The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 17, 1859, Image 1

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    Int 6rit Okstrrtr.
11 0, \\I )1 ' 1111111 \I .I,ll*}{NAl
BY B. F. SLOAN• 4 ingle Ruh•enhent, tf rr , ud in 4 , l••ne•
tore Ca•piem trill he eent to ~ n e lor dus, and
...toe rate for larger club.
. , failing to pa • 'thin year, the
.11•,,utInue , t anti the •renunt mad. out at
• „t ,e•r, and left wait a proper officer for
,- f Ftft.wn honor lea. make a Nuar , iiii
, „ Lr ,., ~,,e 111 . 1 ek. STS 1 1 0 e Naar*. 3 month• $3 00
• 0. , '• 1 0(1 I Imp ••• 6 .. ,nu
, -
the.. .`. 124 Out " V " 07J
i p• ~n. .., us, • par, ch./liftable at pllea•urv, $lO
•: •„
~,,,,,- 3 zno , nthot, $ll. 0 raflothh, SV, g m" g th,,,,,
, „' 1 ,ear 415
mu, or TO al uatler -one year, $6O. 6 months,
• 3 Il4,•ntin,
4 • • •, iimertcd in the Bonne.. Directory at $3 per
~.„ ',nes allow„) for • Card, over 141‘, and under
snd Editorial notices, lU cents • line ; but no
ss elt • ill be inserted iunong th e S w o t ] N„b e ,
v. One dollar
VALI to and ...there risquirins frequent changes
• will he adored two squat-n, paper,
,$14.0 For additional space, the charges will
„ and the dveltiseinente mast be strictly
tso the lesitintate businleas sir the advertiser Pas •
transient advertiseint• required in &Issuer.-
, , s earls ash ertieing rid lie presented half. V. ai,l)
KV, 1 •
W ca •ND
ilf F rv.nch:ltrachll42, law,
h 1.,„ I.arrt, Wstleotra,Nalagi4Sherry, Port,and•ll klohl•
• :0 iurritte. t4luty, •tookmanaarturer of IVtio•
, o 0.,1 Ft, «, Bourbon, P4..L1011 It,. .1 on
r t.
tit Co..
HoLlta.A . Llt 1.11•1.10,14 1.10m1.1t114 A•I
StrheL, P
I, U. t•► 1,14.
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••• o I •lory Ih. htto , 'Lr., . ui t.. 1 1.1 F 11
trr fie // 1/11.a,/./../ )1.• O•ttil . •• • 111.1
• 01111.111«.. puthrtuall, altrtolr.,
!)F1I:\ VI hF.7.4014: ./ 111.,
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•. 011 s1.•1 I.•. a 1.1• • I hew.
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1%•-: twosr Vont.•ll
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dill APA1..A.1:67A111.1.‘11.1.,
. •F,. PI) tip. 4-, ‘I 1 I,
141....1, F rw, I
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T701101E151 aT V 111... I...aaaraal
l•ala. • 1..11 ask N. i. F I
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Vl-4.4 ..Ili r.• I
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r.•llk RIC(' C.hl $5,
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k ‘ 311 4 1 ,11. 1 . • ••1 , 1 a•I %•16.1 I ••P ' I 4
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111••,4k, Iso•rt lr •I • t fi•• I Irt.
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• 11. it +in A o• TII. 1. , 14f .'li. "
1.1.. • t ), 4.1 Ih. l'lll,ll , " . ..Cif re 1 rt.-
I (II: Klt PI .34 ,4 li n
I•ltiyn IL 1....1.
,s,l r.wk«rv, i; at,,t ••••• 11 no: II!
• Work, elitt,rl f F7 . t Mad 001 e ik I 1..
( Sawressoe• Iv norm,' 4 14 I A•fthry •
.111LIOI w Engliodi, i..runts nod As,. nti nr..o
Any tl., .• r, 1,,. tu -1•• I.
H... 7 114. u., Krt.% Ys t
f A Pf." 4 1.1 Tl.h.
t/ TA,' LUN,IN the r. o.• Ill
VIII, ►4.1 Ihr
tor Lr. 4 Itir 114.111••• slid Bro.. • 11. !• I
. VOI(I) &
I• r, \
rlitorater brpt.r.t., k. tb•
• 1.., P•• \ 4 . ,
/it 11.1.1/10 4 I\ll.l t l ur• ..f
an... 1111.1 s, Peu.l/ I, 11,1-.0, I.,nti , •Is —.1,11.1.
11l Ai.FM 1n r.,
Futh, F• u \ 1. 1 1,..
• tir...mpt, • V 4 N • 1 Itr 11 tr.
T.,rmo t eudi k 4\% I It
twtr .41.0., 4 don?, •I 1 • . 1.,
o..ztti Aid.. i',A;•.l , !•,11. r
Watkll & A,, rr•rrlot,.:
I It \, J: F411111.%1t.
1 14 ill, it, t 1•14.1.4 rM., Ili •I, .'••ro.
t•I ir.'sa 1;..... s o F, t. I • t I. we
"tato ptri-el.l.:rio, / . 4
“Itir r r
f„„,4 lIE.IL .1: CO..
or/ .41.11.141“ &Mt •01111:11.m.oll M• i 10.10
rikh, moo. air.' for r.. 1 ...‘ I •••• •
• I v., I ak.• Stwunrra, k, F rh.• l'a
1.1 %AMA of , t,am n• 114
Acrteultunt I mul.-tn., to. Harr ar•
V rt.,
F i V l ool itl io l o i o lk: o7o . (err.,. M U.r,Fn.! Airtit
La "U. rlrt A. Kiloton o Ilarl.loro Inos,
Jr•rlry Stvr«. %I rot Parl.. l'o• nf'-t
lobo t.. I.rgbq
ATTORNIFY AT I tir,1,.•1 , .1 Ir.. t •J,ll
P. t and , tott•mw. at. r • •t,
pt..tript or. awl divpatell
J 011,I_ SVVKY.NY.
4 , 1 JrNTICII OP THII I . X•er. .thre H. .tt
up-•t•trr, Fr., Pa
I i‘UtiliKir
WaulAtii•l ■ 1;x1.. r 6 • .6..1 16. al. r.
lionwatic and Import.4l %,,.t slat
OW 116.1 111..ITxtr liutla
.11. No 7 R1.01t,'1t0;.1r.4 I. rt.. PI
3 oitiN W. A 'le RE S.
rAt-rt kI.M, N ht.!. Oak
I , HLIrt 111 all klti.lp 1 , 13114.11 K H.. king
"dirt auJ I)tsaing l Lure, N. , 4 Err k E n., I's
Dc• Lira% ntoglto 111.151 l.••••• OWII.O
044 •11.1 Rotat:, at No. )::,I •.1..../1 • 111.•rk Slrit• .Ir
Erie, Ili.,
( )1.0. 1 8: I.OW.
111A•t1/•CTI kV lel ;• %1.. , Hetal l
dealer • ru Well mod Curren) Vamp' , ..1 ~wa In V.
heapest nod beta Win 111 11/14 •treet Eno,
Aquwiurt for mar) to water for fatally, farm Or
purpow.. for lea/. cheap
I 0. KJ* 1. 1 0:T . T.
.Iter and il-grelltnit to Routh Part R.
t , •t Mo.t Out of Xrt• Hkul
J Ir 111, 1968
IS J. M01tT437.1
r romw A Iti.011.: 11.111 I .1r1,1,4-•a M. r,han
.t• .t k, Fria, dralor in ("el, -'alt, Vlntir •11
•C tILTEK & IhK11•11.0t:G•
Nia.,Laroeut s.n.litirt4/1.1•
Chankilf•lir. Wirei4l 40•1 war. !Le
-La.* Stromt, Frio, rem,
1. 1 P I ILk
WM A tt KIMR , ILI.. °Ulmer. and I.Ud
tu rtrtery Andboriptstto ttl I•trragu laud I),ltturat to Dry
"""t•• C.rpolt•ca. Clutts., ke No .Sr.otet
ru.r V.fib t £rra. Pa.
W 11.1.1 A if TIIOHNTI/N.
JraTICII ?41 PKAI`I, Agree•
Howls awl Mortgage*. Leagra. *r , aratel) iod
Oak* no 11+130/. rtrwrt, • weer Jax
4:rotarry !itote Erie. Pa
A TWIIIINET •T I alr a irt , .It°olo,cit OF TTIII
Wyll practiro In 11.0 ...von' 0 . 4,1 i r t• ..f Irrlre Count v.
sod faitlscol at, to oto .11 /mono.. OD •
1..6.0 Io A,. hand., rats.,.. 1000 A te"rnyv or Ilmetat rate
to KI•••00k, r•••rner tAiite• saol i..11b
I. - ATITMTAI AT I A 4.1 . 11 e. ~,,,
• • ukl•!.lA, •.-At ~f •41.10. I.- h
• 1•11..1f
no,1•1111.1.t.LI, tllLot Ind
‘. Minil Street, Hullal,
B •11•0... n t.estoseut of
f the. ,10.)• hal Eat.
•, la, 1.66..--87.1 y
ATTOILXICI A? LAW —O'Dea narr IdurvLir'• 'Nu
abut, !Between Brow n'o lintel and Head HouK , Bne , Pa
- - - - -
CI, COTT dc. IN.
14.• 1. ran ID all ktatla of Coal, Sall, Plaatrr, Flour
, ke. Public Dora, Eri., Pa 61
A -wort,
W LIOLZMA and Retail dealer In all kinds
nrenes.h, German and Amerman Hardware, A u•I1*, Vices,
I non, Nails, Steel, k,. Saddlery and Carriage Trimming*,
Marhine Belting and racking French stret.t, opposite. the
Revel House, Krie,
For Sale at a Great!Sacrifioe !
THE owncr Inv no n.e for them
India Rubber An R.-d, little used. Prune Goo*e
Frwth. r Heti, r Suit, ll•rtpir Top pi,
Gilt Flowers, Gilt Mirror beat plate, 4011 n, Sofa Iled-
Rtes.!, nearly new, Moss Mattress and Coserlid, with
Kitchen Keguipitp. For Salo on Conitunwlon, by
Fri., July ti G. W. ELLSKY, State Street.
~Til'rll•F Is HEREBY W \'ES. to HII
pereona having friends In the C nit. .1 te
nail !toping ground, ion the corner of Fight h and French
itikrie, to retool, or eau. the n•mnrat of their
,t 31,1111., on or before the Ifith day of Ortola•r oe‘t -
Th4.k.• ...rosining an llir grnundo •Wer that time will he
11,111.1 d to the Trustees of the Congregation, agreeably
to the prr.,tntr.n• of the A.•t of A... toll) , pasted at the
last seeeion of the Legialature, 110 t14.111111V Raid remora:
F July L 14:1 , . 44.1 14) oilier itt the Trust. r•
LONG-, ls,EL_ ID 7
Nrhysician, Surgeon and Dentist.
lcrzvxcaisr 111•TII-alr-aES.
)ha% ii I.lllll.ilit•iiil4 locatcd at
I . loon tt 111., w •sttelol All ...11. oi
tOto,s All oat 1.11 o, ernto•to. on 11, Troth
rf , ,tortlftol .arrant.-.l ti. (1.11
one to an .•nl l re wtt Jptli
P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
I _l 1..k10 I) ELEG.k NT 111)1'1
no l o r.,i nII,I
I", It,
r I hi, 1 1 ,, y, 11 . .. 4 11, r, I
1. ml Ihr 1.1.. pr th,ti
r t1,..1 • u,.' 11114,1 yol 11/11 ~,,,
rr nt. I art }•••, Dunne,
Fimll. . tll 1.1t4 5..-..ntup.•itit. It. At Oil,. 11..“,
ipertor ~th, 11l the , itl It .1, , • - r.
rarl;..•wl ••tahltakt wttwelle.l wh. re. 01,4. It On the
oot.try will RI% 04“, tir,l att.qtt:s.• tak, lotrvr
tliesr tram. Mal t., IS:04111.,
Agg ia t For Chicago
11.., k Jew
And Intermediate Porte !
()NI. to HI). pLupii:s ~}
!Lir fro- Liw. •.I
Into rint.,ltt.ll VI EON P:%11) I I awl %TI It
11111 , 11.1 nti.l
j" ..r fr..g141 r •pi t.,
I. .1 MllkriwN,
1 , .,t
M 1 MI)IZ(i A N
rriurned fr , •111 N..wr l ,rik x o
t• 1I d. • 1r.,. t.h,in the ;while that Phr
i,• etlel hen ill lit!' prereoF, to renos at. , nod t .•4•r,
Ilan, I I tp, Ito] Legrho,r4 it.. !tort aupet."l
l ir- qtr.)... ...u.%alv•rs. !eon es.oe:
, hiorr ..eher of, au.l F 1,00 tr, F 1.1••
II (1 .11.1..
A 1.,. \ NFT 4 . kr•CIIF , \I. T
ma. litto• and Irsn.l mad, b on y.. t 1411.
DRESS 11u\\ LTT, llt II \
3:230 'Rt. E 081 Ei SE;
M Nf
. 11 Al, 1 1•
..rtnietkl .1 1111 11,0 KY and IANCI 1;11111,,
t‘,/ .1 • ;rrat 0rt..1. 111,t1.-
C(11.111:1.:1) kNN 1;i1NN•11•::". 1;1,111 EitS
1.t1,: .. Halo ..%..ry
, , ni.•,
. ,
I•trotwot, il,,,,• • •••• • I
rrn• 1.1 I ..rowiLs •a•,l •I•srt•I„ •,f wll \u••••• F •••
Fs. Alet.clet,L,.., •,,
• ' , 1...v...., kr
‘,21'1 1 I\i; I'll F.ll' 1 1{ 11F11'1 I'll
FIKUK MA PI, it ES Olt: d (
\ %%right ISI. k E:rie.
THE ERIE _i'7t'' . -- --H.: OBSERVER,
ERrE, "PA.
I I 41.1.1 I. n•• , 11, • r, t
, Irnw
\ I:Ts. I{llo'A )N: , , I.t .‘t
ri Mango, the. Milho,r, lone, 141,4 h
• u1.4.1......a10...r ni re... 1. that .1.4, ro.topyliti.,..
k,ir• k u
at s•rw
• • - ••1•1....: a a11.a.1 I .1111111044 I, a. .11.• ImarlIn•I• ar
~• t••la.. ...a•Lts, ...lore
tr th..••• bus In, 14. 410.,
Le. ,r pun I. at Ler ralabliallin,o,
;11 , 4 "1.'10.411W, and . 1 .;.d...0.1 ..t
• Nit1.1i"11:1
v of
IEO X 1—• MC. .
11, ..
rr I 3,,1,•,1,, , tl..tito.ri 1.11.1 1 rm... • 1.1, , I .
mr.ra and 1.1.11i1e 11 /0- • • ••• - ••1
..•"/1/11VLall... PI,
. 4 2 j
rirAlm., aul. k - l• •..., . , , 1.
ttl, a Str•nerki a•..•rllneill m'l.
1111.1.1. NE W -• oupylled with C 114.41, •t wiu •tterial•n:••••
In•trr It••nr.-1 141••ek. 141..• st,l Pr.••••••nliw ••••1.• .1
he 1.••••1 tomln. r. •1,1, 4 t raw 11•••inet- • ••I•••••••: I otrt., 114••.1
rt.l INnek
Aprt• I , •* , UKS 4 r• 1 l<
0111 k (1 kirr A
I, 'dl bEscitil"rft iNs.
I\11'1:1:1 ‘l.
01. 111 (at ‘l)Pft :
I:1) el IF FEE
I: 1 KING I . I) s IIERS.
FLOAT, NI Ts. t.e
C 011 1 ,1.11
111 TTE.II
Mt I Y. I) ‘l•ll.F7d,
fl OOP wed
VI , I 1.1.(IM %VA IC K.
711. A 11 . 14 %NI) 114 1..400 1 /
T.0g,11....r • al. n Iry ••••..prttnent f 1.1 erl
I,llt Li, • 141...err5. :510t... which n e Wt../ t , ) Porn at lir
1•••••••1 market pr... I'A 11. A. 41 1 , 1 ,10
BF ckm IX. KV ‘. MI; kl' l l.
's rght 111...
.11.1 i .. Id,
Ift) WAVI': ,
Thct ontlotentr, ila• liter. mite
111,11.RIStt t• 4 YE, • bit It by Nt II .:,1•••••• t.f tiar•it
es•lt ttr i t i trttrottl a t t., IV I. ,t(i,rr
I,le, A pri I V. 1 1 / 4 .9 —44 tf
m Nits( )N,
with \ FI RA11.,, PAIN 111 the 1 7 .Yer,14a , ti
...I JAW Mill, that inlvht toe almuat Unita/MY-I
hr Itul , appltrats.f of thr Extrart of Smart Weed It I
I..tb nwnr pleaxaut anti Par , lis.o any ..f the Pain Kill.
and il.•t flropa lu use Juat try It
Aug I.V. CANTER k Intl)
- - -
lII{ /.:N( 'II SSWW N II I Ti: IV N - i•
4 .
dry Anil gn.untl in white lingual. %, f, I',
.lain tinivh, •t N.. 1. Kee,' Ilouye
F ne. June 4, 1.69—.62 I. I 1141.1iWIS
p.‘ I NTS ! I' A I N"l'S ! ! P.k I NTS !! !
White loYnl dry and in nll, Atnenenn and F remit
/in., Haw and Rolled Linseed OIL Vreneti...ii Ited,
!rent) Ochre, I brow. and French Gnen, and in
e Way 12.rery thing in thin line of r l I :11'7 . 1 4 , for Phi•••t the tftorir
T. 1 4 taltiel.AlK
- -
F IINI I •• kN1N s-11 .
lot Railroad to the State of Newt
among the hr.t for Agrieultural purport.,
leoina s remal loam mil, with a Hay bottom The Mod lc
tract, thettli.d Atileil farm.. arid Itettlrer•lr from
all past. of the rou atm' are Dow gettllng and building --
Vt. e.t.p. preoloneil are ISM. and Mb be reed growing
The ellnliatedelightfuln
,ad secure from fmata Ten
Irma $l5 to VA/ peer &err, pa)stdc "tabu , flour hr a•
..ealm.rot , T. •kait the pl.,- Vita. Rtreet Wharf
at l'lselaelrli.bia at 7 , 1 . A 11 1,, FlAilretael for llama ))))) tms,
..r aelelrrar H J tit rues. le, letter MAW 11111 l 1 . •551 I
tialotti County, Nrw Jersey "tee 1..11 .1% el tweitiomt n.
auul he. rtrio"oo eft.ol
X' At jail 2. CARTER k BRITS.
t )n fair Sardinia's fields and !Arcanum
The tender ;
The tranquil earth was bathed in Iteauti
Son as the aunlight of our dreams,—
Thi4 %ot hut yeetertlay
The tiukting hells of grazing herds,
The Meat of goals, the songs of birth,
The herdsman's carol gay,
Rose like a sweet spontaueoun psalm
'Toward the Wife heaven Cu pure and calla—
Thi. was Inn yesterday.
On Lake Maggiore's breast a light
The fisher spread his wings "1 white
T., seek his shiny prey .
In "lire grove and vitieywril tine
The peasant prtine.l the tree and A 11143-
' llll+ was hut yesterday
(1.1 4t.eme.l to smile on all the land
IN hilly vale 4, itv m..untaitis grind
lt proplr hold and say ,
Pellet. arched theclunila with %hitting how
Penee I.enntified the earth helow
This %MK hill ye.terdar
tt.t) . the mad Briareus, iVar.
..-tttu thn.tigh those Scenes on dewing ear
Tnepe,,..1... here are the) '
f6t”atgh glove and vitt) at tl sweep the gains,
.•In.l ft.. 111 I lie Press of Simi/ill et runs
I he 11111 e 01 Life to-,lnd
the trim chateau
111ixt 111 . 111," t heir mites . "--tt lurid
111 jet 01 fiery mpray '
111.1 u6' iu plmee of tinkltng belle
Theii it tent wat II furious yells
1 lie .di%o are falling t...t
8111‘..'s deadly hlali
VII u un,. "t (he fruy:
For I/ ' %11:11 •honild the olive• do
1,.r whnm ilr branehei grow
elltettli4l to Jac
N111.1.1\ FEN
t. to 0 U-.
I r.zht
5, ti
•••••II.• ilegtilute. tie !ix".
I. . ! I. d /11, in(4her, have you
m. tri.•re) 7 1... t (41111 v lit•e.
11 . I ON
.11.111 toot Uoul it )04 VOti shall
her. hut know that
•••.-he darken, loy (loot at !h u t. iwrii."
- Ebel) -end her +one , moroey 'on rata
•.\ , (t (Mt' till ming.
DLO I le.el het letter to t, t l
4,0.• it to tile "
Tho datn!liter advaneed from the .I()or
1.% a In. II Nhe had 1,14 , f) .4tanifing. a nd }are
111, I, net into the tremblinhands of the
h it
eld I ,d‘. ‘AIJ.,. %%a
bout 100 ing at it. tore
it ~ !..-- Ind ,4 1.,.. And ti few it on the
•I rn.,tlwr ! (711.1
1111,1, 111.•1( . VIM than yoll !inv.> on
1/ t , •. May th.l lotovo ) •,w11."
11.1 .1 , - -41.1-ini.4ll..rth qiu.bien
upun Itcr,
I ." : ' T ing ran , ed 1141 I.ther
n or mit ratelun g .
any change in the viii
litv:ered n no,rnent, then npettett tlit•
ittni went
fbe ilioth,r, propped on her ..r a , tiNne , l
it jo-t :110.1111w ,Ight of the
1%;.t!. paralysed, unable %%lien. she lay 1% &tit-
L e.arri.ql ft,in her bed
t )otdereurtain)
th, t.a 4.‘4.11' morning. and back tt.gaiti
it ri Oft The partial u4e of her twitching
hind , 'till remained to her tint inn awe
.1 ~a t •••• IntellHet... of her nier
-110,• is 11, ,it h.•r unchangeable hates
" I muttered. Fly me
.111. i -t inplite.i. to the hitter word.
14 1 1- 1 ,14. tit, the daughter Enured
t.•:11-4 ha./ et'ag44.l r11.141/•)1
t like the dr.q•+
hat Intl 111 Ike hill% Of a tlitutdor-storni
\ , hall I 111. r sli ALA.
pelklilg the W. was, not in n ',amnion:
I,, , ii.:nrin;.! manner, but qua-tit, its a pet
t,) , 11.11. 11u'(%61110i1 I 111 . 111 1111.11 . 1
110 i( i )0. Mt. I ' , Orr( q%
! .. 11. 111111/111.1A tile stairs, tutnoti into a
a t ia ”prtieti it ‘hsit.
A htth• ran to lwr. and put his baud
in 11,1 , , I,..king up wistfully into her
:•he piseed her titigPr on her lips, en
LI 0% 1.1:111%,:,
"reing +il4 not
iia , Jie read niy letter Will she !wsl
Win :'.llO help me? Will she save
Itmn , tan ?" cried a haggard
-1,.0k in:: ~flieu. •thrling froth her chair
1.0,1,1 e Ili, fir.. i ih, Ma), tell me, i. there
\ ? t hero` 111 W ft.rglVPlll.". in
May ,los)k her bead sadly. "Do not be
Un .at ten t , clear,' • hilt• NMI. "(Jur mother
ry 11 ,,t , i mekly moved, )ou know."
mterrupte.l the other : -no
mother of mow. Sint always hat,•ti me ; I
lime log."
stud 11 %CMEH kI
••••mmq.'“ Maysaiml,authoritatirely. "She
I- 11111 Our snottier. Kate; but remember
that •iie ms mune Notinun word againmmt
are %%e to do. litay ? What are
tie to do 0n ringing her thin hands.)
"Von niu. t .tav here- •for the pre.ent,
at :ill vents."
•--stii:% here. in hiding! in this hnune,
too' stealing our very bread from her—our
Imierest enieiny !"
••Peepli• lire their own worst enemies,"
M.i) "It e , not Jou that st.4l: it to
I, Kate. You must stay here until I can
arr.inge better for you. Have you no notion
‘‘ here your liw•band is?" she continued,
itsslie sat down. anirtnok the boy upon
her lap "Is there no friend of his you
mold vi rite to ! His lawyer--any business
etinnts•tion ? Surely, some one know.
‘‘ hi - bre he is to he found."
\i„l sh(.t ilk)
Itoict littrature.
% 'I.F 1 , II 1 ItioNl Ilh f.
11.• iluttiral hat 111 be4ItIA f 'Nernaell
h. I •1 11 11111"
IFn 11 1 , 1 her .tarvi
-Writi. to him !" cried Kate. "Do you
she lostosl out, "that before he
%%vitt he raised los hared against me? Ile
-truck nit,!
"I 111,111 ! For h hame ! before the child.'
Qa MAN".
Th., 1;oy Iwgen toery bitterly upon Mays
book 'in
-Tell me where 1 can direct, with any
chance of finding him, and I will write to
him." she continued. "I miyitt do some
104.1. 1 rm rgia."
write to him !" .aid the other. with
a little Wiser:tile laugh, sad to hear. " You
%%lite to him !"
ire y ou Jealous of me still. Kate?"
Min returned. curling her lip in acorn.—
• Well. think of it. I mu-t go now to our
mother. Is there anything 1 Can do fot
you hefttre I
"Oh, do not leave me, May dear 1 please
do not go 1 My trouble/ drive me mad
*hen I am alone."
"I cannot stay. My first duty lies by
nay mother's bed. There are books ; read.
There is Shakspeare. He has done me
pod in sorrow before now. There is a
better Book still ; read-that." •
"I cannot' read, with my mind in this
state. Sorrow I what sorrow have yeu.ever
known ?"
"/: -- 'fake your boy on your lap
then, if Isiok, will not serve you. In my
sorrow I 11141 110 11Y0 thing--no other self
to turn to."
She• put the child on leis ntothor's lap,
kissed his forehead; kissed it aiintin, and
left the room
To hoar these two pretty names bandied
hetwoou atom, what a mockery it seemed!
Kato and May—names that bring with
them pictures of young girls in their first
happy beauty ; young girls who, as yet., do
nut know thu existence of sorrow , whose
thoughts are of innocent, guileless love.
true and lasting. Kate and May, under
the apple-blossoms, talking of their boy
lovers; Kate and iffity siniting a two-part
spring song , Kate and May li-tening to
the nightingale, and growing pale with
mimic so.ntiment under the pale moon.—
The mulles last when all that seemed to be
the essence of them lima tivied away "Airy,
hairy becomes staid and sad, low
of foot 911.1 dim' of eye ; all her "silver
treble I aighter" ;lies into harsh discords.
Latin And the.:inte name
gliggests love or Inathing. infinite delight
)r. infinite sadness
May Meryton and her halt-sister Kate—
Mery ton by birth, illunden by mart iage --
had passed those happy ‘6ys when-their
hretty nitme-4iieemeil suited to them This
aggard. thin woman. on whoqe form and
fact want hadatamped fist gaunt, wolfish
outlines, who sat crytnit, pas-ionately over
her child. clasping it to her meagre
with feeble, feverish had been but
a few ears ago the prettie-t villiage
encinettiqh, charminr. .neli a pic
ture R 4 would rile ever after at the sound
of - 'Kate - to those who had then known
het. Ilea duck hair was pluleil and un
eared fol. her rehead furrowed, her fe
verish. flushed cheeks channeled as if by
constant tears. She seemed to bate for-
gotten her beauty— beaut), %Inch women
cete:e to remember only when they are ut
terly h0pe1.”, ,, .# her pretty, .elf-willed
temper, so bewitching in her girlhood. had
hardened Into querulousness most un
It i+ a sad stoiy I have to tell.:unl--o let
any young Kati or May, whu happen.. to
glauee over these pagr., lays: , it by. Shad
ows of sin and oprrow are not good for all,
thLS Lwatttifilt spring tiu►e; th.tugli ttt
v.iuu• tile) nut* buggeit IK ueG. tally litAt
stornr•, Fr.•at nrrittmall, never Lu l t" 11t ,
in due se:ts.o.n : How the le'ive.z, now fre4ll
ana ‘ , lll fill from thu tree (-me by
Mr•L lierytou, the stern-hoarwd woman,
ing paralycollon the of m that room
%sh.•nct• -he neter come- forth, in:ailed,
years a a go. mil • er with one child, Kate.
The match wt I suppoge, a love-tnateh
on her .iile. (li t as she seems eapahle of
an) gentle feeliNai now 0 for she wa, rich,
and her hush WAS piXir, :+u that all
cot Idly advan . arising from t lie match
were his. One 1
id was born to them--
May ; and am, !flier the husband died
Thu 4 1:=1114 that Mr-. Meryton
My. Ten to nrut tr....... 1 4. a.l
her .nettdanizhter Kate, her datialiterl i.
—chile they were both very ) oung. She
did her duty li) them impartially, acting
from a serve tit tigid.jii-tn e, tt lie•li wa, at
the root of her ch ir.i, t.•r. I..iiit: eqii.illy
kind and liberal to both, thotiah denfon.
strativo t.. neither Kate ‘4.a+ itnclentably
be:LI/11111i MILS W:1.4 tli 1111 it
Itruiriblti,.)uk , I refl . % t.,0. Slit• had brniA
hair, r",, bright ~niplex km, and tru.thiL
114)ne•t crly ee. , In dim , iti"ti
ionvirkable . i niot d l. ‘,l her al
foca :1114 le.r a •inipb., ,te#l. tl te.lfultie, ,
in other... $111.• to ~ o rr,.‘‘ upon 11.• r 111
K 111• l% 111.41,
•auey , 0 preth In a I re( ; Jul, ..)
int,ilerabl.. eh. 11 1.,,i111) 1, %%Antal:. Cif
ci,titt-.• it %%a., krtimit iu the ii.aillilm , rkluod
K.tto Itt.l littli•
:11 W• 1, (jri• tit“thi 1. " \N"h it .1
uit\ min' la Kato'
flashing tV'4 and I.oi - o,lllllg ia.itte.tri.,,
"that Kate 14 not th, In•trr Ili,‘‘ ever.
in duo tune a hit addre,,eh
May Mer)b , ii, tiid epted
thntiptli there ea- le, :b-,liite .11:fatzonient
between the Ni.iy yt t co
young. '('hit naine w.r MiehAal
Mundell. Hu wa, much older Hunt NiilV.
hamt,onie. of ttuuumg 111.11111. • 4
311.1 g,( , 1 t.t1 , 111 , 11. 11.01 htbell ~ Itttle
oi hi , %el% N 0111 1 ,14 htit LI- eon
duet tI(M, Lanai,
pe,elinhie gre‘A 1,, bo,l• luut, t• tru-t
him to plentifi 1,, r t•t ft•t•litig 1% if It !Clio.
until 1101 whole 110011. titMli to it , 1 - 1!no-0
WILA lu , . Ne% waN Ind happier
Niettutiule Kate , lull) more
met more ok , /) 111(1 t
uc~ of
thlt•t• fotm ).•31 ,
tdit• cl.ler. OW 3. ).•t h of .1••••1
though -.he Lel Ith
%%horn she coquottoil turn hv turn Qbe
grew re.tle‘s and une,e.l penitent, ill. un
happy. lilunden witelie,l her in trt.,alv
out of but 11041 duck e‘, ranted
Kate had coneeive,l 3 h.%,• 1 , 1 1111- It ind
some Nfichai4 Plunden lie admired her.
aaw that there Iva. more beam) in h, r than
in Ida. Him eve , began to speak 3 lan
guage to her's a,. lie -.poke. only %%ILL
LtM tongue to pow tro-tful Ma). Ile, like
other*, begtitt t' think - Milt a 1.11) that
Kate in not the heire , - '" lti+ atintinitiott
f her inereased int* 3 114)....4int) lineontroll
NVliat he intended to do. l ,annot
hay. Whether he thought at all of a hat
hn wa , doing, or wit.; wholly (Immo' awav
I.y blind impulsea : bow far he WWI tempted.
how f a r he was tempter. I cannot bay.
sudden() there AILS a de,envery, terrible
ft. 111.1 of Alan., on Katr, 1113111 ( 1 of
rillainon4dedintior on Minden :I,raiel
of v.oP nn.penk:ll , l on M{.at• Ketr nor
with iilundon. 'nn wa rr marri,4l we'n't
ly after a LIMP. Ilteir fit-1 , tiiil4l diva.
Mr. Moryton %%"3••• 4trtick 11111% 11% I fa
SIS t h•thi) .0 thpt ~%,i)
IhiN i 4 the nion• hf tho 1.3-4
Sorrow. if rightly .eon. iv not the lele,
of the blessines vouchsafed to us in this
,low or ...• t rftlOr, pits:l4lltl• or loam
leisure or lal>or--c•Mh i. 12.14354442, or curse.
aecording as we use It. - What tutu he do
with it *:" writ' s a great. novelist . and m
that form of lic- u wleile system of
life-philosophy. IN iit k in
themselves, so tench aq on the use or abuse
we make of these same (siren mitt:meets, does
good or evil. happiness or misery depend
May Mary tun bore this heavy blow brave
ly and well, even frnni the first. The sue
eemtive stages were to ht gone througls----
the dumb sense of unreasoning pain, then
the questioning ••tv lien-fore t" (terrible
quicksarnl wherein so many are swallowed
up ;) then the deeii darkness and chillness
heralding dawn ; and, at length. the dawn
itself—felt and acknowledged humbly and
tbankfnlly to be that end for which the
night, as a means. hail fallen. Through
these stages May passed. suffering much
mute pain, raising Wild eves to a blotteil
out heaven, hiding bruised heart helpless
ly under covert of the blackness of dark
ness. tithe left her youth and beauty
hind her in this %alley of the s hadow
death, coming out of it pale and thin,
sunken-eyed, stern-mouthed . and vet
. having a youth and beauty better than the
!ii ~'__fill~> 1 1,14 .'•.
old—youth and beauty imperishable. We
see such women as she became—we happy
girls and hogs—and sneer rt them as old
maids, wondering at their husky voices.
and their lightless eyes, and their dull
complexions, not knowing of the bitter
bread they have eaten, of the bitter waters
they have drank. Absurd that such *per
son should be called "May !"
By the paralytic stroke which struck
down her mother. May's grief was divided.
It was good for her. There is infinite good
in all these seeming ills, could we but see
it. I. think if there had been nothing to .
muse her, nothing to take her attention
from those heart-wounds, she would have
(tits'. Thus M rs. liery ton's afflict icna saved
her daughter's life, preserving that daugh
ter, her sole comfort, to her. How fool
ishly we write! Always trving to ") tfy
the wn's of God• to man!" of us keep
,ilenee at these matters
May awoke from this nightmare woe into
which her golden girl-dreams had deepen
ed, to reality. Not the reality, my dear
practical friend, that you pratu about-411m
love ae di ppetry, and that tort of thing, are
alt et! 'Maga : that feelings and emodons,
other than the ornniverous, are weaknesses
to he "preached down ;" that the world 14
prosair, material , and that tho chief wis
dom of life, youthful follies being over, is
to take this hard word as it ig, and worimi
hit. rime's self thereto. TheW, it strikes
me, are "evil dreams," not more unbeauti
rui than fabulous. May awoke to another
sort or wisdom and theory of life Her
trustfulness, outraged, became only the
stronger her love, dead and uprooted,
only tnught her more the truth and beauty
of love -die learned from human wicked.
nes. mid falseness that grand lesson that
human affections are the wisest guides
through this world, (though they he some
time- itatray.) leading upward tti other
worlds. where omnit•eroirsness and ma
terialism find no resting place for their
slow feet. She learned to recognize those
past girl dreams as foreshndowings, pre
saging visions, of this real, earnest life, in
itial to it, as also to a life still more real
and more earnest beyond
The-duty that lay nearest to her -he
performed. Her former craving for e•x
-elu-o eandi v idual love mart elouslychanged
itself into this sense of Quiety she
sat ilman in that prison -room, devoting her
life thankfully and lovingly to tending her
tern. unsympathetic neither her life,
whieti was to hare ta•en sr) beautiful, sr,
full of rapturous passion, so full of placid
wifely WTI d motherly happiness. And •he
(hit this with no unders - turrent of repining •
with no thought that it was praiseworthy
I think it we could hear her at her prayer
we should hear thanks that her pith of
duty hod been so clearly set before her.
that this great blessing had been granted
to het
This neatest duty of the sick-thorn vel
formed there was little opportunity or timc
to seek duties elsewhere : and et -he
managed to do some good to thu pool, U.
the , Ick, to the sinful, in, the neighborlos„.l
around. She had littlft money to rive,
though an heiress; but she had large .tore
of pity, and sympathy, and kindliness --
Knowing sorri wit herself, she could feel the
sorrow of others having been sinned
against so deeply, she knew how and when
to warn againat sin ; having forgiven she
could pity while she warned.
And yet it must be confessed that this
woman was of unprepossessing exterior
I.J i t e - r - iaritirTlmoiit'74an i sTV ' l :Ore m =
little mobility of expres.ion ; her '.nines
and tears did not come readily She had
no eliNpienee of worth', no yi% &city of
tion With the gay and thoughtless .he
vas not a favorite; they neeused her of
ler . 1 1/let madness as of a crime. and
YRS w icked of her not to he more eh. erful
flie poor mostly liked her. although she
lid not give 01PM much in corn : and
.loldren. looking up into her grey eye..
lam! 1° her instinetively The doet...r--
t t and i‘brivii.
‘ 1,., e night aril morning the
alid from t•infn to boa )4n41 from 1.4-.4 to
“1.1 sit(' Wa, an . and
sai.l. frgtinglv, hi. I%a, nt I t t• ttttlt
'Pr notion too prepo-tprou• In be •••
7tri•amii 'tile. anti her huahaml .Iraq
;2 (.4 on n wretrin-d lifr , now togethor, now
n moniontnry affinenve. lITI , I now
.00r Ile was a rogue in grain, this hand
oine, aperient , . Michael Blunden a I,laritipe
titiong man a villain among Wettlmi He
/eel ‘ , "1`..f. , 1 to 101'11 liia Wlri•, and .11.1 not
tilexeerite her as the means v. here
•v !oat the heire , s She loved him
ti11...s women will love; loved him the
nore, I think, the more cruel and f a ithless
Intl lwaitish he grew. Kate wrote for
tasv+lnneo to her old home again and again.
Mr. !demi 011 would never read or he a r the
Imtpr.. May did what she could- wrote
re 4 urn, sviohlthi7ing. rheerinc. timer
rpronehing by Y wora ; .enditic timeov
out t her pri ste rittsner until
mother 4leerotiered this and the pittan.,
Whir,' e‘ the icieide----one great
whe•li prostrates by a thunder-stroke of a
hi, ,ontoolous !mum tlouble-. 1 We ro-
cover from the thunder-stroke, mai me.l.
peril , we vet ItSed
and sorrow beentnes as the air n e
hreathe. Whieh i. the worse —the intere.-
itv 01 the one of the iontiu u ity of th..
otlwr K ite of a lighter nature, hail not
the e ,pieity of suffering that May had • her
grief. tore up her surfave tempers harl r.
I.igiosi waves. vexing the depth•+ hilt
little Earthquakes hurl seas upon their
continent.. or 'wallow them up, never to
return to their old hed. when the winds
lull for a moment, the foaming wave. grow
smooth Kate not only forgave but forgot
faithle.stese , w h e n h e came b ar k
to her : his return was always a renew
ing of her tint love—a love not very
pure. not very deep. math .oiled and de
formed with the dirt of materialism When
money poured in from some .ticei•••••fill
gambling transaction, Kate forgot the pre
ceding poverty, relished the cosily dainties,
ruffled in the glittering plume.. giving nn
thought to yerterda), no thought to the
morrow. She forgot even that first .haint
there lev the fault Sorrow had
taught her no wisdom : sin no repentance
The pft.t was as much a blank ea the future
"Forgive cml ft,r?et," we say while they
are direct opposites. Sterile. Recording
Angel blotting out an error with a tear. in
that 6.:ir enervotallires the remembrance
I * * * *
Yewrs rolled on ' One night Kate
- -ragged. rotit-sore. hungry. ill--erawled,
wish her 1.,y. up thu garden of her old
home, and hogged at the servants' door to
see May. Thim was two nights before the
conyeNation above rePordetl.took 1,1:14-.. -
Her husband had again deserted her, quar
reled with and struck her, where he had
tone she did not know. He hadleft
her almost destitute. Where to take
refuge 1 She carried into operation ti plan
which bad crossed her mind under like cir
cumstances before, and made her way bottle.
She had lost clear remembrance of her step
mother's relentless passion . and unfor
gi veness. May received her into the house
-w liat else could she dol—but as yet said
no word to her mother, •hoping against hope
to win her over to ennsent by slow degrees
Thus Mrs. Meryton, in her sick prison-room,
did not know that this hat es step-daughter
was under her roof.
It wags matter lull of' difficulties for Alay.
She felt, probably, some compunction at
the deception she was oblidd to practioet
1 but this was lea than it would have been
had she been younger and of a more tender
conse?ence. t4bewast not truffle—, , ,diio on
' ly aeted as .he juilgeil to I.e bPst. and doubt
kiss, her judgement was not invariably
right ; how far she wa- thong in tilts in-
Fiance let others decide. :•••lii.i accepted eir•
curnstanees MS they Caine, alwats looking
to find in them a .ht Me purposAi : looking
for thi, perhaps, tiro earnestl y . as to the
way of those who haNi• Ir.:oiled to aeknowl
edge a W.-sling in sot roe,. She acted as
i die lionestlt saw to be hest, aceording to
1 the light she had. In this et-e the choice
6y between turning liensister from the door
to vt:irV.•,;in4l i1t , ‘,1.4.3 mg and ileeei% tog her
mother ‘ltii otiose the latter , idiom. it. I
think, more readily tss•ati-e the burden fell
thus on her own shoulder,.
Mrs. Bluuden was di then she arrived.
Meagre (het. untr• in t ri/ LI I ~ , tie, i•x eitement
of griet..pri4sion, te ar tit•l it,ll..t‘ , hail worn
. down ho.r feeble hod‘ t ,, . in extreme of
WiNiklia-.1. \ low intermittent fever prov
ed iipm, h.1.-‘l.-ti„%. 1 li, i appetite. Iret
tett away her ! l e ng th. ,k,, a di• I, ,1, 3 .1.• It
she hail ,till been friendless—hail been
forced to exert her-self to tram daily bread
for her child and tier elf--"hew•Ailil not
thus' have ikon oat 'h il t rl ,-si r iniving May
to trust to, Illtla t.. }VIVO., with having no
pressing urgent %%ants t , l , lllVpiV or troubles
to boar, her fortitude hided', 1.0.1 It , , '.l VI , of
re-i-trinee.laelii n e ,l in.i 111 , If,/ tI ii . Arne
On S 11.• t• - . 1; to he; I .•,I• ind it ),.., ,tote
more and more evident to May tleit thi.
exhaustion of stem Wit' . I fi ng u 'r .i ii . '
I tile e% ening., 1..- Mt ',el and, the miss ..r,
was leavine. , tier halm; pe.-foitiii-I Iti•
- aecti-ittifited 1- indli • dli. • - -ht. I.,ilowed
loin front the room tie! di...tined tint in
the hall
'•` , tr. • he„,:ttid. .f. 1., I It-tt ii (-dn.. man
ner. "I tint-t trii-t it, N .11 net, i, .3. pi r
' son in the lion-, , t• 1 -.1.••-• I .r, -el l , 11 , \
mother does not kttt•w —*hi' i•er•••ti 1.- ill
i ou must COW , and -,.. her Folh.e. me.
and please walk g. ntl)
.1s he ninon:, .; 11, t ,:: .tot Ir. 7. ire
remon.trated In 1 p.•.•• n it 11, .T:11..1. 'O. 111 II
his long intereom , e v.:tit her , n et: ied '.l
person of whirs, pr.-sell«. Mr.. Niery t on • 10e.
not know.' W hat t , .11 th. 1t.,—,.N1.1 , . ' Have
1 , ''• -eel et- ''"
She did not an-e • r I tit 1. •1 tie s% IN I,
the room where Mr Blundell t.v Ii• iv
ing him iiot-ide I,lr 1 inotnent. she en fel ed.
found Kati. it. i halt ••upot opt tie e ..d-
Mil t.. 1 hint
'c;or,d 11, :I. I, ' I- • , esl ‘ , .1,.•» h. 1.,...1
felt the patient ., folk • iii , i licte 4 1 lir r ‘‘-tzt
ell, haggard femme- - idly did s ,ii not let
me see het I et •t•
I' 1. t•lii• .... • , ,I 1
lie ;•.-bool; lit- he i•I
• ,
, Ma% infirtu d air, K•,t, .II ,t, •, .
I to. wat..l Mv thrcot 1.• ,In •1: \
She i-iiight eight of th• •1,01,. 1 ~, f .tart
vd up. wrelnilli:--
ku,baud. 1/U-1 Wit
In 1, rp.t Hot. I, I . i•,
they were I•tit
Nlrchael r;• red th.• i I -tory
11, .1101 I. the t-. -- .co,t I.- rev
.1,•11t1 ri,..-,•,1 10 t 1.3101 t , 11 1 / 4 1
1.1. • 3 , II \l,\ 1., .•I
-.4h0 will -.t
- We will II" 111 [l,O I• j ••I
t". h.arttill% 1%0
M, r t•.ii
1. , imp0%-11..1e .1
the ice 10.-mt.rr..,c
"She tnu-t 14“ , 4• , H 1 .T.
vnu VHF , ' In
1 will 411 14•4•411
hate ttt•tk. 11 , ft.-
\ t•I 1.. It,: 1. 1.1. z tscit.
:11:ty ,t:t‘ 111th It. n0.t.11.t- ..•111.1 .
hut it vrtn. tlriP from
mother's sl(le n 11 • rutzlit 1111. • n Nft ,
‘‘tx. , -Itt• anti
11..t.A...11111101,..1111 1.1 -. loat•it.iti:
, 1,1, •,!
that :.•-t;.•• two , I, ‘‘.•ll,alk.--
311 , 1 r : 1.. 11 111 111. rat. 11,..
1. , /41i1111/111 , 1 1:11 11.::). 1. 1! • . -. •tit Wll. Ot
t r It It:vs tit.• Alit.. strtivic.• t 11(.
t..tau 11.t.t0tt...1 tit 1 ttl.•ll.l.trl hilt
i•t r .010 t t In s, .11 !h. •• 1 , 1. 11 till.'
K ~111 11 1. 11111 ..1 H.. 1 III.• • 1 1.. r
Int 111.' I.! t 1411111,11 I.t
tt •••1. li.•11-1.•11".1.1ttd..t1
t‘illt hum. 1•\1.11•--.•.Ito:dill...1 - .0
la. 11.. t -1. u. N‘.‘i I/. tall,
ith :N1,11,1.1 -1 11.. •,‘ 1 t tti,.
tit It lii'.• :2 , 1
to fly with h.•r 1.1 • .t.• 11.• r inn \
tt.011.1 1t0..., it Hi Olt .11—. 11 1
NI:„ :1,1.1 .14.1 VOW
1..V..1 tllt I. 111, t.
111•,. I 11, {
the itrt‘t on in. r tit t
nut}•u..ll .1 . • 1111 - \ LOIS 11 ` , .1 . 0111 . ! • 111.1•1
ft111(1 ,• 1 .1 • 1 11, ..1, .• 11, 111.4 . 11 III! tic..
11. t. 1,. 1 . I 1 j•
1 , 11-1 1, .11 • 'IP • •. 1 11, 11 I. II
In r httw I. I 1 t•. l .1
Itltt•-• 11.. h. t, .1 t.. 1111 ,
..lin I 1111// it • -•••• 11 t %Vail /111
IT 111 111 - I i r .PI.I
.• 1 .1
111 ,
1/11 ..It li,••11 '•. kitill4.ll 111
MI:LI, 1.. i 40% \ • I I. I)11 ' 11
`II •I .. 1.. I 1•!! 1/I. h.. 11.
It 1 . .1. ,% •1 I 4 ! N. • 1 1... 1 .11:11.
111 h• . I,lt
th , I M.".11...1
11. I 111- 1..t-.•le , - Pa.()
, I' I,' I/. 1.1 . ‘ lit
It Ili. 11 ‘‘...1. II 1. \
•I 11. .1.11...1 I . t, I
%..UI .i.s..r 1 I 41r ,, A. lum
trout ui I.
t. , ll;in t• 1. i I , I, Lic 11,11
eqm• I ktl. , y. 11 1 .• • n.. 1. 1 1 11,,
he til%% i 1 -
uu'l, .1
:.itpavt! 1 ,, 1,, z , !•,
"If he • 1 il•.'1!111 M
11 , ,vt oall I hoar lo
Iht al , ll 1.2,11, • 1. , • .•1 1 •
to her Iran 11,,‘‘ ,;i 1 ki op hi'
Vitql li, s- a• 11,1•i1 'II• tt,ll iiit•
tlilti 1 1111 d
,•ay) aro, ni1•11-1,
Vett. .1 ,, • 1 i t, froi
my or
nia) but eh. hu,
11( , .01.•TIV11 , 1 .. 1 ' ll '
1...1 . II( 11•
'II , 11111..1 ht•
"'":41.• 111110 , 11. 11.•1. It
"Ihill •10 all I orm
%.•1:. •11
Het. , voll
The vtil,c•t 1),. ut tiler...
trotil.l , m. Ili,• dint,
preternatural . i utetne--. no%ci ln
%oleo above a whiper.eraveling clown -tair-,
t,tt chtlitnh trehlos and puma tng feet
should 14. beard 10; tie d pill
her pnsurercrom, this boy -SO f 34
solemn in Ins grief awl silonec, le% in -
grew into May - ito Vu art. Anil til l ed
up in a mea.iiire that 1 , 1-1111111..! 11.1 1 1 11.•111 . 0
the old love harl=-1)4 , 441 ri.,tp.l out He
clung round Mayo walk ilk Ilia small
arms, and, pressing suputist that icw heart,
!uncover. ifny was to lace The cilforc,l
and impri,mtnent %%ore not good
for the % . and. it
tor that liothollhll - .. Q u . rir mp i i from hi,
mother.i;erard took hint
and people wondered whenee the bachelor
doctor had got lit,
hi vain May attempted tot cofteit her
mother's hate, and than to open a %cat to
confession id' fi r ttirtihie secret "ILO is
dying, inothee,b -she said, one ds,', in her
. q uiet voice.
• I hope she has repented
••llave not yore repented Will you not
let me tell her you forgive he?"
"I will net."
It was hopeless. May nerved herself for_
the duties that lay beibre her.
"A woman of no feeling, this of coarse
nature, lacking sensitiveness you might
have said, had you seen her calui mien at
this time. She looked a little older; her
face took a leaden tinge from want of
proper sleep • her eye! were red—it might
be from watching, it might be from weep
ing She was not a heroine, to whom tear:-
added a new charm. She performed her
customary duties about her mother in her
customary manner ; read the daily service
and the appointed lessons in her ordinary
voice ; worked with a hand noUmore tram
bling than usual. Into the room of the
dying woman we will not penetrate ; -the
story-teller's art has no business there.—
Listening at the door, we might hear sobs
and prayers.
Michael Blunden neither came nor wrote,
wife ceased to hope to see him ; indee.l,
tow.ird the last she lay constantly in a =hi
per, and wiu; not troubled by such disai ,
Why should we linger Li% er those scene,:
why play with skulls and crosirebones, ❑ml
beat idle tunes upon 'offing'
Kate died and was buried and her titer
mother, who so hated her, never dreamed
shat had taken place within the battle
house. "Another funeral• May "• •he
as the tolling of the hell readied hei
ear "Ah !it will be my turn soon'"
1 es. mamma." said May, tatting that
more tender word instead of mother- - yes,
mamma, 14 funeral. Let me kiss you, dear
mamma. Po you know poor Kate is
I will read the burial service listen "
It was not yen long Lefore another .4E01,1.
of paridyr•is deprived May of her mother --
.1, Mt Meryton by on her death-bed. ti,.•
remembrance of her relentlesa auger ;
her dead .tel.-daughter -mote her, and
turhed those ..oletnn moment 4. Then Mat
told her what she had done, c-onferried that
mournful secret. Mrs. Meryt.,n I earn 0,1
that her roof liadgi% en dielter to the (14,
4ng days of the unfoitimate Kate e ,and In
tits , thought there %%ai .oche eoudoit rot
her She hiked :thou' Kate %i child, learn
ed that he was at hand, and asked to
hint. lie wa... Id ought, and Mr,.
sate him -oleinnly Into the charge of .
, cen %N herein her plain 'clut:‘ 14
regarded tlu. ehild before , but it 1% I
I nexpre.cohl % ron.oling to her to I'4 - welt
the bov t lit. in trust from her dying moth
.l here a a. ie. ,ecret between th.-In
no deagi .einent et feeling or purpo,e .
l'here tt.,uhl egret, no compunetion
In T./after
Oki. I fill 11/11.1 llft2 of penuriounie... allot
11111.11-..iitnont. h.und lierselt tick 1111 , 1
10,111 114 %%,itiderva. ..11 •Intitni
111111!:- thr.,uch the garden_
with tree 4• aten' wilrletne--•Af tttn
trimmed , hruloi and tb.wer-1. a -. eta.-1
h. r that -.lie Lad entered into another
%%urld and a iie‘‘ Lfe. The neve! tired, ‘ , l
the igieri Flit i.oupdb of the rie•tliti i .;
leare-, th.• wind, of ),ird, and in-., t•
.11.tniit cattle the .cent.: at ficrwern
hay the night nt the sun placing ;lilt .. .vigil
green le.t% es, of the blue sky with its glid
ing cloud, of the -Lhadot% changing on die
-11.1.10 w lull- thec-e charm., (11 11.0111.•
Icon. lit. ..1 1 .11 hatorn,lit- riwiel
oh ' thi- honefi , tt u. .ue' How •r
hdk-. Wm. lie in ht -r N.-1N IN.- in a.,.1
I. el tin 1... (it 'letl!.
-ensehg• '
\ Ni
1/1 0 0
11~/ '• C•.• i
r Capt.\ A)
, Lil 1:1i4 1 1017)11i, it It the ut.ill , t (.4 minitin
da, c .az a lit 11:1 , fc. 'he could 11,atal -owe
r;01 ling
-1. 1 ..1.1, • for The ni.,nui,ll
( '81111 , .t \ MI
ti het It
••I• N% -t }jug th.- %%NA r oak
of tho p1ay...1. to her
rit sr %catch the
k into ~.1,111..
%%API hill. 111:1:t, tiu -1111 4 st opt Hullo' ill,
Ica , . an endle , ...tu.l\ This. nut
‘1....r lite recalled her girliww.d. schen from
mornmg till night Alie had hve.l among the
tlowers 3 . - the butt critic, atd—recall..d h. t
eha•ten..l .In.l •tdolued, awl .)! !3•
k.tionited her •orenitv of helrt •1ia , 1”.. -
letrtnonite:t Inzht
Ili hrs.( d of 40rt,.1% 01**•1* M. 41.
Si,.- hart her I•ny ron , tanth
ihout her That shrill laugh nt
when it bep,m to break forth unre‘traiiii
,• iirt.led her at tir , t into teatr • Int
-he learned to n to it, to call it forth.
in Inv.. it 1+ -he net er loved anything. ,•
.1 lying volee year+ ago 'Mil
l), 0% ureic into her heart mare and more
-triking .town film tihrrs • yoill h
wear' ....Ili 11l whi , h they rooted. lie.iv
nmi thrill. an.l
.Aim!. 1- , it were, from the
enond earthe to her 'tont..
lime - T 1 hen the .pring foliage ha- heel,
it prime hr win. l=. or -1. 4 ut- n:
1.11 , 11 t-. nut of the withered bent e , ine‘%
I 1...1itJ...1i. tteAli
the tit Ili/ nett PrOllllse 1.4 triiit..-\ of
from -piing, I ut a Ik. 114.‘‘ 14 ,
,r ,, .1. 4 •r , •1' tint Ctititertiii.lity. 1.) the -I.rihr
, iihnranee ic moonlight iint , )
And ivat,r mil(' win. --hot %till
1 1 11 .1 144.1 411111111.'1 .111.111.4./1, .1.4 4111.
1 11,111i.Z, 1 , 14 1 11).• 14)1 It 114. I.v ,1.4144.1.
111 , 1.011. .•1 C 11144.101 OW 0'44. 1)1.1
4t/1 , 14 . 11 11111111 , 1 V )11 thr• ...,111
foot fr(mi her
••11.tes Moryom - NINs
1111.11t1 ; :,
)1 : .1 ted t., het
ni In.;II. , 1.. I I 1.11,114..1 11:11),1... 111,„1, 1,
I. irt
I lii•re he NCIII VII. - his .til
llllllll.lg but illigerlll74. " e
111 ileb li.thitt chil , l •
In- 11.. t :n
in I , :t countenance, 1% re: 1, -
~f 1)1- 1 entity .11nwed 'till :thiint ht. nv , ltt , i
dem neti.t Pro'.
her ntutlutt. - Wlll .1. ,
"In, It 1, , too Lat. to ~uu• '
11. 1 11 1.1 1 IN 11,4 t.tl4. h4M 11.1. 1 1
1• 1 1% 1 1111 I. tt. r- 11,.‘‘
111^ nl -rif hi, trouhlp ,
11..1.011w.. He :toted well He
, letot :it ail 11111. cl.,hr hy. that toglit. and
(ani. a.:....111 the next t. 1.1. Ma) ItAalle,l ILA
u„;10 ,l.ntit 01,01111 , 1.1. w lie
•tit• 'lie talked I.e.tnti
1 , 1 1 .1 r •lhnnt hi, h,..‘t %life. about hit 111 nlt
tituatt.illtt lri.itght th.• 441 n \ .•1
.tiou rottn4.l to the tutu• %%he•n Ito
k,c.• 1,4) M.ty.
t/11 11.1 1 1 1 , 011,
h ("I ill pslll •.ir it i• 1
)0111 L , I•l . %%h..t %•.11 %%.1111' I •
3111 111 , 110% : •
H. tttnrt..y -lurik off N
low! •ttter li.' %stilt.. to May. stattng ,Until
11,%% he 1111 , 1 llw'VY•+ 111 heart lotetl It, 1
hit* -hoped. that -h,• 51..1,1.1
1.•1:...1% , boo. that 111 4 1 . 1:1,4111.1110.• t:11.1
min+ tool. ,
ty:vt not t•nuhloti by 111111 .1.1.111.
•.tittpl!, for t rea-on tfi t'o.oe at 11, ea ,
t ran:veiled fur *wile tr,Att •.ti•nt qt I
h , r. .ttl ‘lll.l not lit, to ret tin!
Vfny hid ;mother ffi r of 11,,q1r
thi.4 timn
• 111%A M•ty. - ...Ltd Ihi• doctor, orte i 1 i
• )ou are lit , 1 am not a rich
'ou Ar.• .t. 'war to an ang. I 3, no .% t
An 1 , 4 , I am .elfl-h, .nnt-temper..l
week awl mo.‘t men. Will
tnarry me
•11 deal, dent friend, I thank
tit heart,' • .6,1 May, taking, be= .
"I,ut I .1,11 n.n•er mem )nu - I
0)411 not . Do not, a.k me tin- que-tlnn
11'), t.) I t:R u 41.-
. 1 6- Th, Timm, ipal election in thi .!‘
if Leavenworth, held on tiLSUI inwtatit.
resulted in the triumphant queer*: of I ton
lu au. clic Democratic taint/Woe for Mayor
Those :••liari.iitie..of Brother Beecher - tired'
at the wrong end
‘‘iii-1”•t.,1 A