Ne* Agricultural Settlement. TO ALL WANTING lARNIS A RARE I'PI -4, ItTUNITY IS L AND HEAL THY ( I NATI , *40:1111 GP PHII.AIWI.I'HIA, ON TII I. 1114 1•• AND ATLANTie NkW HAS E •n old e-atato corsiptlng tolretrerVi tbrupar.o • of • r. Er=hes sot! 'fielded into la a r , .• ••<••• IAS oorchsaer. A populatioo of some },firm 1,,, etre!, Gorr various parts of the middle r•txt.s ao N. s In taod have settled there time pest ?ear, WIT 0- placos, mad raised esontleat erg, Tina price ..1 toe d. at the low emu of from $l6 to 03 per acre. of the best quality for the production of Wheat. I r, Crrri, Patellas. sad rtedeldrri. IT 14 • IKEA) THR er g in i "Tricrr suit. IN THI: t\1 „ • I p:Ace fa perfectly Beaus from tenant—the dear,." • • 11.— soy of the farmer. Crops of vide, gnu we {,t,t ••:• now growing and aMa be seen By smatnintag t a,. correct ; tidliement eta be formed of the 1,1,4 . • e • f the labil ILe terini. are Made roes y t., ropl.l tioproveatrot of the land. s ts oolv a io. atlas/ Onjirietwaii. The result bee ts.o, 034: ILL the p .et plea% some these /Madrid hermit.* bare I.••• h er CetAml, tw.• mills, one metro, four st •n s, I.M tl' •ri 4 , at Peaeb oretuirdi plan tied a lugs eon not of r it - proyentents, making it a ileshable •.f - Woes THE 11 KET re We reader am, p. Pt I ,e, u, it* ~,• Ithz.T - IS THE I ♦ H % Prodoee Itetnitflg double the pri. - e thlo in 4 . „•atictia sway flOOll the tit), and more 11, s p b;•• t I t , pr the ere'• II to ku.ple n that the. earlit el An.' vegetables to this letituJe r.,m, fr. a S.. J. ra t ..., a; an annually esported tn the ...trio . . In locating titre, th• le ill, has ma. r a..,n.agrt-a. Ile within a few hoar* rule of the grrat eat le. of New • LOd Piddle rdataa, hr ro near ins ',id lvert. and aociatlnna. he la In a itlittd eurafry Wsart el fry -1111•1•1 Of tanaj •rt and CtrillZ•11,011 uat !fond 11. ran .eery amide he ••bla at r t al/11 .all )11. prodoor for Ihe 41... beat, k I/4 I ' lt IC •Mt 11., /IF Ir• I •.' • ichoo;• for 4. , ,r6ae aere,re,u.o.l stl en, an open winter, and rea,rldf, , • dna', fete:• ale attarly unknown The re•ult n: , n tram the north. has p , t. a ;. n 11..1 t.. t. an 111Catierla slate at 4, o In the WAIF nl hoild/ne an : I.e, i n r ran t. ,a,tateect at the nal to at the tat.. of iI,, to 1.. 1.. tuott, and B. irk* fr.,. itt. trick , std ,•, the li., • &I can he pril re.i to at hand. mud there I. n., place In lc.- It u n ry ' P.., I utt• cgs and tinpreermente eau u.t. The read.': •til Cl tw I'l 1.. • •4. 'l.Ol hrrw pretscrttett, and ask Pk, 1 •t., 'f • • • it• r been Lciu.t up briute ht /:11 . • in the market and unleae I' no one • wild be 11, it.d to • .1 chasing TL:. a.l cl.- land under cu.lnaintu, h 'l, mrnt that they it oar, netithbriebood tS., u [.. r.• • and can )udit th , ritatarter it 1., 1 come n3in ♦ tto• 't I? .1 • A day r no.. kr it n ; tons ecunot.-.m..There are da.l , tt t , 1,..•a.', lA' nd, t.. tattier* who linpr , nuk .•,, ire rang T.CIIIT eta. 11, t T , 101 Tlltit TI. as THE TOW \ I HA1:11 \ TON IYoonnnetSnn r•lth the s t :nru.turni nett . ..went, ► tie,. and thrirtng town has natural. 1r11 , 1.n iritsrA ;wash,' g.. lisarascats Jar say kacii of buomese, pitrt:naarly it rata end moetfamormot The Skus troratto ca r ti , a on Un _Lbw plate and market to pt, d tat .• elan Cr tt ,, Ti h . . staves, and ONUILIfaCtOrIt. nt agrichttarat smplemento Ar Arisaiiirses fur CAll..yr mica articles ithi.rot • hat been So rapt auto i WW2 e. 4‘ . ..,11.. and I ..rturthent Increase of boat.utaa S. a lt,, o, A 0,0,1 ea, re do h , t Nll .mall ones, as tt sou.., etteci the adprtt erder.i f 11 place, can be had at (r..m S. , td and .• i 6 The ifeetramtioa L .• e 0 1..16. (1- eultursl cheat, cootaioirt, 1.., f otho to, t.ot. nt /lam,. MID be ottaihed at 23 rent. 14, ant, n Title tridleputabl.----ewre,,t.-, ./..Cl.lll SlVen. r •nr of ali triehrobrabiee when It, cc. If 4ld hi, tc to ti,tart leave Vine Street thsrf,ll,elVeti.hoti,r '•1 Railroad, at 7t% .4, kl or el. 1",1 hat. to. ther• inciutre for Mr meg band i'artles I.ttt,r p M 'foal. turn: Mtv 'bow tlArnat over the I. nd tr. lalvera and apps scant rar. ByrDSS., Hamst.rntea Y .t...4 , 6,1.•1. Bob Ct.oghltm, 202 r Guth }lnt gip* bdf 101 . 1111.0(1..0 t6.•nt. July 16, 16.a6.-13..6 SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, :SEA, El. UEII,II.IT IT Is C01111;UUlo101 e/ it ,1 (J1i11.• Lod Las to r..111t ILL ',UR 'PO •a. ,n r,natall4"l known ft ; t. 'art las‘ • 1.11. t. It, sad t• Doer re...rt.,: I:. L t r. a / the dtesatta f..r • bleb it IP C. a a it Daacured t!..oeir.. • .1. •t.,. :act t. who had r e. ne L.e anionlieted rertiffeatre .114 u e Tb• doss way ha adapt- fid ...Stu the tewiNnment the iadieldual taluog Si, in e..L.h pant:- lite* a t. net :moll) or (. 1 7 be lio• ede Lott the thetate. a‘tor 71) g••.te the use of the 'Ell Vl• VI Gll/I %Tt)lt , aw! It will acne Liver Coat- platen., MMus. At tack., Uy • p eir• la, OPCiro Oille Marti:men, Bummer Complatnto try A Ir. ath, Habtlual Coative- , 111.1.11 Cboterle.thole ea. Clurtera Morbre, (bolero lielnututu. itotnienoe, Jaunalc«. I. part maa. Waakaanas, ar. mai be owed •accrastcli• MI a• au lb-dismay Pam)- ti beelltetse. It rtll IQ cure K. HEA II ACHK, oaa tbuu.aad. can teettfto lu tureen,. athooes, f too 0, three Iraspearbit.i• arr tker al commencement °faucetAll who ure It ore Wise their teatiszway , in Its favor m ar mix W \TELL IN THE'MOUTII WITH TBIt IAYWORATOkt. AND SWALLOW' both 111111slber. Price One Dollar per Bottle —A ISO— SANFORD I S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, CuIIFM.;NUED VICIItTARIZ [ITN-ACTS, XI , et. 01.,a9s Ant TIWiT, Ant , • ILL Lair to Any C..JOATi. The Family Cathar- tie PILL, to a but aetlveCathartir wiitch • I'm oritet, r boa us, t.l to hiLerratime more than Yu CP y eats. The oortstanLy toelea.• a ug demand I rom tl, •141 who hate Woe tined there i,LS, and the uitirae. Moo wLich all exi,nroo• 1,4 rruard to Melt tier.lia- Lnduced me to place thrto Wait. the reach of a., The Profession •—• noir that 41, het, et Ca- Hui:ties act (.4 different I:llpirtion., of the The FAMILY CA- TILAICTIC PILL L.P. with due refer. tire to 11,lini I, •atab.(,: fart. lq• - n Compounded from • rat. n rt, of the pure.t •a ble Estracta, which get twice pall of alimentary canal, and an P .l GOOD awl." Ai E. in .11 eases where a eatLartie Ey. la. reVi nub as DE• RANG/lan ENDS OF THE e. T0)1 A Sleepiness, Palos in t h e X Rack and I,ton, ',enve nom. Palo and 501e5.... over the whole Bede, &Gm sodden e.. 1.1, a Lori, , reui l ently, tf ne.,lected, end In a loo` course of Ie ter, Low of Appetit.. a Crempitteetmatiou of cold over the 1,,d•, Reeilens nom, Headache, or weightin the head, all snare lilac • 'ea. a. E_ WORM.' Children or Adults, RHEUMATISM, a .01 g reat Purifier ..f Wised. and many direly -.4 en to which firth lb Lea, too no nierotut to mention C.) in Mir ariverti.ement, ilewe, 1. to 3 Prier, 341 ('rata. The Liver lavidtoratar and Family Cathartic ritte.r. retailed by Drucglata generally, and sold whole sale by the Trade in ail the liter towDs. M. I'. W. rtANFORD, M. D., Nfanufartitter nod Proprietor, 335, Treadway, New York. July 2. Igal) —ly4 OILED AND RAW LIN:-EED 41IL: CID be bought for l'•ad at Drug ,tore No. L d ROUffiNat a Irss agare than at any other place In th• City. Aug 6. L I. BA LD lt 11, A Safe and Certain Cure for Piles ! els "compounded after the formula of one of the /soot diatingulahed phew:taus of the age," is nreeented to the public with the fulteet ronndenre iu tut Intrmatt mer• MI it Is MS&AII ID It rtteete , relieving almost 1121...11/- tatoonsly the moat pasofu: eigea , wl.ire hundrttie on torrtify to Its wilaiderlul tune Whale the velebrat. d area:toe Is mow,. t ar.d soothing La Its Eta lure, ua, le an other compositions, It la cteauty, not ...tong to the lbati and la agreeably per tamed. Try at' tr. it ' All that is sated I. a trial : and we feed coufbient that sit and every One who uses It 011 bear leattwoo) to ILA mer,h,,, and dad relief rri in a n 0.., I affliction Uoa, Chafing I. hap,. Ac It 1:: to t.. 0 to: equal 1. etii , a ciaoe for all Exc••rwt•.h. t haling. at .1 t.1,•,...t the relletnttg. even ID wt - .-FT CriNiP.l/I:l3init Tor Sale by CAR: hit & 1;10 /Tit Eft, Erie Ek; rww, Waterford. ORS' 0111001 WO MPS. ♦YO4T ELEGANT CONFECTION Yhla id. and rue. resnowts for all Ittnel• of t ut•stirtat Worllllll, is offrroel to the putolo, with 4 lot' and itt•tiot t 'isolated''. of tta f 1.6.-•••• t•s•et• Th. or. con.F.tontl so with great cat, ft. tn tot t.,• oor ' • rp0t.11... virtue. Coots.. oq, errt Dry in tat rm—•r. adapted to ctildr• &ft no tb. tt trat• , •• o•at.' the choicest tonfecttnott. hi". fa: :a-, o tt,,,, 0 •Lr many Dauseoul ertotfugeb t et , to•tn :re a, 1 . t safe ID their op...ration, sod as) tot gt‘ot: to tho tw0.10.1 Infant and to adults, eat, ti. 031111 111,4 In ff-••• th e grist N tuutt.t., wo.: on •:I to fa , und on , )••• all other preparatt.t.s. hair In I ART F.l. It df:u 1 trie. Jut •::e, tale —ll7 )3 RUSIIES: Biti't4ll:.•!: B1:1*: 4 111::-::' Phut, 1 arr lab, m. t,11., ...trit Inv 14 In,. tt , k .l, /O&M , . }lone. Ekl , t). T.' ..,.. i ~ n ,n , 4. , ,, , , 11.1 r qtr.: ?Mak AD4 a ribeTZ/WnrILIMIA 4,1 all kt./...lllXl . :+ligs, for saJe by may Xi T S :.INI. LAIR. DERsoNs wANTING cli.ksuE rltQuta for b•L. lb r.or dr.r Urienieut Ila mlng,, M Lodz. /mother column. n nut - - - - - 4 . FDIGO, First qu.ility, whole-sale anti rt. tell, et the new Drag rtore of AlSir. 20. 049. ekftTER 4 Mtn. VAN LK/RN'S Orem. Remedy tor DVS PIitPSLA, at the new Pt ag store nr Aug 20 11150. CARTI:R k BRA. IIaSTETTER'S iilTfaSiorbale by the 40D44, A up , CARTER k AR!). MINERAL WATER, trout St. Catlin rintit, Canada, al fke new tiro ' , tory or Au/ 20, 1060. CA RTIKR k BRo G REEN PAINTS, lfrirloss Briinds, ruitaYir for Blind Psi - Ming, ", as the at Dike More of C•RTBE k BRO Asir. 20, ISO. BITE LEAD, ofTarinu% brands. t.; but my lOW, either wholesale or retail, • am NM Drag Sass,' CARTER & 11110.1. T A INSEED OIL, Boiled and RAW, by tlw bowel orpillow, Use wary lowest • rates, at itsso Dreg Nom it C.LATIRIIt WO. Mlll.ll. =EI ME =EMI MEIREIIMI =MIMI I 1r0,}11...: .4.11br •••.!, . (••1-1 ••• I h1J.4 , 1e , ...• :41 I. A A. ,J, raet r , ti. ••lr',•i.l• HORACE WATERS, Ag't. 33 LTIOA1) to : .‘NI) Nit . Sl(' Ir rtnnns Molo4rnli., Irlannre ('gnu,. 1 oTgsP • Wa ri 'Wm erlOsrlitt,t an o! h , r 4.uitars, FlUli K. f I tarionntt., Truing g. I lull: }no... Wit !lAiimr, :•07/1.6x. hirar.• , - utvp..t.t•. 1• r handy, IA I w:.l ...ncf f.indp of !oIIKET 311..1C. Irvin a.I 'lie I utli , ,nr. in .1 e anq aff ik mds f !mbtr , , tn 4 H." , • t , l Ip, 11.1.01 %/1.•10 liutv/u4 11u..c .ii.puntl kit, f Ilutlr 11. , r,t,nud •••, AT I LIE I I .WE;. r hs !NE I% I'l 4 N 0.., it f i 7:i. $2 0, , r-=•., f.:Z4I, moo up to s.lwi. SErt IND 1 4 A1Nli Pi AN , •• (• tn.'', f:5 a ,5 up 1,, ii • New 31q1odiriomi. f•li'i. piiii. f; ti, Slut, a tid up to f'..:1,0 , .•I t'I.NIIIIIANII 11 i• I ' , PI tiN: .. . i: ni tii.iti to 11-li . Alex -1 Arid/ e 'Arnim, ~1. Li. .t. 1.. flft , ulne stopta, $l•3 tad ft:- I I trt«. t, at..., a. f...:(i. S:I7S au I la*. fP.Pt tt ,t,.1.• so-to at Sj74 %lirialadre Men , .ccords iin.—• ii i.i 1 4 .0 r m t .. t jolt :CI; toted— T•tit t rltt sit 1:,. - , t Ir., -al ..tit. ill l•. I le,v.ato P. 4 I tar', - /II knob'. ,„ „I N `.moat if •• et,ti 1... a • , 7:.,• i I.t.i. -• ,Or, at 11, ~.j R. tra,lo il. • out,. %1.,11.4in NC 111 , 0 L 110()IL3 I 1111.11 4 :11:D 13Y 111 F. Atmlvroaan an,, ,41,:a3A,Achnal 1. A ..2 1.,. n kip ! 1 la,r.t. I rice 1 ra.z,la aatli, /2 lrr I.t; fith Ikb,rer•ary tad hoof Illuaic Boot, 1•11 1 / 1 1141 , 3e 1,111. I 111111 1.11111. f 11tr 3(1111. each, 12 13141,110,1 1 i• I . At,nl.rrrst p and r 1 nu?, S••hn..i Music yam lan,. )10 llama a4tl UAL.. Price 4 crtits each, id prr h"rarJrr.l. 1 4;1 . Aul,lirmari and Sunday-::.13....1 Nllllklr 4, tt. , ,Ata mull. 1110 , , 12 ler 1.0 II rru n ISUIJ ./X •:A: , ••! M •,e \ - 1 an.. votb ,Irr.l a.: 1.114. U, pt. • 7„ I /.... • .• ••• 11 • • / • cm , )tour Looks'. .!,01... 1 AIN T. No. 1 o sot sI • t stott Ii ton.. Prte. 01. Cent No t' tons t.) 11. I, etnt• e.•• 1., *- • / Noatti ant. 1•14 , 17. r I.lh Ir• ••• • • t• • • ..t• ea. 1 ,ITT 141114:1,0, I , ots e1.•••1:, }IL Is, ituottnot slt• t . t • .st tLa .014 t.:1) per 1” n.lre, ;. . stc.t ' liel 4: T1,...T1310•41.11.% OF TIM ‘1 t111,(11,14,NS =EI IEI =I • , *hi* 1.4 t, nor • ft .11. l y eN, • • *.*l,* I, to two.. . - I .. Id tee .11 I , ..ersht,r, , Lrt, unty y, t /i3r th,/,- I Facer, And I that "11 tts•r, 4. 4. :w Ld rr , , u ter 1111., - - ~141.0, 112111 NN e o.sNe . NN Aloe l'isitiok its übela OU/ " . ..EMI/St a y, ts v Sil , ll napNrn .overtly tested for t lame mare. sod •" the, pod quality end due:J.61114 . 4 ." W,•44 , teat ‘,.ct, MIAMI Calls•1 1 , 1 / 1 . SI SS AT! RA. Sir:.--lia.Vilsaz used t.rtti fvr t4 4 44}eal• l Let, a I :AA . Gaud :: ouptetur t•sdrastemt ALs/N2s , Is .01. Pro...seal Ara,/its ifer,fAie NeinJ•er• • : I re , rtsealf7,,, } , •u is Is/ Is, 1.611, 1 . ../1 • ita the ys.s"—J Akre 1. t LA: In', I I•r as, I. N 7 4 40 M. too. , n bar • ~tr,) ne. I 1,1, b1.c...t.41 f• •ur t, s': I, au - tr, Istsar I:V.V ,J meat( 1 arru• - fte —le. S. 4 • The Piano Neap rere,sed. I: tapir Ia svzsmols,,,lV mciat tt 4 r 4 4Vrenr. , : numereu. j 4 .44 ,••, App tka, t ' Lab ./111 - " sPV sl 1S so'S a,: I. Cs sin' 1. , . • is. ,S,s• I sn. ••.sirt,4l .11 I r •••,- • ••• •• •• • ••• t!." ••t 4.110 In ',l' I .TI: : 131% : 1 •• 1/1,/ 414.1 1114,4 on: tott }ton,. 1%. t ♦ I 1..,•11 tot L. • vt •as Am. t,r ‘. twitt ttiottle • tj• sit , t 1 it...1,Am., It •, •1 “tt:lfitt r. , It. If, 1. •t •A • h 1.• •it , • I Iftrti t• t-ut nod tiurria4 qua st —,N. 11•: ,••1i., •• .1 to rn.<• atrr• f f • fro mt ita Sr, .• • , 00 'be t o y!Ka km* a•to• I..trillerrocer ".'nt f •i vont, t )(et I I nee - attL. t.l.r.mrtit I ilan if tom, .1 aia i• • —Chart* eova Tlte awe,. ry, ['nn to Arr. ot .1 0 . C.• P... 11, &A. 1.4%. 1, 4-221.• tirrt. L Fl i er. •.a acr a. watt, r. r, 2, (I an a t 1,2 L. tIL u. -J.2r god Jouratrl A.; IP . ‘;‘,.4.:0•4 - rrl''/ e ' Le.t 01.1.1 r :Va. *bete Oa use cw. , ..1.r) —noose • 11 is Z.. W. , Jeri Pi, TO For T.. are full, rich, and and lint .IJaiii.ra Rimier • frt...u , .• • 11 . .t 31i lt yt. t•' 1144 t r Use Very be.t 3.11 rand of e 1... In be in the I nut.. 1101 •1 wirt t ur ft ut.11.1:1 and te.tertt [Cu mks.; ..,44epeT.t1Lvy ~,tk York.' ka, AU. b. Hi/ SO4 3.33 BROADWAY, :Sew York. 16410.-1 tt TO HOUSE KEEPERS I NEW.—B. T . 1; . ‘1 , ,p . ,11 1...:3T Ebb INAL bAL.W.JtAI man af.rturrti from common Ka: and • 68 hxr 68 , n..leratu, A.: In. •Jeletrrtues matt„ el tN V.., 'red 10 4 , . , 111 w to , llllorr pn.l..r, AND 1,,,A!, ll f lalt« A C.pi))rgn r ,s parts, ,alA•ran WO w hen 70 I,r! a:: If sot• a. 11,:vby pru dliclog W 1•1 1 , 1 441111/ ittitul • is ktri) punt rte 4•I . tairrittuo :r lur: et: to rilla Ana passe. •brough b. lielrod or litot-oittfiligl dating; 6c,„2 n'tf) 00.tb• retwes but commun. 68 to „at, ano Ynu trAttilt t4 , 11..0P r,. 1.1.4 tbAlf- !Lie Ih.s/ ANr , ..• a r ratlervt.t (roc.. other Niter% 7 0• •. 1 I.'• 70 ''rrn I"r ••11 T B.uottt •111 •1121' ••• :1 •••• ..1••• l••••• • • .11., Iw •11•. • f at:, m 111. a gla.• o/ c( I% (4 ben 1 of porcttawe one 68 , ArLAr nu rwrwrre ltAr IA rail., AL Al it tt• get the. Lir At A \ It •A stAtt A tr, it, • r r mwLnl ItrAAL wit. 0 'l, •it ••.. or 1111.. or Crew Tar ate' 4,r, •t-ttuti t at tart, Itnektsitr alAtt tt 't At .lt Ittrtt.• r 1.4 . mu./ zaolil 111.41, UP. Z . 4 . 11•11ti 11 , M•10 . 1, 68 Make Your Own Soap, 68 "r. 13.133131"1"r1 %,(t)4 () Pure Ccrnoentrated Potash !,70 thr sfr.orth of 4rallosr , 1.41 up to cave-1 1: tbs., 3.4., 68 68 ti.,r cheap...a ll,ass4 Iv mar. AND 1:N4A•.'4 , 41. , i YIP! (01.44, I r It T. BAttiliTT, 70 N.,• COI an•l 71.1 Warbtorton•Pt St, Yl.rk 3 + &L.! IS, Zs Flopoon lit BE ADMIRED THAN THE 31 X etf..EBT 13 lA33E:yr by :R Worn by Kings or Emperors. What I Why a Beautiful Head of Hair Because it is the ornamei t Graf Ifroury prmrufed for ell our race. Bra.ler, t none h the rose may ever brightly In the giue ing cheek the vie Iw ever 10 platkling. the 1.4.14 I. th, ,r be• ref , ol ifs eo•eri or, it Ihe hair be suarie4 arm ehna h.l, Autais mad dry, or ante.' .11:', 11 array, roe ban w lox more than half her charms Prof R “tor. 11111fitept 0 111111., if Ulled t. 41 or hree tune, a nr.rk, wilt j.pror. and ~ ..rnuarrntly secure to all r J. II au nroarnent Pic: the following , andjudge. The •ri ter ..f the fi rst is telerereleel Punta, lalbse g w.eug• - New York, April 19, leer rout me exprvor to you the obligations I am undri I. r tie entire restoration of my hair to ita nnanal col., about the time of my •rriva: to the United St ...• wax rupolly becoming gray, hut Upon the appli• rat vour Besturatirt• it 11.0 n /Ire/,. !red its hue I conaKlerlour Reatorative se • very won. d.rf I inreatlo4, quite elicattous as tell ILO agree/inn, anti, J«ar Far, roues truly, TIIALBItRG ••lirrch s'r Gaylisclviirt." t li.h Ntorapayter office. 13 ...Zit*lin et , April 12,1868. hot J N ot.t, —bear 4r,--Sonar month or ata WY/ ka ego 1 roc ived a bottle of your Hair liewtorative and gave it my )10 conrlud. d to on her hair. ititi.e thinking at the time that a would reatore the gray Lair to tie origteal color. but to her as well a. my aurpnee. att-r afew weeks' trial it bait performed that wonderful caret by turtdua a.. the glay hair. to a dark hrocro, at the aurae Same neaultfyingi and thickening the hair. I the gh.ort• Real, as periGaa to want of curt, hang. In their h., I.IIA 1.11.1• AItI)KW NEI, 1 orrn, July 1a67 hwy.. Ci .1 Worn, —With .`, , ohoir.t.te do I reeommend tour Hair Restorative, as LOP in. at etbractour•rtirle let et .awe iii Dee hang your Hair 14xstoratite llnt hair t n.i arl.a.,ke,r abich were atrn,at abtte bate readoeir grown dark : sod 1 now feel conf,dent that a hear morn ar4,iirations oil, tutor.. ihvw, to ,stir natrieai color. it ono WI m of .01 cand-L!i and unpleaaar,t itch rernrnr.ii acuong persotis who pet.pire freely. J. ett•c•Go. , May 1, 1867. • 1 FOP'-hoop —Arndt two rears ago me hair now fa' ..rir P.e awl 141411; g a. , I • to. toPt beermuing bad tried mint li , Illyttle I I.e , 1 rut itteu u•iner . our Irrstotio ne,l J•t, ,an .4.t A lew n. 1,1 at..-n-f , ••enrc mllurf,ineeto Oil up. Torneti to. a ii• f,rruel ,• , ii tLir tome ~, tt (tiny reolore ii• , •nal rotor. hes.tb, and • p10*1111.,00, trio 1 chearful:,y necoturo.,,,, tta up. 0,, al. I. J. R...tnraton• us put up to bottle• of 3 uses. ~s ftt,e, ,trAt, I;11 e t•maii hale. a putt, and rettot , f..r opt Collar Ixr I,4 , ttie , th.• oteeilutn holds at ta,,t) p. • trot. it_ re It ptlttit.•ritt•nt ILan tar aciaall, •at,a tlr t..• 1. , :1.11114.1 C . r art- lonief. a quart_ id 1.4 I rent mote In propnrticto, anti rt - tA1.1.1.•r .1. 1%001 1 6 Cu 212 tin:lady/ay, lie. York. do tin gnat \• Y Mier Kalil/1g t:sublisikinettt, ) and 114 Market -t., lama., And Jwlti by is:: cum.! DroggLla Faecy Gobdir Deal m. J uly 11,1641 —3m! Selling Off ! Selling Oil ! ! T HE SUBSCRIBER has taken the en of the Ws Firm of SaNtilt. HANVAItIo, coodatteg GROCERIES, PTIOVISIONS, XEMIONS, tce, And Irt order to make. paymenta, 1 'III WI at REDUCED PRICES 80 DAYS ! FOR C.O•II uR l'itolireli. THIS IS NO fIUMBUG! The Goods moat and will be sold before OCinber f)ext, at which tune I will endeavor tA. COMITrIS the business on a system more suited to the times, an one twortieutl to aurritaad who may &Tar meal eir mamma. Saii, July A, 14-4.4 J. C. BURGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS ! - H -A V I: T A }: 1: N THE STORE No. 10 Brown's Block, Ir./a rris, orevt. d 1.9 .1 1. Purr C 0.,) \V I,‘ le they um offering a large and gen CT - R o c 144, RIES PROVISIONS NAT la cole•sist.l.ol And re.pectfully solicit a share of the trade. Erie, June 11, 1559 1. , 47,„ 0, 7 a , nal _ 6dni Ll' k TED Al BUFF k LI), Corner Seneca & Main Streets Y. CITY, —Cooper Institute," Astor Place PHILADELPHIA, Corner ith k. Chestnut St. ALBANY. No. 448 Broadway. CLEVELAND. ('or. Sene( a S. Puperior Street• DETROIT, No V) uodward Avenue. 13 A A' n 1 CHICAGO, tur Clark and Washington Streets , toriet, any 11r...1 librae oilrges, by the la , met t ..1 $4O, rnt t. 4! In tI,. pro tkers of the t Lain." c , lnprl•thw td the moat thorough, extrt.6l , ,, corn/. r't• an , . poi V iAr hunuraa 5a.101104 itt the r , d • r ~ . 1 . Call Si the College hooto , 'wet - tad au &W. f. BRYANT & TRAT TO 'S ~l ~ ~ ~~ A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Devoted to l',tuto•ree, Banking. Lanufactutwa, httebauical :lettuce. Commatrtial Law, Po!Weal Lconomy, I Ittrat ore, AU sod ‘tatuttical Information.— Publtahnti monthly at Cotner Institute, N. Y Terms $3 pry . AnDurn, • ith th. uxoal ywcloetten to Clubw, The work is E•ri;n•c t. be a Found v11;460..121 of the Commercial 'tee Iro:uttrla tutertsts of America /11%•ch, 2R , IttLA ET: illi: IC A The Latc-t & Beat improvement in Dentistry! mart, rt• RUBBER AND GUTTA PERCHA. = IN , TFAI) afit.o AND T N th.• Eus.tern C;tit s. ror it year or more, j v01,...1.,...1 } u,., er ~,, . ..u.... F. , , ha have been used f f e l io h, e • wan/ (r .t/uncoil Teeth, but owing to tur dalteulty And aspen., of obtaining a rooter atom , / ail aratur, for hard/blue the muter ut,. Lientlnta located at a distance from tiro.. , ci tiro hare teen depetvlat of the benefit., of the d .c..., i Now, ntts .•,.r, the yalentres bare invested p, fable Lester.. And I here .sailed myerll of the opne. ti. /,‘ ro Int. / oho, the •heso asst eleallent Material Iry UN hrtt• 1 tins,. 16.•.. It sons Tatar here. and hare //Pea li ~..ed / ~flue, ti. co my pracvew in this 1 Ity to liatoli Or I oat it I. Lne itgAteof • o rb )e t ( D amn e d ; that it al., al netts than ant other : that it bee all the 64- van/a..... a ,o,n .n Its elanuni for other work In point el cicala...lp ; that It 1.. champ, tarmele. sod took , "7 0 ° . ea . good 1, t n/b germane/ • snot trmiA ran work. To , lo o m who have Metal Pieter which will not et by alm,e: herie pram/are. this tit. ornery elfin a certain ...- het. for the Rabb, Mates eraillat. For Clore It to lb. best material yet ollerrd, teciattae It will ant war the t.alUr•l I szu prnarttl to construct Mien Watkins All 1. Lo wt.:, to ti, It. anti Witte Ulu. fair MSc". tbs.t if the Rubber fat's to do ail that ran resownably be asked. a hen lairli tried, I . ill 14415C/eft with Gold or dther and rharre only the difference to price II F 1 1 c is, in Itosetrxweir's Block, over the boot mid rho/. •tore ot 3 , 111er gad kleory, . W. E 11AG11.1., .Pyle. June 23, I SA/. -3 Dentist AMBROTYPES!! PUT UP . F 0 R IN sAn CASES CASES CENTS. ' _. 001. By will put up in east* the Sl. ki .... picture for 50 anic Xs Ar !'" COLBY wlll put up in case/ the $2 pio- to a. tnre tor $l. l''' COLRY — lll give beautiful new -- E „ _,..iii will giro you a beak C Flyle likens s• to rend by letter for 25 ow. •••! 2-- - t tiLi,y will give particular attention to M w. - ;7: ttAttag childreuslikenesses. te. I'lli.iiN wlll tit) all ether work in iiiii := _. pro!, s-ion in hke proportion. P. l'itLl.t) can. with his mammoth sky- x -..1: . - Li; l ight. thfl.w more light on THE subject in .x. a Marl. , hy ' , ban is really necessary to . .t i-- wake in mitt c....ittn. t.i se CoI.RY wall he found during business .6 ' . -2. hours in the Rosenzweig Block. cc 74, Erie, May 14. 157,9. 411 F l ' " t • lisedA4o.lqtaV Ised.44o.lqttry =--- OVY YOll PLAIT 111111 EST MIS 1 000 miIs. EXTRA ()Mo. INDI ANAI and WISCONSIN FLOUR r *3,73 to 5,50 per Obi., this day received and for gale by G J MORTON, Aug WA. Public Pock, Erie, Pa. Sc Al. ! : 4 CA LES : am prepared t.. furnish Reales of asly kind or use at much less pewees than ever before sold In this city. Aug U. J. C. SELDEN. bra S. N. PIKE'S AIN PURE OH 1(i CATAW BY BRANDY! A few more carve of this celebrated Brandy, a . suable ri m.dr mid prerentative in cases of Cholera, Cholei a Morbid Colic, Diarrhoea, Cramps or PIMA in the Bowels Price reduced to SI per brittle. Prescribed and recomm•ndedliy Physiciami. }'or sale at No. 6, Reed Aouee, hJ Aug. 244 1869. L. I. BALDWIN. DBE CECEBY ZAGNITICBALI! PlB HIIEI MATISM, BEAD ACHE, "ore Theta t. Swellrd Fsm, Felooe, Cramps, Piles, Sprain', Elrnuw.. Cute and ....welled Wanda, Ptill Sa elk-it lot am., •ore Nipple% Toothache, which it will rure In from Are to tnn minutra,Chilotaina,C.rna, `tore or Tendsr rel, beanie.. or Earache, Gout, Lame Mtg.:4lode, Be., Ar It ip Alen equall, efllracious in the core of dtorames In Horse., or other •iinual., smell as RlnghoneSpartn,Chatert, Founder.: Teel, Littneite•ii, contracting of the Muscles, ttipratna Rind Gala r 7 eratehim, Cracked Deets, Old Sores, Poll 8,11, Sr, Although thiu I. a nee article, now for the first time brought betore lb« pub.fc. yeti It has been severe(, tested In a crest number a I caws, mid found all that la claimed (or it, as certificates now in the pormeteloa of the Proprie tor, fully show Get a bottle and try It ; lad If it is not all It hi recom mend, return It and your money will be refunded. C. CH( y so le manufacturer and Pro prieto r. 210 Wain Street. Ruffalr. and "old by L I BA LIWIN. Brim; W•terford. Price, 2A Cents per Bottle. Juiy 29 1959 —177. NOT DEAD YET! BUT WILLING TO LIVE ANDTO LET Li VE: The nndenorned baribst just brought by's, twn East, New and bran+ dui Pattern of Iron Railing, are non' toeluund to extentr order. promptly in their line ; path a. Fencing House Lots, Cemetery Lots, PCITING CP BA LCON I ES. STA 1 RS, VERANDAS, BRACKEN, WI N DOW-SASH, SHUT TERS, GRATING, AWNING FRAMES &c., &c. MI work ..arrant,d sad him* r..arcasablii. Call at Be 'tre.t, between but.. sad Freed, net., Erie, Pew's. JOHN 60/111, Jot, VI, 1,159 -Bm7 H KNRY A LTHOF. Stir )1 BUSIN ESS AND FACTORIES can fn. enr 1 , 1.1 t.O prollitablk at Hazunaontca. ars saver tiortoeLit or /1.11.1131"PG , g1 IA (WA IDOL O. • era • • 6.. bleC MITER & KELLOGG. IHAN' F. n4soeiated with me in the Oro cm and l'rocslon knondres S. M. KF.L1.041341, sod ne buninene nal) hnnas, be conducted Ita the name and of tioCARTV.ft 8 KEI.I 14(7.1.1 June 11, 16:4-1 JOSEPH BeCARTER. . . 1"."1 11 TETTFR'S STOMACHBITTERS , Just s.e. &rod sod tot sale at No, b Rued Hous Lio k.,ir Store of Aug 6. L.I. BALDWIN. OPIUM AND QUININE—A fresh sup- VI y, amyl will bit atadt eery Got foe Col, at ?i o. 5 Ity,d II nu yy, st I. 1 BAUIWIN. Tu ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AD ...rt.-m..1 n( Ilittnalooton Limdo. Ole& Dreadfel Accidents! A RE continunlly occurring by using the limas. Agnate*: Fie', and tbat mod. by the bd.stil,,n a a Ist%le Asssm wnd colored ••••• la aria, pa kW OAT( /46 6.1 h iWitit UNIV . • . to Elpio6. II ben bitrnru until nearly enipi: , whoa the Latorn Lave remain. .1 quirt fur rum haunt, anomie( Lb. explcoirrtu arprrale fn to tbr fluid and nailed at tin , trip o f tin Lamp Thornily article of Burning Fluid tisat esti be need srittanut drusan f Expiation is that known 111 G R N OW 8. nbteb la eburgiod with Csvflow• tr Acwi, and la neroaarlly Nun-tiploslve. The oath Agora. to En. for Um wile of Greenough'. Fluid are :opt Itl. 111 .9 CART= bBRO APPLE PEAR ERS.--10 dozen Apple Norm, that rill do Da soak 041,7 no taistab, for We very kni by LC. Am. Ilk MI eral M t (Irk or UM Exelit•ivviv at CheAp and Fashionable. JOHN GRAHAM, -'4-4441111 148 44 TAILOrt• ear. otiltata and Fourth '"veta. Eris', Po. ken. 'tatty on hind, or Make. i• order, that caabot fail t. manly &IL Boy's Coats for 50 cts. upwards. II AVING been ttt eoneiderablo espy I 1 In procuring the latest faabions and patterns Ite wt • "hare at pr.blie parsonage. Ile has also for We, siaTit, • large.aasortment at LOTH 4.1, t READY MADE C!..• nalaoer of a Ntnek , which will be 'old greatly low Cost In order to close out the. women. romans ln t ort of Clothing will not noon haw* another inch an o u unity to buy cheap. re N. B. Wawa! and DE CkAirog out &to order on reasonable terms, sod la ion warranted. Sri*, June 26, 1662.-2, 6 6 OLD FOUNDRY" STILT. All EA D!! BAILS. dic JOHNSON are prepar ed to furnish at Wholesale and Retail, Moe. of the beet and most approved patterns, and invite the, attention ,o Farmers and others to their Stock on hand ronaleting 4 o E L.S W ORTIi, .1. I.ONG, WOLNEIGIVE, WIARP. DErrCIIER, PITTSBURG, MOUNTAIN LING, , together .lib Caltiratora,Corn Plantera and otio r art .eiee necessary to be seen to be properly) apprertafrd. 'Owlet lomat, " Old Foundry, N. W. Corner State and Elerekth kreeta, Erie Pa. April 14,11141. BARR & JOHNSON. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! JH. RIBLET HAS REMOVED ins splendid Stork of Furniture down to his Nrat Building, on State street, one door Sott tt., of Perry Block, boat expressly for that rupees, where may be found a large and well .sleeted assortment of lIRNITAT E, mbraetair all kinds of Cabinet Ware usually kept in Such an eatabliabineat. Ott the firet wee may be wand Hareem ibis; Erlitanos Tenn, Endosed Wain Maude. Camas Week Mewls, [rent "failed., rnesek. Cense' nu( Coesswat hedgesds, W artirneee, Craw, irc., as, lianafactored by himself, togetber uat a large toek o lii4CHAIRS, Of every gratin mid pita Is Sea fliPtol4,ll. The second ill' foil of EASTERN lerßNlTriti.:, an aneb Puha, T . Tetear, Large Roclera, G obtlem e lf Easy Chain, and kinds of Cue bairn, Malt!. Top Centre and Cu 4 Tables, H Lat Nuts and Quartette Stands The third fluor contains mat.. Lsls On'a 'n• Z. Lumlwr of a orkearn, competent to Ins !oda c , - R. the cabinet live in the best st; it end xhcrivvit notice The pu bite, particularly the lad'. P, an• rll.l. II ;I , Ins sited to 'call and ta.mtor tun:mars It CA, ILS I am out to be undersold 1.1 arty eetablishossut tat the tit) or elsewhere. All kistus of lumber mud j.rutltu.e tale° dotage For furniture .J. B itIBLET, Erie, Marsh J 9, J 04.9 —4l SO if Prtlpf ).. tOi kl —Just ressr.s.l. :tsryte stock of Illnon, stubrass ter all awe, gualttirs ILA G ILT PORTRAIT FRAItES. iralt:..4 a, I.4.lkinf GiaAvr., Lith. ogtavhs ID Frame*, : out, rt.h g ebtai l'aryron T N AI •11 N. March 12. DR.. JOHNSON'S HERB DISPENSARY. (llticye 98 Main , (2d door, ! • p `tarn.) Itatfh, N THECELEBRATED 1)R. J( 11 )N Buwatc nu stew; IA vat 1.1.• ern. run• ar W 14. dimmbres : CONSLMrTION, TIY• A . ASTHMA, hk.r. Ole LIF.BI.IIY, BWINCI4IIIB, Hi- tIIA , HB , t U.SI at 1 , 5 LQXO k CRIltsT DIERV.AgE444( 10.Itt LA. 1/1- t.AAE2..% OF 111 E 1111 A A I .. 1. IDNE. Y A FFECIT.N:., N t 14A) 1 , 14 LIVER CORPLAINTe, t Flz . ""rtij AGC Y. FENALE VC YAK:O , 2 , S, DISEAFE, OF TER. EAR AND F.YE, kc., kr AU who are suffering from the shoe* Gamed diseases, or any other complicated cempish.t r ) cis standing, OM I/stoic:lied that they can have imwardell ts• nsw•l ri• ex press for the ,moil sues of $1 OU 1.. at imitisge of Medi cines. with all necessary directous• acd me, ath lee Patients shou.d apply without delay, a• they coo obtain Instant relief from the Doctor's remedies ire Johneon's !genuine cormiet• of extracts from the choicest Medicinal foreign and nature roots and Herta, manufactured under L . own supers iriou, at hie Pincus ary and Iterelom avoiding the use ssi iirreury and other miner"' poisons, that were never dessignen fOr the at - stem, to which many thousand" hare taieslit Tgailaig aid gone to early 'mere. LOTION FOR THE COMPLEX.ION.--lir Johnson's remarkable LOTION for beautibunr and /copy ring the Complexion, removing almost situultaneourly Tan, Freek• lee, Ptmplas, ke., will be sent to soy part of the cottntry for si 00 and ore postage stamp. N. B. remade pin. $1 a boa. Addrem DR. Jtql?NON, Drawer 404. Jose, 11,159.1.2, Ogle. 96 Main St._ Buffalo, N. New Plow and Feed Store. THE subscriber, (lateof the firm of Seigle and) his opecred dew FLOUR AND FEED STO R E In the Park Buildi,g, nail wle rf th. w Piet, where. will be found at AO times w all the choicest brands of Flour sod . ! Cbra Meal. together with Grata, Ve...1, '. ...."- A -17__ and ever) thing visa in his lane. „.... or The custom tai the Public es reel, solicited tate. June I•b9-3m 3 Efl EA HT p _ . _ . _ LATED WARE. Cake Elaakete, Yorks, Spootai, Cupi, and a great variety of Rich Plated Goode, for sale be T St. AURTIN, Paragon Molding, Starch 12, Near Peach S t. —_ - OHIO FIREPROOF 111 ERA I. PAINT. A superior article. for Depot, twine and Car Nooses, Bridges and Out Buticungs Camphene. Turpen tine and A louhol, by the barrel or gin 'no, f r sa b. 1y May 21 L I. BALD WIN, NO. 5 Recd !loupe REMOVAL SPRING sToCK. OF oRoCERIEs. JJOHNSON & BRO.. • Have removed to Rindernecht'a Block, Corner of State and Filth Streets. and are niling up with the Istripeet and oast extensive stock of WET /ND DRY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, ever offered in than market ; and •bicb air, be sold as tontabtngly cheap for Cobb or Country P'rodure. Call and examine there Stock of SUGARS, IMPERIAL TEAS ROASTED, GROUND, JAVA AND RIO CoFFEE, MOLASSES STARCH, CANDLES, WHITE FISH, MACKEREL, HAM', - BUTTER. EooB,_ . xc. , &e., &c Together with every thing else good to est, Drink, Snuff, Chew or Smoke Erie, April 9, 1869.-44 R AMS AND HOMINY. HANSON ia now rceeiring from einetnnutl enowe lut of Sugar Cured Hatna. and some of the gen uine Whats Fbiai Hominy. Call at the Juue 11, 11344-1. GROCERY DhPOl, CH F.I.STDE. SYRUP AND MuLASsE.s, Teri choice, embracing 01,, grades of Syrup— & good article ba : better and very hoe flavored de ; Stew. art's Golden or White Syrup ve ; New orleaus llotananey the very best litod for Ilaktog purpose. at Joy* 11.1 HAMION's GR‘retßY DEPOT. FR - E,S - 1-ITOITATOESHERMETIC;ALLY Sealed, retaining the original flavor. an small coos for family dam, on sole at Erie. JUDO 11,1869 —1 HANSON'S. - - ---------- - - _ GILT FLOWERED, MARBLE TOP eompbta butt of Furniture. For man on CoininUoton. Apply to 0. W. t1.1.1 2 1,Y, Irk, Jos* 4, 1444' Spring Rad Storn PURE BRANDI ES,—Just reeeivori brobygb the Custom lioure at F He. and f. , r stale by April au. CART' R k RRu Valuable. Land for Sale THE UNDERSI(.3).;EIi OFFERS FOR tale • tract land know., a* the -Itonile tract" Iy ins (nut &Maw omit of Watpirmt, no the Fair k Wale, ford plank mad and coolatidnk awmt IMO arm* not laid 111 well ttmlwred. and admirably adopted, when cleated, for laming purposes-- it la 11 1 .. d.. I , • toy the suoborY & Kele Railroad. It will he to a body or aubm tided in inlets to milt purcbtotra. .1 411 Joky IS liaL-61.1. Atty' In tact, Girard. pERSONSW ISII ()CHANGE their bwilDrsa to a tAptiall wereastee Catlett,. A bee ,ettletbeat ',ben- la liOdledp ire wb,e the ellittete Lad SOU I deibibtfut. bee advertieseetat et the Ham monton bettlettobt. &nether evltame Gm& --- L ARDOLL.—A prime article, jtutt receiv ed sal kw war by CARTER k BRO. LOA'. 20. THE HAMMONTON FARMER—A news paper devoted to Lttotature and Arlen Hare, alao "Mall lortlt fellsoemn ors of the near aettlernont of Barn stostotr, in New Jeevey, oin be anhoeribed for at only 26 meta per annum dad. leoloee postage staimpeler the amount. Address to Ed itor of the Partliterdiammoaten P. 0., Atlantic Co., Noe Jerry. These wishing 'theme Wed, of the beet quality, °°. of • heel yet and most delightful elmate• to the t;0 1, r4 sod were erfle are near en% down by frosts, the tentWe pentre of the north, see advertisement of Hamaioatee Lomb. 6n06 Fl.7l''''B.-A few doz. of cotton and . +ow Huts* Seto, cheap at J. C. BELDICVIS. spaw WHITE ZINC PAINT. ArmadaAx sod YRlLticli, to be hot at lb* Wrrat tit Dive Mom of CAMS a MO. i'LTI V A It* TEETEr. _• AT 5t...1 Cut tint°, Notit at J. O. nag" ISARR k BROTHER, AVO just "receiwpd ben IPbtledelpila very Stud' of WIMPLE DRYGOOPS, Whiek flog "ill sell at the L..est Osten for CARS. Country Products (mail wroggird.) or trio Prosty or City Hondo al 16 pet sash alor+ lb* highest math ratio. T hey here also a good stock of Boot. and Shoes, Ski,* Dialrero, Mato`, he, le., for MI. on the ram taros... Grannies o Aril, so the &Anapest lb! , Cash. trio, War" d.l ALL Malta Or rti AND MEN'S CLOTILINU. oiler. •l?rleeli • Booxs, Magazines, Paper, Stationery, PARK ROW,,BOOK STORE VI • 0 8, IA THIS DAY ortnpre sa.ortineat of rich 441 Claw rotes, Motto Cups and SaUtert. Map, Candltettickt, tad t Vali•ty 111 • usizrvz. 41W ORICtaItaTAL .1111TIML 3, adDiblakortb• Holidays/ illagaitt Cab Baasta,Tas ti Pitcher*, Illtssor Caps, irotis. flpoess; Ladle; Napkin ft tots, nrautilal pattenaij tad Mb of rich Jev•lry , W Led Fancy Goco4a.—Call Erir, Illre 25. IVA. M. JUSTICE IN THE Fl El,ll AGAIN. %UCLEI 'Write ray Meade tad the public In general that I base 00111:11DOWN4 the Talbott"' and Ready Matte cseadas linutne.o, in all it. various branclisega4 l Btore lately occupA, l by Mr. Case on the Pling u between Broargratiotell and the lard House, •vsboto I endeavor to bums at zit times a dudes neleution at CLOTHS, CAMAIMUti" APID vsfflornkispi. wideb I will nuke up to ladifte coo, Abort souse, and warrant to give aatisiketteis Of NW Plelollllll3 want otanytbing in my line out depettd non being fairly dealt with, as I am determined not to •mokft .1P any 11 0 ". t rn t such sa will give satisfaction. I ars making a good •••• I sot talent of READY MAD! CLOTHING, which will be of Wane wake and warranted to be as re vreernterf or money refunded. Yerevan puronaelng for CANAL are invited to e*U and stamina rel Goods and Prices, surf am determined to Nell cheep for cash. • VETTING dome on abort noMiand warranted. an.. Oct 2, Haft JUMN K JUSTICI. THE DELAW ARE biLTLAL INSUR• atiCF. COMPANY OF PLI.I.4DELFIILa. wit& now doing business on the Mutual plan, IghiLit the in eared a participation in the profits of the Comps, oy, without IlabWfy beyond the premium paid. Ittalts upon the Lakes and Canals insured us tlus most fatorable terns Losses will be liberally and promptly sequated. Fur nakloti merchandise. buildings and other property in town ur country, fog • limited term permanently DIILIICITOIII3. Joseph H. Sea, Jsaue C . Haag TDeuphilus Paulding, John C. Della, Herbert Burton. Jobn rt•rrett, Hugh Craig, Samuel Edwards., Beau L.... 1 111 0.-• Daeld B. Stacey, Charles beer a. Pavia, William Fuhrell. William Hay, Ur d. Moose. Dr. B. V. Hueco, Jolts Teller, Jr. apeoe.r Nen T aw, G•44•SerWl, ,Tottn J. hewn% F.d•ani oaelteiton. John B. Pen tree, .1. O. Johnson, 11 Jones Brooke, Edmond Alouler, W. It•rtr:‘, rrett't Rlre•an S. Nnwillenth, Seel. rir Application nib' made to nrte, A pa' 4101. J. ULLOGG, Agent, trio Gt()CKERY AND GLASS WARI STORE, No 12. Empire Block, by Have the Largest and Best Selected Stook of GREEN. BLACK AND .I*RUP:t RICE, SI )AP FRUITS, NUTS CODFISH, SIM WALL PAPER, 442., AT D. P. KIYISIGPt, Proprietor Erie. Veit. 26, 1869 400ERS t BENNETT Apra 9, !tail HARDWARE. R °G ER's AND BENNETT. IRON, NAILS AXLES SPRINOS, ANVILS AM S SHOVELS AND SPADES, IVAKIERS, SAWS. HORSE SII0E:4 SADD=•ERY, HARNESS TR! NI:III7.CC;S. .tc . PLATED WARE In tact almost every thing Remember the Old Stand, EMPIRE BLOCK, No. II and 12, State Mtreet t Erie. Pa. April 9, 188& RIMERS & EFNNIF T 1 u ; E :•_ 4 l * lISI.I{I Mit ore's her farm fer Snip, on rraeonaide tr rro/1. It fa aituated one-half mile from Springtie:d X Roads, tree C, slaty, Pa, and cm:tonna FORTY THEE. acre* of and. thirty hive of width AZ* under a goad state of improvement there are two large barna on the re mises, one 76 by 30 sad tie other 30 by 34, the whole well watered bi nevr fatting epilogs. i.r terms apply to the subscriber In Springfield. April lent) —44 6.. LA VISA CRA W FORD. BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. R EM(., V A L . The subscriber has remote , ' his NRARS AND HELL FOrN DRY to American Klu.k, cot door _West of Neller and Werrena. when he will he happy to we all hue old Customers an as many new Mita AP may want an) thlagia his line. Kris, April 2,1619 —43 6m. 1 , RED. I A RIOCKI, VINEGAR! VINE G AR' VINEGAR ! Dare Cider Vinegar can he had at April 9 1659 RM./'K SI AN, KENI.II; k Cn RP ENT Eli 6: .101NElii"I'l I Lase e r o e utli made large ad.:Moro td m) f rtner Ck of Carpenters and ',lettere tools, maim( it the en,.at e.toulete In the ett3 .r, . t •lIIIN E xTRAcTs for Flavoring of all kinds. at April 9, 1659. BECKMAN.KENDIG k Co 25 PER ('ENT. CASII SAVED The special attentlon of lisonfrerorara. Consam • era, Phymefano and Coantry Meretnn(ai is Invited to my tarrop Stock or GOODS, ,elected with great ears, and parelasaed with Conk:enabling , me to oiler Inducements worthy of attention. )17 stork coastal" o( DRUGS and AIED/Ciriah Chewleals,,Palstp One, Verst■ Gee, Dye Strife. Perfumery •ad !lair 014, Fainter . ' Valeria* Window 6leats and retie, Fine Toileg Soap, lisle mod 1 °QUI I:Welshes" &u. key PURE WINES AND BRANDIES, for metheinal to/Nand all the Patent or Propriety Medi einem of tLe day. - Orden promptly filled and matirfaction onarantee4 with regard to Firma and quality Mo. 6. Reed HOOP, L.. l lALDWIN Writ., May ql, 1869. 60. GRIND STONES! 1U Turn Bores Grind Stows sod Grind Moo fisoringlinr solo by t0:i20.61. J C. OELI)F.S. 50 DOZ. LUDLOW'S SELF SEALING VIMIT CANP, Jae roctivad st Jul:. 2.5. 16.59. N. NIURPBrEI. GRAPtdRTcPIORO---W—Ell. ry oo tbitr Daiwa's. mootaucoomfally at Hainlinoo lock, fuse from boats Sores forty V.1./yards set wit the pill IMMO. See advertisement of Hammonton Lana►, saotbPr eolumno It cI4.PAR'rN ERSII I P-ti EW FIRM. Hitt is W.% :V, Itk:4 l / 1 1113 de (111 . APR seecielstett with sue U. the beeeere and Pen,' sd..n Business II /...NH Y DV )(WS?. and 61./ 6fiNDIG. sad the baste:was eIH I.erearlet be conducted in the Waft and style of IWCK 11A N, KEN DIO 4 CU. lute, April 9, 1460 WII F. RINDERSECIIT. BRUSHES AT WHOLESALE. PAINT HAIR. TEE'I TANNERS. HORSE, Ind all other kinds of BRUSHES, at 11 7 /10LESALE AND RETAIL, at, very reduced POIC4I, by Erie, July 2 GROCERIES.—A good supply of most articles la tits Grocery Ilae may be found at itAssolsis rwurLY GROCERY. Me, Jens It 11169.-1. Cbsepside. Q ELF ROCKING ;CRADLES, on SALE 1.3 and Rshildrien; al* the EVERLASTING SPRING Pow $6 to st orb / Del& ] G. W. ELLSEY. PHYSICIANS AND CONSLTIATTIVES cam *masa - th. Ripopheephltes, both( di, and in It mit. July CARTER & slurs. REFINED COAL OIL. -• Samna &Kb* iset reestyld at the Drag sboss 0 jar I. I,llWit L. 1., II ALDWIN. Rai Iroad. 01:21Sil\TIViCr "r — Staibuuy Bi. Erie OF Summer styles and .• • + 4 ;:nt. Ig 2 1 of plain and T"' . L. . PARIS MILLINERY On Saturday Bonnet itg)oriab, Erl., J.., , "BAN(;•l'f'" Wkort, otfo wucl * . t.r•,• 31 , 0. r 41 • • Wh s rs did 1 g, .1' And bring • lona Rom. 4,1 ~••• When Tea Is want~'!, fn st, and ,1-• And Sugar t,11•1•;1.4 l • da • You'r slings 1.111. to Lon! tho m us Who has lots of olsotoss litatet And other With, oi Beiddr. enure other, ti nolot-0.4 Wh.. greet, ypu .1t1) a bl I 114 A ud rhowa ynu all • to Ita ant p Who kerpa tle,pragaasi Thy to•t Mod , I,tiratb .L:, 12 nuiny al, . -•. i. 141,0'w 131. r .olt oarl,r ! To wait on and 6 ront, At :be oireeti, c.,r Ler of ytL an , . :.:at•• Lrie, Yaieb 114 In:n),--40, At the old Stand MULTI! V. Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed Howse, /I tt• i/. LA 10; I )I I N I wr, ) 1 4 H / artd eon , I ,t .t tow r 1113.211 4,/ a I tali. BO' al. • rUg a • II", I,r..'lry Wan. ••'. H.' 111..• TI • t mu:RI Nit.' Setrea, CbOrpinq net 11•••••.• - an 1 •All• Pokers., Coal 11. au , , a...L •tit•, •-, Potato iibbas, lrl, It , •r. I, •. • 13alhitig Tut", ' • •• Iv. • • . I - Snorter also, i tt •II L. I • Lead, Pimp Chains ens •••• ••• I I 'PI at + Cana/ PI. Itl; 1.411.1 i , I LiJa•tw al'. kit. • • Sheet Iron, Wiry, 1)111 . ` .1• • lal • ~1 Table Kate in Flak,. 1 - I.stut•wr• 1 . • • ••14 t • • - aid Kilk Pan. Wald Pwia, ro,• • • , :..11l:1)4rt • at,, /1/., 3. Screws, Tara., arc! 1, 0 r. '.• .• • t toasters, Deed Bose*, Dog rem L t Stew Ana , 611”.1 S re,* and , r All of whteh win U. ••••• • :]*.r• r .•1 dope no the ahortost won, i,t •, ,• Radetsken Ph-.decal/ and eta...lJ.. /...t •I • . • May 15. 1.00. Y a ”rot T .t. - I' - 31 I. .1.1 %VW/ . 7 AIII AT THE: 111 . 1- . 1*11.0 Pit{ %TY: !TO Es4l.:ll.lre, to , • • -0r . • . And .• r••• • • • 1. r • • • I 14,01,. 0 I Qua) wtri.te., 10 .• .t 31OrT 11 NTII :( /'•11.:.119N. RIC: AI i• - pc , eaka..llo.. &C. t!.• .to IS.. • • t• • 1.114 ' • Y1)11 I.N T ht. I'AUTIt I I. •(ITl ( lb. , ha.. In .-1,14.1 at I' en, i I •j, .f... L • • It Pt 11 t.i• t• , tr . ' '"'-' NEw 1114" \lt t l It h ( I I. I ••• Pr Mr. • it n tr the r•orulta 4.1.! r.artlC. l 141.4 t-tri. ttlf•e • I •OLLth. voh• I ,i 4.. • . IZISITIII/1. In 1....11.r 65 , In 11, gLed p(111.1 l'••• • ..,01T1., • •... vilLre.h of thin r •• ar. rr et re , t. I.lcr to E• t. • • ( I It r ‘l . I? St %%I'l •.s. t. ti.l • ,•••• - have . •• , '• • creatur... It tlt•lt 1. .• • •' cont.. epe.,; • 1.• • • • • .• Enna all ; a••• • • - of tall:malta , lot.. e at...• t. wilt. the trial .tuna 4••• hate rapertehted flout , C , Lipir tut .”1.1. that a 111 , ia)arnl.rtw • L t 5• • ;AM, I ••I Matt/ye.. e. ••• . rrtk rad uhat.,:ha ii..n • tea3ll to traftd to .. .e . . • n4l . the ..! • IS • 41/111 . C1.11.311,.. 11.1' mature e n • .• , of had r0m••4.1..13C. ..11 1 ` it. /It STEEI SPIKE, V ILLS bELLOW:i Eno CUTLERI S 1 . P. 'RING, CARTER & BRO MISS A. E. COLE'S =ME 1"), •• I-111 r a• ; It' • P. ry.l t Ist, ta .•. •a. • =iiiiEMlllll = r %\. i . S V. et• 1.4.5 U DENTAL NOTICE. ISM I: W. If ,rnernllv tie I: 11 . 1 I'll A I. :PA; I., \r eml.r•• Inz th. V A 111 ET i • ; I i Itlr . I with wt.•. It • •. ' , • .• .•pe".k.“ A 1, • oNTIM Ot 1.1 Ii \1 01:1x • 4 , . , prl 3.t?c,•b.... lIV hi( 1.1. I 11 . 11 11: ' allovrinc no r. an • and gl.lng• to tha MOUTH PEI:FI t i while maltpte c al c”tnfrrt t 1 • rherrlall. n. r. t . a. .r. t 4, the entin • '1 t A • %, .1 en k es. RE 1-or Clocks, Watches, Jewelry aid Fancy Goods: .1 • near l'eart, tr. 4-t, 1. •t 1.1 I', •., Ina tni”rntaxon the ut , r t 10AA. .t, i" P. I. 'At!, 1.4114 i nit t.r at Alt cheap ate they !rt ciest . to e4 , 1231.eu5 to pr i• w !itch he int. nth 1. , tl Ir, .• inende and the de; I •% • however prepr , ..d !,. Tr • ..:•" in trade (min the I ak•:, rts Bors at vg ry tlne Roping fr , " N•••: Lure, the Flag “r• nupre d. IL, • .1 . . 1.-rre,ll.,eh . _ ERIE CITY T B. 11. k F.I::-T;t •NUII•CI ALA ♦AD %I:j'. T 4• ) ♦ !. Flour, Corn Meal, li.l Feed. FLOUR AND FIS - 1) STCI-,E At my OIL. I .• • corner. elle( RI. r • t It , I 4, 4 ; c..nAtAntly • ; f. • • lag, Corn NPR: 110.. • • ke ..1 • rater, -Serlt:i./ for ..••• • • the Lily En.., Apr v). l• - SEWING MACHIN:. S GREAL I; \i ••• -•- MIMI Tllll,, lle. ' • ‘`.• r ,• • V I I, \ XLt^- 4 .4 1 / 4 .) 9‘ amiladg• na.r nut, •, e to My "t • \l;r t 11 0 9.41,4•• r•• • Cannot 1,00 am Erlo. Marti, 3.: SEED 1' , 1: 1 \\ :I.VI • Jo', 9 IlitS9 PERSON S IVI- , 11 NI 1` 1 1 li•uutx. toil., to a I. w -r,• bu.atit.s II good. :Nee ad, 0.1 ... U.• t. B,oti.iwinot §TEAM PLAIN( KR, DOOR AND &MINI) 111 M li4LT(Ilt 1 tiItPORTA VT Reht.PFA., Clarz-tox- 7:eaT wllrry. HAVE A LAlttiE sltn'h: (1 T:.(,r.t,t ~;,1 ON Et Ash nut 1.1..0r0 e, nod :•tolne, itttt La • t Ow* placed ittal. ton, ilt•o•rto., l 4 uu. W.•tl •.1•1 t • Lath, Shingles W tofu" IFa nt• s. I s)•.r k taco it A, .„ which they wtll r.l ~.10,; for 1.6.4. t 114,141.: lot.. • ' W001111, ,, n11 . 8 lotprowt..l Flattop, Mmitloies an r•e tocciolotes to operate Llart•t. we are. ;Jr, t o ma (If Planing, Mate - lons e.tal Kit tati t : al Ittt• • I. • L . uItSCLOIy 11.111fItta, All rat - dere vt II t• pt. a• • L • • t' , l7L MIA GOLD AND S I I.V I:1: rltite Diamond. All kit ,Is ••• . , repotted by Wit Lest , • . • . own(' no band and &age, ro ur,le r L tot s • ph.. 'Ct n.. I • caratnin repaired at low rates, at • ••• •at _ ARIS FANS AND ELF' f I.kNk :Y Articles. The Ladze• vti'd nod a h ut0r...1 t , , apiesidid Yana and Combs /an, at Us* Paraava Buil4tag /loth IA T. Y. AUSTI2i. Vr•y. 1,•• =IL BUFFALO & ERIE R p, at MI WIW 7 4IIP APIX (Y." I: P.,f- J . I i.l r. IME @WM BM LEE ,114. 1- a, / r • t =III Cleveland and Erie Railroac aLif t . - 41PWARIE A F ii~~l 3. a •,•121 • IN:. =ME ME= • ' C.lcCCt_" I c 1. :zo, B 3 . • tr••• 1 A , A ; , • IME MIMI =I lIMM 1' I I nit,. wit =I IMMEI THE SECT ET INFIRAIITIE OF YOl Tl.l AND MATURITY =MI =MI i MIMI EMI WOOD7N WART - _ ..1 I 1 , c =MIME i:insoortc t I i'r• t I f , .• tu L. nn.. 1.4 AU(. :71, IMP. MIEN! MIME r• A Ell MERE 1 \VI: r. ! IMINI LLA . 1. 1;1 /IA: 11=:1 1,x.:11 • 54 , l 1 1.%.1) BEINEMI LEA% :: OEM and Pittsburg R. Fi ti;s; P 1: :..1 -1111 , 1.1 Nlll Ill%) :^l, MI 1 I.' EWE 1 , 1 . ~,,.~ lIIM IBEIMMII 1111 ME NEW GROCERY =1 J , i I -1:)•-• ISIZIII GEM num lit.ll ITI Mlll . .‘ I . r c Mil lEll MEE lEEE IME 11•111 ME El =II 11 \ 1 In EMI LAI. , LB a 13"