Insurrection at ITarpor's l'kUTler I 1N• Ttlf. 1 ., %Tr t Bki.7lll,•ni oct. An eye WII) h.t• u.•,1 from liarptse4 14'orn , h, the r n , tollo‘v 111 , 111-1 1111 .1.4 • Iti ttit :114.111 .•1 111•• 1:11c:11. , r tt t.v a t cros,e4l t he' Y u4 /1/1•M• rt% • ."Vt• •1 Forty, awl rt-a4;iletiqii4l vii e.• :tiqurgeitt4 tccr r.o.ttl(i. on 111. 'nu! 1110 I:11) 4 1 P. 14 fa., ....tvt:tt It: tnd wp-ru di Iv. it r. 11'11 1111111 •%f 1,1110 , 1 .A; a 44 rat% 0;:t ate! tri.-.1 .01inin1ink t t• A , I • lired_ortPr him • IL T• •,•• 1 : • • or,w, I Urea 1,,- • i‘t. Alvz,‘ •:a•i •Ut Il.• II ti , inent- nli :til.l 1.11.1.g; , 1 5:..” rut ••t imn 'tun( t* , 111 1 1111 1 1 ' , lnd Itto -0141:• , r tired. 1, I, 11 eclat ir: 111 I. .11i • it, i ,tt t c•rmonc t • i: nrin, Ic•(.1 the I'ror'44lc,h ci • , :ic.,1.•1. .1 tin,.; The ec,lnim =I I:"Coq. MIA !It.. Army ~; , upti I iovot .nent tut' 1:1,11,..t A party of nvi, inrd with .Nlllllllorld# “11.1)6(14. , illy , arm.- ory,werr. expelleAl by t in: Una: t.n l'hry aIJ ran for tu.. :Ivor. :,tnt sa•a unablA Nei- Zit 'fl:€.•lthl-r tout ,'• , ann Z. , ',II • I'vt h•' in:414110 "I , I. •It I ,11 all i I Cry .41 until II cn thon.,. 141. , n•I I 10 , •!:. , 01 , 1 'It::, :”.11 Ft••?, _ • • . L •4‘.. IMMO ~ 1.•1111q•••1 , .• The thlrti ‘ 1,1,;;;...n e ; ••••.;;.•• ; ; • ; rilv . • I=Mlll=M 1.1 :11 I: •••• t:, 11,1 4 (.. 1.111 .111 ,, i111 t..:. H , t 11, ` , l. 1 I. • =ME t 1 e I,li I;1 1;ii• (.0 ‘N 111'0' !IP k: il.'n • =OM 13/..1:% 1'1111,11• t I tu:l ,1"; , ',•11 :11 4•I %.1,,• fl •, „on '•i • •-.1.1 01,10 't 11111•111 COMM na:1 . ..".!1 : ::‘ 1.• lIEMEI MEE IZEM 1, ` II Ilse \ 1..1\ •n t.• I .1. 'llii II i 1 :t; Ii a,tt•int—ti iI •i pul:we Lh tll•fii• (hid '•1 Eli, nimlnrctoi llAsti • Tht• y ~ t t:'. :r 10:eg1 , Dit.. , i Col. Lee that '!r. 1..-trwl At ,••„:” :ot Otis . , ti this plak:e, tint' tai:e • hur s .•,- '' II 1 , 1 ag.t.ll-1 t!.• 1 •11, , ; turn trl:4l, Me train /, r 0).% r .a re,o t ItrA mei, n• f r t.: , i.u.i • •C-pu, uit,r the t - ;4 - 4••:- r localtty 7 i 0.% • t ..t .1 htl 1. 11 MEM= t1,1411t,L fiat' Iktit:lti , ol.• I in t• 1411%Vf'd .tlt• 11.4 , 14, 1.: J art.,:1111:.: IQ "rn14,1 .e %•• 1 . JJ Ll 4 \.r:.11,1, a e:ll—)..N.i I= .v.r.'11...• • iI. . • • • On- Ni) , •l i . r. , , „ , .h)ittl.*•lth 1 „, 1 , 1 ~!, . r• IMP, L•'l I=l Ilk name Litnil.,tro I tic , tano • Untwu t per', Fu•rrt parileti \“, • ' ll SI.1111.1q! I 'III ": /bout *ha,/ ‘l , -ti.a.t.C.L, n 1.) 1. . 1.11,..!(• , i.O 1 1 1111...1 t ter :tit atx-kn,.• ‘ , l ! i(11111,- (!i lent. .11 14 - a-C‘i a 1,4'111 , •11 d't• Mars 1,11.1 r, • Li. tle VI . bought a lar c le moot , . rut pa2l.•.tu I 1.,•1 , - and this confirmed the I)t•itet that tht,., tended t.. m i ll' , ; or riWy 'Acre freitueutly 5. , ;11 ill .111.1 tO- , . it Harper . , F.•rr v. lbnt , oCloil e d that Bill au ih u.w Giptlot. Brown, or that he intend,ll el that king ul an: WON erile•nt de;perate or ex_tru.orui nal y ; )et the de% elol.lllellt Of t lie plot leaves tio.Llo.ll,t that his visits to Ferry and las lease of the farm. were all !arts of his preparation for an insurrection ~hich hi -upposed would he successful in external :lung slavery in Ma') land aniP . ‘Ve.itern Virginia Icrown's chid .Lid no,- John E. Fool.. . comparatively youno; man. %she has resnie‘J ,n and around lerly some e a rs , . He \la nr.-t employed in tending iock on the ca nal. and afterwards taught school on the Aaryland side of the nver and after a brief residence in K:lnkab, where it is iuppo s ed Ile became acr i untnted with Ifror. it. r. I , lrn • ed to Fem. gnu 1.11:ti !led the' C. He was regarded u= a Irian of :ono. di• telligence and I..n,un to be but was not so v iolent in the expression hie opinion:, as to excite any 4+ll,piiiions. These two men, %Intl Biown two son-, were the only white men connected with the insurrection who had been seen ttLout Ferry. All were brought by Brown from a distance, and nearly all had been with him in Kansas. The first acute- tito‘ement in the iniut rectlon had made , about 1 , ; on Sun ,lay• night. on tilt- watehman., Wm. Wil .tane,'- Ferry lipridee: aero-ts tiviVlT4l , t )1..1% hirl•l ` Ile WKS s•eae4l I.t a nuinhet oi u h e r. I :-.11,•r ittei e,te , ))th then.). 11 , r. nnk among lite men. Ali(' k 1 1, ,).. 1);,; :1r trcate'l the matter as a joke hut -ilenee. they eoncluPte , t hint to tit,. artnr.r). ‘N !licit he f‘ttind already in their lt,es.estett. Ilevras cletante.l.ttil altot• et 11 11.711, 4;71 then 4lischarge(l. Mt. watchman wio %l a. to relieve \ Vll limn. at midnight, found the lights allow. and was immefikitely i•eizetl. Supposing it was an attempt at nii,bery. he broke away. anti his pursuer: ctilmhlitic over ban. •be -raped T 3 / 4 10 heir :Ippr Of the yiwory, , , , . laik, at Olt' 1)(.4• of 4.'44. 1A0,5"4. Washingtnn, a large inrater and -Imo , own er, livlng about four miles from the Fem. . 1 , party headed by Cook procepded there. ml rowing tOl4l hial wo+ their pri-oner. .446,4 all the Aare,. near the hcatsa, took a earria u ti and n inrge wagou with two loir.e.:l %lawn IVskolungton witw ntrnokiiiit•ii, reef-spiv - 41 him im had ratt,-(1 uu him annte month to hint exinhit<stl-omo 1144 "•J•it• arin‘ :11 -‘‘• prt. , ,ntedLy Frt-h s ricis. tLd i;ri . ::t t.. 4:eol NVd-ttinztott. and a pair 1-tois I , y•Llktycite to NVa-11- ii:!trm.i.qll heir 1..4n- Itittfikniii; r• - • . !1'.7 . fw7k . vraittr-d ?. IV. • ru:^rc in ~ tr..l of -1 21 tt l do, 1 , -. 1 .( , : - L` , l• %Viten ilt• DI ,•;. ~,„ ,„ ,t,,,,,„, IMIM =EI ==l .u.. ,•1 M. ,', 1111 • =ME h ,i,• A • lIIIIIIIMEIMIN lIMMIICIIIII3 i LAI 0 t =ENS MEI i ME iiul • tk !I I I/A fn./ %‘ • . ,1/ lilhlt •` , 4lLtit 1110 .• ,•ii. ontl o t' Lier!. , • tut t . .1•1 .tot I r VOA • v.ll =I I.• s' lIMM2=I IrE=III IMMO 11 . : INIIIIIMMIIIIIIII I =ll OEM G,,., . n 1 / 1 . 0 1.,itt,01 Fr!: 1.1/:• 4 1 I 111• I I) • , •.f MERE MED 1. 1111.11;:...11 t r ti .1 t:. I:. 'O. • • • . • • I, • . \ • ~., •,:' \ 1111t,t I. , 1 ,, I . ~ 1 il• . A 1 :IA 1 , , • 1 Lt. 1‘.1 , 11 , .1 ••I. ul I. ti I I=ll I .t•I • •, 1: - I L 1111.1.. 11 . 1 • ‘••••IV 1 . 1 .:1(11t, 1110 14 •..• .1 1- .•• f . • , Ik. • \•tt:i lIIMEE 11A11:. -114 c • • ••"1,...1.; . 1‘1.1:;11 ..1 t 1111 t ..: Lir ...kl .• • II ‘: .r„o .11. .1: .11 .1 1. r. •u- • •- t;. • 1.1111: • .t • .'• I' .11 MID 1•, l• , •,) .11 •, • i•lt • .. 1 , It . 1 ‘,l L iputnis Its./ es,'" .111 • =ME MIR 1111 =lig MEI it. 1111 , itit, W a -,•41 I. t t I i i•o = 11 , j r•.•ac. , '::,• . lit .1 %%111 , : : I, , h.• t, - L 1 , 1 I , ‘ ..+ll f1,./0: Itl . ij' Iti . 4. 1 tll. " • • • .14 —;I. •I ttt the tti,...•ti itulg_toi t I:art lan I. Kehth Ile htt,l ttrm had rev—lrer.. , : he It•ft the:i ttf lie Itrttu.:ht as tile' Ito:l:Girth.. teitt.4 I(. 1 ../..1111/1:r•I '4•:1 :ttc:ltt Lk.e., tt k•t t• to th.• f,lrn II.• - tit hi i,1,1 Ito; ~ 1 1,.. - t iliforcf-mcnt.i 'lll.- of -II (••1:1 . :t it ;!.le;r 1.10,0 r, jeuai 4,,•vernnal, 1•1 in chit... d. 11 ;• i•t Chi t t. ...1 1.1.• •.n..• k• )1111“l htl I :It . . 1, •.1 I', --St• • I I .n.; 0n..1 N. ()hip, rai;oll And-r-lon it It •••iit • 1 7 w ..n rtrin'c 11:- 1•t! yen: •: ' 01 101%11 ' 1 , :••• I Z`4l 1 tII 11 , 011 !!'l I del rc: rn ., :h , 1.0 ‘,l •, ••!t1;141;!. .1f k . : ~ .11 • Ine‘ , n.:. 11l 0 e Iftf• • i•• .11 0 .:.•• • oj,: .„ to .11 , 1 . ; ..t• • k . s ; 4. . • rz:: de: 1 .1 l V.41(.:13 .1 ' • •• • ) . ~. 1.. m f k , 1 r CIO NO. i • I- a 1 . • W I L•+ lc•On uw er Linn iAtttitt ti 4d OEM =MEM ', ~, ~.~ , ,~ • ;:.e. 1 t , •i C.. IBM .Ir.o MEMO . •:Ivv~l g. u;irui 111 MI MEIMMI Jit•l fru-- ll=tlitilM3l edutt =I I • ~1 MEM! I "i 1:t l'.. . 1. i••• \I 'it ;;‘, ,i• .4.,1 t. 1.• =I 1 t 131•11 %. •t. I. t i• I 11l MEE •, 11 1 • • r, , %. :I 4 11 q.... /111..111 M=M=SIMEII MEM NIMEIMII 11111111 Erg MIME =I 11.1 • •':-; • ; Mil EINIMIMII ME 1111 MEM =ll3 c.t r.. Ivf 1.0.6 II nft I wth , tir t 11.•.. .411 , 1 .4111:1117111114 - 411. :11%1, 1;111" 1 , 4 111:14• 11.iutL , r E,t• 11. .:41111 't .1 too., la; Li ',in) , 'I , • ,. 6i ‘ O.'‘ t.. i• =ME ail, l'n u- • : Z:111_ ; .1 10- g (.:411gt.: il.• .. inc !,.•iu h. i❑ I •••.• 1.1. lOW ME :Lon . " ME , i.• 141 Wlt) (:, .01 .Wk•olf Thomp. ca.l . .1..h0 K. tho , o f (1.,.t.1; ho three 1. ~r 4, n= previous- t, ... ~ NM . : ;:r a - .• . rl+lll'll_ up It hl BEM i• t 1 , 1 , 11•• 4 I' 1 Ix i ,11. -, =I ME EMI =I i) • •, esd •:. .1! - .; ! . •I , .. • i • • Hit =SI T LIE OBSERVER. • • apt t , ,p,,••p .• ,„,• ci t .; m.-1 Ithout, a .!! .t„itto: licnoral and :/ iu 1 the iuo (•4114.11clate, I= MIMI CIE ME IMII OM lIIIM MEM •i•• r•3,1•..*Cat.,1 1•1•,•01';11t -1 'II • • 1 .1.1."•• Xll ••11 1••• bunt ot deep— • • th, . .1 :11.$. •,• t 1 till 111. 1.1a,•1; . I. •I •1. • . . ;11 li, tt ticket ME Mlll =I • . ji 11•,•• that/ I‘Vt) • LIAL* •:111•••it.itit 1 ,,,•;. • ' ••: 1,••••1 • 14 ' .'• •• • ' 1. toll am' IMM EIDE ININEEMIII ,n .1.•; I ti , 1••,31 , ., • t'Atll Or a few 1.• =-• 1- tin,l an netual ~1 Tsi“ y‘ , .trA ago the n•:411,14 .tla I g041;:kt . ..11115 had but 2 I In ~,r!: that thPit ttok •t cannot 11 ! I ..,1 t ;ow ttt I,•i, no% or it gill he 111811 , I a, i alto_!ethes. The teturn..., hnw , ,•:. n‘. It • .•.V1..41. to the sup ], I iit• mato: tty will be jubt about •*, hp •i , •- N ent, it certainly will ;• inttrl,e eonsiderably ie- . vt4ty little has yet i • . • •e• ; 1, , enough to enable us for:o detiit;le ouiniion optitctthe : t;ieloubte4lly gone repu/t- I, e strange if it not. ter the trcnientluvus efforts that ietve I•.-en made nt republican ,k, b, an itni•orred front all parts : Li, • , L iii• 1,1,011 14,1 is of republi , ,i• t.ttat,,-• ;,••.1t htrewen over the ,te t ttithout limit has been ti i thr,tit.h it. IVo concede Minnemo• 1 MOM ‘11•1 i.e ~.en, that the democracy 11.1 VP nothing. Ith the exception prat -41,11 of Minno.ota, where the democratic to..jort.‘ ago wa , lesig than three hundred. (to the cunt rary, the democrats jaaval.nlLed in t ',•nisay 'vat ia and Ohio, and they ee-tniitiy itAv , letit nothing in Indiana mat lowto. aetanct aey of the north , t,ind I, •, ter t-,t-.l,ky than tLey did . ti year aye.,. • ri.teir %.)te better, and they to erll..r the twmtest next w:th o.,•c•tt LP i.t r4peitg than they ik:..(l f , t,• kn. or th , .- month were :. C)' L`, .11d li -1 L ,,y- 'o l ,> 11 or. ,-tor .Nny says, one of the pally is " the ri_:, • ; '.Cin.zelf." An tin ., ~.•. ~.• • 1..• wool.' p ii,rin 1 ; 1 -. 11 1,4( .. 1 thQy c0u.14 w••• n, I 'lsl HEM ~ ;3" 't :a:11 ME [MUM ho 41..111 .1 a:C.% == EMI . . Ilo3t 13ock, 7:7. 7 71 1 , , —77,,7 7 nit, 7- 17‘ : 1 77,7710177 7 7 7 . ,•,.„, 7 , , h .. 7 .7• r7......7.71titri5v70 • ..,:717,1 • -77, ; 177 I=l , t. .i.iti.• II(ut 1.. .1 ~1 • I: •!%1110.1. till It .14 1.,1 $., L, g thent ME 1.,, .Ito I ico rho Ih•mocrney arr itireml to fight no 41, tiutt-, what 1,1 this Fall that t* t MD .TV .4.1 4' I'l.. t'lL'i'lllNl Wile • • ; I e•rm.its •zi3t.• Ell =MEE .I iriy in th.. in. Li I Nit, =II I;••. •t , +i:'ir,:.i 'ow .1 cit.tiili•t- 111 %Villell Iv 1 1 • • .1 I 14 At 1. 1 0 4 11,lu 1 . 1 t't Yd-. .11.41 fig.• It IN it\ 1.1 1. Ntlc II (HIM: , 111 $ NnC r rv% thn ; :1. 11;);\ line. , It3 . 11.;1 *. ~ : ;1 COI commi--ioner • •I: now tlvc•y • . •.I ••. I • tit,• ::1111. 1 11110 11;1- o . . I=l=ll ~;,w•• 1 , , -,•,• 11, MEI • - In 11' 4 1 :11./lig 111 Wil l • r It tlu • \ • I.t i ,. 11,1110- II •0,11,` %%CIL . I . llVy • •It • •••.111 , .. iii ‘•h • . 11.•11.1.-nnit I . . ••t t. • .‘,..0N 1,11 tln• fhtt...4l • • • .0 rk • 'rt . % 1 . 1 in., „/.1 lUlt I:16. •i 01.. . I .\ IMEMI • I It nt..1.• • • .It t 111•1110 - - .- : . • , 1.,•4•1\. Lagt lull, • ': • '•i• o u••••re : . . # leet#•(.l Awl u-st will t returns are r, 24titte ticket. ct,untios ,T,• reCeiVE4l ;IL, t, 1 üblit an-. in roviening these th-ir .01:lorott24 I'' 1110 *'111C11•,.... INT , • ZI 1.0 . AY/ aced i W • t MEM=,t suicide by 'fit. , contentplrtted •• • • " :11,(1)1ef. "there .• .0 'it. c•:uc•cl." The Harper's Perry Instruction. • Elsewhere w! lull 4101#14 . thig most • founding akkaiiipt 81itirjr*Nre Thirty Kansas 'iiriaker*tareTel=taifiloyereeent and d roe the irritilit . t ine o,llloto Con rrial, ellimadiitgurniit, says, theikolu don of the affair wide at first .eetned intro improbable mid absurd) turn' out to he v.1.11 , :- in,. Old .tuns Iltt.ot.i of 01-teiwolooti the' whom ClEnttir Smito Ims titothheto:Led ntilf s as i ou t of took it into his eraz.Y head to atilt turthist c.rd&gifibeart' ll3 "." -"ow, to have. had tarp. thhteu -foo Mr. disown was the "Commandef-iff rlovt of the truly of the Provisional (*.overt!. Men of the rutted 5ii44,11;" the said pro i-- :omit government being purely all its, ft uttoo "I hi- own devising. The arm% com-: led t.l f t, ,•ttt% -infinite') who had 11 l on the b ea l u , snot wit It this formidable force Captain or Gen -1.1%l I or Old Julio 11rIllt 11, invaded Virginia dfol se.mitsl toil pos , ,, , ssion of the United States %Amory to llorper's rerry, for the avow eft purpose of attacking the institution of elsvar,, begetting n senile insurrection and making Virginia a free state. In effecting his purpo , e the old man has displayed a fair shair of revo lutionary ability. For some time past he has resided at Harper's Ferry under an assumed name, gradually maturing his plans and watch ing tbelfavorable moment for n outbreak.— When it came he acted with sufficient boldness and courage, and went as for so any man could in carrying otht a scheme so monstrously di-proportioned to the objects intended to be secured. His mistake seems to have been in pposing that be could rely upon the slaves to .rand by him in the emergency. Sand.° willing enough ti be libelous( provide.' ...on: dimly else would do the fighting. When the hour of trial came, every negro seems to have tvut his lucky - for the mountains, leav ing poor old Brown to fight it out alone with tidy the aid of nineteen of his original ••ft t toy" of twenty-two. The old titan dies gam hold ing out to the last and preferring tleath surrender. There is something in the t.fe of his omit, ILuntic as he was, that earites our uipathy. Whatever may be said of the lie talons nature of the revolt which he instigated and the murderous results which followed it, it I- impossible to close the look of t tlti John Itrown . 's life without a sigh of pitiful admira tion for the Mind heroism, the stupi•l zeal, he if.t. manifested during all the tour or five -tormy years since lie left his turn in :Mont gomery county New York, to resist by vio !etiee the introduction of slavery into Klttly/111. Ile 1- one of the few brave men fanning the horde who went out to Kan s as a t 114-i n sO g ation or flµ Sharps Ride prenclie,. Ile bolieved :n it, and it is fair to suppose that he hail be -owe a monomania,. on the -uhject of slavery, his troubled ltraitt filled with tlrennt - ~;. mortality to be won in i.e I: fuse ttt.i •Is :1114.-..1 lIONNEI=III luict inc unc f"u L.t the 1111- 111...11 .1 I MEM 0 near his heart. Such a Ulan int / WA' .4t,r11- pie: , of conscience. lew tt ice notions of lOW and order. and . we can easily imagine that lying mortally wounded in the Armory grounds lit Harper's Ferry he was ready to die satistirl that he had done ottly right. 'nisi. the bright side of Old John's character. and it is fair to give him the benefit of it now On the other hand, we do not sce Low any man can fail to justify and approve the c,in dutt of the national governmt iv. and of Vir ginia and Maryland, in bringing this emeute to a sudden end Woody end. It wn , no time or place fdr soft words or gentle hl3wq. From the time that Brown had seized the property of the United States in open treason, it was the business of the government to drive aim out, dead or alive, and we can hardly regret that so .nony of the traitors were killed upon the , pot in steaduliaring them for the gal:ow , . On the part of the State Iluvernmenh ginia and Maryland, they were justified in am measures nece , •ary prerrot the horror , or a servile insurrection. :No one Call e./ini /• e the outbreak of hist. rapine and murder w hich would have followed the -ut.rt— of I:l,:wit .1; - tempt. Had he been able to e•tablish hi to se ti for a week :it Harper s Ferry. making it rallying point and dlepot for rev6lte.l all the region rottnfl aboffi 'it:A have been terribly N iaite/1 by tho.e nantele•s and -It. , ck nig t iuie, to which the negro' • nature tend- it lien its eild barbaric pas: ions are I a i milted to cwt • hrtlihott. t;f7titz to how %t lie•• St.:,lt4 ,t • 4.1 14 , 4\ tH 1 11 I s•n =I .• 1;.:“.lii In ftsgt,. The result of the late Georgia tleettot, furnishes still turther testimony of the decided Lo-tility 01 not only the whole southern de mocracy. hit' of the great mass of the -outhern people• to the projiicts of code in the Territories and ot re-openani the slave trade, which the black republicans all the while insist they arc favoring. The ex.- pression in Georgia against these project. 14 most emphatic Governor llttowx, the demo cratic candidate. has been re-elected by twenty thousand majority, while he proclaimed his de cided hostility to Congressional agitation of the shivery question, and WARREN AKIN, the nom inee of the opposition, took bold ground in its favor. We see what has been the result. The democracy of Georgia have rolled up a twenty thonsand majority to give a standing lie to the accusations of the republican.. ‘%.0 p , rtiv- in &V - The Comment Reporter, which evidently thinks a negro a great deal better than a white man. does not appear to like it because the in surrection of its friends at. Harpers Ferry. was so promptly put down. After vaporing through the usual amount of fanatical small talk about the fully of the federal government interfering with the "crazy Brown." it says: A mob might arise In a free state, and every " railroad be blockaded, without shocking the " nerves of the Federal authority, or satisfying •• it that aid was needed: hut just let a.diffi " cult; arise involving the case of a negro, or •• the rights of his master. and the Federal au " tbority is promptly railled.'? Now, the nth— take of this Soloman uniong abolitionists, is in supposing that the arm of the federal guvetu akent was invoked because his friends block aded the railroads " of a southern state. T,he Reporter'• friends were interfered with by the strong arm of federal 'authority because they had illegally and traitorously possested them- Beira. of the property of the Goyentment,— State authority is ample to suppress a riot ou a railroad, or raise the blockade of its trains. but when the followers of Giddings and Chase, and of tie Reporter, rise rebellion, and seize the property of the General Government, Ili in this ease, then it is that the President is biAiti by his oath of officts, to wrest all such property frcm their Imada, at the point of the bayonet, if needs be. In this CAM it Must be recollected t hat .there ere generally kept at Harper's Ferry, from 80,600, to 50,000 stand of arms and the workekops connected with the establishment are able to turn out ten thousand or more in a year. it is therfore a place upon which the defence of the country greatly depends, and hence should be kept inviolate from any treach erous or riotous touch. Allah has been. much to tiro chagrin of snob lights as shine through the columns of the Conneaut Reporter, and re vulva around the fortunes ofJoshita R Gidding=. Aecording to the Sacramento StAinti.ard, Mr. Broderick just before retiring Judge Ter ry's challenge, stAte...l that he expected to tic celled out by Terry. Denver. and Gwjn, and erottlil kill them nil before he left for Ilia:dim 'diver, 1116 w X 0 al anti gittratig. I~'l Will *O:4. of our .ulyscribers who l Are to pity lq:itood, • torsi •It along. leW loads' 0( Rat lituotl, 14 rim our engin,. V , (110 , 1 110 AVCeltitabllit'i $143"" The iir-t snow of lite .tppesrahoe . .•ll 'nor 11 I/ I W.I• ,euu+lt in true, '.141 It . I.t a tn..rc evc:l•6 min\ pnl ion of rnilpon I men IEI4 hem' •fitting nt4,:ievelnutl the past eek. 'for the pu, . rhiiging • ime-trthles r". ~..„0• • Ih• .tinter. ,tot‘‘ .a..),111g111/1, "It :11e Deet her I 1: Ito Ow , t , .r I II • I H.ti•—ton 10" j" ? I . '" 11 ,. 1 4 1• VD/W:111:1d ..W1111:1:11V eith •• C. 01 1 4. fllll . 1:11,111e , ' ilT' : lun V. hear of 101 VISII:qi ,, II of the 'ante kinl in lIIIMM Viit• Mir barn of Plat BY D): ot:t.. In lrti _ • field, together with the t-4,ntent , of i. ty. fp ,tigl. fanning tools. and a :Tan of httr•t wt•:•e burned up onyetpleAtitty night InAt—t he ttf au incentlisry. Mr.') luss id show :S firgig'•• -1;or. Pucker Ims appointed .1 .1 Meet , NNELL. Niviry hiblie.noil ,I.TEit T KR. Auet neer. for t ei t lir• The truck layer. tin the l'itt,.ittirg Erie road are pushing the iron with ....i -ntend:ll4e rapidity They will 11.)11413 reach Jatuestov.n. titty-4;x hunt this city. Cr!:d. next month. when %se pre-tune artangei..olll - be nuole Ti rim a .r.t,ti p: I , 4.. par w e tire to ietol Al Meta ok for a haslet of !lie tiioto.t NV , •• chit , year. .111.1 he t•tt;t: , the e ..•.•• 1 better where those came Seri s positively that hu r ippli • t hitt year. tit iti ol aw•ir at oar county Fair. V.. n z 1.. 1 . , :' why he atd not rot 1. II: I .. ••Fi the best reason in the I. tI•I he. • t : It eittrvetitteotly eott'..l ti , get t I ,i.•• 1.,.1/:“ in an -I • • •• been." IChgther ~•n , :u aq , ertion or 1... •NS k I apples are rip /op: J 11.1 4, 1.. : .t - r _ •r proluibing • ;••, 419 for the :1( tit , I t• in l'rnwfur.l room:,, largrr mgjmirti ..r ~,, 4,•, 1 11,•nt1y m I, ; • liras ina. l ,), T.ll 4 ' erred ronrpunn•n \ t. t. I .. • • I rntirw' tliat in •. tile!' N wcr•l. iu 1.14 i ~ i.l ~f had stolen of Itoche.stet. 1.. u 1%, they overt,,k,k ttiol a , re •<< , l . nigtit •he hr we nn- ..f },. hor9e and !,,i c p ,111:.e her night na:,,,‘l, , . having been tni.e3 t. ,in 0 , I. ;•:, ..t, of loir cll.' .1-. =EIS t =I hou-e. un her N , h On Tite.lias I i.l sili . 1.0. I= town hut .•n t ri•thti her ha Lack \U 1 . . ii .1 ;AI ge. a • • • , i ha, 1:e, MEMEI MEI our city tt,. (0.0 l MEE =I EMI MEM th' openJti:' ~~:~1'ru 111~~ ~~i t. ,, U111 1" . ) in rue.' w iii . for •nnl^_ 11111 e 1,11 . .1 . t. .11 aVelltle to t•rl . r. ' •, Jiict. an l ILc t nt.i ~;* try the r:toro.t d • %, i• : ; ;:y canal tit, t • • • e ,r,l s ;•' ttt ;ttpsines , lama ttr. a. 112 ! ip .1 • II1e111 . .111g • 1.1 reW i • 11,i1 /Wire% et'. 11 11.1, 11, ' 1 O.: 111 • •V:11 : 'Mt 11 , 1 , j., • i n ft- • 113:1Ti1a1" Ckl . ilZllil • {^- ilrlllll/11 " :10.11 . 1 . 1 . . 1111 1 'ill 14110 • ..: • ;', 1 11 .. .1)1,: •1. population. For .A:11,•1•1• : 1.1.% .1 -I•.:;.• , • Nlere• r when the I o:i4i 1,, :hut I:.•'::a,i Will tie within a mouth 1•r0'...1.4. it is th,- in tention tq the complti I.e i•nt ou na accommo.lation trJin. leaving there la the morning, and rout-Ili:1;r in will afford flu:flint. , fir :ttst.ll , • 1.4 C.' line, trul for rosily miles 1111 • U• 1,11 1 1 i1 . „ 1 11 -.- eYen that portion of Ohio adj,,ii.tag the Merver county I,ine,—to make Erie their market aml their trading - point. ilvreittfttre tutne ttt thiN trackhas reached in i,•ry little of it in the : :is ,•very -knows tha.t railroads trail tt..cwteeat t•a••.• , al. given 1,0i111,1, it irt et 1.1,11, centrate the tilt& nf dry en llelegit tt: ettto.• try Ia tut.; pktiatt lit 1 'l"t tt, '1,•• t• f',, Al' •,i'l it twt he wisc.. v.r :mention a. et • •1 ••• keep their (VOA, as ',iv of the Stint - Wiry. .0. .ho • Lute i•n.• tt: forget thtl there are ot',, , r I , ‘ ~1 t r !, mud pturoriag,e e wot , h , ; 11mA/el. ewerist ire that .1, •s.:'‘' ger 1... v• km. Tlw 01'0 :Atli any , . • Thanksgiving awl l'rayer. lie --•• I F. blowing N. wie 11.1ift..1 hr , through Ir. , t, i WIT ••;•1, • reeugnati”n 1, .• :Lig otAl.l 11 1.1 . tIIO re• lion of • Its e right•., •a r have i•ornm,•,. •:‘ . 11Yoentinn. rf k .. . prosrcv:: t-r... ~:): . 1 I • the htt•lutn,ltwin. 11.. h • ih , r • our barns anti I n the fruits of the hat ‘k•-• 1. ;, •n . . been preserre , l tram the t th, I‘. I,e,' leupe, h u t t h o R ue 1,4.11001. ingui•h ell for hett!tli hi our 1er7.,.• out all our rur:4l IQ. I lurle.,i;ntt ha, beenpre.,erve , l in pen ;, been the abode of tr ku l o:1,;:„ Inntmtcra ,le Itnv , clo.ter. , l n•tot,i, wt, 1 _ mestic (1 it vnr nitric of learnotg etanu.unity •,.i . ing to our youth nobler - ~,• mit titions of war liely religion ,17, >41.t.,;•, and under it. 'pure and :; spirit or unity ant a.ilt . -I days in inn„ I , Lifpu. : . great, trr ite • sti.l i•-, In Him. lrt ir,ti:•ic. ht. Gam'' AILIOng !IC ••• City C9uncil4 on ing to t. Sharon, Iron c, , nip k v.. • 41) inclit.ire. in order rr , ' • i !" ..he of to,' .•.. - payable in tile broel4 o: ~ ••• •. • ;:s Sunbury aa.ll: , • till- • , • tirrtt of tievect-tw, . first ,itty t Jot:. • -01, an i ,:uxe rieett igk• I.: • ~• t;.; -.•: :•: ir,tft utTV-: .. I , • •i I • :n. I.: to Chnreh nn !41 . 11).1•;%. •• h n t e,: • I . ~tt • 1:k.0:u;,..4.11:,:. I 1.1 . bi .t • 'rite '.`l•• MT =I IRE Mel MI =I Ir. =1 IMMII Vet. ,lati To .1 t•tl ILO / ~..t,.:: tri • •• 1. , rk. • .1 ~,, • =I •••• • 1!1‘• , I,• .., r :I I 11. ilk .11”) . ‘• i 17, .2' VV . trf:‘ 74•••••••,7, ,, ;% . •••• • 41 OW lit 0•1 .1. •• • • d) .1 ••• , •••••iti.t. 11:.1 . u r' k •! ENE }Vir •* :110 i 4 ;!.1: 4•I ". 34..11i, 1110 101 , /If . • '••• t • u. Willi fir., • (..t: • .; twnrhi, v 111.1 scri : tn. neee.-tr. ••••01i•lik• .. n tc. r.. I • n w e n 1,,e WI . 1. I III•Il• %, • (o. ~ , ,re. t •••‘. I • • r•i•I 1.• th •,, r 1 6, 1'.. , 11 !t.... ..1 t;,l Ike , I RI: •,; ..,• h‘• li lit I • • I • • •. • I% • tro I e • t. .t.: • I W ME r • •1 .• r.•:_i .I , r, I 011 "1, 1: • I , - • .11.,- 1 11, , • r r. %11. •\. C. ::•,11 INIEI ••' WSi it - :st. 1 1' I 311 =EI I= •1: MEESE ECM 1:1,1 1.11... r or: •...!.• 1,1. t.: wire bti~" ~ ~. n ~,~~7~ n ~ ••• • ' CIA• !ALL , : • it. .1111'1 • . ' t„ •• C. .11 , p 1.i.1 lei• :I 'l'.•i. _.•l .• L."l. the 11:1.1 till I I 1-t ME !MIMI Hint) 1. '1 . : ME IiMIMMI • •• • • al . I , W :1111 N: •;•1, 1 • . itt:.•kl . ; an ; lIM=E . 1 11!ril••• 1 t : 1 i,. %\ - 1.•11;1, : •I.: t , •i :!:•• i: .L 11,1111 i, ,1% • r:r to lsID::w. at •, ...• I= =I ME 1; ,,, %. t , o,lit: ~ .t 11 U 21112 r. !:'' I : : \ I .11.• .1101 I ME ME =MI ••••• ".tv. 0./ An 1( u. 13 • ~•l IMIE IFIE 11 !re- • 81 1011 IA . s s ❑tr 1 ' It I I ::1 i;:• , :ei,‘ll.,at ..( t.q $. I i • Mil : o;.1 Vt i 0. 11 I, lilr I I - I, MEM .t. I \ppi• • ' !fri. r ••, lk• t • • t! EAGLE FOUT.4DRI I). „ =I . . I =IMES PROFESSOR WOOD'S ME , k - lIMINIEZIEW ll= z•-•f •t -t ih• •.•~i =II 1111!IIMIIII - 1• 41;4 :.1...ut:• MARKETS h \ , , .I• 41 IM:1 o L ‘, • .f, lEEE II . 2 • I V. •1 \i.., =MI =I 0. IA ..\ MEM =ME i i ..1 :•.1 lIIIIIIMEE =MEI . i I ME Erie Wholesalo Priec Currc.-2t EL ;iii ' 1 ME Con! t !. IMEI --- --• • dcr ••-•' • 4 . • : • t•; . : • • • . 5t..1.4,1••r •••• . •• • ands tit o ....1 V . IIF 4 ' , N .01 MESE T I-I •E", \VONDEL ( *" i` I.l‘ lit ... I.: \Tit otlvr. HAIR RESTORATIVE. : M.... I 14 I. 1144444 i, 44in =MI r. 4I a R .144 WI" .ho I)7_ fle./.1% A • I. :,• c 1 t.Le• pirbS RATH, /1.10.1 , :, Jail ./ /, n 1 F ...r I I : I fa:. • . Mit,' ft b . ..1i , •:'•••••A1. ,, r1..•' • A , •r..1 tn j I A... A 1 •••••r• Io•i r•. , . e'• ett %v. k I i. t .t , .i 1. ••t: tn% I I I= t u I IN.. t•I 0, 4 4 • 4•• V4 • lt UT • ,er c. • •: r , • , • `I•r•• •••••,* ~,, "• /ME lin 1.1. I tr to t I= !!!=lil Mr =I MO • I • N. in, • 1,..• ~:1•••••to,-ly • ‘ti.itllf. ~\ ~ ~ • • I =II 111111 =EC 'IE L I :1 . ISM=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers