The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 21, 1860, Image 1

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Fi l e Orli. Obomter.
~„ ~ ~ 0 ci .11'll'A I. .I.IIIRN AL .
B y B. ft . SLOAN.
~.. ~.,,.. -Ow , rib. rig. if paid in ad ralicap
~ .. A 111 benent It, our a.l.lreaa for $ll, and
• . ~. , .1 if a_ t/•im. wttlkii, li. ,e.,, the
• ~ I.tmu...t an.t It,, ser..ut t iiistle 010 at
.. ~.,r, nit,' lell with a 1,1110 1 ...tl4 • . ....
1114- “1 Al ) % F . HT'S/ Ni;
• ..r lens alike A Square •%,*
, ~,,,. $ 7 , I ins n.tanse .1 1n..., hs 4,3 nil
•• lOa I lint - A •• 4 tai
, 1 , . ' .. ' S 75
. ••• .4 .la ..1,.. , ,1.1. 41 pl. %All.. . $.1.,
0 1.11.., r. t' 11. , ..h . , }.• , i.,..1it 1..,
•• I •
. , ~, ...,11.SI• • ..lie ienr, PA) ). ~,,,,, tha,
~• $1
t ~
.! ~ Pt.. Itti..ttles• I ) treet.,.r, It $.3 per
. ,
~ „ ~., , 1 ...,1, ..s. r ..t,, tlia under
f , t 1 1111 ~ ..U• en, It. ,rutty 4 line , 1 / 1 111. ii..
, „,„
~. 1 „„,,,,,, 'I,. Sp. t il \ ~tt, es
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. I ,i,. “tl,e,n I .4111111, (le,ilei,', dian,fen
r . . ",. „,ti ,„ i ll ii
..I I 16 .. .., , IMI VI., paper,
F 1 • u•. ..1110 tonal spats% I. t Itnenen will
O 1W
Ilk , ' , e11,. us lON 11111• t tw atr....ti)
.. 111,... 111,11••••• • 1 111. ..I.,:t.rt Pay
, . • T, I,l,ertlnenvelits i.pitrvs.l , ti nii•Anr,
~, , ~ .i. Oiling n*ll Is• pre...fled balf,..arl,
lb 1% Irn,«rat , W0.1.+ •N!.11.141
• p. h Ia 1614 , 11 I ot Glll%,
, II el, •h•-1 • rt •11 knot.
~„ rt. r rectihrd Ili
kr, , Itrrtlllourr..o
I Ii 61.
1,4 41 01,0,11.1 , 01 1...111111.• ,•,
,tn,t, Itt Ar.“
41. 4 4111:
.4. 11,1 , 10 i, lito.or MANI re , t1.... ,
V.rie l'‘
II c.
Tr , •11% hr .t COI 5.0.1 Molt I • tlr
L.A . , ...rt. L. 1041 tl,. I'l\lll 10 tl.•
1 •he h 1111.111.,!, 0. 1 411114 .! F A 14
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I 1.41. 41 11.
I I 1% It ‘. h 1. •In I: di.
gi .1, ' , UN 1%1. Ries alad
•I P..ra Salt. ••••••• ..• .".I
A • an !I.laaal, at N.. ro,t,t• I 1...
%mph , . It 10.4. , PIIRMAN VI AI NI
JOIN %%. %% ‘I.ItER.
A TrOlt• ‘T
.rtent,n t.. 1),•• lowatin, .4 Lan.'
•• 1.1, ..`T•s.• InT,
tll'• 41‘r. • l't Mr.
r. I. r'.l ti. !ht. 1.111 ,- t0.. ,
,•', l I
%. h. 1111. t...
, crotor tp I K Bloke,
14. 1..
T ..
I Ylitolit• •
Lt,, , r••• 1 1 ,, 'l , I'll kj I ,r
‘t..Vl TON
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t. 1.t1.1.11t %ITU
•-,,, IZIET t 1)11.1'f:1.14T. 4.1 - t.l. %I.
11.1.11 1 1 14. LANK.
trToßker • /.01. 41 ,
to corn,' r.... of koMelo , “
t , • , trwt •111 1%
E. 11 tlil
1111ENTIMT, ( MCA. 11114.. nll'
...., k. x 1.1 ., .f lb. Park,
I I. t•ItA111:. •
"y 71111 —4 Mire in Krr
pn&r I Powell "Ztre...l 1h« P.M. '•lii/IrP, Foos
Slirlt.• 11V.NISICTT,
WILK..., LK Art. KNTrI I N.A.. n.
Glam. kre mina gunidirrif s N.* 11 and It
rortivr ”f 11111, kml •ttate istrontsi, grin: l'es
4 111,4 N lull 4HANNIIIII. nitrityrre
• ssirressiarl to &awry' ip Pr(:wiktcp.)
N+ in Et,gl.h, i:nrusseknil Anseriessu Ilarslwarn anal
Nails. A nrila, Viers, Iron and glue l,
11l •••• TI.F.
\\l 111111 A, 111
o• • 1,3”, 4. prir
tb,. 1-:* •
( 110411 i ( 111..
'it ur n. .IPI
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t•h I;rnlyt Fl.tttr. 1. rot
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1 / 4 11 v....rt lobwrrni.t.,l
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Fll.llr, 4 ir.11.1•11 , 1 1 " , ••
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11111:1.1,, M 1.10411.
41.‘, Fn ..H ti.
,r -4,111 , 11,1 ,rv, it.
no, V*
F. E. 11111011E'.
,411 tl‘tl4lK 1 , 111, 1 . 11 ttit I I Ate• tt
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M I ex.... A
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rx; let ,t tit • t .1. 4 4.44t0
r l lllrlt 111 I fs 't ' ;•I,• .••
In 111% 1.‘1,1... 01.4,•• Iv. At , r Vtt t•'.rtt
4 Tr. w. I.w, "
1, " 1 1 41 11.1.1,41 1 .
4 / 1 1.1,1.11„Lf, 11„
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a AI.. 011, l•• t 4. Irralnt,Ati
, 1 . 111"1' 4 .1 11 I ' \\l<f
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I. It t I.1)11 I NI
ow, ho 1 7... f 4 I:ablyr,.
4 11. ...wt.F 'v.
I.‘ nfro
! irtil
Iw r ktf I
Is.artl.l • V In. 1 I ru A
Wzouts.autaad Retail 4.0.1. r on all kinds
nt'inclish,Gerinsuo and American Hardware, A nrila
Iron, Nails, Stalk, ke. Soldlnry and Carriage Trimmings,
Marl,ine Bolting and Parking French .01.14, oppoatte the
Kee./ Honer, Frio, Pa.
WII. LUCE, thankful for the liberal
• patronage green Won, atlbOtintinl that having
pro. and the a•al•tanre of G J l.lTCli , he le prepared to
do all kind• or Dental wort promptly and an the latent
and moot IMprOred atylent, and the attention of the pahhe
). again called to lb•
coNTrisruous OUM WORK.
• bleb he has I.•rn eines in In/all:1g for the past ,ear,
to the entire salidsetioir of hi. patrons, that he o no•
prepared to put up l e err, o n
V 1 .1.4 tNIZRD
which has the NUM advantages polll6Olll.led by the t`ontin
tn•us Work, bravtrieno rams or spar... (r the teen
mulat.n of food, and giving to the fare &perfectly natural
espresston, and for clasps it is preferable to a, F other
outrrtal used, a. it will not wear the teeth. Teeth pot
on old or other for thaw. who prefer it
Particular attention paid to !Ming and preserving nalu•
rsi teeth. and air. to the oorrection or tririfularttlee. -
°flier in Beatty 's flock, Park Row
Der it, i1h541.-41toW. W 11,
lA. persons. without oxeeptton, know
„LA_ themaelrea iodebted to ua , are earnestly request
„It o pay lb. awl* without delay, 10 the late 1 . 1131.1 gt. 111
,or t.a •turu rpr•ti.ra an ear/y dlepraalof anientled atiatta
111prrativr, mad ne trust that the indulgence he:et , 1 . .. re
granted will be gratefully recfpsocated by a prompt re
% pitgove to this notice oct 8 .1 Jiiif k
.T. C. I3ITIZGESS & C().,
PORK, &c.,
No II), ktrtm Nock. State •:•troet
ocl 111. I ‘..9 I•
'A .
lEnFt. Ili::
ICP! 14* fe?!
1 r Ist
r r f„
rf I I 1: i•NIeXT to•lici• /if tee, Ptill Ito
Vuti I r...uld mat..
1,, F r,. • hells 111,11 I . an bur tio imit.l4 Ile ft 6 . 4,•••••
to ekt 14 rhaaper, lumbar to rio ape.. r. 10 IP lo laver
•oo Ina pato, Inoluera me LI. rmld.n cotton.. t.ot
•ti eon pieta, Pi perienced orkturn
earned on a Piano liaulifuetory them
privet for Ore year., soil whip told wie their
entire nowt neriernary to Drake 'nets instrument.,
.rid I am now prepared 4. turni.b my nwwsorows frionsly
Pianos and Melodeons
(If Augertor Tone And finish, and will
1717.6-rt1t..411.1%7T rrIiZ3IIMIC
Any' length of time, to Ow.
(113111114.1ffit PLITIMVAIUTION.
etputottou as a Mosieias Wd twanows MR would
he lost it these limiest:Bents slinekl sot Know "pod, sod I
,00 t ev they-public tbit nothing .a swell to bring attend
the &sired result, viz :
rreillselag ft this sidimalasallalrlaso,
give gaai Ms. sod NW IS
row koseardliin mar Maws I Igmenir
Your Own Citizens at Home !
f) 1.'1)1 1,.• II 'ltal. ES At le FT 111
i0..1111.11% and te.rl
in I nolrutar to., I OW
.11 'lOl • 'OW I ran moat 0 4, .11 nes n.
si I 1. , taken I// rsrhange fir l'uun. intl.., M.A.
r. and any llttnir ..1•.• I imie in 11l .I..rt
I'l Ow- Ti) LET'
TI \i; ImINE ‘1 '
TIIF (4:1411.1 , I' \hi
Chickering & Bon's Piano Fortes,
In. tt •••t s. t lit ard a • Lo.•r t It' •krrni • I
I III*" 1.. re It ts and I a 111 .st•h•o¢. it
t , I
' , II. . it It.
/1 1 14 i 1.1 11'1'1 IPS -1•4111 All • tn. 11 1 1
offer llr W tter...t 5.% Y. , k, I v. f r
4.l.rellohigur in . , ur rape," IL. 1411.1rr•10,•1 .11, •• •
tr•tt..r 11 will .Iti.
I toll VI •••11
o. ..n; order
V.rt«. J one
IZ rt•l I 1 lit•oi 6..1%
\ wk. sod now tor '41,64-4 of
on•o•timg ol
a ls4 llk, S:11111 amt 'halt
kibbuF, b., • 1,6-1111....
\ • het H.11,1K11,, Lary., A, A, C. t •
Wlorix. ..lerr,lvi,hyr, h»ittlwe wie!
Wir Fwbr fer, Lae. \ Kid C 14,“,
,•Il whirl, 1411 i IN' IMPIA 14.•
1....cht el.e.rhely
re - ‘lll.l Kupph,ol ith ill r0....1•
4K-' , Id i I fl ,
ne. I Or? I. 1•59 - 17
\NT I i \V .1 ,\
1 : 4. 1'S
. A 1 S F . -
!I RIO 114:. which be .111 e p
V. 1 - 01)TT
expll "r sppr....l pap,
I r‘ ,.. A ~r , l .1. 11,44 -4A tf
A full and N.mplstte ap.orllneUt Ito Ilvt.l
• are, h.r .ale 1 / 1 1
4 - .2.‘1 . 11/I,E A CARI{I.‘GE Tit] M.NIIS4
1.3 A call of Saddlery tn.l 1 arriatr... T•tr
h.r -ale very I. 21 J 4 1.1 OF •
1 .11)1 N El( S T 11411 ,,
i1,..1.tra r t...‘ and to the ttl, at
F.rl, , I 4 J
Q.‘ (.1 - 17 ERS• .1 """ rs '
IL - IKM.. a, Botch., Naives, at the Mt."' 11. f
1 r svt.nry
(,111 IV E:1 S, an..l Tung. Suitnl2,,,
axle I.v •IKI.PF:`;
‘ ItI.E 'I'TLEIt Y. Knive4
•'.l vials.* and qttnlittra, at 1.. v.
let 254. J t . .11.1 nF
TlMui 11 Y SEEI)' TIM( (111 Y SE,EI '
nx) rito..t just ty
and hyr *ale cheap Ivy
E Ile, u,t 15, 1 , 144) lIECKM LN S 1.11; It Cu
1% I .
• •- rep
( 111.1 n Y.I P. 60,
ArrY)k rt rrl.Aw
1... tlNrr to tilat Kll,ll it NH ITT ,
....I.lttillreuf corm, of the I'o4w Slit.•l6 r 111 ner. 14r .01 •1-
prneltptly tll &II buirmetta rntr4nte4l
14e 1,59
111 11, (ill, of superorr (-ail L.
N.; 11..1 ARTVIC k BRO Nov h. 14.59
my ()an trtak.• of an% lik-erirt.oll,
prter•. t,r Produe, }•a%, 1 , ,
rdoook I r tat rnrrnto to mo , ot th# thaw*. I; W .otE ,
;Nor labee . rgatr hest wch , Mn••
7~Z F u NV I 1M )W I :
• 71, Vfti 'l o li AND A WlKtilt A ht th• toot, (.••.•l.
uovs I•ARTIeK h f<fi(i
Iw. ••It. %. •
• •r•t• I• .
Ai 1111)ER AN 1) IN Dltio. r,f v ,ry
1..00t f tor the C4l4k Or its by
Colors ! Colors ! !
R,\V Burnt Cipher, Burnt St
, non, ram , if; mn, I ra*.tan Red. Chrome N . ' 4l ^ w•
groan.' In otl and put up la I. 2, 3 pI 5
pans, .1.1 at RAl.ltWll's DRUG ST0116:,
tf . NI. 6 Ree.t 14.4 Jar
/ - 1111114 E 1.1(11: 4 atS. for Mpairinal piir
1 ...., on drnovnt ate4l t a latttlro, tor Pai• at
HA 1, 1 ) W I N' 4
No. 6 Rent IOU".
, .
01 , 1 1 REAR A S I) COCII EN EA L. by
N... :.
4-i Carbon Oil I
4 su I ' Eh.' 14 at ARTICLE, juNt re(1%,4.1
iL. and (nr rule at KA 1.1)W1N': 1 attrt: STOKE,
P.ri«, 1a... 1, 165* —26 Net. 6 'Revd 11n us.
11411,:tiiEW'6, Litiri I) ii AIR 1)Y E'- -
M. dispoirma. alai% mid wet
i 1./* In eouv. nwnt liair
,tor 'mar at RALDWiIet
if DitlArtlTUltE,
....f so. , 11....1 Iloooe
•T PI, •to•r. dour
1 . ).% I NT 10,:z;4 I a.l.—The finest Itettort
nt ..t PruA Hrana
I bev lb. cal for vale at
tal.flWll4ll bitt trrokeg.
Nu 6 Rawl House
, \
• • 'Alk . • I •
.. ,
. -•
••• ' •-••• .
--, .
' •
- - - - . , ,
O. -
RY 21, 1860. N
- -
MS. wrerax.ow, 0
V O • , -,. . - he indicated as much forest with his arm
as would have made a few thousands of the
AN exi,orienced Nurse and Female -
Fh•ektath preeeots to the stleottoo of otothoes toor --...-ot- —:=--- -* ' . —'---- Bower in question.
t400111XX3514 IMELI7P, DREAM- 6 "Oh, I perceive: he's gone tracking
deer, or something of that 'sort," said 1,
, , inunomely ushered by Jack's manner.-,-
Listen, friend, and I !.. "anir
Theme was a slight pause. My fears re
I sometimes • - • Owl, turned ; I felt there was something wrong.
-1.1 without a reason c "Well," said Jack, "I'll tell you : I don't
' heroine no grave 1, . -dad . see why that* need be any secret about it.
You were quite right about that Mier—
i& I live a , .„ r~ you were. Re's a val-for-nothing fellow,
elpless, Nai l v ,„ ; aad'quite coolly refused this afternoon , tc
, alf a ~ , paddle me, when I wanted to go down ihe
- tin one river a bit farther than twist.
, ,
whlrb 1f 114 . 11 / fenillitatre the promos of teethiss. by 'ail
erons the gums, reducing all tutlasnmation—will allay all
jolt and epanmodir action, and seams fa regulate bowel d
Depend upon 14 et there, It give newt to yourselves.
anal relirl and health to tour Labatt. We Wore pat up
and pot! thin •rti- ek for over tan
yearn, and ran xv-,
truth of it what ise Mrs. in coalleisocif and
have never Men
able to pay of may imuLirs I other oiedleine—
;Meer ha 41 lasted la a stasis saw
1.441.1.nt, I. eta a rare, when time-
A ....v. " 1 Soothing I did we know "
.ustanee Mimetic'', by any
lime who used it,— I SY +on the contrary,
all Sr.. delighted
t and speak in terms of couunendatken of its magical
effects and birdseed virtues We speak la thin matter
“what wre know," after ten pone expnrienoe, and pledge
our reputation for the fultillmeut of what we here denim*.
lu klt..t every Instance abete the infant IA suffering from
pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or
twenty minutes after the syrup to administered.
This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillful Nunes In New England,
and has been used vrtth never-41110g auroras in thousands
of cases It not only relieves the children front pain, but
to. ',orates the stomach and bowels, corrects aridity, and
yi% . a woo and energy to the whole system. It will al.
noiet instantly nil es Ofileiwu Is Tea Bow itts, AND WIX I,
('our, and overcomes COb•1161011:1114 which, if not speedily
reuiwuted, end in ---- death. Ws be
here it the beet For and surest reme
dy in the world In all cases of
lirwut•ry and l CHILDRILN iiiarrhina an Chil
'iron ' ' h"1". 1 "e ' 1 Teething •l aj.6'sfr°ll2l4'l.ll
Los o r in, ot h er . our We Wens NI
.a y t q every --- who has a child
ufferiog from any of the foregning complailite—to not iet
vow. prejudice.. !nor the prejudioes of others, eland be
tween sour guttering child and the relief timt wall he limo
tee stSiolutely Mate—to lull.. tithe medicine, it timely
owed F alt dtritctione for using will aecompany each Lei
th. Notr reohlbe unseen the fac-Altolle of CURTIS &
Pi RR INS, ..w Yort, la on the outride wrepper.
r %told b*,•firoygodi. throughout th& world.
Principal 1101 ' No. 13 Cedar $l., New Vara.
2.5 A K%T( PER 1101TLE. ly 17
El IR It DRIB tTK.t,
IT i. 4 compountlett entirely from Burns,
and bas heroine an estahltsbed fact, & standard Iled•
mine, known and appriA A S wed by •I 1 that have used
it, and is now re•ortrit to Pal with fOullatruce lo all the
di,eales for whit li it is re- 0 rommended
It has cored thousands within the /sat two years
s hlt had gIiODUPIII.II hops ..f relief, 0.11 the numerous
~,,,,,i,ited ,rtiliestes in my loOl•livaltiOn show.
Ti, dna« may he adapt- ed to the tempenament of
the Indoidual taking A,...... an d need in such iiiianti
tle. X, In set tenth ! on. (~,) the BO• Via
I Ael. 110 silf til.s. ird .our 0 illthrillellt guide you in
ii,.. Lit.... of the LI Vfilt I PIVIGOKATIIIii. and
it will/ corn !Aver l'ons•-) wholintr. Bllithnon Al.
lark., I)) op e pl. hi. Ckil sok Diarrlkors,
•t 0,... - e..mpl.mts I) or interv,l.ropny.Sour Stmo
itch, 11‘1.1tonl I'ns'ure- / . 4 fII.V. r
ellillerirk . , hele.
nil ('Moles Ilorbos, choler', fora mg gm,
P hil ut.t - .., Jau wile, Pr- g b. 1•1 1. WVIIIIMPPIWIt, •0 CI
111/ 110 11.11 suerronfutli ... stx•ti Orillleary Puna.
le Medlehir. It • ill lii run. SICK IiKAI)
%CAI X. Ina thou.nilk bp. ean Intl(y,) le liwirlity
torherslir., I t.o or ILI nrr p., Tt•anpo..nfu Is ars. taken at
-• , ,nowoc. . nt ofittta...k . i All who are It owe
ileum tl w ir t..ntimony I ' 4 In its favor
Prier Oise Ilhalat rel. BNUe
The kindly Catkin-
but setiveCothodie which
tit s
1114 practice more *
The impotently 5
who home 118111 ai d t
Ono which *3l es
todsteed ese
Illet. Peefelo a le• I 1
thartiew wet en dtifereet
w ith atteireterrnee to tit
eompoetied Arm. - -
In the gd s. tan, I native
.o Atel •yer the whoe Body,
n . 'reloenils, 11 neglected,
o.t .1. 1..11V 14 A ppetite. •
1.-e1...K ., 1...3t105e 1.1 f.. 11.1 W ..s• r the 114.1. kestlese
to sx t 4 erv)A4.l4,-, e.• n..e10 IJI the hes&
mle.ere, 11) ise si e WIIIIII!VIIsin1 )./..tres or
t. , 01"..1.11 VI 11. • e real 1 • 4441111er .4 the
Illoseei, xi....• i.• • hi. tw.r,
nu tur r Is.m• C . ) tn thlightl•gertiu
t. 30 II •
The I.aler I n• loornior Fosolly 4 mit ..rtle
1,, "
r , • I. 111 111.. lary. l.,yr
T. 11. "4!%V.1111110. M. U..
:I 35, rondos.. New, 1•tls.
9 t. I
ABE NI- \ - 4 pi E\ I \ i'f4
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Ere, Oet 11 , la4o ACllK`.+ O l.; kiIY.NRY
Belling Off ! Selling Off ! !
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The etsu•t snit will he kohl be&tre October sent,
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to gsbyvelfatwi dl who may favor env with thehr patrorwar
if.rfv. Jai, ht. P SWINK
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April CAirreß A BR I
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•,t L' %Lill% 1N%4, 1)14:11 :4TOH
if No. 6, Ftlrd Hoof
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if lb& roams
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Hr ..r.ter ..I 11.. Dirvrtorn
.6,l*tri Prelideut
finlf of joy. still he.
One of the,e lives is a
But the other one is
While I live and feast on
Still I feel the thought i k
grief •
must coon end—n ,
Coulee the life of grief pain.
While I live a wretched r,
I hid bright hope my lot eau cheer
Soon thou ehelt have thy)tingdom,
The bright hour is iintiting near
so you see my life is twil
Ralf a pleasure half serrief,
Thus all joy is sumer/hi
And all sorrow finds
Which, you ask me, is the
Which the Dream, the
/11/111, friend! it is little
And, indeed, I never k
chain. git
We had cast our lot, my twin-brother
and myself, in the roughest township of
Upper Canada. Twenty years are in their
grave since then—twenty swam rung out
and rung in by the clang Millie woodman's
axe--and still that township lies in the
heart of its primeval forest ClottedP woods
overhang the solitary mimposed of
a few log huts, nightly • • , ed, us with a
tld-sweat, from the of the swamp.
But we came, y oung .pre-isionable,
from the Old Country, on turous quest
after fortune in the boob, •. d the dishev
elled wilderness of thickekluul its charms
for us. ,
A river raft of the
woods with its dark
crept and oozed in .
on either side. Man,
and the bleached ski
trees alone marked
river from the dark
=as. Such
oly Sour
which made g t
gather II
et•erywhere we were
lions monotonous tree:. Not all the pio
neer chnt•alry of the world could cut an
of» • n way through their rank.. lake brave
hearts on .1 battle-field, when one serried
line tell• to' another had ari.,en in their
phiee. As tot our li•llow-settlers, we found
thezn 01 a piece with "the eountry—rough
au•l hardy, as they hint need to be, who
twenty )eat , aqu, lied the Seu:!og.
We aere tent , . Jack and I. but other
wise unlike. lle ea:, a fine fellow: I ay
k inorledged his slif in-limey. and rep - need
in his bold tree spirit From his eltilillmod
lie had been the no, t impulsive creature et. r 1 • ”Illed 4 lia , r;ll for lwadlong
youth Et cr in -ei if-- and difficulties.
but Hi. Ner to hi- dishonor .1 t, k height
one ball tit lii• Acquaintance. into loving
hint, wile 11 the rest del ot their lice will.
And my hem t -till warm- int olin i t , ri l %
toward-, the add impulsive ls, N , with his
headstrong soul all agog for mischief.
I conk.-- I WilN N. iiiii distil/qt.(' he
the aspiret of our lit.‘N ts ,ii Ili t) . fresh tram
the sunni lanes of li. tit, anil the ho e d
circle at loran% could it I, ot l i erwe.„. • Rut
as f,ir .laek, he wins in r.tptiires with every
thing that ilisgitieted Mc Nothing was
more eltartningly romantic than our hut
on the bluff, and no river could e q ual the
broa it hankie' , tnelaneholy Settgog.
NVe .lid not settle down to the regulu
non-life of a settler all at once ; we deter
mined to sip the neetar of life on the Seu
gog,' - deed, there was any of that am
brosial ught to la' drained nin the town
ship. ' le filet !baton . 01 the swift canoe
kept us almo-t onistanfly on the dark
mysterious river ; and, in truth there was
scarcely any other outlet from our dwell
ing save on its waters. By day, we fished
and we shot from our frail skiffs : and by
night, when the moon was up, we would
paddle tiogn in her silvery wake.
I have that a few rough settlers
torine.l our society on the Scugog ; among
them Were -..nee halt-breeds—a species of
degenerate !whim- - who had sunk from
the dignity of forest-life to the servitude
and buffeting of the white settlers. They
were lazy. good-for-nothing fellows, except
in the matter of fishing or shooting, where
in they were proficient'. We found them
useful in giving instruction in the canoe
life of our river-home. I preferred. for my
own part, to go pretty much by myself on
our water-excursions. Jack, however, had
no such idea of placid enjoyment, and
speedily leaving me to my aequatic rever
ie-, he hired a hang-dog looking scoundrel
named oher to avotpq him in the manage
ment of his canoe. lam no great disciple
of I.avater. but I never liked that half
breed All these dregs of Indian nobility
are sallow, bleared-eyed creatures, with a
world of cunning. but this fellow was chief
of them all for every repulsive trait. Of
course, ridiculed my sentiments about
his new servitor; he was a match for half
a-dozen, twenty fellows like Olier, he said ;
and it was all right, and l was not to both
er my head about him.
It was getting late in the fall ; the Indi
an summer—that beautiful dream of love
lincso---had restored to us inevanescent
beauty the glories of Canadian autumn.—
The forests were as gay with color as a
herald's tabard, and the air was yet balmy
with the lingering sweetness of
Inc. exquisite evennnz, born of one of the-e
lovely days, 1 was listlessly smoking as I lay
on the top of the bluff. vacantly sketching
home landscapes in the tlark Scugog rolling
beneath. A canoe shot round the bend of
the river below the village ; it was p at lat e d
by a solitary figure, who turned out be Jack.
I knew he had gone down the Scugog to
fish along with Oiler, but now no half
breed spatted in the opposite end of the
canoe. A vague dread seized upon me as
Jack, running his little bark sheer up the
bank, shouldered his paddle, and marched
up tome.
"How now, ,Tack' what have you done
with your chartning companion ?" I in
quired, disguising my conjectural fear.
! didn't know. - replied my brother,
sitting down, oriental fashion, beside me.
"Not know V
"Not. a bit," was his answer. "How
4hOlati I be ae.ittainteil with all the ins and
outs of that Hosamold's Hower," Here
"And you ?"
"I ran the canoe upon a yard of bank—
whether an island or not, I cannot tell—
gave the indolent rascal a good bastinado
with. the paddle and set hint sailors."
"Good Heavens I" I exclaimed, with hor
ror, "Don't you know, Jack—haven't you
sense enough to' understand—that these
Indian fellows are vindictive to the last
degree—that they will never forget nor for
give a blow ?".
~ nitaror
"Pooh !" said he, getting upmer
rily, and marching hom ewards, saying
over his shoulder: "Oh, you don't bother
yourself! Olier will be down on hismarrow
bones to-morrow—see if he isn't. Besides
I owe him half a dollar."
To-morrow came unfruitful with the half
breed's submission. The story got abroad
among the huts, and the old settlers who
knew their man, shook their heads omi
nously, and boded no good to my impulsive
brother. However, two days passed harm
lessly, during which Jack and I fished and
shot together. Olier had not reappeared,
and I began to breathe more freely.—
Doubtless, be had left the district. Ue
was an unsettled fellow at any rate, and
had no property or tie in the village to
tempt his stay.
Twenty miles below the village, the dark
Scugog whitens in rapids, and is hurled
with gigantic power over a loftypreeipiee.
I had often wished to see the falls, but it
had been hitherto impossible to accom
plish the distance bty my single arm. At
last my wish was to be gratified. A shoot
ing-party was made up by some of the vil
lagers. and at my urgent request, I was in
cluded. The arrangement was to spend a
night at the falls, eampingout on the bank,
and return the following day. Instead of
canoes, we were to sail down in a large fiat
bottomed boat, termed, in Canadian par
lance a scow. Strange to say, Jack did not
care about going, saying that he would en
joy himself more in his own canoe and,
as we were already crowded for room, we
did not press him to change his resolution.
our expedition had little in it mite
worthy. rile river for over twenty miles?
sail remained the same monotonous, mel-,
an elioly Scugog, never varying for the space
of a hand. Not a veetage of clearance war
there between our village and the falls, not
Or woe
igle of the
arra, whi<•h
ved -trees
'ere none,
'le rotten
of the
of the
a glimpse of bank. The trees lined the
waters like a wall, and save the wild game,
no one ever tried to force a way through
their close-knit ranks, woofed at the
by it tangle of unwholesome verdure. This
had stern reason for renseralmnng.
only bright thing was the patch of
less blue sky seen at the extremity
of wood and water.—
most intense silent*,
- ;le song: all
t.t--it was a !post unearthly south...
'e had seen the stupendous falls in
their lonely majesty. and were steering
homewards in our germ. As we neared
the village apt , 4 In.cant only some five or
six miles, the sun was sinking behind the
tree-horizon. A slight blue hate bathed
the long reaches of the river with ineffable
softness and beauty. We voyaged on a
tumid field of 'loth and gold. Rut ever
and again. marring toy intense I.ereeption
of its !Mclnnes... name the ghastly tap • tap,
tap of the wrx 4-pecker I could not resist
a chilly sensation of horror as I IlStelit4l to
Ilse mistsweil.c.uleni.e.echiiing through the
...dumb.. It f.oundisi like a coftiti-maker
hammering ag his dismal task. A relief
suggested itself. Some of my eotniianions
were Freneli if.inadians and the evening
Let ire had cheered our bivouac with some
gay refrains of sunny Fran'... I asked
thi-n for a .tai.. but I said nothing about
the w )4 I-pecker, note I W 1.111.1 thein
t ,, Irmo. A strong chorus stwn van.luash
etl the lard of ill omen, and rang up the
Vault , ed river. I recollect the strain well :
tt was a favorite voya g qr . s duty, sung to the
itaish of the oar, and began •
Mon Doti ennot bine.
Karam rawer., must.
Suddenly the song lulled, and again I shud
dered as I heard the reverberating tap,
tap of my ominous bird aloft on a spectral
tir. lily companions had 'eased
too, and called my attention to a canoe,
which was floating down the river a hoc
yard- ahead of us. They thought it was a
break-looie, and stood by to strike a
boat-hook in it, with the prospeet of re
ward from the owner up at the villsge. It
soon dropped down to us, and came, like
the note of that ghostly wood-pecker tap
ping against our skiff There was stifled
cry of horror from the settlers at the how ,
and as we crowded forward to see what was
the matter, another cried out Ow awful
, tale of blood . "Here, young fellow, see
your brother--stalked by iTher as sure as
there'- death in a rifle bullet !"
It wits an awful end ! My poor brother
lay bent over his idle paddle in the canine.
weltering in his heart's blood. An aveng
ing bullet had passed through his heart.—
Stalked by Olier ! Fiendish Indian. that
was thy work, and my brother's blood
rests on thy head. I shall not now detail
the agonies of that Indian summer. Thro'
all my grief ran the drought of extermina
ting vengeance. Vengeance" say, scant
justice. I sought what has heel) law 'once
the world began—blvd for bbiod. It wis
in vain in those early times of judicial s)
tem in Canada, to s.ek for a rigorous tour
suit from the dispensers of legal justice
the criminal executive might be willing.
but their arms were week. Retribution.
in the trackless wood could proceed only
' from my own steady purpose and Altar).
I could depend for but small aid on the
settlers. Some of them. indeed, cursed
the foul murder in no stinted speech ; but
others, again imputed little crone to the
hlood-stained redskin, anti even went so
fares to justify his sautaking code of yen
gence. Olier had left the district, but a
certain instinct told me he would ere long
come back again. Likely enough, he would
suppose I could not long remain. in place
to which such hateful memories clung,
and that he might then safely venture
back. I waited my time. Safe was he in
the tangled thicket ; hut, to the end. I
knew that no oovert under heaven would
preserve him harmeless from my wrath.
Winter had set in, hard, and white, and
cold. The river Scugog was a level road
of ice ; the trees were chocked up with
snow, and on each side of the ice-bound
river, the forests towered like massive cliffs
of chalky rock. No path could now be
forced into the N•eoistes of the forest below
our village. Seareely had winter settlod
, down for his undisturbed reign. than I
heard whisperings that the villainous half
breed was hovering on the outskirts of the
settlement. I was told that he was living
in a kind of a wigwam above the village.and
also, that he had ventured to the very dwell
ings of the settlers by night, to visit his
friends, and obtain various articles for his
camp. I knew it would he in vain to at
tempt to track him to his wigwam, at, at
all events, to surprise him ; his woodcraft
MSS much too deep to admit at snob a pos
sibility. But a steange, wild joy trembled
through my being when I baud he came
by night to the village. A terrible scheme
of vengeance swept across my soul ; atxl I
felt, no matter how fiendish the spirit that
the doom of the half-breed was fixed, and
that 1 was to be his unrelenting execution
I have said that the river, below our set
tlement, was bordered by an impenetrable
forest, without any symptom of clearing or
the abode of a man. The drifted snow,
lying in deep masses on each side of the
river ; up even to the taps of the trees, ren
dered this impenetrability still more ap
palling and stubborn. The forest which
lined the ice-bound &agog supported a
solid wall of frozen *no*. For twenty
miles, the river, with its wooilen banks,
was nothing more or less than a funnel o(
ire and snow.
Night after night. I lay concealed at the
bluff, awaiting the murderer; I was armed
with pistols, and wore skates. Skating
was an amusement which I had exoellesi
in when a school-boy, and • facility in the
art was of the last importance to my scheme
of retribution. At length he came. It
was an exquisite night ; the white expanse
around sparkled in the sheen of a young
, moon, which sailed calory thro'
a cloudless sky. 1 coukl have shot the vil
lian as he skated by me within fifty yards,
but I would not risk the chance, and, be
aides my vengeance cried fin , a sterner fate
than death by the pistol. No sooner was
he past my hiding plioe, than, with a shout
of exultation, I started on his track. Ober
swerved a moment to see who his pursuer
was, then, quick as lightning. tried to
double up the river again. But 1 hatan
ticipated this, and with a cooked pistol in
either hand, I barred his passage. With a
curse, ime turned: and sped swiftly down
the lee.
And now the race for life begun. Mile
after tulle we swept along in silence. An
awful portentous silence it wit.s, through
which nothing broke, save the hollow boom
of the swift steel cutting its way over the
iniprisonnl Seugog. The moon lit me
nobly to my vengeance, Ile could not es
cape me, for I found, with savage glee, that
I was a match for the swift-futitAid Indian.
tiller soon became aware of this too, for,
now and again, he would skate closet° the
woods. looking in vain for an aperture.—
Rut no ; there was but one outlet from this
walled up river: and that was c
Faster and flutter yet we skated towards
the cataract,. It could not be far oil. I
pictured to myself what Oiler's thoughts
tuight be. Intl he know whither he was
hastening? br had that awful light vet to
Hash on his guilty mind? The half-breed
may.answer to my thought. I saw him in
the pale shimmer start convulsively and
throw his antis in the air ;—but he dared
not. stop, and on he darted again with a yell
of despair, which echoed wienl-like up the
frozen channel. Another sound came to
my ear, and I knew what had caused the
cry of agony to burst from Olier ; it-was the
(lull thunder of the falls! We were near
ing them fast. Still the walls of snow shut
in my victim, and every moment lessened
his frail hopes of escape. t)ne chance was
left him—to distance me, and hide some
where in the snow from my scrutiny. Vain
Abe wine of the bird coati scam°
wwingeintihn •
Hoarser and louder grew !he noise of the
waterg. If I t'innked the Almighty lit
frantic prayer that the murderer wa de
livered into my hands, I humbly hope that
it is forgiven me now. From the time 1110
first mtarted on t liter's track, we had maifi
tained exactly the saine distance between
us---perhaps about a hundred or &hundred
and fifty yards, I Still gramped my loaded
xistol rt•a4ly for any stratagem on the tart
..f the murderer.
And now the crash of the falls cane
loud and OMMOUS on the ear. Anoth«r
Live minutes would decide the hunt. Sud
.l-nly tnter turned and st,ssi at ha). lie
was not armed . I thel felt pertain of that
all liking. otherwise he would have
measured strength with me before. With
out abating toy spe , .td. I skated down him, holding a levelled pistol in each
hand. Still my purpose IV as fixed as
ever only to shoot the villain as si last re
sourer When I was within twenty yards
QI him. the eoward faltered, and again
turned swiftly down the river. With a )rii
mg laugh I pursued him, pres , ing
more hotly on his track.
Iktafeuing was the roar of the cataract :
high into the pale 'ky ascended the mist
of its spray, through which the splintered
lines of the moonlight darted in rainbow
tinted beauty. I could see directly in front
the Jagged line ul the u•e, where it was
broken by the r Lipids immeAliately the
cataract, a nill slow I could trace the dark
volume of Seugog, as it emerged from its
prison of snow and ice. For an instant
the hall-breed turiuml his face towards me,
a s I pre.e4sl with concentrated hate on his
footsteps , never—hall I filrget the horrible
despair that .distorted the villain's re it ure.4.
It was a merry that the sullen roar of the
ti t ik dro one d h i . curer•—l knew he Iva.-
shrieking enr.e. on me—for they would
have hen nil 41 me in after vearsi.
With the vourage wlnel; is begotten of
the 11,irkest de-pair, he dashed on to the
l,rink of trie r.ipids. and the next moment
I was alone on the tee! I gazed with stern
joy on the dark flood which had seized in
its resistless hands the shedder of blood,
and was hurrying-hull over the falls. For
a moment, I thought I could perceive the
murderer struggling in the eddies: but the
it tt w•ao one, could live only for
an instant. The cataract was within pistol
shot, and as I turned up thedreary wilder
ness of lee and snow, I knew that the doom
of the guilty skater hail been fulfilled.
A Nom.' Decti.—We heard last evening
of a little occurrence which happened near
Fulton, Indiana, that Coettui us all the el•-
ment. ottlhat sort of heroism which made
Grace Darling's name a word of honor in
every mouth. Four little boys, the eldest
not more than ten years of age, went skat
ing upon a pond near that village. The
reeent thaw hail rendered the lee insecure
in many places, and one rosy, sturdy little
mother's darling, though often warned by
his fellows. persisted in testing the rotten
ice, shouting aloud glee, anti daring his.
companions to Ittllow him. In his moment
of highest exultation. the ice gave way mei
the little fellow was swept l.eneath! Hor
ror filled the breasts of his eompanions
No aid iyas near! The ice around him wart
Hutt covering with water and beginning to
sink ! Suddenly one of the little boys, struck
with a brilliant idea. lisappeared in the di
rection of a neighboring house, and almost
immediately returned dragging along a
draggled female, who, while approaching
the pond shouted, out: "Bill? you nasty
I fool, come out of that wider, or spunk
you till you're sore." Btu. eta.
*IL. A young man named %icholron ,
living some fifteen miles south of Layfay-
ette. is., was frown to death last. week in
a fit of somnambulism. Ile had gone to
bed in his usual health, but was missing in
the morning, and it was found had taken
one of his father's horses with him. This
was on Sunday morning. lie was traced
as far as possible immediately, but the trail
was at last lost. and it was not till Monday
morning that he was found sitting In the
snow, still aline. but dying, with his horse
_quietly standing near him. He , ied that.
About five years ago, a village ainginie
wheal/au about lo be organised in tilneabl
Conn:, and the selection of a teacher be
came a mooted question. - The gavel* of
one, well known in this vicinity; ivetelhin
veisi;ed, but he encountered ppooes itlbn 61a
the grossed that he was a licenn Uoas
adulterer. Haft:amide carried the day,
however, and he was installed over the
school, and' became an Inmate of the fans-
Hy 'o' Deacon Kendall, who bita in d,
his cause warmly, believed in his
and treated him with confidence. The
music teacher sued the person in the vil
lage,,prominerit in circulating the stories
against his chvacter, for slander--and the
case was pendihg is the courts at Hartford
for some time. The liefendant obtained
considerable evidence lb sustain his charges,
hut not enough to oover and protect then.
all, and therefore yielded tea settlement
and paid the oasts of the suit. Deacon
Kendall had a daughter, young, beautiful
and acoomplished, and fond of music.-
After the singing school season Wad twee
she insisted on leaving home and taking
care of herself : her purpose was opposed
—there was a family quarrel, hut she suc
ceeded in eloping, none of her family or
friends knew whither, Fur ) ears she was
lust to them all. Meantime her father
died, and suddenly she reappeared and
claimed her share in the estate. it was
given to her, and she departed again into
obscurity, refusing to tell her friends any
more than that she was living in the vicin
ity of Boston under an assumed name.—
Then came suspicions and reports that she
had been seduced by the music teacher,
who had been befriended and defended by
her father and the family some years ago,
and that she was living under his protec
tion somewhere. But efforts to sulve the
mystery, and discover the place of her c•
cealment, still proved fruitless. Only last
week was the veil lifted, and that through
her death. Her friends received intermit
lion that she had died at South Boston and
her remains were at their disposal. They
received them, and learned the full story
of her life, for the years that hail intervened
since her elopement.
It seems that she was Aecliteed by the
music teacher (luring the season of the
school, and ditappeared to become. cer
tainly a mother, and, as she expected, a
wife. But her seducer was alri'ady a mar
ried man, and his family resided in the
vicinity of Sprin,:tiel(l. lie was, however.
about this time clerk in Bostee knd entali
lishest his victim in secresy Bos
ton. as •• Mrs. Junes, ,, the it ...• .11 ieorge
June, - Here she gave birth to a boy, and
here -lie lived the mistress of her seducer
Ile v kited her hot gehlotn, however, taking
the whole t • through. and supported
her in but seamy Atyle. After the death of
her father, he I•re'awe more attentive again,
and her to go and reeeiv•• her
share of the prop rty. This Rhe dill, and
paid the money over to him. finder restur
an••es. It e. reported that he wotnl•1 establish
her to finer • ! natters, and live with lier inure
eou"to.ntly. But hts de.ertn••u 11• w was
more marked than before—be rubh••d her
not only of character and home, but her
money. Her cruel disappoißtments• and
mental and moral sulferin6 naturally
nursed a fatal disease, and this last and
most, cruel treatment hastened its progress.
and last week relieved her by death. In
the last days of her life, the woman 'with
whom she boarded wrote to tier seducer by
his proper tiame in Spriglield, urging in her
behalf his presenee to see her once more
before she died. But he came not : and she
preserving,lier mystery to the last, refused to
divulge her real name, or the residence of
her fnends,closed her own eyelids, and died,
proud, neglected. deserted, heart-broken.
Her child she had previously given to &Cath
olic school iu South Boston, and bespoken
from the same institution a Christian dis_p4
sition of ber body. A few days previous to I*
the house where she arded to her room.
and requested them to burn all papers in
her possession at once, in her presence, in
order to prei cid, if pos.-ible, any facts coil
eerning her :ate ever reaching her friend-.
whom -he had di-graced. Thi s was d on ,.
and but for an old Album. which contam..4l
many good trout her tormer school
mates a ith her own true name and
o f re -id e nee upon the margin of the book
her h , ry «ontld never bate been know'.
She died on Tuesday. and on Sattirda ,
her remains, accompanied by her intere,
ing boy tour years of age.—the sign of lo
-on-ow, vet the eour,olation of her life
were hro•t once !wire to her oath,-
Till , 1, 1)L11 1110 ‘‘.tri. .4' the story.
details may readily he supplies! it• th
who know what sin is, and lies may
those who don't—happy few—may well
spared the recital. We hate only to
the natne of the other and most crinaii,
patty to the history,--it is that of Edt ,
'W R ee d, who lives. with his wile and ch.
ren. in West :4pringtielil, has a piano st•
In this city, and teacher. singing wheels
the eountr horns during the winter r
sons. lie t= hell known m All this par.
M.a.ssachusetts mid in the N,irthern toy
01 connectictit, aft I though often the s•
jeet of Qoandalous suspicions, has maims •
(.11 the outwa:d character of a gentlem
and a Chrtstian. Ile is, we are tnfimx,
a member of the ijongregational church
We-t Springfield . and thus has hla , kert
his crimes by pretensions hi holiness tb
were:worse than 11.4h.w,
c x St It I% i t NT Tll/ 1 ;1(1: tr F. t-TER's;.-41/d. ,
oti.l,r-e4 the ()pinion express,
nwretri,e.ll.eltarte•ter ..0 the tire.
aixterti's saloon In lu, •rat.chreeted le
lets." In the i i i tr,, t h
•• DOVe,.. - thi. i- a g ship. ain ,
it ?" "She entoinzli. - • 41.0 he. quite
04/4. th.• I," `Aid 1. -Welt
not unlike the wind." sai. he. - onaarUn
and tint to he depended upon." - Take a
Large -Ye-. a prodigiou- heap 0 1
roil- to feed her • -(rand aint =he
-Well. ye-, a large .peck on the ocean
see her at a eon.nierable do.tanee."
will par well. her ANtpaeny is su gt eat- P
-rrhaps liah lnote rapaCa% than
her 0a ner-, and ouzl,t to pa) a ell..em -he
h a . due nothing I,ut pa) out, ' Vet."-
-Where will you %ee spletwild gilt
saloon a,. that 0 ' hero '!" - Well. the Ibittse
of Lord,. and the whisky palace are in as
good ta..te tic that e.." "But the! e a
.plendiferous mirror in it '' an ),rn
atnent to an Atl.tnie hotel. I appieelate tt
first rate: for it will make every mother'.
son of the passenger.) sea-ttek evervtlinig
wall aprear to be 111 MOW - M. and a /Jen, o-ite
tolls they will seem to Le turn o l
tun). 1 here is. n. part or the arrange
ninnt , he a p and perfeet as that : their
fare will east nothing!'
b a r The Ituagor Whig relates An mei
dent of female Murk. as follows: 'II) Ike
last steamer fern :alifornia a young 11.1%
who WPM from Bangor six or eight
ago. roomed. When the great detaidung
lettilicr. Mews, 111.11 away from S.ut Fran
eiseo, he had 111 lii. pos.ei.sion clout *1.200
thoi money. Ile went to South
..kmeriea, as it is well known. When the
I;o1 got retuly to come hotnc, she proceed
e 1 first to the South American port where
!drugs landed, but found he was resoling
three hundred miles up the country. -
Nothing daunted. pilie , tarteil off with de
termined pluck. foutof her man, reeovereii
.141111 of the money, and proceeded no het
voyage home.
The Mormon Pahle gives some very
ext*llent advice to pdtticians and other
modest people. I t says :
Let every one blow his own horn, for uti
les., every man Mow his own horn, no man -
horn shall be exalted.
This advice is not only excellent, but
we are pleased to say, it tz penerall lived
up to.
Dar The local of the Phtlitrlelphist North
American think% "the (lay may yet oeipe
Khan men will be propelled by steam pow
er, the boilers being placed in their coat
tail pockets..•
iftilf-4'=" 2 se*Fftrf
Men tabs Ilsitiagd , l4 Riestaideuu)