Iktirr °l ; ' Airie ki at f~ff lie be trie* W ll iehlib4 l/1 060 four atoz . mune p. for=i= r t . id proves Pouc h :mats, It a desirable an Ivp d active place atm- Anima TOR Yaw= as His nsseler arperceive tram Its Ismistlea, V tha TIN THE UNION. Prodisce Winging double the prim than in locations away hem the city, and more than double the price than the Eon. It Is known that the earliest and best traits aed mystakasa in this bikini& come from New Jersey, and are annually esiPotled to tb. extent of nolilima. In locating here, the settler hen many advantages. He Is rid& a fey boors ride of the great cities of hew Eng land and Middy Motes, be Is near hla old Mends and as ambitions, he la la a art/al cosetrp nil mat improve meat el comfort sad cmilszatien uet Mei He can buy rfl ...... iirticle be wards at the cheapest pike, and 101 l his the highest, (in the West this is reeenied,l be raa7 7hie Wioulsfor his children. rheum term, and will .1400.5 as op .„. e riarge, and delightful climate, where freers are attiPidy unknown. The result ..f the change open thorn team the north, has poorsily been to miters. them to an excellent' state of health In the way of building am/ lumber ran be nhuuned at the milts at the rate of $lO to fII per thou,- and. !tricks tram the brick )rod opened au the place, evert article can be pneciiii,l w the place, geod catienters are at hand, and there is lie place In the tnion w hem build ings and improvements ryo M made elesper The trader will at once he struck with it,.. ademanges titre present. it, and ask himself w tit foe plop, ily kiss not bum taken up before. The mamma la, at eta weer thrown in Use market ; and unbar these statements were correet, no one would+e invited t.. Pt/mime tire hunt before par ablahig. This all am expected to de. The .11l ere the bad ander centreline, each ia the extent of the mettle-- meet that they will no 41uubt, meet pet .veis, frmn 'bob. own neighborhood ; they • ill witness the unimov,...wta. and an judge the obareeter of the populatom If they mme with a clew to settle, they should eww,,, prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as lora thins cannot be held on ref u sal. _ • Tispre are two dal. tram, to Ilailatlrlphia, oat to all sotN.rs who hatttru.t., TOK RA iLlio.4l , Cu 01.81. Yam TICKXT 1011 BIT bI , XTIIS, HALP - ['Melt TICPJLT Mt TIMEX TIMIS. Tnt TOWN OF RA MMANTON. fa emattontion with tbe 'weir filittral Ati I 'tarot, a Dew mid thrietout town lux naturally armies whack presents Ls f*lfoMicl,46fer may kneel of beteneme, particularly gores and eesenfeefseees , bhor anamese mild be tarried on in this place sod market to good sitvantatte ■len cotton tot- Meer, sad manafaetortes of airriealitaraf impiammats or ihalmalertitsfsr papa( mown arterial" The improvement lase been en timid as to insure a coostant and permanent increase of beesineee. Tow n loth of a good mho, we do not Mil fatal Oars, as it would effect the improvement of the place, ean be had at from $ leo and o nearer. The linannenttme Farmer, a toonth,y literary and seri cultural sheet, contalomh full ta(o niarl too of it atumou too, can be obtained at *.ifi mute per anhuat Title iwlisputable—earratitee deeds repo, clear of all ineumbrance when money te paid. Roots to the land : leave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia for hammo o tan tot ..Bailroad, at TX A. X., or 4si( P. 11 F rut 90 mt.', When there inquire for VT Rymer. Boarding cow-emetic:ea on baud Patti.* bad better atnp with Ir. 11, rue*, a Wilk ww. °h en t h e! , bee• 0.-cldwf ne to pel tell/I.lllr, its he w dl here t h e tend I, ,a r. inn s ;. , nt rap• riot. *. . a bratty , of ran to eddreee , qto la t ,dia 1.1 ~at. •0:.0 P n , o • !ter Jer•et. er •tflt't ...Oh "wt. "hi;a.lrlphta— ►.., and nforws.o I eel -1/4.1 Jaly 16,'9` 0 —or.it bANFORD I S LIVER INVIGORATOR, _ NEVVIt frEffILIT i Pais, IT in COLlipolllidt - ll .•u1 • vly trpial Guini., tad ham branine an ..stabllah..4llaer, a /standard Med kalif, known and appro-, ~,,j red b) ail that have toed it, and le now resorted tot PEI • with ennridence in WI th. dikates for ebieh it is re- • 0 , COIDITOD , I4.i It has cured thousands iy., I within the last two years a wb. bad g tvotoup_all hopes, ... lid relief, as the OUSIDeTOIIII ..solicitedOlettikclitrie ID , ' my poaariniun show. The date may IA adapt, i ed to the temperament of the hidieirtnal taking it, i and used is such quests tam at to met gentriy onis f lb• Dowels. Let the dictates of our ' pudgment snide you in g the tms et the LITRE ,lIIVItIORA TOR, and it Will eerelLiiver . Per tplehipa, Bllthine At. limbo, 07 p • toy ', eliae Dkirrheinni Baum COZO rte Dy.- , intery,Droptygienr Stour oak, Bak Connie- new, Chnierke, Mgr rn s Childers Merbeny ,Cholera 1 afluettues, 1 Thiiiikkee, Janadic., Pe-1 'rank lfrahnerim=l seey he need seekenfakt tea an Or 17 111100tedkis. it ',in I low" et I 0 K IC • IP ACHE, (as thousands !can teadfyj la meaty aissalles, I two • three Teaspoonfuls are takes at etkosenesaien „ 04 , • I All wbe w k Are • St__ •ny lballa r. • - •31, 4 4:ii •HHI M S MO UTH WITH Z i no • -, : i • TOE, AND SWALLOW bosh tepelber. Pries Oise Dollar per Bettie. —ALSO— .i ' IM3 . I LUMILY CATIIAIIIIC PILLS, COMPOCISMCD offlui T 2 Malta =mac" font eve err to oust cent, oto mat, howinth cow Le Are ounces. The Wasiiilly Cadisr- • , it. PILL, is a path hot aetiveCathartie which • I the prorrietor has mad to Ide pdhcis Ewe thump an 3wass. The aosstaatly lacinsas-,_l ilse &nerd how tide' who hare Wag used these I" 'l'll4 d e tad the =ahem hos which en ewes.' A in to their IMP, ha. ladoosd=tos 'betel ~ lel the reach eat. The s• l l '—' Rows that disarm% Ca thartion on different: pi Ipartlosa et PILL la. Th T A M IL Y Chi ITlLiartli him, with doe refenteeo to this twell eetabtishod het, been porn • earl- C) let, et the perest V WAS hi,4Vil:liat which sel l lank, on every pert ti the aBeweewee7 awasioistil ant I ' 4 'GOOD and MAPS la all ewes where a Celhondel ell ;is seeded, es eh se DO RAIIIMIIRIIIoriI 0//, _. VOX igl T 0 111/1 C 11, glosplares, Pains la the IM Brek sod Loias, Costive sees, Polo sod Soreness , ' over the toWie 0.14 7 , tree midtte• eolli. which 4 111; i frovitly,, It imiseted. sod la a Wag Gomm of tir 1 .,1 sot, Lase of Ai= Ctweptesilmwethea of cold' pgi , , over the tiodj weiet iheiesebh, or weight ._, !in the bead, all lathes. eatery D Ise aato 5, , 1 11r08.188 is Chlldrea or Ada/ti, 811317XATIM, a .0( g roe 1 tharliiiir of the Mend. roesloamy es to which bath Is heir, too attil lo iseatlon C.) ! hi thhathereasat. Deese, I, til S. Cosa& Ills Uwe , ' ImvlWwaterlandP=y Catharsis nom are retailed by Ihnegriate geonnaljr, sad sold whole,- We by the Trail* la all thi large towns. 8. T. W. 801/WILD, IN. 11., biesolisirrurer sod Proprietor , 3 3 li, RT•11111W•y, N fili Ii r li. hay 2, 11,22-174. A Safe and Certain Cure for Piles 1 THISTRULY 1N VALUABLE ARTl tae„ messoponsdrel after the Comas of one of the west dietinfelehed physicians , of the are," la presented to the public with the fullest confidence in its labiate mor tis It is magiral to io effects, relieving shooed Instan taneously the mostpalatal mem whUe hundreds can tastily to th wonderNl cures. Whit. this celebrated medicine la woollroat and mooching la its mature, unlit. all other vompositiess, It la oleaoly, not rolling to the Sore sad Is agreeably per'unpsd. Try It ! try it I All that Is whet is a trial ; and we feel oonlidasit that sod every sae who aim it will bear testimony to Its ntsrlts, and GM rota front a most painful Mellon. Lxceti•- tk.s, Chain Chaim he. It will be fob I.d equally eau aloft be aintrooristioo, Thadngmo, anrsd Clays of t.U. taneous Skilyn. maiming, men la seven OLIN, instan Tor &as by CLIMAX ithOTEIBIi, t Erie : stEs, PEP Waterford. July 23 labe.—ly7. H EDGE SHEARS, Pruning Knives, Budding KPiTIPS. C BELDEN'S. Stove. 1 Staves I ! Stove. ! ! WE are now prepared to ..; flumisb lam am In mast of EITOV Le, of say deeeription, at knew rim* them balm over been mid in Erie County Our nesortmont menprfaw all tho modern improvvd. among wheel' may be band !leaner, Plymouth Rock. Eclipse, Empire. Brilliant, Herald. ...od on •.t ovi,er drotroble style* of Elevated Ovens. Mr- "to Sin virimatek: Goy dower, dowor, Boma Circa. az oitrabin of , t.c:er potte-ry of Low ovvo 0t050... Ai o tb. ir o rni n , to n s Cour Taiiar, N 041.1 Parlor, ° lr." Sol ).* I, 411cer sri ute rif liogol u tTr b. , soil ' other stover of oapenor qoalities which ws will mil for Cub, Lumbar, Beat Onto, or barter to raserJ. at UN Scam tbaa ...a." boo.. to tea City, rod wonord Gomm to dre teaks aatleve.,ea.. To promo =Mmay thin tbr abov• limit wo would may Give I aad yea &ball so be diaappotated. At 04 Old ltiesdiry, N. W. Caesar o fState all 11th its. Dr* tag. 13 1110-10.tt BABE Ilt JOHNSON. ro 31•1 FT* .14.1 4-44 I= Quaker City Publishing Reuse ! lamps dialogue% VOL MANG= AND IDIDOW &KADY roa fisperar Indrawn* to (Ad INA& ! A h /LEW and sure plait for obtaining 4110 Lit mod 1111.1r/ti WiIICEISS, lad ether mau -I,* peelbeelses rtvee is Oatalegepe, which will be mit bee tearm_ saattessaa YAW& all* wee% lineri Meta fe . sNie SWUM Ilent te emit "warm pow* is Oft lime bees diebibelepil tow patesee tpleito tie put feestb•— WWI to be ilatetbwi tettlag tbe end Ma übsetbi. !be tambiesemils salmi yaw ere sees Masi thee limo at may **et beam saw tereeres. bviW te lbw MUM" met bearodusig WA agebelitlie bat alert poi% exfee leeee easkiki se to «adorn the Ola laaaarime leibb *be Embed lelbtkettee PAIL orWAGMS WANTRD is ovsey Toone sio4 Coast? portloolies wan. • fishtail . City htiiiabbieLoess. $3 Both S A O 7/11/F-41m.iii. o HORACt "WA _ : : Art. 333 BBODWAT, N. 1.. EIILLSII ER OF MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOK. In Mammy Idelodsoas,Organs, Orrin Aaen Elartin's tool atlese attitars. V tonna, r Tkits 19.11 Accordeoa., , Fianna., Flutes, nire... '401,01 la, Triaror lot Toning Yorks, Pt and Holumenli a Bows, kost Strings, I Braes lastramon ter load a, Plano Stool.' Comm, and 10 Mods ran 1 ta. SWUM MUSIC, from all the pablishers In lb. U. 8. ; Iteepara t itj_nnlesall4 Maim Min* mod an kinds of loam:non Bodo. Ibittia stove lastanosats ; Chords Haste Books ; Basic pleintitly ._• /leak Paper, and sll Mods of auk AT THE LOWEST TIMES. NSW ridgery at Mk $2316 12 2 0, and I.J. to $600; SICONB HAND PLAN bons $26 up to WO ; New tiolaieens, $46, $OO, a, $lOO, sod cep to $9OO ; SECOND HAND MELODEON , hum $3ll to PO • Alex andre Omani, with Av. at Pa aka. 0640, PA sad 01811.,,thielaadirkpa.4014, wowed, . sass and 076 ; Ainfroodre 'Oren, beetrielono—o new iostrionost just tat pries An one lAL A liberal discount to Cloresson, arebaNilabtaith Schools, Sentinanes sad Teachers. rhl Trade supplied at the usu al trade discounts. SABBATH SCHOOL 111001C3i PUBLISHED BY 1 HIS , HOUSjE - THE Anaiversary aodltanday-Sahool Mush Book, No. 1, contains El loon sal. byttfa. Pride 3 wets each, $2 per hundred . TILE Miniversion mad Iluky-flebool Made Bonk, No. 2, costal 86 tunes and by - s. Pries 2 mats each,42 per bun . THK A irenarr stad Saarkkr-Sebool Mask Book, No. 3, coats' 81.1 tones and byn*.. NH,. I cents owl. $3 per hand t - . THE A sierras!, sad Suceiay-Selool Moak Noon, No. 4, °Dotal 38 tunes and kynolut. Prier Soma, ..eh, El per Lund THE A,ontvenary and 4 anthiy-itehienl mono Book, onnibining NOS. 1 and 2, wall several additional Seem ccontalue 73 tones an 4 hymn. Prier 8 seals rack, $S per hundred o Ts' i. Be. teal PI 1. o y Mueleo Books, hoe. I and 2. No 1 contains It tubes and 1101,1111 a Prier , one cent No 2 containe 36 tow mod hi mom; hi... 3 rents each, 2. per hundred. l'cistage our Mlll/i feels. 2118: Sabbath School By)) ebotaito 191 taws and b t 1n,.. Price 12 veldt each, $lO per hundred, pilotage I cent each. boa n 4, i cent. each, hi:, per hundred; rkitaphly bound to cloth 2. cro.t• earn, IP2O 1,4 r komatirell, postage 3 crentm , ~eh out; dOBATIoN A L SINGING--Ark eight page 'nine Price 2be, per dn& II 50 Der hundred. TXI4TIIIOXIALX ON TUX HORACE WATERS PIANOS & MELODEONS. The Moo aloe to band, and in drug mt. order It tx • heauttrul fighting/et awl so adatake."—La h W Al.ll, John lie. at, of Coo thage, New York, who has had one of the flu, aar Waters ilatioa, writes mi follows: "A friend of uelos wisdom toe to purchase a piano Inc her She Wien the nor you sold no la December. 11164 - piano a herototog popular In this place, and I think I cmn introdom one or two more ; they will be MOM popu lar thug an) other make." .• Vi e have two of II aims' lima* In nee in our 8.03110,11ty. 4.0 r 01 *barb has been severely tested (or Wee years, and we 4,03 teal!, to their good quality and durability."— Worm a Unstwav, Mount fermi!, 111. " H. W •ltula, Dose ii —•Ving 0041 of your risoo tortes or two years past, I have found It a very serener easSPreamnentod A so Gael, preJ fivesktre Hreireas Semearern " The Piano f received from you O.:Rhinos to g ive satie• fart non I regard it moue of the be-et tnetrumente to the M ' ira.' —Jeanie L Guava, t ktforiffllioo . Vs. The Idelodemi has safely arrived. I feel obliged U. you for "our Leered diseount—will dean! ma for you in these parts. '—itsv. J. M. itotonnicit, Isrgatreellle, a. C. ' The Piaoo 0 . 1141 duly received. It came 10 ex cheat enotlltloll, and is eery mach admired by my numerous tonally. Accept my Webb for your proinptnees."—ltoesite Coon; Wart...ahem, itrartfbrd Co., Pa. "your Piano Oconee as well. It is the best one in our county."—Tea , i.es A. Liman, Campriallton, are v-re touch obi ) for hat mg rent such • line instrum r, for and we shall like pains to re ',min...4 it "—I it. era, ii 1.1/ t to., Arsjaie beneueeet • Ihr Dome. Water, are 11210•11 u I \loool, the very beet- it ran e to speak, of them matreitneuta wit confidence, from I nal knowledge of their ex cellent tome sod durable Y lemegeher. •• U ern speak of went, of the Hemp Waters Platlo. , (rum personal k owle•ige, ea being of the very hew if witty " threaten Mr:maw. °thine at the State air displayed poste' excellence in any depertmentthan Waters Pinnoe."—Cierra Na "The Horace Waters are built of the beet and most thoroughly mason matteriaL We hare orr doubt that buyers mu do as we I, perhaps better, at this than et soy other house in the ion. 4401 1 C11184; ant Journal. " Waters' Pianos and odeons chalkier, coniparuion with the floret mode an when in the rionstry."—flame Jwirest. "Homes Waters Plano Porten an of full, rich, sad ewes tone, and powerfal."-eNew Ywf Mantel /bear. " Our friends will and at Me. Waters' store the very beet emortmest of Nude and , of Pianos to be bland to the United States, and we ursgege our southern and western Mende to give Adam s ank wbeaeeer they go to hew York.' —Geekbenes WARDROOMS DRS BROADWA V, New Verb. Joss 11, 1114111.-I.tt. TO EIOIME EEEPERB. - - - - - ----- - ---- ET II I N N EW .-B. T. BABBITT~ Bin MED/ LNAL 211LIERATUIL Is mesa from sommon salt, mid 0 0 Is prepared Weir 4.lllMeat 800 other' V, 0 Salerstes. the deleterious eisittoe ex tracted In eh s meow as) ,prodael AID Bowl, B sad all kinds °ICUs with. Oat soetsial spartiolo 4 (betas slew - the Bread' or is baked ; thereby pr''' dodos wholesome essalto Bork parti cle of Balemitus Ii tamed to pa sad pores thsossit the Brad bribed' vkla Baltias; wetly Goals( sisesaine bet otansos Ball o caster is° near. Tea sill orals. b 7 the We of this Wieser that rettinly dillesest from other Balers tat S 68 AND 70 68 70 It la paiitod in oomb poandAmieses, each brandul, .B. Eloblatro beat flaieratas also, picture. twirl. od lb& of broad, with a glass of ollareoacisog eater on ib. top. Whoa You Cruburor ode paper yea should preserve wrappos, awl tit particular to gat mai mostly like. tb . firot—braiel abane. 0 8 Pau directions ha mokbag Bard arta ibis daimaina and ilea ildlk es Dram Tar tar, will aemangray mask wimp ; mho, dlrectlana for making all Wadi of also, for making &4a Wader and I =tii Nader& 'fie Your Own Soap, B. T. 8.A.33111 4 PW8 Pure Concentrated Potash! Watnutted double ts ordinary Potash I pug up I IP-4 I 2 Bs, k lbs., '0 lb., and 12 lia.--witk f.O is. mats. Bard and Bah Snap. Camerman k I will and this the cheapest Potemb in mar ket. Isinnlketured and for rah' by B. T. BABBITT, Noe. $$ and 70 Weahhattorest.., N. York. ye..11.1y..2 and No. Boehm. 0 68 ♦ND 70 1110 ER TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE B.renzwr DIADEM 13123 Worn by Kings or Emperors. What t Why a Hematite Head of Hair News It la the ornament ON idiom." prowled for all our Me. BMW, attboosh IN ram nay bloom aver so brightly is tlio glowing alio*, ebs *ye be mar an spa:Clog. tin tooth's Om* of plasila, 11 the bead is be reft of Ha covering, or lb. hair In alad- end atirirolod, Mrat snot Iry, or trot.. AM V aprinkiod with ray. nature will lore more than half bet Area& Prof. Woolf. Hair liastonsties, if Ned two or nom tharat a owtik, will motore and oermanootir atoms to all mach as ornament. Read the following sad judpa. Ito *ANN the ant so Ow NONNI PON* Thakrg Di W00,.: New Yeti'. Apt 12, 13611. DM/ Bir tett:prim to you IN °Motions I am seder for dm entire nstorstios of Nay hair to Ira original color ; about the tome of my arrival is the railed State. It was rapidly Nowastog gray, bet upon IN VOW' calm of you 'Bair inoNrathor It soon wormed - Ito original bus. I wariaddor your Itaatorative so a very No- Neal invention, quits ollaations as well aa agreealls. I am, dear air, yowl truly, 8. THALBILHG. "Dock Owyliedydcl." Webb Newspaper silos, lit Nassau it.. April 12,1!58. Poor. 0 J. if s—Dster Sur,—Boos month or ale weeks ego t taesisrd I bottle of your Nab fineteratire and Bate it Illy elk, who concluded to try it op her hair, Utilee thinking at liar that ,1 would restore thet gray hair to Its original lor, bat to betas well as my surprise. alter a few weeks' it has performed that wonderful react by taming al the pay heirs to a dark brown, at the some time bean lag and thickening the hair. I strongly shoot Rostorativo to all persons in want of suck a champ in their hair. CHARL6B CdftD6W. Niter Yong,. July 45,1857. Puce. 0. J. woos :—With confidence do I nisoninisod your Hair Itsatorathnses being tlessocostelfitaldelniartiele 1 ewer ma.. Sines using your Hair Restoratise ay hair and whirlers which wore slenest whits bars gradually Brown dart : sod I now libel confident that alese more applications will rester, them to their natural eater. it ohs,. has rellesed toe of all dandruff and unpleasant itch ing, so coennion among 'MOM rbo prespire Ineety. J. G. RILEY. Csrateno, lu., llay I, MT. core Woos •—Aboitt two years ago nty hair com mand tailing off and turning y ; lie/16nd guraining bald, sad had tried many Hmoodfer to no elleet. I emu meneed gape your Restorative to January last. A g nr appli.ations l,stoned my lair Ilately. 11. baps to 6/1 op, grow out, and turned beck to its former color, (liairdi. At this tin» It isfully restored to its original color, health, sad appausaaa. sod I abandon, roeouttoend Its ass to .1. D, HOWL The itestoraties is pit op in betties of 3 dame, vie: large, medium, aw. small ; the small holds a pint, and retell, for one dollar pr bottle ; the *iodine's holds at twenty per east- more in propoitfoe than the sell, retailo for tens dollars per bottle; %fp_ holdes part, 40 ger rant. bete is nod Maus let II O. J. WOOD & Italdwat 62 1 .1. 41/ Yoe*, (In the mai Pr. Y. b• and 114 Market Bt., St. Loa* No. And void by all pad Deng*. Silfl 6007 Geode Dist IMPS. ;14 1, 19 it -sad Stilling 02 1 Stgling Oft 1 1 IKHE SUBSCRIBER had taken the m um &Mob of floods of tho Id. Firm of 11111NI6 ANYARD, sassitlag of Gtizt,oo3EXU:6B, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, ice., ste. Ail di order to woks soposots. I irtU M UMW MEW 60 DAYS I FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. THIS IS NO HUMBUG ! TM Goods mut old .111 M sold brim Ostotor amt, at via& tine I will 'Mower 14 401111111111508 buboes o• • sps Mors MOW to no times, sod mot* booseidit tor i gokkot vibe Noy Imo ow with Ittr u r i Mp bk, p„ wi / eimAdierd i teizj 4 014,00wafive-I , ord IA/ LOCATED AT BUFFALO, Cor Seneca it Mats Street'. N. T. CITY. "Cooper Institute," Astor Place PHILADELPHIA, Corner 7th & Chestnut St. ALBANY, No. 448 Broadway. CLEVELAND, Cor. Seneca & Superior Streets DETROIT, No. 70 Woodward Avenue. CHICAGO, tam Clark and Washington Streets fltudouta taring any our of them Collalz ai t: $4O. paysout of Ilmmotoo eatitiod to the pHs of tete oath* "*Lain," eothprittnit torven of the *out •1141/11111% maple** and popular A ar*, Seboola la the wend.e for Catalogs*. had Circular*, mil tb• Caner Illemnson address ta oboe*. BRYANT a ISTR.ATTON'S AMERICAN KERCHANT. A MONTHLY PLACIAJECNZ. Devoted to Commerce, Banking. Manelacturre, Api culture, blechaalcat Science, Commercial Low, Political Commonly, Literature, Art and Statiettral information.— l'ulAtabed imoutitly at Cooper hoditate N.Y. Tent $3 tier annum, with theories.' reduction to Chiba The sort it derigned to be a romoi expoorat of tb. Commercial and Indurtrial iototroto of Aunt Marrh, 2a, lame.-1y 44. EUREKA The Latest a Best Improvement in Dentistry AMMER AND Guru PIRCNA. INSTEAD OF GOLD'ANIJ SILVAN. TN the Eastern Cities, for year or more., 1. vulcanised Rubber and Gotta lees h& hare been word as bones (or Artificial Teeth, but owing to the &Orally sad expanse of obtaining a I a proper stoma apparatus for barcleniag the ""'"'" - material, Dentists located at • diets., from Siam citim bate been deprived of the htitofita of the diameter,. Now, !matter, the patentees hate invented portable heaters, surd I bate mailed moieties! the oppor. Omit, to introduce this cheap and titallrot Material into woe b.,. 1 h., e sea s tt worn claim bete, 1111.1 have Moistly used it tufficiently in my prav-ticc In this City to raUaf, ate that it is the kg/Wag work yet Invented that It 11,111 fit ion.", duo any other ; that it has all the ad. 'antigen which ran be chained for Mbar work to point of eleastlirres , that it is they, darralls. and easily repair ed • good for loth germane, t sod temporary work. To those who have Metal Plates which will net it by atmospheric prestam, this ditootery Mimi a certain n.- lief, for the Rubber Mates oral lit. For (lave It a the beat material pi ollereil, because it will sof wear the natural teeth. lam ',repaint to construct such work for MI who with to use it, and mate this Nor aim, that if the Rubber fall, lo do all (bat ma rearrosabl y he imbed, when fairly tried, I e. ill re; lace it with or Sliver and charge only the dig. come Ili I,llr. OW Pleb, In Itomitaweies Block. over (lie bunt and aboe strut of kiiikt and Henry. W. Brit. June VS. Ilik• —A Ottititt AMBROTYPES!! PUT UP F O R IN2O CASES CENTS. --; COLBY will put tip in cal.es 'the .$1 picture for r.O mutt. COLBY will put up n etteeq the pie ture for $1 COLRY will give you a beautiful new tstyle likeness :0 send 1.) letter for COLLI w.ll g;xt paritcular at teut ton to r ,` ; taking ebilth ens likenesses. cr. coLIRY will do RII other work in hi,- _ profeBtiou in like , proporti,.u. COLint can, with his nittuiu3oth $ light, throw more light on THE subject in yr g" a" dark day than is really necessary to make an impression. O I'OLIII - will be found during business Ca hours in the Rosenzweig Block. ;v. Erie, May 14, 1559. 49 iised4o.zquty isedSloaqury • - 111101 PIM 1111 MST 11115 1 000 BELS. EXTRA (all( ANA and WISCONSIN YLOUR to $3,73 t 05544111 per 8111. this dal remised Sad for bsale i .1. MORTON, Ayr" IWO.Pubac Doak, JEzia, Pa. - _ SCALES! SCA LES ! I auk prepared to longish Sealer of any khoel nr she at much less prier's than ever Wore sold in this city. Aug. ID. J. C. SIMDICN. 70 ttait irAG3I.I7O B&L I IR RHEUMATISM, HEAD ACHE, son Throe; Beretkel Fete, Felons, Cramps. Plies, hostas, Brulas.. Cats and BtnJna, Swelled Glands, BUS Joints, Swelled Bloosto, !Corr Nipples, Toothache, which it will cure in trots It,. to ten minutes, Chilblaina,Corna, Sore or Testier Peet, Desisetti er Wachs, Awt, Lame Bach, Beside, kr-, tr. It le shoo equally eSeaclona in the mire of Ammo la Homo, or Mbar so Loads, such ae Idisightise Bpavto, _Choke, Foundered Feet, lumeners , contracting of the Yantis, Sprains Wind Galls, Serstcheit, Corded Halo, 014 flora, Poll Evil, he, Although this is a clew article, now for the end time brought baton the public, yet It las been severely tatted In • great number of ranee, and toned all that la claimed for It, as artintates now in the pupation o( the Proprie tor, folly show. a bottle and try it and If It fa sot all It la recom mend, Mum It and your money will in refunded. C. CROSBY mole maoudecterer sad Proprietor TAO Halo Street, Buffalo ; and sold b, 1..1. BALD IN, ; BLEEPI,B, Wateribni. Price, 23 Cents per BOW.. Judy 23 1869.-177. 68 •ND 70 68 AND 70 68 LM3 NOT DEAD YET! 70 68 B'Twi LIAM; TO LIVE AND To LET LIV IL. The undentigeod luting just aroma:liftman the Bast, New and Beautiful Patton. of Iron Railing am DOW peeparml to execute orders protopt/y In their Ilse ; mach as MEI Fencing House Lots, Cemetery Lots, 70 PUTTING UP ItA La/ N IFS, STAIRS, VERANDAS, BRACKETS, WI N DOW-S ASH, SHUT TERS, G RAT I NG, AW N ING FRAMES &e., &e. All work warranted and Priers reasonable. Call at 6th Street, between State and Yreneb Streets,Erle th Lewes. JOHN 00 July 23, 111.69.--Bm7. HENRY AL Or. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. lr I. 4 tact that, at some period, ever 7 oseasber of the human family is subject to Macao. or dastrarbasme of the Mealy functions; but. with the lad of a good bole and the exercise of plum common seas., they may be able so to regulate the system as to secure permanent health.— in win to accomplldi We desired *act, the taus come to polaris la certainly that which will produce a natant! state of things at the least hazard of vital atrvegth and Ws. For this purpose. ar. !teahouse his intros:lame to this omintry a preparation blaring bus name, which Is 4(4 a new medicate, but ohe that laul keen tried for pars, giving satistaction to all who have nbd it. The Wiens operate powerlutly on the Stomach, bowels and Laser, re storing, them to a healthy zed rigorous *Aloe, and thus, by the simple plume of etrersgthening nature, enable the system to triumph over diseum Ter the eare of Dyspepsia, Indigartroo, llsamea, raia limey, Leos of Appetite., or aa Comptahato, art slag from a toortad Inaction at Übe Stomach or Bowel., producing Crump., DI sinter?, Colic, Cholera Molten; asez, them Bitters have no equal Diamhosa,Dysintary ur rise, a ly contracted by new settlers, lad caused principallyby the 1 4. 5 6c0 of water sad diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this pr of a &maw which is prep ably .nee prevalent, to all its varied tonne, than any oth er. and the muse of which may always be attributed to ts of the digestive organ., m b. cured with tdt= using 1408T1CYTEirri oTOMAUI BMW act per directions on the Dottie. For tkuo dimes, nary patrolman will recommend Bitters aJ moo kind; them why sot wean article known to be tufalithat All nations have their *sitters, as • preventative of diaries and streugtheuer of the system in general; and among them all there la not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this Lion ...wowed, be. sod upon scientific expert, which bare tended to prove the valet Of this great on in the sage of medical science. rues. awn Aorm—This trying d provoking disease, which ems its releu tam grasp i n the body of man, rodeo tog bun to • mere shadow in a abort time, and rendering him physically mod mentally useless, ma be driven from the body by the use of blOiTEDlErldi RENOWNED B/T -TEES. Yurther, none of the ainve-stated dimmest:an be contacted, even le exposed mituations, tithe J3llltten are used as par direction,. Andes th ey !bedtime area, MIMS nor *Bend the palate, anti render anneeeesery any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote mend sleep and iiew thy digestion, the complaint is re. moved as speedily as is consistent with the production of a thorough and permanent mite. Yoe Parsons to Animated Years, who are suffering from ea 'ambled constitution and Winn body, these Bitters are invaluable la s restorative of strength and vigor. and need only be ti led to be appreciated. And to s mother white enteingthese Bitters are indtapemable especially where a good tonic, sash as Hostetter', Stonnieh Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladles should by all means try this remedy for all ewes of debility, and, tabor* so doing, should ask their phsi t i r an, who, if he is acenaleted with the Tina e a the RI will recommeal t heir sae DUO of imbue.. CA cauUtin the public ogalast wring any of the many unitatiow or counteracts, but ask for Hoe teltsTßO bToNse itmees, and see that each bottle her the sortie -It: J. liostetter's Stonmett Dittmar Moro on the alas of the bottle. and stamped on the ..Malik Mp covering the cork, and observe that oar eatownsdi signature is on the label. SIL, Prepared and told by 1108T.RITER f t B,IIITII Psitabursl, l'a., and *obi by ail &v -iewer, pears, and drah-rs generally threteyhout United Mutes, L'anada, tiowth Almeria and Ger many. Ter .slob MUTSU k URO, and P. HALL. Drie; ILX L MS. u a .Wm* H. lIHRAMAII kSON, Weilabarg; D G k 00, Trairsiww. J. IL G. j 6. - - Pirm. BroCIAIMER & ICELLOO4I. HAVK associated with me in the Gro w, and Piercbdeo bushels d. Y. KYLLOGO, sad bedews wilt beseaftere be enatheelled le the saps eat :LAW IIeCARM h iMULA:OOI3. agii, Jump nis-a Joiner/ IlteC/JITLIL 6 6 OLD FOUNDItr' STILL ABEAM mama* - JORPIIIMPIam ed to furnish at Wholesale sad Volan, Plows of sod spoof arro rm i OUTnq sad c (avite the stheattoa:a ) armors sad ethers to their Roth Oil hand ftirdsthWo 61.8WORTB, J. LONG. WOLVERINE, MUSD; 4 • ' mum% MOUNTAIN KING, lord be r with Cedthestola. Oast Plasters and ether @Akira ovorolory to woo to twoproperty . Don't tomtit, osodry." M. 11. State sod Merest& Streets, Mei P.. April S. IWO. BARR Jt JOHNSON.. JII. RIBLET HAS REMOVED HIS • oploodial Moak of fruiroltaire dm t Ids Nov tieing, on Mato irtroot, ono door South of Pam Ma* Wail* egresitig for that parree, whore my to *mad a was 004 mil islietsissmonsowei al FURNITURE, 'oatmeal( all !Sods of Cabbie Tare essally kept to Kueb ho establishoetet. On the ant Boor am he head thereeeeliMillimiliejnattellk 1 F 41114 Magda ammo ffea Jiiradc .11 Ai , i c il iestrikk Frisch, Clillege ead ammo W.nir4ei, Crsh, 1/t o 4.., * Ilseuhetured by blieurrl4 together with o large a $l4Ol-1A611R,8, of every grade and pries to suit essteduent. The second ii.Or ill full of Ir.A.STIMN FURNITURY, Poch a. Sobas Tete-a Tides, Large Itodarra, Gelatinous's I , ..say Choirs, sod all kinds of Cushioned Chairs, Marble Top Cuoitm and Cud Table*, What Not. mut Quartile* toads the third koor contains material. and a large Dumber or workmen, romprtent to mannfaeture any article lathe cabinet line in the hest sty le and shortest notice. The pabhe, particularly the lulu an. respectfully ea rned to call nod • moue. furniture and priers, as I ant Dot to be 1111 1 / 1 1.1ffleld by any establithmett to the City or elsewhere. All kinds of lumbrr and produce token In ez• chase ter kuraltare. H. 11.161411. March 19, I kb9.-41 Sole Proprietor. N. 13.—Jost rewired a large stock of Mirrors, embrac ing all she% qualities and prices. GILT PORTRAIT FRAME.S. Gilt Moulding*, Locitint Gl ares , Fier French 14th °graphs In Fromm. Ge amt , ad hng obey at tb• Parniton Building, Ilare/a 12. T. 11. AUSTIN DR.. 3OHNBON'B HERB DISPENSARY Other 96 Main St, (2d door, Cp Stales,) Wade. N.Y. THE CELEBRATED DR. JOHNSON Notable Phi,lrian, treats sneeeestnlly the bann ing dlseaen : CONSUMPTION, IIYSPNPSIA, AINTHNA. N 122 YOE'S DEBILITY, BRONCHITIS, IT9 A DM HR, eared In 10 nt. LI 9G k (MYST DISKASES,SCROJT LA. DI-EASES OP TON lIKART,SALY RD VIA, K IDN KY AFFF.CTIONS, RII F.CIInI 1.1 YKIK COMPLAINTS FLVEM AND AUL YRWAI.F.Rf PIMPLES, DISEASMS 0? T LAW AND ETV, ie., ka. AU who are suffering from the above named itiosamo, or any other complioated eourplalat of years standing, ani inforthed that they ean have forwarded by mail or ex press for the small in of ji 00 a swat posisace of Medi tws, with all oeconary direetirma and medical advice.— Plaints should apply without delay, as they can obtain instant relief from the Doctor's rowdies. Dr. Jobasou's cessists of introits from the cholera* Iledieloal lbeeigo and native Root& and Herb., manufactured under bia own supervision, at hit Dispeos ary, and therefore avoidiag Hie an. of layman and other mineral pawn's. that were laver deadwood for the symem, to which many thomands haws fallen victims and gone to early graves. LOTION YON THE CONPULXION.—Dr. Johnnie' nonorkalde LOTION for tiontlfying and improving the Completion, removing almost simultatiermely Tan, Freek. lee, Pimple& km, will be sent to any part of the eonatry for $1 00 mit one peace stmer . N. B. ransie PM. fl a beg, Address DIL JO HNSON, Draw4r 404. Jens, 11,101.1 y 011111111 116 Main St., Bellskt, Njit PLATED WARE. Cake Basket; nits, Byrom. Cups, *ad yrea variety of nib rukuos e. 4 tsr We try T. W. AMIN, Panama Building. Nutlt Near hash St. OH 10 FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAINT. A su pe ro r snide kw Depot, Itnelne and Cat Houses, Brides and Out Dulktingo ; Cautplbene, Turpen tine meti Aleobol, kr Oat bond or gallon, tied by Nay 21 L. L SALDWUK.No. 6 Beam HAMS AND IMLIN Y. a. HA) ON le wow reset boss - • choice lot of Bogor Cured Hama, end some of the fee eine White Flat . Coll st the Jame 11, a r DYPOT, CLIVIILDL SYRUP AND MOLASSES. Very choice, embroil* this grades of gym— s good arUde So ; bettor and very Ono &voted ao ; Blow 's Golden or Whits az . rLflo ; Nev (Mesas Molasses, the very bedtime ler at Jose 11.1 8 . .111 g I e s iROCERT DEPOT. FRESH TOMATOD3 ERMETICA LLY sealed moo , retali on ate; the original Savor, In small coos for family , wag at trie. Jose U, —1 RA.IIBOIIII. GILT FLOWERED, MARBLE TOP isesrpl•ta Chamber suit of Parettere. for sale oo Comallatios isi Mto G. W. lILLSZY. Rs* Jae, 4 4 , Spain God non PURE BRANDIES,—Just received brad, h time Custom House st Me, and tot gala by Anal dia CARTS k IkO. riiirllTT7rrT7 4 T- 7 i71 THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR aisle a tract of Lurid bescrers so the "Skids user ly lag hour adios wet of Waterlbrd, on the trials Waterford pOak ?peafowl ematudaiae• about 1,000 This laud le well timbered, and sdadrabfy adopte d , sista eleared, for tarots porpous—it is also by the fhaubou7 k Erie Batlraad . It grill be sold la s body*: subdivided in trine to milt purr-balm% July 16 1864L-414L DERSONB WISHING TOCHA NGE their bastnem to • tapidll Increasing Count ii, A New Settlement Them handte6tere golag. - Ifiteee Übe climate and eon le delightful. See 11.& , ilettement of the Ham monton Settlement. soother entwine. . Seat. L ARD OIL.--A prime article, ust receir ad and tor pia by CART= a no. Aug. 20. TUFA! AMMONTON FARMER-A news paper devoted to Libenewns acid Agriculture, she setting forth tuft eceventb of the new fettWeheit of KlWl abopton, to New Jassy, au be gabeesibed for at only 46 emote per erieum. thud. lector pootime Maoism. lbr tss aniount. Adams to Rd nor of tM Tartom Nammostoa P. 0., Atlantic Nrw Jrterl. Thom wishing chomp land, ot the Met timility, h. ono of Um lineable/A sad moat eitmatas the Union. mad giber, crops us arm cot down treats, the toniblo 'cowl* of the morth, see sitTortisoonat of Bassaoatos Leads. bed. FLYNETS.—A few doz. of cotton and Linen Horse Nets, Amp 14 J. C. SKLDIIIIIB. TO ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AD ..11. Tertiirmest of Hammonton Liada. 6m6. DENTAL NOTICE. A T the ur ei c .4 .nt mplest of the citizens of Ws noire detantdood to bet . porous -I=Ty to this ty, tbr the purport , of PRACTISING IT 7101111181011 r, And shaU open an olio. in tormatairrs BLOCK, North East Corner of the Park, where I shall be happy to emit on the.. standing in amid of DENTAL Of IRA TIO NS. I need only refer to work I have shandy don* hem am • guarantee of my prodeisney and skill in my p . l:ohialest 111 HU NI Pleat sostaairsiOsasult Tartlasiar ilisallaa paid to brat destfElss. an - operstkoas sassfidity posalbrood sad wanantad. The Latest sad Ent reeproveseente LDI DIXTIBTRY;; ~""'s-s~.~.. e,... MVt•s!".l To those who hoe Illottlo Plata that win sot At by attaoaphatethat dioootory c n a aortae to- Hof, tor !beßa b6er P , lates will At. Fez Maar It Is the best reaterlol pet Amid. biom It will aid wear tat fetal tooth. I . aat prepared to l east ract mat wash lbr all who whit to am It, awl mate tido Is bailor, Astir the Rabbet MI to do all that out tot tomes* or aatod at It ware tarty Wad, I will notate tt with Geld !Myer tad ebony" eel, the Mlrrimett pia'. CONTINUUM GUM WORK. Indef. boo ootolikboi 1 tl.tr a 4 dootlrtry—oombio log the ore asllloodiltd r ato dumb% and ourorponsebt to tie instal est, is widish ha tans sposlal otburtioo. It Pr NW. advimilleipp are a 8 other inedek alloritag mon or wow IN' Do segeemoletion itee4l, striae tie withi " e x p ostaral ospoookNo. to th e ta stb W ong lei amt. whilo =WAG theirtrasitk of the sod !rostra torsibrt ditto ROM? I. 8TIO: D. D. I. . Mob 010. • Ilmitos Dentist. Swot Oft WI dm Year lima TilE 81J LPTIITE OF LIME, with in aiv t k Noik by Pre6~ thadarof to Wiftlt, as so to loom", Mir moot, or at say po4*t rfoddity tbat motdolitiok for any trayth of Rom For sato to Bt IF swain. CUM & BRO. FEATHER DUSTERS, At P. 17 I. CAMIt is BROIL CULTIVATOR TEETH. itroted Oa!Ovate/ Tooth at J. O. BMW ILRt I BROTHER, last retatwea treat lidlaialptda a wry bap Ilea a PITAII4II flx 610016,_ Mike ilimr will all el go Ada Ihrlll. Osorsby !merle (area earigia) fir Oosiety wM OW Ikea" et sa per awl awe Ow bistilit ark ribs. ?boy I.ivelle woe Midi of boob sad Mom, Illiblio Demo% iltidiug, - /st.,ea, Ilor oak's Um au, tem Oresideloreamwei Seib/spas. be are. lb** TM B OOTAB, Magaabies, Paper, Wationery, WALLPAPER, &0., MI ROW BOOK STORK D. P. 1411111601. if r. Sri; Pt* SI, /NW GLOOMIS, • -id THIS DAY OPINDIG a spieadid asselliseat at rick Gilt Chios Yasus. was Osis and liseseva, idap. Casdiestiek4 old a great variety Si URWIL AllO 0111140LICNTAL .41TICLES, MUM, get Goildaya: Depot Cake Daderki, Tea Betsy /41*^1164,01ssillaral irtaid Li = Di.. I=a7Aell D asd sea. aa. INS. • . STICE IN THE FIELD i UnlZa binm DAY to ray Moeda sad The yobbo in poor at that arammaird tin Tailarriatt sad Ready MUM eisabbm. Iliaameas, l ail Ito ~Wee fa tar Basra latoly by Mr. Cap, mita* Paha ; balms Aro= sad !be Dead Hama, alas I wadiator to bare at all Wawa a abaka wriataion et - VII4I/414110, CIALISJIMPINICA. AND VSPIDIPIDD. which 1 will main ap to wear aria abort make, and warraat Ito give aitisiatioa or so 1.. Parlous to want alanyiklay la way liar Mall,l,l%sd wpm' baler; fairly death as with, lam dataratinod lot anaU ay any goads bat such as will ere -'flora. lan aialtiag a good *r sortuarat of RUDY =MI OLOTEDIO, witch wltil bo of Boa. rata sad ~tamed to be as on presontsd or neonoy ratnaohed. Persona purchasing for CAM are Welton to mil and ossminom i l ah. Ooodo and Prins, sal am determined to roll VOITTTIPIIIA done cm short notice, and arrastod. et.; ISM _ JOHN IL 111 1 8TICIL PILE DELAW L ARE MUTUA INSUR AMU COMPANY OF MHILADSLPHIA. AMC now doing tensineas ou Mee Mutual plan, giving the in Mod a participation to the pronto at [b. CoSips. aj itimi ld : he s * tw i t Ilabilitj La WY°II IOI V l. an P.M i i rrtg l V d. o_ tbo t thworabis Men. Lamm tell be librra4 a u nn prom7y f ling AMA on sneredwencUss,baeklings and other Nowt, in town Or country, for a limited term permanently: DIRECTORS. Joespb B. BNI, Jason C. Bawl, Tboeitbilaa Paakiini, Jobs t • Darin, Robert !Jerboa, Jobe Garrett, thigh Craig, riaavael Entrants, linary Lawrenen, tend H. Surer, Ob&ries Kaki, - Isaac K. Davis, William Yolnell, William Hai, Dr. 8. Tbeanan, Dr K. M. Finales, Jabs Talky, Jr. tiptoncer Wellman", George Smell, John .1. A/milt., ltdurzeti Dartloton, Jelin N. l'entwomo, J. R. Jobeane, 11. JOU. II lirotAw. Ktiwood A tond.-r, We iliiretn, Prowl iticarto S. Nzirsori.n, Application eau bo ass& to Eris, April 4,11357. .1. K A 1.1.0410, Agora, Era, CROCKERY AND (MASS WA RE srroitm, Nu. 12. Empire Block, by April 9, 1969 HARDWARE. ROGERS AND BEN N ETT, Hare the Largest end Bert Selected Stock of I RON gPRINGS, ANVIUI AMES, SHOVELS AND SPADES, NAILS, S &WS, SADDLERY, HARNESS TRIMMINGS, Atc., &c., Remember the Old Stand, Pirate Plareet, gJle. rm. April %HU. __ ROGIRS A lIRKNITI BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. REMOVAL. The sabseriber has rumored EAU AND BELL FOUNDRY to A merima Moak, one door Wort of Nailer and Wangles, where air will be !same to see all hi. old Customers aa amay arro oars a. may Taal anything In his has. Sr* April 2, IMM—a do- nizo. /Amax VINEGAR! VINEGAR! VINEGARI Pare Cider ean be had it April R MO. BIPCIMAN, 11ENDIO k CO., CARPENTERS' & JOINERS' TOOLS. /roe, recently made lave additions to sly Mower dock of Carrentser sad Johnny' Tito* eneklng it the meet eoinplete in tae city platrb 11. IS. .1. C .11). EXTRACTS Ibr llaysaiog et all kinds, at April 11,1855. BLCYMAN, YANDIG lt Co. BIND STONEs! 10 Tow Bares Grind Stones and Grind Stan Bau(laft far sale by aty28.61. J. C. SELDEN. - - - 50 Doz. LUI)LoPt"S SELF SEALING ifItIVIT CA3I% just received at . 400 1111. 1860. N. )11.71t/lirll. .111126 lIILZEI, Attr ►o tick Girard. GRA Pk GRAPE °ROWERS l'A N l'A R ry ea their beidners most suceosstolly at HAMM .0 - too, try. from frosts Boobs forty V Isysrdp pet out the past season. Bea advertisement of Hasitootatoo Lands, smother salaam ewe. CO -P ART N ERSH IP -N EW FIRM. Olgelk2ollA & CO., wwww&hril with or le Ow Grocery ewe PTOVi. don ItindrawwrilltifilYßltCHNAK and X 121001016. Gael the heehaws wUt hereafter be eetedueteet Ia the name sad dylesenliZlMAN, XICNIVO k CO. Itris. April 2, Mk. W Y. RITIORItIdItCHT. BRUSHES At WHOLESALE. PAINT, And all other kiwi+ of BRUSHES, at WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL, at very reduced Prwe.c, by Erie, July 2 A RE continually occurring by using the Berrietatig /sad, and that made by the addition of • little Alum and colored with Cincotta, is 'mil • ornids maw wife, both being more or less liable to Explode when burned until nearly empty, or when the -Lampe have remained quiet for some beam allowing the Implosive tam to seperate from the Fluid and collect at the top of the Lamp The only article of Burning Fluid that can be used -without dangerof Saplealon Is that known as GIIKKXOISOIIIS, which la charged with Carbon ic Aakil-sod la necessarily Non-Explosive. The only Agents A Die for the male of tirosnough's Fluid am SerAi.lll,ll B / 8 . CARTER 4 BRO. APPLE PEARERB.-10 doz. n Apple Psalms that will do ti • ,rtwi• • r time lad ao adatalus, far alai wary low y .1 ELDEN. Aug. 110,1 M G REEN PAI NTS, French & American, Varto Nnumfia, meltable tor WWI Pahrtiog, at the aao Dreg Rion at OARTILR k BRO. Avg. 93, 11191. --- WRITE LEAD, of various brands, to be bad'ivy low, tatter ortioloosto or retail, at Ili sow Drag Stoop of CA IWI At BRO. bINSEED OIL, Boiled and Raw, by the Ri i i irrel Triton, at tie ver=sll o ,. at 11 PERSONS WANTING CHANGE OF Womb 6. Ikea alliviiamint of Ilamakon • as tom. saralbwr °ohms. e.em Administrator's Notice. jETTER*/ of Administration on the es , ate af.huate 1./4641, tato of thatat toodahl=. trivia* bora panted to the oosieitsons, Tooke to gigs to on 'woos. indebted to aid estate to woks 121- mottlallo loystoot. sod those bating task= wand tt will pb11111•11 pftllllllt laws duly sotbmpoticstod Iw orttfemint. N. J. GIDDILLL, Ost.,111611;-.1f. of ItetA L PA=too. MI ROGERS & BENNETT NAIL AXLES VII• WAS HERS, ItOlll4E SHOES. PLATED WARE. In fact almost every thing EMPIRE BLOCK, No. 11 and 12, SCRUBBINO, HAIR, TEETH. SHOE, TANNERs, 11:0Rstr, CARTER & BRO Dreadful Accidents! SBANG -151' " WIIYII woe mu, aiM •OrmodoM" the what dz.:, Wiwi Si I go Mtboot Maly. Yd Mos aWM Mom as a dray ? To BALLWIN'S. AM waisisd, with /tad ram AM biw to Moat with wire, TN's Mimi" PIM to Sod then arbors • At I ALP , . Ws, WM to. WI of illoimo Dotter Amml sage AM/oat wboimaso food, latch ma* adtwai aadwratood Ralswitr. Wbo gmoto i f . with a otaillagmlea , had deer *A Bo" M eon, (big is Mos sad slim ) "Basoom Poe— It i be =wadi the Ay, whish ow mug Jess aid olah What at hie paid betb eariy m alpte, Ta TM so aiitifg, anall Attie afresh meow at State ? BALDWIN Ms, Booth 12. 11441. , At the old Stand. N MURPHY, Betereeenliffwn's Hotel & Reed House, NAB ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WIUSE HOLD GOODS, BTOV E;3, &c. Alan, a .complete assortment of copper, and Obeid Loa wank Aim, a tam assiort . meat of Cutlery and oc k• t SW,Brltaut TAW« Casters and Tea - --* pots, also, 'Ns and Table grooms, Brass pard'oreelaln and tfrottuallisit tie*, also, a large assairUnent Japan • Ware of all kinds, and the beat &sport . • of Ws Trays, In trie, of all Shapes and lona, Coffee Nina, Cora Poppers,. Salmis,—Dyeing lialvm,flat . trona, boot I. and longs, Poker*, COO Rods, w a hi bmsds, shoyets, spode., floes, Potato Hooka, risk 1300111114 Az, Poet Tuba, Hip Baths and Balking Tabs, ilsiftigenatora, Mums Patent Cream Ymetni, also, Pump of all desert ptio mt. l'ipe,Sheet rump Chaim, and Tubing store Pipe and Klbowit C rumps, and lamps, Water Coolers, and litters, Mid /Amp of all kinds, Stales and Mayas* Zink an.l Sheet Iron, Wire, Dish Corers, Candlesticks and lamp., Table Hats In hake, Hammers Shovel and Tones. Start, and Wilk Pans and Palls, Toy let Ware, Tea hell*, 1 tuu tiler Drat:ions flnalfera and Tray a, Mouse and Rat Tra Nails, Bertrins, Taieka and Oil tender& readier, Duster& Breed twanns. Deed Soma, Dog Collett, t reach ode l'uta, Stew Parsa, Grind Stones ianginga, s stir Serettot All °Lintels will be wild cheap for Cash only Jiihbina donekis the ShOTtelliaolloo. Copper, Braes, Center and Raga taken in szebanirs fur poole. fiessecall and esarione my 'dock, and satisfyy out it trio, Hay lA, UM. Yours "iff'RPlll. N EW TREAT ENT , PRI V 477 AM) CON *IDEA 774 L NEDIC JI ID riCE AT TIM RUE PALO PRI VA TE 110%1'.ITA Established tor the elite nl Sy philL, Semi nal ‘1 es* pees and the seerot Infinnlikr of Youtb &DJ MAturtty, In 14 AMOS k SON, Buffalo. N Y. 0151..., , ,ner of klntri etn• Quay streels, las,stairal A MU I.l4lkhTtilell! 1,06 IiNTION• An instrument for the care of broils] or Nocturnal li.tubmw DM, MUM properl knou ..11. Windiness ke. Can be yarsnanrtly f ury Iv] fr..m day. tO two months by the ow of this Inittruimst, Imes! conjointly silk! nas1141:11, 701.1N4 MEN TAKE PARMA LA IL MITI( E Dr. AVON h : 4 1.)N take pleaaore In 1.. , 1 • have latent e 4 a meat Important on.truh 1(.1' It, ear; of the above theeatres It Ith. tarn ttetl to • teat hi the moat eminent rhy•tetsor no l000; ,, o Philadelpllta mu.: New York; It ha. t•e+.n 4lr et, • th. on: t awful inatrameat pe...T intent. a (for tb l nr..4 WINIIIID.OI4, or IlUly !LIMN?* of the w hom , -ao 4`a b) the proret hatot• of ~.oth, Is., IWO p, NE's' itaIIKDIES %1L) 1(1t ( llr Anew k Son may he ....ran t... f n•I the merlon' until 9at rigid, ...t s ,ss • of sifter, Seennilary pyinptom., , ern. •n 1 N't . linlet.n, In 'intern,. Anti ntrieterry of IV.. I an 1.1 dreadful allt,ttotot. A.rl•lllg! frr,to 1 , , t youth, a Mt, e 'mein. , • engird • . ,e`l. • • •• - 11111411•1• Ir• 111.10.1110i111 - . red tn the end ....I rnt Inoth nor , and ' the treatment they e. , ..•1 • .• r. • 't of nt. trartlli 41. r tamely grata rat, k • tint to F U1.•11 , e an., (1'!16 11t11 fir. AM, er, ft.s.• •1•• Patti, t. I' L. trt I.u.r.nf Ina a. • Si! • hare •• r• • • creature, la fully teatilled a 5.... eratern " . • runraleacent 1.001•11trt and otIWIS doll , trona all parte sit Use r), ti.. •of r- f “7, of runwtl LA . ...... Li:o 11... r x. • • • • ... • n with the unmet od•rnat antnv... •e . • bars 1 •• •4•4 1 . 1*.1.1 • 10i 111%111,1, II t•. 1: •MY.. 1.: II 10..1 douse eotoplatot, Ilroto thy, trt t. that of Ws .....at tln.nKt•fu to. it.N. •• r ,n., trayaeaterteinni tie tereoutstlit) t‘s. rt. 101 , nPI2IOI/1•1, amt flora lee sntarlablv fouo.l that lo•r• tible •ret trtalsgn - Int ....11.r..•1 nl a)a kr traced to one of fLr h nos, ss s r ~.•I u. nextert., or the 111 effect. of trtn.t . 1.1 , .. tom Dr. •MoS k $41).. her. nu. rem next .1r the auleettun of their fans do a, a sal., ••••1 AL.! I nu twincurlew. ornattlng rg•nat•insti. a I hear an etirdrnent et ton. I. r, o. .t t I • •• !tutore and injudrear . ue aprluatn.• • 0 151,1 II a/ bad cunarquearea to tha Irratnlr. ..) In ...bort, the laudahl. ern{ .•1 tin )r r, . • log r.( , ‘ trnaat Mar% hantan a ta. r% I •• 1 1 . ,• miter and pretreattott of tin., %Mortal 11.‘1 m the aerxet fur of Id., and L., •••• • • . I • 10,,,013f1ti lilt, tall 4.1 I. • . 4.1 11,1 rf, tin torntte•etts it STEEL SPIKE, ISFI.LuN ~, Pwraoria In any rart of the worl.l ma. hworot4e..ftl;: tryst...l6y forwarding a enrrirt of tin tr cm., ac. a resalLtance for Addrroa Dr. ANDS tit ?1., r ~t Mau , wu.i,Qba atrnrl, Buffalo, N. Y. Feb. 264 'SUL-1738 PIPE BI►YEY, HOES, DIL W. 11. LI:CE, Would aullorot ins pot th. i.o gruerully that hr bum juolt rrturto fr..tti o WITII A LARGE AND VALL'AIILF: ST( WK. embracing all the VARIETIE: 4 VF' I'EF:111 .NIIIV I N t'sl .tth which br IP rPPIIy to do ir., It In •(.1.1 , ‘• el • H. &aim* osportall) to call attention to thr CONTllttrOrte %OINK. CUTLERY. whkh ha la prepared to rbecuir pn mptly h 1,,, 1.0.31! , preaeote atirsotagi • • OVER ALL (IJIEII I.I4_II)ES, 'Wowing no *Yana or place% for they scruniulbati , u of ud riving to thy MOUTH A PERFECTLY NATE. - \L EX while matetetertng to the ststorth of the rowe awl r •noT al comfort el the etlyeet. Ow:lawns for !to' rrgulstior preseriatios, trawl'sl sad ra plan z. g , or Trrt h, verf ,, rns. • to the entire aelfiCsailuia of all wt.! &wry LI• protest.. el rervites Eris, Aptil22l, 1889 —Gm.4ll Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. ir AUS'FI N, in' Paragon Building, • DMZ reach Street, is still in ton tt .44 •tAt. for _jbo Information of the public, th at a tide Sono, ttr. nt of Mein'. Watches, Jewelri Fanny and oth e , Good,. sre on hand and for sale at unusual low in .port cheap an they leaving the store that no one ctin expet t to &MI6/A In prior. abort of giving 555) their 1 4.4.,1P. bleb ba intends to do if oomessary. to fo.eorrnitod ate Fiends and depravity of the money market. It is bursar proposed to neelve each additions to the et it trade from the Eastern eillep, as Quill induce purcL asea wry low prices, of all demtrable Gods to h k Hoping few 113 ,, f11 RUSIIiCI64, umee in Erie. 14r tLe I 4 turn, the Flag ta once more unfurled at tht.Para,,n Kris, liana 12,1259.-40. ERIS CITY MILLS! Tr B. HAVERSTICK. PoTrietor, 1.1.• NAJWAMIIIIIIIII AID W1101.1(hAtIr ANII I ETAII tilt 11.1:11 Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, Mom's, IRAN. 04114, CORN, kr, , ?LONE AND FRED STORE, At fey Old Stand, Beete'm Sitwell. one door south of the corner, nut video( the Park, F reach iwtreet, alien , I e constantly ena hand FLOE H.. 1 all kintl• of my on n grind lag, Corn /dent and NUI lend, Bran and Sbortwi, l orn, Oats, All of which will by iwold at the lon niark,t eaten, Strad?, for Clash, and delivered tree of rhs%r v•I etty. lf. H NAV!. 12:47 ltroe, April 30, 1139 —4l. SEWING MACHINES. G REAT BARGAINS. The Sabeerlber hap VI V I.: ef •zie, r ,. e . No. 9 :Luria , lisehim.P, ctprrnh manuta/ turf ate. Taller, nee, whwis 'he will well nn nna , w ~ . -nasty, al a barola. . L. Si OTT, Erie, Aprii 9, IW4:11. —44 If P APER 11 A NI; I !'s 1;s! / am now ersaklar Istve flohlifints• • - to my stork of PER H tNI; the rlpring I rat. , for basesty of my le and Leapt,... • I* 4L4M IP eanuot be aurpamed 00. Erie. March 12. 1r4;9 SEED 111•(•K w i:.‘T • '/..• Jnly IS. - .0, ER,I44T: jV IS 11 114 ENTik it !I Manutactorfrp in a nry and thri,il, & :: Ow. %Hr.. IntatLIIIIS is COOd. aAl.rt u.. men' 4 I thr 11.41t11"..t.:40,1 24.• ttlomop I 4""' 91,1) AN 1) SI I,V Lit to N 11 1 , 4 . . Fin. Dtanwn.N one 'Ol kind. , IJr '• I' repaired by The try beat 11 orinvn. •••1•••••11* siantiv on hand awl math. to order I", Vi atrhl rarefsilly repal.r.d at tow rate's, nod .01 „ " n t, J. T, 3! r".„ 0.141 6 -, —— _ A pßis VANS, NI) ELEGANT FACY N Articles. The Ladle* will nod a w toot, or t , splendid Falai and Combs left, at tho Fxra,om Itutt , .ln4 Yareh 12, T, t Al' .TIN rood _. G R 4 X2l: - RIES.—A gd ,ni. _ pl_ _ „. iii ,,, i articles In the Grocery line mart.. f0t,...i at MANSON'S FAIIII V (R' ( t:RY. WO, Jane 11, lata.—l. cht•eleido. . _ SELF ROCKING ("IL () A .ES, on SALK . and Itshlbittee : Woo, the gI 'RRI.A: 4 I - INO APRING BEDS. bow $6 to St each. Lie ..ff..] O. W EI.I-iEY. pHYSICIANS AND CoNsUlipTlvi.>. CM obtain the lirrophoephitro, both dry and in ovum. July 2 CARTRR /le OTtloS SNOW WIMP. ZINC - VA i NT. AMIIII.ICAN and FIUNt:II, to be had at the tweet. Itrure, at the Drug Store of CARL ER & RR.'. Ang. 98.11160. llus111.14! BRUSH Es!! 11111's11 ES ::! Paint, Varnish, Graining, :Striping, V. bite 11 3 qg Horan, Scrub, Tuner*, plain and fan.n IWr an 4 Taetk, and • general assortment or as kills& of BRAN f I ILS, tor sale by may 21 T S. SI:WT.IIR - - --- VAN I)ORN'S (Irene Remedy tor I►l's PICPBI.k„ et the new Dru g Stnn• of An. 20, INA 'tfrlTß t TIRO erAINTS! PAINTS!! PAINTS!!! White Load. dry awl In nll.Ameri4 nn and Pr..n..1, , Its* mai Belled Unwed on, Vrnelinn R. .1, numb (Wm, Chrome Sod rrooch lirvon, and in .1 ,, 1t every %Log la WI lino at PAINTS, for mil, at filo stiro Kay U. T. S. SINCLAIR. CO( NTH V (KVA 1.1 DENTAL NOTICE. PRESSIoN, .1. I . .11FN NEW YORK & EMT R. R . 11.111.91Pillillft gift A.,..i",. (3 A ‘., I 'AM, Or1.11"tr 11. ••• VIZ Eastwurd Bound-- Depart. her York Keprnpe. . -. 4 44 A „, Wail..-... •-- ~,- - —'' :,, A Cis:minor/At F.errnite., . . ?fight I.:aprnert ..... .. . 4 1., Stock keyhole -•- .14 .)1 A , Freight No 2 .. .. II Irreigirt No. 4. .. . ... . 4:, , , Pieeeengere hr ?tight Ear.. Tram kaa , t,a •,... will enotsixt over night at I. lintra, soft pr. , ,,.. • cleated Sapresalretnels3 mornio,r ClfAst MlNftT, r., NATIki. NAlf.nli, Keeeiger. D u meire, ttnpt 2.4. lee 9.---41 tf 11. B ALD Wla Ilosiria , BUFFALO & ERIE R. R . NEW AREA NUE AllaV. INN and after Aluirtstr, Atni 4, NJ ties, Puusuogler T F411:14 tut, a. • LEAVE ERIE. I SI A. M.. 1y Ct I:.p eras, stni, o • t . a. 141 bilar3 arrive* at a: y 1 , L 2 01 1' 141 , at” 1• at „ IrtatAtth, •., arm.. at Rolla,, at I.^o 7 U 0 P. W. Ciz•clut.ati st, 1,1 A ,. : . `llkVrti • k artit., I . Thr a 1.... trait... 1,10.16 1 14i 'k Exi.rwaa trans ou Y N. r LEAVE EFAL I ). IN 00 A. M Itaa, 1.4,1 k at Li., ( • lA . r. rewk, Dunk Ilk, , Lint, AurlL t.-. , 41 ar. • ) Alt 4,/tri • k, yr .I• at I 40 P. 11 uov P . Y . 1% IR4I •i•• 1 0, at ,111 , , I l*.e j stj,l sstils.l4, At; ~;. s 1: • 0 1 17 4 00, A. IL, Itoototi F.ii rite • riatriti •, ar I A M • A11,14.16.'41. •1 NW, Cleveland and Erie Railroad. SRA .11F__LiMiggiggs_ms ON AN I) .11. - 1 E 1 M. ik:A, and uutii further s.c r . • Tc• run as toliurta, tut - LEAVE CLEVELAND 10 10 A. M." Train atc.p• co, We. t c :•tc, In• c A • . NI •rri,r at F :14 1 V 11 I ..1 f•uflalo V II 1.. I' M. s; re... T(l., . 'I AAstiaruirs arloartmar., rra 'IL A SI.. bllrla4o, 4 4: A SI 2(1,I SI I inetsiati r•*. •.. , .4-I,l4bu!a, nu(,te „ F.,. 42, nat.) lip 1 N LEAVE ERIE Oi 4 W. Ntzhi Elf rt•AA Tram - „ A•htal ••:•.! l'••••.•-•.••••• • AO, A M 4 41 `L.311 ••I• ht • %% :•• •• 44,••••••k I W. ,t. 1.. at I • . • , tAttotn Pro,•••••-•71. • n t .. ••• t. , ~ 00, l'••• • :1 , AP kt ( I " • 1. A.I t . lf , rulr/P if • :a.: •nt h • 1 ...la I Infs., th. tr. I 1 • e r P, yr. I.'l' MEI I I. 1 / 4 . rii 4 I-• Cleveland and Pittsburg It a TNI I' 1I 1. , 11i • •• u I I .1‘ HOWARD ASSOGIATION, A N EVI)1.1:N I \-1 AllAl.ll •• I. .1 • to., I. 11. lE% LE\T A E1'IDV:311( 1)1 , 1 t.}. I I at 1 • It' .4%, F r SEIM I= =ow= IKE An N.!,”.. 31.1 r ort NA, . • 1.1 I ptit.u.ttlr•., `4,t1.;•. • t• • nt.•:• , 1...) I. 'I. .% • %It for I oAt Ito.. Mi., to nature .01 IN ntusent • •• con,tantly hiquir • t: ILIA .11; 55•111 li• IL. Ai: - and 12 , 41.1V,..1% of •r• .11 • • - I. 11•( Isar, al, 1•I 1,,,1rat • . •••• A.: • r . •• •• • • . • ,11.1.1 11 , • t Nv r.rtirr 1.1 11 • • • I /. I. F .1: II 41 I. 4 'u c, Nl'l 31 Il ANCE 1.041%0 Y incoqxn (Vol r 1' Property Insurrd teniu•l Li.. b. I- for ue Terns not excerdiom 111... 1 Clll. , iftsur.l up,” . • opon the paymeutoilL« out tL,.. liatollay .4 a ..ut Litigation. One 1.1111 • s• ti.. Company. 7 A 44( .a, •+••r ••• Akbt, u • AV, hog. ..w: h I HI. Juni.% C Al "I. 711 mar I'. Is. hut Pro• A Ellvol, t•i 11. et.t. I/FVli JAM C PT, TI (11:0. A. 1. , "IT • (11TICO., 1u M, -tar. n heap/4We i.rlr, P. Fru. Apr, 25, 185 A THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY Just rubltsheti, (Fiat it, 95th A 1 -NV NVI)1:1)S i 1111 at Ft 111 , N 11. TUF: TMF.VT, w•it out 11.4111M0. nt •••peruastoniors., or II rain,\o.-t rust and Net, our 11. I.lllty. Yrentat re . no• at • 141;0413h J. II n.l hut. thttlett I. Mai MI. , •• • 4 :.N \ ,mixtrtant fort that the many miAr.; " t,,ftnaltti, 111 hr unpnl... nrra VI iloiltU • 4••• • ••••••••1 r• •••1•••1 is •n. •F 0I•A• nt. • , Intel P,a) , l f . olt ANC , Iha rUIn. highly n ) • • tnllt te\l6alllo..' Moog.. •IIA n evrn) one ,1 1,. , i.mn , I • • , tt..i n Ilv irn.ni 1".” l• • al , •1 ...I.' rump of •, • :T•Y• 111 II • I•II• s I.". • 1•0 postarr pi• u I: 1, 1. tx..t , beet, 24«,. _.•, ,• _ .„,..i. Fork. Raki, 3Ln., I. •. • handles, at J , C CI \ lii.• F y 14 JA I N VI kJ. II 1•••• NEW GROCERY cAridiEy 1! MIMI ruo',t"to~. EEG _ WOODEN 84. WILLOW WARE ['7e .. CAOI aed 16a bigbe.! mac , . ut • It/ dun. It I .f!h:l'. grin, A pni FA ICSI LAN It4Et IR I.!— t,. - ..m 1W:14.44.11J t FiJolr. 4.: J. r..y rel .ttnot:4 Ihr ro t tor • • botott s Road lomo nJ, I) lilt A fare. Vat tro tII lhn r, ..r . r. 4... • • 4 The r opt. ...13p..41..3 • • 1 1 1." 11113.. 1.. 1..1• It ,`. • Rom $l5 to S • ...VJ per RCM ; .1 I. w st 4 'm. r , 1. rt,,i. , , ; me hht I ' " 01..11.31.,.. It J. "...4/, o • Atlanta l.nnrt., 3 c. w .3. • • loather column SPIrEs or :dl I: N I •t k iteeki.llA!.. ILL!, April 9, 1989 MEM= INIE V • , 1 hein nrh altin.re 1211•=!I ,• •• r 1,..el •tl hartenn a .1 \ It t I I 11, Le , r , ut. 4 =MIEERE =I 111111 MEI= 11•131 cYrIRE ''410.-sen& '•NSLkr OM MIR ME =ME EMI lIIIII=IMEMI OF 11.1 MEI IBMS QUALITI ‘1