The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 26, 1859, Image 2

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B. F. , EILOAN.- Editor.
Its livideni •TenmUwacry.
The feinettOndOhOditht. of a portion of ,
the repnblicast;prees of :Oldjohn Brown's
foray into Virifatia, and thestpeultOproVal
of it cat theatre" of , !them is working out
its legitimkte results. It is fast making
torOPT tote cause of the repub
lican party: Outer the fallneei of the heart
the mouth *peaked'. Even the Teileate that,
called him crazy, and indignantly denied
any complicity of the Republican leaders
with him, is daily paving the way for
*final endorsement of %era', "fire and
sword" regime for slavehokieris. Its col.
unto* are open to the incendiary appeals
of Beecher. Phillips and Redpatii, anti its
office is made the receptacle for contribu
tions of money to the "fund" which it is
proposed to be raised in behalf Of that
"martyr to Virginia cruelty," Old John
Brown. While this is the evident tenden
cy of the sentiment of Republicanism as
fed through the columns of the Tribune, we
notice that the New England article is
equally as decided in its tendency in the
same direction. In Boston last week Mr.
Emerson, at Tremont Temple, blasphe
mously compared the gallows about to be
erected in Virginia for Brown to the Cross
of Chriat, and the Boston Ovrier records
the inconceivable fact, that two clergymen
of decent standing t in that city, were pres
ent and took part n the proceedings—one
by "prayer," and toe other "praise." They
were the Rev. Ur. Neale and Rev. Mr. Man
ning. We would s'}sk these Reverends,con
tinues the Cburier,i whether they bear in
mind the Evangelist's description of anoth
er person, in such a connection—"who, for
% certain sedition made in the city, and for
murder, was cast into prison"—or, as he is
spoken--of by another evangelist—" And
there was one named Bevabbas, which they
bound with them that had made insurrec
tion with him, and had committed murder
in the insurrection." his casein scripture
is contrasted with that of our Load ; and
all can judge bow closely the narration sets
Toth those specific offences for which he,
whom these two clergymen, in company
far from creditable to their Christian pro
fession, sympathize with, "was cast into
prison." The prayer ofDr. Neale was fully
fit to teed the 'spirit which prevailed in the
assembly. The speech of Mr. Manning
fairly outhetod Herod. Even Wendell
Phillips, who followed him, thought it left
_little to say ; and what sort of a speech
is that, which takes the wind out of the
sails of Phillips on such an occasion t—
ile said, that, though he would not
have advised the action of • Brown (we do
not see why he should not)---he now ad
mired it, seeing the band of God in it. Of
worm, then, he will see the hand of ( iod
also in the execution of Brown, and in
whatever else occurs. How this declara
tion of the Rev, speaker differed from the
comparison of Mr. Emerson in impiety, it
Is not easy to perceive. lie sees the hand
of (led in sedition, kairreetiOn sod murder.—
He dine teaches that the Aliwise and All
good directs and ripproves these horrible
Does religion, or reason, or philanthro
that we may not "do evil that good may
come." Suppose the united sentiment of
the North were set in absolute hostility to
negro slavery—would thisjustily the march
of the North with arms in its hand to lib.
orate the negroes, at any hazard, and de•
spite all consequences ? Such 'no ides is
worthy only of the pervirsity of madness.
On what grounds, thelf, can the utterly
hopeless project of John Brown be "ad
mired," in which the practical result of
fanaticism is oaly sedition, insurrection
and murder—his own ruin and that of oth
ers—every thing evil and nothing good ? Is
this Rev. apologist for murder such A shal
low reasoner, as to suppose himself entitled
to carry into immediate eat:a any olliect
which he may imagine good, without re
gard to moral, legal, or physical obstacles ?
On such grounds, he might murder any
rich man in his congregation, in order to
all up the treasury of his church for the
services of God. It is no excuse for the
presence of these clergymen, that aid fbr
the 'badly of Brown was the professed ob-
jest of the meeting. No one can object to
rendering such aid if necessary, and the
case of hisfamily, ruined by his guilty fol
ly, may present peculiar claims. But it is
their sufhwinp skate which make the claim,
and not the cause. The lint, however, it
xeenifeet:waa ...merely -incidental to the
occasion. The part; taken by the other
*rakers was to be expected ; but that of
the Rev. gentlenien who participated. will
prove, we fear, in the highest degree prej
udicial to the true mum in winch a minis
ter of the gospel isatipposed to be the meet
deeply interested.
From these? arid hundreds of similar in
dice.tknutwhich coma tinder our observation
it is easy to nee that the evident tendency
of the radical dement of the Republican
Fatly is to make smarty of Old John Brown,
and InaHy bring the entire party upon a
platform to correspond..
The New York election has result
ed in the choice of David R. R. Floyd
Jowls, Democrat, Secretary of State, Van
Rensselaer Richmond, Democrat, State
=Owe and Surveyor, and Noble S. .f:1-
derkin, Democrat, State Prison Inspector.
There is more doubrabout the election of
Wm. &Skinner, Democrat, for Canal Com
missioner, se he runs behind the above
mentioned candidates. All these four
Dentoctatic candidates were- voted for by
the Auserkmut. The Democratic candi
dates note. the American ticket are de
feated,. while the RePubllean candidates
not on the same ticket, with one exception
focestalr. met with the some fate. SOW the
morad-of thistemit is this—the Republi
cans of PriatiTork 'not powerful enough
to ctlio State ngiiiiat a union of the
Nat West nimnr: Thn4laiimiore will affect
the Preeidentialleospacta of Mr. Seward :
indeed. it tells against 'any' num who has
been iv/detailed witff . Nsne or Brown, Re.
publicenista. The Dememsta and kiwi
cam, if-therunite, ow may the State
that it dries: x ' •
11111. Eon Thomas Y. Mows, Iterabliala.
of Atleshapy cot,titbste oreented to the
we of hie fair wadirlate for Gwent
co, in the told Ilepublioeti &Me Cowen.
Sir What's up! The Philadelphia News,
the organ'of one branch of the -./pposi.
tion" in this State is bacon/Merrily° un-,
der the. Cameron rule of.theparty, opid is
disposed to kick in the tikes* lyOho%
all was harmony,—peacapoNk: the
pie -bald camp, but if tlikkirijut*the
News is, worth any thing. there is trouble in
the comp,sure enough. The other day
Cameron's organ at Harrisburg, the Ts&
graph, restated to insinuate that the Key
stone, at the ;Me o leilkien..."thei'l l o,.- into
the Agimbriesta areh with a round majerity
of 17,000." Tothistuodeet asSomption the
News politely replies.
"Weshould. be glad to Imo , * when Penne
sylvan* "dropped into ail Apu6iscan lurch."
We were under the im "on that our
good old Commonwealth tliegastrsansises
to the dogs some two y ago, and that
soon after that , she sent , to keep
company. Sim* Chat time 9the People"
have managed our politicallra. There
is arrant hypocracy in these Forts to call
the Opposition in Pennsylr a Repr bti.
can party. The distinction hi broad and
A People's organizationltsa based up
on the pent pri nciple ,
nciple of rotection to
home industry, "which ' repu
diates, whilst it insists upon 'ng "the
nigher"' the 4110Itlutax 6onwsi o ipolitical ar
gent:ration. A Republican party, such as it
is in the Northwest, could 'not carry a
county 'in Pennsylvania, not in Now Jer.
The Telegraph, with one breath, pull's up
Cameron as a conservative cant idate for the
Pregtidency. and with the next, calls the
opposition in this State the par
ty. Does Mr. Cameron ex tto get tyro'
by such conduct on the part of his acknowl
edged organ 7"
So, so—Pennsylvania is ndt republican
yet. What's up, we repeat.
Air The Hon. E. Joy Motile, American
Representative from Philadelphia in the
next Congress, has declared his intention
not to participate in a strict republican
caucus, but will be ready to vote for any
acceptable candidate for Sperker who may
be proposed. This declaration of Mr Mor
ris may be taken as an indication of the
probable conrs of the American Repre
sentative in the next. Congress. They
Mean to trade and dicker with the Repub-
beans, but wish to maintain a abow of de
cency in the operation, and at the same
titne prepare them for a good hid. Air
Morris' idea of •• acceptability" as regards
the nomination for Speaker, will probably
depend very much upon what kind of a
trade can be made about the Door-keeper.
We shall see.
Stir In! announcing the fart that the
Letnocraey of N.ew York "have carried at
least, half their State ticket, and eomplete
ly neutralized the heretofore heavy Re
publican :majority against them," the Ex
press says; in conclusion. that it "now looks
upon Nest' York as safe for the Democra
cy hi 1869." This we suppose explains
why the editor of that paper expressed
himself in conversation so much gratified at
the result when he thought the entire
Republican ticket wag elected.
OIL. The Democratic Governor and State
officers are elected in Louisiana by from
7,000 to 1.0,000 majority. Their majority
in the Stite Senate will be eight, and in
the House twenty-five, insuring the election
of a United States Senator, it is conceded
that Senator Slidell will be reelected with
out Rations opposition.
1~. Janes Redpath is preparing a his
tory of qapt. John Brown. Brown will
Au - cr si!lonanr - vcr OO foritrancir<nr sow sirasin......#
we think; but there is uo accounting for
taste. ,
14N. JoantA R. GIDDINGS is. one of
the two members "at large" of the Repub
lican Stefie Central Committee of Ohio. It
is importiint
.to state this, as since the at
tempted Seriile insurrection at liarper's
Ferry, this Republicans have attempted to
deny his Connection with their party, just
as they have attempted , to repudiate Otsub
Itir We begin to have hope, even of
abOlitiotiijud Miumiachusetis. The Boston
Post considers it a significant and cheer
ing fact thid there are now some fifty-four
Democratic Members of the Massachusetts
House of Hepresentstives, where a few
years since there was but a solitary one.
It thinks the Democrats in that State have
cause for enitonrageinent.
Spi., The Huntingdon Mice has the
name of 130►. John C, Breekinridge at the
head of its ceolumna, recommending him for
the Democratie nomination at Charleston.
More journals in Pennsylvania hive pro.
pounced for Ur. tireckinridge that for all
other candidates together.
Mir Oldi Brown's wife distinctly reo
pudiatesi the idea of insanity, and says that
for twenty Yews he had meditated his re
cent crimes} Old Brown himself also de
nies that he was actuated by revenge for
anything that occurred to him in Kansas,
and indignantly repels the; excuses of the
N. T. Post and Tribune In kils biter.
111§. Thomas F. Marshall, eoceritric Torn,
'anded Tot'', who, made a great splurge
tame yearsago as* temperance refiarmer,has
been lecturing In Dubuque. The Herald
Says he was , disgustingly drunk, couldn't
stand up straight, and insisted upon pro
nouncing constitution "cos-too-iihun." Poor
its. The "Whisky Insurrection" in this
Ste* seven ty-tive yams ago, Irma far more
formidable attempt to outrage the govern
limit than the reetint one at harper's Fer
Iva, that depen on the question wheth
er "'Whisky" is a ore valuable commodi
ty than a "nigger:,
Air ThreirroArse Swormas.--Daniel
Adee, No. 211 Centre et., New York. He
has swindled every newspaper in the West.
No he hatent : 14 never swindled the At
sever, and when h does we'll not charge
him anything for it. Rs has tried it sev
eral times however but we hare en etfeet
mil preventive 'est all these eastern
tuount*anks, la ..., . . : and raseids--nev
erereetn. t
Tea W.:saaic B a.--Ti Wanes (Pit.)
Ledgtern Bank er siirs : On
ad li burni
y Wt. thfi Ninth
Wesy ng one
and forty .• 0 t *pawl ofol4r ig
o f th e . . notes at • late Warren - Cenci
by the bii,
wad . . ~,-. - , • • , 4 th e same *ke,
111111 '-' ; ' Pt* - omeaunnuiteilet .
' sti lts at Zeie . is ° re tit i V=
Gentity tts42 • ~. Al out, sad
bu t
Odom Cot the. ban _have po know
il. is held.. k" tent Amhuipe—
iiilClierth W . Beak is a24„280.
ter- There has been a beautiful mnas kicked
up in Cleveland the past week, and as a matter .
of course it was all *boat; a “nigger," as " ' ' . l
tteli t
er , • (mike Pny t ; .a " ,
isd l li gi • .'
• ::' ' 444
. .. f .' :.. i ' ' 1 r
iha u.' , ` ," . • ' of ' , ' ~, .. -
party of that etty lammed Haztuart All Nina.
keydent" was in a stew--end the {sums of
their trimh-atreended to Inissren, whim it turn- •
ed out, as it soon did, that the 'bulbul ptur•
urn" had hettert*at -1 / 8 1 0 1 0 1 4,_ Pilainek t4ll4 ,
Alm. and city* 1441nuat*rtit Mower of Old:
clinga—ltm4 sherd in hiti wadi ass $ when
atilltia retursedrikomPili stemsesful spew.
laden, he was lannedieteiy arrested the kid- ,
napping, and brought bifftire tjut Grant Jur7 . ;
The Grand Jury, who, it li pretests/A:, were
equally intense BetPublicaris an the seemed,
and eoneignently tkonfitt he was perfectly
Justified in "putting neeleris ids parse" in a '
quiet way, Ignored the hill. At this stage of
the poosedings, relates ike Arstionel Disseereb
shield fifty Degrees, moat of them of the Week
eat stripe, oolleeted about the Old Court House,
intending, (to use the' expression of one who
seemed to be a leader et the pag,) 'le give
him jest slab Akin' out as there prim to give
old Brows down dare at Harper's Perry.".---
Hartman was in the Coact House, and the no
grocslate filing in mealier another until at
least fo forty were insideorhtin he became fright
, ened wed asked the Sheriff to eve him the
' protection of the Jail. The sheriff granted
his reqtiest and was about ?oboe's* him from
the rooiA, when a general rush was made from
the se+. Hartman turned deadly; pale, and
the Sheriff ordered his Deputy not to let any
one oue of the room except himself . , and - Hart
man natil farther orders. There were, how
ever, ten or twelve 'legroom who had remained
on the iontside, and were there when the Sher
iff and 'Hartman came down in eostpany with
Bony Seymeur. Bony rushed out of one door
while the Sheriff sod Hartman went out of the
other. The negroes mistaking Bony for the
man, made after him, but when overtaking
him and finding out their error, made fast time
for the other two, who were going for the Jail
at 2.40 speed. < Hartman was so anxious to get
into the Jail that the doors were no sooner un
locked than he went headlong into prison like
a hunted fox into his hole. The dotes colored
individuals who hid been on the chase, re
mained about the Jail door like hounds, twee
skulking slightly about, but others ut
tering a rapid and nnintetligibi• jargon. The
Sheriff returned immediately to the Court
House, where the greater part of the negroes
remained, impatient to get loose. When out,
they Mowed about for some time, and most of
them at length dispersed. Hartman will no
doubt leave the city, the Democrat says, or if
not himself and friends will defend him, and
then there will be a row between the blacks
and Black fiepeldicens, of which latter Hart
man, especially at election time, ie a lead
ing member.
SW The Warren Ma has a grand high
falutin, glorification article, over the New
York election, in which the "bird of free
dom" cuts tip a great many fantastic capers;
but finally win& up with the following
•come down" in a postscript:
P. S. Later ofticiat returns look like
electing one or two Democrats by a tight fit.
In the language of the Mall, "Good for
the Empire State," whether it is by a "tight
fit," or the most votes.
Troops st Harper's Perri.
Gov. Packer Offers 10,000 Pestosybsenoa . Troops
:4a. Guard Elie Dividing Line
• vacua. CUM ti t Mfr. hMa.......1CW Wise
left Harper's Perry this morning for Rich
mond, after receiving a despatch from Gov.
Packer, of Pennsylvania, tendering him
the service of ten thotuumnen, and offer.
ing to station a guard along the dividing
line between Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Gov. Wise returned, thanks - tor the offer,
with the assurance that Virginia was able
to protect her hanor. After the departure
of Goy. Wise, Col. Elliott addressed the
military, telling them that it was possible
that they might have to undergo arduous
and perilous duty, and he felt satisfied that
if the venerated Commonwealth should be
invaded, they would effectually wipe out
the stain.
Last night at nine o'clock an alarm
was given by one of the sentinels thing his
rifle. The military orders were immedi
ately sounded from one end of the town to
the other, and the panic among the wo
men and children, and dome of men,
whose nervous systems have become much
disordered by the late events, was very
great. Shutters were closed and lights
extinguished in quick time. The excite
ment continued until ten o'clock, when it
was ascertained that the sentinel had mis
taken a cow for a man—that she would not
halt ihen be commanded, and he Bred.—
Another alarm at three o'clock this morn
ing was occasioned by the report of three
guns. A sentinel came rushing in and
reported having killed three men, who,
instead of halting Cued at him. Scouts
were sent out, but no men *mid heft:and,
and the town was in an uprosaVor the bal
ance of t r li ar Tt. The tact la, that the
soldiers their present occupation as
a frolic, an itis believed that some of them
under the influence of whisky were playing
pranks on their comrade. All has been
quiet to-day.
eral Taliaferro arrived on the e - • last
evening, and assumed, by the . • Lion of
Gov. Wise, the eosnmatizd of all th = 'roes.
Gen. yal iaferro does not supercede Colonel
Davis, but was entitled, by rank, to the
command of the whole forces. Col. Davis
has been disfranchised under the anti-du
elling act from holding any office, civil or
military, in Virginia lie has acted here
m an advising officer.
Rumor was afloat here to day that there
was a party of marauders in themountains
near Cherry Run.
The sentinels at Charlestown are report
ed to have been 4040104 night.
Yesterday was spent in a grand military
parade and review by Gov. Wise.
During the afternoon, ear. Wise and Lis
staff had long interview with the prima
era, urging them to prepare for death, as
the sentence would be out without
a brown erenoe rat his part
declared hiznielf ready to die,
and justified his course, only ragretthig his
error in allowieg the train to pole
Cook was wilPng *a be shot, but always
had a great repugnance to hasighog. .
Gov. We dud. Coppia _ 'Flu Use only
one that be had ever nought or oceratu
ting, but be had now determined to long
them all. , • ~
' Gar. Wise yesterday received a Ospat&
fron the (ioveraor of Braitb•caraline
(tering any amount of militia , in.
of Virginia. ;Goy. Wise teplriat •
-him fortis offer, but itegitheklor or
that Virfinia was a* to b ..
The Embattled Military were all - . •
home ,yeeter4ey. but stwePool‘ ' '
decisirmg tiot4r moo IV li
fOtAbella40:00011* ' ibatr,„,,,„,.
e _ .. 1 The result wog %a. w . or.
dereditrati RichuitradCera .
_to ~ ~ ,
mai also tbe Petersburg. ' .
Several al the Itiehomml Craripiray •
ed bellow* this morninikand otheM i
asorro fieverttoreand
• tett tilla ajp =g, • . -., , . , ,
Ile the htleatiou_ • •
rate military present - gnat . y
of the eteoutkm.
!• 1011 4 144 0 141 Ank ------ 434•4 1 VrA...# 4 - I A,
traiy coacausaai 6171r o rtOlnat "al
der the sapereigaa *Yi A. Avow, an
principal. • ,
Mir Otaidsfai istv
of the Court of Quilinli i ! l ie ll * 6 _,• ler .
ty, agaiart maninare ceiwneal sarraniepsi
for disresezd of %Wen Plnvidisill fee the le
reaming of a military tax.
totintoust of inks Superior ireal
ore shipped to this port tOis sauce, is 111,800
tons. Th. ban* Anwieim &rib* via
cargo or over 400 tons of orb, arrtred last tiselti
making toe heat tr i g
. 1) of thst snistML
Stir The "target shoot" of the Rivas
(bards, on Tuned, Usk tied i PsdrOrotnuln
was participated WIT About flay members of
the eompany, and the utmost pod feeling pre
vailed. Both prima, it BB* Cup aid a Silver
Medal, were won by tleut.Bsw. °num
Thee. old quetatieu of "ethos you're is
Rome, do se the Roams do," shoukl mutd, to
conform to our latter..isy buditudone: "wiles
you're en atm, do ss flbrumernts do r
BALI. Tuntars. x —Tim its of tie
Osasaras Onion tsr pita.* Bea lieltsgs us
most complete, *dint twins isapastioa wad
comparison tram oar Meads sad dm public.--
Call at t h e Olkeerofr Ogee, opposite tie Post
Mr A fresh subject ter debating societies,
this winter, I. whether a man had better be
wpright or downright. Our friend of the Dun
kirk Ara is understood• to take the down
right side of - the question.
air Our good friend .45.04," the lisle cor
respondent of the Payette Patriot, does not rel
ish the way we "lain" the Republican leaders
on account of the itsrper's ferry 'Nair. Be
devotes his last epistle *wet e.selusively to
us, and thereby, we think, has nude the thing
about even. Suppose we call it so, sad quit.
lir The Ladies connected with 81 Paul's
Episcopal Church in this city are preparing to
give a g rand "Festive' at the Reed House for
the benefit of their Church. The time is used
for Wednesday evening, the 81st inst., and we
understand the fair oommittee who have the
matter in charge are determined that all who
may favor them with their company and—dimes
-von that evening shaligttaway fully cohvineed
that they have had a "good time" themselves,
and contributed a mite to a good object. We
bespeak for them an overflowing house and an
overflowing treasury!
A New Caarsatson.—We beard a lady use an
expression the other day, which, as an apt ems
parison, challenges the world for its equal.—
The 144 in question :was calling to her two
liule boys, whe t fall of noisy glee, were turn
ing every thing topsy-turvy in the frost yard,
with "come, boys—do come into the house;
the neighbors will think we've got a dims society !
come into the house, and they'll think it's a
sew* virgin—attd that's .4 Mk awe respect
able r
TVA? CZLZBjdllon,We bare observed in
many of our #icluiaseai and partionixt i n
those from worm, 4.0* l o f
iblk a
Nlkt.e• • ..r...r.ha etnumaina t 111 i•
ereised upon the sulkiest of a eelebrationfiqtets
the eontpletion;of the Sunbury & Sete Railway
to Warren. The /fad,
.ef that place, is very
emphatic in its approval of the Johan*, while
others seem to Oink that` that übiquitous indi
vidual, the thgtorat king," must needs have a
in the pie," and will undoubtedly &a
bort Lie "• kingly prerogative " in a quite us
graciouwer, should attempt be made
so late scasou. The various opinions of
those interested may be reduced to two brief
heads : Ist, they will : 241, they won't ! Our
advice, in view of the lateness of the season, is
decidedly In favor of the latter. We'll bottle
our patriotism, and try'to bold ft until Spring;
and you, Mr. Moil, bad better bottle your el
der,-.-vre'll tome when the crowd does.
stir It's a hoiden with some papers of our
acquaintance, prominent among which may be
named the Chicago Jortai, to torturr tbar
ialsfigultiocto to the butt; ediremity in order to
appear in print with as many b4' mandrake the
dictionary (lexicon?) is capable of fandeltbsg.
without regard to ProTrist7, or the most com
mon rules of common sense rings. A late
number albs Journal 'speaks of= maddest
occuring from the use of lad* malphes, by
which "three' children of a denner not may
taucleted themeaves, but destroyed by sonde
gration a barn and Us contents r—which
mesas simply that the children set flair Wh
ere barn on Ire, and were burned with it.—
There's eonsidetsble Mrs about that Taylor ;
though his "home-mods chip," do dy briskly
enough, he's not "up to snuff" in any other
Mir The Fredonia' Asigieraser—tbsi active&
=lions sheet, that prhats mai sears articles
upon sqltorary ice," and is sa prone to pow
pmhetie over the old adage of "v der unto
Omar that whit& is Cesses," dta.--puhllabes
the feeling poem of oar
,correspondent, ',rya-
ITS DI Wows,. "The Old Schoolmaster," with.
Out orse word of credit. •
tar Several of oar madaporaries wet. very
inoweatly ' , sold" with the squib ht ear paper
two weeks dace eoseersing an weidowt to one
"B. Head"-=aeons deed °oxblood of the ita ,
ord, Conneaut:Mc As it is not the lint time
that chap has been "mad" IRO prosonse the
brethren tire more than saddled. "Weave
h I
hßwas Bvereatuts.--Oor Hotiio os
bore ere ocosiderably ***seised at the at of
the Secretary of the Navy, ordering the U. S.
Steamer Waipa ta lay up at this port for re
pairs, Stet 11 - eeeeklenakie of bed Imam has
r been entlesaered 4 their papers upon the
subject. •
The %tido &prep of Ifeadar,la rtes of
the fact that a new ship !cryptic* Lbelfielmiren
be St upon the stooks at no &toot day,
lositutatea that if there is to be a sew steeasor
built for the gorertuatelfeetviee en Oatcakes,
the pro.eukatm qf Buff& is sitittudidialg
entities tier Tools lq the,lxpotreet i It nest
be sees to that the job is out bet to thew.—
: t a i um ettithe %Ohm seed set- tea*,
to atoll ea moat 'beta the heM
ing a eeet cieilleeeteetiddik as the Jets
ebiSeibeiele4 01ic atet .Ifiehipiti We AO
1i repair thelseest otialiw, that alseoill de
.mire tea away esaseaste ems. •
'air ')401114.11111.,
- opal beats teloifski to Ges. awitiuldia
IF," I nt 4PA e . iiimma per 401 1 441 1 .01*
*re Re i alo,:iiere`iriak. 'Noy 'we* list;
day nal itti.douttha
Ili. A 'whisks si Otis ias.
Uhl Ulm Ildeskisto bs Isiliallbe SOW
ChitieLas Tuft* sisidigaMoW4,
iiimat yr . !. it midair vs lien skirl
dot '
!• 1114/ 9" 111 !' -
a/ Go lhalmay toad swat
the Pi*: 4100 00 1 A, WHIP**
oisswa so bias lids" linediiihostironsa
Mir ilnionisibal some" is Omii
douou:7116001 tow 100 Int ikon lino, Ilk
sho,lidustion of OA 0014 1• 1 4**1111 Disige
upon doetillnalit kid and &Avg ebo ellnisolo
oat don* tie bsUi of Ain Omni Wolk
do& Ono Oen win lo tousikrimin km/
Wi hipromist Y Nis
put bi
- TM it. Y. chords, sad utar, hi se
tts* ibe resat *k at OW Destsess xs.n
ini s
to tids is report yea NM _lE"__ r 1 et
tits U. Mesuserldishissa, Om sump es
Iles t ier it is the ihteutisa of tbe Gee
to At saurvessei *Ms esnisosp
tan at as 11141omb Ay. Ws *Nat tin
name us finiiiiiimitirimr. The leek
ties, attk the essisigistial impair% will be
shwa Imo geed es arir% earl bob molotroopaio
of padhoombir all ea amiss requiree st Mr
: i
for years *sem.
p4A try asps dim a yams
e d ia ll a esersissr Is Writ* snip et
Clavalaad larism, *dike dot lie
Md beim torjeroll by Maid liask. sjimemg-
Rig /or qt t‘i dire 164 as Amp% lad
bass *twin dims sad stroby dirmiews
weak ahead bar, anted baessidyildi s dwila
toserdad pdaaid,, laadat. old tides adiasapa.
ad to pima Ikea% bat was peormaid.
a ir It is marbefib het tW wiles is
visa is eitip s r lis los ii iese ow / 1 ails is
in his etroditiout while be, Musk le se oeber
so a Jodp. This astalato flew the orotehot
that has takes, posearioe of saw Moat of the
Dunkirk Pow la lareghdrig so to bass las-
Whine “Ithiey's boot" whoa too impaled dm
fool that it took sit bankirk throe hems to
whip one &whey. IL to ovidiat koala ?setae,
or the Derseawm Lye boos as eamber besior,
sad ainr he ireailase wo ssessapsais4 Aso,
What as ides
WAJIT'S 4 ilkon.—Peddr—bisibesey Wiled
into the Harbin stare of ewe Mends Lams
& Brnsa tb be day, /Ad mated ki taw
if obey wad be "nithar bang !is" "bin be
could get s "itit of a sip pritui" He said
Biddy end himself had jut spud an "depot
grocery 011 the itsabes7 sad At 7" sad they'
wanted s 'visited sign" priatedl es a beard
about sixteen feet losg, " sid whiskei sad the
likes o' that in big red-let Abase nod if they'd .
jug tell him where he'd lads "printing doer."
he'd take his beard 064 Ws it Pistol.--
Meson. L R B, seat Peaty ta a pointer, vibe
viii doubtless get hits up a sip in "mule
oakum, end fall se well as though it ,were
sir /re here had for • week or owl 0..
dors Lady's Book for Deeember, wed fres life
Number art aim Ulan ever eoevtased that the
publisher is always detanaheed to Kt Me ok
gagoomako witk kb poison. Tka Mot at.
Haiti /I* l / 4 01**1411411, weed, witeAL,
ass Aire: worth more tkaa tie prim or OA
work. Mod that the
t rrery WO. 11“ b 0445 tin. SO aithesegia.—.
Couseata via Um par lIMM. losesta-1
Dori 3 Ye• ; NON; I yr. Si ; i espial
with extra satabar to vitae le et 010 ;
014eroer sad book r p. $&25.
Mir The felbswisi saw ma sat Ikea tar
trial at tike Cow* , tabs Wel la Ws city ea the
Third 11aalls7 of bseanbar
Hewitt et al vs 11=
Citty of Iris vs
Tristan Edial6"
bovo Aeatleisy vslablas t sa,
Boa vs 11tration t
14 IR bribbs ,
COW/ Willrfferth
Soils n Witte;
Mips vs An*
11/114fir, air. b. n 141111 4
.laluunk vs Omsk
1141 . ais
r'4t- "" C - st so ' IN' S ,.
tliss. sit. vs Pssit st a,
lis ßerni ta s !Bur vs. Consomwookh his. Cs.
ie vs base,
Kaki Vs gielbssilsab I wife,
- Preach 111 Ilidass,
Mice S. Co, vitsgs 4 lbsiamit.
E ve lrl i ro. vs aste am 4 Ns. Is.e•
Irilsastlr vs Lassoky,
glow vs Jarvis.
OrbAbeat bat o'elosk en Miss ima. tier.
taw by the name of Zheisersea,a by
in,* sad • miasmal of ate esetawspert se ear
tawapitss iastastkr bybebtria bl a
Ostia of eery ea the ibtabura m 4de reihtead,
war the Beak *ad Me same
a tads of ssaply earabere newitigiswet la tbs
delta, sad Udarstihitilenbibt
_140114104. 10 0
on gb Ws/ Palk WWI 4 NA tin Ira
the wadt Mumma dos sod woo lastaady
milbod 40 desailitylivar.
?la lispiess is about se ereditable b leed
psaltery as it is in pada,. TM am wessit
tilled at haw o'clock ; be mil s earipsater
by wad% ear did hs the in the sesta* sat at
town; he trawl swam/ by a tars ewe, ear
by s sines arc in sheet, he weinet oval*
Qat the Itqweis add ba was, mega la
w w e h a * '.
Z l m tam wadar. This
sown do*4 M
ss local Mats, di MO two semblob Imre ilishai
#9 l l l l Oboom *We Swabat sweet!
• weed of maim is *am
Tido Is oft Ito litre Tee% Mien
so" that ma of *paha.' sOmnott otos saws
hanosomi la br-/mA, b 7 soy amosso, the Itha
mita with ithath paha, patiftwovo ouittro
to Whet Ma, eery* tho ihia awhowolo
who stalk WO bM awe to Wit otoombitlootad
mann wh he watts IS Do *doily Was&
tog to his gwa Umbria, loele ,poi pee*
who ma umtoomaadi ilaat owittlimt
hi. wham with rayliootioho to weeks aids
upon thaw by oolialmikr she. • Mho ray
*Ape bet thee—eesie maier vale et
bbelgo be mete yea vith
ommpomaro, hot the www With a 111491110
width oola editMt a IN/ We de
lisibkboro e mar 1 1 1**1.. 1111. W. Ow
tbe, 711 t. J. 2. PALWM sal Min J. P.
ALM badi eb,
Abe, la tbiram• do lib Ma, by
the NM, ' OLMI.OII, ad Mmo
fis Om Mk ice.,
um caluilM.
mig •
Int Airlift k,,.,
41 R. Wpm
apd paw.
- cm ,„ 7 .4 lL i a mmas
. are &dye
, Taseey Osr the
111: U - i
it 41 1 11 2,. 411 • be sad Is Ctessiaus
t—6ll.- Orr riest ef talifil.—
_2: 3 1/it Or . fa the Queen
—rid* ibolisaolattat. Oman, boa,
Iris, &he ,w► imp
%Or, vigor sOuriMe is Vito I ipik
- 341 reiii,lhasedlirr arma
Lima . rieb tllo.lollol4, 4 400014 0P1044
haws at 'doer* picjibspit
% NI
On It 0. -itipw•
Or Ca* am,
s l i ttat x t=ifett
, 33
sae ibooliiiiiitadis roan*. 414.
sine r4O I Mb," tbrials liksObsre
ilossessilltbsitsetbussi psomsp, is ids auk
asik atipia iir41604.4 1 001 :11PN*1
otheralessip, bar aniagiswisiiiiryiwip Owe
dillorest mug WM; 1104 tag* daPatit is4t
b l ars SI 11 , 1141 .•
pebill sty *thaws" stillis great ex
tat tot irldst to beam/ brio(ildurir inseithea
le eareletlf. Theo Woe lime their frit tette .
irstlis saw aloft pain medium szespdad
$7,004000; sad diOos that doe so leas thila
no MPS* slim amok !fk it AA, way,for
Ohs rot rat
--A. leersiers rails. raid - tb tilt lie - r ettli
bird is dowries *MA* *took the humsa
sloshes ter pray, irss shot on the Lower St.
Lamm% sO4 drys ago, se he was in the
at d Barr 44,64 &ran out rose
birds bunted in tite North. MUM* se this /Oar
ass the birds mod rakish; that risk s silkier
—the staistes s aamtimeg - hull teas
Mod ia Alen a seller, was Ilkhamena,
the ether day. Thu bask lose 'measured 14
bet, *l6O a aisailiado* eat *Olt Wl* ,
Irma tie kens I. the 'eastern jedat, Y Seel 6 4
beim It wet hate been equal to a mall
Aghast Rhos ave.
—Oa. WiMani Walker has volunteered to
wake himself uostal u well M oruseseseed,
lry wiluriag to tab eenassaad Oa party to re
live* lirowusWille trout the dome, which is sew
thestasid by the Kes;icaa outlasts. We hope
he will is.
-41004.11114, editor of lie liasbdillle Then,
killed 0.0. Poindexter, editor of the Usicni and
stark. !swine stisieeseter the other day,
TIN aria* of this elitietbeg Wray wee en edt
teriei queereL lOW fatelly, fanny fellows
they ere dolts there.
—Tha fop of Mika, ot Baltimore, had a.
Wed precook*, as the 16th. They visited
Ike 14111/01 CiAolle tab, sad also thi Sir for
dm bow* at Ow WWI Afghan; making, &as
thma tm am*
—A inoldhis ia bank-stook•and-bond-roort
pge4ife took phew la Bt. Louis.last wook.—t
The room Joins,White Sesebett, is the oldest
ow of Cot. hod itseneu, and the briAik Miss
Rob* Pamir, dose at 04 John 01141011- The
fitadlio• sod 'Widow of the sodded pair are
said to ireprososi at lomat $10,000,000.
—NW Am Bosios. daughter of Mr. Den
im. ottragotto, Inwa. dreentod herself la Lost
Croak Woe Dom" 1* dokt State, on Mon.
of lest week. ilk* IPA stteatilag the
410Mriseg;t1Wrirss — awal twewirolVe
rasa of woo salable girl, sad mush thee
sing hew essweisses. Dopression of spirits,
.sand kg the sigleibtaska that she was not
hoed at Was Wks kee,sister, and had a septa
My far issetaiser interior to bees, seems to
Lea ism the saris et lase swiehis.
—A 3mo' Indy passed through Cincinnati
WI week en her way to St. Louis, whither she
had bees templed by apnea. She was from
Paris, and Miss *semi of oar language her
OW* WA *sot her Is *ass of an ulna
anwesaiptr. Tito unity-bill" was made oat in
doe cars sad lb dwarf paid se per teeilf.—.
The iftemease Asolarsd that he never took
wash rid eats at "fragile before, considering
It tetra es• premiss.
—MN Ifwgibee, of Album eloped with a
GOMM book-bumper. Her Suitor pursued
and mistook them at the Whirl station. He
asks' Ms davglitut r h 3 PM via seised
Many kr Ow kook-impre, who apnaehed"
Mama. 7. SatikaiberThabgraadly vowed
sad 14husib. Mims liaghem like a good girl,
look his pert, pissed bur anus about his nook,
sepia& "Pat father, forgive me S" She
turned upon Lev lover sad abused him for beat_
lag her taker, said tkou wahmitatisey
weeded hem with her ettitau.
—nue i• • &h 44 mu to Lost. Mom,
asesad Wiabbt, tbo, *ere prekaded Ott
awa of ilakuiraus . ftedidritooli•to, b.. been
at yid, WWI% Ihavome auk toe 'tight yeeps,
it the Ur ablabilag ems trauma* 04-
Podidl AR 6111 , 0 bass build by ibo isanosiCa l pt.
113 1 / I .H. Ls inated a peesevrtrey Into the
Wig reek sight SW Lie sad broad, and two
diva bet dup. .At his Mot blast a tame Via
spool Ahem nit* bissed q air so fool dmit
wW alb • Some bead am tt. Mr.
Marble both tuellthed thei be is mew the ob
i** inks FIONA sesreis.
pereaaal Meade ollibroon. Sam will
rairsie• loarsi, bass meet areditabbs authori
tr, awe A. Now York Mame, that Dr. Oat
la Velem' Ma *yea Me busily the eaeourasge
mat bia 116•1 that A* irestleman
his altar* mimed to asestal health. 'ls
the Ms *am that ler. games bodily health
will 1* Poottab/ishud. be prostrated was be
vb los sorividatakeetble ft Pio the 1114-
M Khlt *midis that he would sot bate
orroholl flortyreigke hoses leavir, had he ea.
milled at ids Was.
-4 rtepA tragedy to repreted b the
Readvielr hieurrisverideitaffeeee to Nue beg*
regaiir Nap &Ales &bar. Eiteg Itsweire,
MA& IV., It sss.s, betirreeow to erespeet e it
A. lleileem. lie prtege seoretarry, of Improper
Ititikeasay Omitinewt. lie INA, lad se"-
shealeg Mem to hie preemies, elk* Maya
OA& ie We IlfAiesl7, 4o um*
Amity el ide weak am Pm lip goomi
Merl **OW isfie 1 4 1 1 1 04104 t• abet kr.
is tie 1M *C Oipterearer. Ord
al WA aieureet *dm Wei 4 s Inky et
avareeeir, lbellarkee AreberAy, as to Kellam
sad die aim. via gesesally believed, Wire
MOW a dada" et tbreedielal std "
sees time the is alai Mime SIM Ort
aleibeies law Op IdlonrorO. bremensh absi g
tie weal from wadi weeaideave tire
emg eft* *09,41~4,1* Pidever
One dm eadietwieeiramorier tet
edbeattli Nabs ffs l ;2l ed
Mu papa l ebet be emir* erair,gr - m e a
die *um wit bare Idea lead
la the lethe rZl aiti Nsilia,
sot* briaidea, et sad
*NOW ble Alb* embillel.
air . At the DeZit 10Tre t 4
„ tit (Aiwa, title ‘vnitk,
$lBO igs**P•ou,“”'
gi.giairs g*vttisistrati;
UV CIII?!! lIPIIIII-71713v.
GO TO T liit It
• (o,re.ris nut Purr oinclo
Pet Isar NIL ami JOB PlMini!
. rEI;f TING Ficqyst!
Mak Meets
Prkseeti . me.
Asti Tickets,
likes and Rafter lhaliass, ►awwl Se an, (te a
2111LCIPZALL,1113111M, 131.12 r,
Booth and Irish Whiskies,
Chace Old lononotheia,
Z. P. - DE - do
Savo ea baud tbs Lamed aad Boat amactad gtoet or
Fine Old - Whiskey
Of say &Wm ia the U_ltitid eftion Et laga
1,316. R. P.
koproyad by age. MIDDLICPDX k Mk),
Math Prost et, Pus.
TgtE undersigned baying purchased it.
eatinaltoet ot
opus! I;sl„„„,„„.simmi,
Lento's, riNuisis, Reims. &c.
ifevetofore imbed by V. Satipt. wal Inecietter the nit
ever et the OLD 117aND.
Pro. 4, ihataw stoat, Slain antingt. Sass. PA.
Be le Dow prepared to otter rester Seetntompute to ate
Want of good
Mao was ever oared to the pee** of Wateni.
Hie motto wUt be to have enytt,e__Pl _lwnlk a hwe by
Stott* satietted, hdr twallirs Se" wwsi sea tent
'Alm tashneweeett. Te prawn vied to In
Been sad Alt vUltw Mon la loam
fiat feet .rand of get teepoortand
Of ail deeeriptioas at Priors to Ant tea Thera d
winetintratal GAMOW. CONCUSS BUSKINS, SU).
r ind Gait . Boys. radii. Mires aed Children Sine
rs of every variety.
4 /ere dlowhoseillt sf thei-xelie Arty sod 041 &MU
'Woad be nrinent C. Die
Fre, IS-2
g dose
5. Pith sean ces HAßD BtRI-11 lad pantendf
Cleveland and Erie Itailroad.
and after Monday, November Wk.
N ag vita further gettat Parma.: l'aatramaa
JO 10 A. M. Mail Train stops at all Ir MAI* aura
Witiallia, Mentor, Pim rr • sad frayn*
and arrives at Erie 1 a P. L. Matahli 4 19 P.
Heald 4 OS P. M.
900 P. EL Night Exii•lll.! Tula steps at Parairith,
Astitabals. Costrarat to Cbae3, ealy,sadantan
at Ibis 1.4 SS A. M.; Ballade, 4 20 A. it.
aisA. M. N ha Camas Toalatetegeratifraid,Coosted.
and Paiasevillo Daly. sad aura at
Clas.daad 04 .
3 lb P. a Mail Trani elope at all Way it*** anast
84 itanolt, Unionville, Perry, Molitor and lira*
and antral at Cleemiend at t Oi, A. M.
AU U* threatilt tailor pia. Vera**, erased at
ellseeintsravlth .
taiga tor ?orate, Ohicage, taboa,Ciar
haa the
All the limy* babas guise itentaard,earaest al Der
WI the Innis oftheN. T h Rri. Nal/mad: rata
the N. Y. Contra aid lielao and N. Lae
a MtIYTIMUSAM. liaparananded.
Cleveland, Nov. 14, MIL
seam mum,.
O N and after Monday,ZT,a4 juilanber ItaW .lii,
IS 60 les SW.* stsso*V e t a risio, Du-
Sic pnie t vve Ca^ anivesst as la;A. I
700 A. Aleamorikrioa, stalpplos at MI ittelkim. led
ant at IMMO* at 12 30 F. it.
330 P. IL, Meg, sto c C za tR tbsir Clod.
Korth 3Ast, State Lis, , Wiolliik Oslo.
Duidels, SII R =3= Cote:, 13 lap
Creekoad sk oaf*
11 30 A. Mit i gr SS
Stihri=rsags trlLta . g_tror i s tiZ
Daman% thisairl'aesutrl 81.*
Uaa, Ninth IbleS sad r st bib
at 3VI .IL
400P.K Am il midiasiVATTAWftsdesiketa
mai?* st SO
// SO. P. IL, ' t o Wit ai VrelteriskProw
kirk and -sts3ll/01
Z eist s• tr i ei thu ti te , intairiM i ro k ie w
3fow York ionisti, Ron Stood thpo ll = Pub
staialaboa thaokEdis e
Ploy. 14. strn.-211 ' I. It MOWN, OW.
1 - Thii Mend of liniosaa.
i HUNDRIKDRand thoiseingliof Wows
dlo yearly base tem meendtmeam• Oa* leak
strength and i ems, threngerthe ile ==, ark
moan, as assay Ure on, their
%lib syllabi thisMont4 beam Se gen gees& Lee aga
to owed, rad altaLn an &arrange anneibeg to Item
nimbi* boom by Um are of Vain me or,
FRIXIID OP WOMAN. Par fail I rev
*Nth mord to th te mast glares, a
with stump, MU 11. Olt A .
Mr!. Dramas s, P. 0." Bidlhifti, T.
mus t
LW ex. UMW
mottos is ironskr gfilthig hi pansolie• at
St tier Ran tema a de. stry. sead Us
uresch% b uars 4 1 .
at Ilbonnek„.l ra* t .#olfia ni,l 0
P. ifer tem gae Ingesse a ts 0
tasee assiagt the to ran. , Meg *tug rola
No of I
Nano% 01 , .411.613. 1311audi 441331
POO% 0111111111,0 l' 1 Tu. Illopli
3 likolosao.oolt, lo{ se $61561 bo
16 IL J. 320 11
11 ft 00 1 IS 01
St illtomas
,INI OD 0 0 3
NI } .4., t Til ft
aea s, 16 / 4111161 21
111 D. NI II 'l6 00 V 33
NI tJ. I. litleitoisos, ..._ VW ve ma 13 00
41 IJoba A. Tug*, ' ill le '1 * 3a ,
42 J. C. Boolo,', 11: 0 '4 00
12 ik. Boobs. ~. ,
a a a
243/. 16 4 1 40. Nil 116 . 24 No 13 60
12 II NI 111 1 30
111 ' , J.ll. MN 1M 41 IP*
1 1 1 1 1charili + 111 OP 111* 11 11
Ihrina mai* kw.* et be* MU' I. • 4
ittio t Ppm. Mk UMILI • WY. O. =dr
asemilio7 0 lir Vat%
Neuralgia arid
MBE • Tell ntOtialind i tMe ill ergt
I 1 boisthess tweets illoasssik Isssiitise howill
~lrmo sit Ilistrialma 6011•41111111'
=TM. liiimilitss
sill istaissiaso liill 6 (
diming, ilmak tile ammo. Waste oot rbuy Vim um.
yea seiheard apptistAtsso.
stg l ittral it:
sr• stassibthal
istralniiiimi gist win tip emir II .6 , 6
bseiiis. The artatALGIA Mil Us vise *few
nodslatch has this . Silli sad ,get s Palk
"St. Dollar. 116
.' Wit i 1 21 Mat ik =ieita . • '
• Auditors Notice.
ABENTNIMT CHF , la A. 111A11111,
34.10Xxv Tani4l"L
-"rev. le. 11*toim
144 rdrodiria u. .W Itt il erthe
of Deolipber MA at ft iliermastOsiolis
i tsnolok ea Woe& It •
1 0 0 . • 111 0. 10 ". • '