iht OMMAnit NP IOLITI6AL JO RKAI BY B. P. SLOAN. , onhorriboto, If mit/ is +Wawa* ..p1.4 will to toot to OM o.ltjr,W tosr ..ad n. /I.IP for logger club., 0 , .00eriber tailing , to pay *Rhin the yeae, the „ dueotattaoad and tba wailed made oat at per yea:, and tan wild a prnper often en ' T lallS Mr APVIDITINIvn t r r.neen Omen, INS teals a eittare'lls 4'„.. ~„. . ... weedy.. I 7,14 Ow ageism a ranaths id ft : n 100 one a e sGo th,,,, .. 126 i 9 .. O. “ II 75 ....,lo,•ulliar. a year, ettatigesble et Seesere, M. ' •,, u.....-1 asobtbk p 6; e_paentlui, $11; 0 math& ' ”at . 2 1, 1. ~.. 1 .inenn, er 10 , oluster Years $6O; 6 masa., ,a; 1 months, Pg. • ~,i, imperiled in the itemises" tlimeeter, at 110 per ,„, -,‘ tines •?/...red for a CIA* OM/ AIX. sad soder 1 4 wed kdkiorial awilesk 10 sista a Na. ; bat Da wkll be larertawl among the Special Noakes than one dollar. :-T ger/mots sad other* rokqedetalt ibearnost ehmagaw dee. tinowata will b. abdirdid t• 4 squares, papaw. did Per additions/ spasm the charges will sod thsalvetttrumwsts must tm strictly ' w the logtrlmstrtbsistem ottbisdrortlimr. pay for truildpot admitremosts trequlrors In rheas", siii. for real' advertlang premlials4 half-yearly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 hicA sus rp D. Ina Lot II lineentreo Irma AND Ligoons, Etna& nt French aneadOok lee, he., c ci sre c, Madeira, Nalaga,ftarry,Port,aeol " = Wines; also manufacturer of rectified W Me „ R.., Bourbon, Monongahela, , Reed Hollln 00 Free. I. IttOKOS - WSOLOII.O.II 1:1411A1.1111/11 OftfIOSILIZA AND t i „,..„„,,,,5m. Stat. Street, No. 10 Brown's Block. LI U. COLE. Koos, Bisuct, BLaxic Hoot MA.WCIICTLIKV.II 4 a.. in goron4 story of Rindervrebt's Block, F.!rl.„ Pa. tts IN c. W LeSON, kilTiltlrlT k COITNI,XLWIII at Law, Ella Pa.— ! .1 .nur. on • ute Strok., Dear the Perk, In the American Kt, r..noJ story of tliar bolldtaiy, Ocealard to F. •., Ler 11. .111 0+ , 434 he hound In his atm, sod i.tness punctually attended )IA N, dir Cu., WiIoLMILIt axe ksr•tt. Gaocssa. and ,o Flour. Pork, Ft b, Salt, Sords. Wood sod 4 Ware, Natio sod tilasa, at No. 2 W righ . 1. 4nr peer mt. Pitt NECKS:I.II. kl l 1111'111.16., I)ii W. Ai•likiiity ArtUlaILT •T LAW, SC LIME, M.. 14"111 "Me prompt attention to the lonatlny of land ls • sante mast the payment oftamea In the States a Mu -41...• yll ••:•1..r.. I p the purchase • w Imp I.kt tt, ti 1 A•cr.ressetr t. T k. /Waked 44wpm:steamy. and Wholesale in.. Ketail lwaler im rrtga and P.auslstar Slnor t;OWIN, It I IfILOO ittt.tulux, 1Au5...a..1 1..111..na1,1•• Ntllnt.n, ,•ii front log th. l'srk,Vrte, I'ar..4:3r 1.4.1 to ()Mere N kf. T O N l'El"r1 PA, 17 .1 , Trolut. , AT 11,%. -- (llhro on I'lle.trgut = Met Ili, I boli.-1 yB+l •IN IC .1 CSTI N. Ila.tuot In I LnA, N at , Iwo, fine Jew • r),,ttifyrf Spo ,, na. Plated War., I, , oking. tAlt tAlskti Cittl..ry and irsai.7 4:notts, raryies Ali, Wed • soar Prsch at I I VE" dc 4 °. Ai PL MLA - k KIRA 11, nKA Li. PIP to Faller so.l'laY4•bry tanwtr, Mattano,(tii tribr.ek,,Krie, t. 11% V ITTEIRNKT AT I... —Other its fekalrhl ~‘, ..xer Seat:Pero, k store In• Street Y:. t. 17A I,RitA 1111. 11 A TTMIXIT A T Law- tidier on Oth larrot I. eple , eite the Cr.titt Itouee, Erie, f n I • %1711('1•All I .C.Acerssor ;a Niemen 4 Suleleaso .1 ..... • ilkt rOrtikt a Stat. an 4 • s Pelnte,ol.le,ll% e- 4 tuffr.lnet..e. Campbell.. ...1, linotbee, be. II I. I." (. Of AIR AT .14.t.i to errnler mania r • •`'rte :••treet met the Pahl.. •-•.ttare. Ene. Ph. l‘ r . K. 4" 4 tit i v:r 4 MT, ttmm.. to aaaaa •• • _'•• Ftlock, ttetriltaitie of the Park, Krie, Pa ttf, 1.1.1 1 :•1 A. Jvirnex Coir tits tumr.--ofik, tu S..rr L I Nadi Alms. t a 54.4 So Public tn. l oytr. crir i)o. BUS ar BICNNIIMA, IrIPMUIDIULUI ANT Rails. airrr • i , •• ler), 011,4111/10. snit ,N. k 12 •,. enrsior of !Fifth •41.ittr At lwtA, Frio, Mi. Y A MkNIPT? '1.11:11K KY & NNON• t• Bentry er tr ,11 • A 4KM In A,Eagliab, Genoa), tad American Hard r ar..a.l Also, Naih , tovilok, and ~, •••••1, t Hothoe, Erie, • lAIIIO4 LYTLIS. TA MO*. la the mom reeratir orcupp-11 M law* Esq. au a Lix coma, 11.. PAr betown the Re.d tinevor and !Immo', lintel M MA N FORD S CO., IDlALxitx ix GOLD, Silypr, Bank Notre, crrtilltstps of Dopoidt, Ike Sight exrhanior orktl... prin. quit cities coustantly for rah. OfserSo 9 }treat ff. ure ibut.'le Square, Erie. - ' T liMitrCUOoh & CO., .1 BV:Z../Prti 41/a vauUl Lunn of ant., I In.. ro and EUtods. Asada at ,la tb..bny Dame, I s es T•te.l 4. II [kith Jones. 31INNIG. . rissLua in GrOelell.l, Pr., lore, Port, Flitb. Salt. arida, Flour, Fruits, Nuts. s. sea, Brooms, Pulls, Wooden, Willow sod Stone Ware, tr. Terms Cush. Rites lon. N. 4Wright's Ridet. 4treet, 1 doors above the Post Office. Erie. Ai. T& RATHBUN, d ' L rraTtl, (iceflealy's i se Mork, north .14e of Potato Square, formerly, oncup qurm k en. All work warnotrit. (I RAY Ac FARRAR, rewntitiutv anetersk, nevi &niers in ett India Clooda. Pnweine, Shnt. Par. Sakti FOP?, , •11„ &e., ke , nonnei: Morn, etrewe, Trio, Ps .o GRAY. • • J 011. 1 ,1 HICARN 6: CO., roawmaniro end Couroatmloo ll•rrharrta, .i.olote fa Opal, now, flak, sod meat for • daily Roo of 'Poor Loki Woomera. Pub Pork. p. ir I DDNLLOVIA HSU, & MANC/ArTtIItLAJB 0( gtraim F.L. .1.14.. •ii•47l. Hill Cmariagg. Arriesitursl !my loment% ' ("Ars, Rd% Pa. MISS Y. K. RHODIA, FLissom4aut plums MA,;, 611 J -Writ '•., A heeler & Wlistrots's %wing Maii ore Pn..rno neer Austin's /ewell7 Stott, West Put, Erie. 17-"4titeb .ns dons to Orley k/HICHK H. CUTLHII. ATTOINTT AT 1.. w, Gnard, Fri. Conn', t • i'..llc 3l ems sad other 1.u.0n... att..o.IAA to with :.n.int.tnres and dispatch. JOHN .4 WAXPIT. *) JraTtoli OP me Pest g Mee to Raottv's u no-stairs. Erie. Pa I i‘l'l:ll6Y it CLARK. W COLBY ljg Garieuse, •oil Dealers Ds ownestic awl Imported Wires sad I.l3'tora, also gents. rotoke-ro, Fruit, Plitt, Oil, god Arent. r I.l4olstp %Mal n Ale Nos 1 eind 2 Commercial trciltlit.ea, North Ind* of pablir square, RA% Pa. err • raroansr, t rL. ea, fOIIN W. AVILES. of lilvref.aerrixt, Wl o .l,male and Entail i.eal.r in all tin& of Fancy, 1t,..m, Reeking '. l6 4's .n 4 Pining Chairs. Nn. 4 ti r, It. Erie, Pa B AKIR. Knii4llol. mutant,' In Root.. andSbo... at It.bal•- NO* and •I No. M., eaolw.ll'n Work , tate. xtMet, Edo, 11.1! 4 at LOW Axr PAVITIttIUI k Whedeocale xud }`.et 11 d.sl.rs In Keil sod Chu Pro Pumps of Mipcsico. ality. the ehrapnot and Mat now In us.. Shop :no l'orellth street Xrle, r"" Aqueduct far currying iratipr fov fowl', f•nn ror THirpni.e. for Rale clump. I . w. (Km, ". K lt i. r l „ 4Yrr lcs? 'llEctlftr nr+am/ Dirsiltng In south Park Roe, M Mock NUS of ado UNA bigit4ive. irk, Jul? 10, 110 G icomug fitOBTOIV. FORVAIIIDISO and Cmaktuinaion 11errimot, Public Doak, Crte, desk, is Cklaly Salt, VIA, Pinar and plartpr. NrAETEIIt at, KELLOGG. Wenuesets and Retell deelere In Groceries, l'ntriense,lp Chandler", Wood and Wllkry ware , ha, tc, SW* SUist. T.se Pepe- - VIM SIR etTORLEILL‘ W. OattaroLa, Jabber, %ad Retell Lirter to evert u ptloa or Tore:lgo aad Oomeet= 00 4 a, Carps O ft Ma*, Ate. No. 13. State -erase of rum rift Pa. - UTILLLIN 111ORPITON. /rams OP Till Ptloll. Deed& Agree ment gouda awl liorttsgeg. Losses, &c- gerenstaii sad rerefitly &mt. OSee es Preeeb, street, veer Ass. S. 4 4ervvil.-Oroarry Stole Sr* PS. J. • it DOWNING. ortososo Low LIIIO Immo or =II PR arc Will posetterio tho opoiosl Courts KrloConaD. "" 1 wive toed kfthfel attnotioo to all Lindner eor tmotod to iliahied~, either a an Attornol or Magistrate. rr ose. la Kravis. Block. corn. , of .`Moto mad TOO 0., RN* s W. 1111W171. 1 1/44, . ATTOIRXIT AT LAw.--011Leo roosavod to sow bangs. wile! of Moto Skeet, cmo the north Moor lb* fluty lesio ra._ _ KAY, D AND 11161141 P. nr, elearwoaa, Mealiat *ad. 'U ri '''. Na. 4 : 10 1 11 0 6 Kitert, Henan, X. Y. rmAn►} Nn ithistiatt neleai•dr to 04 treatment 4 the k.► and Ur. 11180.-117 L 4 ORTI RIM 1•111 ULM. ATTou , TAT LAlr.—nilla OVer Sturpv ' e 71a "(hop, between Orewn'e Rotel ood Reed Route, We, Pa Rcat! at RANK IN. DZAL.II2B !chola of Co&l. Salt, Mew, PINK ha., &e- Public bock. 1016, Pik. 61 6. BOOM 1. L iairlll/1 VOLUME 80. LZAtI I WOI 9 ab am moan (^warm i• 01.04.4 r& Naar ta Palut." 11111 Cuinitwas. BundialbWirithar Jam.a esiattiba moo esiumaimammendwe sift , nStaatera==thift Mod WILLING • Is filling up his Store with His usual variety of 1307,X33. 41.1 r GOMM. And proposes to sell them CHEAP ENOUGH To induce •purehasers to CO= UP TOWN When they wish to lay in A stock for the Little ones, Or procure any in his line. Oct 29. State street, between lith & 9th. NOTICE. ALL persons, without exception, knOw lar tiotosOrso itolobied to more toropotlyieessit olto pay the maim without Wog , se the _ikbasja l ~Ur imminent leaden on early dlopowel of sulaittioil imperative, lad V. tram that tto honeolno 'mated will to srot•0017 roottsoesto• • 17/6„, ww • spouse to nate sodas. set & Jr. JO 7-7" J. C. BURGESS & CO, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, ♦a, AT WHOLESALE. No. 10, Brown's Block, State Street, RA., Oct 8, 150, it. RaIIEIED 1:101:119113; FRONTING THE PUBLIC NAM?» - 1111,/E, PA. P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Tills LARGE AND ELEGANT HOTEL Rao bum tholuegkkt ropalrett sad refoistallr• rd, and is now opeu for tbo reooptioo of ..Board by the Day, Wahl , or Month ale rea sonable tern's, the Proprietor pletistinsr kisnooff tAtat no (fort skull be wanting to yam outing satiOrskst. P- • Prinks* Parties, Maser Parties. or Rosiossio of Public (tolls otlt Ond U,. arommoductoas at this House superior to Loy other Is nos oar Gad tb. chagrin ea roar gnash)*. 1131rOood Statitag atteabed when gattela fr tin eouo try will always tad attentive hoeing to bake door of their treatut. Maya 11169.0111 PIANO . PORTE MELO D EON MANUFACTORY SAVE TWEXTY FEE CUT WILLIAM WILLING :lie ;Ili .J 1 ),. • • 4 Tlf E experience of reveal y years, and the idea that 1 *mid Mlll/11 PIANOS AND MELODEON& In Elie eheappr than I stut bury these siserbss" mut Ise rhea; Pr, limber is dissaor, essi muse. iodated me to ssaploy essiostsai eAm piety, trip•rietieed ~EMI% Who carried 4.,, a Piano lisantactory thee- _Pfeil for ll,e rem sod who add me their retire stook oreersory to Maki ouch tootrosorstr, owl I our rem proposed to forobli ray eraser Moods • Pianos and Melodeons Of auperior Ton. and frotsb, and will 11717.116.1EVEL.A.1%7TCliladt t For any loogth or time, to Ova • COMPLETE EATIEFACTION. bly roptitation as a Ibuttelaa and birders watt would tw loot it thee* lootrumonto should sot au road, ood swore the public that nothing is to bring about the deeired rotolt. via : Producing • Soo and oulhoniodal Plossorilion will she seed oannificedboo, sad say is some longer shoo any Plasm I. know of. TERMS VERY EASY PRICES VERY REASONABLE' I PATRONIZE „,. Your Own Oitisons at Rome I ORDERS ar WHOLESALE or RETALI! E.Peu WI prnroptly and bitty Er Pr”duce, 'warn." no Stoma, old lontrtuir, LAIR Inn., and any iblnt elms I can vela or *me, lay bus mese, will be taken its exchange for Pismo rArtm. Aube denne. Deleinwrs and any thin, fert.. I have , In my store PIAIioS To LET ! TUNING DONE WELL! NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK ! NoNE BUT THE BEST AR TICLES ON BAND THE GENUINE RIVALED Chiekering & kin's Plano 'Portal, Him sou wow board nf • pone ellididiteg Mob ?- Let me know where It is •ad I will asebasers WK. WILLING. EDITORS.—You all remember the over Mr Flom* Widens of Now Tort, has sus& tor advortiodou to your pecan. nut Itudroulipued will do • Itttl• better, Ifyou will taro. btu. with ual. .ad wilt haroish you with say Maio you order au aOrlrri. Mr* we your order. WIL WILLING. Rl* Juno 111. 184,0 —1 NILIT4I.I.IsTEIRI'Sr \AIRS. CURTIS has returned; from New York, sad is bow nooodirisir b•r Moo& XILLINERY AND ,rANcii GOODS 1 ' Cousistialt bi 1 . . itiik. Satin and Straw Elniinete,ll 11. 44 Th... 0.0 . Caps. Flower.,Mlgbowt . , twillwo, %NON 1 V *loot Ribbons, roily", Lawn, &a, Ite. • Aloo,_ _ Hoop Skirts, Hoo Ziphyr Bomb, Twww owl wittottat for Itesktol , Laos rats. 0 amps. ' riot quality, of width will Ito wold so off at. by booed w . Or ItILLIWZR6 wpptled win' all woo& la tiiiblise a. W Waal., MM. N. COITIS. Krt., Oct. 1, 1589.-11.. WHO' WANTS A SAFE. Ills subscriber has me tarp she HERRING'S SArt. ' which b• will alarm etMpg Cash or appmred mar. W. 1.. Krie, April 11, 18511.-44-tir. NI 1.. boul 101)IIILDERS RAE:DWAIN' _I) A full .nd eompisla ssertiemel of Man lbw& wars, for solo gory tov by selli4l. J. C SUMS . SADDLE & CARRIAGE TRIMMING& A fell boortampst of Sobbiry wedre=re. nuns, for lobo very leer by J. C. cr:dkRPENTER'S and JOINER'S TOOLS, the tamed sad I:bawl eta* ia the cigr at Oet. 211 1510,-21 J. C. 8i SAUSAGE CUTTELS.CIeavers, Mincing ICitter autdmw taboo. at Go stogy of cet-tiP-41 J. C. .• , • SHOVE, and Tongs Stands, suinas. an iM U J. C. ABLE CUTLER , Pocket all NOW simi aunties, at lawjmefalia Oct 110,10-71 J. C. TIMOTHY MEDI TIMOTHY lob& Mel Mot Ors MIN"? estrimi. sod kit gab show Is tanumr Erie. Oat 16, 'NW OF AS, LOUNqtR, ANg 8 ' T and Balt soot own); maw* sow, 8.4'. Feather D.O. obi 1014alre i Chs. rot orkine mut nest M the a f oot Aro, PO.• W. COAL. OIL U of 4 hd o owes b ssc o- - • lis.4l . s, ~ (IF my own - molsei of 1 11 . 41iiscHWAkon 1.../.ssu as km fee saiWAKeisa _op wsekty Isamit to mei tie lima ,li.firi Now. e. Miami if i ll og" WAV A :41:00W4 I/ ,1? Asamics* t y sr , I/ Q 1 SIZES OF WIN cm, PSICSOB aro '- low by' Bra. (ADDER AND INDIGO, , OW , 11 4 NOW. Wan gook or 061/Litelpiyar. •°4llF.l"ll4Tri . . . , ... _ . . . X. _. . . .. --- ~ ~i- 7 - 7 7- 7 --7“, . .nc, ~,:. -.( • .i , - ...t A - ',, . i I"' fit' L ef.. *e f.•,'' / 4 : •:'''r f:. t'1.4. 1 .1: - . - -g •=i r i f t 'till ...zir-sb: ;ft , ,• , . \ .- .1.-.. ~ • : ~..., ..,-.1 - . ' rl ''• . '' ' 11- r.r.:; t.1. 1.....:...t.: • -.-- - ''''''"*. * "!'"4.l. ---- '-:. -• l• 4-1 .• • 1-11, % , ,,40w-k:., .'', '• - - ' '''' ' . ' - to ?,*.i .t. WI- /...1 4 , • \ i . 'lliisC ': - . • -itc, :-,..,..9.; ' , I• !;••;•ts- ii:1;.- :i t 0w•A1t...;.• 7% i . .... A t o ~.-..v, ,, -114 - 1' b. • • i-, • , -.' - '''• '-' \; ' ' -.. ~....,.t. ' - blif , ...., a. er 'L.E.... ii .. , -r 1., ; - 1 ,1, ~. - 'i x "4. • --,;_.- a iii . .: I, ,;; i 1 .4 . , :if ,2. ,;., 7 =,.; 0: . . • te • 44' - • . • r i ',lid ) . ri r. 11, . 4 ,5 . -'' ..int•Tru.' /I P 41.4 f 1.: :, . . 011-. : •4 4 Ai , I id% ;11;;;;;;;til • + , 1:1 ; : 1 .1.11 Al i _ .. ~" • 4 , • 1 a / ,- 1 ...! Lqi . - 1 . ••,,:::.1 111 c . ; 1 . 1 f. -,. . .. ; ! . : i 821 ' . . . . ~ o t + .14.) ; . ~,i ' , win , ; • • 3a-i. te --. ~ , • . • ..., • •„, , .. . „ t.rt ' ~,:.,1" ' .. ..1' 71.- .„ 1 .., ~z , ;',. •0 —-,••.•-• • -, F ' •••• '' t!.1... ' ... 170. ~..-1. V :- . ''''' • ' :,..._". .C . ; ..--...„.; 4 ,,L.,riiNv. :r)'- f 'ti'•••‘.:i.b.ri r•-•-• • , • : ''' '''''*• 4 '•"-'1'. ' 4/nOWAY 1110 :*I ' ' :.:•. ' ,l' r• Mr tiOniantk • • - 7.. ' ' - gran T. bat 011 OIMP; ' i '.; Ad tisr WON many . .ap A xtr ,iines, • • ,:. ••• ,iit Chi is ii Nusd, • - .• r : - '-': -o( wa afy mane - f N.. • '''•-• ..- , RV BUYING OP xoasetzi 'Ai.. I= •Lvilt* 0! !A311) WtiLASII ‘l4lO, MI liiil E. iP IIOI O II I. YE =EPEE -7 7 ""),7' .rbwwtwaim.* Obey mit ; dal Milbasir / 111 q 11 ,,1,1r mei ! mow! tie spoilile# aria tin day 'V. awl sot lowa brat Mop • shah klids pin la SU liNse 164 asols. /;" • i IE!! lAws lamiSffor sad nott, amdog lei = iiimr bvr as Tatift s. "Is "114 x The rishidasollrili l eta% - lot ffil *alit raw hid ism* tr . 1111,14 leas I Yaw. Aria vortlniallissil *IS 4114, l• 1 447 Wow thall thiiiitnetillesiii AIM acidag lIA flap I lump amps Rim aim% as Waage bre %Ore ow. I balm that osairibibp vim bid away, 111 Marie Ai& did inspillpgay 1 The littikassb sad Ad balftedd AWN, lbo esp. 11 9 1 itdfidpiddlied beide bled ; dad so soldireetb . dltb; Its emirs dpnad. As idea is the hies ibr tile Malmo dud. Ilia MOW rive, bat, sik► Yew Meet roe Mose amo borbodiliserk. Ab 4 pbebb.4 le`earpiair yew. May see, like lige; damsel' illlllll6 How aisiirotl.4 boot numb alley, Is Isssisd lip with sa may WV for Mt “Obeerret." JOTTIIOO II Nolflllll IEW TOIL Ilirasanumui Cp., N. Y., Nov. 26, 18:59 To "kik mall Joreensonaere away And rata besot •r gloolz os te— Par huller Um* error la take your pe la a. ikon an la t. Your friend saith, that in consequence of an "irrepressible conflict," his peregina tient have been ionnewhat eircrunseribed. yet he tun aired himself a little in the lo calities famous in days of yore for the stir ring events that "tried mans souls," but the event; are nearly forgotten, or only re-k ferred to. when some *litigious enquirer" seeketh iinforaustiou under difficulties.—` Scarcely is trace remains to show that the red band of war ever held sway among these quiet hills or perteethl vales, and they could not be identified with the history of the past. Theremains of a Corduroy Road marks the rout+ of the invader—an old well tells of the site of a French fortification near Fort Ana, a potato field is the exm place where the brave and fearless Poniard was tied to a tree for sacrifice by the till , duns. Battle:Hid yet frowns on the tsar row gorge - below, mug* unchanged save hi Unimproved road which the invaders found rather hard to travel. The works at Fort Edward harei disappeared, except what might be takiin or mistaken fbr an old eel lar. Bloody Pond shows no tinge of the purple gore from whence it derived its name. A Illdnumental Stone, standing on a steep hill side, tells the visitor where ed. Williams fell.; end a magnificein Hotel / at the head of Lake George, marks e, s ite of "William Heaiy," the most fatal ground of t 6 Preach and In ' War.— ./.... dilapidated 'iltdate fence, ninotanding two or three old atone houses.. We have now made a circuit from Ft. Ann to old Ti: as the Phu* i,i familiarly called, and are now about to return to Battle Hill, within two miles of "the place of beginning." en closing all and singular, the real and im aginary of .the past, together with the ap purtenant* of the aforesaid B attle Hill, which Jahenow bath become famous as the turaisfiponit of the American Revolution.— And' why pot' Judge H—, of Saratoga, is/writing it down in big new book, with Plenty of facts and figures to make it plain, and to hike will belong the credit. The f • argumetittis—Burgoyue found but Little to oppose his progress South, except the bar riers nature had interposed between White Hall and "the narrows" below Battle Hill, which affords barely a passage for the River. Here the advance troops were met by a captain Brown, with *company of vol unteera, and forced to retire. This uulook ed for repulse was followed by an entire change 9f route. The main army with the bane stores returned to Ticonderoga, theses by Lake George and Glens Falls to Fort Edwards. while the lighter troops crossed the lificeMtain, by way of Welch Hollow, andjained the main body. Either rout" in the then unsettled state of the country, must have been slow an tedious. To the invaders the delay wart fatal. Six weeks wswe consumed in gain ing s point only Waive miles south of their first repulse, and with the time the pro visions necessary tq continue their march. ,To enable them to Teach Albany a detach ment was, sent to seise the American stores at /kumington. Stark thought the Hee -1 aians stark mad to undertake so foolish an affaii. He was quite willing to treat the, Si* a warm fire, end exchange a supply dl' leiyi for claret, init this the poor Dutch men could "nix foe stay," and returned rath er chop:ellen, As a general fact, but lit- [de effort Trap media to stay the invasion.— The people were jealous of their honor and preindined against their officers. But the barbarous murder of a young woman near FortEr aroused 'the smothered em bers of, atriotiam and kindled a fire of re snap. 1 This unfortunate victim of swage •dssecheq became the martyr of Indepen dence, though no drop of her blood was warmed withsympathy for the cause. She was the daughter of a Scotch loyalist, and affianced to a British officer, but murdered by ens of the Indian guides appointed to planting to the British camp. A plain Marble Blatt marks the mortal remains of Jane Melarea, the victim and the martyr. To these eauseemay be ascribed Burgoyne's defeat, which ratan *glowed. Bil ilia so -1100. flo much hi! aiiiiient history. The an: face of thicac ti % much broken by spins fil pf the I n a tains, mom e of the ele thatione Wl* earlialf a Miley and afford ingsliveryiilied: panekina of hills and calec,l,lll4beind fanu& Iron and black lead ere. the.ionlyakinscala known. but tar ditlou his tweed , iluver snipes; and one r oldansin hones oteold within half a mule !akin ho now 1 exprweed a desire to see 'the lability, but her was • hih bury, and I *mica his eeirchwill die WO tdm;ortftir.: 4441innut einikittklaiv witFi a tiwiltatud ffold mine. From the rocky Were of the IEI PL, appearance, and the Al hipertain desttem Lion to grain. Corn egad Imeirwheat wid flourish when not dean:lid by frosts, WS dairy and potato grovringlirn the leading sgripultural pursuits, and Its these many of the farmers haveaeVid weal th . The surplus population a home in the West where , they spread thaill. selves, so that the local 410 is not increase. Top villages were finished long ago. pre senUng the appearance #1" neatuesarmi taste, and adorned wile. besatitil wide spread elms. White Hall, since thsoompletion of the Railroad, exhibits sad evidences of decay. Glens Falls. in the a;:golittng °Musty, is A thriving town, about thon)else of tric!. lts prosperity is manly depektdent utap the Saw Mills and lumberiagjideantagelti,os-, woes. One gentlernanttokl me Ere run t 230 saws, and mut tohnhe largest mi ll i was a little below, on - etn opposite side of the River. Black Marbilt is quarried here, and Lime burned for ti X. Y. Market, to an extent almost inerikinde. There is also a large Hub factorybieh turns out large shipments to California. the elm blocks of which they *reined* command-' lug $7 per cord. At Fort Edward is a lat!ge Puma* which contributes to its pewit*, and a filetni nary of no small pretezelnns, but a little noted for the smell of tar e , and a strong un:- dercurent of Phariseeism '-which, pervades the whole acuity. John Brownian] and Bleeding Hanna have so eclipsed the liter al. that teeniest merit Met I stern rebuke at a recent exhibition for no other reason than the student, a lady, was ' from the South—while wholesale ilisiltination of na tional character met a , * applause., The fate of John Brown. wi of hiedew and honorable titles oven 'mixt; creates eon siderahle reeling. lA> not think there is one here who wouidZ s ture within the at smell of powder to • a release, but many are of the opinion it will be done.— if not, and the penalty he so richly de serves is exacted, for livery drop of his Martyr blood will springs thousand flash ing bayonets to battle far the—nigger. The &Mei is looked upon as a nation.of cow ardly cut-throats, except ~the Virginians, who have dwindled We pigmies,' and are ready to die with Dir. . I need not tell you such sickly est4itnenta,nee the manufacture of "our dents" who pander to the corrupt - . of some of the leading •N , Elb. Orioles o'f party. bush, a hate b lament slam lOtt . piCi I- ' the negroes, every violation of law, even treason and murder are regarded as move ments in the right, which neither consti tutions, laws, nor the chivalry of the South can preven t,and are presented as highlysom inous of an approaching crisis. Reason is discarded and conclusions reached at a jump. The South is the aggressor, her in stitutions wrong—they are nght, and have never transgressed, therefore they have an undoubted right to do as they—please. The South is a drag on their prosperity with which they could well dispense. A dissolution or civil war is therefore a mat ter of secondary importance. They can not comprehend that a natural relation exists between the products of the South and the immediate wants of the North ; that to these advantages they owe in a great measure their own prosperity ; or that it is impossible for a race but one re moved from the darkest heathenism to make desirable and worthy citizens. They have a wonderful faculty of ignoring the l aws o f progression, cultivation, and adap tation, and can manufacture a union pure Angio-African brother with as much ease as a conjurer can a magic circle ; and they profoundly venerate the creature of their disordered fancy, while their seal is nearly allied to that which lighted the fires of persecution. Such a feeling is encouraged and fos tered by a horde of itenerant lectures and annual gatherings of Free and easy Vir tues who call down blasphemous invectives against laws, constitutions, and the Sacred Oracles of Religion, if opposed to their con tracted views. This is not exaggeration or fancy sketch. It is as true as startling nor alone confined to the class described. The church is the grand centre around which these lesser satelites revolve, and she is now engaged in the dsperate effort to make :a bloody and heartless traitor outshine the martyr at the stake,and "make I his gallows as glorious as the cross." From fanatics we may expect blasphemies, and 1 shall look for sacred gallows and holy John Browns as soon as the Silversmiths have time to ply their art., and promise great gain to the craft. How the multi tude of worthies who have ascended the rope to glory, will rejoice to know the gal: lows has triumphed by the merits of St: John Brown. NW Creek em Cr.SOMA MIMI Will be The lops toe blest meratte; Tb. blood at'Clwtot Do mono AO gam The glamor look beyond the wow— Sot th.e, door , 641totak t limos slow For ma's oedema ant alemet— Tba only Impel° ametare. &eat Tim giortom portal way to HOMO. What stable mm Wawa 111 ow oyes, Whoa thy dear boom Wore_ pa rim; Frew woo toopmetiod I would nisi, dad lowa to Om do • otalag. What tesammly tramwebp ell aor my burst. bosoiAb his Gallows VIM T Tod, mad Atm Ilbo imams al oar Sot, Araimmt by Jason's pradoes Mood. Ralph Waldo Emerson is permitted to use the above when he publishes "The Gallows' Harmony—or devotional Hymns for Wiper's Ferry Saints," wherein it will fully appear that "The Saint now waiting to state martyrdom has made the Gallen" as glorious as the Cross." But enough of this : In this far off laud, I hive oftened been asked, "Where is 20:- odowituk" who whilom was wont to delight yottr node's with jottings on the New Ycirk Ripremt. I have just seen an info- MOM story by that constant attendant, Paid, who I suspect ii is cheniller de in. &nark, /engaged in the honorable proles god of iihstracting loose change froadrow sy travelers' pockets. Did hethirdi the silly *Miry ohs flirtation Would go down, and thus ntisiend the •pnbliet The truth is, "Nits" was an agent Of the U. G. R. R., and a few weeks mos was rereiptised near Hatper's. Ferry. with a suspicious iron on his shoulder, but since the Ware of Old . 3ohn nothing has been seen of him. It Is slumowd' he ht now hunting for Liillann , Balloon in the ibreatit elf (:wads. Yours, Mil ER 10, 1859. WirOIIOIIAVAILIK . - • • The worl4 aullammilidllkausaisea • Yaws besissiese selsbles thissamink • Ibq dna w MatikrOsasog& lam" • , Lad tape to the latch ha ateatra. - . , , rati ol 4 l 4•o o "RiPar. l 4l *ails% , , ~ , r Or ' ' Mb t e tra aid iota ? If the * iediat bliii aii th. two:, -• " pros dame dead" lb bum by. thy Wit. rot the simile. Us , "sill kid la tb• carear, yew ss amisiorbe tbElitaaa. WV midi far a mad& otatiridaa, l is .! Th at , a,leatts tad &amid to coaratao. , Lad yogi& thou be th an • dertrer—'• \ With flosegid, abrala, sad a load - Val wad Oar Via •COliatod. - .., likabllihreeahribothhos that time Per ereemerek Therele bred Di he weer freer the firreserii • Arof loarelle thselerett tow berm. . There Is sestrte earlaperbel trr the , chisel Dare that break hobos the heehaw, of Joao. 111111 roe let tli s ta Sew rest fa the flirt. ihibididol • bars we a babli I Nor bid {be sheer Indio from Utaiiinsece— AN dirk Ia u frith wan all ► On, Mears of tbs Wasson id gust-11111 : Thum% issastbAss tly Ishis mist giro. tr. Mrs Oat Ot.ear taa 61 41 1 .0141 • Mils the elect har thy . frat Llvs—soot tied sttli thy hes Is the kale bump, Is tbs teed' el tbe brasier sad priest UK lite asesossts ant kale thy mashasa, 114osert !OWN/ award al • Aso,* Then sye ererdeead pees le be wield* Tbarkare thoeilte that areet die it weast4. • )1;e80, Woe *eater sod Oaf taxed mem ',veldt,* dream, QM ere deed "IIK dew thy bop, le tile pyie, Dermot Mad bee the Woe oral LOLL not lima ovett seals lartfe thadoe— Them saaltild for thee la the eaten. A Duel by 6ndle-Light. rrnm lbe tallfornis Golden lltsitle It was in the winter of 1851—the 17t14 cif November, Well do I remember the day —not alon* from the circonvitances I am about *relate, but—but no matter. The experience of every earlt adrentover here is dotted with endd,ring landmarks, to guide the mistiest atop of recollection beck ihroach ttisi , Mtn 'vistas of the putt, and lengthen Wlegrestwtyi-of life: Broad,•this evening, is the toad she trateled to-day - r ural flowers still , blossoni beside it, and therm linger in the tight ; but further book and' it narrows into a thread-lilts petit, along which the flowers lie dead and settntiewt,' and touching here and there at a moment of bliss, a sepulchre of hope, or Spritinbcdes the confines'Ofutemory. and is soon Italto sight. Well, it was the l'ith of November. The day had been a dreary, drizzly one, and as night opproached the wiami halted, and a heavy fin rolled like a mig,htyavaianche of show over the hills west of San FrunciOce, and settled hr a thick, altaost tlrenehlttg, !mast, Inter, muddy streets And house top. 'Toms indeed a chilly, cheerless evening, and we do not wonder then, nor do we now, that the ;waling kotimes Were brats-d -eg, and the bars of the drinking saloon* thronged 4 for the city wanfullortetesugora, ond promenading the halrlowed streets by the light of ,an occasional. door lamp - could scarcely be deemed pdaitive ctijdy meat. The "El Dorado" was the great centre .lf attraction. Itwas not only one of the largest and maw substantial streotaams in the city: but its proprietors were men Whose wealth was counted by tens of thou ... . . - . bank in its capa r FiouS ma tounees. Through the room were /aright - I no leas than twenty tables, at ,which were played • fare,' 'monte,' 'vinget uu,' •rouge et noirt,"lansiniumet,' and a variety of other games, the very names of which have escaped me, while from a raised plat form poured a contiuous flood of excpuirte music from a band of the test musicians in the country. The finest musical talent in the State found employment in the gambling saloons in San Prandbco and Sa cramento, and many of the most noted performers in the country to-day :made their deist before an audience of gamblers.. Simonton, the well known violinist, and Patinae, one of the best pianists in the State, for two years occupied together the platform of the •`E.I Dorado" lit Sacramento, receiving $64 per day for their Serrices, and the very first musician once led an orchestra at another gambling house in the "City of the Plains." As we said before, the "El lkwado" was crowded, litany were betting and ventur ing their last dollar with an unconcern characteristic of the times, while as many more were elbowing their way from one table to another. with no other °Went than the gratification of their curiosity, and the vain hope of seeing some desperate gambler "tan" a bank and win it. A doses or more were reeling through the saloon, en tirely too wealth in their own estimation to even covet t he piles of lucre around them, while not a %sr might be observed with their hands jammed into their empty pockets, staring abstractedly at the pro gress of the game that had relieved them of their last, ounce. The band had commenced its second performance for the evening, and - seemed intent in boisterous eseentionto drown the clamor of clinking silver, when a tall, mus cular looking miner,stepped in front of the door, and gazing a moment at the scene within, buttoned histhick coat around him and started down Washington street. He was ocairsely but comfortably clad. A pair of heavy. brown whipikeri covered his face and the broad brim ofa slouched hat almost rested upon his shoulders. "This way, Jatie," said a voice to a fe male who hastiest emerged from a small' wooden building immed i atelybelow the " El Dorado," and stood• hesitating beside a pool of mad and water. The miner stopped, and as the woman carefully se leotert a stepping place, and sprang to the I pavement, be involuntarily mughther by the arm. Somewhat surprised at the 'prompt atisistanee, she gaged into his sun burnt face for a moment, and thanking him politely, passed on with her compan ion, who had taken a more circuitous but less dangerous (to his polisher' boots) route to thegiderwalk. . Hesitating for a moment, the miner turned' and follow*. He started • as be saw her enter a gambling saloon. Pulling his way awash the orrawit be neat din. cowered her seated bobtail s% monte table. We do not wonder that hie 'dark eye Bash ed—for her sweet fisca,was pale and care worn. and the smiles that played upon were it m meeningleasou a wayside snoocib. Her companion who "called" otral.esaled the games as she turned the o-ards, wig: . ' what any lady. without a too eareful scru tiny, of the face, would byte prxmonneed a fine looking nnui l ille was dressed in the., natremOof good Wt., with istiePruon per- . Impe l of too gentf,s, display of jewelry. Ilia, features were totals: and /2iit eyes plettliug and restless ; but s .4iiii , proud, cur l of itui lip, whit* not .uufrequently denotes 'Am nia and manly itideiiindastin in hiot,was' a =die indication ~of resiclatinetin . aid . The cards were *huffed, and a"lity out,',:, given "flake your bits', guntleinen,'' Mg Out bint'lYhiiirkolli*lnd n - pill q id! : l ee :um, e . - 11,0 140 . w tar. 7 -Intike: Pillisit Ids kitore and ib,ehect the table, .4llli}ii awed` ~~~~~~ ~~~,~ y~ J VI al. 4,20/den auseetepoisodelisidior VALF4IIO: .; m in s trOtiiitragid " ft ben birmehtisitrusw • tiod ie.her and ,rnbikiamminetopy.46.. moniehed theugreigypeame bet The indicagon, &Nat wilshotloistientitigadtb with a, *own dadvairaidstig htiaTki . • is searching stare upon tbe strampetvwbo rust it with it glaii n e b g ddipposatret , the and t er to the of a revolter 'Mr Thh ob. served O. Theonsiner Mile* bided Ikb anus, aid shed/ales. with ireisblinirbend, proceeded t th n o *MY the gm&4o4 The Jack won. Again e miii were mtd ounces were thrown don by ttiiiireager two instead of one. Re lost a second time, again,. and of golden pieces- bad been transferred, trom p his raw 14:s the table. "let your husband diet," odd the loser, addressing the women, "perhaps it may change my hack n . At Ur mentio of the word "husband," a pee9lmr smile rested upon his lips, and they eyes of thei Woman dropped' to the hb , ble, as if toravold the scrutin yofthestran gter, that he might not-read in them aeon- Union that she hod no.husban4, although she was a mother. But he read all. - Again the cards were dealt.,There Was a perceptible nervousness of te lhand and a strange twinkle in the, eye of the miner,- as be drew from the lifst?keta of his over &sit two purses. All eyes were turned to 'wards him. -PH bet a hundred ounces on the ace!' he exclaimed to the astonished' gambler. dropping the saoks of dust -04 the Whin "and will drew the girds myself." "Flue hundred dollars is the limit," said the _gambler. . ”There law limit to your rescsaity thnedered the stranger, "nor should there be to your game !" , and he replaced the. purses h 5 his paket." ' • The gambler wane* his 'feet with Me' hand upon hierneolvsw p battens he could draw ,it, a Woyr: front the.harrogast 9C the nal wort miner segst,hitU • raft, t9-. 4 4 1 9 ; 1 1t 1 r.' In a niOrpent waii con ion. pi.' en gatriblett • Mini the 'sitfollha fables' wished to the miens of the fsitrrsirbchleg, i With piat9lll and, knives glister/twin the. lamp-light. ,The woman risekto her' feet, and'stood sneeetileas behind the table.; .4.Rtand heeilLtbdated the Ittineedibr-: lee from biallielt with hisdeft hand alsuisti Wait knife, sud swinging an 40104 navy revolver m the ottaer. "Stitud.hee* he repeated, refreatin &atrial` the w.ag aa: l th' garilbter at tetnilkß btrote bporithit. ''er by the Mother 44! , Oak ritual the .1100 t with your caresses'." . •• Shoot him down !"I cried .ows ot„the gamblers, brandishing a piglet over his heAd, and evincing little inclination to under' , *eke thejon itimsedf. . . , " Tba find., ,tuars a, tra r dint thean "eldeiTy ge engin e, 1)," ' the erostit . laetnk las the liorebeereed ' , wren toeneiiirtoe great an odds for any mai. lie iswatrasie gar tame, but by shall have fair titght ! right !" shouted the crowd, beginning to andeteterof the nettrenef•the Stoll, "give him a 'shame I" and wdosea more piatoia suddenly fowl the Ugh‘ - Let me et him !" yelled the vunider e who tad been knocked &nen, itteerp• Ling . to reach the Weeder •thrintgh The throng. • • • leinke•WaY.fer 11 41" hissed the Wear. sad I will use nothing but . tbiiir and 4 9 nthiseitintirielfilit i ke • Hold I" Sara mainly had first inairted upon fair play; "if you really do want to fight,. select sortie spot where there are Hewer spectators. If not, put up your iveisports." - '• You are right, " said the miner ; "but I still meet tbeseoundirel wherebe will, when he will, and with what he, will." " Enough," returned the gambler, req. dared desperate7ith rage •••follow me with a friend and 1 . .011 BOlvraniodateybe in ten manatee." " I fain completely at your opervism" said the strsuger ;" but I have no friend here„ unless I may call you one, fentif the friend lyrlPt you haver already wesimed in this d culty." " I will not desert you how," said the old man, extending his hand, "for you are a brave man, ands Kentuckian knows how to appreciate courage." The miner smiled, and stepping to the table where the woman was Jutting, pale and tremblut,g. lid to her in a low Woe : " Fear nothing—if you are sent for do not fail to come." Then taking the arm at the old Kentuckian, he &armed the Van- bier, who was just quitting the sakootk-sc comziied by his friend. friend,". said the miner, as semi they .had reached the greet.*: the fight must be a room alone, and without seooncbt— with ivbet weapons I case not. Let what. ever may transpire thereafter excite CO in quiry, and I wail explain all to ! isuirrow.,'! The Kentuckian bowed. Both put* pp~s4assl 'lion Washington street for some distat~oe, and halted i 4 front of small Ose ! . story brick building. The door was openaol by a Chinaman, and taking the gambler led the way up a_ otetaios to a small back room., It had one window. and was furnished with a cot bedstead, w as hstand, and two chairs. Plp.cing .the light upon one of the latter, the gsnitlfir strode towards the stranger, who , had jest, entered, and said : "Here is the place, and now the tifael",, lie expected the miner to maniftet symp toms of terror at the announeemetlt, sad' ask to defer the meeting; hull- he WWI In error, and the cool reply of "ikactly,"renq doted him alarmingly cognissipt of the fact.) As a last effort to shake the resolutio.'not the belligerent mountaineer', and avoid the encounter, for which he It no hieffmnion, ' the gambler said, with *fleeted cabanas*. " lf pre fight at 41, it must be alone w en4, in this tooni, each armed with a revolver and a bowie." 'T I dm fortunately provided with both," . was the resolute rapt • . "Thoo,d—it you, 'the conseippmeesd" returned the fumbler, etermined to fire be the word, and Sliding coinage in the Atishenoreible resolution. ile - fonnd consolation-in the smile just perceivable through the henry, ,beard of his eategr, nil tot. ;,t• The arraligettiente uesperate en counter were Morm made. • 'The lithe:lodb each armed with a kuitsand revolver, were to. be placed on opposite sides of thoro. ; the door was to be locked on the - 6iitslEf6, end' at a ward from the seconds,' the' llght' -was to commentsa with either weapost,wad tootitiue for ten minutes,at the aapttatiott -7 14 ' 40 r .9?-11 40 V1 4(6 v!e r gt to r e4 Atfri the tooth. , The **sports Were tuirans•V in 1)4 cotatishmts Owed for btaughter by wide light. The door ad bmunely tbeesa cloud. awl d .1 0 : 6 :1 1 1Amf.SEDAler blandxedr piefliar in dr, *Hug, not an 'net friitti . the head at Os: other. With the sorts gof a dgei, dge.4o ter duoichimseitupttu .the Vander. sot ornshedldta 021 :4 1oor,, bigots 11,„ • Mei to Use either or kntle titig the de l' One, • hhti by the theelitiiiiid - hontog • h*thetast4 the maw sinettavatild4estris , jr there i f he uttered wo • • ). i"All eight—give the word !" said the .0-• I 1; MID MEM MEN A{iza: i ; ~.-.irt pleee;mati niter timited:ilaellinialty4lit • You. mittnenty. the s taw • , --,, i • er' Malmo ' • :,' , Mi r :. ; • ; .1 , . • : r1 ing mthker•perante, mad they anatetill* = of her tatn Threw ipsamiteganthe sir, whillild on to to me g % i l !t 11 : !Iii _ltil i ‘ r % =to Owen. the eitt - vir• he ever meet her,. hawed , gm* after, unmeant oflee:preeestini night hp hand her umne peon . ._,.: : . ' the street. He followed( het to, ~ ' s heat lid recognised her, st d ."' ,i is e set her , seducer, whom he itsd tasinebtit I Moe Were., In vinatining•ldonumephe toun , , which 14$ e to VOUS . eettn i d n i e it h detelt torttA lik He you ins remit alone. N'iltr - ell to emasairutte him. Delon 'knot, It. now 2" • ~i. 1 ~x,,t 1 , 41, ~ou„„_,,, lorcyl--spare me!" midithe gamilthir, "On erne rondition,!. replielfiliAii ' id Olgatiallqi• " . • .1 , . ' " • i a "That you dishonored alld a marry b th e enniten :ittia,teir* . ond°‘9 l 4A! ell vocation." 4.. "I roment—but when ?" I - I.". •dal 4 "This very hour." ...• i , i 1.,i . "1 promise." said the _ s i 1 ~„ ,„, ~,,. "But, your promise is not ;' "" ' 1,". It plied Farley. "r will ha . ~_,.fSuara ntee. This pistol shall inil Mtn itli , hands or youtinde, until , . prondedifedei filled; and by , nay hopes nfleassn o •iluent IlOttte in the Pri°smiuMil %OW Vitli position io 'esatpe : I sill . pt . la bat, I throne your to d, y. o •, . - , It 1,4444 lil -:••Placit* Ng • ail the lisiblopeidei% enoepi the pistol w • dm hadiatfillid le hil l eoPd. Niel reitilke4oWllaulPeCtiteo ordered him fo send for Jaamm p i kar -rbtAie. ' Thriniet ' the e lite' veleta' the-second* had epniXiAtiip - dal*: %derto.askpouh,stitlain, BritMintLropesibed tahr 1 Mitt no 4 bl - ootltrYeetf a rA t v ulv lift theliindig *id inVie . cras in ehe•pasienee b. tipsinisongial *inn She remmennti ea en "dsconqt c o r pereim e w thlia-1 " 1" e t i 7 i r/1 Ilan ern etticittettititromplille* -Idatel\reedy.teninoigsmihsi- • , ° 11 °1 4 14245 , **AA " : ::, • .- &MP Palley w Jamul* : 55,„, 4 ~ ..erSile , t ejek• *Mon thitit • is , s , . ,•' 4 7'' + s Via she hung•tipenick• ~ illieliiiiii that the eameow...*ad sentitenia lusikend :lt4:nl a z7; " . t ..- i„ at 5.4 eWI4 . . e. ; ''':,; ' 6l l, 4 ,i'f' of leadinstneilt • •.. •;mien • • gaffe* o timid? andsteptiet • - emideeatielniaat PIWRI/. o c* MAO .• fi • . .. , j o 'tills mine!' in "Old .s s s--. ' . seld Itek,"as the " • s - -;*'-'' 4, - 'ist to tall him. ma killetthydhir-744 •• ' • 1 14- di5acia.,1136.54 , ~ . ..- i --, , , •,• ! • ...r., Xr -dr, Or tiati 1111 1 1 1 . 446 Y !FAlrtittiro. .. -4. 4w Vyck a fairmer,repidmiLm • . • 3: 1.: i'valtuitole horse fatnitioC' • ' , l O h a 'A. . hog weened.. l Htleing"the 7 s'-' • _ teineaktoutof thmtienpandiani ' ' -'s , leferal)4. igto ', ' he? .:Af 10% with nearly ell the flesh mini from hits head and neck. _ i tt ni t a r cd pppottiigishe hat followed the noble ' td fl4v,dosixt, when the attack 'OM ' 4, A."Fitipp wound was *lucid In the liteneVailli, VW lug evidence to the aandlants tfctdryti Usti hog was afterward killed* and wittaktireser e 4 wei fibe d 340 Pe e t° . • ~ I , t ~, ..I Wisow Earn or Tainhisr...—Not , acing ago • bricklierool* Per bean* *NW leis wedding. was mot khoo4* ;let addressed : ell, Tank. r 'to • theel—in thy happy' sem lbw end of thy trOhble"- i."Thatilt thee, 14," was 4014, anuirest o i: horet.i Me m nds W." , as& 4bout WA, *B fi psoo4O No ti • ,tholt rather warmly, ezelohook, ad me a lielhat morning I g wadi IMMO thou soy I'd soon **and any Itnouhle I" "I (lid," said ; "kat did 'of talk4,oB Aidaend."—lß+asfr's MMagawie ' • A lirr.—A wog, friend oCConiefs, 2 Allan how booome muutivikint , aiddle4 by requent potations of-hot, pzncli r roggetlN ed to see ladi'Yrieia"Uut hiun he oind hl match. rie esnafed tiotritT' OD the subject of *beim, 4 ithe sanitt! I merit suiconaiqualy twiiiiug se Jul.4iiip, oust** whoa she .sp(:_,T, Wzog at aik uhriarded megatot s F,- re you shfouded your ziktret' ftg for Mow /ow of your braise phoehoko, • . . • DlCibleDt.T . ANClrreirig -*At(' • Ike, meteril papers , bashvorikdarbeettrAgiv-; rig II Of the me* ari amain thspoonnm e,think, auya, 'e geahrille gfskeve e boo*" a case 'that will burp them an own. There is isn ota - Colorhd *when AN' bin, Alabama, who, orr being teincsAd• • er age, mated abat'sheelisLaottneirdioss_: a ehe was, but e4e . moliencfasi Aits.ae4lo4_ ' the a,tiono44 river, ,VomeTaip't ii,Z . , itisa - . ~.. . • . 17,t, Aar The New York- riilasese hating ides pin ..• that GeftietVi44 wbc ' I 4tg.DPIIPM4 e Thula* arty aousc.y . , Imo publican :Allege* York - di s t• 010 thellibious 411iimAse °VMS ,ilier. , whith. iclaitesMalaaittrara Sepolpheass. r oKongresa, in it" polit j ral tulle, r that year. The Paling will haye to. 'volt up, 'or be involve&lii'a lioittF6Nie'fis 3 o .. ith its editor, Xt. Ore•eley. ' • - - -I I,r A Ca ... msTao, TAI4.—WA4e the 184.94 p was flourishing, - there (I - Welt, 'in whar now a famous city 'not 1 Mile !I'Mh itic an opulent widow lady,inhoottatt-gr- 4s queer t illustriditits of war. , salmff4dor# lo l9mirtiNes ‘: 4 4.SWix .. titre. is win* Christman tvii'of itith s3l' 'them% 1141phibned , whittann which-44CW no Muer • „; Thee old. buir entionaniolUmebsttla l itti tus . she hugged bier shurarptg .frum,, Ala! stud . to,./ier isitlikti asstfrott oli. ries a liwrThle cold Ng , ix, am int po6r liagithe, #Oll. fi , mu be oufferizt:U'olotgoilloskomgoilt: • . . Aka , kit tot wiloe6,lsbiodeok.goods - ;..iM m it, Pak. . PillivPagein iiiite 5. 1)1. ersatr sad corPlortslAkt! EZ I ,4, . . goildp,' putlmina moot* tai ' ‘-otliirrialtklitok t iseliblitet fittfl. lo :! , Thew lell wintednklmbolitnipaadll . 404 . . di iiid pg. •, . ncr .0 r t y o stadia lepiet on ' . • 4 1 1. . ,Likees hilt tedialiterite '— r 7-. tip . aphs..... 9.s .1-r .> a. • ...•;.. , . -,; -..r i .....:ftitif4ao4.4P noir. . 7'4 , 1. s ; 1 ~ ..'-7,',„,„_1 Ai ~, n,...., ~,....•,,- . J._ i ilir_lf mistmalatierowswilip, - , whs. 4riliolpotomor:0008, , 4 V* 9 ll X c }# l 4ki t. .I!. 1064,ticomxeomwsslotowikike-st th ery ing, are vfee-bin men. s.L! tsr