WOLIFGANG; 41 OR. THE iitECIERI BEACON. CHAPTER 1 BEFORE TUE (.ALE 'rho good ship PAntrixnen, of New York. and bound for Copenhagen, had entered the North Sea, having left the Straits 01 I kwer two days behind. The commander of the ship was a young man, not over eight-and-twenty, and hi. name was lificycz Lemur. lie stood by the taffrail, gazing otr upon the horizon to the eastwarcr, ever anon raising his hand abiWe his head to feel if there was any sin.) stirring. and as often casting his eye ah>ft, to see how the canvas hung. As het stood thus his mate approached. and spoke to him : • %What Wye think of this, Caren !'", "I think we're in for a stnrin, sir." the mahter replied. "Anti I tell you t►la►t it Griffin." after sweeping the IMPI/ott again with his eye. "when it emu.. it will Ia• all earlleSt one. Noire ►our I•rVall weal' p u tt',4, with nothing lait v%.iter to hati•h wind from but tve'll have it right fresh some t pinees Where they know how to make things blow." "Tio , n you ilkiulk tt hard Hint•" i;ritiin. an.wered the y 11144141. Wtth a foil it in my I.ime-." in die meantime c a ptain 1, 4 -..it,r !wen watching the -ea and ,k) heime. awl he canen4 th a t. 1.11 OW .4, 'rut were griming 11 - 11tre Mel Moro ii•stigstilii eV .•v) i-ttit It sit it thick hank, giVtivg tici the s‘lisste %se-tells Iwo i/titt puirpti , ll l ktie v.itit Isere iitid there spf,ta tinge lito• Pen Mgr , . through the tiert 14.44.1101 ulhm a fl'art ti I,laVik •• 110 Noll .trall:ft•ly 11 ,4r thin :" it, rapt:1111, rat-ilit! finger' 141W301 , i..lltt 11.• r, flue . 1w s% us ~(_ - Ayer" rt•turniqi lirittin. Irt% , horn A•th.littig those dark Anti ,rtliew , m , tirt , l tlit• ,Inle -I , ok , 01 it, tO4 - 1. Si•%t.ll Eight k caniv, _tlio ‘‘:ttrit 3%1t- 114)111 gO s:1111 the C 3 1 ,1.41111, :Is 111101 of thr , LOVA:liell it ft tltcvr katti•ii down tiow, while thene eh-, to me, 1,11.11.• thew will he 1111 V Illg the' corning of •tiiiithil• day." The loon hail no 11141w:this of going Iii•low, for they c4,lthl -et• aahi t, t ; they %%ere not N% holly ignorant, o' what was coinOlg they ‘11.91t ;it work mei .cctircil with thick tr.ri.auliiii4; and when till'. %%a...1.1W '%ho I: no liar ,tation colli•clk-iliik tit tit if cl Another le , or 140.--ed - :atotla,r. Ten cw't h.ek emu.% an.l -till not ;i hivmh The •1111. hty 1.11 , e01 the water like a dead Niu.% %%mil the r,,pe-. atia 191(K-1,-.. awl ll : tpring an -be w a s •Vill'iv , l to:LlMttu h\ the htly -wolf- (.1' the -What t sit mean'." (tried Ciritlin. as the Loy struck five bells, it ark !" said the emiiptain, almost in -tantly. " I guess you'll somin set' Did you feel that that"" It was a putt' of wind, and a light flying spray : or, perhaps it was a spit of min.-- At all events, the pull' was felt ; and the drops of water fell upon other checks than Maurice Letter's ; and other ears than his heard the dull moaning which came over the dark waters. So other bodies quivered beneath the shock of the storm-giant when he came in his might. Aye—the storm had come. I t 40/me with wind and rain, and with an angry heaving of the sea. It came with a darkness like Erebus, and with the voice of thunder.— The gale continued to increase in fury as the long night passed away. When the morning came the scene waft one of awful grandeur. The wind was howling with terrific funs; and the broad sea was lashed into huge tmountaina, that foamed, and tumbled, and leaped along over the bosom of the deep, seeming every moment ready to whelm and engulf the frail bark that struggled within the demon grasp. When Captain beater had observed the signs of the morning, he feared that the storm would continue through the day, and so he told his men. The sky wore a hue of horror, and rain was now driving down, mingling with the lashing sea. At noon it was still worse. At length night shut. in again, and not a Ric", yol nr the psssing awarnF tht , slorrn The frightful howling of the tempest seem ed rather to have increased than abated.— The men gathered upon the quarter-deek, clinging for support to the racks and rails --for the life-line' swayed so much that they were afraid of them—gathered as near to the light of the binnacle-lamp as the could, as though even from such feeble beams they might find somecomfort. But not all were there. No--not all : Four stout, true-hearted men had been swept away by the storm. Near a score were left ; but how many shall see the light of another day '! At nine o'clock Captain Lester went be low. lie took down a chart of the North :sea, and hat ing spread it upon the table, he sat down to examine it. Ile was thus engaged when Mr. Griffin came down ; but he did not look up until he had finished the ettiettiati4l. "How is it ?" the mate asked, as he salt his commander lay down the dividers. "I have been making a reckoning, and I find that we have lint littlemoresea-room left. The course We have made since we wore, has as near as I can calculate, north-west-by-west, so that we must li:tri be-en driving towards theeoastof Nirthum berland. I think we have Ovid% of room to stand on until midnight ; lint we can not starlit on much longer. If the gale does not abate by that time I know what we shall do." The captain started up from hit. chair, and would probably have walkisi acrt is. the cabin. but at that moment a heavy sea caught the ship, and gave her a pitch fin.- ward, which caused bun to catch his seat ns quickly as possible. As soon as the thy's! hail gone from the deck, and the vessel had struggled up from the sheik. ho look ed into los companion's face. soil said, in a voice made tremulous by deeper emotion 016 he had before manifested : -6ritfin, I have something nisin my mind more than you know : arid I am anxious to communicate it, ti ii I Dm-t tell it now, for i hay, 9. stratiu , wrt•Lo. ling of coming ill. Something is to happen that will bear great erdatnitv to .cane Of its. am not criniking- • I am only itliAlimig what the ('riseen has written in my soul !low ever, you shall hear my sow). You have heard that my parents were Isith 10-it 'sea?" "Yes," said the mate. "And perhaps r you knew that they were !nod in this seu P have heard so, sir," "Aye--so it was. I was a boy then.— They were on their way to 'openhagen. as we should he now. My father commanded the ship—she was called the "I Yon, Jane." She was named for my mother . and she was a staunch, noble craft. I was at school then, in Troy ; and when I knew that my parents were dead 1 was well nigh nuid with grief. I fancied then, in my first hours of orphanage, that my heart would break ; and, I think such would have been time case if they had kept me at school.-- But some of those who cared fur me 'came to see me, and it was finally arranged that I should go to sea. And I prospered— prospered so well that, when d was twenty years old, they gave me command of a ship. The man who owned the ship which I first commanded was named Thornton; lie had a daughter named Carrie—one of the sweetest, purest, and loveliest creatures that ever graced this poor life of earth.-- She was four years younger than myself: but even when I first knew her---and she was not then more than fourteen—shewas a wonpaaip 4tenant mit} t o l ic.a., ,tWougl u tindisiiisaOteitoilokt 'acid driaajor. Mx. Thornton did not object to my suit, so I loved her with all my soul, and was hleased to know that slut loved me iti rt turn. ft bad been arranged that we sho ti t,t he married is lien she was tltonty years old, beenpar ikri for worvi Ihan (6 0 Aro, ThoMteis It lacked two month- of the time. and I had arranged to trtn.tiii to home ant it we won. nvirrieil Rot --Ilvorti ton,had a heavy ship It eighte,d toi I 'opeb fiegen, and her captain was .41 , ting Ile could find no one to take /I phiet' but met and he asked tfie to go. 1. refuse; but it asked that I might 1.0 flur ried first. Mr. Thornton shook his head. and mid nct Bat be bin! another plan Olivia he said would be better. Ife had beektnianning to visit Copenhagen, viler. he bail two brothers in liusiness--t hey went. in company with him—and lie said he went(' take the next , hip, rind firing 4'lr /in eta with him, and we should he marrieil there. I finally consented to taki•iiiit th e , new ship. and Mr. Thornton, with h;0 daughter. was to tueet nie in Copenhagen. until there we were to he married, and till three colon , home together. The violin!! kiebire I sailed L owlit Uitlt sfigli I tertaal ttfiult that 1 Y'ery life • W 4 ,11 - e9ntinued Lester, Tire_ his eyes. -I went to Copenhagen. I N%.1)11.11 :1 month —then I heard that the Ameronn slop. • irh,te inith '111,41, 1 ,11 uvl .laughter .0) hod tuuelt. , J .it DoverOtte I that all were sate tont Si 1.4 n she left. I %ailed rougher wee1c.:.), , 1 It I cro.-*•441 over to Hainl.tirg ; hut I le.trn n ,, thin2 there Next I %Sell! Ito J 01/ it at, an , l thee. 1 letirIll•11 1- - J/,I • me that the 44 had berin lag: tii. the 1 1„1 • Jell ),,% g On ' steini had ari.en. and , tereral 4, .I been taported lost. 1 stilt in -lei. 1. in ehary of the mate, and 9.4 1 1...1 mnitths in seotTl'hilli! titter the I,,st'iale gall' 11. 0 tnted theta Vut elt•lt a litt'Ce I.t the Si rtwk, could I 11'11,1— [1,4 a mark ot the ship nor ~J inw (note honw with fl -41,i and belt y heart." Manrive I,estor stoppiml it low inianoin and liowoil hn lwail hiF lOeling% Inati alluoitt overeowe husk, - In 3 Mlle while. 11014 N-sot% To‘lcoi-1 up •inil added. in 3 V , 31r1111112: ("ff. -- " tut dour t rietirt, tttu 111 It knot, t% hat I 113 Vt) SULL•II,I t,.1/ it. nor van pon writo it. That 1.1i,w brook my heart----brotto it in tile rolitling of it.• tondoro,t cont., Anil in Ow I 111.hing 1)1 . all in+ eartlil!. hopes '.---- Ibti)oubilleVt: iu dreanni?" The matt. )4art%•%.1. not .41 Ittli,ll at the elintarta.t. -of Liar tilleetiilitt. evi /mat (h , • inaunor in a Itiolt it was put. s*t Lotter, in a lower too.. "I 113%e hail a ilrontn repeated inan% lint never loot it come lutar Ito It rectl) ail t. it oil) at , within t itcs three nr t‘.lll ‘1,1:‘; 7 . 4 , 7'h1f , h /, hot oho,/ 1 k 114,11 .11,. 11,1 hr )101 .4 :1111.4•Arvd In ro .114 . 11)) in a dream, and calls upon nie to • IN. 114,1.1 To-night. as I st.axlrll shoiel,) 114- rigging. trying to peer out into the thick gb , out. I heard her votee . as plainly a , you now hear mine, and she called out it n ld to wive her. ttf 0,,t1r. , e what 1.114,w, , ,1 was more fancy, though even that :Wetted nie much: I thought I .1 , :“T her, ‘tarnling not far off, upon a lingo r. 4.41, with h,•r arms stretched imploringly towards nit- —sawher then, with my eyes open, I have often seen her in my sleeping dream !--- At this point the ciptain wax cut •hort in his sitiseach by the cry of "Itan . r-no!” from th© deck. They hurried up anti food* the men crowding forward. "What is it ?" Lester a.sket "I think it is a light, sir," replied Park er. "H ere, sir,—Just h ere. —N ow tarn your eye about four points upon the lar board how. Wait, now, till she rises.—l{a there—there I—Seets—Did you see it, sir ?" Yo‘-;--he had seest4t • and be knew it must be a light upon the shore : but it was a great way off. He watched until he had seen it several times, and theln remarked to hissll4 it. hoist he a light-house. lute The light was told and distinct, and evi dently at a considerable height above the level of the sea ; for, had it not been so, it could not have been seen st that distance. After a abort consultation, during which reference was had to the chart of the Northumberland coast, it was decided that this light must be upon Dorton Point, To to the nortteof Porton, asA he captain knew from personal experience, as well as from the chart, there was a snug harbor, of easy entrance. Those things were settled. As soon as it had been determined where the light was, Captain Lester made all po.- slide haste to determine his course ~tari ion. Had the thing been practienble, he a .ail.l have laid his ship to; but that could not be done. So it was determined that the ship should stand on, at lea,t tilt -umething tither should be discover/4. At half-past twelve the gale had moderated considerably The light was now to b e , 4c en very planely whenever the ship rtem and 11,e captain and his officers felt sure thus they were right in their calculattons —At atl events," said the former. ••we hale no choice hut to stand on, at kait - lie was interrupted by a cry from the bow that made every soul start. with iu,rt or . BILEAxtu. liRtAKLit. Captain Lester leaped forward, mud in aver) few moments he was satisfied that the yarning had not Deen a false one: for lie mull n• t only hear the awful roar of the breaking but he fancied that he could see the gle•ttn,ttit of the white foam as it Sew high in the air quickly as possible the tolo+nit was rihen and theanehors cut loose. The pottuieroue- grap pling% plunged into the hissing sea. :tml the iron cables wore spun through the holes live lightning : 4 ntip went the -ta t ehunird chain; and in a moment more a Jai. k a u , felt as the larls,artl anchor lotind huatom but it could not hold. The cable parteul a- thou g h it haul been a hempen strung. and on .wets the tlevoied, In heaven's name'" '•vehat does this mean" see' The light -till born Mg as brightly as vier —at least a league away .—and yet here are the rock. directly tinder our bows' %%hat can it mean''' . .Maurice Lester did not answer , but an old. weather-beaten railer, who stood at the w and who had kinked a thousand dattpers ht the face answered for him "Ifs A V 1 art - Erin!) 1 , 6 14.11 such things afore There atnt no tt-e in bent the Fon, : , 11- That light waspitt there totetol poor ~ark to lilt+ denth tha,t rho. eon-t--harks might pt ek hones "" "Bilk AKEllOht ih. •' ' !-- ()nth: ba.t. •Ir•I r ' But tt wits too late for mortni help. The had tom her , hunt She N eul upon the !oaks w ti a crab that suuntled high nboru !he ruar of Ike t [Cu Nrlxt Ncxt I GRAMNIS ek CO's ELEBIi A T El) Y S*T-14] RS ! From Baltimore and Deleware Bay, reenive, Daily, at. A WILDS. Meat Market. and Vegetable Store. J. WELSII, Ag't 8. Orders from the country promptly littendiNl to. Erie, Dec. 's') —27 t DENTISTRY. EICJPJECOXELS4, NOT .762. fr fs I A to inform fripncht that •iltaing wiot...r, e041.111/11l to to. in my MC,* how, the Ilret t e n days of each month. more or lyea, in-mu-die m to Ow domougim of bootooga. Ibo.n eh. WI i n ma k. en g sgratientr In antleipath.o of anrh prrii-yqy ran do xot throu g h the Poet ogles. W. brie, D. fO, fix69.--tt.27 DON'T FAIL, to 'tee SIXTH ANNis A i. ANNOTIICF.MENT, and brilliant °Miry, li, ant.; M eniusno, 0(Y .1i'"11 0 I.rrllll aw CARTUR A it lo 'l l WII (1' 1.: LEA 1 ).-- 04 5011 X, "bn ',Bowin g Nev. Yuri, Atta4lie, Crjati) \ imearn, 14t1 CAICTi 1 : R Itßo tut LARI k 'N. , and TA2!/NIRWS: CAKTSR A lifio tr.i /Of L oc .1 TE 1) A'l lICFPAIAI, Corner Sebee" A )fain Streets S" Y I'ITY, roorer 1114141111% Ast or Place PHI IDELTTITA, Corner 7th & Chestnut st. ALBANY. No. 41S Ilroodwoj 'l.}: VF. N Seneen & Superior Street s. DETIIOIT, No. 70 Woodward Avenue. [CAW), o.r Clnrk and Wnsbington SI T 14,1 Studunta entering any one of there College*, by the par moot of $40,1440t0r II a 1/11.1 to the pet, ilegra of the entire. " eriatu," rompAsAug- m. 1 411 4.1 ihr stoat thorough, oxtenfart onalph•ti. aria Liusbatao School. in the t'ataloguer and t 'replan. call at it.. College , Kenna. it.. atirtnia• an ab"ra. Itit ANT x STHATTO'N'S M ." 7 ' W;,k7 ' 7: n Mß:ll3ll A MONTHLY MACIAZLNE, Deu4ted to Ceumbene, Bat , king, VAotitaeturro, Agr. tt or*, lterekomieoi , rietteo•, C00n0 t 044.1 Law, haltkpl onOrtly. Literal tar., Art And Statist/ea/ infermate , ,, I. o,llAhri monthly At Cooper Institute, Y Irrtn. 13 r •fli,o Tu. • ill, arum te,fuet Jon to lira* The work i. .I..lwir.L-t;l..kS.---W01)1). AN WILLOW WARE! W23oxosaao eiksxci Wit.eotet.l.l Also op immd 900 Alt PICERD Winter Apples Also a la t e , . aaaortmant of installs and iletop RN*, fled COOS, Twines, Ttirrril Rwpw, Oakum and Fitch, Wirolowale ADP) . Retail. Wat r Limo oanstantly on blunt 11:451P•Cauntey Nlerehauts •opplied trill) a Gill apart. meat Call and eee us before purchasing .4*e-- wham ahciimAN, ICENDIG grit. O c t. No. 29, IliB9-212, Wright's Alert. pA (NTS ! PAINTS ! ! PAINTS ! ! If'4it. ry find In nil, Anserieon and Fr. tich eta Iv 1110111 belled Linared Olt, Venetian Red, jeregwb, "dv,., Ch t na n . and Vr.nrh Oneno, xud 111 abort every thir.on Ow lion nf PA 141'$, fur indent the 1414 re Lk, 1/ 7 T. R. PI NCI.AIR. R Es Ti /M.k Ti Irr4 a El f ETICA 1,1,V retaining the original ilarur. anal ZS for biiWy use, on ale at Di., JD* 11, Ifei. —1 HANSON'S. 1859. Fall Trade 1 1859. EXTENSIVE IMPOLTATION OY European Manufactured DRIC GOODS! Cat4U B rr VEILS COZ3 - SI7IMEMPLS VERY LOW PRICES ! ! I AN NOW RNOEIVENO NEW yi►RR • DRESS STLKS R1(1./ I'U 1?A Largi• STAPLE GOODS, CLOTHS, SHAWLS, Bleached and Brown Bheetings, and Cf .hl..Pt. X' 3EI Mr XIV' C 3. El ! At No. 6, Exchange sow, Erie, Pa ~~•1d. 17.--15 WA. BELL BOY'S CLOTHING ! Cheap and Fashionable t,st rannot fail to Oati+ll all Boy's Coati for 50 cta. upwards. if AN'I N( 1,4 , 410 nt enn-i,1,111.1, ~ x l.•n., In procu raw th. Int•-mt (sigh u.. , and lat t, roa I. At/licit. a Witte' of ta,‘„blit pstrat•tiagr. lie 1,104 %lg.. far 1 , 11 . 1.. w. altant, a 1..r;,‘ .11 ,, ..r7.14 . 11t KRA D MA DE t ' l,4Tlll 1 N a atnrk which alit I* fold gr.Mi tu nut the Col/OPIT, want /•( 1.,!) ).o in , on ha, a 11 a nother pu, la, NI, rr- s It Naval and Milltary ma,ti Ott rra.moual,lt. berth., and I att.," tt ti. n F: rte J 1R t 4 — 3 b 01.1? WNI/1?.1 *" .‘ If 1-:.111! KA RIR 161. 3011 Nt....0 :It , yr. 1 , 3 r to Ittrui.ti nt••'l. / ltt• trm and Most approvwl vat tet •. t. :Own I.ltroteng 11111 nth!. r* to Itself :•1140‘ 4 i lib 144 440140111 v I t t o4:c. Wa'STAIN .o), co, JrAtto,r... nr‘..ssary I#, be ?IP p4floVri• 1111.1•• • IMAI 1•411 fO/ got, •• lAl,ll.nurpl. , Sta 1, • 1 F.Semrntil tArre.l*, F n. IN Aprii Y, l.rltf I:Akit k 3011 N:.;.• FURNITURE! FURNITURE! :If 11. H 1:1..311VI:I) z•tor t trillll.lio, In. S• • ku,l.ting,.u2.lal.. FL, fr. , t,"l I rr{ built exyr.sotly for t h at , large. sto.l • VII r, .1 .0.1.4 IlLelttl • I FURNITURE, kaltwaeing .ur 44.411 y k.ft 11, or!, an . atabi141....41t, 110 tll4 Gr•t floor may to. totiod • Bora** 7 •4405, E yrMPS 011 Tatars, Ikr.al, aloada, Cameasow Hasa Stageols, Llg hi Shads, .I , *(meh. twoi(oft emol (ammo* hedotavislx, Noralres, vibe, •Vc, Are, Ibumutileturfti by Lin...lt, logt•tisrr rah lam 1101 CHAIRS , ;' Of every wradv sod puler to suit rustmoets, The ort;tol floor ieJull of CAmThlth FURNITIAKR, such le Snlae Teti.-111r LAMP Roches, Urotlesars's Rosy Choir; sod aii kiwis of Cushioned (hairs, Marble Top dints* aid Ova TahMR, `is hat Nots lad tZtaltrtetts Stands The third norm contain* materials and • Igor number of workmen, competent to manufacture any artirle in the cabinet line in !be heat sty le and *horned notice. The nightie, particularly the lad ire, are rg apecttully in. rated to call and examine furniture and Niro - a as I ant not to be undersold by any extal.l.chnient in the ( ity or elsewhere. All kinds of lumber sod prodme taken in.:- change (or furniture .1 . it RIBLIT, rite, March 19, 1469.--111 'tole Pommetog N. maimed a large stock of blimuts, embrac ing all slam qualities and prices. _ _ . _ GILT PORTRAIT FRAM - Es. Gilt ttooldotga, l.rw•kln` (llamas, riDO Frmlch ovapbs la Frames, or ~at, .h.ap at th e ' l'ararn Raildtag t Wards 12. T M. ALt•TIN HAMS AND 410111 N Y. J. HANSON hp now ra44.1.-InK from Clocannati cholas lot of Sow Corr.l Hama, and .I.mw nt the bra ales Whale ilia! Hominy. P Y The Drugs and MedietlNV Al* warranted to be fresh. pure and geuuth*. 1 h.,e now on hand and rreeol ing a eery superior stook of Fine Havana and Principe Cigars, Also, Pure Wines and Brandies rst. Ice OrtSnri (ornitatdty Ailed 11114 i PIIt agafitelinn 011M•statig, in rogard Nr.rten and nnadit) 10 SI TII I 11.ACIC !!' No. . iteral "irk. Pal. fine. A, IVA). - - t Sonli XE'4 Is' I NI ,Av t; 1. priakng an altaartment of ..rer Afty mu", vutnadi brands, French, )Cnvrisati and American, for wale low.* 24tf CARTER a BRit. ENARIAS To oFFEIt THEM TO .101I\ 4 111 \M. TAILOR. rlyr t.tiV 11111 , i Y.•4llth Pfrr , keel I. .atlrrUlAti% on Imhof, lir Wlll7llllHke taorder„ •11 .Iz,. PA )1 '8 A\ if MIN'S CLOTHING, 4 hi. h he ..ffer. nl ,11), %rut CV.;I\; Tei Fit IMO NITI'll Tr , \I LINI RA II It .13 H.() T F. it , juot respived Iran Pliihideipitis► wriry *VI Steel of STA lebig DRY 11.100110*. Which thry trill ..fl at, lb. Lemma gator' for CAgii, Country Piro.Woo wean, rsrspledlm Ktie l'onoty or Ott Hoe& at lb log , cool •bovo lb. hnk-lowt .*.b rots.. T bey buy dab • itog., *sea or hoot/bawl*MAN Dl n inni x :; 4 l . Tothinir. ke., be., Ihr Al on moo. torn*. as Amin nortbP doers% 1.,r Cooll Eric l•b _ B ()OK S. Stiagazinea, Paper, Stationery, WALT:PAPER, 431.0., PARS ROW BOOR STORE. Et 19, rrt. sis , IM9. 12 I. (1 1 ) M I I. l_A • N THIS I/Alf OPINING aptim4hl r 11....11 nt h I.llt (lima 1, am., IdoUn Cup& 1•11 , 1 Sn Ca.n4l.motwkA, and a gnat vsaiety 1.1 I \ P.? 11. 4V!) nR.V A Nr. NT4 1.. ARIYC2I.S, mt tan. f rl4r I loittlay. Klegast (`likr Aorta, I It. 6 , 11 , 1. r• 111, I up., Spo.ruk, Ladlys,a . p . lits 1:.11 1 r1,,(1,•‘,Iilu I patternr,) and I"ta ri , l3 and Fanny (iotprip sod WOO F mar, !WC 111.45. . J Al. sT I 1.. IN E El.() . AGAIN 'lli OLLI 11 h.%1 to my Inerolm and the public to zroeral. tLat 1 1.a% a COOODYLOWO Tullatina and Brody 'folic Clotbing Ilualneww, to nil TA fi M o O branch., in the lately tmcropir,l Ar ur ow on tit. Yuba.- ;4.lnarr, between Brown'. Hotel anti the Seed Hour.., whom I will ..toiwaror to ha... at alt IMO+ iirla..ruo i o o f (~‘P,P.41,11(111104. AN II) .Vllo4lll l litial, a,alc.• up to ord., upon abort Dollop. and warrant to wt.., f Offtefloll Of DO male Penton.. in want of an) 'time to my hoc can depend upon being fairly dealt wills, nil um J.lrrnnncd aol to mak. - nu any bait .ueII to • I vitt. matialactio... 1 *PI makin g a 110 f • -1 READY MADE CLOTHING, .61111 • G. 01 'low/. tusk• au.d tt asp/tote.) to to a. re l • ~ r r• , . , .44 111s1fir for ll' .10111 an n.rit. cl to call and ....nor roy 1, , ,0t1•5na.1 Prtrew, as am tielormined Ih sell Job. .i...rt nobre and sartant..4 not 'POO, JIrIIN 11 JU.TIOE. Tril iIEL.INV.N ;t11"1"l' A ANci , ii' it).A f , t• I'IIII,II , EI.I'FfIA . 0 WI( ~.w doing boon,,iit on titr lititual plan, gl , ing 111. notrod a ',mil, !Tattoo. In tio ',moots 05 tn. I,onpa , • t4.ml lia,l•4'nl Irk 1. , . uouni paint u, ' I l o O• 14A11re.14,E1 'fir moist '• ins. I ~nrwi. w all be 111.. rial y and irromptly 3.41j1mpt , 141 rooha or. iiinraliandinn„),,tillitingii and .01 or proporty to 0., n 1.1 Iouul ry, for a Molt. .1 torn. permanoutly itErifiitS 1..1.1, II :` , eld, Jaturr Th.-.1.1111n% Joh% If.g.fovri lSu rL.n, Jobri lourvtt, ers,e, s•Amorl ry 1 as I V 1..., H I F.,«Hvy (Kw. IC (lay H .116111 fla) • It.. Ii Tboomot, I.r H. 11 1141%10p 1..1/4-r, Jr " , p•rocer /fell value, 1..1.1, J Nes Itu, I'..orard .bihn I. itallled 11, ff. 1n.... firtu.ke P.:11 f Ala udrr, Wig MA/4715, 11 k/' S kr, PO( LI, rir c.n rs.s.l,. Apr,: J, 1. 1 7 no C IZIM K .\\II ( II. \V MEE N. I I Al , ll N. HARDWARE 1):14,1I: , \ 113 s'e I," I Ir•- , -I .1 iv) ' • 101 Ir , l „r ECM SPR AtiVlltt 11 ES, SHOVELS AND SPADES, NAILS, PIPE ill iX SAWS HORSE SHOES, SADDLER - '42" , HARNESS TRIMMI NGS. Atr,, *c PLATED WARE. In rant almost every thing a Remember the (f6l Slaw! EMPIRE BLOCK. II mid 12 !lair Nterrt. Eric, rn. April tl. k RF. VN VINEGAR ' pt,”•( 1•1« r itu gar ran bad at April 1 ,,, A 101101.4 N, k C ANPEVI ,t .1i \ Elt.N"ft 04)1.5. / * l ad- I.qt*. ..1.*111•41.• to tri • P.rntor otax-k itii J. i.* • 1* *oak *lt 11 lb. m , 411 eompl.t. m I • 1 I 1,74 i X . 1 '1 .. . , f,, 1 3 0...• 'o f 01 all I. at A pril 1ti.CK 4 .1 4 .:‘,),EN1 4 11; A Git 1N I) iN ' lo Tun. )teren o;r1•4' Tt. r, •••,1 1.•., St..• - om Itanw.oß (or it. bt nvt2i , 61. .1 C, ?..1. 14 \ G\ l'E i; R.l PY 1;s Fates N4' \ It. 0nth4.14 tou.iti , out rn, .1•11 , 4"• folly •t I f ant••.• 14.0, Ir., rr ,, nt ~ ,me fort% Vin rArdpi nut Lb. poi•t .rarautn..". nwn , a n•.A. lloothirer roltrinn DENTAL NOTICE. AT di , urg...•nt r...ttn-t of liko caitt , n- , of I.ller, I hive .I..term I • ri, 6 I!. Cll%. 14, 11, ilrpot. I PRACTISING NY PROFESSION, Ind Oml; STERHOTT. 4 H Alt • *l4 r ..f l'ark, w h.q... 1 Allan 1...1.1.10. all ...1 vrA I } RA TI I n. 4,1 n 6I , I tom. r., art I t it ..1 un Itrooti it Ili, Tillll liSiffEll 016010 Plill, Froni an.n!! rvav t t Part ken lay alten paid I. lir"t ti.ralittn,, '1 rtsio.nn r,tvluih p.rforine.l and •arrantv.l The Latest and Best Improvements I , EvrisTRY, itubber and (Gotta Percha in.t.ead of told and Silver. tholde •to hat- lich:e that will not lit by •ttooophrtr 1 yrt.oure. tho , ,Itocot Pry ,Bert A rWrtAiti or f..t the kohl. r Platen ...tit tit. For flo.opo tt to the trot material 'et 4.(14 n ti, in•eAUWe It wilt Dot wear the notontlt.w.th. IAI prelArr.) to ronotruet /Mal work f o r all who wish to tor it, and make thin bsir one , , that Ii thr Hiatt., Auto to ,to all wont can be tenootothly w.ke,l of it w boo trt..d. I will netolaa, it w.t.tt told or rliior An') charge ant) [lit darer, 11re to prier ( . 4 , vri sr( <,l',Nt wRFC h hag egts.Mish..l, n.• ern hi dent -r in.; the ne.,tndh.,.uttlul, the durable ant! litp...rrao•al./e In tbe .1. nt.sl a rt 1.. • }llO/ I.e ea) freigl att,ntton fl prynetil. Ads %Wag+ • mer all other tti".le.., allow; nz, I,n/1 or .pstevo ft a %lir. fliVl.llllo IAI 101 l at 1. Qlr 111 the IThoft h terfeetly nal u r.kl the br.Allt a hat urnl and while tnini.tertne 1.. the ..trenirth its ,1115.01..r5),” 1.101'4 1.1 SI 11.:100. IT P P S Fp, -e, 17, nii•t piiis4 s INI E th,.ir mer.Ppin k : rouotrr, A lipw Nettleinpot w hp•ry Anu. 1..1. g , nr, Vk Inn If/. Platopt, •nol r,al i 4 A.l,eWhil • , 11'Prilert/VIIt 14 01. )14.,, 1/1 S••11i0.1111. nt.•potlier rolotnn tionn, CBI CROSBY'S KAGNRTIC BALM ! Fit II EA 11 Al'll F., ,orr TioNat, tKriir.l Yaw, F. loot., Cramp*, ol.stsot t , trattta,t.rtelle-kt Glatol% Stttt 31.111.1. k, Sei 441 lin tat", Sore iplea. Toothache, which 41 wi ekkre In 11,111 ine t.. 11.4 iIkIIMIC,CUTDII.. S o re or Tooker Veet, Dosinelo. or Farache, Gout, Lwow Hark, Seahla, it a all. equally ..tfiexci..ix in the cum of diaeanoa in iloradea, or other AA I ['ISLIP, •Uell a* itingl.hr Spar in, Chaff.; IF.rt, I.anienta.., contracting or the 11 ...pram.. Wu,* Ncratelira, l racked ilirwia 111.1 SO 1,4, toll 1,.11, Although this to et new artiste, now (or Ihr /int tint , brought before the publke, yet It tutu bneu noverrly tent,' In a groat numb. , of ma..., and found all that la Hulloed for It, a. orrttlicateu now in the pussousion of tio• Proptio- Inf. fully ',how O.( A hottle and trr . and dot to rod all a a reenni mend, rvtura it and your money will Ia• refunded. tZIIttrILIY sok. ntanutaetutrr and Vroidletnr, 210 Nun Ituirakt and indd by L. 14A1.1)WIN..Krin - ===E==l July '4l . latiti.-1‘;„ St 'A ;•I'.‘l.!:S ! I am prepared to tumuli :imam of any kiwi or atte at muds than emir Wore sold In this eity Aug YU. .1. t', F.UAMM O,;Tt IN F A 1011 ER— A news T paper devotisil to I,ltoratare sail Arrteulture, alwt ertting With full linenantalit.the new rettlement of Ham molooll, in Kew Jervey, ran* atihocriheti for at 01111 lb cent. per annum. time inciurc petttste *tamp.. tot tbo amount. AlidtP., to Itur 01 tita rantior, Ilanuaolitun k . u , Atlantic Vo NPR , Jet pay. Thew • tatting clump 1414 ot . WC 6,1 .1113/,11, in one a tar itralthlcat anti mutt diailehtfut clitoatea to tho alit! • hete crop* are ticvcr tut aua it by fre , win, lbr tyylibir molsurycv thr Royal, 14.1 erAmoatent or 11201111ontell Lftwlt. Colin - _ CASI I paid 11t•h ttt ICye, MILL I tab at the Eric id, Win*•. Farmers gate. are • csH spill HO It it it AVRRATICK MI U. P. EXPAIUM, Preprieser STORE , I'rNSF:TT \ Ill.'s STFEL ,VIKF 1..L1,' VII•ES VELMA% s W ASH L: ES, CUTLERY, GREAT WONDER UV THE NINETEENTH cENTI PROFESSOR WOOD ' S lIAIR RESTORATIVE. Q,A I'm the St. Louis, (Mo.) Dt•tu., t , pobllsh • letter to La Wod, of th • , from A ge ,i i thnwen to Maine, edit& Apr.. gioeinti; 'S eviy P OT ter 111. vita of hie halr tante sect, y. here it. etleet, when coanusig horn a nelialur certificate are guarunt.ea of truth, the lir I , rinniforna, on: Lamle** pottery from the lore* RA III ,I II 4I}R, jars •.11 I , Prefeweee V. J. Wood + Lk, • 440ms/um 'MMus my attention ralleo akw IiSICIP U, Ow highly beneheist *flee: of pre: kw, ( wee induced to make aliplicallon nett hedr i , which had beenceni quite gray, pnAcod, whito; goy whigultem wen* of th• three ruoutit• Mace 1 procured a bottle nave, and awed IL I poop found It lour •4, had wicked. 1 114.41 it shoot twine a n*4 I procured *author bott4e of which ,I 114.• 11.4 tine Can pow certify to the world that tie r^t p „, Lae totally iftsapgwared, both on WV 1..,4 my hair hue manned It. natitral o lor s „, l and en soy than it baa been Leber. 'rant IWu now nix ty years old, thy I,ge of fifty -tv ro ' has need it wi th lame . The, above onttre S deem du• dipuy.l7 lOM 1111•101,41 ea two dim-hope, will not hare ioxiieson 4 , Ildliteol lo 4lo I ern a eittien Drib!. my sni t t „. for the hunt titres years, and au, boo.. one here eud adjoining towtos. Any tow ,o r of the shore with guy natue attached, o , ' • se I wish to reserve the besultee of WI well as thyself 1 ant truly, yours, ki•L7l.l/10411, Jaz, ••.„ WOOD'S 11)i1li kk:: 4 7 1, 1LA71 k Yrufranor Wooll Mar Slr Marin i( ?,t , t,.. to loom the Nat porttoo thy Lair, itr , m , t, tine jello• 4..1 m Ihrw Orlesto, to mat, in trial of )) our tovpantth.a, parr as th e very lag nrkleat W, La, m ro, m•; /tool, awl an words taut erpte.a Itty ho &tag t.. tbr talliatett aOCI4 a te,siku,. Th. isinkrotiguonl o J K tirt.re. ulcer standing. and 1.4140 f of tit. I Iril„, 0 , broni,h,-1.1, Was Fie I+a r.ntl..man ~1 j erry• and tptioirct, 1111 Z4t, P. 1 1.4110,1, Jaa rrOPPIIt/f Won.l lxear 4 ir /1.4%.ng Ilstr Hairta.raitly, it 'oyes U, ..t fect kiss berg, «Acpllent I, 1n.., Prig anti a constant be.Mnrt ti, I.t.e“ troubird (him my cbc1.1.1144.1 , and LA, my hair, ••• b., ,, roing gra), ~,, I h im , nnrd PO Id)s.r artfrir cilh tin) thitiw ht. ti..„ pleasure pr,.tat The Reatoratiae la nut up ,n f 1..“;. • Lilt., Memlil/W and . the aina.l l a y retails for nu. dollar I.lllr 11,.. nwr , l4 , ,h, 1,1 brag twenty p.r relit MON, 11, 1,1. lb, 11 r retails for torn dollars , 1. t ! „ 40 per r. nt mono U, pr , i , .ito L i,, I, J. Wl/1/1)& II) ••1, -• 1.: lir. 4.,1). ork, lin the great km11;1, ant 111 Ilarliet ; ti„ And .old hy ,„,;„. I. 4 B NI i-1 . 1' " Mll M Ir!you satd . ti„ r Wto re did t go without .1e1.,), And bring a load bow - !r, When Tea La • Lat,l, trrali •wl rar.. Anti Suimr torelert Yea r s trays sun. 4, tot them w Lrn A „ WLoLaslotaofc6+nr'aHit,rpwd And Milos kinds id f, Betactra M.11311e "thrni uis•lvrote.A: Who grreta you with a assullog town And 41,0tr0 you all than. to Ire. ur. 644 up .n tafteey, oa.. au.l Arau k••••ps tb. origuseil .B•Na-r I r,k imr.t that made Ileneinth For both re , man) L•nr and 1.1,11 • V 4 ho'+ .1t Lu 1/ 4 ..l I. , th *ail . " awl 141. To 'mit ~11 all 144, PPM)) and ertsi El=1=!IIM:I=E=11 F.r)r. llnrrL );!, -41 At the old Stand - NT ML'ltl' II Y , 11 • Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed HOW II vs !lAN(' A 1.110 I. EN'r lit 'Lit o A i.n, w large o.lo‘l ciisntileto sanortritent • „. I Iran ear.. Al./. h. CAti.....y and s . Ate., Itritoniss Tat& I si•te•• pate, alson.Tv*lkA•t*r.i.t...- I • Otlper, I' s+ reels, ft Ur. Alvo, w 1.10.• Warr of all Iliadic scot gorcli isrtooTroya, s 'stud dues, ales, I.auterna, ('offer Mills, I /an # Kern... Choi,piog knisea, Flat Iron., triq I. l'..kent, 0.1 Iltas., v• 111#1t 11•••• k., kc, t.al 1, d .., lit, • and lialLing Totes, lieSsieera/isnit, Fritter. also, I'UTIIIO 4•I aL dencripll i,. 1,1,1 Pump si", Israel and 1.1(4,, r • . I. haat Lisigspa a all 1101.410 k, w, .•.• •. Zil • l•qtret iron, 11 irk , idol. I oisi tal/1. Hata in riots. 'go." awl 1111 k Nino and Pains, les lost 1 u. I•s entitles+ Cunt TI A k #, A:11 Trap.. Nec••••11, Tacit, hoc /nisi...l+, it,. tssisotera, 4.6.. .14• A Yana, Ii rind Molar* 41.1 itanxissos. with #••1•••• 4.•1 ut stanch 0 us 'lone CFO the rberttst Uotier :Soya taken in •tenons: , i" DMZ I.l.aa•esli &Sul tmatintst.. nn • lock, ao.l outtipty y mewl. Fair, Val lb, PliO4 foots T h E .‘ ' V M N'l 1 7 113 ATE: AAD « [IA( .1(f 1D ICE AT Till IC Ut Yl' 11.0 Plil V ATE iii)..errt Letat•ltatie•lful the eure r.l s),•tuite, , ,tl,ll••• aad the wen* Intirmill••• Nl•ail, amt Vlatmv.r. Allikt R :•0:•11, Butraln, N ink, ~.loer 1111 qua) //recta, tup,otairs A mimpfor An inNtrumekt for the cute. a C. ',CAI s i”ild/13111 I , :filiWPionl4, more properil to , WeakbPsa, QC. INLW t...jWlTtwl.o. to two InwilthiP I , r the 13•• of ti . •••, 1,, • uwd er•np•ititly with medicine, YOUNG MEN TAKE P liTll LIU Ni/TIII Ito k SuN take plea.ure 111 Ms, 11 ; they Lave otteent.4l • wool. ttnportatil ,o•••tt....Lt cure the &hove dieeaaea It itas •ut trwl t.l flu w't entment ph) Mewn. 1;4 ; . 1%11.1..11;14m and Nr.ll, York: it hall &re uo.luliuottuntettl rsot tu•rtltor.i f... u.• 1 , 0 any Jtwao of the.;; -11,1 a. 104 Vt 1.1 IL, be, of Lai, (A Id I .•11t// Pr,.. 111.1 ; I 'NEw HEM VLIID. AND qi It it lINV^ Ames /r. s..n rusty be consulted tr. rn • Ito ttttt rtsitvg n °tit P at night, an ewerskm' •, V• , it , lt,r, 1,41.t0, Nelnlint/ 14 est pntence 11/.1 c•lrretimeri el the t rett”s. 4 , • linstottul I• 6..t1.1•.10.. a n•w• 4‘,11 •• •• Y , UttV, prteducvs cnnstttutuertl • ntarruure Istni in the •- I•' anti Vlllll4. The. ter:lament the, h. • , tirsni• of thirty I NV , .1.11 •.•... •• t A 4'l RE 'IV 111/1 Ur AbloS .t ••(,` Its" . .. 4 u tnl th.qr strent oc..ty to thio 144 - 111lar t tualtaites,mMtlii hare ern214•911•••Itly been r' ended riot. r 'II. creatures Is fully testdied *rot cratot‘ol, a, t. • convalescent patients and • theta .1a,l) af. , front all parts of the country, for the • %pro -1. I , • - r• of e..ndultatt..n, whlla inert rieril..llll • with the most afgnal alt antagsa yet tr. nr •' hareelp.rteniYdtnutqurrrntt into ttoi oat, complaint, rtroni their nn.t 'ot; d that of the most dangerous and tot. t. rl'•, •' it • entertained the gentedithit • f • • ' • • • rent., al, and iike•ise insarfaltitt it • Ode and malls/Dant forum ofiltesteo, in. • ways b.• traced to one ur the 1011.•• r tt • . neglect, tor the ill effects of uuskti fore, lir A)itts & SON have .*• " the swieetion of their remettiro, a •,1.„ • 1...3 , 1 114.11, tour.., Ornitt to, all ettnit.k• V, ' 1 • • 4ear an •••011 , ..I•111 rhan, ter,•• •• • •• " MAW, and initoittioio• sl l /,1,11 I• 1, J I'. I . ' d,l had ettnaegotencra Is IL, Laude . • p• In abort, the landahle end of OW, r• 1.,• , •.• • • • tog of II gnat MOM. of human flaw,. t.l al • n , 11.4 and ivryventl. , ll , It! sttla id liv 11.111, - the secret foe of 1,6, v a/1" 1 , . r i,,,e •• • • surround 1.111, calf ni, ,• I • •LIII and 11,11 ,• • all It tttertblnallial CO( NT'll 1 I 'll 11. f Ver,oin. in anypart %.•,1 trvat,thy forward,n, A OW, t tztt!. !I Or r A n.niittaitic.o. fnr Meow..., A. Address Dr AM) A. 14, 3 stmt, Buffalo. N. Y. YPI, 101 i —1:08 HATS & CAPS AT cos r•"• • ; • c•,•:....142ii . • " •• fire k hit.rd TM. 1.,1•• •. in .* York. / have a /largo st k •N. wail Iw mol.l st tann.oml low rrie. Kn., Oct. 16, 1450 —l9. . _ Valuable Land for Sale. TIIE I)Elisl4;N El) lln sat , • a th.kt nt fwd ka01“1 AT tl " 1 1 • • nag fon, minx east of Wata.rtur,l, 11,.1 n. .t plank rna,l. and enalai nun' annnt 1,13 , 3 • 3 , ••• •IP 11 tuaber3.l, and adnil rawly a.1..ptc... 3 • ===== • 1,. IL•3lrnikti. Jt wet)} .1.. tart". to .alt purthapera. July 1V859.---611 6o.Partnenhip -New Firm. MoCARTER & KELLOGG I II AV E as.i.x•iiit.,;Al with in , Iti Ivry .n t I'n,euino huet/wee S 11 rk the bu.torim will hereafter be revducti.l ci • ,'.llea( IiIeCARTKR k KEL1.04:4:, keit., JUL.. 11, I ti , tiL - m,t• p)Ns w k NTI NI; 11l ;.;;;;ukt. rot , St, )41{frt, u,nt Pao Italia, another column A PPLE PtEA - Is) k PparOra that will an N.•` ork `„'+ no niktAlte, for *Mr •rn low by Aag '.M, I,E 2 9 FIN NF7N.- „t• Itstrar St.ta, Ott ap at .1 Tt) 11,1, WANTING FtIZNI , Hstatstkroid..n 1411• prizE t,Aitt) ()IL! Sti.tablio for ilverwere. s3g.l • *arrant...l to pa* anabatartwas 1.. t r. 4.0 . st BALBWI Wig 0111,0 I{.-• ,11 Gil 104114:10zi A ( KAocA =1 J 1, , j, IT N. 111 '1:141 = J A OF Attu'