The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 20, 1859, Image 1

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\ I) Dot .r()VINA
B. F. SLOAN. t.
{II 1.• PIMA lit 0111 r ot+l.lre.- I .1 sS,►O.i
... !mime to tor aid') the year, the
Winued and the iivevunt insole en( at
and left with a proper hit
m • .f 1(1% ERTIS/NG
..r 1..0 make a squal;."B".
k. 75 t toe pluarr 3 ructotb• $.3 00
I 01. I woo " 600
Um. " 9 " t.7b
, ..11Atirslole at *sour... 110
i 130111.14., ft' 9
- ow' Yew. $ 6 O: I, mouths
•LUn ituoliiriks Otr , Ctotbr . i •t 1 , 3 pi-,
t•.r • Cant, 0, , r stt , and unarr
. At. 111•1•1. )0 NIA. A Ln.• !Kit tr. ,
rte.l a °long the. Spa eta! N I;CVP,
I i•r
••( lit r••• r , OIIrIIIK frequent kliaintee
•r .• I • xttl all,•• ell tarn 06.41341,4, paper,
. space, the eltargen rill
. the. Ivertiaeruent. must be otttirtiv
•tate , 1•11611111eRS 4 the advertuber. PR,
• . I .,t , rtiperti.lll.• requircd in advance --
• 1,1° 4 , .111 be prevented loaf-really
I 1 -i. iHiit 1
.1 IX i , JKTab INhal •50 1.141 01,
rrr . tl ltranMea, Glatt, Ate, Champaign..
..,,,,11.41au - a, Sherry, Port,and all kitnt.
manufacturer rJ 1-retitled Mho.
Mornmcabela, Ae, kcal 'Lotter, on
It( 144.6%m 4; CO.,
iII:ALS:RS IN CO(Oekhilt /
N..• 10 Brown's 111. k
1 •I ( tii.t
It I.llllt, BL•NIk 11...k)4 •
KilltirrOYChei , Et 1.•
trtt ( 0 0,14..5 4), ..
I ,ttrNlil •••}Ll.r•lr AT I. tSt, En, I.
•••••re. t, Lielir th. 1 . 41 k to Ore Atrreurati
• r • the budding, oceu pt,4.1 All
• a„1 al. a) abe tottirrt or lux
Clendeti to
l it t h ht.:NMI,: (.0,
it i. .1 ISLES AC. RKT HIM fk 4. 11.
\t ~,.d
, • tool C 1,41. Ht N. . N
St , lit Ill•r I H4l/',114.•. 1, I
11111 .%I\l it
4. 5 H /AM.!, 11..
.1.l 01110 kttetatt.ti 11.• Alll4 •
Iy+ 1u• 11..•. Mn. •
I. s 1.0 Al• ••r•i• r• ...1
I ~4 111, 1 1111 I MI 1, At
\ 1 1.0. t. h. ICULE
, te.-rereru , 1, I It
.•• 4..11 . 11.K11 slid 11 sn.t 1,1,1 1 1 ..4,
straw Goods, trttnetal hi nirra,
• ....K., 1.6,-,•,511 , 1 t, Al 4, ‘111,,1,et1 I aAAO
, the rlsti.,Crt,, un.r
411.1N51, I ti. 4 , 11, . 4•L. Lt-lLut
%I -TI
Lk u,. 0 Nalel3.•• • 4.u.
40". LoAling
.rt an. Fan, 4,...,46, Paraf . st•
A. • la.. 1! r. Pracli
J 01411.4"..
Lg. at, A. It 1T a.L Pkal, ac.. iu
I • • '•• ,
Kau AI I 01 „
r S ital. r I.aLlti{ r
\ t. t. 11.811 I ITH.
r r.. 11.311,1 AT 1.•• Witter .tiOtt g.lTt,
- si‘lf.llit
w. etas., to •Iritn•l A, so
I, TA IL 1 , 1(1. 1.“11.1t. orl.l. ttl Lti.
t 111.•,0 • •• Ott, it ta•-, 1 a
\V II $1 LANE.
TTIIkiNT 401. T I 416
4,11er r. 0.11.111 .4 el, a L
- • t lik.• 1.10,11 e
10:1 1 .1 ) 1 111 Tt'lllll%,4los.
“onlit , . AT LAO - Unice
+a.. ittolt I. 4 . t‘ lie. 1.1.•
II", 1 . 041.. a 1... I ontltti•
Itar the *.e.‘rrui Stistetk3ll.l
I. It 111 T1•11.1•....A
1‘. 1..
" 4*l- 1 1, ;L i s " t ? “Att kia ‘118 1••••
north oide. , l llie fart. l'a.
k I I I Ni .1. CILAII.I.
.11 . 81 . 141 L 01 , TUN hitACli- inher ui *...‘
nrtset tot Prach StreOt and th. roblir S9usrv, I. U.
Itl/LXAA I IL •\I I:R.TAIL Nrai.-rgtu Hare
i • n•e Irn , Itlstmtgra, !tt• tt II And 111
ct t•et. t talrf ttl M 0111 .ut.l Dtatr gart,Ast. Erie.
•A, V A ~,,,,
‘) 6( ii•h1:1 !..I.IANNON.
*.kwres.itors Jram,' 4 if l .wiry
! I
tJ and A 111. wan Ilardv 110 , all I
10 t,, I • It,
I t 1 TLh.
r Ok, ut tb. r. , om reersitls 4 , 11 Or t: •
. a., a LAW offset., •nd "sn ..1
• • IA the Koesi listussr 1•• • it , tr.
11 rOILD &
OK %I In. IN 6011, Slift . r, hank Stara
. .
I.• kr. N 1,16! ••I halige ..ta 1114 lorlli
~t•ull) ft.!. 1+ IL ow
I I ROOK 161: CO,
141 . rot Ks and Ilanufsetu*r. ..f '4A.KI
i) tip.Nll
Ur t.f.r k
• • ....C.. hut", WWI.,
%1.1"11 ‘l/': no- Wart.
.Y) .1 . 1 114 N , 4FF t • Ftl.n
4 al..vr U. I . oott F 1.1.•
it E S IC Vril ill N.
1 .1 •••••11,-
1 TIST , ..• nt • 1 .2.11.,
0k,114.0.11 , tta , • • 1.,11
• it 1 1 4 E.L RUA it•
1 [MAI iturICILM, to
•,,• ,r 1 f,a Goods Powder, stwt. emk, Salrty Fume,
• ,rb, , , 1•• law •l
• Krie,
%UN 411,
, •11,[nimi.lot, W. r' 1 , •••!.,
• Flour, F uL, an,l agent 6, • antly line ut
, IL. ,ti-amer*,
I , 11)0 E 1.1., M %111.411, Y
1,1 1,111'1111[41 Of
• ...• kyleuitur.l ttatir...l larti
\ I J. , . F. E. 111100E" 4 .
Vlllll 10% ANL{ Di-IVO. Y., haw. and A gont
• • A. NS aloon • Sea tog /Juliano% over
• • .r. • J., .Ir . v 4 .t0r0, Wont Park., KA«. Pa. r77Stitch
, ••• ,rder
a • 11.0111ili
Atroillfirf •T I.Arr, Girard, krir County,
• a d other Mumma' attruilnal to with
thrall sad thopstett
Jr Arica or rail Placa, unfr. .t 3.-••"! .
up-otairs, F:ttir, Yw
11 Gliff.l ds CLARK
W901.1[1.41.11 t; ROCR.II•, ottoi tboal.,o in
alit and Ituport.4 Wince .3.1 [...paws, also Swiars,
Fruit. Y% h, oil, mad Aarnts for Illoffst• Hutb,lo
ir e So 7 Rotic•oll Block, State street h rie,
• C•CG11111r, a J at
MIN W. A Y lUD+.
li•xr PACTC WM_ mad Ket..l
A .a all Undo of Fancy, Drawing R. 11.114 Roaing
t r iud Dioiot Choirs, No. 4 Key Plane Block, Kfle.
1 1 IMALRICA t Plata ata4Sllo , ea •tWhole•
• • • tail, at NA, 13, Csal•ril'a block ' , tate ottOet,
( )1.1).. A. I.OW.
14 4:4, 1•1[11 MAK/ ..4 V. holk,Alo an.l Retail
• ~ Nr'' and Covoro Pump. of carport., guallty. 040
• 4,4- . end NMI no. 111 4.41. Shop 41t1 r lif•liiii •t II•••t
• t . 11. kilo, l'o.
1 r 4 ...4hiet t.r earning gr•tor for ftroitr, tarn, or
.... . 1 .0 rp....40 for rale cheap
4 4 "UM. 11 I. I.olr.
1 It. 0. 1.. KL1.111,1", _
Itssimort firatiorr - -"' •
•• , to .note Park KOW, Ili.
''-",.. • • •••1 .•f Knr Itani butldlop.
' • '.., % lo
J. NIOKT(11,1.
I , 1‘11,A. rt.41111t... 1 1 rchMit.
• I' •1. k.? . SAIL, r.... lour &ad
•4 ‘llllti h
." and I<mtall 41....1.r. in ,•,...-eriora,
, h4p usd .414.11, WITT AC.,
I: UPI K ..Tt/K koi•
A 4. ki ra, Jt.totler. k 11.4/ Rrtall
•" :r►er•l.tu..n F'••nt'a anti 1...... retie IM
••• kl 114 r►, oil Cloths, to ! 4 taA. , ,tr..
-' MA, r... P►
‘' 11.1.1 TIIIIItYII.IO4.
tc sewn OP TON Yaws Deeds.
•.n.l bl.ortcar-s, •^.
n. n ogler no French. street, over Jan.
"I. ..r..cers Stn.. Kr*. I's
F. 11 1 4/WNINta•
• 4 TroMiff At I A R ARP J 1 *TICI , Of TIM
" priurtien in ilk.. ..'. . 117.0 rot of ktve l'..unty,
• s' I • •.•I•t and hitl,rul stienhoff to all I.founis en
'. A,. *olio, ar 41: two., MaKintnile.
.iff fon. ftlfolt, t4trtio, of ALL seof Filth
.1 N.
Areonstev • t4l
.• •iltle •r.t of fttatootttrert, on the north Ado of the
Yn. Pa
I)k %NU 111.1
U• I; kl••• 111 it (te*ltilla ROA
:"0.1 %Ivo 5tr...1.. Buffalo. V Y
• h.. ,ttentl..o t.. tt.a treatment of
of the s.le and Nine
1 •• /1k
F. •“.4).‘N. EI)ItoR & PROPRIETOR
4 - 2 e()TT 4111tANKIN.
11 P in all kinds of Coal, Salt, Plaster, Flour,, he , hr. Public Duck, Erie, Ps
WleoLars.ti.t awl Retail dealer in all kinds
F.oy I tali, 4 ... emir. and Atur_rican Hardware, Anvils, Vices,
Iron, Nadia, Steel, ke. Sa..Mery and Carriage Trisentoga,
Mad"... Belting and PacAlag French street, opposite the
'teed 1101.11 W, RAF, Pa.
For Sale at a Great Sacrifice !
Tit E owner having no use for them!
mita Rubber Air Bed, little aced. Prime Goose
rather Bed. weigh 30 IN. chamber Suit, Maeda Top,
Flowers, hilt 11 Irior beet plate, 40silk Sofa Bed
eterol, nearly new, Loss Ileitis-am and Coverild, with
Kitchen Roquisiten For Sale on Commienion,
kr*, July 9. li ti ►LLSEY, State Street.
N. 1 .1,1 : is HEREBY GIVEN, to all
persons having friends la the United Presbyte
ono Ilur) log ground, (on the corner of Eighth and French
Stroetso in Erie,
to remove or cause the removal of their
Scut tie., on or before the 16th day of October nest.—
Those remaining in the grounds after that time wall IA
leutored by the Trustees of this Cungregatiow, agreeably
to tbe pro. Mhos of Our A. t of Assembly, plumed at the
last seeaton of the Legislature, authorising mid removal
July 2. 11159 —4td Hy order of the Trides*
P. A_ LONC+, ME_ D_,
Physician, Surgeon and Dentist
trzvxcbra 11141CXXLX,a1131,
DI? L. having permanently located at
Union Mills, will attend all cells in Lis profession
ith pt•ounpluelm All useful o enittons on the Teeth
perforuNed and simranted. Artificial teeth inserted from
one to an entire sett. July 2, 18541.--4
, ______
P.,E - Pli") HOU SE;
P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
Ilse been thoroughly repalird sad refurnlah
eq. and i• nor °pro for the rropption of 103
hy the Duo, or Month on reo
-1,4•/(41'.11 tor pledging hanJelj Mut
n•• .4,111 Lr 11,,,11tey to pre erihrr Natisfaction
IrjrPnwate Pitttsr., Monet Parti.A. or ilanagers nt
l'utthe Rath adl hod it.. scentranodatuma at thia How..
-u in.rl , , to no, other in the ray and the chariot as rea
(,`ir-6 "%Mt mabling attaebeti where viesta from the
is... gars %ill ale a) fl rat atteotthe boaters to take charge
14 their WWI, Las It. 1859.tf49
. 6 - ara t . For Chicago ziargit
And Intermediate Ports !
\ t 2:l
labirruu4lialr %% IBD: I IIKMDAY and PlATrit
IP l 1 .t 11 Mei , it,d and wrattker perspittwog
tV ft.,zitt puwarre
• Vt If Publfr Dock
ha. Perot roturnr.ikora New York a Ith
toe i tre• d Uotl tlee.ebt complete. newt town( of
•t%lr, of straw Co.-. 1.
1341NN EIS, [Wilt' FIA AN HIS, .1c , &et
rt,“,t, I ery thing in the Milltztery lire, 15t...1i t la 1..1.-eale or retail at promo that defy competition.
( oo or) ilillinera leoppliod a ith Goode at Sew York
,bru•••., lohlkikf fk snout i 4 , lllohaaaa a A. Ow Wu made ar
ranounenta to rewire thoole every two rook; Idle often!
occuliar itoluorments to thore taiiiug to roll again to
au 04.• er Pi r porrhasee at her catahliahment.
11 11 .I,,,inre to inform the public that the ta prepar
4, sp) a Ta a and beautiful prooraa, to renovate and Color
Straw, Ml•pal dam, rbip, and lorahorn, in • moat aupezior
St hr.
I 'at«, .011 cited, and matiafaction warranted.
r•iisr• t el mate lied Eighth r , treeta, Erse Ps.
A prll 10, issog —4Stf
- -------
iffrurinnirwr - • - • •
mRS '.
Pesch st, •impt • Ihr Drto4
H.. • at,. snd ..joienclut Shuck
NT HAW titl - I).s
1 1 1,0 - Cr 1:11.14,
,le , Ai..., ittl ET,, RI SeliES ANL) TA !1n..%
1114.1111 w and liand..lll/4•!e, NDOnet 11141 cre . ..,111.,
1)P, ES oNNF:TT. I)ItE4S l'S, 11E \I)
3:3i1 , 11.3=22ED2E53121111
r stt•it nt%
lcular Altentino paid to entori ow. I,:eatlw.g ,
no.l m.,* and I.l.totir. Hat. dr. sa.-4 11 tIA.•
mo.t f4plilorvibir •t
Al.n, a I.( 01 t..retlwr
a n ..ttw.ul.f 1
I - ,
s p Er v; .\\t' st ti MEl t MILIANEKI
MIZS (1 . 1:1'I.
" 00. 11 lin.t FIJI/ 4.
.run. t , I LIITINF.RI st,.i 4 t`.l
Mg a A g rrat Fantl, • I Vi I Usrd
1'111.111:U) STlt.lll' 111,(N)MEItS.
A 0,1( I,likiP,l•ll Ital. of so er) Shaker llotdm. Sto,s's
, Ac, Flowprs, Ituclup*, fay., f1e14,1
Att 1.111.11d1i K ',Waco, Ilosurry, Isce VPltss.
} ri:, t./Frt Is, Nlaterials of .11 Is ma. fur F.lll
- Y atrocbnnes, 1 arP, Applique and F ri oth Work,
..I.arvi, rit.r.vot, dr.L.
1111 t.tsv.r4 with nt
I . ,s•igr )tnniint H Io k iiitAd Ling and I`n,sniagt.l..oo
I. lit m►nurr, "t ran Nouurt• limb, Brown
and Itl~rl
Apri. In-59 CI.ItTIt
tN( Cl{ E.kl' iN READY pAy;
'l, Wright's Block. Erie. I's .
urns •T itirTall
SCt tItS 1,1 all UESeiIII'TIONS.
tiREEN. UV!:
or oirrialcrer i:ItADES*
-) Kt N \KI) .usgs, OF ALL GR.APLA •
BAKING 14)1%1)ER: 4 . PRUNES
lilt UN,
tit TTlliit,
1 AkLl),
WOOD mai
"4 %I I.M.A NI) N LANS.
T..rether with a lar,e .s s .•rtmeut of an kinds of 11(1(1114
k. pt u. a Orropery more, whkch we offer to eon at the
too. .t mai t•t price t ALI. AND SEE
GC111.44.f • KIICNOIO k CO,
so •2, Wright a Nloe►.
Apr 14, 1ti..10
The sub.-titer toie one large vise
SAFK, • hieb he will .h p.,. of cheap far
Cavil or approved paper VT I. SetriTT
Fete. April 9.1)19 —44 tt
E tA
We mesa every gentile. Lady, gaeh
11. , 11 the Garden need Plruutiog •141.0.1 'rotor*
• uf the A (4.1 AN lief) INDIA RUDDER ttflioV EP,
Ly vrineh her hands *ill In perfectly protected tik.4,l to
jury, and ersedereqr ron. •hite sad dekatte, to bit had at
her Drug Atore at
April 16WCARTI.K k BRO.
dry soJ ground in e Int. Denser arntsh, for Por
celain finish, at No. 6 Ron! Home.
4:rtrt, Jerre 4, —B2 L BALDWIN.
_ , _
p.kiNTS: t'AISTs!!
White Les.i. Airy sod In oil. American and French
Line, Knew mod Balied I.lsseed uk Venetian Red.
errorh tiohro, l homer sod French (levee, rind le abort
rworf thins. to Mop FAIN 1 4 , , for sato st the Moro
Mar 11 1' KINCLAIR
from rhilodelpbis by Itaitraad is the State of Noe
Jersey ewlll towing the best tor Agricultural purposes, •
hong a good hum pail, with a clay bottom. no laud is
a large tract, di•ided into small faros, and hieftlieeteooit
all put, of ii.. country ars vow ustUlag Sad
The e lope proctored at, largo sad ma be rot growing. —
Tlvo climate Is delightful, wail cocoa , from trusts Torun
loon fib to $lO per rem, payable alibis fear you is , - T. rust the pluesi—Lasse Viso Strew% Mime
at rtailabelphts at 1)11, A. M by litutread Nit Rimstecten.t . ..
liddren• J Byrnes, by letter, HJUSIMOSILOO Post Officlit
Atlantic County, Arm Jerry. Ss* 101 l adrarthermirst
another eoluntu. Awe
F _
At 1017 2. CARTER t BRITS
PE -
alma*, for Itiotltb. Soo advsrtlactoont tot bast tout
so Lem* soother wham. Una
The singing birds that now we hear
Fre then will all be dead.
And other songsters will appear
To sing herein their stead ;
But not to charm our lirtenirng earl,
For in the silent tomb,
•111 rball repose that now are here,
A h,inJrei years to come.
3 BY VEN CIE 71111
It was the day on which the United
stale. ,teanier was due. I awaited the
I.‘ eh t ttA ii h impatience, for I expected it to
bring , !letters that would either command
m reinn to America, or give me a fur
lough by which I might escape the foul
l i
exhalition. which were generating In the
deiely packed city of London.
five months previous to that time I had
i oii-ented to take charge of ii, delicate fi
riali,•ial affair, that threatened to interrupt,
it not entirely destroy, the business rehi
tlon. between an eminent company in
Alin.' it-a and some foreign houses. During
t hi, interval, .1 had traveled from London
to liremen, thence to Erankfort, and over
the channel to Paris, a score of times. I
had affected negotiations with each part of
thegreet integral fi rm, I had consulted the
heads, con , ultatious very different in char
acter to those in ordinary business inter
view-, where monetary bargains are made
and unmade as rapidly and loosely as a
Boulevard Bower girl sells her boquets,—
and at which I was compelled to bring not
.....nh s shmssis
Yan „,-4 kee progeni i tors, a=sfiriesui ll =n -toy ee
gut table faculty that. twenty years' rigid
Application to business had given me ; but
all the , cavity of manner, the bon yre a
y. /or ak4 ar %um, chose, the subtle adjustment
of cords which the polite medium of in
tercour,e with the money kings of Europe
1 1 t'et ",/ t/.114.!...
Om lb
Ever brought t.t th
vitt 10 , 41 , 110 K ali the
Etilliarrasbing and perplexing as the
tingled transaction had been, it had af
forded me 3 certain pleasure, for which
without -elf-tilttery, I ;tiny sot) . that I had
maintatned mylN:mition through the whole
atiair ith credit. 1 had ctititAl nothing
withigit gaining more than its equivalent,
I Itel lit:magi-a with such satisfaction to
iny employers, that toward the finishing
"1 In hubinebs, they left me with few re
-trictiote, and the desire to consummate it
.11 tut .11,4:retion. Rut as I began to bee a
la% u .1.• and brilliant terminus to my dip.
, I alb., made the discovery that my
wab suffering, Travel and ceaseless
tatty:te of mind, along with the nervous
-tretch to which My sy stem had been sub
-I,egato to tell their effects in head
.ind -leeplesis nights, and it was wit.L
a 1. ingiug fiwrebt that I had taken the train
tor Liverpool, that I might get my instruc
tion- at the earliest moment of their arri
i al.
It ti as, therefore, with no small degree
pb•asure, looking from a loop-hole of a
1.‘,10.,111 w indow, that I noticed, among
the craft floating over the Anglesean waters,
the .kinerican steamer coming in ; and no
sooner did the report of her signal gun an
zioutkk, that she bad reached the wharf,
than I drove down for my letters. They
Isere there. Lut they brought no sUIXLMOIII
homeward. "The cotton crop, - so wrote
my senior, - was a total failure and the
event would doubtless greatly affect the
state of the market abroad, and it would
be neveasary for me to remain another
month, or until such time as I could be
certain that the fluctuations could have no
bearing upon our recent arrangements. I
had better." he added, "confine myself to
England. visit the lakes, or a watering
place. but remain there in case of contin
gencic, " After reading the above with a
half checked sigh, I buttoned on my linen
coat, and ordered my baggage to be taken
to a depot ; I had decided to go to Bright
Few of the American travelers, that, like
Pharaoh's locusts, swarm over the
an states, visit Brighton '
• it is out El o i rre
way, and takes too much time ; only those
that make England a permanency Wool*.
acquainted with its charming locality, atel
the healing benificence of its baths. 1
knew that I should perhaps and not op*
of my compatriots there, but raid not doubt
that there would be plenty of interestit4
people in its social mixture—a mixture
that ran the whole diatonic scale, from her
; race- the Duchess to the pretty /1k
elore out of service ; and it was with a
pleasant anticipation of something better
than rest, that I consigned myself to the
evening tram.
The next morning I sat down in His
M aj,-; t v Hotel, at Brighton, to a breaklhst
of shrimps and whiting, and after saunter
ing awhile on the Downs, and taking a
bracing sea bath. I returned to my
ments" as the fibsequious waiter called
to rive by Aileen feet bedroom, and threw
my .elfupon the lounge. I mast havealept,
for I have still an indistinct remembrance
of that morning's siesta ; • blending of
steamboats and consols, and then a sudden
shock which started me &nen my slumbers.
My two broad bedroom windows, which
faced the sea, were wide open; and quongki
them the wind was rushing. blowing
the curtains, and bringing on its bbrreeaatthh
the saline scents of the ocean ; I lay stili
as one after waking soddenly, inhaling filial
health-freighted air and listening to the
boom of the waves as they dashed against
the beach, when a grttlr and - bear, vole%
which sounded as 'proceeding fronii.bee
hind the lounge, surprised me. !rose, and
looking about, discovered- tiMarge open
ventilator just over the bead d" the couch;
th.kt was the medium that conveyed sounds
to me ; satisfied, I sank back to my rev
erie, when the voice sounded spin, aleatrt
II 1 51,4
Written fee the Me Obniernie.
A Hundred Yew* to Come
oh, where will be the birds that sing.
No *weedy 'round our door ;
Thst to us etch succesolte spring
Come from • southern shore ;
Anti where will 14 the roses !Mr,
And ail the dowers that bloom,
Titst now so sweetly scent the sir,
A hundred years to come.
tih, where will be the busy crowd,
That now our cities throng—
The sad, the gay, the plain, the proud.
The aged and the young—
And all that dwell upon the land,
lir on the ocean', foam
WI, where will be this mighty hand.
A hundred years to come.
The flowers that now embalm the air
Must wither and decay,
tint they will bloom again as fair
A.; in a former day ;
But w e must die and ne'er again
To Mortal shores return,
But in immortal lands we'll reign
A hundred years to come. L. A. C
noire gitnatvt.
prom the piprimgeold Repoli kw
and louder, so that I cold not help but
hear the words
"So 8e..," it said, "yosi'mean to *Wart
me ; you think because you have always
had yaw own way with me that you wAi
carry the day now ; bat you beadle the
ribbons too freely to win the stakes. for
instanlsi, why did you reins. to dance with
You .Holt hrt night, and why did you
leave the amembly MOM -without my
escort ?"
It was a little while that_ there was no
answer to these questions ; then a voice
answered--a voice so unlike the sono
rous tones of my Yankee sisters, so musi
cal in its modulations, se tinbdned, yet so
flexible and clear, that a ery , word reached
my ear, and brought y feet as sud
denly as if I had received a charge from
an electric battery.
"I left the rooms, sir,because lady Grey
was ready to go, and I refused to siance
for the reason that Her. Von Holt hid ne
glected to engage my hand for a set, and
"And," interrupted the gentleman ! , "you
took exception at that, when you knew that
Von Holt did not enter the rooms until
the waltzing had commenced. Do you
want a man tied to your apron strings,
Bees ?"
"No father," answered the sweet tones,
"I don't wish a mew tied to me in any
"I should judge not by the *lever man
ner that you exhibit to my friends. Why
do you reject every
. attention from Von
Holt when it is my express desire that you
should accept them 1"
"It is because I ditlike him." ~.
"And whom do you Eike; do you want
a royal duke? Allow me to inform you,
Elizabeth Conyngham, that a man of s larger
fortune, or better family connections will
never make advances to you."
"Oh, father," pleaded the voice, "let me
stay at home with you. Why do you wish
me to acoept this gentleman, this foreign
er, who is so unlike me t and who will sure
ly make me unhappy? . What is there in
marriage that one should rush into it with
out even friendship ? It does not confer
happiness • we see that every day. How
many ta rried people do we know, even
here at B rig hton we see them, that are iff
mated, and long to be free of their yoke ?
Do you wish to condemn me to a similar
fate 1 Oh, father, am I not adutiful child
that you wish to get rid of met"
"The deuce take the perversity of wo
men," was muttered ha reply. Somebody
immediately slammed a door, and the con
versation ceased. I said the voice had
piqued my curiosity, said no sooner was it
silenced than I felt LA overwhelming de
sire to see the ownerA it. How could I
accomplish the ofile, There was the
ventilator, a broad through which
I could have leaped ' ry—why could
I not make use ' I softly moved a
large chair across the and placing it
beneath the open' ' the w a/l, I stepped
into it. I now co 'looking back upon
that time, that fort raw of my years
and dignity , the act contemptible; but
I am ashamed to I never thought
of the extremeindefluritsyandption
of that step, or w - ?might =conse
quences. As I • ' . bead to the level
with the sill, I saw, •,' :..g opposite tome
against the wall or ' . vimai I was about
to reconnoitre, a„ • . . - and from its
clear surf** -...
,:l• 't
- .
image of a lady;
I knew it was ' . of the voice; a
- , ..---a....• ~eV.
se t sil, her head ... . ownupon .er 7171.
and her whole attitude indicative of men
tal suffering. I did not see the face, but a
cloud of curls that floated over her neck
and arms, were the insignia by which I
knew 1 should recognise it. So long as I
durst 1 preserved my position ; but &slight
movement of the curls startled me, and 1
sprang down.
Undine was not more changed after she
had received her soul than was I at that
moment. It seemed that I, ton, had re
ceived, if not a soul, an elixir that had
tru f
transmuted mine fora gross and insensate
nature, to a higher e. And this alem
bic through which I ad passed, was 'Love.'
Hitherto, I had ignored its power; now, I
knew and welcomed it. I had always been
a believer in that doctrine which resolves
mankind into of ; I would not ac
knowledge the iron binds or conventional
ism, within whose charmed circle the pres
tige of wealth and rank huddles persons of
incongruous and opposite tastes, and who
like animals in seeking sustenance devour
each other. Nature is royal, and if she
separates us into elutes, and bestows regal
orders, raw shall demur? It is not the
outer, but the in er that stamps us.—
I believe also, in magne tic properties
of the soul which are itective police,
and with unerring accuracy single out ob
jects of love and hate ; I almost credited
the Eastern fable which declares that two
souls were always created, and sent out of
heaven together—a heavenly pair—but on
approaching earth they seperate, and en
teung into. mortal bodies, they work out
life's problem, each perhaps far from the
other, possibly never meeting on earth,
but each retaining through life the coun
terpart seal of the other, M : . i.
.TM 'surmise dag of the great esposishi immalter."
Believing this I had lived temy thirty
fifth year, seeking cottages or mansions,
wherever it might chance that I beheld
Eve's doughtlors, for my Ariadne ; but never
before this lied I heard the sweet voice
that was to lure me from the labyrinth to
the heights of joy. My heart palpitated
with surprise ; it knew its duplicate !
But it is unnecessary for me to describe
my emotions, and if it were they were too
sacred. I will go on to relate how—that
she might not suspect my vicinity—bow,
unbroken I preserved the silence of my
room that day ; bow like a ghost I moved
about, opened and shut my door to none.
and, I admit it, listened beneath the ven
tilator. I did not dare hazard a second
peep ; my couragahad deserted me. How
I del up my window curtains, that were
dapping in the wind with a pair of suspen
ders, and went out to lunch in slippers,
fearing that the sound of my boots would
alarm her ; and when I droned for dinner,
I shaved in cold water, which was my
abomination, because I knew whets blust
er the waiter would make if I rang for him.
Before I seated myself in the salle de manger
I scrutinised every lady at the tables;
none dill I see with the golden curls ; to
my eyes the women looked like so many
satyrs with their hair drawn back from
their faces in tortuous braids, and over
tolpped by a monstrous coutb. Somehow.
I gland that day that I had little appetite;
the wine was acid, the roast beef, John
hull's chef d'ouvre, too rare ; everybody
looked 'hot said eron ; and I was glad be
dire the second course, to push back and
escape from the vitiated atmosphere.
I thought I would take a pellop upon the
antra, but before mounting I ran up stairs
for a moment. just to see if the ventilator
bind bees moved, or if I could hear any
sound hum ray nekfbbore; tbinit a t ra t e ore
in gam re. and span eeekinvity l
imam careering over the • es. My
sips were as as
net ) my horse's egs during
the ride; not me that I
did sot Nor th Its litttte curls, and
I had nearly sacred the proved slant
ed pines whit& tensioutes the course, when
I met a litt/apony eurriste, sad in, it. oh
OuPid, god orlove, wit the *act of my
seerek I knew her by those lo4uriant
tremolo which the sea bream was blowing
100 1y oboe* outorthelitattebsw bonnet,
and I few for the fiat tiros a pear of cern
#4:: •
G, &MUST 20, 1859
lien eyes, that, like two lakes, turned their
desk depths of tenderness upon me; for
one second, as I passed. I wheeled my
horse, and followed the vehicle ; the top
was thrown back, and I had adistinct view
of the inmates. A tall, stout lady, in a
green shawl and yellow gauntlets, and
whom I at once guelsed to be the lady Grey
I had heanl mentioned in the morning, was
driving, and talking in an eager manner to
the young lady. I pushed my horse near
the carriage to catch a drift of the conver
sation, but the silvery accents were =Bled
by the hoarse waves, or carried oft by the
stiff breeze blowing inland. Twice I saw
Aer lace, as she looked toward the west
where, the sun was setting ; a sweet, gentle.
but most determined face it was she how
ever took no notice of me, though I was so
near the off wheel that I could have touch
ed her`shoulder with my riding whip. But
I did not long continue so near ' • the older
lady drove at a furious rate, dodging the
heavy cosches. and gliding betwixt the Sys
as expertly it+ a jockey. and .ometitnes leav
ing me quite in the rear. though I never
lost sight of those fluttering nnglets, re
peating as I pursued them, that impromtu
of Byron's when he beheld the one far
famed golden hair from the head of Lucre
cis Borgia •
Early that evening I took a station in
the Assembly rooms, which commanded a
view of the entrance, and after long and
faithfully watching my patience was re
warded. The florid figure of Lady -Pirey
appeared, and by her side was Miss Con
'yngham ; a gentleman of dubious aspect
accompanied them; a man with lightish
hair, and mouAtachos. and small eyes, the
light of which was nearly extinguished
beneath bushy eyebrow, I did not like
the expression of those green eves, it was
furtive, and seemed constantly looking
out for surprises; his manner was clearly
that of a man of the world. I knew that
it was Mr. C'onynghant, and my eyes soon
turned from him to the fair creature by
his aide. She wore a plain, white dress,
without other ornament than a bunch of
heather that fastened it at the throat ; her
countenance was pale and grave and she
stood in silent indifference, regarding the
gay scene about her, so unlike the silly
things who were fluttering their fans, and
arching their necks to show themselves
I drew near, aad beard her refusing to
dance with two or three young men, who
had hurried toward her on her entrance; I
too looked around with the hope of seeing
some friend or Acquaintance that could
introduce me, and fortunately encounter
ed the glance of' Mr. Lovelace. a young
gentleman whorl} I had well known in
London. Wes nook hands, and I. after a
few preliminaries inquired. •
"Who is this ytoung lady, with the beau
tiful hair ?"
"That," he re i ilied, "is Miss Conyngham,
a fine looking gi ,is she not ? and of strong
character, too. 'Me obi gentleman by her
side whose lave looks ai if he imbibed all
the claret in hisjoellar, is her old
reprobate ; he witmts to marry his daug hter
to a Dutchman. ohl and as ugly as it
self. just because he iA the owner of &thou
sand miles of dSkes, and a hemp manu
factory. I would marry her myself—
provided 1 couki—to save her from such
a fist*, X T had the money to pay the par
son I"
• 4: 11 /fOtr----...:'
"Who is the tall lady?'
"That Lad)i Grey, a -ister of the young
lady's mother ; I a ill ask permission th in
troduce you ;" and before my heart had
made ten Ntroket4. I found my s elf e e n v e rs,...
inf with tlwni. Lsdy Grey I discovered at
once to be a trite English gentle% ontan :
she corner-ell well. and on many topics,
sprinkling all her talk. however, with cer
tain quality phrases that served to convince
me a strata of hauteur underlaid the
MT:11.0 it y. M Is. Om) iighahl
I have n`ever sisen another like her. near
and honest was the ray that shot from her
deep eyes. Site, made uo effort at display
or effect, but talked on in answer to my
questions, and proposed her own with a
combination of •11:IN Ity and dignity that
she woltiti have worn if I had la.-en her
brother. I knew she would sooner rut off
her hand than tell a Owe fie. I asked her
to dance. • So,' she amaered. 'she did not
dance that evening.' :she gale no excuse,
but her en es looked cloudy a moment af
ter. when a phlegmatic .•entleman. with a
sinister lip. came up with a similar request.
the declined it. mentioning, the gentle
man's name to nit by way of introduction,
as she did so. It %%A. , Ilecr Van 'Holt.—
lie looked suspiciously at my ; I think he
thought me a rival ; and I in turn seanned
the narrow lines of his face. and the am
mally ey es, with an intense desire to snatch
up the -is eet gill at hi- and curry leer
out of his preserve But as I could not do
that, I stayed by her. sat ing her so far as
possible from het odious talk and amorous
gl.inces by interposing myself between
t hem, an officiousness for it hid, she scene.
to thank me. Ile did not hesitate a fling
at me as soon a+ he learned that I trie+ an
-Yankees at Brighton." he exclaimed in
a gutter:Al accent. -they cant make money
"And fiirtunatel) titer can't lose, as they
do not attend the roulette tables," I cool•
"That is remarkable. when they are so
fond six‘eu lat ion ."
"Legitimate one-, -ir.'•
"Well, we differ in tianio, only. - he an
Name make all the difference in the
lie Made no reply to this, but walked
around to the place where Mr, Conynham
was standing. Lady Gray was talking with
• Dr. Seandinavius, the great Doctor ofLavrs,
and I was at last vi—a-vis with Miss Bee.
I Unproved the opportunity and tohl her
o (America, its forests. lakes and eve
rything that was,unlike the English ; slie
seemed to like my) comparisons, and smiled
at the praises 1 bestowed upon my own
country. She had never traveled, and the
ondits of her countrymen had only excited
her curiosity with regard to us ;• now she
awoke to something like interest, especial
ly at my aneedotes of Andobon. I talked
of books, the arts and sciences She was
ready and fluent, showing not only a mind
of research, but of vigorous and independ
ent thought ; she did not hesitate to ex
press her opinions, however they might
clash with mine, and I could not avid see
ing, under all her gentleness and sweetness,
the true pluck of the Englishwoman. I
saw, also, or rather fancied 1 saw, a thirst
for change. I did not wonder that she had
not married ; her impassive nature, and
her indifference to please had preserved
her ; I even guessed Chat het fancy had
never been touched ; her clear eyes refuted
the suspicion. Too soonsEd Mr: Conynham
come round to us and I his daughter
and si.ster away, I followed Itkem, and sought
my own room where I tried to remember
the length of time I had been in Brighton,
—it seemed like two months, so much of
hope and fear had been , crowded into the
limits of a day. I had forgotten my illness,
and business seemed a subject I had been
acorainted with in some former phase of
I cannot minutely follow out the events
of the ensuing week. I will only say that
1 met the charming Miss Conyngham eve
ryirbere. I walked with her by the pier
chain--Lady (*ray, of course the other side
"110 beauty draw! um by a stogie hair'
—sometimes danced with her, and once
had the felicity of driving with her on the
cliffs. I had preserved the secret of the
ventilator, though in my own vindication 1
will state that I had Lever listened at it
since I had known my neighbors . I kept
my room in perfect quietudeland if I heard
voices in the adjoining room, I would go
out that I might not overhear the conver
sation; but there came a time, as I am
about to tell you, when I stayed. It was I
think about a week after my first acquaint
ance with the Conynghams through the
ventilator, that, as I sat busily answering
my Loudon correspondent, I became the
unwilling eaves-dropper to a violent alter
cation in the next room. I could not help
but hear it. Lady Gray was taking sides
with her niece against Mr. Conyngham ;
she complained bitterly enough of the
treattnent her sister's chill sustained from
an exacting father; he retorted by charg
ing her with duplicity, and his daughter
with disobedience, and declaring that in
this instance his authority should be
spected b both of them. I found, as they
that it all hinged on Herr Von
olt's proposals; it seemed that he had
• •ti accepted for months by the father,
and still persisted in pressing his suit, not
withstanding the aversion of the ladies.—
"He wished to marry at once," so said Mr.
Conyngham ; "he was tired of angling af
ter a mere girt whose head was apparently
turned after a Yankee adventurer .'
I felt a buzz in my ear' lii I heard the
sneering reinark ; it was so then ; they had
understood my attentions. I heard Lady
Gray say. in reply ; "You are foolish, broth
er, to fancy such a thing ; and Bee- is too
sensible to encourage a stranger."
Bess said nothing, and I was startled to
hear the old gentleman say : "Look daugh
ter ! Von Holt is going to Dover to-mor
row, thence home to Holland • and I have
decided that you will go with him A
clergyman will come here to-night, !at
nine o'clock, to marry you ; we have made
our arrangements, you can now make
“I will try and do so. sir.” was the quiet
Mr. Conyngham continued to impress
upon his daughter that necessity alone had
thus hastened the marriage. and that they
must make the best of it. lie then went
out, probably to report to Vnn Holt
"What can you do dear Bess 7"
Lady Gray. so soon** he was gone
"tireat heavens! I don't know ; but I will
never, never marry that bad man."
-But how avoid it?"
'•1 must conceal myself until night come?
and Chen fly away somewhere."
"Yes, that is it, you must run off: I will
see that a carriage i: , in readiness, and my)
maid Betty shall go with you to Farnwell
depot, to take the train. You can both
go down to cousin Eghert's ; he will con
ceal you until this hurricane has blown
"Yes, aunt," replied Bess, after a little,
"I think that is the beg way for me to
adopt in this emergency ; I thank you for
the help which I so much need."
"No thanks, darling, and the sooner it is
arranged the better ; I will go and see
about it."
Directly she left the room, I raised my
self upon the high chair by the opening in
the wail ; I was irresolute ; I hardly durst
look in, and, yet I must do it : I must let
her know that 1 had heard it all, and that
she had a friend to help her. I cautiously
- and met—rne Conyngham's
• ly to see where or what tITEN • . •
into, and we met face to face. I bowed and
blundered ati"xtpology, about her being in
trouble, and—
"You need not proceed," she interrupt
ed quietly. "I presume you have heard
the wrangling from this room'• , She said
a quietly but with o face pale as snow.
-Yes, I heard it all, and I am _ready to
help you if it should cost my life; I would
give my life for yours."
She colored at my vehemence, and her
e) es were instantly suffused with tear,
Her emotion emboldened uu•,
"give me the right to protect you," I
cried, "the right to call you mine will for
ever place you beyond the power of th a t
man ; 1 cannot speak of myself, but what
ever you wi.411 to know of me, you can as
certain of Mr. Lovelace ; Lady - pay can
ask him."
••Pray, sir, do not talk in that way." she
4a1.1, yet I saw she wit:. nut angry.
-No, 1 would not,'' I answered, ••I could
not spetik on so immature an acquaintance,
if it were not that you are in trouble, and
need a friend ; how can I ',them p:e supply
the (Alegi Let me beg of you to consider
that winks there is tune to consider—and
tins is what my heart would prompt me to
say, with. better acquaintance; front the
first I have seen that we oould make each
other happy, that we are affinities."
"Yes," she sad simply, but earnestly ; "I
too recognize the divine connection. but you
are mush. I dare not thus won fate. You
_heard our arrangement—my aunt's I mean
—1 willadopt that, we will know each other
better before—"
"No, no," I exclaimed ; "we shall never
know each other better . it is rash to de
lay ; if we iwistpone our designs they will be
frustrated. Rho is there, but a husband,
that can preserve you from the passion of
that bud man. Your father, forgive me
for thus alluding to him—but 1 heard last
night that he lost everything to Van Holt,
at faro=thus he is powerless to protect
"I expected as much," she said, sadly.
"lit) then gi c me tln right to take care
of vou."
-Not now ; urge me no more."
"But will you decide to-day ? Meet me
on the beach, after dinner, and tell me there.
Promise to meet me'"
"Yes, I will go if lam not prevented I
must consult Lady Grey first."
She slimed down from the chair, and
was gone di a minute. I . did not finish
my letter that morning , but went out to
engage 'l% carriage and Four, and make oth
er preparations for a rapid lease-taking of
Bess met me, as she promised, on the
-beach. Lady Grey, whose presence I had
no reason to regret, was with her, and was
a strong advocate in my favor. She said
that we could not ever hope to change Mr.
Conyngitam's prejudices ; his daughter was
a minor, and still subject to her father's
control and disposal : and though die would
not advise ns, she yet would not withhold
her emsent, if we concluded to fly togeth
er. After saying go much, she „kindly
walked of, leaving me to urge my cause,
which was indeed her cause, also, with Bess.
I s uc c eeded so well that she promised to
marry me that night. The words had
barely escaped her lips when we met \'on
Bolt, who scowled upon me, and gave my
companion companion a glance of distrust
and displeasure. So soon as he was out of
sight, I left the ladies and hurried up the
flint* street to the parsonage. The old
clergyman was quite willing to come down;
he had already, he, said, promised to mar
ry a couple at No. 54 at nine o'clock, and
he could easily come down an hour earlier
to No. O. I designated my room as the
place to meet me ; but we had decided
that the ceremony should be
. performed in
lady Grey's parlor, a room adjacent to Kiss
Conynham's own. After concluding the ar
ran4etnenta with the clergyman and ob
taining a license, I hastened back to pre
pare my In , and send the depot.
At eight o 'cl o ck lg everything on my wt
was ready, and I sat in the large arm chair
beneath the ventilator, waiting for the sig-
nal that would indicate that Mias Canyng
ban, was ready. Thitsignal did not mane,
but In its place I howl a low voice re
=tins my name. I sprang up ; there stood
"I am locked in," she exclaimed In ter
ror, "Her Von Holt saw us together and
informed my father, and he says thatlshall
not leave this room, or ommunlcate with
my aunt, even, until the clergyman comes
at nine o'clock. He mopeds us, you and 1.
of eloping."
Only one moment was I confounded, in
the next ane-xpedient occurred to me ; but
would Bess take advantage of it, that was
the question
"Wait a moment," I said, "until I write
a note to your aunt, Lady Grey." It was
written and sent ; and in five minutes La
dy Grey and her maid stood at my door.-
1 briefly informed her of the facts, and sug
gested our only chance of flight.
come ritrougA lite ventilator ! The clergyman
would be there in fifteen minutes, le fr nd we
could , be married in my parlor, inoead of
"She can never do it," exclaiMed het
"She must," I firmly replied.
"Well, we will abide by her decision,"
she answered. I jumped up. and in half a
dosen words told Miss Conyngham of the
one hope remaining to us ; would she avail
herself of it 't
"Yes." was her quiet reply.
The word was no sooner spoken, than I
began to cut away with my knife, a piece
of the pennel of the door, in which revolv
ed the axis of the ventilator. The &a,
was soon removed, and the ventilator free
of incumbrance. I reached my arms
through, whispering to the t•embling vic
tim to come at once. She sprang up with
out hesitation, and in five minutes she was
safely by my side. I gave her a glass of
wine, and then hastened to put back the
window in its place, that the vacuum might
not excite suspicion.
Bess had but a short time to compare
herself before the clergyman entered. Ho
began the ceremony directly, and I w.t..
soon the husband of the loveliest girl in
the world. As I was paying my five pound- i
marriage fee, I heard a door unlocked in
the adjoining room, and a loud exclama
tion, accompanied by an oath. I did not
wait for the denouncement, but hurriedly
bade Lady Grey and the clergyman good-;
bye ;--t be latter, by the way, I saw going!
around to the performance of that other!
ceremony at nine o'clock—and carried off!
Bess to the carriage. We went to London
that night by rad. The next week I got
a letter from home with permission to re
turn. I availed myself of it, and brought
my English wife to America; and to this
day I hold in reverence the ventilator, for
by what other wily could my Wife have come
to me ?
In Dickens s Ail (he Year Round we find the
following description of this animal, which is
said to be more closely allied, in structure, to
the human form, of any of the brute creation.
.•The gorilla is of the everage,height of man,
five feet six inches; WI brain case is low and
narrow, and, as the fore part of the skull is
high, and there is a very prominent ridge
above the eyes, the top of the head is perfect
ly that, and the brow, with Its Integument
forms is 'scowling penthouse over the eyes.'
Couple with this a deep lead-colored skin, much
wrinkled, a prominent jair with the canine
teeth (in the males) of huge size, a receding
chin, and we have an exaggeration of the
lowest and most forbidding type of human
physiognomy. The neck is short, the heed
pokes forward. The relative proportions of
the body and limbs are nearer those of man,
yet they are of more ungainly aspect than in
any other of the brute kind Long shapeless
arum thick and muscular, with scarce any
diminution of size deserving the name of wrist
(for at the smallest they are fourteen inches
round, while a strong man's wrist is not above
eight ;) a wide, thick hand, the palm long, and
the fingers short, swollen, and gouty looking;
capacious chest ; broad shoulders legs also
thick and shapeless, destitute of calf. sad very
muscular, yet short ; a hand-like foot, with a,
power of grief . V o :rata* we - ireerinttint
before this monster, and even the elephant is
bathed by his malicious cunning, activity, and
strength. The teeth indicate a vegetable diet,
but the repast is soroetimes varied with eggs,
or a brood of young birds The chief reason
of his enmity to the elephant appears to be,
not that it ever intentionally injures him, but
merely. that it shares his taste for certain
favorite fruits. And when, from his watch
tower in the upper branches of a tree. lie
perceives the elephant helping himself to these
delicacies, lie steals along the bough, and,
striking its sensitive proboscis a violent blow
nth the club with which he is almost always
armed, drives off the startled giant. trumpet
ing shrilly with rage and pain.
Towards the negroes, the gorilla seems to
cherish an implacable hatred; he attacks then,
quite unprovoked If a party of blacks ap
proach unconsciously within range of a tree
haunted by one of these wood demons----sa tug
ing rapidly down to the lower branches, he
clutches with his thumbed fOol, at the nearest
of them. his green eyes flash with rage. hi
hair stands on end, and the skin above the
eyes, drawn rapidly tip and down. give+ him
is fiendish scowl. Sometimes during their rz
cursions in que s t of ivoty, in those gloomy
forests, the natives w ill krat discover the pros
unity of a gorilla by the udden andmysterious
disappearauce of the companions The
brute, angling for hint with his horrible foot
dropped tram a tree, while his strong arms
grasp it firmly, stretches dowtharis huge hind
hand, seizes the hapless wretetby the throat
draws him np into the houghs, and, as soon
as his struggles have ceased. d'ropy hin i down.
a strangled corpse.
A tree is the gorilla's sleeping place bo
night, his pleasant abode by day, • and liis
castle of defence From that coigne of ad
vantage he waits his foe, should the latter be
hardy, or foolhardy enough to pursue. N..
full grown gorilla has ever been taken alive
A bold negro, the leader of an elephant hunt
ing expedition, was offered a hundred dollars
for a live gorilla. •Ifyou gave me the weight
of yonder hill in gold, I could not do it,' he
Nevertheless, he has his good iptalities—in
a domestic point of view he is en amiable
and exemplary husband and father, watching
over his young family with affectionate solici
t ude, and exerting in their defence his utmost
strength and ferocity. The mothers show
that devotion to their young in time of danger.
which is the most universal of extincts
The gorilla constructs himself a snug ham
mock out of the long, tough, slender stems .1
parasitic plants, and lines it with the broad
dried. tropes of palms, or with long grass—n
sort of bed, surely not to be despised. swune
in the leafy brancnes of a tree. By
sits on a bough leaning his back against the
trunk owing to which habit, elderly gorillas
become rather bald in those region!".
K.A.N9A9 AND THE NEGRO.—The Constitu
tional Convention of Kansas have convict
ed their work. It seems there oa , 011.•
vote in it in favor of making Kansa
slave-holding State. Of course when Kan
sus comes into the Union she will wine in
a free State, though the Constitution will
prohibit negroes from voting or holding
office, tic.. ,te. So the Republicans of Kan
sag, who so loudly profess their love for
the rights of man, have agreed to let the
negro /ere there, but have deliberutel
decided that he must not enjoy political
rights. However, the branch of the slim,
party that shouts for universal freedom.
complete emancipation for the negro
has provided an offset in our Constitution.
Ha white man, who happens to have been
born in a foreign land, comes here, he
cannot vote by a twelvemonth so soon as
the negro can vote, who comes from Kan
ass, where he cannot vote at all! Great i.
the Diana of Black Republicanism! Great
is the practice of the doctrnies of freedom
and equality ! In Massachusetts it shout.
for complete emancipation of the negro
and disfranchises foreign white men
Kansas it shouts for freedom and doom,
the free negroes within its limits to what
Dr. Price terms political slavery !—Bess..
air Mrs. Harrison, the venerable widow ~t
ei-President Harrison, was very ill at her re%
idence at North Bend, on Saturday