The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 10, 1859, Image 2
THE OBSERVER. 13. F. SLOAN, Editor TERMS: *ll5O PEE YEAR IN ADVANC} SATURDAY MORN'G, SEPT, 1,•59 State Democratic Ticket. FOR ArDITOR Gi.StltAL, RICIIAIMEION L. WRIGHT TOR \!ICILVILTOR oloucKAL Jotur awarp,. "A Daniel Como to Judgment." We notice by the Clinton and Lycoming pa pers that the Republicans have put in nomina tion for the Assembly, in that district, th e some what notorious B. Russ Prrsti.ex, and that this candidate, thus nominated, bases his claims to the votes of his party and the people upon • publicly expressed determination to break down the Sunbury and Ene Railroad company, and thus prevent the full fruition of the hopes of our people, cherished for twenty years, of a direct communication between the seaboard and the lakes. It is rot often that we feel called upon to meddle in the elfatrs of other sections of the state—but this cloud in the horizon of our prospects certainly demands a passing notice Especially is this so, when we consider that the action of the Republicans of Clinton is simultaneous with the rejoicings of OW people, of all political parties, over the certain completion of the Western division of the road, and the commencement of the run ning of trains over a part of it. Think of n— on the bright prospects that gild the horizon of our beautiful city, on this auspiciuos event, this champion of public virtue, this ••Daniel come to judgment," the- immortal Pelnkrn. looms up from the woods of Clinton, and as the candidate of the Republican party, asks to be elected to the legislature fur the purpsp=e ut in iestigating the allege./ stupendous swindle by which the `Sunbury and Erie road obtained possession of the Stste Canals and thl+po.ed of the same It speaks well for the Republicans of Clinton that they should he the Mast to more in this matter—a county, too, that bas bad expended in her midst and among her people housands of dollars of the money obtained by this alleged fraud—llott ha- the line of lb, road oltno , t complvt. , i act "is her border- , , , tud .lireetor to b- 1 unt,, 1 ,.5 11 tk „:eat nut Aill' . .,tuncitnsl, ,; the I,,ve \ tt'll`•• t 114.1 Republicans ~1 H u tt ~ u ,tt Ilat tln' , .a-ed and unprejudiced tliej rh ul i ~..ake their in dignant heads, and proclarni throng', tln•u great man, their mitts, ttlate rime the legislation that 14 enriching ti( snd when the road it c,impleted will henent the -tate tnt)lrsna of dollars, is all a )raud be probed to the button, Stteh pithily and party virtue demands all prniso ' Ifter this tribute of respect the fiepill , lican- of Clinton, it might be well to ask wh.• is Otts flag-hcart•r of truth and principle —this tart uo u, man if Rush Pargken r 1. , it the same l'etriken who has been notorious the last fee winter. lounger and borer around the capitol of our state—one of those miserable scavengers who. for a mall fee. aro always ready to do an ) dirty work demanded of them—a hatiger. ,, n in the rotunda—% sponger in the rooms of [nom berti—a personal and poiitiesil briber the, weak and unwary legislators whoever) winter go up to Harriaburgh to be sacrificed " 11 tJo• itl the same man the Republicans of Clinton have nominated as their candidate, to inve.ol - frauds, they perhaps. could not have nhosin a man mere intimate with trimsittiii , toi of that nature in and around toe capitol W. have been told, and we believe it is true, that titre man was a borer for the passage of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad bill ban y -, n , ." .. so paid Dy its Ilierols for supposed services, and was feasted by those I interested in its paasage. We know of no fraud, however, in the passage of this law The measure was fully and freely discussed both in and out of the legislature—its merits prais ed, and its defects pointed out, and while we think a higher price might have heen obtained for the public works, yet when ourlaw-makers were determined to glee them away. we were pleased that the Sunbury and Erie R R was the recipient, as it enabled that company to push along the road, which we hope soon to sea entirely completed. It remained for the renowned Petriken to discover a flaw in these pleasant arrangements, and he seeks a place 'aside at Harrisburg!' from which to hurl his Aaveltn at the monstrous iniquity What new light has broke in on his benighted soul we know nut Laat winter a friend---now an en emy of this road. Perhaps the money once eipended in legislation is now used to build the road. The fountain which once sustained him in his purity and integrity has dried up— his aervicees are no longer needed—the gold no longer flashes in his greedy palm—the chant.. piugne no longer sparkles on his table—all is hanged—and where he once beheld beauty. and order, and rrandour, is now to hie famish ed and distorted vision changed Into ugliness. confusion, and deformity. Let tie suppose him elected—let us look at him as lie rise. in Ins seat to denounce corruption, and move an in -les t igat ion. How imposing the spectacle. nod bow faMcal the scene: Pamirs turned saint and pleading morality ! His old eompantons of the lobby stark aghast as they look at the penitent—they tremble it the confession which he proposes to make—at the dying statements of this modern fkniapson, who seeks. is he him. sel f assures us, tohury others to his fall The stu tter has turned saint--and despising the max• tin that it is "the greatest rascal who torus states evidence. - he pours forth the items of his own villiany until his hearers sire sick of the homily, and heperhaps, is hissed down, never more to be heard of; and while he shall godown to the grave "unwept, unhonored and unsung. the 'AU nhttry and Erie railroad. t riutuplung over all its illtileulties, shall be i fully eetnplete , l, giiitig to Pennsylvania a great and might) trade, and building up a greet sit) on the lily of Presque Isle which will be "strand only to the city of Brotherly Lore Let Clinton t.innty hums? .1 her Prtriken—our pride shall br uittiutaititug the public nuproversents of "in +lnt e, in whatever titiNrler they are, and it strength Datitnt,siti the integrity and IntneAty of our public senaor, VW ' 4 .Ir.`4ATIJR Tomtits nuttit• a, speerit to a largt• totatenee at F.oxtngton. ‘ia . Frida). The (Klitor of the Augusta E,,-,„,.„ / I .I,o' lc, Hho was present say% he sustaine.l the #loottine of popular Isovereiglit . ), and eXlol 1:11c41 Hon. L. J. Gartrell. I)ecuw , t. he ( ow trell says he will not oto for Senator lotight.s for l'rettidont if nominated fm. A movement is c,n foni in Tennes see.. look ;lig to the erection of an v(inestri tin statue of Gen. .lackuun in the we4tern portom of the State. A gentleman of !blemplug offprit to give .11.0(in toward it The 't Louis Reputliean say 3 the getiersl goyerianem has made arrangements to t e. auee the time for carrying the mails from lmlepentlenee to Knott Fe from twenty to fifteen day., Tardy Justice Thw c ‘, 31 , 10 ,0 ;ay, the Phi).l.i..ll.)tui lief' Pict, .•, President ul tii.• I'tiltt , l ~t 111 %%21- the 10,...t aku-ed man ()a r , lumwage hardly funa i-hod oxpleti‘e- sliopg to de ma.thee luut. Auld Man) prcbminetd, wen, editor- a- well aki private citizen-gloried in their 6J MO I iIIIR 111111 -- Neal tR O ,igll. en tired front his exalted (Athena position. a n d became a ',mate citizen From that pe riod a reaction has steadily been working, and flow as find hint among the most pop ulai of hi nttr American Statesmen Since his return from Europe he has been greet ed with the warmest demonstrations from the people of all parties, and 1110 progress from Boston to his home at Concord has been a triumphal ovation Not a word of reproach is uttered against him, but wher ever he appears he tveeive, the warmest welcome and the highest honor. When he was President ol the United Status, Le pita a visis to his Ne‘% England home. and a companj. of volonwrs, known the ••Arnoskeitg Veterans, - were invited to join in his rwept ion. Prejudiced against hint pohtiealiy, the member , of that eompnny doclined to welcome him, and held a meeting in s resolution:- v.cre passel I,y no means CO mplurnentary to hurl ill an ntle or a • a citizen Pre,a lent Pierce pas%ed this cult over wink/well, deeply as he must ltaie telt it. Time tolled on, and the Laternuss of partizan prejudice book n o coded The same •• A m Veteranß - hegan to repent of their heists and di-Ridged course, and a tow months ago tin* held another meeting m which the} retracted all thpy had s•tial agin-t Pros ulent Pierre, and lablishe.4l to the IA othl Ora thl(.. Ii tl4 , 1011 e 10111 \.el .tut-tied they %eta to N - -too receive loin on hi rmurn lrom Kiir.irt". land aceomproliol him 11,41) that ,•itl to Mart •l• .1 Loma ..1 rhiv. riovk Immo watt kattl tor d.• tsr•,uil t‘ , th. tr teflow, th the t hi fiNt 1,1 propii•,eate e.xcidentetst. atta tt that the eri are o 1101110 to Act.; i10tV1.4 , 11.t.• their :Intl Wake rev lir:atoll, .1.4 th.• ••Antrxqkv.ig, Vett!ratt - have .h,n,• W.. , rt t tiro to ty that -•ho I'r. tett a. prowl o. ul 11111 , 1'1 , , tkrt rhtnrO/ AN \ :lid •41 ptit..ting P.rrr at tl 1,,,t.! 01 )11%, It 3 ; !1,,r)-, trona the phut- (if -kat lent ttt the ih`t ,, l". “C ATIII , • ,ran tte , lll.lll -Ikt,\ll.l k, A k••••-••• 11% ts. 4 NV, I 0 104, pr, ow To 11. 11 ~•••• )1(1 Ire I . , 111 In LS. .1. 11. .111 , I tn ‘l. t l i , int ill' tlial e t 4. nLu it Ole% ei • 2ifilioi A,m , ner )11.1 - -urh un intiq pent! , 4 0•111 , ..• , t n - th •..%n n•, uI ,t4lllllt tilAt 14'..t ‘‘ithollt I. ,c- , .11 ~.11,1,./1111,1 %%lOW can-, 1;1011 11. Ar living rt the) towlr , l Andrew .1 trk..ln %%hen nt Ow Unit , -4 .111 , 1 how I,ItL-11 tio• L i t or lio-uility thoN rh, /-beel 11,-nry cht) ' :Iry m alt I.ltial in-t in. nLl_ , ht ninitiphol L•xt,int. Lilt 1110 f - 111111ai, .LL,L Icui— 111 u-ti mon- .\t till. Il e ~f no , n lu thi - 1.4.11.z0ng.• ol,l,•ritinela on aja,n-t I'l, nt Bu. han.,n, ho W v.. 00 logret cry ti l}4\ iiU. r .1 . 11.• 11 , 1041 , 11 , :m ,4 111.11t1 , .11. an , / . 101//g , WP , 4•••••• -"•'" ,• t1)..111 ri/V; emit), ..ition of a favorite duck n. (11.• platform of "kmdr...i" 411E4- Jlt , Tz.•thwr -ienr , red" by ho )11-ro , tpl smivelbt) , ,n )11 the platfor pi! Ica tit hi—thl% smrioiritat prover bially Itiv..t,r wwl nl the author vr th.• in•eciuni li- this singular and shanteiul lu , r e ot party for gi tfulnes- liene it us---vnnetse and to the point "f bat t•e• t the (“Hipletf•utrici entire equality. /low/. tbP q4XeS WithOUt %‘l 4 l.ling t.. /II i.-I . e• ilia 141/8 14 no ...,no-rti of ourm, rospoetfully .ug it e.4 that th. now Count% Corritiutt,.. h. at .• and ha,.,ti,t- .11 teil plank 3,1414 A of a Ow Vv,t•ti V ER) DisTiassts. cAptiuti (ht. Ctrictithati 4. , Eill• 14 adjn g Dfnn 4-,,Criltt% 4141 , .'l , :tatty 4,t 11r. [$ , ,T make, tip, A lay or two a, tvi g..4‘ a' the following, editorially - Iv THE L t.T STAGE' ul COS`T MPTION Jllllll W Forney ha , Iwtaken hire. if to writing .1 ,, gg..-N•1 about the No peran c,tn Imagine the 10-4 Ise hale subtatri,4 I,y that girnplo einent The Pre! , , tru-kr.ti r loom its ex, ipinue 1.1-,t, and we are no longer per rurtc..a. hv memn-.. to :ewertain low much it ineream“ 11,nly in eol r. hair tn, ,I,Jubt, when ie an. al- lowed In ho,k uionti its faro again ne stnt initant front its unltaiilterAte et.ponv. it die.l to tho .ENrulrtr company In lli %tilliendon4lntlietann We dared, °net'. 11101111 . Itintr, t 4, illfier with the ool , .t)(.I. and, f, , rtlmalt lit tht. axo , nir Pre' -- st.• hat-,• at %% di Ole Ettget/r• 111: SLAVE CARouv Th.. bl i zr‘tiAl.l •: A by,. e.i vontirtite , tit opposo tb.- I'angr.--4.10nal st,,c e c ode propo-itloo hi its. 1 , -uo i, ",11 of August it Make:, i , bieettost• to it. %owe of which art 3 1.13 ri)110W , • ^ (t Cv.-111.V 4 11 . !, deStrk ih•vm.- eratie orgati)73tion. anti loare it %. , r ) ,Lnabt tttl whet hor :t Southern orgamz.ition ta% er arlSe to take It. place It might t/ite4. arm ( , ur , e , t.loti'• act. dl 4M elevate a Black Hepahliean the Preaidenel . and milli) by In, re.ult in the elect ion of a Nouthi•rn utrti, un candidate. It Laehoote:. the Sett:them fiellide, at the midst of thezr pre,ent, unexample.i %Pt •+til I prowerit, to betvam o f ev• treme and nod] Iin...WEN the eleinentm of that pn.x.perity by breaking lip the rxi,Unt order ref thing. I , ontint,ulll% ntipioving. t, r h er L t,,,,(1. 'night Ke to her the beginning id innumber " ii there 14 :lIIS Tar/r0 that) to prodiJer Olaf dire. rf- Quit. It p. the ,I1,1.11,6(111i4 belltoCratio party ot the- union. Without hat nig be ton. our eve- the ((Tinnily of 1 •NoilllnTii I'on- Retri,. Ti n Nowlin ant/ 14) Lave, the two rope-walkers, have not tot hroken their 'leeks, an I reihnian and an A have, I.'o l twins / • , peetatork of their feat , . 4 klii• 0./1 front it ri k ut Niagara Valk and the other tiimMed int e the (;i•tir.., , , Thi s i s the differenee Ipetwceu carefulnep— (`4 r les n ess The of litany ()lour vountrymen for playing, on' practical jokes is curiously illus trated in the annexed elsip4ssinas of a New Orleate+ journal. The pretended Mends of th.• ••tmzior negro" hare, by their (Lisbon eso extravagtusce, subjected them selve4 and those who confide in them, to just such ittNiree *. the Cre.reni seems to ac knowledge it ha, helped on, for the pure fun of seeing an abolitionist "cavort, howl, and rave"—metapherically, of course! Not very dignified sport this, it must be admit ted; but the experiment has proved that the nigger yaibifiry in certain quarters has no Lmit The north / ern papers are now, and have been for some months past, terribly exer cised about what they choose to term a renewal of the African slave-trade. Col umns ponderous and columns,serbose-- columns denunciatory and columns sarcas tic—columns foolish and columns fanatical —have been written and published daily fir the last six mouths, having sole refer ence to this particular subject, and no signs of a termination of the wind-mill warfare have yet manifested themselves. For our part, we have enjoyed the spec tack., and take great pleasure at all times in witnessing the contortions of the phari saical friends of the African race. We like to see somewhat a fanatic and hypocrite invent a falsehood and then impale him self upon it for the edification of the care less public and the amusement of all sensil men. ft is so funny. =MI The Blare Importation Hoax Perhaps ice hair helped vn the delusion under which so many of the free-soil pa pers of the North labor. lino, we shall not beg pardon of anybody. We have alluded to the matter on several occasions, and as sumed neither positive nor negative grounds Indeed, we are not sure but that we haVc very ',lightly encouraged this idea that the African slave-trade was in active t urn It we don't exactly re inetaliiii at the present writing—ii i eu a to ti,,. Iy, t. r aid Cvntkittly faV43ll, /WW(, not because we had any definite fit othe/ knowledge in the premises. We Wert• well aware that a large nuvority ui south , o r , rs were opposed to a re-operay,( traflir, awl were convinced that nothing of the sort on anything like an extensive i-eale could be consummated without our knowledge--our means of acquiring infor mation being rather large than otherwise. Perhaps one or two cargoes ofeongos, num bering tti o or three hundred persons each, have kern landed on southern shores from }loaf , Ve.}. , '< Lt. manned b Yitakee officer,. and -comer, suit fitted out and supported ',whey and enterprise exclusively, within the last twelve months. Of even On• we ate by no mecums sure; but, if it be the ease, a Yankee, at home no doubt a rampant abolitioni.d, was at the bottom of u. A real southerner leouhl no more. Mink of t/ supply of lahorers than he app/yo,/ k. ale rare At , moon G, take 9' . 4 0, Lem.—N. 0. Crescent, I I oft RIBLE CA,sI.4FSICLFArit•TILATIoN. —4 Itie ..f the• most borril ale• eases of self-mutilation K•e• have• Prf•r heard or read of occurred at the Itr•lling Mill of Irvin. Linn. McCoy Or Mileshurg. Centre Co., on List. The particulars of the case, as given lei• the Hollidaysburg, Penn., Standard. are al•nttt these plung wan named Aaron !rely, who had recently been pardoned out of the penitentiary. where he had been confined I. ,r horse stealing, bad been hanging around the rolling null for several days. Nothing unusual as observed in his demeanor. On Wednesday morning, noon after the works a et, starte.l. he deliberately walked to the large iron ,shears. and before any one was ;twarii of his design, placed his arms between the blade.% both o( which were completely severed about midway between the hands and elt.ows ! The horrible act was perform ed eooly and deliberately that no suspi cion entertained of his design. When questioned as to his motive for the self tilatiou, reolital ." ' 4'41 rueurvs ot sending him to the penitentiary once, and he was determined they •Isould tie% or get hun into trouble Ile tta, taken to a neighboring house, anti a ptri sician sent for, who re-amputated both his arunt---an operation which he ie , aid to have borne with a stoicism and in ditr,rctive that aatontaheti all who witnevis.- eti it Lie is recovering rapidly, and man if,-ts the utmost unconcern for the loss of his anti, --, IIIIIP- - A :Covxt. AtsrEstrarmssrr.—The most re markable among the many remarkable advertisements which daily fall under our notice, to hundreds 14 exchanges from evrry ..ctioo of the country, as the one be low A pi.‘‘ for sale iii the meeting house of tlto first parish in Amherst. 'file man that owns the pew owns the right of space just long as i.f.vr is, from the bottom of the meeting house to the top or roof, and he can go as much higher as he can get.— If a man will buy my pew and, ait in it on sunday=. and repent and be a good man, he will go to heaven if God lets him go.— Lo a man *tart from the right place, let, him g., right, hoop right, do right, and he NN iII go to heaven at ltu t, and my pew is as , od a place tostart from as any pew in the mooting house leer The lion ACGCSITS R. Sousas, of Calvert i•••unt Mary land, recently attached to the American party, and formerly a Whig Representative in Congress from the ~txth I)eqriet of Maryland, has published a b•t ter, ui 'tibial he sups: '1 Lou forerd into the ranks of the Demo erat n• party in spite of the prejudices en gendered by twenty years of active opposi tion. because I behold in that party the only bulwark of Southern rights, the only political organization capable of stemming the tide of .Northern fanaticism, and of sup portmg, in their integrity, the Constitution and the I' Ilion." I=l I ;EIPRIAA Cinrume.—The following letter, from a Western lawyer to a New York house, is graphic* with regard to the ASSAAI of the individual dunned: i;E,rs: You will never get any spondu lick from Bill J..hnaon. The undersigned railed upon him yesterday, and found him with nary tile ; his feet upon the naked earth; and not clothes enough upon him to wad a ;pm. I garments this debtor had for a rainy day, equal almost to what is known AS the tinorgia costume, eonsiotting of a Vokt Rod . pair of spwri. 'rho iiittiettlitioug beta. cen the Michi gan southern Railroad c , mipany and its etniilii)ee- hare 1.•. a ...tiled. The Gurnpa agretN/ Gr pity three months wage* to Ow eimiiove , •. at orwe, and the babincr. 1). tube:. .1 . 111. trams have enntatemssi running regularly. tor 1 fellow nanionfl keeper of* lieu+r of il.l-fatne iu Elyria, wan drag ged into tho root on the 'night of the 21a1 ne , f . anti torn.," wtl featticro4.l by A party t f 'rho woulou of the Konen wore ord,re4l to ltinte town, which they with. tiatogi hoc( tvisailant- •Irrtuttol, an , ' they waive4l examination.. Wt. Thr• inhabitants of Southern 'Ne braska, having Wed to get annexed in lia►3w+w, are deairou., of farming II State government. and have prevailed upon the governor to nail an extra *ass icha of the Legislature. Tax Dana* scs. —The difference in prin ciple:entertained by the opposition in different parts of the country is best exhib ited by the feaohltiatta which have been lately adopted In their several conventions. The republicans of New York. Michigan, and nearly all northwestern States, have within a year adopted the following reso lution : "That the Constitution confers upoa Congress sovereign power over the Territo ries of the United States for their govern ment, end that, in the exercise of this pow er. it is both the right and the duty of Con gress to= s isk Ote Territories those twin relics of ex, polygamy andllavery." This is the some resolution which the republican conventions of Penisylvanis, Ohio, and Kansas voted down by a distinct vote. The opposition of Kentucky, with whom it is proposed to fuse, at their last State convention adopted the following : "That the °destitution confers upon Con gress sovereign power over the Territories of the United !..Ataltltior their government. and. in the exercise of this power, it is both the right and the duty of Congress to pass lawafor the protection of slavery in the Terri tories." On the contrary, the late republican State convention of Maine adopted the follow ing resolution -. "That we hold unequivotudly to the doc trine of genuine popular sovereignty, and the rights of the pe o ple in every state and Territory to estab lish their own institutions in their own way, subject only to the constitu tional power of Congress and the restraint of a just morality." — With this'radical di ff erence in sentiment, it is no wonder that the arithmetic of the New York Tribune fails to figure a repulili can into the Presidency next year. 1101 }ions.--Hotta has been down to New Yorlt.tosleep. :11e7has not had a good night's rest since he slept with John Tyler, in Is But there wall no sleepirotitotts in tiothant. A big band, with big. brass horns, ham drums, 'zinc' other wititlinstru ments, serenaded him, and he hail to get up in slummy and Make a $JM'tCh. Fl. math: no complaint about the mysterious knix•k ing at the' door—the knockers were his friends, and they wanted him to ta• their next President—nothing more. SEIZUKII OF AN ISLAND IN l'ttaT St)l. ND BY ( I LN From the• California corres pondent of the New York If«al.lwt vxtrat t the following, relating to the , t•tznre of an island : "We learn from the headquarters of the Oregon.ied Washington Militer) Depart ment thin Gen. Harney has ordered a de tachment of United States troops to take possession of the island of San Juan and establish there a military post. The right of ownership to this anti other islands is in dispute between the English and American governments. Geu. Barney, it 1- to be tkre sumed, acts Under instruction, from the administration, and as British interests have within a year acquired much import ance in that quarter, it is not unlikely that trouble will grow out of the affair. The treaty of 1546 provided that the line separating the British and American terri tories should commence at the summit of the Rocky Mountains, in latitude 49 de grees. to which point it had previously been brought from the East., thence run west ward with the 49th gazelle' to the middle of the Gulf of Georgia, thence southward ' with the main channel to the straits of Fu cit,-and through the middle of those straits to the ocean. Now it so happens that be tween the point where the line leaves the 49th 'parallel and the point where it enters the straits of Fuca, there is the Archipelago de Hare, through which several large chan nels run, the two main ones being the Rosario Strait and the Canal de Hato The vessels going from the ocean to the mouth of Fraser River, but the latter is the wider, though obstructed by some small islets. Both are wide channels, deep enough for the largest ships. Between them lie a dozen small islands, the chief of which is San Juan, Lopez and tress Islands, and altogether they may include about WO square miles of land, or 124,000 acres, much of it good soil, covered with fine grass. The Flritish assert that the Rosario Strait is the "main channel" meant by the treaty, and the Americans say the Canal de Hero is meant; and the settlement of that dispute vrill de termine who is to be the owner of the islands. Some British subjects already oc cupy San Juan Island as a sheep pasture. There are about four hundred English soldiers scattered over British Columbia, end three men-of-war—the Pylades, Tri bune and Satellite—at Victoria. With this force very little could be done, even if Gov. Douglas felt disposed to-resort to extremi ties. Thepeople in Washington Territory would, no doubt, be pleased at an opportu nity which would enable them to enter the service of the United Ntates ; so there would, in case of necessity, he no lack of men." Mme. "Father." said a young hiper of some three or four summers. "when wath the Flood ?'"1), my mon," replied the pa rent, "that happened a long time ag0."..._ " Wath we alive then ?" persisted the little inquirer. "No, dear," was the reply. "the Flood we read of in the Bible happened many ILousand jearn ago." "Well, now," rejoined the boy, in great disgust, "that is too bad' I thought Torn Brown 'another vonngster of the , iatne age) wath thaid to Inc thith wornin' that A: wath there then, and ieadi'dtArougA !" MIL ► out of seven hundrett deaths in New York city woe+ before lust, upwards of five hundred were children under ten years of age. Nail' milk. unripe or rottett fruit, bad nursing, and the foul atmos phere of the filthy "tenant houses" are supposed to be the scsAs of this harvest of death. fie/ Mn. Mary E. Gardener, of t l i o nan go Forks, was arrested in Syracuse las Monday night, for wearing pants, coat, ha and hoota in the street. Before her arres Mut vißited several rextaurealts, and attraet elpartieular notice by her neat attire, del icate figure, and jaunty carriage. ag. Summer is over at Saratoga. Vis itors have mostly turned their faces home ward. Them:aeon has been very successful. At the principal hotels over 23. 1 )00 names are registered. Add to this the visitors who stppped at private boarding houses, and the estimate of 35.000 is not extravagant. estuitr.—The mean rascal who recently perpetrated the swindle upou fifteen young /allies from Philadelphia, whom lie decoyed to New York on pretence of wishing to em ploy them for school and music teachers in the South, waa arrested in Washington and is now awaiting a requisition from the governor of New York. lie has a wife in Washington, and slept at ber residence on Thursday night, lie has lately been em ployed as a laborer in the Patent office, and is said to have in some Mariner swin dled ROlllO of the citizens of Washington.— Two large traveling trunks, to which - he lays claim, are at the express office in that city. and are supposed to contain vs/tub/es belonging to his mums.. MONTIILLIVI, VIL, SupL 7 We have to-day returns for Representa ti v. '4 from tr 2 towns, which show the election ;;, itopu! , lioans and 10 I►emocrats, while tn tors... there was no choke, in 33 towns the majority for Ilan for Governor is - 3,256. Last year his majority in the same towns was 3,259. gotarantt gittrarg. lam• Bev. Mr. Dares. of Buffalo, will occu py Dr. I.Toies des* is Park HA to-morrow. Air We notice the contrectors have com menced operations to pave State street. It is e shame it has been delayed so long, but better late than never. 'kr The ()kid Fellows had an excursion and picnic out at Union on Thursday. Of course there was a good time, and the "brethren" came home satisfied with ihemselyes and the world Sir Extensive preparations are making for the fair st Girard, which comes off next Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday. As our Gi rard friends do up things generally about right, we anticipate* "huge good time" gen erally. air We believe it can be safely said now that there has been a frost in some parts of this county every month this year, and yet we doubt whether, take the wholecounty together, there ever was a larger crop. Oar Our old friend, B. F Mueslis, Eau_ lately of the Randolph Reporter, has connected himself with the Cattarsugus Republwan As, by this act, he has disregarded our advice to wzw-wood, dig potatoes, peddle pukes even, rather than publish a newspaper. we can only wish that he may have a pleasant time of it, and reap a harvest of gold and a house full or children. B ar Those who heard the inimitable tem perance lectures of Mr. 8. M Hewlett, when here last spring, will be pleated to learn that he is shortly expected here, and will again speak upon the same subject air The Republicans of Wiscsmsin heat nominated i 3. G. NonLi, formerly of Wesibelti t for Lieut. Governor. it there is any virtue iu grease anti dirt. kle ' lS bound to be elected , for when he was in this county he'was the best specimen of s big. greasy, dirty blackgunr'l that ever mounted the pobtleaf Amu!, ' SW The moral town of Westfield as nut ex empt from the effects of —strychnine ' The Re/tub/Kai says a drunken and disgrareful row occurred in. the Saloon under the Westfield House the other evening, in Which knit, es and clubs were pretty freely used end about everything in the shape of bottles smashed up in the tildioin . and a number went off with sore heals, and only the timely interference of the police prevented serious results Hon Mramt rcittasos, of Girard, died at hia re.idence in that village /set week. on Thursday, after an illneas of but three or four days, aged siity t four cape Mr H was one of the early settlerm of this county : having moved to the place where heslied to IFCIt; lie was universally respected by: his neighbors, and it can be truly said of him, a good man has fallen pier Editing a newspaper I. a pleasant pas time, in the opinion of it vast majority of peo ple. Sine tenths of those who read have no idea that it is dune fur pay, just as a man makes a pair of shoes te neoccat souls, they fondly imagine that the furnished, the la bor performed, the pa r consumed. is all fur nished and paid for in patriotism They never think that all this takes the needful , that the Editor must eat, that the drill must be ted, and that the —pot must boil, or there willbe no dinner. Again, these innocents are very much put tint if the Editor does nut serve up all the local news and gossip of the neighbor hood ; but mark you, let one of those innocents d „ , ats name within the scope of news and gossip. and then if the Ed itor gives the news, what a "tempest iu a tea pot" there will be In a word, if you publish the news you are datunetf, and if you don't publish it you are set-Tea the mune any Certes, but eatting a paper a pleasant pas time , par Among the incidents of Iltundid rope walking performarnces at Niagara, is the fol lowing related by a Canada paper of a Detroit Loan, who is deadlock" AA a entail fellow with a dried up, wizened face. He sat at the corner of the enclosure with an opera glass in his hand, which he had. fixed to his eyeball from the time plaudin started until he landed tioute one asked him for the loan of his glass ..What'" said he "I have come from Detroit every week to see that mat fall into the river, and do you think I would lose the chance of seeing it now try lending you my glass, even for an instant." The Buffalo Repuhlte says that an ex press train on the Central Railroad "made the run from Town Line to Rochester, fifty-four miles, in sixty minutes, Sonde two stops. and took in wood and water at Batavia Thi4 waa over a mile a minute, and the fastest time for the number of miles run ever aeeutnpli•hed by any road in the Union that we ever heard gar The papers mate that the tio‘. has written that as no appropriation Was wade by the Legislafure last winter, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the State Encamp ment, there will be none hehl this year Each Volunteer ordered out is entitled to one dollar and a half per day, and the appropriation is intended to meet this expense, and nut as is generally supposed, to pay for the ground, freight. Ate stir Hero is a warning to those who use cosmetics A young lady in Cincinnati has been in the habit of battling her oilcan with a mixture of camphene and salt, as a means of giving clearness to her complexion. Sot long since, while engaged in this operation just be fore retiring, her lamp set fire to the camphene, and she was terribly burned. Her lite will probably be saved, but her beauty, which was remarkable, will he forevei destroyed. per• New fashioned coffee pots are becom ing all the rage. We have the Buck-eye, the "Old Dominion," and several others nut ne cessary to enumerate; but amomg them all the heat ; yea, the rrry best, is the ••Contittental," for male by Rooaas Bessarr Besides its beauty of finish, and the more than usually substantial material use"l in it* manufacture, the 'twilit, operand, of the •a of the beverage ie fareuperior tout. The French have had the r. of makings better beverage o. ~fee ber ry, than any other people Their process is, to set a cup with a perforated bottom containing the Coffee. upon the top of a pot, made in the ordinary way, and pour into it boiling water", which perculaten or leaches directly through the Coffee thereby. extracting front it its de sirable essential elements—being careful al wive never to boil the 'material from which the extract is made. Though their theory he cor rect, -their apparatus is inconvenient and de fective. For, by running the water directly through, a much larger quantity of Coffee is required, or the liquid has to be poured back and run through a second, or a third time, by which operation more or less of the aromatic qualities of the extract are lost. The c.Con tinental," while it possesses all the advantages of French method, is ao eonstrupted that it obvistee all its disadvantages: But we need not dilate upon this article further---erery one that want" a good cup of coffee, let him buy a "Continental." agr oso. HAMILTON, of this city, has • „e assoeisted in the publicstion of the 'Spirit of do Age" At Meadville, ou r The Sunbury and Erie road commenced naming a regular train to Union on Thursday. For particulars see advertisement. liglL The Silver Creek ihrror asp that en Irish child four or five years of age, was run over by the cars on Saturday lam., near Evans, sad out completely in two. The child was playing on the track, unperceived by the en gineer until too late to stop the train. The "horrified mother carried her child into the house in two pieces. B ur We issue our, paper this week a little in advance of our usual hour, in order to let our hands have a chance of attending the Cel ebration al Cajon air- Political retribution it slow but sure, and the defeat of WIC Kru.s% fors nomina tion for Assembly by the Republican conven. tion last week, is a most forcible illustration of this truth. Last year, se all will recollect, Wit. wee a delegate to the Republican convention, and in that body labored with all his power to defeat his brother-in-law, Jon% H. W A cxxx, Emu, in hie aspirations fur a seat in Congress He succeeded. Last week this Millie Vti lt. /ista.ii) asked for a nomination foe the Legislature. He was beaten in every ward in the city, and beaten in the convention--ae twiny not polling as many votes as Walker in the convention last year Now, with the po litical alai! personal aspirations of both these men we have no sympathy—but, when a poli tician acts the "pork," we like to see him get the hot end of the poker in return. Akar In the proceetliugs of the, city councils we find the feliewing resolution, which it is said par , 4ed Will branches, That the High Constable betlireet ed to notify the owners of property Ojoining the first alley East of wrench Street. between and tith Street+, to pare the Side Walk scros4 totid alley on sth and Oth Streets within ten days. Now we, to common with all who live OD the south side of :',lll street, between French and Holland. are profoundly thankful even fur this effort to cover up one of the mud holes upon that street, we confess we cannot see why the other alley on the saute square was not in cluded in this resolution ' 'orrte, come, Messrs Councilmen, &it' give us justice once' "WII 4,f WILL TUN LADIRO Du asks the Alhiny Knickerbocker The alarming news has been received from Fiance that the Impress Eugetue iv discarding her hoops, and is about introducing tight sleeves. As this hemi.phere is entirely ruled In matters of dress by France, it is certain that in a short time we shall have a revulsion in dress. Balloon pet ticoats will go out, Sail gored skirt. coins in and as for the hoops, the rattan owls will be given to the Ladies Renee Went Associations for firewood for She use of tbe poor, while the steel one; will he beaten into plow-sbaressnd prun ing-hooka, for the use of distressed agricultur ist, afrai n The I"o'lowing recipe fur ireserving cider in a sweet state any length of time, we find ving the rounds of the press. We give it fur what it is worth : and as it looks right, we trust it will he trted this seaaon—which may be truly denominated the cider year—and the result communicated to the public: -Put the new cider into clean casks or bar relm, and allow it to ferment from one to three savory, d 111,4 an the MI eiall MP I • , i 4.11 When it has attained to lively fermentation add to each gallon three-fourths of a pound of white sugar, and let the :whole ferment again until it possesses nearly the brisk pleasant taste which it -is desired should be permanent Pour out a , I tsitrf of the cider and mix with it one-quarter of Nu ounce of sulphate of lime for et ery gallon Ebert:task contain*. Stir until it is intimately mixed, and pour the essulsion tutu the hyoid. Agitate the ottaitesda of the cask thoroughly for a few moments, then let it rest that the eider may settle. Fermentation will be arrested at once, and will not be re sumed It may be bottled in the course of a few weeks, or it may be allowed to remain in the cask and used on draft. If bottled, it will become a sparkling cider—better than what is eslled champaigne wine ear - An editor “tiown east "—not '•out west" --who has recently been initiated into the mys teries of the ions of 'Malta, gives the following de.cription of the modars optrandi Nut yet having broom* , s member we cannot Totieh for the correetne4.4 of the •confession." still, from what we know of those who belong,. we are in clined to think there is more truth than poetry in it . ••You ate first grabbed and thrown into a tub of cold water, and forthwith several large men begin to stick pins into you. Hauling you out of the tub of water, they rush you into another department, and now new men make /11 lunge alter you. dressed in disguise, and immediately comutence pouring hot molasses into your hair and bouts. ,Meanwhile, a strewn of cold water iti flooded on to you. and a man dressed in black, thrusts a snuff box in front of your nose, and all at once you begin to sneeze vociferous ly, and now the eager crowd begin to laugh aud hurrah. Shoring you further along, the chief men and bottle-washers grab you by the nose, hair and coat tail, and in this way rip every bit of dry goods loose from your person, and again the crowd roars with tumultuous laughter at your aude state, with fire or six men hailing on to your hair and toes, forcing you up a soaped pole with pins and sharp sticks. 1 Oil now begin to think t ou are forsaken by all of people, and the devil has certainly_ got possession of you. knocking you on the head so that you see stars as numerous as they are in the milky way. You are handled ill this kind of tantalizing way for two hours, when the officers give you a large dose of Lir,. erwort and Tar• and then let you go. Fun '•' air Our neighbor of the Gar..etr, who has been spending a couple of weeks at St. Catha rines, W , we notice htt+ returned—and we hope repirinated and cured of all the ille deeh i. heir to. By the by, speaking of the invig orating qualitie4 of the St. Catharines water, did our cotemporary read the following "well authenticated . ' cue, as related by the rhea Tekroph : before he selected that ns the place to .peed his Hummer vacation: -The waters of the St. Catharine's Springs, C. W , are becoming justly celebrated for their curative and invigorating qualities, and the place is becoming second only to Saratoga, sa a fashionable resort. A hotel proprietor in Syracuse, who has just returned from a pleas ant sojourn at St„Catharine's, related to us, few taie ago, a well-authenticated and truly wonderful unatance of the effectiveness a the waters. Some four years ago, • married lady from the East accompanied by her husband, visited the Springs fur her health. Though married for several years. she bad never been blessed with offspring. She drank of tier wa ters and kited in them. Sot many mouths after her return home, her heart was rejoiced by becoming the mother of twins—the father, however, having died before their birth, , So impressed was she with the beneficial effects pro duced by the St. Catharine's waters, that ; lee has, every summer sine., partaken of them, and, wonderful to relate, though still *widow, has added two pairs to the first twins. The hotel proprietor aforesaid says that, at St. Catharine's, the people are in doubt wheiber it was merely "force of habit" on the part of the lady." IMIII2 itherto Blesses' Wow( —The well known firm of T B. Peterson at Brothers, 806 Ch nut street Philadelphia, hare just couamen publishing a remarkably cheap edition of these eusapproaelable works of Action 1, 6. p e t errm ' s Cheap Edetros I 0.” Ih. V,Li v , o , entire writmys of Chart'. Ihrk , n., Ito be issaggi cowplete in Twenty volumes. One volume will b« lerly on each and every Saturday, „‘ whole number of volumes --twenty completed. The low price fixed Ushers for them are only 211 cents a Ty, t h e whole twenty-eight volumes flit' tt A complete set will be forwarded fro :' aft, by Mint, to any part of the 4 4 , 1 .: to any one, by the publisher., on re,. remittance of Ave dollars for thetato:, vellums; or a remittance of thre.. l „ i4r, pay for the And fourteen volume., tames of one dollar will pay for d i , A,.. { ylibuslac The volumes will he nea t l y ',tit,. and woltime will contain 160 h ero pages, printed on fine white paper., t na t„„ boundirith paper covey. The revis e io, , Edinburgh edition, from wiajch this L e r ,. ! • ed, comprises twenty-eiglift volumes, t y, of which is ietle4y-firve ; sad t 6 .. ties will erastain every word of the &Lt..., edition. We commend the deterausc„ this enterprising Philadelphia Arm. to the complete and entire works of Charlet ens at a price:so reasonable that all whatever *my possess a full set, and dlr., especial attention of our readers to and would advise them all to make it Tenn.., of Five Dollars at once, per first mail, • publishers, for the:entire set, who veil. them complete to any one. Tres of 'moo, receipt of that sum. MBBT/B0 AT ?Vlt PUBLIC DOCK.- 4 tiw lug of the Coal Dealers of the KM', b called for the purpose of Considering t i„ dition of the Coal trade at At presett It wu Resolved, That it is inexpedieut, a z , j Z ey believe injurious to their owu to .1 r. erect of the Erie Canal Cotopaby, to carry oa the Coal trade in the preen,• dition of the Canal, with the present eat. water svailab/6 - for navigation. That in their opinion, the rate of T. _ charged on Coal, is oppressive and 1.• under the depressed state of the Ind. competition existing in the market. or.: condition the Erie Canal is in for natqt. That we consider the present price at , at the alines reasonaide.tand that lb.. .1. of Canal freight now paid on Cana/ is a, those engaged in the trade can pay arid,. , actual lose on sales, bat owing to the s water and the detention of Boats at the •._ mit, often requiring from fourteen to tit - days in making a round trip, when n be accomplished in seven Jays, that the pr, rate of Canal freight will nut admit of the mg of Coal without an actual lone to aloe. gaged in the bwiinesit That the rate of transportation now pail the Coal dealers of Erie is. greater than th-r, paid by those engaged in the trade at land. That the President and Directory of th.• Cartel Company have nut •tecunted !be et, ••• those engaged in the busine.4 of the ran, their effort 4 to Secure for the Caul': ; portion of the nuszneas naturally it TUC tag it is tiecegattry to itteretvw the pro— rate of freight on Canal to preterit actua to the Boatmen and 112. IbJ4 en/m.4 tr ttithuut 1111 ILetUat hiss uti uur part tics fore 111.'44re. nisi we con.hier if I/. , 1p 0 1 , /‘ I/. to nil connected with lb. !fro]. ' at,; receipts of rota for thirty nird, C*lll3l 13 in 3 fit c, ninon t. I COMP /My Wii) reduce the thirty-fire to twenty-five eeut, per lot, .INtl. HEARN & & DI) SCOTT & RANKIN, hELL<ttits s, Erie, Sept. 3. i; J Rita% two tattle chthir.qt. and Mary Welsh, aged respe.lively and twelve years, arrived at Hannibal. 31 a few days ago, having accomplished whole long journey from Ireland. witlivt,' any other protection than their hellCsv--- nese and their own brave heart'. IL, father had preceded them by a yea' more, and having acquired a Lome Lc wrote to the old country for hi.; family On the eve of their departure the moth.• fell sick and died. and the little v., nothing disheartened. set out alone t heir long and perilous journey halt *roile the world. All honor to the little h,r. finer LXPORTA.NT ItAitaosn Pacrsiox.—The tor nage tax suit which has been on trial • the past few days at Harrisburg, and parties to which were the Comaxinwealtl, and the Pennsylvania Railroad tforopw was on Friday decided against the Comp ny. The suit came up on an appeal by 111 , Company from a settlement made b . ) tb,. Auditor General and State Treasurer with the Company, by which they wc•rt• fast: i indebted to the State in the SUM of $147,1.N' • for a period of five months up to the first • November last, for tonnage due the t ai passing over the road from Philadelphia t Harrisburg: - The Railroad Company 0.11 tended that they were not hobbit° pay tax on goods corning from other States an l passing this State, and also that the imposing this tax is unconstitutional. The Company presented a mans of testimen showing their connections with different railroads, steamboat lilies, die. The Cont mon wealth, on the other hand, contended that the Pennsylvania Railroad was oaly local road, and possessed no ohartere'l privileges outside of the State, sad that the Company had no right to act as warehouse men to receive goods and forward them.that their legitimate business consisted only in shipping goods over their row(' when bro't to them, &c. The question was very ably argued on both sides, and will now 44'11 probability be taken to a higher Court. Sea.. Jurnperts, the murderer of Solfhis Werner, in Chicago, has been granted a nee trial by the Supreme Court of There at ema to be a great deal of sympa thy for him there. Probably it is 011 ae count of the alight character of offene.• He only killed the young wotnan, cut h.. 1 into conyenient pieces, and packed her it, a pork barrel. The Tribune Washington correspondent states that the points of the controNer•N between our tiovernment anti Great Brit ain, so far as Gen. Harney's course us Ore gon is concerned, are these ; The island .it San Juan has been occupied as a sort et Common ground by Amoticans and a pert) of the Hudson Bay Co., which company have now no legal existence. Some difference having arisen between these parties. lien. Harney. at the requiht of Atnericsuis, interposedwith a small pal ly of troops to decirnatter which prof.- erly pertains to the jurisdiction of the British and American Commissioners tit % on the ground, who are charged with the duty of running the boundary. It is not apprehended that hostilities, will put Nut of the affair. A SrAsszsa Cast—An Irishman by name of &tansy Moloney*, just out of jail fur assault and battery. at liarpersfield,ot into an affray again on Satm•day last in Ow same town. lie bad a difficulty with A brother-in-law, named Luca, and under took to get satisfaction, when Lcci in .41 defence drew a knife and plunged it into the leg of hiccoucutting a severe gazii grajust below the Mui.osorz bled pro fusely, but M now doing well.-11*. Rep. • ter. =SEC Nair Yott., mgt. ;°