The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 24, 1859, Image 3

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    New Publications.
„ I I{ll.u:twin :—Containing a
he origin, development, Doe
. ii,iernnient of the Religious De
•oo 1.11., in Europe and the United Stales,
Sketches of Eniinent Di-
El. M S3lll e1.141i. LL D.
1111.*E. I:l•unux, quakrr City
38 South Thinl Street,
I,'l lua, ~'•~
„i t ,it . Religion and the Doctrines of
11\1.0 • hove an almorbing interest
.1-ochitot 4.l , server, and a work which
1,-,re.l information, in a Fonteni
f.,rui, at a tuoderwie price,
demanded, and will he
ri •t% Diu,. and must command a
lit a ork, the origin, development,
, l'hurch government and pe
_ • . ser eighty different religious
~•,•,, 1 in a style clear, compendious
will afford all the informa-
pructired with great
slut much Intsir and research,
pul. 'ideal works and encyclu-
~ t i, t i•vidently prepared ,t
et, are, and ii eshibits great
arning The articles on the
krt. t erc impiiht tally written.
• ctul twlvof an unprejudiced
lad , awl the iniportanee and hie
• hulloed of .ucli
,•-• I ell.rt 111 :1 work of tl i ktiol.
prvien , liug to give cornet
'd n `uell ' 4ll 9ecl+ are prejudiced
-, i ...eel+ or denonutizt -
\I halt-.ot 101.- Vr“tigitt out the 1;. - k
t, itiil...we anil the public i+ in
t.r a tent t.tluiti It instructive
• The ' , nee, ••,;•1.114) remark
•, t ,t• -nett n 14,•ris, :trot in ,•r•ler 111211 it
.11-11k:.1 irctilztinm, he
, I it t,, with
1 ,,•• ,nitre 1,• •it the prH e ana
I: il i I \k
11111 . ;: , .1 Oil le% 1.,' d. 1.• „f
11.1111:11if td! intormit II
1., the e•t tl.!l•lll.ietit I ) ,tetletes In the
t06,.1111 . ..
1•% 1 . 0k1'..)1111.! •::i SOW h Thir.l
1....te%. for I )(10t...T., been upon our
•o‘ I thi. number. ItLe all the
.tt the %. at t, worth to the lathes all
re We cannol see how
1•.111 In NllllOlll II
f.~-1 - n;t,•,( ;.4.nator James
l',•nn..)katlia, has recently ad-
I , it, t to hi- friend .. a nd thN pu b._
..tie-tion of cheap postage and
•.•,i, 1 the iron interest. Ife is to
I u. mg. ~tir rate of postage to cor
d 1,1•11 that of Great Britain, and
of a nationaf factory for
•.• ~, ,n .,11110.11 supply of stamps and
lops iegards the iron in
n, of opinion allould Coil.
ti it ! woe pr ,tect ion -against
I I .1711 cotton tt will outstrip in 'nag
, s t oilier interest in the country.
M.. 1 \T Vra•oN.—The Mount
11'1., that Ilse is ork of put
-1•.0 tit to g... 4.1 condition kilii4
1. "" n 'nee the 1..4 of July
"' ''• under t " ti l .- -intendence of a
gentleman:, liar , bra=n busily
•.1 in repairing out-hou"e. tracing
• ,il,lllg Till th.• old. and ahn. r.e got .
Inrtitt mg in Kane me.a.Qure Va..
:Again , t the ravages of decal.
•tatet, that $15.0111) of the
.n.l in-raiment for the purchase
not V4'lllllll vats& 1...•
1,-:r% mg mil) about $30,-
t‘. enmplete the purchase.
I Rii ACCIDENT.—The Expresis train
'IeN eland, Columbus & Cincinnati
ad, which left Cleveland early this
met with a •wrious accident when
1 i hree of eolumbuQ. tine or
heek in the forward truck of the
hurt, throwing the entire train
1-110 c of the engine, baggage (*lir arxd
zier car , --otf the truck. The
r. Langtion, had one of his
n. tile fireman was injured. and
t ra_.-renaers ate reported as
W.. 1111‘ e no further par
t.. the diirnae.• done —r -t e/..rad
I. %RI% \ Icarian property at
wa, recently old. the
;initx hat lug proved a failure The
1.11,“ %% lottnel in France. in le4B.
rut -flaw ti.e number
-In.: the ortginal c , nlpatly came to
ontitn. ut Near and -rifled on
4-.1 1:4% • ni . 1
lie Revolution
I •••1 3
oil tier hundred.
t .0, I :0, 11., tols being unfriendly
,% line it Thelr..rigintil
• they re-
I t • \ 0,%..0 0 , 1.-49 11, re. After a
.N 1
. r
I t !hr., 14 -ft ,Itn (1 r,•nnox,•,l r- ~1 tI, 1 ., S t.
!... dt,.l .i...ttt -ince
tll.l Iter A Port, r. Mr.
r\\11•:10\ t.. Nll%. .141:,1:1•111,0.•
, Nlr Fl,,wer.. Mr
I 1:11 . 11 ..f
II %1 thE. 4,1 I•tvka
• 2_2 , 1 itt.t nt the buil.° .4" l% %Vat-
t h) the It.-ev 1% It 1.1,.).1
II Ni :•1:E1.1 utt.l)lr SA1111:1.1.
K. nil
that lx~ eterning xt 41 . c hid(, xl Ole
1,1 • 1• her f in \ l,\l \\l) \
BEIL , hughi,r "t ti
•e•Lter . 1
u. nged 2",
lut . 11-t1 k'st of
Ayr Pttrtttr, t t (;:iartl town•lup, in her
' , ,nneaut. 'Ai Ins( M 0(1, wife
aged ;I earn
% / pree Iti POUT INT To 1 1 E.11 LEA, UK.
F.Esi• yA n IS. l'r• totted or eon •ill,ll
.••••witert, M Ii , New York t it, The cuutbniatioat
three fills are the result ol • lonic sad
•'• owe prartin. Tier are mild .0
lain 1 •rren lag all Itrtiru tan lees, Vaitsful llenatroa-
IYIIIO‘IOI4 . a l l I.ltlgtrllftll/aN iLetller from cold or
• • •ee , headache, pain In the aide, palpitation of the
••• a. Llter all 10'111111P aflecttona, hylorrica, fatigue,
.• tL. hark and I.nilk, kr , diaturhed alevy, which
••• 1,11 interruption of nature
TO AlAktitlF.D I.A DI Eel,
Pill. are in ralwahle,aa they will bring
• •••••fl'I • Ind with regularity. lAdies 'rho have
•• •,ippaintre. in the oar of other Mils COO pleas the
•• L.ntlienre in Dr l lieraenian'a h ills doing all that
r• n• to do
' 11 7 . 1( E. there is ooe condition of the female eye
h the Pills ranuid te• taken without produc
.. I I lA,. itKi-1. LT. The condition relent-0 to ha
'•i s• I—the moult, MI,CAKftI AI; such in the
• e ‘:,•• tend, Dry of the medicine to cei.tore the sexual
- • to • normal condition, that el en the reprodum
• f nature cannot renal it.
purely re,, and free from and thing im
• r tl.u.t dirt, trove, which should be read, se
• • •••.• PrIC. SI :rent b 3 mail nu et-01min(
• otal arqat 5.1.1 hr one Itrucalat in emery
• • •••• ...4.41 :".taltain n H. Ilretr•laitia. Genets;
i• I isite.l!,a. Itlhetisinherem , New York.
• tt holestah ordeni should tie addrintand
1' AINCLAIR, Airat
Ictir•pit 'a val (Net sae generally loth to speak
. . • 1.1 111 what are called "patent
• • 1•••1•••••!, It 1. an art 14. 14 ti.. 4144 of landfall
1•11%. fun et. ranetaona the awe of Mann
•• • ae.. oh.. , drie , l a rortnber of the Annewal
•• 11 4 3. or• raf,p_rions to the meat Iltrtal.
• • • 41/1 11141 of the 11.aelplee of Leenlaples have
• ••••• • •...a. • by Wr ("rt.*. of Irate, to enemas
, •••• ..f irIC .1 N r.l LITER'?" Ott/MACH BIT
.•• • a•.„...• r re !exalt-airway prevalent
•.•• .newer and tall : lses boa( user italtird that
r•. 111,14.11 In the pl..rmaenpq nlilch eon
''• II 4. oohdrrlu, r. .1.4111, for devenpvinent
• •.• ••• Ih. h.aoda of [aunt.» lesldlog along /be
• . tlir ...tern and sou• Bert. ri•era an be,
' u. at the. I.are foood a n.wrltetne pecan/a:I)
• .1 '4.•,• .4.toenta. • bile 40 other avoilows of the
• ounnoer mouth*, the densand for the
• • •.olati, Lare,e
` , l.e nrugglata awl desires generally everywhere.
Q valerrtuesnent.ln another column.
SP:FALLING F1T1‘...4 hay tea years 014 was
for a Wag time tertibki Meted with Pelaw
hystaiass wad Meads* have all Idled to relieve
him—shoot two months Iwo he rowtsswared seine the
Beres Pals, sad his parents Worms as that be has mot
had s Tit sloes, which is a mash loner tine theca he Me
mr waved, sloes he was aril 'Marked with them. Ire
have rot doubt they will do more good to these eases than
ail other mesas ever tiled. 16.
wartivrciurtom. LIFE JILICUILA lamer
Youth to the Aired ! Strength to the Weak
This novel preparation has meet with the approval or the
realty la every part of the world, and the diaeovirarr and
provietor lawlessly proclaims It to be
oo a rgooosoisr sail radar', of arootod or Inert fsaettooa.
!tetchier( Ufa Exhilamat should be used by all nerv
osa persons, se it stimulates the nerves to their natural
wort, sod will not produce a reaction so matter bow
suddenly dropped.
It La also • GLAND TOXIC, and WM give relief In CYST'S? -
ii• with the drat dose. ♦ brief peraistevee in its use will
renovate the stomach to • degree of prrfeet health, sad
banish dyspepsia forever.
The grout should be certain to snake Hutchings' Lit
Exhilarant • household article inasmuch u It will modes
them youthful la holing audits strength, and suable them
to live over again the days of their pristine soy. It not
only exhilarates but stretightems, and Is really an invalu
able blessing, especially to those who have been reduced
to a condition of servility by misfortune, or ordinary sick
news. No matter what the canes of the impobeecy of any
human organ, this atiOrt• Ethilaraot will remove the
effect at once and forever.
Hutchings' Life Eshliarant should he 0.414 by all per
sons who bare disordered nerves, stomach, liver, mueeu
tar setion, torpid Intellect, or lowness of spirits. it is
~ m ipounded from harmless, yet powerful simples, and
rontains not a grain or ',tom of mineral oulstooer.
Females aftlicted with barrenness. •ill discover in
Hutchings' Life Extolls:ant the realisation or their hopes
This remarkable and unapproachable preparation Is for
sale by the Proprietor, R. B. Butonotua, at 18S Chambers
Street, New Toil'. All orders should be addressed to bias
srut by lispreas everywhere. One large bottle $1 ; sit
hot ;1., for s.t. Sold by T 8 sticr-va, and CARTIIR
RoTIiF.R, Erie, Pa. 46.1 y
Mr The aged tan hate health renewed by Hutchings
Life Erb'Meant, which ts Infallible aa a reinvenant, and
.ill restore .uteri strength, with magical promptness
and wonderful permanence. For old and feeble persons it
has not Its equal. sold by CARTER & BROTHER Erie.
l'a. 46.1 y
Ear The V4ctirn of Liver Complaint will discover in
Hutchings' Life Exhilarant to grand panacea, unequalled
Gar immediate and permanent effect In this distresalng
evnitilaint; it likewise renders the mind calm and cheer
ful , It rejuivenaties and restores strength with magic
quicklime. TB. SINCLAIR, k.rie, Pa.
The weak will native aim strength from a mode.
use wit that excellent Instiorant, Hutchings' Lite
Etbactrant. 1t is healthful In all lta operations. As so
Virg) rant It has no equal--rejurenating the aged and
*ratty with wonderful *amity and permanent effect.—
Sold ly CARTBR & BRO. Erie, Pa. 46.17
r nI~}~~u•Au~~n
rjr Hutchings' Life K*hilarant is a rejuvenator or
unapproachable and inimitable eteelleoce. For all ner
vous diseaaes, no matter how produced, it must be con
►, tiered an intalltbk *betide. It Ls also • curt for afflictions
centering in the liver, stomach or brain. Its mission is
bestow steeple h, vitality and physti al ability. Soldby
C•RTER t BRO. lirte,Pa. 44.1 y
Hutchinp . Llfe Bahl'amt. Ladies of weak and
sickly constitutions, ehoald take the Hutchings' Life
kabilarant; 't will make you 'troop, healthy and happy,
remove all obstruetiona and irre-cularittes from the menst
rual organs, and restore the bloom of health to the siekly
and wasted careworn face. Sold by CARTES k SRO
Erni, Pe. 44.17.
ar The nervous will and Hutchings 144. Khtlannt
a bury remedy for all their suffering, and persons who,
from the injudicious use of liquors, ha...become dejected,
and their nervous systems shattered, and - constitution.
broken down. Sold by T. S. SINCLAIR. Em Pa ably
The Dyspeptic can have all his wi es bautabed it he wil
but two Hatchings' Lila Eahilarant Weak sumach,
feeble digestion, &Areas after eating,costiv • ha bits bit loos
peva, low spirits, will and a master to the above ram
pouch& Sold by CASTER & BRO., and T 3. SIXCI. A I Ft,
Fine, Po. ♦b 1y
or it pitching,' Llfe Exhilarant. One dame w 111 remove
the and distressing effects of Wind or rintu -
fence, and the moment the stninseb receives the invigorat
ing effects. the distressing load and all patois' feeling. sill
to removed. Sold by T.S.SINCLAIR, Erie, Ps.
Botching: Life Kibllarant is quick and effectual, car
ing the worst end most aggravated a. .of Dyspepsia,
Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the
'nomad) and bowels, and will revive the melancholy and
drooping spirits immediately. The feeble, nervous, and
nick ly ohould try It. Bold by T S. SINCLAR, Erie,
P. 46.1 y.
Pliii. / +lll4We l eiAlNAftWilit s ft#
Prepared from • proocripts•• of Yo J I.l•Ths, X. D.
PAtrotatota Extraordnurry to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing to th. cure of all
those painful and dangerous &messes to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all *taus and re
move* all obatructlona, and a speedy cure may be relied
it le poculiary suited. It will, in • short time, bring ..n
the inoothly period with regularity.
Each bottle., prim On. Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Groat Britain, to provost toonterfeits.
Tierce Pills ahead/ add be SW. b jetadn awing fee
FIRST THREE MONTHS at Prag, as ties err
erre to i►sa(w Ahararesaige, sat at teal *tare Ina lace
are safe.
lu all tames of ?fervors. and Spinal Alieettona, Palo in
the Back and I.lnda, Fatigue on alight exertion hdpit•
tion of the Heart, Hysteric, and WhiltA, tb,•oe
alleet a curt when all other =wan.. bane failed ; and al,
though a powerful remedy, do Dot COlatalti Irbn,
antimony, or any thing hurtful so the eonatitutinn
Full direettons in the pamphlet ■mend fAcillor
bid' should be carefully preaerred
tnle Arent for the tnlted States and Canada,
JOB MOSIL4, (Late!. C. Baldwin I C 0.,)
Kociwater, N. V
4N. B —sl,'.o and 6 postage enclosed to any au.
warned Agent, will insure a bottlti,aerintaining 60 pills,
by return mail.
►or saki by Carter k Bemoan,' L. I Baldwin, Erie, Pa
May 7, 11160..—kuly.
. . _
In this city, on the Bth lest, itrs. REBECCA CA
W ELI.. ►Red about 66 years.
oarAPI:OIA 11, Noll Cie.—The learned, mu .,
central, and highly accomplished crolurt and
operator, hr V Eisler of New York, arrived In this Cli•.
on Monday, the 29th last, and Is stopping at Brown'.
liotol, where he may be consulted for a short Moe, in ie
earl 1.101 diereses and injuries 01 the Eye.
Ti.. Doctor has recently returned from Europe, where,
'for the m errool time, he elated and frequented all the
great institutions In his special department. br lis er
Is, Ise. the fullest senile, a Try learned Oceanid, Physician,
1 Awl Surgeon, and as such, takes high rank among the
best nwo Karaite. The study and treatment of the
Eye have engaged his exclusive and constant attention
'or many years.
ciaiwinspat the Doctor wu about to visit St. Louie,
.atuced him to call at Er,le, and take great pleasure la
thaw einiouociag hia arrival to the public, with the hope
thet.thl‘ng hie abort stay the people .111 avail themselves
of earn sod learning.
`.pt t —Rs, CHARLES BRANDE- 4 , ht. 1).
. 141 1 1. ADVRATIMICIIIENT of Da. Saw
8 Llver invigorator aced Faintly Cathar
tic ille &MA oo ks i n .
"Hs 0141. AT ILIMEDY•
MA WOW& 50111111 1 14 CKLIBNIMA TED
I'4.4MP 1N1X444 I.lLl.lll.—Pre t red by the 801.
Possessor of the Ortuitti Prenesip n, need most et
vPIY iD all EurePstn female Hospitals, and totaling*
mmoviolt doPPalree and e regularities of the ILsinillt.ll.
Tlimie pills are nothiag new, bat have been Med by the
doctors for many yearn, both it France and America, with
unparalleled mimeo ln ever, ote g ; anil be lu urged by
many thousand ladle* who have ' 0 .4 them, to e the
pills public for the alleviation of teem suffering (mu any
irregularities or whatever nature, a well as to prevent
pre.graaty to those ladies wham? bealte-vall ton Permit an
increase of family. Pregnant brinalee, or those supposing
tlorna.lsee so, are wiatiosiod against using these pills
*hi, pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibil
ity atter ibe above adrnonifien, although their madams
would prevent any ailachlef to the health ; otherwise three
pills ire riseOsismallibecl. Full and esplicit direction se
coropetay each boa. Ler sale by L. I. BALDWIN, Erie,
and Sleeper, Waterford.
--One dollar and three postage stamps enclosed to
any authorised agent, wilt insure a package of pills by re
turn mall. C. CROSBY, General Agent,
July 141, 18641.-117. Buffalo, N.Y.
Kr. "WHY ALIKE WIC HICK e"....dllght in
dispositioes as they ere called, as emotiveness'
sour stomach, Headache, it.., though regarded se aural,
matters in themselves, are, nererldolese, indications of
derangement, which U allowed to continue, will malt In
general dumps of the whole system. With all Its mom
pleeity so long as the action Is, through any cease, hin
dered, that moment commas.. a derangement, winch If
cot speedily remedied by • meows' of the came, will lead
through • long list of Ismer ills and aches to Liver com
plaint, Dys pepsia, premature old IV and Death. The
stomach is the grand reservoir trom whence la dilfesed
Mariabiment, and Ible and vigor are Imparted to Us. en-
UM17.4,113 ; It II all important, thou, that the Stewed
is kept Maltby, and free from everything calculated to
emote a dimmed motion, and hinder the performance of
its lagitiost• fanctioses ; and when through lodiscretion,
accident or other dreunestanoss, tae omerees of the
body are prostrated, and tM stomach and other part. of
the animal ecoornny are sluggish and inellident is the
performance of their duties, or when then is an excited
oreractioa, then It becomes mcomery to resort to mime
Idedicina, whose alterative and eorrectent qualities may
rumors a migillella action and $ healthy loam A gentle
aperient and Images, will perhaps mere than gay other
modals% assosaitieh this sad—and it la to this character,
of a mild. Soot* and sagest merlieet i laxative and ear
octant, that BALDWIN'S LATHAN= PILLS are offic
ed to the public. Being entirely vegetable In their rem
poettion, they may be athmeatotered wifely to all, of every
.ge and wet, as well to the infant sad delimits ham* as
to the vigorous seen. Per the y cure of Comedem
ems. hatifemess. Amor
doe, decksomo et theS h 1 11"1 1=, .(/chews me l a g teer, sold
Dsrmuritamte the Mitsui Seabee geseroUp they
csabot begepsseed. Theserille &maimed, ilonina to
be known so ewe of the hest and mgt asset& nmi.iies,
and as the most peedoct oompoond width haa ever been
devilled for the mass err
low Thep
hes, mgorronted
ggm* Limer 21 res., w he
uided. Id S D t Zee only, at BALDWIN' mil
Store, No. g, heed Bosse. Citraid, B. C. Sly. ZS
c,..5.r/ . wmcozwr.
!rTUB 1112•1011,04,.....00e or two doom
oost tio•eanspound ltatrocriof Boort Wood, le ova
cortais mesas of loriatinsr the draP llBo to
the surfon, sod ea occasional doss, i 5 5 150 tb .8811"."
well as sabot weans of koenl.o it out. • trial es it will
prose the truth of We L li
Th• swot pabetisal- tharoagh, laid popular
institutions dab, hind in the Vatted States. deo ad
Zo-flay's g4drationnents.
To Carpenters and Builders.
SEA LED PROPOSALS will be received
lit the Moo of the SupetisteDleet of the Satilow7
and Erie Railroad, In this City, until 8 Weise& so
qtr lifeealsig, the 2881 trot, for Erecting
and Completing a
ST I .A.I -1 I01•7" I-1.017E33;
MD BY LTG, ( with minable Platforms)" is the City of
Mfg. The Cootraetors to fattish all the malarial,.
It to itaportaat that tuba be stated to thopoeals.
Plan sod 't”dflesttose may h• moo os a Woe to
Supt.'s W. D. SAIL A. CIL,
Erie, Sept. 22,'69. I 5
la. Supt.W. D
Fall Exposition.
-, •IT., .7,
, • ..‘ gie•
44. 4 ... : . .
. 10 ASV
it •...
Arr 771 . 4 14.• .r :
—V T I-31E1
4. ":1NV11et',^?t..... - 7 8 C , L
..; f _ _ ,n. n7t..
MINGS, &c. &c. &c.
nAVE now opened a terse and *tried
Selecti4l with reference to the wantscof the
A full line of Black and Fancy Sakti!
Plain and Fancy Marinoea! Parmettas and
Mourning Goods!
American and English Prints! Irish and
seoteli 'ruble and Shirting Linen:
Napkins and Towelings!
(7aPairner.i. and Sattinettz, AA•
.•4tapdald make' of Blew - lied tiroan
l)cdu ort4 • Goods. Tick intr.. Ilenito..
, zhirting `tripet,..Er S.
Goods from Auction and other
Job lots Weekly!
Wt. sun to keep our stock full of segisona
able Goodal
Pro , . alu ays made h sus! I 'asii and ..S l / 4 nftl fine
No. 1, Brown's Hotel
Erie, Sept. 23 12%59.,
Administrator's Salo.
Tavern Stand, at Wayne Corners,
1811.1 M COEWTY, PlitNN'A
I N purniance of an order from the t /r
-übella Court of Erie Co., in o it the Real Estate
described is follows • Situated in said toen•hip &Wayne,
containing about two thirds of an aen of land and bound
ed as folio.. • On the North by the Kahl and Weal road
at Wayne Corners ; on the Kest by land conveyed by
Chester Ladd to James D. Ithilth ; on the South by land
conveyed by Wm. Nicks to James D. Smith ; sad on the
West by the road ruining from the said Wayne Corner.
South towards Concord township Imprevenienth—Tberm
are on said land • TAVERN STAND, TAVILJUI BARN,
WAGON SHOP BLACK 11111Ta8 SHOP, die. Bosoms
gar A 7107.-1110 prOPOISNIP w SILS&SOd •111 the
and West read num* through the southern tie . 4 12 .1t0%
ahlMi la the county. and at tie 'junction with the main
mad running south Ohm the terseism of th• pis sod
Wattsbrirg Plank Road. ThipmeMees are also near the
8. kN. it. R. Situated in the center acme of the deed
gresisg countries to thsUsiited States, thisprspirty mist
rapidly rise la value with the laspeoveniest of the OSSA
'rums OF BA Lit...—sGoe fourth to WISPS OS 50426110 -
Clot, of Sal* sad the Whine* in three equal ithasal
stalemate with totems; to be secured by Jodgeneent
Bond and Mortgage ertlimprenaless. TINS. AND PLACE
OF BALI. —Woodsy the 17th of October at 1 *Week, P
S., at the presume to Warm Corners.
Adssinerr of Weisel' Millar, &odd.
For Anther particulars apply to me at Wayne Commit,
or to J. W. WE ORE, sag, Sr* Pa.
Sept. ?A, 18.0.-3 t id.
r raiaa will /NM Dunkirk at about the Billowing boort
via .
lastwud Bonzd—Depart.
Now York fames
Cincinnati Eames 9 36 r. N.
Night gsprama 4 10 r. N.
Stook tskreoslo IN A. N.
Irreij i bt No. 2 II 30 r. n.
freight No. 4 .6 0 A. v.
Painearra by Night Uprise Train Nast on 13•Annlaya
will remain over Nig ht
it Clair., sod proceed en Cin
cinnati 'mortal; Panda, morning.
CHAS. luso?, Gaol Sup**.
NATR. NARBR, Raesivar.
Dunkirk, Kept. 9A. 1669.-41 It
Quaker City Publish:in( House !
11,01 Catalogues,
Superior luchteeniesta to the Pub& !
ANEW and sure plan for obtaining
GOLD and SILVILA WATCHICS, and °lbex vale
144tPrism Foli portion's's gives la Catalogues, whit*
ho sent bee to all spas applloatioa.
Valuable Gifts, north brio MI eta. to $lOO. GUARAN
;:iIi to each parehaere. $lOO,BOO art. hare Wes
belted to my patrons within the put du enetliii
-11 4,000 to be distributed during the best sis atooths
The lodoonoente °dared agents aro more liberal era
those of any other home to the beldame
Having brae lo the Nbllobispe sad llooba•lilag boa
o err the hot 4448 years, my eapartissee •Rabka ale tar
rosebud the Gift Easterprine with to politest estesionume
to all.
ar . AGRNTS WANTED la &eery Tomb asil Coasts
Withal( partleakus ad&rees DV*NE
Quaker City
O Ploatli paiumse =4 l46 Third
fiept4 941, 1140-45a.11.
1859. Fall Trade I 1859.
European Eallnl►otnred
a 0 N 817ZIL MR 8
/UCH AND BA I? E, Large Varietieii of
Bleached and Brown Sheeting', and
40,11-VII.I 2O 2EITMATGI-1611 I
At No. 5, Exchange Row, Erie, Pa
Sept. 17.-15 WM. BELL, .11t.
AT the urgent request of the citizens of
this place, I have tleterudaed to locate perma
uontly la this oity, for the porpoise
And shall open nn ofilee In wrzautmrs BLOCK,
North East Corner of the Park, where I shall he happy
to wait on them standing , in wed IR DENTAL Of LRA-
M NS. I need only refer to week I ham already dons
hors, as a guarantee of my proficiency and skill In my
11111 111S117111 111 HIII PM,
From OW' to anentiresett. d'art* attention paid to
trot dentition. All operation, ally performed and
The Latest and Best Improvements
Rubber and Gotta Pemba instead of Gobi
and silver.
To thaw who have Mettle Plates that will not at by
atmospheric pressure, this discovery offers a certain re
lief, for the Rubber Mates eria at. For ( leaps it is the
bat material yet offered, bemuse it will not wear the
natural teeth. lam prepared to construct ouch work for
all who wish to use it, and make thin fair offer. that if the
Rubber fails L. do all that ran be teasoit►bly asked of it
when fairly tned„ I will replace it with 6ol' or Silver and
charge only the difference to price
Which has estaboshvil a new era n dentuart —cc mblo•
log the new and beautil ul, the durable nod unsurpassable
In the dental art, to which he mils special attention It
presents advantae-s over all tither modes, allowing no
sauna or apiece* tur the somumulation of food, giving the
mouth a perfectly natural eapresmon, to the breath • nat
ural and pleasant .cent, while ministering to the strength
of the voice and general comfort of the subyeet.
lioltlghT S. bikatitt.l7, D. D. 8.
in., Sept. 17, 1859 6mlB Simeon Dentist.
•T is • tact that, at wane period., every wanner of the
human faauti) a •Übjet.L to Ulm saw or diaturtiatics 01 the
botthy hauctions, bet, with the aid .it a Ruud tunic and
the graetekee of plaits cuttsuiba arm4e, they may he able so
regulate the stem as to secure permanent health.—
In order to arc omit this tlrstreal object, tW t 1 me course
to pollute a cep ism!, that • hich will potluck' a natural
state of things at lbw least hazard of vital strength and
life. For this purpose. Ur. thetetter has Introoeued to
this country a preparation bearing has name, Sb bleb LS not
a Dew issedicine, not one that has been tried for years,
tieing satisfaction to all who have used it. The bitters
operate puwertully-on the stomach, bowels and Liver, re
storing them to a healthy rid vigorous action, and thus,
by the sample protismi of atrengthentng stature, enable the
system to triumph over dimaae.
Fur the curs of ilyspepstst, ludigestioa, Nausea, Flatu
lency, Liras 01 Appetite, or any buttons Comptainta, ari
da( from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Bowels,
producing Cramps, Uy wintery, Cone, Chelsea Morbris,
them bitters have no noel
illarrhoes„ Dy sinter, or nes, so gersentlly contracted
by aim settlers, and aimed principally by the change of
water and diet, will be speedily regulated by • brief use
of this preparation. klyspispeta, • themes • Welt is prop
ably sous* prevalent, la ail Its varied hums, than any ono,
er, and this cause ith which may alway a be attributed to
lihrfarifirtfifihef tigiii.ZATLaii~rat- N LMn i =
as per directions en Me butt ie. for tale durum every
physician will recommeod kitties* of some hind; thorn
why not use an artmie known to be WbUib,. i All stations
have their bitters, ass preVentatree of disease and
strengthener act the system to general; and among theta
all then is not to he touud a mote healthy people. than
Use Germans, irons whom the preparation eistaitated, ba
sed upon resentitic experinueuts *bleb hats Vended to
prove the vain 01 this groat preparstioe in the mak of
medical wiener.
. _
FIT am MID AGIVIL—Tbb• tiling nod provoking Manua
which Ries its reientissa grasp oil the body of nun, redue
log him to • ..ere Judo. in a short tune, and rendenug
bun physically a.. 4 owntally uesays., ebb be driven from
the body by the uns of HU,TICTTLic.i tightiVi NU)
Further, po t ., of the abos.—eta tett d naibbes can be
caintractral, real to rniorrd eittlatodni, If the bairn are
and as per •lin allots.. And Si lbry writhe,' create ...WINDS
utoi 01'41%4 tin (.stair, and Mader klinotoraimar) lb) Ciminge
of dirt or intrrniptiiiti of nrillibary pursuits, but promote
uod aloof. sad to silky dibrel ..... , the .......puout is re.
zuove•l as ilinardbly as la colilonitrat, t itti ii.. productios of
• thorough and persuaueol cure
k.r Presean ea 441maittrd Years, Cho are sheering from
au ebb-Wird constitution sad tobrtii body, theme bitters
Mt In .nl.l .111.. a• a rrlifor•Uve of otrrlibilti sod vigor. mid
tteed "sly I.e to it ti U. appreciated. Aled to s m a sh er
• bin. auising tbnr tatters are uotispenaabts, sepycially
lir Kerr a d took . , as I lemtrtttr'• znemocii Bitters,
is heeded to impart temporary strvngth nail vigor to the
ai stem. Ladies *haunt by sit tbraba try this remedy for
ail came of debillty,aist, Whirr ao iihould nab their
physician, who, if ta• .s salt the virtue of the
)linens, sill re MOTION , lad I lirlf aw to all tsar. of
I'ALTION—Ne esutaou the public &most Luang soy
..1 th.• many tUlt tat ~ r Ctionntrtrit., Lut ask for Hue-
Tiirrekk . tl CllLblik•TFn an.l ere that
rut. bottle has the "I , r Hostetter'. otomerh
hlueto on Itip Nair of tLr 1.0.11 e, knit ntklnpr , l on
the metallic alp cusering the sod oho I e that our
sulo h ropb signature 'it an the label
111%,..i'repdrrd and fold l.y 11(1...77.77WR 4 -
S.VITII l'ittsturlo, l'a., and 'old 1 11 all drug
snots. grocer... and tledlerx tlirvuyhout the
Lobbed Statea, Canada, South Inorwa and (;er
Yor Well CARTER & LINO, and I' HALL, Ent. U.C.
Afraid; H. .11K1t$ k .US, ellpburg • D
LoSG Fairs I,ff. Juke lb '5lO-1)6.
imetzin. PMEbTZ7'.I!...
. I
THE experience of twenty years, and the
idea that I could make
In Erie cheaper than I can boy them elaewhera, because
Tent is cheaper, lumber is cheapen, oral is cheaper,
Iron the rams, induced me to employ competent
and complete, experienced workmen, who
carried on • Piano Itauntactory them.
Mires for live years, and who odd me their
entire stock necessary to make such instruments,
and 1 am now prepared to forni.h my numerous friends
Pianos and Melodeons
Oi oopotior Tone and liniali, owl will
For any length of time, to give
My ritvotatlon us a Musician and laminae; mw would
bs ice if um. laateutuenta should not times good, and l
assure the public that nothing la spared to bring about
the &shed result, vis :
Predaelag a Ono and sebstaatlal Mao, ankle!
will stye goad satladiacansa, Ulna stay la
tame inager than any Plana 1 haat,' •C.
...1 SO a. U.
Your Own Citizens •t HOMO !
6:rented promptly and burly.
cp. Predurw, ortkra no !atom, old %Armen* Loin
bow, slid any thing eine I an 101 l gift Dr we in say bog
inawa, will b. Woo in exchange Inc Plano Porte', 11.10.
donna, Deletteera sad any thing rise I have In my steno
Chian ti/ * %a's Paso Fortin,
Um* yes ever board of a pot Chlateen Plain
Let a lsow when It Is sod I will ezeisage It.
FPO EDITORS.—You all remember the
j. Garr Mr Hems M'aten of New York, boo mob tor
aavortlakoly fa your pallets. Tbs. uogiondirood irM ess
11Wo boast, you IlaVOr biso 'Mb a toll, sad • :m
ninalob you wllb soy Maim you ardor or deli.. Give
es your ordar. WY. WILLI:MO.
Lila, Jame 111,15114.-1
WHEREAS in and by an Act of---the
General Amiably of she CoustoonwfolUs of
Pennsylvania, eatftled an "ArtMiLting to tit.. Plrctioaa
of Ws Coadootmaidtb," poas.4 2d day of - July, A.
It la doubt the duty of the :4trotilf of ivory manly otttim
this Commonwealth to give public notioe of the General
Eloottatio. sod Is such sotto, to reamorato,
1. The otßeirs to he elerte.l
2. Desipate the plates at • hieb the elertinoa are to he
In pareuenee which, 1, Jotuoi W tteLAN v„ iltth
Shade of the County of LA*. do trneby make kboo 0 . sod
give thi, public notlee to thy Elet-bont of Ow roornt I of
ILdwOhat on the Sk:COND RalliA 1* or o(rtottrlt
?MIT, (holig the 11th day of lb. month.) a eeoetel .t..--
thin will be held ut the soy oral eleettot. dustrseto ertablodt
td by law in maul county, al •herh tune they will vote
by ballet lot the femoral omen hereinafter named, vie
One pceraon Jim' Auditor Itinerat
One perramtfor Surveyor veenrra/.
74e° per foe .ilemberitl!f Me (;„deers! .14-
sestaoly of Penns?,lvonnt.
Opt, person l o r (;minty ( 1 , 111,11 /it
One foram , . for I :0,10 Audthwi. ,r a
(hit" perfolN for (!onnni .4 koitt,o. for ' . l/(47rj.
One person for I);re,-(or th,
( hic person for 'onnty ,Surveyor.
Three persons for Trustees o f F'neA rt./. o, 4/.
no.. person, t;fr renrte.4.l - !.tail.
my. 10 1 0 ' elated by eiceb , r3 110,4 y south qf
angle hPI r.
The electors of the First Eh,*loo District o f the city
of Fate to meet at the Hook and ladder House on Firth
The electors of the Second Election District of the eit
of Ens to toast at the Fire Enclue Hones oo State Street
TI. electors of the Thant h.lection Maisie of the city a
Elie to meet at C Ilile. 4 yarreom office on Peon
nk. sleeken of the hearth glocuon District ..f the rite
of Erie to Meet at the Firr goes.. Homo ea Peach Street.
The electors of Hillcreek township to meet at the Terra
le Y.agle Village.
The electors of Harbercrei k tnonahip to meet at the
school house oear Walter Greer:mood's-
The elector, of North Kest tow mhp and borough t.
meet in the south room of the school house uear the pub
lic square, in the borough of North Knot
The ....tors "fa reennehl township to tore tat the school
house ursr E. Lotus's.
The eleetero.of Venango township to owet at the school
house is the village of Imerrille.
The tleotnns of Wattniturg baronet to meet at the
school hots.. in wad boruogh.
The electors of Amity township to meet at the Ichool
house near Chaffee's.
The electors of Wajne township to meet at the house of
Elijah Carter
he sectors o(the borough or Waterton! to meet at the
house formerly occupied In Joseph L. Cook.
The electors of Waterton( township to meet at the house
now occupied by iu the borough of Wa
The electors of L IttrulT township to Inert AL nchoul
house %o 2.
The electors of Washington townshte to meet nt the
honor. now orcupled by A Robinson, in the borough o f
The elector. of the horoa‘h of Edinboro to inert at the
school bowie in Raid borough
The eleckraof Franklin township to meet at the
et school house
The e.ector. of McKean township to !meet at the hone.
now rw.viipietl
The elector* of Green township to meet at the sellool
boors near Win. Lawrence's on the Lake F...asinnt road
The electors of Summit tow toMip to meet et the Norm
school Loom
The electors or concord township to inert at the school
house near Hobert Heath's.
The ,leCto/11 Ur Fall, le. togrnalsip to mewl at U... I,l'o
house in the vinare of Fairrier.
The electors of Girsr•l township to meet at public e i 1,01
house in the borough of Girard •
The electors of the borough of 4:ward to meet at the
school house In said buniugli
The electors of Kikerork ton xtsh,p to meet •t the u hoot
house in Wellsburg
?Le eteetore conoesut inertial+ to meet at the school
bons. neat E nislatiort 'a
The elefttom of NAlugtvid I , .troahm to meet •t il.
wet:lmA Lotto. Dear Jobo ••cutt .
The electors Union we-habil. to inert at the school
hgnae at Lawn Vida
init. elector. In the election district erected out of parte
of Girard, CoOneltilt and Itilicterk tow oahtpa, at the White
rchool House In the village of Lockport.
alas mbae known and give notice, as In and by the
13th section of the aforeasid sot I AN directed, ••thvt every
person ....cent Justices of the Peace, who shalt hold soy
taco or appointment of profit or trust under the govern
ment of the Lotted States or of this :Ash., or any oily or
Incorporated district, whether a coincnissioned °Meer or
otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is, or shill
be employed under the legislative. Judiciary or .•seentive
department of this State or United States. or of soy city
or incorporated district, Wad also, that every messier of
Congress and the Mate le.godatore. and "rite select sod
C. 11161011 ertlll.l of any city. CUMllll.lOlller of any incor
oersted district, is by Law tuwyat.le of holding or exert is
log at the Ramie time the office or appointment
inspector or clerk of any election of this
and that no inspector orjudge or other 'fuser of any such
election, shall be eligible to any office them to Is. toted
Also, that m the fourth section of the act of Amembly,
entitled ` t at' act relating to executions, and for other ',cr
y.... "approved April 4, 1840, it enacted that the Lim,-
stud 13th section .`shall not be so construed as to present
any militia omeer or borough obloer from serving as
inapt:wine or clerk, at any general or .pr at election in
this Commonwealth..
Also, that in the
. 61 et section of said act it is enacted
that ••any general or special election shall be opened
tween the boors of • and 10 in the forenoon, and shall
continue without interruption or adjournment until T
o'clock I. the evening. when the poll shall he cloried.
••• 7 , isiasier,.•tesi comma +aid
township election, sad for Wenn of President and 1 ice
President of the United istatea. shall be held end' conduct
ed by the Inspectors and Judges elected as aforesaid, and
• • as hereinafter provided
No person shall be permitted to vote at any election's
akinimild, bat white jr•emets of the age of twenty-one
yepre or more, who tall have resided ih this nate at
least one year, and In he election district where be offers
to vote at least ten days immediately prerediug sorb eier
thin, and within two year. paid • State or roomy tax,
which have been imeessed at least ten day • before
the elec tion. Unt a citizen of the titled States who has
previo y been • qualified voter of this State, and re
moved thellelkoni and returned, and who shall have ndd
ed In tbeviection district and paid taxes as aforriesid,
be entitled to vote after residing in this istate six months:
Praided. That the white bowmen, rill/suit of the l toted
Mates, between the age. of twenty-one and twenty -two
year.. and who have resided in the election district ten
dies •ronaiiiii, shall vote, although they may not hese
paid taxes.
Nn person shall be admitted to rote whose name is mot
contained in the hod of taxable inhabitants furnished by
the t otnnossioneni, unless first helm:lnas a receipt for
the partneri , within two year. of a stale or county tar,
amegned agreeably to the conatittittoo.and give nattsfae
wry evidence either by Ids own oath. or affirmaiwo of
smother that he has popd sorb a tax, or on failure to pro
doe. on... Wt. shall make oath of the payment thereof : or
wound, if he claim a nght to vote by being an elector
tweet, the age of 21 aml T 2 •4 1 %.111, be shall itemise on oath
or affirmation that he has resided 'Whitt the Stale lit
least ul e year before his applicatom and umly such priod
of ins residence lo the district m a required by this Act,
and that be does verily believe from the accounts gi.
him that he is of or aforesaid and web sileh es idenCe as
Is required by this Act, urio.rriiis.ii the nattily oft be person
admitted to rote, shall be inserted in the alphal• (Ica' het
by the Inapieettira. and a note made opposite thereto I:,
writing the word "tax" if he shall be admitted to i..te b.
remain of haring paid tat, or the word .. age," if he shall
Ise s mottom to rote by reaa , n of such rice. shall he i1.•41
not to the sleets w hi. shall mote like notes in the !lit of
voters kept by themy
"In all eases where the name of the perm in claiming to
yokels found in tin' list furnished tiv the Corntnisatoners
or assessors, or his t to v.ots• whether found thereon
or not is objected to by any yusllted citizen, it shall lie
the duty of the Inspectors to examine such person on
oath IA to his qnaliflcationa, and If be claims to hare le
aded In the State for one year or more, his oath shall
not be sufficient proof tterrof, but i.e shall make proof by
at Past one competent witness, who shall be
elector. that he has resided in the district Pr more t! an
ten days Immediately preceding mid election, and shall
also himwelf Swear that Lis impeded realdelere in pa %13 •
of his Lawful calling, is within the district Sr..!
he did not remove into said dmtrtet for the porpose t f
voting therein.
"Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall
make the due proof if respired, of his residence, and pay •
meet of taxes as aforesaid, shall he admitted to tote 111
We township, Ward or district in which hr shall resit
••lf any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent an
Deicer of an election under this art from !aiding such
election, and use or threaten any violence to aoy such
°Meer, or shall interrupt er improperly interfere with him
In the execuunti of his duty, or 'hail block op the wtn
dow orthe avenue to any window where the same may in
holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace of mid els-t
-win, or shall am ur practise any intimidating threats,
fo ca or Joirnt with &sign to influence unduly or
overawe any elector, or to prevent Lim from voting or to
reetrain the freedom of choice: such person on conviction
shall be tined in any sum not exceeding five hundred
dollars and imprisionment for any time not less than Doe
month or atom than twelve months, and if it shall be
shown to the court, when the trial of inch offence shall
be bait, that the person so ofilending was Dot a resident of
the city, ward. district or township where the said offence
was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then on
conviction be shall be sentenced to pay a tine or not less
than nos bemired or more than on. thousand dollars,
and be Imprisoned not lees than six months nor Wooer
than two poem."
"11 any person or persons shall make any betor wager
upon the result ofanyelection with.n thiaeommonwsalth
or shall offer to make any inch bet or wager, either by
vadial proelaMation thereof or otherwise, he or they
forfeit or pay three thrum the amount so bet or offer
id to be bet "
"irony person not by law qualified, shall fraudulently
cote at any election 'ratan this Commonwealth, or b.irig
otherwise qualified shall rote out of his proper district,
01 if any person knowing the want of such qualincations
shatl aid or procure soh prison to rote, mach person or
persons int *donating shall on conviction be fiord soy Flan
not exceeding two hundred dolLara,and be improoned for
any tars not exceeding three months."
"If any person 'Lail vote at more than nor election dis
trict, or otherwise fraudulently fold and deliver to the
inispeetor two tkfaels together: with the intent to illeral•
Iv vote. ur shall vote the same; or if any person shall ad.
;Lis ur procure another to do so, he or they so offending
shall, on conviction be fined In any sum tintless than fifty
nor more than five hundred dollars, and be imprison...l
tin say tarot Got less than three nor mum than t.rel.e
months ^
"If any person not qualified to vote in this Coconino
wealth agreeably to law (except the sons of qualified cit
izens) shall appear at any place of elective for the purpose
of Leaning ticket* or of infloensing the citizens qualified
to VOW, he shall on conviction loifeit and pay any sum
not cowman' ova hundred dollars for every curl offence,
asid be impri•orked for any term not exceeding three
I aye make known that, .inceiee the person who shall
have received the second highest number of votes for in•
specter, shall not attend on the day of election, then the
reett who shall have received the second highest num
ber of votes for judge at the twat spring , election shall
act as Inspector In his pees. And in mew the person who
shall have received the highest number of votes for in
spector shall sat attend, the person elected judge shall
eapoiat an inspector in his plane, and in ease the person
elected Judge should not atteod, then the inspector who
received the highest number of votes shall appoint
judge In his place. ter %lazy vacancy shall continue in the
hoard tor the space of ore boar after the time fixed by
law for open w Zr of the idection, the qualifier/ voter" et th.
township or district for which said °Meer shall
have been elected. pima% at the place of election, shall
elect one of their number to ltil such vacancy."
' elt shall be the duty of the ernes! messeon respeetive
ly attend at the Saw of holding orrery general elertion
=W township ghettos, during the time said elee
hir kept open for the porpeee of giviag Information
to Om m ior, mil judges Thee called on, to relation
to the t assessed by them, to vote at
sorb • or saeh other .utters to relation to the
aserwwwest of voters as the load inspeetore or either of
them shall frogs thou to
to require
*Parsesat to the prmrieions *Detained in the 4th Pe
ttier ed the Ala elemmalid. the Judges of aforesaid districts
shall respectively take chaise of the earthiest, of return
of the eisettea of their respective districts, and predate
the. eta swieting of one Judge from each district at the
COURT ROUSZ, la lkison the third day after the Nee
hon. being, for the present rear. on Friday, the 14th day
liet.her n.ti, then ettti then• to p.•torm the duties r,
1401,41 by lac of said Judges Moo, that here Judge
In •ieloses or iinsvoidatle accident o unable 10 an. •1
mid Meeting of Judges, then the eertin.-ite or tot ono
aforesaid ahall be taken charge of tw nne I I the In.; eete •
or Clerks of the election of ..Id &mini t, 5 6...f.•11
perform the duties required of maul Judge unaldn to At
iStreo cinder my hand at Erie nail Ott ftrt.t , A
, Otte thousand right hundred -.nil iety -nine. and the
44 th rear of the Independence gl the I rifled Suites
' 4 4;4 17, lrifdi .1 W If• 1. E. ohen if
Ilnv•. oil latia.l a large stmek of
Cut and Wrought Spike,
li ili li li
cA Riq:NTERs"r4 H U.S
A 411 H; ,'.
( '1 Itr U I, A It 4'RA ISS-CUT
Springs, Axles,
VIcES .1NI) 10.:1.1.(rWS
Wrought Nuts and Washers.
)111N r. LUNE:,
WA TE 1? 1'1? 0 0 Al' S
No. 3, Reed House, Erie,
ri INK EY ,1 :-.IIANNuN
Erie. Aug 4, 1 , 549
QIIINGLES I NC, ',E.:. ' 9 '
1( 0 .1,s1 AHItA %TED :,i1."1.17.4..t
AKTEit k 11.41-1.1R)." 4
Atna.m Mtn
('ASHSys! EM
3. I X 59 -
yuccEssoßs To (1. RA RR.)
Have removed
Their entire
From No. 10,
Brown's Nock n,
N,,, 13, Cadt% ell's Block,
Lately occupied hy
W. A. Griswold's
We are now prepated to furnish all of
J. (;. Barr's old customers
and the pu.blie gen
erally- with
Gents Fine French Calf Boots,
TIIICK Bo} 'Mors
Patent Leather.
Calf and Prunnel Congress
Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather
Gents, Ladies, Misses, Children
VI)UTIIS AND 1 . 1111.illtill1(11.::.; i)F
\LI, FONDS T kl.l.
SETLAMES c( (;I:Esl 4 ---A-ND tl-
7:3 CENTS Ul'l3.ll:Ds
Ladies White & Black Satin Slippers.
French Kid, Black and Bronzed
,Fine Rid and Prutinela ISu.l to . 311 , 1
every thing eke in the line of Ladies Shoes.
//12T Of INfi•se- awl children.' shoes we
have enough and to sp . :p.p. 8r.y.7 cm lA,
Sir We have Leather and Findings of all
kind, including Ilarne> and Bridle leath
er; Oak and Spani:di Sole Lain r: French
and Eastern tanned` Calf Skin, Calcutta
Kip and upper leather; Binding and lin
ing 4kins of all color,
DEFA-Slinentaker , Tout- and 1At:41., Tan
ners Oil by the 1,1,1.,
Erie, Jinx 5, 1859, 4$
to employ an ■chre reliable loan in
each section of t h e State to Inure! at 4 take orderairor
113coinet.ros sacs 'rcikoa.poc.,
by samples. W ill pay a palrry of sf,oo to 11800 per year,
able monthly. lor ontoples and part K• 11111011 •pply to,
or addoms.inclosior stamp for return postai.%
Ang. 20,1159.-4t12 313 Prarl 441.'1., New York.
STRAYED imm the subscriber living in
Rl*, on Weilneeday ;aft, a Bay Hone, two bind
feet white, black mane and tall, about twelve Jean nlct
Any preen riving inirtnatioo where It mar be found
will be liberally rewarded. IL CRAriiiILL,
tieiyit. l?,':A.—lt • li. Tla Sudth, 4th Mama Erie.
N EW STY LES-- Prioeg from $5O to $ 125
Those Machines wry from two spools, as purchased
from the store, requiring no re-sanding of thread , the)
Hem, Yell, (lather, and Match in a superior style, !Mash
tog each seam by their own operation, without recourse
to the band-needle, as is required by other machines
They will do better and cheaper sewing than a ecametniso
ma, even if she works for oar cent an hour, and are, on
queotitmahly, the twat Mrseltases In the market for t MD)
sr. ,tj, on acconut o f cheer *implicit . ), durability, es...
management, and adaptation to all varieties of &mils
eel ing—.•zreu4ng rata r heavy or Line with .teal
Earthly, met wahout Aloretal adjustment-
Am evidence of the unquestioned oupericrity of thei
P Lll 4111, to respectfully refer to the following
T S 11 3! ( P N 1 A 1. S.
"having Lad one Baker's Machin., In ros
farm!) I.r nearly a )ear and a half, I take. pleasure iu
commending it AS rvery way reliable for the purpose for
which it in deaigned—lanfily Sewing."—Mel. Joann
Legrat, "ifs of Row. I.* Leardt, I.eftfor of N Y hide
eunfeaa myself delighted with your Sewing Maehme,
which has been in my family ha many months. It ha.
alway been rear.) for duty, requirlng no adstroent, and
is wooly adapted to every variety at faint ly) sewing, by
*lmply changing the of thrrid "—Mrs. Ehisaaria
.4rirkland, wife of Rte. Dr Meta:sad., Editor ef .1 I
arsolma Asicorale.
"After tr tog aorteral deferent cowl Hillailbel4
(erred on account of ate attny'octly, anal the per
feat ease vrith K Meta it to menaced, an Well am the streogth
and tiuralatatty ai the eentn. After long eapeneoce, I feel
competent to sneak to thus meaner, lied to confidently
recommend It h.r every variety of faintly sewing."—Ates
E. B. Spaner, melts of tee £4utor of /book/ere Star.
have used • liat•Vlttt k Britian Sevin tilarkiine for
year., and hale foottsl st adapted to al kind. Of WE,
sly ...wins:, frssm f anstsric to Broadcloth. Garments hate
wltltriut the rivlng nay of a stitrh. The «apili 1...;1 in order, vainly ured "—Mint
A nspisir. rife of kra. bra Wklppk, Nett York
"V ham fiewo Io use to fatui:,‘
t h.• papt et... the la.le reqUept. me 1.• Klee )6u
t.. tn.... Its per 4.411.1.411 . ...11/1, al %a
ll'Iti• • m the pellortmkocr of faiJully cad
- kubert Boorman, New For 4.
r .era: nA,ot I. W. 1,,,e 1111• A GrOreT & baker
s«rt it"; al.•I hate c..ute 4. the eohcithhon titott
.%. •.! a' k • I...witorg mad fetidly
~LA”i hp at , rttuthl..‘t, ;,..arson[ one or those
101. Ist.[.the 'iron IIt ., II , ,WOWNIGLI,. Whom
C , 1,1 In k anti.. ..! beauty, wed awpl 7, sea
~,a . -Jls Marro, daAg rr of Gem. Cie•
,ibw-r u , I 04114 a I the !hewer Journal.
I a ta r I 11...1.• in 11wlboernr, In 1Y.f.4, in which
. o • tn..uaand yards or *owing done
w tl, .• I o.• ra. R.l.O'r 1, 111Vh10.1, 11.0 , 111, SU.fir 1,11171
:le /orbit warns ars. d by maM/ra
r r. “,,1 ht. ^lied up trim by murky hadea, he.
u-uol .1114 the invent ,if I.•over k Baker as morn be
nizturit m, r,, 1.• /if art than *••. ever Vulcan', 'unfitly
lie ...old denounce midnight ahirt-making as 'the direful
f woes unnanila red - -Prof. :tura.
••1 uLe pleaaurs 1u F.11)114, that the Gruen/ Y Rater
Sewing Ilachinea have more than anatarned my expect,
111.,. Mier to ing and r. turning others, I hate three of
them u 1 "peration in nit dillerrut place*, and, after (nut
tear.' trial, hate no molt to Ind."—J. //nassaragi
Seautter ..toni/II
"My wife In. Lad one n 1 Grover k Baker's ruitily I_4o
.ag Machines lot some time, and I am satiated it la one 01
the to•at lab r-aat lug machines that has been iriysnted.—
I tale non L Litman:. in rerintamtudlng it to the public."
—J. G. Hams, tistrernor .f Traxesort
i• a beautiful thing, and put. everybody int. an p,
it. meat 1.1 lialaur. Were. I a Catttolll., I should
insi.t upon }ants lorayer and Baker harlatt an eternal
holia, in commemoration of their good deeds for hu
vomit ." Gammas Ai ( lay
"I th.r.k It by far 'he best patent in use. This Ma chin
can be •dapte4l from the Ittlebt cambric to the heal - Wild
ra,..,a,‘ I. It seer stri,nger, faster, and more beautiful!!
'me .e ran imagine If Mite could not hit rtpla.e. ,
money conld not bus it "—Mrs J. CI Brown, ftwastila
IN Ppeetiv, very neat, and durable in its work ; I.
iii...lyrl.tor.d and kept to repair. 1 earnestly 14.001:13.
!newt tbu Carbine to all my satualotaneee and abets."
—.lfrs 31 A I. wrest, Mewsperr Tree.
'•%% hod tlas 11.1 , htge to work to our witlateetton, and
• 1111 1 . 1. I IlillWfles It to tkit• public, as we betlete
the (iron r R (taker to be the hest llachtne In nom"
—Dears, Bro4A,s, Alhoorna, Teem.
narrl •trinoirolr for (atoll/ purpowpo, with ordinary
r■rr, 1 sill •ac.r they sill laNt nnr 'three *core► and
1,1,' arid orvor iro out of lir "—Joie Saaarak,
'I have had your Machine for several weeks, and am
perfectly satisfied that the wort ft don is the bent and
moot beaataful that e'er wee made "—,Maggia Armitage,
Nismiesik, none.
'•1 u. my Machine upon Coats, dtrirsmakingt, and Eine
linen *meninx. and th• u ark i• atiorahle—far better than
the heat hand•e•tnnc er any nine, arvrientne I hate ever
aeon."—Lary B Therapsea, .%aserair, Tura.
"I find- the Work the iitrongert and most besintlti I
have ever iirien, Made either by hand or machine, and ro.-
g,r4 tbr .;rovvr 4 !tinker Machine as one of the createst
lilmounga to nor set " 'Mrs Tayfor, Neverstle, neva.
"I hare one Haker s . ...wing Machines in uar
in my family. and hod it int alnatde I ran eonf id,, t h r
Tlll4,llllll.tkd it in all parson. in want of a mactilne."-4
7' Tkompimm, No.Arelle,
"I take pleasure in r.rtifying to the utility of the Gym,
er R Raker Sewing Machine, I hare wall one on
very tte*cription of wiirt for months, and tind it much
stronger and better iti e.rr. respect than work dune by
band "—Mrs. D. W PI heeler, Nankralit, rasa.
would becloud:mg to Capes* nI my Grover & Baker
Machine fir a large amount. ..O,IIJ I nit replace It again at
plesaure."— Wes. li Atm, I, Naahrvilr, Tras.
"liar Machin..., purcham.4.1,..711 , ,n, I nu. do the a nrk
taeoly y ~ u ng lathes. W• with pleasure relaumlatail
the 4;r..• r & /Laker 'raring Machine to lie the brat lit
-N, ' , Whelan 4 Co ..Vcsapasa, Trots,
"The Groner A. Mak,tira mQ My. hiiie works admirably
I thiuk the 'ditch and tar Auperiiir to that 114 .or
M., l„„, . till nOe a. rk, I think the
Ma. hit... 0111.1 I- 1,a,41 If .1 INTK , Am igr a ti.
Stock of
Empire Stores
"I nn.l maim:red, vre, durable, hail
talc.. i ,rasutt tn. ,•t.n.m. rtting it le •II who srlab rouse
owner, re. ~,,, , ;,' ,10,11 Mrs flies, •
phut. /'ram
-Th. Irr••tr r 4,0 .. .v., •oz ‘Is••to no a hay. gli elf •urb
tat of.,••• ••••• 5. • ! • • ' 1 .• • !ono r• 4 tlirtn 1., all wh o
5,15 h a at .4 51,,.11,.:•••••••req 11••• lino.- It xrttstrw
...t itL 11/ 1 / 1 it t 614,1, and Riot - while:l than soy
the r nowt. 14 , 9.11 --
Olt, - r
°•I am ha,.; ) tf S ite my te.i,mortv in tiro? 4.1
Baler 6 :seam,: anu of the perfect aatiefacti..ti it
e• in every rl-c;., L. It eeva neatly , and ts by uomeahe
eonit,.l,..ate.l, and 1, prefer it to all other*( hat • PrelL"—
Mrs Bryan, V.l* a( /Zee A M Bryan, Mrespeim, Tyne
“It MY I tnee pittaflt rt • to aar , th a t the MacLme
orke a. II . 010.01 I di- not I...aitate to recronmend it as
it e yen claim for It. U r ante
ve, mu.-1, ....ft. it I, it and WP tale pleaure In cer
tif., t..t to the eaert."—R C Rerakiey, `Mernpirto, Tear.
• I. nit.. me pl. 4001101 e to find th. tArover N. Raker Sewing
Ma. L lie I vln; I.‘t much postiataction I hair it in eon
atant noe, and 1,0.1 it a!1 that could be deaired. Ii to th e
muip:e and durto.le mat-tone In tine, and I heartily
re,..rnmemi it "—I M. While. Mevipku, rms.
••Ilasing •,l, and. unen many other kinds ill
ew tniz A. I fe.•l free to ass that the tirower •
key ilarhkne. are Lir anfwnor to all others in u m ...—. ki
Fre flews ',lt:, A./At - ate, Tel.
m• `+.•w it,; Slavbine invaluable, and .Auld
tv.t talk.. .1% t00..11/1 d' I t CSI
n..t mtpply Ite pbtve
‘k Olt it l em. lo all my faintly pelrintt In about one-fourth
t 'le time I kb my band , •'—.V A , ou,
J J LI %gent , Erie
Marell 1..',1) -1% 40.
Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! !
'I: me , n. m pr-pared to
:11110•11 tCt sr« to want of
o! ot v.ption, at lower
r. • - n V %%I. II • !...en •.,1. , I n rrw
111. .I• rn •6tch '
may lwe Coon., :a. • 'a
And num , er ..t , 'her .leatrabie P trim of Ell'Sllikli (Irt UK,
Al 4 the Jura') ci let,rated Sta,:loa er. Bower, Bllell4, MlB4ll.
110.4 number of other I .tte,na of Low Oven Stor the )Ictrmlti. I .I,kr: . i 10I'lkg , r&r:or, 711041 rikrlor,
il l ik .4raU I. r•rinklio, and a large number of.,
t, , Ila, 1 lfltire, "ell Regulator, and tber
0..% r• r Au!. nor qweatirs rthiell we ria.ll
f..r k .1.11, Lioriber, Deft, Grtio, or bar r In
general, at 1... figures than any boas , . In the i..ity; •nd
warrant 11,, It. to gp, eat,. satlsfactioa. To persona
iiii•liing any thing in the above line we would my °ire
09 • Cali and lou shall not be dlrappotnted At the (11./
1. onndry, N. W. Corner of "ltate and llth at..
I.:rio, Aug. 13, 11.40-10 tf HARR k JOHNSON'
BK E into the farm of the viol
ao listra In Suutittrgrnothtp,
nu the 1M h 01 Anen•t, a anull dark red
wtrlintr heifer, vr sth • hrtndle fare, and a
small amount el • illtsr on the en.l of the tail. The own
er to reNueeted fu !Otte, prom.. property, pay rh•eget, and
take the wutuutl a•ay. 75.1.0T1.7.3 STAFFORD
Sulntl, Sept. 14, 1a59 —l5 3t.•
Dealers in Oysters,
EDO E SHEARS, Prunin g Knives,
LVl,lttsg Knives, at J C.SILDWIL
Extra Charge $5 for Hemmers
v !rum 'roma R. I.L•►ITT, Kati *U
, n..or n•snlrot in 8 . 14130, , New t•oulh
0. u, 11 i. ar v 1:4 ,
Ste". , IES F1)1; A 1.1101-LAIC
Banner, Plymouth Rock. Eclipse,
Empire, Brilliant, Herald,