The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 22, 1859, Image 1

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    ' ( 7llc egic Ob,tlerrcr.
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Administrator's Notice:
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I'. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
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Pianos and Melodeons
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tu11e 14 ”.6 , 4 ., tithe, nett Pittette 1 ',nom of
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Your Own Citizens at Hcline
• . , . •,, • 1 r - f•
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1)1. 1)11 vRENT Lit 111 i n;
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\\ tlO I) it ad
W11.1,0101* %V.% ti
. sa't
.t...TYI! A 1:10
,;.. s,cl.ti:!!:,,
t 11.k4.45u.t1u4
I'A-1 Lik , la ha% azure eyes
Ilruoping lashes stealing
In fniti tire ,iitt nest; lies.
I • rivh :tnd ever new
t:o ..:—tly i, her carriage:
~aim in church the cligricc•t I.ew
It: kV. r gmlied hr marriage
r mire Wrts ru.4 and ruugh,
lii r tenuler
, n‘ SI lift
%%,,‘,: I • tit 1..0..1
P r Li , ►tilinda iipar
Il •W ulir kora
11 , •••• m.•.••l termed fear.
1.. It li.l ILe I i;:41I wcnmcrtc. :
d• 111 inu-t y .finotis of learn
%. • , , • lo..lrna•
L.-if- N . . , I t tinht heat t, like a leather
.l.ll in •t .. , •kt,!llly handld. Ivell4 t aken,
, 1 variety of turns. to pre
•o: 1...v0tt•it1..! hard.
~: . ~.:,
• oliirkinl, ItAkete : 2l lady
i.••I 1...1 I -I:.• ••1 will take &
k•lieve. hu-Lana, that you
%our feittm , will eat IT everything we
no. we •than't, wlie; we
‘• !i
!,1 , :o: t 4, .Irttlk :t it.'
1 - Jg
Any 11111.1i , il the appoint
.lll.•r t k ailing 3 now ailminis
' . I tit "It.,N papt.r in the %orb.' is
. , ,f1.,11.111 1.111.1;,11 half 11w disamioint-
.1 I ;lig.
• Nil. •lo\ .• --S(.1111• Me, Wio
.1 fh-ciple Lucy Stone,
- kolittti"ll that ‘‘..tuan's mission
-t tt •,1 how , tvii(l thrhuhp whilst
- ,wt to collect inatcritils
1... t
- 1 I.•xiwz ut St. Louis,
3 1 ,11,1 1,, hi- 'site colloWs:
1. 1•.:t 11.,%•• u I n br...kkla-1, anal %%%%%%
• • :11•\
•1%,•1 t Is:w k. • litlt•ltAt heat
• , 1% .Si regrt•ttol by many
.‘ aAututton /:u( lost all the
h.. fur Mount Vernon, by
,•ui.u.un- ui t_luougu lutt. that did not
Ail Ih o which he extortel
••••kiiiti% !• • r hi•. hiler,t,e• immes
t• !h. :.‘ like A pril s.nows. It iq
.•.i. +,l[ hot to I, ..lieve t hat an all-wise
.• it judgment upon
ni aiivitlitact" ‘ , l tliv devo
•l.. ' hi men l i•xact n fal,ulon4
wnial , e• ‘.l
AL ‘ , .1 . % sectio twourred at
..• Aeaclemy of Music,* few
-Th• A lady and gentleman
Al to l•r eluot a I,
041,414, ammo.. 1,110 loyal" tisuawlaiwrof
.• .1. VV:1(1 . •• that with
4, 1 ,r,, I,efOre
•l. I a. i• , , o•: Iriond tour to z w.,%, i t•
...1 . , e,ll 0. 111 a I.,•tter
, , • d truewitt " Irni%
I ! It' 1. to. bt t l l. • nial.. time
I 1.. t i .1.• " titat . tut
I. Ow lath
: .\ • • .t. I.N•i•• And Wide
.% • \ :,••11•• • 1 •1.1::• 310 ' 11 i11; : f "II: of ti,,iik.ll
1 , t . 0 1 .‘ 1.1•••• :t nletandloly
••1• • •IVrt • ;: •lit ;•••11![. 1.1 ;% hie!' ITII”
. „ (4) th.• rilliellloll4
14:1- It't.raitt-41 too long al
. •,t ; ; ; "(mg Ettalt-lt Iml% reevntly
it It 11,-rhustrand in
1 1 ••• 1 1..11,;•- ht
• :pi I, i d t hr. II o in.itt•lt into the
.•1,.••. ;%h,•n 111. N h•• • wI. •t\• Ka going
At I ttli hint. w..tit Lq. L. i•lorglatoi
satin t io• 1.1-t look at 114.1 dn.—. when the
1, t with tin• and in a see
‘,.4- 1.1,1:v. 11,1 int....bad, of
,• ~r 4,1 1., tootlit•r the tlatmso,
'lit ttttl. •,t; t. tool t‘to hit iLaelf terribly
I ..!rffi. 11 anti lwautiful wife ling-
~~' ;;^~
:%N., t hive ,las in frightful agony
• ,rinolines may tit
:LW 1 '; t t•II C.1,1.• , 11 const•quences of
F ‘1:: %;i1 W tiros,
~; 11,,n. (~ A. brow. of Pennsyilvs
-11,:i. t• .1 trout Salt Lake City about the
..; t l-4, anti walked to Califor
;.A. I,llllll* .1 01. loot in the ensuing
. I.a, iv th:- spt ing, accompanied
n. -1 titteen yez.r., Mr. (iow de
, -.• 1 flout •-tilt LA.., and walked to the
:out front that point a g00d
... p., t the ,11-tanee to Wa...hington, 11,
• h•in,:in,sl in tit,. Capital but a
',•. :11 , 1 -tart.'! , on the return trip,
1 .• : , 1,, ,1:11,• Mi-ottri hut Washington in
t.,,- tit ,t ti,. y wk.nt from the
I. ..hen the son
p,,rt t illit r;(1, and drive a team
,• I. n I'tt; or tire hundreli miles of
ray. un , l razuo 111 On foot the
the di,tanee tile father re
•,ll 1,..,1 the mil ,h.-tenee from
• ...•, . t o.—We recently heard
t'.l-.• :Al t 1,.• :7 4 onth, worth relating in
.1 was horrowell. and or
hew- teturneth the lender declared tha r
-.even it:, hits had la-en worn off front tha
~t the lat.h. 11401 words ensued, lea&
i•. a quarrel. winch was carried into
~,Itt, foorn on court to another with
j„ until the aggregate cost
ptrt,,l. ns tualiy mnouns.ed to seven
(ie."- -Tel U.lllnr----a thousand dollars an
;;,,•11 . 1.,11 ithout reckoning
( . 1 ,.,•. t iou tae A nd t 1,.• had feelings engen
.11 •, , itot4•r in-tanett a long legal eon
t n- , t•••I. tit.. ori;ittal eatrie ~1 which was
t hy a call. Thy Oise ended
{. t..telt party lot) jug his
WO II I I I" . lit . 't. , talamount of these had
•,,. t . 1., . ibdiarlf
1 , ,1‘ 1;1114 Fll so strik.
, hap. t-t•ttte under the notice
1. I,v !natty estates have
A i •.:. ,1...,,•1 . •
I..••• nil un
. • 111.,L:‘:
tha littxttritc
11.“‘ dislixter
"it Copt ste Vest,
iii evening party,, a gen-
:, (0.i....:,,,,i
3, h. 3 .. 1 33.•. 3113.1 r
• • •• nt them 311
• •.,•I - -he'd n "
h.•t• t ,weAn.
ed that , h.•
Lo .
I 1.1. I -lighted
.!! .0 I, tigt h I -tie
-10-11. :311,1 ra et`ii
11311 1111 a to a
II; 1.. Ii I -ruilr.l. and calletl
-he tell in my arm. ,
With balmy breath she whispers w;
The dying flowers look up end to
Their sweetest incense ere they
Yor her who made their heauti -live.
she enters 'neath the woodland's '
ti lo.
Fier zephyrs lift the lingering
And hear it gently where are i s
The loeVd and lost ones of its .
At last Old AUIIII3/11, rising, take n / .
Again his sceptre and his (tiro
With boisterous hand the trees h ekes
Intent on gathering all his ow
Sweet Summer sighing, thee the •n.
Ao waiting winter, gaunt and 'tn,
lees miser Autumn hoard his
And smiles to think it's all for ', in.
t h oitc Niteratu4.
-----4.110- -
On the 15th of October, 11456, celebra
tion of a peculiar character was din a
small villag near .lena. It want welts
%ion of an e tirely local nature, might
have 'aimed ver unot)served an ti known
to all, except the immediate vii ity, but
for its connection with the bat which.
fifty years and one .I.ty hefore, a ihilated
the power of Prussia. Au act tof it,
however, wit., pi/14,11.41 in tuo-t the Ger
man newspaper, and through th circum
stance the se q uel of the story IT It lam
alamt to relate was brought onAt.the
time the celebr ation took place. was re
sidolg ia i;otha, not wore than ty mites
trot the 4,pot, anti meeiveil the' tory al
most in the very words of ow ier ador
in it. I son aorry that his nante nd that
of the village, have escaped m . lvnemory
All (alter mart'
in ~....,11111 01/(i1
We inlet lir ,
tok•r. 1N , 4 , . ,
laud- to ,t-the:,'
but ternhle ee
triumphant elm
Berlin ele% en d
time rrn--ia IL
dards, and tow
I:reneli army
field, or quart..
The Isar inlet!
2,u41.1em avelum
fiei , l.- --e here
111 .) had rip
Sulauittol in I
houses and hat
lawless soldier ,
there was 114, I
Through the el
reftl.-A int.-ells~
its the raw October evening came on. were
heard in all direction" "liriek" of fei.-. yell ,
Of race .'r triumph. and • rue- of or lA
men tat 1011.
I,ieritlall ,411:0 . -
ti 1.1..111. tit (.1. , ~; • 11,. t 0.11•
rt•lll4 . lit a1t•,,•,0,1•••TC:V.1..11 , J , 1- , 1iw1i1,11,• , ,1,i I
I. , 1111•1 lit Ow Li...
L./30011.1. 11,4, h.. I.4l , lcity I ..t
ot , t..t Lis , do•p.)- I, ‘11.• 'wood
_ i, ur 1.. r. tt i,.,
I. ot%od, it.on .t.ijil
t !, I t w h l
rotir;tltz t. , u 1 itinor olitolit..•l tor 1 ...
p.o.e. %%11.11 tit, tdito. 1 tit. ' I'ir.) , )ll
Ito% 10•111!:11.. • ..lit
wit, II 1••••!11 . ....•- . rh.• mei!)
ri . 1,411:.. o n•-. 1.•••
4,1 C. , 111) , aii% --
1 n IL:3: a Li,
11 I.we (it \Val4l ,, r, -a) ,
awzi3 all I tw
three 4111,11) aro -••"•r.•1% iitilir •,1
1hiv011.4 . 4 void hi
moustache curlr.l lik , IIli• hl. of .1 in.l:-.ttlf.
a. he turne,l, halted A moment at the , or
of the Leal-room. a lieutenant and
twenty men to tho village. pick ont ten of
the vagabond. and shoot them down
hi. brief order. - Where i< Waldorf ."• hr
tulded, turning to one ot thaw te-eftil Cl ea
tun-+ who are alwaym willing to act a.-
guides and interpreter:- for the . nlvut in
their own hind.
There is a viihwo \\'all,.rf•
which lies near the he ill ot• • small r„Ilet•
ti) this left : Middle Wahliiri u+on the other
side of• the lull, a n d Lower Waldori abut
half an hour' , ta•yo lv t.
The to.trAttl, not e,rol L i en anno y b uil •
b more twnut,• in t o:ru,•., went 11) 1., , 1.
It• len men were .hot. that %\ as..ottliejent.
The next morning. at sunrise, Lie nten
ant lamotte with twenty men marehed
over the trampled hill. 1,. WA.
It was a disagreeable busine,... al ,' the
sooner it was over the better. tto ve , w hi ng
a ridge which overlook(sl the inter-ection
of two or three valleys, mor e than one
was visible through the cold fog, now
beginning to rise. Ueete a ll'Alorf!" in
quired the officer of the peasant whom he
had impressed by the way. Litho" an
swered the man, •.i.); «ber ll'a/d,f, - point
ing to a village on the lett. E. arie.r.t."•
And in fifteen minutes more the French
man marched into the little hamlet.
Halting in an open .puce between the
church and the two principle leer-houses.
the officer summoned the inhabitants to
nether. The whole village was alre,elv
awake for few had slept during the night.
Their ears were still stunned by the fliun
dors of yesterday. and visions of burning
and pillage Still danced beton; their e) es.
At the command adve lieutenant, the - , .1-
dierrl seized all the male inhabitants, and
forcibly placed them in line before hon.—
The women and children waited near. in
terrible anxiety for no else onderstisal the
words which were spoken. and these ()rui
nous preparations led them to imagine the
.1t this
.junoture, the son of the village
pastor appeared upon the seene lie• tune
a young num ti twenty, who was studying
t1 00 1 0; .,v in oriler to lieeorue hi- hither'-
successor, and fortunately Ituet etne kn.en l
edge of French. 'rho apuei.rati , e or things,
without the and entre:un- of the ter
rified pe.ple, told him that ilia
wanted: lie immediately addri t ,si hitu
self to Lieut. Lamotte, and begged t.O ,o,
explanation of d
pri wee. I
I a m ord e red to puni-h tit ter vi
*were,' the latter. "for your treat me nt ot
our soldiers last night. The untr.4 hal miler).
that ten of you must lie shot. The m i ly
thing that I eitit do is, to allow you to draw
lots among yourselvv-, or to point out those
concerned in the outrage,"
" But. eontinued the young man. "your
general has been misinformed. No Fretiieli
soldiers have visited our village before you,
Nye have truly been in great tear and anx
iety the whiile night but the valley is deep
and the village is partly concealed from
view by the woods on the side. There are
also the villages of Middle and Lower Wal-
BER 22. iSW
(fort, which he further down in the open
rat* You can soon satisfy yourself, Sir,
thallhis village is entirely innocent ; and I
entreat you not to shed the blood of
hartneless people."
There is u.. time for itirestigst‘oe. •
the officer. I cane, Orden - 4i to pr0e,.....1-1,.
Waldorf, and lam guided hither. I will
wait till you make your choice or ten lob..
saumficed, but have no authority , lo
By this time the people had lintrited the
tate in store for them. The women with
tears and appealing tires, erowilisl
around the officer, begging him to spun
their sons and liuslritults t the men stossl
lent, with bloodless titeetl toad dumb, im
ploring eyes. The seem. was cri,loolly
painful. both ft the officers:id the ptililter.,
acts: wonted as. they were to the unmet-iglul
oode tbf war. They were :111:6 , et , to VIII
uu end to it and leave: but the clergy /1/3)/ . +
.sin, inspired with the belief that the f
of ten men re.ted upon his cfrorts, contllt
to urge his plea with a :teal and elo
tmence that would not set :tsidtb. Lieut.
tamotte struggles' .while betweon
.ense of fluty and his natural humanity.
while the young advoeate appealed to hi:
conscience ;cunt to the obedience which he
invisl to a higher Commander than 14-
voust. Finally, he consented to w:tit while
a stirgent was dispatched to head quarter.,
accompanied by a peasant to show. him the
nearest way. A few lines. hai-tily !NM
cited. stated the facts in the calve, and asked
for tardier instructioaft
Meanwhile, the inhaTirtants a
state of suspense scarcely to be endured.—
Lieutenant Lamotte--who. as a thorough
Frenchman, soon wearied of a painful emo
tion. and shaking it °flat the risk of ap
pearing heartless—said: " The morning
keen, and a walk before sunrise I' ,sen't'ile
minish the appetite ; can you give u• s , one
refreshments from your hidden suppheitt"
At a word' from the young ruin', many of
the women brought together the coffee the )
had prepared for their own breakfast., anti
black bread, mugs of beer, and a quad
cheese or two----suflicient for a rough meal
_ o f w hi c h th e ~oktier-4 partook with the
usu,sl laughing eou t me h ts ( a ,
cef. . ' The company of vact ;',4,.%-
1.`411111 itl .-111 . 11. P. alld more than one !nit
-1,•1 . " We are teedui;,
" Even if that. Nituuld be true." aatJ the
p•ung wan, "it tr but 'bang Chribt 113,4
Lt 1.1,411/ it , . Whether or ti,a,
ist.i.tti charity from 'ten, lot u"...;
leamt, show glow that we-art. Christian+ "
This ! , ollernn rebuke had its 'effect. A.
%r of the - tett in entertaining the
.•r, with their I.4eility
inad"e theta-..1re.4 at
ich till:, the heart al.,'
I began to say among
pity that the,e wren
try tho and
fctrruer Itatitk.l
: h irh lafr AO. 1..
ante, nt! Unit. In ittcrley.
I )uur duty
`-to r tn
(•riett 1.013)C . 1' 4
Pi al IN.rn•it II in :r.•nt
• u..• . '• I Is)
: ‘‘.:l 1.. 60.1
of . nu
(.. .1 .11, •illlit•
11; t.. ;1 }.
111,11 ;414.);;.i ;11 L.,ts ullll ,I.•
!pi 1, I ,1 [IQ I.t
. 1
iiMik I. 141 t 2 [ Prt
.11.! ;.;; .1.111 taW111.1.1.011- ,
101 Malt% 4.:tt ,, ,k4
1‘1,11: . ,jU%%di; 1.,'
.1 , t1j.•• 1 • - •N I .n
1 1,.• furrjler turio•,l 1„.,k
111,• • 1i 14/1/111 . ,'11. h.,11111..111 , 1
th .11
.1:••li I
. 1 l% • ...• I 'l.‘;
111 , 11. )/Liet . IliC•111111 :I 1111 , 1...1..r.• I
.11 . .i0r iilV 'lOlll, 1h...
I h.• he..a. lit , tli• troier
L., hr., 11.1 t up , ,n 11.•
Iny ,hull 11101, and in. II I•
1.• injorcll. t.,N)n :u • the
IN% 111 ga till , Lut 11,. illt•
t.tir 111 , 1111 lu , 1 , {“•t• lultil icr ;11,,,,411
nit-w y.4.rdh were 111:4Andy i 11/111-lal.lll , •
lIIe itt.o).le, btit otty.l••••tt WA. Weir p.iiii
one to 1 The pairt , ii •
theta took alone, in tlie %,te.,111
Lieliire chi! litie :••oldier.i. • 1 ,;i,
utl'NIL . - as One trta-tltig I:1 1... l
that we .ltikkl savt,i;‘i It Moat
Littptt• .11 you who nave the heart:. ok
your blxll~, t.• be-1 , 4 ,1 Me... 1 “titig, a qtilr.ty hit tiler. ate' kit .t
hridttgroonl, joined littn---ett.s.liwz, at,- , tl. d..
+0,4 +Mgt,. eneountging look upon ill. ILI
t lire w wii.) till ne,i p ui s
poi a aunt. Out. 'II h. , 11.11 t!
revelled .}.it' de,tt.1.11.--Cor (Ito ..t
iu1.11,111 maiden,
In out
are place+ ill late. * file WOlll , ll
. th.llll4<tied, alto lull then . i, e. ; the Wen.
11.toist 1 a 0/1, at 111 e titeitritloll ter
ror : 4nd We little children Ili
ignorant etaitlSlty. "I he place wit., Lk , -tit'llt
as If ileituitl of lite.
Agaat the lieutonaut surveyed his m e n.
"Taae atm:" he C..' Mt /nand ed. lit. uutlll
- - ant at their heads, that yuur work ut..)
he well done hut thututli his Voico tea
eiear and strung, and the toile- 01 hi s words
hot to be uusLtken, a elate-voyaut IlJiht ( .1
hidden mt.-along ran down the hue, ulna
the tueu UtiliOrntOthl. ThelL C,OLIO
ethalnland "F,r. !"—but in the see,q l ,l
which intervened letwisql the word attr,l
the ringaig volley, the ten unit 1%‘ . 1'... al
taattig. lite era& kut the
a wl atilt' of tht•lr as the) • strut i s
the earth, were , nutiltalleOw:. Without
jelumitg an instant. the lieutenant erie,l:
It t,:itt about wueel • • forwartt :•' atel ute
tne.i.ured trauti) of the Auld:eel' tioAl)
the uarrow vilhige-street.
The women uneorered thew c, and
gazed. 'there lay the ten men, motiunle,s
and apparently ldeless. With wild crier,
they gAtAtered around them : but ere their
exclamations ut despair had tuked
those of joy, the last ut the soldiers had ell
appeared in - the wood. 'Then tollowed embraces, as all arose from the
gnuunti—laughter, and solas of hysterical
. The pabLueb "oil, uncovering, hi, 1“-iig I
t.ue,tlt aud, while all teretently 101-
16%% .•.s.nuple, uttered. an eloquent
petter ni_ tor t it- mere kl
What this young man hull done w.ts nut
-u tiered to go union artirti.
re,te..l upon his inikws and his fife. In the
etlllf tilde Lr bet:lLll.• clergyman,
filling for a while hi. lather'- p:ucr for the
he Intal saved, but svii, att..rwarti4 l e d
14) a tri,ler and ambitious sphere. He was
cal led to Leipzig, received tte ,legree of po e
ti. of Dt% Indy, and finally hecatue knowli
1111014,w Gems my n- the 'winder ..1' t.OO
Ad•af 1",-,,01 (4 itli.tat%
Unicak,3wlncli ha., fur IL,
mallow of protestant principle; hy
of oluntary contributtorts. In -some re
spects, it revemblei the Home Missions of
our country. Many churches., built by flit.
ws.w•wtivo, tire How scattered throughout
I. the L'hitect 614ae1.
The inhabitant-, of Waldorf never forgot
• their - 1.215401. nor he them. lie eatne boek
(iron, time to time to Tend a low days in
• the quiet. lit tie village of his yi 'nth. and OW
evt-ntrial I ri.i, of he' lite War , passed.
In IS51;:t 111.4. out or the ten I ,, entin-vie•
time I).n .nnA acre -till living in their
old and the loeoldle bethought them
th a tin. -4. mi-centennial atiniromary of
• ~,,el, in event 4h..en ed ~, special eetebrie
t•on. of Leipzig (formerly the
pa...( o r'4 -on., wa, invited to be with thetu•
Ile ivono have come front- the ,
end. oi the earth --Laid after II solemn Ye
', /I::l.lll...t•rVlCtf to OM 1/11,cetled to
the'eery- I_4lol on a lineit e h ad 4 tootl and'
f i• .•.Ithe 1 reneli muF ket:. awl there related
t.• •,i• of those
lie s:ive, I, the nal e hide I have
Lyre given mg awl eloquent
word.. 'rhos,' who a ero pre-ent
• t -wen, a; hat ing Ikei•11 singularly Mk•-ive and a ffeet ing The three old men
pat near him :,- he "poke : and the emo
tion, of that hour of trial were .0 vividly
reproduee,l in their nnti,l4 that. at the
4.•10..... they lan4lnmi and wept as they had
'lone on the -.lnn.. 'la) tilt% year. before.
one• clay in Nor ,- mbet. 1: , •1 1 ;, he entered
the cafe ;t. , u-thil, took neentkonl , l seat,
a. it, wn, wont to do. Rita piok,e , l tip the
heare,t 'paper. It hail...rt. - A
Lot he had
-pent .nine year- , in tiertnany, and umler
: , tckod the latiguage tolerably. His atter)-
! Will WAS attritrted at letter flatted atbrto.
• .ielia? .. he think , - - I wa•thert•too \Vhat
t• giurig aan there now .••• he reads a little
further. "Celebritioit ut Wuld.lll7 W at i-
I dor! : name ts : where have
he.ird it !•' A. ho oc,1) t /ours him pertzbal.
I the olit capt.tin's excitement... 4) 1,111U.g113.1
ctreutn , tAnce, attraet* the lath-lift(*) of all
the alt :tar Attint ,, e , of the c 3;... ia.fl D. 04.
--Waldorf—the ten men—the pa 4-
! 1 . 141, I dream ',Lich x thine nr i+
aloe •: l'orz , .tt,m tor • -and
oil 'red other
rv. ittiventure,—overlatd 111 the
en.wtl4.4 stores of a , oldier'.4 inetnorv.
en , (*ante to light sheet. The
. rota -tail lived. :still retnenibeied
grinding his teeth to
ng heart. Rut -now
ke out afresh.
the nien who wor. ,
ty or hoiatter,
Ti 0111
111 , 1 1 'SS rl.
In 0.)110111 , 1011. the -.l.eaker referred to
th.•.ittleer whorte It 1). • %tram:gem haul
iire.. : •rved their 11%.•-. "Sine.. that 41.1 y."
!NAM lie. "1 have never lie tr I him. 1
hot hi• name lait he pi ever
reilietillyere , i to tit?. thoilitlitqAtel
Morit prof ...lily lie 11 -144 her . % dealtil "II
one of (11.1 i.laughter KLiclt
intervened lietiveen .lena and Waterloo :
"hot if he .liouid he 11%111g, it
on earth it 1 vritliti reach him
wi l l ' za
In the sante year there- lived—and, it
dout,t httng.,-11% Lvt n ~an itlvahtied,
and pen-ione4l cavain of the Napoirome
v ,r-. After it life of lie found
in his old Ito.. alone, forizotten,
!,raver and hotter titan he
1 1;0 1 a ehit. V Ol I listinetion by psotne lucky
had collie to others, zttid
11..1 b,• ; :co Is!) children to cheer and
the i r declitung (1,6%);... liint tiir
wort l Itad passed by. and for year:4 he had
. 1.••• u In uer. 'clew rittelped 1,%
tin• 111.4 ~ ..knty petv , ion. dad:,
w,t- t tt.•. it( Id tut,l
re. al ti,..prini•ipto Eu1,1)1,1411 jouruab., And
in,•:wir.• 4•11.1tigol politic- ot
tho tlitt 114
M-,11 , , h,n2 y cm. had lats , eil
o i t lie the uhl mim's
4•11•11:, 110 \11 , 11! ,. to r)1"
Tlii Arid I,IU lielV
11 110111111 , 11.: h 'Ur 1 )11t tlir
;i•l'iii 1,111, lik.• P n 10.
t.• 1411 t t ••
CI Pl' 11; hi, 1 11 . •
11, 1;., it_
.1i . ....?Ve - 11 , 1::!••:1..4 . 0_01 . 10(1,A,
I '1%,,t1 tin• :NI o n•:.11 • ' I I , Itt,r
ti 1,*•1110
I u ~r,t1.1 1)1k. 'z 1%. -W• rn.rr .tvi.l
,•! th.•
1 . hich
,•• •5 - I• , • 111, .
I:,,• ,01 1,1111.
~• 5,,.! •.,: i,.• -I/ 11/11. II
i 11 1 , 1, 0 :I • \ lii•
' , o•• ' . :I .:••Ig • ‘ • I. !;t; th••
!•1,. , • if *•• I:if 11. :Jill
‘ aiill 1,11, .1. ib% •-.11
11,),.• !,• r .
th•m • •l+.,; , till 1
♦F,, 1....t\t IL. 114.• I.ttd“,k
lit i•
th% 1
•. :i: ill .11 1 - .:11i...11.1 111111:1:1
4 ; 0: 11111 :i -`,1111••1 11 T11I• 101:11 , 1 ‘ , ll
lillll • 1 ,11 . ••11 1.1 111.• a
I. i7.111,.•111/0111.
1111(111 ' ,14 •
t:t .111
;,ty lifitlia••11( i ;fit] into LII „t
11l it •l„ttilt..l ,t.rlt•-
p• 11 , 1
... p‘ ,A 111,•: tici; un•••
•11 ;I .i•-: ;1••
ii:l : ?It r .111.111.:. I:1 • 1• , !* HIV Id•rWitl;; 4.1
:+n•'chirp tte`tr irt
11 IC.; , 1 , 11 11.111 , , 111d11.1
a\.l , lll' , 111 ,111, /.11/1.01 , 11::.
1:11.--111111.t , It• .1111 , t1;.'r t0t11(.1:1,10-
1 4;111 • 4,, I. lit, '1111111C . 11.11:.! 1,• , •
CI )it r/n1111•1
no.qlle--1) u , ttl t. 11u 4.1W11
11r1"1111g1.111 , 11:-. L'111• Ckanpainy 1111
to 17,-z 11, never sWerV(.ll. atftor
011.••• o t ot ik,:t :.)it
wa- un,„1":1,111.: 01 I;rUUl'l'...
lor. I ii..ant au an..,
li:1111 , 1
- ttitraliction to illo,' 1/1 .
t.,:it• cull luylueut oh
kuol ut ii and!' r,quent in Ailw,ty
Intl i.l, z. 1 tuber
ii,,r‘l,•tte.l 109 la-t to
wuris -.•:E;•• I.tor• Iltiiit•l
'Fru.; 01; 4.1V11'.1,•W thin w
tar 11. ;.h),• ..1 lit--; 1,1
t, a 1 , , Chem 1 1 1 .. IC,•-1,111
;,1,.• It t.-II .:t.•i• Bru
n,! ~, 1 ,:) •7 , o.:i "or , . tile I)
1 c.+n••••.
t,• at Dien L. • I conzratuiato
L , ...•11 , i.•l/14.11, 1)11 th.• fall 1)1 .
IV.L• IS:uu , •l • - utr ,• 011 Coe sul t jett. ••
gratul.,t.• it- : MI••nt involvtug (Lis
a-ter anti the 11)-' nr
;mg) y .01.1 amaz... , l tit r. "Cert. lin ly."
•aia •• I ,cast just about to
I•ut up twit Ituielre , l bridge,. •ht the ...ttnie
Itt7nctl l.•,
A cory, , ,ponilent of the
T, :111111-11. g
-t. u•\ ? t.i th.• acute s.-11.43 of smell of,i
lle alc I It, clerk were ev.aminiiig
lohocco. -ul , mitte4l for 1114 in4pectiou.'
After carefully inhaling the flivor, 1)3,
or four protracted sniffs, he exclaimed 1,,
hi- lerk : can't you 01,1 leath
- iu that toh.ico - ," Clerk presented a
to his olf letories..and .hvught ho could."
The •• chief . 'then smelled again, and &-
clansi that he could also detect a very
slight flavor of •• maple s..sior." This 1404
aroma John pronounced beyond Lis pc-liv
ers. of leaf tobacco. you know, file
taken fvoin e.ich end of the hogshead,
.11so from the middle. where there i% a
found (t. 4 'Ant heel. full ti nt.rpJ, f ay., :,-
Judgmont on tobacker " that iiulr•
ter i now regarded na final :"
i A Ghost Story—or, "Second Bight."
lii'Doniskl, of Canada, was
recently on a ;mit to olloston. When he
left limo. his firnily ‘l . r l / 4 . enjoying good
health and lie antic;pateil a *emit saw
ney. The second morning after his azzi
rival in Boston. when leaving his bed to
dress for breakfast, lie saw reflected in a
mirror the corpse of a woman lying in the
bed &ore which he had just risen. Spell
bound, he g. a 43 with intense feeling wad
tried to recognize the features of the curliest,
but ip vain ; he could not move his ego.
hds ; he felt deprived-of action, for how
long he knew not. Ho was at last startled
by the ringing of the bell for breakfast,
and sprang. to tho bed to satisfy himself, if
what he hail seen reflected in the Emitter
was real or an illusion. Refound the bed
to he had left it ; he looked again into the
mirror, hut only saw the bed truly reflect
ed. During the day be thought much up
on I l i e itiwii e n, and determined next
morning to rub his f.y.•:, and feel perfectly
sure that he was wide awake before he left
hi. be, I. Mit, not iv 11. , tantling thteepreutu
tions,the vision W.IM I tpettiod, with thi-•
addition, that be thought lie reoognized in
the corpse some resemblance to the few
tures of his W I ll'.
In the el .tirk, tht• 5e...11101 day hu ro
retved a letter from lii- wife, in which she
stated that die was t j uito well and hoped
he was enjoying his friend.
AR 11/‘ LINVOLINII3 attached to her, and
tinxiou- for her safety, he sup
po-ett that his morbid fears had conjured
up the ri-ion he had -eon reflected in
the glass: and went :shout his buch ile 4s
-cheerfully as u,ual. litt the morning! of
the third day, after he had ilre-etl, It.•
found himself 111 thought in his own house
leaning over tlse eoffus tit* Vri 1. -11.-
friesuht were ;Lssetubletl, the ums.ster
performing the funeral 14 . 1"..., his tit:W
ren wept—lie was in the li4m,e,if
fullott e ,l t.. the grave ; he
heard the earth rtuuttl....poti iio .ttiti. tot
raw the grate .1101 the eelt , t, i-;
tovered ovum it : 1,% 1111.• - loot -
.•r. h.• old ••••••• tiii,.ll ; 4ll tee •1141.1 t,,k•
pntir.• rig iii .)t h wi w•r
look,.! w h.• artooht
him, hut no one netioe lout . hr
tried to hot to, t. , ..0.rt.:it-e , Itollov:
his very heart wit ii.ti.t Ettra:t..l
, i t l os -own fet•Lug 4 0 1..ammeil
to tiiryw him-. it .1, 1 , , 11 grav ,. an d It.
Otero utit.i it...ttt -oottl.l whets he
t•. shy t 1 . 11,1 1 .1,
who enter.-. 1 th.• room to 'Morin liith that
-.l.trteil a- if imok.•
from a pr. if 1 -leep. though Iti.w.t.-....tand
ing to.l tii.• with a hair bru-it in
hi- ham I.
Atts• r 1,1111,.•tt. t „
t%1,,„ tad -4401. :ttl.l
• , ley ittiplea4atit
A .•w• aftera .1 I“.wever.
titolaneholv intelligence
th.,l 11.1.1 died, -044,14, anti the
e,l e •It ele it te , cttll tit ft` he hail
t tta.• 1.11.0 rtair
\V:e•O I..ttinie4l it ,-, ttio he .leserih•
.41 nittllel) all the (l.•taik ~t the twietal
he had syen :in.! they
po t ide4 th,• [acts. w. 11•41,1,.
.ine of the nio-t Pte t.l in,t.inees elairvo
atiee un rec. ,r, I. Mr. M . ktioa,
nothing of tn. NI ~r clairvoy•
ance, us itio..t lif e ha, hs•ett
tqx)ti a tarot among forest, It -tuay
not he amiss tc. -tat,' that his father, wit.,
was a Sootch Highlander. h.tkl the gift of
-4,•eond sight."
1 ) 110:T WANT Hill ru RETUrOt.-1.1k..!
c.omte o f Mil-tr.:on- t'oo
editor the Butililo Ik•ell Lel y
violent at tiny—, in of the
Central it if.. a1..u."1 to go ea:it,
:in.; he thiiii.:ll eonven
ii•iit tii %% nil a 1,
tlion,zlit• to A friend, he remarked
that it h. not -o violent toward,
the ii • by might got the
il;- 1%-:••ii I- a-i-tited him
that it lie iv•• il•I iptily to l>..ati Richmond.
VIA" Irddlit M iIitAUUSIXOWIZted, which the
edit...r tL .oz'it : but lifter
....h.:bob-41 to tnak,. the
at-empt. 0111.-xl on Mr. R.,
an d t h e fo'd..evlnz...iiv. , ,..ation ennne.i. the
report of vrineli we find in the
Vt it T.I
,)%• trail . •J•
"Vr I; ‘erk
III; , :I`. I ••• 1.1- - , -.1111 • ! \I
h \ 1 tllS , `!\•l •
th •• Ili., j,. ilt.‘
W.• 'X 101.• i l.
ir.~n~i , n~ ~l
, t 11 , ". -, i'i:nttal
.111,1 1:, it.i;ll.• )timit.r..ti
:intpitto li.•• I 'll 1.1% • t ,
%%11..0 ~...•• .11 . 6.1i1k • 11 , 11 .• 1;1..
tt • 0 t- : 1, ..111:1',1 :II
-0111 I nil (if Le. i
t I m Ike• 1,1-
ii.• .1•
u•, :II! ;•/.• •• 1,. ri,j? r*
L'lle. 111 :if 11• I• !•`nt"t .
,0141. 111 rt • II •tl•
1.••.111.'. • •11. l.l 1..1 lei . )1 0 1
\ v.•lt II: .•ftt• . .•••
•• 9.111 . 1.40.1 .11111 , :1. • t • •••• V,l• :I.`
•• Mr. I
t:‘ it% .
)13ker 111/11 , 11.111 ./ 1.1
wh-n h. got- •i :or t Inflr,
ft. tiiti
Q •
eitio'r 4!1:. iii
C *in!. ~t
fie 11.1- :v.f. tit it :•.‘-r %%,:s
01 At ti:•• 30.1 att. tit.:-!
: tht• 1n..-t 11:0: i iiur.,••. •
; lint
.o .13
St,tt , t-. ih••••I I 1:0•0 1 :1,
:•40.1 ;-
ge d
hurri~ :n II: , •liti..ll
t,,' 1.1... , :.1,•r
5 I, id the finiidine.r. ti
11114 ...OW VV.
t !Wit' T 1,.•:.• 1•n• m•
u la . ilO t :1•• ar, anal
atilLlZVlnt•llt a.. 'OO, lilt, uut ii.•
4• !it . 1.. - 4/ (it C:I.• WVlll.i ‘ , 4 On tire.
J:1 , 1,;(11 , 11L .1 i • if e
:n -!Pot, t••er.q..4 1ket.114.. And ntait
• :1 ye,: kk: it •;:kktAk• ‘orki an
run hnd r,reanied. and l•r.t}l••i 1,t..• on
awakened ,inner. Thl.awitkuww.l Ili • »-,:.
who :•.• her running an,.
i. t.u,l.
,• >tlk'l t. 4) him
t.•li her w.,, th.. Mattel'.
'• Yrt••t•, Wll3l 111:1tter with LOU :**
sap], OL•r 11.40 i11...he1l \Vilat Milk
you run .111,i soi till tp);•,.:"
But I'e•ter ,aid never 74 word to her. Tile! r
W ts' a hunt; -a,r.+ of ksitlA an , :
the tillW bir a full settlettiont h.' tLuu;lit
ontritt, and 110 wa 110 , 114 , •••• ankl k
of his wife's appeals., an•l all .•tl,.•r 1 , 4 zs• t•
file wile I tut • .utett-,•l.
iditrmed, and rtirinijig :ti;•:+
l'4•tvr. xliat ,1“ mono
for i;raei..o. cool, in th.• Lou' 311t1
vut ou y. 5411. tip;
-.Ai , ' t•••'. •"
(} t ,. ti•e pUtl;l l 4 i•rt.,4•!l•
t't,ri•• J. dole thing !hat !hc• sue
r..rt ly —And is in
cast.king I,,rgic•r hits hi, vurce•
Trent the Redo* TreveUet
]S- R:^~,x~~::~i
••• - ti•i 1 1 , . P• 1.1
li V 1 '•1 t l Le
; ;
C , •r: -
11 . C. ...L-••••,111'111
1 iti 11 I
i; •1,:11-nd , • • Not.
%, 04iit,r
, :1-.1
trit , unt ul '3;0 , " J to A
atilt ho
't; t• 0.11.1
C.': it It.. .pi