pm_ Half the orators of the enuntry are nt t,le ht t6r press. and :14 illu.trative of t wit h . they 101)0%11'1g 1. derided/3. plod. The !,„„ ohn P. Hale, in his speech at the t. t Pdgrnns t 'elebration. said that while. 1 ,, tt alolig ut the (-An, ft genth T „ „i t el a Ps,-ton t askt_sl hint fur a t, It ,el the remark- he prep, tse,l t make, it,. .h.stl, Ins head, intimating there was , thing in it The newspaper man .00k hint net kind') stud -Mr. ir•tlis have no lier•ch prrintrerl, I have, r ri Irtll -pet•Cilez %Nhlch I preirarekl tur NErt....rtelluuetts frienrk. anti 1 will let r, .rne of ihr•in " ere' Mi \[ucat , tll•' Reveiver ..f thv N ill. 1.1.1 t. Natilronti, took p0r,..4t0.i0n of on Tuesday. 11, sap- that all 14.-eitt employeos of the New York ,!: t t Itailroad l'oinpany will 1,0 cretin , their present positions, and that all , I re.izulat inns tinder which the road 1„ 1 ,•tofore been aiinnnist..ro4l, will Lc ,1.1.101,1 until fun tiler none, ricn, patent t )tliee having obtained I: ui the cork tree fr,.in Europe. -ent parkag(.4 la. t year ( . 311f441111,1, , • , a climate s' In Franee %%here it 11.)1tri , Ite , The-c te planted at Sonora, aii,l about 7\ per .fit ~f them have come up, antl give Iwcoming :,•tately s ei ne N.•%% I,q k 0rr641.m.10111. ,t tii !1!).111114',1110nt that Charles 'sit this count IN In tin. fall. 11 hni I •1 nrttl , 3 telt i)f"Anivr- ol I- mot, than incro tvtnul Llllll'lll-1104 :1111)1III Is limier eng:tg, • 1;1 , li t to ; 11%, ,Ixt) 1. , l•ri• I . l , : l;.tiartit , . at %anon , „ N.• 1% I,•fltuttera aat -tt‘t thou-mai dollar, at the , t:tri. 11111,1.,114-lotti th ()1 the 1),•t tt- the f.X1111,1t1.,n t1)11CIITI!..111:31ENT 5..0( et ill% it • It, ,11.1 I v:111) rittliar ti l !4r amtrein LIRY A NT ANI) STRA'PTON CHAIN OF MERCANTILE COLr .1 • ES. Ihe thnrothdt, populft ..tut./..0. km.l, 1/4 the t Mt.! Mate.. Sr« Td o....tnent 111 Tt'llINI:%• 11.1 FE to the 4 L fed ' . 4 tren,11.1.• th. %%.•.k' •r, • • I •r*yarlt•••lJ 1/a, met u 111, the appr•ITBI .If the I, I J ••• 1:r every part of the world, w• 1 the diArtleerer awl •.• proclamia it to he 11:NEQUAI.LED earl restorrr of rramt....l nr ~serf functions .• i•'.‘hah. , ant should In UP.P.I hle all r 4. • s• Li .tirlittlates the nerves to (le, natural . ..111 hot pr.••luee a reaction no matter h... • niy •!,ppeti C., R M , OCI , T11,11(1 , _,1111,.) AIN CV.' IYIII f 111 1 , 1 •I•[Y hrltt do., A bro' ocrioAteor t • tut u-r will • 'L• .I,,otart h ton deerw of perfort Iteslth. sod Is • 141.1 Km f,,rpver ••r Ike• trrlato t.. tunket Lif tr Itottoettellti artirlr trimotmttrit st• rt will vnti... ~(”1 iu fe..linG and in sl.r.,,zlh,an,!enm/.1.• then, th. It,. tr pnV.ut. Itttt I=l r, • 14•,,1 0 . oboinri.lly to thone rib lin Liar« I.oon todurr.' t o; lit, try mi•rorti, n o , or onl,n,ry \ Dt titer what the eras e it,. 1111p,,ler, thix trait • nor 11n1 rorPfer F,•llllnrnut 111 per • •• toOr di.rd, red t•er. I, I i, 11111.e11 rr 1 11, I 1 •rpil 110010 . 1 .101111,0 P• 01 ,l/If 111. 11 In rim Is 11 Dili art 1014, 1011 1.101r6 1 ., and i]..: ♦ vr,in U.. 111 I 11111•• rl! 01/1..1.11 • 411114 - 1..' rrti, taxi, I - Mr.*, •111 .1101 . ..ier It/ ••' I /1/ NOM/kr/tot/1p reslimi/../t //f tLr.. 1///,... - I 41. tlllt. r. mar I. Li,•l ”1, i; 1. , • L• Irv.wrll t...$ 1.1%, in Ilse L..r, R. LI 11. Gek, .t 1... 1• • So • • All ..r.lers aboould 1,. 54.11,-.00,-.1 ft, bin, i•,,%Ar0.. ir SI is 1.. r i •• , 1•1 PI f s and I 41:o. n rie, l'a 4., 1 I az. • ' iau i • h.•aith mnerr,l Hut, hit,. ' F • hilaralit, eLu ti u 111fAII OA. 3.0• ati ash' r• astral stitingt)i, •ith protniithim. I typm‘ft,l.,..., F • ., ..Lt and 64.1.1. It it MTV it A I:K.0'11F K F n. Vi 1% Tiso• idlin, of layer t M 11.130111 a. I d.v. fir 111 iii 1 1.,14 . Life Ex/illiirant Grand fingret, inneluxll..l it that.. anti perninnetit Ilert in 1 •• 7 ,, i; it tile% nite readers th. Milli' raing Aria cheer rep,,,nalre •tr , tlgrh 111 - SI '4l'l .4111„ I n«, ha 11. I rir I +• •tr..owt Inq•i n ant I: n. in all n%o. rn", .31. an 111V ,1 / 4 , ,iltRI--Mlll%. Mahn: Ih. 1‘,. 41 •! • ta ,th st rful eelv•lt, . 1.; • ts %P.TV. 11041 E„.., 1. re 111114.1.110 z. I .L• 4 %Lila/aril .1. a r.)111...V0r I dA•• 1,,. r I, pr“.'ttr. 'Duo 1,0 ...I an oitinl blvo 111. a to. r. 10. r nlllit 000rIng la the lover, •t.omarl, o•r It. ULM•1•.11 i. ~ t r.lcKtit., • Itallll. 4,1 11 RTF & WU) , lit.t hlikgr. I .1.. E , b,.a , kia ot weak Jaw! k e old !lie “at On.t/g, 1a.a11.4) and Impt., • .. •I•truel bon, •Ild irregulanitle. from 11.. r..• • •I ..,•, ‘ll.l I,IIIANI, Li.. 6100111 of 1 .. It' 11, I. A •t/Y, eltrewort. Imv• ( ART). I. A. 111:0 1.• I /. tr n.rl will had liutchulp 1.11. • •:) (.4 all tio•tr nuffi 111.1 yrr.. Ill• .••fc ' lir 1110.1411C1.1118 01. w Ut hyuon,l.airtwvnlM I t/ . .1, I 110,VOUR sy /aeon kliatt, ml , an.l rot...Mut i :4.141 by T. SSI I.A IR, I.:rit PI. 4',ly • 1,. , 1•P plir roe flare all L. •11 -• I !tit rh ul_ • 1.. f• ?:x Jails ra • t ok •Uomar-11, , 11411.11111Iner eilitiogo - 4.t Ire ha I.ii• tret.nos 1•;* •parit, •111 bad a ona•ter tft thIP .1010•11 C roof, N.t1.1 Lr CAIRTF.H. A DWI., moat T It, 1;.,t6 lv f? Ilui illtigN • LJr F.aLAlarant. disetrrosong lltt .1 • - ....1.4 4 1 11.4 luel.u.eyt 1, 4 .413.11,11.1t1r.n‘ • 1.. In, lnr illatll.l• GMuI az.l .11 .111 1 4 .14 by T. el. .SIN CI.AII{, 111 - ie. I. 4:I. '..t. hang,: FaLilarant IS yua.k and pa r ia h % rnr teurni and most agyravAlt .1 ra..• fl. St.. p.a. n..;,...r4,1111111i; , and all ..t L. . .1. rnesg..tortita a the ••,r.a. I. ►asd burs and r all r. 1,•• Ilse in..lana hot, and •ptrlM teni”.4ll.lply rwrvnol.., try it S.IJ by T I.Ait,. ly RELIEF IN LN TEN MINUTES HU A Nfti I.MON Il• %11 , 11 1 1 , 3tP 4 most rolus sal Veal 'Wm!, rrer dAlfelVer re/ /or ;the Ciro glad Lanes, C. 04.1., Colds. lAA Brdor ALAS, /*A.M.A. Akmv•Am, !hp reotAroop, • . TillWrt IKEICS ' Eire the ;nowt nwlsotaneons rh-rt teller watt when perwewere.l with areeo , .hnig to never t.. 11 to effect • rtpia and lasting ram s '• hAvw been reat.”4ll.. Th.tfert health who have • tb. r In.ahs In waits To wit chow.+ and all ron.ti -1.• •h. r i•., WO s bieW/Itler and a cure -none need - In.rtio, 6.. w labnig Lk. dtyuar in.” „hate exist ., t It amay be, pmwl.bed lb. wrwinwo o the r rtal organa is not bort. wwly clew:..! rd • r utliii.teil•hould give them an Impartial trial T . 4 &i.orTli ;4 PIC AK 111,1r4, HWY.. Wares ark iataatilr : they will in OLE PAT lir •• Mai hnaraemora ; and their molar toe h••u ill, at all times, anemia , . the power sod KITStly luipmvititz tune, rum • • aLiels purlieu; • thry mean lari ,a ~,,, fall+t. Propnotor, ILrehrrtr•4 Y • 1..• r b.. 1 Kor •. by t••rt.•r A Itro Aod 1.. n. •• War 7. 1•.. r .11, I r K r I POUT %NT TO P E.lll %I. NM fIU. 1.1.5, Pmpart‘l (. ..rn"u" 1,.,, b IP N. Yoe% Cit. 1 Ite • • •II•1•1.1. w tilt I , •• Ii 11. lIIrP thr •Il •'• i• I, ALI.; ; ia , linThey an. Nl.l in ill. II I.1.•13 . 1••11.• • 'I.. hug •111 irnicula'Nll, nxtrux it in, nll nixotf net/nail. 1""6 on6% er • • kg., vain In the .I.le, p,lritathin of the • 1, • xll hereon, afteetinnx, M 1 ol•rii 4. fathtne, k atol :Maw, Alp , oholiti •feep. •• • ••frtiptii,ti naturi• n ICI ED I.‘i)i II I, 1. • 11717. are in valtralle, AO 7 11•• • ( firing "' • 7 1•• • 11..•1 rolls 1,1403‘.1). I.a.he• • 1.., ban. , lo UP.' 101 .11.. r IF val. 14" r Ib• • er llr lare•en,... • I gli•,loiner all that , 1.• 641. 1 . {too ..f the r. male ir)a• • hi, 1, the I'll!, ran44.t too - taken without proaltad flak itt: 4 1 . 1.1 . refrrre.l In It • 1.,. 1 the WI•W 11i HI 11.1%. , Urii a the iideloc• .•I the laboNtori 14. r...1..t.• tt.s vox nal • ' • • to.nural r..na11t..,41, that erar , ll.r • I laittun• aztinest metal it • 4.,t.4 gra. tall., from Aar in F • ,•1.. 't • 71ns 4...1/ 711 read, at • •• • I. la, $ l. `teat In ..,a11..n etw•10.111% ..• %vv.( NI•LI 1.1 1.77 V Irrta h ryt.t in eater) 1., I -1.,. II It 116 r, •. a. Ilesseral , •• ‘t.. .1. • 1r... 1... •Ia • .'an ''...k ...1.,- T i alit, Agrul J E FRANCIS, Buffalo. Kr"WHY AEI WE MOH Ike. Blight La dispooltioas as they are called, la kativionad ,our stomach, Headache, etc-, though regarded ea natters in themselves, an, ineeloni, blelkshor deraagement, which allowed to coutianoortil manta general therese of the whole system. With all Its eels pl..nity re long ma the Mica* through any take bla- Arced, that moment oommances a dataspafst , which if cot ci;eeddr remedied by • removal of the man, will laid through c }one hat or laser Ma mud sada to Liver eon spepsia, premature old - age and Danth. The .totuael, ts the grand rewiceolr from whams Is diffused nourishment, and life and rigor an imparted to Ea n stem ; it et all important, then, that this Etaneck Le kept healthy, and tree from everything calculated to suit„ a diseased action, and hastier the whammies of Ito left utuate functioes ; and when through ludistmetion, accident or other circumetanoes, the energies a the hods are prostrated, and the stomach and other parts of the awn's,' economy are sluggish and inelliciest is Me performance of their duties, or when there is an excited °rem-lion, then it becomes nommory to report to wefts Medians, • hem alterative and oorreetant qualities may restore a vigorous leggin and a healthy tone. • gentle apenent and Laxative, eriU perhaps DUMP than any other medicine, accomplish this end—and It to in UM character, of a mild, gentle, and efficient aperient, laxative and nor. ectant, that BALDWIN'S CATHAMIC PILLS are offer wi to the public. Being entirety 'gettable in their cone poen ton, they may be administered safely to all, of every age sod me, ea well to the infant and delicate female, as to the r tgurou• man. Von the viand, eon of Clailireir. mess, Imiggatseg, Medao t a, Drerrinag iw- Ace, Jock, ew of Ilse StessseA, Abetwas of fae User, and berenggsgenis of as &thaw Spilka restraity they mneiol be mu rpamed. TheoePtlla areal i mit= be kat...ono one of the bait and most e and as yr most perfect compound which ham ever been 16, ...l for the marten .4 dinning, nee ifts warreated to give idtufarls"., .r lien pnei 26 as.,per ban wild k ref radrd Bold in Erie owy, at BALDWIN'S Drag rise, No S , Reed Limier Girard, B. C. Ely. 26 NTTHE t:REA KIiKNCH Rustacifir. 31.% HARI!. 6011 f HS'S WH.BiIIiATED r•iti sis CO•TVT , it'N•Ult PILLS —I ley ley the Sole Possessor of the Original Preset ,pt us& moat ex tensively in all E:uropean Female ilospitila, and antallible in remormg stoppages and It regularities of the menses The.,. pill. are nothing new, batiume been used by the doictors for many years, both in Franca and America, with unparalleled success is every case ; and be la uqed by many thousand ladies who have used them, to ma l e the pills public, for the alleviation of thoeseufferingfrom any irregoliai stirs of whatever nature, as wild am to portent pregnancy to those ladled whose health srinntitpumidt mu Auemsar of faintly. Pregnant females, or those opposing themselves so, are cautioned against mike those 11. while perwrint, am the propitiator aimussesso WI LL) alter tue above admonition, although their selltisees would pre% mit any mischief to the health : otherwise these pills ire recommend& Full and explicit direction ac e •mpany each hos. Kor sale by L. I. lIAJ.DWIN, Erie, and Sleeper, Waterford. N. B.—Ooe dollar sad three postage stamp. entioilso to any •utbortaed agent, will insure a package of pills by re turn awl C CROSBY, General Agent, July Buffalo, N Y On the 14th inst., at the residence of Sher wood McLallen, by /icy, Gardner Dean, Mr r CUTLER CRUMIII, of Union Mills, and MISS II I„TTIE A II AMNION!), of Washington On the 10th inst at. the residence of E J Ames, by Rev. Dr Dyon, Mr. EDWIN AMES. of Sandusky, (thin. and Miss MARGARET t F.1.1.EV.0f Painesville, (thin. In Terre haute, Ind., on the I Ith inst. , hy llev Mr Taylor. Mr Drhos N (lot LI , st Springfield, Pa to \his' ANN of the former place ;11° 1171 AI7TV! t P I ()frier over Murph 'll Tin twtwv•en Brun n•li IlutA and Revd House, Kno, Ts PANIC AGAIN DitY . GOODS!! II AVE A 1..110 ASSoRTM ENT ($' DRESS GOODS 1 - . NI I 11,1).1S, NI)A 'BLS, T ss t • ES ISHA I Z .1 1.1,A is, LAW NS, A( 111E1S-Nriwi-T-LLALMEA, x. OE ti I ="1" ! Pureha-eil at the e)S1N(; "T Daley of 14: 1 LEUS. of them at .IL. SI moll AL cisiarkfoco I lini~• .. ....„ ..,..- , .)...„„ "-I•Cit. - .0 : --.' --mr° :: °: -:" - -e-'.• • . ; . A(014/I) BUSINESS l'll.‘NcE! $.ll per 10 ,, 0th, and all expenara paid Arent• %atilt .1 .0 e‘er, torn and count, 1111.11.10..0 the United State. I..riwage 10 , I,ght and ram, Iruaiuraa, on %Ilia/ the al., e prual mar eertairdy be reall.ed Ear Trull, u;.. uldr.. will. • , anip. . . OIC 0 PII6I.1• 4 !MOWN, Ang - 41 N.. 21, Gral.,l dt , Jrrowy I 0), N J PIANO FORTE EMI mEl j oi)EoN MANITACI'ORY SAVE TWENTY PER CENT two 1... r •I I 11. r :L.lohy I 1 w WILLIAM WILLING lartritt. V Lugl I E ..xperivilee O /we'd, / ~,,,,,, and Ow .des that 1 rould nuko OS AND MELODEONS in ).:ril• cheaper than I can buy them ...lumber", becaume r..ot la, lumber I. cheaper, coal ii cheaper, iroa the Lanza, intlioeta/ tae to ompluy competeat and romplete, riperirtierd wurlinbra, Milo earned on a Plano Manufactory them ...lvo. for !Re years, and who .nl4l w. their Maine stock neeeuxary to may such lootruuwata, od I sin now prepared to furtn•li my uumeruue felecelo Pianos and Melodeons oi .1114. Tout• ao.I bnilh, aid w ill I;97.II...MILVILALNT virBEIINE Ot MI( I.lllif ill Of let COMPLETE •IiTISKACTItE4. 11% reputation a. a Id u.arlitst and bunlooss man Would 1.5.1 tl hem. I tiodrunbeut. &tumid not rove. 'coed. 1.0411 AP•11 , that Mini/Mr I* .1 etr, .1 to, hrtnl abnst the .6.1,4 retuil., Producing n Inc and nobotisotial will give gammil oatisfeettow, and is4a, IN taws Weser doss ant Mamie 1 keen" SIL TERms VERN EASI pitices VF.RI REASONABLE ' PATRONIZE Your Own Citizens at Home ! fiRPERSo 0110LESALEtw RF:TAIL promptly 31114 1,7" Produce, order" no Storm old inotrumenta, Lam Ire, and any thing elm. I can *ell again Or low in my bun will be taken In exchange for Plano Fortes, Melo deon", Dulcimer" and any thing How I hare in my story. kNI IS To LET' TUNING !HINE WELL NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK ! No NE BUT THE BEST ARTICLES oN HAND Chickering & Son's Piino Fortes, ALWAYS OW MAXI , iJa•e y..n erg, heard o(a poor Chicketitia Pismo km,* • hen- It kp•ngl I • 11l rxrhange It. wr wiLuNn 1r) EI)ITI )liti.—l'ou all remember the ogrer Mr. liorsee Watson n( New York, has sonde for o w e erfislng In roar pagers. The undersigned .111 do a MO. better, of )on will faltor biro • otb s All. wool will forsook you nub Lny Nano MI order ow desire. Give Mr ) our oral, WY WILLING I:roe, Jeer le, I&. —.2 . _ Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves 1 ! wE itre now prPpared to ,-, fornish all who are in want of giiVrlv, of any description, at lower pricw than have ever been sold le Eriw 11'nunly Our &PRO rtmeat maspriess all a._ the modern Intprovod s among which may h. fousKi do. • - Benner. Plymouth Book. EnlliSC , Empire, Brilliant, Herald, And numla, of /saner aralrable Myhre at Mended 0111 1/ 1 1 Alan tbh /esti, celebrated Mayflower, Bouvet, Bassi Vida. and a unitawr of other paUeraa of Lew Owen SLareo.-- A 'wo l blr lienttng Glory, Cotter Parlor, Mode.] Parlor, yo 01•••• VnuAlin, awt a !arr. amolor of Hoe. Piste, Hall, °d n., terlf Regulator, awl ether rf.n. a or .opritor qualltire *bleb tiro will well ror Cak„ Lomber, Owl, Orals, or barter Is A .eaeraL at be figure, than an" 'roues. , In lb. City, aid N • rr2r, t 11..." to Ore entire wathafaetwar. To IS, . 1 .1.1 el r , Arks nk the ltl.o... line we world Oita u• a I ail and sun al all not kw kitutpwolutrA At tbe Obi 1...n.0try, • W Corm, "I State and , 11th Oa. Erle,•Aug. L , 164,10-1 11 U BARR It JOIWRON MARRIAGES EC= IE2I I=l PANIC PRICES I I=l wm. IsEu„ .in I:V HUN INI; I. I' l FIN r%7 ' 4!L.. OEM THE. GENUINE UNRIVALED RISWOLD'S ,COLUIEN. PRICES RIIDUCWX 111 14 IXTRAORDINARY i d d GREAT BALE Challis, Lawns and DRESS GOODS 'TIIIS WM3E3C. WM. A. GRISWOLD WILL OFFER ON Friday, June 10, 1059, D-; *isle) z 4 I]. :I(kt THE BALANCE f' OF HIS LARGE SUMMER SILKS DNB DRESS GOODS TtXIItTII ER WITH Ten Oases of Goods just Reo'd FRUM TH E LATE AUCTION SALM IP 4 4 1,900 1 - 11, tine Printed 4-4 French (lints at 12}, north 31) vents. 1,200 rds tine Parr , Printed Chalk at 124,cents, worth 25 • 1,000 1 - .1, I'6 !item! Brilliants 124 cents, worth 25 5 Oases Ml • rimac, Cocitectit and English Prints for lo rent.., worth 124. Itarege H.obea. Double Bkirts Barege Robe, a Le: Organdi Itober, Ihrbuida Skirtbt i lrgandi Rube, a Let Rich Silk Robe. Double Skirie French J &comet,' Hain and l'rinted Baregna Vine Orgnndis and Lawns Traveling Urexx Gonda Rich Silk 4, &c. &c. Lc Of 'PPP ALSO, JUST OPENEI►, Lace Mantillac/dues and double Flounood. Lace Piornous, Lace Points Stella Shawls is all colon, with film Cashmere and Camels Hair Borders, very cheep. Gres4 Barimins lu Tibiae Linen/4 Nolpkilul, Toweling., Linea Sheetingii Pillow Llama, Cotton Meetings, Pillow Cot tool" Table anti Piano Covers, Lace Curtains, Drapery MitaUna, Linen and Celina Sheeting, Best make Irish Limes, Hid ()loves, Wits, Hosiery, Ste Balmier Inducements ARE OFFERED IN Cantata, the stook being very LARGE IN lrohrets, Brussels & Wag; ROOS, MATS, MATTINO, OIL CLOTHS, ite WM. A. OUSWOLD Erie, June 7, 1369 rri lIEHAILMONTON FARMER--A news paper devoted to Utorstaro sad African/14Z Penns larth full saeouota Di go orw telltemeet Now Jeney, or be websertboll tor at web' emote peer annum. OWL loder postage gnaw. for the smut. Adobooe to Mi nor of the raiser, ibuniamtee P. 0, Atheitte Co., Nw Jersey flow wisblog am, load, of tin had quality. to one of the bea/thint *ad moat dollghtled allsaalhae the Union. sad edam aeon an arm eat dlinniky the terribir aeoerge of the aorta, roe adwr tt Haemostat- Lamle. INC i LI II Li k A NOM SWISOIT 00hiraCTION. w Th . sit rr s arly , ter . lct u ot o r= kneerledrrirella airy 16Wrooks. I rd with pest one Ores wee-imairs at r im, s 0 uenneery Wiry adapted to children grow Weir tnsla, bed be se the obolwrot oloolhollawalt sod der ware Om ..awns Verinilnies km asearimit IMP ; IMP Pee if their fpfratiff, ned•insii he infant ma to adult., with the saw , mosowea Is feet Soy sr. lb. grrst remedy, sod oo trial will to Imamate all otbs4 preparations. For .151. by CARTES k ER, Krt. July 23 Mit -Ir. M COtrZili s &HANNON, IRON, BARGAINS SHOVELS sad SPADES, erwiim, A BORING MACRII;TES, STOCK OF ELEYS' WADS AND SHOT B2LTS, sad POWDRIL /LUIS, THE CASH SYSTEM UNFURL the BANNER BOOT, BNOE, AND Have removed BOOTS AND SHOES From No. 10, Lately occupied by W. A. GriswoW's We are nuwprepared to furnish all of J: G. Barr's old customers and the public gen erally with Gents Pine French Calf Boots, THICK ROOTS, BOYS 4 YOUTHS BOOTS, Gents Patent Leather, Calf and Prunnel Congress Gaiters; Gents calf and patent leather OXFORD TIES; c,.,. .a• BOYS, YOUTHS AND CHILDERS SHOES OF ALL ETNDS AT ALL PRICES. sir LADIES CONGRESS AND LACE GAI TERS OF EVERY KIND AND PRICE FROM 76 CENTS UPWARDS. 4r Ladies White & Black asthma Kippers'. —ALSO— Preach Kid, Black and Bronzed. .Fine Kid sod Prunnels Buskins, sod every thing else in the line of Ladies Shoes. air Of Nimes and Childrens' Shoes we hire enough and to spare. Bring on the hair ifissrviill NirWe hare Leather and Findings of all kinds. including Harness and Bridle loath er; Oak and Spanish Sole leather; French and Eastern tanned Call' Skins, Calm**, Kip and upper leather; Binding and lin ing skins of all colors. alli-Elhoemakers Toole awl Lasts, Tan ners Oil by the bbl, &c. &c. File, May 5, 1859. 48 VALUABLE REAL ESTATB FOR SALE. Tsabsoribse, as Amigos* of FAWN J. Li" damn as Mesh Wu way ream= •M aw poi of the hileansoi feestWo hod tho City orb% els : L a very esieshis Maw Lot beme*m as the North Ms of the f'oblis hosers, - the Wool Sow aid primes Mold. tor* a bast al ta hot TM losim as Ohs Pie& Ilegm 4 sod algo hoot es PM& Ohm% old es heoi mist Moisose lifth shook eit t, /Wry arm 1841418". t. no s "b r . sag 4 111=r1111111111= WWI 111....E=e4ber sten, an be gives. " fie posodeas ea lhofilemo essosissestol a resit at tho seas OMEN goff • Oda ow be Well hmwmd b better ibe hoot es rah meet I. Wain, Lad lAA Il e bashes U test as Pima stoma sod the moose Chooster Cool Dads Ti.,, isoloolle••• lag from /bead to nee; botOope 4hoise7 boo4best them so esolsoll. IL The asalltteat be la-Lot Os. lberMhiB stosm W Mosood Am% with • Imp boo hoosotissAellkerbsibilegethomoi. d. k. swim me, 1111111 S Witt, sitiois be ttors SUM% hark. thimat sod Sesesi May old isor eras avid Wisesto This mood Will= regmhatait as megi eon the peniessee. o de au la we nen Dor Moos onowialf "of WOW 11= 121 4f 111. AMA hi wit Nit alms webs in this . pobeihenvei sometpusitieely Ise mob to h4lll the torthr be of as aolliamoot el rid progeny fter the bison of agitators. Lad Moot seaser dlapood of at private mak, win be rid at misuse to the bi l ybeet bLdderu, at tbe Malan Boor, is Cris, oa Saturday the etts of gatotowear swat, at IS o'clock, A. Y. t. BABBITT, au', at Law, rota, en. 11, et. South-Wait eer. Pub. Square. imp HOUSE. Ili& Have on hind a leave stock at NAILS, Out amid Wrought Spike, 'Mg lips A FA :A 11 , ,1.1 .71 CA RPENTERS' TOOLS, A lf E S' FLINT. MIILEY. MILL, CIRCULAR CROBB-CUT AND HAND SAWS AND PIPE BOXES', ANVILS, VICES AND BELLOWS, Wrought lit. sad Washers, LE IRON, TABLE AND PICKET PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS, WATER PROOF CAPS, WHIPS, &C., &C., No. 3, Rood House, Erie, WCONKEY & SHANNON Paios„ Lag. 4, 14611. A Df•lo V:. S:Lii 0) :i I BARR & KELSEY, (SUCCESSORS TO J. 0. BA RR,) Their entire Brown's Block to No. 13, Cadwell's Block, RUBBERS; 4 *sten I itk ft. *IP ;I, . -...„ .. 4. •....._ • .. .......... ~ ~... 1. • • r,7N .44 6 a. H\, . .:.1.,;, WC": .--,-...... Tx-rr, 1 BEE HIVE!! A GREAT REDUCTION INPORTANT NEWS! FOR THE LAMES •N I) Community Generally I Low Price Jubilee Just eenuneneing Low Price Jubilee Just t'onnueneing' EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST! EFFECTS OF THE LATE FROST! Reduced Price.' the Alternative ! Reduced Prices the Alternative ! MONEY THE DESIDERATUM ! MONEY THE DESIDERATUM CHEAP (It ooDS TEI EQUILIBRIUM CHEAP 6001 THE EQUILIBRIUM ALL CLASSES BENEFITTED! ALL ('LASSES BENEFITTED! AT ME BEE HIVE AT THE BEE ,HIVE. CUTLERY, THE SUBSCRIBERS Simply announce that they will sell during the WARM TERM, that iY to come, their entire stock of LACE BUINTILLAB, From thy• 1.4 - xnns of Franco , and Lyon.. Silk Made lIILLIMILLALS, Of French Design and Manufacture. Lyon. Laos, Mantillas, 'A'l' TWELVE 1)01,1-114'.1 ' suld realltl) nl slh.j , Trench Lace blaritillas, .1T •11WT TEN DOLL A ! (Replier retail prier $15:1 LACE POINTS & VIZETTES Itenutittil Design and Superb Quality. .17' sEI'EN 1)()LI—I1tS iworth at INalt Slt! SILK MADE DIANTILL.As EXQL ISITE DESIGN .Nn FIN 1,11, I .'ullt Jul, and Flounetql Printed P.eragt.., and Rubes a Lez, Roles La vrvanda and .if ( AST 11A '; N FICENT DES'IG AND suvEini QU.%LII'V tireatly rvtlocctl below cost (4 I EVERY DESIRABLE MATERIAL . For TRAVELING DRESSES; DRESS GOODS R TT I E M %SS I.l`i AI pricem of your own making, it reason nhlr, sa) *ay PnRTY PER CENT Ail lea•t Relow regular •clling price, Stock of Totally Regardless of Cost ! Empire Stores With ua T.( INV LOW PRICES Triumph REE HIVE IS TRIUMIIAN'I"' TEE BEE HIVE, THE BEE HIVE, IS THE RALLY ! CUE THEN, LADIES, Come One ! -COme All!! VISIT THE BEE HIVE LOW PRICK JUBILEE ! SUCH (*RANI 'ES SELDOM TR Come, then, and tx'lmtd .onie of.the FRUITS OF FROST & WAR !ibawls ! ! SEI A W 1.4 ! .lust in from Auetion SHAWLS beautiful 7d cheap, DR Y C o oim 14riterally fot .A. S THE MILLION JOB LOTS FROM AUCTION, A lAD x-sT EVERY WEER irr mrf nu u as ALWAYS CHEAP Riamaiud. Prbits t SPRAGUE'S & DUTINELL'S. FOR 61 CENTS'S!! s ir Worm Oxt 8N ILLI Diu ! ljili .1 ITST It WM VRD AT T"" W'B E HIVE R RUSHES! BRUSH !! BRUSH ES!!! Fast, Trull* eraloisir, Sid Wltte Womb firmkow, Hen., Scrub, Tavern. plain and %druid Teo* sad poen) admrtimet oral baker In. iamb way 31 T. B. ENCLAVE ATTENTION MILITARY!! ALL THE. UNIRIRmED COMPANIRS of the. 2tl Brig. 21" lb Ply P. 11.,•ro hereby po• tiled to Wet al the youtdic P.quanp, Itrie, the lath day of bar 'MB, at 7 o elardi A. M., tally uolfortord mad eqatippod. In bold an rocampawntfor tan day. fly Urtie r ..1 Aar 13, Z 43— It Ili I N PillC ES! FULLY oVEREIIME! FULLY oVEßcliltiEs INCREASED SALES THE EFFEcT INCREASED SALES THE EFFECT' Kir 1 0 0 AM EMI Itruxelle I Diatili• And Fahriqu, 1).• 4 ;411te. Ilaiir :m.l tingora . .., 54 , 11 Tan..ond 4 . hallao. and El 1181111:11 Silk).: )11 CA:•11 EXcl.t'Sly ELY Lel at Relight t4l , llfillta• The Pi. , t 1 1:111.1 114 le•t Franef , mild 4lNtria / a 4.l Fs• lAI --- '• .IFEAIZEI)? A n d M( 0.11• X RULE- =3 AT THE GI tl.[)E` BEE - 111\'F -Owes HAYES & JORDAN, No. 1, Brown's Hotel Erie, June Ig, 1859 Ting Giin A Wll.ll 21 Brie . .4.lth P M. Vc %I 1.177. E, Ai.l d. Caw,. GREAT BARGAINS ORMSBY k BooTII - (.skieressors to Shannon if Ryan, ) GROCERIES, Wooden & Willow Ware, FLOUR AND FEED, FUR Ti E M 11.1,14 IN AND WILL HE s4)1.11 THAN EVER_ BEFuIiE QFFERED IN CASs OR READY PAY. EVERY Buhl' WILI:sAVE EXAMINM; urR SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, si) Yr.' /No' Pl..s'Y LV ELsk WHERE" XX, Extra Superfine &Graham Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, If all kinds kiiit con-Land) on hand for salt- nt prices that cannot bud -ati.f) all bar .1 113;0641- War, anl, ,1 clart Poet, ateel J. 4 , 4 T. ei R.all iwrlA , •I ,f , '2l . tre, ,:t bar ii/ 'KT the I /id • tau,' Siritem,ti . Ryan, No. 5 -4 )RMSISN' 144 Erie, Mnreli 1559. lim4l, A Safe and dertain Cure for Tills Tlit'lLY I NVALVA HI.E el*. "compounded after the formula of one of the moot 41111101(011 1 hall 011)101 . 11011 of the age," is presented to the public with the fullest confidence id - its intrineb magical Va it efirela relieving almost inxtan taaonasly the most painful case., while hundred. ran Li...iffy to its wonderful cured While flit. celebrated medicine a rtoollo.llt and ...flung in it. nature, finlike all other compositions, it cleanly, tot soiling to the linen it Lid is .. agrecatily per'uni.l. Try it ' try it' All that is &sled to a ttul , and we b. I eonadimt Ihalalf sail every one who um. It will bear la...twai), to its merits, and and relief from a Omit painful .All4llOO Eacoria• lion, Chaholr Chap., /tr. It will be found equally effica cious for all la:atonal tou, t hating. and Chap. of the Skin, ralicilng,e,.l. 10 s• Tyre laalantan.ol3nly -- For Sale hy CAKTkIt k ItkoTH KE, bite SLICE PER, atrrflea. Jaly 2:1 12Zili.-Iy7. F \ IiMS SEE Ih rhoeoo.4.l 01 111111/011nnn.n laatolll t. WIER INVIGORATOR, "MYER DIKIIII.ITATES, 1 it emnl'otind 44l (;ulllls, and Lao. become au .1411.1.ehed fact, a standard wi t ).., know n and appm fled by all that Lare tuLed It, and to now brlOottortl to Fry with c00t.4.q....r in all the dmeMaa (or ei hi. I, 111. IT- 0 ,orow,odvd. It haa rnrrd litotokrob an too the Inat' tern !earl. who had gist...up all hope. 1. • 1.1 reliet , AA the nu sorrow, unaolicited certificate.. in air poaireaftion The dna; may be adapt- rd to the temperament of the individual taking it, and mint, in such .111s011 Ito. a. to act gently on c) the Itonela of. Let tbe dirlatro of .our 0 judgment fruol• you ill tio unr of lb. L E IVER' IllaltilDHATOD, And Burnit will Burn Liver Comej pillion', Bllliaaa it. tack., Dyttpe p• ha, Cbroalle Dlarraetea, Summer Complaint.. M a Inler),ltrnp.s,rtoor•torn ach, Habana' liowtt••• .._,, n•lim. Choliele, t'bole rm. Cholera Morass.. '—' Cholera laraotaas, riIItDINKIIP, JRUI)IiiCO, FM - re UMW' Wrakoevare, it ntt Inlay to .aowl•o•••••rolly ^ lon an °military Fatuall. ly Me altehme. It will FA r•uro Pt i C K Ili K A D- A Cif ii. to thollMllliP din tentsfy,) IN tweet, .i.aur., I tun or thrwo Tesupnonfulri am %skew al 141111111311MMISMst or attnet All era, use It are glides th•ir t•vtlmonv In it. horn., Or MIX WATER IN THU MOUTII WITH Tiling INVIHORATDE, AND etWALLOW both 14/4“. Ober. CATHARTIC PILLS, I=3:31!:113 The Few Cattier- lie PILL, is a gentle Isirt activell'athartie which • the prorrirtor has coed in hi, premier more than 20 ail years. The constantly ilierimur „A tag demand from those who base long used there , and the sat ifs, Mon which all espreas, .1a regard to their use., Llll, induced me to place them within the reach of all. The Profession we 1 l,"• — • know that different Ca thartics Oct on differenti a vetions of the Bowels. The FAMILY VA-1 ,THARTIC PILL has, w ith due reference to this: well established fact, been compounded from a vari-•••• sty n ( the purest egeta tole tstracts, which act alike on every part of the alimentary ousel, and are N (NOD and EA FIC In all came where a Cathartic E., is needed, curb as DE suoquasucrirs OF THE 'or on A c Pains in the ix Beck and Loins, Costive- WON Pain and Sorereas over the 114111116 P Roar. from 111114611 . 0 cold, whieh qOll freuriently, If neglected, sod la a Wag cootie of fr b.d rev, Loas of Appetite. a Onopingfteniallon of cold 111 over the body, &canes,- nami, Headaehe, or weight the bead, all 1 eillaw. watiely Isle as r 4, r , WORM% in Children er Adults, RHZUMATtrIII, • „„ g •I great Pm - ether of the 111.01, and many dimes-, es to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention , (.) in this advertisement. *eft, 1. to S. Price, WA Crone. TM Liver Invigorator end Fainily Caabiertin Me are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole sale by the Trade In all the large towns. E. T. W. WANYINID, M. 0.. Manufacturer and Proprietor, 33A,Ir•adw•r, New Y•rii. July 2, me. -274. BOI LED AND RAW LINSEED 1)11„ arm be bought for Caen at Drng Store No. tg ward House,st a lies figure than at any other place in the City. Ant. 11, I. I. BAI.IIWIN At. t.) FRUIT WANTED ! ft HE subscribers having been appointed ANNA' fors CINCINNATI FRUIT 110109 R, It iag = Ow highest martet prig*, IN CANIC, for any 9 of PLUM APPLES and PEARS. All Troll for shipping should be picked beime it is !Win RIPE. , Cell end ors us at oar room In the reer el tie Rind goons, FLA h et, 11A LSISURY & Mt=== VAMP: Ti) THE 'FARM of the eutaarthen. In Waehlnlt• toennehtp, on the itch of July, nine yobs of ere year °hi red Ihsen--the near one has a atar In the tatrtarted, and the other a !dermal, on hie MT hind lee. The owner I. nmneat•M to roux, prnye ornp..rtv, and take them away. 0118 'CROW Auft2.111.1.0,) NEW FIRM! DEALERS FN Pork, Fish, Salt, &I &c. FI)R CAsli CHEAPER Ellis crry Flat MioNEY RY (ALLIN RNI) -PLEA 1111) Sl'i N •K I IF r; Bo( 'ER t".l A" P RollsloA LINK, BE pr . )le 1., FLOUR, (;1:%1NIANI) FEED Piles ! SANFORD'S Price Oar Doan r per MAIM —ALSO— f3ANFORD'S PiI3IILY COMPCK NDED vr=I I ITT‘TITINVTITITT7T7I STRAY OXEN. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED lIIILY SIIIIG lIICIIIIH N EW STY - -Privos fronl Extra Charge $5 for Hemmers 4$ li 124 )A IAV AY, =11:1=1 Theme Manholes wear from two . orp.ol., am put r, from tha atom, ramming 00 w Inding of '11;4.1 •' Jim, Yell, Gather, and Sit tat 111 a .uperior , lag each wain by their ova operation, • i thou) re. to the hand-oesdle, a. is require•! by otter o • . They will do better and cheaper sew hilt. than a arsu.• . can, man if elm work, for rest an hoar, and sr., questionably, the kilt Harkness in lb. market *awing, on account of their simplicity, durabil itj management, and astaptatiou to all varielien of An .awing—earseaUog either heavy or fine r•.•t C,il • facility, and without speeuil adjuatment As evidence of the unquestioned •upenonty • llachiuss, the °ROTC!' k BARER SZWl3l{i LACRitr r•NY beg lease to respectfully refer to the t011n..n.- 'l' F: STIMIIN I .% L "flaring had owe .1 rtJt er ► Bakst I Mac family for nearly a year and a halt, I take v• cutonveuthog It as every way reliable for the 1.4-1. which it la dealgued—Fannly &nun,/ '— Leveaft. weir of Rev. Dr /eartit, /6/Wer I J J., per/eat "I imuhten myself delighted with your 'newt which has been in my family for man, tu. r tl. • always been ready fur duty, requiring no adj. 2,11... in easily adapted to every vanety of ( no •I r limply chanting Ili« npooln 01 thread " tor n striekima, yolk Rfr 11 , NlTlritou.d did rr r CAA/dawn Anterreate. "After trying ser'eral dill . ..mut good mar Lon. •, krred your. nu /mecum: of Its an, feet ease wit h which It managed, ae v ell on IL. •• and durability of the team After !ong r , • competent to sneak la thin mantle!, and I • recommend it for every tail , . of n 'R. ...pewter, life of lilt Le4l.n Bremolcipe "I lute ailed ► GMOVICa & kla aka .i.• ell r• •tl. • two yeara, and bare found it adapted to al 11.1. . mew Mg, trout I cto Broadcloth barn.. nt• . been • oru out without the 'wing war of a sill t, /Ischia.. is *mail) kept 111 OHM . , and captiv n•• H. H Apple, alp of key Gee If iisplift, ..Nr. "Your Seetrot Ma. 1.1111, hao. been in n e in rn the poet two yesre, an,l the lathe* in. in • , their taatino.toal• to Ite perh et labor.esi tug qua:tiros In lb. perionttNore t i L lboueehold ere tog *- 14.4tert licwriparf, ~%ty 11,14 "For reverril mortt' r a P have use , : 1.r..5. r 'trine NY•11111, WI, • .111 t,, 1L. 4. Ur, lady robe. tierner• her, ng bernstrflaiy:ere 7. iltorre,,ereillil for moat t•ortanute irrmernelau ,131‘).11.. and iwirt.tirkblv iron „ r..aseloued , isiruhtre...r Herne. etre/re/A, 01../ •41 1 .pi1 , .14 1111 alJaill••• • J 11 tilere, arrorxrAlter r., 3ferr Ali, /.../doe of the /Jowl Jr. ',al Fx•ract .1 • tettor Iron, TII.o• 11 I r‘T! , F. r A uwrn nub , Ti.,, •..i. et, t 'p.n..), :N.,. •le.,.tata-.1 NA; "1 Alta a to•nt the., « t s -• • Alt h r .S. Raker -11 a, !JIM an._ r.f ttrkt An. te nonie..4! 'L.-Lb./dr r. no • .• IA 101 a OVA .1.1 MO/ la ine ••If Henn, iiuld Lr , alO.l op thin L TO would rung the &Allen'. of itroriir >t tinker it- a in. • umnant miracle of art titan wan +re iii winlid detiounne midnight .141-making .1 •ti, Ageing of aura unnumbered "—trot ••I take pleasure in en)ing. that the :sewing Machine. hale inane than .n.taiu..l turn. Alter trying and returning tither. Ih.. ti them In ovenitton in ma dillerent • a•ms Trani trini, have no molt m tied. / // ♦radar aJ Sulk Carel. as ' 11v wife Iran had .me ~ f Groner. t og Ma. lowa fo,r 1401111 . time, an.: I Ohl . • tite best labor ruin{ man l• in,, tits? Ira ; I lab• nitieb pleasure in some • J f/wrris, Gurney eeeeee • I. in a beautiful taunt. ■net pn;, even 1.1 i.• • ut.meut of gOOl.l lOU WI rr I a t inns? Upon Saints Grover and Baker I.a.,ng a . holiday in comm. no.ratioli of Oar, g ttttt (ins**, 31 ( "I think it by far the hest? patent in iswe ran he adapted Irom tits line..? eambrie 10 t it • lin • eaarirner , It 11411ra stronger, faster, isn.l nit It b.:int: , than .00 can Imagine Jr min, no, .14 sonnet, now/..1 ant boy It.'—Mrs J Prosrn, Try*. "IL-.pertly, ...r% 11,i, 1111 ill r. w, „ eaptly un.1 0 4-at0.•.13n..! kept in n•paar I ea: .c -1:4 • . mend Ibis Ilachioe to all my arytatotauri.s 1,• 4lrs 1.1 .4 Furrrsf, afeasphuo Tt as 1,.1 Mad, lir tti ..,14 1•1 44{Ir „ 41,`“ u, • 4 *ill, pleasure rrrr.mmrnd it t o th,. , , tlo .1.14.1. r 1.• Ire I 1.. in, /114. 4 /11,4 I, . beary Bruiacrs, .411..neta, Tem.. "If uoed eactu•l”-11.-tor 6mtly purpoar•, , cam I will wafter thry nil! la.! one ten,' and art uut of f.x."—.le4se I rfingoe. \n. -. . ' I hay e had your Machine for {1 I'd u. • •, perfeetly aati•fled that the a ..rk ,t P. in ¶1 • i• • moat beautiful that' eve r war wads' - 3 / 4 4;4 , i, 4 .Nashrdte., Then •'t use my Marl.... upon linen vtitching, and the .L,Lrl. L. 41nue.siLi.- f a r , ; the twat hanil-iiew , Mir, or 0.113 01k. r ma. ; ••••••..u' - !Arra R T4wayson, .‘a•Arell. •.1 Rn.t the work the •trwrore•t sod , hare ever amen, nnwle • GI, by ham: or a a. 1.. u.• Rani the Grover 4/. Baler Machine an •, . Meowing* to our y •-- 7ualur, , 4 "I have one ntNn , rrr. Itabet • a tog MatC l ikin,...) in my family, and find it Invaluat.l. I , L au et me..tam , ad ,t t.. all rrlona It want y 11144 LI • T Tliowsprox, Nsahrtlle, Tula. ••I take plraiture In certds ink to Oen; 11 , 1 'I,• er a ßaker Sewing if ...Innen. I ha.... t t., esery dreeriptlion of 'lrk for month..,a. 1 mei atrnriger and twit, r eierl ri .F,4 r• I ha• : hand "—Mrs. I) 0' H Anarr, .NaeAriar, "I would I* uuw.11.t.,: to Jp.po..e of A. 11.1rhane for a large u nt. could I n t r. 'A r. • Ws. H ti :kraret, 3ashrtl,r, "Our two klaehiDelt, purcliaweil trout )nu, ,!., tirrinty young latli••. W. with I , tra•ure the Greer , A Baker Sew lag Machine to i *h. 14. 11111.: • - ktaidataa 4 Cs., Mearphsa,. 'irtra. "The GrOtt•T Baler Sewing Viselone I. la • I think the iitltch and work tar •uld ro r I 11.0 Sowlug blaohlwe I rrer rww ta, hn. r,•.l 1 ,h , lluelitnr would N. 111111.1 tA. t.ll * H / a Teen. 'I Itu•I the Machine t •i•il ti , •• take iolealtUte In rte-oinnlcti•iin.; it t•• 11:1 *l.. 14 . t •.11, O. ft,tire Wr• I 1•• phut, l'rpsi. -The (trot. r & FtakerQetsing %Lehi, hate z tt . +stip/action that we cheei ful l e I rt. , flarleti.l wish a ',end nod nulr•dAnt tat ~.••••, llnci itt• I .• work with witch care and 9••••', asid muse t , •••11 other. eriaghine I hate - Mrs R A M•trArli, Pm, Tram. .1 ant tiat•io W . ( I , •rtwn t • r • 1, , t Flaker'p Sewing Rao nod et the t•ern .a•t••actn ti iEI every nat.. t. It ••• •and ••• t • e • rttntpllmtneti, and I in( it 1.. all • lir /. hti Ws Regan, wife of Art. .1 3/ Meson, Nesaiiks., ir•• "It athord. ine ninth pleadore t. it tl.• works well and 1 do it, t Ite•ital• In rt , n•nu tit • pOl.l vlAlrlitlll the •t•t•siottwe•.•ll,l%. r. I Nr • I to eeryruttish plea.eit ith it anti r. •1•1 . - ttfttne to this edict ' - A (' Rrtsolln, tl. wrk,,, `lt ere. ru.. ld, moire 11) Mn , f th.•(: •‘•-r ,t flat,, • • Machine gletng an mulch •Itt•ta :ten I LI, • t •. Use. and find it all that enu•d hi. ile• • most siturde and du ral•ii• tilseLtne In ow nn,' • reeownwttil it }Sitar, iha vi s,.. "Ha' t*lt ••t itaed litany 0,, Sewing Maehinew, I lest Inpe to may Lust the. •• ,• t. Icor Machine* arm tar bilipb.rmr to all otti.• 1- • Frustots 3aratirstie, Tr•N "1 consk.ter my Se. Ing )(Aril..• :fis r not take bve tttors Its co.t, II I eoolvi 1,, t • • , ~• it I ran 1.. nil to 3 family sen tog. in the tone I muthl with Illy b 1141.14 -- N / • roll Irmt Deir 1 : 1 1 1: 1'1,.‘1: liareh 1.4 Selling Off ! Selling Off ! ! TH E HI B Eli ha, trikell • ! l c brr st. 'k of Goods of U - lat• r ins. 4 MTN \ I IIAS VA Fib, coomating C:II , I,OCMIZIPS, PROVISIONS irprxtinrs, 6c.. ece Aml in order to make p”mrnto, t It 0,1 .."!1 !It EDUCED PRICEb 60 DAYS FOR CASH oil NU 11a. k THIS IS NI) 11 The Goods issuhl and wall Imo .041 I...b•re I.clober ^O, •1.1111/ICIA {line I will rn•learni l• ~ .411110fir. nn a grlrm more liultetl ii• th• um.. And ur t• • 1, m% arlfamtall who may ham - m.• • i ill 1 h.•tr ;40. , July I tt, If, P 111 Administrator's Sale B Y virtue and it ptuNnanco of an Issued out of the Orpheus' C, art 00 rte i_u uu ty, I will expooe the interest of Riebard In the follow ammnbed Newlin to *al* due up outcry at the Ilarket House to tb.. i s . Saturday. the 2ith der of September, 1369. 1 , A. bring the equal utpliruled half part tt,•• of Out-lot No. Ilee Interim." aodthirtr•• r bounded on the north by Locust Lane, or Ei• nth • tr,et on the nextby Lest storet, on the euuth I.r tlo ha' n( aid lot s on the west by lot No. Sad. 000tenouir t•• hod one half Wee of thod, be the some more or lea . TICRXR —One-hall to be paid un contlrusatio., of th male and the balance to one Jeer, to be seennol moot bond and mort ag.• WY. C 11CLBERT, Erie, Aug 12,1459 - -.ltlo Adn, r =I In the nutter of lb,. Atuktnnient p lo the Court, of t too of Boomed 'lutetium & Soo to • Pleax, Charles C Boyd Aug. Term, lY Aod now, to Wit, Aogopt Is'9. on too tho Cour appoint A M.D. 1 4 0 4 M. 1., tiolator to otsailthall t'.. IS MM. ke. PIM CI N. In purennner of the mho% e appointment,? h. r , o. oe neater to the parteee Intereele.t that I welt eton.l a e 1• duties thereof' on Ifoudn. -opt 514, IS At ..!t/ 14 . at mv Aire in Erie ng I - Itlu sl',W 110:i .1. 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