New Agricultural Settlement. To ALL WANTING FARMS, A RARE OPPOHTCEITY IN A DVI 14:HT) I I AND HEALTHY CLIMATE IA NILES Sot - THEAq OF PHILADELPHIA, ON THE (*AMPEX AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD NEW JERSEY An old estate cooaistlug of several thoupatol• of a, cr. Lf praalactase awl bas been itviebrit lute Farms of • to nut les purchaser. A population of some l' t fit, t . died, VIIIIOtIS parts of tbe middle state. .. L a N e . Cn land have willed the:. the post Vela, thew places, sad roam( oreallest crops. 'the vice .f tb.• tor le at the to puss of trona $l5 to $2O per sere. the ....I l• ..f the best quality for tie production of H Arai. ( tot- r. O sod nlipte irsirr takes. IT )1 El Ca rl in d , TUE BUT YKUIT WEL IN TkiE - UNII)N rice place re perfectly aware trout frosts--tile •lestrio r .I.t , guy of tiro farmer. Crops ut groin, gram and tar • growing and eao be peen by examining t , aI, tee a parte' judgement coo be formed of the prod. ti the land the lamas are made multi to tmpr moment of the Lead, which to oral, tamprsvessest The result has beer , t VI I I . Year* souls tars. krastrsti /masts ha% t r ; M. n vett • tw mills, one steam, four stoma, f •t'y • II" hr. ••• t Nadi orcha.-46 ti, 01,41 largo n r,"t, prON,Lnentyi, inatit.g it it 1 .h.. ai. ~•. T/11. r r••ntirr LI • yee'ev.r. • • 11E-I IN Mi., Pn 1,..r0 brlngir tlk• , t) t•otc. the at sn.l , h,, US* n ttott tt.. a.. P• i.. , 1.1.• :. I op:11. " I I. - I ==fEll =1 =I =Er MEI =EI ME , ••. Lk . . I! • 4. , a.- EOM chanLi, IMEMI IME11•11111 . nod Car ,4••.• H • - I= =EEO =I MEM =IMO I= I=l 11= ID roliDeCtlou orb I r a., au l'.rlrkita tr. LI bar trio a 111.11 h prr,H•an, gatrm•ata fur say kn.d J bausarsr part aratarly 1,1.4" OW • Ofillf, rfulla. lA. Jaw kh0e...111 .•, d this yla.r road mar art tr meg,. aid MairlUN^l. nr• • I 'cultural ,rptawa.ra FABlillkfle , /Of C./41ot mull fill it le• .zs p., has bra tlf rap , ' Ulu .sissy s -LAI.,,' mat, incr.ase of buail tall Tow LI , t., a a 1,4 a,z.• •t U. b , t sell scull 1101,, at eflrt t , L, tLopr.,, ,{l.l. place. can sir Lad at fr , •ra $.OO and upwaria. The haatawatua F neater. a 111. I , tera.) cultural •heet c4.ntotainN r, : Ld • 1b.."... 1 lot., can be 4 , atain-U t.r at., Title todtaputahlr—e at rautee dr. 4.•/. • '• ,7 rf so, thentobrwsee wueo mune, t* !kW hi ate to tb•• leave VIA,* street wharf, I'Mhoelphta tor I 7./111:137.1.1:“.1 ,or Pll F are son t. WI eh there Inquire for Mr 1,. trtra. final - ding roi.,••flirt,••• ”1 7 1 Lind Pa. tiro had b. tt, with fir th rhea,* pr., etTat, unttl tbs . , hare decikieli sa 1.1 porrtiaiking, •t• Lr ot,. show them over the :awl rut is tarny,, Letters and sprltcatt(•h• cau tx• n•1•1,••?4,11•• la,. h M . ) risea, Jiatotuouton 1' t , , „Allah:" I , \ •is .21•rr.f.v. • 7 M. B. Coughlin, 202 South /. t• - • •.• I Ittla.tet,j,hta yaps at,,,,[tuformathut ehef fru lI tutnt•luol. r :tut, - 16, 1509. toto6. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVEM 1)E811.1TIT110., IT is compounde(l ..titirt•ly hum-. and bar become a n ...(abliga.r•lt•ct, a aLandan, 1 eri• late. known and appro• .1 ‘ed b) ail II at L,• t. , , it, and tr now resortra to 04 mitts tolli^den, in 1,1 Ilil dinettes for • lacb .t is re- 0 conitost ~ It has cured thouwands • stlon tl, last is. Iran who had giSenup&P bop., C"' of mini, as Its nurnviuya unaolitited certillcat••• in Ivy po•a•aai•ln rh• w Tba doff may Ise adapt- nil to the tensporanwt.t o! the Individual taking it,,..... and uard in such disoti ttss as to act gently on ‘..) 'he Boyals Let the dictates of sour r p i judrao-nt snob,- eau to the am of the. LI VER , '"' INV I lielk a TOR. 11111 . E a wsll core Liter i oum , Maims. Millais. il iac Ea, I) y•p e p• la, Clio sok Mart bora. Summer COM pia.= ta Dye- in eri.lmpse,s-ou I' ,t4l.Ca orb, Habitual Coelive- 6 , 1 Dem, IL'holes le, Cbalm ra, einelera Mariam. '—' Cholera liefontam. Flatulence, Jaundice. Fe- M male Wesilstsemoa, an ,s may be 1.10.41 OUCCLliallii) .„_,. 1. u. an Ordisar) Fami ly Medicine.. It .111 bid cure e. IL Ili ti EA In ACRE, (aa thousand. pa testily,) lis Lorene) intsates, t two or three Teaspoonfuls. are Lassen at commencement of attack 1 All who woo it are 101.114 tbesr testimony 1 " , in .te favor E ir MIX WAVER IN ?Ilk MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATteIt, AND SWALLOW both together. Price Owe D•llar per Bottle —A L:4 SANFORD'S F %,11LY CATHARTIC PILLS, rt, m pc) i s DED PrltZ TPOITABLI ELTILACTS, AID PUT UP IN 61....wr , t •ath AIR ?MST, erh Wll.l lair aal CL/111•Ta. The resell, Catbar- tie PILL, but actirt,:athart4c which • the proeurtur Lao 1:1-4-14 ht. practice more than 2L The ef,ontantly Thereat !or dOIXISIZO: :fort Lit aq,s. has one UPltoti tLe. P 1 LLB, /611/II ti n hich all e•pre•• 0.4 In regard to the-sr ho. indored toe to place th. it 13 o I The PrhiPwston wel, ~ • the Ir. OA: e• &CI ~n n i p, ron+ ..rtlon f •t•., ('A• TI1A117111; PILI P.,-, with cue r..ferenre to tht•eql • • . .th cefht r t.. • r0mp.01.4.1.A fr..en a oar, U •, of th , \ Ede F t racto, .bleb art * t_orh • pa •' " e •llrcientar) canal. and IS . , 4800 II to: t YE I ca.. wie-rr A , eltantt E ,„, ~ ,•".... • - • i)t, IRA :iiti, 101 'MT,. OF Tit h .... T 0 Ni t ( 11, st.heitotts•, Paitt• 111 , hr g ht..k Br, I•ttt•-, Pain and Sotrott--• ....,, wry r the ii hal , - 11...1% , hum buddy° euld, whirls . 11 c -, ~, , , t.ttt , t t and la a long eaurfar oft. ref . • %,/ • fr•V - pit'ir , Mo. lit ' 1•14 • r • .tk• ••I •. pea*, Itrada.b....., •• 11, • • •.1. ,: lulls". ala.•ry DI•e•• ea. WI1011111••• •• • I •;„ • , I'olll,l 8101.1. *ll4 maulrc 1, h •, • 7 "r, ,,, .U. 7 17.. I.L.D1.1171:1 C . ) II 7 7 , ‘• 7...7. • Dup. Prwr, 31/ I r 0.17. Thr I. st-• 1.4•150 , w1•r wro. F. 717.111 1, I .4111•:. Pair •• 7.• , . , "4. e 713 n 1 th. ,•. T. N. •• % • F (Ili I. H. il 3.1.. road vw ). 0 1) ,, 1.F.1) AND RAIN I IN-4 I) id! I) S . It • • A Safe and Certain Cure for Piles : T IIIS TRULY iN Al.l L/D•lv/1 are' h• to/ Dna,/.1 1.1.• 11/ 11 , ./.01 • 11/0,/•111,n pt PPP Inn. //I • u••••• • • •• the pubLe rtln the ,uhna it. ~• .titnr / • , /•i•r its 11 is wage l it it vecta. o,nt////I ,Dlpts• taneetud! tbe U. 101.1. DIPII./1// Ca... a/ to 1/ (//lnnhr hit it. ProLGIVIIUI !Mop. ti kith medltlw f• illlnt/114/PoI and il• nature. ee l . , • 4,1 tlll/0•Ith•D• I ~ ch./MN, 11/.1 It I , lllg I. .h. Imam sad Is agTs flab., pee bawd Tr. it I It. It that I. aatrd u a Ilial . •11/1 • • feel eentieee. .16, who tiara it will bear teatimon, to rta trwrltt and End rehef fr. m a most ;lawful &Metier. Ref...ela tion, Chafing hap... Are. It ~It be req. be ecesl., dona tor all Ezeotia.lot, Chiding, Lod I Laps or the 'km relieving. even ID ap•VP•PP CAPPOp, pltDelat lw•Iii• It For Sale by laftTakt Q is fiuT 'ht., hew PER, Waterford. Juty t 3 I - :.51 NITER' MCOLATE ill 1111111 ♦ II 0:31P F.Li:t;•?. T CoN 7 ECM ti Thin Mae and sure remedy for all kinds .4 lutPalinal Worms, is *erred to the public, • Itb a full and hvfr.•t knowledge of its r Mesas to at , eases They are v o mir•ur..t ed with great me from well-known article el .p•-r:6e virtue. Contain DO nat rear) to any f are pe,iltarit adapted to children from their taste, , etas a. pleadraat as the choicest confections, and fat more Dtlective than the many nauseous Veralfages la common use are perfect I ) safe in their operation, and ma) be given to the smaliest infant and to adults, with the same .acres. to fit cher are the great remedy, aad on trial will be found to ...apnea nil other prrparatiDua. for Sale by CART}.Ii k BltuTll KR. Erie. July l 1866.-117 BRUSHES! BRUSHE:•" BRUSHES!" Paint, Taruish, t.ndornr, Striping, Whitt. %ash Window Horan, &rah, Tat non, plain and fancy Hair and Teeth, aimi a general asanrtrostit of all iamb of BRI1:-.11ES, for male by may 21 T 8. DERSONS WANTING CIIAN6 of clunato for health. Son advertise :smut of I Issornon no Load; soother ordnion. - Caen I NDIGO, First quality. wholeAmtle and rt' tail, at the new Drag Store of Aug. 20, OW CARTIER k TIRO. VANDORN'S Great Remedy for LYS PEPItIi, at the new bruit Store of Aug 20, 11100. CARTIER k BRO. - - lICKSTETT ER'S BITTF.RS for male by the Apart; Aug. 20. CARTER k BRO. Ailar,XXL WATER, from St. Catlial ripe., Canada, at the new Drug Ator. of Aug. 20 , 1 SSC CARTER A RR4r) G RICEEN PAINTS, FrPnch & Ameriran, voiaajh a a44, aailable for Blind hinting, at ine new Dna( Moro at CARTER A BRu. Aug. SIX WHITE LEAD, of various brands, to be had vary tow, Other abotaate or 'vied, at the Dew rwag Store of CARTKR h HMO. L INSEED OIL. Boiled and R►w, by the barest or 'alio% to the very loweet:retee, at the Iry Dm/We st ClAlliirai IRO. AV. all HORACE WATERS, Ag't. 1)1:1'd.1•41 I (IF .IND Ilt'sl+:. •. • A I , ,,audre- Ilrgauti Orea.e , e. erlebnite,d an t• 1.1 t.. ' Areordrosr,,, t.• „11. t 1 Ciatiourtts, Trto.ux •a. Veining and Ronitnero, in b•-•t itoltan StrinKs, ;ten.— le..lrtineentee, b•r bonito. I • trot Covern. 11 1..111.1.• 4.1 Mu.e.a.l Ine.trunientle 1.11fr..,ET ill !sit'. front all I.ha publie.beree in the U ••••P. et Ite I• te re t en'• and 110.1...rn 1 4 ,b0i.1, and all It Mil& • f eui the atw,rr tustrlinients ; Church , Nu. , e leg - anti) L'enonei: rliiKir Par. r, and /..ndee oC M 0.., tdrrclianduir, AT THK LOWEST NI Vll %t 1:::,U, and up to 1••••“ , 1%10 PlANiirs from 1.t.5 up to 11160 ; •.• 11, Judea... $44, id.u. $74, $lllO, and up 1. 0 VAX) • IN ‘. ONS, how po to sho , Alex and" Ihicrien, • 01, L'e SICO. tone st.Ol,A, $11,5 •-• • ' , • sod 0:51X1, brie, btops • - . 1,1 %it asdre ()riga. , 1 1rcoirieeies— a I • I - prin. /al and $3.5. A .1 I 1,, • ifirti. ILL•ble•tb • • 1•••• Tro•li , •‘, l I hrd at IL.. 11111 I I 1 04 .10 4 VI 111.1511F.11 Ill' 111 , 1 1,11 1J la lift h•••• 1 Rook, No. At jL • infix;, I i it. rruLt each. 14 =ME I • %1 tp • t 1 , 0:11 I ‘N k'rERS PllNos NIF,I ()1.1 •• / I • •., • t, Gand, hi t rat. ot li. ' .1 I it V\ 14.1111 =I WI r N. • I ' 1 A•thlit , 't oil.. a 1... had .40 ' • to • 11 nl• I. I tallorta, ~ I lira ayt 10/hrat • ! t 1111.- wiatlell Ina t o l , a 11.1.1. • r - $.• • r:.• • t,. •01.1 true in la firrihrt , la:At 4101. totlttr;ar In ii,tr Oa,. anti I Unlit. I or 'a , Unt, , 110 in 111.4 • 1.4f1.1./ • 1“ if. f Wake " rf...,• • 111 1%% aI el• I Milt.. wum If/ 0111•••••••InInar,, ty,t t , a 14.1. 1y been warfel) ft... 14.4 for tine tear, and b.!) 1.1 AOO.l arttl •Inrant,ll, y, „Vlt.t,t,4 I ur..o, ill f - hear air urtetti one tt,t -ire 14 Inn,tun pool, I It tr. . • t fisi•••••ia, tnarr•Altraf / rtat gra( I,non.,:lni 41116 , Ara , rin.adtry Ti., 1 • 1 ~.11.-1/ fr,rn y,.0 v 417160.0. In elyi riatlx• Il• I. I ‘l , l ...ILI., of the b• 1.11•11..1/1• 111 Ibe t.1.,/-Kir,t hat.. • , ..t, la • 11.. kt 1..0n on 1.110 ralel) armed I irrl 4.61104 I. 11.11 , •'r ra • inf. lot -a 11 tIO all I rant., tint 41 Mr ett - J .14..Ifictottaitca, 1 arlior•rille, I lo• hai.n es. duly rr. lt eame in aveellant • to. ar,tl i• 1,3 cinch sOns ri,, tau V.' fir,-. pt lln flm nk/. fot pr..iuniii••• I ''st Kr alt. Karr.;. 11ant, Ftria.Vlttrl 0 , VA ttir h alo , Oar,. A 1.0 0. the 1..., nor u• • Ilf• • I• If‘') /1", An A Lt.Tll.l/11,it Aug.!. lit. •t. much obIhr•••1 t 4 i nn 1 1 .. r ton Paul • odi . -ft 14.; f1:4,11, ant! a 1...1.• pill. 1. , 0 _manta It '• - lel a u' df. it Pgifialo • - ur • , t.. 11.,rafit air's ate ho..a tt as atu , .n g lb. . V..' t{.• art -i-ak thin inalruurrlala 4, I' 1 . , httnihri - tn.m ter. nal I.lAnal,lLe id tin tr rr .• ;01.0 And tilralil) . 1 I / rangy/tat " V".• fall PlA.ak of tlit. turrif• Horace. 11 alit, ..1 .persoual •1,:•., I•itti, 11,a urn w'o' o lly, "--(Airtaffnli infritiffraterr. • Notlaug at tl.o Stat 4 }air thaplairal µteat, rat - 14 an I , ..trayhtleh I ILA! , prar. ,t At, rat h tttttt • I IhrrrA Max It. 11.011, Walt rt. )lalirta .4/1 . built .1 tlor In at and Ti,. heatlanried material Wi bale tat tattultl trr, fan tn. ma, 111, !ha p , 1A ttir, at In, !lam AI , I -tn.., I,oUrre .n ll*. 'll,l/ dr oral, wird Itaktrall •* 11., Haying and hial../artn• r knits Ow- I I.llllarlSl , ll • I/ ;tor 4.0 al made aglt burr c, /9 • 4011. it•f/tMO4. N 14 ,1 1 ,141000 infirm are ,4 Intl tlt 11, awl ;it It t and hroarelrini. Naar lurk Aluoat ra R., ref !nal frienda will lb.) at lir Water.' -In, ‘rry '•• laS•orttnent of Mini. and of ?Lwow to to, 1...14.1 111 V 1/If.”*" sill 1110. o.llr XfrUtl./A,ll WIY•f. rn . yrirrna 10 alai thin MP rt. net et the, "0 ft. %is 1 , 41 -GrAtatall's Mar attar VI 4 HICHOIII.4IP6 :13.1 11110 4114% .4 New lark. 11,