The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 21, 1860, Image 2

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H. F. S I 0.%N, Etltte.r.
I'Eltll.B. $1 60 PER Y EA4 IN ADWA.NUY:
SATU RDA Y. JANUARY 21, l•q;(1.
Democratic County Convention
A Derne.eratte County Coneeuttou out be held to the
City of Kris, no Tuesday, the 7th day of February pest,
at 2 o'clock, P 11 , for the porpore of appointlueleleirstee
to the t' tate Couventlon, sod to transact such other bu
•1141 ,4 ILA ma) cam. b44..14. the Cotteeuttoo,ll4lol.lll4l,l , Mil
to the Interest "(the totrte
Primary tueellugs will le held iu the several Townaht
Horourhe. and Ward• In the t of Brie, at the petal
places Ytt holdhat Use T.ssualsty, and Rorough el,taosa
.0 the Count), and at the t aud Couttoo• Coutvil
ho, Ulf in the Eaet and 1t , .t Ward,. tor I h.. Cite of •F.tie,
vitt :.'aturdat the 4th ant Fehroare, AU. Ines), bet•
the Lours .51 atv.t 4•• t," L, e , It :
Ltie, v. t
ine " °Sock, P
3 ow:
C. hI ilh•lifAl
t t
Ene, I•n. 7, 1,01..
Our Postal Service
Won c.kli..oi.•rra
Die 'lwo m r'••
~i..erva: ~n r•• ..t :h Pict
it • ~•,1111,1
- !kw 111•1 f 310
ni aii•l
Yr 1.1 4, I
“t lir •14.1. Li 144,11. 4i
, 111. t 111.1t1-• 111:10110i
Wii h IC II Wit•nt 11,14 .1 I 11;•
i..1111”•111 lip•ot LI rel. in 1
, vlO,l :4. his.. I.oen 1%.11.%
the ettwrgew. he
lif.ll , u.l.letrly nl ertreqwervdly n. 8-
,11111.• threk•II•111 1 r0,h411.-hildiahmeril
,0 illy 0 per1...1
%ohm I. L e p Li \ s ,,, . 1 , : . 41 ,1
wall 1....1/111.1111/11y genenoly
a,•. 4 ll4iitlvd lea. 4 iltey fliir,l to
Ain't] ..r .ii.t /111,1
irbiti •rt II 1,!'1".1 , .. ii i r11: 4 1111,11 4 1ZYfIll'il!
11,1 ice 'h.). MYR!
ku the ekkuditiou ok . the inetelkont who iko. not
"bay troAti beyond hi* eatkil3l. but who
trig 111. , purolovsed good,i rtt * 'in.( re
duction from tho ro , d, mondy for tho cake of
attending • 1111.1110. , • 1111 torthor. Ack•ord
kuir to the oeeepted. hut h+ we tire indicted to
think, tollackukt+ thew y. tho lhoit k office Lie-
pvi 'nem e xpeete.l he self-su , tftining: anal
whew.' er the yenrty cotoilet with
this che"cy, rite 1,,, m.tiee rate!} fu)l•
pre- 4 Il• •11 4 -ott i4ftietiqn 11 it limit heeling
the , tiggestion ot experience. or stopping to
,onsnley hew this fancied theory ran he real
ized, ot hoa the accumitlattny
of the Depattuient can he it .charged, the pop
ular voice continues to demand cheaper and
still cheaper rates of postage. a further even
btuu of mad routes. and an increase of pd , tal
tacilities generally. till. by the ill-advised ac-
not ut Cungre-s iu re.pouse to ihia popular
demand, the Pugt t Ilhct ebtalilisliment is made
to lengthen its voids without strengthening its
stakes. by folhiair i g the example of the reck
less merchant NIA extend. hi. Intaine.. he
yund his capital, and huts more goods than
he can pay for out :of his legitimate means,
and sells what he hialys at a price far less than
the cost
We have gone on iveducing he rates of post
age till the most rapid service and the hest
accommodations are afforded us at a compara
tively nominal coat. We have extended the
postal service to an excessive degree. and es
tablished mail routes to the' distant 'portions
of our widespread country, and through sparse
and even uninhabited districts, where the re
turns could not by any possibility hear any
proportion to the necessary expenditure; and
have thus, while in.listing upon the self
sustaining theory. done positive violence to
the principle upon which it is founded. The
Postmaster specifies six of these unprofitable
routes, in which, during the year past, there
has been an actual loss to the government of
$1,17'8,629. Thai is to say, the postal receipts
from the six routes are less in the aggregate
by that amount than the actual cost of the
service to the government. The El Paso mail
from St. Lout to San Francisco. fur instance.
has coat 00.000 dollars, while it has yielded
a return of '27,':':!+ dollars only. The poet of
fice at Salt Lake city yields a revenue of but
TOO dollars, and yet, to connect that office with
the valley of the Mississippi and the Pacific,
the Department has expended the past year
320,000 dollars. The weekly mail from San
Antonio. Texas. to Sun Francisco, California,
has coat about ff,200,000, while the receipts
from it have been $6OO only. And so on. The
result of this unbusiness-like course of pro
ceeding is, that by pretty rapid strides we
have approached the bankruptcy which now
stares us in the face. But a few years ago the
Post Office Department was, to nay the least. in
a sou nd.wkolesorne. and even flourishing condi
tion. If not absolutely self-sustaining. it was
by no means a burden upon the National es
chequer. It was affording to the densely pop
ulated portions of the country, and to all the
commercial cities, the advantages of frequent
and rapid postal service, and to scattered set
tlements and distant sections all reasonable
mail accommodations. This it was enabled to
accomplish at a comparatively trifling charge
upon the public treasury.
The mail service is one of the necessities of
our politics{ life. The duty of maintaining it
is confided t o the Government for reasoni - Which
are obvious, could not be entrusted to pri
vate enterprise. It is an integral part of our
governmental system. and necessary to the
whole It is to be administered for the gener
al benefit, and beyond a moderate specific tax
upon those who enjoy it■ immediate advan
tages, it is as justly and properly a charge
upon the public treasury as is any other part
of the system or department of government.—
The question, therefore, whether the service
can be made to pay its own cost, is an imma
terial, or at least a •=econdary one. The rates
of postage should be fixed with reference pri.
manly to the accommodation of the public, and
incidentally only to the question of renumer
ation. Individuals should make a reasonable
compensation for specific advantages derived
from the serviee : but no more than reasonable,
in view of the fact that the service hits indirect
and collateral, as well as direct and specific
advantages—its highest object being the gen
eral welfare A high or unreasonable rate
would defeat the purposes of the system as a
beneficent institution of government. There
is no substantial reason why the postal serv
iee, any more than the military or naval
sevens, should he self-sustaining. The pre
motion of the common welfare is a duty no
lees incumbent upon the government than that
of provision fur the common defence.
The policy we have pursued, however, in
the management of the postal service has led
us very far astray from the self-snmaining
theory. There must be a day of reckoning for
the Post Office Department which expends its
means recklessly, or makes its outlays wisely,
as well as for the Mitcham who squanders his
profits in wastedid speeulation. or sells his
wares ruinously below the oast. Our Post
011ka SC•01111t1 for several years back have
been showing us a deficit, increieleag from year
to year, till it has reached the frightful amount
of nearly *oven millions of donors. The ques
tion is not. as we thick, whether the rates; of
postage should be racreased, or the postal
terries diminished, or whether any system .of
retrenchment or emminny can be stimlial to
meet the emergeseles of the SispirtlMlNK and
provide ... 6oam* &tare defiedenedes ; bat wheels-
PI K.• 11
tlav ler ju.l,ototpil retvier.• I A.• 't
mei! route, .•an 64' rorteded h:r • ot • •
without detriment to the general mterest- •
without 4uel Jiving the hentineetu iutt•ut h
k. / .111•%..).- -We are 111 , 1ebte.1 $ Ar,
l'Ark Eft for (*.life- of 1.1•+ refs ‘1f..53g...4
intuihe pee‘erat Irgtylnrnre, vetoing
tv-two ..r three hill. Ole I i-•
We have not read th.•..‘ ,
quite neeelsaary that rc• isilaMbi. 1 . 1,.•t.• t• .1
time WI WI/ ucn I ,lute w..ti1,1 1%0 •,
perlithe nectomii" ..ti
to hare defendeA
Lien' Undo,
it..outli+ of Ow Th tt i in •
nm our reakkr4 will irve.,11... I, ill,
were in ltah:t •.e ,•‘‘.% y ,•\ •
11%, 111/(J ititerN,e , l hir velv 401 M, '1 ;
ple an.' the hasty ii!lllll.con..i•li•r. I
Of heir repreoetitiitkre., rim( •iii
11) Ili er, ,t
-1`;"4 1 ,
W." Isc‘i
Viilltlgt`ll.llW ri 1 I'c• I:I IC .ti 111.• -ig,• velorrig a couple •.1 I
ken. :incl rorry ih,
ror . ..rd. hi , %.11. , •4 n` •.n. •I. c I 'in I
ei,roj.• •
\ el. , ha , eea -0•1 r. 13,%.• •iti 1 ;tii •
the grotti 11111t , t nt , in I.ns o•o
in many h 1;1 it... 1 ;1,.• p •
then liken I, y OW lit I !li.• ..•I
Are II ;M. 1,111111, Hint i h.• ,
of the hare ek• • the old) pl.,— •
have :tpr:“ tot c i• h 1.1 .
ii!norant tkom The •••..h v r ‘..e., t1
th.mitht ..orr, • At
•,i•m t •I •,. ••
integt ity t iiJ wi-d .of Deuwerrt
It titre the Esetritile mll err in bi- %et".
hill. tart thlit 14 eit.ily remedied t.l a rwa
tlri e pfro'in it i+ver ht. heat. We opine
that the ardy - i• itt the nrifre T iefif
Of Ihr wirer, and that the Executiv.• .I, ,al.l
elo evertdAi/l. withaat regard 10 111011. 1,11,11
corrupt 1L1101n.4 have lieeri u.e.l far it. 1111.44,....
In 0141 ell4e we .111,01161 11.1 T,• ri•WOr 1111••• ,11•1
te.wrr men .Iteiriiil.l 'wing. 11W tit it.
asy- TIAP other .I.ty'lhi• tiovertiro of I •
i—+(te.l ortler..litt•trging t;•.• I-
Of the Se , oll , i. 1114411000 •,1 111
hoary. >i k ‘I 111-11 111 4+
not a Ll r tomitiend to the .little. 9i111 . 1 . --
The t., :wend io 11.0 , ntititlry
tlutiet isrbsel from 6i being •tirrotiti , lol with
nine indicttaeut. and nuuterwt. stone. null brick
wall.. and iron grating..
clear thinker, in hi. capital .perch Tgoittil
ny celehratinn, after rettiarkinir that the
mtitution waii the wiseo goVerri cm. ri eVer
devised by wan, that ,leseritm.l the .li-helw.-
era in this opinion :
"We have a class among us, not 1111111er(111 , .
but active and restless, the victims of morbid
idioayncracies, who think differently. who do
not believe:ln it, and who in their dislodwr a.-
sume to he purer than Wa%hington. wiser than
Franklin, more sagacious than Madison and
Hamilton, and more patriot ie than the ..tamers.
the Morrises, the Kandulphs, the Nlason, the
Pinkneys, and the other great men, who. In the
Federal Convention, consulted and lahored to
gether, and surrendered up great intere,i,. for
the common good.-
A Sus —The National Union Central Com
mittee, of which Mr. CR ITTEN I.tri
has issued !I Circular' recommending the for
mation of Union State organization.. nod of
Union ('lobs in Wards of Cities and in clown.
and electiom districts throughout the country.
The purpose is to form a National Union Pirty
that shalt stand hetween the two extreme.,
Tie PARTY or P.t.t . ;:nEtt.—The Republican
party is emphatically a party of plotoler.—
Wherever It obtains power. defalcations. and
peculations upon the publir funds follows as a
matter of oourse. It is nit many nmnths since
the country was startled by the atupetattis
talent ions of the Repultlicitn treasurer of Witt),
and now Nona Maine and Mich
igan we hear of similar emndoet ott the part of
Republican officials. Thn Maine defaulter is a
Mr. PECK. the State Treatlurer AdviceQfroto
Bangor. the seat of Geverhment, state that the
amount of his defalcationl has not been ascer
tained, but, fr4m certain;indications, mast be
suite large. $lOOO,OO perllaps. The Treasu
rer was concerned in lumbering operation; to
a great extent in Canada. and. itt urder hi raise
money to meet his obligStions in that quarter
has used the credit of the: State Ilk bowls.
menmostly Bantu- Neil Doty ts one
of them. Mr. Peck. the Treasurer, Wrlq form
erly a Freewill Baptist minister, and 14.1 ,. for
several years editor of the Temperance Jour
nal, published at Portland, and became Tressu ,
rer of State on the accestion to power of the
Republican partyin I It:At
The Michigan swindle is thus related by
the Detroit Fr" Put..
It has been known in this city f o r thre e or
four weeks past that, through the mismanage
men,, or something worse, of tfte State admin•
istratiou, the Sault Ste. Marie Canal fund had
failed to realize from the hoods henietl in pur.
nuance of the act of the last Le. islature pro
•iding fur the extensive repairs of the canal,
and that the probability was that the fund
never would realize front them, or the greater
part of them. We have remained silent in re
lotion to the matter, because we thought the
State adminstration itself would communicate
with the public concerning a State nfthinga of
the highest public importance, and because we
had hoped to have an official explanation °fall
the circumolanees of the affair before comment
ing upon it Ourselves
It was estimated that the neceasary repairs
orate canal would oust one hundred thousand
dollars, &ad./this was the sum for which bonds
were authorized to be issued by the net of. the
last Legislature.- The set provided that the
bonds should not be negotiated at less than
their par va!ue. and. chat the proceeds should
be used fort no other purpose than the elm
jemplated repairs. AA we , -underst and it, the
bonds were negotiated4rith the Artizan's Bank
of New York, an institution which has never
stood high in monetary circles, and the pro
ceeds left with it, subject to the draft of the
proper State officer at Lansing. It seems that
this State officer tfrey for some sPrraty thousand
dollars of these proceeds in favor of 11. HA
selton & 80., a firm of broker. lately doing
business In this city, *hore banking concern
collapsed the other day. It Is said that the
Artisans' Bank honored the draft, and that B.
H. Haselton & Co., instead of paying the pre
meds of it over to the Sault Ste. Marie Canal
devoted them to their own uses, and do not
evince any disposition to pay them over. These
seventy thousand dollars are lost to the Cans'
Whether the Stara administretion is only
guilty of the grosest mismanagement and in
competency, or, through some one or more o
its 'Reinhart, is guilty of criminal collusion with
others In s successful scheme to rob the canal
fund, remains to be ascertained.
The Btate Treasurer has kept scarcely any
deposits in the banks of this city for several
months pest, the only hanks in which he was
authorised to diqxeit treasury lmbinees. Ws
are eriedibly informed that he has hatl'relatiotts
with banking concerns in New nut. of await •
ful ponsibility. Whether this state of
facts as anything to do with the en/Paper of
the t will perhaps be sometime known.
Titd raw of doe loss of - seventy thousaid
delimit of the anal loan must be. an esti*
ameba e4the Legislature to provide for a new
team or tudeansent of repairs tolls. canal.
which ha e hitherto been represented as indi , .-
- -
sir As fieldmice says Col. Sam Colt, of
Hartford, has mode arraegements to establish
a sammfaetevy for fire arms at Richmond, ','a.
AU riglit—ilie-eaters should oeitainly have a
tre-armamaaullsettery among them!
1,1 ':•• • s
Lh• • 0,, 11
;,.,111 . .. ,ti; ‘r In.. reCel“
I:, • -er• OPis. unt.ll-111.7
n n• 1 i fr;..11 , 1 t Harr; -tltir.o r
1:11+ , 1 ..(/ I'l.•rK ..1 ifs.••i!•
it. i : th,. itvri l l,l l o l l,4 ..t h 1.1 Rl,l, in
I.qt - -11: I . tli I .il•• l‘ I-
.pi 1,. bi )11.))1111
r 11.• \I I I ':n•run 'lg e I 11 ,
.0.• re,klr.-. 1•3• 4 -Inil : him
$ rn \ h r..
1 ' i1;-huraii':u1•1 1;,, rn it lii ,Ll,l.
(Now \ eitlt lip
Owl .•f h , • ,•;+ •:t
I-1 0111 ••• .u••. t:l' 111.1%
I. .t .1111”
311.1 la.-..l i h. , ntit . hut 'Rim! I , 0
•tpl .14 --t
Ci of f t. ..•ntt I boo
" • L" ‘I: I;u• el ! I:"
E,.,,.‘,,,.. t‘
1411.• , .. 'lll'l "1% :Ili utor, rite. r
f . I \ I I 'III. - Icatr
.:111 . 11111'10 h• 1 , 1P1•k I I'll
Sili'l'llllTl 1114 1.,•,. II :-The•Avy T!,••
•Icc ”1 . lour 411 nioiuird
gun , 4einorairttims
i..y were ilusite.ltmel re.•,1‘,1, m“ , 11 Tilt
T • • ~
• :%:.11,111,4 -11.3• 1111.
Is ).• 4 %,%49111.,114. 7irt.lll 11. 113- 1)(3:1111.. 1 I
1.1111“ . !ht.!' 1...• - 13 . 1.411, .1• rojutt ,•.1
11.,‘ V livar•l glonoit. !lON A
w 3. 1/11i1,11 11,41* 11..1.1 1.1. 1.. lip,
3111 ..• 'I :Is : I—. 111.3111..11,1 1E1: g••n.'r tllt
rt• 1..1110.1. it is • : 4 1i4•113 . 111
ele I .1' 151.- :),.•
tt d.,:t • tt.tts• lit I ill, it
It.. tr: itt tit • Ilt.rt '
why. It : . 1... t•• I • 1. !tilt 1%. 3 •
to t , I) e• 1••1 New le, r
.t way and
i; 14 liy Ihe• ih•ence pf
Demotertit - titrit .Sharman ivq4 tv'
A. ...oil 'Ode.' [lie W4-00rIk Itf•aV
i•ll.4 1,t111.1.• fire , , Ilse griutd proer ,4 loll
of Itlack iteimhilt• tn. liluVed
i1ir , .11 1 :1% the •tieet- to t 1...
oat' ‘1
1.%% . the t Wl'llllll 11 . 1r1.1, 3 . --.1`.11.1 Lr .t 1111-
1111an,10k 0141 etllctent 11..1% , of .rt 4111311 10% , 1
ut ra0f...1 1acrt , 11.... who %ft. ilertted
••lint, , rii, • '
Thr pro,, , ,iNt titroultit
-undry btvi at length Italie,' Oil 11,,.
,n 1:1•. 1111Vg111!'!. .1 1.1 1 , • •
yi .• it gal .1 .11.1,1t,....1 hy Ihe 11,111 1411 , .
r11111....1 .1.1%11 1111 . 111rIdge- wort %.
mt.uti•qt /It patri.oti iLit
11/1 . 1uau%% 111111 .. iik , / I,lt.
The giiiiiler 3T1 , 1111“ . .;61 i u 1•11.404.0flf htigivi7e
int hi , fmger- sr 're
Ii o,lrnY
Thr• grand .lein..ii-irgtvoi then .h•
thi4 F/NA I I -- Later nt night.
of Irrepre , ..ilde., n large nonWer of
nPgroen, wooonbik4l in Ow room- of Ihe
rhnnic low( which hint 'ow ion John
V Farwell of l'ottley N. Farwell, is president
Speerlie- were made. approving Helper's 'hook,
and denouncing the government, the Union,
and everything eltse nut consistent with the
at I it. Mr.“11 , 431:441.01 , 1
Uet: 4 T GRA N. U F ). LE. %Viten a sub. 4 ., l iiEnt
dimpatch aituutitived Chit the lire( hren Irt I been
must egregiun-ly 6o iced :
IPO" ‘11s•aelillel 1. , hot:owing notorious
far her ni"nik a- well 14 her p.)lit ie. tits our
outside the reader wit NU' •t •••• ,, i4l story of <le
duet ion from the Siirintefielil
naive of tli woral or !kit puritanical
rouuonnitt• . and front the --wee piper we learn
of the .ittleritur..e of Ili., Irbiteotilli, of Bock.
laud ;411e wao beir.lyea young Itiftfl at
Shelburne• Valk. with wham •ilie kept voub
!Any. amt finilina her •li=grace
longer to ~ n eed• left het hou u •, •+oven
wiles ill :I %114,01 '1.111.1 to her noels rein:Linea
In a wood-die.] 311 nivbf. and wig t.mad in an
e.31.1i11,1n by her .11.1r3.3e.1
parenlQ. an3w.Lro iil., filth. were l•
1044 of fir r•li,e MA. I. Intl:,
but 4 been .0..•3.10a.• I in by Ihi ,
.411.1 • Tie,.
lit i.— lir iiugh,uu, Republican
nieniher I t' , .tigrib.+ tram uhiu, in iionie re
iti the Friday, in reply t.i lr
Smith of Virginia. -•tid I wint the geode.
man to know that I am not Jti i -lave "so.
wail Smith : ••1f you were salt wou1•I lamer
than you now you would. get what you
nio-t ner.l—•t good .4tipport." Bingham wilted
like pig-weed in a but run.
g a y- chic leaders will doubtless recollect
chat in t Fail, When the election took place in
Maryland. the newspaper. were full of details
of outrage• committed at the polls in Baltimore.
It was charged that. through the instruutental
ity ail hands of rowdies, shoulder hitter, plug
uglies, and similar organizations. a large ma
jority of the people of that city were driven front
the poll.. and thus the American triumph in
that elly was :tecomplished. Fortunately, fur
the first, time in ninny year•, the people of Ma
ryland eleete.l a Legislature oppmed to the
spurious Americanism which has an long ruled
the city of Baltimore with a lawless. violent,
and bloody hand, con.eptently we are not sur
prised to find iu the Baltimore papers of the
present week a large portion of their space de
voted to the publication of it condensed report
of the evidence taken in the case of the con
tested election in that city, and recently pre
sented to the Legislature of Maryland by the
Reform candidates, who were ruled out by the
rowdies. It fully sustains the worst accounts
that were given, at the tittle, of the rioting mai
outrage that disgraced. the city and its munici
pal guverntuent. The sworn statements of the
parties examined, givoka concise and truthful
history of the crimes. frauds. ruffianism, illegal
voting, violence, intimidation. and complicity
of judges and police, that were used by the
dominant party at that election to secure a tri
umph. The record. we venture to assert, is
without-4 parallel in the monstrous injustice,
cruelty anti dishonesty it discloses. The in
, tilts, menaces, and violence to which citizens
were stitj'ected in their at temple to approach
the polls, the uttor.hsrbsriif with Which some
of the Victims of the party ruffians were treat
in the .`coops" is wicioh they were rotill-t , .1
and the open, barefaced. and itamitikate.l
cality *Melt marked the whole conduct of the
olectioo, would he hardly credited as occurring
in • rivalled age and atuung civilised people,
were (bey not hive twhittantiated beyond a
doubt. In view of these .utbammisted h ie t y.
we Abell look with a good deal of jnl4* . tet for
the beasocrate is the legislature of that 84•te
to cane:. efficient 1)041 tAringent laws for the
,protection of the voter in the mnch.* of hie
legal tights, and the funtl4twerte of :hone who
attempt to molent him.
ger Time.) RTC" hard i in lifinttettots
Governor in his messegessys there isn't mo
ney enough in the Treasury tAit pay the intereet
on the State debt of 5248,000.
.._ ~,.
Ile swept the
nJ •et ) .1,,t • tti it - l.i oil •••
enloirp.,l t„em, w i pe A'rpoUtata. •MI t ,
I Is. the talttur , is thoroughly Anti to or:
Awl livery to ma extent, perbnp'. I
-onetios of the Republican platform
he a.lrocates Beptblioan principles as more
lienr:)• up ty biluopspdaril than those of so)
"1 le.,- voretriy-ottunited political party -
I • : •
1 11, 1. 't • I
111 'I •19 1 - 11 \
tk• t• ~• • "C I-1r
I.rrei t or not I II
11-;11111 , . Ii•-1II ..111. I
.11i t. a ell'. In I
til 1 ilO. L
- I
1)' itt tntkout
I; L tj . tt;
pr.• 1,1"• ‘‘,l•lfit.• 41.1 iu 2i
.iirY, J.ns •lona. JIM
I.inOr • r
C"•IN' rll TOW 11 II I' h.• '1
I , IE, . 4 1.n.v0r rin in,. i • •
sietnen), lira: •
n r;,rr , t.ji ' •
: 4 11very "Illly ulhrr rw , ilsr l 3 .0..
0•111,:.•4 l. 1 11. SlTarty -what h•i- • v tl.
0. for
I •111.1‘ ci• •• •11• u
("h.. . ,r•t, 1 I
0 'I. .1,1, .1. t•.r 1.01; •I HI
Ihe ha's .• t• 11111rly .I.• ,•y
t• to I :will 111140 tl. 41 111 I • •.: t.l
d/e , ... h.• I wit S:
Orie' I'M ~•11111. 1 h.• 4•. V Vto, k h•wt
t. I k% it" 1. , 11.11•1 ,4 1 I • lok
pti \ t:ii,l11()114 ,11111 t. , r •I 1 . 1 , 1: 0 •1
t., I :1. , 1 • do • I. I.
.1 I. I In.•
I ,, r't two f.. I. t.l .1,14 . •.,
rit o' I .1.. t 1.0"1.1c.
"r ••••I tvlr
gt...t:ly to tlimr iitiltry all I •li•ti re,
l'lt.•v hese P 911". I 1110 `I IN'''. 111 r~~uel
bill ptf
0.1 1 n,..t • . or4•ls (
1:1 to•.,r•lin't:
1 . 1:.•y t% I.l‘ . :11.1, .•1 int
‘ , l • in I Ito -1 tIO•li..1.111:•':' , 1...".
l.,:nr• , r- pr.. o her-•
. 1! -iit ...f ifwvi 114
,•‘1 , 110.1 111,N %%0.1
NI tn. inn •••••nt
wit••• I ila,,u4ls unfoloi , l,•.l •u-pH .11
.n,rc ki I .••n•;1 ant
, •'tio tit .0 . (11, I t•• ow.
r. to C 6.1•111.14 wreteliv.l,llllir to II ,t
unrt y nn. Vro+perity fII. rhrrr•clr r n
.• The) in c greatly .1 itnii•••••I h. in,
1 111 . 1111INI • IIIrei c l. ni,al 111 111 I I.IIA ahoit
p.. 1 ill tio.n .kf the \ orilo. elterklng C. 1•• al,
11•r1 • 11`111).! , 11f ',AIM : if:0111'11' , VIII . ) Ihe 5. ,, 1 1 11 11.1.
.0 3 , 11 AnlZlZeoll . It, .11 V.. 1 1, rru.• I
II II 1,,n 1,, h.
4111, It H..ito I it. ill
%%11 •llv avert
The L•n•i•
•• clon ,I 1 tii•oeritunent. I • €.(• k
hr I v 1•1) ti r Itt , t t 1.•••
%%h•.. •itirr I, till a1,,,i01.0,i,01
Star Artem.-• gi••••tt t
-1,,,n I.l' CIIIIO , II
hi rirr ••elliiild gent rin.i !lie — 1... r
nflet ft
1111 . 11”, r tin..l , I .
Walk of th3i relvhrtie , l init iluti. n, 1714 1 , 111,-
rulinieste. hi+ itiiprev•i“rt
haw( Pt ttri .ftv•+ •
-oberlin 1 , a grate place The Kollclge
open. welt a prare and the N.•u I .rk Tribune
read 1 kullelothult i , then t•tken up to lut
overkunt with re,l Ito/ tottion- ilicto
the tiolitrnent kolure4 poople ..r K•ins.i ) .1
letve litter .11y 1.. Ole glorout ,
3 , they trawl a hear 11 the lion
the kullorc,l people .114 11 the it.•l tall. 11'1 14 1
they leeve made into ha-it for the white pit
pie. 1. I tiilll t like the hies in my voile.
with niggar., I %MI at the %ektottl talth L a wl th e
ron-euttenre is that I've tievowere.l to, much
hash that thy 11141 , 110 nr. , in a highly 10‘.11 np
kuntlishun. Firh bone. have made 1111'1re ap
pearance all over by louly and polAter pceliii.
air a springin up all thrti toy hare. Lloittever.
I dun t mind it 1 . 1111 Own along well in
pecunery pint of 'view. The KolVolgelnim koti
fered upon me the !lottery title of K. T . of
which lam sufficiently prowd inless Igo to
Geeowgy county. I shall be in Kb-Tel:/HO nevi
week. Fairwel. Where ere 1 Rothe ile ncre
forgit the. I wa9t you to git out my haWills
is timmin giile
s iii r Daniel Dail. E.-1.. a flanker nt rotand
Rapid.. Mich., ham bought the controlling in.
terelt in the Peninsula Dank l izl.;7.tsst i at
Detroit. It i+ estimated by hi- , neighbor.; that
he is worth from three to five litimlretl thou
sand dollars, and it is said that abolit fourteen
years t - ince. hi.. lock in tta.le antomitetl to a
jack knife. rt pilw an.! .1. 04 , 4
at the tittle he entered the (frand Ri%er Valley
in Miellivnn. where 11, -operlnterrole.) it }rang
of hAnd. In opening tip the plprter at
t;rltn.l Rapi.l. lending iii with Ihe -polo Iwo
jetir The New lurk Trthr., on Srn
ator .t• the 1101 , 10,11,1 n rlimiltwe fur the
l're.i.lettey Ile i fit till , ieutily -isailahle for
1,31 htlopir .beet It t. ..aiA that •.-trce
ly one of the Iteptiltlican ineinher- of the
ted State. Semite I. in f•tvor iif hi, notilitpition,
find the Ti, i, ft, Ow , hint it ler ihe lifth
rib ••Wliile we sholll , l likr tight well hi elei t
Pris.4ident of hi , .tamp. we have never t . tvorc.l
his toinitnation for that pot-t, because w.. !talc
never !tern able to fig-tiro tip, with any rt.nfi
.lenec, the rotes whereWlitli he cont.! Ve elect e,l,
W• select and nominate candidate: to st•cure
the ascendency of our principles, and hare
serer been able to %re how we evinced friend
.tttip for n faToritc .ttntOnninn by expoging him
to a morally certain .11.fcat •' And Sintion said
Vint' Pt:toren. —The people of I therlin. (thin,
propose to erect a monument to Copelnna and
Green, the negroes who were hung m Charles
town. Va., and teWiN Leary, who fell in the
tight at tiarpef. Ferry. all of whom hui been
Pthilent. at Oberlin. This very proper--
these rebel* were taught treion it ()T,erlin,
and it ig no more than right that, a. they fell
in carrying out the treasonable .lootrine.s of
their tutors. they nhoul.l he ..canouize,l by
I hem.
A Su:N.—The Presidents of the various
Virginia liiiilroad Companies have issue) a.
eall inviting all the ttouthern
m oo t o mee t them in consultation at Rielemmtd,
on the 28th of February. to consider the means
by which they can belt secure either by direct
importation or southern manufaettire, the
equipments and supplies for the ate of the
Southern Itaitroads.
sow. A few da'e since, an old lady and her
two daughters entered a dagnerrean establish-,
meat in Brookville, Pa., and in looking over
the portraits, the mother discovered one which
she at once recognized as that of her sun Rob+
ert, who had left home at the commencement
of the Mexican War an a volunteer, and had
never been heard of since that time. Tiy good
luck, the daguerreotypist was M i le to give the
address of the original of tbe partrtaii v and is
a verry short time the mother had found her
son, and the sisters their brother, residing in
111§- Mrs. Stephen D. Nichols, of North
Blackstone, Bra m., hat, within elPeeti
torahs and four der, presented her hue
!,and with three bblinclng boys. - The Ilyst
,vist born Jammu" 1A59, and the r -
nntining two (twins) were horn on the sth
of the proem ornh.
" rutty, Montgomery, AN
Dm, y crowd assembled to wituit4 a
ecamel ploughing , ,
test the ow
paktive strength '4f the eamttl arid mule,
cue of the latter was obtained, and the
contest became quite spirited and exciting.
'rule reitd) iiiiii'doede4ly hi favor of the
mar Th.. Washington correspondent of
the New York Times suys a company has
been formed therit for manufacturing wine
of the wild grape. with a capital of SIIM4-
000. Hon. Amo.sZetidall is the pilneipal
V ''
1444 ex - 1,114-.1 ft Ire , I
tile ku
May 604 i••• row,. t..
L L ,-• I; , . ••
KAM' <tiutc , l: :1 G , loci
Ir e iI H),
Stir. I h
Mr. ;.•••is.trii -ay HIV Ite 11:te4 n 1.•• ot
ki•eeirititts during ti. i• • tit,
•ilit,•• J • • • lit
IJ :1 '1
Cr23' 111•“.11. ;•
I)) .•I !wild I:tte•l%. ~i •
11, I • I. .‘. 1.• •I
troM th• 1,01 go, 1/.1111) ' Ji P I/1'
PYI”TrtVel ire , ti t litelt lead- t"
1 , 4 . if I'M 11‘11111141/11 • 't
Pli'• um. • I,‘1 , ‘ 0,1
VlitA, \•.I111).! C:tItl1112. I'
I ,•!... , 11.011, .111411 0111 , 1' 1111.- 11, 4'11 !LC.
1\ 4 1}1rt,11.:11 Wi'v , 111 , 111. , 11 1 1411 1.
111 , 1 I , 0111.' '1 tr.: , 1.‘1•11 , 4"- m ill.
111.11 r% .'.ll- ~ }.l I
"Chi I le, 1a:111..•1 \ Within 11111 ,
tai 111 11 1 11 1 10- - 01311 iC
Wi t ; 11 Oil -1.1 Loh.. H11..0.1111'
.1•. , % II lice tp•l "I
111.'‘ :ill It. 111..11 , Mr. '11 , 1*141.111 I:, I
111 \ 711“1.• LIM. I. 11...v
-.tit]) ht. , 11 1% .1 I••• /I
1l:1.1 It .• 11. • , 1
, 1111 , . 0.11
,tINt OHO t r
10•Noti 1/1 Ike AI i—ttehti,•ltS 1•1.11
.1 , I•iifrill••• (.1 HU: t. • 11111'1 I
Nllll,lll for I. lin
ten yem , the
. . 1 .11f114 . 1111;•:••• • 1 11..-••
re:lrrl.ll 64'11(01101.S $' re 1,111:.•tf• , 1 I t
to • 111 1110 .111,
1 , 1'1..1111 1.- :1 man ~ .nt., l ), 0 , 1 1%. Itt ill Ii
111.11 rt
‘1,...4•1 tut : : ("tit- v , ,ittle v." 111.11.
told,t• 11 , 1 , -xtoqinatiflgt •••C•11111` , (11t1 , ..• I 11 , •V
• 111 1•X1.4•111111 . 111 1112 11l M 1--. it 1111- , 1 I. 111 'I
\ •1. -..-Tlll. 1 '.ir. r I
in-.i• I. tt
it.) 1,11-111.••- ll' ill- 1... •I
1.1 ,ills
LAI 4,1 tir , 11 , ,
f.. 1 \
11.1.1 (.ii
~•ko m nitip•nt._ I. 111 .. , ••1 n i••• 0. •ii
I•,r • 0 01,,•1 I.••.• 11,••
.i/- , //f) , '1 , 114 • N “I 4 , .111iii on. ; rt! .1 , •t•
In Hi it 1.1 L' 11j) I 1.1
t ht . 1: 1• P1/1.10 "iiitn , :lll.. '4• , ..1111(
3% . " ” • 1.111. -
• %%id
A I • I
mil tqy -• A 1,1 1 ,ot
lllerrY bola, XX 1 .,- 111:11:11I_' :1 Xl.l , 1 . , li••
.111.1 i•••+1,
ttl. v:ii w - trd- In - iNV
1t" , 111 , 11 111 . •••• . A . 11 111.1 lil:'ll
Illif (0 Ow 11I1•, W.l- •-h..1%1111:
3}•‘/111. - 1“ 10111 111 'lll 1111 , 1 , 1
"I ) rar n).• ! 111.. ‘ploti-,-1
I Prot . -:lnv 111 nn 1110. • ‘‘
111 . 11 1 14.11'' • '1 111•\ il.• 11 , 1. 114 . 1 , 1 11.•.1.
:111'.• I lit I.• " tio \ Alt Itl
111:1.1l111: I.llt 111 011111 l‘ I ll' IV
Oar rh, ..ri , ;•. , 11 I. II: I:, •
i'•l/11.04 , .4 . r r.rittitg Itt:. .1. 1
ait , / it.-t• it. Sit •I t— t,
1rt ..1 I t. tt I,•. tt ..1 t tut, it. t.•
LAIL in 1“,!•1:1•111tirlzi. lit lIP t‘ouil.l
r“.te •t I iv, 1., IU 11,.• ..111;•r Ir. •
It/ Lattr 1.1. , 11% ." Thl 11'111111d"
11, a eitrinti•l•ifWe• it ( it itt..•ttrretti .t rlt
Capitol a lit I. tr- \\"lt!ltt h.• 1.t , .
1i.01..r Lut Vkil• 1•4•11•1111•:,• 111111
•;1..•\ ..t
rare.•- tn.t tirg. , lll. am. , 11- it,
it , ii,•.l i i „,,t 4.,.
tremeargtimt•itt- , Itylv • di
.1 .It /..
\VII" •11.1.1 11;.•
v:,un,r....1,ti, it).
,iiiarely that it+ i.otv t r.•2l.nii-11.1. ,
tinAflrotraet”doi,,org:ll,l4.ii, noithr ll..m
It .ayit hat thy hat ...I
majority in di, iI II f •• ti, ,t • 1.••
lolly for,..nrielpl,l -,11.1 Ifiat
aro entitl,4l t.,
choice. - mid 114. 11,4 Ii 11.11•1 1,.
•' y
jorit). - why. .111. , t•le, I I
utah f Aro I„,•, • t'.•• ..;
)zanizd .-apital: X m.ljorit:,
,‘ rd., 11...1 • f
ly a largo• (me 11 111, • . . 11 .1; t 1. 0 . ,
u he .1‘.11 . t
13tt• c:11.1-tr.p. 1
te ..t‘vrtme.• I. 1..11"%v
in t !. A% lILI II :111 . 411 I :I 111 ;I•1 I t•I -1” . .111.1t1"11
k % th,
11,.110 ',low: , t010,t,,D It. I , • I t
.1111lict ou tio .•i t•I •
11, o 1.0 It
about to • -•:., to .1%
-it.titvt 1.10 : Ito .I.•
Lunt Wt.. 111. 111.11 I: .1 LI I.llt
11):Itt , 1 * ,4 1 - , 1111••It fit , 11 41 11 I 1/.1
Hint 31.‘ 'I/ ille% 1 11, 11.1.1
1 11 .1i: 10 1 : A..1. >ll, 11. ,
r..11 - .. , 111.111 , • %%111. 11 I II•11,•.i.
b a r Tho 1 I.•t 11.nn
prit.o.. 1..11,9 locoit , .1 in 1, 01 hout i.,•
NI•1S „ .II )4./r11 , 1 , 1 1 ,,
14-411111i:it t ;on it :-.111;t11. 11 1 1
tlitit 11111 .1- 1 111.piliVII)ff • that.
though wo:11:, ho tly •ane: talk -
frool) on all tho ‘N bleb hat
11 . 311 - , 1 1 : WHI :11?•1 /111- a /11.
: Ipl4`i , Anti W 33. ; .•N .I.ty.
atoid rolding and tinting, an.l .10i., not
reeeivo company at pro. ont. o Im
stretwth 1- not ::roat .•. howox or.
round the rp- 11.nal
the wallt , 4 of the sick an.l pool.
'wintry alienation of mind
ti) have h. on catt,..l ;4.1.•1) Lt
physical di,oa o. iu whielt dy-poi,i.t vs a
most 91.p:trent, and hi.• entni.loto reotora
tion to full I, g ot• of flood :ffia Ludy oon
1111%.. The &turn el.A•••• ei n i ti
Hannon Itesielt died
in that pittefs 11/.4 FIVt• (Cr aec
years ago, u hen Harmon a • about fifteen
year,- of age, lie en . jo ) tsl 1 . 411,11. t •11111 •he
as then about the ordinary I;i20 Of 60) r.‘ , f
that age. Suddenly he commenced :10011-
Mt/Laing- fat, and in a year he Wa, -0,
th a t it wag with gr e at difficult) th a t Li.
( . 011141 111g)V1‘ :1114 , 111. Ida was :t mode•rit,•
61/1 it !Wide 110 1111:00•1100 , nl.uut hi ,
tilt.: ilt. inerott.eni ittspidly on ostme ii
tut on pork diet. Vor the bast ear he i•ar-'
Kited the mcet rigid diet, eltini nothik:
but'linonit and water. :4011 ho increased
lin bolk and failed in stretteth, and at 1 1 14
death weighed ;.Ilio istu
Two Wit r.s Moues IV; OM TUE SAVE Its -
nern. • The f 'lt leap a Pree• relates a singular
occurrence which took ',fire in that. city Mt
Thursday. man tautrie,
who hadbeen killed by a railmul t.
was about tO be butted, and hi. wife was
making stieh preparations fbr his funeral
as her poverty would permit. when a mid
dle-aged female of Frenelt extraction. ay.
eninionied by her two soup, lays of 111 :11141
15 years of age, drove Ig. to the mulet nil.-
er anti announced that she was the wife or
the de ceased. lier story proveil to he true.
I;autrie hat 1 sel.arated from her in
and going to 4 ' Memo ! ••ti Mr- e
number two. (ht m, n. lat e n Ives
agreed to, share the- rtu,el-31 , potese.t, but
a difficulty arose a sheubl eo to
the gravel. The friends of the late.: Mrs.
;an trio. plsiote,l that she should nittyo.
and alit,yielded to them. The othyr Mrs.
t;antiih, wearying of thot-ontrover-, took
her two son.- into the carriage and oboe e
oft The undertaker, with the aid or a
letrionfuj placedl the coffin in the hoarse
arid stetted off alone, in the dirertion
the cemetery, the late husband of the t tiro
spouses bidding fair to go unattended by
either so hie last resting place. But wife
number one from a far ()fluid been watria
int and near •the cemetery her hack fell
into fine with the solitary hearse. she e n d
her two boys stood bettitie the grave as the
coffin was lowered. At her bidding eseh
took in his tiny hand the sexton's aped.-
and let fall earth upon the coffin. and
ended the ainplar and novel funeral of
biiehtel Gentile.
oat and 4.:itcrartj.
Ape- t
'it Clitireit •Ittt• :
new llxll,a i; F
?e) r tinn
Qt"- T 1 is •
tt. ti t • .r•.•• 1...1i
4 %%I,
•11. \‘.4.11.11,i1•,/1
o•oi two/ 1r Ito t i t ‘ll io
~1 i'~• 1111111 .lIL •i ~~ III'
1- r '
V , I OW* 111 Ihe Clerk a ~1 1,1
^ fn•
t: i 11 r
1, .111.,••1:4.111•
" , 4 , 4. N 4•4 ••14111W 4 •••k Il it
H .1 .li t.i •
11.0% 'it •••\ • 111 I I,L 'I I ii 4
II V , h.' N I • • 16 . .•-•1•1 , 1 ..:na
I , •••• • rli t., l• I -
k . .1' I •••• ••I I .• • •,
4 , lliti t• 110 %1 if it II • i .ii'ii
Le d a. , ,1 14 11•: It/ hi
ch. 4 ,111 1.1 1 04 , 1 ' 6' l ll-, :IV' I 1 1.•
•4 XII. 111 I I.
I t 141. 4 .!'‘.1 In • T.•- ,
I! I. hi ui •- rn LI ;.• I t^r r r e 1.1 I. t 1.1111 ,
1•1• Ii 1.•.• . gi 1/11
(+- 4 . N try, I
• ‘'.. r It
lint ow w IV 1"111:141: 1.:.•1•••
Ile I I 1 1. 1 N:1 •• l • po•I Iz' I • .!
hear a 2., f .teal •••ituplaint
1 1 ..•• r. 11111 11.•“
eat. •too• c•,l c 1.1•.,1‘
ery 111 !Ili. c:lt In %win., tnt,- , ..1 Ihey ii
I eon n. tcly 11111111 :.1•T.'1.••••1
11/ 1 1:. {l.-11! 1. rll l 3
111 •.: -i.:a :ha! ..•!, ,11-
•Ll , t 1114 1111..1.1111 , 1 .:1!..3.1,•r t l oi n 11, 11/01.• Ive
..t'Atore , an I .1,..11ing- now whtt i. the rent
a.• .../11 a •Tub).• unietiltp, • an•l
..1101r • • • t •• iu Ow
nfla Int. , - !iv' inQc jc , r;latinit
... • • •.: 1 11' tit/ . )1.• I . VOW / • • W./till
• II: 111•111 1..
•ir• •••., p , 'Pt
Ilt•n •• r. alv tito• • . • u.
Ai. rt rir2l.o t th.• 1 -wt,
r ;. o. II
•II4.1.• 00 1 ,11 4 1, 61. - •474r. .•t•I tliu
tk. IV 't
• •' , •I r. 1.1 'lll Al.
r tr• •Itti,•• 1•3•••. r. .V 1 .
..c ••1 pl • •h• t.• 1•1 e 1%, e
Icl 1.10. h. ni • 1 • . 1 ,- 1 , 1 • Wi.y.
die•o• , •11_ , Iht• 411 11l
1"1•• tr•IL..I•• ,•; • • ..• •••1!I
1::tr , ru.s. ..1 , k411) 1.111 . i,•l ,r
-i..• 1 1104.1 v, tif3l I I,a, u
!Le , ••,T
. I
; !,, • , r. ,;
the v • r • •toil 01 , " .1
i•I1811i R I. LII. I\ \r\l•. • it Ail—
L., I. ••L • 1 rin. lii I . 0, • 1...• i : • 1
114,6 -.• yin I I • .1/1"... .ti • tit ,
ttie:l t•: I porini
rtel:l .•' w.,": I': tn.. • .
•:: •tA •:1 ‘,„ a ).. • .0%
i/ I•I•1 refit" •I 1 4 W /I . i•l'. /.• •:•/,•
•'I • 1it . 1•11% , 1i 1. 4 • r g.111.0i
;. a• 1.1 « 11 I Il••• I • ,•••,1
flp!ttifi I I C , ll , :qnt 1,1 i
lrl ••:t - ritt• t r /1,1111)., • 1 t 11.• VeLlamil
C • fttil •a,.14(
o‘.• .•
::;. • •...I 4. . ow, t keen 14 4 11 IWO
the ! 1,4 ( .1% he II :wt . :oat Hitt
..n thl i•rock. tntiv. ith .N 4? lio• t.
uu . 1
Ihi t. i. .tt p,„ 6.
it tg .., : a r 4-.11,1 • that Itiake . 4.1
re!. di• hat ,-It. Go well. an.l all ngr.. ,
-IL lea-1 gall••it ',mu iii t•
ei • ta,n.tir ' The , in.ontiry appeir• i..•
Iv Ilse 4•ity the pump. and n..
• etre entertained ..1 the .111. ply
'mot The pr9prietori 1%1-'4 otipigg!.l nt
.rvpar-itkoi, t.. !ein the "11. %hitch
appeal. 1.. I.' the great .1;flie,11t) in !he way
Calif•.rnia l'ik. - urn have
knock llndor h. thi.,
inior Rell. are being ink in aim I, leitiit
'nisi a little farther up. in whirl' our young
friend. Kim Hubbard. i , largely intere-ted. ha ,
rein bed the oil, and bid fair to elm' the lo , t
in uriedm•tivena~.
Suipiry mi4ohier•ittakerr,,,,.tunittlikaWl
411.1tt.:11 ‘Vtußterti town., our ten (lay%
•itice. that Si“ uq e• h•hl !wen elected ;:i.e,tker
I . ..ittakvrs - Wfwitangtoll
Lave hoot'tryittrto%Ar t t. It itu Spenker for .ome
The Connelintville R.••ord ot. t y , th e
he Erie and Pitinhitrgia mid arer•
t 1 ey abut .i , ll/11 pet lay. with ntitly thirty
tail e 4 or ro•t,t and it weitiN the lime
pipet-4 to tusk*. ni note of it. We hat - trd•me
--Are the brethren • ati firl
Uir* r Nfead% irk frievol• are going
to have their Atl.un • • and Great IVt.stern
roa•I now, Ill'e They hare trot ttn
otLer front tut.. the ••.1. W
man, atid he •eirti he i 4 --prepare .1 to commence
tile work with r 61; and money, mid
ill (10 r 1.1.1 - It ha.: Item sugizt-ted that
it would littill ••oont•r•- at an -earlier day
—if he would commence with picks and
tir.t, and nip the -rail. , and monef• after
ward.. Po. perlt•tr.. he intend" to iutrodnet'
nu Engti` , ll fr-litolt -if so, -Id 'a:o uo Indijee
111 14 3 "Still River hank - Win•
:ono which is •Itt.4et 0.44 a,t the wore t
kind of a hogit ~ .1 L Can Kitt is
the arol he luo I. ei r .
oulzte him hill. in ili,• Itriti Provilioe 31111 a
the Welt.- Ifo wa. arre.te , l ..n Friday nighl
last., on a charge of .win,iiiror.
l'oltntaStter Kt. rsN, of nit., has raise..l
the rent of Wier in his office from one JoHar
a year, ithe rant which has been died in. that
eity for the la.t thirty year4.l t r hr., Jot oft.
awl — consequently has gut a iliornee t , urst in
the noifillisirisocia of his warm. Mr. S. hiail
.4ued earl, however, whi. Ii fully ex pkitts the
waiter anol ought to sitii•ify every reasonsjile
tunn.--41loodrale .e rl.
DeV— The Iltedralletlettrottf .Ipst :t large
vharr elf t hr travel 1., Erie freest/sat place now
gees' by the view road to Ljnesrille. It i 1 ger
tainly the Iwo fat iguiteg ssf any rouge 4i% ex
Ate' Son 01 iluu . Li I U. C:111401 , 01! at
Ws! killed ou the liwyton itftitiond
Tuesday of laAt week. He wn.• pn,sing thro'
the train, and fell from the ear..
t• ;• tt ••tat:
IF, 111 01 '1 Fr 11'1
i.• .a 1;1, la pd.:
ii tllO rr..i..•r
,;.1 ..r
tlll4 . 4, t vur 1.1
1..4 • I , reD r, ,u
• ,)
0,1 r!•:: pr -.f •vi
41,.% 11, It W.• 111 t•i . 11,. •
/ lts
i 1l h..ii ..r i r .. .~.
n • r in li. • w•.. ,
Chit" 1 i,
111101.1.- I P.I. 1,1 111.•
will tin,/
11. , 111 th.• IPir.••••••r•
51114'1.10. IF .•11 . pf the ~011,t1,•
Der)" .. :. •%.•1 • }1 . 11.11 111 II r,l
1„!n , 0, nr•.11,,w
Deit. I 11 1.1 II .1)1 1 •••/
I•Z• 0 ,-1•11, •
. 1
ht• I r,• /0,.„
:4/ 04 , r1 • :1' Krlibe
~ ./ ~~~„
10.2 r 1,1 1..• ),)/••• • y
6. ` 4, 111 , i• I .01 f Ir .1
Tivn‘i.. . 1 . ..1101.1,r . •
UFA. Tile •• P,ir • w • r and .
I.) I . I. It.
~ , t•-r,•-ring .I['r If
1!,•• I:. t . OP 1 . 11. 1,9
i11 , 111 1 1.r • I •1•1•II 01‘,.1
•I 1.• I
VI hi, 1••• , ) /...)14 ?I,v, r,
I . !s , x , .,,1.1.. 1V un.n
I,lr 1. , t I heir Nol •0,
railrvt•l n.unntq 11414. 154 a t 'a?)
nm running pmt 111 , y
.1 all lwr 1 .\ I; R•
In 1i1.4i, ire iwr v. 1;: w t .4).•
rhe ~ 1.1 IN, I: I ..,
tl - 11-1 I in I • •(11.•1' •••
e.gpo t •1 .I'tu
-14,, pr. -.1.i vit 11 11,1 , 1•• I r.
whirlt it
I at. I •.! k.l • , %er
• rt, nio ET /••
1 itirance c..mpntLy w ti,.. C-ut
tin.l enjoy- the r
I.n.lp , rty ••••,•1• ..t
J . 1 .• 1I„v, duly iul ,r
t gent 1..1' Ow .
V.wlw destl i• to t.ttrt.llll unl It/mg litokrt.t.
ca,t• tirt., ,hould Five b'
I:ttlitrs - In Ow Report ..f
t..n..['the Erie etitittl ' , tut pat))
pft. r , the entitittottt .r
him -Illy In .pelkin g , ,,r lkititq I
.1.3 r • if .....41.•et...1 until the)
th e %%holt! it I:I N t.hc l Jilin) 'it I, •
I , , ..t ••••, , ,,ty
nil • g -un rrr..r 11)11
1he.•111....i.c•1 will f•.
ui i,wling
k • 1,11. It ow I. i•itt
•11111 • , r111 ,, 11 , y1 .r plylllent ill a Likvita
• 1..).1....1 IC h -%t•t•tlii• lir: • )1011 4 4. 011 !if •
in 'lion. nvul, him
ills empl..y , r, tirpri• .• I :IC hts del.%) I.
/41 him m , w .lervater tmr lie .
11..11•••:. I. • the plyttivi,t. 114 a ,. t.
1 ..1;4-•1 n r, t0a , 1.•. v, I lii• Ii• flit •••14
, I•`h ‘l..r
”1" I lat. 111%..11 . 1. I t inn .1. ',OP
, 0 4:2 •.rmy •••r• • rev ,ti
wills wo.ll to% i •Ii•r•Lho.•••1 •i%
ty ,' , l; .1% GI k u ike. il,•• . I
h.. I tl h. I • .1.•!I ••m i'i.• ..1.1 • •
• It, .I.•• ‘tl, ln I.
1.• nw ui :• • h • •• • ,•• • 1 i...•% • •11 : .1. 11, •
1.:. •!.ci•olir 11
'lt • 1.. t• . ot • 11, wP.
1 11 PI C 111114.11
IflU11.•1 •.7
t• t
ttl• t 1.%
tott t• ,
(mt. it lie • tilt' n 4.111..1 iii.
111 n• 1 1 1111 111 , •1-r h,• 11'1•1
% , • , ;17 , •/1 thitt ti., •r-.• -1 • •
ekuouy of Nekk, 1, kr pr,-• It
eohlry h rrol±oum makikker 1:1 , 11 ! I •
..1,;1.6.91 •,•i v... 1 !n•,• 16 „ n-ait I .1-1'
1111. HI 1 , •••\ 11‘ LK I.
1tg.11.) y„Rk. 0,1/1-,••ri
cilis n ,l oil the 1;1%,•I ILulru..l r•
tt • aty.i -1
1.41 t .
. it .4 Ow ttattl •111.1-11,1 t•'
t.%. llV't IS %V , •? HWY , - •
pi, .1 .61,1 Mr , %1* r• •
NI: - Tuttle.
pi,to p.II ol tow ol
ltu, wa• mart it %el.tortlat 111 , .ttItt•
it •I -1.1.•1%. It. 111.-1. to KtniiNtoti
unit, and ha.( tit t ‘rto.lon hot t
tow t, the Atilt h
.I.titw- W. llorton N‘a, t
with MA-. Violtl at rmaiwnt ot
wa- tlirolsti over Ow liank int. , IL
tiv.t.r. tlw %%1- I,
ael'iaellt 11:11.1 , ene.1 i n tli.' "3111 e ‘4...
a- that on the Ilarlent Rozol
morning. The express train iro the
eompolled to Int "II the rout -0111
purpose, while the sing Sin:: ,:u- 1% t• 1 4.•
1•10,0 to he Stillipeit in "• ',of)
Badtop Mrlosky, of Alt..in4
the t.eriously injured..
Eight of the injur(Nl sere left at 1. 9r 11
town ana the hronAl IL
city 'lt tiw-e hater. Mrs ThohT-on. 410
of the publisher of the r ink t.Neii• I.:
hail leg. liroki•n: Mt :•1•11111i1.1.
‘Vititst , -triivt, head 1.:1,11% hurt . I
Irwin, of Fulton. N. 1..
Nfr'i wife of the 3 1,0‘,•.
M 5 -1 1... The .ttir , =ti4)ll man
hi- mother!" w: t , re.bei)lh
in Lite. affirm:lto' , in 1104 ton. ft.
Eddy married 1 own mother --I.) Mr
ito-pau diterti6cutents.
R 5.211. I.
Mann tutor anti Whnlesmle an.l It. two Dre
112 Millinery, Hosiery 1..q..1.yr Kuitliag, and 'rant ,
t . Tolether with, • general saserttnent t•
tt0....1s street, ith above Depot. oss
Tt )* l'lrE is hereby givett that till 11' 1
ration ha. 'teen romente4l to the Court t t 0,11111.
I':raw n 1 Kn.. 'd.utity , prating the Conti f.. z rant
or ." , ..rt—ott to th. "Regular 13apti.t t
Curio!, Tosnabip, l 21.4.1 that the•ad •
pliesttiun i,. 1111 tile in the office 14 the Vrabou..: l "
%ant Court, 11.11.1 ntll be pre.entea 1.. fbe JuJgee • I
urt nrnromid. On the find Muntny in February Deo,
—lll decree of tueorporabon, ',ben all prriion,
.1 ho 10 , actl. 14111V3 SICTStif
Yoalionotary'a °S r.% Protlno.•
Jan 21, idea—atat
AirP., the undersigned Rii.v.—..sors toN
den and Laths, aiN ract 'dr« 110
and heading boldness, at thew obi .tend. ...toner 44 -14 ,
dt root ond the easel tat littil i t II".
I.: 'ie Jam 21, law - 3133
ii 111.1
(AN and after Nft.lN PAY the ;11 4
ti.. Tlr..llS ..4H lAA% K N4K
iileN4 R.:13..1.
grin.• a 1 Fri* lit l I, A. IN.
I.llltUrk nt 4 P. M., alter suraei.l
Seam Russ], ; arm° at Wsrrru at 5.13. Pr H.
t 1.3 linisAat,,, Wednesdays awl Frola, it VA. a
• l..wtit Prvight Tr►in with Pastortsaw Cat &HAIN. , •
Irate t rte for Warr u. •I I ►. ■.
H. tom.: 4.11411/6.rnate jitra, will Ira*, Warrrri t
•t A. li , and tante at ICtie at r 10, 1',11,,
Sttpt** ()Mee, W, D. Erie, Jan. 21 10160 —29