• It II 11 i,l , r tit: I:1\6. A e. 1111% iWell 111 pr; .tiff C 111311,10011 in New \ - .. r k io r tittle., and a..:t iz the best 11. •te .411. the Am.', it is worth putting in pi int. - .6 a .11 0,44{.1i6heil church member, awl a distinguished railroad financier, wishin , to start a hank in that State. and being puslissi ~me shat for the "ready," went to the op and (leaked him 14.nd him mi te , uing he would not prolialily le, it. t hat it was a mere matter of fag Days elapsed before the bishop thought of Li. new, and he was not reminded very forcil.l‘ ot'it until he WAS notified that it wa, pro- Before the bishop had time to move, the sharp financier had gone to an other brother church member, and told him that their bishop's note was lying at the hank protited. "Don't say anything ,lout IC said the other, "I'll head a : subs seliption list to pay it, with K 50," s a id t h e iti-tinguished railroad man. The amount , r w ...lon raised, and a hank Stn rteil a rot ,of fifty dollars. garmRE.LIEN" IN TEN MINUTE gIitYAN , I4 PiILSIONIC naaireTtala Sad sportly reardy ever &actor et '1 fir Dawn of At ChM and Limes, Ciesitla, Calais, AMI- S.. 0w.21506111, Brenstilatis, isLibirato, Hoarsostss. n g great/nip, Sore Throat. 4e. i f f., THIII:SE WAVERS give the moot instantaiir.niA prrfin I reltrf and when pereevered sitlia,Prordilig In dirrf tintiit, never tall to effect a rapid and lasting cure Thousands have here restored to perteet health who hm e tn..' other means in vain. To all clamor" and all consti tatboes they are equally a blessing and a cure—none nerd &spaq no matter how long the disease. may .hare eased .a, or however seven st may be, previa.] the ervame otrueture of the vital organs is not hopelessly decayed irery one &filleted should glee them an impartial trial To Vtx•ALISTII Alin PtBL IC SMICARILILA, the. Wab•r• arc p ,. ca liatiy valuable ; they will in owe Pal rewurie the most wrens °collisions] hoarseness ; and their regular ulte f r • few data will, at all time*, titer.ne the power 14 tamability of the Toler, greatly Inipmritig rU tlioe, coal pa. and clearness, for which purpo• • •...1 Dy many prokaaional toaali.t, JOB 110483, Sole Proprietor, Hoche•ter, N Yr SKK ADVERTISEMENT of ILL yomys Liver In. tgornt4, and Fawn at Mr tie Its In another column MIKA. WINSLOW, an experienc,l unr• and female phyldeian, haw a :zoothiug . 4 , nap eon teething, whirls greatly facilitate. the process of teething by cottoning the gun. reducing all mflanitiiitt ion —will allay all pain and sa core to regolatc the I i t.el. Depend upon it, mother., rest I aridndiet and health to y car 101;111 4 ri•l It I 11. 1.1 r• lb all ea..; See *Avert taemeht in anc,th. I Ijr Tt *4.4 all %well...oth rt u. w• 1 .io.. Jr Kihi whirll lufx1:11.1. ••• rejuv• lnt, IZ. I .4111 ;galore t rvngt la, will; nvi,:ira I pree, • • •tet wootierful 1..11, "Id and f.. 1.1.• per, n. It te.t egnal. Sn!.l In ( IHTFII PHI .1 I' rk• Ttie ...Alm of Lsrer e plaint Letea, • r I nines' Life Exhilarunt a erand 1.1.1111,..‘ rIM/ 1 11.•';...1 , immediate and permanent kret in tf.• n.,,leint A t laLrk‘i. rr, .1.- ti. nun am! .1 • • rritirtGatro au.l regtitte% I.‘lit, hie, I . • 1„ .01 ,•• •ant excri.rot tltt t u t rett.t. 11111,1 .1, w I •'.Ut It 1 • boattltt - ut tit ull slit n 11.. no .111110— 15 :PT, nnlll.f • i ' ~n, • "n.4.rf, =1 Ltfo tit it •• . 1 •• • • Ito troin.lt"l.4. ••• •1,06- 4 1, lIIt hilitt .• ht.,' I infa,llll4r •ol•••••if, It mai. , et• • 4., ultltet •r• ..r I •nO. '• I ,ta.o et •of .1)•, titilitn. 013.1 t 11, , (4 ftlql 1. 11'1 r rrtr, Pi !Jul. lau,ni I.Ue Klatttroallt 1n GO. k I r • e .orSt 3114 itttgottritetl ram of Pt 1..1. .1. .0.1.11 other rterotlooeot. of th• and hoseht, and .elll revile the otelsocholy end ..joug tuottertuttelt • The iIknITOUP. n, rat 11, tr. it. :set.: 14 T. S. Pll 4 it.l,Al:, k r i tar /It TC1.11?“.1P0 Ll FIR UM 11111 It %VI Youth to the % A ...1' t.tron t „tit to lb.. t%.,t . t• le •• • I pr.-puratton illetutrt oral. tlo,; . t tlr . • • Yr, part or the world, .trol 11., : -cot. t. r test lowly prt,eleimm it t., N E I. I. E I) •• .14,7.errmator 0•4 ..1 ura.t...l or rt r., 11 t • t I.iff• E ili. mot .tann) I to*. 1,••• t 11, to,. 4,. t a It tw tr n rk, and vi ii n.pt pr.lll, r.,4-1t,•1 1.1,11 ~lnol~l.. •1 1= • wit la the Ctr.t A.,.., A 1,1 te I 1..,.u... I .*to the 'lt...klatch -4 4n A 11, l• • 01 I. r*. l I i 11)Apri.li norl,Vf Iv* certain 1.. 11141, I I .1 lhilltattt a hou,hedt) art. is •• • 1 • 3.1 In •1rt,01.,..•:,...!• t. tM• •„ r Th. 6 Vll‘Coltratri. Lul .tr. 1. • ,rit.,4 MUlil t.. Iht .‘ It. 1.1.. ..14.1tIlt.ti MerVillt ..r t ../ VI , I • ‘• • Matter %hat of 1t... nu;.. I- I • .4111411/t.yperl, h . .‘l•ilauttlit .1 .. rl,t osre anti lOR.. r • I lie Exhilarunt rbou:4l ~ r. • I r . hire dtwonlrnd nen onm, 1.• torpid Int. It. rt, i.r low Der, 1.1 • w e uuntled Iron Lai wlema, )et p..erlul 14 • ii otalop ant a grain or ►tom 01 zutheriti • toxieo wttlieteil with barrennewi, et In tlet.•btup' 1.4 G txbilaraot the r.•alitati.a. it,. it h••pee iiwiterusty. Tina remarkable and aoapprosebalar preparm 1. .. by the Proprietor, It. B. titlTllllllt.3. at I.:, • 01 a1t0.," York. All orders abookt be ad: 1e....0 to ima •etit I.t 8,0n0,. SWIM . % iliterll4 OOP Warr istt lit SI • 0.1. •,,.•••• 6.r IL!. !told by T. LAIR. arra k 0. Pa. 1 • I , _ _ giipp• nrosTANT Tll 1N I:3/AI 1)10. CHIMAELAN'S 111.1.4 Prepan-lt • / N. D., Now York ndaaat ion awn...beets le threes Pills are ll.; ....Alt I• no .ad •tt.wne practice. They ITV Mild in their ,‘I. ♦h , .n in•l n •tua re cruesettor all irrefularit ow, Painful tion , tl ns LOU, reooe i elf a ll obstrortiotio, whether frt.. cold • t headache, pato in the side. paii.itntint...f tl r t...rt, chiles all a.n.,u■ all.•rtt o na, 1.y•l. r.• • re , , io lb. back and lisobe, kc , dlstnrie. ••• • ij. o .e Iran latorruption of nature. TO 31ARIKIIKID 11, %OLIO+. .isi4111,10&• • • are invaluahlf a• tl, ••ti the monthly period with irgolarit, lad, •w I laai disappointed in the one r.f otber 111 Ir rta ! .I n r.• It,. utawalt coalidenoe to Dr choesenion's e.l that 'bey rept...rot to do. %OTICIL. Thore is one condition of-the f. t irite '•rn in which the Pills cannot he taken toteta , ..tr • PECULIAR RESULT. The enodition r..f- ,, ,. rn t• ANCY —the can't, 11 !SCA RR! AGE -o.h t• (he , nyostahi e 1.....4.acy of the medicine to roate,r lb. oa•tual wriet es. to a normal tiondiC•zi, that ev.en the reprodiar ,,.e rower of natnee cannot resist it. t r. arranteel c Trely vegetable, And tree from • tiliv.g in • iuoan. elt directions, which should road, sr , onipan) ear hos. Pi** $l. Sent by mall n enetoeing SI to lb. general agent. Sold by one Iltugpv , In every toss in the United Slates. K. B. HrTetilaqes. .enrol .feat ter the taltol States, 16/Chainberssi , en York To • hum ail Wholesale orders shook! 10. d T. S. SOICLAIK..igent .1. RItANCIS, KirTUN Silt EAT FlLftliiell It le E Y. MADAME BO! Vll l l l l4 CEII.I..BItATe.I) ..41.exte CostarPlLLa—Preparisi by tbc PO. Possessor of the Original Prescription, n.e4 re•st es • tenni sly in all European Female liospltuls, sod Infallible e removing , stoppages sod It regnbtrttlee of the manua— -1 nese pills we anthem' new, but bans Oren used • .etors for Ilea? fella, Oath in nears and to.. rtes. a ith L. paralleled sueosao In erarr ram ; and he is urged h) thousaad ladles who hare used them. t.. make the 4. Is public, 14. r the alleviation of those safferlas From say rregulatitiaa of whatever salons, as Wall as 1.4 prevent 'regimes? to those ladies whoa. health will sot permit an 1 , 11111 , of Slimily. Pregnant female% or tapes suppiraing •tolikarlres w. , /1•111 cow Uommi against tasting threw pills • 4 .* pergimak Y lhspsopriefor assumes no resp.,asibil r slier the snore wino Hos. alttioueh their madness - .414 prt... , nt and mmehler In IM health . rr,x tb." a,16 0/1. reronummoded• Full and Plpliett klirre: inn ne• •ayaby each bus. Ear rake IT 1.. I. BALDWIN, Ent- Sleeper, Waterford. n - Oro.• dollar and three produce t t horiard agent, wilt loom a paw of pill. by re t.ru w.l . C. CROSBY, General Avrot, Ira a, I bt9.--13 . 1. Buffalo, N. V re- flutettin g e Life RAl:lariat. Ladiro o weak 1,4 • I •auUfutloua r rlioald tam the fitiletuiti, , "stet. it will make you strong, healthy and ht! obatrurtlnna and irrygigat in.. , I CM. 11.. I,llvSs •t. r g"":t• lAA mottoro tiro I.lnoin of health to the nAly ran,. .rn fan. Etulsi 1.7 CARTEL: b BRIT lt 11,- /lampoon. onto Lae* all bill WllOll. imot•imbecl it to« mil IlutcL omits 14. ElhilattimL a emir Birminch. ••••nnn.dutrrimatl.reatincensti”. haw trito. xtll I! nd a mailer In tn. ant, re tame •• t' ''„tol I.y RTF./1 k mao., and Tj. SIN( LA 111, ro•. t s 45 ly ri- I I oteh'sgV Litie Flabflarant. thee d.w • 111 num.. • • 'lnertealtle and rtietreeellog repel, of Wind or Plaits. ••••• ann the moonlit the sterntach receives the to. hron t ••:••ete. tbedi•tenielagload ling all painfu t feelings will 4 ,••••••I Sold by T. N. lIINCLAIR, Vete, Pa. 46.1 y. . _ Kir•ru mwarme rri • ins.—The atlrtertlarr Len • kg Men 'attend to health la a few weeks, by • th '' • • mph nnedy, niter haring guttered several scary • Lowe Alsaie., and th at thrall dineaae, Coo h ptso n, u un into to make known to hie felk.w:euttersea • owes,. of este To Id I IrtYo dagell It he will vend* copy pr.reeiptioo wind /iris of thsirm) with direction* I "'l , 4wrieir and oriel** nanve, 'Meta Olaf will bawl a • ure for rUi~les, Alalkata, Rioariats, The ' o, teet of the areethieir in mending the priescription • lu teto-nt the &Meted sad he hopes seen , sulherer .`, it will east them nothlog. sod gnat P "'"' • 6664 n1. Pante" wiiihiog the peeeeription rill l‘uou. uldreun RV% EDWARD A. WIIASON, WiTtlam.toneh. xi Co., N. V' Auditor's Notice. ASSIONMXIST Of 11)11. a:THAYER. 2t9, May Term, IRSO .. V1 10. IMSp , aesoutit confirmed acid it Omni. Mot ••intrd Auditor to make di" tributtiim." Pr/inmate Ttll Netted will attend to the duties a his ap "°tarut of hie dart in the City of Erin, ea tho7ftb Dreembrr, uns. at 10 o'clock, a hen awl when. all 01.71101 odererted eau aCtiind. ORLNT. i5"..46 Auditor. - - - S • I) I•N 4 PREPARED GLIM: , PALAINWS PREPARED UWE' ,PAI.I'ING'S PREPARED RiXE, ' gl 0111- SIIIIPATCH STI7III ni TINE EAESE bluer." Au A arewirreta happea men is ineil-rneadialtdiallmilata It IA verl li.o.rubl« to have some cheap And naatinatliont ere, for i.pairina Furniture, Toys, Crockery, eta. :41 , ALDI NG'S PREPARED GLUE wets all such ruurgskrietra, sad no household eau ado: to he without It It is al" aye toady and syptotpe . stkk , log point. These ano looter a soooosity for limping chairs, splintered ropers", headless dolls, and broken cradles. It Is just the article for cone, shell, awl oilier nrocuteutel oerk so popular with the ladies of rellneinent and lasts. 'ibis admirable preparation is Mimi sold, I. chemi cally bold ko volution, and possessing all the minable yoolitleo of the best cabinet-ambers' Glos. It may be weed lo tho plan. of of 'Hoary Ls:mei/age, begs' ♦sally more ad• "i_TSRP - 1 I. IN M.&l' HOUSE." N 8.-6 Brunt accompanies sada bottle. Price 26 eta. Woounai.r. Dr.earr, No. 30 PLAT? PT, Now root Athinpaa JIENRY C. SPALDING & CU., lb* No. 8,1500. New York Put up for Dealers ita rues eirtitalulog &sr, eight, and twelve doseu a besuii'd; Lithograph ShoweCarti seam pirtyi:g eac h pactiatie. A single bon IP of SPALDING'S iItit.PARED (SLUE will save ten times Its coat annually to eiresy household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druulata, Hardware sod Furniture Dealers, Wooers, and Laney Store. l'untitry merchants abould make • note ofttPA LIPING•A PREPARED GLUE when malung up their ran list. It will stand any climate. vl'A 1.1)ING = I'IIEPARED I', 3 F:FUL IN TERI" 1101-41' PREPARED soLl) BY STATION4A3 ALDING'S I'REPARED Girt -I•ALPING i VRErARED (.I.UF., EY 11.4.1tHWARI: l'Al3)lS4r 4 11:t.PA REP Gl.l FURNiSiiiNli Lid PRFIARF:I Cart:, ~,1 ill k I tcvSTUHE PEA! E mil'\ I.IIINC ; r;LUK. Fil" FA\* 1 - 410i1D9 LlF:tl.Rits , 1'11.1 1 1.N.. a I : RE - I'Alttl) UI.I. I f•It6PARII t.LUF: 4.1.1) hl 1111 Nlll 111.Ut ILA Vy• CFNEI-11 I 1 I= P., I "ft. • \ 414 All 10,1 1.1 01 ~ Artlcll tr. t.ach, tr .:4111 , ,r.i U. 3, th...r .•ndini,l 1.1,...1301. .n.l 11 I Ahh.l) x. 1.1 ~I. • t_ $ 1.. $ \I. 12.1- r 11•.- 1. Mr... t I. $ 1 ‘i• ‘I. 11110 I r.:2lsi 11•i g .1 llomt• Jr.", • %11•Ilitx 6 006. 6 ki”tid% LratL.r V 1... k Mtn.}tom. 4 N M.ndn Newel II lend. 0110111,1 • II % . (.14110 Piano Fog Ni../(111 Qui.t- r I r Sleuth. / tirr, I • UCI••14 'l' I Mewl* I ulltmil.t :-tuLa 1 Mewls Va..• .1" Mewls 11.1 k ,•!., • X Nen a X) 1.4.7 . 1 • pi. I. W..• 1 ar.l-tt. k. 1 Z Mends Zeidivr-IC.nul N‘ sir i• • e"tmluwioN, 11'.1 1.111Nt., I NI- l• ‘1:1 II 4.1 UP. us ti•.• 611 111 I Ilgrarten Bud S. I s Mekilgt :•olas :4: I I Iter.l. Urn& Accord... a A 1 Nlvtatia Iwtlur :4,11111,r 1. .1 i • Mewl". Illagruern...l n a .. 11 Mend. 1 1. Agri • 11.,..16 Nt 11 lirralat:.•• • u. 0.1. I. LIU Stock• • • I..ulty -cligmra Hock. i 11 li, I k.guu• l'araaul4 l' lU I;ooefleitt 111 r : . :• NI oar. Vai .1 11artgilto 1-1 .• 1•11..14.1- 1. r5...-.1•41,11 . .. 1., I: ill, nel• 11.. It. ty Flirt/It4i. 1: ~") lt, 1. llt 1461. 5 1:.4., 11.•...4.• I 1.1 • ; 1. Mr..... 1.... k. 1. 1: ...•.1-• 13 il) I kl• .1. I “Owe.“•,/ 1,444% I'. dl 1 Identin 1 ph.,141...r.,1 4 % 411 . 111. I, .1) _I I getillg F.,:g • 1:I It• r• r _1 '...4..1.• Acorn 4% •.,1.. 1.2 •., %I. Lids I 1.e.. 11.,.: • ...1 _ . .i.DIII F Id 4 tr.. -4 111-.(111• . 41.11 VI 111 I. .5 VI. hd- 1....• t Ow*. - .:1 ‘..n.1. 1,....t0r 11..,.. -. '2, Ur t••li hAle..loi•e•y•-••• ..,••• :-.. 11.1. :n I • so.• y 1:..11•p ..V 1 / 4 1. Iv,. 1 . 1411.• 0/11111•P ~;0 11 34.-. it. -........44r1..- .1 1.E.1 U. •..t. • . L0 , 4,114;4 34 .r., ' 1t1e144•4,1 I. 414ilute. .1-3 4-1 •....t.d• a •l ..1 31..1.. 34 14.11,4- N nr.trola , 4 34 14. Ilene, !'arms 1114, ft,' .1d I= • M. V.u•.. J z• ..ry • Mewl, Match ent.... 41 %/ends l'irlurft 4.: 11. hot. t1.,11$ I 1 bevl • %Lila., .0 el Itark. M-ntis 11 lull Iktn ha% 14.43•144µ1. tid. I • V. 114. t tv,os.n. n Mem!, (1.414./1 4.1 %I'll,. 11.1.110 w Mi N. Dd. Had. krau.11.4,11 1:,• .i.;,, SI edan.l Notes Hind. 134r1 Hoard% Mtn. I:ave 1 lobt - .4 TAM* kletoip 1311 hand Cur Y.i•odll Bard Cagrg • Broornatick• fo. Meads Book Curs Motikto hoot Crimps nti Mewls Brus h I Meads Brushes q: Maud. Cabinet, Ma ode (burns Mond. Clock-Cage. Mond. Centeno. M Mends Cispboards t. 7 Mends lnrtalm hit - Monti. Cimino co ibleivis Caddies 71# Meu,f. Omen. 71 M0...4. Chian. 7 Sterols Chart* 7r 73 ' Mends, Clothes-Frain 73 74 Mends Card-Curs 14 71 Meuda Cheats 75 111 Mrrets Putties Id 77 Mends Mork-9tasods 7: 75 Mends Dram 'ld- Ito& rds 75 79 Mends Dishes 79 so Mends blvans so 61 Mends Wee-Boxes - Si 52 Merida Doors 1M 53 Mends Dominoes , ea *4 Mends Firaboards SI ith Mends Flatesi SS do Mends Ikallnaters SG 117 Mends Glassnalo 67 66 Mends Handles 66 89 Mends Gotta l'eutur Wiats• au 9tl Mende Kites 9s 91 Mends Tops 91 4,2 Mewls Onipin. 91: 'A Mends Models SC ol Menda Sewing Machias.. Stands 94 95 Mends Panels 96 dr Mende Pasteboard• Work 90 97 Mends Patterns 97 86 Mends Sideboards MI 99 Mends %modes' , Ware 99 11.0 Newts Willow-Wan• • 160 rI'AIDINWS PRF.PARED GU I, SPALDINti'S PREPABgn CLUE' SPAI.MNIi•s YREYARRI) SPAI.OLNArrt PREPAitk:t) (H.D 1W H D W ARE krruses PREPARKI SOLD BY HOMO; FTBS/8111NO 81171118. SPALDING'S PREPARED GWE, SOLD BY FANCY GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S rittrAaxo gun, sou) ar coorrßY mutat/writ arNaItAILY Manufactured b Addr".. Pet up In eases containing 11*pIve r..roft «acb .MenwlY CUD BEAR AND COCURNMAL, by NarA CAMS it BRO. E THE PIECES , •01.1) ItY lIRI:GGINTS , (.1 dßibcyß4 MENU% d'ALDINt A (11 I'I.ATF Vorl. 01.1) RV STATIONER 24 m 11.1) BY DRUGGISTS. 1= HENRY C. !SPALDING, L 6 , , PLATT ono tr. Nev Ye.* root 00lite. Nos No. 11,1106. Mawr Fear, . EWA ar A IwiNtiful Utbageseoh, noir Citd newmpany Ina each Paiduper. E. P . KIDDLETON & BRO., COG et & za a,Le - zacaikaNn2 031•11:00r, = h and Irish Whisk iIADERIA A )BT.I SHERRY. D eIiAItPAGNE WINES "ice Old Ito nongehela, w , 31114Linre AND *YE wirlsicrzs P. X. & Bna, Haire on i.o z . LOVA kid Boot Sebbabod Meek of Fine el Whiskey Of any on to lb. Sibler; all sir widish YWO hhow° by bee. K. P. lIIIDDLIIOII k VA. II Marti Pout et. Alm NEW ARRANGEMENT. a nder . s t igned having purchased the BOOS 1 SHOES! Ltkruza, Fisatirag, Ruians, k, Belsk4ao owned *y W. Slidth. sin matinee timo baud. tits at Dire OLD STAND. No: It, PILIST !hoc; SLIM 19111/13M, Eat; PA. l nel He la aamp to oar treatarjadareaarde to all t want of Tit MUD SHONA Than wea irrer offered to the 'merle of Western Penanyl. 1411il me mob will be to have inory one go away frees W store sallethed, if lair dealing, low pekes sad good will be y goods, 4 Inducement.Ts yeoman wishing to buy Roots Mote, this will be the Store In fatty. SIVILICOMIC WlTClort.ll4 caste may feel einered of getting good and reliable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS Of all deikliptlona at Prices to pit the paw} 41 worts'.* of GAITERS. CONGRESS lIIIIIIJOUCI, SLIP. PERS, its 4 Goys, Tooth% Miro sad Childress Shoes And Gal*" of evol7 ysisWy. hirjrf qf rap sod 041 Swat • kick castami assprieil is Erie Er.V.R4alring dose with arsisses arid jossdbssllty . .N. 26, 16-2/1. RICHA R D BURLEY, MEM= Cleveland and Erie Railroad. ON and after Monday, November 14th, mod ante farther notice Paran g wr Train" will ran n. I.llowm, LEAVE CLEVELAND ID ID A 14 Mall Tittles atop* at all Way Stations = - ileator,Verry, Unionville. and Bay nod 'arrives at Eita I 64 P. M., Dunkirk 4 25 P. 51., Barna. 6 06 P. M. 9 W. Night Expra.• ?tun atop+ at Pala/evil Amthisbula, Conneaut and Olraz4, only. and arrives t Reia 12 SS 4.114 Buffalo, 190 A. Y. LEAVE ERIE. 4 lo .4. 11, 1'; wilt a: sprees Train atopa at Girard, Conneaut, A. ti tabula, and Pah:wattllo only, and arrive at leveland 7 03, A. M. i 13 P M. Moil Train slogs at all Way Stations exet .aybrook, Unionville, Perry, Mentor and WirtMe, and arrives at Cleveland at 706, A. M. All the through trains going Westward, connect at t lrr. lend with trains ior Toledo, Chicago, Colombian, Mr cinnsti, &g. A 1: I be thmugh train. guioe Eastrard, connect at Des kirV •itll the trawl, ..1 the S. it Elie Halhowl: and at HafMo erlth the si 1 l'entral and Buffet° awl N V. City II NoTTINIIIiAII, Puprituten4lwat stg.r. 14, 18f.Y. 1889. BUFFALO & ERIE R. B. CiN and after Motikcia) , November 14, A... 7 h.oik, howleoper Trains !ill row toi LiaiP Road as fol. lows. LEAVING ERIE. , Aigki £zpmi, stopping at Weettlekl, Den I ,r 1! • r.l live' Creek, arrives al Bagman at 490 A. X bu..k. Y . d -- " rest atoppiag at all fitatioria, and arriiing at Buffalo at 12 30 F. ii. 40 P. 11., 47sprese Mai, stopping at Harbor Creek, liorUt Laid. State Line, (Waal, Westfield, Salute, Buskirk, Silrercrook, Irving, traria. Carter, 18 Kilo rrrk, and thusibursh. arrivisgat Buffalo. at 6 OS I , U. A ‘' I Nfi F F A LO. I 1 3d A IL, Ewes, Alo.l . stoppteg at Hambargh, le ltiir Creek, Emma Centre, Inriog, flitver taw* I•unk/04:4am. Portland, Westasid, Quincy, Stapp laws, North kali and I arboterweit, wirings! Kris at 320 P. 4 00 I'. L., alecaawitaltaa, stopping stall Stations, and arril log at brie at 0 00 A. M. I 1 53, P. , !Mph* Express, stopping at Meer Creek, Dam kii k cud Westfield , dee m at &M al a 811 A. IL TL. Kxprrss Mai I, awl Night Uplift trains ping Rasa enamel all Dunkirk and BoMalo with itsywww Testes for Noe York, Reston, Ae. Rail Road Unto Is about 10 mia utes faster Ruin Erie time. Noi 14, 114141.-7.5 R. N. BROWN, Supt. MRS S. H. HALL H-".jugt return, to now receiving tier cononning I thrfl Saha rod Straw fiuNNETN. RI Hitt 4A, ii.JIMEL klmmrEum V 1.1 11 t t ritER4, kr., &e Al'- and LIKADDRKSSIRS of the latent Style' Ihnieet rrathro. Roches, Cheuillea Velvet ibtioisavCol tan., lateen. lloop Slirta. Zephyr Hi ode, Knitting aril, together with iirmiery of a tinpertor Quality, all or which e,l' 1.. ,,t4 cheap for or ready pay. rip -Particular attention paid to fileaehlog and Prem. anA Minuet" eolared any diwirablecolor. t 7 Si Ili int.n from the country napplitid at Whalesal• 11 a omnal percents/re above New York prices. Fr.e (ht It, ISM ii• HALL. ERIE ACADEMY. TIIE next Term of this instittition will towwwieeos Ma day taw. Oa* lawt., with ths failoainir able Corps of Teachers I.blitllf.L O. I.IISTEAD, A. , Principal. RALPH 8 000nlrixt, A :rad tuts. of tb. N. Ymit State Named School, Alias,. 1.0t1,4 W MINIM, A U of Berito, A ‘lneduate of the ralerretty of traria, Prof. of lb. German Lanfruare and taratate. JULES AVOCOTtIi ARQ,I r . D., of Pasta, t lit &dust* of the Uoltantity of MOON Prof. of Uri f noseh Drone and tenants. ANNA 1. 11WWILIILY, A Graduate of tha Nair Yeti State Niral School, Allow • JOHN CRAWFORD, molter. The Trustees have every reason . hope that, ander the preseai able Corps of Instructor", this 'Natation will soon stead mooing the east llourhalig la oar Coantry,wed be a credit to our City. Terme of Tuition per eaarter. Re.fuot. Writing. the Pondasomtal itel. in Arithmetic, Primary °yorePh/. lb. Spelling Gook in Frisch and GOrman, Tamil 11104 c. *I 60 goslisb Grammar, arithmetic, Latin, Greek, Mod ern and Anal/potGoftraphy History, Logic, Rbetorii", Aliments of Criticism', limicitimals of Christianity. notion' Analogy. English Lau atom Mound flimsier, Scions of Glormru wet, lotelleetual mod Mond Philosophy, Boot- Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. Natural History, Minim/ Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy with use of Glob.. andlolopoispo, 1 60 French, German, and other llodorm i =sopia, $1 ex tra mai. I By Order of Or P Minoru.; ftft , y. GEO. A. L1f034 Pratt. Erir, Not lit, 'MI. SAIIE 4)F PEWS IN We PAWL% IDNIVIWIL ?Intim 6 biereby given that fa pnersanes of a vesabsttaa of the %Valid's* and Crotty. and the antbselly given thephartei of Incorposation. the hihretnit_ pfire is BT. PAIIIIB cnraca, REM alit be sold at Palk Aaatiaa, at the Cheirelt. on the lah day Of Dee lOW I Velaek, P. for the aollacito* of the Oruro at aosammas of tam, watts, the saws to Nay. 4, INA, and ended oak Vales. j Amami 1 Tat. 3 iboroa•G. Coll, lo 00 I$ & 00 1 $t GO kK. J. Yoko. . MI 11800 p 00 21 . Th osoi 0. Colt, . 00 1 OS 00. 00 28 A J , Law, •86 00 'l3 1104` 000 20 •D. Kass.,• '76 00 j If 001 780 30 J. a. Nkbohos, l3O 40 I SS 00' 13 06 41 'Jobe A. bon, .3000 , 8 011 1 200 t 2 J. C. Bettor, •.•40 00 ; II 08 400 12 A. Beebe, 132 00 1 sr co, to oo SG Gee. Min. too so se soi us oo e. D. Jilastr4 36 00• T 401 660 1.1. M. 1. 201 80 1 21 001 20 GO' I :l,l__litlebards Dobidus.l 116 00 i "A 001 11 111 i -7-- imedie !sown an day *Cute. 3 41•1•Ncor. 26,000. ' VW. it C. P K 1112.0, flocnolisr7 of loetry, la. i i iirrin4lBGUL i aiblinuenalt. ~ TrHE Ten. Thousand who suffer torture btu tliest tent& wont Sod ilmedistely t Iron all their Pan, to the internal now .4, WATSON'S NEr i the sly known Medicine which will penstones9, au trans of dinner tens the wen& Veen set your thin sod noir erica-outward soplicathens Seats and OSh only temporise, and an of &natal . Ala Wens! yew 1,44.1 e Is orti be adtk=e that atil lA.LOtAwimn w a i l e aosiat et at ms .oth. b..Ws .71 - 11;1;4 eat vet a belle, out one US/ • Bohn. Yee Nis mot ~._..... A. 1. lialinnir Taapritaar rt l P . 2l O. ads nossis. Hama. of Owners. BM F.EU LARD Ai' sen'Allilltg LI MAXT4I. 880 • XESIVIINDOW GLASS—Cont . , iieimit,Wl. :iirmforiliNisiowystissu if' Asierksa A !seiil telt . , Pm rig BEligli I rarringsfq GRIM inn Nib, Widow. Neshoil be sip 1111.DIVIWII " Si* trie. IEIOO. EC AEA- CtpakL NEW C26.NDIr CONFECTIONERY,STORE No. t; worm% tunt.. • j alowd at So Om piss% • amiss amillmist et Plain ma Panay CANT U= OP ALL 1111117111PIIION• ALSO, Gum CardielCeam Dw tope timvs, Bon BOOM Mottoes, Trwwith • fine impartment of iIINCH CANDIES, AND CONFECTIONERY, FINE NEW FM, - SMYRNA AND SEEDLESS RAISINS, CI:7ItRENTS, CITRON, And FRUITS of all kinds. SOFT SHELL ALMONDS, BRAZIL. PEECAN AND HICKORY NUTS. WALNUTS, sod a select, stook o( FAMILY GROCERIES I SUCH AR YOUNG HYSON—OUNPOWDER, IMPERIAL, OOLONG AND IM PERIAL TEAR,—REFINED AND RAW SUGARS— EXTRA SYRUP AND MO LASSES—WOODEN AND WIL LOW WARE—FANCY BASKETS, he., he., all selling CHEAP at the New Store. JOHN BANYARD. N. •.—la . kw days will be Spaasd Id* Oa aim% A NEW BAKERY, which wUI ma * am M finabh BREAD, CAKES, CRACKERS, SODA'BUBSCUIT, ke. UPON REASON/ILS TARN& Oabm, mod Mawr goon. la my lbw wiU got op by pulls@ ow Ilion notes. RI., Nov. lid 11100—NIL eth Annual Announcement ! CONTINITS.D lIIIXIISS or TSB COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! 'MOM ail sections of the °inanity sub. 1: sweibers to ilia popular Art lawithettes, (wow is Its milk year.) are Dalai received is s ratio aspirated with that of say previews year. 11:111 AXT PZISOM CAN SECOIX A X XXSZI IT WE- SCRIBING $3 Irmo' WILL swum 811 TO Ist.—The tnattadtd Steal Enfraaing "Shake ptar and Ms Pentad& 241.—A . Copy pf lb. allagasdly rdnstratad Art Jotth , cots year. 9c1.-41. Pros Bosom Admission to the Ga/lar- Ms. 648 Broadway Di ow-York. In addition to, which, our kinailmil valuable Woke of Art an OM to mho:Aber, as Premiums, sooptising tholes Paintings, Sealptarres, Outlines, he , by theliret Asserinen and Foreign Artist& Tan norm Emmet ma, which every subsestber wW receive inineihetefy on the receipt of esbeeithpltiononatitied Inuiltspeare and His Friends, * la of a character to give unqualthed pimento sad eatisdae lien. No wok of equal value wu ever befog pisesd with in reach of the people at such a pries. The upswing le of very large also, being printed en heavy piste paper. 30 by 38 (ember, staking a most superb omanwat suitable for ti • walls of either the library, parlor, or Mine. It can be Nest to any pert a the coonLy, by mail, with safety, bring peeked in a cylinder, poster writopairt Think of It I Such a work, delivered tree of ebarge, and the An Journal, nue year, for three defier. ' SUBSCKIPTIONS will be received until lb. Keening of Tuesday the 31.1 of January, IND. at width time the books will rinse and the Premiums In given to vetoed hem No permit Is leafleted to a elm& selierigalea. Tbem remitting $l6 are entitled to six inembersblee Pubsai times (rota Califorala. the Csamdlm. and all roe . giva Ptorloen, most be $5 60 lastead of in order to defray extra ?adages. ko. Persona "lasing in helm elate will apply for a circu lar of taros, lat The beautifully Illoßtrated Art Journal, giving full particular% will be Rent nu reekpt 6118 emits, In stoop! or win. Address C. L. DERBY. Ardruiry C. A. A.. ONS AND 648 BROADWAY. NBW.YORIL G. W. .rboolde, P 0 Newt Depot, Roomer, Seeretotp, grie. Ps. N0v.12. D -61 "T FAIL to see sirrm ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT, And brilliant aim, in swam whom.. Novill D I SSOLAJT !UN . Hoek* is b.rsby given that tie Part itesskip haridotore existing between Gin P. WIRD sad OSCAR C. 'MAYER, under lb. sews and style et WRBB k THAYER. unruketursts et Steve Wank, he., in lb. dty of Itrin, Pa , is this day dissolved by .atedl essassut. All persons Indebted to rad Piro, and W harkwidainsa aolnst els same, are requested to call on Mr.Tbsper, who is estkorisod to settle and adjust tbsChanse. Dated Erie, Now 7. lUS. liko. P. Witilik - OSCAR C. ?HA Ykilb. N. 11.—The bushier, will be reveled ow so berototore.ly Me. IMZEIN. at the Old Stead —$ DON'T FAIL to see SIXTH ANNUAL . 01 NOONCEARNT. lealbsia E DINBORt) NORMAL SCHOOL. The Wi t ukilesalsen of this linit= °pearl ea Monday, Um Tth under the of J. R. MERRIMAN, us by Mr. 0. IL WOODWARD and Miss AMELIA sad snob other Teacheers as the wants may eleenaud. It Is tho only Pelona' In this mien of amain. Wilda, ''onusto the bard thons," has been able to held Mon; moth Ines to show an actual pis M le per mot. The Hem 11. Huts, in his late riot of this achoot, spoke of It la the moot oattMng trans. Its site Is eligible and healthy. and its aspens* only about ova half of the rimed at Lancaster, Molder stator. Edinboro, Noe. lit. 111.69.—R3 N OTIC E.—The Furniture, Chair, Spring Bed, gale and oesisimitua won of ti. W. ELLSII has been Ft 10111113) to the Brisk Bund les Oa West Bide, west to Jarecit's Goa Ethos. between Eighth and Ninth Simla, on State, Brie, Pa. Noe. li, ISM. MN'T FAIL to see SIXTH ANNUAL NOUNCEIIRNT. and brilliant oar; la aneilair winos. /ion 12 A GOLD WATCH FOR YOU. A NY PERSON desiring to procure a good GOLD WATCH, inutaatod U Carats bar, by a sore wooer. rognirlocoo riot y and bet little exertloo, can do so by adman IL BBLIMII, Girt Boot Sion Bobatla Not. IT 1560.-3 MB No. 112, Soo* SILVIA& NEW YORE & ERIE R. R. afintiIIMEMENIM cRANGE OF MOMS, COMMENCING 1102Irtka, Norman Li, lila ruise will leave lhskfrk Mamma ibetkilkoviagleeze via Eastward BoaadDsart. Wirpreal. 3 0 41. WkriNewme= -- p York a. a 4 40 r. a. ...... . 0 SI a. a. Meek lbareea..... II 46 a. N. lAz 4 00 r. a. .4 00 r. a. W The X tayVi . 4o. a. a. Farprees, Meek It= :ll ;har anil Fait Freight Trains sun every daye the air soniewlathea Train air Diadesa Fad kill remain err eight at Bingbangnee or prearit tke neat nesena i ag. !IDIOT, Goal ite" • KAM. NAM, Realtur. Dunkirk. Now. 14. 1049.-46 tr. SUNBURY&ERIERNIROAB ' ! - - p , 'rim,' go ici., :i i THE hours for Passenger Trains on this Road will be as follows, until Ilarthor seem : Loam Goma Zan. Anil% Gem Was,. 11-011 A.* Ed.,. HS P. M. 413 do 8011. Yelloy, 641 do 11-30 do 146 no . 300100owo, dn 5-06 do Waterford, ..4-10 .441 do *l4 do .—. Le Ilink. 446 do 114111 do Vales KU1e,..... 340 do 040 do .... Powwwd, 3-36 do 10-03 do Limns, 441 do 10-36 do Colesbos„ -346 do 10-00 do I= o4 oelnk, T4O do Arrive, 11-10 do ~....Losne,43l do Antlootiono tor Illets=M sok to 8111111.1. R. WILTOALIr, or time ■ &AWL. A. BLACK, Septa Moo, W. D., trio, 80r.1,10. Supt. W. D. - CX:Mairlir MB Met iI 1. riOLBY returns ins sincere thanks to hi. waratroas Meade sad palm* der_ptst keen. COLBY to NMI Wang the Lear ruceni Previntatrl COLBY sow Foram aa eatoslehthd tedeedera li the peke ef all tlor ros prited Aultretyipte occur knows yea have paid throt Owes es owed Mena es yew son Clay detenahted to prior of Anbrotype (rod_ really the ohly bril asree ike worth karma withta the Beadrof the listmass. Oar is really the howeWa bembetor. sad nay at all then he fogad la the ow= BUM. Br* Pa v that door wed of Bask ad Otmeaerre. 11111 f STILL DE THE FIELD ! L. I. BALDWIN, wnouxua AND nun. DRUGGIST AID ATOTEROART, No.. & Seed Howe, ' AO, Peones. HAVM my Stock. I am Ewa to Melia do ogoolly as low as the" oblidas4 at s ill =roio thil b. lisimost Utb sodloa DRUGS, 31EDICIINE3, —tHENICALI3,- YAMEatIK DYE STIQ7F3, PERFUMERY, PAINTER'S AR'TICLES, WINDOW GLASS AND PtJTTY. ria Drupgasse Iliallibilazeininaideltsb•6o64B6 sedirs. I Winer, as load sad iessiviscji ilt ei Vaillt MN* 0411111, Also, Pore Wines and Brandies Neu notoredm, 17118. &e.,f Orden la a dna prouptl aad y sum and istmadisa szat mas , ts Nor Valk_ KAM I SI lir • sem sigesey Wm. 5, RIS OLD'S 01611 N. F' f AUTUMN TRADE ! ! STA.TIEI STREET, 0140 sits Browa's Motel ISM LAME aim CLIMAX? lialtllll . 4ll FOOS" DRY: GOODS STORE i THE Great Attraction in Erie. Dry Goods, . 7 : FOR ALL OF NORTH WESTERN PENN'A. AND ARE OFfIUD A? /-seatei 3Prioess TIAN CAX MX SOLD BY FIALA'S W=. ♦. GRISWOLD' }US JUST 1114)1111/SD AND Now Offers !kw CASH ! AT THE The Larpst t Most Attrietive Stook of [DRy 000D9 0.41.2112FrAMD .A. 24173 House 7undaldng Goods, trio 2 44444 P 4 f 4 4 A SAVING OF From 10 to 20 per Cent. CAN BE MADE BY BUYING GOODS At this Establishment ! ! ! diddi EVER DESCRTFTION . OF DRICISIBIiLLKS, AND Duns Guuus INDIA, FRENCH, BROCH E, WOOOL, AND F :: :1?:) I BLACK AND COLORED CLOTH CLOAKS AND RAGLANS. Rcnitebello Cloaks, THE GEMS OF FASHION, 016kk Cloths and Trimmings. PATTERNS FOR CLOAKS and RAGLANS. Bich Point Lam ties, Collars and Siesta from $ to $5O Valenciennes and Gipure Lace Collars and Sleeves, Fine French and Swiss Setts Collars I Sleeves, Embroideries 4 Lam, DOES TRIMMINGS, Hosiery and Gloves, DONNWICI AND House Furnishing Goods OF EVERY STYLE ! Madder Prints 6* °ants per yard. Best Madder Prints warranted, only 10 cents per yard. Good qualllo.Delednes only 124 amts. More than one hundred styles DeLaine, beet quality node, 90 ets. worth 2s. P li 4 Carpets and Oil Cloths, JUST RECEIVED OVER 100 PIECES. Persons AirlisAing tingle Rooms gad Houma will iindit to their advent/we to examine this noes. , Euglilli,lVelvet and Brussels cx""xmicrres, All Wool, Three Ply and Ingrain CARPETS! A good Wool Carpet for SO clo. a yard. A good "irpet for 25 ota. r. Rua en*, Rues, MHZ CLOTHS, i I IiABEIACIES, and oli. moms 07 I Window Ihriqmsy I DAMASK IND WINDOW SHADES Ac.. WIL A. GRISWOLD. Me, Wt.' 21,1859.-17 siu & ou moos BEE HIVE!! DEALERS & JOBBERS IN PLAIN-AND FANCY DRESS FABRICS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, WHITE GOODS, -.CLOAKS, RAGLANS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, HAVE now opened a large and varied stew ae DRY GOODS Selected with reference to the wantsof the Plain and Fancy Marinoesl Farmettaa and Mourning Goods! American and English Prints! Irish and Scotch Table and Shirting Linens! Napkins and Towehngs! - Standard makes of Bleached and Brown Domestic Goods, Tickings, Denims, Shirting Stripes, &c. &c. rit.xems, Goods from Anotion and other Joh-lots Weekly! We aim to keep our stock full of Ramona able Goodsl Riees akar: made to suit Cash and S'A;irt Time Buyers!! AT T" Br" B EE R IVE HAYES A. JORDAN, No. 1. Brown's Motel Erie, Sept. 23 1859., , Oct. L 1859. SUMNER & CO., 1111PORMS, AID SLUM 13 CROWN OLD WINES, BRANDIES, Gins, Fine Old Bye I Bourbon Whiskies CIGARS, Pickled and Preserved Fruits, fir. INThcolcompoeleb.- NO. 3. REED BOVelit BLOCK, Brie, VW. We are just opening a Fine Asssortment of the ABOVE GOODS which we offer to Dealers atoll Families in a Pure State.. THE WANT OF A lIIST 111 I UM 111111 STOII Has long been felt in this community and country, and that deficiency we now 117r7:111 . 3 ' Foreign t ... 1. . irc:lB=4 Select our Whiskies with %good deal of care. As or Sell only for - a eh or Approved Paper, We an SELL as LOW as any HOUSE in New York or Philadelphia. And Guarantee to do so ! fljr Allow GOODS are WARRANTED to be Es- Golly as we trimmest TRIM, and we Write the Inapootion good of judges to oar Stook. 0ct.1.111/59-17. WHOLESALE. DIMITANT CHANGE!! JOHNSTON & BRO., having disposed V s of their eating wirriiit. *rocs, will Irwin tido time Lase devote their mate attoottoo to jobbdoit GROCERIES, FLO-UR, FISH, SALT, ETC., ETC. At their spacious sales rooms, Corner &ate and AftA streets, *lei pa. Our increased facilities enable us to com pete with any JOBBERS west of "r 033.71 C1r1 7 7, - end an examination of onr Direct from the head of Flcnar market, we feel confident that the VARIETY OF BRANDS we are now (cabled to offer cannot fail to meet the rants of this whole section of country. 0(4.8.'59-18. J. JOHNSTON & BRO. WILLING Is fang up his Store with His usual variety of HOILIDA - r GOODS, Ahd propcam to sell them CHEAP ENOUGH To induce purchasers to CONE UP TOWN When they wish to lay in A stock for the Little one. Or procure any in his line. Oct 29. State street, between Bth & 9th. A LL persons, without exception, know jaajag tbo sslh« iudebted to us, are earnestly roles& edte say the as without delay, es the Mtn ehmo ls OUT beWbeep raiders so cart y disposal of "mottled lire =sad ere tweet thet the lido te becetofare 1 i s I mmo , / ', drawled • ra"' vow to this settee. eat IL J. JOHN BRO. FALL MILLINERY ! NVIIL Z. MLR would call attention )16111r sleet of AWltrory and Fame, Goal* Gon e 0'7: 1 Po 'XI ..1:1 •g:• .•• • -• : . tl • I • t C r ou Ito Thixtpone Spins and Matinee HOOP SKIMS HEAD DRESSES, EMBROIDERY, Tetragon. AND FRENCH CORSETS, VALENCIENNES BRUSSELS AND THREAD JAMS. ItabrilllllTM OW minium tivainT, BOUM and Ribbon Velvet end Bonnet =Wi lds ginetaltr._ %AI Plaster Bonnet Blocks! 'MMilliners supplied at wholesale, and aar attention paid to orders. 1:59 Fall Exposition. Ing NO. 1, BROWN'S HOTEL HAYS & JORDAN, HAN DKERCHIEFS,DRESS TRIM MINGS, &c. &c. &c. FOR FALL SALES. “MILLION.” A fall line of Black and Fancy Silks! Cloths, Casainters, and Sattinetta, •te STOCK., is respecthilly solicited from all who visit this market for the purpose of buying goods. Having made arrangements for securing the best Brand of Flour, " NOTIOE. IS. Blraching and pressing and coloring o Bonnets - done in a raperior manner Erie, Ort. 8, '59-18 Paragon Block. NO. 3, REED HOUtit. M'CONKEY & 61IANNON, Rave un hand a huge stock of IRON, -STEEL, NAILS, Cut and Wrought Spike, 2 1 73 El 4444 131311110HR8' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, - AAIE 8' SHOVELB sad SPADBB, FLINT, MULEY, MILL, sig: 17 . ; ii Springs. Axles, AND ANVILS, VICES AND BELLOWS, Wriroght Nal and Wash" rtrAls7. TABLE AND POCKET PLATED BP6ONS AND FORKS LQHING MACHINDI, Mn'S' WADS AND WA TER PROOF CAPS, SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLASKS, WHIPS, &C.. &C., No. 3, Reed House, Erie, IiCCONKEY & SHANNON Frio Aug. 4, 11149. 1 ap , , 1.411.1 -1141w. " - , vi_tr • 4. i it, , . .:- •••• i 4N . - s _•*.—. ----' .!- -- __•givb _A Pull Length Steel Regreninp of IMSWINSTON & EVERETT, INCLUDING A VIVI" or MOUNT VICSNON. In the Engraving. of Washington. These splendid tin terrains are from original pai n tings by Beeps e sod Cr. earrweed an Meal In the highest style of Art. They are each tax= Mabee, deck COWTAIW RIX sQValica Fare. Sn many yam% ademable pictures have been palmed:upon the rah° as worts of art—sad especially in ehosp,lblark and muddy easravilega—that it is dl.enit to entrlnee pereenea of taste that they are ask In ordering what tbey hue not erst sees. We have paid the that artiste then own prices, amounting to TaIOCaAWD aou.apa, in madam anoita•troa lalLetiT altaellreL , as well ap Th e BIM ?merman; and that shall be sirucorme OuralallaTa so Aar ranton. ar- Opinions that can be "'died on 4LF"' The Editor of the Akar Yerk Marne lap •. engravings ire genuine works of art—the likeness es are admirable. The portrait of Mr. Everett will take precedence of all others." rir The Arm York Chrimian Ateseaste says r—'Thee amamong thegust engravings we have ever seen, and THE PUBLISHERS ARS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THEY PROMISE." TIUMBIEI, ALMOST GRATIS. Me will semi, roar rAtp, aretirely peeked In rollers—ms. iber muirwaviegg and a to Magazin one Jeer, for ill renWirWlie. Everitt Wtt - one Mute, 1111 bare an extra copy of each engraving. The Magazines are Harpers, DO krrekerbeeker, Galley's LAT, Beek, 7 Atlantic, alechareed.- Ur" By special arrungement, the entireSS e sub scription to the la mild over by in to the pub lishers. and subseriWra mete, their supply for the year direst from their respective pubiketion oiat. The cost of the engravings hi paid only by the dilleretine between the lowest wholesale and the regular ;Moe of the Rage. e:We. jUngresings wrist oars, sod sabieriptioss to ire onsuronee with current Woe, unless °therein, orderod. nosey at our risk if proof is retained of bs. - log bees inane& First impressions are best, therefore send early. Address,o. BAILEY dlr. CO., fdt WO. BILL t Fors Musk Stem) 6424 Broadway, Not. IF, 111511.-10,1315. NEW YORK. EAGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH Street, above the 13ttffithb Road, Erie, Po. Acheloos * Mary wild reeptettqLti ttio at/tattoo of th• potato to Mar tares sod eon:plot* astorttoeut of PARLOR, °WICK AND COOK STOVES Coin souse of Ibis and usetul and durable kinds wh cannot ladl to ship satisfaction to flume elm use them. We warrant all our stoves and when satisfaction is Dot fully expressed and theßarty does Dot nteriiis value for his wooer we .111 make It all right. Oar stores " stand firs " sod will pme creditable as home manufac tures Knitted, fnalib-alhoes. find Irons and all sestnner of Cast lap as or ortnafaatused to orlon. ani Riot-Potato of soporior make sad duna always en bond. A call soda fair Wale akar art, elos %nil no aak and ne will goaersatee aalanfactram Erie, Out. 21, MO. ACHIesON k HE YRS' This Way, Gentlmies}! fill. ETD CLOTHING GENSHEIMER'S Corner of State and Seventh it.., Erie, THE subscriber bee Just neeldved at I& Deo and intiodous Store, on the Corner ~t State and Seventh sta., a large steel of SALL AND WINTER GOOPK of the West it,,y too, and will senthme to beep Oh baud a bur wort:nen t wild to the tillAttON, Coonlads. of Dross, Frock and Sack Coate or 'eery style sae prim, Vesta of all kin d ; Cravata,Beert. Chwiee-glldeta. Drawers, liaaeleprelkieb, Cellars, Fibelhery lallhuout quallteee ; la Alert, be keeps evert reticle mealy leept las Clethlue iratabladment. Hie Clothing manalletarsd by Mama and wanuated equal In any lotto city. Pomona orlahlag articles Is Me line will do will to call and assalloo his Mott, as babitonds toot to be andettoid by say Ostabliabtoont noel of Ator Tort Clotblog wad* to order on abort notice. . Dent/wed the rtw, Osesitimees Clinier, for ma date said Beveatit areas. Dn. N►t.2&-I Y O. JOHN 011211141JCIMEIL ENMARBLED AND Enameled Slate MalOs! IN IMITATION OF THE M .Itx x MINTZ mania* of various odors. seek aa_ lif4pryck, Ilan, Red Antique Yard Antique, lboatetle, LAMM Syron Color , Porp . bery, Apt., k.. Fero* at Notary priers, by WALTER CHESTER, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MILROVANT, rreeen Street, Ede. AUCTION SALES!! BY WALTER CHESTER, TUESDAYS,riunissams SATURDA YS, AT 10 A. M., T HIS STORE ON FRENCH ST.- joi. Pomo= wbo bays lindtave or say other proper tiuter, at Invited to mod It tke imam tiro sake, LIMB $ J. O. MICE= &CIO., WHOLESALE GROCERS gia;FM No. 10, Brown's Block, Erie, Oct. 11, MO. DON'T FAIL. to see SIXTH ANNUAL ANNOCNCEMENT, and brilliant offers in another N0v.21. =CI 11 AND RAND SAWS PIPE BOXES, CUTLERY, LOTTIING, &ate &nee IK,