The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 10, 1859, Image 4
New Agricultural Settlement. ALI, - A - ANTINt; ,A.KAitE itt'l'eti.l .1.4 1 1\ A i•e, •• • AND AIt.tI.THY t 3.nt.tri .t tilt J i -••1 ht • tar 11111.ADhl 110. .11'1 .\Nb ATI.AN ll< 1...11 r , . \1 Ai • ris•• onaliA II: • 1...., • 10rti.!..• lac habbeeli 1 olt, It 1. I 3 • • t. not (AA 1.4 , ..5.164, A • f dtgat. is• parts al!, Tow • - it •-al .• Lit t has; .ettfed they 11.. , • .1, t.... .ac. *tad relent sattNifeste crepe. -• •• • ; • • • • at :Le los st.m of frutn $l.l t,, tr • •••• •• • ••• -• • • *. tw taat quality for tit: pruducto•o • II t tack ts , Craps* asui otostabi. * • . I - t•• ), EKED TELF. ittsr iRCIT th 71.1 i.••• ••• i•.aoe is peffettly secure trunk frosts—lL. •• or Of the (111112 t r. Crops or great, era,. rt•... It.t ,• * I ttttrwing and can be WOO By exam:ll4,o, t. • , a ct•rrectjuagetoent can be fqrsa,l of it, mud The terms arso6ide cut t u t t • rurement of the land, .121.71, la • „ • laprareinest. The result hail /•••••rt, • es, r, tt.qtr, !arta *hawked km**. .. t.ti• 0t.A11., f•••ir •1...,11 PAlleb re/St. 'ati • Jar., r -.I 1411,4•Ituttlitit, crash:,,, It .n• act, e I.lllres th.• rra , tet may p.ervrile trt BV,,T Spiv, , 1 r.•• l o.l.cri•Mikon; d0n:..., L . • r sway nom lbe Gh, and more. . t•l• r IL.- Are 11 kLow r. 11,1 IL. • At .. :31ta nD t te a l * 1. 1 1: t to I t a• 4. I: In 4.,eatiul,. ILL Iv, 1i.4 sr •.•tl. as tl • s • boll,. n. r 1.1 ' N" • /a/l.: and .141l1•.). Staler, • aim•lat L/ • 11.• Or In rr Hlith v at, ~,,, .t comp•rr anal it. har.“ 1 aJ11•Ir 511 1 . al •••• •• 3 prndure t14.11...t . t,.1 Ti. 11.-i 1 hap ....Lit0011.1.4 wat - •11 kr,: :: • • :II:rill' unknown Ti. r trot,. th. ), n..r" c , CllO4l - pli.ttr • frerr.lll lu tto w•N • .1•11.• • , • 1.1.A111. I. • ••,. • .1 and !Lt. I•T 14 k 1,136* t•SVI •1 IL, • at hand 11,re •• ;. •• • Ina and :• • rho ft-4W, w all ..41 • here !growl:led, 1.1.,..a•1 ...11 • I , Tru 1.K.:••r• 11• IL the 111,XJALgrt • ntr.l. 110 "DI .0,101 t...1101 . . , 4 LlOlrlyr 1l l• as sr. • 1•10.1 MA , r I% 01114 , i 1130 rO.ll , Xt 111.V.1 11 U., 1. , own 11411;rbtoort•• , ••1 Ili., •IA • I and t 1111 'ode. , II•rx. , , • oil.♦ 111 5 t trlr f•• •• "i• •1/4 • N yy, , • t 4..1111' t r,f t.:4ql r•ttp..; 111-, if , v. , timi; trxtr, I , t,, • twettl••rn 11,11 , •••1t. rut 41. 4 , II I 11 A rillo 114 14./7A , /OK Tlihlk \.4 , t HIMMA \ I,l\ 11 I it . 1. I l• ti 1 I Mt 1 n.. t •1411•4 / 41 ,44 4 16 1., 4 , b 114 4 4,14,24, purl. hurry ata, • a onfloyaffories. 71,c "4..4 imp. t.. 0.1 4 • ~.:. • r unt,-, 1140 , 11', rovide rcc 11,P rash ,g .ma., .11 has hot n r,l a• ' nrr•w+. 1.: 'II • • • EEMBMI Ildosememt we I yrr•rtr.... • • •• • 1 • • ,• , , an 4». t,tAnneo _ I - I • v T%tl.• lti116111•0•1. •21 r• ‘, ;.. •I rurtd • r rune , • Iteri nn •••••• . 1 ..••• •• rex,. 1 1•••• sti•r•el •r• •ti. 1 ;•••••1••,I.I• • I.• 11, • H.A•II , rOA4, 11 11 • r ; a P 11 /••••• .0 • r .r. for I'r it• •t lArtr•• 10•• • 1.. •t , r 11.11.1, 1 g 1... r "••••• .• , fly-1 , • 11 ‘11•11.• 11 I • ,rl. r., Hay hi. .1. I, .1 p 6 r I' r ; t • MIMI S4NFOL D'S I,IIEII IN\ 11:111t 111111 NI EH OEI4II IT cri _I: 1, . • 1!14./. t 11 1.1 , • 0 •I , '1 14.4:1 " • WI.. o 1•111 NI 1.. I. • . .. • • •' . trt ...I eat , to, fr. 4:10,„ w•! . • I,r Itsaw ble• " tt.i t I. • k • lo I , • (ttr LIVIA& 1 , 6%11.011 VI lilt .1 , 1,1%er ( - (t -incl,•, 11 pr p ( bionic 1111,ro Itoo r , • a, , I - • ( !mire o 4 ( I '•- rn, ( holern it., hoirtu I 11111111114.11, I: ..n • , I 41111 I. rya . , %.‘ • • 5 , 111 II( ”I 5! Iledleltir. it w„ FM It 1% 11 I Al 11E, A•*. to I • •• • =IIIII le 1 k Fa /Likinglt, -•, ri p.- %TEO/ IN. THE 1101 TII 1 , 1•!11 IN% IGOR %TOLL, %ND ..kk %IA i/Nk together 1'r1..• Our• I►ollur p. r 11..it1. - AI ,I. SANFORD'S 1: OH 1.1 CATHARTIC PILLS, MESE= r Kt eKI:KTaI.I Y tilra, , all..l . lklflT. sat a , Ilrri • The Foul!. cathur t.,tr ,e•tt. 4 a:kart, r pnt,tler tt,./I than Itt, Cn The eertrtantly mere'. 0.1 _ !me. Icu. ‘ou•III•••••• YI I tile~4o piaer u,. n, fro , L. , * thartica art r n mth r. n. ;Li e. i • . The FAIIII.I ‘ll.l II I'll I due neleren• to it n. -.4,• toropoUi.ard Ir , .nt a tar, U 11, , I 140 EitraCi., rh, t ...11,. • 0 r* . •iinseutary o '4 1:001) m. 0.... F. Ir. cares where a I atbartir • itANIIik.3IE . ITS 1)1. Tilt; To 1 ll Sleepinietie, l'siti• to tlo 1:4 lo• , • fain saya Allaer 1111 11 1ahole Kudt !rota sodden cold. .111 , 1 , I tg .e.t 4.'4 , • . end kn a i”iiht it 0.0I".I -•' ' ' t 1 114.4 newt, tiendi‘i a.. r a etc tit .7. '' ' • IlLt 3 I lilt.. 111 maior) Li•ir uu ea, to1:11.,21. M.T.- ‘l, a d e l cro 1 . 141111 rt ten, nu 1, nu :, C . ) u •• • • Dose. I, Prat,. 31! t The Liver lnylioruter a'' until, I nib tn. nths are retailed o f c• • s- • • ACb by the Teeole in all the 'KtI. a u' a.. T. ,1 . ‘1,1.11.10a . t• , • ' 3 3 5, I.ruadul re•, '.4.,r‘a 11 ark. 2,1•. A —1.4, _BOILEL ) h 111 IA )1r $: Can be litittitht 1. r 1 , 11 at • 1101.11.0, at a 1. ., I 1,r.. 11..1 the City Atir A Safe and Certain Cure for Piles n:l. it,u n t I .• I • onset 1.1 th e faanlC wilt: Ih. toi.rtt • •itn.4 in • ate It le ulaglai In al. • (Inntp,l• Iva:y the Inset Lalntm Ca.nn • lest LIZ to itt tar. , tni• medicine IA Prneril It Ut 41.•`1U'11.: Its In nr. 1•• , ad other Puu,pww(a,•, it co t Aulv, flirt k..111/`: linen UV{ in szrnnni.l , ) . ;-'r unnd Try ' that it •Alo Uit •ti 0,1 aunt rt. ie. 1 cold,drialhe . every ntae 1•110 WM • it .111 1, , Llirn , fl, 1,, ,1 UPI 11:1.1 inlinf ir , UI a 111441 latinild alf11 , •11oft IP • • Chahhe Chaim, S.. It r a.l Ur tom. a 1,5'015 or.: noun the aL Ir.rwin c 1, hnfit,... nr.: ~t , r ho nr•nr• Ai ~, bst 111.t.alkIA1,1 For :Nth. Ay i RT rR .% • PFF., Waterf,,r4 l• ' ERIK COCO WO HOPS A 14,At FLF. , I4v? •••bki,PeTf."; Tim. att.. at. t ) an, rom..At :ill 1.. - KI • W urzna, Fs off/mod to th• ut4to, tr,th a full knotalerige ut tt elf. hey 11,1 .r. r.' .nth grrat ear.. frutn urll to‘ , .. •1..,.. virtu*. Constaln no trwrirery or any term— .r. adapted to clonimu Inion tLnr latatt, 1. .I,S As • the ebotreat rettfertrona, aro! far tn., f 1.." . RM.) nauarou. t enutlwgea tEI It it • 1 • .{.. I I.or in IL. ,r ni.ration, au.t may tie .11 Ir • ,nfar,! and to stiulta, ottl. •a,. • •• I r .. • • Sat Ow great r• mad rill Ila •,1 t • all Ittlltlf Foe '.al. 4.. t ~ 1 11 ER. FHA. i-.a'' - BI:1" ,, 111. , " !saint, Varntsb. ~r annt, c , ri , tn t , blt.• tt alltinitrw, Hurst.. :.,crob. Tarpon. plain ws fa. n I lair 'l.' Treat., and n gearral aaanrinwnt k..,4..' KRIM! A.- for by T -INel Put s , 1 . N 7 .4 ‘‘..‘ j'j ; II clams** falgealtb. tire %rt.. 131.4.4 lla Do Land*, another , 11. 11 , 11.'4,11V .111.1 1 tail. At Urr 011 , 6 hruß ignell. Aug At, 1669. CARTKI: /3}t V.A. or t ., at PKPSIA, ut the hew Drug Aug 24, 1.11.19. .t 1.10 , TIOSTETTER ' S 1i.r..11•• Army,. "CA iirs n: MlNEu.s.r. WATEI. I 41 the Le. 5•,•,-• Aut. 24, 1669, I Aka KR At Nl:'. G REEN FAINTS, Frelivii Mlle% ~•.11 Ya Maw Brands, eattahis h., Wm.! l'amtd, tso Brod Store of tki5.R.,4114 4 :F1 211, W U( I I %al 1.,t1- I o - too, th• DO.I T Otr,', L INSEEI) 4 I ii 4,11 4 ,1 and !Cite, 'to, I.rtrl o. [(antra, it the tern li , tsei! rah , , shr pow Dregligor• of CARTE t OR' , Alf. 3u. p(i.f -I. E 11l 111 p P: 1,11 t 1.1.4 up I , AN Ilk , . Itt up t.. Nes. )1i latdruo.. I; It tt, nutl ukl 1.. ".t l ~,,, 01141,r 11 I pile, •i;1. l • •'• ;U. nt of *, VI% • - • k; • • 4L: t•;oU, Ll /et i• Oulu • Itvrtor de on. . • elk • • 3 z 1 1• 4 - 0 46th .• IMI =EMI IMBIBED 1,, , • 1 er t, t • • MIMI =II 1. , •;• %II vo he n.t• ti t • 14C Pll.l 111111 I I I kI,A =III HORACE WATEItS, AO. I , ' f •af.. . tlf t'c.lll . tt“ .•fft• I tat' .11`. =I I 14111111.11. 1 =EI I=l I.ET 111-4( • I I ' t • SI .1. it 4 and • kilo', I .1' 1 I, Uilt• Ilgttl - 11. „t N. • r Ai utn: t • - • •.•,, A 1 J.l: Iti -t, lEI lit r mare AL, 111 , , I Mti.j. K.. L. \„ •• • 11, I d . o•, •u. EMI =MI 1 , I `, 11 • I -1 , 1+,1.• j•'`l6. 1 l•r hut t. 1,1%4. kla • 1,10 . 1 - t !1 • .• Tt..!-1•1 , 11/N1 t 1 TM: 11 ,1 1: H 1. t‘ All lip 114, \tl , ,\ • iv., cat‘ tlf . . I 1= IME=l=!l MEM =I V Ig, ,• jr .r . pole, no.. I r I r . n.... ; .1. e, kf • VI.. Lk,. a,.. • 1.4 a.,•,,, /41, • 11, I, 11.. $,..n •-• ,4, I.•t 1.. n 1•1111 I 0, 0. ~~• 1 f•.t i•,.t 1 I .1 ~~~ 1 MEI ==MM • • iIM. =I I= 11 ret rt A. lAN/ •, I ),y s4l" r !. .ti tot ,t t . t I 1,1 1,111; ntill I 1)%1, ♦, Is lurk O HOUSE KEEPERS ;I ;1( \ i ‘‘ \ i 111 I CI MI .. t . . 11.. rot t I itrt tt. t re,tt I • rt) ittx . Lt. tt• ,a• , ati t • bt•ct. it • Llie fita.m t ,r, tlt,":;,t 68 OE Ell „. , ME 70 IMIM (i-i Make Your Own Soap, 6S '.P. ):...1)33t11'1"1 . ) e Concentrated Potash !7( BEI IN =MI 1..1 ) 11. 1;L 11.1111:1 I) 1110 11l h. Worn by Kings or Emperors What' Why a Beautiful Head of Hair I. I. .•• 4 1. •• • nri• 6... , f., .{1 I , UArt 1100 , 1•5111), U n i, t•••••• MMM I I ent n.l• ..• ~'tin . • ti.) Itttir t—l e•te el lee leo 1 elute it le, Itee.el I , ie. "e• r e 111 e• tee,. el.le• ki.lti• .1 , I ' , ‘,A,'' 11 b.... I • r / • tr 7) , 1,1), I, • 1.. 1.1. R..otOr r Sl,l , p 11 , `• t4l It) it on lief a' I•• ' • It , ' t. It. , 4rt) It. , rlirtpal , I 1,1 t. , lo •r a• rt•• 11 mg in, pl,tpri,e, .reeks' . e•,! 01,1 rfol •L.", • •14).• 111 tirUitb: n,i'l.• Is I• v Ai A thy. Ito nut, the =II 1111:1 f t 1 IV vI )I , k/L,J ul) 0, I. u, • I r*.o i+,. oc t 1.. 1e..; • 131,...-tou.skrti, ..•or fln.r Rrutnninr , 1,, 1 N. lA'. ,r3.4IUALiIy MIMI IMIMI OM • •1I Ub 1•••1.,• 1 / 1 111. 1.1. r u•ig , wit 4. t., u. IMIIIIMIZEI • .111. 1... I. .‘, to! I. • b, I/ 01Ir.: 11, • .I. 1„R Sklyi 411.1.1.44k0mi I 4 ; 4 mu : at+. d . • [m44 14044 . .1 4. 1,11.1tY ti 14.44. I , %Go I, 1 4 +51. 1, 1” , • I , ft • 1•831 • ,•+•llailior is. •. [h,t:g . Mtn Isrt tw ,, 1P111111., 1.: 11.',1 •. I'. ill. ,11, • 1., • , tt, ,t •..t.,1 its 1 lu itnt, ittittt A 4w ,r•st t•.r•t...1.•(•• Ila , i•rrn'r It Lrrvr tat 111 pp. we•i !..T1,.4 1.1. 1,1•• f •rltte, (hb, L • It: re. , tt it. ••rl,lllll • ••••• • tv I.!•• • • •.111111 , 11.1 fr 111)KS. I • • .• • - k•I I 4.1 I•• le •/4 .1•411••.• s •• 4 till, • Soh t tLr nata l!bo4.l. 4 , ► ;out. all I • •••••• ll.r 1. I 1,1110.: the a lot ier t.t ..r.• an pr..port.. than the PRIA.I • • 4 to,r , per f..tflo • h 4 Imire • I I rz 4 re Itt ibroJpoetw., and retAlls 11n1 ll) At I 41. l' Hroadurny, N • 10. rmll 1 44 in th at. t`f .if Nit ' Nliii t Alf iff J ulr 4 19.14 A.— lialu 4 Selling Off ! Selling Off ! ! 1 1 11. 1::41:111 11:1- 1,1,1 1 the un •ir. •-• • g. ••I 4;••••.1* ••1 tho 1410 of WINN 14 GROCERIES, 1'1: 0V I S () N ;-; &C. • :• 1 t , ,kl wn/i at REDUCED PRICES GO DAYS- 1.11: t 111 1.1:111/1-1 THIS Itc Nil 111A1BUG f. . u, t oho? rra t, 0, 1.. tw.. Un bwriortip 'll v.' It lii •I 1.. 10,11 , 1111) I, • ..1 Mt' iii Ili. it IA t ronswe MILN NI& .4. • • • ,J al) 14 BURGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GRoCERS! \-1 \ K rit rtw F @IEEE Whete they are offering :1 tarp,• and gen GT-ZOCI4:RIES Whole a, 1 es I Aud 'lwo of the trade. 1, • 11,40 Lo,ll, 11“ • tol radix, t'S Altie li. 159 I, • 1 111,•Ir 1., %. .•... 11.1• . 3. ME li. C. 11,• ••••tri, 1 1 . 1 T l) A 1.4 1;1 kLi I. I ot net ti,neen 8: Maio Streets \ 1 1 111. • roover hist/lute,' .A.lor Place I'lll LAI/V:1.1'111 A, Curtier 7th s Che-Intil St \LI3 01". \t. 44S iirtottlway t I.1:\ I:1.1 \I t 1 . . , r :slip, rior Street Itiji:t ti„ ”odwani ANellUe 4 HD . 11;1). tlitrk and 11 roltirtfrton Street?, MIN [1111:1 MEE= !holt, o•-• ' I 1.. •% I. II• 4 , ft. I to I orntnerro, Rankinic. Manttfaeteroa, Agn• real l'iontswrciai JAW, Pobtical r..dv•to v. Literati. gyp, Art and St/ad/at/V.l Infonzattoo u/olot t h at Cooper leotatute, Y. Ta l -o t a $3 r ‘rr * h 'lt,uusl rt,lurt..h to Olaf. The work 1.. t.. • .oust.l ‘pfunebt of Ito l'ontftteretal Loft 11,duell tat lifilf•teata of Awry. a ly MPH Ell• lIIIIIIIIEI ' • ' I •• • .1,. I. I N tho Ea.tern Citivs, for a year or nv)ro. A t oiranised Bobber and Gonna Perch. hate been used tare, bit artificial Teeth, bat owing to flop dificuity and *aplomb of obtainiog a proper ,tram apparatus for hardeotng the outunial, benttate located at a diatomite I -Ili IL. se . 111... 110 - 1' to. u depraved of the benefits of the ~.,,tert •.; or, , however, the rancou.. hare /merited p.rlata, 1,. 54.5•, and I leak. ata4l•4 niyor/14.1 the opp,,r zul.,z) to , 01/..drsen thia ciricap tad *target/ f *stens.) into no. here I )110 . .. R. In It worn elsewhere, mot have LI r.00l) uee.l it eugheirotlt to my practice in num City to •nt.•l‘ Pb. that it is the liglacal Turk yet invented . that ,t • .11 pt better than any other ; that it has aft the ml. • 1.5, , a r idni I. Al. 1.. L lai tntd fur other work in point ..t .1,4.11..• that tt iv doter, elograkir, and eaftily repair • • ~ ...I I , lath permaner t and temporart r oik e S,lr •ha 1.. 1 to • ME t t tsu UntiM 7 it rt MEM 111=1 ), . , I, =TA t„ ~,,, Mo.. Platen •liirb will 3,•,1 lit hi ant Atoecores7 oiler* a rertaiita re fer, ewe eh. Itol t.r Mateo ~i i.t rnr t /ova it la the naterial yet alt red, Lecauer , it a ill not rear the natural well, 1 an, pn pari,l Id, r.,nntrurt eu..h work 10/ Igo wirh to axe it, nod trialte thu fair idler, that if fai:• to .1 all that ran he waked, hen fairly ti u.,1, I will replace it with t. 01.1 or Silver Lad li.nrep "lA, the dithen•ure to pill,. 111111 , Frill'It, It, Rurenewri,t'a Hlnek, over the hoot and •1 •tore..l ktiller wud Ileur) W. V. r I 25. 1,5 , 1 , Orotlat Mil I= AMBROTYPES!! PUT UP II FOB N 20 CASES CENTS. „.,OULkii wilt putiv in aisot 'the 1 4 1 pletury for BO rota. to• L. I 'Lin IF Ili pal tip in caxes tile $2 pic _ turf. r. , r 1 • , .46.31,1•01 oltwt f - to 1 L•,.. ,',• n 10 ~, 1.1,1 r. IC will give pti a beautiful 'new -d %lr hi.. e:4s .end by letter for '27) eta. 1)1.1 . .1 will give particular attention to t ;.: 7. taking ehtldreni.likeneaaoe Cf: rtil.llY will do all other work in hie'' profusion in like proportion : can. with his niannaloili sky light. throw more light on THE subject in st dark day than really neveb-ary to :17 wake an inipres..ian .11 ;: ..= 70 Ir~l. 68 =I EMU = 'i 'Lill will he found during I.u,ineFs hulas in the Rosenzweig Block Line, day IL In.:di, 44 iisodS;cr.zquay ;sodaflolquay. WALK IN GENTLEMEN ! , 6S GE NSECEIME R'S Corner of State and Seventh ate., Erie, iT il is 11/L 4 ,lint et.l at het now and caps ...len, Stnre us Ito , t .?Der of and So, «nth .Irooto,a largostock of SIMER firoiThll, of the latest "I kg, and •111 rooltnue to keep on hand a large assortment of raitref Ellt to the I( 111111111 11!CIICE=1 Dr. Oil, Frock and Back Ooata err •141434041, psate, Nola of 611444 h rrsratrk,l•lblrlr, r :•litrit ittiaisare, lhadilmerchieda dollars, Hooakery 4111urem.6.1 yualbtw . 141“Altnaitt., I,e keeps Peery article uau silt aspt t• • Clotheatr ilatainiodirnrUt. His Clothing is tuarlohoto rr..l Lr bunerlf • and warranted equal to any lo tt, utt 111,1411111 r aniffel. fn his line 'rill do s •11 to sod • allallit.ll` hn stoek, he intends not to ~,Ik4 hi ant estabinthmout wee 4 of New York 11..tkiu, wade 111 order on short notice 111121 ~ ~ I ~ I Sort botttoto4 try iv, sad olt t f sot sit isooraro i ito•rol, roturn t and your Inoue, will h. refuudell. I' ti ottouLteturor owl Puopnetur,234 Itain SYroYt,ditto , and P.m hy t.. t t3A.l.tiwtN, Ks*: -- •i• lit I 'Ott Y ft, tiff Kr e, June n a ._,. ...loww r it _ ti• ~.. .. , . -- I it' I kl li S STOII AC Il irrg4, Jar% reeo. ed &collar wale/A No. 6 Reed House Prot Story of ...op. _ 6 1..1. BALDWIN, ... -- . riif l'Ni :rt SI ) li LI ININ E--4 fresh sup- N..-r pis. ma war is edd rery i.s , r-r , 4•A , \n • :, Itee.l iligla6, Ant 1 1 : 1.. 1. 11.61.11W1N, rgln* . --- ii.LI4IN4 • MN. 8E CA fi x rrrt tufiW itco6. C U . N4OI6II 6 Ai ; , L 44 ‘ ,dosen or ... 4,111 ..... _. :4 .Lc..., _ ....... , 4 _ ,....3.„„. 4, 1 04112 Le BRO. IrTrKNI; ET,CTIN- 'As Itlgtinel 11 Prof i15..,....i r b: mit eases hoisitt r sot sy the oaly antlooriard agind in 1444 I AAR,' , RM. CARTICR R ISO. No. 10 Brown's Block, r s tgerty urc-i9.41 by J . .j eral stock of PROVISIONS Ex( lt,•rt hat ////i/ i 4 i/d -- 1'44, 0411,!`v,"ilic err ronh• yaltrrlllry all) in. lit them COn.WP., by the I • ( flu t,ee ,, ote entith•l 1.. the prntlrp.y 1.1 the hr. ' etn of the t thorouel, t.ll, • anti popular 60.11130•111 itchoola taps ratalatace and l'ircularn, mil at tbo Colfore Sol nhoNr 1111 \ ANT a STII.ITTt s AMERICAN MERCHANT. MONTHLY MAciAZINE. .x;11 1 he Latest. & Beat improvement in Dentistry RUBBER AND GIITTA PERCKA. P.NTFAII C.(P1.1) AND Sll.lEllt ,1 E W SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS sr n, conatating of tarlJ 1 6.440111 w yitsty, fararierrate • C o eree, roe sr 4 Asir pd serciSk Strati, rt Ir. ilprit, IW .rn11); GENSIIEINER. USE CROSE 1 1 ( Et' M A'flS3l, II EA 11 ,ti 'lf E, nrnat, nwrilyd Fern , Veionr, emote., Nies, •1111 K, Itrunreq, Coto mot Straws, Swelled Glands, Stift Jnint,..Lulleo} Irmiuflo, Sete ifiryloo. Tofhotte, whleh it will more in 441131 I+• to Mu mhosteo, chilbladia4Conts, .1 ( . r • rr rimider nr ranker..., Gout, Lase fte.k,wtda,ke de It n ot.o °quail) erhemoom m the cure of diMlllO.ll to .q 1.1.1, nr otherrourorto. 1.1 Kin ebnno ftpavio,Chaler, .et, lamrnear , roottscmog or the 11111.41401 N t• pratlart 1 1 lin! senitah.a, Cwdic4 Herr% Old Son's, J'oll. Evil. he. litlo 1. a Lt.. nettcle, now (v,r the Ent tints brooo:L , l , eint , the Pabh , . Yet II ham tarn areetely Seated i n a o,al nnmlpr of cases, and A.usol all that to claimed fut a, a. now In the tenseeseton of the Propne tor, full,' •Los SLLEPKR, Watelford Ptiee, 4b ('rote per Bottle Jul, IFOi, zircifirtlT 1 - 3 w I r. 1.1 N 4 i 'ft ) V 1.) LET 11% V. The und”rsi coed having t brouglilt Mm /t«auttful Pattyrs Iron Raft 6g, am no w •• to %. , cato °niers promptly In their ; surh as Foncing House Lots, Cemetery Lots, PUTTING Cr ST Al Its, N' ERA Nl, As, WOK ; A WIN - 10W-sAsIl. sIITT T : RA/IMF. A w-s-r-Nn Fii&NV/ 4 All u,.rk witeganloreliteid Prick yessonsbi"." Csil st sth s tre.t, I.etween State sad French Straits, Erie, Penn's. JOHN OOKR, HENRY .1 tali 24. 19.49 Sill 'SI EA*4 AN!? FACIN/ICI ES can lor ratne.l On prnfitatoi• at iiimarmitim )er- Uerpxut of 6m6. b jar h p -X blo CARTER & KELLOGG. I 1 .t E lo.wmiatMl with me in SIIO Gro. e”ryaat! Pearbdea barium Et. Y. 1at1.1.000, and the humane eat hereafter be earifileatied In the name and .!..r nr MeCAkir}:k k 1110.1.01119. .. soya niaPiat Cheap axid Fashionable. JOIIN :R.k1)00 of State Ps.. knot . ht tan or that cannotittl to Willy all. Boy's Coats for 50 as. upwards. FEA VINO bees at, cciamiderable t‘x pen:4? hi proctoring 11110 latest Ilialltook and pattern* be wllelta & share of public patrannage• ne hew also for as agegt, - a large aasnrtment of gismo MADE c IPM, the balance 01 a *tack, -bier hei leold glietly I4 p Cale in order to doll out woolen. Peron. in want of Clo th ing pet noon ye another mob an opportooftY to buy cbullP- Cr N. B. Naval and Military Clot hing made to order on reasonable terms, and ,atistaction warranted EliS. Jane ; "OLD rouN buy" STII.I. AHEAD!! BARS & JOH AMON us prepay• ed to furnish at Wholesale and Retail, Plow of the beat and moat approved patterns, and iotae the atteotton' i n Farmer* and other' to their Stock t.o Land cotisiolinnt , J. LORti, WOLVERINE, WIARD, MOUNTAUi ICING ke , ke tosether w ill. Cultivators, Corn Planters 111.1 other arto-los l' Toni th rasr, " Olit t° FonnTr l fi C •pprec ‘ o ' ru tr e i r . tat le anil P:lpTretli :ktrrrlit, En. Pa, A ion I 2, ltiMl BARS 4 JORNSON ___ FURNITURE! FURNITURE! JH. RIBLEr HAS ItEliftiVF:ll HIS . splendid Stock 1,1 . Furniture down to Ms New Br adios, no that, street, one door SOO 4 of Perry built rtpneely for that purproe, w brir nosi tie toureds large and sell selected assortment of e'd I' lIRNITURS, n o,r. e i n g all kip& of Cabinet Warr , uhually kept 14 tirls au eldabilabillelat. ou the find fith-sr may 1* loywl Burwell Takes, islaturaata TiMu Arm-Loud It'arA Standee Comeeens fraali Staab, Legal Needs. Frt. A. Cana reed ('uitraint Mediated., Wardireirs, tram. AVY . are, t 4 Manufactured ty taelteet *)A ala iptie lock t. C .4 1 -Eta 0( .vary Kn.l. ab 4 pi ire to mutt rUstiotll4,ll. The aratoui tluor a full of Ear•TiOLN Et' KNITURV. garb LK SAM, Tett•-•, - Tetro. Largo liaokorr s G..utletora' I,aay rhsoro, and 1111 k 111.1• of . 111411,1111 . 11( ' barn, Marbl Top C.-atrr sod Card Table*, What Nola sad tjaartrtt `tiardok The third floor enntafos materials mot a large Duna., of workmen, rompetriit to nizinufarture and article , in the cabinet tine in the brat style and shortest nnUra The politic, particularl) the ladu r , are rropertfully in. wiled to rall ■nd essruflie furniture and pr to 1114,1 Dot to be tinilermild by any elltabllahltietil In the t it, or el►ew here. All kind. of lumber soil produce takro inn Change for furniture. .1. 11. RIBLET, 14r,., Larch 19,1109 --41 Kilo. Proprietor. N. at.—Just no , crorintik i•rire slot k ..1 Mitt nrs, nnLror tag al l Mims,. tyyslatiel. and pmts. - GILT Pollll{ All 11.1MF.S. Gat wouldin v i, I.4..r.king (Ammon, I'm.. It. ovit )itit .grsphor to Fratura, at out, *Anne cheap al th. l'aragou BUtitlaig. T. 11 A 13:•11'.• =EI DR_ JOHNSON'S HERB DISPENSARY OM, 94 Vain vt , door, Up Malmo Buffalo, ? TliE l'E I. F-11.1tA't EP DU. J ( 1 ;4 S'•"N 00421,,, vbassef...orNitir be folio. • tl==l CONBICWIPTIOI4, uYSPBP:<LA , ASTHMA, Mr.ft% (I lII.RII ITY BRoNCLIITIS, ruro.,l in LYNG Ali Onia LIS FAH F.R e SCitoi A, . . Digi:Asts orres HiIiAIiT e KAI.T RIIEI IL lilt/Mir AMMOIIIB, Rif kt" if ATI:•11, LIVER cowl... Arne rgi ER AN 11 Al.l I:, FE lAN, WilLAiNtt x PIMPLES. 111REA14 Or JUR AND EYE, kr , kr. ) 414 All who aro Se ' (rtes the ► n►n.«l .h,. o, or ►ur other CI I plir►ted sunplaibt ni % ....I, ptandulg, aro infOnowd ttwy on Nigro forward...l h. mail or es• pross for the mull rum of St 4.101ak gloat pa/ Lazo ,•fli...f elnet, *ll3l all rovreaary direction., and adv., - Patients ptould apply witbnut delay, as tho t an obtain toatant relief (turn the Doctor's rewad/at. Ih Johneolif Labe* cionsits ♦ r elitelbeta from the choicest ilettletnal foreign anti 'bathe ltoota and H. rte., manufactured under top own mart" own st lite Lunette sty, e.s4l tisrorsre "routing tin, woo of bliinvari sod otter minerel ;Ansonia, that were never designed for the to which many thounanda have fallen titans and goog to early ramie. LOTION FOR TAR CORPLEXIOR —Or Johoron a remarkable LOTION t k e • beautify me and Imnrormor the Compboisla. refraali alai* Itau...upll Tan. Frank lea, Pimples, Re., will pent to any part of the .ountry for SI, OS wed scsAsslotsr... flank br bo a_4_4 I MOIP . J NNSOIe, Drawer 404. Jon*. 11,16-1.17 Otis %Mein St., Bo thin, N. N. _ - - - New Flour and Feed Store. THE subscriber, ( late of the fifm of Seigle. and Sngletpart) has opened a new FLOUR AND FEED STO R E fn the Part Building, east side of the Park, share sill be found it all times tbsabseist a Zt t ia ri gh ous r a . a CISIO and re Mg else in Ws line. nr Tbe custom of the Pulls s 1r respectfully solicited Brie, June '2.5, 165f1 —3m.3. C. PebIBLBRIPART PLATED w ARE, Cake Haeketa, Forks, Spool:big, Cara and a Tr. at sanely of Rich Plated Goods, for Nil* by T 11 ACSTIN, Paragon IluOdlng, March 12, Year Peach St. 0""FI It E )t.IF 11.1 N tAL NT. A superior article for -fhpot, Engine and Car Houses, Bridges and Out Buildings Canipb«ne, Turpon tins and Alsolso4lry the Lama or gallon, for p a l, 1,, Ilay 21 L I. BALOWIN , 5 RIWII I i,41114. REMOVAL SPRINT; SMCK (F (iIt(iCERIF:4 J .11)11N4(1N & Ptill) Hart. rpourtrti to Ituulerveeht:a Bloet CortUor of State mu! YIN Streets, sell anrl4lllng ty w at the largest and most rsteoaire Stork 01 WET AND DRY WooDEIN AND %ILLUW WAR E. ever °tiered an this market . and which will Le sold as tdtsittaittglir cbrap fvr Laab or Coulktrz Product.. Call and minine there Stock of 3COARS, IMPERIAL TEAS. HoASTED MOWN JAVA AND RifletiNFßE. MuLASk 4 P,S ST ARCM CIiNDLES %HITE TIAN 14 ke KX 11. F: L, IMM EGGS Together with every thing else good to eel Drink, Suuff. Chew or Smoke. Erie, April 9. IRO —44 RAW AND HOMINY. J HAP:Stilt is now reeelvieg tout einesinati • choice lot of Sugar Cored llama, and mane of the ere- X/011 Wee duet) Chn it GRorEllY DS:PIeT, SY 111'1' AND )4101,AS.sEN. Very ebatee, eutintsein* Wee orris/W & Syrup a good article be ; better and vary fine flavored 6. ; Sire art'a Golden or White Syrup Se ; Now Oviean• Solearse, the veil , best kind for Baking Purr:see at June 111 HANSON'S GROCER f' DEPOT. FRESiI TukATOES i:IO.I.E.TICA I,Y Sealed, retaining the original flavor, In cur for busily tow on eaU at Krie, Jun. 11,1469 —1 GILT'4 D. bl AItIS 1, ETuP amrs"v EßE et.01,..b.,5a1t of Pientittre. Po r Conklosim. Apply to 6. ILLSNY. trim, Jure 4, 11/48.--42. Springl344 Store rim BRA NDI ES, —.I ust received boost& the (Wits= Rouse it Erie, AO for pale by April SO. CART= & BRO. Valuable Land far Salm. MITE VSTIERSIO SEP OFFERS 'FOR j woo, tract ni land known Al the %Wale tiscr IT tog tour mica east of Waterfeek on the Bre t Waterford plank read,attd noutaltdagwen. this land la well thatatt*pmall overuly Ibtill, when cleaned, Car gamble parposer—it Is aloe egad by 13102= k Cris Aaron& It will-be win is a be4y ot In tracts to salt porchoorts. JAWS iIfILIA Ate In ill" Obi", Joky It 13611,-41.1 pTOCIIANGE their ,A.4eetaw to st.ettpany Inensiteleyt tftetity, a o tew Settlement whore Le me going. Mbyte Ate MG tMQ ts delightful. See etelneett et lieer 'Ham mouton Pattlemrst mother etitlnna .2A PIM IT AII3IOICTON F.ARMFER---A . llote il l e. d a est to uaLte rs a t r. , an ap d A eta of Eboutson, New /inlay, MAI be es tee at an awe pee annuna %doe! polders aUwpeter the senonAt. Add BC tot al . th* h ir nie " t l?o 'iht s4lc JnTnt%l nit eleptand,or beet ic e One OA bealthket and most delightrut alienates the Union, and where crops wales+, est may the terrible ennui* o(the aorib. 4r f• Reeemoeston Lenin. • N WS.— A few doz. of cotton and Iglettefap i Jz i C• NW. Ainancor rad MOHAN, ta 64411 1 tir 'rest • rat the Drag tH 4181 ore of ER B . Mks. :1111wite t • ortlel4 ALL AUKS or "8 ANL) MEN'S ig# 3l l 2ll / li 'b be alien, it Floe* DUlt /1 ER, P/TTSBURa, IatoCERIE:4, PRoVIsIoNs GREEN, BLACK AN =III :iOAP FRUITS. NUTS I•1)1/1.11 • PoRK tiVITIJit .S.O . S.O . & IrANsOlra it TEETH_ All steel U•mlor Terth a t ' 4 J. C. eIL N • B,e t R( VIE R RAVI( just received from Philadelphia • very turp Stock of PITA PILE Di[ GOO Plc Winch they will aril at the Lowest Rates for CASH, larrel-fer4o44 wit arse County or /*Verrone atteret flu btiyheet raah rates. -T bey hare also I rood meek of Boole awl Sboes, Shirts, Drawer% Clothlak, &t., Are., for sale oo the ume IMM4I. Grooeries,as cheep u the chewpest for Cub. B OOK : 4, blagaiaines, Paper, Stationery, WALLPAPER, &c., BB PARK ROW BOOK STORE. U. P. ENSlt:111, Pr•Prleter Erie, Feb 26, WV G• 14 TUTS DAY OPENING a nplemlld aseortuvent of rich Gilt China Vitae% Motto Cup' and Saucers, Mugs, Candlesticks, and a grist variety of ClorerGL 44th ORYAMCPITeLI. ARTICLES, unikkil• Sue lbe Egollthays: Itletaattlaka Ilaiketa,Tea Seta, Pitchers, Silver Cup., Forks, Spoon*, ladle*, Rapti. Ringo, (beautiful patterns,} and lota of rich= Jewelry, Wet gibes, and Fancy Goods.—Call and pee Erie, Dee 26,11168 uilfs Tii Fl F - 1.10 t./ e AoAw. I Woi•Lur KA my frienilc and the puhlie in general that 1 hare commenced the Thnirbigr amil i lifrooly Made 41..laddida illnatarww, in all its various bronchi., in the Store lately (it -rained by Mr. CRP., on the Public Square, betaren tiro. tie Hotel and the Reed House, where I will endeavor to have at all tinees a choir. selection of CLOTH+, ANIO VErkTINGw , , which I will make up to order upon short wittier, and warrant to give eatichicton or no .ale terwoue in want of anything in dry Ito* can depend upon Leine hurl" dealt with, es I sin delermined not to make up any sooda but much ea will give catiataction I al, making a good or iiortnient of READY lUDS CLOTHING, • bleb will toe of Howe make and warranted 1.. 1.1 Pr painadead amatpiad.d• Perilous pnrelkaaing for CAPIN! ap; kovtt..4 to call and examine nv Goode lalti Pripet, 10 I IM detwrmlned to mall r hea fur Cash. .110" . I'UTTINIU I done ot, abort untie. and warranted 1..r1e, (Pet 2, labh JOHN M JUSTICK mHE DP.1..1W .kltE m IT•ri NSl' kt- I. ASCE ellalf•ANY PHILAHF.I.)II IA ARK DOW doing business , on the sulu/0 Ono, giv log the iu aure,l a partselpatioo 10 the probta I/1 1111. Colllimi• DJ, .1030131 lial•ility beyond the premium paid tu s ks span the Wpm and t alt.lo it... 0 .1 00 the newt favorable terror le.ere, will lw and promptly ad uated Ire rrals. on snerchatoloae,hu , hlthgo mei en."' /` , /.'r ll town or Country, for a blotted term larromneoll, in itNCTOKS. ..10...1.4 H. 8 / 1 11. Jame* C. 1 labd, i 104,116111111 PIA I.ttoV. John t" Ihnt IN Robert Barton, John iburtett, !lug II Craig, ...sou., I,lw Snip, [(Tsar,'7 erne... liw. of ft Stater), • ch&slop,s.4l4l. lowa.- Si 11•11., 'data, P•nrrli. Witham /Isr. Dr R. Tbrimait, Ur K II Ilu.tou, John Teller, Jr •toeueer Ilrllr !we, t :Niece 140terl4 John J New in, Ka wart( rh.r1,1,t, , ,,, .I..Ln II l'•oroe«, J I: Johneon; II .Lou.. fir0..1.. Ktlynood A10n.1.4, WIC 14 I kens, Pre. I itieN An/. v Nt.rnnt+ n,>+.rt A ppitration C.P.14 bffli• 14, April 4, 1067 J Kf I,l,+m• +•, CIOCKEItY WARY B 'l' 0 FL - R , !s. , 12 Iluipit e 111..4 k. 1.) VENNITT 4 prlt 0, 1,.4 IJARDWARE _RUC I.Rs A it EN N Err, It% t• lii. Alp' 14-1 1.. hJ :'lOl IBM A\Ll.- ~f•KI\~~n AN‘II.S ,ANTES SHOVELS AND SPADES, NAILS tt .ASI(El;:- ~.IU iiui;~i: n4'l:~ SADDLERY, ‘UNESS TEINI \II \ i;:s ,\, I'L 11:I I .•s4.r) dung itosictsihyr t tiv I id Stnn.i 11.1A1121i. Nu. 11 and I I ale Erie. Pa A prd 9, 1a59 FARBEIFOR' SALE. Tu Esr Its( 'lt I Eli Wks. bor bum for b)o, ”ti terms It is intliate.l nos-half mile from Sprinoisld X Rns4a_Kric l'otuaty, and contains VORTY•THEit arres laud. that, etre of which are under a good 'tate or Improvement There are la. larg• tarn. on the pre rouses, one 70 by ai and the other 30 by 40, the whole w e ll watered by Del yr 111111111 K :`l.llllg. For term,. Apply to lilt aubacnher m Sprit - 10.dd April Si, 1850.-144.0 m. I.AVIS A CHAWIt PRI) BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. I VAL. The eubeember ha. removed barr BRASS AND BEI 1.71.1 Nola to A merle= Bk)ck, one door Weal e sad arreno, when he will, be happy to 'We all his old l'uototuere u Many DOW obey as may w ant any - inti; hje:le .VIEtF*VIjAe xt 1, . Pure Cider Vinegar C 11.13 be had at Aprit g, IRtM. HY.CKIIAN, KFNI)10 & Co I? 1' EN T EILS' A. Jul N iaL- , "11 N 'LS. bare recently made large 44.11tikong by former stock o Carpostors and Jousters' Tool, making it the moat complete to tine cltr Ms!. htt 0 .1 t -V I E XTRA( TS for ilart.tiog oI 111 LIMN, at April 9. LG ;PE N E The normal attrut ttttt of Irt•nol4.•turrre. 1 “nrum era, 1111 , 14,41.11111111114 Co.lll/11, NiefellfllllP, IP Inlited t“ my fartrt. :Alm* o( (.14)01104, prhou r d, with great eat, 1.134 i pn rchairit (Nish, 1404bit11( Wl* 10 oiler 'tot to ,utemlot worth) of attwntion. W y otoek coosnam of DRUGS and MEDICINES, l'lmmirala, Palsies, Oils, VaraMara, Der uniaa, Perfumer!' rued flair Min, Pokinter'x indow 4:la. and Pun,. k tue Toilet ,Suap,, /Ow mad Tooth 11ruPthett, Le. he , PURE WINES AND BRANDIES, for 11.41C1!UM U., and .11 the l'et.4ll. or 1 3 roprwitv 1111•,11- ribwohflAw Jar ardor. proropill mkt i•fArthin truarawtor.l with h.q....11i. prior. maili I wahly, H0r..1 t HAI OWIN Ena, Nay a , I Val GRlNit drfltiru 10 Tunis Her,* (Itin4 St tud I; tml Stott flanging fur pair by my 211,51. J C. SICIATEN r‘4 l ihOZ, LUDLOW SELF' SEA LIN 0, EMIT CANfr. ;unit rerrivrel at June 25, 1451 N M I - G RA(E(lit4 ('A N (' A It ry on their bunions most nuerminfully at H 11.11101011• ton, free from hots Sioina forty 1 to) sr& pet nut the paid season Soo , apirrrtiordnaut of ilausrnoutou Land., another column. CINP N -- FIRM. 9 47 x1i iSSOKAILALN, K ENDII4 411.7 CO., I HAVE Pul.nciat#4l lin me in Hie itroccrl and Provi sion Huninesa HENRY HECKIIAN and Eli hENDIII, and #lo:3lMMlrtft :t ar" * ***MIR , and trio, Aprtl WU - RINTWANKCIIT. BRUSHES AT WHOLESALE. P'ili Tlc T . I NAIR, TEEI ,1 -'ANN ERs, I( UL. Abet ikU %neer kind of I) R 111 BIS, , LENALF AND RETAIL. at Price', by .i. 7. Ju l y 2. CA. LiTER & BRO. 0 51 0/ 6. l aV r ;:ja r ilad ' ;U Ty - OTp moat lia, . limo 410 *mod at KANSON4 /*Alia GLOOMY, .a32110... 74 L . _ .__G:lspapsido. LELY ROC.K.L 0 CIA iT.E.;4 Jon SALE osettimiduoistefisa.tbs ill.A ' l Om pto $T MA. 04..21k A. lt. . ilifilOiANS ANI rfiti m .11 " " tits awn Ow Hyposoospb bob are aad in Ady IV - A A IRO'S: 4NED coAl, avasaloasatielip, pus raftived at OW Din dirt Of' jam 44100- lit L L BALDWIN. ~.111.~ ~ ► \ lILLIAM S PIPE P.i)XES, DEM cuiLENI ROGER.* NNETI likk'kid 4N, KEN Olt; A. C. Ml Hi'v"rN(; ME 0 "E" MN 1.1• T C - 1 ' 4 .t r int i tuut I tyle , .;tll4l clit. tee selcvt)olis PARIS MILLINERY 4m Saturday J utu. I it h, at *lBB A. E. COLE'S Bonnet Itnotth, Paragon Building Brie, J oe 11, 1149. 4 BAN(i-CT " fill Y 311 ! Whoa wife mead .Croneriea," the other day, Viborg did I go w about delay, m Wbra Tra la 1g antrd, fresh lad rare And rl.F++rr to select with rare, Your always Sete he find them where • At Itstnw Wee, W 1,0 has lots °Caroms Butter good Aud other kinds of wholesome Geed, Besides fame others understood Wbo greet! yon with a soiling mien, And Phows yoa all that's to b. maw, Got up so taste'', nice and clean • Who trope the argue./ "A•au-ur riz" The tend that's wade beneath the Ay. For which in many Wog mad righ • Wiso'e at hie poet both earl; and late. To wait no alt— dc, small aikal At the street. curlier of Bib and MAW • N. BALDWIN. kn., Nardi 1640.-40, _.. _ _ _ At the old Stand. 11 Ml'Ftl' 11 Y • Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed Roane, HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSI)RI.I4ENT OF 801•$E I f i r 1,1) 064 /S, ST( NES, &c Also, a Lar g e and cemplete opeortment of *owner, and Street Iron wars. Also,* larr assort. Le, meat of Cutlery and Pock•t Walesa, kr , lintatits, 'Table Casten and Tea. pots, also, Tea and TabiS Spoon*, firium, Collect, P or eel oin and Groandget ,•••—._ tiro, also, a lore assortment of Japan Ware of all kinds, and the beet aaliOrt . Meat of Tr* Trays, In elan Share wed S, site, totems, Coffee !Hilo, Corn P Setres, Chopping Knives, Fiat /room, ?bowels and C er4 Taos, Poked, Coal Bodo, Weebbnior* Shovels, SpAdee, D•ws, Potato Hooke, nob Books, he, Foot Tots, Hip Baths and Watbing Tube., Refrigerated., Miami Patent Cream Frerwrir, sloe., Pampa of all descriptions. Lead Pipe,Sbest Lead, Pump Ctiaine, and Tubing Steen Pipe and rations. Canal Pump., and lamps, Water Coolers, and Altera, Fluid Lampe of all kinds, Scales acid Stilyarda, Zink and sheet Iron, W re, Mob Covers, Candlesticks and Wept, Table Mats lq P mks, Hammed Shrivel and Tone. Stand, and Mdk Patio and Pails, Toy let Wore, Tea Hells, Tumbler thrsinops,P , itaßent and Tara, Moose and Rat Stage, hallo, 14.-rmstt, Tarim and Oil renders, Festber Dusters, Bread toaciers, heed Coiled, Fret:tax Coat Pots, 'lean Panic, Grind Stones and Hangiuri, with Screans. All of wiocb will be sold cheap for Cub only. Jobbing dotr on the shortest DortaoV. Copper, Brass, ?Plitt, and }tags taken to •schangs tor gaols. Please call and eramlne my nook, and satisfy yourselves. gee, May IS, tribe. Your* S. MURPHY. N \V '1 EATME NT! Frei I . 4TA 4.‘11 I'ONFIDRYTAAL MEDICAL 4111)VICE AT TIIE 11l MALL PhLIVATE 111014FITAI. for thr env* u 1 SrphilLs,Sessisal Wohkorri, loortnttor ol Ydoth rod Matanty, by 14 AIIO it SA IN, RulTolo, ? Y °Mee corner of Main Lod Quay .owtattio A 'MOST PS 'I Ilk STII El (' INV 1104ITION. An lnplrntoent for the cure of Genital Debility, or I , :satiotorm, wars profirb known sie Seminal V. Yltik {•.. kr Fan tw porsoarstll currat tw trolls eftssro s 1,, 1..; mootlo L... a (LI% I hstratosnt, whys 14.'4 rot.j. , olly with 11,edicio.. !111..N1 T.iK 1,11111 MOTIVE. Ur km". S •tos; takp 11.4oury in ih.pnoupetllig that t bey has. ....ILO a us..ot may...rtes.% bustrotnent for the cure of the Abu,. alsocift. I It has beta subjected to • t.-it ho Ow roost ..usttornt ph) FlcxanS is t.044(111, ?sr* 171,0.4,4 1 ,6 m Ns* York. It has hero eleelaced the only useful lUstron)«rit rior inv•hted for the cure of Seminal Weelopas, or boy theft. of theifenital organ caulked t rri Is•bilo .11.4116 Prir. 1110, by LtAll UT express. E w IC E1111:11.1111:!. %NU Qt *(1 (EKES. 1)r Arno- 54.11 emy 1.• consult...l front 8 o'clock the wortkitqg until q at bight, tu every saw and iymptcal 1.1 • .1/ay ay 011.toame, :Zrictual WeAwes, lin totreee e nd triel•reit 01 the l'rethls, and all those ,treooltut 011,1i4.110 from the secret habits 01 •ut L, wLnb pro.lutv. owl itutiora•l debtlity, Ruder" oberrtav , In OW rent Jeetfoye both tad io11010).L tl.r twit thwu t uoi adopt Ia the res9l of not ssrd • a tibiTi.earn ' e‘tecome .04 eucvrealul prar llat )0 Nampo. sod Amens, A erßit WARUANTED tor A Idi DF tat.. ./e•TOted perAlltAt ~.1 1.3 ,, ut •11.61,11.1 to rt•flOrt to Itoqr to ten t• ~ tudy Grotitkeat 44.4 gratakitil Ra (*of 1.-dge , t /... ...Pot ale,. ent Late 416 \WI dally arrta WI( AU pact• Le country, for hipe tapers. purpose only' coorultat ion, a lute then ere:taunt have born cnow twit .• I, tie t wt signal ot,antsipes; yet lino what they Iw t • r‘prlleticr4 in nololrlog lot,, the taus Or till UAW' toots coinplatut, Wow thou most vinapire condition to that of the nowt dangerous and ins eteratno they Lire ii wnyrrntrrtuned itto ionntlnlity of their prevention km: r. it.val, and titewiso invariably friend that the most boil and malignant forma oldie/rate cuuld OlMCIat al wat• he traced In one of the following canoe.. ignotome, neglect, or the ill elffects of unskillful tresitsfrot, there fore. he Ally trt rr cif th hare succeeded in discovering, in the .election of their remedier, a tale, eflectual and cau tious COWIN': ..113ittInK all combination of temediet Gear an equivocal character, am well a► limey whore pot inutilee and tniteliciour applications intent t product, of bad ronnequencen to the lattoft of pnvate %DC" - kluals. In alma, tt, laudable end of their remedies u the letaa•n iug of a great tatr of human tuner, by the alheckation, t attd prevention of throw. Afilictiont dist an• in wilily the werot foe of life, and which, while they an esteroha•ly out round us, jail aloud for our :kill mid interference for their eat«rmanalwn COI , :Mit Y I.IIIV-111.111rt1 tri any pout of no. world 1134 y be anorsodully tr,*trd atdinit a r..rriwt detail of then' u., with rerntttin.. for Medicine., kc. addr,..a AM 0..4 SON, corner Of Main and Quay vtrYYt,than N Y. 11 , Ph "lA, DOA —1133 DENTAL NOTICE. DI:. NV. ir. LUCE. VP alibi inform tan Witmer arid the ,utlie irner say that he has Jura returned Crum Kew York WITH A IU.; E AM VA LU.ABLE Millbrae Ina all thr .A.RIE'IIEs (IF TEETH N W IN USE, .Ith • liteh be la rtswiy to do volt in approved etpe I 1.• 4. •tree. e.peeralir to esti attenttoo to the VONTIKkiOOK tkOali WORK. rrlalcb 110 is prepared to elevate promptly and beatlf It present,. advantage! , IV Eli A LI. I "I'll ER 1.11IDE!z, C ,, . BO WILL.) , or .paces fur We accuguatitiott °flood, and giving to the MI)1:T/I .1 PERFECTLI NATURAL kIX- PRESSION while ruin ietering In the strength of the entre and ireeier st erienfnrt 01 tio subject Operation" for the reguisitios, rsserrret on. r, Tovlll and Mplaelnit or Teeth, pertofn»vt 1.• 4.lll2..Larliort 4.1 xR who desire his pestPol/0/2- al IwrYlcv.. Erie, April 'M, 1849 —On, 115 Clocks, Watch4ti, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. ,S„ USTI N, ut Paragon !funding, . near to still In tense anti 'would otata for the tofortnatton of the polite, that a One airmen:bent of 0w1.% Watrbee. Jewelry Fancy and other thnindw are nn bawd and for .ale at anon:oil low prim*, In abort an cheat, are tlo lea, the the 'dore that no one ua caret to compete in pro of bOVILIff away their GOniks, whmb ~ i t. ndr 1...t0 if licareeary, to aerintannodat• lrie ;nett& and the depzar.ty of the money warinnt. It Is honer., propo.tol to reertto .orti totalling., to the rtt k ”o trade front the lantern raters as .4011 Invinee porch ...4i at very tow whew, of alt Areirable Goods in his 1,1., tiot.ot t r, for Mole 114.111t.1.111. tinter lit Erie, for the f-n " r^ * It" l'bLK in once wore anfuriteil at the Mingo.. Ehr, ERIE TY• / L 1 I_l It. II kV I`mprit•tur I • IlLaarrArry.kx AND WIII:II4SALK AND Mai it pIIALSIII I Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, stititrr: 4 , ARAB, OATs, CoRN, tei FLOUR AND FRED STORE. At my (W Amwd. i#whel Rkork. “tut door mifitib of the COlllOl - , YAM lode i,f the Park, ' , much w tern. I hi.** enn.htlitly nn band 11,01 R k Ind" of my own tried. ing, enru Weal and Mill Fer..l, !Iran and Shorts., t2oru, Irate, he, allof whlell will he 'old at the ibinit me et Nyselly for Cash, and ilelfrered free of eharsw the City. H. 11 11 AvEit..wricl:. Apnl 30, 141.0 -47 SEWING DLAOHMES. -- GI: Al NS. Tboßtameribm• he. FIVM of :quer. & , No. 12 +retog Machloee , expmmily maamtictormifmr Talton, um. w loch he time, with visemArßY, at bargmlii. Ilf. ReljTr, Rrie, April -44 ii - - 11 Al ' F. ll 11 A NulNiis 1 am now making largo adJitiuna to my 'stock ul 11A1111 • ZT I \ll'l f r tho qpring Trato *Awl' • r tumuli. of aty le and braporas •• wo o axonal ti. surprised Rne, biareh 12, /Mk SEE) BUCK'S'S' HEAT oas kubs,l and 4r salt !I July 9, 18t,9 J ACOB H ANSON. - _ _ ESTABLISII P VILOUi4CI.O/41C11 1U 11 Ur,/ and thri•lng Place .hire pod. I.totrptit•eibmt the tint Ibttletamet. OWL Mgl=i=e MAMIE, 000 K AMU BLAND INAMMACTOIRT. rwrOßre yr TV NULL.Dzis , Ora rtor sib 211dC a lleor - sr. *VIC A LARGE STOCK Op THOROUGHLY MLA,- ON Xr. Ash sod Papaw Soaring, Ind IND% matched said her pissed MN. Windows, Doses, Lath, Mancha Window Mimeo, Door lemma, ilte.„ which they will sell cheat tot Cash. Having two Pr Woolworth's Improved Pisohins Waahloes and compsteat mechanics to opeWe them, ere ar• propane to do " Mamas., ag and Ripping at all timed' mid to t it : lafactory maser. Al! orders will twain peosuptestentiolL Rile, Rept. 21, UL yp GULF - - - - INEat u.uuDts. Yin moods and all Mamba/ made said repaired by the q'ry best worlrmrn. Silver Spoons Doe ataatly an handimal mad. to oat*. Mock, sad W sta., earefuny repaired at low rates, sad ail wort warranted. T, Y AUSTIN, Paragon Building. DAMS FAX.. .1N I) ELECIANT FA, • y Ortodo. The Lsdiew wilt lied OM loom of tames opteeedid Fans sad Condo left, at the Almon Reildlas. Month 111. T. Jr. Aremr. NEW Yelkirriiiiitla R. R. a IMPRINIMINRIPIS n i r `."" 7 1' rains v 111 flare P*44. 16. f t „ k ,.„ ., 6, I Is . Eastward Bound— Depart. New York Exprroo. . ... . 3 4 . Clown:mats kaprein. . .. 'd I.: I „ Night 6a Prior -•-. ... - _ 4 /1, . lite& Kul rasa.. '`r.lit , . Yrsbt No. 2... , ..... . .1 an , . Irratzbt No. I - - • stu . . Painters.' by Ntert Etruria Train os sil um wlll remaU over Died at Ittaira, mod ~,,„,,,,, ~ , 4 daunt* lams.. Ninaisy IDOThillbf Nai'll VAHAN, k....,.. Dunkirk, March 19, To H 8AL40111111.14 BUFFALO & ERIE R. B. anitionlamipi t NEW A.ll.aeltazuzNT 71 sad alter Mobila7. Aril 4 . 401 saw If We, Paresser Tsars will nub as fusj... 0T1133 LitAYB 3A. Y. , Night Lipner, atop* at Wratioht. is and Savo Creek, arrive* at Buffalo at k 2 fa F. V., Lai stops at North East, State Weollertd, &slew, Nrirkirk, trtleererhek arrive* at hub at 8 ktt P. N. 60 r. N. Ciedamiti Itzprewp, stops et Wnki.ll. kilt aad Sttwarelork, &My., at Dwltiah, Tim above troika eowaort at thauttrt wed %aw.. Expreia trains es N. Y k sod New Y..rt Gain, 4 Kostl. IL BaLo•ta 135=1 10 00 A. N. Malt, stops at Erans c en t" , ervat, D tiklrt, fkileni, Westfield, , Line, North Y.aat and 1 arbarcreek, arrive. at 1 40 Y. It. V VO, P O. Night Itipreis btopo at :iilrer Creek sad Waatield, arr..** at Iris at NOt n a se . 4.00, A. H., Saiton %sprigs, .tops at s kirk Werth lead and North arn reo at i A. April 4.1400 k BROWN. suc CgilllevelandWON and Eriq Railroad. I MIA O\ . 6 . and AN b . Af turt, Eß :eru li e untl e sy. e Ar r :L L ; . , " f° I:PA rii - E CLEVELAND 10 10 A. M. Nall Trite slope et all Way Stat,,,r,• W Perry, Valentine RIO brook, 9..1. and arrive* at Kr* 142 P. M., beaint J 7 - • ; klattak, I Vll P.M. 9 45 P M. N iatkt tape, pa Tram att.i.t it Aatitabu 14 and Otrard, only, ■nd at L.,. A. Buffalo, 4 45 A. Y. 3 20, P. Chicakati KlipM4l. SWF* Aabtabula, Conneaut, and Ginn, ea, Ecte 842, P. 11. Budlalo 70 20, P M LEAVE ERIE. 06 41.61• Stitt ZapreeeTrataatops at tvatarsl aahlatma , and, Painterlale oily, a. sr Cleveland 3 44,..4. N. 2 A. K. Nall Tnin stop.. at all Way `stn., , • Saybrook * V21°00144., Perry, lieut. aaw and arrives at Cleteland at kt tiu, A. M. 1 2.5 Y M. Express Train stops at Girard, ( cabala sad Palarrrillenaly, and arm.. • 6Wr.IL Day freight trains, East sad West, ill W.. I Car attached, and " atop" at all Ptallt.L. All the through halos going Weetward, Clews/and with trains for Toledo, Chiesao, ke. ke All tee through inkier Koine Sustweril, resuo , i a' kirk with the truism' of the N. Y. it Vie kuln.o a. betDilo with the N. Y Ceritral mud suQslo wa N itailroads. If. NOTTIIMITAY, Super - intro.., Cl•ireland, April 4. Itia Cleveland and Pittsburg R. a TIME TAKE EFFt MONDAY, APRIL Ilth, len Trains laud dally—Nu achy. evrotv.l 110.01.1 A. N. Mul lor Pittobrirnh and Wheel/at, 414 Y N. A , C..glArodalv.o lot itatt t+o4i and Mao V P M Axpress t. r hit aburyh awl IN beeline The lo 40 A M. KM 9,25 P. M. %rasa. makerrekrart Lunation. L. .th 11..11. tar baltisoora, Aen 1 ort and Boston Also with Haifa:ton. H. tilt Baltimore •ati Washiairtati City. 10 00 A. 111. train enerreeta atlindann , or an/ Milleraburab J. N. N'er LI.Mt 1.11, K. F. II 1 . Llti, 1:4-a.TicAnt Agrut. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, A _ BENEvn LENT IN , TI ; I.) .1.. la: I 1,4.•• it.. to to•r VIRULENT & EYIDEMIC Ul.►.A•l• The }lt 'WAR!) ArI. 4 IICIATIt'S, to 11, I Llestrul lion of howan hie raufteal der eptiona prarbeetfulna the übf. but h dtarabe• to.acl.s, P. P . TIG • P Lfr Ct•uoultivg Surielft,o, •1 • l 11411111A/4i 1 4 , . their nano., to open a Dil.petworm fl.l tt.• claa* 4.1 dubeames. ID all lib. r 1.. f u,ti auu 111 AitV1(11; t.HATII , t‘ , . ail .14. , • • •• . et ption If their c. tafif it. .14e..1 end is ea,. t rola, •v. 11 KDICI ( if =I "f the ,fie, •ud I,lj lur e.,14 !mime %t The 11treetora of the iti......nattou, 11l ir 1.11t01it... ill 01 ••••••., tottkettt satiafactwu r U. the . 4 • h • • the (abort of limn . an r. to u. 'l , f rhatta, Netuttai•l tt eak Doom, 1.....irrt00n. A. the Two Ultiontoto or Seff r .At.•...e, litwooso...l U. bey* aad Ittlaa,ter, ar. and ~ r der • .-••1.•,,,..11 • WYO. plan 11.4 the ...•••th..•• year TLe Dirt.ct.•r•‘•4 a r.. 1 to r the 1..1, .•••••• their labor, to tho‘ re.. 01..1 .11. it of gnat benefit to the attlteted, e•pe, tally to tar and they hare tr...4lett t....ire01• then...ora at bear,' seal, to this ,try littpurtata suit 1.... L An admirable Report ma Sperniciarrboci AMeatnesa, the rice of Onanisen, idastortonin Omni, unl °O'er thasaaes of the committing irorgeon, will tar mat Ly ~a orelopco STAMPS for praises Other Report. ► ,! nature Ned treatment o Mm. constantly bong pobbstw.l for irratoit , to WA I and will be scot to the attieted. :some tni u. dies and methods of treatment dter ,, etl past year, art of great sloe Address fat Report or treatment, HOC'GHTON, Adis( Surgeon, fioward so,nat South Ninth Streit. By order of the Direct,. Gwo. rAII4 nitm, ti}". ly 41 Secretary hes, Vit 1 E coiNTY MUT!' i‘• Awls cone:oil- Incorpoi ated in I1:;11-- Charter Foy. ProPor=nrest Agate.< Loos by Firs lam Met exceeding lye years. Policies issuod npou the deposit of netztiom • Ilona the payment oftbe sisal 84+,4 Rates in MOD. , oat the liability of • I remitsto sot*. hosses out litigation. Otto suit only has seer Wes Stew lost this Cartoon,. Thaaaempainy is tni.fnif n'n *AC smug ss a amts Isms isotsratso• DIRECTORS James C. Marshall, C. Y. Ttbb.ln. N iu F it • • . - 8. Stutth, J. Unmetly, :Item S. P. KPplet, Thos. Jsenb HOWL George A. Ittliot, 11. BAbbltt, Itm. B J. W. Jostiet OPPICIRS J C. Iit•RISR•I..t.. Prrst. Jos,' 411• , . • ' Ciao. A. ELLIOTT, Tn.*, Oic. la Wears Gansu.ou t 111Knory CbeigauLD Erie, A. grio. April A. 1868. THE SECRET INFIBA/TISS OF YOUTH AND MATURITY' Just Published. 115th Thouw. AFEW WORT* ON THE RATIONAL TRRATMENT, with- out Median., of Spernlatorriona, or Wag •• " Weakness, Nocturnal Pautssiona, Genittal and Nervous Debility. Protnatarr Nosy Impotency, and impediments to Marriage gee. . . HY IL DK LAXIIIY, IC I) The important tact Ulll6l the taaay 11111,11111DIC orieDSUZIK in the Imprudence and solitude of - be easily removed is rrworr Mcpteibe, is in it • ••• tract clearly tiesuonstrante4 . aa4l entireh .' highly nuechord4l treatment Si adophl by (b. filly orplained, by towline of which may one I. mt to cure HINSItLY paribeikr Lail at Use Mesa paw* thereby aroidiag all the smisartisag noiiissios sent to any &dares; gratis and post tree to • 01. e reione by relottllcast psiii) two onstng, .t+>•On B. DE N. • Jae* 56,1669. lI. ANOLM Hee, York, Rake, SIIOYA, Anger. rh" and Plane Handle+, at GI .1 CIGARS. A lot of very floe our iisJe u Notel-t , Erie., Vas 21, 1859. COO )A N E.--Thtst. very rot' 0 , pound for ttto HAW, SU lar , L"" 1. eau be had geouitar at Dias Drug Story • a_ 30. CARTER 1 6• NEW GROCE: cAIiGHEY YIH Flts. Nay. opened a 1:r, Stove is Dmotty's Shark, Nara SW, gams •goo 4 papply or FRESH FA M I IN 1;10 AND S. C. tieLDEN. -Al.- WOODEN IiWILLO' aii' Cu& wd tb. blgheet marl Alter of eutuatry Produce H. C. CA rinigy, Erie, April :A 11,54/. SPICas of all K1N136, et No. 2, Wriskr. &Rent A, Apeil IL IU& Cl i ABll paid for W heat, Oata at Um WM Oily Mina. yd la SCA L ES. PLATFORNI at Ca meted the beet manutfetOttll,l l,l Iyett 11. ISM). NO, AILWAYS REAM' Coifs hod other roaahlectur• At LEAVE BUFFALO. MIMI iNs 004,--vicE PROW I MI OW+ OW •l I= = lOCAI.IT%