ITEMS OF. NEWS t we , nhrl•f the itinek SWtllll. I, gill. „„.1 tt lailelphta She pleases our eery much I, -1.1 , 1(0111.4. %.h., Irtlely t 0 I. l,.ru ar ...It It hold. , het el.:eitnll Mt Thurs.'s) , • ,tl, Sitttt• utel County officers Trot/ tonn,terol In Lake , - There were twenty-three rild, only eight whom are h4s. hcen saNc4 t„ \elf York Eueuing Tons. one of the 1 . —Republican': papers inttheconw d.„„„,.. 11 A girentioua n.kuettey of free ifle, It ira MOW engaged in s con .• .01l Ihe tariff with the Tribune it. 11.ty of Senator Doughot% we deliver too• .I:k itch( or on Saturday lattt,al her res .al Washington It must be- pleasant :,• rt , , nr to know that the adherent.' of kt-e nn• on the increase by natural rani other (muse ~,, itA in .o n •Q pocket wan picked of an 31 the hoe Vonnecticut fair at New Tho wallet contained only a dose of Time which Solon adri.=eq the thief to , coti,olation fur hi. digappointment. FIIFST M. nQet, Esq , von of Jopeph t-h. of Greenland, N If , las expended dollars in paying the debts of his wlfifteen yearn no The Port a thi. i« a ••ohininr pVanyrie olinlity an•l filial re.peet teport vrevall. that it is the intention armor Wke of Virginia, to make a re upon I i..‘vritor 'Morrill. of New York, —arremier (loft Gerrit Smith, 11,1+ an ..ry “f grown < in the Harper's Ferry in. n• I'ir•i.lrnt lit iippointe.l 164 nephew hwver of Philade] 1.1.1% iPei kl:try eon VI teniporftril) linN lug heen Trett.nry Deplriment for 11 r'- ~ phee ,n ihe De. 4.nt mong the letter , . fantod in Benwn'e the I% ...htngton .-,ni,. mention., il front Henry : , 11111 It and John Smith, 1,111 \..rl her Who ore nt..tnotent member , of the gient Smith They 6 ter not been heard of this t ranting of the Buffalo Illethen! fl.flftllt. I Storrk reported the ease of a girl, :iffe. who 1.114.1 , 111 from the ItilVirt. tt It It %MI itrr needles in the rnurve 111 Fla who eon fessed that tate had » hslot of -wallowing them for al.ifit order to gvr.iok, so that she » 1, »I.hged to leave home and work T. inry of War lia , 4 receive , ! nr, I/ ;.•11il'i , 1•11 of the roeent lffair tit Brown F. The handita, numbering nearly he•abal by Alexierm , kutlaws. en hr 1. , wil deliherniely mnrolenral five ell the jail and liherated toe ,„,, .111*( , , destroyed 1, ..IT a large aulannl praperty, and ..,,,,,,Ittng 1111 l other annitgeona .•1) Nlelienft Itn 1 .. 101 , 01r , {OM 1111.41 to . 1 family ~f Ilrot her. Khn .1 po nem Tuotition., Mu DIM Into. nntnri+•tp ft , 'hi? '.ll Iv]. for +PT erft I ye..r4 h ttelitt , ett , ':entite the oilltt‘tt f..•-nserly lending 11=1 Is 111 I hir \\i• 111= 4 i • tif g 1., lqhhenOmsnt v =I .corr,l nml hro6,•n iip A man vile I` re-1..•.1u1ay eon , k. 1.11,1, mint) was i•lentifte.l a- the I Ihe pawl, but while MarAnit le‘.lnn.l. who engineere.l the 11 1 the neee— , try root Brit frtir,4•l" hq.l.een tlO pqrrile.l him The gang have been in It t..r a con , idernhie length of t IMP. and hoo•ln.1 ,I.dlnr,t worth of tolrn y tlng ..f lo.r-e, and htiggieq, •••lIN 1.11 . 11 o enr .1•1111n,1 W ~1 1/ r n NIIII her t ve., children were put !non the Cle‘ellii.l, and n.r her inxhility topny to• won, In “ffertng, n hill which the eon goll4.llneed worthies. The party wore I the fruit on 3 cold and rainy any, and ,•t halt a wile to:walk for shelter, the it Ind her youngest chill tank a severe %du', otter n , tiekno?a of over two • re-nltol in the death of the Inttor r orlingly rmm tnencol fur gistmage , ;, ur"tiArte4 trial the jury rentierNl 1, I fr.,r plaintiff for sftrtU lark r olored 'wencher in New'' ork dP -0,1 the itnniternhle 13w4 1 and ',metre. the whole American enritt dt he people.l with n. colored mee lie rL if the 1'1%11(.4.69n. nre he dnrher nw.l the negroe. whiter lie 111 , 1 it riot I.w•n for the 'lntl of , I'3llo[l..lhr rare.. amid.' ' et r e keen n rgal r••lor before If the Her. Mr Balrllo'a • hi corneet, the "rood CallliTlf" will ry shady. t.. gay the Tenet I htly think o The whnie American emu thent peopled. by beinf_ , + with eolored akin. ' The tho'i timer but ple.v.ittv "rrelutwivill of tlrr tievelrin.l r end- I lie followinr fruit Itnpifl., Port (thin vhiro 1:46 at Natalia. % Norton. Mr Vim li IMalry - I. Eggl4-.0.m, ,111 of Itnpi.lQ. Port .+m y Ohio • • ahere named looney had a wife hefore, divorce for kicking her out The vomit.: of theJaily to whom he n , inue.l knew this. forbade her iy 1.1111. toed to hol, and ordered ..r the ttttt wherereron Un d ley • i t lie it man and gavil him a Fie •ooditoz while the laily,—The r•tn "tat and got info the ear h.l 14 01,4 moil D. hrid whipper her 111 , 1 , h IM wantel to A Real \ltiy post ()Moo/ are for the reason that the postmaster,. Iwo to four quartette behind in their The lire , nitre of huvineas upon the , 111:ee liepart &tient in no great that a me al ioree of clerks could not possibly he time , iol7le thirty thousand quarterly rti , immediately an they mime in, and it • refore only Lucian at the end of a guar.. pa.tinantera were delinquent Pinch • !101l notified to P(10 duplicate., but for .11 .intril it was not known until ie net y nvrei whether witch du- ,•I I ,•., , T remedy thi4 1.1.1,., 41.41 t are lo must ho au- 7 , 1 Congre-s _ grTag itIf,ASON WU IC rim manna Amid be posannion at a llotU• at MAW' ad rataaat ut Saari Weal a, beeanno It h • moat I coneentent and safe article with which le reiciee very many of the eons and pains both Inward and outward ODIDCI3OO to all hushes, and further a Ina drops of it Mita in warm water, 1.1•1•Idir MINS.. • glow of warmth throughout the system, Increases the NW bran ttozows opmi the New If the Skis Mel dem out thetnigh the proper channels the waste matter, which when tt . l„ lea It fa when the outlets am eisa4 by eatat sod corrupts the Motel and guids, and Mama rons, , tore Throat, Aethma.Rhearwtiam, Bona, Yrapt w.., +ad many other clusentree No medicine that w• know of is an certeto and sate la all revecte as this very Ratract of Swart Weal Mitid. WINSLOW, an espertancod nurse and brinale physician, Imo a Soothing gyrup for I ren teething, whkli rattly focilliatas the process of teething by softening the glum reducian all Ingantsatioa —will allay all pals and is mare to royale the bowela.— nrSend upon amlbera, it will give rest to yoalsehish Sb relief and health to your Inhale. Potbelly info In Mt {SAM Sea IldheliksesiNdbl StiObOt colOaln. /7/7. Pr(XtUL.D'IVT HELP HOUSE WITLI 1 OUT IT.—lt aisles op odds what the emma=, tit, aU,or ace*bust In my tut_ ily.tboarit Mutts Estrus qf ague freak Indeed we us It for worry thing *ad 'rodent buoy bow to kw, baths without It. Serb wu the "trey of an betaillitoot Armor the other nay, to the queetioa pat t 0,140 by a agleam', as to what he know about, or Moo& of "Clots'. Eatred neon Wrni," ?loom lama It, will mom io his opinion or Its rola& it. MRD ADYKUTIMOIEDIT of Da. um TORIES !Avow Invigorator and IPaadtr Chtthar e Ile la mother coleusn. RAILLEP LW TEN MT MUTES Blit YAWS musing'( WA KERS. A sad eerSais aJ qbeedy rem* ern eisteratred far ali Ditoistra of 1411 dent and 1411,11, Cbuirka, CWI4, Asth ma, tlammomeik, Breacilitee, Nfilarsza, Maryellen, Dug nal Bremasag, Sore Throat. 4e. IreINOUE WA PICKS give tbe most instantaneous WI perfect relief mid when wtth Mending to direettoria, Dever hill to egret • rapid and lastle* care.t ?boomed' have bees restored to perfect health who haft. tried other memo's vain. To all dame and all sonalii• turban they are equally a Meeting and a eur•-•-nene need despair, tio matter bow long the Menem mayllmse e%ixt ed„ or however revere it may be, provided the organic etruetore of the vital nrgaser le not twpoiseeti, decayed Rvery one *filleted should give them an impartial trial To VoCaLIRIA alto I'utt4.lo . s, there Wafers are. peculiarly voluable ; they will in 055 DAV remove. lb* most Revere occasional hoarsonetv ; and their regular use for • few tie), will, at all Menem, intros/sr the power and devability of the voice, greatly improving its toot, comp pose and dearness, for whirl porpost they are netutorl vowel by many proftmional tocalist*. JOB MOSICS, Sole Proprietor, Rothester, Y Price etttit• per hot -For *ale by Carter* Res sod 1., I. Baldwin. May 7, Iv /Or11('TCIIINILINV LIVE MXIIIII Alll,llll Youth to the Aral f Strength to the West This novel preparation bout met with the approval of the wilily in emery part of the world, and the tligforerer •tel proprietor footlessly proclaims it t.. 111. If N It QUAL LE Mr Shannon as a rrpoortaduar sad ',darer or wastra or inert funetiona 'totalities* Life Erb;lneunt ahott/d 1r nand by all neer oon penman, an it Annulate* the peewee to their mitural work, anal will not produce a reaction no matter how •mlthsoly dropped It IN Klan a roam "mate, and will rive relief rn nv.rer with iin• first dote A brief peraixtenee in tl• Is. , w ill renovate the Molnar% to a degree of perleet health, sod hontab tlyspepona forever. The Brad aboold In certain to make liortehinyve I.lf RiLilarant a honseheld article inasmuch an it will ;ender them youthful is feeling and to strength, untenable the to to live over again the days of their pristine pay it not only exhilanttea last altrenglitena, and is really an iovalu site blessing, especially to thane who have hero nalon to a condition wt servility by misfortune, or onlinary aiek near No matter what the emote of the impotenei of any human organ, this superb Kv,hilaraut will MMONI. the• .ILYt at ones and forever. lintehintroe Idro Etch'larant otoothl he wend by all pot sons who hay dloorden4l borroo. mookarb„ liver, moron tar ltotion, torpid iotoll/41, or tow IMPS of fOrila. It la o mpoormmt f ro m hi on o rm , yet poi. orto 1 mani, rontaltta aid a vain or Mow of mineral rulrtanr.• renal* attlicted with hormone... wilt diarore. Rutehingze Life Rxhilantnt the realization or Ilieor lope• maternity T6l. remarkable and unapproachable preparato.t, qle bt the Proprietor, R. B. iirll7llll/1011, at 1h!. Cliaabora Street, New Yolk All radar, abesuld be addraosto.l to Linz Scot by Itspona avert whore Hoe l►rtte bottle II ait ibt.l Lk. tor VI. Sold by T. SINCLAIR, and CARTER k Kra, Pa. ♦5 1♦ re - The agod ran !taro hearth roorwod Hutchings lair Rib'lanai, whirl) is infallible as a PP J 11•01111111 I, mol roodoro ireadod Mirnrib, with magical prompiin,s n.i •nnelPrful rOIIIII4III9ICP. For old and (polar per.lti It lns turt 11.4 equal. :LOW 19 CAKIICK k tour, II Kit • rie I's. ly ri p- Thr vict.m of Liver Complaint will .litbrover;el flotrllloga Lif Erhitarant a grand psonnes, soorquallaol for igoto..liale mod permourot rtfrrt In tL is di*der"*.ing romfdaint: It Iflea mr-rendrra ltur inlorl calm ext.! elititr h.; : it tetuoiejtitimii and pitreniftt• with ftwor T tar., Pit. if. 1 y .1?" 1 hp r Stotk o 111 rPerint oPw rt-mm.:t h from A ihduie Ate Or of I.laat twverrllon• 4.11 gorsnt., Hnttbiog.. 1 Or loistraul IL i• 1,4104,0 .0 111 1•• . As wo T." ' it I t• okl, Om Prm.l And , )0 .14,1 CARTIski WI, .1. I rr tittlettm:. I uil,rvotit t , a t al a. hp9ar" , llo/111.140 Alin VIECI4I. On V.. 1 / i•T ina/ler 1,0••• 4... ittttet • , 1 an iatalliair aLecthc it le ale.• eure td.r Ilisetanb• ...ntet...,l in the 1.1,, et,.‘ttarlt ft. no .4.. Is w 1 .1“ .I'.t wt. t tI:TFIK R Bktl F.nP, * Pa 44 it bavinr UP' flutchinp• LAI. Rs lainak and •Irllt /lie E‘l , .trant: •t 4,11 t/I • tkl. 011 .t t , s minor* all °hit tycllf,ns tu.t In vim larilw.,lll,ll the Itteri.l - orXtn. , sngi r.•.tore the Id,r.or 0110111 h 10 II -••1 Is rareworn Fg.1,1 /: k /to,/ F. rum, Pa. IS 1. Derwin/I will and I( wtehinrw Lire A wort , rwmody tir all thrlr suirering: And tior•onli from for iptisuiulna~ am. ..1 and their neryrins gdt,m. idiattenvi, snit rowititott,ii, 'woken di , wn 14 , 1i110r T.P 811 , 4(1.11R. For 1•1 411 . The Ity!petal, coin hay. 611 lit, mow. 6.iliphr.l if fir ail bot a.. tilitrbirvil I.lf. I.*.6ilaratit 'Weak ebartarb, noble diet Inn ihigtroP allot Pali ur,toodi vr bitgbi , br,or apvil•, will 131)41 a mast.r shay. 1.111 414,1311.1 Mbl by CANTRIt k 111411.. and T !• 1 4.1.1 r I - 3r' Hatching"' I.lfro bibtrant. One vr .tbeitnnnible sod tlistr.wiug effort. of W kn.l ..r 1., t n i knee, sant tlo.rannlnot lb* rtnimacb roorl•VII the uirnonn I to¢ effects, tbottiabnmaies load 11.1111111.1.06111i.ii rIV• I rrinove.l Sold by T. S. SINCLAIR. kn.. P. 4 ty II at. litho' la* tarsal ie quick iiroi var.-wet, 4 lit rK th. worst and weed 'intimated rime liyepepeill., kidney Complaints, and sill other dormagewiceta of tip. ftioloach.atol bowel^. and will revive the melancholy *IA do raping apirita leirtediately• The feeble, werviiii , , ..kir should try It geld by T.Tit'l All. ' Pt. v. II garTAIL 1131111tAT lelltiCl4 l lll kVA IRII~F. MADAMS 110111Y11414.1 4:ICLICINKATION 1 , 101•Llt g - by the 14.41. Posnettior of the tuitional Preseription, need PROM el temurely In all SMoopeati Pentair litespltada,luol to removing stappagolc and hot-gal/tittles of the menses Them pills are nillileag DOW, hut have Neon awl 1., doetnni int many ,iears, Loth In Frantic mod America, e unparalleled Pilef , Mot In every rase ; and he 1.1 $l. many thousand. Wiles who have need them, to laka.ll4 , I Pp. pills public, tor lb* nilletviatinti of thine singed tut Domini, 17,.-rutarki ire of Iv hat.' rr nature,SO well 111T1.11,41•f nape, ht Dingo hedies whom beslth will not permit 411 tote roam of family. Pe...snout lemales, nr those PIS ppoallifig tib..1.1.1•.11 pm, are cautioned mursinst soder these piff• while pregnant, as lbe propriol., &mum. on_frPproliftil.B Itjalter the 'Jerre admonition, although their naltilneP would prerent any istiarhiet in the health • otherwise lb+ pills are recommended. Pull and exkit direction ap moopnity oath ht. Ifor sale by I. I. BALDWIN, Ifni., and.. —.Sleeper Watrrford N. 11.--0. ;Inlay and them wattage stomp. rnelrwir.l to in, authorised agent, will lemur* si parkere of wilts ler rr turn will. C Clulslty, Boners% At July V 2, Mat —tyT. Buffalo, N Of POUTA NT TO EMMA I. /04., flu. CH loc..(Km 4 N'S 111.1.8, Preustml by Cornehuo FiCaan, W. 1,, Now York City The mmbiostion of ingyrillents In thews Pills are the moult 461 a lour tail •atr Pala* pusotim. they atonal.' In their operatiesbanot nsmain in orwriwting all irimfuhiritlers Painful ltrostnow towns, reviewing all obstralettons, wiwtlssr frown otherwise, hominebe, pain Ia the WISP, plpitalien of !W.A. whit..., all awnless alteetions, li)stertes, pain In the trek and limbo, le., distatrhtsi sleep, which arise from intermaptkon of Datum. TO MIA litalllCD 1,AD1104, Dr. Che4lllllPlolB . ll Pills are inveln•lar.attlery briny ..n Ow monthly periled with leaulartly. .mbown ho have been disappolatod in the was of other 141111 ran place the utanaat ound.tenee in Dr. eheoooman'a fill, (bona all that repreerut U. de. OVUM. There in owe eon4ll4on et the trintste ay*• torn is wititb 1.110 Pine anent be talon without prooloc meg a rEetiIJAR RIIIOI'LT. The condition trofarnol to la MUMMA ?WY—the result, 11 ISCA itRl •0 K. Such oi Lb. trreoiatalslo teaaraey of lbo medicine U. motor,. Ow N 6114,41 (unction* to • Donna cooditha, that even the reproduc ttre power of nature cannot owlet it. W wilintrd t riirlY vcretedde, mud (rNe trim an, thing In jurione.' kit direction..., whirls should be ,11.4,1, company ram bon. Price $l. Sent by wail on onoloaosse St to the 111PDPINII WPM. 1444 by one Urnyylnt to evert town in the Bailed Mates. it. 14. Htnialllllo‘, Gonerel Aral for lb. 166 Cliaset, New y,,,t To whom all Whollooato order, eilu6al4l 4 mhilresped. ECM Bank of Commerce. Ent, Oct. 21, 19:49 MILE annual election for thirteen Direct '. OM to erne the oseulag year will be belt, it the paalyilog House, oft Woodsy the ILA d of Tiorroilor oast, !ottoman the haunt of 10 O'clock A. II es 4 2 teetock P IL O. J. BALL, Caohier. MISS FANNY E. RHODES, 321 B. 23 Bft 131 AIC 33 , 4 AS REMOVED to licebe's Block, cor of HA str.ot amt thip YrbU f 4 jusre, tap rush) Ph.' i• DO% wrrifiug bee Fall and Winter nations, And will be happy to ►law thew to her ea►todrrt and Meade, and ree4we their order► for any work to her UMW Erie, Oct. Et, M9.-18AL T. & tUNCI.AIII., Ageost. YKANCII4, REMOVAL ! Y. 40 Road, tpeetrully eall LM A -4 complete amortal4 lo It OMCN AND COOK 13TOVV3. C0 2 4' 61111 10 0 * DM* Moat naltsl amid towable Mete violet' mania bill to do ntiallantiolli to Soso WY* nal %Am. We warrant Alf our staves and wham aatailhetton Is not tally anprioned and the party does ant tonafira inane fur Ma flaunty irs will wake It all right. Our stoves .stand Or. , '• and will prove etrdinable as how* tnanunia ta rem Kaaba, AMA. abase. Sad haw rod all miaow ogled. lain on hand or manufactured to order. aq:Lowa axe Pcow-huorra at aapallor auks. and dun• alwapi on hand. A call sad a fair trial at r la all re.ask and "' Rrie, Ck-t. $l , 11169. MRS Peach St, 121 AS jilst re) Ia now'roorlvt 4; ..4. entudellne of Velvet Satin earl B NNET. RIRIIIIII9. /19IIION181, 1 1 11.0 1 firEB.1 FF:ATI)V.M, ke , CAPE and IiKADDRPOQkit of the fattest Rtyleit Gannet Frailty*, Rachee, Chenille*, Velvet bibbints, loree, Ilona Skirts, Zdythyr Roods, Knitting Yarn, together with Holder" of a iluperlor Quality, ail of which will be ROM cheap Inc CASllint ready pay, Partlenlar attention paid to BNaehing and Prow -11,41m4ta colored arty desirable Boles{.-., lilliiners front the eratintry sarpplbd at Wholesale at a small percentage above New York Eno, Ilet. 1999. 19. Meant. BALI.. HATS & CAPS, AT COST. HA I:ING made arrangements top infinother kind of twa in^ 1 will sell my en tire stuck of Hate and Caps by the Rearm or Mogi.. at °CWT. bly Goods are almost retire ly arm, ha vI ng teen put domed within the lad tan tiara and from the most rastilonnide nommen torte stork of MOW(' Rilbell, that roll le• sold al unusual low prier* }l. IIII ITII Kyle. Oct, It, 11041 19. T MUT l SEEI),I Tim( rrliy SEED! , ~k.. New Clean Timothy Reed, just re ceived, and lot Pale cheap by Erie. b met./6, 11 , 99. ItECILVAN KRXOIO A CO. Illof MIN IV I V IN, win /In their own can obtain Id A lIDE.II and INllltifl, and all ‘milier lire Molts of the very hem material and of the low er,t p,+.., at the Itrde store of 19. CARTER Jk PRO CTAL M ILLS ! Flour, hopped Feed, Photos. THE CA] AL STEAM MILLS, 1E11.1r..1.13. piptrocet. Ziarleo. rill F. tindril.ignoil tutting retiksal the inat,,,n• prepared to atronieenlate eantomern; and tt ail &trio WS !bout rwliahle.brantfa of growl ?tour of v er..ior grinbn • Rye anit knekwltowl liner, Corn st e •riw, limb anti Cltorynni Pewit vital! kii;dw, al 1 10 1 KS 4131 Itk?• irr - The moot riven' silent ine will be reed to euntom wort.. .. o git re on,,iounity in wonoral nre rT.prrUall, nsTittel to lit e• h rime t .1 text .dour tertttli. I — ir Market vile... will he jetel i•.r Wheat. Corn Ate.l oh at the tlill TRACY k ('II 'I 11454 -In, IrK HAYES & JORDAN w LT, oPEN RI)AV (KT. BTH N ENV , TY I. Es \' A EN (' I E.s, lAN( MOH A 1 TN, )1 . 1)1 , (11 \ EltS, FliF.Neil MEM NI t.;. American & English DeLaines, ENV I)I.:SIUN'4. SHAWLS, SILKS &c. Tt ,u lit .it the rerent AII 7141 N out tit great SLAUGHTER! f rw, Urt et, t.f.g Gll EAT WONDER or THE NINETEENTH CENTURY PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. SA \ ► ) ern(wi t rt., to lir let duos, V1'41 . 11 14,0,44 Irli..11k.S111) 1.1 i br ) WI,. 411 inn WWI . lino, ;orb rrbirsror• must Ili.. it.. n•.t. n p Irnatt y rrowtrlti Pourer 11 , r.t,r,cntn or t itit•talitowri nt irlllll. 111• Dr naivila no en .••• iiiii n Im• pullrry frd•to the 14..1 . It•Til. M AiNn, Jan 20, 16`.9 Pv./.BllOf / 41 /1 . 0.1 I I, ty isle int ist lent rAlli-4 • fi a nattotia to the 1. hi, 14-nero - tat snui 1,11'11,1.1a it, "ohne toil, typo. v.n iI it weir. ID, os hod whits Tot the rharai.tor Some montimi I pI,CU 11.4 II loittl• or your WWI' rondo , it 1 0.5.0 rotalWl It nu prloriny ohs! I font ntnto-.1 I to - n./ it atoolt twit. aa mk I have Mom ilnirotrr..flingstaertn.ttin of •hinfi 1 hate Utorwl roan. I ,an nit% rertillr 1.. tin. norl.l that the [ray or whit, hair hat 1-4,14 .i.•apte rttett, both lin m. heed atm/ Urn, and air hair liamovwumoil sattiral radar, wad 1 befit-rt. more nett AL.! el, iiry than it has loon betorr for tinfoil.) - aye I min ~sly ream old, my raid wife at the nve fif at, An", 6aa 81.41 it Willi !MOW riliMt. thr alum, Oiitirt . ii , otit ibit t to ton (or roar valuable io. ri 1 out iiitrinififtl that 1111Sewillati will rightly lOW, a Ito , J0.011..014 Will not have ',ear to costrailitit my rtation. riti• I ant it run vo of this ell) Unita mabloot here for 11.. lint htte.-n tents, and ion,kotiwn tonvarly every oim anal aelinintng I.nonia. Any use you may nuke the atm.. v With tut name altseited. ist your Perri.% ,o 1 w.nh to preeerre the (*mutt«n nature in ntlnres Its well as ioraell I am truly, your". A. I " RAIII/Cilt. Itabvinotta, Jan "rt., tvi:Vit = ['minicar A twit —Dear Fir miNfortuno to kw... Ws kart porbou I.( my lour. trout IIIM Pliceta of the yellow fetcr la Ni 'deem.. to Ihbl, 1 www sodwred to mAk• ty trial of your pritsrottion, sod (MUNI U lo .n' he er v..ry Mohr tkee.i•-•1 4, L lir b+ olow thick kikil rat, ratilclitinp, to yttn in pi, 10.Nlueit. I ineelk 1 IrreslaP FINLEY Jitillk:•=4l): The nation' /;nOll, J, li ilraag • ty, a raineator /a reg ulnr AtaJmliag. and pastor Of t h . OrlAndic.x Church at lir,, Masa Ile in s ovalloiaail of great lalloaot•• na.t r-nlll 1/Ylell,- 11rnakfleld. JIM. 14. 18:41. wo.i--11,Pia Fir :• limotng amok Iliad of your .441(1.111 U. Steal& 11P to Noy, that Ita 11. at .11 (1•11.4,111 C lutlauNpun, 11111141111 i( to no] a. • Ilk.i.(11 t. 1.44 ton 1.. oirlat,, a at, tl.rrh 1 ha, r r"01.1...1 10.1.4 1111 .•b1141,11.4 soil hail shm. trstors.l n,) ...... gra,. h. Ilr 11111(111.1011 n/lor. uith 1111 IL 1,,,T pam,•• pi* a.nn 1, 141,11 fruit. J K KRAO4I Tlea ta peat op IR !Withal of 3 ekes. •is nn4lotat and small , no. small %, a pintootail regatta. tor ovr dollar f* If I.olllr • the u. hum holds at Maxi variety pe.r rant MOW in preolaertuili than ths small n.ta i la fa, sari, .1...11ara • bottle; th. Wan bothls a quart, Ott pd,r t•••eal tra.rr on propaortiore /111• I retails for 1:3 a !rattle. 10, 111 i At , Proprietors, :112 Itroadway, N.. Yl.rt, Ito a* rnitt N Y. W st, Itallittar P...tahtishtn•at,) au. 11l IdlarLat rtt I dal., lit. ARd t.i *lt Dr/erg-1.4U and rimer thwods Waters NOTICE. A4l. per4olvs, witiptat 4. Xeliptinity k now ing thrall...flies indebted to us, air earnestly rripaeal tin.. par the man* without 4elay, as the late thump. In aur ibts•inettp mi.., an early cllispoisa/ of amsettled alealra hop o e.ti re, az' we tepid that the Indulgence bet rtofore granted will be plateholly reeipmeatea by • _pummel_ Ire" 'p.c.*. to th ia no**. tiet.S. JoliblltToN liKo. . FALL MILLINERY ! Min A. E. COLE would call attention to 110 f 11.410 f Atilliorry wad fluffy awls, enn m.l tnig ..1 "An tn • ,4" ts 3 ! rf: LE rM t" Thirty -one Spring and Matinee 1100 P SKlnts II F. lt ESSBS. WWI bER , TOVRNOUB MCI) FILENeII CORBSTt3, • VALENCIENNES BRUSSELS AND . THREAD LACtB. HA NtiII'ESICUIEFs or Arr./atom QUALITT, Bonnet anti Rinhon Velvet and Bonnet tnatiri- Alija genernlly. • Pfister Bonnet Blocks! ' mgt. *Miners supplied at ukolenalo, and iir portico] attention paid to ordero. ,: r e,„„ leachins nod prrising and coloring of i , B0111)0 0 . One in a superior inonner. Erie. tact. 8, '59-18. Paragon Block. ii wows Coma& PPPlif AUTUMN TRADE! ! STATE 13101;LD'Err, Oppoidte Brown's Rotel 1 TAR LARng AIW ICLINIANT lIIARSLIt 'MONT DRY GOODS STORE I Great Attraction in Erie. i it i t Dry Goods, CARPETS, etc., FOR ALL OF NORTH WESTERN PENN'A. AND ARE OFFERED AT .T_Neisas rP3ri.oem THAN CAN Di ?OLD ■T iff Mg II 111 !WI 11 MI WI. A GRISWOLD 11 . 1 S JIWIP lIIRCEIVICD AND Now Offers for CASH AT THE L a zli2 h lU a la , kail ,, i3il The Largest & Nest Attractive Btoek of i 2? CQ 0 E D C,4116.R.P1E1T/E0 aft-1\77:1 House Furnishing Goods, 11l =ries I 44444 f 4 11 A SAVINO OF From 10 to 20 per Cent. CAN I{F. MAI)F. BY BUYING GOODS At this Establishment ! ! ! it tit EVERY VINCRIPTION OF DP ESS SIDS, DRESS GOODS INDIA. FRENCH BROCHE, WOOOL, AND stalls 4511:iewvcrls BLACK AND CuIi)RED Cliffll CU lAKS ANT) RAGLANS; Xontebollo Cloaks, THE (IEMS F AS II I t/N Cloak Clothe and Trim:oiling& PATTERNS Fu )R CLOAKS and RAGLANS Hip L Point Lee Bach 'oll..rm and Sleeve. from $1) to VIII l'alenciennea and liipure Lace Collar , and Sleeves. Fine French and 0111arg & Sleeveß, Embroideries & Laces, DRESS TRIMMINGS Hosiery and Gloves, I=l House Furnishing Goods oF EVERY STYLE! Mulder Prints 111 cents per yaw/. 'lest tia.l.ler Prints warrant...l. only 10 cents per yawl tiooti quality IteLitines only 124 eents Mo r e than nrie hundred styles IleLwithe, q uality rustle, els. worth 2s. 0 4 4 Carpets and Oil Cloths, JUST REcEIVED LIVER 200 PIECES Prroms Furnilheng Rums (n/ Howse!! Will find it to their tuivantage to examine thig Trorx English, Velvet and Brussels CLAJELP3EIIeri3, All Wool, Three Ply and Ingrain CARPETS ! A good Wool Orpot for 5C els. a) ard Ell A good Carpet for 23 eta 1 ) Rl' CHI ETTS, R LTG S, CRUMB CLOTHS, If A&UCKS. and Lace sad Embloidered 'Nulin, Curtain Window Drapery ! DAMASK AND WINDOW SHADES Sc., WM. A. GRIM/TOLD. Erie, Oct. 21,1859.-17 THE 12120 OIL CLOTHS OF ALL WIDTHS .. . . Fall Exposition. Mk & 111 a on CODS "4 a ••• • 4, w • 77: 4 .: • • , 1# •A' TS 33 EtEE HIVE!! NO. 1, BROWN'S ROTEL HAYS & JORDAN DEALERS & JOBBERS IN PLAIN AO FANCY DR&S FABRICS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION; RrBBONS, EMBROIDERIES LACES, WHITE GOOLC, CLOAKS, RAGLANS SHAWLS, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, DIMS TRIM • MINAS, &c. &c. &e. HAVE now opened a lame and varied stnet or DRY GOODS FOR'FALL SALES. Selected with reference to the wantq of the •MILLION." A full line of Black and Fancy Silks! Plain and Fancy letarinoeal Parmettaa and Mourning Goods! American and English Prints! Irish and Scotch Table and Shirting, Linens! Napkins and Towelings! ClnthM, Casainaers, and Faittinetts, &c Standard makes of Bleached and Brown I tontestic Goods, Tick ings, Denimm, Shirting Stripes, &c. &c. Goods from Auction and other Job lota Weekiyt We aim to keep our stock full of seasons able Goods! frier* alsoaye made load: auA and - BAort Time Bwyere! A T T HE B psy BEE TylvE 1 1 - 1 ___ HATE'S & JORDAN, No. 1, Bmwn't4 Ilot Fxif, Sept. 23 1$ 9.. Oct L SUMNER & CO., turnorrata,ro MIA ILRILS 111 MONNE OLD " BRANDIES, Gins. Fine Old ye & Bourbon Whiskies! CIGARS, Pickled awl Preserved Fruits. &c. At NAT, • ice 1. OAO lea 3. ie • NO. 3. RUUD 111611.101111 BLOCK, We are jest opening a Fine Aessottment or the ABOVB GOODS 'which we otter to Dealers *ad Families in a Pare State ?UR WANT Or A 11. lilillia VII lifts long been felt in this community and qouatry, and that deficiency we now / propose to supply. We Import all our Foreign Goods and Select our Whiskies pith a good deal of care. Ao ow Sell *ay fur can or Approved Paper, We can SELL AS LOW u any HOUSE in Neer York or Philadelphia And Guarantee to do no' fir All our 1100fti4 are WA KRA ?MEL to be Pt silly so ir* req.-rat Tilig!, and in. Imlle tbi ioapielion nroidge. to our Sttlek 0rt.1.1854-17. U. 8. MAIL LINE. 0 aiVitlr4:7-tde47-4 43;.11341 TO MEADVILLE VIA. S. & E. R. R I'IIHOUGII IN 0 I-R)ITIIM rpitE only Railroad Line og g. num m, m " , mapenon with St* South. The proprietor is happy to announce that bit has ram -O.W arrangewonts 6l which patatenrsrs for COMII.I loilf.s Wootietwit, Mwdriltr, Illetcrr and points ;tenth rata Krie every morning !Sunday tocerpted at A W on the cars of the SUNBURY . AND ERIE RAILROAD. Connerliar at Wan lord with fitigel , for the *bore points Mating immediately on the arrival of the train al Water• fort, arriving at Meadville Letweea I and 2 o'elorit P. M , looking it the moot pleasant, gntekest and Mot mate to the places named. Returning leaves Meadville at 9 o'rkirk, coaneeting at Waterford, with an early train for Brie Fargitir 104 ly to the Principle Rotate, or ot . Hoek, Hotel, Waterford, and APS. 81. • N hotai.tor. Avig7 Stable 7th at., between state and Preach Brie, Oct. 1, 1,4:4-17 SALSBURY & WELSH, Agta. FRUIT SHIPPERS, AND Dealers in Oysters, FIFTH St., BETWEEN STATES FIZENtIi, R. sA r.sur IT W HOT, SAT. E. IMPORTANT CH A NG E!! JJou NSTON HMI.. liming. aof tboir "Miro It/RAIL WINWIL, *di 0.01 Oita tinw beers &vote thotr eptlr. attoottoo to jobbing GROCERIES, PUHA. VOGL SA I.T. ETC ETC. At their spacious side.' rooms, Corner Mule Erie Pa. Our increased facilities enable us to com pete with any 1011IIRR we fit „f arirur T031.1C.V.11r1". and an examination of our STOCK, is respeetfttily solicited from an who visit this mallet for the purpose of buying goods. flaring mode arrangements for securing the best Brands of Flour, I►irect from the head of Flour market, we feel confident that the VARISTY OF BRANDS we are now enabled to offer cannot fail to meet the *ants of this whole section of country. I . 'ii9- 18. J. JOHNSTON & RHO. J.• 0. BURGESS & 00., WHOLESALE GROCERS .41.6ozatas Tsar PAERILUMES SCILLEI3 ! No.-10, B 3 ow Bloek, trio. Oct. 11, lIlaL FIRM voR SALE i rrnE undersigned offers for sale, on res .". seeable lemma a oreill bat saleable bush In the tinrordde of V Me meaty. Mann about thee sad bell =Sip from lioectisking vintage of Wein berg. hid her sestideelay setae td good ant sad amend betters land, tees' nty •ave , of which le hs a f eed state of ineroneasut LA bee a young and gervieg an cloaca, tarsals. r with a owbeasettbil bares. The hems will bio wed as unescrptineable title emu. Fier further , sequin of if. Maas. Wellsburg, or of the subasslber at Waterford, Erie Co. Pa. Oct. S. 111119-16.1/. P. S. =mount ;NO. 8, REED, HOUBIL j'CONKEY & MIANNoN, Rare on band a Urge stock of IRON, Cut and Wrought Spike, M . 7 .'77:M BHOVKLB and SPADES, FLINT, MEILEY. MILL, SPrings, Axles, ANVILS, VICES AND BELLOWS Wrought Nuts Lad Wuhers, p:./.lAAA..,!oit:ei:4);fl PL A TEI) spooNs AND FORKS, BORING MACHIN RS EL EYS' IVAI*4 ANTI IVA TF:1? PRO° . I , ' c. 4 PS, SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLASKS, No. 3, Reed House, Erie, M'CONKEY & SHANNON ioig, Mag. 4, img. Administrator's Sale. Tavern Stand, at Wayne Corners, molt EULPIINT'Ir,Nfti"II., TN pursuance or an order from the Or sham. 1:4111 n .4 Erie , 1 will sell the Real Valet. .iewitsed as h.linwa : olitusitod In maid townehip of Way re, containing shoat two thin!' of an acre or hunt and bound ed as follow.: On the North hr thr YAM and Wont road at. Wayne Corwin: on the kiwi by land ne.rrrrywl by !UMW , I Adel to James D. Smith ; ou the Andtli by land ouerrycil Iy Win. NI b, to Jame« II Smith ; and on the West by the road rennin; frown the said Way re Convoy South Lowsrds remain! towns,' ii, I merovetnneta — Th ere ent mid land aTA V ititN RTA NO 4 TA V RUN DAMN, W A 474 t 1 44 SHOP SLACK SMITH S :404 kc. 'lemons/I ITV 110111, —Tloopretobor* arc ritnatig on th e main Vast and Kist hail running through the utliera tier of tow n rhipn in the celerity, and it its jonetkin whh the main rood monitor *oath from the terminus of the Kite and Wsittaber* flack Road. The prrindsrs are she the S kK.IL FL Situated in 11w ocular of one of the finest grazing conintriee in the,United States, this property nowt rapidly rue in Talon will the improvement of the coun try 1 '11:RIIS OF BALE.—Orie fourth in hand on -confirma tion of Sale and the balance. is Miter equal annual ntalnienti with {Dimly, to be .reared by Judgement liond antLifortioyfe on the preniinet TIME AND PLACR S ALF. 11*.nray the 17th nl hrtober at 1 o'clock, P W, at Om promise* in Wayne Corners. PAILANDER WILLER, Aihnhuit'r of Watson Willer. deed. Sof (nab., par - U.01a," aprly to OW mt Way no Corners, or lo W %F:TVOIRE, Kay, trio, Pa. Sept. 24, 1669 —3l 16. 1859. Krim, £R. This Way, Gentlemen ! mcritrzw. FAIL E MITER MIN GENSHEIMER'S 1 Corner of State and Seventh sta., Erie,. 113 E subscriber baa just tocatrest at us. sad capacious 1., on the Corner of and Boveath sta.,. kers stock of FA 1.1. D WINTER GOODS, Air latest styles, and contlosa to ktopoa READY MADE CLOTHING.. .Ilied to tike KIKASON, froutidsttag of Dress, Frock and Sack Coats of every My brand price, resic of a it kinds, Cravat', Shirt, Under-Shirta. Itrawerw, liandkerthurbt, Conant, linnalery of .101locent qualifier ,hors. he keep, ry article naually kept in a Clothing Katabliabunrot. HID Clothing is manufactured by Itinwelf, and warranted equal to any to the nity Pcrsuoit %hating articles In Mallon rill do roll to call and examine his stark, as lin intenda ant to he tintimunlit by any exubliehmen'i nrwl of New York.— Clothing mad,. to order ou abort flair., 1).le1 forret 1k pewee, Geo•CinsuY's ranter, .er of sill. sled Arrenlikpurl/ F:rie,.ept. 24. - ) 1 1:4, Jifilti FRESH ARRIVAL! " 1111 M Mill AT TILE [.. 46 .1 A 4 No. 13. • ' SION TO BIG SHIM WHERE miv hr. fotind the LA Rei . EST wpOil Med 14 It IC ATIKr4T V A RIKTV BOOTS, SHOES JOHN W 11.411 LEA THI4'.B. Rubbers and Findings, ).:ver I,rtioglit to (hi. market. andliwill mob', lower lbws the Vlttle quality of goods can he .01,1 we.t of New York-. Wholesale Department I. hart...whir rept...1;4.1.4A •u.l we A Ir•• Prlllair.l 4. furilixli VICRCHANT4 And 41NrrAfTr itrus' rah e‘ertartiely in the tra.te, at r‘tea 'atlt 01.% raNnoaalty of tleetr g..htv Nether ea.rf for a napply, ther,hv aarinc the time and ni pettar of a trip to the A t lantie etttee To tr..... Who a salt To have Boota or Shoes Mad° to - Measure ! R. roold say Hod, R. still rstaist the wrvicest rtl ant.. raltriim covrvai., whom• ahilily and otplartenno has gained Aar him , an.l 40oorvtolly the nyntatiott of ...akin, filo 1004 1104 EN and rfti 1104 raanufartatnol in thin swains t 4 twouutri - lint work is warrant. 1, In all ennea, t.. fl o.r no ml.. 71te wants of Ladlop and Children has ant been neglected la oar kiln parebstasa, .4 'which Liml. llowy will he nominee,' by calling and evarniniag Hat igiriemts Orr Robbers Innitabod at New Turk and Bootoopritro, traopportatiph. Al Krim, Oct. I, 14611. RARR & KIRLaRY. MINERAI;*FATEi: Howe, ()lard*, at thp wt Stow. of A. M e ' CARTXR 8t BRO. J. C. BURGESS & CO., GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &a, AT WHOLESALE. &ate Street ti. S'o. 10, Brown', Block, State Street, Kris, Oct I, 1849 LIVE 0 E ES E FEATHERB.--300 ut ilarisated Live (Arm Swaim Steal/ at SAW, Oat. I, ISM. RAMS a JORDAN'S. NAILS, 1 1/4 1 1i CARPENTERS' TOOLS, A if A'S' CIRCULAR CROSS CUT AND FIANDA4AWS AND I'IPE BOXES. TABLE A 2 1 71) Pt Acit'ET CUTLERY, WHIPS, AC . Ace =I OUR 0110 YEE BAllt ER'O - 1111111 11111; liCllllll 4 4 A:4 1 N' Atztra C h ino SS fbr Hemmers 495 BROADWAY. These thaelaines sew boas two spools, as parcluisad nom the eters, segairing an ro-eriadiria of thread ; they Heat, Vali, Gather, anal Fititrip la a superior style, earls wan by their own operation, without recouree to the hassi-orenes as bi neyeirefi by °Mee insaineea They w iti do better and eheaper marine than a warner nee ran, even it ribs ',wk.. fur ea t ore/ we /wee, and are, es 4.4"tionsbly, tier Awe.ors in tie mieftel tar L zany /*wag. on account of their ximplieity, dural.lllte, rear o mosaarnsent, sad adaptation In all varieties of farad[ seerior—ezarnting either heavy or line work with aqual AteUlty, sad vrtthemat special adirstireat. As voidance at the argaretioned eaperawity or their Machias% the Gum= I Bann Ilinrixa Masons. Cow. rare beg lea,. In napectlaily 'The to Om irdlowing TESTIMONIALS. 'Miring bad no of Omer I Make?' Machines in in) Wally for nearly a year and a-half, 1 lakepietism in eessebooodboir it ea every way reliable for the pa two.. toe which it is dealgaed--Pandly newina."—Aba Job. J..Mu, qf An. Do. Leant; Zdier r. Ark rewind. "1 easier mayn't deillibted with roar Sontag Idaeddem. wide! has WPM hi say family for many inmetba. It bae always been ready for duty, requiring no adjustment. and Is easily mingled to every variety of fatlilJJ mewing. by ebangliig the •pools of thriesd."— Mrs. Lbprirrth *ifs of Ra.. Dr. Strirkirmi, £dila..f P Y (Vigra Advocate. "Alter ill - tag atiVefla diet...not good troathlues, 1 pre tarred room on arrinant of Ito aompilerly, and tho per [set our of* wbkb it la asairagowl, as veil at. tbe abet:wit. and durability of ii.. ream. Alter long experience, 1 fret onaipplent to swab in Olt manner, sod to roulblettit, raforownand it tor *wore variety a Auntly "awing "—Aire E. R. ttramser, iriVa 4 lA. Refer 4 Boweirs Altar. "1 bare used a ()aorta b BAKU' &mita Villealatte for two yam% and bare found It adapted Id lurda ul War ily mowing, from Cauddir to ifroadel. db. tlann..nt„ ba. iwen wagon out wstbowt 11* oirtog way of a stitch. The kopl In order, and easily arect."-- Aire A B. Whq.plr, rip' of itry pre. Whipple, .Gee E.wk. nYonr alum %Ischia. baa been in aon so toy (mull, the put lon ream, and the ladies rrotreid no. to give ou gar.. taatinsoniala to It prrfiwt adaptodennts, a. sr)) ae 141.6411. 1.16,4- gaunt...a In thr pettoruuutee of Nutt, air) 600..14.14 era ing ". • &hen - 11....r05a, Arir Fork Yoe several mouths we hart. Quell Itet, , or h Ilakeet rtowing Maxima, sod harp rouse to eh,. , I hat rare, holy who 4.1.1111.16 her wwinv forehlyrnfly 5.4 y.o.tfy wssala soot fortunate In pn•Pol.ine: thetas rellathtle •utl outrhatruhle .In4an, 14 emu., lorl14.• r0M14U..11 414/061/e0 ..r &wadi, meats 4.1 k. and itetalnalsle" -.1 W Alwro, Ong lir, fie, l.n , P Marra, ktiletaor 4 ref 1e.....1.0m0 14.1mA id a lel err from Toot+ I: 1 . ,t,rr, at, 1110.1 - 14-a44 ertlllesua 44, now re...tarot IV '45 r N. Iv ',nth W. 1...., dated January 12, IMO ; "I 1..1 a teal to itellmoa , 1.. 41h then. Vl',,. 0501 USIVO 115001043 girds hu rl a .h. h « with !OW s•ri.erner k IW.Y. Iliachihem. a ',I a Wk.!. A.. 4.41 46( Iliat ka....iiliitood all lb.. sinantia . 1,, wills a 11., Im. 4.1 1.b...." r r0.u1.11.• caned up a WOOl.l sit/ the Advent of 12-orer .Not. a •. 4 I.e nignant miracle of art thun.lll. ever 1 illeart% lialirMald denounce midnight [heel - nothing •a' tie.. di,. litl gyring of vireo annalinhervil."— Pre f. :tertir . 1 take plwan• en raying, that the Gruree a rathei Sewing Machines have 11.101, 1141141A041411..1 11011. Atter trying Cull returning admen, I kat.' ti11 . ..6. r•i {bear/ In openittuo 111 n 111501.11/ planNIM, u•.l, VIP( 1. of years' trial, hat.• no fault to glut J. H Senrrive Anna (*whim ..11 .7 wile hod had ion. of Grover k Hoke, 's ;enmity SO I! IDE hilarhiaed for AND& War, 4.04 IMO .1114401.1 I lb.& beat lobarvairiar wooristoes that ball been ine.oted -- I tote mach pleaasuie la onernamooknoe It to tr.. poblie " —J. O. Marv* Orearroar of Teratema. "It a s heastlibl thing, andputs everybody Into an enemas* good Were I a Catholic, I MLubad instill tiro fialato Grover cad Babel , has ILI as holiday la eciatareadratioa of their rood deeds for bu rosiolty."—Cisioias Y. any. •!.1 Wok far Os beet patent In ass. This littehict ran by adapted Oran the Best cambric to the hearteat earlamme It orss streinger, feeler, ast sere brantinally than ono ear hogitrioP. If mine could not be replasej. seal saki not be) it."—Nra. J. U. Beene, Asabstas Teas 'lt is speedy, vet, newt, said durable in Its work . is *sally towlerwtood apt 1014 to repair. I earweetly reeA,m. imod this IllselOws ill 811 toy aequaltrtewnes and others. - -Atm N. L Arras, Vora. W. Iftwl this Machine to wort to oar astbdisetioo . sod witb plowman tweastnend It to the iss4lk, we wit Wiese the Grover it Baker to be the best hkesivst Mselows In tow " —Dowry Britiens, 4thareds, Thas. "If turd oaclusivoly for fluidly purpopos, with ordinary titre, I will wager they will last one 'thaw adore years and too: and mover get oat of da."—Jeaw ftwikarse, Ifasirdfr, Mena "I have had your If setstaa for several sosela, and silo peahen, aatiged that the wort it doe. Is the beat Rod wood besatthl that ever was :gds."— Nag es .tessioew, Neekeitle, Tema. "I ma my lleablite upon meta drimmaking. ant has litsa notching. and the work le ioitaliie—far better than the teat band-wwing, or any other mettle* 7 base over sawn."—Lser B. Themmea, Nashville, 21,1 a. "I Bad the work the otrougeat and moot beautii. I I hare ever area, male either by band or Machina aad re, ward the Grover 4 , Baker Maehine ea meat the kyeat,..t bleoldugs to or r Talykar, Aultsolle, nun. ham. one of Grover k Baker's Swims iiiirthise. la nee in my family, and End it invaluable. I can readikatly menermend it to all persons In want of a rambim."— T Thaatipma, Natileilk Teae. °1 take pleaaire is certifying to the utility of the Corm er k Baker Sowing Machines I bare used ono on almost every description of work for mouths, and fled it nwh stronger and better In nen impart than wart dhow. by band. —Mrs. D. fr. Wheeler, Braidorak, Tem. "I would be unwilling to despoil. of wry honer Jr /taker Illuebine for • large amount, could I not replace it again at pleasture.—Mrs. H. G. Breed, IraaMrillS item. .thar two Machines, pareloweid (rust you, do the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleamem Memerneed tlve Grover h Baker B. wing Machine to he the beet in use " M. lorslision (b.. Alseapiag, Tres -6,1. Gruver & Baker:sowin t Mitcheite works admirably I *look the stitch and work tar superior to that of sty Ai • Marian. le, rtaw Ire flow • ork., I limier M. Ilselidie *matt I. :turd to lent " - !I .1 Nang., Mraepa”, Ti... "I find the tikel,l3,o,o*ll) inottle