The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 12, 1859, Image 2
FRE OBSERVER. B. F. SLOAN, Editoz L'EUMB: $1 80 PER YEAR IN' A DVANCL MORN'O, NOV. 12. Corroberative Evidence lihl i we Kay of the ootreetion of tlw 1ea(1 of the IZelittlilitluct party with the -ehente if olsl Joint Brown to revolutionize the .ztithern States, asittoonvert the fair ,f that part of the Republic into a r 4 con .1 * mit poini ti go, we wish it tii:.tinctly un -1,r,t00,1 that we tnakc no charges ti.g.on-I the hut , : of the virters--the r:urk anti Id, I..Vh IVt have 110 L 110 v., 1111 net It:A the least. plea that they -vnit.J [lll-o,olrwitli Ste real olveets or then letiAl, tilt- atlair at's Ferry has hrott:tiit to le.tht. are mistaken, Lint patriot , .• men. who, having imbibed the el, t that -tat et y 1% a monster. .le-tined to ruin tit., "tnitry. -tri% nig to curl, i t: Ana curtail it- influent, ,tit thi, they Lou. like an Inen Itt a antl-e imperial/11A. ttri• reatly U, seize ti l ionit lie lir•t. e- their path In tile infection they want to et , .. -11,m 01,m revolution -flllll asvarch) the le ~rtr rn,te fruits of th e ir foliOrt. :111,1 tlf••‘• will march no farther Aiol ; • that It to u, the tiut3 cd'e‘cr) tii a••• fai 34 IN) , ,lble•, An the I.WLS etier 11441 11 the , tathirvot 01.1 Itrovio th• tho-e which go -114 m, ti- we think twiny of thom In, mo-t of h.• ).(•11 /eider, or tlia,t. VIM liii.rtut of old Brown' , schellio lAio±• helolo It eckllltlAttlatt'll :It thi% can be -n-taith - 41 hy;iir; c% ‘c ol t it. th.....,....c0r. , 4 , ,tard. mei tieblingA. reel S•nhalt. I. pc; it•tps doubt Int • hut there ;kl;tnetatiec ..1' ; evidelicis man) h•. 1.• tt V.); ;it 2;t1; coot tilted .t ..1 h•ttcrs puke); tint! tee II:1% Title/1 I 011, 1.1 t.. F. '''..1111.-111 - \t, liw rwwWiws wi‘r 1r S 11. t. I. od • emaain 1 1..1 1 0 I , Wrllitun 11.'Svnal;1.3 I'. 11.11 c, I'. ; 11"2.41 t• li/ rile% nth , h."l. •;; 14.11% , 1..1 . 1% 111 vlordili ink N‘,lll tio• , i.kl.• in li.o .i . \"t 11111 F 011.4•,. , tt ..nt• t in (lie I%rit rll Alin Itfii•l 4:N' tl ...motet , Milli 11 Itc• r.Atttlt• t /to I.!,:thilt: tip tl lc' .411(1°11 nt IN ~11u.• t.. il i t• I Jiti.,l , rtt the eh , r,e ter 01 an etne-Qer th. , II thaw I•ut i..• did not Ali, 11•11 tlil a I , li N 13 1 •11 .t height a- 1.. M. 114101 liern f)pen their put -e-strolg- the of Itale. Ili- fir , t Plizigetnent here appears t 4) 'MVO !Wen OH the N. 1". „ . as a wrib.r or translator, II)• next sun led a liewtiaper in New York, it ith the f-x -pettation of obtaining tilt' snriort ot the reAtlents in the [Wiled :State-. While heivas rondlietin.g this paper. I tssa• wabttnie Arown came 1 rO/11 Kati-as to New York, ireitenreh of a military leilder to train 14.44,1 guidet' the 'Kansas this link , enon:l4 was known , ,u rations that the friends ()I' the(-aus.• %von h make ,unbar I : mittamps to Europe ii the stilt rt of his family. The money tvas not t r i,! i • •itted, Follies' family were le du • 4) eat destitution, and he returned to New. .'ork, a disappointed and exasper mod "bhmanilarian." lie stated hi ens. , in writing to Charles Stunner, Dr. S. G. Howe; Horace Greeley and others, in no very gentle terms, accusing the promise breakers of being clients. !loran) i ;wiry consoled him, by saying that he ought to have known that such engagements acre never kept. It appears that while in Kan -as he differed from Brown as to the host mode of getting up an insurrection on the Virginia border. That design is frequent ly spoken of in the letters :is far back as bite, t M the Ist of May. Is.")A, he was in ti sluced toSenator Scward,in Wasiiington, and went fully into the whole matter in all its bearings. Mr. reward, after hearing him, "expressed regret that he had been told, and said that he, in his position, ought not to-have been informed of the circum stances." Forbes speaks of writing tracts at the request of the Aid Society, and some of them have been found among Brown's effects. some of these were addressed to the United States soldiers in Kansas, for the purpose of shaking their fidelity. It cannot be said that ihese letters furnish any direct evidence that his correspondents knew that any attempt to raise the slaves would be made at Harper', Perry; but they do prove that the idea of a slave in surrection was iseqiiently considered by most of the parties a year and a half ago. In regard to FORM' antieedents, the fol lowing from the Paris correspondent of the London ,Star of a recent date will show that while he was the agent oft/te New Eng land Republicans in Kansas, he was also in the employ of the English Abolitionists, who have long hoped for the dissolution of this government. l'ark, earremponSpooe of Ole London Stu. NE OF TILL COMPANION:. OF (..; AftIBALDI.- The sail belief in the defeat fit - Garai:all is nfirined, although some little hope still remains thkt the misfortune may lie but momentary. The organizatiOn of his little band was so defective that from the ery th , t it was foreset.o that nothing short of a miracle could have rendered it capable of maintaining the field against the first attack made upon it by the Au*Arians. The organizing power—the friend and emitted—the cool English head of Col. Forbes, his old ally, was sadly missing from the very 'first. Col. Forbes, during the whole of riaribaldi's former campaigns, hail been:, the guarding genius' of the chieftain, the head and brain of every en terprise, while Garibaldi himself seemed to Is• the heart and arm. An English gentk man, living upon ample means at Vienna, where he was holding a first rate position in society. Mr. Forbes, on the outbreak of the Italian insurrection, found himself in capable of resisting the torrent, anti joined heart and soul, body and mind, person and purse, to that were cause of which Gari baldi had proclaimed himself the leader. Ity a singular freak of nature, it was di, co% NIA that this quiet English gentleman, who had all his life been engaged in .84liart tilit, piirsuita, living in the bosom of his family in the adrntnistratiop of his own private fortune, was possessed of the most marvellous talent for raising troops, ands() well (lid he exert it, that it is owned by all persons familiar with the events,of that period, that it 'was entirely owing to the rapidity with which regiment after regi ment was raised, equipped and prepared for the field by Forbesgthat tiaribaldi was itnittitt.t it t 1 , • to kline a ll t Viiietibit tint . of hi, 1911 . 011 i tit i 111.1 it e tlutt Stead) t I lit MI ill 0 hi. Vtitt.l . VI hieh ti , :t4 arrested. only hy the c or A11(4111111:4 nutuliert• sent stgainst i hint by dim new and unfortsseon etionayr tbs. 1: 1 , 1 ,11 ik hi . Leas forttlnato than I sal Walsh. Vorlies wass#rresteil and thrown Into prkots, whore 14 -remained for more I lysn 0%0 tears, and witenee he vitas tolezts -01:It die of the British govern -010111 110 sittlysesititsritly wont to K when. hr. hwt dean skiin g t, I :orrice in the anti-slaver eauso, de o tttied by th e .te filet te.. of London :o \ ssn York to t eal the itiovethetttll t.tirthr the .11,1 th bailee, i 0 that provinefi.l Will` hey Hang Him ? F.Vcl') day )I , te are 3.-keil —ytoa, till'lCt• 4.r).19) —e U) they hmtg(ll.l John Brown' I ke .t trite rnke.• w 4. reply I.y ti gkin g minthor- .Inel lie ,lev.erve death ' I.(•t 1'9,,11 3 mid ror mnth:, hr 1 1l 411141 t%) elmitult lattr‘ler Not O w mut-. it I oi one 111411. Or o 1 one %%cella!" or one chila Not n that hall injured hint, Itrniti t he 11.1.1 ~it.e for kite! 11 ' 11 1 " . • ‘ V hs 'llllll hi, wa: of an 3-totikliing tin- meth..l in it , s o 0)31 It ,11041.4,11 , 1 111 C`011%;11,111:_!, , 110 110/1111•11 11111/ Of Net% 1.111,1 ':11111 . \ Hilts 11 , !• 1110‘.1h.' til!).4• 1111(44! 111.1111re41 leki•-, an i ,lea,ll - .•nlit4;_2ll, ill fact. a l'.•1.!. .11k 1 Id 111.111 111/1, I/1 II it lr tot ISt.ite. C ouiti tut itisatie 111. 111 till 1111 Then ‘‘liv •hlnlhi h. ilit. },cinalty hi, v ,h,h, the %%110, likl2 [Ol er, 01 I! 111.11, It 3 111011 t ut 1): Is 4 41111 e OEl4' 11 , to 11611. humc likt• and Is, .7,11 ;-•n :11/1i'll11'a~Ibt • lilc of tL< M5t!,4.4 Harp. Ferry j ust as, pr,:wits tk, tilat or Dln-lao.ri.. xhn 1011 In. tlke 1,11,f, of j•%,1 - r W. 'wt the livr of - 'num t ./ oth,t v4lO. 1,11 ti. titutaorou- fir, I,Antl, i ti t %.11tt,t1.1e tt, tht ir t:lnalla • •i• lit “Ithe.frittit.: lt d ;- 1:f 1 , IIF if 1Z))1f,101<,) I 1 %.% \ I 111 , 1 -Ins I o I:l“%syt I ,;.• )11.1 at Oh- -3111.• I 1.. t. 1114 W..). 1.1 1%.1 , T !kW! k 1/111 1: 11111 111:111% 11l - 11;11; 11 .1 1,1 • /11,11 31111 .111 1/10/%11 111 t •11,14 ; Olt , / 1.1,1 i *Aro , 1/I,' it t Itt• iN , •‘‘ N NV H. 11. '40,11 luU•"..gpft"i• itvrt, iti t .'tt lei tt tAI%II , I , 0 Itct it i• to , t. ii h to .•,),nt. Ihe 411 , 4•11)1) , , me, ) ‘,l 11.1 u!ned - nriex• no if) 1.1 u- 1.44, t it ‘Vily t'f .3 , nt•- ~ d ulnd t i int, Ili I't,6. In iiii4kr 'lie itrtifutl y mmt f. ,ti \I tnlnl,rtll `11:111 , thy M.., •Z nut ,), ,ffilt• -b.,111.1.1. (.1 10.1,4,1.4 Itnt,t 11,1, t,),% -h„ft tli). 111- In- I. ) , •11 , 11--, :ul,l 111. and tlic) Rut. it 1- viigitimil -li.• )1 uwrtrrtd /um. )I,t'll//1, the pit \ :111 . in 11111 t ill a patilM atol 1% ill :tit , w,•l idirpo , e, iu tritn.• Iti-lwo fludn lovo wzrxr.'rhe truth 14 o u t at la,t in t..g.114 to the mush - e rota I tt• taste fi rob/ f.ts. I•filtli-li,tl It 1.1%%1 and a .11- '1,4,0 It, ivllf.lll. a lii-tory Bruit hi; lollowers 111 Kansas. The pipet elt 4110 terire-James - Itedratti." Phillip-. and Rag), a, out hist and mitiols-ti. of Brown's gang. it states that Broan aiiil four of his son- en tered Kansas sum setiltsi at hitt:mot:omit creek it, the tall of I Some things are recorded by the //,,./4/ will n i ther startle some in our Republicans. For 111- the l/„ that John. Brown on one ion, -in:zits! out -.even men, '•inarebed tot point eight miles :Wove Pot titiavot.imie Creek. and culled from their Itisls at their Aervral at the Il..tir of midnight on the :2 lilt of Al lt n Wilkinson, \Valiant Sherman, William I'. le William Dot i and Itrury Doyle. AII s'. to found the next morning by the reitnbtide ris in the hr.:lnv:ly. some with a ga , li iu thi•it head- land rile. , alnd their throats cut others with their skull- split open in two plais.t, with holes in their breasts and hands ent oil': and other; hail holes in their brea-t-, sifli their fingisr; (tut otf. No Mall Kaasas has pretended to deny that old John Fitown 14s1 that mur derous forty, which nrovarrisl thot-e men Up to that period not ti hair of old Join' Brown's head, or that of any of his :501)4, had 144'11 injured by tho pro-slavery party. It seas not until the :ugh of August, three months after the Prato? titan/lit massacre, that the a taek Wa.4 111a441. nn im ga w a t om i e by the pro-slaNery loreot, and Frederick, a son of old .John, was killed." The Heraht of Fr, relom n the same paper, as our readers will reoollect, for which 4 Republican meet ing wa. e.alled in this city in bslitt, for the purpotw of raising meant; to sustain it —the wife of the editor being i present, and seve ral of our prominent rOpublicans palising round the hut, and I} stitsserib ing stunt, t um one (olive dollars, in its behalf. hoes our neighbor of the IJr:tet", recollect it tioxe Usura.—There Si no u=e mincing matters' The Demnera), h:tvo "gone un der." been - scoured ouC' prett) eltectual ly in New York. Now .1 rt*.y and isormin , in which eleetionc werel hold this week. The train i Republicans had no buckwheat to ga k theratid the Dem ocrats had: con.i.equen tlyimore I?cpublicans voted than Democrats. land conmiluently agititi the Republicans come out ahead ! fk,n't phin as one of Old John IWwn's pi4e air It is reported that Gov. Wise, under the laws of Virginia, emitted interefere in the t7►se of Brawn' and his aasociates. even if het wr„.disi .edt4 dotso. They having lawn; convicted or 'treason the pardoning powttr lies with the Legislature,- and his execution can only he staid by a joint res olutinn of bottiHouses. Ilov. Wise is thus reliered of all responsibility in the prem ises, and as tlse day of execution inter venet, between the, senteneeand the meet ing ef the Legislature, there apiwars to be no e4rthly hoph that ..old Brown" and his colleagues mit escape expiating their (Times upon the gallows : a sad warning to timati whose fanatical notions !esti them in to treatinitable.praet ices. lititr Some dlaholieul villiana on Friday evening heat. at/ Newport Ferry Lailing, tarred a little girl two years; old and th'en twmt hor home to her parents. Hang ing would he too mild a punishtnous for such miscreants. The Harper's Perry Imnareetion. sTRONI. KANSAS TESTIXOSV AGAIN /4T BROWS. - Ar, A toldsinasi paper SI4OWS vs t el 1 A.:wain w n oto vomi, fniti afoul the f sfao-V Ty (brvpiresey. J P Fn la tharLs• rernoVCASOtins) /11141 of 0114sedareig9. Tlir 'first thing the Vbpliit of antlas heard of obi .loltti Ilmwtt, was in the sum -1114.r of I 557). A meeting of ultra Abolition i.ts was lirlri at Cazenovia, N. Y. if wo reeolleet rightly. W kilo in r,ession, who is a mit ivf; of Essex county, N. Y., pp- . peared in that convention, and made a very fiery gpeeeh, during which he aitid - he had four sons in Kansas, and ho had three others who were desirous of going there, to aid in fighting the-battles of freedom. le could got consent to go unless he could go armed, anti he would like to arm all his sons, but was not able to do so. Funds were contributed on the spot, principally by Gerrit Smith. The four Suns had located on Potutwato tale creek, in l.ynkius county, and in the fall of 1555 were joined by the father and other brothers. When the Wakarusa war was ientling the old man and four sons ar rived:it Lawrence the balance he reported ,ick. As they drove up in front of the Free State Ilotel, they were all standing in a small lumber wagon. To each of their persons was strapped a short heavy broad ,wor,l. Each was supplied with a goodly 1)011114-w of firearm, and navy revolvers. and poles were standing endwise around titer a 9;..t..111•0X with fixed bayonets pointing unwaoL, • They looked really formidable, ant wet.. reeeived w ith great eclat. A knell m ilit ar y company was organized at once, and the command was given to Old Brown. From that moment he commenced foment ing difficulties in camp, disregarded the ,•oumaands of superior officers and trying t•s ttoince the mon -to goilown to Franklin I'l,l make attack upon the pro-slavery gates enetanillett The Committee of Public :itifety were called upon several times to head off this wild adventure, as the people of Lawrence had planted them -eh e, on the law. claiming that they had not lieen guilty of its infraction, and. that no armed , bosh of men should enter the loth for an \ purpose whatever, arml that their willll , l not go out of town to attack any . Peace was establishisl and t std Bow n rota ed in disgust Wit. n the news of the threatened siege or L iii roue.. leached John grown, Jr. who ineinli,r of the Tolieka Legislature, he orgitoi.e.l s contpall ofabout.. i kty men us l wart h. ,I 141Wal'Ai. 1-I,WrenCe. Arriving st Pflni>ra. he learned ut the sacking of tio• t,es n amt the po-ition of the pople.— lic seeonnourered for a CUM, in the Viettl ll), hUt ill 1.111) marched brick towards US- Alt/n.114' Hie night before reaching that 1.1 t. whin old) a few miles away, they naps! I .1 the 111 : 2111. 01.1.10hn Brown, wk.', ttr hclicie, %\n.!' the party. sne! - le,' OW, n tat -,•%, ell Men, These iteirehe.l to a point eight mile:- above he ul n,lb of Pot atorniA• creek, and e tiled how tie it hods at their several Heti. e-, tit Ole hour or mettlight oil the Allen IVilkile.on, , hei u . vl P. DI () 1.. ' NM. 111(y It, Ana I ) 1 (11 ( Y)(•. 111 V% found the neat Mill iii;: los / hi. t)3(1,1 , b• or in the highway. .ante with a gnu in their Iltrtas uud yddezi, and 01011 throats .ut; otiofrs with their ~ lit open in two places, with holes In d a rn ke.ists mid their hands cut off: and othei had holes through thein breasts V. till t linger. cut off. .1u ~,u„ in KW, •vh,fdeaf t;tl,l •If 11. 111 - 1 , 1 ,7 I , I hurl . l . °rag, rea l'r,u , .ccucre l 11/4/14 • I 1 ,, 14,14 p. rn,.l hid (/ AgriuJ Old dam ad, 11..1 , !f ISt /es 5,515 , A d d It was not until the of August, three T itillate. atter the PottawatOnne massacre, thatie attack was laude On the 011NaWar .111 . pro,favery forcers, and Fred fit k Brown, a son of old John was killed. The truth of history reittaires this state ment. If Brown was a monomaniac, •1, we asserted that the reason the "Do 2191ffir rmmo Nothings," its we called them, were 0p ,.....1 to engaging in the Territorial eke t ion 4,1 that year, and ssienpetin g with th e 1.1•0,1:1% cry party for the olliecs of the gov ernment, wits Found in the fact that they a i,ii,d to probe) ) ; our Kansas difficulties -to keep the Territory in a wnsuuit fer ment . that t heir design itas revolution, and anything n inch looked like a peaceful ~. ,lii t ion of our troubles had been and would be vil ,Ivn tI y opposed by thew. We statt4l t1..)-e aho 1.41 oil in the do nothing policy had no material intlpest in Kansas in common With the set—that they . were -lards of ].Madge,' itome here like !Award- to feed on deadtare, :welt, and :i... -teen .I- the period Sheat h ! come when tlicit• was nothing left tor tlent to least up on they c ould leave the ' rritory. We i l charged them with subsisti g alm os t whol ly on hinds seed here trontfle elutratable in the F . :4st to sulq,ly the wilt ts of the des titute and kitiffering. These men had charge. generally. 4,1 the avenues to public opinion They wet e the 01 , rits,pondents of Earstvrn newspapers 01 journals at home. The country NV:L , continually Hooded with their lalsels,culs, and telerts,Were constant ly made to convey the idea that those who were in tat or Of settling our trouble+ qui etly. and without a resort to Woodshed. 4,,,,. R . 4,4 0 4 6 ,-aash,, of , 'haul sold out to the pro slavery party." And who wive those men in the 'Jeri-nosy at that time? We remem ber meeting a &ligation of them at Cen troi,oli- in August ollilaii'Clir. There were Wald.-n and Thachor, Ralph and John E. Cook. Holmes and Kagf. we believe i Phil lips and Itedpath, I finton and Conway. The Lecompton Constitution itself was next made a pretext for bringing on war. Whoever i. 4 able to call up the incidents of the 22d and 23d of Ifecemb,er Convention, held in Lea rence, will belible to tam pre h end that to which we allude. "Brown's cellar Kitchen Convention," as Thacher and his a- Q^eiates branded the affair. foiled them in their plans i but then came on the difficulties at Fort Scott, inaugurated by the leaders of all these revolutionary move ments, and backed by Jim Lane, 1./11 John Brown, Redpath, Phillips, and all that class Or person=. Then max organized the secret oath Itnund 4 agist., the dyed n . l which whit to murder, 4,4 odd /4/4.0d, every efficer elected undo , Me Lemotilto, Con4talition, to lie a free State wan or , 14 e nri.le. The password to thol secret organ:talon ICUS Lane, The tr had plan of CO ka.,snuaton, ni relays ty' horses fir the execution ers, d•..., or.. In the possession ig" good mot in Lawrence, and hew been for a long period. But there was a peaceful acklustment of all these matters, because Congress bid not give legal sanction to the Leeompton Constitu tion. )111 .) Oh 1/ Brown, with his minions, who opened the bloody issue in Kansas by mur dering the five heads of families on Potts wattatnie ('reek, at midnight, on the 25th of May, I $541, appeared and took charge of the marauding forces. They attempted to make the whole population of Missouri responsible for the horrid murder , near Chateau's Trading Post. Brown was in, constant intercourse with men in the Est, who declared on the stump, and in all their publisherl correspondence, that their "only hope of abolishing slavery in the United states lay through revolution ;" and tram diem less receives fund s f rom time to time in prosecution - of his war schemes. When Montgomery discovered Brown & co.'s plans of revolution, to his credit be it said, lie protested, end in con sequence of their quarrel, probably, more than anything else, t latter made a bril lia IN nt , 11,11 frdai into Missouri killed Oro!, sikliis slaves, and made a fonmsd marelzin to Caimik, receiving any iunount of "aid and comfort" from his cohorts along theroute. A Cu tx° Statoomita C 144115 fOR Nsw OR, titAxs.—The schooner Fume cleared at Chi• eJsgo, on Tuesday for New Orleauss, via the Illinois and Itliehigan Canal, with a of 'ash and evergreen trees. She is to doe engage.l in thefishing trade in the (lvilf of aloxlen. This is the second vessel of the kind ever cleared trop that port for New Orleans by the same mute. goad gig wars. stir • pros a Ein Auction et Chsapsida, to-day. Kt . ia"sß• . ; .r . • 4.ltlrhighiless out in the bsy ltienill4; enerlibbyt barilia on Capt. Ortgaana's par Meson !loam & Beam? are build ing two fine houses on Sixth street, week°, the (nw,L . let- the lain - A*llone are laid for the new Sunbury and Dris L itailiguy Depot, at the foot of Sttue street, and the building will shortly he finished for business. Nar What's up'. 'The Geseite says "mar. rigid people who dont agree should certainly separate " What's up, we repeat—are not "I he brethren satisfied." gitr• The Post office at Spring Creek, War ren county, discontinued a short time since, has been re-established, and Wm) B.Dosrato -4os appointed Post Master. Tito? 'SA OUT.—Tbe Gaiters/ trots out our amiable friend Bast., for Gubernatorial honors nest fall, while the American sconUt the idea. The mentos enters Gen. Dies of Crawford. fur the Congressional race in 1860, while the ihr:ette-: liar Sufficient iron has been received by the Pittsburg and Erie Railroad Company, to finish laying the track to Jamestown. Won der if we shall have an excursion to Crawford county this Winter? fair The "He fever" is contagious' Our Warren county neighbors have caught it.— root panics are being formed there to prosecute thorough search for the slippery stu% Ac et ottsv.—Mr. B. BRAD, et present em ployed in the 06aerver office, fell between the bed and platten of one of our steam presses, on Thursday aftgrnoon last, and received en irrerre,setas from which he will not soon recover. Ile was taken in charge by •Dr. Cole, and it is hoped the injuries will not prove fatal, though he will doubtless bear the marks of his close connection with the "press gang" through life. 611 , 11.1. GROWIMi Sala COUSTY.-1111 our i-.te two week , . since, we made notice of the interest recently manifested in the crultiration of the grape in this county, promising to give "or reader*: the benefit of such information as wr• might become possessed of on the subject. Since t hat time we have received statistics from two of the North East vineyards, which, al though incomplete, will be of interest : ‘‘ILLIANI uitIFFETII'S VINIKYARD I= Amount n( Land ostler cultivation, MIMS No of Vines in boluing ... W.•ight of Fruit on 'I% sores, lbs. _ Whirls will produce in Wins (galls Market vela. of Trait at 20e per lb.._ No Witte has been made the resent year, the fruit gelling for :10 cents per pound, in Roston. Proviilenee, and other Eastern which Is morn profitable than wine-making. This irinertril was much injured last season, by plowing between the rows, which should n,r, r l r dons after the woad year. Boil, a loose, dry gravel ; dressing. well-rottal saw-dust, o chip manure. 8.8. HAMMOND'S VINEYARD Amount of Land under =Mystical, sues Total number of Vines ...... ...... Number of Vines to ?wing __ Product this searta, .......... Of the excellent quality of the grapes raised at North Exist, we have abundant evidence, in the tine present before Mt, for which we we indebted to our friend 8 . May he live to harvest the plump, purple beauties, a thou sand autumns, and remember the printer every time! Sir It is said that Hamlett, one of the in surgents killed at lltuper's Ferry, was origin ally n gentleman horse thief, hut finally de generated to such a degree as to become an Abolitionist, and naturally took to stealing niggers, but his "irrepressible confiict" is played out.—Esyrtest. Query—did he ever "degenerate to such a degree as to become" it candidate before "an Abolition" convention, and at he so "degener ated" that he could'nt get the nomination"— If lie did, it is no wonder he "took to Mewling niggers Oaf" The editor of the Genesee Farm? states that he has not seen a perfectly ripe bunch of Catawba grapes in that vicinity (Rochester) this season, and adds that "the Catawba sel dom or never ripens" in the Genesee Valley "in the open air, on the trellis. The finest grapes that we ever saw, were produced on the lake shore, in Chautauqua county." The Far mer man would do well to extend his travels a few miles further, into this county. flewotdd then see a section of country, where the Ca tawba ripens, every tow, "on the trellis ;" there there is "more land to the acre," and better, than In any other East of the prairies. war We find the following paragraph in one of our ezchang We wish that part of it in regard to the monument wore true; but "at the present writing," we are sorry to say it is not: "Not long since, workmen for the Sunbury and Brie Railroad, near Brie, Pa., threw out a quantity of human bones, which proved to be those of the Americans who fell at tbe bat tle of Lake Erie. They were carefully taken up and interred with honor by the authorities of Erie. The citizens of the place have sub scribed two thousand five hundred dollars to erect a monument over them, and T. D. Jones has been selected to make Ike design sod su perintend its erection." RCCUVIIIRT or Ebro Las Paornary.—Home thirteen months since, Mr. Lyman Hitchcock, of Crawford county, had stolen fitim him a valuable pair of carriage horses, with carriage and harness complete. Efforts have been made by Mr. Hitchcock and Whom of leelswford county to discover the property and thieves, Which, however, have proved one ag.— Some two weeks since the case was given to de tective officer Feaouton, of this city; who mediatetly "laid the wires" !kw s rapture, and has succeeded in securing a poster' of the property, (one her and the pole oil the car riage) near Newport, Ky. The property was trot "sighted" at Covington, tracked thew to Maysville, and 911121041 to Newport, w it wae in possession of a man named , who, however, it was shown, had bought prop. :arty from th% actual thief, ant) was no ways connected criminally with thc l on.— Reese pre bail in $250 to appear at --._ ss„, Adjutant Gene erd Wilma her be to Washington lately, mid wale 'arrangements with the General Clevieummit to. reesiviv the quota of arms due ibis Stale: We limy shortly expose to have snakiest arms to sq 4 the nu merous military conspankts thro out the likatib, which fur louts time have hein organ-, ixedi bat unable to be serviceable for want of Theta. 11r Large quantities or apples too Wog skipped fro* this port... They are "ought is thiscolmty at from to ad its. per hoshal.--2 Thefeehoooor Ri ?ova, of Illanitotrae, took a cargo of yoga apples so Chicago OP T 111101617. sir no &zubury and ibis road is steadily reaching oat its iron arms towards Warren.— On Moseley we passed war it, within a half tWa Potsliski, Asedthff layers ore , tads ap. Y We were p ii we law of its, ~,e • - , t Every wiz o s 11110167-river whore men were paring to take advantage of the facilities it tarnishes for business, and to open op the vast sod hitherto dormant resources of the country. I As to the road itself, it is perhaps the best huanyeseat talks tonally. The engineers in charge, -Messrs. Wonaott. and Emma, An& *sit - apoistaata, have done the company ample justice, and at the same time established a reputation that will last as long as the work to 11114 they have devoted their time and skill. In eonversation_with an old railroad contractbr the other day--a gentle man who has constructed portions of the best railroads in the country—he said that in pass ing overtime road to Union it bad struck him as being a piece of the elosest engineering he ever saw. "I don't know who it is, but some one," said he, "is entitled to great credit."— In regard to the management of the road ; it strikes us the company has been truly fortu nate in the selection of itssiperintendent, Mr. BLACK. Be is devoting to the business un ceasing energy and watchfulness, and is fast bringing out of chaos order and system. With bot limited facilities for doing business—with every thing to crests, as It were, and arrange —his presence demanded almost (laity at every station on the line—the wonder to us is that he has succeeded so well in accommodating the business interests along the road, and has stood up under the labor he performs. There is not one man in fifty that could or would perform the labor Mr. B. is now doing for the com- Piny. New Door.—lien. Remo is making prepara tions for building a new dock, this fall, imme diately west of his old one. This improvement is demanded in slew of the large coal and iron trade, expected to be done at this point the next season. Gen. R. is also filling up, with stone, the old doek, which belongs to him.— The material for this purpose is taken from a new quarry which ho has opened on the lank. bar' Our negrodoving contemporary of the Amerseiza claims for Crawford county the di.- anguished honor (!) of haring been the for mer residence of "Old John Brown." Such "honors" ere piling on to Crawford ' thick and fast. Only think of it ! Two such worthies as George Washington Herald-of-Freedom Brown and Capt. John Ossawatomie Brown, Provis ional President of the United States of Ameri ca! and all from one County !! We gliould'nt wonder if the American man located "that oth er_Preement" among us before another year, if his poor, treacherous body should succeed containing hissympathetie soul no lung. Where is the "Rev. Toth Gross !" 1,6100 IMO 400 $1,400 11131111.—The papers of Westeni New York, just previous to the late election, containell some sublime specimens of partizan pleading, reminding one of the "high old times of '40." Witness the following from the Jamestown Joarrnal * * * Who will swap off his kingly Pre- . rogative to vete and control the country, on that day, fer'a bushel of potatoes, or a .it ' s ing ? Who will say "my country fi t, and then my potato() patch." The ship on which you sail, moves safely over the billows, from the deathless watch-care of its crew.— Will you bury your eyes is sleep, and drift nn to the rocks? or will you go to the helm and _._ s,~aa ....~eou STRICIt STent BTUS IteMblif you in port 4 . Atter election P. B.—An.l they all mei 'er 4bteer.' Ira" The Dunkirk Prot, 4- ..trgwe lA Annu on big stories : A recent issue of that paper "makes mention - of a basket of itotattle4 lent to its editor, which would average two pounds and a quarter apiece. If the yarn had ended here, we might have believed h Mit the Argus man, to put , the story entirely without the bounds of credibility, adds that they yield :;00 bushels to the acre, all of the .ant. port In the same column with the potato story, this modern Munchausen '•vaporises" over a "grand fight" which occurred Bear the Depot in his village. He says the row commence.' at half past nine in the evening, by a "cullud pussen.': who in the melee succeeded in getting awfully knocked down, dreadfully kicked and wound ed, and", - thoroughly - dragged out, and lasted until halt past twelve. What ti whopper ! All Dunkirk three hours whipping one darkey! lir Pine the iron horse has "got o he snorts slimed within hearing of Warren, we see &mist every day sonic of our Warren friends on our streets. We noticed this week lion. G. W. Scofield, Gen. Jame.. R Brown, Eg., anti others. By the by, we notice the latter gentleman has been elected Brigadier General lately, and is now "some military," and can doubtless "march the required distance." SW' Large amounts of coal are being re ceived Wilds port by canal, and much of k iA being shipped to Buffalo. Freight on coal, from beds to Erie, $1,20 per ton; from Erir to Buffalo, 75 eta. per ton. mar If any of our readers desire to see the sort of instrument that old John Brown was furnished by the New England Republicans to "peaceably" liberate the slaves down at Her per's Ferry, they can do so by calling at (Jen. office in this city. Passing through Harper's Ferry recently he procured one as a curiositt, and a memento of the folly of sew nett, Greeds, St. Co. It is a =aileron!! looking instrument, and in the hands of an infuriated negro, would prove dangerous to the "peace" of eves Pennsylvania. b.• The °casette is very much shocked that a newspaper office in Newport, Ky., was re cently mobed, and the proprietor "grossly and barbarously insulted," and yet the Demo cratic press has not denounced the act. The (Mettle serves are a peculiar institution.— Three years ago a newspaper office in Erie was "lawlessly sacked," and the proprietor, and same of our oldest and most respectable citi. sent, were ' 4 groeslyaad barbarously insulted," and yet, while the (Mel, faintly condemned the not, it euenpulonely took care to shield the Indere names from the public 'gaze, and atter muds supported the ring leader of the mob for St responsible and honorable office. When the Gesetkrepirettiof this sill, it will be tip? *enough fee us to investigate the New port us ogs., The austral announcement of he "Cos mopolitan Art Assosistion" will be found in sour °Ann= to-day. This is one of the enter prises in which a subscriber always gets the worth of his money back, even if he fails to draw Cite of the works of art offered as premi um The engreving, Kilbakspeare and his Prima*" is a magniticent picture, richly worth twice the cose,orst membership in the associa tion. (1. W. Mistretta, at the P. O. Netts De pot, will receive subscriptions, and furnish the engraving. war The scbooser St. Paul lost her jib-boom ow Sodurtky last, by collision with the 'slum my" at the entnuiee of the bay. She was ,being towed out by the tug, and was compelled to put hack for repairs. le. On Monday the recently elected County Commissioner, Jos. Ilswonssos, Motu, wart I sworninE illat in the hoard. From Kr. jrs:' - n the office, and his well knolls I ' ty a moo, we predict the peo- Pie 4111Zonnt ill not regret that they dia. =ova.: t Is, and elected him. Ile rt. W. Isros, Esti., whose service in the Board, we are free to say, though be b not of out boteebold pOiltiollly, has bees cratitable to - himself and to the party that elected him. Of many of his.v4tes and sets it hue bees ocolliboonwo-to ~s* opprovOgly. we expect to fight him many:years yet 64 6 polittoilti;but as a philestaa anti a t hp oarries into his retresmaest our kindest w lakes and regards. , Ss", Nov. 7th, 1869. Ma. EDITOR.—I noticed in a lets number of "The Observer" an inquiry as to the where abouts of my &foul "biktodert." Re step ped of the Cincinnati Espresa,lir, someeven jags since at - 8— CrewskiSrith kyoung lady of dark completioitt,d bright eyes, who remin ded me grimily of WiThelmina at eighteen years. During tbe summer, at various times in crossing the tong bridge at S— Creek, I have observed certain slpstelegratbic to pans between Nicodemus and this divinity in the Valley. When he returns, sir, which will doubtless be very soon, I shall insist upon an explana do; and his communicating with you immedi ately. Are the brethren satiated! Tours Iteepeettelly, SW. They are.—Fttlitor. We understand several attempts were made, on Tuesday and Wednesday, to smuggle tools and other articles into the County jail, and by ,persona, too, who should be above a ens pieion of that character. It appears that Mar ty; and Snow, whom we noticed last week as having been taken for larceny, have confeder ates st ill at large, who do not scruple to use the most desperate means to proenre their re lease. The Sheriff has found it necessary to board up the windows in order to prevent out side interference. WAXITINCITOIC Asp EVERITT.—We have just received from the publishers, Messrs. 0. 11. Bailey & Co., of 543 Broadway, New-York, a pair of very large, full length steel engravings of Washington and Everett. So many coarse, miserable pictures have been palmed npola the public as works of art, and especiallyla cheap, black, and muddy engravings, that it is diffi cult to tontince persons of taste that they are safe in ordering what they have not first seen. We are happy to be able to say, that in this case, the engravings are all the publishers claim for them, really beautiful works of art, that adorn any parlor. No American home Aottld be without a good portrait of Washing ton, and now, as Mount Vernon is almiut to be rescued by the lathes, it is especially appro priate that the hero and his home should he placed prominently before the public. Mr. Everett, from his position. fame, and worth, as well as from his efforts in behalf of Mount Vernon, which have already contributed over $70,000 to the fund, is well worthy of being associated with the memory of. Washin gton. The likenesses areeicelleut and spirited, and both engravings are offered to biz sent to subscribers post-paid, and any three dollar magazine a year for SI.4M. Or one engraving and a magazine a year tor $3OO. i 1 e have never before seen anything so good at any thing like the price. We notice that leading New-York papers endorse the publishers as “ ful irt et _ t v4l ll o"...o l 4l4Vingagifi e plto I t ; friends. See advertisement. J The Editor rejoiceth ins new HAT— some people call it a "tile - -and the way he became ••seized and possessed," as the law yers say, of that necessary article of toilet, he now proceedeth to relate On the VIII of Sep tember he received a letter front New York, of which the following is a titers! copy New York, Sept 2rs, EDITOWOF OB:41tRVILII: brat Sir :—Pleape send the size of your howl to 31, Courilana st., N. Y. A 4 the weath er is getting cold, I hare thought, perhaps, new entering would be acceptable. Direct care of Coughlane, Langly ic Co., 34 (`outland at W. K. S. On the next day,' the Editor nnewereth as Col low. DRAB SIR Your favor of the Vth, asking me to "send the size of my head to 84, Courtland st, N.Y." upon the supposition that, "as the weather is getting cold," you "thought a new covering would be acceptable," came duly to hand. In reply, allow me to say that I ant not aware that my "bead" ever did you any injury ; hut if it has, and you desire to take your revenge in that way why, as flettry Clay said about the annexation of Texas ; "I have no objections, on the contrary would be glad to see it." To' business then—my "head" is just t 24 inches round, and known among hatters as "7 i i large;" and is the hest head of its size and kind I ever had. I ant very Respectfully yours, To W, K. , S 3-I, Courtland qt., N. r And,t his week rum n AT came to hand, where at the Editor "rejoieeth with exceeding great joy." lie likewise returneth thanks! Stay the donor live to it green old age, and become e shining light to all hatters, tailors, shoe makers, Ste.. who, seeing his good works, and being desirous of emulating them. shalt forthwith go and do likewise CMPTIMART CILIKBRATION.-01 Thursday our German fellow citizens celebrated the one hundredth birth-day of the greet composer, Scummut, by firing cannons, and other dem onstrations of suitable character. The pro. (*.dingo were taken part in by the “Saenger. bund," "Turnverein," and other associations, and wound up in the evening, by the presenta tion, at the German Theater, of the drama in five acts, entitled 'des ScAziler-Dcrtketalz." stay' The second trial of Jacob Fourr for the murder of russtroaa, some year and a half ago in 'this city, was had this week before Judge GALARAITU, and resulted on Thursday morning in the jury bring4ug in a verdict of murder in the first degree. l He was ably de fended by Jona P. Visoaarland A. M'D. Lros, Esqs., and the ease submitted to the jury in charge which for its clear enunciation of the law governing the case, and a just appreciation of the responsibilities of both Judge and Jury, has seldom been equalled. We understand that immediately upon the rendition of the verdict, the prisoner's counsel moved for a stay of sen tence, and bled on application for a new trial. It is not very likely that it will be granted. KAIOIdIL GIN. Oa the lst inst., by Rev. G. W. (Iwolaud, Mr. THOMAS H. CLOW, late of Boston, end Kim ELIZABETH LTONS, of lisitorom),lt. DSATES. On the 2841 ult., Miss SARAH E. YOWLS.- HEAD, daughter of the late Jobs Moorehead. of Ilarborereek, aged 23 yam. At the residence of his son, James fl. Um, Itim„ in West Girard, Aug.„Both, 1869, ABEL aged 86 years, 8 mouths and 6 days, the same place, Ber. • 6th, AMU!, ton -20 *t. of Abel Boni, aged 81 years, 2 months and ays d. - ' At Union Mills. on the Bth inst.. !TERRY, lan of Henry Landereth. aged 7 years. In thilOiy, on the Bth inst.. CALtBTA A., eons! rt. of Silas E. Finch, aged 34 years. i.rroll4ollolllMarvilig literazy hut i to t. v i e r ikoditod - to " w et it Obi Übe% day ...ab l osta tad" lot the cno ooet imip, r u mt blikalltell, J. 0. Ihn.ass, Pr,.J. C. INACCIIMART Y 6. au.grafs gOvertiommits. HIV CHAP B1PEDITIOEX!! ERIE . OBSERVER STUN NITS ION! STEAM PRINTING Itut'F, STEAM PRINTINif thui&4ll4, Clrestisa4 &U-Rek.* Rank Meeks usn Progenew., Bail Tire:kris, MEM Not and Lettere Haullngo, Awned Notions, C.rtdint., Enameled Slate Mantels N IMITATION OF THE MosT EX I maws materials, of variant' colon., Barb u kyi„ bun, Red Antique, Yard Antique. Drooatell., Syron Color, Porybery, Agate, Ms. For sale at lbetoe T Pia, by WALTER ell ESTER, .A.t:CTION AND COMINUSSION 1111tRCHANT, Yemen Str.t, Er, AT I - 11S STt wItE tIX PREN(II S' — Persons who hare fun:Mote or any other prop, ty to ern, are hefted to wad It the day before thr that It may he gab -Wiped E DI NllOlOl NoRMAL 1 , 4("114 )(IL. The Winter Session of this Inststuties opened on llonday, the 7th insL, still ander the direetsea of J R. WRitftlhflN, umiste4 by lir. O.R. WOODWARD and Miss AMELIA SCULL, and each other Teacher, as the yeses may demand. It a the only School in this region of country, 'Altai, "owing to the hard tune.," bar been able to bold Rao's, much less to show an actual gain of 14 per cent The lien Ii• litcot, io hit lets rbit of this *cheek *poke of it In the most flattering terms. Its cite is eligible and healthy, and its espouser uuti about one half of the school at Lancaster, its elder soles Rditibore,Noe..l2„ Sri,. Sept. 30, 185 f En. Onsenvan EVOI.I'DINU A VIEW 'IF 310 t -MT VRENO3, In the lineraring of Wald:ll4ton. They oplendkl Re grvaleste are from original paintings by Hicks, and are magoefreit ow Steel in Um blithest style os Art. They are each 2313.5 ioehea earl volt Aug all SQVAILI MIT. So many cosine, miserable pictures bars beenpalmed open the pablle as works of art—and expecia/ty cheap, abort and maddr enlyrart t ott-tat t it Is Miran to amines raZ n o s o . t . Smi te Weybaer" aal. in e i V rhati ki. tbeir .men prkert, amounting to MANY 1111006•111) MPOLLAItt, In produce NAM/LA Vtgall IItRALLT nurrfret as well we Th awe rowritArrn, and that shall be analneln otXwmcwre To Lae remade. nor Optnhme that aim be relied on 42"; The Editor of the Rem Yore Ohsereer mays maiming/tam truniw works of art—then/tepees we are admirable. The tortrait of Mr. Mverett will take preeeelence of an others. rir The Nor Ye►! Gimme Ileva lie soy. are among %kw/West engravings in haw ewer .00.120,14 TM?, PUBLISWEIRS ANY FULLY RIMPONAIRLIt FOR TIIKY PROKlftli." TRIM" A 1.:1/1014T GRATIN. We will wed, POINT PAID, eeenrely peeked la roilen•—lii leer Bttsrtatrlrrt &ad as 3 Maimsln., one year, for node Kwirrovisido and a $ 3 )lagaaloe, one par, for PA. eaITAoLIM, who remit $.lO at on. UMW, will kate an eopy of each cagier tog. IL.llagaaieea are HpW., 7Xa rteknieoM , Loire Book 11:31r By veaw arranseinent, the entire /ear. sub seription to the Magesinee is paid over by as to the pub- Ushers, and subscribers receive their sandy for the year dirt bow their respectire publication cea. The cow itf the engrarlo is paid only by the diSarenee between tate lowest mod the amnia: rice of the Mao. shwa. or invivin g s seat at once, and satworiptiono to le riodicals roomettes with eurrent hew, unless ',thermos. ordered. Motley at oar rink if proof Ii Maloof of Le fag beau mailed. First Imptemposs abal best, therefor. seed early. Address, D ON' T FAIL to see SIXTH ANNUAL. ANNOUNCEMWT, and brilliant eters, in ~other Warns. Nov 1. D issoLurius. sou.e is hereby givwso that l the Parte a= heretofore *Meting between Fitt). p. tBB aid C. 'MAYER, under the name and style of WEBB k TRAYS& Illeassactarm Stott* Wars. the 2 of trio, Pa, Is this day dissolved by natal ,anent i".l..Sted to said rim, sad all kerftr Wafts. rutak t rhe are recinsitted to all on 111h.lhayer, w ois anted,. i-ed to settlessad adjust the MUDS. Dated Mo b War. T. 411610. CM. F. 1 / 1 :1111, OSCAR C. THAYER: R.—The business will be swirled on as heretofore, by ; I r. WEBB, at the Old Stara-3M ITYN'T FAIL to see SIXTH ANNUAL ATMOUNCIIIIIOIT, sad brilliant online, In another Column. Itrov.P2. n OTIC6.-Tbe Furniture, Chair, Spring Sod. We "lid CousinLoa &aro of . . KLLSZY tits been RIMOYED se ÜbekSbo BS* Build- l y r Os West side. next to Amara Gai Cl' madativith Btieeto, oa Mat% trigN A, P ' between in. ra, Ins. OSI7FAIL to see SIXTH ANNUAL. UL M', asid. 4stllirl am, in manor 60hutut• Nor 12 A GOLD WATCH. FOR YOU 7 A NY PERSON desiring to procure a food GOLD WATCH, warranted IS Carat* Sny, by a aura proem, requiting no awn" and but littie martian, cut isms by satergiox 111. MILVIN, airy Boon groan ihilletta Nov. 112' 11100.-3600 Ni.. 112,130ut1i ---- - IN'T FAIL to see , MIXTII ANNUAL A N NM' NCE NT, and brilliant *Om in *Delber t* mon. N0r.12. coo To Tit= (A►POEITt TON POET 01171C1t,) Per Tour sOs aid JO PIIINTING! TRY TRY " TRY THE OBSERVER TRY THE oBSER.VE R MIL WORKNIZN THE BEST STOCK !, TILE BEST MATERIAL !!! CHEST THE 13 Z. Et T 1 of Deposit, ke., kc., AT THE OBSERVER oFFIct: ENMARBLED 1311 AUCTION SALES! BY WALTER CIII.TER HANDY TUURADAT AND tOATIYKDAV, AT t• A. M., Bth Annual Announcement ! UFA) :•CCUESS up T 1.6 COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! FRI►M all sections of the counts , ul. sailers 4. thsa popular Art Institrtlion, . now qi Nl‘lb raro •n. Gang rporiv.,l to a ratio uniarall.-d nll. that of any pr., logo yontf. ANN' 1U( CAN nteoity. A ITEM 1111 `1 1. N H It'll HILL ViTITI.T. film T. lat.—The beautiful Steel Engraving "Shake pear and Hui Yr►enda." 2d.—A Copy of the ele#antly liltunratpd Art Journal, one year. • • • -•--• • 1e.K15 , 4 Er Broadway New-York ` la addition to, which. over few Inorrtrrii ralust.o. Work. trt Art ire jrtee■ to aubeerifeee PIPMII3OIIIO, choice l'atrotmge, L'` , eolpturre putlime, kr, , no.l Foreign drt ian.. Tllt. Itt•I•KRII 1.:1111.k, 1a.., It tell 1,•41 gut.. sit rreelve 1 1 4111411140tilif on the receipt of aulaservt nqf ‘Shakspeare and His Friends," Is of a erirarter to ainapialineilpleantare met .snots. turn. Net work of elual value was ever M fore • Itb. In math of the preppie at smelt a price. The *mgr. oar of tory large sir..., letng printed on heavy plate paper .4A by :Isinebea, waking a moat superb ornament su,table or t; e walls of either the library, parlor, or OniN. It tan l.e Pent to any part of the csaustry, br mail, • Art Safety, being packed IA a cylinder postage Fri...paid Think of it I &MI a work, delivered free of charge. asii the Jr( ;Anemia., nor year, for three eLellerrs ' SUISSCH.IIMteN3 well be oreeirrd until the F..roinr yr Tueolnl the. llet .1' January, 1881:1, at which time thr books will dome and the P 7•11111311111111 be given to .oweri keen. No person Is restricted to it single suboeription Thoe• remitting $1.5 are entitled to Ina membership* Subserintioas from California, the Consitse..o4 Finn Provinces, must be p Le Instead of f 3, in ordor to defray extra postage... kr Pistons wishing to form clubs will apple Ira a rirri !sr of terms. ke. The benatthilly Illustrntini An Journsl, prbr. iwil parties:llnm will be .ent on rreeipt of 19 cont., in .Dint. Or rnt n. Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.. sat AM) 64s MEOADWAY. NEW-YORK W. ' rhockls, F O. Nonrs thspet,naeonity BPerstsrl I•s. Now.g. - - - tr i g 11 4 i , , • _To• El Full Length Steel Engravings of WASH/ACTON & EVERETT, 0. IL BAILEY it 110” At Wll. RAIL k SOWS Storoj MM, Broadway, Not. 12, 1240.-10w231a. NEW Yoftg TRY ' =I WALT t, ;cal -KR.