The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 10, 1859, Image 3
VII- The Montreal 11 7 ;twai regatik the .utomer froi.tA tufa opinuin e:t111' 'Tottful that the glimmer frosto, which eeritsioned mo much alarm. have liven the 11111111• of etving the afloat enqi They kept tf3ek the midge until it was too late to ilo !mull harm. :::=0 PH TrillciAlVel are generally loth to speak a word in praise ! of what are milled "patent m welt.," Indeed, it lean Crtiche in the coded medical ethics. that a physician who sanctions the um of such i mocsiders cannot be considered a member of the iitaiswei A s .vciat 100 But there an exceptions to the most atm ~,o t rules, any man, of the disciples of Koculaplus bare s elosllv been compelled, by the forte of faeta, to recom mend the use of DR. .1 I.IOSTF.TTKIrri STOMACH MT TEIt.S, for those dummies which 11.110 parttcuL&rh prevalent „ l i tr i o , the summer mid tail. They have imertained that % h. n are no remedies In the pbannacopia w hich can rompers with this wendorlid et erpound fur derangement a t th e system. Themands of hunillmi looldhwalonir Ibt 10 , rowed. of the Weeders! and Southern rivers are now convinced that they have found a medicine peculiarly .apted to thew ailment', while bihnther isoclintn of the d o rlog the aseminer months, this_ demand for the article i equally large by druggists and dealers generally every. here cir See advertisement' in another•eolumn —sea- TH SllKAllitif4a.e.eoae or t wo dose. 0, the compound F.:tract of Smart Weed, le one o f most certain means of bringing the eruption to the surface, and an occasional 4000, ta also the surest, as well as safest CO•111111 of keeping it oat. • trial of it will pro. the truth of this statement. 12 BRYANT AND STRATTON'S CHAIN OP MERCANTILE COL- T, EB. the moat prattleat, thorough, •n.. 1 popular luatltuttoor of the kind, lu the rafted States See - rortll/01:04.0 t a. IMPSCIAL 190 TICS.—The learned, suc cessful, and highly aocomplisheil i cultot and operator, Dr If Elder of New York, arrive.' in this City, on Monday, the 29th 'nut , and ts stopping at Brown'■ 11“ tel. when. he may be conaulted fora .hurt time, in re gard to all Mamas. and injuries of the Eye, The Doctor kiss reammtly returned frogs Europe, a here, far the second time, be visited and fragmental all the erect institutions la his special department. Dr. Fls'er the fullest 1101310, a very learned Occulist, Physician, sof !turgeon, and as ouch, takes high rank among the men or Europe The etude and treatment of the Eve have engaged ht. etcluoive and rhustant attention for many year.. Kou•ing that the Doctor was abont to visit SL Louis, I induced Islm to call at Brie, and take great pleasure in this knooanting his arrival to the puhl ir, with the hope that during his short nay the people rill avail themselves of his super.), skill and to Sept 1-13 13RANI)E-,U I) _ - !Kirlll.Tt'Hl74l4[P4 11.11FN: H.‘llll Ynuth In the zr..l • •ztrvnkth t. , W.'s! , • pr..parstiou hay uwt tb. ai•pr , ral or the acuity to irrt of the vrto-1 1, and thy nod pr..i.netor lea:lewd pl,(111010 II to t NEUIALLKD fu urL.u. as a ',inseams, amid scow,. ~f waste.l or Illef t liutehines . Life Exhilarant Illhould be used ty all net, • perstitas as at atimalates the parses to their natural •i•eli, and will ant produce a reaction no matter hi,a suitilenl) dropped. It a II al. a GAA. • • T• 311. and 10 give MII. frn 1.1 seer el with the find item. A brief peritteitener in it nee vi ill free , ate lb. etAitosaiti tii a ileiKree of perfect tiealth, awl finer the seed should he certain to male Hutch/nu: Lir hllarant a hnus. hold artu le insxtnneh tto It r i ll -ender thslh yinetkihal in feeling and o strength, ant tioln t.. 1,.e ...or again the days of their pristine joy It DM o,llarstes but strenghtens, mei EA real), all Illvala. estweasll) to tilt.. Who have bet ti r•••lkoleal to . eololitlon of servility by misfortune. or nediti•ri •tek• urar No matter what the efttlite of the impotene...feny orgatt, this superb L‘Lllarstit will mums. the Ole, I •t ~ore .0.1 forrver F.‘htliLrant •hould br 11 111 per Ishii bate duatrtirrt4.l nrnrr, p• 011141 LI, 'III isseu %at •• tom, l••rvid tvller t, r 141.1.1•••• spiriis It is fr,,m hal • t titil • le.r. and 1:10t a grata or slum suiperaJ riubetanc• ted la MI barn 1411VVIA, et In gut. I 11. FttAllatztit 111.. it Loper. ' mart.ll.ll• rud uru.ppn.o itSiolt• prrparat...., sa, I.llr VluisfieWr, NI4 lit T 1 H.H./• at 1.1.1. Ne. k AU tarden. plaoultl 1- 1111-1 . • Expro, ~r, toot. Ittr,t4 bottit %IN • tor no/.1 by T i :AM LAIR, awl t AHI FR k .101T11ILli,, I'a. 4.. TL. a 4.-4 can have health rroew..l Ilutehino I Or 1//i114.11 111 II r..juv«hat.t, &0/1 • re•tr.rp ra•oted atrougth, ith ulagiral p r ompteep• or,orler lot imruurrooLoo• } 4,1,; at,.i per... •01. it / 1,4 II /. e., tail /111111 I,y I A HTEIC A RR( .1 II) H Frit. rr "f I 11 rllit.lll Int • I I r 10 Ilut.lrklljpor I lir kshtlnrtwt► rend u 11.1,111•11141 n4.-.IIACt. nod rffert fo, 1/11. uy 'must, itlter rw rt.D.I. rot alma ext. •nd rlwr it rrjuorrnateri and mtrrogll. I* ma,ke T SINCLAIR., l'a. 15 1 y rr 1 be will red.,. nrlor .trrncfh tn.tro a to.mle .. um. of that exelPll4 liuivt.4‘lo.' I tie r• $. lariat It to healthful nt all Its operati, au a , manta It lies no .qual—r.yu..oalty 1 and •tt's •Jtil ar,a.t..lllllrelerlti ■nd Inman. n• rffett - 1 1,, t'ARTEIL It RKli Knit, •5 Ii I 7 1,11. kAloilarsut •ri Juvriuitor nl oi approachabli. And lettuiltablo exe-rikuer Y. .11 r., r Liu matter 1.... produced, it tuu•l n ars infallible 'kende- It us/vases, for ,btontlt la the titer, stomach or bruin. It. t01i.11,1. ,14 btrengih, mad plip•ln al •tiillty 4 A RTFit k BRil Eric, Pa .1 . " , v rir Hutchings' Life gibi larao 4. Lath.. of weak mod y c•oaltitationi, Arta ald take. 111. liotrhinu. I.IM, It will white r,.0 Oron o ., health, haul ..A.tructtonund irte,tularit te• !row the men •t ..I tbr health ta. 11.. 34.1.1. • astsd cary• ova faze. 86101 A1:1 - 1 It A. Ftlti I. IV, Pa. 4:1 1. rr wersow• • nod Hal. I ibi'arnut o“ re to iiwolv for all tbeir suffering. and pore. Ss I kall the 111)..11‘101111 11•• 01 by non, ba‘e iFurg,ll,t astJ 1b.., nervous if, ftlort to rrd. and noto.titutione Oren down Sold b T s Pa 4-ly Dy.prptic can 1.a.. •II Im 'ore .11..• Ira but ur Hutt-Wogs' I.s. I.ahilarant. Weak nacanu-h, timble tratAna diatrens after iwt twir,cwirti ire bit bt bi' •ptrlta, will find a mantel.' in the 10 4 ,0 rani 'OI.I by CARTER k Blbo acid T S SI set.A IR, 4 " / • MI flutebinvi Life Eshilarant /u. , Iroagreerilrie and thstrrounir ederts el W Lail or i unt t'e .t , rl the moment the rrt,ii. a the Greta, the dretredeiagloari AL.! ail painful fo ‘i••• riotri 100 IS. SINCLAIR, Sne, 1 . 1. 46 y Hub-bin/re Lab Kiittllarsat IP quick wool ”ffrelue I, car 't °riot acol mold airdinvot..l nuw of, nod sat attitor tt.-ranomment• ..1 Lb, n a.I, an.: arid will revive , Lb. Weian.) ,o, y And spirits twwwedtately The Amble, oar,. aliiittla try it. Sold by T S. SiNt.L...tit, RN*, 16 I y app. TIIK GREAT ENC1.1!.41 111011KIIY. SIR JA.AILLSCLAMCE'SCrietwrated PROTteTII , LSTTICA , IN U' AY hyPonki • rrereletptten .tr. J (7 4 ,4,. AI IJ ayous•a LOY durdiruAry to the quern Tha t turaluablie medicizurb utdalling Si. 11.. curt of s .A.f.t .D 4 4:Ww..tma I tt.e bbfair Is subject It etodorateo all o,evoit aD,I wbetzuctions, awl a sprealy curb .11) be . F. b.! TO NA RD LAD/Es : ‘ uite..l. it van, ita a •liort t.ri..K ammtbly pond:el with reltwlwnty r...h hattir. prier One flotlar, Ewan the ito•erotneet s•Ctittst Britais, tiv prestlat oeuuter4rtis CLll...mrwrrx.csr4r. 1 kese Nib Agold sal be takes by freak; &rime Ike l' THREE MILVTIIS 4 Protrotteep, solikigN .t. bn.g as Mastartmo,l.J .1 Wog .44r , kW* 111 r, • • 4 / 1 ' all caw. of Nrri,ur• and ¢I ma! All, 1 . 1111/ In ti %act and Limb& Fatten.. nn Alt,tht c•crilrori .4 the !kart, and VlLitea, the•. 111+0 will ' a ure when all other means hate fathr.l and al, Irti • powert'l remedy, nut 01 , 111.310 Irott, leter! .r any thine hurtful t.. she erntrutu 0.. • /1 INCti4.llll In the pamphlet •71.IIIit: emir larlitpe ae cranially pry-nerved • ',nut fur Otwarstiwid slates tad Cs I / (lair I 1. • 1141.tann k t 0 .7 Itr.rt,...ter, X It al,ual and r. postage ataaappeachmerl cc , any au lUaufr a bottle, contottooK pilla, ,au. P t art. r k Finn I. I 'laid.. tit, arse, l'a -1/4.1y . .1 the tlaii Mai , ALP ' Arr.: at.uut n. 5 'Has Nrti rtiflT 4.NT TO Feral Dlf P A S *. 4 PILLS, l'retaret ...I. I.o# • U Tltt tt 11,1.t.51140 • .•-•.• .tt (Onto hll• Y. 11,.- lal. li • sad •in • tt,otri tot. The. are nil 'ti in tit. it it... • n. obi! • 1 . 1 . • tr..ling all trrrgolorol , P. Yt.nt , trttlt “tg. ttbotristl ... 4,ltlrt tn. to of 00, hattlL•eito,l4.s• I$ 4 lbe allecti-ns„ 1 a 11 4 4, " , sod 11104, &G atattallat *Lid+ ••L. toil - Mph.. id nature TO .lIA 1.41/Iterd. ' • •••• num'. hlta ary itoileatilo,:.. Wry gill .h•Ong '••i • • with ripiniarft, I,arfirrYholiste ".1 • ' .1.1 fn the o** a ottois CAM j.labelbe la Or. I'll 4 floinr all grit t.r UT !t. Th••rie fe enig ...ilt inn of IINP Vomit Wl '. • 1 4ic1 tbe 11416 mom( f. taian writ/pow pruht -I • 1 1(1 LLA Oja••:••I I.l' Th. ..adOtton rrh•rrird • s • S. - ta.init, Y L44I:A FOIIALL. %orhtr tta• • • •• bey of the wed .Ibr to re.tory the itrual , n..smaJ eurliiiyou t that even liar erpeßbli e • • r ual.tir. cukarot Malt it "'""•••g•••table, and fts.girnai anything datsett..u., bkb re- Is i'ssl A.tag by nn by 90 4 ageut ! .. .0 , 1 by one I)ellggia , "VW." • •4•• 1 uttr4 Ntab. n It HrTettpc., tagitirlit r :".tat•-•. / , :+1 Nan.. Yost •*o*. all Whnle 411 it. o nlrn NtoloLJ be a.ailltemmeeP 112ERi!MN MEN ADVEIKTIMUMENT rr DE. tar roßD's Llver Int iforator and yawns Catlin: tic III• to ►aothrr column. "WHY AUX Wr RI OK 11"....-filight in dispnaltinns am they are called, as costivsnaml sour stomach. Headache, etc., though regarded as 044 !era in themselves, are, nermthelessa, initheatiosT a b derangement, which If allowed to continue, will remit in t. Ilti al disease of the whole system. With alt it. COO -1.1.-Icit)Thou long am the action Is, through any mum his deed, tits% moment vomit:tellers a derangement, which if bot speedily remelted by a removal of the cans* will lead through a long Itst levier lila and aches to L iver coat- D:spepina, premature old age and Death. The etitimieh is the grand reservoir from whence is diffused nom esti meat, and life and vigor ars impar ted th e en ttre i n stem , it it all important, then, t the Mama he hey% healthy, and tree from everything calculated to stilt*. a disease-1J action, and Moder the perkirmanos of its legitimate fuiscUons , and when through indiscretion, neradvett or other circumstances, the energies of the Noir are prostrated, and the stomach and other part. of the animal economy are sluggish and inellievent to the performituce of their duties, or when there is an excited oversethin, them It becomes necessary to resort to some itiedirine, whom alterative and correctruit qualities may restore • vigorous action and a healthy tone. A gentle aperient and laxative, will perhaps more than any other inetlicloa, accomplish this end—and it is in this character, of a mild, gentle, and efficient apaient, laxative and car ectant, that BALDWIN'S CATHARTIC PILLS are offer e.l to the puddle. Being, entirely mistallets in their com poaition, they may be administered mtely to all, of every ace emit mix, as well to the infant and delkate female, as to the rigorous man. rot the=y care of Ciresse arm, imagssefora, hirerthere, Jena dote, Alamitos of ara Strakork, Aborseas to E ;M 7E I7 ' , 1 4;per, and of 14e &these spates gnorrang they cai 1111 l tbe surpassed These Pills are already beginning to Lr known as one ni the best and most effectual remedies, and as the most perfect rompouttd which has ever been dee tried for the mestere of dimes. They are warranted to glee satufartion, to tam 'WWI 26 sle , per boy, nil! be refitaded. sold in Erie only, at BAL D iliIN'S Drug ittore, Nu. 6, Heed Houma. Girard, B. C. Ely. 26 /OrTHE GREAT FRENCH RICKEDV. MADAME BOIVIN'N CELEBEATED , ILI ER Co•TSD VIMALI PILLS —Prepared by the Sole. Possessor of the Original Prescription, used moot ex teueii ely in all European Female Hospitals, and infallible rrtnu, eitoppage• and It regularities of the melts!. Theiee 0111 are nothing new, but have been used by the doctors tor many years, both In Frazee and America, with unparalleled threes. In every cue • and he is urged by many thousand holm* who have sod them. to mate the pills public, for the alleviation of those suffering (rum any irregularities of whatever nature, a tell as to prevent pregnancy to thou lashed whom. health will not 'permit as Memo*. of family. frog oast Ostoels*, or those supposing theneselres no. are cautioned against using these pill. esti!. pregnant, am the proprietor assumes no neeponsibil. ity alter the abuse admonition, although their mildness won Id pee..• cat any numb.. 4 to the health ; otherwise theme pill. are recommended.- Full and explicit direction cc. company each bon. Km sale by L. I. BALDWIN, Erie, and glerpsr, Waterford N 11.--One dollar and three postage stamps enclosed to any authorised silent, will insure a kwicksge of pills by re turn mail. C. CHIJBLII, General Agent, July A 1859.-4)7. Buffalo, Pi Y - IKABRIAGEB uu the 2,1. in Wayne, by Rev A. Height, Mr CH AS-24, STEADMAN, and Mims MARIA M. TITTLE, all of the furtuer place Also, at the same time, HERMAN It PER KINS, ant Miss LI'L'Y A TUTTLE. In Pittsburg. Ott Thursday the Ist ifl4l Re% Dr. il. A. LYON. Pastor of the First hy ruw in Erie. and Mrs MARY A BURTON. of Pittsburg on the 2341 ult , by Rev. Mr Rurgesi, Mr J 11 LEONARD, of Franklin, to MINI N I Nt'l It ITTLES. of Girard. Vu the ::11th ult., by Elder James Going. Elder JOHN SCOFIELD. ut Girard, to llr SAIL .Al3lll'. of Springfield on the ::./.th tilt . in Wit) lie. liner an illueta ~r tour year., Mr. ELIPIIILET LENTEN, fir tnerly .4 1'1114.44. In the year .4 hi. age lu Edinboro, on Friday evening the 1d , at the renidenee of hin grand •on, Mortimer Phe EQq .Mr LEWIS DRURY, aged yearn • Zo-Daies :Adrertisenicitts. Sunbnuy & Erie Railroad. RBINNIIIRIIPINEIPM ri E papy pr. pc...ptitu ng on a mixed train wills Pa/meager Car attache/I, no lilt the uth meat. For the preeent, leaving Rile (from the mouth of Will meek for Paton Mille, at N A M. Returning. leave I nion Mille for Erie at 3 P. A ppltratinno for freighting mar tie made to SAMUEL 11 11 F. TC ALF, or the u oderpigned SAMUEL A RI.ACR Aunt'. tulle., W.ll ,Frie, , opt ;,'l/D Sept W Dreadful Accidents! A („ntinually occurring wing the r tholutteag ,riatet, and that made by the atikut.on "I • little Almll and colored with Corruma le sot a ;mita< aloft NSA, WOl bring more or iesta 'Wile to •Isen burned utstll nearly empty, or when the lamps liatte rews.l.l.l•Ulet for wine hours, alit...Sig the et hiosite Wu to seporate from the Mlaid and Collect at Ilse top of the lamp The only artkle of Burning }Aunt that con I.e Lord • tthout danger • r that knoe n tiIiEENUI bll which to charged with Car dwok u. Icor, and a neocaaartly NoteEsploaire The out, Ag-rtt• w Erie for the aalo of Greenough', /-luld are nepL lu, 10.544. CARTF:H a HEW. Administrator's Notice W II ER F b :A S K Let a terß n of i t, A. t l b min i istr be at 1)11 IL. relate of John Fitzpatrick, der- d, late of Obto, che r e nip. all perema indebted to said estate will nuke mule •11a , ion% ment, end thoee haring clam. against the 11J,111t. lb la! , heat them properly .11UtiiretIcstokl for oettleittent MICHAEL HttWES, Copt M, IWZdt Elk emelt 11,, Artier UNITED STATES TIMBER MEM FOR SALE AT AUCTION ! ! wILL ~t pt. tthic Au( vi t$ Uw bithlers, at Krie, nn /11,11)AY. th. VW of SOpLezolsrr. nt in the ..... rninK, • .01;1. tit) of it ell lieu U Government Timber, t 1.3,0110 tusbout :164:1,UuU k.t,t nwasur.., of Whit. Oak, Aah, Cocuoltst.r and Dimensions as folio., White Oak 24 feet long, hewn nnefoot square , do ..N1 fret 14tog, bewo I' by 10 to. Asti and Cucumber 24 •td 16 feet lone, bean one toot artnan. 410 snd 16 feet long. loran 141 by 8 1n... Ilea:l44A 3 / and 16 fret long, bean ooe 14/ot. /mlars . du. 20 f t lon g , brsn b by It to Persons eau examine the timber 1, toF at the (not of 110/- Lam! ...tree4 to the Canal Hail El Deaf fCr Iso ' a wharf, and at the bead of Lb• Bay. The male will he lo lot• t. Nutt purchasers, and will eil{ll ult.., at Ito- pJ. at the foot of 110112.041 Street. TERMS w e b iu Specie, to be paid at the Cuwtom Howie immediatt ly deer the male. Mr. Jr Dunlap he.. beetles:lo(lod t. trotewure and deliver the timber purehammi It, order of It. COI.. .1 h C.P.1.11A11, , aperintending Engineer of Lake lieri•or Work. H. BATiS, Auettomer Sept 3. 145.0.-13.14. PIANO FORTE MELODEON MANUFACTORY sArz TWENTY PER CENT I=l 'WILLIAM WILLING 33XIFIL rile. fSM ts* lIIM Tii eXperieii..,•• tweNly the wee that I could make PIANOS AND MELODEONS In Fri. heaprr than I cut bay them elsewhere, because not IS I• eh. &t ie r, coal a cheaper, iron the same, induced Inc to eroploy competent Mid complete, experienced workmen, who carried On a Nano Ilauntrrtory them. se' re. for live years, and who sold me thier nt ire stock pecesvir) to make such matron:lents, snits= core peppered to fursibh My Slemerous fro-relp Pianos and Melodeons ul esperlor Tone •nd flielob, and null wAtururt...exaver TMICIELINK F or an . , Length of time, to give COMPLICTIIi tsATISYACTIOIr. My reputation as a ilusicisn and business man would bs lost it theme Insti:meats should not prows rood, and I meats the public that nothing Is spared to bnug about tbe tlesitird result, its • Pilhapcia. a lame aad mu bog soda. Plasm, article ♦' will give goad so tiara atlas', wad stay la time longer than nay flue 1 luny 6f. TEEMS VERY EASY : PRICES VERI REASONABLE t - PATRONIZE Your Own Citizens at Home ! nePER.V.If WiIrIIESAL I.' or II TA 11. Flrruted pruniptly and WO, er Produce., °Mess on Mersa, Old loatrum►ata, Luis tmr, and any thins else. l can sell again or usio in lay bus• triers. rill be nil's° in exclutasse for Pus° Yorbsa, Wlo• drum, lualcimers and any thing sloe 1 nave to my store PIANOS Tt► LET TUNING DONE WELL NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK NONE BUT THE BEST ARTICLES ON HAND TUE GEN LINE L'XRIVALED Chickering & Son's Piano Fortes, ALWAYS 01 a•la. Uwe you over heard or a poor Chlekarise Miaow ',— Lost we boom whore It la awO I will exebowge It. WY WILIAM: T " ,EDITORS.—You remPaiber Or/ $r Horses Waters of New York, boo made for adverUplog La you; paws. The aolienruraod wUI do ILLtIo bettor, ir you •In favor Imui *AI/ a cam, awd w iM r ura ly o u eith au , Mao. ,10.1 order or ,loo,r.• Gale _ordrr WM WILL/NO , Jaws 11, DEATHS 3E" 33 INT 2%7 '436.. UM GRISWOLD'S COLUMN. 1J N74zO; 6I IN A kil 4 4 4 4 IP 4 EXTRAORDINARY i i i GREAT BALE Challis, Lawns and Summer DRESS GOODS THIS WHIFFS. WM. A. GRISWOLD WILL OFFER ON Friday, June 10, 1069, REDUCED PRICES CITE BALANCE ()F lIIS LARUX SUMMER SILKS MIII DRESS ENDS Too ETU ER WITH Ten Cases of Goods just Reed FR( ad THE LATE AUCTION BALM ; 4 4' 1,900 V'd, tine Prineoci 4-4 wench Clunts at 121, worth 30 oents. 1,200 1 ti Paris Printed I . liallm at 124, rents, $s girth 25 1,000 1",l4 fruit. d Brilliants 124 eents, worth 2S 5 Cases Mei 'nehron and ENtlu►h Prints for In c,•nt.4• worth 124 7fP P f llsrege Rol•es, Double Skirts Rairege Rube, • Let ilrgandi Rubes, Duubl• Mktrto i )rynaklt Rube, a Let Klett Silk Robes, 1)ouhle Skirts French Jaconetd Plai o and Printood Dimes Flu e orgaudis and Lawus Traveling Dress Goods K&eh Sa►t,, &c &c &c Pf PPP ALSO, JUST OPENZU, Lace ?dant'line, single and double Fiona:ed. Lan. liornoun, Lace Points Stella Shawls in all colors, with Ilse Cashmere sod Camels flair Borders, very cheep Great Bargains In Table Linens, Napkins, Towel4ngs, Liven Shootings Pillow Linens, Cation Skeetinp. rdlow Cottons. Table and Piano Covers, Lace Curtains, Drapery MemLiam, Linen twit Cotton Sheeting, Best make Irish Linea', Kid Gloves, Mitts, nosiery, ae Superior Inducements AKE OYFICItEII IN Carpet., the eta* being vary LARGE IN Velvets, Brussels &. Wool; . RUGS, MATS, NIATTLNO, OIL CLOTHS, Ice WM. A. GRISWOLD Erie, June 7,; 1369 BtIMI4 SUP.. 1 I Stove I ! UTE art , now Prepared to , V foraleh all !whrb ant he want of STOVVII, of any ehheerlptioa, at laver prices than have ell'r been acid to Itrle County. our sturortioest stomieti,imoU the nu Aunt Ins protrod, Glom which way 0. foiaad th• Bulk" , P 1 711 0 41 ink 116,109 Emir*, Brilliant, &raid. Ao4 ortaber of Air desirable striae of Plea seed Orem, Also thoJetily oratalrated Sew% P.... Y. and a as tw= iii4g 4 if Us Ores atotio.— Also Do MAP *seal ratios, 4.1 th 00... • thfil itiewi llha g. ea lf i r tm e . . stooge oeuporlpr whhilt we WU 400 for Cook idelafte. 19 1 1. Rath% Weer la 5(...r.2, at leo ewes thew say l Nonni lab PAN ma warrant time to fir. amaze satiediettos. To prams elablar awe War la the oboes Rae we wooll= At as • Call sod roo Mott sot a ditoppolotod. At FoosAry, N. W. Goroor of Waft sal Illk 4 rat. Mit iS Is6o-10.1f PARR I JORNSOII. , 11ElgiE SHEARS, Pruning Knives, Badatatc Liana. at J. C. maws. M'cONHHY * SHANNON, IRON, BARGAINS. SHOVELS and SPADES, Springs, Axles, MALLEABLE IRON, BORING MACH IN ES STUCK (AV ELEYS' WADS AND SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLAMM grim, Jse. 4, 1869 THE CASH SYSTEM UNFURL the BANNER WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL BOOT, SHOE, AND LE.ATRER STORE, BARR & KELSEY, Have removed BOOTS AND SHOES From No. 10, Lately tx•cupied by We are now prepared to furnish all of J. G. Barr's old customers and the public gen erally with Gents Fine French Cali Boots, THICK LOOTS, HOTS 4. YOUTHS BOOTS, Gents Patent Leather, Calf and Prunnel Congress Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather Gouts, Ladies, Misses, Children' RIIBEERB; BOYS, YOUTHS AND CHILVRES SHOES OF ALL KINDS AT ALL PRICES ,LADIES CONGRESS AND LACE GAI TERS OF EVERY KIND AND PRICE MOS( 76 CENTS Ladies White Ss Black Satin Slippers. —ALSO-- French Kid. Black and Bronzed. Fine Kid ant/ Prunnela Buskins, and every thing else In the line of Ladies Shoes. Of Misses and Children' Shot. we have enough and to spare. 13meg at the hittk Miase..-iii. IWe have Leather arra Findings of all kinds. including Harness and Bridle leath er; Oak and Spanish Sole leather; French and Eastern tanned Calf Skins, Calcutta Kip and upper leather; Binding and lin ing skins of all colors. WA—Shoemakers Tools and Lasts, Tan ners Oil by the bbl., lic. &c. Erie, May 5, 1859. 48 arllnbent in existanne from $5 to $7,50, wim No ds be exhibited et oar Me hdr, 0. W. I,SICT ebenesseinted yet, eoeDstel Tacit f•kfrwr srgm irt.- o BE owns' UMW mum 1112)9,—TOLIILIC8 ViNTILA TWO 11108,--with Kew Petters sheep NUBBY BISIDISTLADEL itseeshee then Woes yes by eleewksee Wheel Mann pop, lied with those Bees. howl tln.--,W4er. G. V. SLIMLY. TM PIM 1111 lIIST Ws 000 88L5.X2: 0 4. r OHI O , 1 INN; ' a nu MOS le SAO pia Va. a . aiy readied sad for WS NORTON, INO. Public Doelk. Its* Pa. ppLg PEA RERS.-10 dozen Apple Prams that de the week evar .111 raLaa4 ler ask vet, leer by L C. 8 Aug. 20, • SCALES! SCALES I ! I so prepared to taniteh %sloe of soy Mad as at stash to.. prisms them •Ter Imises sold is this My. n- IS. J. C. 811.14:011111. sar S. N. PIKE'S PURE OHIO CATAWBY BR/1N ! • lirie wore coon of tide orlobnitad Mundy, ► vollombio remedy sad paryeatstive in tame of Cloolorai, Cboloia Morbid Cobb, Diarrhoea, crsuq a or Pains to lb!" Ilowola Prier reduced to • I to, berth. Prescribed aad reabosaboadod by Musicians For sale at No. a, Rood How, by Aug. 10, L. BALDWIN. NO. 8, REED HOUSE. Have on hand a barge stock of NAILS, Cut and Wrought Spike, 'Mg BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS A Af EB' FLINT, MULEY, MILL, CIRCULAR CROSS-CUT AND HAND SAWS AND PIPE BOXES ANVILS, VICES AND BELLUWS, Wrought Nuts and Washers, TABLE AND PficKET PLATED ,SPOoNs AND FORKS, WATER PROOF CAPS, WHIPS, &C., AC., No. 3, Reed House, Erie, M'CoNKEY ec sHANNILN TRIUMPHANT!! (SUCCESSORS TO J. 0 BARR,) Their entire Brown's Block to No. 13, Cadwell's Block, W. A. Gri s wold's CIES OXFORD TIES; SPRING. BEDS ! igio * VCR /it. ••• • 144 * • A • -: '~+C--41\ THE STEEL, BEE HIVE!! A GREAT REDUCTION NPORTANT NEWS! ' FOR THE LADIES A.ND Community Generally ! Low Prise Jubilee Just Commencing! Low Price Jubilee Just Commencing! EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST ! EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST! Reduced Prices the Alternative ! Reduced Prices the Alternative ! MONEY TILE DESIDERATUM' MONEY THE DESIDERATUM CHEAP(3W)LS THE EQUILIBRIUM CHEAP GOODS THE EQUILIBRIUM ! ALI. CLASSES BENEFITTED! ALL CLASSES BENEFITTED: AT THE BEE HIVE • AT THE BEE arvr. CUTLERY, T"' St B.SCRIBERs Simply announce that they will sell iiutitig the WARM TERM, that is to come, their entire stock of LACE MANTILLAS, From the Looms of France and Lyons, Silk Made MANTILLAS, Alf French Design and Manufacture. Lyons Lace Mantillas, AT TWELVE DOLLARS EACH' Preach Laos Mantillium, LACE POINTS & VIZETTES Reautitul Design and Superb Quality AT SEVEN DOLLARS'. SILK MADE MANTILLAS, Ur EXQUISITI DESIGN AND At an (vat/ range (( Ilelinciam! Double Juke and Flounced Berages, Printed Berages and Robes a Lez, Robes La Organda and Printed Muslins, MO•S'T MA UNIFICENT DES'/G.V6', AND SUPERB QUALITY, Greatly reduced below cost of Importation EVERY DESIRABLE MATERIAL For TRAVELING DRESSES; DRESS GOODS Stock of FOR THE. M ASS ES At price. of your own making, if at all reason able, say say FORTY PER CENT at leaat below regular selling prices Brunelle De Diable And Fabrique 11e Cbeves ; Goat's Hair and Taugora's, Soi Tais and Costumes du Voyage Challsia and Ernannai Silks; Totally Regardless of Cost ! FOR CASH EXCIA'SIN'EIA Empire Stores Lpt France and Austria (row/ and F 7.01— .. WHO'S AFEARED P " With us LOW PRICES And Id( INEY RULE— lOW PRICES Triumph ! THE BEE HIVE IS TRIIINHANT!! TIKEI BEE HIVE, • TILE BEE HIVE, Is THE RAI4I,Y ! Come One ! Come All!! -- VISIT THE BEE HIVE , DURING Tilt LOW PRICE JUBILEE! SUCH CHANCES SELDOM OCCU H. Come, then, and behold some of the FRUITS OF FROST & WAR I :Malyls ! SHAWLS SHAWLS ! Just in from Auction SHAWLS lbeantiful and cheap, Y GOODS Generally fur CASH At prices to suit T HH miLmoN! TOR LOTS FROM AUCTION, ALMOST EVERY WEER. Ea' ICY MI II CMS ALWAYS CHEAP Five Gases Remnant Prints, SPRAGUE'S - L 141715 NELIA FOR G 'ENTN ! Woarn Oxx &nutria! -Us JUST RECEIVED AT THE BUSY BEE HAYES & JORDAN, No. I, Brown's Hotel Erie, June lA, 15.59. ...A\,, , ... A#1444. _ •T o'O po li.l - , : • - - si - , _,.=--_--,---- ' • fiz.-....:.-..--- AGOOD BUSINESS CHANCE! PO par .ode, aid all equases paid. Arab vaaara la every *ova sad county throughout the Dubai States tosagage la a light sad Olaf b 0 a1 a..., abkh tbo above mit way oartalely by real:hod For parte alma address with stamp. DR. 0. PBILPS BROWN, Lag. 12.-41. No. 21, Broad Bt., Jersey City, N.J. IN PRICES! e=== FULLY oVERcOME FULLY OVERCOME! INCREASED SALM TIIE EFFECT ! NCREASED MALES THE EFFECT ! (Have sold readily fit $18.) AT JU.ST TEN DOLLARS' (Regular retail price $l6, (Worth at least $l2 ) ear o o EIED lAA Frost at eight I►elight to smite The Products of our lend- WI-10 CARES? -+-- COME THEN, LADIES, AT THE GOLDEN BEE HIVE MfEa . lfflUilU: STOMACH BITTERS. pe is a tact that, at some period, es ery ht. ilitorr'Of the imams &lady ti Dahl.% to Massa. or ilietur, ai,,e 01 the b o dily. functions; Out, slUi the 644 of .1 tonic and the su nray, of plain common wilier, 11.. lee able so to mu lut u the spasm as to sec , .re it a isbetit hearth.— la o e l e to aCCompusla thi•d.wited til•jr .1, toe title tettielell em trimly that vi hien wu. produce • natural via., ci thine et the least Larard ul tidal strength and Fur .t h t a purpose . , hr. hosteller Lau totrocussla t tub, c ountry a preparation bearing his maws, which 11 nut p . m gadidoe, out one teat Las hero Vied for yearn, g iving ...wit.... to all •ho hairs used tL Tor bitters powerfully uo the stomach, tweet. and Liver, es =than toe healthy and rtgoruns scuon, sod thus, by the amps process ot strabgtheaing nature, enable the theism to trtunion Orel' Chartist. For the cll. of epsitelA, tottweetsuo, Flail, Lou of Appetite. Or any Hhuoun I,..ollllpnuntn, an ohm tram a morbid `mi nter the ntionach or bowels, p,s.Weist4,g 1y , Lhoh ra , thaw Bitters hare no Neal Diarrhoea, lsy sinter, or Flux, so generally contracted by alow setUers, and caused priticipaiiy by the i huge of water and diet, etU be •peeitior teguiater by a Oriel use Of this preparation. lqspepets, a disease *both is prop. abkyaione prevalent, ru all its walled Willis, lb.!. any °th at, and the Cause of whirl] may alway• alta muted to derangements of the dlieTtlee organs, can be cured *ith out 2•11 by using HOOTarrEit'n se per &Teeth.)c en the bottle. hor tuts disease every ptillittian recommend Witter' si 555105 Sind; then why not use an a:Untie known to he inte:iitee? All nattous have their titters, as a prevecitative of meow mid streodtbener of the ay Stern is genera/. and among them sip than , Is not to be found • more healthy people than the Germane, from whom ILL. preparation emanated, be. red upon smentitic ripen:neou which hate It turd pots the value of this great preparation in the scale cal 11:111diCal Science. rt... AID Aire—This try tog •nd pro vet ing which tiles Its relentleim grasp ou the tro.:y of man, teduc tag ban to a mere shadow to a short time, aml rendering bile physically and torotally Uiliehreat, can 1r &Irma from tb,,b,,ly b y the ~,,,„ o f UnathTthit' , 100%1M Sk.D tier TEAS p urthrr; trout of the •Oute-stated digested-. can he contracted, rice 111 . spored situat.ons, if the hitters are salad as per direr LIODS. Aoki as they neither en-alert/wawa oar offend the palate, and render tionerreaary any change °idiot or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sorted sleep SSA healthy digestion, the complaint in re :dived as speedily AA IP Cl.tisistelit w Ith the production of • thorough and Vermin. tit cure Fee Presses Ia Adranted f ears, a Lr, are outleioig from ea atifeebed comitituti u tool tonrm these Where arc Invaluable as a reOlortettee of •trengto soil vigor and need only Le trod to le. itH rerla;.d Alt to a moth•r oldie noising these Hill. re ari repet,elne where a god tonic, 0.1055 ns Itto•telle r e ter; is needed to impart tempora:y lan agth Id. the: system. ladies should Ly all means try tot- reowd, ! o r all caws tit drblhty, awl, Leh', CO ALould ask their phy s i c i a n , an., If tie i s is, ioneauted a ill, the t the Bitters, will recommend the, use :h all ta.seli it IP testkllep• c.ut... t6r inrl4ll. 60,4,1•1L1•1ng /11., of the many Itoitatiou. 4.r , e,tiut..rlettn, but 1, Hon aTT Let CIFLSIS•TLI . H ItiTri pre that sliCia bottle has the • • 1., I if, it r !t..c. .t om . c h Bitten" Hon ..n the 4,1•1.• 1.011 r. P . /11111.0 on tbg m e tael l e r..‘erill.• 11, I Ik, n,,d h.. N. that nor inytottariti mgl,..tuor 11.. Int,: rrp,tr ,, l 11 , i t.,1 11 t 0.1 17 SMITH "we .• 4 , 1 t,y fill ' dray brut,. oc. rie.ll• r• q• L filed Sharx ig 11tr many . For male by CARTF.It IA: , , P 11A1.1, Li t El V, alrxrd. If AN A -..%, LoSI; k CO , /AIM le% GREAT BARGAINS NEW FIRM! C 0 R \ A LEII2, I' II lit.ALLIIS IN GROCERIES, Wooden & Willow Ware, FLOUR AND FEED, Pork; Fish, Salt, &c. &c 1.4 IR l'lt Nttli.l(l\ k(11 (Wl' Ft II; ( AND WILL ItE •i)l.I) CHEAPER FLIAN F:VI:I: 4)l{ ciTv Fmt - CASH OR READY PAY EVERY VA )10 Wll I. Xl\'l Mu\EY R\ \l.l}N(, EXAMININi, ()UN N ; SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, A -VD 1: I" 1* 1? Y 1 (; E I.\' Tlll. fikof ER lA.\ I) PIM l"/S/0.\ LI r Rl Pohl PI ler 11.1,NINf, SP'II7IFRE XX, Extra Superfine &Graham FLOUR, Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, idtAIN!.INI) 1 I'l%ll Of all kind, k. hrtll.l 114' lit Ili:it cillinot I.llt •Ziti , f) .li/ W".k11y0i.414 rr b•.,,/ I'. 1. , h hfle Ih , f 414 hi, 0 't, ! &kitßettienli. r t ItO of Sl Li nt i on & r, Era. lUM , PN RI N )111 Erie, lefurell 12. 1•••)'.. f,i1i441 PANIC. AGAIN DRY Goo-Ds!! 11AVE A 1-11;4 \N. , i I:NT i)1: DRESS GOODS I=l EMIRALDAS. ONG A N }MBES. BR A IZES. Clf A LLA Is. LAWNS, he " .I .' ..- T. A. C E 1' 0 I M"l' S ! Purchased at the 11.9.V.VG Orr sale , of DEALER: 4 . Many of them at PANIC PRICES ! I= A amasll .ELcicraxicia June 25.-1 WM. BELL. JR. $BOO —THE SUBSCRIBERS WISH * to employ an active reliable man In sack Net aof the State to travel and take orders for •esaroor aarscil grolcoasAacoci. by sanspl... I/ ill pay a saJery of $6OO to /AGO per Isar, payable monthly Tor samples and particulars •pp,' to, ar addmea, !maiming Stamp for return postage, CARY it SMITH, • Tolimeonistlll. Asir. 90, I aSU t.t Prarl Nava York QEt Nt; LES ! SHINGLES loo,auo WARRANTED SHINGIk at CARTER li MULLER Vs Steam rlannsg MW "apt. 3, GROVER & BAKER'S FAIILYZEIIII6 N EW STYLES— from tkrin to $1 Extra Charge $6 for Hemmers 495 'BROADWAY, Thee. Mae/Imes sew from two spools, as purcha.rd from the store, requiring no re-winding of thread , th. j Hem, Fell, Grittier, and stitch to a superior style, notsb log each 11.41121 by their own operation, w ithout to the hand-needle, as is required by other machine• They will do better and cheaper sewing than a reamer. t. elan, .ten tribe works fur *as mat as haw, and are, no quertiontbly, the beat agnates. in the market for f nil:, sewing, ori account of their simplicity, , nizmagement, and adaptation to all earieties of (mini', sewing—eteeuting either heavy or fine work with .1.11 faetlity,r.nd without special adjustment A. evidence of the unquestioned superionty of the, lisciiinee, the BAUR SEWING 11•CNINS mom PAST b.g leave to respectfully refer to tbelolloninK I' STIM()N I AL$. ' mg hail one of Grorer k Baker's Machtue. It, it,. I family ler nearly • ...sir and a half, I tithe pieneure I ,k:on:miens:leg it as every vris rei•isbi• for the parte.. 1.,. scluelt it it desigursl—Family :ewing - -Mrs Joe v o Leartit, rift of Res Dr Learnt, F..drtor pestilent "I ronhas rn) wJ iltdightrit sill your St.wing . which has Is. uin my family f,,r many months. !t al way. brrn :rat. y for duty, re-quirt:4 uo adjuatttwot, In ./.lir adapt...l to ••rypty of family t hang/rig lilt tic 's Ur... 1 Mrs. 1.11:411.. , Mrirkfaitai, wire of Rer !Jr . k trveklinngl, Akirtil/1 Of . Alft,ll4ol Adsofate ".tfter tr)ing severs! .13fferent good taact.iner, I , .• terted pairs, on account .•f ,ts stwplieita, and the p r feet oase with whirls It is ninnaged, as well a, the wtr. and .Itirability of the 1. 0 %111 Aft. r long e• perieure, I t.•I competent to st*a► in this manner, and to eontbl.•nti. reeointnets•l It fi..r a t an.t. 01 [Artily •swing .. - We. P. If Spnon,n, 'ref' .1 Me 1..g111, of Brooklyn, Sts. "I bare used a Gant as k 8.1(•• Seal if seLll./ t ears, and hare found it adapted foal kir from l radii., to tictradclarth tiarhit ii to e been '4 , 411 nut arl6uut IL. gn sag way of a stitch his,• is emu!) /,..;.t In order, and rant I,liar., ' Mn B 'Wyk, irge of Ben Ciro H Aupple, .Nen 1 In Machine has been Its use In my IslnCr th. pfut t. and the ladies request me to f t i• \co their lln11111.4111 , 0• to OA perfect adapterlneaii, a. • ~.,, a. lahi.r ea, in,: the pert...nuance r.l fan.i 2 sal Louie Ladd emu tort • /hiker( ileurinun„nete r.' to. nth, we hare oat.) firmer k Bak, • .nit,c Mai I in., hire Come to the run/Atm. - be/ !LAI 1 . 1 //...r sea Illg 41.1 4 1, ,n, a o o e i roc u t h , etunate to po.iewielaK out • f thcee r. 1110 h. an.: Ind. f•tioble 'iron nned, o m en ; ei L,, re rie.l o .anti.. ~r beauty, strength, ana implies! ItIS 1 . 1 —J Morro, dame ill•r G.a 1, - to ,rrcs. k.ail hl /he //est J.istrial. M!!MZEiI ‘••••,.t r r nui 111 , 11 irITT, ,an ri Fins* r..tdrlit Its C) , liirr, %It% u'Ll J.tni,,kr,, I.:, I'l4 i 11.1 a tent um.le 1.1 11, • •.•Yr tt.r.o toouoaaol )artir, of 10 will, don, f (t .A. r P /Sae& 1..•Il• 110,1 I lIIS dovbJe a. aloft SS..-.1 . IS 1116 . 11 a ',P.P.!, •L.l ' lr r roils 1 , 0,14.4 d up trona ht. Inn r V ha.ha , l• ii.•lL,te tile. ..1% rot ~ f 1. - Otet fa Baker a. a Mr., I. • nigr.ant carat it of art than spas ever Vll/4Mtn' tnt lie would denounce M•dnigla shirt-making as •tbe ...Tr lul .plug of woes unnumbered "—Proj. 11orth. ••I tae. pleasure to saytng, that the Grocer k ltaa• r .••• ing Machines bare 01., than •uotatned me V 74.•••• ta lion Atter trying and returning others, I thr e them in operation in icy diderent plaeen, and after I' ot sear. trial. dare no Malt to and .verso/or of .Sovira cerroffita -Mr wile bite had one "I I.,rs.rer Baker's Famll, al Machines for some time, and / am Itatll.lbett It t. a ile ~f the best tate,r-sat tug machines thy: Lae been iii, r, I take milt 1, T , Ira•Illt• rer•viimr ndiug it to :be I ill ;1 , ' tfar-ets, Gorcerter ry! Tesasase, "It la • beau:Liu' 11.1ve, and pub eter, laely Ls, 10 M 1 It. Inept F ooa V. ere la Catbolre, 1 ,b, ultl Insist upon Saint. Breyer and Baker baring an eternal h,,11.4ey to encnanemornti,n Of lb. ,r gn4.•. deer's. f. , r Lu mann% .** —Camas M. I law tblak It by far the bent I.atrnt ,n ap e Th.. fla.l. n adapted fri.l" to the beatubt , anoitur re It pea, r.vr, an•t mot, !LA., ,4e ran ...rut.. LE u 4.1 n.•t I.ny - Mr. J .Ndiaraj e Ira. ••It •pc..y.11, very neat, and , :uriLL:• in Ito art . t/11 , 0 under*: .ucl nu.: Ice{ tto rll.ll' 1 eftTheStlj 11.:01:13- 131. 11.trIllue ti all ray Aug wants at, • 113 , 4 nt hors ' 211 A Fervent, Slernphrs Tram -We unit this Mari, he to sloth t., our s►ttsf►e 1,00. wit e Ith pleasure resurminehtl it to the public, ►e we tseltees tLe Grover k Baler In lie tLe best Sew Machiheth use " —Vestry Brothers, Allisossist, 'Prom. Ii oied exclusively for family purpose', with oidinary care, I will wager they w ;ait one Misr.", score years and ten: and never get out et fix "—John Erskine, Awshrilir, Tess. "I.4re had your Ita, hype for .eetral ireeka, and urn perfectly mtt.5.11 that the work it doer 1. .e beat aro! moot beautifnUlot ev.r Vg male " —Merril Ammo., Ur/trolls. frill. use my Usohinii upon cralo, dresamakir..., and fine linen statehir g, and the work is admirable --far " better than the best km0,1 , 4.141111E, or am other machine 1 ha, t i e , seen. - -Lern B. Traureproa, Adalsrsile, Term ul find th e work the mil-on/gest and most besot:. 1 I hare ewer Nero, rovh• ntt fir h hand or machine, and bard the Grover re Baler Machine no one of the great..! blowup to our sea.' Vrs Taylor, askrafic, Tonal "1 hare one of iirorer it Baker sltewing Machines in use ilt m 7 farm'', and find it in, A'asble I ran conrid e rti t recommend it to all person. want of a machine. - - 4, Thosip•ex, %austral', Tr., of uh n pi mojr , in Malt, tn.: to the utility of the (in, fir k Esker Sewing Machines I hare used one up almost eery deeeriptiun of work fur mouths, and hod it much Atwitter and better in veer% respect than work dons by Land '—.llfrs U. W H heeler, Nailvdk, Testa. "1 would be unwilling to dispose of tuy Grover k Baker Marlin:lr for a large amount, could 1 nest replace It again at pleasure.'—.Nn I. Scutfl, Naskril/r, Term "Our two Machines. porch/lobed from roc, do the • ork of twenty your. ladles We with pleeaurs reirommet.l the tirorer k Baler ....wing klac.hiue to be the best in av • IV. Stillman o r i n Vemparr, Tenn ..rne bror• r k Halter Sewing Machine works 4alsalrat.l. I think the stitch and work tar +o ever to that of •or Sewing Machine I ire raw O n hr, wor k, I t h ink l b. Machine would 1. , beat J liarw , Irfemprs, eras - I and the or mai:towed, rery CIO rabl., and take pleaanre in renemine,..lin• it to an who wish COOT! rneuc,, ecot.onit, end pl.pnre - %fr. F T 0..., lb, pets, Tenn ••1 he Grover k askiirSew toq Machines hitt e ce rrn.n I. ea - tiodaction w. ct. •erfull, ref, rowend the in to al: who wish o good and uni,•antlal Sew tag ' , lselin. :1 executes work with much air, and ire& and [toren:re!, than nay other marh.n.l ',ate r. "- Ales R. It Afar 11,14 Mf NI his, 71... "l am Lappy to vile. far test ien, , us in 'near of Grover & 'tiler's Sawing Marlin.,, &lido( the preset ositlitnet ion it glies in every nape,. It sere toiat.l), and is by no means •umplieste‘l,and I prefrr It to all ',theml h are • _ . Bryan, rife of A'. e .4 M Bryan, Alcutiseu, Thom •It mikado me nsucli reliance to say, that the Machine •or..s welt . woo I do not hesitate to recommend It tt• Fmot ~sing all the ail, antaiteti )on riltllll for it. Mt ade t• 0 • ttli it and we hikepleaci z e • wet to this R Pereidep„Sfemilifisa, 7rep . lactvr. me WetSPltre to 111141 Owl:roe, Yacht... ,trine so much sails/a...ion. I hare it In r.. 12 plant cc., and nod it all that could bet dented. It is the •tniple and durable machine in urn, and I hearti'y neommend it " -F Al Whit., .11fer•yekes, Thais •• I tai tug and Utteti mini 11 1/..r hind. i• i Seam; Machines, j feet free t• est that the i;roter & Its k. r Makeillney. are far antler., to all others su "- tt - irsoirme trryr , lashrtiir, Teas r1.14,101t, my 41%.! Mil !line In./01111 , N, lib lk •”t tar I I,' tnw • It• f`o•KI, ,r l I not.: n , t rui• it, 11,i I, It I •••11 all mr Vomit. ow,. Mr, nimut .m«-fut.•tle um« I ~.14..1•rtth m. handl W J Srds(f. /eq.• tar ' 4 EN Ful: A cuwl,LAß...liaa J J LINT , Agea►, h 12, 11119 1J 40. EIGHTH ANNUAL FAIR Or TII II Allegheny County Agricultural Society, ►ot :;TERN PENNSYLVAN I k ND OFllu, t4tb 1.5 t% nod leak of gepterber,Mlll riot PRElttrif AMMICVTINti YFARL r 94,000. Fair Grounds, Oth Ward, Pittsburg. T ENTS anti other erections prove ka for the dasplay of the Menbank Arts, Domestic and lbooseitold Goods, Implements * Fruit., Vreetateles and Flowers C0,0r..1 51.0.1 s and Stalla for Harem Cattle, Sheep and Swint. mot Tables for Coops of Poultry oigorm's eitUADAATL) Sapplsed rata WISER The public admitted Wedneday. Thursday and Friday. Abundance of ateam power will be protided running of ilachtnerr, COP Large Newham. offered for msebtriery. Fro large blili Articles sent for exhibition shonld be addratikl either Gen. J. S. NEGLEY, W. BARNHILL,, or SFXJAIIIN KELLEY, Eno, Superintendents, carralls isheiled, with owner's name and residence. Entries realisel and ezhibike's tickets furnished it HALL k SPEER'S Plow Warehouse. terser Credos Alley and Penn Street, after Auras' 29th, 1540. Hay and Starr GRATIS fbr all anlmala entered Ine ex hiletton, and grain at lowest cash prices. All entries meet be made on the Secretary's Book. on or before TUESDAY EVENING, lath of All articles and animals, except lions., IsitriVtr " :imbt within the enclosure by Tuesday noon. Bones admitted on w.d.,„4„, mo r nin g , but meet be entered preetomali ry" competsuon be) owl the State eselially invited. F ir Vigilant night and day Polka. Exhiltitor'• tickets, 61410. All eabibitore lutist b e come members of the leoctietr. If Ten rickets for 81.06. Four ticket/4 SO cello Single sikotasson, 13 urn's. Fable.les end horses will be asitutttod to the 'resod et t ft following pricey —Two herse iehtele, 26 cents, wangle horse aphid... 15 cents. leo& horse 10 cents The Citizens Pessenger Hallway end the Central Peon li it. Can will be to court/tot towntunicettou •Ith tbs grn ands. Lett.. sot , :rvoil to ROBKRT illeKlaiGHT. Corresponding See'), Pittsburg. Aug 27 -2tll aLEBRATED NEW yimi; z11.1"Elt MEDALS' Ansmssiox PLATE' 4