WOLFGANG; 01, THE WICICKEIV'S BEACON, CHAPTKIL If ME= Maurice Lester was near the starboard gangway when the ship struck, having started aftto look to the helm. The shock threw him upon his back, and he tried to get up ; but ere he could remain his feet the Hood of mad waters MITI' surging over the bark, and he was thrown—he knew not where., lle only knew that the tlood tame—that it caught him in its giant grasp - that it hurled him mei the gale hurls s feather—that his howl was hurt—that his lady was tossed and bruised—and thee the lamp of his consciousness went out.— W hen he came to himself it was dayliglit. anel t he rays of the sun were beaming alsw e Ism At first he did not attemia ut m0t..., toy further than simply to assure himself that lie was really alive and sensible ; het -ought to recall the events eat the, past, %Inch lie did, very clearly, up to the time %%hen his ship struck upon the rocks,- he nod go no farther. After this he rais e il slam his elbow, and tried to gaze al.mt litm. Ile found himself upon a bed it sand, bctkseen tv‘o immense rovk, Ile Inert iK4•II lan,leei their that deep nook, .tint the tide hail gone out snit kit, him. -- In a little while he mew to his feet, :111,1 nitinagwi to crawl up. hi, the aid of a strati .feet spat, °Vet a tow 1.31 L 1111(' of After .eying 311 that wa., to 1k ` 01 , S4srV(St I I r ,, to tII Eit. 6e tnuve • .l 011 ti.wir.ls %%here his IlionOit, he s headd ti nt ( iteaA•ll. for lie felt hunt itn,ll.lek, Ind he ti) find •11,1.. Alter t.nlutr flier -110 k.. tearmil eta_ , " until Ln I..tloni! ;di (01 11, .1111 i 111.• 111 . ,11 1 , 1111,04 I .111.1 laeerated, he finallv reavhi4l an of.. n -1. a...• annnuf lI l'Oek w here man!, ~1 the %%leek hod been l o d g ed. li t ,' ttL, ie lie hatiiil the I s f 44 4 ot thy, r ot he. men.- 110 ha.4tened to the ft pnt where they lay— two of them being eltispod in oac h of ht r'a vnt hot to• rmod fp, ;I g o, of \vo -li.• lwart. I.est , •r rt.,-441 4. 11 , pre-wntly he ItPlind 114. More de:l , l 4 , 11 e , ,, and ono ot them Nva., David I;rittin. hi- vinyl !nat.. Ile kneeled dolA it I.v the „It ,ide, and r the head ; but it cold and brele , •• and tlio 4,1111 t;etitl) ho Lod It baek upon Ow -Anil. aria then M0%941 . 4qt 111.. re ltiell .lko! Ill:tt 110 been lit :11 I 'v e !- -wait—what i-4 tin-? It move--it Ivo. III...! Captain lA.ster horrie4l forward, a. fast 3.- hi. feeble rtrength would :nil 1.,1.111 , 1 tY401111 . 11 1)111L! OW Side 1.1 . ;{ heap ~ -par. (toe r.f them wet., .lead • but the other gazed up into hi- commando iiiid p.tretelled tortli hi• bawls a- tlealeli he would ark 1,,r mercy. His tuune lilt k Muncie, and he bad 1,.•.'n one of the I,e,t -,cumin on I.Eird the-111p. '• Poor Pick I" raid Lti-ter, koriThroz los side titt.l liftitw his beipl. ••.‘re you 1,:olly hurt V' -Th e y'v e .line it tor a-: " the sailor an.wered in a weakening, too e. killed Toni. Aint he dead r It was Ow lAA). of Acid Toro V.rieket that lay clo.e l,y, and when the 3143111 had MIMIC 111111•4•11 sure that there n no particle of lite in it, he reported the -ame to Dick. he added, -miliat do nu 11W311 Who has done you harm ?" •*llaven't you Key n 'ein "' tlt man a‘ske, -truggling for breath. "Seen whom ? What do you mean r" mantled Lester, eagerly. Dick started up on his elbow, and gazed around ; but he seemed to find nothing for which lie was looking, and lie sank back again. Had he not made this ethyl lie might have spoken further, but the act of rising hail exhausted him, and the lass( grain of strength was leaving him. -What do you mean?" cried Lewder, he saw that the poor fellow was sinking.- - Ii as any body harmed your" Pick managed to raise his hand to his bead—to a point above the left ear—an,l, as-he did so, be whispered— ' -Lok out—they mike,' for the capt'n.-- That's where they struck !" Ile tins(---rri -beak further, but his vol9 2 faihrni. What eutthl this mean? Miturieo Lester started to his feet and gazed around 11'ho hail killed lit, Men ? The - eaptain was disturbed in his modi tatmn hy the ....nut , l of voice, not fitr off, and upon turning he beheld four men venting up from the water. Ile who came iu aklvance warr a tall. niu , :cular man ; with a gaunt, heavy frame ; somewhere nhotit fifty or fitly-five year, of age : a n d habited in a garb of blue cloth, out into a Irock, or diirt, which %M.+ Pt eel' red at the t v al ,t I,y broad pistol-belt. Maurice Lester was startle,l when he be hel.l the stalwart !miler and his three nif fianly eompaniims; :Lod, consi.lering all the circumstances, it is no wonder he was , tartled. llowevi•r, he hail not much op port.unny fiir reflection, fin-, by the timi, he fuel f a irly made out the part}, they were upon him. "Hallo," the leader cried, as he saw our hero, "here we have another." Anil, as he clime up, he added : "Anil I guests we've found a live one, too--one that knows ~ ,nnething.--Say —who are ye ?" This. la,t sentence was a d i tr e As44l t o M ao . a tee, who quickly answered : ••My name Lester. And now, to be f•tir. what is your name ?" F aded you've heart it before. Men call me Ityan Wolfgang." "Winstooo,'. repeateit Lester. with a -tart. "Yes. That is my name." Then Woi.rnANo was not a myth after all. That mysterious wrecker, whose name was a source of terror to honest sailors, was a being of flesh and blood, like other Mill Maurice gazed upon him with wonder; mid, as he gazed, he felt that he looked upon a fiend incarnate. lie had often heard of the pirate-wrecker, and so dark and mystic hail been the tales which the North-Sea sailors hail told, that he had been inclined to believe that the whole theme was a fabrication. Now, however, he had no more doubt, for the man before him looked as dark and bloody as were any of the pictures he had heard drawn of him upon the forecastle. Hut our hero was not allowed much time tor reflection. Wolfgary , plied lion with questions, to all of which Lester gave •traightforward answers ; well knowing that evasion would serve no practical pur pose, and hoping by his frankness to pro pitiate the,mervilesti fiend in whose mire .traineil power he knew himself to he. When the wrecker chief had elicited all the information he could, and learned with what a rich cargo the vessel was freighted, and that she ;40,009 in specie on boaril, he smiled grimly, and remarked to one of his confederates that she would perhaps be a richer prize even than the Wlnie Fork hiel been a few years before. The mention of the name of the ill-fated ship in which Carrie Thornton - and her father had been lost, gave Maurice Lester such a shock that he nearly fell to the earth. lie grew dead ly pale, and his frame quivered convul sively. "What's the matter?" said Wolfgang. "You don't seem to have much strength kW— Bring him along, boys, where we can dieter The sinister glance which accompanied this last remark, and the peculiar empha sis laid upon the word "doefor," struck a chill to our horo'ii heart. But ho could no give his own safety much thought, while he was partly forced and partly carried along after Wolfgang, who strode rapidly on for nearly hid fan hour. He could think only of the Whitt Fawn that had been wrecked...on that coast, and of his beloved Carrie who had, perhaps, in company with those same men, trod the same path he was now treading. What had been her fate? lied she been murdered by these wretches, w reservet I tr some more deplorable doom? Thaw thouylitb tilled him with unutterable *VDT, Wolfgang had n o w drawn spar the w ter's edge: and soon coming txrtho mouth of 1►,44111Ve he filtered it, tellovlett by tito three ruffians who hie! charge of our hero The bottom- of the cave slopeil ufrrard from itx entrunco for some distant anti then became almost level, The ttive (for such Maurice Lester now felt *wit to hi.) frequently hit his feet againit what he thought, with a chill of horror, aere burnail bones strewn around the cavern, but he could nut clearly make them out in the dim light. no abut me iced that the hot inin of the (live was very wet, as 1110110) it foul recently leen covered with water. 'flu , wrecker chieftain stopped, at last, near what seemed the eel of the cal 0, anti 111 'k ing a sign tAI his-follower. they elavi.od manacles on the wrist- and aelle, of Maurice hefere he hail time to note their intention. "Now, Captain Lester," said Wollimug, "y”u must remaiu in this pinee for a, short Reason. errs rerALly :40. Nay not a . Word It you Otompt Oil. spot, you will he slam utotm•nt you 'et foot ouh.itie the rave," Thus speaking the chieftain /tll.l hi , 14.1- lowers silehtly but rapidly VI ithdrew, lea% - ing Maurice nearly stupitted a ith :e.tor 1.1 ) . went. As th©y p/LL/4r41 tnnit the /rktuth ref the eAve, their feet were wet l.y the ri-iii WAVet.. The ha* inrei Crolll , l I Ili. After a short ditto,. Lhu ealitive him %%id' Anni•y, h a t aveit-tinne.l Lu tho dun light, and lieeatnesatedieil (Lit vih.it lie had ani,poited t,i thi• were really sneli. There were 111,k115 )1 thew. And nuu•ing among rat., m.ekitur. fur prey, "f he cavern, kmoute ol 314 , 1 t hiN ))1 . :111, and In Irt• 11-.011% 1•11.1 11 , 111101 :tpviratur.•. hiCh :I 1.11111 light Arligelt . 4l4, aL,III i1)1 , • .1111.1f 111.1 , 11W:1in it. 11.1 Ih ll uglil 11, 111,0 1 111 11 or 1I 1 e1:1A.0.20n :11111 1 11 tinning. frmu tii.c coutempi apariure., t,,veard , tile. f •nvo, CAl.Utin 111 r.-CIA 141, 111111 11 1111 1131 1111 . Viall'r %%11S creititus up alt.-1,1.11w SVII:Lt it it rind th.• ! kW. him Ile vould account 1,0 th.• .irseneq• (hurt , 14 • ili"t-.4.• Inumui Imuu• ‘vi•re the -ail itlemoi tal , or "tio, wim ii3l Cast' ii.sh 1. 1 ,b 1•I( lel If SIIM I) kit . trrely the water- , erept Tile vermin fled twrote 111111 to the el. la trrt -pot trill sli wit billatwii tlhisl i•1lnlll 1111!, the 1111(1111111:f %vat. r It rvacitcd hl- fret' At Iho ond ~r tlt, ein3., within 3 s,•‘, 1, 1 .1 I• the w•til, and tint tortw:1111 the :11.1 ,tuts. ,•tore soikelit of, ICk.kal.lrgi•plecee.trbK ” tit o tour leet high. that tnight, have hill, it .rotri 1 . 4. 0114 241:Limy, 111:44.11, •1 wieldy 14., li 111“111:1eiv, Wt)II 14'111111 - .1 rti•lr -41111.'1_4X...1 11. M Ii -11(4.......1t41 111.'111111. ng to the tip of it, Unit •-•ti140,1 ivithin a few melte. hi" the r“44 4.t tli,• cavern. But he wa.. tint :illowe• I t tipv thi. retreat ILl‘me. A, the ‘snter circle round it' Ins', tit,• rnt. :t1.4) -ought refuge on it in great number., ati , l alit did Dfaurico try 1411111NIOdel. 1 / 1 1•11) With lII' . manaeled feet (a.s it s4stnteil to the inptive) the vkati.r (-aloe rippling over the toil lit the rock. lie felt its moisture 'lvo] bi- feet. Anil ACM it rixse— slowly Ltit relent •-ly it rtinw awl is tt n 0.,. the rat , chinked lilt his litolis lion -:tletr. It %:4s ill vain that lie I•ru.lied ih e i n "ii iviih l'ettProl kinds. They irt , tairitl, pd. They clambered up hi, lock to hr o‘er the lack or lu. neck - the crown of his head; their clammy hod tes to his ter) Anil still higher the waters ro-c. .11141 morn thickly the foul vermin chi-tem - 4 I upon the tlevoteli captive', ,hoohier , and head, nei their only pl:tees of safety. I )riv en frantic at last by the horror , of mitten, he aaa about to plunge into the surging lute and seek a watery grave, v. hest his attention IV 11.• arrested by the tread/ of rapid footsteps near• the al.eraturu ahoy.. his he:l4l. and tho sound of a har,h 111:t , 4:11- voico, almost instantTy followed by a noise as of a struggle, and a piercing shriek hich thrilled Maurice LestA T to t h e ye.: soul. Ile could not he mist.tikett t'%ttnieirrtice, 'Again be be' it, I'M now in tone of entreaty, I, it eras her voice. si t , was-Jaad- -. 1" .:•11.e lived an.l %%:.s. near rimy- tiering alt his slreni , tli I .Inapt •1 arrie ! ' '‘IiRIC." A tivad ...henee Itrfiken 0111) I.) fearlul InUrtnllN ni 1114. rkiil4.4%‘:t urs, aria spl:vit of the rat , as they lull t tni he Ivrete)“.4l tit. 1, .;•... lo 10 I 1.,,Ut rat 1. 11,m1 I 1n... • 1,r,••• yn.i •I I •,L..1.-.1 .•1 FURNITURE, 1 0 .1.r,c," It lud,. .4 enhig,vt u.n.llt 1,0 In tsrli 3n ..otalsintiiinrist.. 4 , 1 a the. bra 11.4 u.n, Inot.d Thoirr.gar• Tante*, .1e..1e...... Tr k ades, neterred r H nore Malan. 1 erennern Masi :elands, bee* :gender, i'rearge, (wilage epoiroura ardreher, ( vlbo, hr , only :4•w t to ..ton t I/ 1 'M-0 Ct. pu IA u• Ilsftufsei um, It* lomoolf, I..v...ther *tilt ft lam. ftk4. , k Mtn an •r ie, I nhouh an eternal .1,1"4.r hu• (If vrs.l.• ls. PlOil ruah.o..a. The F., 1 . F - IF' F I IT' , allich Tele a Ttelea. 14krg.• kora, t 11141. 4 .11 Kaa) Chairk, I Iii•ItI•ol.• .1 I hairn., Top Crlllry and 1 01.1 I Nl•kr94, N hat hmsath Stat.. third Of., contain. mal.rial , and a 133 30 . , of •nrknrro, nornpelt-til lin. Ilr 111.1.4 *le •iidrh...ri.rl ery 1t... 'outdo.. Oirly Ion" -, nit i• • nu iI. in % itt•il I. • all •1001 0 1/0111.V 1.1110 10, A? I not to to. OpsierMati Ity ony ilinoint in I lot t by ne At...li her... All twain of l nod,. r 4 iiirtolua• hair ain « clomp* for In roil •a. . J It HI RIFT, =1 N ft - wt..% • I 11•”•••••, tug mll tr• I.qt pflt, • G► r , , 1:1:,‘ l• \ 1-:•4. 1:11111.6ri1di150.,1.....Akki, Gt.,. IR, Fin. 1.1 . 1 .4. 1. It I ..gMpli• ill 116"r5.it....t, .6r o.ilt. 0,0 Foe: , 6 16eni. at It, Marell 12 _ T If Al J 11AN•ii..4 1 , 1 1 . 1,111 I in. • lot ll I •i 11.•' • , 111.•• !iv err. 1$ 1.1. /.1.1 " 11..... lIIN I . I't It 'f.. Jun. I 1%:,14 1 1.1.:1•4 I.l{l Lh vggl, g 11F1^-II)r. S, ,\ Nlg MI) 1, II,: ll,ler p 13)•• -•rup g0...1 lirtt..l.• kr 1..1(.1 Awl ,•., hl,, it,. 1.,1 I • %re- 11••11• n ••g - 11 lilt. • lup • \• n I•r i• to, 'del 11,. the %. ri 1.• I r. I - I IL, I , I••• s • •NI June II I II 1 .. .,1\ 111:111 Kin 1,1 ('lll.l F 1.111% F.ill I). NI A It P, e te I 14,4der .41 1.44,,Fe 4444 I' mII. A I• 1.1% to I. I% 1.1.1- 4 1•1 4 I'm., J 44444. -I, I. '4 •i ERIE CITY MILLS r II \ r 111,1,1 • MANI rtett 1111 %I; lIITIII 1.11111 , 1 N Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, FLOUR AND FEED STORE, At tol l• r l ii . N 41.•” r I. th r•Or”. rapt .tda i.( nti. 1, whirr,• r..t041,11113 on lotm! F 1...1 , 1 kir.. 4 ..4 un ..101 II icruhl m¢, 1, 14,t1 •11.1 11,11 Its ,tl.l :•lor.rlrl, Corn 0w1.,, 00. , nll. f will 11... ratro, '47,04 (.pr xr..l In. •..1 In, of I hArire eit) 11 it 11 %A KR:4Tb Fn., A 1,11 "Ul, IVA 47 li I•: inni..r-i:41n. , 1 oft; 1 , for I. H.olAi•le ternlx, n /MAI' I 111 %,111,11.1.• faint. t10•111141.p of t ermeore. F:rle c 1. ~.41113te yleolt IL sad eL half tellein flout the 11...re-I.m, ,I , tete. %t au burg. ia..l farm curututaultou if re. a ,gI4HI rifol 141.601111 • 1... 1. , in it tfu atale 4.1 takturuuv*.na.at u 1 luan a ~•usu. • r4r,l tg.f. 110 r .01111 a P111.1.1.1k11111l L. in Intuit • and all I.! tlt II I . •Inelttar part elOllllm of II Mr Lat., W of lLr 0.11444 raw( al WAIrl 'I, I. Ile. I'u. Vs furl.. N IN:19- Iw If l'u F:S;u4IVIur.TII NEW ARRANGEMENT 'fib DIE.\I}VII.I.II E r. (N 411101'lts Eonly i row! Line runn Ra iug ri.rthectiow with Nint,l4 South. rOpriOtOr i. 11l pry to ann. - one.% that he halt r.ott &teat arrito_ratonta I•T It Fitch oar...otters for 4'1%1001./0 W011410111 . k. - MY1141{1)1 4 , Ailed 1•01111 n Foul I. .1441 Nat Krt.. carry ntornint it on.lay elLeej.tett, at a h,t. All 0113 lh. rat, of the ANI) EttlF: R ‘11.11()A I). Crinneeting at Watealnrd with *tag,. far the ahnve_pnint inintelliately on the arm al at the learn at Water ford, arriving at IC ael‘ille het... en I and 2 "'dark making tl the moat plaavant, yin k. .t and teat mute t. the placer , namaAl. Kett; a Yeah file at a n'elnek 4 . ennsierting a Waterford, a tth all early train an - F rte ror 3140151 y t , . rritprople llt I lote, r. of Jwt. A 11, 4 1, kagle Kaleriord, sml .11n. NKR, h"Pri , Ststol.• 7IIk qi rtw an. Yrrnelo 11,14e,illet. I, 1 , +:01 IT BEps just received from the Compan ) mutt or .apply. than,. Beds obtained tint prendo at 00.8410. from 10,0 6 314.1 upwardm, by 0 Agent. nosh G. W. KI.I.SICY STILL IN THE FIELD ! L. I. 13A_LDW.IN, HOLESA LI: A SA) RKTAIt. DRUGGIST AND eroTR'''CARY, ..Yu. 8, ie,rd Mdcfr. AAVIN(i Tr 4 . kock, I rtni now prepare.] d. famish the hdlowing srlirlrn equally as low as they can obtainad at any Pm kiar eetsb Isabtonnt In this owction : EDI(IN ES, (' I I Eld )4' A PAINTS. oll,s, VARNISHES, DYE STVEN, PEIaTMERY, PAINTER'S A irrieLEs, w N DoW I. AND P TT I . The Deno and lloilef nee are warranted to he freeh, pun and Renaine. I have now on band and neoeirloc a rer~ superior stoek of Fine Havana and Principe Cigars, nrifsuxe.txx, 17,03. Or.lens pmmptly flllod and 011 Wtartion /1111/1111i1MO In 14/11111 10110:41 . . nr Itk.1111018F:11. TILE FLACK 'Pier 0 Heed Iteuee, Kole. fit. Nor. h. 500 wiNi.)w 1,A:48 --0„111- priest*: so konortgnont ov..r. any simi, varioav brands, Frenttb, toKII.II and Atnerirau, for 'gale 141*. br xa Airrut a Bab ENABLES To OFFER THEM To' ==l I itlir NOW RECEIVING =I iit Tl II FR 111TqlitTc, MO =1 FARM FOR SALE ! MAI I. I.INi Pure Wines and Brandies - Ft Ahi It -4ic li-lial 'f H 14 e, Wills pus nKeived from Mllatli4pbta • 'try limp Stott of PITA PILE DK V 4.lollllltri, Which tbry will .101 at the Loarrat Itatm. for CASH, C.oerstry Pv•valuee (credit tzcpled) of Ette County er Cite Bonds at Ib per out above Om 1.10. -0 ca.'. rat.. They have Mae &gam' stork MI 'barb awl nb.wr, Nbirta, Drawers, Clotbma,am., ha., for MP on am• mew tm-at. dreertime as eirsep'si Lb.. rhea/prat for Ciab trim. Wert) ,, Mee 13 11)ti K s, • Mimes, paper, Stationery, WA.LIr PAPER, &c., PARK ROW BOOK STORE. Er r.•. 1. et, _ll, IMU IS, ILI • 1!t Tlux nAy (WS:NINO • Pislomll4l n0w.../l.t“ tit a rich Cdl rl.th• Vowels, Iloilo Cork and Mao., ran. 14.41011.1, and • gr.-at variety of • k k I I. AN!) ORNAMENTAL. ARTI(.I.IES, ,s 1.1•• (..r ll•lidays. Kloltwil lisoltel.NTrs lit. , 11% r I Fork A, Spemosna, WOW-a, Nap/LIU nutsiol p•ltyrttot.) and lots of orb Jr•rlr), Nat- Ole., and I luso 41.....11. tall And WV F.rto, I or MA, I M. .1 1T Si, I _ F. IN FIELD . All %IN. I'OI I. I/ P. 1411 to n, frooolo anal the public' In w,ettertl I bat I hay.. onitorowc+.l the Tailoring nod itrndy Mnde Clasping lietalaran, in all its tail in, brandies, in the Shirt• lately •.eruyt.d I. ti nil 11/0 l'u hi le :hi is 1 / 1 "Olnl • P Hotel and t i, . Iter•l Iluuwr, s Iw•rr I will roileaiiiir it/ but. st sit times a Hiding.. Ir, tn. of %Ptril KRICK, ANu V IiOnTI Nt • ill make up to ardor upon short notice, and warrant t,. vire usto4rtion Or DO 11111.. r..rr.•m. to rust id any ni my lina can depend upon fairly drain I KM delOnltlnnli not ID Make Up any Roode lint ill give raUalaetluu. lan n.aktoe a towel as - _ READY WIDE CLOTHING, I. w ;ill.. of flume tonne and *•111131.. 1 to 1, .a row i.nowtittO or anon., n tnonio-.1 1.,,.,.us pan Karon. 1., srr invitr+l t.. tall mina Lo hon./a And Ininrit, as I ant drirrnotn.l to ant 1.10-up tots Kph $7 PTlNti.lone Oa alaort notion and warrnntra fir, tat y, 14.ta ji•IIN M .11:"Titi.: riNil E 111',1..‘11 I:I': bit"! l'Al. A\l ottl'ANY 11111.A101..1.1111A ot K E to , w tlolnK busman* on tits Mutual plan, lio• 111 suro.l a pattn station au the nrowfita ol th. Comps ny, •It to•ot 1$11.111t) ontl poqiiillai pant 1,41,.e; wain 1 4.{6.611. 111•11rMi 141 the to n ed fis,ontblo I...ees n •.II Le lit. rail) peon,rtly sdyttgte.l in.•relaulda.,Lutl•lingn and other property ha a I,mite,l term permanently J,..pla II `'..l, Jame* (' 11*.n.1. ..,' Illeaphilli• l'anitlingr. John(' Ita, kin, Robe r t 'Starts., Jahn (.41r.lty' Hugh enic ,artouri I.lo,wArda, ll..rir, I.w r. tie, hakt t , l ':- , tace), Utilrirt. 6•11.1, I t Pavio. William 11.i.1•,1‘, limn Hay, lor :4 TT zu.. ,- I.r. H.. 11 /11.14.. 14.1,11 Trikr, Jr , " SywDre.r M , 1171.111.. ~,,,,. Ser,ll, , John J. Nterritti, r •Iwzot OxrlsuJyri Jilt I: 1'..,,,,,.... I I. J.J”tmtor', 11 Jones. rtrow.k«, % t..lniongl Alouiler, MARTIN, F lile(AKl , r. SKW •I Srey A prlittali4.o e.. 1, MAIL 10 • Aiatl J hp' 1. 1 ICI:, A cptit, Cll' ' KEN \ A\ I) EIMID N.. i I it+ ;. -kJ...1.., 1,-. HARDWARE R ow It;- 1\ IP Vi\\lTi II ts.• It.• 1.:1rv...1 vn.l I. .4.lret .1 EMI l'i:lx,4, OWE SHOVELS AND SPADES, NAILN 12139 I=l II 1I: 1 I 1 1 . ,1'11 NI I \I.:- • I'l. ‘TI*O In i •'%..r) reliluniher 1114. 111.1 Srind 1 rrl. le. Pm E , A r} st }I I V I I• 4; \l\ I t , 11: \lll, t iu "It r I teg •\•l.h t.t April .1. 1•YI I F. KNA . s.kl• C k1:11 . \ I Ah`l \ rl 11 up r. r.lOl, 1.14 1 . 1/ 1 .1,11.. n. 1.1 t—sior 61..4 It 4, 1 4 t,1.,• .1... I Z.. .. 11.0. le 1./ . 1• 1 11 , 1 1 !..r MI nt A pril9, t %OH. t, ei I:IN I) •-•I'4)NE:- ! N.ll[ 111 Tut, It. r.a 14‘1,1 • to,l 4., tl-1 - -100 It.t.:ro L ; lor mak I,r mi., ~1 J 1 -rI UI \ Gi I: \ I ,I{ 11 1,1:11 \\ \ I: r) ot, lb. tr litootrott. I.lll.tolisioo t„,,, fn. from Iremto •-,,m.• lott, t t.nl 0, 0 paPt ...v. , ads, rti.. w, nt Hammonton lands, zoollwr rolotoo Ito of DENTAL NOTICE. A l , tirg.•nt r..1114-t of 111.• viti/on !0w..., I lokt. I. rt... t il., N't Ow ',mil... ..I1 PRACTISING MY PROFESSION, A titl Plana open an to KR ETT".... 111.04 •It si-,1 tl. f's*.t l ..run r l'rtr rt. I •Intl. I. Itm.p 10 unit .01 taattilto t z ..1 l. I ERA 110 I's , I tit,.l ..tily rvfet In a, , r► i Inn. . 1111,,,e1y 11.•11 , nt, in 111 TIM Erin 01 &OLD PLATE. From ..ear 14 , ••••lare 0. II PA/ Ilc r /AO I. .I,•ltlsti•.. All op f1i1,1.. 1,10011% pr1t.,111.41 •1116 • aartnt.-.1 The Latest and Best Improvements 1% I,ENTIsTI;I". ttubiyrr and tiutla Perctin ttottentl of t told atitt btivvr. To .bn low-Mettle lhttro. that *01..1. nt 1a •t phi ro prroolo... 11.0. 131,11111) oder. a certain re 1111. 1.. th.• Ittil.her l'lxtes w ill tit, 1... r Clout* it 1.1 th.• herd mate!. l et .41. r.. 1, herauxt It will not wear Ilse nnt•rnl te•th 1 'to prritre..i to No./4,m t !Ma II wool for ill who w oh 111 u.• not nm►.• Hoe tlitotleP, that 11 the ltnl.b•r (mile to tho all that 1.1%11 1.. 11q0.4114/011 Or 11 ...Iwo Mir() tr•.l, 1 •111 It • ,th 11..1.1 or I•rher and chart• onit the Jtilerenn• te. rtlNTlNViwi's (;I'M Wt%);K Which Pm. eat•thlt•ln era tn dentnitr - (1.110•111 Ilic 16.. law Xll4l 60•11111,1LIII, /110. tlainitole anal 'l...arra/at:o4e in list , d , •ulal art., to which hr emits np. etal at t,-ot,•,n It pnftente iols , kulatrs 4tl Pr nil other 0ttwit.i...11...11111 4 ! In. r•luwwa h, the aceocuulatt., ih.• mouth a perfectly natural OXVIVIPI.OII, tat the hr.•ath n tr.l n rat Itn.l nleasa.Jt ra ut, a title IN I tkast.,rinit 6. the trel ,e h of the and 0-n.1,1 t 17. 1,,:. 1.11115 , .41 lit sitint pEINI INS WISH Nt . 1 .1 1 111 NI; 3 Ili mer. tt,log I .lllllrs, A Nra uh ri t• Ln 0155.1...0 Kiang N clitunt, wad will a iinin:ntfu I lit of t n 7uitilrwirtit, smith, (...isis,” 61116. USE CROSBY'S MAGNETIC BALM ! F 1 Ilt .1 'l' 1 Slf , II h:.\l Acll Thr,mt, 04..1 4 ace, Cramps, 111,4, hprsom, uts and "ltrwiliii.,t4.l6il laau,lh Still J ll itt lit, tiviillr.l itur, l'iiirithatibw, whirls it will curt. In h ou. uvr to Clkilblatua • Corno, Stir,- or Trotter 1b..-tho.." or Furscht,„ LAM* I lack. Seal.lN It is also enusil) enirarrous in the cute or diseases in Horses, or other s /musts, such as Itinsbone Slyer fa, Chars, Forooleml /feet, Lamensuor, oontrsetlngof the bluseles, Sprakuu, W. 0.1 teteheS Crealed tleels, (1415tunii, l'oll Brit, ho, Although Ittts Ia a new s.rttele, SO. (M . the Cimt, tuns brought twinge the public, jot !thy brio severely tested In a great nuselbser of esses. and found sll that is elshried for 11., as ft/elite:atm noels the lossession of the rimpelse tor, fully •Ilee. riot ri bottle and try It and If It Is ant slt It IS MOM' reiluno it and your money will be mfasidell t: CHOsWy sole maisefuefmrdrfa.l l Nuluielarol lo Win reet, Buffalo and sold by Ll, 11,111.11 W UM.; - Waterford rrleNltt Cents pot Bottle. July !...t 15161.1.-- I. S 4 I . Se AI. ! ! prepared to furnish Seal** or any kiwi or ooze at much lewiltrireert than ever before Rohl In thin city. Aug. Z. J. C. $1 , 13.14:N. IEIIA M lA' /NT( 1N FA {UK El{ —A news devoted to Literature And Agrieulturn, &hut rttfag lortb full neenonta of the new erettietuent of Ham wanton. in New Joni.), eon In' anteserilimi for at only 2b cents per annum. Ihn6. Inchon. protrige stump. for the amount. ,A4.lrwita to .141- itor of the /runner, Hain ton P. U , At/antic New Jerry. Time* whaling cheap tarot, of the (*St C0. , 4410, I, on.. of the hertlthinat and moot drltghllUt eliutatem in the Union. and where rroint f hover rot dor übt frota, the tereft4o PCOU rfn of the north, WY, s.lv rrtanement of Haornuiatna tatnin dad. a ci AS II paid fear Rhea . Corn :and lista at the ICH. city 11.11. Farmers gate me a aprl N HA% IMITICK AT - D. P. kigmli2P4, Proprietor. Di I[Kt.:TORN STORE, Itutif:Es A ITNNETI \A I 1 \ r" A 111: W %SHEA:: Ill' 4: NI l f7' SA. ID - ID 3 . - E. R. 'V , i'l'fl.F:l:l 1:1.1)Ck. .sI I,IIHEIr, I , I) $ GREAT WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY PROFESSOR WOOD ' S AIR RESTORATIVE, i s IAYS the St. Louts, (Mo.) betar,, )y , kJ Below we puldiali a letter to Dr. Wood, of lib. 0........dem0r i Is Malta, which speaks /chivalric( ) 4 1 y. superior laterite of hie hair tonic th,b b am its dpeet, when emolow frees a reliabl e ~,,,.. itertlficatee are suarooleme of truth, the Dr me.le .or madese pinery from the wee Damn, Jan Xi, ya m ' , Talmo, U. J Wood GestrUtiri • Haring my attention calted a ler educe to the highly hestelietal Weals of your beer tire, I was todumid to make applicati o n of it hairy which bad Memo malt. pay, prohaidy ~ white ; my whiskers were of the mama character three menthe doe*. I prumued a bottle "(your ratty., turd used It- I doors found It am mutin g •b. : had wished I need it about twice a imei I ho. procured another bottie of whir& I ha.. o „,„, 1:1413 DWI certify to Lb. world that the gray or irl u t," y. boa totally dimppeared, both on my Lead met my hair lame resumed its natanai color, sop eat and glom; than It has been before for sag e l y Asia. lam now suety years old . my g,,,.,1g,,,.,1 ‘t ap of fifty-two, has lased it with NW. edict Tbe above notice I deem due to you for von, ty„ discovery I an, assured that whoever slit ft, per d 14.1.100 A, will not haWit sesame i C,of,tft,h, statements Imu a citizen of this city wit a for the last Mimeo years, and am known u.ae erly •ar. one here and adjoining lovas. Any use of the aleuve with my IMMO attached, 6 at y mm I wish to mean,. the beauties of nalur e well se myself lam truly, yours, BA/713MM JIIIL I st ,. WOOD'S HAIR ftIIO4TOKATII Professor Wood—Beat SO it/maw 6.1 tt..- to loose. the Leta portiou of my hat r, trout ii,. rfl.fl. , the yrilour furrr to Neu Ortesult, to 1..4. I sto to make tits' of your kutiorattou, 'tot h.otot tt t. loser as the very li k ing nvetl.4l.. Yy hat. tal ow. tt.ot r. glossy, Sad Du s urd.. Mb Al pram ray to giving to UNI. ablated Math trvattutr The untit,ornio, 3 3o4, Rev J K Bmig to a initiiittpf 10 na u lgg gamnipng and pastor of tbto t otitttalo t I topro , Brooliaold., !llama lln 111 a K.. 01.4181111 rl.l t and **normally brlotortl Nit I , Yip Brookfield, Jsn 17 , nap Protommor Wood— hoar nu flartuq mule .31 o 4 Ilan Brid.orativr, ft gli , ea an.• id.asurs• to ..y , tt t , fret has lava ..seellent Its trlntorttsit tnlhwulu , i 311t,3,33 13.3 itehltog, attt. to 131 , 13 3 Levu trouble 4 from 3393 t Itikikttod . and lad slw my hair, *Lick. n b kweomong gray, to K. onittit•l 00303 3 haTt3 latbrai no °thous ottltrleo with SA) thing 1011, tho pitliStiroo or profit ,outs The Reek/ratPro it rut up In B.ttle. :', r,y y, large, medium sad small • the eretil Inddo a Nur, sr. entails tor uLtilo Jolla lot, I)/, ntr.lton/ least twenty 1.. r rob( u„,. ll,ab rwtads for too doriare 4b. ,t,• ti • larr. I, ~,, I• s t,u.• 40 per cau l worn 40 p1,94,0,,,b I:: s t. ".• i r. •I: V.,t11, , T1L the grr►t 's keted.oetneel au0414 Market Ytt , Aud an/1/1 by all gond In ~,,nre tret 6 6 BANii-I'l . " 1:111"N1 When nth. said "I:roeerlee: i le• le r Its Where did I gu witbout delay, And bring a load home oh a dray • When Tea a wautml, (reel. sod rare A ad Sugar to select watt rare, You'r always sure to Mel them whe, A • Who has lots of ehmees Hotter re..l Awl other kinds of wholesome !mei. •ele. a.. others uotterstoott Who greets you with * swilLo 1.11i••11, And shows you all that'tt to be pees., ii.t up so Matey, 011 a• sod dears Who keeps the tertgetwat "Hasa Cr Pis The beat that's mule to-swath the •lt r, For who 11 a.. matt) loot: arid nigh Wlm'w at h. 1.0011 heat/ early and late, To wait on all - big, ortuttl awl great, At the street comer 'hr sth and State Marekt 1;1849 —PI, At the old Stand N M I' I; 1' II Y , 1 1 1 . Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed How 41.4 lIAhU IZI,E r , :•4 l lCl'lit ENT 'Hi Hlll,lllO MI OS, STUN' ES, A. c AI. a Isom a ea . 1.41 r.,7 l r m ic . le t w ra r. artu A T ow nt . f,r i e n . r .i.i.r., in • iir• awn( ea Cu arc) 11.11.11 I' , .r lcl he . Lar A , , 14,,1ia l'ablc I artla•r• alc, I, IN,1•, a 1..., T, a ar,,l Ta1.1... , i..,,,,t., 1164. Com. I. 1 . . , r , c I a , 1.1 ‘11•1.1 , YI, , 11•.., Ai... II 11 , V.• . .... , 1 ,,,,, ' • t ~, • I'l k I 11••34 1.1 T. aTra) pi, in i••,, 151 I•I•S I 1.7ktit..1 14,11, . 11014411 g •, Flkt Ir to • • I. 11, • I. 11..41., N At.1.1..,r.1., ,•)••••, h , -.0.4-* 11 A. _ Y. • t 1 ot•- 111, i • tiwl lletlislll.4 fly. • Mk,. • i • Pni,11.1.• 6.1 nll tieveriol, I • 1.,•' ~ • , I ulnnie "• , 1• ,, • I .. • VI , t anal so.' I 21411.., N %la l I • ••I• r , 1.1 ut all 1 111.11, %% rr,• t•.l 11. •1 111•1. , I„ „ 11,4 111.116 halls, 1- r Vi I I 1.1. t 1:4 ) ME • tr.. ~ t 1 I • t..:• 10••• st t. 111 41.11 In ••••• i•tt the .ttott Wwl t t • 1... w t. • •• 1111• • ' •• • Ill•tit••••••It kW! •• • •••/ •''•• k• • •.••• t t•i•• •• ft rt•tt'. I=GelE=:l MIME= I fill I VI ,4%h ~01 1.114 %till 4100, .41,1 I, Or TIII 1 1 I, %IA) It'll 1111.1•11'%1 r I", .•I 11.0„. •it•l •.. I. 1 • N.... 111 at. I ' A M. , & than 11.. !'s la, , 111)...T .4 I i+NTI 1 , 13 I A,. ~true... o 1 1t... ue. .•I ..• 1..1, ' • •I• I. ..... Ataort 11114 • .• • 14 ',St. / • ••• • A. i I. tar 0,.,.. I. • • • tln, 1.. tr... u•••of “tt will. rti•vi tem , . 01 Nil: NI T It F. 1' 111T11 1 1.112 NOTII ."“Na1..4 11..i11r 11. k. 4. tai 01. '0.110..1 Ifffp—rt net I h.cp •fdf,—t. a ,f .111111. let 11, t‘l.• • \ i.• 11.•trti1......1 .1., IL,. 11. ii.•• • • !I.e. •• • 11 IP, }lt/. P I. 141.1111'Di F.'" , 1111 Th ( l ICI. . 1 / 4 , • • Il..•Al •'. 4.1 •1.. , tr. •. ...A111111•I N% •••• If 11111.13, sl. *ll t 1 .1.. 1.• 1-i 11.5111 (Ivoelt 1.. ~.11111, .1 I lc n. 1.1. (../..t.tutso.etad •.‘ 143 11 .1, .111.• tttl Ili.. D0i..., he ltdAlli.rot adAst 1. tb.. ‘r.l. t.Att• rt 4 A.,‘•• and ntirr~. l t. e ‘ll.l illt.%Nr Ell. , R •••• lN hare .1. t "tell their att. 010 t.. t ;...-01.a. • 11.../.l' 111111:W10 I, sod the r• La w r u.•utll 1/../II //1///.1.1,1 t•. r. r t.• tlr Cr, %tor. t• lull, Lesttited nut trnstrfolly a. an •••alin lit )111.11111111/1 ialiers .1411) WI, trot,. 311 'Arta ..I the er•ttntfs, for Or. • • 1 , . • '- id 8...n4111/Ill", w bile their exertion.. i ts .. h..... • w 111. III« l 1.4,11111.1 reittuttagelt, yet It, n w hat t. nt‘i. In 11/4011111.1g Ilan h. 1•1111••••.111.. ././ /1.1111.1111/I, t I r/./tt tto 1..... t unyne that ..t the r....5t dattveret.tatat aler‘t.. VIII • rotor/rt./wined the lemett.thly ut (In 1. 11. f• u.., al, and Ilk11•111/1”.• Ins %mid, found 0. •• tilar 1,11.1 fi/ruts .I.lapease stut...l • ny• It - metal L. orer of the lollow .11.fe•.••• • /• '" tattlert, or the ill egret,' of Li lit.l.llltul /r/ a' Imo,/ " tore, lir. A litts A .Stt?: 1/210 sttorawaig ii et, e•,.. the aelevtton of their remedies, a sate, etteettvo ts..! to•tts court... onu tang all 0.1111.0M/1. II .41/ 1////...• • le/.v an etio°cal rush.A• II a• II I.• . tortl ore 111 /I 111 . 11,11111 11. ph. Nll. ,1,1 1 ./ r"'" I 10,4 1 , •11,•,,tit a..., 111 Ilke• 1.•11.1. / I I.n. At. lu 01011, the Irttolahle pt..' . I their r. tre•3l..• t• 11.. toe of a 101111 11/%11. )•1/1/1,11 1., th. all.. ttla rel.( wild prevent - •• silt:. t... 11• Ilnt In in 1••• It.. ...reel foe of 11(.., w AI,. It. a b.. y surround ON fall %b., .I.'l ...r. ri... . the.' •/%1.•••111/111410/1/ l'ol NTH 1 'NI t 1.111%. Pareotto In ally iart of •,,,1.1 111.1) sne/.1/./. treate.t forwardm e r a e/orll .11 ta,l i.t thOir, ••• • a rrattttmwe fur Me..ttemea, AdJ fro Ur 41141$ R `••N, r. n,. r Or, ~• Mtr.... I, thulTalo, N Feb 2V, 16.14 11:•14 HATS & CAPS AT COST 7 4 ,', 1x.,,,,... r tor , l• ,;',.7416 ..., Iftto stig.tl,. 1.. J. I. r , Itte./.. 1 la IP •• • .• . .. ' ? lir ' '', tlrt• .4..0 b• •' " 1 . ReFar . 'V' ...), I•up* I.r 11, '.. ' '...... - .„ ../..‘ NI Atngl.r, At I ~- i 1:0,..1- At. •1. , . ' . t. ... , Ir 1,..A, tilt . . ^ , 10 ellAs..n •,tI , t h. - 7' KNI l• 4 N -• V , , •t• e. Mon FaAl.l..nAl , ^ J u - In New York. I hare. a lard. Mock 0( lt tif!A,•. h.... , • ~ 4,01 C. 'bold at Ulna/MAI 14.11 prtc.r.A ...ylll4 Vrto. Oct IS, 1%69 - 1"4 Valuable Land for Sale. THE UN DEIV4ItiNEII 01.4 I' sale a tract 1.1 lanai koomtta as aloe -it o .a. , a• tr.. me four Mitt. east of Waterf.4ol, nu th. plank roo.loniaol containing Manua 1,1a.1 ar.,. 1 • " 111 t1mb , m 1 .4.u. 1 luttulra.Ny aninioto-o, • too larinang purionoros- It a. aim. 010.14 4 ,t1 h, I . ' '• Itailroad. It •dl boo .01.1 in a , n t " in 'rant* to omit purebupers July 10 1869.- fill Col Partnershi- New Firm. MoCARTER & icELLoGG I II A E as.mx•iatva with IIII• in Ili , '" eery and h•ovinlun nu-l"'. v Y n P:I 1 the Imannnos VIII bennaller 1.• 4•••”•lurfr't '" "'" nfu IIIetIARTICR k KR:10, 1 1 41 krip, June ll.lllbin 1 .111:410'11 WI - 14Ti , p_ EILSUNS W - ANTiNG el insane (i.r Inuit* h sni t u t so Wan. noutlter column. •• APPLE I'E.IIIEIV4, lo .10/A•11 \ ri itua •iii *h.. no onistaky. for u.lo 'rt.) low ky J C 11.0 Aug Al, I taft ETS. -A few 1111,. Ot 44,114,11 yr I anon 1i0n... Net", ethrnp at .1 -41. I T ' - ‘l.l. W.ISTI Ni; I'4F4 11: •,}' roatioonsent or Ilatotuootoo Lana. 1.-kiti) 1 1 11. _l_ltabh. for H0...0.w and I xl•r,e4l,sy •irmotril satodselooft 111/41 :rr,01% at BAj•DWIN'S llawo:Nrotus No s,:lteed Hoar. - 4 0 10.04. - *zi A C RA Yll4 .S,tl .1 ,, 11hm,N J it. iiltAio Toll l'A. i • , =I =MB VI arr of .11 k Imist, ♦ud Ili« tw•l t /.1 I , • 11, ). I. • I 11. )••• • a. r t. , Y -•,.• . 1,4 MBE ilrf , 1 11E11 JAMF-Wd m t.,• , •