lerffilli/litirt' lit EItIitXtIILAHANT 1 °QUI to tho Aril I a•resigt hto tap Weak ! Thio newel Tooparaldieb hale met with the appointed of the .ot iti every part M the world, and Cho dloconerterAbd . r ortor liimleealy proclaims It le be i;NIILIgUnIiLED reWarrr of waste.ler Wert fiesetkias. • h., w I.lre WA bilarant whould ho used toy all Derr , it iitinselatee mimes to tapir natural 0 „, mid ` .lll not produce a reaetten ne matter how ~• b ie • 4.1814/1P ems l 4 as will ere metal* warier , oh the Ilrif end A Viter penitaieneellTta L nee , elll tb•lll4lll6oll4l.*ll+4llllMaralatiaellit. wed dy.pep.46 - M 1,1 4. Tl, era khould, be afloat to auto Hatchings ,t.if . hoienchold artird• tomato& as It will medal, t fit I In feeling and In atrenith, std enable tam • • rrt again the 1 / I Yalditiagir pristine joy. It not . Ultimates but etrenghtma, and le molly an tareala ly to those who tiara Wee midtownd or pervillty by ndafortnne, or onliaary sick matter • hat the acme of the laspotosier d uy ; u two °row, Mir ouperb Y.:Miasmal will mo o ,. a.. d „ ta t "LIM on.l fumes., I .1. Eobilastat aloratil be need by all per w Lt‘e dlnnrderrd POTPII, stomach, liter, muses „t,, t,, , r 0,1 Intel loci, or lowan. of *Ma. It is tr... homilies, rot powortal ainapho, and LIVt sgtatl of at of noidossaisogestanwa lieistee •Alie*d .40,3 aboover la rt InotentitY• tf• 11.21:41P” %, r , ...artioblt. awl 1 4664 , Pflesolitatio preparation Is for clic Propnetor, at. B. litiTosts.voo, at 166 Chataares • Yu, It. All orders should be addemod x l •mrta everywimem • Otte. Large bottle $1 ; tits r f 4.1 d by T. rI. IliNetAllt, and CARTER it !kit, Kne, 46.1 y Irs.ly otroppe.l if - The aced san ham health renewed by Hutchlmre f.shilarant, which it Intelible as a raluvenant, sad •• 1 r ollole wasted strength, with assgicial promptness 1/..nderful permanence. Per old and feeble persons a ‘• not rto ttokl by CARTER it BROTHER Eris. i. 41.1 y \ dim of 14sar Oomph it will illsoorer Id ut. I ale KwhiliunamitA gramd passim. usequalled r and perniareett *feet its tilde distreswing I. itelikewise renders the mind eaten mid cheer , I , mokevual.p and rtetares strength with inagiS Lae, T N CIA/ IL, 45.1 y rr The weak will realties new strength Go_ a mode euvell«ut Insigorant, HatebtagV Lite ~.11rsut It Is healthful in all Its operations. As an ~,, e ,trset it has no equal—ilwrrnallsg tbe ertil Imod •it. 4 ■uaderfuloeleny aai.l peasant*. Aliel.- 4 014 ty CART xt 4I) [• flutrbtnß{ !Ate Erin!anal is a rejuvenate. / of ~ .ppr„arLaLir and inimitable excellenou For all oar , .•ii• iii.esans, aii matter Low produced, it must be eon. rml an ititalliblesbeeilic. It is also score for sitheitioeui eenterint in the liver, stomach or brain. Its mission is nestoa .trenfth• and physli al ability. Soldby I A/ITER I•.ru,Fa. rr !Nieuhr' , I Ile Ealularant- Ladies of weak and ronaUtutions, 'trrid take the Ratchiagir Life ,h.larant, , t will wake Tou strong, healthy Lad happy, 1.14 t ructioncand irregularities from the toensti "'caw., and reatoto the bloom of health to the sickly rasa.! rareanrn tact. Sold by CARTER k BRA 45.1 y. tir The nersoult nll And Hutchings' Life Laidlariat o "lea, ter dl their ...tiering: sod permotu crbo, to :h.• t n tl.ll el OUP ace of liquors, bacebecocoe dejected, . her, ous toeing chattered, end constltuttoos , , ..o.rn Sold by T. S. Sib:CLAIR, PAO Pt. 41117 . I..ei.•phr ran have AM him • eel. bael.heil if be wit • thorbinge . Life F hilsrant. Wk.! stomach, tlistrriut alter imiliiig.enstive ha WU bliione .,e piariie, will Iltid a waster is the above cow . n N. 1.1 n 7 CA HT Eft awl T. 8. 81NCI.A.IR, r—e- 14ot. t fr F.ct tlarut. Oviedo*, will moo,. • nt.tv •114 efferla of Wind or Motu . •.4 the. oloomnil Ilse Pt...math roal , koka tbs is rioooat liar tilalresaing lord and all po tnful fookioz. w ill mor.O. geld by 2.B.B4NCLOIIit, Ms, h. 4.5.1 y. 1..1, z.' Ldr Ealtilarant quwk audraretwal, eur laud wet attlrntr•te.l awn of Dyspepeta, ... ..ui ylas nt , rarol all other deraboerbkenta of the and bowel*. and grill rewire the melancholy and $ ., 0 , . I ,lW+ ignmvalutely. The feeble, oervuua, and .hould try It. P. 1.1 by T Brie, 44.1 y. Kerl. NOT] C If.. —TA. It-limed, sue ...miry', and birbly are.nniplialle4l I ceulint and • 1:. , Dr 11 Fmler n 1 !ie., 1 ork, arnve.l to Ow City, , 11 n I .r. , and 111 Stelpill /i /w/./ tw mat he r.ansialled ft. a akar! tiro.., in 1.- , • ♦lt diaeskAr.....l ilipirl.l4 4.1 OW Et, rw..1111. r..ttirov.) f l..n u,lr, wiletv. I.• ....md II m. , L« rl%lt.vl •oa rr•Nutent..J ■II tla« . 111 h,• V*. asi ,Irjurtmr•ut lir Fla rr .rn a 'rt.) learried Areahat, Pio sialair, ~ •ueh, takes high rank among the ,rot 10.11 of Europe Th. .Ludt and treatment of the r.« hove ruorage.l him etrlu•ty► soil rmaataitt attention ll= Au rn lux that tilt Doctor •a gaud t. rialt St. Luat•, Mm to call .t Kele. sad take great ripsaw. iu •nui.uneitig Lim omits' to the public, vitt' the hop• iunuic Loa abort Flay We people • iLI rtsll tlwaaarller• .ui.ri •r skill sod irormlur CHARIA:PI EIHANIIIO., .4KIC ADVEHTINEMENT or Da 4.,i ri /RD'S Liver Inr/iporatur and estlant FO l 7l, sunnier column. IgarTUN djiliCAT YiLENCH 3IA DANSE 1101V1P4 9 14 CbtlsltaltATlM ,k • ..• T nil VIA •LI rtgass.—Pripared by the 1404. tAAArtAur 1.1 ti,.Ortirtual Yrraertyboo, used most ea . •h In all European Female Hustotala, sad iutalhble s 0,,,, odnypayea and btegulatities tbe raettera ars clothing Dew. bat Lave hem used by the ?ttr many yea,ra, both 10 I.Muter and Asseries, with led AU..... iu etsry Cass and he. Is urged by 0, 11,. .and ladies who luso used them, la snails ate 0. • 1.01,i‘c., for o*. allenalton of Omura endemic trio way what...4l.r Datum, all V ell aa 411 onneut lip 1.10,14 101 - 11 M a La" liefilth VIII not paaoraao c.l I.tui Iv. l'rownsat female., or tear supping . , 1”-• p... ar• eau Waned agslallt Wink thaws 01119 r . t r..gbant, amo the propriotor assurer. tnt rosporaidbal .•. .tt, Aar *loam stratum trot,. although their inildrtesa ..rUlti lavvrat any uturliiet to the. health ; tbrae reoutesuemilottt. !all and napihelt dtrectios nth. by L I bIALDViIti, Ezra, 41,1 i . Oper, N aterf...l-11 It —4 ale Jolla: cod titre.. poittage stoup& accloood to ..11,••ribed • gYO t, rJI 11111 U tobacatto of' oalaby roe =El= July rJ,18:4).--137 Eirl PIO !LTA NT TO FWI 4 1.11:14 DO. 1111:XSaltAS'll PLl.LO,Preparett t, eorheliva nmn, M. D., Few YoritCAT. The ' inhaet•Pi{4yre the repo It of a long sad practice. They are wild in tfit it °penal ionoind • tam w , orret Wig all irtftniaritirs, Painful r, all tobstrumtioa; whether frost caddie • 1.• put In the aide, palpitation of the '.• •hires alt arraotou alrelk.na, hyoterim Fatigue, , mud 4nita., 41.M.1az4ml Aral., 'dam:6 r.ou interruption of LIMALIV. TO MAILMIXD ILAVIILK, Pills are ittratuable, as they wilt bring moottoy period vrith regularity. Lacher who have e•-• ••••.srpoloterl to the ow of other Pills ran pram the ~..oad.ace to Dr. Cheaverrunn'a Mita tkrinfr aft that t.. do. NOTII E. There is one condition of the female sys •• ••• sloth the Pills roornot to taken without prodtte .. • I'ECULIAJt RESULT. The eoad I t i.,e rrferrati to Is h ..NANCV—the remelt, YttCARkl AUK. Pleb is the .table tendency of the medicine to notvre the reznal • ...v. to • normal condition, that mere, the reproclue• •l • • .r of pato re cannot resist It. nnt..l purely vegetable, and free from anything In , ,•• directions, which abeuhl be nod, se nqaing. ~ach Mrs. Prim $l. !Newt by mail tot enclosing the general agent. Sold by our Drollest In every •ii in 11,. United State*. it. B. Hrrcunrom, kieneral ut for the Uoltrd IState l / 4 1.65Cba50b05a51.,2141; Yolk. •boto Wholikaladoningshosl4 1.. addlresood. T a, aiNNAM.A.IIt=s ; J. K. &RAMS. . DM .o-fam'o AdrtrtistmtatS. Sweet Cider all the Year 'lewd I TII E SULPIIITE OF LIME, with in .tractlons, by Professor lloosfard for *slog It, so as • e , ..i.erre tharr nowt, or at Soy roust 1.1 seedlity that deeitat, for soy tenth of time. /tor MOO 800t 0et.1.141 17. Caleflielt a MAO. Oct. 1. SUMNER & CO., .m.d.rp.100.,.1 WI .U.LI OLD WINES, BRANDIES, Gins, Fine Old Rye & Bourbon Whiles! 1.1,1; Ica and PregervNl Fruits, itc,, A . t ViT la. cr I o as twa o 8 %o . 3. IiKED noUpUt BLOCK, 11,40, rt. \‘. Th. Jll,l "'belling a Fine Asasortnient o ABOVE GOODS tritioh se offer to Dealers and Families in a tore Slaw. THE WANT OF A 'UliiLllr ' l i ~ It ,11g . ' Wen f . 1 .1 1, in this connnwnity and ,:111.1", :1114 that deficiency we now V l 6 e Import .II ....r Foreign Goods and N 4.11 4 .1 Our W hi.kies with a good deal of care. As ye Sill asap for Cash or Approved Paper. ,„ A. LOW ax any Mega in New York or Philadelphia. %lid itilimlitri , to do so rr A •to r GU/ NlB ore WAMILIINTILII to Me It.gr •• ry:load THkN • mad ..lawit i .. 1.6 1111 be ,odres to Our Slack. FRESH ARRIVAL! AT Tug I I No / .43. • - • - tno,r / or me 7th I KON ! WHERE may be fou e LAMM' 14TOCK sued Olt VAIUI?T of BOOTS/SHOES ! LEATHER, Rubbers and Findings. Ever brought to this and will be Pohl lower than the same quality of goods can be sold west of New York. Wholesale Department le thoroughly replinithed, and we an prepared to famish COUNTRY MERCHANTS earl NANUFACTURIRN with wary article la the trade. at mate that will, otniat• the aernelty et their galas heat* thus 10 silt nth • 1 •. 1 1. thereby sawing the sad express ite a pto the At lantic dada. Tao these who wish To have Boots or Shoes We wear say that, iv* Atli retain the eenitee eif DELL XATIEES C&Pdzistg, whoa, sla osperierioe has su Ssi tor litA s oi dosorrodi r oath repotatioa of the loot sad snoks zasaalhetared is this a of eroustry.— Ovs work Is wartaated, in all sane, to At or as ails. ...M . The nuts of Woe sad Children ku not been In ou late inundates. of which tut they rill be eon ed by call* and essentabs the geode pi Realms hercialied at Nov Yen* and Baden prices, aci blasperiation, Iris, Oct. 1, 11110. .3 akvaf.lk :A zi.N;(e) A:4 34;10 TO MEADVILLE VIA. R. & E. R. R THROUGH IN a HOURS rilllE only Railroad Line ..IL remain ha apemmeties witli Mae* South. The peeprleter It happy to mammas Mall he las com pleted ermasoommas by vailah pasmagers for Coasboiaye, oodcock, Meadville, Mereer mod poiata Soatio am loam Erie even xeoplieei a gbdiy emepted) at o'clock A. 11. ou the taikio or the SUNBURY AND ERIE RAILROAD, Newietia i r st Wateioni with stare far the above points taavlog lassectiately o. the .rani of tho train at Water ford, arriving at Meadville between 1 sad 2 o'clock I'. lf , matting It tteemoid the laces named. plumaat, quletkest sad best route to p Returning leaves ii•witvilis at $ o'clock, commenting at Waterford, with as early train ftir trim For pamage atply 1 to the Principle Hotels, Meadville, or of J. IL L Motel, Witterionl, sad JOB. BLAS• KKR, Proprietor. very Stable 7th it., between state sad French. Zr)., Oct. 1, lab.--17. IVEILI...IIsTEazi."I".. AirRS. CURTIS has returned from New lit. York. sod Is moo sseshrios ler steek of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS ! Consisting of 'Silk, Satin and Straw Ronnets,llll l Heed Dreams, Caps, flowers, Ribbons. Ruches, Chenille*, Velvet Ribbons, Collars. loam Ate.. ke. Also, Corwin, ' Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Zephyr Hoods, Knitting Vats and materials ter LZ•kroysry, Lace Veils, Kid Gloves, supe rior quality. le., Ate , all if which will be sold as low as too to bought elsewhere. 111LLINKRS supplied with all roods Is their Has a. Rholesek, MRS. K. CURTIS. Erie, Oet. 1, 111119.-17. nrroirfirrnrrjrtr•TPl. • . • . LEWERS of Administration on the er, tot* of Jason Lididoll. lab at human towdotrip, dote d. bo. sur bees (wombed to tb. soborritonto, notice la bone, given to all peeress lodobtod to sad totals to woks Is+- 0 • 4440 PaYworit. sod Mom Swing dolma acalmat It Will *dun present thrum duly authootiostod for tottlootmt. W J. LIDIALL, S. P. EMIR, of Id*. Athalsiotrators. Oei.LIIM,&--IT / I :T:N".I-8W AN experienced Nurse and Female Pbyskilsa. preseuta to tlie allipeties of =Mims her 84;M 521(} 81r33.UP, FOR CUILDIAIN TICITIUNG, • eta greatly llistlitess Ust pestifti at *Ohm by soft ening AA pima reducing al allay all pain and sposmodie action, and is awe to mrellide Mead. liepeod upon it, al.-them it will glee mot to yoarealme, and relixt and health to ,your la&nts. We - ham pat up and sold title aril- Tears, and aut nay,' Kim In madden«. and truth of it what we ham sever been able r o my of any other medicine— Neve Moil Mind de • raw& olooore SO . Cart, when time ly ue.wi. sem "' ‘L• • • did we know an Inatome of Marl- lnfliction by any one who used It.— SY Ft jp. On the contrary , al are dellirbtod Uona. And stook In terms of eomoseedation of Its maglesl elects and medical rirtnew We speak in Ibis matter "what we know," after ten yeere experience ' and pledge our reputation for Ow fulfillment of what webere declare. in almost every taloa/toe obese the infant is sullerlair from pain and exhaustion, relief oil be Mead In fifteen n twenty minutes idler the synip is easitinisteeed. This vainabler preparation Is the preseriptina of one of the meet experismeed and skillful Nutlet,. in New gogiand, tad kle been used with never-billing success to thamands of came. It not only relieves lbe children /rem pain, bat lurienrates the stomach and bowie, corrects aridity, and Rims tens sad 'nervy to the whole system. It will al most instantly cell ire Gairirir is run Ronnie, Ann Wills, COW, bed overman oastrolsions, which, if not speedily remedied, end in -- death. W• be lieve it the beet For and mumt ream dy la the world hi all esea of Dy eatery ats d CHELDRINIC Diarrheas in OW dree, vbetberitarlsesfroat teeth log or any other Teething. e .„„„ w. wou ld say to every who bee a child H•6lq N- Y suffering from say of the foregoing fromplaintw—to not tut your pryadinse, mit th• poyediensor others, Mond be times your suffering ehild and the relief that will be sure yes, absolutely saes-10 follow this wreditine, If timely used. Full directress (brushy win aetousporry mil bot tle. Now engine %DWI the fee-aloha of CURTIS h Pass, New Tort, is egjhe outride wrapper. doldg. „._ Drsyghde throughout the WORM. Rik 13 ()Mar I. New York., gal t ar. 73-0.. y 26 CINTS BUTTLY. This Way, Gentlemen! ZWIIIIMV* FAR WINTER MOS GENSHEIMER'S 1 Dirtier of State and Baena sta., Erie, ,bscriber roeoired agreiou Caner of flovireth sta., stock of FALL READY MADE CLOTHING , Suited to else 'MIA MON, Coosinalingi .f Dress, Freak and-Bask Coats of eery sty l• and pries, VOlllie of al I kinds, Crasats,:la rt il Under-Shirts, Drawers, Handkerchief% Collars, Home of dlibrent qualities ; in shalt, b. beep • try ermally blot Ina Clothing Iftibintrat. is manallietered by litsuelf. and warrantibill equal to any in the city Pomona wishing articles In his line will do well to WI and examine his Mod, 1111 be Intends Ng to be undersold by any estribibilooest west of Wm York.— Clothing nude to order on short motley. 1859. or Deal far et tit *au, Clearlisimar's Owarr, e.- .es qf Stale sod gm& ins. Nor. 24,--19581. JOHN 6tItBHZIMSR. - Adsoiagetrator's Salo. Tavern Stand, at Wayne Corners, 611.12 MUSTY, IN pursuance of an order from the Or phase Conn of =.,. C0., I will sell the Beal gnats isessibed asfellows Situated is and toenail Wayars, oonnialag shoot two thirds of an inn of nod Md henna ed se follow.: Ou Um North hy the Zest sad Lot nod at Ways. Comets ; as the List by land seaceyed by Cheater Ladd to Junes D. Smith SS the South by land cooreyed b W. Nicks to Janes D. Smith ; sad ea the West by the reed manta; from the raid Ways* Corlett, South towards Concord township hapnansaustim—Thent linos said load a TATUM STAND, ?STIRS BARN, w SESOC SLACK SKIMS SHOP, ke. SIMMS Slur arros.—Tliesmare situated on Use ants foal sod treat notrusaistp tlitougS Use southora tier el town. Alp" le the osowty, sad st its Joanne with the nen rood reamisp smatli hoes the tarnions of the trio "ad Stoneham Plash Deod. ?be prosaism' are also seer net R. RR. Elltusassi is the ants/ oleos of the had psalm maatrims is tbuUatisd Bbl. , tW pingety mart rapidly nee is value with the improvement of the cease trr iltalla OF BALIL-0•• fourth la bud o• omdris•- Hos of Nab sod tb• bum, hi Ibiza amnia Ur olalleieuts with imbues{, to b. mewed Jielmeet Seed &ad Mertgeepe ea the AND CZ OF SALE —Meade, tb• 10 6.... 4 October al 11 Wolof% r 11., at tb• erotism I. Wtoo Comm. P/JLARDIfft MI Adaleser of "Woes IlUle=d. For farther peellealeee you to mew at Way.. Carom. .... I. ' J. R. wrnsowx, bq., Sr* Pa. gee& N. MY— XX QHINGLES SHIMMIES . muss imuurnes same • at cams a itkuurs Slims naaishe NUL .4 Ike& a, INO —IL OVA Made to llealmOre UnkiMUET 11. 8. MAIL LINE tRISWOLDI COLUIRL - f , f F AUTUMN TRADE! ! ErrAvrim tarrzusznii Opposite liktossieti litstO Jr , TRH Wei aximasiarr ipuppplide UMW DRY GOODS STORE ! Great attraction in Erie. d Dry Goodits, CARPETS, etc., FOR ALL OF NORTH WESTERN PENN'A. AND ARE OFFIREP AT Lemuel Imi-Icseare THAN CAN WR IOLD •T SIT Isl TIM Mil WI. A. GRISWOLD HAS JUST ItiCSIVSO AID Now Offers Ibr CIMLR LOWEST PRICES, The Lancet & lost Attractive Stook of Lc) 1 - A'CV aooDe 9 40.4Liquenrins ."..nrazi House Furnishing Goods, Irk Aria I • 44A44P 4 P 4 4 A SAVING uF From 10 to 20 per Cent. CAN RE MADE BY BUYING GOODS At this Establishment ! ! ! iiiii EVERY DESCRIPTION OF r)p,m;Be 81-I_,IEB, DRESS GOODS INDIA, FRENCH, BBOCHE, WOOOL, AND !Melia gilheavvlas BLA CK AND ODLOR CWTH CLOAKS AND RAOLANM Montebello Cloaks, - THE OEXS OF FASHION Cloak Cloths and Trimmings. PATTERNS FOR r • InTrI . .n i FFTTMMn Rich Point Lace Sets, Collars and Sleeves hew $2O to $5O Valenriennes and Gipure Lace Conant and Sleeves, Fine French and ' Swiss Setts Collars k Sleeves, Biabroidoies & Wes, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Hosiery and Gloves, DONILSTIC AND House nuidsidzii; Goods OF EVERY STYLE I Madder Prints 81 cents per yard. Best Madder Pruitt warranted, only 10 rents per yard. Good quality DeLeine only-129 cents, Mom than one hundred styles DeLeine. beet quality made, 20 ets. worth 2s. , c_eM to kw" on asilleirteest Carpets and Oil Clothe, JUST RECEIVED OVER 200 PTECD3 Persona Atreielting floigk Rooms and Houses' Will find it to their advantage to examine this STOCK English, velvet and Brussels All Wool, Three Ply and Ingrain CARPETS! A good WStot Carpet for 50 cta. a yard A good Ca'pet for 5 cts DRUGGETTS, RUGS, CRITMiII CLOTHS, H ASSACKS, and OIL CLOTHS OF , ALL vournis. Law Curtain !Window Drapery 1 DAMASK OD WINDOW SHAMS Ish, WI. A. GRIIIIWOLD4 ; Erie,loet. 21, 1859.-17 ?Hit AT THE AND P 4 4 , 1 8 59 , ca. su } • ! ' BE V Eti NO. 1. BROWN'S "HOTEL M4:2 JORDAN; DRAMS & JOBURS IN PLAIN AND FANCY-DRS% FABRICS OF EVERI DESCRIPTION; RIBB S, RAIRRUIDEEHFS, LACES, WHITE GOODS , CLOAKS, RAGLANS, SirriVLS, 4L0V113.. HAN DK ERell EFS, DRESS , TRIM MINGS, &c. • ",„I'C _LP / H AVE now opened a large moil vaned stook elf DRY GOODS FOR FALL SALES. Soleotal with zeteauce to the *masa the g=Ml A , 'no of 14ack and Fancy 4illud iiittin find Fancy Marinocs! Pannettaa iiinl Mourning Goods! American and English Prints.' Irish and 49cotch Tableand Shirting Linens! Napkins and Towsluags! Cloths, Cassimers, and Sattinette, &c StandArd makes of 'Blenched and Brown Domestic Goods, Tiokings, Denims, Shirting Stripes, Goode from Auction and other Job lota Weekly' • We aim to keep our dock full of semona- able Goods! liPivicsikrot soortilfr VISA ?and Wharf , runt litiyerat! AT ' VIE Bl_tY 13kE HAYES & .1011DAr No. 1, lirown'it Hotel Erie, Sept. 2Z t soaslffi STRAYAD from the - subecriber living in Kris / .s Wimbosailay lad, • Bey Hons , taw biad feet wbite, black tame sad tall, about twelve yeas, febi.— au! parses (Wag inawanabas vrbere it may Ise found be will liberally U. CRAG BILL., !.pt. 17, 'lO.-7t 7 X . )° , "7ta limn, Ith street Yrl.. 1859. Fall Trade 11859. THE EXTENSIVE IM Pi IRTATII iN European Manufactured DRY GOODS! I:4;tiolictiJ e II 8 XX II ICrY Z It 14 TO OPFER THEM TO 061•Ti317 - ISiIIII.Ei , AT VraT LOW PRIPES AX lOW UC&IVIJG • , DRESS SILKS! RICH AND RARE, tarp. Varieties of STAPLK GOODS, olumiA susww, Steadied and Brawn Sheeting.. and Y 4 O • 4 r . - At No. 5, Exchange Raw, 'Erie, pit. Sept. 17.-15 WM. BELL. Jit. ' = lfr *Pq MELODEON MANITFACTORY SAYE 'TWENTY PER CUT BY BUYIYa OF WILLIAM WILLING SEIRLIMIL 3P'IIIIVISA".4I.. 0 Pt, e 1 4 ; •'-; ": I . mom V ' TliE exterienee of tuYnly years, and the ' idea at 1 could make PIANOS AND ME LODE ONS la rata cheaper than I eon buy them elesobior. broaaro root Is cheaper, lumber Is cboskprr, esol is eisraper, Ira* the ram, indsood sr t.. employ esnispostost sod oomplets, rtprriroord worliwoo, •to oorriod ea a Piano klaanlketory them- Balm for Iwo 'DIM sod who pole oho %MU *title, stook soosoran to tosho mob {matrimonial', sod I us now proposed to hirotai toy nomeroas Milan = Pianos and X elodeons 01 soptior Tow NIA Asia, smi VITALPILNIALIPM waa= Tor say tenth of thee, to ifve oemrs + tatz ,wort MAMMA. orpotolliso moo MoOthiss mod brieers man wihdd M lost it Uwe botriamosir t Y sot ltow good, 0041 woos Slio jobb' that oothlog Wag abost th• daired melt, via IPretwelhell u Mis mod iibititadal Mae, *ldeal will oh , * jowl oatlidloidoe, sod Woo • tee* Mager Mina MaY rime i tam of. TIMMS VERY EASY i PRICES VENT SPASONABLIk! • ,••••- Val PATRONIZE Your Own Citizen, at Hon i I ORDERS al WffntreALE or R ETA IL ' Imalested rospil sad fairly. thiligkii,l , 34"lnstiiiiirida, L A " sod say Mae taw subsoil wits ar NOP y boa kars. kg taisalwrsallamgelar risme reeks, Alb drapp,.Dialshorseamid say OW. .k. lim.. In my maw, PIANOS TO LIT I TUNING DONE WELL ! NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK 1 NONE BUT TUE BEET ARTICLES ON HAND EZKLINE UNRIVALM) Clibilaciog a bri's Paso Tortes,. &MATS Of Fisin yips ow lewd A paw Ckiebasiag Moo LA me tow whin ilhalipal win easimulas linfOnl44llo. 1 4 0 EDITORS.—You all rensenibei the Vows waters dt ?kr Tait, has waft*" advertlidag he your pews. The andendgwed m w lithe better, if yew t-Swer Ws with a eatt, sat will witiout diftr or MI 4114 me soar ardor. Ira& wu.upis_i . ma. Use 111.1ingerk s CALEB. au smt co SCAI". a tITC4 °*,,,,,24.1#141aitik MVP, aste4 %sat ' , AYE READY: - aid Deaf lailadardeia aft , st Pimps intldbeg. COMM BESEI WATER. by the down or A./ . •kottboa theism Drag Seasstal vg. ft COM k 'pa eissimob. ma sat egisio. the sae by taw say suthadmal sista Is Ms. Aar.ll►lW CA8122 • BRO. F7rM '' IM7IX=I WHEREAS in and by an Ad of the °opera Abombly of the Connonwea.lth of ailiCluta* estitlod an ..144 robAlog to the ebee.loo• eemaaosirooltb.," passed 2d day of July, A. 0.11132, It le moo the of the Sired, artery meaty within to Ora mike notice of the General gleetleno, sod hi math sonar to enumerate, 1. The atom to be eleetal. .Dadinato the platen at whirls the enetioaw Sr. to be beid hinareetubee• of t bleb, I. JOAN W. M LARK. filch of the Cement, of Etie, do hereby Broke bonen, sea girt this public notice to the Eleetera of the County of =l*___ a _ T thet ee the ELOOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEX, (Wog the 11th day alb. mnoth,) a general eke bon will he held at the moral election &steles esteblish - .14 by lis pabi COUltlyi at wbieh thus tbey will Tao by ballot for the wend °peers hereinafter named, a is Ott penult for A uilitor General. ORe pasonfor Surevor Gemerol. AM persons* llembers I:mtera/ As sembly of Pennaykanta. Ow person for County Commariontr. valor (}mot h Auditor for 3 your*. Otf P e r p eive 1114.4. Camay Allah'? for 2 rrrara One person for Director gf the Poor. One person for aunty Sstrvevor. Three persona for Trustere . Ere Academy; Two persons 4r Trustees of Watrrford Arode orgy, to be elected by (lectors homy south M 1 h. trt angle. line. Tb, ftleetors of the First NJectina District DT the city of walk toot at the Hook and Ladder Roam nn Firth *Yost. The etoetoitn of the &MD.' Vicetion District of the elty otif.rio to nowt at Merits itnpute noose on State Street The ellectots el the Third Unction District of the city of !trio to most at IlleSiherree• oaks on Pena Street. Tbe elietal!e.ott a Sourth gleetioe Martinet of the city J(040It thellre Inputs Roses on realth Street. The electors oflitliereek township to meet et the Town Hall. in Leine tilltsiria The electors of Harbasereett township to Merl at the school hoer soar Walter Greenwood's. The electors of North Neat tow waif end borough to mart la the south room alto sultan! house near the pub• lie quer', in the borough of North last Thu electors of Grreu field township tomcat at the school hose. War N. Baton's. The elector. of V eoartgo towoahip to mee4 at the echool howls fit the village of LOIN Tb. photon of Wellsburg lecoagb to taut .t the aehool boom. In said lecough. The elector. of Amlty loireahip to moot at the melee! house Soar Chattenee. 7bsaleeton of Wayne township to meet at the house of 6111 ah Carter. The electors of the borough of Waterford to meet at the bowie formerly occupied by Joseph 1.. Cook The elector" of Waterford township to EDN4 it the hour* sow occupied by in the borough of Wa• brford. The 'kenos, of Le Banff township to mast at schwa ►ov Ile. T. Irby Onions of Washington township to meet at the house saw oneopkwi by A Robinson, In the boroegh of ltdlolooro The aleetors of the borough or Edinboro to moat at the reboot hones to mail borough. The electors of Franklin township to mart at thr Tuck ry Aebooll home. The electors of McKean township to meet al the house now occupied by— Tbe electors of Omen township to meet at the school house near Wm. Lairrenee's on the Lake P.esauat await. PEEMMM==iI The electors of Coneord township to to et at the schwt house near Robert Beath's. The elector" of Fairview townahip lu meet at (hr 'oho.. house in the Village of Fairview. The electors of tiiraril township to meet at public willed house in the borough of Glow& The elector' of tie borough of Girard to meet at the school hones in said borough. Tie electors./ Elkereek township to meet at the hool hour" la Weilaburg. Tau eviesikum of Conneaut township to meet at the erhool bonne near L Salebar)'a The electors of r3jorinctlrld low wally to m. 4 at wheel bones near John Seott'e EEMMMIIE=MiI The electors In the election disinct erected out'of wit elssid,,Conossistand Whereon township', at the White School House is the village of leiekpor'L I slate make known &0d give tutu*, as ul ant by Lb.. 13th section of f-beatiitegald act/ am di acted, - that e , rrY person .eseept Junto:es of the Koos, who shah bad nor oaf* or appointment of profit or truet under the govern !neat of Use United Slates or of this State, or any nr tt "- ttrs J Brava k•• r..ri n•-at, and durable in its work ; Is • st.d tel.% in repair. I earnestly recom mend II , Machin. 141 AII my acquaintances and others." - itrs 'V .4. Varna, .111ronmits Tl.ll. ••1‘ . .. Itnd Um. Nil. bine L. 141/1k to our tatiolietion, and • 1 , 11 0140.11, ..1 h.l to the public, Le Ire lltilOre t,. GM, er / 1 / 4 1ta1.., to Ie tGr hero...wing Machine in am." - //etre! /troths,, 47/..a am Tram. "If uvd errloaiv.lv for family ourpooro, wittCordaual7 rare, I a ill war, they will la4t one 'threw moors JOSS'S and ten: and never rd out of fit"—Jahn Erskkae, Naohnik, Teora I have had sour Machine aevend week", and aan perfeetJy Patt • fir d that the aura it does la the best and -moat beautiful that eis r was made."—Madrise Arottans, Vas/wine. Tenn. •tI use my Machine upon coati, and at,. linen stitching, and the a ork admiraide—lnt better than the Mat hand-oewing, or any oiloor machos I have 'Ter ~,n."—Lary B. Theetpww, itreekrak, Tree. "I find the work the atrongest and most benutti. 1 I hale ever seen, made either by hand or machine, and re gard the Grover re !Laker Machine as novel timgmatnot ttltoottigo to our act."—Ages. Tarim, ./ModicsUe, roan. "I hare nne ft/Grover k Itaker's Sewing Machismo in use in my family. and find it invaluable. Inn confidently rec.,tionend it to en persons in want of a machine."—G. T Thompsoa„Yaserille, "Mom "I take !demount. In certifying to the utility of the Grov er Sewing Machines. I have used one on almost ev r) drocriptimi of work for months, and and it mach otrottrer and better in every respect than work done by hand' —Arra. D. W. Whiles, ifiaidltostia, Than. "I would be unwilling to dieporte of my Gruver k Baker Machu:Befog a large amount, could.l not replace It wan at plemure."—Mrs. H. 0. Sewn:, NaatalUa, lbws. -our too Machines., purchased from you, d. the work of twenty young ladies. W. with pittoioun• rroommend the Grover k Baker Sewing Machine to be the beet in on-."— N. .Stathiman 4- Co., Admpkos, Timm ••The Grover k Fisk, Sewing Machine wort admirably. I think the stitch and work tar superior toMint of any Sewing Machine I ever saw. On work, I think the Machine would be hard to heat."— IC J. Derek, Milmallia, Tres. 11.1 the Ala.:Mine easily managed. very durable, and take pleasure in rioommending it wall who wick move ment", tenoomy, and pleasure."—Mra. F. Na., Mee phss, Tree. .-The Grover A Itakerstewing Mar Moms hare 'kegs curb satisfsetion that we elleertally treomeneed Mom to all who lvit a growl am! anlvAnntial*ewing Nubble.: It executes ark with Mush vase 111 , 1 awed, and won't_ Tay than any other tn. !wt s aeon ß B. Ahl4thell, yen 4u, fres .9 gm ll%apt tor,e tar ladirtlney to favor ad Georpr & Rater's oewiti,, , , Mow Woo, and of Um perfect ititfoloolsoa tt pre. In .eery 11.11pret.. It sera beady, stoats &y ao MMUS 1..1n Oral ..11,1mei 1 prvfrr It to all oilier, I IgtaTe. noon. - Ur, Bryon, 1011, of Res I M. &rpm; iffimptio, Trost ntinnis nue tenet, pit...web any. that the learitune wort., evil nr01; I .10 ant b.sitate to recoinmend It as co."lng tht mit antaren you elder for it. v wife ‘•r. rr trmett plevt..lrttit It, and Ire take rpiwsre 1.1 tog to thig .Bart " C i "It cicocc no pleasure to and the Grover At Baker Seeing MACI,i I / 4 0 Riving so much Patiatactlon. I have a in con stant use, and hoti a all that could be ihmined. it is the moat simple and durable machine in am, and I heartily recommend it."—F. M. Mints, Meath, Teem "Haling Iwva. /Rammed, and meal many Mime kinds of Stew mg Ilachinen, I feel free la my that the Grover k Ba ker Machines are 'tar sutwrior to all others in sae "—M. Frawerm Nat Narke.ds, Tries. ••1 ron.i.ler ing Machias Invaluable, sad wou:d not Mk« lit« times al coat, if 1 could net supply Its place. W.th it t cso ao all my family sewing in about one-foura the time wtth my hands. - -A1 J Satt, NankaiUs, Tract_ .1 .1 LISTS. Agent, Erie Marrh 12. IMP —JT.4O. Stoves ! Stoves ! I Stoves ! ! wF: are note prepared to form.h all who are In want n( STu% KS, of any ilearnptlon, at lower Itnram. than hair r•ver been wild In Ifrie County liar aa•ortment rorncrritten all alenK— ll, modern morn...rot, among whieb 1113. roeto th. 4lk And number of other dealt-able *trill.* of EleraGed Otene. Al.'. the jnetly neletwateii liar dna rr, Bower, Buena Vista, and a number of other VA I tertio of Low liven Stoven.— .1.... the Moro Ina Ida r., Cot ta,,,e torlor, Model Parlor, Opery Vruntlin, nod A I R eg la of Box, swkl'ilt,, Hall, 4.119,e, .trlf Regulator, and other .love. 4 ..ta irenor ounlittev Or Web WV Win wall for t'”lt, Lumber, Beet, lirnin, or barter in General, at lee. hoer,. than any townie in th.• ('ll7, and a rant them to • 11, entire eattafaction. To persons a t.log any thing in the above line an would iw) Glee on a I all and ton shall not he ditappninted At the (11.1 Founties , \. Ir. Corner of Stale and I Ith ala. jr.., Ana. 13, 114sti— 1 o If BARR k JOIIIMIN B E. Ih t E into the farm of the Min t; to Starlit tovrophip, l, the 10th ol A ntru•t, • e.t.a I dark rod ,earhi......l , elfer, atilt A briadle ram and • small amount of whiter on the end of the tail. The Own ..r in ieyiented to come, prune property, pay dimed take the anunal away. ZELOTCS STA. m RD. :sumtt, l 4 ept. 114, 11159.-1. 3 t • SALSBURY & WELSH, Agte. FRUIT SHIPPERS, Dealers in Oysters, DEITEIIIII9 TTE ; E •••11 EA RS, Pruning K nives, budding Knives. at .1 C SELDKNII. GROVER & BAKE.RII3 CELEBRATED Mara Charge $5 for Hemmers. =I bt- SEND Hilt A CI RCIT LA Banner, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse,;; Empire, Brilliant, Herald. •'• STRAY HEIFER. EEO FIFTH St., BETWEEN STATE & FRENCH; ERIE. JOHN W ELAM 0 NEW YORK