k a,N hate anise. In.) 111 til/...t. t .g. . the relent ' of their reined. a , t... 0., .ffrrtttai soil , 1113 - lion. toll.v. MIIO%IIII all Mr...X(1013 of remedies w hi. It bear an tools oral rhatarter or MO) .1 ,, chow It ),, .. pt.. Mita , * sod ICOR/I[loU* al Pheatitnit Ime prolittr tic of bad onnsetarnenevu to tbs. bombe of private 11111ttutua •.. In abort, the lauddble eat of their remedies is the lessen tog oi • gook are of Unman misery be the aihodef,,,,,, oritef orol preeldstion of those arnietiount that are in 1,4 It, the wren foe of life, and which. whOrtbitir su.lottensively aoreonnd tilt. mill aloud for our akin and iuterferenre for their ex tertu illation. COUNTIII INVALIDS. POMOII in any part of tiro worts may ta qncrroduliv treated by forwarding a eorrert 11,.. r mime, frltit • rroiltukce for llniicloes, ko. Addrese Dr. AMOS SON, rorto, Mn3l WA QUI, street, Buffalo, N. Y. HATS & CAPE A s JOST. N‘ ma d e *rnk.lardardate logo Hite snottier kind of bum. loees, 1 wilt eel( mr en• tire stork id rime sod Vader 1,, time Doggett or ieftte, et (111:4T, theete Sew aimed .ally.- 1y Dew, bedew beee pet als/bed witlslu the last rex DAYS sod Crew the most reshisueble Eames is. stochof Ragele &thee, that will be-sold at wietuittal low priers. tt. SMITH Sete, Oet. 11 . 1, 111114 L-119. rill.: UNDERSIGNED oFFERS FOR 4, aid. a tract of Mad booms Y tb. "Riddle Mart' ly ing kart miles east of Walerfbrd, oa the Erie it Wat.rbed plank merd.aael COMP31:110/ about LSO wee. TM, bind Is well timbered: sad admirably adopted. wh.a for farming purposes—it Is also divided by the siuribury & Erie Rallimad. It *III b. sold In a body ar subdivided 10 bibelot to suit pareaamer. GRAsr-,44 &op's OYSTERS! iNsu Erie, April 25, IE4 THE GREAT WONDER tn.' TUE SINF:TEF:Nni CENTUKI PROFESSOR WOOD'S A 1 . )1 , _ , ‘ KI vettwiN. J.. :4 314 P WOOD HAIR KKSTOKATIA The Restoratise i, put sop In 11/ 111., of Ore, ail tn.dluitt and fined .13.1 , hold,. an 4 , • I Iht. , th.l retatios tor oro. 40th. 1.1 011. . sortiouto I In tl brarlr toreuty per. •ot e, 44 rite I limn tew , h , h)4 rt . tail• Icor trio a lean:. tb. IttrL. 40 per e+ot more if, pi p 01/ ham: 1...111.• 41 J. Woof! & l (.. \. o York, (lh tk• great S f ‘ 1 - .mtithg I •ta1.1,4 an.' 114 Market St., At. 1,1116, 110 Ands/J . ld by all g0...1 llrogirbOr. al. I I nor, Illootrlovalerm 6 6 8. k i-UP " 1: 4 wife stsol "Croce/0..... the r .Isl, I.l . l.sere 4i41 1 go witlimit Aod being a 101. i borne ou a d.a,- i., II It a k.,.mr i. When Tea a wanted, heal, mn.l r‘re, And 'Augur thuel,ct with Your alwayh to re to hod Ih.m v, I Who has lota of (looms. it,tter And otti.r Y Ind,. 01 Irlod. •nw.- Be/MI.II WaIIN Ot 1.14erl • Who gongs you with a stinting Inarti And shows you all that's to Iw ciwo, Got up ro lastey, nice and clean • t CAI !.•t Who keep. the angled*/ The twat that's marls. twiswath th. Ail For atilell ro man, on and zigh • Hoot., Who.'op ►t hja 1..• t tooth .►rly and lat.. To watt on ►ll bog. .mall and gnat. At the corner of oth and -toot. • 14 ftd I I \ Erie, 12,1 IC: 9 Jo, N IV "I' It E ME.N T ' YR/ PA TE 4 M) (().‘ PIDE%II4I, MinICA I ADVicA: .41' THK BUMFAILO PRIVATE I.IOP4PITAI atablisbeil for thr ea r..d ~phele•,Arml nal IV rat m.o. and the eurrr•t lofirtnitiol. of 1 outh and %fatality, by Dr k 'rs\, kturtalo. N ever of Shun iv. Ijoay+trerla, ( umta ism A 310 AT ilifiliNT/ Fit' INVUNTIInv. An iontrutnent for tbr our. 4.l C.nnsl Itebtl rte , or Noetortoti ittntwitons mo, prrq.rly known a. Srplitut) - Heathrow. ite. Cso be pertoweet:, rtlfi.l in from ftfliwn days to two otootlie I) the 14•0 01 11.4 IhntnMent, vt hen used owajotatly with nemitentew. YOCNU MEN TAKE I'AUTICI 1..1k N4/TICE. Dr- Al(OS k firls take pl.a.ur e in announcing. that they betel. ineeeted avnntt tin inirtnut nnitrinni•nt f. the cute of the above &wino.. It Int n •tkiw.rtnil to • tnnt by the innnt eminent ity it.. in Load... p a Ylala.lrlpbta ant: New York it him hero declared the only torrftil iortruktent rver tut nt. for the cure of tietutnal Weaknesa, I.r any thee.. of the rgan owned by the norm( ii•bilk of ~nt It Pr., $lO. by mail or ..cprinin REMEDIEs• %N.!) QI ecEits. Dr. Auxin it Son mai 1., ,olooito.i nun, w n• n i n ,ce , n the mortang until L nt Light, to etufy etas, and r, mptom u( thorax., Secondary aymptotna, Seminal Wraknres, Im potence and Strictormf of the rrethia, awl alt tt.w dr e adful ettoeuntte arising from lectrt helot. of youth, !Hai produces arwuditutkmaJ debility, rendore martial* illiposeible t sad to the-mil destroya I.r th b..dr god mind The treiltuisai the, Moot lot the moll of op. ward. of thirty rare' oeternr, .t..! „ r . tier In Eurqmr nod America A CURE WARIIANTED Valuable Land for Sale. July 16 1666.--41t1 13 KS, IffNmd;im4 Paper, Statfaaery, PARK ROW BOOK STORE Erie, VA. 24, taro G.',00. IS , D 4 ?MA DAY OPCNiNIi a Spleadia iimiarttoolit rich Gilt Cbitia Vases, Motto Cops sad &Lacer% Moo, raruttotticks, and ► emit variety of usrpuL ANSI ORMAlitifita, ARrief.ti, gu wad.. F o r thi• likivint Cake Basitste,Tea Pa* ri dilviar Cup., York}, SPOOWS Ladim, Napkin Ring},(Lariattlel itarnaj and leis nf rick Kat• ch... and rivalry 1:444,41 , -411kla mad we. krir, Lire P. WK. MoOARTER & KELLOGG. 111,1 E areocistteti with me in the tim e,'" and Provision business 8. Y. 8R1.1.084i, the houttoos ttll beret/tor he conducted In the mime and ite4 ',tarn a ati.i,fmat. VS.. hoar 11. 1808.-1 .1088 PH 11148.1=8. DERSoNS WA N - TiNii CH AN'OII.; uF ehtutte his Iseult h. Se• vertissunen tor Ilaansnos on Lands. another column. 6.11•1 Al'I'LF: PEA It EltS.— to doze .Frarr•ra that will de the work uo isiatkket Mr *Me "err tow by J Aug 2t, MN. FIN NETS.--A few dui.. of Cotton an Litwin, Hon., Nola, cheap at J. SKUJENS. pr "A I.I. WANTING FARMS. SEE A ~.r t iortnwnt or Hammonton Lama.. num PURE: LAM) tJIL: Satiable for Sarnia/ and taarisartatir karranteti giro sattatieti..o (Vat ad 7 r .IT. .t hALDwyvit Dirca:STaita.No. 6, Nord Beam 24, U rSTI F. IN THE mu) T.l • Ali US VI 01., Li) !" ,, A Y to 1..,y triratitt and ttor public to imperil that I hare rotoraoroted tbo aril Ready Made Irtrathhig ilitelsens, In all It. ,anon. hriLneboll. to the Store latoly oteupted by Mr. row, on tin. Public Sloan.. betwern Mronrs'n Hotel and 'Lbw flown., .ben I • I.: • ndvarmr to ban. at time. I choice nelretion of VIAITIMS CANN& MlitiNitek. AND W MNTINGS. hien i will puke up to utiler upon train notice. and arrant to x i. r ratio.otion or nu flair, romonr, In want thing 14 my low MD 411110 , 1 A upon bottle Wily dealt with. a. INM 11.,1 is, • up nor Auu. Wu but Purls ssn ss , tit ,irr oalsallls tuns Making J. stso.: ar .11111., 1. R.LAD Y DIADE CLOTHING, .1,,,e wriii r!.. of" 11..en* mikho. sling .arrant •1 t” twr as ro,ft , ellotioy nloririori. I . • roos to' , time.. i,! !or l' %NI i aro Invited t.. call and 0,...a11/. lily 1...0.1. sod him., /.> t am deter-mm.l to sell heap for ( *Oh. inrr MITI Nt.l Oar no obort notice awl warranted kirla b IP.. :A Jit ' JOHN H. Jt'STION. 11 . TWASCARE MUTUAI, INSUR- A \ , C. , ~I )l'A\l' ilk , 1•1111.A11),1.11.11A. ARE w a l utg buoloess On the Ruins' plan, gym's' the 1.. *.ove, x partietialson in the profila ol the t..rnpo nt, vrl (Lou .111111,t. v loryond the prennum ;Atli n R up.,” I:Jalee and Canaan Inrurtml 012 the gon.t ia orstale trans'. I.ntrs will lithoraily and promptly adjo•te , l n ttn•rniinAoiln.n.llUll4,nok pr.l otb,r prippriy •• untrv. 1.,. a lifnile.l tvlllll4.lrMAl3O3lll LI f It F.CT()Kti. . Jo...pi, II :' , ....1, Jan.... c' li an a. 110., 1 .111:t, I AI" 1 . ..1,.1,n I . 1,.‘ up, r....1.e11 Mitrtim, John Garrett, 111101 r rntz, -arn»..l Edgrat , la 116 al , I.aarr,u,.., 1.n11.1 Fl ....itacry, -. 1, , . • Re/ , .. 1.4.- R limo, , , • , F , ta•f %F. 1111 am 'May. I. t :'n ', I.r R. 11. Mena ,l, ..1 ..i.ri, a • : 4 pracs r 11,11vaixt t,..,,,v. •,.. r•• ~ :tam .1 N.wlell, t. 'wardn/ l it ,l. ~ .11.1111 I' I, .‘,...r. I. I' , 1.1 • 1., If Jtil). . 1',,.. kr } .I,rl. , ati A10.1.14,r, P. 4 ,7 . 1 KO I.lntr•, F.n.• Vl\ 11,1 I: ' ; v ; I•nr.• I ”irr 11.-101 , ran tr bad at April 141.1 KMA 1 11 .‘ PEN TEki:' A )4 (I N TI 11:4 t s lx , v• 1.41.1111.. n• I , • n.. I , oturr AttOrk • and J../ .141 1t../a, mat, . • I tuifot •Amtp4. , • in '1 • ell I , I. I I I I ' XII: Ai 7•4 k, 1 , 141.4 Ina of all kI. • Alatlq, 14. 4,1 10:11(1,11 • ; • , GI NI ) ,N 1.1'; to Tuns Per.% (:r,, ,l I. " "'I ", ilang.nef..., rule. - i i N. G kl'E 4; it F.l k I• . it..-t ~ii, ni Ittn, fr.on tMI.YI. "1.(110. fig, tt tt- ttt t twit ...sato. 'ow P•;•• Itte n , , 111• n it.. thither colotiln • . .1 K 1859. Fall Trade! 1859 1-111 1 XTEN , IVP: 1311q11:Tt European Manufactured 1) try (i 00 DS EMEEEZI If VERY LOW PRICES ! 1 Ylll-I:Sti S'TT,Kt- 4 ! We'll .1 .V/1 P. I kt' Large V:tri,t Bleached and Brown Sheetings, and cmt r , r.irsilVint•eli l At No. 5, Exchange Row, Erie, Pa Sept. 17 - 1. - ) WM. 1tK1.1., .11t.. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! W Fare. How pr.•pe ardto 11, .fir , Are 11/ Alta of frrOr , 4 nett. le,,er 411 { priers than have ell, - brOn Mit n krie Cotffity ttnr tuis,rtment comp tite. a il • tivel.trt. improt wt, 1131.41 whwil may lo• fi et ot.l the Banner, Plymouth heck. Eclipse, Empire, Brilliant, Herald, And Dumber "(other dertrablr styles a Meru...) /tr.n. Ala. the Juntl) onlettrated May Itos re, Bower, Buena V tota, and a nuother of other pnttrrne of Low ,tern Store...- AI. tilt. VI...Mg t; inr•, Cottage twiny., Illnairl Parlor, Oton Fnutttni. and A large wombs of Plate, liNi I, I 'fft,`, Sell Itegulsto....rot o li, stot t, .f Olttp.l tor tiustiltes winch se It tli twit for earh, Lumber, Beef, (earn, .or testier ts general, at brow flgotett than any boar*. In the City, and .. esets ,t th e n, t. TOV. entire aatiaLetion. T o pe t snn a wisblag any thing in the *hoer lin. we would ray thee as a Call and eon guilt not be disappointed At the lt Vonntlryt. !t,' iTCorner Of 'AMP and iltb At. Erie, A ug.l3, lath—late HARR k JOILN:tON. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT AN EW and , ure phut for obtainin g (att.o WATCHES, sod other es), sc.! , I , till particulars fii en In stalowier, whir% will he pent Ale tr. all 11T1 ppl rikt top. t skiable Gifts, ...rtit eta. to ;toil, ARAN • TEED to I.sch porritsiter, $1(4 . 1,000 to ilifte hsee 4at itioteihuteil to to. palrotot within the port ./ 1 month's sl:lo,Uuo to b. ot•It 'totted dutlog the nett rot tuoothe. The _toittertnehis..lterail to A croteitre more H 4•1.111,01 u, o 4e of soy other boom , in the bush:two% Haring hr.., in the ruhlori.ons , neu for the lad richt tear*, net eltp,rloO., rnahlra me to ronduet, the Hal Enterprise a nth the ,; - tatty.l asti•facttoo to all. sW" ANTI.II u.. rert Town mid Count Pariah partlto Ism stldrrOm OV A ); g R uj quxl"..r City Publishin g listus s , South Thiel Street. Rept. 24,:iftiff hilade this. USE CROSBY'S ILLONITIC BALK ! F )lt Rll Et' Al ATISII, Ii F.. 4 I) E, Tbrent, itwrlb..l Fate., Feloss. Cramps, Plies, sprains, Kruhtes, nt• Steams, I; and., .. Aug, Joints, A•iptleit Russia, : l ure Toothache, which it will cure in Irons Inn minutes, t hilblaltin,l urns, tore nr Tender ret, I - badness ur PairSalF. Aunt, Lazio BSA, , du It is also e q ually eftleselous ID the cure of diseases la Itorwes, or other an lassie, stir," as itingbane Sparta, Oleo; Founderet Feet, Leanness. rontranttult of ll* / 1 11011 Sprain& Mud Gana. Scratches, Crashed Nests, Old Poll Xvil, /br, Although this is a am article, now fur tiot And Utue brought Defers the public, yet It has been severely kyted in a great number of cases, and found all that is claimed for It, as certificates now is the pnesession of th. Proprie tor Asset. Proprie tor, a loins yid try it sad if it So not all it Is ream mend. Mans it lad your toorwy will ta rehodod C. CHOOSY awls insuulisittioar sod Progoristor, thin Shoot, ; sad sold by L. I. ItAIJAVIN. gide ; - SLKENCII, Widortoid. Pries. 26 Cents per Holds July 211 11511.—W1. CASH paid for Wheat, Rye, l'orn and Oats at the tee city Wills. Farmers g ive UM a nat. spill . n B HA V IttOITICII J Mir-4 1411,101, ,4:ty' iv /set, (Oran! WALT.ePA.PER, &a., GE iii. P. ENl4ltafor, Pri“Priet•r• Firm. ler , %. h ., • 1 I , I 14, I:\ l' ..5, S ric It r 'S.' 1:. li To 1411.1: THEM Ti) C 0 I\T S NI" IR, S I AM NOW RECEMNO STAPLE . C LOTHS, SHAWLS, =ECM Quaker City Publishing House ! I 00.000 ( o,LAlzl,ip AND 10 /,1•1 , :‘,.% 1;- - .11iii . \ Super.. ,, I n. 111... ht , 1v (ht FRESH ARRIVAL-I • AT Tat R Ai MU•I 't, ...: N • - .0. W "It EZ:Lbea found n i g y l itat i 'r; BOOTS, SHOES! L IiIATHEIt. Rubbers and Findings, Ever brought to this market, wii,i will sold lower than the saine quality 0 goods ran he sold west of New York twit • Wholesale Department Ti thoroughly replenished, mud es Sr. prepared to m.„,, rot' NTRY MERCHANTS And MA Nt'VOITTREIN with every article la the had*. at Woe that °hetet* the oeceeetty of their ping east for a supply, thereby saris/ thr thee and expense of a trip to the At bin tie either. To thew who emit To have Booth or Shoes Made to Measure!' we wiiniJ as) that, we still retain the services ma. X.II.3I'ES COTTER. whose ittliiity aud experience has rained fur hue, as. deeerredli too, the reputation of Malin ` the best HoON and SUOVO nianufaetarmi in this section of roman Our work is warranted, in ail cure, to lit or oo /Lit Eir The wants of Ladies simi Child...a hu not be., anberiorl in our late purchase., of lamb tact they wol t. convinced by indling anti esatnining the goods Rabbets tarnished at Nwr York wilts/two pm... adaGg tranaportatieb• Kris, txt. 1, Abe. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. IT Is a tact that, at soma perisel, every member at tbr. human WWI is subject to disease or dultitrbanee of u., b o dily kg* owl; but, •lth the aid of a good tome so: the *Aires of plain common reuse, they may to she a to resafater the system as to secure permaaent hesitc.- In Dreier to sacompluill this drawn object, Use true mane to pursue Is certainly that *bleb alb produce a mature elate of things at lb* Mast bawd of rital strength z ed life. For this purpose, LW. hosteller has introdumo t. thi s e nu n try a preparahon bearing Ms risme, aloe/itemt a new needicirie, bat one that has been tried for year, giving natianntion to all who have used It. Th. bitter. operate powerfully on the stomach, buweis and I iv.; storing them to s. healthy sad vigorous action, sae rho, Lj a il , sim ple prooens of atreergtheming nature, risible ti s , s.) item to triumph 01.1. thasaue. For the ears of Dyspepsia, indigestion, Nausea, Nis leuey, Loma of Appetite, or any billions Complaints, so slog from • morbid Inaction ol the Stomach or Eke..., producing Cramps, liye,ulery, Coe r, Cholera throw hitters hawe no equal iiind - rboes, Li) foolery or blot , w generaliy footrace by new settlers, nod caused principally by the change • 'satyr sod diet, will be speedily regulated by a taut'. of this preparation, fiy spepwia, a disease *loch iv po ie ably wore prevalent, in ail its Varied forms, than soy .r, and the foam. of fehlels may always be attributed derangenientit of the .figeative orgasm, VW be cur,: out lad by using lIONTATTKit'S m per directions ou the bottle. bur this diarist 0.. phpu e i.r, will recommend Bitten. of some kind Irby Do lineup article known to be infollibbei All bane. !Lave their iilttela, an a prerentativo of donor siren ig then., 1.1 the ill.lcUl to grUerla; and 1111.1oUi1t4s 11,11 there to lot to he - found a more healthy lb. German*. from whom th 4 prevention eniauate:, 4 nod upon ementidc expennieots which base 1...b.*. prove the valu e ot this heal pr..l"Citlc,U m the 10. • niciilCnisrurnee raVall. •Nu aura —This trying and provoliog goly".•13 1t,,. it. 11.1..011../4 gC•111, nn 11/w1.41 01 tools, .4. tog h., to r shadow 113 • •taort time, am , 11., ph) orally •Mt Mel:IA.111V Utrele., non .1, it.h ir• th. hody by the u. of Hi lit F.TTi.ti'r. fthNi \ID r TER, 1 orther, loon of the al.* r-.listr.l c”utraietirsS, VIrVIS it, le si...arat s%tuaat.• pa . II 4s per. thr• CLII•11, •I as U.. rata r cra aal• ...rinnl tla. ;axial., 444 mode, LI I••••• • aura 3,11, cpl c• 1 thel rrl• rubrrut , don ul •crJll.ll, t UFr•rsi , r .4 1111 d falrarp 4.14.1 la. .III;. .1..4, 11. tart rai a t , 1110•(4 is 5ata....111) I 4 •1•••••11.1e• IA •cI I, 1,.t ara. rr . 1 hr. la.' la rrata•/ I .riar.a. e. I an.- /of Prrrotos a 401 . 14 1 car.. •I. c• • •••• r• 111 1.111.,1•Icr4 follc011:01tar itti I 11 v. , I , • I= 11l w.l •• I.r 111n1 e. • A aI(f•*: p ot. .IU 1:11:.... 11. t.., • I•• 1,.• i 1 • 1,, 11,, r• %It e546.4k ..1 , • ••• •b• 1,,,/16,4 the 1 .:11 1 Art...15, %t., It ..1.. w5ll, I alto. .I TIC . % V.• Ali... I• tisibg ..1 Ihr I,auv •• •,• i•Lit 1,01114.$ Kies I hl,r M 1 /CM. itllll,, t1..1 Nee :L. .4411 1 14.11.• 1 , . a.. ••11, 11, COI, • - .1. lola •,.‘ II". MI tall, car \ I flu,: 11., ••rk oil 11,••• I.IIS. l'rrpar,d 111,srErrivit 5.11177! •••(I frt , Cr r., 'lnd y. Ile taltq rliitt .S . torteN, 'altatill. nor I If many CAHTKR k littf , ev.ll' ItALL,F, ti F.1.1', Girard. if SiikNIIAS 1.10s4; At 1.1., ► aArl trw. J“,, I NEW GROCERY. CA VI II EY 1110 all Have .P1,1)..4 a Grow*" sled Prot. , Store In Beatty • r 141,k. \..rtL r,tv k I Ow %oil V. , whvtr a 04.1 ~31.1,1, 1 I* * : , l I 5111.1" 1;10 111 PRI/ I ••111EV.4 I=l rff:z3 QI MITI MAI" es rut __ A WOODEN & WILLOW WARE rr Cub aid the. his be.t Msrirnt pried. tatl. lot • k Couatrr. ('rr•Jur' ti 4'. CACGHFfY, trio, April 23. 1559 FARM LAN Et IR SALE from %htladtdpbuthy itadroati tntb. Mate Jersey Soil among tho best for Alitirultutal poop"'"` bring a Korot loam sail, • itti a clay bottom Tbe doh a lamr tract, divided totes small (arms, nod butoindifr all parts of the country Sr. Dow sottltag atol botido• The or ups product," are large and can bo Iberia en‘• ,ll , The climate I. delightful, and serer from foot* Try, from $l5 1.. V.) per acre. payable withal four r oar br clalmenta. To resit the place- loots tin. Street NI at Philadelphia at Iff t A At liy ItattroaJt , Hanoi% on' or aditreita K. J. NT rues, lor totter, I i5.4111... 1 .•0 lee , is Atlantic County, New Jersey see WI adiertiretueot *not hor eolomn. fon• STILL IN THE FIELD ! L. I. BALI)WIN W MILES ti E t ir 11E7111 DRUGGIST AID APOTHECARY N" 5. Retd /low , HA VI NG rei.14.111.11,41 not .took, 1 Low I ,l...pared 10 fuenleh the htllosing .9." 11 3 , SP lon' an they inn "bbilnaAtt sue re• liniment In thle reetion DROis, MENCIN (111:MIC.I PA 1 NTs. lli. . VARN NIIE DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY PAINTER's ARTIci.F>. W 1 N D(INV 4; I,AS-4 AND 1' (' TT V. The Drug-nand fillinifeities are warrauteit tot.. tro , Lis . avid aettuf fie. I hare view OT/ head Ib4 rimeti fat • " rope riot ate,* of Pine Havana and Principe Cigars. Also Pure Wines and Brandies actEnxedi.i. 'rte.:. AA Warty tirt•toptly (Mod tatiabtetion eutraat." reran! to price awl quality Er iti , PLACE ' No* 3 IteriFliamme, Elle, ri Nov. S. I $.41. _ 500 Noir); wisp( riving . au saaiirttorat 110 : , Woods. Etuuch, amitliah sod Auttrican, for tale km 4U CAME* OE' ERIE CITY MILLS T R. HN AEfts-lin:, Provrivtor , 4 • Axp WitoLtitAut ♦vt , RpllL Pc s , " Flour_ Corn Meal, Mill Feed. SAORT SI , BRAN, OATS, CoRN, At. FLOUR AND FRED STOLE. At my OW staid, Keele's Work, UPC door goo' terser, fast side of the l'ark, French stn-et..,l,''"' l 1".. constantly on hood K 411 kimis of Illy .• .sf , lag. Corn Neal sad WM r«...a, Bran and ' flats. its-, .11 of %bleb sill tor .01.1 at Om lours% w•s . rates, Strufts fss , thuot, and ..lo;tve , eal fur. of durc• M. /IA N.RSTIt Apetl3ll,lllUl _ _ FARM FOR SALE ! rr E undersigned offers for sale. persable terms, • samoll bat ralvable time.." teWpabbil vmminiru, trio amity, situate shoat SP said a walk* Iron the Ittieri•hleg of tte' . berg. Raid Ur. cantatas an twee of teed lint '• atesod bottom. bud. herinty-$n of uteri is to 1 r rt•tie of letproreeeert : It bas a routig ated groorni chard, together with a ertortnintial Wu. The tem.' be mad* reef, and as neeseirritkietable title gine tortbor partieulang enquire of H. berlAsse. of am subserfetor at Waterfheti. Fate Oct. t. 111319--ILtf. $ KYaNuKih PERSONS W ISii i NI; TI )I . ii Ni I" business to a rapidly larrrasing A bottiesseet whore bu0.b.16 aro suing. //w `luw sad soil is delightfal. Saw aiivsrtiraient thr Eto =Won Settlonow4t.u.tb.r Nallvau ewe lio. is SION Or ?Hz BIG 1111011! HARR k KELSEY I= iote 1 • f k INlh, IND R. CA( GHET F rie. Penn