II Li NEN A DrECRTIMEMENT of 1 , 11. SAS )it Lint Int igorator anifiamily Canto: t t ❑lr in another column. 4tr,tte, hts till table, speaking \\ t , have jteti nit . It W:ts 41. , 1. tit. . NVeleit old% 11.• C MIK liglitl..s4.-eenne or two dower of the compound Katritet Of %boort Weed, Is one ..f tbouboet eeeialw wow. of bnoeing the empties to the.ur fac.. •11.1 an oecaalooal doh, IA alto sweet, as •eil as eeteet memo. of keeping it out A trial of it will r • %. truth this statement. 12. .1 4 , 11 et t .tG, !KBRYANT ANDBTRATTON'S (ALA PIN O MERCANTILE COL- R 11...ruoat practical, thorough, and popular ttottitutions 4444 kiwi, in the United States. See ail- (•E. 1 It, Ira •- nett. ru• c.ontpliPlird 4.1.141/04 al. 5 .•1 Y., nri ....I in chi. I. it? a14.1.1.1a: at Itrowo.l, I t o r •i/Orl 111.1 r, a I tr..tu E"rup., ar I fr.• t u.•ot-f th. department Pr. Haler .rrt«.l necult.t• PI. r;lritn, k... high rani atuang lhr u.'N at..! trentnont of the 11.• 1111,1 • t11,I• I. K . Ul.llllOBl a,bout to %wit St I. greet ple.asure in the vithlte, with the h,.l'+ lot tll 41.•11 ing • KI.PS BRANIIKS, X I, IrE EIII itrrbktli te. t with for appr. al ut th.• nu .1 th a d,•enverrr ►ud 4i to lw• I. I. E I) rk.lll , t t/ . •1 rva•t~ou t..• utst trr b.,* wilt gt‘t• Ph• fin isirsrti 1 , 1 v. r sjll ,I••• 1 .4 t LalUy 416,1 v 1., mn►. 1110.1 u.• I 1,. ..... ss 111 :Pluto nC.I,, •I 11•• II lo It ptt.ltto Jo. It to t ni.tl 10 m. 1.11 tin .uvnlu or ..I\lll.a , S Pli k n. ,•f 91e lUI H trm ••1 •1 1 . 1 tt MEI „ . , I, I. thtit l U* N . 4 It.i . .‘rvs. 10.111 e $l. • \II ki Mll O I .ut rr.l( 4.1 I • (•...it I. n• S r j .~.-nni~t, n It tt,arwsl Or o , d RI ,11.4 Wt. ••••i.• ( A RT KK A 14}KATIIE.R C. to! 'mitt .1, er ~ri,,;1. I • 1, ~ I L 11. r. a 1, , nit r • s I . Illt tio 4/4 EMEEE EMS =I MID =I MEC 1 A I I 1: n i 1 . I t • 1111.1, ll=l iNt 011 lIM lIIIIEMSI= " %IN, 131., .11, tot tter lee. %I II rent t, ell. t V. 11.1.1 , b 1 ia t•ww.. 11 ~ ..../sr• .0, • 101 //b1 hll.l n.I tn In I 1•4-1114, ,/%1 1 Mt. Inc. I^t 4fi k .1 4 . Oun: tn.:. 111, nt• r ME •1• -:\i LA R. M. r' 4. lv N TEN M !NUT I'l I.NioN FEU.. du rnordu r: et_ Ills( .red I rug-. 0.•,..40, i ••1•06. APIA ox Iloo•sr Nit as, I Ali SEMI =I =1 CI • I tcl.l an•l t5Ol wr CUT, ir•t 1.. pet lei t health .h.. La.r T ar.l rlar«r ne,t 14* %pm, sn•.. ell, 0.•• may dia., e.t.a , 1n) , pro, OR . orotn.r. 11 , not dirctay.l - to u. impartial trial •'l'll A I/.•. , A ♦ir Su Wk bnl rrlpu*Y the. rotecrron *1.4 their ,gular ...• t t.•, A f1e,11. 4 tilo 1.... r *l.l al it ing.ro% itkg 1e (owe, 1441 eL puTpom• 64) are roV 4 lnri, rOatlinto Yr.•pn.•tnr, Y V. , r mtir 1., Carl.. & Rt., •u 4 Erl.•. %tat 7, 1..,9 4N.1, TO VKII %LES. 11)H. I'r , part..l In ton.. 11111 uLL 1 It. IL. •••..141..5t.0n lIP 2ane tin n : a long an•l nn e••: it, tI • ,•• • ttr•tt n tret , A, A r fro.. 4 • .• r 111 list. pia., F.:cot:tr.° ..f the .tl.-c 14.141., pt. ru , Re , ohatuelw .It.. 1,, r Ltrh ( .1/4(1. IED L~IIIIS.. 8111Ab7t mg. H. 1 ti la/ it, I. n if 1,.• hal e. I. lit I 0/, I ' .11•1 , 1a4 , t ha 11, 1.0 . 111 AD n ,1••••• K all t hat •/1 4 1,111•3:... of %h. 1. male •)• matt I.« hal. 0 • ithoto prx..:ar ,T Th. , r. terreA 1.. IP %Mil Ai, i• thf• i.• 11.6.4111,4• a. II ollts.m, that t . Tri. 11. rof .*Our r,.•1 n.ut ••• 4b41 fr. r fr..to no) tit.n: iu ha. L pi,t,11.1 sLe ...It a. ut h. 4=ll 11 rg..•la••in , nu. 111 ugy In es err %;1 • +• • 1 mk T FKANCN, N. E '4% E .14 It f"---hrl t 1r tkry aft Called. • •Ilvrtra.... tholleb atual an, r tlse ill•j11,11,•• 4. • i t.. 1,1 l i t,ll. astt r. ass n. ot,tt. Ns' I t.- rOlki I.• • It der. , lig. II • a rt.-tut., IA: •.f Illr .1. /4 .111. MI.: aeltrot I 114, ttCll 31,1 1/r,t =I =ME Ale tittwt ..rt,:tl. I it• it. ltdotl I. '1"1111.1111 • • r t• tti to an.l 1,111.1.-1 ),.- e aso: +1 on Ihr...;th ItettAr t tt, Iltt elter.p. 11, the othrt p.rt. c.f . as..l 11 t ellielt•111. In thr • -, • r • Lon niere in an rnetto..l • I •••••••••ary re..4.ri t•' 11 1111.1 ••••rrt - etAn( 161,111 t • A seiltle ill p. •• • "thin 1- • ..••1 it a ui this chAreetrr, 1.1. lit -ip• In 01, A T A 1:111 111 miry on,- rble ;PI t •I Ainict‘ an, rarer' , .id•i [1141.4., wa eon t.l 1 caper en, iit ...Lt. ilyPperr4/ 1 . Juno' ,A..4grriao•• Ihr /./ribr;auri ..valets gr•l•roliv thry •....al:. l.• &IA .•••••.1 off«. tort rem. Mrs, ..tem...., 1 r 1...1. Imp arm loortt .4 /•Art sr, Parretrisai /hew pfot ...• , per bes, Ira/ be ,u "LA ! , at L1A1.1. 1 .V11.01 4 Drug Utrata. B C , F.Iy 26 121=1:11 NirTHE CALMAT FRENCH lIKMEDY. NIADVMP. 110111111,4 CKLERILITED 'IL% no CO•Tall Yul.et.a rib/A.—Prepared by the Sole l'..saeasor ef the Original heeemption, used most ex tensively to all Mammas Female Hospitals, nod infallible in rem.,ving stoppages and It regularities of the ITINDSMin These pill. are nothing new, but hues been used by the doctors for many years, both In France and A tINPriCA, with unparalleled 'torsos In every crew ; and he is urged by many thousanif ladle' who have used them, to me the pllls public, for the 1611VVIAtiall of those suffering from any irregularities of whatever nature, al well as to prevent prrlill.alicY to thoae ladies whose health will net pennit an increase of family. Pregnant females, or those supposing liinneeirre so, are cautioned against using thee, pills • blle pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibil. its after the above uttnouition, although their Widnes* would prevent any mischief to the health ; otherwise these to. recommended. Full and explicit direction se conilant each hot. Flat saki by 1.. I BALDWIN, Nrie, and Sleeper, Wateit7rd. N B —One dollar and three postage stamps enclosed to any authorised agent, will insure a package of pills by re• turn mail I CROSBY, General Agent, July 23, 11180.—1y7. ..Reflalo, N. V. DEATHS. At Rambo, Wisconsin, of brain . feyer, on the 24th Aug., at the residence of his brother, W. C. Wariter, WALTER W. WARNER. formerly thisf city, in his 6lst year lu Waterford, on the 24th ult., Miss ZAttli: PHELPS, second daughter of Lucius and Kn:• ana Phelps, aged IS years and :I days. Zo-itam's AdL•e'tittinents. SIIINM.E.4!! 100,000 W ARRA %TKO SIIINOI.V. at CA RTKR & M A I.I.ERY'S Steam Planking Mil, 3, 11.1(.1. SPRING BEDS ! TilE;lit‘st in i•xistanci , front ..;Cir to $7,50. Will Nrain be eibtbital at our Erin Fair, by G.ll Ni.I.SICT, the appointed agent. murmur ItCKEWB PATENT SPRING DK :4,-- HOWES* EL LIPTIC SPR/NG BiIIaS,—TOLWAN'S SIsI.F VENTILA• TING :WHIM: ilElo4,—sith New Pattern cheap NUIIU\ ISTKAII:t. E Luning thew before you bui elites here Cabinet Maker* *applied v. it/. then. Beds. Sept 1. 1ti69.-13.2.. U. W. EL1...4F.V UNITED STATES TIMBER FOR SALE AT AUCTION ! ! Nv- I LI. he .4,11,1 :it Pt' BM( li)N, t• the logheht hhhieri, nt Erie, on FRIDAY. t he Nth 1 , 1 Stitt.' 16.',9, o clock in the rooming, 0.111:11t, Id wrli hewn Government Tiniber, AlMtal 23,UU0 Itooul lee; Irina' Without t. 110,000 legit hoard mssurr, of White Oak, Asti, lirnitoet, I ilitueoPtoun as tolluue N Lttr Oak 1:4 fret lon c, bro. one foot Naar. ; do CU •• t beau b ti s i 111 to. ; Aid. and Curuud+•r 30 and I , f..•t long, bran onr foot square do '-1.) and In fort oog, by F in ; Heml.r•k 31 and Id foot long, boon ~ttr b.ot squaw : du 21 fret long, bran a by a to Pi.raons ran Pllllll,lO Ilor timber h ink( at tbr foot of 11..1. lan.f Street, In the Canal lle.ein near heleri• wbarf,•lllli at the 1,ra , 1 of the Its. Tliwtwwle will tk u, lots to suitpurelmwer*, and will on m. : Lce nt 1.111. At (.64it grf S 11,44 TER %1 Tkh •zpecte, t.. b. 10.14 linniedi•tel, after the wale 11) erder ..1 I t Cot. .1. D II KA II klt, rlistetolabg 1.:11,1H. -.-r I-sle Ilarl,r Week •ei•t. .4 e -13.1t. ERIE ACADEMY. T ill: „t•xt T„.„, 111 thy , ht-titution ‘vill c011e1..111.1. On Mend.? it... 31h N akaoptem her, steal. wahaer the Utrectwu of 1.h.1tl I.L t , qTF:AIo, A .11 1' r1oc+{.a l ,saaistaal b) RA 1...111 1:111.t1 1 ra, altnutuateul the hes l ull : + tate N.rtual 11 11 E k MAN. e‘tueat,ti to the prole...ton .1 Tea, hung t 0 - man). and .11salam C 6 1 1 1 I.IAI ,leacher .1 the F ten , 1. I.snatta.ge anti Literature rt.- Trustees have Vt.,' assurauce tota.lif .r that us tlrr the prevent eorpe Traebera, tl.la ln•lttul ,on a ,I 1 rarlll/1111.1.1 th. rturrutt7t and patrstitavr , I all •Itu rt•t IL. Ir ChlidrYti a lat.ttal education T 1,101.4 UK Tl ITIUN PER QI tUTF:II. a l .,ir,g, Rrsdu,K W 'mug, the- kundrnwntal knit. Printar) lirographr, the pelting BAna I rei n h an,i iterhist., ucal Mu. , , .0 kruzli.ll Grammar, Arithmetic, Latin, Gruvli, No•Irro ►u•! T. lent Guugral..'y Mtaton, L, •gir l Kln•tnn••• It. inuuto ~r i ntn•t■cu, Es4,leurra of l'hriatusnit, ituttur's Anal Eugliah Literature, Salural Theohigy, Selene• °I Goi eft Mien t, Intellectual anJ Moral tßittomnplii, H• u d Algebra, Gentnutry, Tri,unometry and SU, /4 10 t ttural ~ H u,tor, ;Natural rbiluaorlsy, i'hrmi•try, Artil •rah uae uf taut.. and Tr le.cope t 4 r n•urh, .rtman, sad other Modern Languages. S 1 extra yer ful ther yartieulatg, re the annual Catalogue of Inet.tuteot, bleb may he had on applirattn, by Irt• rakSozi KkiitietLeWr-' kale, Aug 27, —2. 12 lIIIY YOB !LOD 11101 FITS? BEE 1 , O O( ""Ls. ENT" A I". AN hand wp , c(iNslN F hi,' It r. o. 13.73 to .3,30 per Itt I . till. day rectlst,l sod for .111 I, G J NIGHT( IN, Paltry !work. Fn.. l'• _ A 1 , 1.1,E pEA RERN.—Io Appl.• Pear," that will do the stork every time an, n nordate. for akin very low it, J C SIKLDI A ,oc y,, 1 , -li. • 1W WHITE ZINC PAINT. Alikillt'AN and FRENCH, to be had at the hoire, at the Drug Store 01 CARIEIt k AR(' Augxl,n69 L ! s 4 'A I, ES ' I air prepared to fa rniith "teak.. of ahy hind or sue at notch leas pre. as than es,. heture acid in 1t... city A nit 'At J C.:4151.1AM Oar S. N 6 PIKE'S JCS Pl' RE 411111) IVItY BRANDY' A few more ram.* of t lilt eelet.ral.d Brarll, a tto•hle ined r /111.41 Fill/.l,fll•the in rape. I f Cholera, Choi.' a Ilort.UN rtihr, hurrhora, 1 ramps Of 1 . 1111.0 Ili lb. Bon «lot Pro, reduced to SI W r Witt(. Preiscribeit suit recommended 1•y l'braletawa for ode at No. 5, Reed Hone, by Aug 110, lab 9 1..1 Ism.l)wlN 4:.Q/ II - \VI 11 ealpkty an arUre l,llloll. 113/1/1 .rieh reetion of the State to teat el and take °Hera for 11511ograrlis aIIcI ircollcomicloc). It sample* W ill pay a Paler) of $6OO to SAM per tear, •hle monthly. For wimples' and particulars allh to, noidrsan. iweloata• stamp for return postage, GARY a a WITH, Tobatenniata, 312 Pearl street, New York Aug 1t , 59 - Stl2 PIANO FORTE MELODEON MANUFACTORY SAVE TWEITY PER CENT HY BUYING OF WILLIAM WILLING EnFLIZI. TRr * fizO! :mil the tt.m. I ...fluid make PIANOS AND MELODEONS lu Erke cheaper than 1 can buy them alaewhare, because r.•ut a rhea/..r, lumber fa cheaper, Coil km cbraprr, iron the .►me, iodated me to employ competent and complete, experieueell workmen, who n•rrted on • Piano Maanfartory them• melt•. for at. yearn, *nil who Rohl me their rutin. stock ortNemotar:t 4. make such instruments, and I %to !low pri.parr.l to rurni•h my nuttteroti. rn.•n.l• Pianos and Melodeons ~, .uperiiir Lad. and finish, and w 111 117117./A-PLVILAIL.AVD Mr 23331114 I E or any length of lulu., to give COMPLICITIi eIIATISVAILMION. , reputation as a MUs ICian and business wan would t+ lost if tbs.. Instruments should not prose rood • and! a.•oro the public that nothing is spared to bung about the drotred result • via • Prim!lschia ■ Asa •s/ eglnaaotilal MN, which eye eatifaettaa, and stay la tone Wager thaw any Platys 1 knew of. TERMS VERY EASY : PRICES VERY RE kSt)NAIII,E ' PATRONIZE J. Your Own Citizens at Home ! oßbEns,,, 111 - 11f1LFS.11.F ET.I II. ram•uted promptly and burly. rir Pooltrve, order! nit !atone., old lostromeota, trr, and any t Muir Woe I can 0.11 &V" or WIU be baton in et ebonite for ham/ Forme, lien, drone, Dulcimer* and any thing rDe I hare in my 'tore PIANOS TO' LET TUNING DoNE WELL' NEW MUSIC EVERT' WEEK ' N 4)% E BUT TIIE BENT ARTIcLEs ON HAND TM: GENUINE UNRIVALED Chickering Piano Fortes, ALD•TO ON la A/O , it.,. you ewer beard wf • poor ['bickering Moab : 1.0 iu . know where it IN and I will exchange la will WILLING ill ,I El)rroits._-Vnti ill relnimlther the oder lir Home Water. or New york, b., .. ,„. i„ 1 to verton nig in your papers. The undeneigned wit, do • litee better. st you well fluor hem with • call, aotr will garnish you with toy ?100 you order azi &girt. fire sue your order. WA. Wili i iiNd. lute, JUDO 18, 1369.-2 GRISWOLD'S COLUMN. 4: 44 4f EXTRAORDINARY r°3l3l\7lV'EL. OD ,PRICES REDUCED!! BARGAINS. It li i It GREAT SALE Challis, Lawns and Summer DRESS GOODS 'l l IT I S "VT P, Eg. - \\T M. A. 4111 S D Wll,l, o oFFER ON Friday, June 10, 1859, REDUCED PRICES THE kl.‘Nci• I W His LA ROF SUMMER SILKS !MI DRESS GOODS rtN:ETII EIZ WIT II Ten Cases of Goods just Rec'd Elti 'NE Tit) LATE AUCTION SALES. ',l ; ; 1,900 4-1 Fl'oll4'll (111107 At '„rtI:01 1,200 l• "" I ' l 11 It. II 11:11I. I II 1,000 1 .1 , wt. 5 Cases M , 1 . :111:1 1 . I "1111111 and 1 0 lila . ", 1% twill 1'24. 'lllO l',Arege lioul.le Sk rta 114 n v 4. inpth.li 101 gill , it Rohe ft le•x I: It it •-ill rl.iri. Fl , 'uth 114,1111• Plain to I Printt..l Barrio.- Vin t ! OrFfiudi• and La wna Travt•liiir tio4nl4 Rich .5,e• f 1 1 'F‘f ALSO, JUST OPENED, Lace Mlanttlht , single and double Flounced Lace Burnous, Lace Points Stella SliawN in all e01,,r4. null fine Calthtnere and Camels (lair Borders, very cheap Great Bargains In T•thle Linens, Nripktro * T..weling.. Linen heeting9 fill w Linenc e.tton Sheet ings C , 4l. , tic‘, Table an.l Piano Covera Lave Curtains. Drapery Muslinq Linen aria on :4 Itecti,ng It. -t rnake Iri 1i Lineng tii.l (H..ves, Nlitis, Hosiery, Sze Superior Inducements ARE OFFERED IN Carpets, the stook being very LARGE IN Velvets, Brussels & Wool; RUGS. M kTS. NUTTING, OIL CLoTIIS, Sc Erie, 7, 1.;:,9 Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! I w:lry HOW prviattred to ft:tent/1h all who are to want of • STOVES, of ant deaertption, at lower NI pnoea Wan love ever bretllo4:l in Erie Onr aosortment nwattlemea all t e u...mtrern among which • b.• rown.l the • ": 4411. Banner, Plymouth Rock, Eclipse, Empire, Brilliant, Herald, An} number Mother dealrable striae of Elevated Ovens, Also the justly celebrated Maytiower, Bower, Buena Vista, and a camber of other patterns of Low Oven fit...veil.— Alm the Morning ()Wry, Cottage Parlor, Node! Parlor, 44 Franklin, and a huge 'number of Boa, X 'ti t . e, ' Rag, Office, Sell Regulator, and other stoves of superior qualities which we will sell for Cash, Lumbar, heel, Grain, or bartsy In praoral, at limo Avows than any haunt 1p the City, and warrant them to goe entire aatishiction. To pinions •ishlog any'thieg In the above llne ens would say Wye up a Call and•ou atudl Sol be disappointed. At the old Foundry, N. if Dwyer ol State and lith LW. Erte. ,"A Aug. lanti-10.tf BARR At JOHNSON. . _ . _ . _. _____. _ II E i ili E SHEAR S, Pruning Knives, Budding Knives, at J C. asLOHN'S. M'CONKEN & SHANNON, IRON, SHOVELS and Sr AIM, Springs, Ail, t D MALLEABLIRON, 11 , 4)1ZINti MM'IES •t'D ICK El. El's' W.110:1) T n 00F rA PS SHOT BELTS, "OWDEB FLASKS, THE CAI SYSTEM TRIIIIHANT!! I. utµ NI art h '2 Fruit. , it WM. A. GRISWOLD NO. 8, BUD HOUSE. Have on bald a large stock of NAILS, Cut andiArought Spike, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUILDEII3' HARDWARE, CARP'S RS' TOOLS, LIES" FLINT. M IL!. MILL, cif CROSS-CUT AND HAND SAWS PIPE BO X F:..s' ANV II. , :. V ICIAN I) BELL 'WS Wrought Vaud Washers, ' TABLE 5) P(fl CUTLERY, PLATFI) .AIL.\'.Y AND FfißK,s• Vl'llll l o' , fie, No. 3, Reetouse, Erie, M'CuNY & -.IIASNUN AuK. 1, 11,159 UNFU RI, i BANNER WHOLESALEND RETAIL BOOT, SHOE,Th LEHER STORE, BARR KELSEY, t srecEss(ACi J. I:. BARR,) I i aye removed 'ht entire BOOTA.ND SHOES From No. 10 Brown'toek to 13, Cad well's Block, Lately oceui by \A. Griswold's Empire stores W e arc now...pared to furnish all of J. G. E's old customers and public gen- Ily with Gents Pinerennh Cali Boot; THICK tiorirs(ol,.:,l yorrlls Boons, MIBI Pand.eather, Calf and"rsnel Congress Gaiters; Gentaand patent leather OICEIID TEES; Gents, Ladig, Vases, Children" NBIERS; 91)1 . 8, YOUTHS NDIIIILDRES SHOES OF ALL KIN'S .4 ALL PRICES —LADIES ( ESS AND LACE UA I -11 TEKS OF EVER ID AND PRICE FROM 75 CENTS CPU'. g _Re Ladies White lack Satin Slippers. .Lst ) French Kid, bok and Bronzed. .Fine Kid airrunnela Buskins, and every thing elite int line of Wien Shoes. air (If Misses id t liildrens' Shoes ixt. have enough it nit o+l tare. Brf ,iy not th e little Mac.‘ , 3. - 10111 IggirWe have I her and Findings of all kinds. including mess and Bridleleath• er; Oak and Spit Sole leather; French and F.:tsterii to 1 Calf skins, l'alcuva Kip and upper er; Binding and lin ing ..kins of all . .Slux•rnakA fools and Lasts. Tan nerN thl by the 1.4 &c. Erie, May 5, 1 48 VALUABLIREAL ESTATE FIR SALE TI I E suliscribt 4 as A.signee of Edwin .1. Kelso, open akirate at very reduced prices, 611 or any.port of tbbliovaing Valuable Real Dente la the City or Erie, cii . 1. A very valuable 010esa Lot fronting on the North aide of the Publie Nee, between the Reed How and Brown', Hotel, barbel front of 20 feet TM inches so the Public Square, and ate front on Fifth Street, AAA ex tending 165 feet frolamid Square to Fifth street, on which la erected • lir three story hams tatlidlng, in good order, aid aitodog • esperior position for dry ponds or other stiire,ed olboes. of which kliblePast• ion am gio• The promime on the Square =heretofore coo:1006M . rent at the rite of $lOO per anpum, which may blargely ineremed by leasing the front on Fifth street. I. Water Lot No. 1, having 33 front ow Front street and the rune on the Ater Canal Basta Pier, and extend ing from Street to Pit baring Oreeery building there on meets& L The uadivided 1!f of In-Lot No. ISM fronting oh Kra, Prost AAA sOod streets, with a large arum dwelling boom and deer buildings thereon. 4 In-Lots Nos. 33$ 3330, 33" 3331 k siteate be tween State. Peach, lent and Seeped sta., and freaking in part on each of sal st.r•Pta. This mood will be rokl by the foot in such perela as may suit thro Peretaitsrs• The above peopertik all in the most improvingpor tions of the City, ant olives an opportunity for securing faroMble location*, and making profitable Investments, tech la will probably; not ewer again in Ibis City. A tale theses( Meet postivelv he made to fulfil lbe require - Mesta of an ambrowent of said property for the terwat of creditors. And If not sooner dispourd of at private saki, will be sold at auction to ter Ingbeet bidders, at the Market House, to Brie, On Saturday the 4th of fleotember nett, at 10 o'clock. A. N. F. BABBITT, Att'y at Law, late, •110.13, it. South-West nor. Pub. Square. 4 V lil C X 40111 Wit t e ilill" 4 '• • i.r. • • 44b ow ~,,,,, • 1, -... T • . T -ft .....-.1... , A.• ..--44 7 " -\ ' . •--- ifir - .,-;,- - ,.. T-TaM NII -.... ;1 BEE HIVE!! A GREAT REDUCTION NPORTANT NEWS! FOR THE LADIES Community General i ty ! Low Price Jubilee Just Commencing ! Low Price Jubilee Just Commencing! EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST ! EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST! Reduced Prices the Alternative ! lietlue(ll Prices the Alternative ! NcREAsED MALES THE EFFECT ! 1 NcREASED 4SAI.F.S_TRE-i- I' .1` • MONEY THE DESIDERATUM! MoNEy THE DESIDERATUM Cli EAP tiooDs TEI E EQ,UI LI BRI UM ! CHEAP OuODS THE EQUILIBRIUM ALL ('LASSES BENEFITTED! ALL CLASSES, BENEFITTED! AT TEE BEE EWE AT THE BEE Hnirr. E SC BERS Simply announce that they will sell during the WARM TERM, that is to come. their entire stuck of LACE MANTILLAS, From the Looms of France and Lyons. Silk Made MANTILLAS, or French Design Mid Manufacture,_ Lyons Lace Mantillas, AT TWEL E . LLA /6 4 t EA CH (Bar sold readily at sifi, I French Lice Mantillas, AT JUST TEN DOI, LA RS : ( ltegular retail price slk) LACE POINTS & VIZETTES Beautiful Design and Superb Quality .1[ T SEI'EN DOLLAR.. war 1 o o _as MILK MADE ?dANI'II.I.,.IS Ex4B (SITE DESIGN AND FINISH, At (1 , 1 Opal rave ni Redeirb.v. DOUble .1 1111(' and Flounced Berages, l'rinted Beragea and Robes a Lez, Robe,' l.a I'rganda and Printed Mullins M()B7' MA 1-iN/F/CENT DELY/fiN.S . , • AND St'PERB t.2I"ALITY eatly . r4linee4l below cost of Import at'on EVERY DENIRABLE MATERIAL For TRAVELING DRESSES; DRESS GOODS FOR THE Id ASS EN At priers of your own making, if Pt all reason say say FORTY PER CENT at loud below rrrnlar Pelting prices Bruxulle DinDiable And Fabrujui. DP Cheers; liners Ilair and Taugora's, Sio Tais and Coatumew du Voyage: and Ernannin Silk 4; Totally Regardless of Cost ! ExcLusi V ELY Stock of IA4 Frost at night Delight to smite The Products of our lend IV DARE.'" L.•t Franve and Austria Ortnri and Fsght— With. us I) I%V LOW PRICES Tritunph THE BEE HIVE IS TRIUMHANT!! THE BEE HIVE, THE BEE HIVE, IS THE RALLY COME THEN, LADIES, Come One ! Come All VISIT TITE BEE HIVE LOW PRICK JUBILEE! SVCII CHANCES SELIxIM OCCUR 'orne, then, and behold some of the FRUITS OF FROST & WAR ! Shawls ! Se•Wl.s I SHAW LS ! lust in from Auction. SHAWLS beautiful and cheap, DRI4OOODs CASH At prier.; tt) 4uit Til F. MILLI( w'N Ti pas FRuM AUCTION, AI,MosT EVERY WEEK. _tl7' Mil EN INS ALWAYS CHEAP Five 0 ages Remnant Prints, SPRAtIUE,'S & DUNNELL'S., FOR 6f cENTS I sir. WORTH ONE SHILLING ! lin AT THE BUSY BEE HIVE Erie, June IS, 1559 Audi: 14.ry 'ovasodanty tbiotoeloiat the trititui Moto. to (moo to a lishrood trey benisons, is wbtch the abet, prodt may eertaiely be realised. For partic ulars *damns with stomp. DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN, Lag. la —4t. No. 21, Olsod St, Jersey City, N. J IN PRICES: LIM IC= FULLY OVERCOME! FULLY OVERCOME (Worth at least $12.) LEE WHO'S AFEARETS? ' And MONEY RULK— DVIING ins AT THE GOLDEN BEE HIV,. II:ST RECEIVED HAYES & JORDAN, No. 1, Brown's Hote HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. .r u I tact that, at IX/WC penud, .1) ..utvvi to aliageflae or Etta....... , 44 4•1 besiloy luociaufos; 41.1 , .111. 11., a...1G( • •GGG I.4•Eilt 414,1 We t/eftiae of ps•W counuots al . .' NI l'egltaWle We I.)•totta as Iv ...rev, o Lie In woe, to avounAtt.l...o IL., 4. 04", la.j• • Wog- tours to poi LI eel tasbl, tLal . //Ka a 0.04 Ce a Isablarlas *LAIC I f tilanga at Ilse trial LiaLLAIO ol 44a. 1.11,11.1.101 lite. lLaa 0.1,1.4.0, Irt UwtrUar La. iLtiouuorn lu LLta Coli [AU) • 1.1 evoralluo Laull4 Linn a nut • [AVIV Llaktlialltr, !WI One toil 1•44. loe•is trl,4 lot year", final liatSailaellua to all also bate Well It. lilt knUrh. upstate pu•attuiiy oo W e PottatiALLl, bur r. 6 Antl L. et, re swnuY to a isetaittay mai • Igoe 04. at two, Arid WWI, ttie gaisipie pitut.eue ul atrei.g lye/ling etAtta. the ',Omni to Li lorUpla ole.r Siemer for the Core .4 ti) •Latort, 4.1 LI lousy, Lusa 01 Appetit., or Any idthig trull% a 18.011M41 Soyeglioo Lbe .1.0.0.C.L or 1.•1010.4., prat:km:Mg LBasys, L.T•ild• ry, t. lo,t 14.rb4.,8.• , Maw Mlles,. bare no equal Luartt.tosa, I.o"ssattry w Flux, o. ssosrally cuuttaclord Dew N'tUrn., WII faUNrilyll4tl4 m L 1 141.2 flaktqcgt art Water alai wet, call be np w °int Ufa., Of this prvpsratinu. aprplaa, prop nal: Mora premirat, In 441 I. a a11,.1 I.•ltaa, than au, oth• Cr, anti UAL G• 4111,. uM *1.41,A1 Or alit 10411.41 bi itartingitessutsoi thr tnu to tomil • ith cutlet by whit u. 3/ ha. ttalwtll u 1 11L141 ins per dlinethais on too botto k tam taster physician Will Ma balikln Va m•14.1c. 1,11.,4 any not Line all annuls [LK, • Al. natio.. have their hitter., •• a kreeentause ol asses., aiol Wirengthener of the nt , n..n geotrat. toot anonlng Wein all there is nut to to- 11,11/1.1 • b., u Alloy ieroloo luau Me Gentians, front shorn lAta properaLlou ein.nioatett, 'so Mil YLIO:1 notientinC aperuneule Stotts. nate ltlrortl L.. prurt tee •a.ue aleat hit tlicaJ inelener. rav%rt •Nr. AOC►.—fhu trying at.d prow ukllfg dfsestat . , nacl• ,I.•• req. I. Li. • n • unLa, IDg bilh to a Ihtte ottfhloh 10 t tl L,r , And LIM phyarrmily arid mrdWy uarlrss , can the hotly by the use of Ill,n Ihi I 'l% hp n 1 I. k farther, hour t I the awn.,. . t....•••••••• vont. ant.; almn in expoeed alto. td us, ll thr ni arra ..it• used an per dtrretiona. Arid as lit, Grltnt., Crvalr intuat•a. nor GLIeDd the punt..., and Minn, ltubc.4.••••••nr• an. change of dlt.t or lUlrlruption of idninary _lnn, *Ol/1d sleep and h. Attify digeelf.f., e, 1J1).1111. I motrd aa ape. .11.) ha le i'• , ltetpittft ettlftife pr. duo if 111, „t a thotougt. al! toa•aluahla 111/4 a r. •tui .t.vubt igtrf aud oee•d•L) be teed to am re. to Anti to a wol6. r ,r/e buraieg these bitteci. en Illllttrttlittal.it, t•apit. when pt w0..1 tonic, hurt. a. flub , * Iter • 'qui11...04 V.l!. to tinjuU t I. tui.4.1 . •:) Pill nl.. .I_..r t r 11.10 ay•tem. Luisa, 1. , y %II meet,. In 11 . 1• r all eeeee of drintit), IKtlorr rrt.. tt,rl t•it Ito r ph) aiciao, w L o, d .v.• ac.,t.t.xtult kot It/1/ - 1. e • ',littera, will reei•ii,rueudil, it 00, tu et.. • • v f CALTIO\—Nr Callttort tL. I.t.tuut aotioat tt!outc %to' at the rota; !niitatiotie ur cuuttlyruttt., to. t Oct tur (• I ht. OTun.r II 1.1, I. r, 00, v.,. :hat lath bottle has the .5 11, et. r - to Oli the role of tlio to ab , ~n the metallic rap 1 . /.r nilag In. • . it, a:. I , or autograph algtielnir I. uo tb• 14(.0: 111§.. Pr.p.i , (I - ono/ (obi I I Sill ill • .; PSI ' S, !Moon, sr , 6 n .11,art/ Pilf.... I ',lbw/a. • „'l, I I, =EI For rale A ItTF.Y. HitA), H t , nizard; H - .11 .1:11.1\ , 1 0 LONG it CO., FN, u GREAT BAIZGAINS NEW FIRM! O RMSItI a i;114 I H 1 , ,t L' lii; li-:I:' IN GROCERIES, Wooden & Willow Ware, FLOUR AND FEED, Pork, Fish, Salt, &c. &c FoR T 111: MII.I Hl\ 0.1 %.i! I AN I) NV I 1.1. CHEAPER TII kN 1- V 11: II! 1N Y I CASH OR READY PAY EV F:RY 1%4 Q)1 . WI 1.1. ....kV I IN-1:v NI; \ EX.AIININi, 111'1; F:N I‘l I. SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES 4.\!) E11:1; YT.I: I,Ni% IA nu, r; I;( r 1•:!; ;. I.VI. /'!;01 /AM.\ HA 1 .. fit 1..(,up, Pl' '1 .1 SIN 1; FL EH'IIEhF. XX, Extra Superfine &Graham FLOUR, Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, FEU' 11 1,111,1, k. 1., • )1-.liilk n hand and 1.,r 111.0 c.ifiloq 41 tf. , I d t•• •1 .14 • pirKenn•rnlwr iho 01.1 -t: n nl k Ryan, 1:1 n•. Et 'Mat I•.' , ' t 1'41141, =EIM DRY GOODS!! DRESS GOODS lIIIMEICUM EMlltil.l).ls. oR(i tN Ott•* T I 11.11.1..‘15, tVN,•. 3!ULAti!I-NT1L1_8.2,1.33, I.ACY. VE4X:.%•‘.PS! PurchvAed at thee' I 'l,9,q_V(; ()VT of DE. LElis. .I%lan} of iliom PANIC PRICES WHICH I WILL -El I tT A . am*ll ..96.ct57 "sac June 5.-3 TILE lIA 24114):CT1 EN— A now' papor de.ated to Literature. awl Arr %culture, also setting forth full account. of the new aettlemont of Hatn mooMn, In New Jersey, rant. , itune , nlv.i for at onl) 7.5 MIMS per annum rimit Inokust postage 'tamp.. for the-anto.lnt. Artartwultor.4. hos of lb. Fanner, Hammonton P. , Atlantic Co. New Jimmy. Thor wi.hintr cheat• I.n t, of the twat to ooa of the healthlePt and moat th.lightful di nni tes i n the raion. and whewe rrots are newer out down hi frosts, the tomb's stoutly, of the north, aye wisertisemont of Hammonton Larldll.tiMoi • - -- • • F LY NETS.- A fete l , -nl. of Olt ton an d Lawn Bono. N. I,ap at J. CSE 11E.Sq. 1 GROVER & BAKER'S 11ELY SIIIIIO NAHUM. N E W STY I'rice.4 $.11) to sl2:t Extra Charge $5 for Hemmers 49.5 BR( )ADWA N neve Itactitltee son from tan apa.,ia, o pur thy, . from the @tore, requtnng o rec.rinchne thread ; they Fell, Gather, and netteta in a t.isperior ety le, taleh• Mg each MALI by their own utarahun, without recent,. to the barel-needle, as to required by ..tLer tuachimeo They aid! Leiter and ellealwr rewiLig than • iievaustmo• can, even if she auras for oat cunt as Lour, and are, ut.• ciut , tionhbly. the. kat AlestAants •1 4 •14.1 1.): i oao =EI tr•kllaggelllttlt, and ILdalitalli u lt :e 1, xecii tiug either h. •y or tin.. .4. • it h -.4.•. NrOtt , It boot Pretiftl ad.; oximeot A• evidence of the unqueetionrd •riperiorlt, _ Narh.nee, the Gitorsit k BANJO/ Sicrorpai M•CnINII C ,, 111 I 1.'4 Irate to trlgiwetfull) , r for to the is.A:low 't f' I 3f I NI 1 1. '4 - • •' .1,.4.1, 'guru F erwing ' —Furs Ferfr of key, In% Leacilf, Lath/I u! r lad. = roof,. • • glr«w tnr Mart." - rhlar h•• tyre° lu-rtir born', for m a ny It h a altrntn Irtrn fvr 11 , 1,JUSlinent, Iola; t. It. Flo.", v.• . /lout, pa .inr .Imi I. rhAtio,,,r ...pool,. -1 thr..oot ' 4n. 1.1nrh..• slr2i - kianal, role of ktt In Vrithiewd I dolirr of :1 i'kri•tta. IJr wale •- ••n.: • •••• •••: •!.3••1• t•t ••••••• n, I fey •••: • a.‘, •si sc. iiubt • I its rkti•tioett,, arc th, • t .1111 , 11 It ell 111/411.1411 0 4.1, as 1, CIA He th. etrali: . an, .I,irtt!,ilo, rd IL, n :44 Art. r lug • Ip• Flt 11,, I c . ..tlyett•Dl I r 41.1-1,111 111 v.•l tii li/Lbat iiiitwnit it t, • piers ‘arli.ity fliaiffi mivriti 4 " .11r , P .'ipogymer. rtfr of lA. L.lAluir it/ brook/pa :ital. UP. -4 1 a ea k haat N Iklactaine ~art, and barnilnund It whited In al hltigts nt Sant I) in 1 atntnir In I ir...,j,•ivt ft. Isnnrn4 f its , ts .put • ut IL. r.ttaq 11a) al a.tnrb 11-tr' .• tour Irr. .201 ...only aped: •--.Nn 4 I, It . .trple, tert• .4 Cite 14 I.pple, 1 errk - 1 'or sk M. I ' , ls. ha. been In mv Ty. frAlnt 111 •ti•V rriurSt n.. n-ZItl• I .4, ..• adapted F.. AI., ell he p.rtn"Vinb.... nt ',no', 0 /Merman, !err )",4 Ml= •• ‘• " 11 • k Valk., • •••• . 1., • ht.. MA. 1.. !h.! r) •, 4 uI. •• ••• • • ' , mutt/any at.J quart , ' •,• 5• ,, t11,! tt, in I...eowns , l[ll "tit f th.,••• • c•.• 141, .61— • km, • .1 - *•tzieu.. W Lot, . • 1:1..1. , I. • I br bay , sir reg a, ...a ss..l.l“ti y. •••• H• :41 .. •./ II V,.rrr 414 m, Ahr j Ciro Um I , v , •. (4. nowt- /...red. I= : n. 1.1. , in Iv . , 11 '•••• .ii i n.• • fl. r k - )I.soliin.•, an.: a mach ...1111. •• tut. r. •11.: i.e ca 1.... up 'runt lit. murk I, I, k !LAI", as a /11/ 1 , . 1.1ZI,1•.• • •in • ''l art • It,. •••• r \ t. .4n• ',mitt • Hv a ..u..ritttutuu• al,lll•ltiat Ira; al 11,P 411(3 I • I • ..•.• tit...auto r• 1. Prot .Nortk. t‘i, r. , 71. ~),nkr, 0004), , Gr.,‘• •r '4 L tAlso iii 1• ..q. , eit.l , ! Rit r% I, A , n• t.•rhll..r, n lov I • on!' (,fir..: '1•41 .• 1•2.1 • t..• r .k^r • F. I ..... • ; , 1//1.• L • • t, • • I =RI - J i. Harri• (,•tirs,r. to 1 . n eraa. I'tt..n t • ttt ttt • . , h0t, , ,. qt rrs- : a• • if i • •if ...in r 11 , 1 W: tit ...ten 1..1V I • ..tutat•ll,—t•lttn .•1 t , .• dratt, ft . I!. n 4 te h. f,r in 11..0 %(a rams n• at . rt .Wr• mt. rt. Val/A r NI I ..• • . kW,. to at. rid r.ta. • , ir• 11 1 h ,, . r• 1. .• A , N:se u. 1 k .1 imtteEt•li. 1.1 r. • I. I • • 11,0 1.1..1.;it, no we ik-lie , •• T 1 , 4.4 • ' , !...1 • . 4. .414 f liachttie al ' - /nary brollters. Altt.ogra, '7'rww. • •”....! •• rGn i I iirprwela, with o•rdithiti •in I •ga.r.r ' • .1. tt-I•,...•thr , ..«tear. star. ar d a , uti. •' —Jirha Lrakine, .Narlr We. • I [.• : :. r f t.e.rtal sortko, •nd an. p. 7f. rl,l 'he It..rx i. th. Nutt. m **** 1.1-01111n1: that est, wk. T 11.1.!.• " Waggle A 111111•011, ‘ashrtile, TiHn — I uw Phl. M1 , 1i1". ' tr.:. and L In. n .ttt, ln;!he cZ n'••• >rtut,rt. !o— r hetter t wan •` ••r az . other Inn. I, nt ! have., or .111 f.mr!• N TM , ..p••••••. .Nc/nkt Ifir, P.m in; w 'to ••: ze-t an t 4,11. 1 . 1. ha'- , Ner •••••,, rho hat . n ael,ne, and •• .r.l the ,r• ler 4 n... r If r a. • •de rhe greit:.t: b . /g HAIL. r'•• r.w.ag IlilLell4lllll 1,••• .11 n:tfaltit. and and .t IntalLtalde I ran opedently n.m•n. tt tt, all 1••••rann. •ti want I"l7umpsun, Nashrilif , I ran, ••I ..•••rt.f;•ng t•• the ut.:11.: • I thr Gr.“ era link, • .ietrut; .li:whit:lra. I hare used une ua 11inloal ry .1 w.,tl. 1., tu.,uttle.. and nud tt wur., •tr••tig•t and 1.•••tte: in • ter, 4,1.1...<' than wytl d..ur t —Mrs L. ll' II Agree :Sasltrsilf , Tree ...u” , op. p•C •7 no or. •el 4 Bat.. t • .nn. 4f. • /••••• • • , . v. lEE ME 11.. 1..,• i•r.•••41. C. 1.1•4....11;• - Jr.. // G r IMO , r b z t. - p mailman Ar , MeMpAIS. Iran •• :I,d• e,r, %. r S kiyi•vr 1.. t.. ot LP a Mita.. I 'ht,,. tr, 4tit• t oft .r to that ,ne I pt. , 011 1.,,.• ‘l , tit. thilitt tiro Nia..4l, •Is ou.•I 1 a 1•1 t • t..tt I/ I Ilarto, .1 thr Macho sad 1, in rr, mt‘..• ent, %IT. t ramp, V. ryt • nt• , • 941//' irnn ' =I other mail. . e I WO 0 M• , U t A. hrx ••1 ne ., nal p r tyE tyt - t insel, In favor t tau% rr k 'tal k er • ` 4 1.11111:, .tlael,th• an.. of the perfret 11011tiflf1101011 1% to I.r. ra troy. et it beatl. ant: le by no mean. vamp test , '., ar : 1 p:•1.. •to a:: mitt ra 1 '.are ween. *- frs, Bryan. Vitt ft, I 4 1 Bryan, klunint to, IV,. 'tt, • tto, • • tat ttit i• 1.•1.•••11 . 0 I.• VOll l :he ll•elttito o is a , an.'l:. ...a..:•t• to ree.•uant•n•t it I 1-4 t,lt ,itt t • -er out claim ror it. Sic a i.• 0. • rr, a • .t, I.lt talcri. llf • tin; to it,. en., - t hrtalary. imp*, 1, 1 , ••It Mt. 1. JOO., 10 : 0.1,0% I r !SAIL. )0.4. t 011..., •ar.l . a 0. a. ...a tat Itrat •atCol Irr .al • tt ta e a : :nea t .tae in um . , btarttit aintro.l t t - I V. N int., Vesepiaa, Mow , pnmiurd, •th.:11 , 4 •; tnny, \ml.. • ‘1.14 till .•. lit • t frit. •tt •v.tint 111. • rt,ttt .1f ti tilt .•.3, 'lt •,(1. , , tttt tt• •tt t•hil• r. in ..au V I taiiirisco ••••lit, Trim • ,•• t,rll Mg. Machine 113 , itt1.111.titt, and o t • t . ,Ott t, Pt , :11 • -Pt, ti 1., t .141,1 •-•,• •••• •I'. fannly 1 , 11 • 114 iii al•out ui• 11 , 1 itie , J will, ul, hands —kl .1 'tot!, VaAhr,/,, Oti'' :-I.N lb Felt A kit `until 1 / 2 1., • 1, .40 EIGHTH ANNUAL FAifiß ~Y 111 E Allegheny County Agricultural Society, \ \SYLV \NI ()I111) I:ith. 114 h 15th mud 16th of .4e4)iember, le. 56 ("4: 4 11 I ' Pair Grounds, 9th Ward, Pittsburg. T E N I S tt . l t 11, t ,. t; i tt , , 1 0 .1 t I d ruitc \ ege able. .u%I Flnw.r. s %I awl Stalin for 111%r.des. C attle. at! •- •u. an•l TaMva fnr C. pa of Poultry GRUt • Nh 6 AB C.NiLa ST/.. I SrpyluJ sUA HATER 1 The public admitted Wedneday. Thursday ansl Friday. al.nriON . of straru pro rr 01 , pro!. r runron.: •U Itactrturfl, rir - Lai 6e Nem:unit offrr,d for tuart.urry Ser :a., bWs Artie. s sent for ethdution •hould ao , lressed Gen. J -1. EY, W BARNHILL, Ers„ i.r lii y. JAMIN , Sup. rullendents. csrelul.y lateoled, no, k usme and residence. F.ntro s re,t. ed and exhibitor • tickets furnished at k; I. A. tit EH'S Plow Warehouse. corner .ti: not Penn Street, after August 29th, IVO ti n , ...I Straw (MAT'S for all animals enteral for et hli•ition, and gram at lowest eash prices ri - All entries must be made on the Secretsrv•s Book, ou ocbefore TUESDAY EVENING, 13th of September All artides and animals, except Horses, must be brooch within the enclosure by Tuesday nuns. Horses admits. , on IA edoesdas morning, but must be entered previously rcrl'ompetition beyond the Mate cordially Invited V igi6nt night wad day Pollee. ADMISSION E N hibitoe. ticket., $1,1109. All pabitstors must b. come members of the Soeiety. EFTen rickets for i.oe. Your tickets, 38 cent. Si ogle 11,1t0i1.1110u. IS ,k,atki, larVehicies anal horse• will I....admitted to th+ Grout at the following prices —Two hone vehicle, 25 coat sin& hOilk• vehicle. 15 rents: single horse 10 COWL The Citizens Pasemiger Hallway and the Central Peri Ft it. Cars will be to constant cotnessanication with t grounds Letters addressed to ROBERT MeKNIGIIT, :7 —2tll Corresponding Pittsbnl \\' \i. cHLEBRATED NEW' Yo = A 1.•11, '•••m Tit... 1•T• 7, 1.11 • • • • 111 , New 'OW h IMIE • •• r•. I .Jt •!a... awl IR,• L , • //anene.• =NM -. Jew IZEZII ! 1.1 • IMEMIIII ft•Lt - iL. L R. E. 11 :;11 1 tai 11t.t>.11r' I/1 , 1 I yTt N.. Tu "F 41:LI 114,0041 CM ITF-