The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 07, 1860, Image 1

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    J•ltr (f)ric (Obserrer.
\ I \\ I , 00 .I I' RN AL
};y B. F. SLOAN
. 0.4.1 in
I.lAirr•- ~ XII,I
1,1111, a, Iti Witl.l” r thy.
,tum.• I ../ •
tan! wit laa all, as 1 ra•a.aar
.11". e. or W. malt. mire 1 6
• •.11.•••• - • 1••••01.1••• 00
I •••• ”1.••
I ••.1k :.•
. •
It t0.,,1.1.• a slu
P. 1.•.•, PIO ro..utiim
• ..Bti , lllePff I bill I t,) Ivor
, N• .11, c I'lrcl, 4t,er sic, stn.! 111-plot
ia: • • Ito . It. 14.111.44 A 11b. but no
• ,•,••••rt ••••1 5m.,11./ t 1.• I • Nt.l inv.
"I • "11,. ‘. tn. 614 4 4 4.... t 4
• r N•1•1111o1.• • -1 , 1••• I lir Oary,
I tin 'Ver , ••••111.•11t1.111 , 1/11 Iw ran , 1.11
• 1.00,1.• •••••• , 1 116. Arlt ••rtjper PA, -
1 . rt,rt• r•••, r• ei
rl.l.lflt! W.ll finkti-
-.I t Itl It 1
4,44 44 i‘ 111114411TA14 4 , 40.• ••I4 (.44i 44L.A,
44 14 1 . 44-4“4414444t, 1;44444, 4 4 , 4 JIM, 1.4,4 4i4r,
\I . 1 a , ‘134.1a„,4, 44 4h,rr5, l'orl,„mad xll loud.
.441 . 4 - 1,1411444.1 \111.1
1,„ cJ
lii 0Ci.t . ..-• A. 111..
\00tJ,....1k i.,11.1.101 IV i.ION lniln I\l
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!.I" to • 141..-1., I.*
1.1% I • I . 11...ti*,
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1% %I `,..„,1,% (
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N. t 11/11,145. I
%%. Ell
1, • I I v.. • f 1 ...1.. Wu
..• 'I,. 1.. It, 01'1 %o
. i •'1 v • , :2 IL. •I .1. •• I Mi.
\ t.F. 1111. F
v, %1 I . - %N.` :1
• h.%1 TON
Pi , 11, tt .11."
I I „ .14iitio‘N
Itb.T.lll.wAt , h.
%. 10 %% I l'llltT
I. •• I I % , .4 1.11i44
v. t. %LIM tITII.
.4%1 I Ult.
ntort., Slrertal A !.riorlito •
. • 14.1... -T.l -rst.
\\•„ I \ll 1,04 E.
A 7 1 ,00 ., 0,0
Ik . %I.! 1.1.. 4
14, lIHT , .1T1...• in Rio... Silesia
• 001(4 nl lb.' Part, Vrt«,
_•_ .
v 1.1.104 A. .
"les air 'Mu Pws-411111e.. is gr.
"*" find the Piblk Ktinare, grins
0r.... , el
ni l « 0.
41 Kit+ I. Got
,•r Iwlu.a t, Ac Night exchange nu th. pnu
, f.., .okie (,f6e•Ni. 9 Re+li 110•141•••
• 4... I . llolt & I'o..
It. urn. and 14Ptnnfstelttn.r. ..f •AJO.,
.• r. sit.i kNuwb, 1 • •••Cli at , m tlto .11.. , prOnnOri%
IW. J•41..1.
1 1 111'11)111
4 411, llraitk, Flo.tir, L rillta, N• I '•
rtr 1 - 11•, l'•11., Willow and •Ii•• 1,.. Warr,
1... a I••• 41$ rig+, • Fl/.4.11
, 1 .I.lllr. nburr the ( , tfle.” I •
It It %Till 1311:: 4 1
~I tt
w t. t•i. •1.1. "f P• 11.11.• S.,uakre. r
' • %II ~ r lt warrnnto •1
A.' lilt .
.1 • t.l( 1.00.
•. o n I ~$). 111.1 i• Nd. i.t 6.1 t .• • •1
sa.• 'l , llll. I, I . F r, I.
I 11111E1.1.. n..
.si .4. • .11 t • 1111 e e ••
re.• I.
NI I ".'4
1 , 11.0. kK.$ • \.gut
A r 1t t •
11* •t I Irk ). • - to. I.
;• 11111:1.. 11. TIER.
• ..•irar4! I. rl. I ••11•11
• • Ile. ti••tu. rin.l lel h., ,111.111 V.• *lter..••••• , u •
• •••••••
.11111 N ••‘% ItiESl •
MT ft y or
n, •Inlra. F,.... l'n
Al I:11E it
•,„ • I ;"„ !, I i ,o. r- .Legarl,
t. • nut, • lent. ••r fiaffhl
• P.,. - •it •.
4r r •••r•olvi. CLARk
W. %VI? E.,
•I ‘1,•• 1. M. Vll.. 1•,..1
r tts all 4.f I•Atiri. I,lltio, I •
I )111 11 A FIL 1:1..4C 1 .
1.) I XS( • .L 1 st A 1..t1.•
1a... Lt V. 1„. It . • -
L►rill%." 1.0 %%.
*•r• t• TI rYI.s N% 1, .1 • ,1• 111.1 t.ll
N'.-?/ A n erts Pomp. , • n. 1,/ r. I Ire
t on.l Iwo no* o •trr...t
/ . ..a. 6. F
p-t t o •!. I 1.,01 , II,: MO • • IMO,. Nrut
oehnol ;•,1 fo• •lt
I 11 lILLt
M I. lA.*.
I) 14. 0.
: Ft.t . f.ti• 4 ••••r I TT , l.ver.wr
1 , • n.l 1.%••• '.long in Irk I
• ' k rii Itwnl 1811,n.
F.:11114:h. .1. TI)•.
I •r. ' r tir r , 11,0
"•r. I. h "re rrr ~.11
•l tItTEIZ k14:1.1.414:4;.
W 1 1 ,1.16 0 ,1.1( a nd Krtolli l'• r , rf....,)*
1-1 .4hlr Chandlery, tn.! 'awn. Al•
• -lA, 13..”0
1:7„...!_121111V. ..T4l
sA At A ,x,vri,L.o. and K. 'Ali
• ../ F',.. 1., an.) II .110.0tIC Itrt
" 0 0 CI , 11, I. tate ,tro. t
• •
'I ett,
eortlOß Or TIM i't V I .1. A v m .
- rod ilortirao t rruu•, 'kr • 4 lerzteiv
1..0. Oar 41Mr. {. it, rtf.•
4 , 6 "lb 11 .T 14•1(
r•ka 11, Ili , 11. Ar•••ritl C....rt. Vtio .tuett t. Ito flotht,,l a1.e.,1ti , ••• to all Lrn
• • ••• Igno.i, .(leer • 11.3, Att... ••t IL.flotrst•
t ,•• •,, I tn.. , 1:1“ n . I• •• 11.01
p Cr I k ~ fitro ttttt 1••1 to
..1 4.1 4, , r •••• r
worl •1.1. the
rio• 1.3
''l if 4:111.81.1%1/.
1,1.% WIWI 314
•l OTT If It I ♦.
411 M • tr. 411 tilt 1. 1 I I .11 r
.t• 0114 I, .1
I ..i . ll t! Ifl% IN
Ql' \ I 1,1 \ I 1421 114 4i1,1 . 1.
•••. •J t• 4 n CARTIeR k BRI)
r (..
•. wuouw•Li Lori Retail dealer in all klude
.1 kug Lab, iierman and American H seminar*, Anvil., V urea
tree, Nail; Steel, ke. Saddlery and Carriage Trimminira
Machine Belting and Paeltinc Freneti stivet, oPt."..e.
Reed House, Erie,
Wll. thankful for thr
• patronage given hint, 11.130[11,41.1t that hat ova
procured the aandatauce nt O. J I.l'eg, he in prepared to
do all kinds of Dental wort prrouptly and In the latest
ut..nt unproved style., and the attention of the puhlte
. •.rain called to rho
A"'iot•l , oll.4, Wit 'Wilt tst t ptii n ,
too thrnnselrra Indebted to, UP, are •••rtlrOt
vat.. pa) the same witAnaut delay, as U... tat* Hanle.. in
r nuain...aA rrudera so early deposal sil a ikowtti..l Adair.
atpreall‘... and • tr....l that th. M 411.10.1.4. 1.
1. - 1 - Anted w,lt tw rniteletilv Anelpte.ray.4 br a
ni..** to , 11.1 a make.. nrt b .1 JOIIN,T , ' A. A. las , '
.1. (1.
PORK, &c.,
1 1114
I , I.
I Wale
kc 0.1 •
N•1•11.,1 %1 st 4
, it e
•I, }- q 1.•
~.•.7..L h I7.I•I r..
l'‘e 'stela , .0,
THE ERIE---:i_, -- ,' . t".7 -- .: --.\'''..." OBSERVER,
• Mai he 1111• F.. ti enovell In making 14.11,
t.. Iha entire uattaactu.n 01 his patrunk that be ort now
p , typar.d Lu put up T., I
w bleb Las the same adraiitages poatesaed by the
0,1! 111111 Work, leaving tio seams or parrs lot the semi•
mulati..n id food, and giving b. the bane a perfeetiv I
etpression, and frsr clamps It is preferable to la. r
material wed. n not wear the teeth. T., O.
milver for those who prefer it
Partleolar attention paid to ailing and prem....log not.,
r 4,1 teet h, and alw to the eorreetlon of .rreguirtnlie ,
an lteatti 'a Block, Park How
I 11. , Ite. 24, litri4-414m29
No. Itrov.W.-•lnek, •-•treet
itr IU VI „►
1 5 " 331%7 1%7 • A.
,CM r?? 7!
rl l ll „f , In l IL.
11141 1 e 111.1.1 inalw
In ru• liraper that, I run buy them ..onnw h.q.... bra-au..
i. til in nbent,..r. i 1113114 1. IA eli.l.p• r, eat is eh, alr r,
1,11 the Marne, Irldllerli 11. 1,11.101 C4. l ll)pet. ut
11111 , i.1w.krknwn, rho
1 . 3 n -wet .1a a HMSO 14/1111.falittel them
Pell,. for hr. yoara, 111141 who Matt no . I
enury otnek oennonary to mnl.4- rach
.1 1 am 110. pniarnd In Inrin 11 ILD, 111110•,..1 , frießol
Pianos and Melodeons
~, p.p. - tor Tone ■od neigh, ►nd will
ixr..salum..s.mcws 4 szrxciras4 I
F. ! am
Elgrroted promptly mid burly
rir Pr.luer, order. no Starr*, old Inatrunsenta,
twr, snit an) thing Aso I can sell swain or oar .n ny
Inert. will be taken In ascii/Age fur Piano Fortes, Mt4i ,
ikons, Diatom...rot wad any, thins else I hay, in my store
Chiakering & Son's Piano Fortes,
1.01 l heard or • 1....0r Igt MIL
I ••.I where and I will ••leliallip. it.
11 I'. -
:on ;tit roni..nliwt
I.lTrr r ll.•rwro Werterort.f \ °tic, hag nrsote I•r
it, jour vaperit 1,11./.., , •116,1 wl , l
tltt'e tro•11•,..1 ...” wlll fro••, hien It
ftlrwrh ‘••Ii wit), Sr, Man, .1111 • nit, •a• &we ••n.
tn. r ord., WM V• 11.11,..;
F rt. ,ilw p 4 11,W -2
XI W••• c1"1:1'IS rett rno.l tt,.in o‘%
I.ll\ n k. snit a t 44.5 a. log hrr k
l+fnatuttr.,; ..;
and : • •traw rdwerwt-.IIN
110.10 140`.1.-• Flower*, ku,
el•et Itit,hona. Collura, I,ArrA, Re ,Rr Air°, I or.. It
Hoop , k‘rta, 11..1.11,Laphy r Hornig, K totting Yarn an.
rod. inr 1. no tory, I k ro
, Omitiv, kr. , kr , all of wit krti 1,111 61,
ran be 14,111eilt .IPeVii•hr
r- f r 11111.1.1 N F.FLA onapplo .1 a Itla all ,rognla in 11.• v , In
1A holraale,
Erie. Oct 1, 11159
W 11'A NTT-1 SA FE.
The Puhoerther )11111 IMP RI
11104.1t1 ‘4711'.4 SAFE, which he •111.1oppop.e s.f cheap
0 3 ,..1h or ‘pomireil paper K I.
Eric, A pnl 9, Ih4li —44 tr
101 l and romplete aseortment or Build., Ilhr!
ware, for %ale very low by net:ll,4-21 .1 l • 5Y.1.14
MILE & r A Riti Ao; M f \
10 A fall assortment of Saddlery and I arrow.. Troll
1111111 g ash. very low tic 21 e -VI OF %
\ 111'ENTER'S :Ma .11 /1 NEWS 141 1,"
the lartost and elteairest rho k in the rat.. st
vw, II ,t 29, 1‘!..1 - 2t :41.11F5 . S
. "..k1 . 1 7 11 . EHS, ( . 6.3% Ni mom ,
Ituteller Kuir, a, at the gore 1.1
ori 24 -21 J .4.1.1110 i
4,111( El.:•;, and Tung Stand., Bl,)ivi
1,17 la u. 114. "ale At 7.1 .1 C ' 4 ELLIF.N
r kitt.F. t TTLEItY, Piw•ki•t Kllll or , I
ji all and yualittea, at low prtera, by
loci •,N:t.9--21 J C. S,}7I.IIEN
TlNl l ali !•;F:1 : .1 1 '. fIM I ITHY SEED!
lrwr Bu.lAele our New Clean I'm...thy jo.l r
arvi tor awl« rstwip nr
Erv... r k.t InLY 14101 CM k (11
11141111.1 t.. W. KIKI
Tri)liNkt 41 I. lir,
1.6.0101...1 tIl that ..t I , J IJ All iI A xvirrr.
~alhwrat corner of the Public Ptquarr, wh.w b. trill a
trll.l pratroptly t.. all bO/111.,41 6111./1.114 4 II IA ill. Mn
the 2, 1459
C, 0,1, I II I. of ti v
h.! ..f CARTER k HRU. Nor A, ja .44 -
() F my' own mako of any .1,-,cript 1 ,1
•t law priam, for PM:lora, Starr 1 • 11,,, nr
a raki , ( 1.'111e:ill& ta ...vat the tustost. G W ,
Not . 1i.49 .t., nett 4th, Fr
FRENCH it NI) AMERIe N. by th. 1.,
lo• t nor!. CARTY,: k Pk"
Mk1 ) 1 ) E1t ANI ) INI)Ilii ) , of the %..r)
twol by the Cask at In Irma I.y
Colors ! Colors ! !
Rlttirnt !turn t
.'nnou I'nele Vunuitau Roul. Chum« 'I 0•Ilow
kr., &A., groun.l and put up In 1. 2. 1 sit
rang sul.l at 114L.1)141,0 4 WWI; :'YOKE,
2n it Nnb Ftur.l Hun..
011( lie E )RS, Gtr Ift4lat•inal, un Jrsuebt and in I.ottles, for sale at
HAI.I)WIS'A IMO; terifFtr..
No. b 14.41
C U lb
I. A N m 4 11 EN E.‘l..
N to
Carbon Oil 1
44 Si'!'iß A RTII:I.F., jut rovelvo.
/ and for Nair &I BALDWIN'S Mtn: RTORR,
1)•••• 114459 —216 Nu 6 Reed 11..u.e.
1 \THEW'S ',Nil!) !FAH( 11l E!
ehenpeot. Witt••hu nt 111‘
1.... m tr... La .1.•• t ItALOWIN'S It
l;t1 ',STORE.
-410 No 6 Reed
DA I NT III:I:SI! -- finest as4ort
m-u. "I Potint tire•he• to the City ..1.•
RAI DWIN'A 1111.1'0
1410 6 Reed Hauler
It. 1•'. SLOAN, Editor
.I.ItiI I ARY 7. 1564)
goy- M ost of the articles nn t h tale of our
paper wcre prepared for tut week, but unit-
CroWtied 11111 to wake room for Presi
dent Di atNAN !I excellent message.
11.,w IT ytu.t. WORK. —A very large molly of
the people of the Northern Staten are engaged
n nintintsottit trig and producing articles to be
cotc , ttnied in the :on L Another large tnoity
vile • ini4.lle wen: called merchants hut they
•trr hini f d u ll 110411. , to receive goods
and I rrrducts of Northern innitufrteturei , and
pi.i.liteeri to to siiiithern vonktimerv, and
111 huh iecono it a ttout►irrn connuin,•re their
pi ...loci, to tie .11-posed to northern ronionners
\ow stippoQe fora liiment. that the —irre rontikt the Itrpahlienn party is
co on. And that the S9uth ultimately
'I n tr.aa tilt. 1 mon- a result not at all .ta
prol,aldr in the present state or affairs —what
will he the rr-alt to northern inanancturers,
prodin Cr- and 131 , orrr. ' Will not the 4pindlra
of tlassachasett. cease their hum—the shoe
, hops of Lowell bromic silent --the fin.+ of the
- aml noel ine .liop. of l'ennsylvnnin
1 , 111 - • vur , l , U , • 1111'11 ' a•n..e to meet on
rhaug,• t dincu•. the price of VOllllllO COUUII,
311.1Votato up I o ,ll ll. — lllemlopptutz engaged
to the oars vine tra•h , he laid tip to rut at our
,Altare e t. to. •h,o I, it 11l not tlua war upon
...when' right- awl 44 , 111 hern inotitutiunpi, re
e‘entimlly iu 'Aide 'Trend ruin and derm
hat ow 11111 ,, 11g all at the nurth--and all
sanity a toe our
rupt :111.1 111:•:1111e••• py1111C12111:., 1 , 1 h., limier the
Ili eel.) Ita.l r•011er rule in such u pall
11.111 li%e in u l with .lave
10.1.1,4 %%ill m.t mtr n rlhrrn mechanics
ot. 1.. r the —almighty
r. 11111 c) -till lidilere 1.. 1114. ..r
Iteptti.lwatt party tit its war tipmt 4411101
.•rti Irtlt ot e.wfs.lerney inuorn.
titia tlu sqlocts t ht. WO' 11 pr.sitteed.
Vre ./41.44:i1it• t.,11.•v$ from lilt' Piqui.t. 11, Rn •
TII t. I:f FE. T - N 11110 in I 'inLitirinii the other
.Inv se valle , l nt the large and extensive es•
talili•hinenl MiLys littEutwiwit,, rind in a
,sm•i•rsntion with him on the till-absorbing
topic, thiseonstant agitation and
consequent excitement on the slavery question
wAX playing the very devil with the business
of that city That the feeling already engen
dered, if nut speedily Choektgl, would rola the
t, WOO the 00111111eree of theOity.
-• likieid
letter, in ition to veracity pre
-4eritati•l' in the Itepuhliesin State conTention,
tart it —cannot ilis , cover that Ilia Excellency
contruiliet.4 Mr. Lowry in any important par
iicular, • mid therefore the Editors of that pa
pet think ~,, • •Itave certainly failed to make a
agaiwit hit our ) former friend Thie
want of per eption on the part of the f;a:ci7,-
1- not at all •tireinge There are two nweie4
iir do g , nn 'hi. world— one lick' the hand that
.-tnitet. , it and comes anti p.c. v it. tlll . l..tCr
111.1 te..l . the other rel•el., and stand.;
te.orNett right. when th e wh i p it np
1.11,4 Tiiii Itelonr+ to the
ittrtot , r . 1.• 'I here are 110 two Melt In
n. 111:11 /...pOtitttrt, , l ,'tote to the felon
Itll.l to the Iteptildienn Stale convention,
t! 1 , 111, 1 . % %1111h0,1 and tr aduced in the
pint th of
"unl‘Vl 101 ,, U1 h 11 110 IMA nut relented one
1 , 41 nt lit , totter tat red of th".evrentlemen: and
tel .1 , 1Tii..1 l , a t 1)11. 1)11Ck 1114
e,11.1 111- • w ilt an ••ractrlar placiAity
'hat I.lllJltal,le. it it were Tint ,It.guett
tn.: tot tl. %t Ito of mattlo,o Rbenlien
ri0 , 11,11.1.111 , 1 an.l i•luele•I it '.null tlaing
I•u mottle .1101 find their delegate tal
tiwir thr..o.• when lttlit.trr .eekm
Iten il0i11111:0 , 1 (11 arol they find
tal..n- 31 Ihnl gt•ntlentratt throat—then per
-1141.. their perception *III , i tnekoned. awl
thrl .1••• t he •toint rr,r. dol nt —make
lt 1 , unneet. , ,ary to inform reader.. that
%I...nitow If Lou it ..1 Erie, 4le .der In the
oppo•ntion rtwl. for 111110.4'11 1.111 of la en
ty oI Goole wln. in dup. 1: 1 .11e by rendered
11i. Hwl, notorioti- - a , disorgitnizer. to
it, Democrat le party Are either —figuring at
I i head ni the Intl" of the wooly
Leal ott;zl. ..... .rat ton Kell. NI orrow paid a
tt-tt to John Itrown. and upon returntng pair
a and hull t ten Strollt what he
oa.o heard and neeoutpli , hed trot iVt,e 1131
-cot Mot row . narrailt e. rtrod.has written to
111‘. i:rte .r correcting . many of hot nd,-
..t 411'1111'11N wa, entirely unnt•ce ,, ntry on
the part of the Governor. .ince the redoubtable
Loa ry I- regarded w here% er known a , n perfeet
114 int han-eu I .11 , 111.1.
Trim but Own the f Let unto not he 4.0
.d i rht of. that pre% ion, to 1...wry . .t to
Rt..% n. t •Ilutit tog Ills devotion to the true
tot- , ton ..t the Iteptittlwatt leader , . he war 11
enti , lointe for in Sint.. eonvention of
lint ivirt, tut lath , / d•rf",it Vo s.,,,ner,
11..NPVVI. Itul I.e returned. 1.)4( polilisked to
the w. 01.1 hp. — l . oen ltl.l hull yarn." than the
eonfereoq, of Eric and Crawfordl countiei. met
nn.) he vin elioven we Ledieve, It,
r, pt rrrltt Ole pail). al 'I, r.iiivrul $1 A
Seit.ituriA .6.1.01 r Hence, while wr perfect
ly agree with I h.. ..11 long 1%.
al oitt• 10;1, , ,Ar 11 l eprr.rntAlire of
I:rc, atnty Repulairmmtiii, the letter of
Vi ins 3.1% entirely unueressitry. *Lill after he
had beemile :t 16-pret , nln fore o f that party, it
w:tm exet•edlttgly proper that hitt mat elitenl
kabl lie II OW rail 1(.14.41.
Pot [Am ritr: Ex Some of the Phan
,li.l)4,in have lieen rueently indulging iu
that very •ititaiiiitile and pleasant sport of skim
ming over the glassy tee on !dee' Phial shoes.
or in other words, they have been a skating.
Co fair latusel of Eric. why don't you inke
I h.. hut and .lo likewise Don't yon know that
the sport is glorious. and, ahoy,. all, it is the
lesl w-t in the world to captivate the hearts
ill piling 11.••11 wtiii are ar6tne ti. hr let! 'tilt)
raptr+ity 1 1 ”11 your lOrtrut...l itivurel. strap
"II ty to the panda—priip•
it eour., - and dart over the
n It Nlll put lb, r,,t4re genuine
upon )..LIC 10% ely mu I eity.o• your eyro4
to :•parkle like *tlr.
As the time is rapidly=aching when
the Democracy are to a standard
bearer for the nexteGuberitatorial contest
in this State, it is essential that the De
mocracy of this:county . sbauld be prepared
to indicate their choice amongst the dis
tinguished names suggested' for that posi
tion. Among all the various persons pre
sented to the:consideratiosi of the conven
tion soon to assemble no one has stronger
claims, and certainly no ate in all the ele
ments of a popular and successful candi
date is better 'calculated to rally the full
and united strength:of the'party and carry
it through the conflict with success, than
the lion. Jacob Fry, .Tr., of Montgomery
county. His intimate practical acquain
tance with the resources of the State, with
her wealth and productive capacities, his
deep, sincere and patriotic devotion to her
interests, render him peculiarly fit for the
position of tiovernor of this great conser
vative commonwealth, and his high moral
worth and universal reputation for un
bending honesty, will gather around him
a weight of influence, extraneous and
outside of the party orillaniration, which
could not ho brought to the support of any
other candidate. That be will run largely
ahead of the party vote, particularly in the
central and Eastern portions of the State.
is a fact of which I am well satisfied from
observation and personal intercourse with
gentlemen of all party denominations in
those sections. lits rigid, uniform and in
flexible integrity, his stern fidelity, the
soundness of his judgment, and his un
doubted ability, in all positions he has been
called upon to till, give him a strong hold
upon the regard and esteem of all parties
and render him a peculiar favorite of the of the I,eopie who may regard these
qualities u+ touch more essential to a high
executive functionary than brillianey of
intellect, high scholastic, and classical at
iainments and splendor of genius which
to a great extent unfit then for the dry,
(lull, but necessary details of official husi-
The successful wanner in which he has
conducted the strain the Auditor lien
oral's deliartment 'rat e s hiM capaci
ty and furnishes liaranty of an
intelligent, honest ful discharge
of the duties of trate of the
State the people
tad poet.—
voritiern. no ea
expediency, no pecuniary advantage has
ever been able to swerve him a hair's
breadth from the strict and rigid law of
official duty With him official position
imposes high and responsible obligation,
which it should be the aim of the incum
twilt to deieharge to the hest of his judge
merit and with fidelity to those affected
by the mliiiiiii4tration of the office, and
not an object merely of political ambi
tion or pecuniary benefit. The peo
ple of this commonwealth are capable of
appreciating the services of (len Fry, his
utt-werving integrity, the high moral prin
clple that has ever actuated him, and his
nomination will inspire an enthusiasm that
will inc%itably lead to him triumphat elec
I trust that the Erie County Democracy
will second the choice of other portions . of
the State already most significantly indi
cated, and with great unanimity send del
egates to this Ith of March convention in
favor oftho , listinguished subject of this ar
ticl DEMOrRA'r.
Tut: 11A1‘11: GLAKiIs —We were delighted
the other day at Warren with the appearance
of this splendid Military Company from Erie.
We saw some fine Companiee at old Concord
at Gov IliNK's great military demonstration
hint September, but saw no Company superior
to the ••Wayne Guards. - They are all as fine
looking fellows as one sees in a life-time. In
short they are the elite of Erie. The Company
is under the command of Capt. MeLiss. than
whom we have never seen a better officer or
more pleasant gentleman —Janiutoten Dem,
The above iq handsomely said and well de
served: but the paragraph which immediately
followed it. hut which we have omitted, in re
lation to Gen WILSON. iv unworthy of the hem
„era/ Gen. WlLmus iv an old printer and a
gentleman of many good qualities of head and
heart , foibles he doubtless has, for who has
not —even he of the Destocrot may not be per
feet - nevert lieleaq. were he to search the world
over to fuel one who would take more pleasure
to merve hits: in any way in his power than
lien W . he would hardly find one
oi l y.. \l , e have Itivillotiey's superb wig:trine
"The Lody'a Book," for-January, cm our table
for eomm• dare It ix, like every number of
004 racorite magazine, a superior one
I t contains no less than three superb nee/ plates,
and s meary full page engravings of fashions.—
The title page consists of five separate engra
vings. each one perfect In itself .s[lodey's
I )ffering for New Year's," finely printed in
colors, is a gent or the art. ••The First Fall
of Snow," IC a very seasonable engraving. In
all there are seventy-nine engraving!' Among
the contributor. may be mentioned Marion
Harland, author of ••Ilone." "Hidden Path,•"
and ••Moss Side, - who writes fur no other mag
azine. Mrs. Haven• Miss Townsend, andothers.
By a special arrangement with Sir. Godey, we
are enabled to club the Lady's Book and Obser.
err together, to n,"lvance-paying subscribers,
at the very low rate of 's3 00 a year. They
can thus obtain the Book for s2,and the Paper
for $1 00
Dryer The ..Weddel House," Cleveland, is one
0f the best Hotels in the country. We made
it a brief visit a short time since, and found
the proprietor and his avaistants attentive and
obliging There is one feature we like exceed
ingly well The morning papers are duly
.erred to you with your coffee, mud the even
ing papers with your toss This is an arrange
ment that Ought to be more generally followed
We rote the ••Weddel" a model institution.
ED. Onsitnits:—lour Washington county
correspondent did not anticipates controversy
with the Professor, when he alluded to certain
facts connected with the Institute at Pt. Ed
ward. The hint was thrown out for thane who
might:understand, with the hope that a prop - fir
corrective would be applied to the evil of which
be most seriously complained. The writer was
not put to the dishonorable shift of "Ploping
with any of the Professor's unruly steers," or
gathering up rumors that might be "lying about
loose" for want of owners. this source of in
formation he is willing to trust still further
He cared nothing for the efficient music teach
er, and is willing, for the sake of peace, to
admit that his dexterous flourishes of the fiddle
bow were only equalled by his inordinate and
ridiculous display of vanity. The case of the
lady student, from Ralagh, if his memory
serves him, IS strictly true, and did occur in
the Institute, the Professor denial to the con
trary notwithstanding A large proportion of
the exhibiting class freely indulged in a re
hash of stale political sentimentalism, about
Bleeding Kansas, Southern Slavery", the weak
nese, imbecility and tyranny of the national
executive, to the immense delight and mani
fest pleasure of the assembled hundreds in the
Hall. Every actor in the drama was cheered,
save two—one, a young man who essayed to
say something sensible, but failed to give birth
to his mighty thoughts, the other, the student,
who by accident, was last in order though not
least in merit She had listened to the ap
Otiose given to her classmates, and it is no
great stretch of fancy to suppose she indulg
ed in anticipations common to our nature In
sty le and address equal to the best tin the stage,
she told of her home, 'mid the orange groves
of the sunny south, and from her heart ascend
ed a pure and holy prayer to Him who holds
the destinies of nations in his hand, for a more
cordial brotherhood among the States, and the
perpetuity of the Union. Rut she stood alone
lier fervent aspirations swept no chord of sym
pathy In that vast assembly none felt so poor
as do her reverence. The applause evinced by
that popular audience, if nothing remarkable,
was very discreditable to their prejudices and
if the Institute cannot control public opinion ,
it can keep out of its exhibitions, the apple of
discord, fr. e ducassios, on questions of political
economy, State policy, and fora/ prejudices,—
questions which have disturbed wiser heads
and abler councils than appears to be the
qualification of nick patriotic young men as the
Professor appears to cherish , and by so doing
remove the occasion for illiberal disminina
hum of.favors towards candidates for distinc
tive honors. Such exhibitions do not evidence
great intellectual qualifications, or advance
ment in studies; but are calculated to meet
the disapprobation of those who pay their ed
itors, and, eke their preachers, for that tied of
entertainunsaL Public opinion expressed in
as Institution is in most eases the handiwork
tad Mks elite ImaiMilips, and, en Ales Pro
few" neithey provesteh b .the canes *or repcor
od the insult, I hare yet to 1011111 skid, tile
Is an Immortbla
of temporizing
and The Professor's admission, that
"free spk is torersted on the stage, within
the wholesome limits, which forbid indecent,
profane or infidel expressions—and the same
Genus in criticising public men and measures,
as is customary with acknowledged party lead
ers in the U. S. Senate," is in the writer's
bumble opinion very far from being a recom
mend to the Institution. A little wholesome re
straint upon the patriotic ambition of your
unfledged statesmen would hardly be reckoned
an abridgement of free speech. which too often
is but a milder expression tot free persecution
Besides, who ever heard of party leaders and
the U. S Senate being the model of a Semina
ry' or •bleeding Kansas freely discussed on
both sides" with a plentiful seasoning of nig
ger, the proper studies for young men The
failure to hear "unpatriotic expressions . ' may
arise from a local disturbance edam surround
atmosphere, the impression made upon the
tympanum, or the peculiar interpretation one
gives to words, but after the professor's rule
of freely "criticising men and measure's," it
will hardly be denied that an empatrtoroc h
presmon may have escaped from some without
producing any remarkable-effect upon the pre
judices of their auditors It is to be hoped the
reading of Evsasrr's speech will serve as an
antidote is the institution, to some of the par
tizan teachings of one in authority to the
yeomanry outside its walls, and when your
correspondent learns these from that •better
source of information... he will "dispatch the
character of the Institute through your col
umns, and have it at once and thoroughly cur
led." L.
The Cultnussor, - a monthly journal o
improve the soil and the mind." published at
Albany, N by LUTHICE TUCKER -A 84iti,
commences a new volume with the year. It is
an old and standard work, and has done much
to improve the agriculture of the country, and
elevate the literary taste of our agricultural
population. It is afforded at the nominal price
of cents a year.
s ar• We are indebted to our old friend and
and subscriber, Jails Rice, b'sq., of Vi'enley
•ille for a New Year's present, in the shape of
ft basket of the finest apples we have had this
season. May be live a hundred years, and
his orchard always be supplied with such fruit.
Sir When our readers visit Union, and
went a good dinner, we recotumend them to
Betinett's Ilotel. We tried it the other day,
and found it tip-top.
JOY ♦ND AFVLICTION.-111 less than one
month after Oen. Pierce had received the
announcement that. he had been chosen
President. of the United states in 1552, his
only child, a promising boy, was killed at
the side of his father and mother by the
upsetting of a railroad oar. On the third
day succeeding the election of Fernando
Wood to the Mayoralty of New York city
—the most joyous event, probably, in the
whole course of Mr. Wood's life—his wife
was struck by the hand of death and passed
to -that bourne whence no traveler re
turns." Within leas than four weeks of
the time for the inauguration of Hon down
Lacher as Governor of Virginia, his sec
oned son, an interesting youth of ten years
of age, was taken from him,he having died
on the sth instant of lockjaw.
NIL The stones on the corners of the
Merchants' Exchange in Baston, are larger
than any single stone in Cleopatra's Nee
dle : and those now in erection on the U.
8. Treasury Building at Washington are
much heavier than any stoneN of Pompey's
Pillar. or the Pyramids of Egypt.
f~i~='4"'..N:~•y#~~•};~:'!' ~~}ref r1'~:~
In die United Sates Senate Dee. 12, 1859, oh
the Reaobain of Mr. Mawr* relative k the
Harper's Ferry histrreetion
Mr. Bigler—Mr. President, I heard the
remarks of the Senator from Georgia, the
other day, with pain and regret. I knew
them to be utterly unwarranted by the
facts of the case, and that the accusation
was as unjust as any accusation could be.
The simple declaration, aside from the
circumstances which surrounded it, does
not give it its full force. The Senator from
Georgia had for some time indulged in his
peculiar description of the Opposition par
ty and of the Abolition party in the North;
and then, to my utter amazement, in round
terms. without qualification, he declared
that a large portion of the Democratic po
et the North were as rotten on this sub
Mr. Pugh—"As corrupt."
Mr. Bigler—As corrupt on this subject as
the Republican party or the Abolitionists.
"This subject." What subject? The Sen
ator was reviewing the whole scope of Ab
olition feeling in the North, and said that
on this subject a portion of the Northern•
Detnocracy were as corrupt as the Aboli
tionists. Now sir, I tell him in all kind
ness, and without fear of contradiction,
that his arasertion is without any founda
tion in fact : the accusation IS totally and
entirely unjust. I say not only that no
portion of the Denia•rate• party sympa
thized with Brown in his atrocious outrage
upon the sovereign State of Virginia: but
they do not synnottlubi with Abolitionism
in any place whatever, or to any extent
whatever. I was gratified with the Semi
ator's disclaimer, sir, an far alit went; hut
justice at his hands requires that he say of
the Northern Detirieracy, as an organiza
tion and as a body, what you cannot say
for yourself, that is, that we have labored
day after day, in seiuion and out of season.
in defence oft he rights and interests of our
sister States.
Iverson—Mr. President, I Kahl that
very thing in the remarks which I uttered.
I gave credit to the sound portion of the
Northern Democracy in language which
(soul(' not he misunderstood. I referred.
when I spoke of the rottennebs of a por
tion of the Democratic party, to that por
tion of Democratic party which, under the
lead of Stephen A. 14mglas, has denied to
the people their right,. in the
Territories of the Union.
Mr. Bigler—ltiatenness of the I )
ie party on the slavery question' Str. the
Senator can hardly realize the ..tten-ive..
ne•-u4 of-the term. I know, or. he doe- not
intend to apply it to mys+.lf; but it kiiiiitnit
when applied to any portion of the I>.•uto
cratie party. Why. thousands of
nes will spring up in every Northern
State, on every hill-up and in every vane),
on every rostrum, and on the corners. of
the streets, daily and hourly contradicting
every statement he has made. The Oppo
sition of every shade, contradict
They call us the dough-faces of the North,
yielding constantly to Southern dictation
an 4 Southern aggressions.
Now, sir, I can see one view only which
may have led the Senator front Georgia
into error on this question, and it is this :
he has confounded the different phases of
the alaves7 question, as he has shown here
Nis worm and adopted his own peen
views " lies
would go with him in - he .
local policy for a Territory • but. I (lo say
that l have never disooverc:d anywhere,
any portion of them sympathising with the
Abolition party ; and as far as the raid of
John Brown is concerned, it has been de
nounced in every corner of the country by
Democrats, and by the Democratic press,
in terms of bitterness equal to those used
by the Senator from Georgia. I have heard
Brown's foray denounced in all parts of
my State, and I would be, glad to convince
the Senator that on that point he is utter
ly mistaken. The Northern Democracy
not only do not sympathize with Brown.
but they denounce him and his raid in the
bitterest terms possible ; and further let
me say that the people of my State, the
Democratic party a a whole, and a 'large
element of those who act against us in that
State, have entertained the most profound
contempt for Brown and his abettors, and
were ready. at any hour. to have gone to
the - aid of Virginia, and to maintain her to
her just rights, and have repelled any in
vasion of her territory. Not only that, sir.
but I cap say to that Senator safely, we are
not only bound to Virginia and the South
by the conventional arrangements that
bind the sovereign States together, but b)
[ every tie that can link together a common
[ people. descendants of a common parent
' age, actuated by similar and noble motives.
If there he that entire alienation in the
North from the South that some s ena t,, r ,
undoubtedly feel that there is, I have never
encountered it ; God forbid that I elver
should. That there i• too much of it, that
there is bad feeling there on the part of a
band of will fanatir., and that the.e men
find countenance for their acts in much
that has fallen from di.tinguiihed men of
the Republican part). H true ; but. sir, the
Democratic party, nor Imv portion of
hax never countenanced or sympathriced in
these sentiments and movements. .
I am aware that Democrats, thousands
of them, will tell you that slavery should
not go into this Territory or into that.—
They have thi:e right to do that. Their
judgement is as sacred to them as yours is
to you. They are not Abolitionists. They
will tell you, in all probability, that, if they
lived in your cotton or nee growing States,
they would be for slit% cry there ; but look
ing at Kansas, its climate, its soil, and all
its surroundings. they way, -- No, we will not
vote for slavery in that Terntory : we will
not vote for it there as a matter simply of
local policy—as a mere question of isilitical
economy.•' They would judge that the in,
stitution would not advance such a State,
because it is too far North, These men are
not to be called Abolitionists. They do
not go about daily exciting the popular
mind against the institution or slavery. I t
is not they who allege that it is immoral
and wrong and oppressive anti unjust to
hold slave. They do not belong to that
class of setimentaleas who excite popular
indignation and discontents in regard to
slavery ; who attempt to make the world
believe that if they had the control of the
question, they could, in some way or oth
er, elevate and 4ignify the African race.—
No, sit ; they are a different class of men ;
.and it diii,seem to me that the Senator
from Georgia had confounded these two
classes, and in that way fell into error.
Now, sir ; I do not agree with all that
Judge Douglas has said on the Territorial
question ebut I do not agtee that he is an
Abolitionist., I have never heard that al
leged anvw'bere. This controverted ques
tion, with regard to slavery in the Territo
ries, seems to be endless. I will declare
in a very few words, as I have declared
here before, what I have to say on it, awl
that is simply this : tin not claim that
the Constitution establishes slavery any
where or' prohibits it anywhere, but the
Constitution most expressly declares that
the States are perfeetly «slued, and provides
that new States shall conic into the Union
on terms of perfect equality with the old.
It is not denied that the Territories are the
property of the States in common, Congress
being simply ths trustee' of the Stittat
this property. It is, thetefore,'perfor#e of I
this perfect equility and the principles of
equity wad justice, that these common
owners have an equal right to the occu
panty and enjoyment of this common di}.
main, so long as the Territorial existence
-eemaina—so long as the Territorial govern
ment exists. aril among those who had
supposed that the..corritnon law of England
and the common law of this country, to
gether with the fugitive slave law, would
afford all the protection which the owners
of slaves would require in any Territory.
and no legislation would be necessary. We
all know that there is a deferred question
under the Kansas-Nebraska bill, touching
the measure Of authority which the people
of *Territory may exercise over the sub
ject of slavery. It was understood on nil
hands that that was a question for the ju
diciary, whenever the exigency arose, and
not for Congress , and I may say to the
Senator from Georgia now, that whenever
it shall be alleged that a Territorial Legis
lature had tranac c ended its legittniate nu
thority, to the detriment of private rights.
that is a question for the judiciary ; anti
when the judiciary gives its judgement 111
such a case, I say the whole power of the
Federal Government must be employed to
carry out the law thus defined. 1 simply
maintain the broad doctrine of allowing
the people in a Territory to exercise all the
authority over the question of slavery whirl
th'ey may exercise under the Constitution
and laws, and when a dispute arises as it
whether they have transcended that au
thority, that is not a question for Coheres-,
but for the Courts. 'I hat is the Democrat
ic doctrine, AS I understand it and foi
hold that, I do not agree that I am an Al.
olitiotust, or those whom I re-present at,
Abolitionists. %o, sir , we are the en. ,
tries of Abolitionism We .1. , nt.t. t
disturb, to any way or fOrni. by w.orti "1
deed, the rights of our Southern friend-
Sir, 1 may say to the Senator from ties.'
ght that, froin the hour that 1 tint caane
into politic..l.l life to the present day, 11. ti.•
never gone through a
in which the right of the South wets not
an important. if not the kitting issue
We have been assailed constantly in th,
North by the Republicans. they are no,
assailing the heinis-ratie party every 41:1‘
on the ground that they are -ttbservi,iit
the South--that they are pr .--laversmet.
—that they seek to extend the in-tithtinti
of sla‘ery. We explain that no. snnplt
seek to Utkiffit.Ull the Coti-itititthohal
of the S..nitherit States— that our ohjeet I
to put .I.exii ipirit 4,1* ernuiti.ition
roelinatiuti, ultunately
ithenation are! 4eparatiun betW. 'nl n pr,.
pie wiin mhoithl to. friends steel brethren
Th,„ is our obteet. deleti.e ul ,uthetii
rights, in ut.uutauunq the hig;ltie
law. and every "titer vital pt•tn••ij.l. 11, t
eg,tup..ria- the ;Noah, I lime little I.
that I lei% -pent art hour of my lirne t.,!
every minuti. he has "pent. and I do ti..t
intend to et here and hear imptitataint
united NW( untrue ti. he ha, litteleti. with
alt diem in the
term-. the Notherti
-.t(i.1.1 Ilk, a Imlivark betireon the
Kiel a 1.4,41ertU1l organized party that m.o.
de stly has Uosytupathy aOh )tat. Rreak
dot% nat sour peril. It I. I, .r th , a .i.l
vaneeinent tl pal \V.• a-k
unreasonable, nothing unjust and no
ribee of your cherediei I ri
Now, sir. tf l .."
'ubjeot, I aNk pars. ii ut the Seii.ite. Met ot
flu friend front I ieorgia. All the
I have felt proceeded Irmo the c..ttelott,
&diet that he had committed a gre at
.upon the noble men whom l represent .11
tins door. IL Is true that we at e not a tin I
jollity in all the. Northern States, or man
of them. The Senator took oet...k.slon to
pass upon this tact. That is no reason why
we are less entitled to your gratitude anal
your countenance for what we have done.
Let me tell the honorable Senator that his
powey, your views, and your position here
have some intluenoe on our power_ in the
North, just
Derck m . way.
The masa of the people are begining to rec
ognise that. fact ; and when the time comes
in such an issue, my friend from Georgia
will see that the Democracy will be once
more in power in the North, and peace will
be given to country.
—.Six years ago, says the ifilwaukie (1.2
:elk, a young man just entered on life, tin
der the influence of rum, committed .
crime against society, was tried in that lit,
convicted and sent to Wisupun, where hi
served out Ins tune I,clund the prison hill..
Before los trial a girl had
fortunes with him, and cruel was the. 1.1,0,
to her. But she loved him. All througl
his six years did she wait for his relelse
With a true woman's heart, ihe beher,,
lum Innocent—innocent, at least, 1.. Re.
and like the maipict. Ale hvhi un ii.
..teady way, her IleArt t`‘ th.
future. Long were the year- tc, him -
Slow passed tile hours Seoetwl. were min
utes, minutes were hours. hours days, thy
weeks, weeks months. months )ears, mei
)ears were like ay.. 1i y
prison-bell !gruel; .641. 111.011 hi,
and every AUtl , et, t..nk ,unit her iron
the long skein Nor w e re
weary to her Hula., that tiles-, .1 ang• l.
sat by her day 1. day. and leposed
pyillow' i. night. Some there a. re tilt
Lughed at her hot ) %% h„
11103111 y at her lover : :t pri-oner
But little it mattered to her, others tnit:lit
I.tugh—she wept ; others might point
a man in prison garb, toihng away ironi
morn till night with
nor 'tar ;..tioh•
hunt on. She saw but the honest soul tit i
might he guyed. or 10-t, and won Lin th.ti
she was, nerved herself to hear their
and jeers.
Bleed worts came to him tin luslunek
cell. words of love, of kindness, and strong
er grew the heart of him who taut) Lw
better angel to watch over bin unbroken
fortune. Each word from her lighted tit.:
h ours as the slowly went by, and large:-
grew the day on which liberty was townie
Alen visited him and with careless %%old of
-peaking eye, threw unto hi , eel'
Bening thought on which his -oul nut
feed and tremhlin,gly shrink to the darki-t
corner of his living temple. Then a lett.
from her...would dash aside the dark viii
tarns and beckon hint ou to a alit of bun
Aluneoutsale.and beyond his present u ea. h
Ss. passed the ye.irs. Friends atel
wept ( - 1\ er them
The sin was long since atoned hir. anil
at last the little -pot of sunshine crept
into his cell, and entered by the k. \
of hl.• door led hint forth into tits
rays of liberty. fie was conduete , l to
office of the prison by Me41r.0,. and
citizen's dress in j - leoe of a pri-'.n 4tll ,
gave him, and led Into an Inner rum
where stood she who, s eats 1,1. tore
promised (La to Lie hi-. Whti .
meeting !
tht the evening train the two arrived ii
this city, and were, by one of our thrill. -
joined in marriage. We were wanes. I.
the ceremony and never shall forget it
Never forget the eye moistened with
pinksa, nor the throbbing of,the heart tilt
had so long waited and trusted. Saved
saved ! May the future he all the bright
er for the dark cloud that Iu to lon
hung over it, and true friends ever read .
to lend a helping halo!. We believe o
wotnan'+ love---in woman'+ devotion th
more after knowing the faelit ahme %tats .
hleqs the true heart wherever fonnil
tom,. The population of th,• ('lt of , to.
Illinois. is inerea,ing rapi.llv I,t unto
gration. and re.titt,toets•t.tna
aro in eager aistnarri A larlfts nunll-•r
builangst of e.•l y ert4lttattle- ehantett•r 111.
11111101.1 On" arP in Courw of ereetitAi,
t•il:orus prei.tiratt..n. art' Iteing iamb tut ti
cotnnieneetoent of others,