thew he 1a.17.7.". nothing but his nakett BL A to.: 10( I rylrrn, ‘v. -We hope none of' •*, ft rt Tit t lc ait ig to keep them. leto the jutlk t,t) ()BSERVEIt • ..•t , t 6„• eAlie.s of hie. previous (loutieil behind Itito • It is also true, that in a Territory .juttt t.r 11. F N, I•l,titoe. coon itt-I%t tep O ler of •1 u,ige HLdtw, 14 , o 74 / enough Iron 'rill be here ginning to he settled. he may need rem.- dies for the vindication °flits , rights above all things else. In his new home there may be bands of base marati4eN, without eonseienee . or the fear or (cur before thrir eyes, who are ready tarot) a n d inu rack , and 'spare nothing that man or woman holds dear. In such a time it is quite poa. Bible to imagine en Abolition Legislature whose members owe their ...eats to ltlliarpe', rifles and the money of 'the Emigration Aid Society. Very possibly a Legislattire so chosen might employ itself in passing laws linfriewdly to the rights of honest men andfriemlly to the business of' the robber and the murderer. I concede this, and Mr. Douglas is entitled to all the comfort it affords him. Buttit is an insult to th. American people to suppose, that ally ti,iiii munity can be organized within: the lini.ts of our Union, who will tolerate such a state of things. f fit shall ever coin,. to 110.1,," Mr. Douglas ma) rest assured that a roiii• etly will be found. No g. , v,irtlunent i • i an possibly exist which will allow the , ' right of property, to go unprot eet 4,1 . inyfelt It•ss can suffer such a right to 1,.• r., .••1 to "unfriendly legislate in." , '' Mr. Douglas j 11 j think- that a eeritort 10 • exclude slaves, or inter, tyre with the rights of the owners, beeatt-e. in -oute or the or ganic acts, the geneed grant i- made of authority over "all rightful -übjet t- of legislation." This is lo , t the least unae countable of his str-mge notion-. In -ui.ii enact nothing is taken by implication. nor could the power in question hes git en even by express words; for it is forbidden by the Constitution to the re• Govern ment itself The, logic so p••euliar to Mr. Douglas, which infers the peiver to give from the want of ros,...P,bion, ni.iy sustain such a construction ors .:stns . but nothing else will. . A"plan" relating to the Territosie- ea, offered to Congress by M. ,It•tier-rei in 1754. It was K mere project. in tin- lona of resolutions. embodying certain . le-tract propositions in anticip.iti,m of set newts yet to be Made in the wilderness. t did Ali not establish auy government, tent rary or permanent, but provide.) how th set tlers, when they would go there, might petition Congress anil get themselves organ ized. There is not a word in any of the resolutions about sovereignty or slavery. They were passed in April, 1714, but three years afterwards they were repealed. the whole "plan" Wes njecretl by (blttJr,s3, and another plan totally different t the famous ordinance of 1757) was substituted ill its place. Mr. Douglas, in Harper, referred to this phut. and expended coltunn after column of drieir) comment utsiii it. It was ridiculously inapplicabb• to his argu ment: like his quotation from Story, it had no more to do with the -übject belore'him than the Edict of Natitu-. I ieferred bi it merely as showing hoe 1,.• ,• 011 1,1 w ., 1 ,,1, i • from the lioint. But LC :111 , % 1 • his right. ~.1 2, ., soul to he 1ev,..1 al 11), I.') .../Ini.: it ssas rejected. It co.i., ieje, 1„i fo r i 11,1101 I *.iiigre.,, IL,••1•11t...1 o t 11, a. • .in t :..1) , t . . 1 0 .11 fir-t etti•ril. the pLtli ti.l.• ~/, ~,.• ~ ; , „ , NI:, Doug as sad - 11101 it "-1,,..1 in] tin -[ it, / ti, it tOr granted, that he ia.,,,1,1 1 ,•, 1 1,,,, made such an all, inn it lie had 1,1,,,e1i ::bat I now tell him . thou 11 ‘‘.4.-, :II I.t. I. repealed in I.7sT In die iiii.mmett• t.tit of the whole oinel.-i• -„1-or. I ',iti_ iol 4, page 7;1.) I have regarded tlii- ,l,spute .1-, on i question of Constitutional law. i.,.i. ver !sr, above path' 14,11tii , . Ilut Imu teuipt• ea to vindicate the Deuwa racy front the imputation which Mr. Douglas last, upon that party when he claims thi• I 'iii cinnati plat!...)rm as fat wing his rived. It contain, no word of the kind. I nuts also add, that every Deincierat who desires to preserve "the unity of the faith in the bonds of peace” will disapprove the ~ l ion, charge which Mr. Douglas flings at the President, of agreeing with him on this subject. The calm, dear jui%lll4•llt of Mr. Buchanan was neier f,its a inement imposed on, not his leye lei the I 'onst it ii• tion shaken, by this lierosy. Neithei in his Sanford letter, not in his letter ~f ;,, ceptauce, nor his Inaugural .litlijn:ii.i-, 1W) he ever give fi , remotest eountenlinee I. such doctrine. lie has oft e n .. ai d, t i,,. ( the people of the Territories ha.l dip 1:01t to determine the litn--ti4lll or ,1.,v,•,- 1.., themselves, lint he lievet stud, not illl,lll. ated, that they coul.l do so before Illio were ready to form a state con,titution. I will not follow Mr. Douglas tins Lo' their at present. But 1 mnst not Ill• tinder stood as assenting to the nut/tenets as-'•r tions upon which I am -Dent. There i• scarcely a sentence in iiii• %% hole I , 3lll pi i i, , t edyieli does not either propound MI error or else mangle a truth. I ilii not chars, him, however with wilful misstatements° either law or fact. .1. S. B. A twit' tos lit MANITI. - ' lht` t Invin nut i Eaquirrr says that a poliiical abolition preacher in Northern ( Phi°, who entertain. his pious flock every Sunday morning ts itli a piteous account of the cruelties inflicted by Southern masters on their slaves. was lately finedjii.e dollars for inhumanly whip ping a little orphan boy he had taken from New York. to raise. The Loy, says the Faywrer, had loanedit neighbor a whip—it single leather string tied to a stick—oti the discovery of which the kind-hearted, gen rous soul, who weeps at the fob! f• ofSouth ern atrAi l ties, took the lad to a barn and whipl iirn with a cowhide till his back • and legs were completely raw. The noise of the whip and the shrieks of the little sufferer brought the neighbors to his assis tance, and delivered the lamb, for the time, from the wolf in sheep's clothing. Tnt RILIGION OF Mt.RDtt.—Thc Now York Timer of yesterday says :—At a union prayer-meeting held in the Lecture-room of Dr. Cheever's Church last evening. ur gent prayers were offered on behalf of John Brown and hi, associates, and two petitions were informally signed request ing Gov. Wise to interpose Executive clem ency to prevent the operation of the set) tence of death. The meeting thoroughly endorsed the spirit of the Harper's Ferry invaders. A meeting of Radical Abolition ists was held at the Cooper Institute to consult as to the best method of liberating the condemned, and to F eeu re the pa , sage of a personal liberty bill. Sir The Republican party. say- Boston t'eurier. denies any knowledge of Brown's conspiracy, or having ?aided fl any way. A trumpeter, SM . . ;T.-op. being taken prisoner in a battle, begged Lard for quarters. "Spare me, good sir , , I heseech you," said he, "and put me not to death without tause, for I have killed no one. nor have 1 arms save only this poor trum pet." "For that very tea-oh." -aid his eaptors, "shall you the sooner die : tor , t‘ithout the spirit to fight your-elt. -t.r up others to bloodshed." e- A young girl whet rnarriNl .o of a weolthv fanner in Victor n mom ago. tied ,from Lnru on .Montla) lz,-t cause he made bor iIo kitchen and dam work as his sister did, while yhe preferred to Le a l a dy. Th e husband overns'k her in Rochester, where her father had he' in charge, hut she rethwed to go bAck, and he returned wifeless aryl diseon%olate A runaway slave natne.l York, tivh. ran away to l'amula. from Parkersburg. l'a., in January last. has voluntarily re turne4l to ins "old Missal," He retire gents the poor ileluaesil fugitives axe much worse off than they were in the s o uth, and many of them unxiou, to get back. Oak, A lillysieian in St. l'aul twat .1,040 babies were born labt n inter anil that lite ern') the eotning s‘•inter %%till be -bill hoarier. lllir A nuirrieti Indy in London i s ‘'a., Ls to *vigil tire hundred mid fifty-three pouudi4. tier husband is 11 yreal lady's man. tit .'"en tt•.l 1 , o! , •i• • - l'tst to:lttitt,to k f oi•- 1 Witt ereiguty, It partaiols 4 . 1111 . bat al•le gentletton's Ott II ky,mett i• .Itti;N'tt. NOV. 19:1,, t. ti writes: awl by ivlinevor remil tt atu c kavg an impression that the law, the fact- . find the testimony art' On the hide of 501 . 1 it Tl.A2t U tiJV.ANt • Republican Hopes. the Attorney General. There 14 no one In viqw of the re,ifilt election:, our Izt that regret-- more than we do thht intet.tinc publiettell .nicittb. / to hunting m t . the., , o . i.nittide nutterfa x t.ttto whir , t.......:,.. t , war among our party friend.: but when ~.00. 0 34.t. for resitiohlt, with 0,11.1(.1,04, , .11141 go I hq't;l.% s hastencil to Mow: dovrn the ht , i... , of .4 ing the vir,tmi „if.,t, .1. ‘ ' gauntlet. at the openlngof the tfrat graititin portion of/eb,. :11 have no b r , 1 „,.. „, , .. ttitt to . ..f the hutt i'magrees, mitt throw a fire-brand .onte .et/I„uttet:t. IVm.. 11. SEu ARit. wit., i " iii "" i ' rank ''' . We ( " 1114 see Do (411 " wit ` tor dec.,- who deaired to ntaintain the or know,rl - indict-dent-A watrant them i» the ;I:tilt:anon of the party, Intl to meet bon 1..1r••1* that (Ilea it:tun:War ilogin:4 , iii 1 0 ~ ,,/,0- 1 to ilaver Mill lt-'11:)114 . -th • 11Ti....1 ,„ , 111.“11 Ili. .t,.% li trr,01111(1. Ile mt.. Inf.t. And we think ranyibilled. At all event , . hi- Th . ,. twitna tufty I...,qti'd t r , e i np.,..• : „• lionc.tportion of the` lteptiltlican ptriv litaite ' l. ' ii ' s ti " II let ' 11'4 mat" wi '' 173-tI Y . rh,. ,t•5i,....-:‘, m 11i,,. 1 1.311-, 1,,t 1 . 1,.., iiiii ,,,,, l 81 ow 10.1 54 , -- inn. An.l ~,, 1 , 8 , 1 ; -1,,,,,,,, 1i, i ,,, .4 . 1.. ultimate 00-oiler:dbl. agaiiett the common enemy. Then (lane ,I, sire th it their tilleccie4 there .It,ll tea It ,'tve a Jort-at when their t and: the !lota{ letter. speedily followed by the date 1`011e•, to it , sUrilo The robe., fit oflit,. Another brtnch. li ,-,,, „ to iviili ,, l.l . ol loon , ll,rper ArtiClO. the one dictating ti , l - 111:. to ‘oracious, and we. a-re 11 , 4 1 10 ,1 to t h i. ,,k the' Donna:rat . » party at, to the condition more tiumtirou.. de-ire succt., talk tor ,"" whi , qt /". would (4111-ent to loe(s0t114 , it ht---ctke or -1100.'4.- Thol 1(0111 , 1 he w ij. i 40°,1.11.1,00 c..r IL,- l'r.....iiient: roe) thcother inc to et - m..11.7n 1 , , er) twin 0 in Christend••in , I In. 'flg llll inlerPreens ion upop the Cinch:- o th... 01 1 „.. or to .10.. . ,ry ht.toorr,tn. i. hy ii di plat rorni totally at rarittnei , with the 11:al means the} could ~,Ittaiii poss....ion of t "'"" ''''l'rt , iiil"ll , ‘aztenuOurity of the he got ornment, and thu , have do. .v- I"t r i!'• Methlli".4 , :t . ttluent- st, 1e hie hran•l , in our rank.t. The party %NA . ,- ,1 • •' , 111"pliti l : 111.'1,011- •.1.1 , .ti:f _ ____ Tiii,111. ,4 look to ...,,rn,..,tuth -•ettling down into into harmony ad n 4pnet. - 11:111 ii. _ , slim.% I . 4,wrßost,tif reiiiii.ririo,iii. oi Abn,c,t et et t rine was willing to Ict tlio :Awl . ARD C. BATE-, of MI-snort, ' nit' 1110 I tv•l 1401 rt.A. iii CO diVIOII, and to iwegtare to vile men the former et decidedly the •Itr , " i '6'l" the C " itit ' e " ail jud g e it(wia ' At ' c•t polittctait. while the latter lot-- (lit. ci l'evn-urrenindod with letne.t friend.;--wit), saliNge- in atiticed.llll. and •.hara,•tet A. -7nr"'' ' a , lmir'z's - Hwy w , .111.1 hate couti ol,latiorm. Ike torrner lot, Mintle. He lt-11, ,010..1 11,11, to lot 111:, -tato of all:tit- it main. t+1:11• 11%1(.111 MEE ;moil t.)llowe to gn in iind in. atid Nettle tliett platfoini It nvties no 41iiiet once to bun. only give him the :Toils, and he will stand on it. To obt a in hi- pre , ent position he hi.' rode o'er) 11,noi , his think . - h. is - safe in agreeing to by ant ttiti 4 ; tile party may prepare Inr him. tti the etit of Lip eleetion. It 1- not •0 trith lisTr.- • lin twoust,inte4 to tlit .cater) of the met, camp folnint-r, lie let- tin- holtint--- to pro claim 111 adraurr the ttLittorni t-ti which he 1 , 4 willing to 4'44 ih 01. To tin• ei,,t ht, through the criltintw- of the '2.1. ,1-tine , l it.- - c o-1 ttoti. Itt tultittion to tilt.. lit-. ttt.ll,l- at I.exinuttin, Mi-tsotin form,rl% nat4 , l hint "or the Pre-tident-y The 11.2121 11) i 1 .1012 12 -1112.2/ n 111221 t‘111(421 2.1 the ' .er‘ mil, Ell , t0) , tint, t lir. i,f tL . t -4tat... I.lllof tilts ~.0•Altr", ft4:4•6lol,:wying are til(xotig . lll. rluin •ind 11 v4t , 4.• 01:(.311- »1 , jl , l ntt "" '" I J -.. "'" 1 " . • "I'' . I. * a colk‘wl‘sita‘.• I , :irt‘ ill Ow ~,tititiN If i t be not. 11 1- vert:tink , twit. tint. t .. , :Hifi tb• Pout the tit Dtanci.tit , zi r , f tin it :1. , ULM\ C.,11 . ••1 • V• atiVl , %VIII think, SO .nor. I . ,xtra :And tlwrrfor.. - - 11.1••i•181 rep,t, •••tw• %..Nt -I.ttiekr-••1tIo , k.•rtil•li• •:k1.13, hi c h 1 :1 11 t o O w plotind iii• 1•••N•hit 1:11411, 111,1" 11-" ,• rt, 1••:. it 1,1111 , tirtt. tb. rat:. i•r,seente.l nli tliu: -• ••tirin -31:•1-01,, •,••itilig•o/....110t•-tx 1••••11 n,•\% Tillanu ••1 1•11111••••• ,011•.ti.,11• ,taip , t 111 • 1 t. • l \ • 1, / % h. ,t t' h illIT::;•c:•1••Itted •ithi 1.1 . . • •• ht 1/ .:\ 11l 1111,11 111111t11 ,, 1 1111!6. • 11...1 tin tiev 111 Itllt.lll-11111:? ' 1 , 11:11111 ' , tll Illt • !MLitt' t..111e.1t t , 111 th( t )I ' ;ilan.iNA; Ii••1•:xi Pt- •‘• 111.1 tit,: :1 • •• govellini• I•t ht.!): tl.. •• tantlal 111111 , 1 :t %%di Ltli t••• I•o•(•••-• 11. "It ottn •111•01... tit , II 11:1- 0'..16-7)• t. , tie l.ttt. Inkssek, it us;2.t 1.( 1 A.. %%4.11 to 1.1 it 11.11.• • 0:IN .111 , 1 .11, "lit 110111 is sturti .irt•tit It sl rssls t,, the gnvistnnustst in N noral sssisss,•. it st.pulsl ssvem to imr4N the coutelinl.iti. , n to. A two, racliolsl cliang.• of the pte•-ont dorninylit. Ow., %V !WI 11.fli JO/I'z r 11")./ :11r , :14*, chargr.- at.' In Isis prov,s,t new COTINVI Val pa rt y need la. no foar a., to it- iiiirpo , o4 r.r s.cluttever the!, En3y No, n o. I. thi' tat furm v. I..torty mutst look tii ate al• tor tho , polls, and the nioro spoils t tioy o promised the more they heromp f.,/titu-t -amir again' t stavery—honre t }toy tiro I , n t inil to go for CAutßt) , :. thiq i%o,ay that 'oily Gammn - of Penn , yli anis tlio only hope of iajd “wiggle-waggle," and "wiggl.• l‘q t zgle.- it will be k our prediction '' I=l Mthir (hi. , of the. reinarlsul•le m thin cuntry i- ALEXANDER H Oenrgin. In a recent aildrets-at v meeting lit Alexandria, for the Lenefit of the tri•han Asylum and free crhoola of thid eitv lie related the following anecdote. •‘A poor little boy. it a cold night in June, with nn home or roof to -holler his head, nn parental nr maternal xniariliau or guide to proteet or direct him en a' reached at nightfall the hon., ~ 1 a rich planter. who took him in, fed. lodged. and cent him on hi , %Tay with hi. ThP , e knul attentions cheered Ii heart, and inciiired bin ail)/ freA eonr., ; :i• to I•at• tie with the nb-taclii,nf life Yeat around: Providence led hint on: he hail ( lie h e il the legal profs- ion : hi- ho-t had rit, , d: the •ornn,rant-• that pre% thl , gutp.taneo , ot man bail formed a to get from the wid• w her cent for the neared to i•iimmit her catit‘e to hiin. and that eotin-el be the oep4an l cu vent- litifore vii•lecitned entertained by her h ur .i,„,„/ (1 . • sAArtit All.l tP•tirto:ott• now t iftd...l to tit , %,r,ltit:tr‘ mot i Vt . " ~ W ITIVCte, I with the prnte-iiim Ile untlertilink her eau,. ii,th ! pi t en,.0% t li.. reel-led : gaine•l it • th. cri.low%4 h. r 1)1 porptuity p tont" r. Stel,heti • :eh1.• , 1 , vt ith an Pnwihnkl- of emotion that -eat ft- ridge t r ;,• thrill thriatirliont ti. hon., : -tiro ' , Than tine ct:lttil. I etore r its " 1 11 in , .„( III v , „h. 11.•xt Nl ,, n , lay. A- 11. i a CleHr Illh?1 , 11q,in llto enn -oh de•lio. t% ill 14 , 3.'0*. "CrIII 111 lII.' I Ldittki••• .11 1.11 . A I r 011 .1 Ilit• •lIII.RI .kliti-L4 , 1'..1111.11.1/ 4 . 111 , . and Stillithern 44 A Morw:4 in-. - I ...t uultr with Ih, .•.n ; c.. 0.111 11 . 1.4 .•Ili i:01. 1.1/ , 1 , 11t lo() , 1)14.111; I1„•\ ( Ili &lg. • I 1. , . //An 4, tYalliT 410(1. It 1.. 4. 11/10 • h I lo , • , ;1•11l . 1".1 .•1'!...•/7//, • I 1./1/ndity .h.tlt• ill • Th. vowing s.- , ;(41 d..1/1,11.. 1,.• "ii.• ..1, siderabLe interest, and excitement. 11=1=1 It w. , t11.111.4v.• h... , 1 1 :tet ttor Ow 1.1-ty r t r Ih.• lit- trci , 1111.‘ , . article mt.. the h.ulcn e•titir , l), and from out it- acptit., lints gprung f. tth. not a n:1. It. Litt .1 ,:iant, and that rant. him f;,, ti; , • I{:tll.,lro . lN htfair. ltv 144 - .4.11 tr,)• much to ntin.ll.eenu.ow.. h.avt•doerof.i it .in.• tl„• - nut!' oi to, 1144141cort.t:Ii 1, 1.1- J; I% ❑,c,, uu~ltln•i.•t..t,• nt.n I I'd/n*l, - t.. in•.tn , " , •tima p1,11(0,1 4 , 11. \V v ..tf1111•1:lie "1 I hi• // 4. :1114••1 1:11 , • 0 11. \ hlr t I I 11.11.111111• 1 ,11111 1.1"1 (r . ••• • hil%Vl'A ••r, I.olu tl.l ;•, . ,r 1.0? ii t 111(1. t( • tt•l •••••• I •• .I It l.i,i• 11/.• et11111,•1 • 111114 1/I IV?. o \ - to „th, i.• is •1 ,• I Ii , 'l11:: 111.• Tilowial. • 1.11•! lit I •••1 ti.:ti Ili (.11;e- h..- L. 1 t .011.11, ' (.14 ~ .•111“. lAt tt' Litt•ti .•11:'t :"`p , " lapr • 1 • A ti 1,11 i. n. ‘. i 1.•1 1.,11. ,uui 1,,1,1 iilf Li 1.5 111, ‘lll,ln. ‘., H. 115, :11/ 1/ ~•11.-pil.o.•i 1' 0 .,' 1I him-. ,::1511 , 1.•41 I.:1 15..1..1 1+,1)/ tit,,r, I.n•lottild it ..•• , I. 11 , • .1. ti;iii.•s • I.lf .1 ith, ( ;ranting 115.0 :5•11.. 51/.thillu k.• 5 throi al !N. 1: IL) lii• 1.1 :111 , 1 Lint-. % , •7 . 1 / 1 , 1 I '40.10 i- 1/111• "1 . this . E/1/I.ill . iti • • ••• ii::•1 1 1 - ;1 1 ...!: I I. - :1 * ,•f.. I his. • .111 Wir• 1, •1 -1,5, Ili r.l 111. 4. 110-li:in • towd. •,...,101,•111.,11, , .11 I. 111:- ,1,1j11%/1 .1,•:." 11..•1't.- ..f Li- a 1.•1.-111L.y1WIlli2 , 01 111) , 1 . ;4.1 , .1 ,, 1: , 1“11- . -.11,1110'• n, hi- , :‘II,I 14.1 I it. tt I "mid laN j -ft• , 11 t 4 ii I a - I • t, tt, t•tltt:P_lt t , . t Im. k 5 t•‘ t•t:, .1 i/t•tt :it I It- Twr ,•• 1.1/111:01 1. , •.111:.! , •'1,1).),• I , ii It :1•.111 , 1 .1160 . 1•!, '170:111 - !•I 111.• : 10 11 'WI' •1 0 ••• , V th •- 11.0, tit if , /01 1..11 1 11- , 4f I , ollllly I.•IIII••• i It II 11 ,, 11•%1 Inu•n. lIIEMIIMEII 1% • e 4il th 1-1•11:,}1,•I' I;•.}•uLli an tiger.•-. !LT' th. 11:1,1 •• 1 •••1 . 11 .41 we %A I.IP :t e11,e,1," of 11fp lb•ili•bol •tlit•ct • I•V t n-v.•i , pro II 01 go".i hick 10,014-I th, r 6 114 e,,;64-1 : r Irl = C I O ih• VO•1•14 See" A HopiJ. l ,o:in Addr.- , lllg 't Cull% i TI o•molit Tempi, .."141 -rh,. paint , w h,,„,„ fat,• y. 1 ',fly, ',tit ~v11,,' I! it ?Walt I.• i4r,qt.,11 •irh -tut) may •tll ncht, 1)11 •t Sidi- Th.. I'''t Ni.i.ter ..f 4) n•l.• I ~r 16, of eh..'. wie. 3 r,• rvitt intinll . l, of the une,•rt•unt% "1 the• te,nil when in fn , •t the tun•.•rtnentt• all of their ~mn , roßting Il• titA .eltertize,l letter•+ t.. a 1:•• - I rtl.• riutie, and 11 , 1111' , - ex 1 . 11.111 p• 11. i I.r -‘IIA hung• pith rointn) 1.1 I:. light 1 , •14.1• in that fief , f•ot hrtri4 lrlti•• dotiht there n hat , ' , aeat•ing't the tlttretlithility of [Le ;ital . ,- I z. 4,1; ioe ~ 'r'oavxywetingtlteleutr ". hen in truth,the fault was ;alit-fling leorgia ••f t tt u •, Th..u,an.l. of similar iuptua origlnating in enrelessneto :n a proper!) , •lirert ity; letter. intended in he nAiled, 1. r NI! ~I wh:ch the Office Depart- 1. Ett. j it.' I.l:tint MEE I;. ktr.lit•rf"l,l 14.0 n un tti. l Itor .1:1 . i- tit Vittsinnill, t r nn- t‘lth the reiwile tionvvitu lh,• kt• rit Itet t we. while nl.• r , al, II Il in litUl HII :Nittt/pi.iy, iht• rotip t lE=lll ICE • I. •• ! • P ••••••)41 ,,, 1• t•• 1 all .1 ',III I "1111 (41' 11 . J••0••••I In 1 , •• )11•1 , 11 JII ••I1 11.. I N1..1,1•11 ••• •'••111btr, • • - I;r1 .14,• NI , I "..iit•liati I • • .1 II II 1.4./: I* si 'Sri,' I: . :N1,11,., 1/1111 , •r• , •:•i • •1'1r•r1 - • , • ,- I I. Ill.!' 1+411)1• li• • kh • N ,ti, i, 1 4; 1 ,, I. I'••r , • - II •1 I. . .•1 1 , 1 1.. H I; • • i 1:..I 11/ • 1.1•1; II n.l, VrtLti'v I'll V: Il.tct.l ' -I, h ,:'1"" jl,llll I , c•++tgc• %%11.11.1“trg Stephen K. Talmadge, 11m. Whswell, Ilefiesu ithin the neiirteet days to liahlet the track of le $u nisury and Erie vied t4s Verreu. Lcir Thlp Sunbury fr. 7 COMPanY `have fixed upon-I.eak Eros as the sit,* for their Inerthineibopo• • • • aft" - John 11anyard, formerly of the firm of Nliatuig I;an;ard, has opened a new Grocery and Conieculonery _Store, in No. 3, Wright's _pluck. For popietilars seeadvertiserneul.„. Ouvnius.—tie have no excuse to offer for having demoted Po much ot our outside this w. ek to political affairs, as we think the arti cle in question will amply repay our readers for the loss of the usual amount of miscellany. J it. ittimr.r, we notice by thh nu- V r ILA dray lode that have putted our office f4,r the past week, is receiving a now and ele gant a..nortnient a furniture. Ile is a liberal denier, and 11 worthy roan, and we commend hun to ti l e patronage of the public. • Pe" The Winter Term of the Erie Academy annotiliced in our advertising columns. For tr iculart of the course of studies we refer to is nal!, rti , cenartat itself; but in addition to w„„1+ ot . ISarren. •• . , icing " after Jeer this week • We hope they Will have luck —nut •'tieh ernrln'y luck." and will remember tie when \ i it, iti his residence on Peach Street, Tuesday afternoon aiol trio ire- That lint ttgain Lee❑ qtr the u, man'- This time it IS 3 ••Ite =MEI ;/ tiPd , ,ii• I lIM t 11 ! ;41 I 11r 1.1 tiim •I I:10 Jo appears ff pflieinl co t`.' , ll -ur ‘l.• hav n).,111 f; f irr, 1, 11 •.:ll~uu II •:u li. - OEM - Or-- - - Vie nun• 4 , 141, dint the inatitntion Witt! Ilei in a more tloorkhitvg condition, evr lin.l a .r.. o•nwetent Teacher and aa•iatanta. gq-!t,•vernl of our N imrals, ltroan, Titomp- Net , litttot, tto.l other., bate been to the r• rOflirn 3 tll.'r juicy roast. ikr ‘Ve ore requeotted to nay "the friend,' of e Kev. linw, or this city, are respect- Ily art.l (.91.41411y invited to part icipme in a ' , l iuglant monk laruov►rrsrrs.—'tie notice that lien. rEti is making an addition to the Reed 'louse, enileil to lengthen anil otherwise improve te ,tore rootroi on Park Row. That part in rear of Elliott z-ialoon is to be used as a illiaril 51l1O0U. xpre“t hiruael IN or 4,1 thr n umnat lot! lot .14.11111% FreMAS L7•,l,eirt i l`rt • 11. one, it is , 110 1.4115" .. 1111 •% 4 1" 1,1 .g ,k -dtied ,iti t•e , row yof I \ avy Igor t he jmr h 1,4 hei•,l her, during thr week Plavain i,: t his s ;•11.amer Miehigna. with fl riPic 11! Ittt topiired during the 'A int.•,.. The 'it( tt•l+,t7 tt * di , 1,14 ruiitie he amount lion.i.• I •i1.1.1.4)1N on 31 Dunkirk, of I 1 Nt.,t•ii. 1 , 1 tlt. lwArt C7tivt . L. 1‘.%4( 110,4, m - Ir,. n oni• end a the Lakes to do "th, r, ct!,. w 11 oporto 6i , o‘lnlen death. 111 %se, • • for the 11.4 •10 .% ear hi, 1,14• ht. ilk , l the hike 1.;, 11,01, ho way nptnin .•I the l'ropeller 1,.•k .hippilv ~nr 'my hail 'l,Oll r„1„- lodt u 13.1 Tinr.-411), in linn.r ffti 3 r . Thellitrourwer,ront of the that \Vh ;lion li ri•-igibed 11:14 port. nua tlw 31.1K,iiitillent of C. Tib in Ili• place, it premature. It i. !roe re ,,l. aro) /wain the fippoittiovint of %Ir. T. n hi.. sue cc--or; Litt no nation. let, been taken upon it the It is very likely the I'Vesi.len apponn .Ntr. nil, fie could not appall' :1 tlfq ter ffian. rm. r Dettto. rnt. 4pir taste w., 1 1,1 give metre rerieral r•rci-f:u•rion gTyy ThP the I, , .peaking Hi) e•L ure..e. .:I:L.tre that pr •110:11:1 h eirtile - e ::I heart -,:r. :L. be N - he Lrl While we 41111 V expre.,-(.., appreci.oe our srwary'm anxiety, we are t.. tiunk that, if we are to —hoe our row t!•.• (,0 u. I.•tlge'r. W,• I% e i.r ILIAC. not only 1, , MO ~ 111`. 10:t :1 groat aval 114 a t:. it to.v. boating 1.101‘,31, it ottt" K 4.1.1 Tlf "l•-1- I: I C •I..!: PI:I NT I\,lllll , I ( ':III ilir allott ot Ilie puldi, 1.. ou ink-re/I,od facilities ti.r filling MI n rilers in Ihu Kook :1,1,1301. Printing line We are now tid• tling Itt ottr t , tretttr 1 trge v-trit ty of tuttierial 411 I lie 'tee anti heel Itu.bittuttltle .tyletz, sucl At,t I:4tttler%. Cut.t. Vignettim, wtinetit.,,\( e have ,16, ) receive, a large iiiinni iiy (-In--lock. such am tine paper•klearit.. which, With our 1-1 pre—iies bud Avant pottier, renders he printing 01 ilieltliserver (Mier itnapproseltahlu, in pewit ot price, tbeality awl finiol, in Oita aiL..ct lien {lr 0 , 111 Finl4 9, 1.1 N ork at any other .•.1.11.11-hto lit tau worn litillale and I*.t . lia‘e i.oth the o'. 1,0 rind vki,i' The t, -fates that the new time table, whieh went into effect on Monday on the Lake t 4 lntre Et. 1.1. gi•e4 a lint one train n day, ant! that in Ihe ofternnon. This is an error, any one may t•ee lty reterring to the follow mg t t.eli et lute. Nirb, E.pre•N /eaves Erie for lintlain, nt 1:!..n0, A. ‘l.: Aceommotln -7.110. l M.: Mail 2.40. I'. M : giving three trains a day Front Erie to Cleveland, the Night Exp.' et•t- leaves 3.1. - t, A. M.: Mail 3.15 1 . . M.; Expret. Freight and Emigrant tt.INI, I'. M. riving the 'lie nundter west. tir.,•i E. L is informed that. his poem, ••TerpQiPitore," iv declined--not for any iv , int of merit, but for the pimple reason that it. publication would prove Pope an old playia rmt: It n.I lidre lon Witch respect fur the memory of the depnrit , 4l poet. to quffer such thing , " to go forth No, Edwin, stick to your farming, or whatever luny he fa miliar with, but don'tiend us poems as original that we have had bound in our library this live years. They don't go down. But if you fl I'e ani hi t low: for poetic fame, and must steal, jll,t pick out eonte of the r.or•-r 0n ,, , and send th,,t k ca the po.l old Gazrit,. They'll publish them fot the sake of encouraging youthful talent, which we couldn't think of doing, as our "heart" is not half as SUSCepti- Ide ay our neighbor's, and hence our inclina tion-, . 1..41 t happen to take that philanthropic .11.(d'At . I ALIIRAITII, in Li.. able charge ; , •ite Fotoq • t 0 took oc,a4ion to rghtike the irginta 11,•1 is it.- for the in:lt-cent e man [tested r the rr, r 1 of rfipt. N. -6a- Pm.le Virgfnia .111.tge. “able • trge ;I. ' 0J similar case, "ne- e•• 1011 . dike the" Penn..). i%anin ant linrititt. h.r :111.1w 10 , Iritg her shOrr length ah,rif f . ci , ,rly I‘VI. Seer~ in the Yoll4 ease', .o,h 0 ;h. ' It FOll , ll eoll71111114.1) Airtime 11,1 0. , trial nil •lentence.l ME h.' ha- r.auatr,ie•l I' rtlitit '••Il 1 • 114 in, pc m, I Iv.. c Ir. on +ll.l,ivion Vit• go; rot non ti l tprr,titoot jmliri.tly , ay nq It 1 , 1 . r , itk here it % 1/1 , 1, wr fulfil /111 the COM3IIMtIaS ul I he ,lecalogue t gar Soma amusing illustrations oft the eel mice of navigation may linve been lint' the present week, during the time when th•• "storm-king" held us in his icy embrace, Brown's Hotel corner was the scene of many a daring sicrobstie feat, gotten up with a total divvied of °eternality, no, vihen at chill nor wester blew up State street, thelreary pedes trian essayed to cireunaturrigate Its slippery bounds. One "ancient mariner" accosted us, 1 as we were "drifting" around this dangerous passage, with "high ho, ship-mate! put down your centerboard; you're making too much lee-way!" We were about replying to the good-natured sally of our nautical friend, when our underpinning foiled us, 8.13.1 "One more unfortunate" - was added to the already large list of those who, not having the; fear of our city -fathers" continually before their eyes, pour out ti. •••ials of their wrath - on-the heal , or t hose a stute individuals who think a "sloping sidewalk the best, for all purpeses, because it carries off the water best !'' If it is a fact that -Ow wicked stand on slippery places." we 010111.1 think 'that a reform might he inatieed iii the building of our side-walks. if merely front 4- . fish motives. le r The large and beautiful building of Messrs. Ca con tor & Ct. ILK, and t; %% kit RA a, on t hel'uldic,Slina re is rapidly 1, Ling completion, and is now so frr a , lvat , .l rhat the "cold snap - of ilih• week did I,: ri• ally hinder operations. We are , grit tiled 1.• know that the upper story is to lie tini•hed oil as a hall, for concerts, lecture-, underatan4l the opening eniertairooent will be the brat annual ball of the Mayne tiotard-. Such a hall has been needed in our city for ninny years : and we hope the proprtetor.t will find the investment a paying one fort Itentsel re-. as well as for the TI ROAD ( n'EA VA.. F.rit• irgh Railrondbi now 01 . ? en for lot.ino.-4, anti the cars have IMCPII 111)111111g Ciinneautrille for the past week. The truck-laying is b e ing pushed forward as fast as circumstances will permit, and we expert to he sbk . ru CAP tp at our Crawford county neighbors "by all tvi when next we take n • scoot" into the c. ,, :nir) if Jack Casement don't catch the i -swamp agy 110Wil i n that wooden Colintry. we II shake hands w h ir" 6 .11.ere'er county iiefide !lie fir , January. De" The foll•wiiig :tr.• .: .1.. v. Il trial on the Second Tobias, UP! of liari-ott cx. rcl Jane S. rituili.y. GI 1 . .11 :. 1.1,1.1e11, Kepler s 4% , v. no)). Bail .1 el al hinds rs. Martin. Robinson, oho of Mile , St, 'lt, Preston et :avg. Ittir.:ll. Huntley ra. Sweet, haute r S/11111.. gam_ The 're:oilier , and the friend. ~s , iu i u. , nni. MI Eagle V SI 1 0 4.4 it":. pm, 2r,lh Nttven.l,..l say- ttrit. tl4r irh day appointed by die I T1.,r0l i.t n, : Thanl•+giNinr :tia.l pr:i,y ; 311. i N ;I! Ai the• lime Ur hU,lfif, , - Well V. 111 , et. 11. ti end .topen, 1.10ftn...- i L 1;% . %% 0.11 'or litioir 4tACII err". !I r I rirr„r• tr. 41 r employ o. how 1%, I ..tit: ;4”; rf the Smil,tiry El iv Void .‘ -1 111 ihe Eaßterrt .1 0.% rl.. ti.-1 ern. 1.04 iron II bleb 1 , being , 1,, k-ibie a 4.4 ffiek-ti zo !t , i• 1 -1, rect.llect evi r hal •• • it .1 1•• 4 • 4 4 4 4 1 . 11• Clay tic3rl) 0%.1 . % 1 I 1.•, g ", but got •,11 again ihe l't !loll...! rotnnum I,r• b.:.! :11 1:1 •• . ( I Monday l'erry A I,llor.Atil , !I \ % t 1114,1,1. s, • : t E , r ,!, Ilarhorcreek ; John 11 ' llirnrvl :-I.yitittn •Itrigtx-. '1 \1 t for tineen or twenty W rogper, liantilh,l). tliek, Calvin Fargo, l• t•• .11 'X'. }burn, W IS. Vemit:g... 01:1::, Daniel Ilnrria, Union Alenzo Perry, 15'nwifirtgi.,11; 'r-,••1, Breen; Orren Imnrx, II Ir Pr Amp, nem 1., Wayne: .1-el ‘I Matil I. V"' Mirth Munition. %Vat ertonl • 1:01,4•11 Ki. 11 ii iel Shultz, Myron Siher:).,t Pairvo..w. . FrAnklin Lee.l4titmu.,l, , .I,•hn t: 1 % (eel, Elk )'reek : .Joseph Wll.ll-.ot 11.4„. I.IYI of Traleo•••• 'troy. 1., .t 1 .ttirl of l'omittNn hr 1111.1 nt Vrto on tlo• Monday of Dee., I h , Robert Beaumont, Coeimml Zr.iarb•r, Llt ('reek; 1% miley 'Bingham. 111111,311, .Imieph MeCora, Bon'. Morey. John \ N, .!, North Bart; Lktv /1. 1., Brown, Bobbin, J Lint te..b .1, Rinderneehi, Eric: 1.171 , 3,111m - di. 1; If. Greene: Luther Chapin, VCTIMI}:"" I la% 'I Coe, )eril S. florton. Jvhn rnimv. W Unirtey, Vrunklin; Engley. Springhell. J. J. Ehersolu. flarloirereek: .I,.irfiti 1; ray. lb—c ter Spaulaing, Conneaut: Jame. llatniit.4l. Lu cian Rout, Lyman Wity, liem . ^..• 10. g, Le BoruIT; Samuel Love..Niti M t 1; at vim. Millereek: Simon Martin, 11 . 10 '1'3¢Z.31 . 1. Wm. 3 . l'aitersum, ISn4liin glow I l'ren Snmucl Weigle, Richard (". W WllOl./.• DILI' (1001, \ I:ior We are pleased to learn that the itattot mtte, , our trade connection- 111. s un till I.een nitrt ciate.l to such an extent as to itultire the loe.t tion of a wholesale try pm-is Ittt.o. iu o•tr And we are further tr;111 :Et , 4—.1 ranee that the gentlemen em,. new enterprise intend mak ot" feature in the trade of Erie. 1 00 113 \t• 1. , 11, been of the opinion that -tit h •in men', if coliducte.l upon fro) .sr by men of tact rind energy. ••,..111.1 Ti' ftil .•f building up for it••elf do-11'111g t t.lts i• point„ktut now ninon .melt, an one 1- , shout to be finallny located in our city. we t r-t it rtl.t. receir e such eneottrugemvnt may find in their power t.. 11e Ion! it that the flue store room nit tier the llee.l likot•se. next door east of the main entrance, hat isuen secured for the purpose alwve named. and that it is already being filled with goods Mrx. Mi/ler died larA Thur. Any. Jler hu-b another utan•+ wife. awl she grief at the eirettniAtanqe.= of lwr dr-wri ion -- l'aer heart ! —There• hare hew< fount% in Erigiartti. in rocks which, were .lepo4ited It ,n_ Itef•ore the creation of man. a frng•« (.I:qtett a•t to itolieate clearly that the animal, 1%11011 must have weighed from ` , t«r 4, 1, 90 1,1111.1.. OarM COMICIIIPTI IF rw. log Inrea reott/trod Ilymith in a G.., r/. 4it,1,!, t.•ry rimpte n•maly, .Ibr having rull•r.,l .t•r,•:al pant With a verve L.. ffratort,an.l that .I,r , 1.11 Immpttbn,ht auxin/tato Make knowutn his It 11.,. -■u'b".•:. tn. mean. et Care. TO All who den - ve it lie a.ii r«nd a i•• ,• • of the preleriptiOn used (fr. , of thilargr.l • 1:11 .1i ivrtion. for preparing and sexing the aamx, whble 'her *ill lista sun Cut* for emunmerbo., Alamo, 8r...11th/, Ar. only ..hjret of Ihr 3.lvertl/er 10 000•1,h1; thr I.r.+.•ripli„n Ir to betook the. 3111 , / 1 / 3 1, sod h/ h"1. «,rr trill try la. rrukedy, 33 it alit.o , l pro, a tol••••Ing i`a.lll4ll 01,4,11 , 4 t It•• ~,,, pleas. addrrite £I)W ARV. A. tt'llotttN, MAP' Williams/burgh, Ktnga Co., .S 'I r I..tke C it 11•0. Dar- I,i,t or Traver,.• I=l lakfiek' AND YOU TAU diii4l.4. i t 4, N ' s Tors AND pllrMeErrtt'.- Proems WhOOP PR r.PAityl% f,i , i• F /IPI , IOO II e)StAetne %Imo beim print sled I,r I. tied, f hro' - eseepte or abuse of any kind, ouch as Hard Work, Cart, Anxiety, Grief, or Imes of Bleep, ur by the tar of 'Liquor or Tobacco, and as a wronsWeelle antrering with various Nerves' Pains k WeektiatirM, audit sia Neuralgia, Nervous Handaetuta Waisifltlmstra, , resound and Cr/refreshing , Mill% Fuel or lar Late, Weeloars and Tiomb. ! 44thstlAnt s guars! l i rtXlpl nof the Ileari, languor, Low. l W will bud In osana-VirrigErs'ii? Pri.sistS TheA. 11,1011*DY FOR:1111Ehr. AFFECTIO:Iit, most prompt, perfect, and pern)elient, of any ever yet presented • to the nubile in this way ; • Remedy that will not Pin one time in twenty, to glee present and lasting ben,' I, and bring teat and repose Vital both have departed. A few doses will peeve the correctness of this otodentent, and convince the most sceptics! of nervous annertro, TliA'r /' 1 LLS. . they hare a safe and certain soother of their pains, mid an invigorator In their treatment They eon' Minuet a particle of Oprosa, nor any of the products 01 that drag, they do not produce Cbsthinesso, nor may o th er of the evils that follow the uM of that airtitisqoor dotal then use fur any length of time moats a habit Which can not he broken, without pain and distress,. 'Mil du not mu... polo, norinduce sleep, by overpowerieg or dfssuleas . , ing the stenme, nor do thrl riestrey one dimities by ante ' stffliting *tinniest Their proper/I la to impart strength to the who. teetenos system, quirt to the tremblingohms, ohs , ohms, moth the feelings, a calm the Taws, tku,s en ah:.n Olifferer to obtain and enjoy riathral swami and r. ep, from which he awakes with renewed en the appetite beeornea natural, th e Digeetion pro‘ oe, the lioWlPhi act with regularity, and thus, by sound sod healthy ittgration, nourlshinent, strength, and arc inipurted iu 111 111t1 , ./114 tar to every Ohs 1.. d (.1:1 , 11..n of thesj stem, and health of body and mind be• row• s a oatural result. Theseatatemerita have not been put forth, nor the (drum/ to the public, until time and teal have given ample e, idence .if the truth of the and antionbiall testimony to the value and impor ts/me of the Oilier. And knowing, As we do, the great acid iticressing . hrevalence of nervous debility, among all rla/e -0 t ourporattionsty and the mass id tniutry springing from this source, se twilece it to be not only the right, but the .Inty. 01' any who can du so to contribute to ward. it , a h-elation. That them Pills are better calm -1..t.0l to eneet thi. result than any other Medicine within the reach of the 000....0 se 1110/t sincerely believe, and therolore bona... we are clearly in the line of our duty le p I smog them, sit far es we ran, within thereat* of an who omel the aid and comturt what they are sure to afford.— The are carefully prepar• 0 and areornpaused with plain 4 ireet ion., and iisefol mid important hints, suggest- L ens, and sett ices, and nut at the low rate of 2t. eta per Ho.. Prepared and sold at 'Wholesale, by Ca itTlitit A Into , nod by 101 the itruggista in the adjoining Tows. and I infiers 241 f Ott 1110 11.111 WO., by Rev. J. H. Price.ley, Mr R•tl. M /IT, of Sew Vork, and Mrai HENRI ETTA Me.SPARRES. of thin city. In IVelb•lttteit, nn the t 16 itt.t., by liod frer. ISIIER 11.1)t). t f lll>ion, to MIA, SLSAN \WUI'. of iltrartl township. un +tie 211,1 t ult.. Ity iianry F.tni., Mr. 1NTIlt):`,11.11I11k.:111.11:1: ern the I,4ii inst.. in this city, after a long protrrtele.l FLORA SHAW. tlgt , t Itt )Vitrq WA II mont h tin the t,th inkt., in Fairview, %Ir•t. JOHN HEISS, langliter of Jacob I,ixler. in her :.!911) year. In thin city. on Pri , l.ty evening the 11 inet. After :t hrit.r illucs9, 131t1:t:Ttl LOGAN, age( at..qtt years. Aitratiscmcitto ) )() I, l'^'S. \V 11 IT E LEA ).—of th.• :”110•:. • • brands. :London, New Aautlw,Cr ) ..tal Palace, Niagara, hiring Valley. & BUO. Zi Nl • —FR EN( 'll and )( )1./ 'Nt F 'A N, White and Poreolain. CARTER k . 5 ( )()0 1.•"/"NS, LI N: , EI-,1). L.\Ul' • . .ty./ oil., CA ItTKii k LOW 111 ‘‘ . l N 1)4 ; I. A SS. --I ' Olll . .)k ft ; a. vnr fltly rark.u• ME . OVECTIONERY STORE , \\*1114;11"1"- TI Ic• • wi.111.1 I.r, • • • r I•A Oink 10.4 it I 11. . Plain and Fancy CANDIES .t , i U I • \ I ) 1 ;11114 'l'l , . 6,1•11:1 1 4 I )1.1p., 1 11 . 11 ill 1 11 1 11 1 , .. PANII V.l /11-. I hi 1. nitit 1:11, nt ut 11;1:Ncll '.IN .\ I) CHN - 1 . 11 1 N1:.1:Y. N I. F:tV c 4 E11)1,1-> 4 .-; I: 1 ~ t... 1. •11'i• I'l' ~~i\ l'l'lo4N. kin , l-. :--111 1.1. 314)N 1 , 1;1..4 II 1114 \‘' 1 I. \ :111.1 a ...1•10et ./C FAMILY GROCERIES =MI EMI pi \I, II (,1•\:1.11w 1,i1; , i;I \ f.. (41111N't, \XII 131- I'l I. Tr. -!;1:1'I\1;1 1 \\ll \V ...I'l;.\ , .!• VIIII 1,',1 . 1' .% bll'- 1..\~-1:~- XIIIEN k Wm. I\\* \V 11:1:- FA 'Y 1',.1•K ~, I Nvil \ \ Y 101. .• 61". Ain 101 .. 1 ...1••••1 th.• I•••••• BEE A 'NEW BAKERY, •. w iP nr. , to throsPit I'. 4 . NK sul).l 1:1 . 1S(1 . 11', f 'YON I I:1.0 TV.R.O S. V anty t skr,, and r pay w .11 1••• got IT fur pattieo on .I,ort Env, 1K.19-241.1. ERIE ACADEMY. rrii E ?lox of thii inNtituliollnili I . • W,1111,1 Monday ,b. I let tow.. with the r • 1..4 in,r Oa. t qrpr _ tvul Fr. I; klk, .4, 11, 1" ,- incipal. Itll I'll :4 4:04.1)4ri5, i the N 1 “rk Stwte NtintuLl Sellee.ll, I 1.1 1.4 VrA4;N /4.°A M, r.l Berth.. ..1-le. •• .•t tf the ...the. I tnNtll,2, , 1.. t, ralur. A 1 .4.1 Sft $ ItAikt, bi• a i'ariA. ..1* the 1 ni, there, Prof. Ole ===l TL. Tnr~tww • u ory roasnn L. linpi• that, utater rm./ten t .tor k rikrk 1,1 I rkptrurtnra, this inatitution will dwe .04114 ann. the tonal "nurialoag 1n nur Cartintryoml trr.lll In our City. Terms of Tuition per Quarter. Rea.;ing. Wra•in;... the Fundamental .n Anibal...tie, Primary Cenography, the 51... !tn.; Hook an )'reach and .;erman, lot,/ Music. $2 dO I- - •i:11«•. G rammar, Arithmetic, I Jahn, Greek, Nod azi,l Ancatnt Geography, Iltatory, I,cagte, I:l.etorte. F.lementa of rriticiom, ErideneN. of Cl,tianity. Butler'. Analog,. Englial. Later at•ire. Saturn: S..lenev of Go.ern. tell...dual and Sloral Bout ing. Algebra; Geometry, Trizoindortry an I N'ataiml Philoanplay,Chernlatry, •trotmnly v,ih tud. of Globe/. and Telescope, 4 Si) t„•1:1.11, and 4 , t I.Ang-tu ‘ icen, f I Irk tad.. .hY (Irdcr of Ow Board, 1' Akri GFAP. I.YOS, Nor. 19, 'Wo. ;•24. MEI 1111111& 011 ; j • • • CII WI. VA . TPtlii 11•4 4 61 0, .4• 'flank: to nuou.n.u+ trten•lo and-patrol, for pu,t taw COILISV i. etilt tnktivg the 1.00 Pitirma Po - rt COLltip - Dow pl., fre,r.or an aeaminiting reduction ta the prim 014,111... e pr-e4l Arrihrotvre• ' COLEY know , you hare heretrfor. mitt tlertr diet, as atirri for ru. ht. Coley ni determined to bring the pn. e Of Ambr..type Ptclarue realty the yirtum. worth notion. within the Reach of the ammo t. Colby Is really the and may at all time.% he found in the Itu...,,,,Zwriu cc, Krim Pa, 6ret door 'flunk of C..runw,te. .14,f NEW YORK AERIE R. K. EiIIatAMINNMEMPON l'rvimo v:11 q.l%e Punkirk at vhout the (o:;uai tag hour■ • 1. opt .1 14'11 Crw i'ork F:c pre. Night ETprvitx A ~,rnsn.,..tat rpm f r, . Way.' l r.4Lt . NI -H. Eci.r.p% ?qt., k E%presp, Ito; and Fart rrigl t' 7 'MI rt , •Ty • •y. liv.nen.ppro by lbo Ae• ••••mm..±olnn Trlin 6,t• Stal 'WI, Ex.( nt Ringliatuytou, ai.--unututu osk, ni 4 c4t at 4tog. losuirkton ttr.Ritning., sta4l, th. • rtlA`t. MINOT, Ceti I Sni.'t ‘tAFtAtt, Ftt,tvrr. ilnuolirk, No. U. BENZINE ! BENZINE! I LL Yor re.rnaring erntiLllMlt I ;•saall, F r., jnonf rrontsect and for tear at DA I.liviViN"rl li a r,. :•toutc, Nu. 5, Kiwi Hot*, Eric r 1-N1: II AV .I.N AA. I'IZI NI PE t'll:A ss tattin g a rnt rkfllOß O;AR I.'ll blot tbo lar st on l'ic city, a t ItAl.l)VffN'tc Itat n. qroaa, 'll4 lli '24t r _ _ . . L 1)1 E Itl) StivlAlll.• rn firrortme ...I tsar,. at..., purr* ,„ k ora tottotkotton putt otvord, oto.l at RALDWIN^S Piro &roar., N 0.:,, Reed Houer, SJtf MARRIA GES. DEATHS I •. •eit. Ir/Ir.l l 1114 01. r CA,KTIA: .k I NV CANDY- ,t t, :. lIIMIIMII Fr..nch I anc,tr. and Lit•ratu, ANSA 3.114:'s (It IWroity, Janitor COLEY Eastward Bound—Depart jp.rAjAnitvl Pficl'Ak LI) • 1.1 I , I'4l.l l lSG's PREPARIF SAV Y. Tli IC kl k:C KA xemoollY puirAtrif 1? "A Aturru II Time %Act% Nisk" secidesto apps etc. is WI-rersistbolf It is Tory &sizable to hare soars oboop inky for toga:log Pornnovo, To7o,Crockoryon, SPA r.D1744',A I'MKPARKD GLI'V. wets 41 loch emergencies, and no household to be without 11 11 la *bray e ready awl op to the rw l , Ng point. then to no Were a notwonty fo r 11 chains splinter...l vol.teent, ).adieu 4011 s, am! t „,,, eradien. It la Jost the article for eone, awl ornamental w..rk so popular with the kotte. ot sod taste. ydi gi i m bi o pnpsratloa Is timed cold, br tax evilly held la solution, and pooronaing th. qualities of the Bert ?alma+ unarm' Glue , i t to ibo piano of ordinary mediae*, briny tSatly "ITEM. TN EVER? TIOCSF S. B.—A omb see•osnpusiess*h Wm/Lit/ULM De►OT, N 0.30 PIiATT XT., N., Address ITIVIRY C. SrALIOG 4 Co Put up for Dosler, to Ciao' eoutuloip K four, ..41t, typing Jour., a boaalaful Litliortaph paaylag earl paean.. a . A single bolt!. of tirA I.DING'S PREPARED G • Will save ten times its cost annually rye.; 1.0•11.:. Seal by 4 11 promiarnt Eltittioasra, DruggistA, slid Yarnhare Dealers, Grocers, and Vatter otoo., Cnentry merchant/. etteuht nuke a net. 0( Al' at ;11)„ PRRI•ARLIo GLUK. aulong op gait 'wad aaty,climate.. sl. A I . D i S R •P ARP I. I, I I I itY.FLIL IN xvv.iir SPALDING'S VRIV.PAIARD GI I P. SOLD BY STAI'IONEItS PREPihßglo So RY lIRCR3V,IsTV. APALtleig'S PREPARKLfr P MBA) BY IIABDWA,B1: BtALEit. SPALDII(44 PRKPAREII cl.l Anti) BY TIOT:SP. FURiasiliSu F7+,» SPALDING'S PREPARLP F• SOLD BY ItELNITEIO.: f,E.41.10th SPALDING'S PRSPARLI) YANCY-600/M pi AI.iIRS SPALDING'S PREPARED GU yPALDIV:(II 2 , PRKPARFII GU V SOLD HY COUNTRY lIKRCHANITS GENF.kel.i V' II xnkiketured by .4.14) , PIA roxe-Ome.., No. At.o•st• i• so A:phul. twat 1.181 of Artrelee dnmoe4 may to reetore4l to their orlKiroti A tr.t, 11,efuluerrs I,y :4PAI.I , INa's riu:rAßEn ra.r•F A Mends It llrndi Hu r.•au• end.. Cr... 11., Urn& Etlygrr... 1. Mend. Fan• Mend.. (:isttat. II Harps I llendi 1111*(411'0.k .1 11..u.11. Jars K Mond.. Knob* I. Mend.. Leattror Kotk 11 liett..ll. Mirror-1 rarer lo S /11tUlig N efr l rOlgia II Heml o Otto...alum I' 11.8.10-1. Q I.l.rtatts V. %WWI* 2•14 T Mends Tabiea 1 . 1.11.4111•,i • %trip • 11 , ..q41.1 W0rk•1 4 .. 4 ). Awn& y totraph tm kg y t tot . Z 1h.. 1P 6 , l4`yr 1% no • 1.1 ry,n.lo 1,0, VA Ulf Nri: PIR I IS I. 11 in rod :4411.m.1p. :4 Mnel* Saw 8 .•• • ...yr , * I. %1••.,.1.. in ^: I Pelguerri...l. 14 • 11•-• • I M.-no. Inuizes 4 14., 8 4.. S. brook/to lj litin St..rity h. • '-n' MOtttH • 1 • 1 . 3 fel*, iF M...:s Itulrt s 11. .•tr.. al 1,m. . )4, Wit. 1%4. r Ilangtaky. • Arm-Chaim. • it•i• Vitrisit. ••• Men.L. ',rawer Mandl.. Mend. , ih +is ' Mend. Glut*. Mewl. le , u.ened JAM \ •••• Ma•iti. l I.ll..latere.l Mend. corn Woti. 'Mend. Cbees Hoard. lends F 1.1,114 1144t44144 Shell 44.40rk M. u 4.1.6 Wort Mende Hobby nor...* Mood.. kl-sleitloNoopo* Mends Finney it..tes Mend. PirtUre •',sun.• Mends Soorototrie* A. 0.14 .11.4 ring Mends School Furmltr► Mend.. Papier • i•ansn Marble Men. 4. Italy Jumper. Mends Itoey Wofk )latch Sate, Mn,,?,.• l'.+tore. .11 11 re .1.. Mew, 1:..,... 2,11 :.tau.i. Mend. kie.l.teads Mend. Drum. Ch....mere Mend. 11.11.4 Mende liertaarsum Mend. klaekgsmin., 110 tot.. Mend. Hand N , . u•. Mend. 1 ltd. Men•:, liffitard Mend. Hllitat.l Cue. Hood* Bird Cage+ lro rob Itroonrstlek* Motoh. Hook Coao* Mend. 1i.w,1 (.rimpx Mend. Bench Men•?. , . Mend. Cabinet. , Mends ('burn. Mend. Clnek-('aww Stencil. Crutch** Mend. r pl.nard. Mends Curtain* Mend. Clumps Mend. Caddie. Mende CArour**. llerolar Chain Mends Chart* Mends Clotho*. reamo. Mends C44,63-Caorto lileadn'Cheats lienda.Diazies Mend.' VI - mi.-Aland. Merida. Draught.lloanle Mewls Pubes Mond.• Di. an. Mends Dine-8.1%e* heads .itoOril Moods Domino... Mend.' l'irehoard* Hon.?. Flute* Mood* Bkiluot." llorolloGlatapyraro Hood* Nand)... 1rtr1441144 tts war. Mende 'Kite,. • ; J• 11 : 11 k Id 17 1. y. I Elta Nl s edia Tops liem•le, ()row. !fruilit , llll , xi.l• s..ri' Kathicie Stand , * 11is2.1e Pan A. Men/. Ps. te i" r d.vok Msnds Ps tt,,, rroooden-Ware 11, ' ,, A1s R illow-Ware 6 " I.DING'iI PRgPAREP GLCE. SPAT-DI .. .WS PRY:PARKE) (11.1'F I.IIOICPS PRP:PAESI) GIA K, ^lit.B BY RABBI , ' ABB, STORES t•t+ d. 460 r. s 3l A. 104. * 4 00 r , s ..2 W r. XlOO.. ■ sTALDIWG'S TERPARED GLUE. NoLti HY (music FraNtantNG Erroitvz SPAI.DING'S i'lkier.utro . SOLD BY FANCY 600116 PEALICIts StrALDING':i I'ItEI'ARMI GLUT, soi.n ny roi NTRV ISERCIIANTe% GICIaRA 'omufsetqn , 4l A.I.P •, r it nr, in Ticelrr r oton itch 24.0 w ly Bus No. SAO. 5„•, S 01.1) BY GROCERS fir.WRY C. SPALDING *To 30 VI.ATT STRI.£I, fi r. 1 SOLD DV SINTIONgitS Bol.D BY DRUGGISTS. SoLD BY GROCEM PAT.PING•A PItgPARE.To G!.UR. II C. SPALDING, J, Co., ao MATT STRi , ET. Ne l'oat (.Itire, Boa No. 3Pi) ft.txisnug ' rither Four, hesouful Ilatiogrspla 4b tem4Opanying voch raciwo c' . I=