to,„„ Brit puhlic have been dstsising uses eat Fdv , tern 'pay be put th a t „ 1 ,, 0 n!.0.1e to her ownet). The war in • •itch an opportunity, for this e r .s.el could carry out a large body tiara speedily than any other convey -I,••tald not he surprised if the Brit ,,,amelit should yet charter this ship , 1 , 1 1 1 ,0 In that event, thore would -e .lo , arpolot merit on this stale of .! • k• inn fat curiosity is lery strong and sxo.nde.l io ace this monster of the . ---/Ittbni 4 rhta Ledy,r. Ml= Friday last a freight car en the al Railroad took fire, and while , , 14 •übjectel hill shower bath, which , um:ill-lied the flames. A portion of gill a large amount of freight was 1 kimaig the latter was a box marked hick ea , so badly charred that on mi II,: i. it, it fell to pieces. and „ t,. contain two kegs of gun-powder: klk I with a dry humor which is liable to provoke. closes his affair with the remark that "in „ ~,.:.•• more the engineer would have „, :he %%, , rat blowing up he ever got." =I he Detroit papers state that a verdict „1 ~:1, 1.5 1 has just been rendered against that „ Drought by James B. Carey, for con,c.inence of an injury sustained While driving la , nnt to his home in Oakland county, of that day, Mr. Carey's horse :al, mi.. an open. unguarded sewer on Urand E,,e, • •,•t whereby Mrs. ('arey was so bad , that she has been completely bed cc er vuce. MI power ON er her body 1,, ihe hips downward, and there is t , e—usble hope that she will ever be bet- I -Le was a young woman years old Itook iq about to be published giving ••L t ul, i locutint of the cruise of the yacht tt I. L et %%hen on her Itt.o -laying expedition says the eharle.ton Mercury, will t t•ti.ation It is brought out by a per - ~ 1..3: X part in her adventures, and w. , E sc a minute neeotint thereof, and will some devel,,proents inNulving the rep ,,t3t nt t ninny public wen of this country i Solt" A Britesher..wlio lately travelled all osei till, country, while be ,ta . \ 1-41 in New York, %New home and got up a hook of ti els, I% h 11174 11.11 lhe a British lostor‘ ot the rioted s.tates From one of the prca,l—heet- lie Lute heen kindly pernutted by die Olt tlwr to cop) one of the elittp'crs It is hue h elst %%Idyll very few et out realer, have es er read: :scisitts. -Ttetore I went to An wr i ca , had heanl nom hot American natural scene ',t I , it n t e to see it for ins self. I have the country- from the colonial n. Lem e of if et Most llraclous Majesty in to th.. Nocky Mountains. and 1 s.IS% nothing that ootild lie called worthy of ti-t's ..r observation. It is Can.s.l.llhiss,.ine chat-ruing scene i‘ ~Dolt ha. Leer much improved by .P. 1.11-1. taste :del all - -- the natural eonse - et tile I etitienient and cultivation th.• inhabitants, huf wheneverone cross ,- lit.. the states. the country exhibits „il.l forest. or naked prairies. loth It to travel through. .1.. Ai-. the .It/.llltitlen of vora they vont:tin. A distinguish . i ne•mls.r. , t the United Mates Parliament oit •Itned me that a railroad train last year ia- attacked by a drove of raccoons, w hile a praine, anti every passenger (le .:Jos These raccoons are the terror of :1, - ountry, , and havd depopulated olds of miles of its surface. t_Pkr" OULIYNT KEEP HOUSE WITH -6:xl OUT IT.-11 mi k.a DO milDI what the complaint, nJ • • r 'dent In my Ismil., the nrst thing hi Orrle'• I dritri , wart Weed, indeed •e uric it (.r every tiring • of loot. how to keep honor without it &loch ••• 4.f an inte!ltgont fartort thr °thyr air, to nt to him by • neighbor, as to what hr tn.... ..r thought of ”Carter'e E . :tract of Smart .r 4, mot • boevrr oats It, slit concur in hi• opinion r4rllll TUIIINGto LIFE AHANT ”th th. A4s4l Strrngth to tL. Wrak ' ...... 1 prenarai...n hap met with the apprwrat the re, 111 part int t • "rid, awl the dine"... rer and re, I lett, ?awl...alp prwelairna G to be A1.1,1t1) rriartmatur gad remorrr .if tragittql ..r inert funetlnn. Eahilarant rii4.1.1 be tined 4r all net, as it atitnalatea the °errea to their natural . aakl will not prndure a reaction no matter bow dropped s• alws anti Vs 111 gke eels. fi n u • .11 the trvt d.... A brief in ite Usw rill the oh,outril I. i .I.wree ut ie•rhlrt health, /1341 •..,•h rorvivr .houbi he cert•lti to make flutrhirq a' I. • a hourrliol,l article inasmuch as it 'a ill :entire yo.uili NI in hsrling and in strength, and enable t tirru 1,,r ~ v rt ‘Kalgt the dace of tlirir pristine joy It not . • L. aster but streushtess, mot a really su 'oral u• eop,iiil)y to those who hare torn rfmlurval . ...ohtioa of serrtlity by misforturie, or orlitAry sick- ~... %., matter r hst the rouse of the impotency of any I quo., •,rgao, thi• superb F Jularant •11l remove. the "ore aa.11,,,,, 1. E•hilaraut •botal.l tw u•ed by MI per • bi t s. ner‘e• 'coma, b, liver. mu•rtt 14 'wit, 1 , 1; I aitynt t 1.011. oi oluto,lrti I 4.10. erful simple., and 1,..1 • 10,10 .4 rtatot•nce F..tmale. a,n, le. - N.11104, will .11.4;1 yr In !..n:. I FA II thr ..r 1.11. r . Ti... o•rietii, •,/./ ortappr..seliable preparation In fur 1.1 the 1 , , p1,, • IL 11 lil Yen isms, at 164 Clianilmrre -• •• 1. N.. 1 k MI g•r•lerr wliould to him i•' ~ kApre•••• rver,v, Isl 1.• Innre 107:1 tle $1 ; Fix .• •;;.• 1, r I,r T stNICAKTFR k ~.1111. 4.i I, h. •Ced on hare. health retwir,l I. II 1a . ett1.16 . .. • I.mni. • htt4l a iutallibl.• Is. a N-ju.riutlit, -rr r.. a...ter( Ntrirt.lo h, sr. it Is mAicleal prol,pt rover r rrl oi j.-rmanrtu , . I . Or sari and 11,• It :sold 19 CAR, ER A nßialiFlll F rt 4.51 r 17" 71,. VJetirn !Aver l'n4nplalnt •1,1 dim,, .r no I 1. F•lniarant • trawl panam‘. urn-413411.d 4. ins .1111 r and la•fnument rarrt to ail,. ilintriell.4ll( npuin it 1•L0911.4. neanirra the 11110.1 cairn and eliner t f . ..,osernalem and Ireton -1g PtrrnUtli • Ith magic ~1 Ln.. T : 4 1 \ CLAIR. Fn., 11 1511 lir I." 16 , 41 1/1111 reret,e twer Atreugth .t.. 4. , 1 that e1111Y14.1111 flut,tituge' late • , hdarant It I. healthful in all A. . 0 1 • :.Iratn it has u.. equal--n ju,enallisc the ac.•d and 1,111 lerful cederlt) Ind 10 1 111111ifItIlt rtirrt,— .1 CkRTFR k Bitl 1 Erie,. P. sd ly liutching.' Life Falfflarant to • njurenator ul .t appro. halde and ouitnilable excellence For all ner• t•ta• dlacafes. no twitter how pr11.1,..4,41, II tonal he ron an Infallildealoerifie. It to slo4 • cantor a/bolo/no offering In Ow lorry, laffinach or train Its mission to. ! rug . If, lit/flit), and pli) rt. al ability Soldby RTFR k BRI I Frir, I. 45 Iy innw• Life Extitlarant.Atoq. of weak and constitutton., .h./Id take the Ltle lk. ,, stant . t .111 make ) ,, c. %track", healthy awl happy, .11 01•IstrIIMICAlls sod irri rularttars from thy torust ,,.l • ro t ., "a, and 'Leptore the bloom of health to the sickly tod wanted Carr. OM (aCO fold Ly NT k h.' BRO r rte, Ya 45 1). _r The nervous "tin bud Illutchine Life Eitinarant ..uga. remedy for all their guttering. and persons who, • m rat i iendtg use I htetiora, pare heroine dejected, :huts 11PrT011/1 sj steutg shattered, and conaututtons ...en onus Solt! by T S SINCLAIR, En.. Pa. 4hly llh P. n o 0 ,- ran hair all ill.. .41 if br nutclumgr I at. i •Inlarant Wrak st..uuch, 4 ~,.lino %hoar.saa ftrrmtirig,emitarr baNistulioluf • •pinix, Wdl Oral a maatrr In thr a'alar ! cam t„di eIITI R k 11Xi 1., and T SINCLAIR, VP . ••• La« I.:%liilararil (Par distrrp•inif t'llect• raf Wjtol or Flatu • wtonsacti nn lire tar torigorat I. th I Itr 1044 arod all painful r.,14n,s wit lay 1. 5...4,1 SLLAIR, lb 0, 0 . woo,' Lae Elbxlaratot i• ..111t k 111.1 yiteriulai, car : b• ~r.l and 63061 aegraeated caw of ihaperta, .• • 0 umplaiipla, and 611 e4161.r difraberlnrOlp gPf the ••. 0..0.1 bowels, and .111 rewire the melancholy and I. ,•• .1,0 ma immediately Thr feeble, nervous, sod .1. Id try .t. Sold by T. : 4 .ISCLAR. Erie, 15 ly. tire Tint IliltKAT FRENCH 11 , 11)AkIke HAI! VlNrin ...ran r ILI S —l'retutr, , l AT the Sole ••, r ..1 t h. Oripnsl i"trarrittthm, uerA moot ea ' • ...ft in ',II European Female r4a4pital.. and InfaJllble eir , loppar.i. and II uls ritira of the menace n,•tbroi rw-w. but hare , I,rwn wad by the LIA• 111 yrlina t.,tb in t r3ncv , and With murroba In (Sig, , he it urged by 14 , 10.0 w hn ill , . owed than. tn make tb• • 1.. r 16. allwwistsne 11..4*•otheringfroin say 11.•-• •l r • r hatUrr. pa V •It al to preveut 'L.... la. 1I *V LlR.*•ill notp'rmlt ln • ."4 - • ' I•rrrtsse.t tertial,.., or tin.", kg- A, ar. caatjected againal using Uses. pills • • .; tbe prvprat.l.,l axpulars no mirisseibil. t bnir mildness L ,• • • iit an t hr lissUsi ; thou* till 1101 dor...ct,ton • „,,,„ L.., 1 , 11 11.11-I.W IV, Erb.. (.11 , r.l I • , 41 threw p.o.trAda...l • .tit !Weil ttl *, • ITN/re par /111, ),,111110, Ag..att Li, iN.L.-1) EirIMPORTANT TO PRINUILIEN. CHItICSIMAN'a PILL*, Prepared by Cornelius I. lAemmeati, IL D., New Tat Cy. The menbinalien of ingredients in these Pills are the result of along sad extensive practice. They are la their opratiou, sad aerials in correcting all irnigularitkei, Palatal hlesetras. tlons, mama all obstructions, whether *ma cold or otherwise, h , pan n lb* side,,pelOCaUtia of the heart, whites all nervous eiliaellsolt, pats in the back and limbo, Am:, disturbed ales t a. = a Hee from interruption of materna TO MA KRIM" LAMM% • ftr Ctreeeeinntie PUS are invaleable,as they will bring on the monthly period with orgalarity. Ladies who have been disappointed In cite use of other Pills eta pines the utmost confidence an Dr. choesram's Pills doing all that they re_present to do. NOTICE.. There is on. condition of lb* female 'Te lco, In which the Pills cannot be taken without prodec log s PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY—the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such Is the erresistable tendency of the medicine to restore theocrat] rusetioas to a normal emiditioa, that eves the feptolllle- Uwe power of nature cannot resist it. Marinaded purely vegetable, and Ingham aaything in jurious. Explicit directions, which should be reed, ac company each box. Price $l. gent by mall on enclosing 111 to the general agent. Sold by ono Druggist la Nary town io the Coiled Staten. It. B. 'treatises, aeocral Agent fur the Cuitiol States, 1611Claambeie8t., New York. To whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. ISE KKK ADICKUMSKYLICNT of Da. S FORD'S LIT*, lovigonitor and Family Oath&r. t e lla le mother ooloom. Kr THK 1311 KAT KNOIIII4II EXXIIRDY. .IA CLAIM/VS Celebratod Pemsko Pills. PIIUTICTED LETTERE IT ROYAL PATENT Prepared from a presenstass of Sa J Clarke, M. L. Pirocasa Estrasedasery to Ms Queen. This Invaluable medicine is iinfailleg la the enre of all time* painful and danger:me dierams to which the female eonatitution Ia nabjeet. It moderates all eleven and re - MOTH all obetractions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. It is pecuniary suited. It Cll. in a abort time, bring on the oamattily period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, beers the Gkwerunarot Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. 011.17•111C103367'. Them Pills ghoul set he takes yr frosates !way tie FIRST THIES MONTHS q Proirosup, es they ore yore to bruit sr Misammage, tau at may ether Saw they are pole, In all eases of Nervous 'and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Vatxgue on slight exertion. Palpita tion or ti. Heart, Hysterics and Mars, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have tailed ; and al, though a powerful mined'', do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or any thing hOrttul to The constitution. Vail directions in the pamphlet around each package limb should be carefully preserved. Sete Agent for ti, United States and Canada, JOB 110StS. (Late I. C. Baldwin k Co„) Rocheater, N. I'. S. -, sl, O and 6 postage stamp. enclosed to any au. narised Agent, will insure a bottle, contalalug 64) pills, Inc return mail. h or sala by Carter Ai Bro., and L. I. Baldwin, Eris, Pa. May 7,11169.-46.1 y. la this city, on this Atli lost , Mrs. REBECCA CALD 'A gLL, aged about 66 years. MILS. WILMSLOW, an experienced nurse and female physician, has a Soothing Syrup fur eft ren teething, w Lath greatly facilitates the proceu of teething by onftening the gums reducing all inflammation —will &nay an pain and Le sure to regulate the bowels.— Depend upon It, mothers, it will rt.e rest to yourselves, andrelief and health to your infants. Perfectly sat. in all sere. See advertisement In another column. Iyl7 On the 13th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Levi Walton, Esq., Mr. AL BERT DEWEY, and Miss LOUISA J. WAL TON, all of Columbus. On the 28th ult., by Rev. G. W. Cleveland, Hon. ELIJAH LELAND, of Quincy, Michigan, and Mrs. W. M. CARTER, of North East. (in the 23d ult , by Rev. L. I). Prosper, Mr. LORENZO SMITH, to Miss SUSAN FULLER, all of Girard. In West Springfield, on the 25th ult.. by S. Rem. Esti., Igr. EDWIN WIIITON, to Miss CYNTHIA JANE WARE, all of Springfield. In this City, on the let inst., LEON C., twin child of Andrew and Mary Jane Arnold, aged 5 years 5 months and 17 days. In Conneaut, Ohio, on the 30th ult., Mr ROBERT MIDDLETON, formerly of this City, aged about 38 years. His remains were bro't to this place and interred in the Erie Cemetery on Sabbath afternoon. FRESH ARRIVAL ! AT TR& • A 4 ,1E111 Mill - No. 13. , • WHERE may be found tlio LARGEST "MOCK awl 4111MATUST VAMIKTV .r BOOTS, SHOES I LEATHER, Rubbers and Findings, Ever brought to this market, and will be ..ohl lower than the same• quality of goods can IN' 4 0111 west of New York Wholesale Department thoroughly replenished, and we an prvpwrekl t.. turul•h COUNTRY MERCHANTS and II A N 111,ACTURERR with every article in the trade, at rate. that w lll obviate the necessity of their rang farther east - fora nupply, thereby saving the time and expense of ► trip to the Al Jostle cities. To those who wish To have Boots or Shoes uttul.l say that, we still retalu the services ul Tan. XAELISIEM COTTER, whose ability and etportenee h pitied for Mut, and deservedly too, tint reputation of making the best BOOTS and SHOkS manufactured la OS+ mention of cutlets', Our work la warranted, in ail cases, to tlt or no nab or The wants of Ladle* and Children has not been neglected in our Late purchases, of which bet they .dI be convinced by calling and examining the goods wnr Rubbers furnished nt New Yoh and Boston ;wires Adding trarapckrtation. Erie, Oct I, 18611 BARR k KRIAFX _ _ MILLINERY_ MRS. CURTIS has returned from New York, and le now receiving her Sleek of XILLIIIERY AND FANCY GOODS ! Consisting of INSilk, Satin mind Straw Bonnetille Head Dress.. Cepa, Flowers, Ribbons, &oche*, Chwailles. Velvet Ribbons, Collars, Lama, kg. ke. Also, Corvette" Hoop Skirts, Hoeiery, Zephyr Hoods, Knitting Yarn and materiel', for Kmbroidery, Lem Veils, Kid Gloves, supe rior quality, ke., ke , all et which wiU be mold as low as ma be bought elsewhere. LT MILUIVERS supplied with all good, in their line a. Wholesale. RM. R. CURTIS. Erie. Gct. 1, IS6 —l7. _ 1859. Fall Trade I 1859. THE EXTENSIVE :IMP( )RTATIoN 01 European Manufactured DRY GOODS! eLMfI iltnrEILM CON'S MT DIE P, lzt, B AT VERY LOW PRICES ! ! 1 LI 1101 V RIMMING DRESS SILKS I RICH AND RARE, Large Varieties of STAPLE GOODS, CLOTHS, BRAWLS, Bleached and Brown Shootings, and .A.roparrxmc C3rllll Ait No. 6, Exchange Roe, Erie, Pa kept. 17.-15 WM. BELL. JR. • linaalo, N. V TO MAORI RD LA DI EA MABRLiGEB DEATHS. SIOX 4.1? THE BIG SHOR! OM Made to Measure ! ESA BLLS TO OFFER THEM TO =I GRISWOLDS COLUMN. 'POP! AUTUMN TRADE! ! 82'.A. 1 1 1 E1 Errxixamrr, Opposite Broinetilotel I THE LARGE ♦ND ELEGANT RIANALS FRONT DRY GOODS STORE 13113 Great Attraction in Erie. it Et t Dry Goods, CARPETS, etc,, FOR ALL OF NORTH WESTERN PENN'A. AND ARE OFFERED AT I_aekaus X*rl.oe•as TI lAN CAN 1112 SOLD BY 11Y NM 3 TB TWI MI WM. A. GRISWOLD UAS JUST lIKCIIIIVED AND Now Offers for CASH ! AT THE LOWEST PILICEB, The Largest & Most Attractive Stock of aoo 9 CLASOFILW'MrraII .4116.1%111:10 Howe Furnishing Goods, XXI. Etrio I 444440 4 f 11 4 A SAVING OF From 10 to 20 per Cent. CAN BE MADE BY BUYING GOODS At this Establishment ! 1 1 iiiii EVERY DINCRIPTION OF lo •11:-dianz:=1. up WI 1.414.-41 FEE DRESS GOODS INDIA, FRENCH, lINOCEIE, WOCx)L, AND T E lii.m•K AND COLORED cL4 all CLOAKS AND RAGLANS Montebello Cloaks, TUE oElifS OF F ASH I.ON. Cloak Cloths and 'Trimmings. PATTERNS FUR CLOAKS and KAGLANS. Rich Point Lace Sets. Ilar4 awl Sleeve:4 frOn 120 to $4450 Valenciennes and Uipuref Lace Collars and Sleeves. Fine French and Swiss Setts collars & Sleeve.. Embroideries & Laces, DRESS TRIMMINGS Hosiery and Gloves, DOXISTIC AND House Furnishing Goods ()F EVERY STYLE! Madder Prints 61 cents per yard. Beet Madder Prints warranted. only 10 rents per yard. tlood quality DcLaines only 121 cents. More than one hundred styles DeLeine. best quality matte, 20 cu. worth 2s. IP 4 4 Carpets and Oil Cloths, IL'ST RECEIVED OVER 200 PIECET, Person.* Farlliahing Single Poona and Howes Will find it to their advantage to examine thin sTO" English, Velvet and Brussels ' CD.A.PLIFIIEirriEi, Ali Wool, Three Ply and Ingrain CARPETS! A good Wool Carpet for 50 eta. a yard A good Carpet for 25 eta (R; ETTS, RI'GS, BM CRUMB CLOTHS, H ASSACKS, and OIL CLOTHS OF pole sad Embroidered Muslin, Curtain Winoleer Drapery i)Alf ANN AND WINDOW SHADES Ac., W. A. GRISWOLD. Erie, act. 21, 18.59.-17 1859 Fall Eicposition. SILK & NM on GOODS 7 1 . * • • • .1 Ow"- • • 4 • • -'K 0100 , TIT AT - • BEE HIVE!! RAYS & JORDAN, DEALERS & JOBBERS IN PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS FAHRICB ()I.' EVERY DascRIPTIoN: RIBB Ns, EMIR(►IDERIES, LAcEs, WHITE ►i►K)Dxs. CLoAKS, RAGLANS, SHAWL, LOY' ES, HANDKERCHIEFS, DR Dt,'S TRIM MINGS, &c. &c. &c. HAVE now opened a large and varied stook of DRY GOODS FOR FALL SALES. Selected with reference to the wants of the ~MILLION," A full line of Black and Fancy Silks! Plain and Fancy Marines! Parmettas and Mourning Goods! American and English Prints! Irish and Scotch Table and Shirting Linens! Napkins and Toweliogs! Cloths, Cassimers, and Sattinetts, &e Standard makes of Bleached and Brown Domestic Goods, Tickings, Denims, Shirting Stripes, &c. Goods from Auction and other Job lots Weekly! We aim to keep our stock full of seaxona- away,. made to Slot t 'ash rllO.l SA , or! roof Buyers!! A' T" v ' BsY BEE HIVE HAYES & JORDAN , No. 1, Brown's Hotel ie, Sept. 23 12 , 59„ _ Oct. 1. OLD WINES, BRANDIES, Gina, Fine Old Rye & Bourbon Whiskies Ciu,tas, Pickled and Preserved Fruits, AI. t 'VP 21L co lie am ai. 1 • . NO. 3. RILED HOCroiN BLOCK. We are just opening a Fine Aassortmeet of the empiric GOODS which we offer to Doilies Gad Familia in s Pure Rats. 111 ri fins long been felt in this einamunify and country, and that deficiency we now proposie to supply. We import all our Foreign Hoods and Select our Whiskies with a good deal of care. Is au dell eel for Cash : or Approved Paper, We can SELL All LOW as any HOUSE in New York or Philadelphia. Anti duaraniee to du so Cr AU oar GOODS ax WARRANTED to b• Ex actly aa we repreavat THEY, and tow invite thit limpet-tie° good at odes to war Stock. 0ct.1.1169-11. NEW ARRANGEMENT. MEADV I LL VIA. s. & E. H. H THROUGII IN cs lIOURS T"Eonly Railroad Line figig main' la caao.etioa with Mary South. The proprietor is happy to Ail ClOOllO. that he has coat plotted arribotemetts by which pameagers for Cambridge, Woodcock, Meadville, Mercer and points Mouth es. leave Erie "eery toorulog (Suede,' excepted) at a o'clock A. M.„ oo the can of the SUNBURY AND ERIE RAILROAD. Consorting at Waterford with stages for the abmreysiiute leaving Immediately on the arrival of the train at Water ton!, arriving at Meadville between I and 2 o'clock P. , making it the most pleasant, gukkest and beet mate to the places named. Returning leaves Meadville at o'clock, connecting at Waterford, with an early train for WA* Poe pure N. app ly if to the Principle Hate*, Illesdrille, or of alien, le Hotel, Waterford, and JOS. EILKN HRH, Proprietor, Avery Stable 7th el., between Mate and French • Erie, Oct. 1, 1839-17. PIANO FORTE M F. 140 I►EON MANUFACTORY SAVE TWENTY PER CENT WILLIAM WILLING BRIG. IPIBIATIM •d. OM * 011! Tii F. experience of twenty years, And the idea that I oonial snake PIANOS AND MELODEONS In Erie cheaper than I east bay them elsewhere, because rent Is chea+or, hasoken-ls cheaper, coal is cheaper, Iran the same, induced me to enaploy competent mad complete, experienced 111011M14114 Is ha marred .0 a Plain Illaunfactory them selves fee five yearn and who staid me their entire stock neonteary to make suck Instruments, and I am now prepared to harniah my sanctums friends pianos and Melodeons Of superior Tana and Mahal, and will ICATAL.R.R.4I.I47T = For any lesith of time, to tire COMPLIETZ MATIMFACTION. My reputation as a Musician and beakless mos would be log if those Inatrantaula atioald not prows raaaL, mod I snare tberatia that nothing le spared to Ifig about tae deattatt ntettla, via I IProdaming a Ow wad sabateadal name, wideli will give good siaboinactlow, nag stay la taws Jaeger Elute way Pease 1 hamar et. TERMS VERY EASY ! PRICES VERY REASONABLE fug PATRONIZE ft Your Own Citizens at Horns 1 ORDRE Rat WHOLESALE or RETAIL Ittecoted promptly mot lath. or Prods's, olden Da Stause,•kl batronsrats, Lao lar, and sty Wag Ms I ana mill maga or mI. ay Mir iam, will is hauls hi feschhogit %, Pb.. Forts% 11410- dear, Dahliarent sad any Wag *be I have hi ley atom. PIANOS TO LET ! TIMING DONE WELL ! NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK ! NONE BUT THE BEST ARTICLES ON HAND Maker* & Saes Pam Porte., ALL WIDTHS SLVATI of ttuw gent yes svgs . boravi of s peer belogiothyr Plato ? Let or tams *hors It Is sod l oda maim* tt. WK. WILLING. rpo EDlTolitB.—You ay rensewbitir the 1. SOW r.. Homo Wabontof )(.w Work. boor e. Gar odrortligior your ppm. ?be aolorGra „ Mho Mew, If you Groot Was with a grin torsi& you Witt any Mao v.* order or . Mrs no your order. WM. WILLING. Ma, Jaw 11. 11141 L-11 Ni). 1, BRoWN'B HOTEL able (iontis! SUMNER & CO., IxrorTIMS, AID DIALICIUI IX CBOICI TUX WANT OF A 17.13. - lifert - taiwz - . RI Bl I'ING (IV EEO 41 F7 I' MnM777=I WIIEREAS in and by an Ad of the General Amend)ly of the Commonwealth of Pena,liras* letitled an "Act relating. to the election, of this Conumeowealtlx." mord Yd day of J lily. A. 1) 339, it is mode the duty of the Sherif lamely manly within this Commonwealth to give public settee of tho General gleetioss, and to such mitre to enumerate, I. Thu odious to be elected 2. Designate lite plane* at e bich the elections •re to he held. • to perm/nom of w htch, 1„ oHN W Nel.A N 13Wwit of the Cooed, of Erie, do hereby make known, on.l ve this public settee to the Electors of the County of that oa the SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER N(Wag the nth day of the month ,) a room! eke- Oft wiLl be bald at the several 'deadest districts establish ed by law in said county, at wbkh time they will vote by balt ... tt for the several ale re hereinafter owned, viz One personfor Auditor General. One person for S'oarveyor General. Two persons for .Ifewherx of the General .4 i aembly of Pennsylvania, One person for I Minty onitnisaiono One person for thunty Auditor /or t years. fine person . 14r Grimly .4 udatr.r for 2 years. (kit person for Director of at Pour One person . / County SLrtYyur. Three persomy for Trustees of Ertl. Aewlemy. peraorts for Trustees co/ Tratery; , nlAoiL4 Iny, 10-he eleetejt G y eleehms leeruy south ,:l . the tri any/. hoe. The electors of the First k:lertioo Nett irt o i the Lit) of grie to meet at the Hook awl La(l.ler Honor on Fifth Street. The electors of the Atwood Election District of the eit3 of Eris to meet st the Fire Engtoe House on State Street The electors of the Third Eh.etion District of the city of Erie to meet at C. MeSparrems Alice on Peon Street. The electors of the Fourth election District of the cult of Kris to meet at the Firs Engine Houss.on Peach Street Tb• eliwtore of M diem* township to Meet st the Town Hall, Is gaggle Village. The electors of Harborcreeli township to meet at the school hoer neat Walter Greenwood's. The electors of North Bast toonehp end borough to meat to the moth room of tLe school house Dear the pub lk square, to the borough of North last. The mortare of firesalleld township to meet s t the school bourne new C. Baton's. The electors of Veneego township to meet at the school boom to the 'album of Lowvilie. - The electors of Wattaborg borough to meet at the school home in mid borough. Tbe electors of Amity township to meet at the school house near Chaffee's. The idecton of Wayne township to meet at the house of gll4ta.! Carter. electors of the borough of Waterford to meet at the house formerly occupied by Joseph L. Cook. The electors of Waterford township to meet at the house now occupied by to the borough of Wa terford. The electors of L 13ezelf togeoetilp to meet ►t echool house No. 2. The electors of Washington township to nowt lit the house cow occupied LT A Robturou., in the borough of Edinboro The electors of the borough of Etitotroro to meet at the school house in said borough The electors of Franklin township to meet at the Turk• ey whorl hewn 'The electors of McKean township to meet .t the house now occupied by— The electors of Greera township to meet at the hones near Wm. Lawrence's on the Lake P.easant road. 14EMiliGiiiMOIMiii The electore . of Concord township to meet at the school hones near Robert Heath's. The elector, of rain leer tow wihip to meet at the echo° hones in the villace of Ferreira. • The elector, of Girard township to tweet at public school honer In the bortaagh of Girard. The elector, of the borough of Girard to Nowt at the school house in maid borough The elector" ofElkcrock township to wort at the school !Kinsella WelWrars. The elector' of Conneaut township to wort at the school house near K. Salsbury's. Tbo eleetors of Springfield township to moot At the school booze near John t'cott'■ The *keens* Union township to meet at the sc hool house at Upton Mills. The electors In the election dletnrt erected out of parts of Girard, Copossat and Klkereek townships, at the White School House tn the of Lockport. 1 also make known sod gore notice, ns in and by the 13th section of the aforemiii act I am directed, "that es ery person eteept Justices of the Peace, who shah hold any odic* or appointment of prom or trust under the govern , went of the Vatted Matra or of this btate, or any city or Inoorpoested district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate Whiter or agent who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary or executive department of this State or United States, or of any tiy or inairporated district, sad also, that every member of Congers' and the State Legislature, and of tl e rolect and common criliDeil of any city, commissioner of any incur• porsted distkki, is by law Incapable of holding or exercis ing at the sanie time the (AM or appointment of juolge, laspector °retort of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no impeder °elude or other officer of any such election, shall be eligib le to may "dice then to Le voted for. 1859. Also, that in the foorthaeetioo,of the act of, entitled .Lan act relating to eaecutioaa,aad for otherpa r pow," od April 5, 11140, It In enacted that the odure saki IEI6 section "shall not be re conatraed ai to prevent any militia 015ter or borough °Men from serving am J edge, inspeelor of clerk, at say general or spr.etal electron io this Coionioawaalthi.. Erie, Pa. Atm, that In the 61st maim' of said act it is enacted that "any general or spaded election shall be openat be tween the hours of II and 10 la the forenoon, and shell continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock I. the when the poll shall be closed. The spseW, city, incorporated district and and fur *Matti of President and Vice prssid~ut alb* United Mates, shall be held and conduct ed by tae leepeetont and Judges elicted et aforesert, nod by climb appointed as beettnafter provided .liirs moo shall be permitted to vote at may eh/ethos as hot obits frames of the age of twenty-one years or move, who shall have resided its this State at feast osie year, and in the election Metrics where be oxen to mitt at least ton day, Immediately preceding auchelec thin led within two years paid a State or county tax, witiebehall have bees iiestmeed at least tern days before the election. But a tittle's of the Milted State, who has previonsly been a qualified voter of this Stale, and re moved therefrom and returned, mad 'Who shall have resid ed in theellection district mid paid tame as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing is this State six mouthat Primolled. That the white freeintri, tithes/rot the Vaned States, between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years. mod who have resided la the election district ten days aforesaid, shall vote, although they may not have paid taxes. Ho person shall be admitted to vote whose name is , not coutamed in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the COOlmfasiesene, calm Seat he produces a receipt for the payment within two years of a State or county tax, assessed &movably to the constitution, owed give netiolite! tory seldom* either by his own oath, or affirmatiou of" another that be bait paid such a tea, or on toilliarto pro duce receipt, shall make oettb of the payment thereof ' • or second, if he claim a right to vote by betag fin elector be tween the alma 21 and 22 years, be shall depose an oath or affirmation that he has resided within the State at least otey ear before hi/implication and make such proof of his residence in the district a. is required by this Art; arid that he dose verUy believe front the accountitgi wen him that be is of age aforesaid and given such evidence as Is required by this Act, ...weapon the name of the person admitted to rote, shall he inserted in the list by the Inspectors, and • note made opposite thereto by writing the word . - tait," if be shall be admitted to vote I. reason of having paid tax, or the word "age," U he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age, shall he called oat to the Minim who shall make like notes in the livt of voters kept by those. slimmed. where the asses of the person claiming to vote is foetid in the list famished by the Commissioners or assmora, or his rig. t to vote wbetbor found thereon or not is objected to by any qualidffii attire. it shall be the duty of the Inspectors to exanfine such person on oath se toasts queittiostiMM, and if he canoe to hale re sided In the State for one year or more his oath .hall not be sufficient proof thereof. hot be shall make proof by at least now competent witness, who shall be a goalies...l elector, that he bas resided In the district for moon than ten days immediately preceding said election, and distil also himself swear that ha boosted remeence to pursu ance of his lawful calling, is within the district and that be did not OPIDO‘r into raid dart bet for the polio., of voting therein. "Every person qualified as tiliitesaid, and who 'halt make the due proof if required, r.f his residence, and pay mot of tome ea sfuree.o4, shall be admitted to rote in the townsbip, Ward or district in which he shall resole. 'litany person shall prevent or attempt to prevent in officer of en election under this act from holiline such election, and use or threaten any riolenoe to ant such Miser, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of has duty, or shall block op the win dow or the avenue to any windno when the same may be holding, or shall riotonaly MCurb the mow of sail elec tion, or shalt sere or practise any intimidating threats, fo re or s ioletice, • ith A-sign M menet..e unduly or overawe any pipette, or r 0 prevent him from voting or to restrain the Modern of choice: such person on coot hike 'hall be Baal in any sum not ever...hog live hundred dollars sod Imprisonment for any time not less than on.• month or more than twelve months, and if it shall be Omen to the court, Oro the trial of such Mbar, shall he bed, that the person so offending • as not a resident of the city, ward, district or township eller. the g oid o ff eme was et...witted. mid not entitled to vote there,,,. t hen no antelation he shall be eenteoced to pay- a tine of not lees than one hundred or more than one thousand and be imprisom4 not leas than six months nor mo r e than ten years." '4l any person or perfume gall make any betor sa,rer upon the result °fan, election witb.o this oommonvreohlt or shall Whir to make soy ouch bet or wager, either by vernal proclamation thereof or otherwirte„ he or they shall forfeit or pay three time. the amoont so Get or offer. ed to be bet " any person not by law qualified. WWI fraudulently rote at any election within this Commonwealth, or bring otherwise qualified shall rote out of his proper district, of if any person knowing the want (stanch qualifications shall aid or procure such person to rote, snob person or persons so offending shall on oonvietion be tined any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be Imprisoned for any term tint exceeding three menthe." . 11 any person shall rote at mote then our election dis trict, or otherwise fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector two ticket• together; with the Intent to illegal• ly rote. or shall vote the same; or If any person shall ad vise or procure another to Ao so, he or they no offending shall, on conviction be hoed in any sum not lose than fifty nor more than flee hundred dollar., said h. , imprisoned for ally Arms not Iris than three nor more than twelve mobiles 'lf any person not qualified to vote in this Common wealth numbly to law (except the sons of oualltied cit. WWI shall . apear ninny place of election for the purpoee of issosing or of i•auenslng the Mittens oualiaed . to vote, shall on conviction MIMI, and pay anv slam tot mowding owe hundred dollars for every such olfeetoe, and be imprisoned for any term not exoeeding three neawthm." atm Pooh* known that, "in essa• the person who shall have received the mimed bighest-number of votes hie to. specter, shall sot attend se the day of eleetiols, then the =who shall have received the seemed kighest num votes for judge at the mist spring election shall set as inspector in his Owe- And In ease the person wh• shall have meolved the highest number of votes for in spector shall eat attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an inspector In his place, and in ease pleb. parson =edge elesald sot &Mond, of the shall who the highest earaber of votes shall appoint a judge fn his plat% or dairy mousey shell continue in the bond tor the epee of one hour after the time flied by law for opeedeig duet election, the qualified voters of the township; ward or district or which mid °Seer shall have bees sleeted, present at tb• plum of oleetlea, shall ideet one of their number to all such rummy." 4. 0 1 t ahoU be the ditty of the several eepeotere reerctivr ty to anted at the place of bolding every getseral election =ter township election, during the time said elm kept open foe the purpose et /trill Information to the eim ore Pad judges when tailed oa„ in relation a to the t mp ammeld by them, to vote at sect or sash other matter* to Manila to the of voters so the said inspectors or either of these eiall from time to Use regain. Parminit to Use movisioae write/net is the Nh swe lls% of the Mtaforesatd, the Judges of aforesaid 4iateteis shall megielirely take charge of the terafkore of return of the eta:thin of their renpective districts, and produce them at a meeting of owe Judge from each district at the COURT 8017811, la Eris, ou the third day after thee lee two. being, for the preeent year, on Friday, the 14th day of October ner.t, then sod then to perform the dotter re quired by kw of said Judea. Mao, that whore a Judie, by atelinees or unavoidable accident it unable to attend' mid meetteg of Judea, then the certificate or retainu aforesaid shall be taken charge of by OM of the taeree 'ore or Clarice or the election of kid dletriet, who I 11.1 perform the dirties require) of mi.! Judge no‘hie to at tend." Gi%mi ander my baud at Zri• this oth Oey , r rleid., A • D., nue theumed eight hundred and Lit 3 -enee. and the Nith year or the Independanne yr the 1' iiftell States. Sri t. 17. 1889. JOHN W. .111. A NE, Sheriff. _ NO. 3, REED HOUSE. - M ., 4: 41 NK1A a SHANNON, Ituve on tomet a bolo stock of rdoN, NAILS, Cut and Wrought Spike, 1444 BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOWS, A M AS" SHOVELS ftnd SPADES FLINT, MULEY, MILL CIRCULAR CROSS-CUT Springs, Axles, AND ANVILS, VlcEs ANI) BELLOWS Wrought Nuts and Washers. MALLEABLE IRON, TABLE AND PocKET PLA TED SPIAN,S' A NI) FORKS, BORING MACK IND; ELRYS' WAfts AND WA TER PROOF CAPS SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLASKS, lIIPS. . St No. 3, Reed House, Erie, MC(INKEV l SHANNON. Ene Aug. 4, 149. _ _ AdMithatrator's Bale. Tavern Stand, at Wayne Corners, EMIR COUNTY, - PIIcNVA“ IN pun-ounce 01 art ~rikr front the Or onwo Court nr Erie Co., 1 .111 the Rawl Estate described as tallow,. Situated In mid township of Wayne, containing a bout two third. of an acre of land and bound ed as follows • On the North Ly the East and nod at Wayne Corners: on the East by land conveyed by Cheater Ladd to James D. Smith : no the South by land conveyed by Wm. Nick. to Jam.. D. Smithy: and on the West by the road running from the maid Wayne Comte South towards Conrail, township imprneetuents.—There are on algid lami a TAVERN STASI), TAVERN BARN, WAGON SHOP SLACK BNITff S SID IP, /kr. licsiseas SITT•7IO2I.—The premix...are ',Rusted nn the main East and West road running through the aocithern tier of town ship. in the county, and at it. Junction with the main road running_ "meth from the terminus of the Erie and Natatory Plank Road. The premises are also near the S. kE, R. Ij. Situated in the center of one of the finest crazing aountrie• In theCnited States, this property must rapidly rise in value with theimpincement of the coma try.TEßMS OF SALE—Otte fourth in band an conaruta• - than of Sale and the NII•DeV is three equal annual in atalniesta with interest, to be secured by Judgement flood and Mort/rase n the premise. TIRE AND PLACE OF SALE.—Monday the 17th ol I letober at 1 o'clock, P M., at the premise. In Ways.. Corners. PAILANDER Admiust'r et Watson Miller, deed. For farther particulars apply to toe at Wayne Corner', or to J. W. WETMORE, Lop, Erie, Pa. Sept. 24, IL* —306. This Way, Gentlemen ! NSW Fla :WINTER CLOTHING GENSHEIMER'S I Corner of 8 tate and Seventh eta.; Erie. Fr HE subseribkT 1. has Just received at Its Dear and capacious lore, on the Corner of state and tenth sta., larite stork of FALL. .\D WlNTaft GOODP, the latest styles, and t ill count:se to keep no laud a (arse aaeortmlat MENZEMIMEMI Salted se the ,MNArt/!1. Cooslotto% of Dregs, Frock and Sack Coats of retry st‘ is •nd 1.1 ter , '1,4 , ' , • t ,111 kintitt, Cravat., Shifts Under-Sbieta. In-heetrd, lloostery of different quasitir. ; •1.• r keeps .eery article won'th kel.l Ina 1 "1 , 11 , nr I..t4blml,menl. Hist:lathing is mann fart urvd t. ! •• If ~. In the ray 1•• 5.,,0p *Pahl,. sr?), a, in has /we virti/ do well to mill niol h... 1. rk as Le intend' , out to M• nndrrs. 1.1 Is,nu. t•tid , l.ol4 ••••4 a Nen York.— Clothing rnonle to t rotor t gar ISn I .frrrel tht saute. Ge...lietoter . . Career, eye arr of State rad JrlerlAt etrrrts k.rte,:,l.t. _4 - •5 1 •11 N I.F.NSIIKISIKK. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. ri I, tact tuns, al psi 1.4, • trey weather of the human 11411111.1 It Imil lf tet dtntur. tn. eof the 1ot0411) out, It ILL thr ael of a gloat tonic nod the exercise of phew cottOttell twope, they um; be al to G. Orguiste the .y Arta it to mreute permanent beaith.— lii or-tee to thle desired otjett, the trot our." to pm sue is cet mink) that • hicti *or product a natural state of things •t the least Miran! of t i lel rem/ tb end hie. For this purpose, Or r mt....mewl to Ode country • preparation tetinotg Ls Wont., It !Alai la hot Dee ultoltelDe, out nice that has heel, ttlett iur earl, tieing stillaleetion oil ow. It. I l i e &mi en , operate powerfully oil the ro.triatb, hos ell and laver, re atorliig thew to s healthy sou L tgorou• action, and thus, by the simple procees of •tretts,tbet.itit; hot ttl e, enable the systeurt , l triumph of rr Mare., Err Miecure of Ilyspepsia, indigestion, Nausea, }late lone), Lam of Appetite, or any litilion• Complaint/I, ari sing from a morbid ittaotion or the ntomach or dowels, produaing Cramps, sintery, Colic, Cholera Ilorbus, these Hitters hare no equal Diarrhoea, tryeintery or Fins, so generally contracted by new settlers, and posed principally by the cliange tit water LOU digt, will be speedily regulated by • Mid use ()CUM; preparation. li)..pekma, • dreirr • loch la prop ably more preraleut, W all the I /tried tangs, than any oth er, and the cause of which may always be altrtbuted to derangements of the digesuve orgarui„ can be creed with out fall by using HtinTEllk,li'n ltltTEld. an per directions on the bottle. or WL disease every , physirtan will recommend hitters of some kind; them why not ore an article known to be infallible All nations bare their nutters, as a ptereltallalt 15 of Mamma and strengthener of the system ILI general, and among them all there ts not to be Pinod a more healthy people than Use Germans, from whom !hie preparation emanated, ba sed upon scieutitc experiments erbith hare tended to prove the ,WlO. of this great preparation to the scale of medical mienor. Flt Vita A.VD •GCl.—This try tug sod provoking disease, which tikes its istentleils grasp i n the body of man, roduc tog him to m e re shadow in a short time, and rendering him phy•ically sod mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the ale of 1103ik111.1cb ED BIT TERS. / rather, none of the sbortratatetkrileesses can be contracted, Peep in ripmed situation', it the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they netthei create nausea for offend the palate, sad render usurceetuiry any change of diet ur interruption of ordinary putouts, but promote wood sleep and toroth, digestion, the complaint is re. moved as speedily as is consistent eith the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Fee Permits an Adorns/eel liars, a ho meandering Crum an enfeebled constitution and imams body, three bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength and •icor. and need only be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing, these Bitters are indispensable, especially where a good toule„ inch as Homtetter's Stomach Bitten, is Deeded to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by means try this remedy Inc all came of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their • physician, ohm, if be is acquatuted trills the virtue of the Bitters,_will recommend their twin all asses el weakness. (AMON...We cantina the pehlie %Atari using any of the maul lisitations or eouelerfetts, but ask for Bon- CktaltllitTlP SliOniten Brrritas, and see that oath bottle has the words 'Dr. J. Ilumetter's Stotts& Bitters" blown on the Side of the bottle. and atatepsd on the anstallie sap covering the cork, and observe that our atabognsrph signature is on the label. ips6oPrepared and sold by If OSTETTER &LUTE' Pottalutryh, Pa., and sold by all drug gist., grocers, and deakra generally throughout Me Unikd Males, Canada, South ilmenca tied G.r taosey. Per sale by CARTER k BRO , and r HAM. Erie, B. C. ILLY, Girard, H. SHERMAN k sot, Wellsburyo D. LUNG k CO., Fairview. June HELY Slllll IRMO i • : NEW STYLES—Prices from $5O to $125 495 BROADWAY, These - Machines sw from two sparda, so perachaeNt from tie it.,., requiring so re.wiadlo( of thread ; the) Hem. SW. Gather, sod Stitch Is s supstior style, Web lag sub mom by their ooro operotloo. *Moot rooooroo to the head-awedle, ow is required by Wont mse►toss The) will do bettor sod cheaper wowing than a aosmorrorr mu, nes If Abe works for for cod so boor, sad an, ea ipreatiosabiy, the beef Mackie" la the swift br 6 any mewls& oa snout of their simplicity, dorahUlty , ewe o utuaagestieut, and edaptatioe to all varieties of fruolle eawlag—oteedUag oilier Mary or be work with equal facility, and without special adjuatuieet. As evidence o tbe anoseetioatid eepertarlty et their *schuss*, the °norm k Balm &MAI lisowom Con. rstrr beg leave to respectlidly refer to the liollowtag TESTIMONIALS. "Sevin had owl al Grorrit I Bisbee. lischheee 1a sty liatily for twisty a year sad is•kialf. I tele plitewere orissessading it se o'er, wow rellabl• Gov Les far which it is desigswi—naelly josesis Losonkt, NO of Arc Dr. Lespoltt, r. louls ponolowt. AND HAND SAWS; "I confess 'squat delighted with your &Meg liaeldiee, which has taro In my badly for moo, oroottut. It lui always bora ready for duty, roqatriagoo lui l m itoteast, sod It sully adapted to every varlet, of N.*, by simply changing the spools cd Wood"— Ihisokra Sblicklood, vosfo of Ice. Zr. Strickload, iiitor Clourroo Berea. I'll'E BOXES, “After trying seemed diderest good smeleisern I per flirted yours, on account of Its Malpikity, sod the pem het due with which it Is assuaged, as well as the athi and durability of the smut. After long experienseNre competent to speak le this rescuer, and to comblestly recommend it fbr every varisets of tinnily erolog.••—hers. /I. dywesser, were of the ZetiMr Arsiserme ker. "I have used a Gum* & Beams Beets Offaclitoe for two years, and have band it adapted to al. kinds of tam ily sewing, from Cambric to Broadcloth. Garments bars been worn oat without the giviag way of a stitch. The Machias t. easily kept in order, and easily nsed."—Mrs. di. K. in 19,14, NO if Res. mss. RThipple, New York. "Your Sowing Machin* has been In lue In my busily the past two years, and the ladies request tae to give yes tbeir tastirnonials to Its petite* adaptedness , am well am iabor.esving qualities in the _perionnance family mid houmbold newiug. - -Rwliert Geseratere, Soo York. "For several months we have said Omer h Baker's Bewlng Machine and hove some to the ennelasien that every lady who denim her sewing IlmewtiOnG, wed rower done, would be most fortunate in possessing one of these reliable sod inderatigable 'iron smedle-vrosnee: whom combinedic Ir ialities of &may, aireste ; mid eempleceip, are td intaluse '—J M. Morn; deaf of Gem Gee. I'. Merry, L'obaor ~j the Gewic./earesd. CUTLERY, Extract of a leper from 711011. IL LIAMMT? f.p , all American centteman, now resident in Sydney, New :Loath Wale., dated January 12, 1868 ; ol W.ll • trot Runde in ifelbourhe, to lab; to which then. o , o‘er three thouaand var 4 of stearf deo e ith e.n. •f ; r..rer & Rainer'. blbachtoes,liad I 1 MI. , seam of that has outstoual all the deshle seams ',weal by manor. with a oetoile and twine " "If limner could be railed up from his warily Endo., lie would slog Use advent of Grover it Halter so a more tee uignaat miracle of art than was ever {alai's smithy He Would denounce midnight shirt-mating se %be direful spring of woes unnumbered."—Pre—lforti. "1 take pleasure in saying, that the Grover is Baker Sewing Machines bava 1:131 , 111 than sustained my expecta tion. ♦tter trying and returning others, 1 bans Mee or them in operation in my different plazas. and, attar four years' trial, have no fault to 1144."—J. H. Seem« of Sonia Carole a. "Ify wife ha. had ooe of Grover & Baker's Family Sew lug Machines for seine arse , and 1 am antlatled It la one of the beet labor-saving machines that haa been invented.— ] take much pleasuor In recommending it to the public.' —J. G. Berm, Geeerner of Dennerem "It ie a besot/SW thing, and _puts everybody into an es eittment ni good humor. Were 1 a Cattuilie, I should insist upon Saints Grover and Baker haring an eternal holiday in commemoration of their good deeds for b. - manity ."—Cannue H. Clay. .1 think it by far the hest patent in um. This Machin ean be adapted from the !neat eatubrie to the heaviest mummers It mein stronger, ruder, and more beantlhally than one am Imagine. If mine could not be flphlOA looney could not buy it."—Alfre. J. G. Broom, Nasksirle 71rora, "It is *Peed/. Tory mat, ado! &alma& b ito *ark : easily andennoed and kept in matt. sarnattly meow hie h ii this nankine to all el seqnsintamees wad attars." —Mrs. N. A Forrest, Maaspho Theo. .We Sod this Mach lee to work to our and with pleasure recommend it to the public, as WS the Grover k Baker to be the best Sewing Mathias le was" —Decry Bretkere, Atheemba "If used exclusively for far Lfly pvpoi , with ordlawty tam I will wager tbey will Iry ono gam sad ten; and never get out of 6s."—Joila .1 have badyour Machine for several weeks, and, am perfectly satisfied that the work it does la the best hod most beautiful that ever was made,"—Afarges Ail*" Nutiville, "1 on my 7 Mackahe upon eoab4 drmomsidag, sag e m u linen stitching, and the work Is Mrable--62 bettor t aw the beet hand.sewing, or any other machi.. 1 have Seer seen."—Lacp B. •nimpota, JUANIit, 7 "I find the work the strongest and most beantilW I have ever men, made either by hand or machine, and' re gard the Grover baker Machine as one of thethit him Ji aings to out sex."—iirs. Timpler Rasibidie, .1 have one of Grover k baker. Sewing Machines Wows in my family, and And it invaluable. can twollikettly recommend it to all persona in want of a soachinek"..-O. 7' Th.u,peea, take pleasure in certifying to the/utility of the Gene er k Baker Sewing Machines. I bare need one on almost every description of work for months, and lad it amok armorer and better in every rem " than work dons by bead."—Mrs. 1). W. Wheeler, nen. ••I would be unwilling to avows of sty Gruver & Baker Machine for a large amount,emild I not replace It aims at pleasure."—kbre. H. O. dared, 11•814.11 e, Then. "Our two Viseleinaa, purchased from you, do the work of twenty young ladies. Wee with pleanur• recommend the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine to he the best la nee."— i. Staines Os, /111eugabk, Than. "The Grover k Baker Sewing Machine works admirably I think the stitch and work tar superior to that of any clewing Machine 1 ever um On hoe work, I think the Machine would be bard to beat. W. J. Dame, klimemks, Thew. "I and 'the Kaahine easily managed, eery dumb* sad talcs pleasure la recommending tt to all who wish coare ~a4Muoca, economy, and plitaeure."—Nra. F. Mae, Ake •the Grover t Balms Sows ng Machines hare ifilreD such satisfaction that w cheerfully ieeotruneed them to all who wish a good and .uhatautuil Sewing Machine. It executes sr ma a itb much cars and speed, and more goals than any other asachiur I have seali."—Nfre R. B. Adifeleil, Afro ' Au, 71rwo. "Lam happy to give my testimony In favor of Grover I Baker's sewing Machine, and of the perfect eatataction ii gives In every respect It secs neatly, and is by no means complicated, and I prefer it to all others I have sesta"— Mr. Bream, unfit of Res A. N. Brria, didaymike, Time. "It •ilorde me muck pleasure to say, that the Miaow, sorts well . and I do not hesitate to recommend it, as poe «ming all tLe adteotagee you claim for It. My wile to rosy much pleased e tub it, and we take lessors to cer 1= talvitig to Gila elect."—lt C. Artakirp, ' liner "It .6•143 me pleasure to Bud the Grover it lileteisi Machine siring so mach , atiahtetion. 1 hare it In coo 'teat am, and nod it all that could be deemed. It is the most *Monk and durable machine In use, and I heartily rvetmmeod tt."—E. N. West., /Ifewmllas, 7lren. "Having seem examined, and used many other kind. or stewing lischlure, I feel free to say that the Grover I Ba ter Machines are far or to all others In use " AI &seems ;teat, Pf e, Tem. "I consider my Sewing Machine invaluable, and would not take are times Its cost, if' I mold taut supply its place. With it I ran do all my family wring ID about one-f o urtk the Imo I could with my handy " -it J Z.OWI, lirtashwilie. Teem. AN experienced NurAe and Female Physician, Presents to the attention of soothers toq 1300TECXIM 8 - 1 - 111:7P, Fos llill.DitiCN TUSTRING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by ening the gains, reducing all intlasomatioo—olli alloy ail pale and spasmodic action, and a sure I. regriats hew*. Depend upon it, rn , them It .11/ give real to plume/ere and reli,t and health to your infants. We hare put up and "old this aril- cle for over ten years, and can say, M Th. lin confidence and truth of it what. we I bare sever boon o' awe to say of soy ifastors I iler merlichie— Neer lee oof re a siftgie .•- •1441t4 10 tied • erre, when bate ";"1" N""1 8 00thi we know au instance of .11. ea- t .n g leaettou by soy not who Devi It.— :..iyitup I. the contrary, all are dell 4 h — with its opera tiona, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtue' We speak 10 this matter "what es know," s floc ten year? experience, and pledge our reputation for the fulfillment of what we here deelare. In almost every instance where the Want is audering from p ain a rm etbauation, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is admieistered. This valuable prepirstion is the /resort. ptlea of one of the most ripe tented sod skillful Nurses in New lingland, and bar Dawn used with never-laillos meows la thousooda of eases. It Dot only relieves the children hom pots, bet Ito (voiles the atotobeb and bowels. corrects oddity, seta gtves tone and energy to the whole vetoes. It wIU al moat instantly telt es GILIPAIM IN Nal ikveritta, Awn Mun COLic, and overcomes convulsions, obi*, if not speedily remedied, end in Net, It the beet For nod surest mole 4 3 .1 3 , th e world in all case& of Dysentery spill CHILDREN I Diarrhea's Chit deem, whether iteu ee arbiesfrom teeth lag or any other w • mum. We 'would say to every who hill a child satlartog from soy of the fonotog oaloplalato—to not let your prejudices, nor the pr4adlors of otbes, stead he Omen your Wie ling child sod the relief that trrlllN gore. yes, absolutely sum—to follow Ibis sosekerk If, _ need. Yell directions for using will seem wee wt tie. Nolte genuine unless the fac-simile of nautilus, New York, is on the outside wrapper. ar Oboe, Druggists throughout weeld. Prewipe No. IS Cellar St, Mew Were. oral PRICE ONLY 25 CINTS Phlt BOTTLE. ly.ll paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn and C As l i, sts at um Erie C ity Mills- 'armors glee we a call aprl 30 lit B. HAV GROVER & BAKER'S I .},LETARATFI) ~,~. i-~ t• • . . SiiirSF:Nl) Ft)li A CIRCUL.iii. Ili, J. J LINTS, Agent, Erin ?larch 1., MRS. WINSLOW, NEW YORK