The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 24, 1859, Image 2

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B. F. SLOAN, Editor
SATURDAY M.URN'ti, SEPT. 24, 1x59
State Democratic Ticket.,
Er„ PLEASE announce the name of ISAAC R. TAY
LORof Washing as ton township, s candidate
or office of Assemnly, saboet to the independent
voters of Eris outidtg.
Sept_ lb, 11M9 —lb. EDISIIORo.
Oyr, PLEASE announce WiLsos LAittn, Esq., As an
independent Candidate Joe Amwmtily. Mr laird
a and faithfully represented this Conoty at the last
Session of the Legislature, and well niertts the confidence
and support or the voters of Erie County
Erie, Sept 1b,1969.-16. MANY CITrAEN4
The Tribune in a Stew
Ex flov, SErmorK, of New York, Wam in
St. rank lately., anti being (-Ali
t-410M hy tht teal friend:, made a
111 , 011 matter- , and thitigA generally. ana
National Politics in particular. The Nev
York Tnbsnu, howc‘er, which has a lon
of self appointed mission of condemning
every thingsaid by a Democrat. West,
North and South, does out like either the
matter nor the time of this speech ut the
Ex-Governor. in fact, the Trlime, is very
much "put out - at several things the tiov
ernor said ; and this fact has led us to bunt
up the speech and real it. Anil having
read it, we confess that we like it. There
is round political truth iii it . and there e•
Just where It hurts the Trdli , n . , and paper
of that ilk. There are facts in it—facts of
history and facts of politics—awl therein
it causes the Tribi , i• to squirm ! It is true
the Tribune says the Governor is a smooth
spoken politician, and an amiable court,-
ous gentleman—but lie has. it avers. nelth
or the depth of a -tatesman nor the wisdom
of a scholar; still the Tribune deem' his
speech at St. Paul's of enough importance
to devote a column of Tribune "troth and
fustati" to break its force among its Min
nesota readers. And now to show our
readers why' the Tribune is in such a stew,
we propose to quote an extract from this
speech. Gov. SEYMOUR commenced that
part of his speech. in which he treated of
the Tribune's particular hobby, the "al
mighty nigger," by saying that we constant
ly hear ,naen in certain portions of the
Union denounced as bitterly and heartily
as if they were our enemies instead of our
brethren, citizens of a common land, and
he wanted to know why this should be'' In
answering why this is, not why it should
be, the Governor said :
"When our fathers, on a common battle
field were struggling for ,common rights,
slavery existed in all our' colonies ; there
was no exception ; it was on every rood of
ground. We had no difficulty on-account
of slavery, thencin achieving our independ
ence. But since that time slavery has been
abolished over more than half of this land
of ours. It is now in comparatively con
tracted limits, and now we hear that it must
lead to alienation of the people and the
disruption of this great confederacy. I
fear that we or the North are unjiiit, and
not altogether courageous, i n our treatment
of our brethren of the South. How came
slavery in these United States? Who bro't
the negro from Africa? The South never
had ships. The men of New York, where
• •• • , over the whole
length and breadth of this land of ours, the
people did not recognize the black men as
having any political rights. Now, my
friends, that is just as true of Massachusetts
as of South Carolina, and Judge Taney, in
so stating, merely stated historical( facts,
and known to he so by every student of
history. The other day in looking over
papers which came into nit hands, I found
an original document, a 'kill of sale for a
slave from a man in Massachusetts to a man
in Nett• York. and that paper throws a most
remarkable light over this whole question
of slavery It conimence•d thu• • To all
Christian people to whom thew present
may conic, I, Mai k Rose, ~ •Il nit slat .•.'
ay. The eople Istassachusct t , held t hal
no pi-sons were entitled to political pro,-
lieges unless they acre I ill-Alan, • alit/
they went further than that —thi 3 held
that no one wits entitled to political pm -
lieges utiles , he was ti e • right 1(111;1 of a
o+tian. t Laughter.; They held the \ lest •
Mitch laid the foundation oeslat cry in the
theology of that tone. They sola Quaker ,
into ery—tl4..y sold the hunt!) of Ding
Philip into slay.•r 3 .
These are tin:, sentiments that exist,. I iii
the North in our• early days. Win n the
Constitution of the I'. S. was form e , is lien'
the delegatt, from the .litEcrent Stat., mei
in convention, the question of slavery Iva,
there, and it was askfsl when shall the
slave trade be put to an end ? (ieorgia
now ; Virginia says, tow ; South Carolina
says, not yet ; Connecticut. not 3et ; and
New Hampshire said not yet—the slave
trade is profitable, I l•aughter.) It Sou will
read Minot's - History of Massachusetts,"
you will learn that the great business of•
New England at one time was the manu-
I.wliaisie of rum —pure rum (laughter ;) and
when they made rum, they took it to the
coast of Africa ithil exchanged it for slaves
(Laughter.) The slavers hind their cargoes
on some unfrequented shores of the south
ern coast, and forthwith the South
was charged with complicity in the slay,-
trade. But they do not at the same time
tell you that the slave ships are fitted utt
from New England ports—that they glide
out to sea on their nefarious voyages las
neath the shade of Bunker Hi Loud
applause and laughter.) 'lle political is
er of our country is in the hands of the
free states. rt he population of the count rx
increased at the rate of a million a year. ~t
ibis increase the loth receives over Neve!'
hundred thousand. This large majority of
the yearly increase has given the North her
strength in the confederacy.
How came the North by this excess of
the increase? At the outset we were equal
—then we were all slave states. Now, what
led to the abolishment of slavery in the
North. and thus gave us the basis of our
present strengh ? I will tell you my friends,
and you all know it to be so. The demo
cratic party under Jefferson inaugurated
the wise and beneficent policy of the old
world to plant himself down upon the great
fertile plains of our country. Under this
policy the emigrants from Europe flocked
to the Northern States, becatise they found
in their soil and climate, and in their in
stitutions, a more congenial home. So you
see. my friends, that it has been under a
policy inaugurated by a Southern statesman
—a policy which found its most bitter op
vlets at the North—that our section has
become all powerful in the government.—
We have now a majority in the Senate and
House of Representatives, and in the Elee
torial college; but the census of 1860 will
show that two-thirds of the members of the
House tif Representatives, and an over
whelming majori ty in t heSenate, represents
tree States.
Is this_a time and are these the circum
stances under which an "irrepressible con
flict" shall be waged against the people and
institutions of the weaker sections ? When
the South was strong and we were weak,
they furnished us no precedent for the
course of action we now propose to pursue
Valli -t I ii , ull ar , tlu
rul}tnl4llloll 111.1011 teaelic.. ;grid -t illi ding
ten. a+ I do, at the very head craters of the
mighty Mississippi, whose all 1211 , lock our
country together. teaching us a perpetual
lesson of fraternal love and union, 1 beg
you to pause before you enter upon a see-.
nonal warefare which will rive asunder
those whom God has joined together.—
(Cheers.) Retort. you do this, look at his-
tarn and see if the South has ever lie-itak
ted to uphold a single measure which vi
calculated to advance the whole country,
although in doing so they have built up
the North instead of the South. There is
an instinctive difference between the two
partim The Democratic party zs a let alone
party—the Hepublscan party is a meddling
party. (Deafening cheers.)
It is a great deal easier to denounce oth
er people for their sins than to reform our
selves— it is a great deal easier to obtain
political power by inflaming the passions
and prejudices of our neighbors, by de
nouncing men a thousand miles away, than
it N to gain influence by governing our
walk in life by prineildes of justice, or the
dietates of somul patriotism. (Cheers.) I
it nut to,) true that the rever-e of this ha" ,
been hurthil to the morals of our I,eople—
and hurtful to the pulpit, of iVhich 1 .peak
with all Ict ,•nee,and t.) the holy doetriewz ,
which .hould.i-,ue from the s:wred de-(
tt'll.•cv'- J I- it not too true. uty llepublican
friend, that a ilth. for KUIIS.I.a or a eurse
lot the :.-zoutli has weighed more in the po
litical scale than priVatd t irtue or public
sect ICC (Trvieralous cheering.) ,Whence
come- slier) ? We have seen i% hu u
longed it. Now, my friends, do you et er
',top to ;ii.puro who upholas IL? It su•uutt
ed by the firm of "Weaver, Wearer . Plan
ter.- and two of the partneri live up North.
1 4 ' beer' and laughter.) Every one knows
that but for t he I4Kns of New England it
could not live a dad. The loudest dentin
elation:- against slavery are made by men
with cotton shirt- on their hacks. The
most fervent pulpit ex hob tat lout against
slaver% come froth men who wrap them
selvc- for repose at night in cotton sheets;
who lay their• head- upon cotton pillows.
and go to r .l e ep thanking God that they
I are het ter than the men "down South."
ivi-h tt.• had room to quote the Gov
ernor further. but we Nava not. We have
glt en enough, however, to-enable our read
,r- t. -•ee A% completely the orator touch
ml the TrdJuhr, and that F.ChOili
"on the raw," and why that paper
44'0111E4i It all important to devote a column
of it•• precious space to ahn+o and ridicule
the Alva
tar he Gas , lit is down on Messrs.
LAIRD and Tmoit for daring to run for
the Legislature . and although it claims
1500 Repuldtelui majority in the county.
the whole tenor of it. complaint shows that
it is shaking in its loots with fear for the
result. It ,hakes the Democrac!, of these
volunteers at its Republican readers with
as much unction as it used to shake the
bones of Morgan. just before an election,
at the anti-masons. It tells them they
must not vote for such politicians—that
the office is politeuail—and therefore no re
publican can do so consistently. Now we
beg to say, that we cannot see any great
difference between Republicans voting for
Mr. LAIRD this year and voting for him
last and many of them did do it last year.
Nay, it strikes us, that it is not a great
while since_nne of the Gazette's party nom
inees. for the Assembly declined a canvass,
with the Gazette's consent we believe, for
the purpose of allowing the election of Gen.
WHALI ON, whose Democracy is quite as in
tense AS either LAIRD'S or TAYLOR ' S. Messrs
Lamb and Wits.t.tos were loth elected by
• •tng patent to the observation and knowl
edge of every both in the county, we mubrrnt
that it is a little too late in the day for thc
qazette to set up 'c howl about
wont go down
Not it h?.tanating the rt-iterated dee
laration, ~fthe Tr-11404, and the Republican
c•rietall, that the people of the
itti. and ti I N'tno. rattle partN, e”-
deavorilig to build up a party tat orahle
to the re-openiti:!,4 the , lat tiade. it i. it
notieible.taet that witenevet the people in
that section of the Viooti hate had an (In-
i“ , rtuntt) ()I exprr , -sing th. thßt
•ul.leet they ha% t• del 1 , 1,1111 t'i 0 11 1 14 . 11111,4 i It
Tho• 111“,1 elnithat it• ~1 1, 1 4 • ItIttattlb11,11MV4.1 -
el' I orno , from Texa- Front that St tte
I...krn ILut .1 II
N.l I 'it•zi,•,•• in the Fourth I liNtriet. 44 , Int.
is 2R 1...1 I - I{vat::ati having
;o l d t rehiltree ;7. t Lohtltrw
11%,,, ot re opening the Af neat' -.lase
tr,ele, :111 , 1 Reagan ilaretedly
111 , ur. Wheil pe. , plespeatk ant
tint- I.l.unh :II the 11,44-y p , IIIIC•1.111•..
1% II" colllit 111.4 , 111 1 0 0pUtql'It.) t.O 1 gailiett
xtrvnn pro-davvrykin, %%ill find it expo-,
ln nt to keep -dent, It lutist he r( . 111(
ht•re.l I kit. 111 e U eery sinall
ptoport ion of the Southern white popultt,,
it t Ile sitnple tpmstion of blavery
or no ,T 3 OW1(1 he fairly Iwought beflwe
the peaple at the polls, the chances are
that a g,,NI many 1)1 the States would pro
noun, e againNt -Lavery.
NVe •eo it -taus] in the pale rs that
the l.eopleol Nebraska have taken the in
itiator) •top. to L , rnt t, State 1;1)%,-rntueiit.
Their Will rilevt ill ii•iilber to
"4.tte ' , ittnditution. and it %%ill be
tifibtnitti to the people in Smenther
that their .ipplicatitni filt• can bo
laid I,eton• I ',mgr..... at it wssion in De
cember. K.tnsas will alliusit certainly he
/v/1141114.41 tie‘t putter, and. very po•sibly,
1'.411 will 1., free state.. increas
ing the munher of free States to 0 c 0g .4 ,
The slave Matt• remain at fifteen, including
Dolea are, which i• but notuinally
While the free States are thus constaay
augmenting in •trength, how silly the fear.,
expressed 1.% the Republicans about the
domination of t'he slave power'
bar oe n . Sefrrr has been despatalied
to the 'lactic coast, to adjust the difficulties
arising Out of the action of Gen. Harney
with Briti:h authorities at the island of
San Juan.
WA—The littinhersburg Valley Spirit re
emmnenils the Hon. Jeremiah S. Black.
for nomination at Charleston. The Spirit
•'lt may be objected that the present in
cumbent of the Executive Chair of the Ns.
tion is a Pennsylvanian, and that his sue
cs*isor ought to come from another State.
There is no real force in the objection.
The best available man ought to be taken.
no matte- where he erm a from. In th
early days of the flepubite, which so many
people delight to call its "best days," it
was the man rather than his location that
was looked to. Virginia furnished the
President for six terms in succession—six
teen years longer than Pennsylvania will
have him if she is allowed the ouecemsor to
Mr. Buchanan. Wehave, therefore, abun
dant precedent for claiming the honors of
Chief Magistracy for another Pennsylvani
an at the close of Mr. Buchanan's term."
FAL! &Nu roes Insiterm.—The system
of an elective julliciary is falling into' dis
repute in New York, as it will eventually
every where else. The some was such in
the recent black republican State conven
tion of that State over the nomination ofa
candidate for Judge of the Court of Appeals
that the more respectable of the black re
publican press has not been able to withhold
the expression of disgust at it. For exam
ple, we take the subjoined paragraph from
the New York Charier and Enquirer:
-The State of New York has decreed
that the bench shall enter as a gladiator
into the arena of politics, and, whether
that arena be nominating conventions or
the elections which follow, the picture
must be more or less repulsive. Look at
it. The bench, which should be a legal
abstraction, the law of the State of New
York makes a personal political partisan
ship without redemption. The machinery
of polities is so construced that it will not
run without all itsparts being more or less
partisan ; and if the law of the State says,
' as it does, that the bench shall be ono of
its wheels, then the bench must run accord
ing to party rule. The candidate for a seat
on the bench may not himself be a politi
cian, but opposing nominating, conventions
will give him, whether he will or not a po
litical dress over his ermine, and with that
he goes before the people for their suffrages,
and we do not see how or when under, the
present s), stein it can or will he otherwise.
No matter how carefully or with what de•
eorum this political dress may ho put on,
it soils and hides the ermine, and our re
spect tOr the bench involuntarily lessened,
although we may have no unfitness as a
judge to allege against him on whom this
unnatural mantle falls."
It has long liet•ta our opinion that it was
an evil hour when the ~election of the ju-
ilitaary Iva, given over to the political par
ties. In this Ktato. to he:sure, no positive
lamentable, conseimences have yet come of
it, but this fact is no security for the fu
—Rev, William Henry Milburn, in his
"Ten Years of Preacher's Life," tells the
follownig-story of Gen. Jacksmi. It refers
to the indemnity which was exacted at
the threat of war from Louis Phillippe, and,
if true, throws additional light on the sci
ence of diplomacy. Our merchants were
alarmed at the prospect of war with France,
and some of them besought the services of
a friend of the Old Hero, a Judge of the
Supreme Court, to lay the matter before
him and entreat his forbearance:
"Reaching Washington, just before the
commencement of the session, when the
war messenge was to be sent to Congress,
the Judged called to pay his respects to the
President, and before long the topic of the
day was introduced. "Well Judge," said
the old chieftain "what do they think of
my war policy in the great cities ?" The
Judge, who had really been impressed by
what he had heard, stated in concise but
strong terms, the remonstrance with which
he had been charged. The President,
laughing long and heartily, said, "What
fools they are !" Opening his desk he piro
dueed a map of France and a couple of let
ters. The map showed at a glance the de
partments which produced wine and silk,
and on its margin was a tabularstaternent,
showing the number of the deputies in the
chamber, sent from these, as com
with the other departments of the =g- i
dom, by which it appeared that they had a
strong majority in the legislative branch of
the Government.
•ne of do /simian. sae from Mr. Liyings
ton, the President's minister in Parts, an
nouncing that he had the honor to forward
with the accon3 ••• • in:. ma . .
• or indemnity, and
was desirous to satisfy it, but that he was
prevented frotn doing so by the impracti
cable temper of his chamber ofildeputies ;
that as the President would see from the
map, its majority was composed of mem-
Lon from those departments whose indus
try would be ruined by a war with the United
states, yet that these were the very men
who refused to vote the supplies to pay the
d e bt His Majesty therefore urged the
President to threaten immediate war un
lss the 16.14 was paid, with the assurance
that this treasure would have the desired
eths t (it alarming the intractable deputies
into more t•quital,le dispositions. The
.111,1 g e tliPrefori. joined the President's
hearty laugh. and felt how groundless were
fe•trs. rind how unde , ervett the bitter
poured out upon the head
iit the nol,lo Tennesseean."
"//k. TR t In Friday morning
la-t. as a train wa.. It awing the Rocheader
depot, a lath .11-el .vi • r. 41 that her satchel
had 111411 ...totem It wa, found under
~ •al occupied by a welbhooiwil and good
I.H.k/ng t .untg %%Oman. A wallet contain
ing was ine , ,ing. and an officer ect
ng young woman to he the thief, tv , ked
her name which she reft:e4/ to give. Ile
iilicre -he lit I.d. and .he was equally
in. "tumuli irative. 11e e here she
,a a.. going, and -he said it wa, 'none of his Her occupation wars then demad
,i, and ..he did what she pleased.
She wa- , taken into a private ,room and
scarclwd, but nothing MIA found. The
,eau ch being mor she coolly returned to
her and MIS ,00n apparently interest
ed in the pages ofa yellow covered novel.
At Sacramento, 'Wis., on Tuesday even
ing last, a little girl aged about ton or twelve
years, WWI carried off by a drunken Indian.
Ai. had been left at home with a little
babe in charge, when, stepping out of doors,
the Indian suddenly throwing a blanket
over her head, carried her into the woods.
Her parents returned home and missing
her, started in search. The search was
kept up till near midnight and abandoned.
I turing the night the girl returned. It ap
pears that the Indian carried her into the
woods a distance, but being too drunk to
proceed, lay down and went to sleep. Tak
ing advantage of his condition, she fled,
and found her way home, to the great joy
and relief of her parents.
NIL. A man died suddenly in ,Pennsyl
vania from the effects of whiskey. The
beverage was annalyzed, when the chemist
reported that he found in it the poisonous
constituent of acauz /adieus. the propor
tion found was two grains to the pint of
whiskey. This poison is considered fatal
to human life in quantities of from five to
ten gram., according to circumstances and
perintendent of the West Philadelphia
Railroad exhibited to us, the other day,
a horse whose hoofs the rats had gnawed
until their teeth reaelien the quick. When
lying down the rate had also gnawed the
warts upon the inside of the honse's legs.—
The rats are so savage in those parts that
every morningsonie of the horses are taken,
out with feet bleeding from wounds inflict
ed by the nocturnal prowler,.—Phil. North
A (PAM* NCIDUL CAtit.-A cormspond
ant of the Manchester Mirror says that a few
days since a needle was taken from the
outer and lower side of the foot, near the
little toe joint of Mrs. Ira Atwood, of North
Sandwich, N. H., which she swallowed six
years since. The needle was a shoe needle,
a little over an inch long, and it was whole,
but quite rusty. The lady was quite alarm
ed at the time she swallowed the needle,
but she had felt no inconvenience from it
until she felt a pricking in her foot, when
the instrument was discovered.
gnat ni P.
lllir The einbay sad iris eon awn to
from train ea Tharoday nandag, larded to
their stoma eapadly with 'Won to the Fair.
ay, we invite attendee to the Ant page of
our paper this week. There im se tumid good
variety, suited to the Lades of ell.
- Ron. Nlllllo2lgrasoamasto has retired
from the editorial matrel of Pansyloan
en, and is eueeeededby iloorgeW. Baker, big,
of Philadelphia.
One day last week a nun got s slight
"basting" in the street, of Dunkirk at the
hands of one of the fair sows who considered
herself insulted by his words sad deeds. Ver
dict of the publio—eerged him right ?
liir The “Old Folks " on Tuesday
evening, was very st attended, and
the performance, we = l l Y rave general sat
Vie The UniversalisiChureh, on 9th street,
which has been closed oil sasuarr undergoing
repairs, will be re-opensd to-morrow with ap
propriate services. Ben N. Brix:, we believe,
aor Our thanks or die to G. W. A.rbuokle,
of the P. 0. News Depot for s nice basket of
Peaches of his own mirk&
els. The attention of iontraetors and others
is invited to the adverthonant for sealed pro
posals for building a for the Sunbury
and Erie road.
INS. The Apiaries*, ;
Convention this week,
of the Republican and
state tickets. This is eq
the concern.
HASSID, under BO I Hotel, is now
in receipt of the nicest, fitest, plumpest shell
oysters, this aide of incise. Step in and try
Mk_ The Rev. Mr. Wltght, Methodist cler
gyman, of Cleveland, whds under ► heavy cloud
being charged with kcentions conduet in
connectioc with alas toting ladies of his
congregation, tuttot the ley Mr. Wright who
last year was Pastor of he Methodist church
in this city. We should think the moral at
mosphere of Cleveland milt destroy almost any
grade of moral purity.
sir We begin to he of the Nor-Baster
which was in full force fq three days. Besides
the two vessels ashore at tis port we have the,
Soow-schooner J. C. P‘sont, with a cargo of
10,000 bushels of wheat Imo Toledo, consign.
ed to Jason Parker, Buff ~ is ashore at Fair
port, and full of water. • insured.
Schooner of lumber is also
ashore at the same place, • full of water.
Showier Resoluta, with • of sore, bound
from Chicago to Buffalo, ore at Milwaukee,
and tall of water.
The schooner
cargo of wheal. at Chi
a leak and damaged beim
sand bushels. Insured.
Mr The amount of
of New York from J
this year, for expenses in
wowing is $14,000,000,
glum aka sapenditaris of
goad ender Prodding J.
swears--and among other peculiarities,
seems to be in a devil of a hurry to get back to
New York !" This is very near the thing.—
The only discrepancy is as to Horace's prosperi
ty to swear. Those who know him, say he
swears like a trooper upon all occasions !
elk. Gor Pr cmith has pardoned FaaDallellE
TOOMPIION, a boy convicted df arson in Craw
ford county. If we recollect right the jury
found the verdict in opposition to the charge
of the Court, by casting lota, thus emphatically
gar/abbey away the liberty of an innocent boy !
The petition for his pardon being signed by the
whole of the Meadville bar, officers of the
Court and county officers, the Governor did a
simple act of duty in granting the same, and
qe commmend him for the act.
an. We have hew' of people who had two
or three womerb in their head at the same time:
hut there lean Irishman down at Rochester who
le a-head of this. lie entertains the idea that
he has three full grown men in his head, hav
ine entered by the ear in the form of a hay-seed ,
and that they are constantly discussing some
subject offensive to him.
Sor lion. ALBERT 11. TRACT, of Buffalo,
died in that city on Monday. In 1549 he was
elected to Congress from that district, and
served three terms. Subsequently he served
eight years in the State Senate.
,• Although the following incident, re
leted by an exchange, did not happen in this
city, we are very certain it might have done so
with a good deal of propriety, for we have just
such chaps among us : A dissipated individu
al seen in the street the other day, with a dam
aged face, was asked how he had injured him
self, when he replied: "As I was going to my
boarding-house last night, a d—d mean lamp
post, that has had a spite against me for six
months, and has often tried to waylay me, came
up suddenly when I was not looking at it and
struck me a blow between tits eyes, which so
stunned me that when I got on my feet the
confounded thing had run round the next cor-
Sir We hear it said that an effort is to be
made by the Ladies of the city to get up and
present to the "Wayne Guards" a Sag
Now we protest against this I It is evidently
an attempt to kill off the company. We have
taken considerable pride in seeing this elegant
"arm of oar national defense" organised, and
we protest that it is wrong to kill it off so soon.
We well recollect, thou*" it is years ago and
some of the actors fill aloldlers grave, while
others rome in distant lands, when the Wayne
Greys were the pride of our city. In an evil
hour they had a flag presented to them—a silk
Sag, and by the Ladies, too—and is it not re
corded in the same Book of Memory, that from
that day forward the company dwindled—fell
away, like a man with the quisk consumption—
until one unlucky night (shall we ever forget
it) its spirit took its leave of this "battle field
of life" through the bung hole of a bar
rel of cider ! No, no ! Keep your silk to
yourself, 'adios; Ist no "eider" mysteriously
find its way to their armory, and the "Wayne
Guards" may live to gladden the sight of
"maidens &r" and "stalwart youths" yet un•
born. But give thus that Beg, and then tempt
them with a barrel of eider, and the armory
that knew them ones will seen know them no
more forever. We give the warning I Be
nik... Ilia State of Maine voted an increased
majority to the Reptdicsa ticket Wit, w•ok.—
IN think we sit have given the Pine Tree
&ate OTOT 10 heir Wis.
Another Homicide in Erie•
Re are called upon to record another of those
earlnterimes which are becoming all too fre-
quad in this county. This time the !victim is
a young Irishman, aged about 19, nulled Pat
rick O'Neil, and his murderer & desperate char
acter named Wm. hitcher, or, as he is generaly
known about the docks, "Barber Bill," the
keeper of • drinking and lodging house
called the Commercial Hotel. The fol
lowing are the facts as elicited before Coroner
DILLon on Thursday morning.- The first wit
ness called was J. D. Muss. This witness did
not appear to know much, though he was, as
near as we could gather, in the row. Was in
a small room in the Commercial Hotel playing
cards when the fight commenced--could not
tell how or who commenced it. Was standing
at the door when O'Neil called murder—when
deceased fell be went to him—did not hear him
say who did it--did'ut see any body near him
when it was done—went back into the hiittme.
found Hitcher behind the bar, asked for fonse
water to take out to the deceased—Hitcher gave
him the water—carried it out, and assisted in
pouring some on deceastalti face—noticed blood
on Hitcher's face when he first came out of the
small room ; did'nt see any on his hands or
sleeves. Thought there were a dozen in the
room when the man cried murder—believes
Hitcher was outside on the dock ; did'nt see
him in the room, though he might have been
Dr. C. Brander and Dr. T. 11. Stewart held
post mortars examination of the body. Found
a wound in the left side under the seventh rib,
which had penetrated the heart. Wound was
about two inches long, and would cause death
in a few moments.
*ow York bald a
minated a part
James Brabson has a shop on the dock. and
sleeps there most of the time—slept there on
Wednesday night—was roused about 10 o'clock I
by the noise of a fight at the Commercial ho
tel ; got up and heard a man say. take
you up in the morning, Barber Bill," saw de
ceased coming from towards the Commercial
Hotel, and a man following him ; when he
overtook deceased he either struck or pushed
him, and be fell ; nest he saw was Hitcher
coming along, say a few seconds after ; R.
came from his house; deceased had got upon
his feet; R. had a dog following. which he
tried to drive back when R. approached de
ceased, he (dec.) said, "I have nothing to ‘lo
with you." R. made no reply, but went up to
him very close—then heard deceaseed cry
"I'm stabbed, I'm stabbed—murder, murder,
call the watch." Did'nt see it. strike O'Neil—
they had passed into the shadow of the wood
pile ; saw no person near the deceased but R
Mrs. Mackey testified that she lives in next
house to the Commercial Hotel, and was rourl
from her sleep by the noise of the fight She
_and her husband got up and went tis the win
dow, and beard a man crying out that if they
would give him fair play he would whip Barber
Bill. When be came along saw it was deceased,
and heard him say, "Barber Bill, I'll have you
taken up in-the morniltk for selling whisky,"
R. then'ealled his dog and hissed him on de
ceased. O'Neil then said, "show me fair play
and I'll whip the 0-41 d—d son of a
R. then went towardsO'Neil; O'Neil said he
dld'nt want any thing to do with him. R. said
"you' don't, ha!" When he said this be was
close to deceased. Immediately heard deceased
say "I'm stuck—Barber Bill has struck me with
a knife." R. said "I have no knife," and
medistely threw out his hands to show that he
MA none. Wm. Mackey, husband of this wit
hnese testified to substantially the same thing.
the Democratic
t to disbanding
whilst taking in a
Buffalo, sprung
four and Are thou-
paid by the City
to September of
eduatiag its gov-
one million more
e Federal CkoTsra
. Adams.
11 2 .1baji . 910C ; lirterrou. t iy t e noise at
tztotel, went on deck and saw
a great many-predeoto
bound the door of that
man come out of the Hoter eral fight , saw a
tticaught another man by the co v.,a light, who
some one in the house, "this is ttiZ tl said to
had the slug-shot ;" when a number caine! fiat
of the house and took the man in : beards noise
as if they were whipping the man . heard him
say he was bleeding ; heard hint call for Barber
Bill and say he could whip hint it he had fair
play The witness then went I , elow, remained
a few - moments, and when he came on deck sag
O'Neil standing in front tit Brabson s shop h t
the wood pile: saw two men in front of the
Cotuinercial Hotel, one had a light and appear,'
to be looking for something . while they were
thus engaged, another man came out of the
door and went towards deceased beeeased
told him to go away, that he dill not want alit)
thing to do with him: the other •atil -Yon
don't. ha - -Waft chow to deceased, whi it he
said this: saw hint make no moveinet, lint it
meidisitely deceased cried Nut that he a id it,
bed, and the iit her mat tirm d :ttel µrut tow
ards the house. Decea..ed then called to the
men with the light to come atol see how lie wa
cut ; the two men then rent tit• N. dressed, who
continued to proclaim that ho -1,1b),01. .111.1
was bleeding to death; heard hint cry ••moth
er" two or three flows Before he fell. Tht
ttitness was on hi-I vessel, within du feet of the
man when he was stabbed. and could see all
that took place plainly Unl ut know the men
with the light, nor the 'll.m that wa , near de
ceased when he said he was ell!
A. Halstead. of Lockport, sho rolls a canal
boat, was also sworn. His te-diniony was cor
roborative of the other witnesses in every par
ticular. lie was at the Commercial llotel when
the row commenced, but as that part of the
testimony had little bearing on the subsequent
murder, we have not deemed it necessary to
reiterate it. The substance of it, divested of
all verbiage was—whisky ! Whisky was at the
bottom of the whole fight. tiNeil had been
drinking, and he fell among others who had
also indulged, and the result was he lout his
life. The Coroner's jury. consisting of A. A.
CRAIG, Esq., J. It. Cochran, David Burton,
Jehu Dillon, It. 13. Young. and St. NI. Frey.
after a brief consultation returned a verdict of
felonious homicide against Wx. it/retina, who
was arrested soon after the affray, and is now
in jail.
liar Thu Gazette says "the Philadelphia
City item--a valuable paper, edited by an
accomplished man, and devoted to Litera
ture and the Artis—takes ground in favor
oflion. A. (3. Ccaris for Governor in I / 4 6 41 ."
The query is, what has tl.. m , i,Wination of
Andy Curtin for Geyer ' 0 to do
with "literature and the
sir The last ease of "broCuerl ) affection"
is that practiced by the Editor of the E rpreas
on his "brother" of the Luserne romni, r.,
stealing an entire column of his scandal and
billingsgate, and applying it to a cotemporery.
sir It is • noteworthy fact that a week ago
last Monday night, our City Councils discharged
our police fares, and since then we hare has}
two rows, in one of which a man had his leg
broke, and in the other a man was murdered !
OIL A row occurred at a Gerraan Concert,
at Ftrea's Haf , on Monday evening—in which
one man (an unoffending one. too) had his
right leg badly broken. The Germans, it is
add, were assailed by a band of outsiders 'with
out provocation. Measures None be instituted
to stop ouch prootottogs.—Goutte.
tar This is the way to tell it! A republi
can came into our office the other day—(we
shan't tell his name) --and handing out a dol
lar and a half, said he was tired running around
to his neighbors to borrow the Observer, and now
he wanted one of his own. We told him we
thought there were hundreds of Democrats, as
welt as Republicans, just as tired as he was,
only they were too stingy to pay the dollar
and a half, and too proud to own that they
could's:it do without the paper. And we guess
we were right. No Democrat ought to do with
out the Observer, and we don't see how a Re
publican ran ; and, we are inclined to think,
very few of them do. , Like our friend, re
ferred to at firm, they borrow It, thus putting
themselves to great inconvenience as well as
their neighbors. Don't do . that any more—
come in and subscribe and pay for it.
liar Among the most sensible as well as
novel articles recently introduced in ladies' ap
parel, is that of suspenders. They bear re
semblance to those worn by gentlemen, except
that they are made of delicate, white elastic
fabric, with frilled edge about one inch wide,
and arc attached to the skirt by buttons in
like manner. Wetiottbt not this invention will
be generally adopted with a view torelieve the
waist of the unlimited burden, which such ha
biliments necessarily produce. Reason and
experience teach us that the old and absurd
method, which followed, impairs the health,
impedes loco Motion, and tends to ill health.—
We presume our dry good's dealers have them
on hand.
par We call attention to the "Special An
nouncrmeut of the yuaker City l'uhliehaisi Howie,"
in another column. This House, of which
DuAss Ituttsos is the proprietor, has to our
knowledge distributed many valuable Gifts
with the Books it has furnished its customers.
We know there are" peopl , who
object to the "gi ft e m, bee •se they
cla,..s it with lottery bling. Ne . were
people more mistaken: There is no gamb •
about it., for there are no blanks. Every person
that buys a 1.14.,,,k gets his money's worth in
the Book, and if the seller has a mind to return
to him a part of-the profits in a "gift," who is
injured we should like to know. We have
dell in Books somewhat, and we know there is
a large profit, and it is this profit that the "gift
Book stores - propose to divide with their cus
tomers. Thus, a man tents a Book, theretail
rice of which is $8 in all Bookstores ; he hurl
it of the general Book seller, and the book
%eller puts all the profi.t in his pocket; but here
steps in the •gift book' seller and says, buy of
toe, and you shall iia;it a chance to draw back
the worth of a part tR your money, in some
other kind goods--that is he is willing to
divide the profit with the buyer. But, in say
ing this, we Would not advise our readers to
trust to the honesty of all who profess to carry
on the •gift book" system. There are dishon
est men in all professions and in all business.
Happily such establishments as Mr. R's in
Philadelphia is above suspicion. He was, we
believe, one of the first in the "gift book" bus
iness, and has so systematised it that it is one
of the feature% of the trade. But we isavessid
enough,—and have only to add that those who
are about to invest money in any of the new or
standard work% bad, better send to Mr R. for
a catalogue
gre- S. NI. 11.r.wt.ityr, Esq , the celebrated
Lecturer on Temperance, will address the peo
ple of this city, on Friday evening next. The
place of the Lecture has not yet been deter
mined, but will be duly announced.
was net
her husband with a pistol the other day Rea
son—the had left JOHN for the bed and board
of a doctor BAUR in the village, and when
Jon% wanted her to go with him she answered
by drawing a loaded pistol front her pocket.—
In the attempt to get the instrument of diath
the woman, it exploded carrying away
of .lotis 4 fl.llgrti . after which Jona took
her tOitsbk Vow,. in his arms and conveyed
mat ion
nair ;at: office, where he made infor
____lj the aforesaid doctor
1:2)-q The Cnnneautr-illE
litfrav occurred at Albion on' t. i . ... states that
week. in which a knife tray freely tmea. v last
fla g per,on lace and throat so badly that
lie intrely e-caped with his life A boat's crew
were 11 r...t c.I at that place on Friday morning
and taken Mick to Albion for examination.
goys We see by the Gazette that the firs
Annual Fair of the Concord and Sparta Agri
cultural Society vii•oi held on the farm of Q J
\ All N. in C..neord. utt Saturday last.—
Th,• wrathrr en. unfsv,,rstde, but the atten
dnnt•o4:irge. mid the li•ldsy or stock, vegeta
-1,1,—. dottte.tic IU:11111file! urt..atul fancy articles,
lety It i. proposed to enlarge the
^ , '! , ••y I ln , •lmline the townships of Concord,
a•t.l R a)!!!! !ft Ent! county, Sparta,
Rowe in Crawford County, and
. 01,14 it lot , . Spring ('reek and Eldred in Warren
taflY" otti• of her strange freaks
ha, trade the Meerschaum pipe an almost in
.livenbiltle article of use among the lovers 01
the — weed. Ire are among those who Lave not
%wen lead into followit u the exacting jade in
this instance --probably Leeause we are not
given to indulg,enee in that direction—but that
is no reason we •diould raise our voice in op
pomition, or refuso to communicate information
interesting to such of our readers as do indulge
in the fashvoiatle luxury of a Mcerechautn.—
For their benefit, then, we ,itiote the following
informatem which , A find in one 01 our ex-
ingen ••\lcerclwuw pipes (not cigar hold
when perfectly new, 41 ..111t1 he smeared
on the with ...lig:tr and water, which
nit cul,l be suffered to dry I,ef•cre being ...muked
The object of this is to I..ern a hard crust in
sole the howl Ti:i t+t may be partly cut
away when it become.. very thick, but should
never he entirely rentoted• It prevents the
pipe from ONrnieng—an important matter in its
way. Great care should be taken in smoking
a meerscimunr-ctgar-holder, t the proper name
for which. by the way. is toreale, pronounced
1.0r64,111../ehi not to smoke the cigar too close-
ly. or nearer than half an inch from the edge.
If smoked too closely, the clay will be buried,
and receive • dingy rusty hue. Ladies who
do not object to the smoke of a cigar cannot
endure that of a pipe. To remedy this, let
the smoker obtain mild Virginia leaf tobacco,
mixed with a small proportion of sumac leaf,
to be obtained at most American tobacconists.
Let there he mixed with this bruised Cascaril
la bark, for sale at all druggists, in the propor
tion of two ounces or less of Cascarilla to a
pound of tobacco. If it can be obtained, mix
with this a very little Powdered Sandal wood.
This will be found perfectly harmless aa to ef
fect, and will turn the tobacco smoke toe most
agreeable perfume. The bark should not be
quite pulverized, but simply bruised into pieces
the sire, say, of a peppercorn."
see The Editor of the Crawford Ammo/
gives notice that he has lost "two turkey hens"
and a whole brood of little gobblers, and he
wants some one to bring them back. Doubt
less some genuine black republican has found
them on his fence, "and seised dem for de
li• A. elan ihmsrr DILILAIL
Horrible dreams I have often had
Terrible, mystical, dread and sad ;
Visions of frenzy, and visions of pain ,
But never a vision that troubled my brain
Like the one that I'll tell you—Lord only know'
Why and how it attacked me—but bpre it rot.
I dreamed I stood in crowded State Street
Made musical now with the tramp of feet,
And before me, lifting its glittering side.
Like a Marble cliff, o'er the human tole,
A snowy-white palace, massy and fair,
Towered giant-like in the Bummer sir
The front was brilliant, the walls were hot i
With piles of goods, well designed,
Carved Graces lifted each silvery lamp,
And luxury there had placed her stamp,
While the counters groaned under endless p i l e .
Of Silks and Satins, in all the styles '
Goods of all textures and every hue,
All the improvements, artistic and new ,
Satins for a Queen on the day of her marriage
And Silks for • lady of moderate carriage
Dress Goods for miss, and Dress Goods for mud
Ribbons for all—of every shade
Panting, I rushed serous the street,
To this door, where fashion torus her feet
"A silk for my wife," loud I crie,t
But a ringing voice withiu repltetl.
"All gone, all sold."--at that cruel sound
Fainting and dizzy fiell to the cn,und
But 'twal only a dream, a false one, too
For the Palace is open, and hail turpt,,,.,l ,
With — goods, this dozen Springs and
Exquisite silks, profuse and gay,
Endless assortment and vast display,
Imported by Gairwoan, and sold so chest',
That you wonder what profit the seller .espl.
But the prices are marked, and for CAell tikey're
And here lies die wonder, as we've I.e
TurtevtiLs, Sept F., I-
Ma. EU !Tuft : —Our citizens are gr,st.)
et ed about the discovery ofvas. t 4111111. t
Seneca Oil in our neighborhood, -awl I
thought that a hasty sketch of our Oa.. .
its prospects might interest you Titt, , y,
is situated on Oil Creek in a beautiful
which appears to have once been the •
bake. This is shown to be so by the nai,,re
the ground which for many feet beneath :t
surface is composed of round grisvel,' washer
sand, mud, and fish shells. The• latter lifer
ing entirely from any found-r,in the creek
present. Large spaces in the lower portion
the volley are covered with old pits, whet
could have been dug for no other purpose
collecting Oil. They also occur in hundred.
at several places between this and the meet;
of the creek, (12 miles distant.) They u•
generally about 4 by 6 feet in breadth an
length, and about the same in depth. In th ,
bottom when the accumulated mud and rubbi,i
are removed, are found logs evidently out co:
metal axes. The latter fact, with the imtnen , •
amount of labor ,expended on the pits, togeti'
with their ancient appearance when the Er•
settlers arrived here in the latter part it
last century, show that they must t bal,
dug by the French, previous to the - captur ,
Quebec by Wolfe, in 1759. This bype•` s ''
strengthened by the remains of • •empuran
fortification that commanded wie northern en
trance of the valley. t• would be a curio,•
subject for some F e esech scholar to trace in it.
writings of the days. So cunou a .10c ,,
cry as Oil in the earth did not pass wun.o.:
some comment, certainly. Mr Drake, an
terprising gentleman from New England. L..
. of the-
the last two weeks, has been pumping over hi
hundred gallons per day, and- there is no al
parent reason why there may not be a hal
dreg wells equally productive bet wern t hitt tt,
the mouth of the creek. Now when we iii
into consideration the growing scareily of r
whale, and that this oil may be f
all purpose% to which fish oil r tt•larte.3 tr,
must conclude that Mr Drake be.. deve!
another of the immense mineral re- tir , e•
PenaSylVallia It underlies the w rt,:b;
and there can be no danger of its failing to
is bituminous however, the Savant tuai,
cover some resemblance between it ind
v o taley of Sodom, but as we have at /ea-• •
se ;ieleons men, besides several vrt%e
We gueft — , — "° ------ „
• tne r airs this year :I,s‘
be set down as &Uwe.. ,
east the
been so in this vicinity. E t l
ve., , lody
in saying that that at liirsrd was so .
even admitted by the Mea•tecd„
theirs was by far inferior to th. ; , 1 y,
The Conneautville Courier says,
there were people enough pre•3etv, , ,",
to 4,000 each day, hut the art/.•1, , t.
Lion were light in each department. v. I •..
either a lack of interest on the part i •
who should he its supporters, or 11,1.! At
tnent on the part of those having o
As to our own it "went under" in tolclitz.
—a regular equinoctial—that pretty tl,
kept every body at home, as well a., ;•,,
cattle, mammoth squashes, fast hnr• •
crying babies. By the by, why is. it O. t• •
hating the direction of this matter I I
are sure to appoint the time when all rip
cuce teaches that we way expect just -Li •
storm as that which has raged nearly
week' A week or ten days earlier or 14 , '
will, nine times out of ten, give them g
INgi- Under the head of "startling feet
the Gazette says "It may be well occasion.t'-
ly to furnish our readers with some pr •
of the peculiar operations of tho p , res.•nt
Tsrlti . Laws. During eight months of th•
present year, ending September lst,
shipped to Europe rtrrr TWO MILLION , '
DOLLARS in gold and silver—equal to
hundred and thirty tons ej sold." Noll 1 , ,
most "startling fact" of all the Gaz,•:t.
presses--and that is that the present t.,:.;'
law was passed by the votes of the 1; •
party—Gov. RAiris in the chair ; snil di it
Lawrence, Stone & Co., a wealthy bk, is
Republican firm in lifasaachusetts hloi ti
the tune of $BO,OOO to secure that
n l
and that the banking house of G A RDEN kit
& Co., of Boston, another concern that 1-•
longs to the Gazette's party, is doing I u•:
neason that identical $BO,OOO The
are "startling," certainly.
Mk. The energetic action of the United Sia:e•
Government has obtained from the Kingdom
Hanover the release of M}• Ernst, a naturaltic•l
American citizen, who, it will be remeniher , .1
was Belled, upon his return to his native lau•I
and compelled to do, military service T hp ,
prompt action of the !demoralise' Governmeoi
emphatically proven the wise moderation And
firmness which have characterized the
of the Administration, and must confound the
misrepresenting Opposition press.
J The Brig Chnoynis, Captain HALL, awl
the Schooner Cormtkian, Captain COMSTOCh,
both bound from Marquette to this port end
loaded with Lake Superior trop Ore, struck
the bar on the South aide of the entrance to
our harbor on Tuesday morning. Both wilt
probaoly be got off. They are owned in Buf