allikaniabikan eal ' rLNG w A ILA/SIUM I TDELMITITTL n ffi Lr - Lid It 11ia .% 'r f' 11l r al . —' • - TIM WARM, ea the riester a V i pareldie from Ito location, is the IN Tilt UNION. Phillacir MAnitegg doable the prise than la location away hem the ailty, lad we than doable the prior than Vie Meet. It le lkarrem UMW* oraileat and beat - fruits/ad deplete be MOM /Mita& some hoes blew Jersey, and al lsk illi lea Min, lillit go a. sott e se has of ad ftgea. H. Y IOW"! nAU id the gnat cities of New Rag laml and Maihratahria, be le sear hie old friends and ea aadedierelli is ,i• in a settled essotry arbors zoom oopremer rod=Mt andwirmilisailea is at Mod. Ile can bay he wants attire cheapest mhos, and toll his hadbe highest, (tn the Wed this is revereed,) he F i j i ; abhor his ablidne, Minim oseink:s, and wifi 010 / as *pm winter. sod delightful climate, whore ever are atleitr Iftlarewn. The Milt mf the ,thangs upon those tree the stalk, hdlilleseesk hem to restore thorn to as littlatets of health. igg way of building sad improving, limber can be obtairied at the milts at the ra* of $lO to 1116‘. per thous had. RAM. boa the briak yard opened in the pima every %Aids out be procured le EWA Meos„. rod °lar'6'kere are et hand, sad there is ao plam - in the Valor: w net , * build lap and impwreemente cm be ads Metopes. \ The reader will at tame be strode with the advantages here preseallsd, and ask himself why the property has not bees takes up Wore. The reason ea, it was never thrown is die Mika& ; end aniemithees etatecerate were correct, as she wesid be Wetted to minim the land before par fait's/Mag. nik all are expected to do. They w 11/ em the land ander eattivatisa, swab is the mutant of the settle sot= meat that will so doubt, meet persona, from their elm • they will whew Me improvements Mid min edge the ebaractsr el the s =allon. ll We, .one WI a Mew to @Mt* they = woos ri to stay • day or two wed be ready to perch*".o d how awned be hold es refined. There me two daily trains to Pldladelphia, and to ail writhes . who Improve, rim RAILICO4I, COMPANY 0/1110 A VW Swear lOU WY liorrils, eau • ester-cues Tints? men mm Mali Tan TOWN OP RAKMANTON. is mmatothila with the agricultural settlement, a new sad thriving town has naturally arisen . which prsostsis, doososiobsfirr anciend efewriatos, particetorlp shwa earl mareafrichartwa TM Am boakeee• could be carried on In this Mese sad market to good adeastage, ales cotton be• =d e manallectoriss of arriadtursi empLeneato oe far statist smaU artaler. The impreeemmt W been so rnptd es to insure a coostont and permanent me:ream Town Mt. of a good Wm, we do sot sell mead use., as it would /Oct doml t of the pia" ma be Mid attrour $lOO and upward.. The Hammerdelt Farmer, a monthly literary and &gn at/Land sheet erintalaing full inform - Um of Hammonton, can be obtained M 26 cents per annum. Title iodispaterrerderb deeds given, clear of all incambrases when money le paid. Route to the land : leave Vim street wharf Philadelphia for Hammonton by who a /4 at Tm A. N or 1 1 / 6 P. M. Pare 90 cents. Whoa therelmpire tor Kr. Bram Boarding convenienoer oo bast peruse had hatter stop with Mr. By rues, a prin.- elpg, until they have decided so to perdue' og, so he wlll WNW them (Mr the land In Ms carriage, free of expense. Latina Sad appall:otiose tan be satinwood to lAndta & Byrum, klammostan P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or 8. 2. Cosahlin, 102 Month Fifth /Street, Philadelphia - 11y. sad logormatlen obOtthilly haraishe.l. Ally 11, 1168.-61WIL • SANFORD'S "LIVER INVIGORATOR, Nin KU DRBILITATIK, IT is compounded entirely front Gums, 4 - us luta become in established feet, a standard Med ias*. bass sod appro..' ,J it'd by all that have used it e gad la SW meorted to, with coned...ire In ail the diorites far which It Is Pr: 0 fceallWillafill. It has mired thouseadal !within the last two years who Writes. all hopes! V. l o r re li e f, I, the e.„o„.eue wo lieltied aortiffabs MI 4 , toy posteriori show The dote may be adapt- 1- .; It to the temperament of Um boarids ll taus( ft.( saw is such quanti ties as to met gristly on i 8 the Bawds tat the dieteles of_your :jokrment _guide you In Lee use of the LIVE& 1 I.PMIGOKATOIL, and it win sue Liter Mos. loialsts, Itlnteso At. g maim, Dy • p spot to, irbinosie Desnises, Sososor Orsolsisti Dyit.l Intery ,Bea ash, Habitast Oefilene.f 'sus. Cheie. See Childers Alseboo, 1 C Warm fbili Jiireatiews, s- !male Weskotoss i t . asi it sari ssetsssitos se sat ty lillsoMMit. It will cars 14 4 = 11 AH- I ACISS, (os %masa& con tod.ib,) to twenty =sett two or Woo ITeusooWnla aro tikes at default. , All win we It Are Uri loolistay i In i Its 6vor. WX WATIR ID ?MC novra WITH INTIDONATOII, AND DWA.LLOW MO 1 .10 4110, . hies OM IOULT CATHARTIC PILLS, 001tP01111DZD Ptlee,tasraais =n um, AND liff VP IN CLARA CAUL ANL ?WM LID DILL MP IS ANT CLINAII2. The .s&I7 Catban,tile PILL, Is • gentle !nit nittileglostie width l • Ith• prorristor has and in iiii_plodlos Ross this SO In lyears. Th. s.laaW hens. ,A nag demand from those wise base lest used these I—, P i p said the satille ties whir, all avers in to their use, his Word me prse theft 1.4 the rush of ail. The l'realso well ! tilos that different Ca nard& set ea diarist 1:111711,_. Pao of the Bowels. Tie WELLY 11Ae itile PILL has, with doe telliessoo to this well estoblisbod ihel, been sorpresdisd them • var. 0 etyofthe pouter' S'egre his lirlisedita, AlOl id alike 011 rrosy poi or the anroseary esetit ztle are Glen end DADE is an sosso whore a b each as DB lt&iliffit111111 1 1T11 Of; 1' 0 1111 A 0 H, Sheftions, raise is the' FR 1 trek and LOIS., Caithn ess% Ma aid Soronomil over the whore Body. &sr wises earl. walk& 4q segreted, es tis a "erg *ram of he MM i woe, Less et Sip= Csessitftitossaron ad eirdl DTI loser the body, risk Dasiwobe, az writhe Ito the heed, all &diens. tsar Dl la• • a ip , 7 1 1,0111.111P 1 is Children or DUZITMATIBM. ,04 g roe t of the Illood, sod army diamos.r" , l ea to wild. lash la hedr, tot Ere sessorrs is slostisal Is this aillire•tillies. ty 1, to 11. Prim, SO Deem rim woor Swrlebrosor and lfflusdkl Clasbortio Fills sae mosilsd by Dry gosorally, sad sold whale r& by the Trias is all % Wry this N. T. W. dAstrosp, N. D., Mdaidasturer and Propairtor, 31110, Broadway, New York. . Jay S. 11168.-1,4. A Safe and Certain Cure for Pike I gagg,t • the ilits= "d physi or the age," is peerested to Uhe labile milk the Mut saalldesses la Its latalasie oar eta the it hp magi m es os i la ite Wants relleviser almost Stelae t meek whibt hundreds east = d ie Ito wesdeetsl eases While this eakersiod =MIS ele• is esselliest aidsoothing la Its nature, uallbe 0/1 ear ,it le elessly, not soiling to the likeess is sad sgssurly hssasassil. Try it I try it I All Yrs smisol Is a trial • - lad we lima a:mildest all and every sae the sees it 'will bear terthosay to Its merits, sad lad rebel boa a goose_ *Wel stilletise. MAW Mips, 41Itet. It will be head equally elks ekes her allitsessistios, Chaiing, sad Chaps et ths Skin, ndiestas, ram la ernes alasA lastaataasoesly.— Par late by CAME h B this ; Illaterhed. July W 5 11169.-Iy7. HEDGE SHEARS, Pruning Knives. Dawe s , intros, at J e seLnews. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! are now prepared to Lr • irtardell an .6o are la want of STO Mk sia7 disorip at. lowa loam load la Bets .qk Laorlir misre OPar= oaaaprlalre whit& milky la basal Or Irma. PIYNi nth Rook. &lip*, . !spite, Brilliant, Herald, Lad scab re ot„etbee tiestrobie styles of Merited Oveze, Aka as ja.Uj Miesbists¢ blaplower t ßower, Bueoa Vista, sail a somber of sew fattier" of Low Owes Stores.— Alse tM 11111111 le C ssiagi"oas_Gott, • Parior, , u m Nadel Parlor, rlao, reTia z •SW a ribtar, sad o oth ; Moves of espartos qualities which we will sell far Clawb, amber, Sea, Graia, or baster le isso Stares than say hoar Le the City, sad =eat at the to Oft SOW* 1111,tia4mikaa. To persons elidlialiaty thejtbsore tins we trovail oily Wee es a aa4 pus siheit sot be diaapp•tAted. At db. Old frosudiry, N. W. Come if Moto sad 11th eta. • Aisg.l3, BAHR 4 JOHNSON. :{6l i-e)-34-,`. 1=: 3 Quaker City Plaigishiag Soave 1011,0110 (Niftiness. %swum AND RSTRIED-NOW !WADY FOR DISTRIBUTION. Barrio foilsomeots to tie Public ! Aff anti _fiNire pap for obtaining 9011111asi tam "'man. NA other valip ob i putinalais Catalogues, whisk Eli be wit Ibis to Woe appllist Wiwi% sedllibor iS disa• SNS, GIIMILAX. filin to ask parehaar. $104,001 b gifts have him" =4l t anr i ===t a r m u=ke-. lailasurnioalliend to Agiateare mom IZtal qua asap at rig .Ira. biliumbl basimas. 112 4 ZZUd itag sod dis ßociksildlift bag- 'am Ike hot ran, E lk imil an to ands* tin GO tie eland arlistiettos fir an nr MINTS WAITED la moy Tom soil Omit,. Worrell preadult .8.. M AXI MILTSON. Qoakor City Sou 'z a en* 1111. 11/81--41a1114 lIIMPACE WATERS, Art. 3113 BICOA.DWAY, N. T.. ND le • 0 0 Oren, I.lC.other G Ammar ta, Trim lea, Tit y in , Tioiln • wa, Wings, Brass mad; Plano and HUHU? MUSIC, from ti Maher, R. • Bertha's, and 111 neAnolv oelestrastiesiikteks km ( Ute abase Musk Books ; /hale elegantly Doan. dusk I all kinds orliesidc Merchandise, A PRICES. NEW II . $224, SIM ; sEClXrattl i guxom troll! $24 • l. ;ee Me we $l6, $?6, $lOO, and up SECOND ItAIND MELODEONS, from $3O to 00 • • made. Orono, with, ve Ito 3100, ohm st4a, "WMthinwous o l4, 326 4 % eadpos, e4 =_ i te 001; Aisaikamps new instrument just Imported—pulp jab and $36. A liberal diseonnt to Clergy mgr Cburchea,Ssibtath Schools, Seminaries Mid Teachers. The TM* supplied at the dm al trade discounts. SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY IMS HOUSE: THE Ansitirersar4sid Sunday-School Music Book, No. 1. contains 32lrtnra anp hymns. Price 3 *eats seek $2 per hundred. THK Anniversary anal Sanday-Sebool Musk Book, No. 2, contains id tunes and hymns. Price Scents each, B 2 per hundred. THEAnnivernizy and Nunday-Sebool blink Book, No. 3, contains SO trines and hymns. Price s tents each, 33 per hundred. THE Anniversary and Sunday-School Music Book, No. 4, contains 39 tune. bed hymn.. Prier 3 cents each, $2 per hundred. THE Anniversary and Suritia•-tichool Music Book, combining Nos. 1 dud 2, with fetyrnl additional *eft, contains ;6 tunes and hymn. Prior karats each, $6 per hundred. THE Revival Pron.) Noah. Books, h o c I and 2. No. 1 contains ilk tune, and hymns.. Price one cent. No. 2 contains 36 tuna and hymns Price 3 rents each, 32 per hundred. Postage on. rent rach . THE SabhattrSchitot Nell contains 191 tubes and hi 0112111 true 12 aro- each, $lO per hundred, postage 1 cent such: '‘bound,2ll mats each, 316 per hundred ; ehurantlf bound it cloth 2N cents each, $2O per hundred, postage S cent. Wk. 'II.I3I.IsIIER oft MUSIC AND kfUSlf,; tOOK. • Plano% Meledecee, A leasadre Organs, Osseo N.,' Marti/is celebrated as.l otter Guitar.. Timor Viola Ytoilacellac, Allecordeaas, Plates, tide, CliFfonotta, Matt •-e Ports, Pipe; sad hammers, )ree, beet Italica fitting", ittraareate, for bands, ale and Come, 4 * of Mtudeal rata. 4,t0 publishers la the U. • lictool„ aad all thole grin ; Cbloca dualePacer sad THE Wiser s, and op to to $10; t : or , Amor:, Violins, Platt/ CONCREGATIUMAL SINGIN4I--An eight page Tract Price 21e, per dos. $1 60 wer hundred. TEMTISIONIALN OF THE HORACE WATERS PIANOS & 11IELODEMN8. "The Pianotame to band, and id find rate order. It u a heautifui inxtrirmrot and no mt.tnke."—Leak W•t.x John Hewitt, of Caniurte, New York, who has lead one of the Horace Waders Piano% writes as follows: "A frtend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano for ber. Shedtligs the one you sold me la December, 111,66. My piano is becoming popular in this place, and I think I CM. min...lute one or two ranee; they will be more popu lar than any ether make. - . We heye two oh Water.' Pianos In use In our Seminary, I).r of which bas fawn wer,rly tgiAirli for three years, and we toddy to their geed quality and durakAlity."— Worn, k ditaiiiik , unnut enerull, 111 • II WATKkes Kvei•—firer . —Having used one of your Piano Furies 6.e, two year. pant, I have found it a eery eeperon. feellennienf ALONZO GILA T, Prienpel Nrodays 'Melts Sonseary " The Pun. I received from you continued to give satis faction. I regard tt talon.. of the Drat instruments In the plan."--J Ante 1,. LAMA it, Charleston' Si. "The Melodeon has safely armed. I feel obliged to you for your liberal discount—will do elf! ran for you In these parta."—luxe. J. M. MoCousiws, Yarquesvllle,l6. C. •• The Poso sou duly riarelsed. It came in eseelleot condition, and is very much admired by my numerous family. Accept my thanks for your promptness,"—Benner Coorxis. Warrhthain, Nredford Co., Pa. " Tont Phino pleaers us well. It Is the best on. In oat County "—Tuos as A. Layman, Campbellton, Ca. •• We are very much obliged to you for having sent such a line instrument fur VIN, and re sisal take pains to re rornmend it."a-Daass,llltLO k 8111,041 Dews"/ 1. .• The Ronde Water. hums are known as among the sere beat ti e are enabled to veal of thee, instruments with confidence, from personal knowledge ul their ex cellent toot and durable quality."—N. Zeisseurtior. " We can apesk of the merits of the Roam Waters Pianos Irma personal knowledge, as being of the very best quality."---(Anionim hglizar. • Nothing at the State Fair yed grester'exceillence ui any department than Horsed esters •• The Howe Waters pianos ate built of the best and most thoroughly eisammed material. We have no doubt that buyers ran do seven, perhaps better, at this than at any other house In the ['bun. —,ltiarreeis sad Jaunsel. •• Waters' Moos and Melodeons challenge outswerteon with the finest mule anywhere Is the owastry."—News /ogres!. , •• Horace Waters Piano Fortes are M WA, nub, and even tone, and powerful."—Nett riga MentiM Review. Our friends will End at Mr. Witter( store the very beet assortment oi Mule and of Pianos to be found in the United Mateo, and weerm. oar southern and western friend, to glee him atoll whenever they go to New Yuri." —GersAeges WA lILMRDOSIS 413$ BROADWAY, New York. June 11, SOMETHING NEW.—B. T. BABBITT'S D. 4T MEDICINAL SALEBAItiS. 68 1 . .i. '""nbe tZl i n r=nr/ith , ottaZi6B 1---.... All the deleterious matter ex-1 AND Itracted in loch a manor as to produce Bread, Matta, and all kinds of Cab with. oyn i l oat efeetaleheN k i tartlet. a Sabsratas whoa OV 41 ,111'1.11 ti1l ie turned tops sad pea rbn , lbsoogis tae Bread or bereft while Bahian DO s e llt i V it at n e t r il ?lour. You rwan l : l l 1 readily AND ' peter dee by the taste of this antos that ;it is eattreiy direst from other Sabra. I t 4 a. 1 70 1 It Is packed 10 LICM , puffed papers, eaeb: era per breaded, "B T. Babbitt's Beet' I Ilediclnal Saleratns :" also, picture, twist., ed loaf of bread, w ith•glana of efferresciag, 681`stapape; no you tbe should preeern ..44 be particular to get the :text exactly 1 Moen y" ri b i . ""&" 7 AND 1 Ilhe the Orel—brood as *bore. Full directions for making Bread wiW 7Utit le 841 wil e i ratas m and o. So y or Milk or Cream each . ; Tar- ' direethuts for making all kinds ofP also, for makioc Sods Water and F=l ti;' I reed's's. 68:Make Tour Ouna Soap,' 68 Rare ' WIT AND B. T. 33.A..131iXTT'8 70 Pure Concentrated Potash !70 , ?e t' tTorv t.d rtc . k ut t e i th. 4- 1 1 . 11tI o l i talr Q ear , ' 6 VI IL—nth hall directions ii., g 8 th...,, maklog an nard and Soh Soap. Consumers 1.1 AND will Sod this the cheapest Potash In toar.l l AND i krt. 1 Msoubtered sad for tale hy I B. T. BABBITT, 70 , N 714 1 :1 4 :1 1 1 y " anntVe l ri l l i -it M lZs e i ' o °l4l. n. 1 7° rd:REL NintiTSLOW, per Bettie. AN experienced Nurse and. Female Physician, peusents to tine floe of mothers bee 84210 1 11:CIErG ITP, li FOR CHILDRZ/1 ?LEMING, yid.greatly beilltades the promos of teethleg, by wh etting the gym, reducing all hillasemstient—willollay all pato 1.01 spasmodic action, and is .we I. regrind. Mimi.. Depend upon It, to. them, it will give rest to yourselves.. and felirt and health to your tinta. We. have put up and riot Ms ant• year/, eatellaT, I Kra. in conbeleoce and truth-an what we hare never been able to auk; of an, 111Slir'S I other Naar km km el /angel we et smolt ur• Moot, to effect I rare, when that !, nerd. Never a 0 nit hi n . did we know ha Inetnnee of dime. .' a Isisctlon by any one ir ho used It.— SY RU Y. On the contrary, an are delighted none, and speak In terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues We speak in this matter "what we know," after ten years' expelienee, and pledge our reputatioe for the fulfillment of what we here declare. in almost every Instance where the infant I. suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty wrlnntre alter the lyre; Is administered. This valuable preparation Is the yprescription of one of the most espertemed. andskilifui Nurses In New England, and has been need with never-tailing Income in thousands of rims. It not only relieves the children from pain, but invigorates the stemma' and bowels, eurrecte acidity, and gives taw and etheray to the whole system. It w ill i d. mot Instantly tell. or GAUPI,O Si 17Ilt SONIL/S, AND WIND caw, sod ow ensure ceorraioes, whkitl i tot speedily massitied, end to ----- -os we bee fless it The beet Par , aid sonest reme dy In .be world l is all yen of Dysentery a a d I CHILDREN ' Disawban ha CIMI dren, wheilirriil w., wkieshostteeth -re log or any other • mesa We would sa y t 0 every —..— who has a Mild anlieringfroin any of the foregoing eonsplatnte—to not let your prejudice*, nor the prejudices of others, stand be. torus y nUT suffeting cblld'and the relief that trill be sum. yea, absolutely sore—Qs Maim this medicine, if timely used. Full direetioce for using will aeconspaey each hot. th.. None genuine Lupien. the fee-simile of CURTIS it PRIMUS, hew Yurk,da on the subside wrapper. Kr Sold ler Druggists throughout the world. Prtnedpal Wier, Nee IS Cedar Mt., now York. octl PRICE ONLY 25 CKITS PF.II. BOTTLE. 17.17. Selling Oil 1 Selling Of TuE SUBSCRIBER ha. 4 taken the en tire Stork of Goode of the late Firm of 111114N113 k HAN YARD, tomtit/Jog of (21-IR,OIO3FatIMS, PROVIS lONS, NOTIONM, ece., ACC. And la order to nuke parneata I till *nal BMW= 'PRICES 60 DAYS FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. THIS IS NO HUMBUG ! The Glomia must ao4 will NI sold Wore October, at whieb time I will ehameor to eowstothee the badoeas on • system mom maltml to the times, mid owe bamelkial to mys fl elf aag MI 'Hammy swarm orttat talatr i =io SAN, Julyllll-4.11. riiTIFTTWUTIFt ref. Mir eat damOniarly f W killdeer keteetlied ilretioa, Is old to )tlie public, with •MI mad rebid keeetetivi elite elliedey 111 all MOM TINT mappoimi gift bees welHootrel articled of epoeine virtue. ■eo downy" t. say rhilii- 101 /=.l. ~id te teem thairlasta, being se t as eboireet cootietiihmi, and filf MOM eikretive Uwe the IMILoy aeseoeser to eseaeoo see ; parlbetly gab to their agate sad ray be ghee to ttio smearked Whet and to aditite, f r ith the Jame WOWS& ill &A tbe7 are the great nuedy, end on trial will be toned te .11 other prepmakeen. /or Sale by CLIMB b - SR, Itrie Jaly 1611.—lyt TO ROME KEEPERS. A MORT EtEGANT cowrtecrime. • fr W . / f i • ( A Mei LOCATED AT BUFFALO, orlas* liasei &Airlift Streets H. Y 6 CITY, hatity&S," Astor Piste PHILADELPHIA, Corps 7th & Citestaut St. ALBANY, No. 448 Wisdirm. CLEVELAND, Cor. Seneca & Superior Streets. DETROIT, No. TO Woodward Assault. • CHICAGO, oar Clark and Washloaran Streets S dente astonsi soy oste of these Caere, by the t of Moose oatitlod to the pos t otiotroo or the tattle ileodisig seam ed the sleet thorough, is lmmi tattosavdy sad popular Badness S et Is the world. rot* ated Clecshas, is d Wit* °Mete teams ee as obeys. BETIO( & EPTRATTONT MitinaC INMEW/UWE A It ONTECLY GASEINX, Devoted to Commonme, Mentdeetwoo. Agri -2.l2mollllachaakat Balemea, Law Politi y Literialture, Art wild Mod Infor , mation cal .— Po saostitly at Cooper biotite . Y, Tema $3 Far wish vita %mond widoebos The work &e:u=d to a amid mound of the .mmenial be ltriol Merest& of Arnarehia. March, 96, tO/A-1y.42. EUREKA I The Latest a lest 11,1711M0 AND GITTTA PUMA. DIITICAD Or COLD ♦ND STI.PI3t. TN the ElStare Cities, for • year or more, 1. Vulcanised Rubber end Cutts, Pirtle have been used es bases for Artificial Teeth, bat owing to the dillenity and expense of obtaining s a b oa .. proper steam appointee for battening the tastes let, DeoUste fasted at a distal/or from those titles hart been deprived of the belted's of the discovery. Now, however, the patentees have inreetal peetable be/Mem and 1 have stalled myself of the upper. tunity to introduce this cheap anti eserlient Material Into use here. I have Joao It worn elsewhere, and have alreedy used It sulllebrotly In my preetirs In tLu Cut; to satisfy me that it is the iigitad work yet Invented : that It wiliJit hair than any other ; that it bee all the ad vantages which on De claimed for other wort to point of desalts:a ; that It is dam, dhweeis. sod easily referr ed good for both pentiabert and tartapti . tury wort. To those who have Metal Plates which will not et by atmospheric present*, this discovery offers a certain rs liet, for the Robby Plates eel at. Far Clasps It Is the bud material yet offered, because it will eat sear ibr natural teeth. lam mewed to comment soh work for all who what to use It, and make this fair oiler, that if the Rubber tolls to do ail that an reasonably be asked, when fairly tried, I will niplateit with Gehl or Silver soul eharge only the dlffereoar in pries 01PWICR i la Ramormiee Block, over the boot and oboe Mete el Reim and Henry. W. R. 111A011.1., !hi., Joao Deetiet AXBROTYPES!! PUT ITP FOE IN 20 CASEB II CENTS. COLBY for put up In (1144e4 ' • the $1 zlr put o.m t up a in esteem the $2 pie a. titre for SI. l r COLBY will give you s beautiful new :•.; ,A style likeness to send by letter for '25 cts. • COLBY will give particular strew ion to t..; taking chiblrens likenesses. 7. .4 COLBY Will do all other work in hiv profession in like proportion. COLBY can, with his mammoth sky_ AR light, throw more light on THE subject in LT: A.& dark day than is really neee.noiry to make an impression. • COLBY will be found during en hours in the Rosenzweig Block 11,1 Erie, May 14, MU. Weed.&4o.UltUV isedAgaqtay M'YM IN n MIT MI 1 000 BBLS. EXTRA 01111). IND!- ! AN/. mad WISCONSIN FLOUR roma $3OO to MA per Bbl. Ws day recylred and tor ode by 0 J. 1 oRTON , Aft 20,1160. POW. Do* Eite,Pa. SCALESIBCALES !I I am prepared to (arab& Bodo of say - Mad or slao at Raab ha pekoe tbaa rear Wore sold la thb city. Aug. ft J. C. SIMI:HOC VIZ CROSBY'S 128221 U: BALI I rin 70 VOR RHEUMATISM, HEAD ACHE, 1 Sore %rest, Swelled Faro, lelosti. Cramps. ?13.i, Sprains, Bra Cato and Strohm'. &rolled Gland; Mid Joints, Swotted Bore Nipples, Toothool" which it grill can to from are to too 'Want" Chilblaino,Corns, Soto or 'hods, Toot, Dorrooro or Zorsolzo, Goat, , Lome Bsek, Saadi, kn., an. It is olio squally eillasoioas In the curs of diseases in Boors, or other animals, sub no itioirbone Bastin, Ctinfro, Yeiondorod loot, Laamoross, ofontraetiat at he Illuorko, Sprains, Riad aotlr, Sorsteheo, Crooked Herta, Old Rorer, Evil, 68 EMI 70 68 Althoff & this 4 a sew articiji, now for the drat time brought boslbts the poblie, yet Inas been severely tasted lAA great natober et awed, and found all that is dolma, for it, as aortinestes sow ito the ponseirton oftbe Proprie tor, fatly show. Oet • bottle sad try it ; and it it is not all it is recoul nand, return It and your money will be refunded C. CROSBY mole maaufseturer and Proprietor, 210 Ilsso Strunt r _iblilis ; met aold_by BALDWW, Sae ; - tiLElrabrribrd. Price, 23 Ceuta per B ottle July 21 labo.--47. UM 70 NOT DEAD YET! BUT WILLING To LI YE AN D To LET LITS. The untirsvigstoi having plot brought trout UK. tut, Beer aad Beautiful Patters of Iron Railing, are now prepared to negate orders promptly in their Hit ; reds au Fencing House Lots, Cemetery Lots, PUTTING OP RAUX)NIES, STAIRS. VERANDAS BRACKETS, WIN DOW-BABH, SHUT TEEN, GRATI NG, AWNING FRAMES Ac., Ac. All work varesatod aad Prime reausooakkp. Call at 81 Street, betwiwo Stab. acid Prrneh Btapota, Erie 14111011. JOHN 00 116NItY ,likrillOV. July 23, 1650.-3027 CCiz4 Dio w ito sfT= STOMACH BITTERS. bard that, at eons. period, every mender of the human badly I. sutra to dismay or distorts/wee of the bodily htliethonej but, with the aid of a good teak and the eternise of plain common mime, they ma) be ebte so to regulate the system ea to secure pentad:met health.— lo order to accomplish this desired object, the true mum to rows Lit 4:mirth,' that p Web wtu produce a natural etarri of Way at the beset Berard Of vital strewth and life. For this purpose, Br. Hostetter has Introduced to ibis country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medkine, hot one that has been tried for years, giving astistection to 2.11 who ham used it. The Bitters operate powerfully on the Meow* Rowels and Liver, re starting them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple proems of strengthening nature, enable the 'piton to triumph over disease. For Use cue of .l)yepepies, holirstrom, Nausea, Flatu lency, Lou of Appetite, or any Ballot* Complaints, ari slim from a morbidiaardlon of the Stomach or Bowels, prieileelog Boapa, Dysiziery, CelleiCheleta er:, them Bitten bare no equal Diarebees.Byrdotet7 er nos, so rascally eontratted by ore settiersoind canard prinelp by the change of water and di* will be m iT raril4regadated by a brief use of this preparfitioa. By spepls, a Manes which fa prop ably more prevalent, In II te varied forms, than any oth er, and the MUM of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive orgasm, can be cured with out fail by rasingSTOßlACil BITTBAB es per directions on the bottle. For this Corte every phyaidan will recommend Bitters of DOM. kind; then why not wean article known to be Infallible? All nations have their Bitters, as a preventative of disuses and strengthener of the system In general; and among them ail Hoare la not to be found • • mare healthy people than the Germans, from whom this pnpaeation emanated, ba sed upon eidentille experiments have tended to prove the "Mae of this rest preparation In the scale of medical eciettee. Taves moo miesrifbie trying and provoking disease, which Sass its relsatless grasp on the bowls of man, mane. tag him tea mm, shadow in a abort Mai, and rendering him physically sad imestaity aosheat aka its driven from the body by the ens of HilailliTlit'd =NOW NED BIT TWO. Farther, none of Lb* alicirestated dhows, can be contrasted, eves in espeoid siteaUeeia, if the Bitters ere used as per dinpouoss. led as %boy ndtbar mete nausea nor oilend the pilaw. and main annerwassry alt °bangs of diet wr interruption el ordliary pursuits, biit promote soiled Wog end healthy digestion, the eomphaot le re. marred as speedily as is eemaisimst with the prodsetirin of a thereeighsmil pensmumart maw Par Perms* ill ribtamod Years, Vboaresuffering from en entestaid consithation and halm body, them Whew , an Washable on a nistonthw of etrength and tiger. and wed only be hied to be appreciated. And to a mottos cab si i itlesee Where we indispeesstie, espiefelly where a tonic, such as Hordotter's Stomach hitters, le to Leper' tesspaiiiry strength and vigor to the =Ladies Await by all means try ibis remedy for es of debilltgatua, before so doing, should ask their pbyfralesa wb411114 erptehatel With the shies of the Shwa, will recommend their we In all eases of wietharce. cAVTILON—We cantlua the put& shlaata"flail&PJ el*. mat buy rib be , ow.- tarrstea air —T. arosAlli itesi seetthet sigh battle bar tie verde "es. J. Moe s ftseusaah Hitters" blown ea the aide of the We, wed swooped no the metallic top warring the cork. WI camerae that oar autograph red eignatore is on the WWI. IM6Prqoa dad KIM IiOSTATTER aunt PittsburgA, Pa., mut sold by aft drug gists, grocers, and dealers generally thtoughout the (fulled &atm, Canada, BeirlA Amorrket and Ger- Fer WO" M ORO. sadMIALL III; .Itric ILLY. Chililr QU a. 81113U1AN 80 Wellsburg; ' I) . LUMP a CO. lhardse. Jaw O. 71/1.4.106 ONPiztoenthip--Kera Pina.- - MoOARTER & KELLOGG. IHAVE associated with me in the Oro eon sad Prentelon busineoe a. atAntaxoaa, and Insheelo EH bereofter be conducted la lb. UM dad ..31s of floadrlll & MIAMI. ks., June 11, 111 S-1 MUTH *CAM& pornaraingllffil &lap Fishianable, Boy's Qoits for 60 sta. K t Vil24;in ni t ionsidnisble in procuring the latest tosbions and Alaniet be 14- ' I illur•of piddidelabsomife. He bus alio for neba. u sgone, n ai r iee nonem . r' Waal of ass DY DUDS C , TDINID, *do of a lUD. Ir ea;Ztr i p= d ela si Deiow t sir 'mows* to imit soon en another snob ad'opfla iset to WI ebstiP 6 t y- N. B. Nueva and Mimi Cio lug 'cadet° order on reosonnbla termst, and rallrention warranted. Eris, JUDO 2a, leBrl.—.l. 6 6 OVA) FOurTs'PRY" ATILL ATIMADI! BARK ac JIMPRIMIIIIi are= ed to runtish at Wholesale and Ratan. flow•ioir and most approved peaterno, and Invite th• alWatiOn Farmers and others to their staa on hand etataisting(o ELS worm, " '.`t„. MOrNTAIN KING, i Ctogether with thstfivstern, COM PliMain avid dther avtieles ne rbrtiorme t° I C " O n bil o Y Pmbe ."1111 , . ColV; State and Eleventh Streets, Erie l'n. ( April 2. 1864. BARB dk EINSON. -- - -- - -- 1 7 1TRIPITURE . I vIspII. RIBLET HAS REMOVED HIS Builtsplendid Stock of Pnrwitare demi to big New is, on State street, one door Routh at Perry Block, built • mealy for that purpose, where my be round a large sot vet oriamked Maortmentint PURNITITIL it , ml.rselng all of Cabinet Wars. ushally kept in Kosoli an esdabliah nt. On the flnit door kna be found Borrow Tables, Tebbe, Wee* &we& avows Maredik- Firm* Caters Como /...44 W erinate. ke, 4e,.' Manufactured 1, ) himself, togetber with allarge tack of CHAIR, Ii 1 1143 . 'if every ftr 4 . l e and pil e., to wait eur k i gliar p. m. The second floor Is full of EASTERN WI, 'ITTRK, mush AP : 4 0111111, TM11...0.T.1116. large Beakers, Gentlemen's busy t hair., and all kinds of Cuabsoned {'balm, Top Ceotre sod I aid Table., Whist, Maenad ljuartetre mends i The third floor roots's. nniellisie and a large number or workmen, competent tr. manufacture say article lathe cabinet Itoe in the beet style and atiortestprotles. The public, particularly the fads. a, are jrapectfully firs sited to call and e tontine Moot um boll prices , as I am riot to be Undersold by any eirkiblialimeril In th e t ity or elm* hero. All kinds of Nailer aril prod se taken in es change for furniture. J. R.IBLET, Kew, March 19, 1.168 —4l 141 i'mprietnt • t in Dentist*, IC N - J ot lart ir.toek 1r( rnK Ai I PIIITIS litimaktLeo •aml prtera. LT Pi ilt'r RA l'r Flt AES DI. G- Gu t Moo Id,n ß a , Looklng I.lamrs, Fine Frrurli ..,,rrai.66 in Vrannen, or out, "belling etionp t the rftritgr At.t.TIN. EMINIE DR_ JOHN'BON'S HERB DISPENSARY (111,r Nam At., (24 41..4. I pStalra,j Buffalo. NY. Tlf E • E I.EIiR ATED DR. .1( di Ns4 )N 11„t...1,113y111e1411,11,11tal macursafully air follow- ing CONSUMPTION AsTRY A. . . LUNG k Clak DLYEASES,ScRurt LA. DI 4EAsEs (IF THE HEART,SALT BMW KIttNKY A IEI , ECTIoNs, RHEUMATE4III. LIT IKH COHN.A VIO P:R A. I) AGUE, FEMALE W OMEN EFS. puma, IHSF A. 4.14 OF THE' R ATM K IC, kt., Ire. All who are rußertng from the shove named diseases, iiuy other cannplicated enniplaial or year* ■tasdteg r rr• inflinned that thew can have fors arded by mall or ea pf,lo fur the rural! rum r•(jl 00 4 seat padkaire o( Medi cines, with all 'weer...a/7 ih rest few and rcedkal *Africa.— PltlerltP should apply lb ithnut delay, aa they ran obtain ih ,,t a nt "4{o' (p.m the Doctor's tetoediM• Ur -Libitum's Vt.ilkhte nonahla of extracts frost the choiceo 6.r..1.11 and Will% I? IttMIS and Herbs, mangla , own alslwri If,Oa, at bra Diaparat ry, aml ti ht,lono avu,ding the ore of 'Mercury and other oat.glel Poo. ria, that were tory er .haireatai for the system, to whirls motor thouvauila have fallao Virginia mut gone to early graven. LOTION Firlt VHF mmrt.r.siow: —Dr Jobnaoo'■ remarkable LOTION for beautifying and hope ring the Complexion, removing Mama( alma ltanionaly Tan, Frock. lac, l'implea, km, will be vent to any part of the country for Si SO via on. • atazup. W. B. Female 14111 a box. Addrans DR. JOHNSON, Drawee 101. Juno. 11 '.91-1.1, oks 95 Rain St.. Buffalo, N. N. PLATED WARE. Cake Banketa, /Vain. Bat nu d f117 . 1.ty of MA pi s wd G „ ), for;o ow_ sac • groat ASSTIN, Paragon Building, New Noel' Si March 12, 01110 FIRE Mom )F MINERAL PAINT A loperior *dick , for Depot, Raids* and Ow Hum.% Bridges and Out Radiating, ; gamphene, Turpen tine and A leobol, b the barrel or galhon, for vale by May 21 1 .. I. BAUM LK, Mro. 6 660 W House. HAMS AND HOMINY. J. 13 ANSON is now reclaim.* train Ciactanati s canine k>l el Sugar Canna Barna, a.dd imam etom for nine /their Flint Hominy Call at the June 11, itM-1. GROCERY DEPOT, CHKPSIDL SY It .1 NI) MOLASSES. Very throe.% embracing throe grades nf Syrup— s good article La • Artier and very Belo flavored 6. : St , * - arra Cnklen or ill it. rzyra p Rai ; New Orleans Nohow/es, the very leoft k ktgifor Baking purpoeta at June 11.1 HANSON'S GROCERY DEPOT. F.r. 1M IF:4 II EHIIETICA LLY Sealed, retaining the original gavnr, In email eras for family use, on main al Erie, Jobe • 11, 14..0 -I _ F 1.4 a EII:ED. 111 RFt F. TOP compkt..l'llaniber 1.-utt nr Furniture. For I. uu Couinninnion. Appl) ro G. W. ILLIARY, Erie, June 4, 1859.-62. Sprin g Bell Storw 131 1 R E BRAN 1)1 EN,-lust received do curtorn Mitre M F.rie, and for We by Apr al at CARTIER k BRO. Valuable Land for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale a tract of land known as the "iUddle tract' ly ing four miler east of Waterford, on the Erie & Waterford plank road,and eoutainias about 1,000 Sae& This land is well timbered. and admirably adopti.d, when cleared, for farming purposes—it is also divided by the Sunbury & Erie Railroad. It will Le sold in a body or subdirkied iu trarts tomtit purehaseiv. July 16 16:41.- 511 PEits4 )Nswisu Nwri WIIANGE their Laatuera (n a rapidly meresalntt Vonntry, A Nell arttlewrnt here bombed/tarerot/qt. Where tbe climate awl Roil clellghtfill. Sao attrerthawrat of the Ham monton Settlement., another rolvtorr 6m6. L A RI) i )1 I,.—A ',rime art iclejtist receiv rd and for ran. lo EAHTF.R h MO. ♦ul. 20 TTIE II AM111( )N FARM ER—A tww paper devoted in Literature and Agriculture, also 'getting torth full ereount. of the glow oottlernent of Ham monton, in New Jersey. eau be subearibed for at only 2 cents per annum. dnib. Indorse postage stanope for the amount. 'Addrree to [ed itor of the runner, Hammionton P. 0., Atlantic Co., New ,h, 44417 , Thp o o wishing cheap laud, of the beet quality. in one of the healthiest and moot delightful elinsatm in the Union, mid where crops are newer cwt down by frosts, the terrible scourge of the north, me advertisement of Hammonton Lanett. 511[6. -•- - - . -----_-- - - FN ETS.—A few, do. of cotton and I.laum Norm Nets, cheap at J. C. SICIJACNS. T) ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AD v..rthipment of Ilaiumonton Lands. DENTAL NOTICE. AT the urgent request of the citizens of this plot*, I have determined to locate perma nently in this city, the the purpose of PRACTISING NY PROFESSION, And dull open an office Ia tiiTERPETTT4 North East Comr of the Park *here I shall be happy to wait op these standing in need tit DENTAL OF ERA. TIO X.E. I need only peke to sorb I hare a/ready done here. as a guarantee of my proupecy and skill in my profelainn. TIM IISITID 0 ALI 11171, From one to an entire sett. Partici'lar attention paid to Ant dentiUou. All operations ally performed and wernmetni. The Latest and Best mprovements IN nt -- oohs instead of Geld Sweet Cider all the • ear itatad 1 MON HUURfIITE OF , 20, with 1n tirsetions, by Professor liana* ibr salmi% so u to preserve Cider meet, or at any of acidity that may be desired. for say lintels of Wes. or ask In Bolt ties by 0et.1.10.1t. CA 4 4 ag BRO. FEATHER DUSTERS, At fall' 1 CAST= iltlltOlC J. LONG, WOLVRGINE, . 3* . •.- Drr014 1.1 "! PITINKTRG, rrwora, - embese. inrsricrstA NKR% or haßrizrv, 111 , A DACIIt, currd In 10 m = A tty' iu fact, Girard rhea that will not et by , NJ otters • certain ro tor Clasp it I. the It will not wear the ;Detract each work for le &ironies, that if the e reasonably aakod of it with Gold or Wirer and ptiee. - 3,M WORK. ern W dentintry—combin losable and ansurperable pile aproial attention. It oilier' modes, allowtog no ;lotion et food, giving the rian, to Umbrella!' a tato itoristoring to the strength -'(the aubt. 1 TIMM, D. D. S. Samoa Dentist. il'Ulgriaffilla 'llT:stoel Cultivator Tooth at 'RARE I BROTHER,' n . Um „MO imensi tom a mg Wet -swot imams MT ass*, Wittsit Mgr lON mit at litt lama Min la CAA Omatir ~Ms WWI ammo* ride Gonat, Sr Ittlad. II pat mat dame tM litibout onY Mos. ?Mr ism am et Mots atolgtoso, Dame% Citthlte; tor mit OR tie mot Wow ittemilmt dmitaa Ur Ammo& br Cob. Sr* 111111iie. UAL DOORS,,- . Wiagesines, Paper, Stationery, WALL•PAPER s &a, . AT razz ROW BOOK STORK. a 6P1191611 11 1. Propelliter. DU, Fob. SI, Mt G LOOMS, re TEM DAT OFTXDO • spissalid assiaeset ' of tick WS Oda Tom, Sotto Caps sad Saaossa Days, ChadWOWS; sad • mot variat, VS SUL dIND aIIICANINTAL imitable for the Hatidrys: lasigarst Cake Ihrints, Tee 11.4 e, Molars, Wirer l ai i:tan redik Spoors, Map, (beenfliol sod lobs of rieli l =ry i ,tri diAZ ad Dsairsrllloll. and re. Y. JUSTICE IN THE FIELD AAf 111. I WOVLP sAY to ay Meads sal the public is ressnil that I bass assiaasmord tIM Itemily Wade Vilestem Madness, is Oita vaiSsta bmitiAst i b tt , Stew kid/ oem..Pied by lat. Oar. as tic. Public Swaim between Ilrowit's natal sod the Road Hooee..yy whom I tall orsiortror to bare at all those • claim cit' tmortis,, ciasuuuuts, AND vansmas. Welsh / wW mike up to error spar abort satire, sad maenad to gisrastidaatios or so sale. Persona is waist of saythisig Is au Use ass depend 'moo brims fairly dwelt witty aa Iso dotarstised not to site op soy goads bat ouch a. will ratiatrotion. I ato tasking a good air waxiest ot BSA= MUM CLOTICUM, which will be of Iloesi make aged warranted to be u re prorated or mosey retarded. reveres parair to, CASH are freibta to rill Ord ereadre okr Goods and Pries, u am determined to Dell akar Oleb. vv MHG dower idkort nodes ;ad wanasted. Oett, ISMS. JOHN N. JUNTICIL THE DELAWARE MUTUAL INsUR ANCS COMPANY or iniILADKLPHIA. ANA sow daunt hadama on the Mutual plait* giving the is oared a participation in the moats of the Compa ny ant liability hefwad the SnunP=ur the lakes sad Canal. t .. t lb . moat vorablerina. lemma will be liberally and promptly rinks os morchandist,buildings and other property in low constry, tor • limited term pentimpreitly. DIRECTORS. Joseph . Seal, James C. Hand, • ftwoophila Ming, John C. Davis, Sabina Bo . John Garrott, Hag* Craig, soaped Edwards, Henry Lawrence, David B. Stacey, Charles Kelley, Isaac S. Dario, MMus Potws I.s. Wallas Hay, Dr. S. Thomism ‘„ Dr. R. 11. Huston, Jobs Tenor, Jr. **neer Seilvano, Deorge Sorrell, Jblin J. Newlin, Edward [Wanton, Jots* a. PPOTOIIIIII, J. D. Johnnon, H. Ilrooka, EdeDo64 ' Wu 11•Rirti;,,l'rr.'t &maw S. Einnoom.n, Amy , . Application ran hr mane to UM, April 4, Dig. J. KKI.LOGD, Agrot,kelo CROCKERY AND LAS' W STORE, Na 12. Empire , Block, by ROGERS & BKNNETT Ave I R HARDWARE ItOOEFIS AND BENNETT. flare the LargeAt and Beet :+elert...l Siiwk of I R4IN NAILS AXLES, SPRINGS, ANVIL 9 AMES, SHOVELS AIM SPADES, NAILS, PIPS BOXES, W ASIIERS SAWS, HORSE SHOES S.A.3DI:)I.,MIZY, HARNESS TRINNIINOS, &c., &c , PLATED WARE. In fact almoat.every thing Remember the Old StAnd, IMPIRE BLOCK. No. 11 and 12, State Street. Erk. Pa. _4ptil 9, 1869. ROGICRS it BENNET' V fN.F.XJAH!'VINEciAIt: -Pure Cider %Intim- can be had at April 9, 1969. BECKMAN. HENDIO k CO, CARPENTERS' & .101 N ERs' To( iLs: I ism, remetli made law additions to my former stork of Carpenters and Joiners' Toole, matioir It the most eompleta >a thy city. 11111,4 1-4., .1. C l 114 N. EXTRACTS for Mirroring of all Undo. at EIRCKYA N. KKNOIG h Co April 9, IMO GRIND STONES ! .10 Tuna Beres grind Stones and Grind Ston Hanging for sale by 50y20.61. J. C. BELDEN. X,O DOZ. LUDLOW'S SELF SEALINO ci MAUI? CANre, just rresived at June :6, 1859. N. NURPIIrB. GfiAkEo RoW F:RS CAN R ry on theirbustness meet sueseseafuHy at Hammon ton, free from hosts Some forty View& set out the past liellaen. See advertisement of IIsioIEDODLOI3 Lands, another column. AWL -- - COT ARTN EMU I P—N EW FIRM. SZCJILMAN, KRIVOI dk CO., I HAVE emendated with me in the Groeery and Prot t ake Business HENRY BECKMAN and ELI K KNDIG, and the baldness will beresiter be conducted in the name and style of HECKMAN, KENDIG k CO. April 2, Ink. : F. RINDERNEfIrf BRUSHES AT HO - LE -- !MLR - • PAINT, - HAIR TEETH, SHOW TANNERS, t{;►RSE, And all other kinds of BRUBH'Es, at WHOLE ALE. AND RETAIL, at very reduced Price*, by Erie, July 2 M llP !r ii rlTVW?T r rl ii r i n ARE continually occurring by using the cossas. Stvoia. PIUd, sod that made by the addition of a little Alum and colored with Calculus is Net a partide were safe, bath being aware or less liable to Explode When barbed until nearly empty, or when the Lamm have remained quiet for some hours, al enist. the explosive gas to separate how the and millet' at the top of the Lamp. Meanly article of Darning Fluid that ma be seed without danger et Explosion I. that tame as ORILIMOUOWS, which is ehargad with Canker k 4cid and la aeeeasatily Noteßspliowive. The only Agents in We for the sale of emenough'e Mold are • •t. to. 11160. CARTER 4 BRO. APPLE PEARE : .-10 dozen Apple Perna that will do the work inery time and so itthirilike, for WS Tory low by J. C. SE.I..DKN. Mg. 110, IVIL G REEN PAINTS, French & American, Various Brands, ositablo for Blind Planting, at Um Dry Drag /lbw of CAJITKR )1110 Asir. 20, 1050. WHITE LEAD, of various L la , to he Iroll wry law, What bolt: • retail, at. the tata Drat Om ei OAK k BHA INSEED 011 Boiled and Rim, by the buret ovgato Mho very lowest nem. at - or CARTER* RHO PERSONS WANTING ell ANOE. OF dim& kir health. Pee advertisement of (ammo.. ma Lands, arsetber column. Lim Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration on the ea. tato at Jotoro Ltddlolt. late of Bookit knrdohip t awa. basing be morbid 101b* afttoorlbely. +oda U boo , by ONO to all pm& Web**, to rid 'Mato to %sake to mom% sad those having atlas' against It will pious potent Ullllll duly sodbootkstod lot settlement. 11. J. Sl am :Ml.l. 8. P. 0411.1.111110-37. of Mo. A4ootokstratots. . gASH pal for Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats at the Mho Oily Willa rimers me a 1 1• 1 1 H. 11. HA LIVE GEESE FEATHERS.-300 La., j_g Warraatot Ulm Gloms reatbtrt Ibr oat el Mt* Oct. I, VW • HAM 4 JOIDAWIL when r wat iHratallidet" dar. White ed lop "Hind dehWa And leteer • Wad Wee am *Ow ? To H. Lts.uwara. Whoelas fe vamital. freehand tom And fuser landed attb lam You'r sinate canto Sad than wane' At tt. LPW Nell 6 Who bat late et dodoes Ihdear rood, Aad *lbw ittade atllhoYaoeralled. ilsehlen sear athwanedemehont wso troito 31011 with a meta" dna. dad Hama psa gin timbre to GAO, ea today, afoot tad theta witted warp-or Per Thi lni. a l ig ul gA wade beneeth the sky, lat , alike" me arm hoe sod ellsh t Wide at Me poet balk net, aad Ude, To vett as enedtand twat, AM* streets ammo of alb aad Mate ? H. HALTIIITH Lie. Nardi 1.11,11111111.-.44 J. 0. SZLDIar At the old Stan& MITRPI - Y, BetWeeenßrownit Rotel ft Rind House, HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE HOLD GOODS, STOVES, &c. Also, • langsand oestplete assortasest of copper, sod /Best Iron ware. Also, a tarp sown ' twat of Cutlery sad Poo it • t ILElves, - ha, &Osiris Bible Oudot* and Tar - =as, Tee and Table Spoons, Bram, ,P 0 r o•la I and Oroundirort- Has. also, • large sanortesent of Japan , are of all Hada. mad the best araort , - • tof Tas Trays. to Pio, of all Shapes sad toseas,_Cedlbs - Mills, Cora P neives, • • tains, Fist Bonk Shovels sad ' !Dell., Poke* • • • eirstrds, Shovels, Spades, floes, Potato Beelak • Boobs. to., Foot Tuba, flip Baths asd Bathing Utah Betrignattors. 111•110 H Maros CTOILO3 Freese; also, Pampa of altdeeertpttona. Lead Pipe t ithest Pump Clielakand Tubing Stove Pipe and - Mesa. Canal Pampa, and Tamps, Cooler", Hat Alters Fluid Lamps stall kinds, Beale@ and Stilyarda, Zink sod Whoet iron, Wirt, Dish Covers, eatellesticka and Lamps, Table Vats le IllsiVeraalmned and Tempe Stairl, and Ma Fans end Toyiet Mare, TIPS 84114, Tinsider Drainers, Assam and lisps, Howie sad Bat Vest, NON Berews, Theta and Oil Foods" Feather Duster., Bread touters, Deed Boma, Dog Callen, Trench Code Pots, Stow Pans, (hind Stones and liaughegs, with Renee. All of which will bs mold *hasp lot e. only. Jobbing door ea the abortion notice. Copper, Brass, Pewter sad Bap takes la eschange for goods. JPlasset all and 41.4112/.04 my stock, and satisfy yountelves. Erie, lisp l6, 1568. Yours N. Y N EW tit EATm 14: N PRI VATS AND CONIVIDEft TI A L MEDICd I. ADVICE AT THE BUFVALO PILIVATE llOserlTAL. Katablished for the mire of Sy phtlisdleminal Weslners, and the areret lahrsollies of Youth and Maturity, by lir AMOS & 808, Buffalo, N. Y °Mee rot tier of Main sad Quay streets, I apoitlifs.) An instrument for the ewe of Genital Debility, or Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Semusi Weakens: is. Can be perusenetiv cured in from fifteen days to two month, by the use of" this Instrument, ohmu used conjointly with medicines. YOUNG RIM TAKE PARTICI:LAIL NOTICIL Dr. AMOS k SON take pleasure in nnuourems that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above dimmers. It has been subjected to test by the most eminent physicians In London Peru!, pboadolpina and New York; It has beer declared the only useful Instrument ever invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any dimes of the genital rgsn caused by the secret habits of youth Prin. 110, by mail or express Ntßw REMEDIKS AND QUICK CVlineg. 1/r. Amor k Soo may be oonrulted from 8 reatork in the morning until 9 at night, In every Mare and symptom of disease, dmondary nymptome, r'wealnal Weaknera Im potence and Strictures of the lirethiab and all those dreadful weectiona mining from the secret halitta .4 youth, which produces ronebtational debility, rr0.1.1, marriage Imp/mettle, end In the end deetroye body atid mind. The treettnent they adopt ie the ?vault of up traria of thirty year! PXVermay. and prae tire In Kunio. and Atuerica. .1t SON have devoted their attention each' duel] to this pecubar claws& insholiwa, sad the relief they have costerquenUy Leen enabled to tender to their fellow creatures is fully tanitified and gratefully e. 4n..a lodged bi eon valescent .paUenta sod ollin fa daft r arrttutg In town from all parts al the country, fer lb. • vpre,or fill rt..... on/ ~.rumitation, kii/e their exertions base n with liar mast sijaal ad,untag.a, )et from algal tbei liair . 4 4,ri.need in irlaelit ing Into tl eau,. 1 , 1 I, Inf. (trotn *Or moat Ample r.odluow 1•• that of the moat danwerosiantol mt. tent..., eh,' Late al ways entertained the poasiblit3 n sod !Hirai. divan. Id) 1.1,1 that lb. moat lior rffile and inalknant for,. VV•tifri Alreu.s.t al ways to tract d d, on. of toe following enure., Igo...stir.. u. gl.wt, or ti,, ill I lt,ta of nuekdlfnl In:0110.ot; I t 0..., lir. Alllos k SUN have aunt-welled in diaioir.ting. iu the selection of their remedies, a Sale, effectual and .1.11 twits course. omitting all eon:this/alio° of lwar au etieltt Cell t unman r, as weft SR Ilie.e artic,..• pre mature toil 10JUdklitlie t Ole - sett... nth: fit I..lo•clueut of led e011001,11241130e1l to the Lauds of IA IN II lo • Ia short, the laudable rod of their i• " •• .• ••• Mg o f smot masa .4 human win ry It) tLe nth, Salton, relief and prevention of those unlietions Ihgt are in resit) the secret fn.. of life, and who 1., while tiler et reuire!? surrouo.l us, nail aloud hoe our sail/ sod Itieeellete ewe for their et termination. STEEL. SHE E. VICES, B MAM 8 , 114)E4, CUTLERY, CANTER & BM 0 Rena. March 12, 1850. S EEDfitICK W 11 EAT on band and for nide by Jetty 9, 1890. 11ANSioh PERSONS W 18111N(1TU EsTA Manntaetmire Itt a new and thriving pesos tr he re beakless is good. Saw advertbetnent of the Hammonton FfettUmnoratt. ante. GOLD AAD SILVER sitio Ds. rim Diamonds and all kindle of Jewelry mad,• and repaired by the very best workmen. :tiller Stanius eon• ghastly on Lassa aid made to order. Cheeks and Watches carefully repaired at low rates, and all work warranted. T, Y. AVltTlki, Paragon Building, -•--•----- - - - PARIS FA NS A NG ELEG A NT FANCY Articles. The Ladies will glad akm mon• of tliosi aplerolki Pao. and Combs !.A, at the Paragon Building. Illarelt 12, _ T, Al'etTlN G ROC ERIES. ----A good supply of taio-t ',roam In the Grocery line mar ie found at RAJ:BOWS PAY( I. (411111'16.R Y. Brie, June 11, IfiLlt - 1 Chespride. SELF ROCK - - IRO - Citt 111. ES, on , . LI% and Exhibition; aloe, the EV ERLASTLIJA: BPRINO ItEDB, from $.l to $ each [ je.25. ) O. W. ELL SKY. PHYSIC] ASS AN I) CONSI'IIPTI VEN can obtain the If) pupboaphttaa, both dry and in ristap. July 2, CARTER Jk 1111tr8. SNIAV VC' I t rr E ZINC PA INT. AmititlClAN andirßlNeff, to be bad at the Dupla acme, at Ow Drug Btors-of CAR'! ER k BRO Ans. ID, 111*. R USHEH ! BRUSH ES ! BRUSH &I !!! Nit& VarobibHtafninl , Strilittg, W bite Wash Row, Hum, Sena& Twang. hlo and biney hair and Wolk and a geseral aseortio••• Itii kuldiso of BRUSHVI, forI•lalor mow .• T. & 811410 LAIR. VAN DORN'S Great Remedy for D) S.. PCPDTA. at the sum Drug Stem of Avg , IS, Win. CARTICR A Sac. lAI NTS I PAINTS ! ! PA I NTS !! I e ) watts Lita, dry sad is e ll. Asaisiesa asd Pried,Pried, s, Raw and Boned Limped Oil, Volatile Rod, Prwas oat" amen and Preach Grimy sad la abort mos Wes IA the Use of PAINTS, tor ale at theater* Nes II T. IL SINCLAIR. A MOST IgieIIANTIFIC INVKAPIPIOPi. A CURE WARRANTED COI. DWI V INYAL I DM. Pomo' la Loy pet of the world mayPe vueeraefully treated by forwarding a cornett detail of fbetr raw, with a ramittaare for Ymdkinet, ke. Addrros Dr. AM OS k SON, rornor of iMain and quay street, Safbillo, N. Y. lek lINME-1,131 DENTAL NOTI(E. DR. w. 11. lATCE. Would infi,rtts b Is patrerie and the pub generally that be baeluat returned from ;hen York WITH A LARGE AND VALUABLE BTOCK embracing all the VARIETIES OF TErril IC( o.l' [N with whieb be le ready to do la •tio,, MI I. He &wee especial). to call attention to Hp. CUPITINICOES a Moll he is prepared to execute preniptio and to xi), preasule advantages .IJV ER ALL o'l'll Elt MODF>z, allowing no ...sworn or apron for lht aorutaniation of food andgirinig to the )IOUTII A PERFECTLY N.tTUR Al. EX I'RESSION while ruittietering to the etteortla o't the ioiee and geuer al comfort of the subject. Operations foe the regulation ptimerration, renioral and replacing of Theth, perform,. .to the ()Ellin. satisfaction of all who desire his pr0f5...400 al sarrices. Erie, April 23, 18551.- Gut.4l3 Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. TM. A UNTI N . , in Paragtsn a near Peach tttreet, is 'dill In town and would atats for the information of the public, that s tine assortment of Clouts, Watches, Jewelry. Fancy and other ilotols are on band and for sale at unusual low priers, In short PO cheap are they leaving the store that no one ran aspect to compete in price, short of riving away their Goosta, which he intends to do if necessary, to accommodate his pleads and the depravity of the money market. Tt is however proposed to receive sorb addition. to the of lo trade from the Eastern cities, as shall induce punch &PM at very low prices, of all desirable Goods In his line. Hoping for more auspiciriaa times in Erie, for the f tare, tbe Flair is once Inure unfurled at the Paragon. Krim, Miami' 15,1860.—M. ERIE CITY MILLS I R. • HA V ERSTWK, Proprietor, • MAXVFAIIMINJI JAM WHOLCAALK AXD RITA/ L DICALAR 1.14 Flour Corn Meal, Mill Feed, RifORTS, BRAN, OATH, CORN, kr, , FLOUR AND PEED STORE, A t my Old Stand, Beebe's }Slunk, eon dime south of the corner, east side of the Part, French street, when I hare romittioUy on hand MAUR of all Maloof my nisei grind. Corn Meal and Mill Fined, Bran sat Abort", Corn, fhits„ kr-, all of which will he sold at the lowest market rate*, ktrirtfe for ChM, and delivered froe of charp. in the City. 11. B. 11A14.Arrt1e)f, Erin, April 30,161•9 SEWING MACHINES. GREAT lAA RtkA I NS. The Aubeeriber ham FIVE. of Singer. h Co .., No. 2 Sewing Maehinm, expresoly marlutaelortel for 'Won use, which b* wiIIPNII on ume, loth irrroleeettraty, at • bargain. W. 1.. SCOTT, RAP, April 9, pA PE It LEA N(I I N(I ii! 1 am sow making large additions - W ‘ to my stock of PACKR HANG INGS f..r the Apr's' Trate, which a , * „ • for beauty of style and cheapness ten: . IFIRt cannot be eurpained 511.11411.11MMENNA (1 o it i t y E 8 4)F ll x t u y u ft.:, 1 (•! . sof F: x rf ins will leave Daakirk at allmt kV via : Eastward Bound—Depart. New York /Apneas— • ....3 CladAO&tl pi Kahl e 2u . ......... It, Xlirht Bananas 4 10 Stack taknien 10 20 71111101. No. 2.... - - - ....... 'might N 0.4 6 16 A p l i ummen b y Ni h t Repress Train /sat over a ht at theirs, sa4 prnereq etnnati it-sprees Sunday nieratag. C 11.68. kriNOT, Gae NATII. MARSH, Receiver. Dunkirk, Sept. 24, 1369.-41 BA B. PAID will Houses BUFFALO & EBIE -- - gratagligal NEW AILELMIGEMENT (IN awl after ktmclay, April 4. aa4 flee, Passeogar Trains will run a. fu11... ISt A.Ol, Alight Eames. Napa at arataehl, fft b 4, ird Siteet Creek arrives at fluall o it 4 4, A 1, 2 02 P. M., Nail stops at North East,Atate Istae Weatltald„ acmes at Scent* at 6 SA Y. la 90 Y. M. Ctoriautitl Expresa, stapa at Ke.thet., L, alit sad Istlvareteek. lirrirodo at Br. GI.. 14 A nit &LOW, rob:seal at boattrk aas hult a „ Express lraitssa on N. Y. L hew V..ric , 'toad. 10 00 A. IL itnpa Evans Centre, !r,, , t , t reek. Dank/rt., enkto, Weettnid, tlynnni. Lane, North Esat and 1 art•ornn,k, artr. t „, F at 1 40 P. X. 0 00, P W. Midst r.sprraa atop* at ddr, and Wintletd, arrive* at krt.. at II 30 t L. 1 00, A. N., Itoaton Kipreaw, *1.44 at i. 111.-1, 1„, kirk Weattnid .ad N. , rth haat, A. 11 Apr 114,1069. \ _ -- Cleveland and Erie Railroad. aw iniPRIMMINAPIti 0 N 186, A N an i L, A tt l e n . 4 1 run aa follura l LIA E ELAIs D 10 10 A. M. Mail Train •t.,1,4 at all 11 ay .14!•••:.• likek4/11., Party, Unn.n•iile and arm... at I 4.: P. 11 , put kirk ,• : Puttalo b 20 P. M. 9 41 P. N. Night Expre.a 1 rain loop. Aahtabala. and Guard, on iy, and arr. A. M.; Moffslo ' 4 A. M. 3 20, P. N. l'lncsnati KTprr - ow.1. • • F.. a / • • 5.„,. Son, .thtitabula, lAnaneaut, 1\14./ r„, p 2, N. io Lq 11 .I.FAVE ER IF. 12 Of. A.M. Night I,apreas Tram Aahtahula, Shot l'attor•t . tit nt..l ..... t'irsrlatal 3 40, A A M. Mail Tmatit •t..i.a at all V. al -.•n• „,,, •aybrook, Untonv 111 r, l'rrry and amt. -pat t.'lerttaae at 11 u•, A 11. IXSI' M. Expel... Train nt . •4.1' tAtAttit and Unturrettit only , and An n• b uo, P. M. frobri. l trxioa, Kart .cot N tact, a I ~n Car attaAL,l, Sat: '• sill nu+ ' at as r Ail Ma thee.unth traloa going W.,..taap'.. t'lt•raliatnl r 1.., Tylt.lo,l ill.agti,ei.inita.u. ctaaatt, Ake. a.r. Ali tun through tratur *ems lEgetvrard,rhouii kirk frith the ir.2l//A ot the 211. Y A krie 1a U, u ktugat o with the N y Ventral and Hoitslo and kattroacts. II Artl 4, 1t..40 Cleveland and Pittsburg R. a Tlllia TABLE.- Ti TINE MONDAY, APRIL 11th, I,#l 1 mina ler“.• r 111 A W 1 L.:1 W. r htt at.! 111A...1:n, I I' 11 r• I.t,a at/ Mills I' 11 1•.1 r• • - 1": nl.l V. tatritag I It.. I.J 1.1 A. 11. a.: 11 truing IstLk•Mftet 111“ Att. r lelth VO 141. ) ). Mani/m.4r, \ • , st IIL 1 1 11111111.•1t. ..1, 1 ..11 . 1t1. 10 oil A 11. Irmo, 1.••• r. , ratt. Am at lino:. 1 • ,ter-I.l.ur k lt J 1.1 ot 4.1. r 1.4 I r Itt HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL A \ I\ ;,:: ..htais.ltiss Si I . gyp.• .*I. t s . j . s. lase • I I, , s . . %till I.V.NT .S. 11 1 .1•111101114 U1._11.1. 11.. ti hn • hitttitt hoellh•sh h Ihuittnn 11, • ••••• 4. - • th. ....••• • r rhihth•lost prertsrotti It 1).••• up, ••,. • .•• .1011 i 11.14 t...• I.) tj.. - 1.4. rtrt • • ettn•ts , tith s 4 h, tr. , it • • 1 . 11 alt 141 I t •4 • • ittinme. It , itit•h Ithsti.thnnsy ht. 11•• 1 , ..1,.., I • 1110.'4, Ili 411 IL. • 10,1 AO% ICE 4.K.A11... •II •LW 111. 11. • CI flagon id 1111• If • •• . lile, am] In t . : 11.4 • •I • % itylp• „... 1..1/1(`IN I.ItLF. I. It t hnt for ANA, h h 1/ 14 •I. 1: • t/ ..41 I tm not , , nhtl w al! furor...l, I ht. m. I=ll Thy 1/trect,.,r. .1, • , ln•aluiaist 1,1 4 4 . 4 % hal , a 4 4• • ‘1,•••••••• 1144factiati altl4 11,a -• A i 1. , .,n.; UM' 1.a1•4r44 . iit• 111, 0 111. /la ra4l4t,a 444444 • 4.44 4., • . r te, al I 4 4.441L.44..a. n t A1•5a.444, 1..• 2••• • .1, • ). 311.1 t, .11 , 11,4 VI • imute plan t• r IL. .1,111 c tear /NY a...5e.% 1.1 the . 1 a•-..... 110..., et. (11.• • ! I. !,. !, N 1 . 1 grrill torn. 111 ti, (I.r ;M1.01..1, . • lb.. ro ....1...1i IA! I, 1 !!!•• !.• II !!!' N., • ••••• I. at I• 134 ter. .1.11...r(r.1,1 r5..1.•• An 41.1mirxt.1, 'l,- 1 ,1 on S i ." .1, • „ „ , 1P eaten..., tLr s ire .•I i , 1141.11.141, tiNsi ti 1,.1, f AtA34•, 11 .1 ..tlwr 4.1 ,• Cotuulttuc SUlrt.o, Will be sent 1113. ,t, entelopc,/ t•ltiqt: 44 . rilAtthr,„ •...,i• „ I STA MIN for postage Ilther Report* • ••• nature and treatment of ,rIII/114 constantly being publobc•l for (nil Nip• aumi 'mil/ be sent to the sftlictetl. Sac, .1 lac and method,. of tr.-at nwsl . mitt leo, arr 01 pest value. Addl.... for liorpirt o.r :'r 11.,11i11110., A t • mtr , , outh Nlutb `to. t, By 0r.14,nf tl.• lvtr,r‘or. 14,44. F 4iK; 111 i.t., h./AO I) 111.11 , 1 M ly .41 :‘,.rrtary. ,RE INSUgpNCE "RI I.: I'4 Ii • NTY A I. I \ , I hice.9.,/ at, , ' it a r J', l Property I oftut rd .lopttur.l I.e.* by Fire ter Teruo not eteeedloti five year*. P•rliert, tuned upon the deposit of PTeminni n pat n the p” men( of the cia nal ?Itoek Hates to MOD. , • put the holiday of a I reminm Note. Lases not litigation. One snit only hag ever been brr.,,,ft mat %hie Company. Tkaseamipeany la matarete tear e • detig, mot u a off< Mom matifrotham. DIRECTORS. James C. Marshall, C. M. Tibbals, Wm. F Ku a r , ” s. Smith, J Zimmerli, Jos. 14 Stern S. I'. &vier. Tboa.. laporhesd, Jacob Liam. 13 (work., A. Filutt., L. Babbitt, Wm. 11 J. M. Justice. OFFICERS. Jan Pnut. .101111 1 1 140 A. ELLIOTT, TrreuL Mae., In Messrs Gunolr.on & Met:rest) , Chrapattla Mn.,,i Frig., April 2., ISAR THE SECRET INFIRKITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY Just Published, Ural's, 25th Thou,ml.l A ' FEW NVultllS ()N 'lll F. KATIuN tI. TREATIIk:NT, .tth i• E n• • dil .. f.ennstorrltoa. or I•wal 44 ',Am..., N.-tut-nal kitokmosoL,lrirtittotl and Ntryourt I.t tits , Prt•trtature Drelty t t' Impoteney, su.t Irrnltitteut• t.. M 4111,104., i • us a. ti. I.‘ 1 , 1", SI I. Tlw important fist t that the many an; al onginAtit; an 'he intiqudenceatradartlatu./. or t, ' r. utuv,l • i TOM T Nitn. INA, IA to . 1i • hart 611•11110) delletelleetralt Iteet and the eehtt te.• • lit t gbly vurrr..rol trtailito I, AA A 'opted by ti fully rapt/inked. lor atr.. 1i...1 .Itch er orry one a tua , to run. 11111.4L1 1./ rl.. ti• Altd at the i•IlAt troAr. h) Mehl,: All thee ad. Art lAA -I I.ootrllllllA •),. Srgh. /111% •141:, "N. graCil. and frre us a ~ .101.• twn ...t an... 194 IS Ist, 1 00. Y. b }x.nt Mat N.. 1, st Jun.. 1 1 1.1.:S , .Lon. I. Al 4, r, attllf 'lame 11...1irn, ••/ .1 ( -f 114 CI 4 -.‘ Lot • liti,• .11• al I J. C. SKI.IIF.N lba3 C4tt v IA I N ver ) lliol ItAllt, tit nsri I 5b, , 4 tall 1. 1. 11.114 gt• U1111J.• Al lII.' DIUg Stort• ..1 Apr,/ CAt.Tnlt A BR" NEW GROCERY. c 1-4 ; EY lilo,llll EIZS llalr niwned a lir... .•• '4ten. In hell' l e a Block. \ntlll 111. 0 1. "' *be, i upplt or I. 4 AMIIN t; ftlkil 13213] TIM lk 11 t v tar 1.111 NI. WOODEN & WELLOW,W&RE Lir Cough allot ti,• Ist, to to vi.t I. 8. . k ttltl” of l outttry H. C. CA I . IiSEY. }t 1 1 11 Erie, April 1869 FA RN! I A \lhs Et )1: SI. E M I fr"" , tisairos.i .0 the Stab ‘• Jerre" Soli a g the beet tor Ae.teultnr.ll.....• • being a rioodlinun nail, 'with a Oar bot bon The a large tract, divided Into malt farm.. and loll.'"": t "' all parte or theeountry are non and The elope produced are large and an be The Clita.t. , I. delightlui, and heel from lrome from $l6 to VW per an.. pay •hie nab.. four ST I.k ritalatents. Tct mall the elm,— lea‘r Ito a I.' at Philadelphia at 7% A. l by Italic...l for IlAreroot • or addrese J.Ely rum by letter, lissusnon too Po. , Atiatitie C 011161.7, Nem .1 erowy w. 1, 11 sAI% vrt moot/bar mimeo, ,•so , SP ICES of all KIN TYS, at No. 2, Wright's Block. April/1,186e. HECKMAN. KENUW A L. ERIE Xi: LEAVE ERIE LEAVE BUFFALO 1•1101,1,41461.04 OF if.' = VI ti IT% it 1ND.... OP