The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 13, 1859, Image 1

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    he brie Obotrrier.
r , Single subscribers, Lf paid fu advance
sr t owe, will be end to one addlw for id, and
~me , ste for larger firth.
.obscriber falling to pay within the year, the
discontinued and the aceoupt made out at
per year, and left with a proper °Seer for
(tern It ties or leu mike • guars:Vs
..n. $ r o. square 8 months $3 00
t. " 100 One " " 600
; • toe rr 126 One " 9 "
year, changeable at pleanure, $lO.
I : • ..•- S 16013 t 61 4 $ 6 ; 6 mouths, $8; 9 months,
IrS• it ,
~„mo, or 10 tquaret—one year, $6O; 6 month.,
6 14
cu-the Business Directory at $8 per
allowed for a Card, over six, and under
• . t• .01 EJtbortal butian, 10 cents a line ; but no
unit will be inserted among the Special Notices
,„ tt . ut oue
t r tiictiasts sail others requiring frequent changes
•., ..ire! t lenient' will be allowed tea rainiaree, paper,
f 81.1 Fur additional apace, ate charges will
and toe dvertisements must be strictly
r , Irgitimatt , business eras advertiser Pay
. ~ r r ra wociii advertisements required in advance.—
truh a.iverttsiog will be presented bail -t ear ly
1, lit It Y.
Or LkK lY 111PORTtD W lattl A)11;1
„ of French lirisathea, UI i, ta , Clutupsifutp,
, t . )1.1.• ra, Malaga, Sberry, Purt.a.aal &I/ kiods
iutts shoo manufseturrr of nrctitled W bi•-
Hv, Itourt.,u, liorionotkela, lee , t.o
t, En,
I . HI tiliKl. l & CO.,
fI . ‘‘ L lOU L./ r/ILiiitlLS It liIHM•XiII ♦\l
-tale t•trwk, \0 10 Elena u ■ Blue\
1 11. (
Bt it•oOlt UANI MIK
.I..ry Itbntlerut, lit 1.11,ft 1, 16bw, l'n
,11%1 W11.!%0N.
A I ~I L% I t & at I.l*.
-.tteet, near the. Patk to th. Aulerteln
Itert f the huthit•it,,, oFeui,t4.l he I. U
6 .1,1 altrat so be teem.' In in. onief., and
tually atteti.lett to
Iji k N v i :t i" ti d6 il 4- 11411 likr, tk., and
S‘l,, ne.l lilltm; rtght klisbel.,
N 14111.117 liINV 11111.111%. 11.11%101,
14111 S %1. ‘% 1.11.
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k1T41,0) AT I "I (in.,. a r.nrr‘l
r u flaArr r f hollltn, St.., 1
A ATI A• bth
, •• 11..4.1., 1 t 11
( 'ail
.. , fewasrl 6 usr
t•I illl,ll Ohl 4,110 T, “flivr 401
.mt,..i Shills.l,l..ok, I null he l l.r•hr, 60.
‘' II II t. I.
.11'70101X% ..r‘....1.11.14 411 . I ,W
4 •14 ,r 441 1.44 eorib, r.. 11101 R.1"4. 4 11/11.q.,.•
- 4'4 'tree( a n d tilt'
II U 11.111,7% 4t. 11 tVirit I . . 4 11.40N•
TTOIOIIO •T 1.••• 41ffier in
• •1. iI.OOIIT ilo.le 1, ut raw - . on tlw
lif tt Ilu4llul.uu a Notart I'ullir Rind I .11111.1 A.
•• • • •. &1., for the rwyrril MALlvet•ol , l Tertitom •
hitot.i.S. 1. N 111 T1111\..,..
1 1 1,1.,.T. 10
•. • lb . the
k I I Ir tit:.
it STII k THIK l r 41 . 1,--fintr, tit N. ut
• it t del Peach Z•trirvt •114 tb.YuLLe .guar., r t
I ) 01. E m 1.311.A.11
1141LJEA•LY •A It RKTA IL Hard
• • •. rf,, Llarirtrr •114.11iv.1•11“), Si.. II and 12
• , • 111•• e it, corurr ••1 h utlt awl State. atst•rtir, Fair. Pa
nt.vv, I kg, V A VI,, ~,
.7• CliN Kis mi 1A Iv NON.
Marressaro Barney t ualoy
. • I'l I,ngl,al, tsermaa. and A r and
Igo, Yalls, An•tla, Vices, irnu and Strwl, So
F ra
1 1111K.4 1.1"TL15..
1 T • ILOII, to the room re. eytls ).?
• E,.. aa a Law Office., and over 11".... 4 t0r,
H.. ph) Letwwa the hoed Hon.. and Krolot Ws Hoar
11. Silver, 'tank \„t r.,
t.l Deposit, kr. : 4 tglit eschauKe
f6.r •al. litheeN” 11 Ittrtl
~ ,uarv, Erie.
el HVILI.SIIOI and MlLDulseturvrs a Anal.
nn r• and FllllldX, PeP,,,,L, Pt , 111 tLe On lurnlirt I, urea pt.,/
H iiti Jotws
1 . ) nINNIIIi. .-
1 • tlb.,Lltil ill lir "err tvg, Prot 000 s, l'to
..,cr, P‘.,L, Vi 4 l4, • :alt, ',ram, 11t,, r, F runt., N utK, 4.1.4 g,
' , 10 4 lirnottok, i'so,•, LS ,00ttol, LL 1,to• Lott .., t. , .... N 1 4,,
‘ I orLus 14406 hlces lob No 4% riglit • 111.0 L,
r qt rret„ 4 dooro saw, • tb. Pogo 1 , 1"fio«, I. r. V.
I I ('K 8: KILTIIBUN. . ..----i-._-..
~, -....-..
01011 . 16 TM, lido, ol Iteatt e• -• 811118.•
Itilodi, uortb pole of l'ublze Syllarv, I." liwri, ocroykro by
Lls„,,,i ,L, 1., All work yrarraoloti
ILA I' 1 EA/111'11,
uIIOI.I6IIALX 614 MAWR, Wd leallvfil 10
r d 11114 1.4.041 s h0w..1,„ apt. JrtV Vu.r,
Wcco, t hart, h tab, oil, , ; tt.a, 1, .1 111..r11.,
• .1 , otrret, Ertr, ht.
• H V I 141111.1"..
pm. 11E.-t d:
r 1 YOUWAYJn.IIC; awl couluutuuo,.
r • ,o ,oul, Flour, Flub, sad abut for • dally hue 0 ,
11-, Lake st«arnera, Public Murk, Fair. Pa
tit itrci.t., , ot ttrH, ar
i 4 r•eTt - Rims at Aleut Knigtes..,f t4.41t.
ft. tiara! implenoebto, l+mllmm.l Use,
t • Fnn , Ps
I NII•o+ V. R. itilooics.
rAißfos•liL, liAlliltft,llhd Arta
• A hr«l«r k Sewing Machine, Itonms orPr
A Jewelry Store, Wind Part, nirStitch
•”.• t..l)ryjr,
KOKGK U. CUTl.lktit.
I A TTOILWIT AT LA W, 13.111114, Fair (*aunty,
lollertlool. rand Oth.r LAAIIIII.IW , Attrodod lio with
ttailptneOli and dilipstrb
el J NIT let UI txx Nr,(x , 11 4, t 1 ,
irVIOL MIA 1 I :k , ., awl Dittoler. to
Roil:mist. unit Importirii slid Liquors, •ludi Siigunt,
rilbar,4l, Fruit, M ish, Itil, awt Afreutu I'd, Moffat.. Buffalo
Alw Nia. Bannon Hlrk 1 , 4 tat. otrort lerto, V's
I • Y.IIT IA err 11 Wboleasile and
i , e6ler 611 kind, or Fancy, Drawing 14... m, Rocking
and Dining Chain, No 4 iiity otone Mork, kn., Pa
I 41'
K pi D /Sun •tINh..I
••. and ICrtail, at No. 13, l'adavell'• Bleak State stn.
)I,IIS & I.OW.
aarracmvagas 8 Wh01.06.1. ,
in Weill and Cistern Pampa of suparior
and bent now In nine shop on Twelfth atrret
••r P.arb, Erkil, Pa.
rr Aquiridatit for "-Allying nat., for fatuilf, farm or
m.ub.wral porpoor4 ror Nolo cheap
1 A 1 I Ll*
IR. 1..
ICRlLiwilterrirsT 'D
awl Dwrilingto smith hut Row. fil es ..•
mot of Rris Rank bollatingo
Fair. July IA POOL
KOKGE J. .111111 TON•
J FOIM•111,111U 14rreliJiat,
D. , chalet to Cool, Sikh, Flab, flour Dad
Na(' titTER d: KELLOGG.
W HoLIIRMIt aMI Entail dealer* In asOsersen,
Slnp Chandlery, Wood sw:l W tllow warn ke.,
, Slats Lama, Erin, Peon.
A. 4711111 WOLD. Jobber, and Retail
l'ealer in er•ry description of FOrrilp and Domestic Dry
'"""ik carr•tii2gr, Oil Clotlor, ke. No. s di•et.
, rorr Yiftb, Erie. Pa.
W11.1.1A31 Tuounrrort,
t• unrion or rim PnArr. fh.nds, Agnnn
.......t. Bond. and Mortimer, Leannt, lie.. accurately aad
arHully drawn. (Me* nn rrynch. street, 0•11.1 . Ju. 11.
`b.rnit. Grocery Store Itria, -
F. DOW mkt).
.Arroax.T AT law Allo JUIITICI or 11111
k Wlll prude* in lbw *event Courts at Cris County,
go.. prompt and Waded attention to all badman *.•
r """ t t "pta handa. Gatlin( ma AO Attorney Of Nack.tratc
I lifiee so Empire knack, earner of state nod nth
.1 • 14, . 04.1111314 A kg; -
ATTORNEY •T I.AW.--011/10 , TrloOTed to
WI NN TOOt of Mat* Street, oo UN, north Ode of the
l'ark. Vne
Da. Gairtrotn, Oeohot awl
L•rita, MO Nun Street, Bonado, Y.
'•ute. his attention eteleatvely to the ireabooot of
of the Kyle niatl Lae
Fob 19, 11160.--81.1 y.
OLna 30
De•issia la all kinds of Coal, Pah, Pleader, flour,
ish, ke., ke- Public Dock,
mom Erie ,
or J. X. LtaX l / 1 .
Co --
WIIIOI.4IXLX and Buell dealer la all kinds
of Garman area American Hannan, Anvils, rine,
Steel, kn. Saddlery and Curley Trisionlny
Machine Belting and ?ankle( Preach stmef opposite the
Reed Hones, Eris, Pa.
For Sale at a Great Sacrifice I
THE owner having no use for them!
India /tubber Air Bed, 11We turd. Priam/ Goose
Prather Bed, weigh An Ibs. Chamber Sulk blarbio lop,
Gilt Flowers, GM Mirror ha % 403.
t piedlll, Sots Bed
stead, nearly nee, lines Malmo and Coverlid, with
Kitchen Requisites. Fur Sale on Commission, by
Erie, Joky 9 ELLHEY, Mato Wrest
r i Litts having friend' in the Vatted Preabyte
run Bury pound, (on the comer of Itlgtith and ?reach
Streets,/ to to remove or muse the removal of their
remains, on or before the 16th day of October next.—
Thom remaining in the grounds alter that time will be
resealed by the Trustees of the Congress'lort, agreeably
to lb. provisions of the Act of Assembly, pawed at the
last orseloo of the Legislature, authorising said removal.
Kele, July 2. 1159.-4td By order of the Trustees
—• _
1,0 - 1•TC1, M.. D.,
Physician, Surgeon and Dentist,
DR. 1.. having petituanentiv located nt
['oboe Mills, writ attend all calls in la profession
itb prorngtness. All useful operations on the Teeth
perisrused red warranted. Artificial teeth Inserted from
one toan entire sett. July 2,, UMW. --I
_ _
FR(INTING TILE I , 5lll,lcst4ARE,
ERIE, ape.
P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
lies been thoroughly repaired ausl refurnish
ed, and I. Dui/ r. for the reception of guests.
Nu flap, Wrrk or .Hooth oo try-
',whist., Ins. l'ropristor plsrlsony htnotrlf that
Ho ',Tort shall he u aulthy to stirs entire sati.sfarsum.
efrPrtrate Parties, Dinner Parties, or Managers of
Public Ball. sill find the accorono s tati o n s m U r i* Hou s e
•uperiiir to soy other ru the cit) atol the charges 111.1 reit
nrG-t Stabling attached where guests front the
vountty .01 always tint atteutitv looaters to take charge
of their teams. May 6, 1839.U4n
za r air is t For Chicago s m air su g
And Intermediate Ports !
()N E E I'l; 4l l'l.PS LINE nF
Mtll 'ears this Port for Chirow, An.
i..” 1. on AV EIDNIKSDA V ng,4l pivruic.
DA 1 .1 each w.,1, wind Anal *rather ta.nnt thug
Ire or (”4, 4 111 or tiassa l p- sm.!, to
FA..., June 4, Puhlie Ihtek
M 1...M. A.
him just rrturo...l from N.. Vd,r4 tit
,•• awl mod romplotr aimortumnt of
I' . l t E'SC
.h le% of Straw Good..
In short, «very thing In the Millinery line, which will be
til...ale or retail at prices that defy competition
Ponotro lilt'liners supplied • itli Goods at Sow York
prices, midinw a small 1 - 4.11112111.1141 An she hu mark ar
raogemeota to ?memo Goods every two weeks, she oilers
poruhar iudhrements to those buying to soil win to
nrlke their purrbaaes at her rotablishmemt
Ilru !I. deem. to Inform the pubhe that she is prep/ur
ea, bra neer awl bpautiful proetrs, to renovate Lod Cotor
-zt raw , !lop" tau, t Lip, and Legtrro, it. a roost superior
at t le
nr sod natutaction vrarrantotl.
Corner of 'title and F.igl th etryseta, Erie
16, --4Llf
(1 °° 3313 -
I'eacti St., ►}.»r tLn Dtßot Erlr,
Flax plat °period a arm and Npleadid Stoa—gr
l'i( M II)S
it kW
sT •
RUM) "
: e i :'!-..,.
f - ---
, ,::!:: •-in
• 4-' I)
.: , 6-'• -c, -,4_ ---
NES X.X.533C110.
1•X,O - CtrEILS,
he, /ke Alan, PUNNED', RUSCIIKB AM) TAIIrt 4 ,
math ale and hand-wady, boo oot Mime* no.l cr..•nw,
1)1:ESS BONN Err, DRESS C.ll'S. 5 BEAD
=11=4.3E2/9 GOMM
tho latval at, 1...4
an.irParticular attenti.n pall to
vaatng 111...nwra wd tiultug lu the
moat fnotilutial.l.• alb Ir
Or Alan. A 1011A•riOre of Latliep
with a g . ...9Li API/rtMtnt of J111, • 1.
April INI4I —Jfi 3m.
MRS. M. I t HT is,
.. I nrg. and F ull Ar
aortturut MI LINERS and FAS t, 1;01IIIS, 01 ,0 01 .1
log of a great varloy Int. and
- - -
And Children'. flat. of every Style, Shaker Hood., firt)'•
Hat., Jke KaAo,us, Plower., Ruche., Lapp, tiep.i
()rears, Alrxaudre's /Cad t;loves, HotiJrn, lace 1 ells,
French Cur...tip s nd Sktrts, Materials (4 all It Hub , Fur Em
broidery. S inlioto-i.00., Lae., Applique and Frebeh Work,
oltaro, Sleeve., Ac
kfILLINEK. pupphest with flood. at uhul.esale ,
plaster li.tontt Bloelt• UI.. Ing and Preapluy
dune ,u
the be.t tnauteer. al., St raw PA•unelo colored I trab, itrovru
and lilark
A prtl 11, l v MMS M. Olin'.
S. , '2. Wright's Block. Erie. Pt' .
or.ER •T ITOoLIS•1.1 of KIT %11.
si.:6ARs of all DESCRIPTIUNS.
DE In 11+11q1B.MT (Watt" KS
WOOD mid
NA 1104 A ND 114 LANA,
Together with • large assortroeut of all kiwis of ac•oroi
kept io • Grocery Store, whirl we offer to mill at the
lowest market price. CAI.I. ANT) SEE CA '
April id, 1899. No 2, Wright's Block.
The subscriber Ems nue large size
REELFUNG'S SAFE, which he will dispose of cheap for
Caah or approved paper. W. T.. SCOTT
Erie, April 9, 19129.-4ktf.
Y 1., Lew,
We mean every genuine lady, such as
mem the Card.. Rake and Pruning Knife, should procure
by which her hands will he perfectly protected from in
jury, and rendered waft, white and delicate, to be had at
New Drug Store or
dry end ground to white Damar Varnish, for Por
celain Hebb, at No. b Reed House.
Brie. June 4,1---62. L. L. BALDWIN.
Whit. ary and in oil, Amerioutitad 'french
Zing_ Item and Milled Llnoried OM.
Venetian Rod.
Preach Ochre, Chrome and French Orem, and in abort
every thing in the line of PAINTS, for
---'Aleut the Atom
May 12.. T. B. tilNCidilit
from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of New
Jamey. Boil among the beet tor arteititural purposes,
being a good Mato sail, with a clay tortoni. The lead is
a large tract, divided into small farm, mid hundreds from
all parts of tlio country are now nittlias and Wilding.—
TM crops produced are large and ma he .me jr o Wialt•
The climate is delightllsi, and secure from hosts. Terme
from gib to $2O per sea, payable Muds foar==-
sitaliaesta. To visit tb• pima—Lome Vim s
at Philadelphia at 7l A. Y. by Railroad for fisassiontm,
Byrom by lothir, liamasontow Post MDR
%lactic County, New Jersey. See full advertimment
another column. Om&
At tali 2. CARTER A BEOI.
DEN/it/NS WA NTINti Cf_atirG i OE
1. climate for health. Sae ad vertApeaseall of lissomeaa
se Leak, amothor °ohm. Lao
.00 D S
brought to ttoo
city, including nil Ow
When the march of day is ended,
And we need no more keep time
To the clanging sounds of active life,
With their slow and measured chime
How sweet to droop our wearied lids
O'er wearied eyes, while rest,
Like a holy benediction, floats
To um from islands blest.
But oh, if sin bath left its cross
On the tablets of the day,
Rest will not still the harp of life
But on its chords still play .
!tinging sad and fitful ohanps,
With a chiding touch and low,
Till every quivering string gives forth
A ..Itivering voice of woe
Thus will it be when death's dark night
shall settle like a pall
Around U. and we fold uur hands
The dead past to recall.
If darkened days fill uklithe ranks,
our hearth will wildly wail;
lint white days will a glimmer throw
Within the darkened vale.
t bola - Xittrature.
Hardly any event creates a stranger sen
sation in a thinly settled New England vil
lage. especially among the young folks,
than the arriVal of a fresh and blooming
who conies to make her abode in the
neighborhisd.i When, therefore, Squire
Johnson, the only lawyer in the place, and
a very respectable man, of course, told
Farmer Jones one afternoon that his wife's
sister, a smart girl of eighteen, was coming
in a few day. to reside in the family, the
new flew like wild-fire through Pond vil
lage and was the principal topic of conver
sat ion for a week. Pond village is situated
upon the margin of one of thane numerous
and beautiful sheets of water that gem the
a surface of New England like the
Might -tar. in an eveningsky, and received
it. :9.1...nati0n to distinguish it from two
or htt. other' pillages in the same town
-hip, which Mild not boast of a similar lo
cation. When Farmer Jones came in to
hi. .upper about sunset, that afternoon,
and took his seat at the table, the eyes of
the whole family were upon him, for there
was a peculiar working about his mouth
and a knowing glance in his eyes that al
a4ll-, told them when he had any thing of
interest to communicate. But Farmer
Jones' secretiveness was large, and his tem
perament note the most active, and he
would probably have rolled the important
secret as a sweet morsel under his tongue
for a long time, had not Mrs. Jones, who
Ca. rather of an impatient and prying turn
of mind, contrived to draw it Imp
:::::::::::: e., "what is it you are
going to say ? Do, out with it ; for you've
been chewing something in your mind ever
-ince you came in the house."
-lrs my tobacker, 1 s'pose," said Mr.
Jones, with another knowing glance of
••Now, father, what's the use 7 - said Su
an: "N‘e all know you've something or
other you want to say, and why can't you
tell us what 'tis."
....La. who cares what 'tis!" said Mrs.
.10ne...; "it irt was anything worth telling,
V. ,houldn't have to wait for it, I dare
Hereupon Mrs. Jones assumed ah air of
the most perfect indifference. as the surest
wa) of conquering what she was pleased to
'sill Mr. Jones' obstinacy. which, by the
way, vta.s a very improper term to apply in
the case: Mt it was only the working of
secretiveness, withoet the least particle of
obstinacy attached Co it.
There was a pause of two or three Min
utes in the conversation, till Mr. Jones
passed his cup to be filled a second time,
when, with a couple of preparatory ahems,
he began to let out the secret.
"We are to have a new neighbor here in
is few days," Mr. Jones, stopping short
when he hail uttered this much, and sip
ping his tea and filling his mouth with
Mrs. Jones, who was perfect in her tac
tics, said not a word, but attended to the
affairs of her table as though she had not
noticed what was said. The farmisse
cretivenesshad at last worked its lf out,
and he began again.
"Squire Johnson's wife's sister is coming
here in a few days, and is going to live with
The news being thus fairly divulged left
free scope for conversation.
••Well, I wonder if she is a proud, stuck
up piece," said Mrs. Jones.
"I shouldn't think she would be," said
Susan, "for there ain't a more sociable wo-
Luau in the neighborhood than Mrs. John
son. So if she is at all like her sister, I
think ae shall like her."
"I wonder how old she is?" said Stephen,
who was just verging toward the close of
his twenty-first year.
"The squire called her eighteen," said
Mr. Jones, giving a wink to his wife. as i
much as to say, that's about the right-age
for Stephen.
"1 wonder if she is handsome," said Su
who was somewhat vain of her own
looks," and having been a sort of reigning
belle in Pond village for some time, she
felt a little alarmed at the ides of a rival.
-I dare be bound she's handsome," said
Mr-.. Jones. "if she's sister to Mrs. John
son, for where'll you find a handsomer
woman than Mrs. Johnson, go the town
through ?"
After supper, Stephen went down to Mr.
Robinson's store, and told the news to young
Charlie Robinson, and all the young fel
lows, who were gathered there for a pme
at quoits and ring at wrestling. And Su
san went dirpetly over to Mr. Bean's and
told Patty, amd Patty went around to Wid
ow Davis's and told Sally, and before nine
o'clock the matter was pretty well under
stood in about every house in the village.
At the close of the fourth day, little be
fore sunset, a chaise was seen to drive up
to Squire .Tohnson's door. Of course the
eyes of the whole village were turned in
that direction. Sally Davis, who was just
coming in from milking. set her pail down
on the grass by the side of the roar) as soon
as the chaise came in sifbt, and watched it
till it reached the squire's door, and the
gentleman and lady had got out and ®one
into the house. Patty Bean was doing up
the ironing that afternoon, and she had
just taken a hot iron from the Are as the
chaise passed the door, and she ran with
it in her hand and stood on the door step
till the whole ceremony of alighting. greet
ing, and entering the house was over.
Old Mrs. Bean stood with her head out
of the window, her iron-bowed spectacles
resting upon the top of her forehead, her
shriveled hand placed across her eyebrows
to defend her red eyes from theme of the
setting sun. and her skinny chin protri-
ding about, three *ekes in advance of a
couple Of shahs of tenth ' which her open
mouth exposed fa* to view.
"Seems to me ally are dreadful loving,"
said Mrs. Bean, • sash. saw Mrs. Johnson
descend the steps aid welcome her sister
with a kiss. ' •
"La me, if there isn't the squire kissing
of her tu," said Patty ; "well, I declares, I
would waited till I got in the house, I'll
di* if' I wouldn't. It looks so vulgar to be
kissing afore folks, , and out of doors tu ; I
should" think Squirm! Johnson would be
. ashamed of himself.'
"Well, I shouldn't.," said young John
Bean, who came upithat moment, and who
had passed the clubee just as the young
lady alighted from it. ' "I shouldnl, be
ashamed to kiss sushi pretty gal as that,
any how ; I'd kher wherever I could
catch her, if it vraf. in the meetin-house."
"Why, is she handsome, Jack ?" said
"Yes, she's got the prettiest little puck
ermouth I've seen these six months. Her
cheeks are red, and her eyes shine like new
"Well," replied Patty, "if she'll only
take the shine off lilusan Jones when she
goes to meetin Sunday, I shan't care."
While these obeeivations were going rei
at old Mr. Bean's, Charles Robinson and a
group of young fellows with him were
standing in front of Robinson's store, a
little further down the road, and watching
the scene that was passing at Squire John
son's. They witnessed the whole with be--
coming decorum, now and then making a
remark upon the !hie horse and the hand
some chaise, till they saw the tall squire
bend his head down and give the young
lady a kiss, when they all burst out into a
loud laugh. In a moment, beingconscious
that their laugh be heard and noticed
at the squire's, they, in order to do away
the impression it intuit necessarily make.
at once turned their heads another way,
and Charles Robinson, who was quick at
an expedient, knocked off the hat of the
lad who was standing next to bun, and
then they all laughed louder than before.
"Here comes Jack Bean," said Charles,
"now we shall hear something about her,
for Jack was coming by the squire's when
she got out of the chaise. How does she
look, Jaik ?"
"Hividsome as a pictur," said Jack. "I
habit seen a prettier girl since last Thanks
giving day, when Jane Ford was here to visit
Susan Jones."
"Black eyes or blue ?" asked Charles.
"Blue," said Jack, "hut all-fired bright."
"Tall or abort ?* said Stephen .Tones who
was rather short himself, and therefore felt
a particular interest on that point.
"Rather short," said Jack ••but straight
and round as a young colt."
"Do you know what her name is." -aid
"They called her Lucy when she got out
of the chaise," aid Jack, "and as Mrs.
Johnson's name was Brown before she was
married, I s'pose her name must be Lucy
"Just such smarms I like," said Charles
Robinson ; "Lucy Brown sounds well.—
Now suppose, in order to get acquainted
with her, we all hands take a sail to-mor
row night, about titled time, on the pond,
and invite her towith us."
"Agreed," said en Jones.
r u
"Agreed," said shit
- "Agreed,"
I sai li t hands.
/he ovation ittose who should carry
being seriffer OW Esc sand, Tr - IM,
finally settled that Susan Jones should
bear the invitation, and accompany her to
the boat, where they should all be in wait
ing to receive her."
The next day was a very tong day, at
least to most of the young men - or Pond
village ; and promptly an hour before sun
set most of them were assembled, with
half a score of their sister and female cous
ins, by a little stone wharf on the margin
of the pond, for the proposed sail. All
the girls in the village of a suitable age
were there, except Patty Bean. She had
undergone a good deal of fidgetting and
fussing during the day to prepare for the
sail, but had been disappointed. Her new
bonnet was not done ; and as to wearing
her old flap-sided bonnets she declared
she would not, if she never went
Presently Susan Jones and Miss Lucy
Brown were seen coming down the road.
In a moment all was quiet. the laugh and
joke was hushed, and each one put on his
best looks. When they arrived. Susan
went through the ceremony of introdu
cing Miss Brown to each of the ladies and
gentlemen present.
"But how in the world are you going to
sail?" said Miss Brown, "for there isn't a
breath of wind ; and I don't see any mil
-1 boat either."
"Oh, the less wind we have the better,
when we sail here," said Charles Robinson,
"and there is our sail-boats," pointing to
a flat-bottomed scowboat some twenty feet
long by ten wide. I
"We don't use sails," said Jack Bean :
"sometimes, when the wind is fair, we put
a bush to help pull along a little, and when 1
'tisn't, we row."
The party were soon embarked on board
the scow, and a couple of oars were set in
motion and they glided slowly and pleas
antly over as fine a sheet of water as ever
glowed in the sunsetting ray.
In one hour's time the whole party felt
perfectly acquainted with Miss Lucy B rown.
She had
,talked in the most lively and fas
cinating manner ; she had told stories and
sung songs. Among others, she had given
Moore's boat song with the sweetest pos
sible effect; and by the time they re
turned to the landing it would hardly be
too much to say that half the young men
in the party were decidedly in love with
A stern regard to truth requires a remark
to be made here not altogether favorable
to Susan Jones, which is the more to be 'T
aus she was in the main en excellent
ret d ed girl, and highly esteemed by the
whole vil la ge. It was observed that as the
company grew more and more pleased with
Miss Lucy Brown, Susan Jones was less and
less animated, till at last she became quite
reserved and apparently sad: She, however,
on landing accompanied her hotne to Squire
Johnson's door, and cordially bid her good
The casual glimpses which the young
men of Pond village had of Miss Brown
during, the remai nd er of the week, as she
occiustorndly stood at the door or looked
out of the window, and once or twice when
she walked out with Susan Jones, and the
fair view they all bad of her at meeting on
the Sabbath, served but to increase their
admiration, and to render her more and
more an object of attraction. She was re
garded by all as a prize, and several of them
were already planning what steps to take
In order to win her. The two most promi
nent candidates, however, for Miss Brown's
favor, were Charles Robinson and Ste
phen Jones. flair position and 'standing
among the young men of the village seem
ed to put all others in the back ground.—
Charles, whose father Ins wealthy, bad
every advantage which money could pro
cure. But Stephen, tbpagh poor, had de !
cidedly the advantsw in personal recom
mendations.He h ad more talent, was
mote sprigihtly and intelligent, and more
pleas* line hls address. From the evening
of 'the sail on ,the pond they had both
watched "eve i movement of Miss Brown
with the most intense anxiety ' • and, as
nothing min deceive a lover, each had, with
an interest no less Intense, watched.
movement of the other. They had ceased
to speak to each other about her, and if
her name was mentioned in their present*,
both were always observed to color.
The second week after her arrival,
through the influence of Squire Johnson,
the district school was offered to Miss Brown
on the other side of the pond, which offer
was accepted and she went immediately to
take charge of it. This announcement at
first threw something of a damper upon
the spirits of . the young people of Pond
village. But when it was understcod that
the school would continue but a few weeks,
and being but a mile and a half. distant,
Mile Brown would come home every Sat
urday afternoon and spend the Sabbath, it
was not very difficult to be reconciled to
the temporary arrangement. The week
wore away heavily, especially to Charles
Robinson and Stephen Jones. They count
ed the days impatiently till Saturday, they
counted the long and lagging hours to noon.
They had both mad, up their minds that
it would be dange t tous to wait any longer,
and they both resolved not to let another
Sabbath pass without making a direct pro
posal to Miss Brown.
Stephen Jones was .too early a riser for
Charles Robinson, and, in any enterprise
whore both were concealed, was pretty
sure to take the lead, except where money
could-Parry the palm, and then, of course,
it was elways borne away by Charles. As
Miss Lucy had been absent the most of the
week, and was to be at home that after
noon, Charles Robinson had made an ar
rangement with his mother and sister to
have a little tea-party in the evening, for
the purpose of inviting Miss Brown ; and
then, of course, he should walk home with
her in Ow evening ; and then, of course,
would hi' a good opportunity to break the
ice, and make know his feelings and wish
es. Stephen .Tones, however, was more
prompt in his tuovements Lie had got
wind of the proposed tea-party, although
himself and sisters, for obvious reasons, had
not been invited, and he resolved not to
await the arrival of Miss Brown and her visit
to Mr. Robinson's before he should see her.
She would dismiss her school at noon and
come the distance of a mile and a half round
the pond home. His mind was at once
made up. lie would go round and meet
her at the school house. and accompany
hen on her calk. There, in that winding
road around those delightful waters with the
tall and shady trees overhead, and the wild
grapevines twining round their lrunks and
climbing to the branches, while the wild
birds were singing through the itrixxis, and
the wild ducks playing in the coves along
the shore, surely there, if anywhere in the
world, could a man bring his mind up to
the point of speaking of love.
Accordingly a little before neon, Stephen
washed and brushed himself up, and put
on his Sunday clothes, and started on his
expel lit ion. In order to avoid observation,
he took a back route across—the field, -in
tending to count into the road by the pond
a little out of the village. As ill luck would
have it, Charles Robinson had been out in
the same direction, and was returning with
an armful of green boughs anti wild flow
ers, to ornament the parlor for the evening.
He saw Stephen. and noticed his dress, and
the direction he was going, and he at once
smoked the whole business. His first im
pulse was to rush upon him, gelid collar him,
and demand that he should return back.
But when he recollected that in the last
scratch he had with Stephen. two or three
years before, he had a little the worst of it,
asked upon upon his mind at once that " tre
question must now he reduced to a game of
speed. If he could by any means Lam the
school-house first, lie should feeEa good
deal of uneasiness- for the consequence,—
Stephen was walking very leisurely, and
unconscious that lie we., to any danger of
a competitor on the course, and it was im
portant that his suspicion- should not he ex
cited. Charles therefore rem.tined lierfi.sctly
quiet till Stephen had' got a little out of
hearing, and then threw down his bushes
and flowers and lan to the c harflielow the
stole with his utmost speed. He had olio
advantage over Stephen. He was rea dy a t
a moment's warning to start on an expedi
nn of this kind, tor Sunda) clothes w e r e
an i-‘1•In slay :Atm into.
Till•rt• W 3, .1 light yam,e belonging to his
f4tlii•r ing :it ih. whxrt. and a couple of
st•nat boy- %%ere there fishing. Charles
hailed them, and told them if they would
row linn aeross the pond as quick as they
possild) could. he would give them a quar
ter tit a dollar apteee. This, in their view,
55 t.- a splendid otter liar their seridees, and
they Jumped on board with alacrity, -and
manned the oars Charles took a paddle
..,100d 111 the stein to -teer the boat,
and help proi.el her ahead. The distance
b) water was a little less than by land, and
althout.!ll Stephen haul considerably the
sta.' t of hint. he believed he should be able
to the :-;ehastl house first, especially
it' Stephen should not see him and quicken
his pave In one minute after he arrived
at the wharf. the boat was under full way.
The buys laid dots n to the oars with right
good hill, awl Cl/toles put all his strength
upon the paddle. They went shooting
over the water twtee MS fast :is a man could
walk, and Charles already felt sure of the
victor). Rut when they had gone about
half a tittle, they came in the range of a lit
tle opening in the trees on the shore, where
the road was exposed to View, and there,
at that moment, was Stephen pursuing his
easy tt alk. Charles' heart was in his mouth.
Stall it was possible Stephen might not see
them. foi he had not yet looked around.
I.r.t the sound of the oars might attract
hi- attention, Charles had instantly on
(•oming in sight, ordered the boys to stop
rowing, and he gra•-ped his paddle with
anxiet) find waited for Stephen
again to disappear. But just as he was up
on the point of passing behind some trees,
where the boat would be out of sight, Ste
phen turned his head and look round. He
stopped ,hort, turned s q uare round, and
stood for the 4pare of R minute looking stead
ily at the boat. Then lifting his hand, and
shaking his fist resolutely at Charles, as
much ass to say, I understand you, he start
ed into a quick run.
"Now, boys," says Charles, "buckle to
your oars for your lives and if you get to the
shore so that / can, reach 'the school-house
before Stephen does, give you half a
dollar apiece."
This, of course, added new life to the
boys and increased the speed of the boat.
Their little canoe flew over the water al
most like a bird, carrying a white bone i n
her moth, and leaving a long ripple on the
glassy wave behind her. Charles' hands
trembled, but still he did good execution
with his paddle. Although Stephen upon
the run was a very different thing from
Stephen at a slow walk, Charles still had
strong hopes of winning tlfe Moe and gain
ing his point. He sveral times caught
glimpses of Stephen through the tress, and,
as well as he could judge, the boat had a lit
tle the best of it. But when they came out
into the last opening, where for a little way
theyihad a fair view of each other—Charles
thought Stephen ran faster than ever; and
although he was,now considerably nearer
We school-house than Stephen was, he
still trembled for the result. They were
now within fifty rods of the shore, and
Charles appealed again to the boys' lore of
"Now," said he, "we have not &minute
to spare. If we gain that point, I'll give
you a dollar apiece."
The boys strained every nerve, and
Charles' mid,* made the warter Hy like the
tail of a wounded shark, Charles urged them
tospring with all their might, and one of
the boys making a desperate plulsge upon
his car, snapped it in two. The first pull
of the other oar headed the boat from land.
Charlie saw at once that the delay raiallt be
fatal, if he depended on the boat t carry
him ashore. The water was but three feet
deep, and the bottom was sandyl r He
=gfrom the boat, and rushed toward
ore aa- fast as he was 'able to press
through the water. He flew up the bank,
and along the road, till he reached the
house. The door was open, but he could
see no one within. Several children were
at play round the door, who, having seen
Charleaapproach, with mouth and eyes wide
open, stared at him.
"Where's the school ma'am?" said Chas.
hastily, to one of the largest boys.
"Why," said the boy, opening his eyes
still wider, "is any of the folks deed?"
"You little rascal, I say, where's the
school ma'am?"
"She jest went down. that road," said the
boy, "two or three minutes ago."
"Wm she alone 1" said Charles.
•'She started alone," said the boy, "and
a man met her out there a little ways, and
turned about and went with her."
Charles felt that his cake was all dough
again and that he might as well give it up
for a bad job, and go honte. Stephen Jones
and Lucy Brown walked very leisurely
home through the woods, and Charles and
the boys went very leisurely in the boat
across the pond. They even stopped by the
way, and caught a mess of fish, since the
boys had thrown their lines into the boat
when they started. And when they reached
the wharf. Charles in order to show that he
had been a fishing, took a long string offish
in his hand and carried them up to the
house, Miss Lucy Brown, on her way
home through the woods, had undoubtedly
been informed of the proposed tea•party
for the evening, to which she was to be in
vited, and to which Stephen Jones and
Susan Jones were not to be invited: and
when Miss Lucy's invitation came, she sent
back word that she was ItNGACILD.
hrril NUS OP Pari•e•.—Letters from Pan
ama to the 22d ult. have been received.—
The rifling of old Indian graves in the dis
trict of Chiriqui was on the increase. The
brig Josefa, Capt. Patterson. a New Eng
land master, sailed on the 20th for the new
El Dorado, with a cargo of shovels, provis
ions and liquors, and about fifty passen
gers, including half a dozen Americans, a
few English adventurers, and one Monte
dealer. The accounts of goideti images
_and trinkets found in the butte's were
growing more extravagant daily. A hat
made of gold had been found, and a gold
woman. It was reported that one man had
taken out -75 pounds weight in
Some of of the tombs contain the remains of
many hundreds of- Indians. - r--The gold is
found in earthen vessels by the side of the
bodies in whose honor the images were de
posited. On the 21st, Jiminta Hermanos
having fitted out a schooner for David, a
port of Chiriqui, issued an advertisement,
in which he stated that gold to the amount
of $200,000 had been taken out of one hu
ms. One was a king weighing 50 pounds,
and there was a gold hat weighing 25
pounds. He also states that more than
three thousand persons were digging in the
graves. The ground occupied by the Im
ams is covered by trees, and it was by the
falling of a large one, growing on the top
of a znound, that the Id was first discov-
MOUnd, T itta MAO:
and it was accidentally seen by a man,
when passing close to the mound.
A Yorso Halt Savui.—Burleigh the
New York correspondent of the Boston
Journal, relates the following anecdote as
illustrating the - ease with which a young
man may be saved as well as ruined.
One of the leading brokers of New York
had a young man in his emptoy. The vast
amount of money in his hands was a great
temptation to him. Small iums were
missed day after day, one quarter, then
fifty cents, then one dollar, then two dol
lars were missed. He was charged with
the peculation. The broker showed him
he could detect the abstraction of the
smallest sum from his money ; the young
man stammered and confessed. "Well,"
said the broker, "I shall not discharge I
shail not dishonor you. * I intend to keep
you-and make a man of you. You will be
a vagabond if you go along in this way.
Now, let me see no moreof this."
Ile went to his work. did not dis
appoint the man's confidence. He did honor
to his employer. And the other day he was
inducted into one of our banks in an hon
orable position, and his employer became
his bondsman to the amount of $lO, - 000.
Had he conducted himself as some would
have done—sent the boy sway and pro
claimed his dishonor—perhaps he would
have elded his days in the State Prison,
and been sent to his tomb in the garb of
a convict. But one young man was res
cued from ruin, who had been placed amid
the tklnptations trioney•and for a mo
ment was overcome.
and Sizer's farm adjoined each other. 'Siz
er had an unruly sheep which was in the
habit of getting into Bunce's field. Bunco
expostulated with Sizer several times, and
then told him if he did not keep his sheep
at home, be would fix him so he wouldn't
jump any more fences. But , Bunco soon
found the sheep back again ; so he caught
him, and with a knife severed the cuticle
or skin just beyond the gambril joint, and
between the main cord and tone, then thrust
the other hind leg through the aperture,
and then put the sheep back tiver the fence,
who went off hobbling on three lee. Sizer
soon after discovered the sad plight his
sheep was in, and he knew very well who
was the cause of it, but he concluded to
take things coolly, and await some suitable
opportunity to revenge himself. Presently,
Bunce's old sow broke into Sizer's field,
aiien he caught her, and with a,sharp knife
cut her mouth almost from ear to ear, and
turned her back. When Bunco discovered
this, he went to Sizer in a great rage, and
demanded of him what he did that for.—
Slier laid. "upon my word neighbor Bunco,
I didn't do any such thing. Your old sow
split her mouth laughing at my sheep tArosgh the
A WAGGISH CHAP, whose vixen by
drowning, lost her precious life,
his neighbors, and told them that his
was drowned—and could not be d.
He knew, be said, the very nook • where
she had tumbled in the brook ; and he had
dragged along the shore, above the place, a
mile or more. "Above the place?' the
people cried. "Why, what d'ye meant"
The man replied, "Of course you don't
suppose I'd go and waste the time to look
below! I've known the women quite a
spell, and learned her whimsies passing
well—olive or dead, she'd go, I vow, against
the current, anyhow I".
M. A Western correspendent says, there
is one feature which is apparent all over
the West; while the towns find cities have
diminished in business and population, the
country has increased in both. Ken who
multi not live in town have gone out upon
the prairies, put their hands to the plow,
and determined that it is better to raise
wheat at fifty cents per bushel than it is
to trade on credit with nosecurities and no
TIM KIIIIMUOVI Puiso-Pwrita..—A:cor
tof the Musical World relates the
folllloowiing droll incident :—Not long since I
was invited to pay a visit to some friends
out of town. in the family were three
young ladies, besides young children. Be
ing musical, we spent the greater part of
the first evening of no visit in singing and
play4and, at a proper hour retired for
t, as we supposed. As I was a
greatfavorite with the girls, each one
wanted to sleep with me, and to effect this,
it wee decided that Instead of going to my
room, I should remain in their double bed
ded teem. Accordingly, instead of going;
to sleep, we lay and talked (as girls often
do) some hours. Itilly touched me on
the arm in the middle of a most interest
ing account I was giving her of the opera.
and certain regular attendants there, anal
"C., do you hear that f"
"Rear what? Ido not listen to people
when they are not talking to me," natural
ly guppaang she referred to Margaret and
Fanny, who were in the other bed.
"There t now, itris don't you hear it.—
Some one is pla,ying on the piano,'
"Who can it be? ' said ItfUly. "Why did
you not lock it, Fanny, it is your place to,
do it?"
"Well," said Fanny, "I did, and the ket
is in the pocket of my dress."
This, of course, we would not believe.—
So, trembling from head to foot, sh 6 got up,
dark as it was, found the dress, with the
key in its pocket. All this while we hear,l
the piano, sounding in simple scales fruit,
top to bottom, and vice versa, but producinn
the most wonderful quantity tune, resem
bling those of a musical box than anything
We had all heard of spirits, and were
quite'sure there were some in the house
for it was not probable that any of the
children would be up at that hour of the
night. So it was decided that we should
hold each other by the hand, and go ;taros
the hall to the father's room. At this time
the scales were better played on the piano
as if some one had been ordered to !mac' e•••
for an hour. We succeeded in awakeniti•z,
Mr. W., and in a few minute , : he eame out
with a light in his hand, when we forniell
procession after him with chattering teeth
th eager faces, for our euriosity wa ,
stronger than our fear We enter the
parlor ; sure enough the piano phut
locked, while the gamute i , being played
regularly and distinctly. The father
for the key ; all the girl t•ereani out at
once :
"Don't open it; it must be
But Mr. W. does not believe m pitnio
playing spirits, and opens the instrument
while we are all huddled together. tml L.
"Gracious me. it's a mouse"'
Ilow we laughed and scre:a►ned. ;opt
looked for the little animal, hut it was n 4.
use, mousy had practised his Lesson and
gone. It was easy to acecnint for the (well
ness of his playing, as he was to sniall
skip a note, and therefore touched ever )
MR. ANbti SICKLES.--MN. 11. R
!Jewett, a Southern lady, formel)• of Mt.,-
sisippi, is out with an elaborate detonro ~t
the reconciliation of Mr. and Mr,. Sivkl,-
We give a specimen, MS we find it in tit. ,
Merchant's Record.
"And Mrs. Sickles, she may be a ble-•.ilig
to many! Rahab, the wort of ‘%.nuoii
mentioned in the sacred hi,tor
saved, with all her family, when Ow eit)
of Jerico was taken, stmi no caller -.out,
were saved—her faith and ; 4...1 deed
justified her." "There is more rejoictinl
in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth
than in the ninety-and-nine that went not
Mrs. Sickle though sold like poor Litt'.
Joseph has it in her power to he a deliver
er from evil, through grace. and a Mutt.-
ter of good to aching hearts and erring
sisters. We should rejoice that one man,
at least. has dared to do right—to return
to his wife; and an erring wile has preferred
to take her own husband in preference to
those who would gladly have her separated
at the just disappointment would be timuu
ing, if it was not in such a serious cause.
Cannot some one recommend a pan.icem
for their distress ?
A GioaotA RAILROAD.—The railroad 1..
tween Kingston and Rome, in t+eo» gia. it
it is not a one-horse concern, is a mighty
slow team. A friend of ours rejoicing Ili
the name of Tick—a telegraph mall. t.... -
was riding upon the lightning train t h,
toad, when he spied a negro toilditit
with a pack on his back. In the• eXlll , ,r
ant generosity of his nature Tick x•t .• I ill. .1
out "Halloa, Uncle! conic als,al.l--
aboard and ride to town !" The 14.1111 .lil.l
glistening African touched hi. Is aver nvl
replied: "Beg pardon, massa. hut I e
mus' git dar boots, and bah, '
spar !" When we mot Tick
time afterwards, he exj.:lti.kt..l %%.1 , lid
on the merits of the Aare roa,l ••• 111 h..
"It is the cheapest rum! w tlt, al: t, Al
States—you can ride on it ~/ • ,t
lar !"
TEM BLACK RT•--I',d WI fl I', 4'h
who made a large fortune in Ow \,L9
Minstrelsy:business, and then retit44l ,it
tends returning to it iti the Fall. Ile
so entirely for the lien, fit and •
of George Chrhtty, who ik vontit.,•tt,l u :tit
him by marriage; hir E. chri , lN II 11
ing IntioriouKly earned hi,. .
carefully kept it. tieorge lett E I'
years ago, and joined tile ‘VLN.I
`Wood and he afterward , quart elo, l It, •,
then, you will remember, i:eorge wa- rot ,
bidden to perform in the city. and tilted
for attempting to do so, he haying -.git , .1
a written agreement to that
soon as George's term of ,pl,,b.ittoit 1,
expired, Ned Christy and he will (pelt ott
Broadway, and the two, with n good voni
noody, will do all in their power to criutit otit
Mir "My son," said a phi10 , 01,1.1.•;d ~ 1 ,1
gentleman, "when draymen take Ow tem
peranoe pledge and the police, refu , e la Lb..;
when an omnibus half empty goes
same pace as a full one ; when tl,e lan
private property extend to aimfwella- , 11.
when a bachelor in lodgings finds a -Bier
Without a button off, then thou tnave.t
chance to find a wife who will not ot t ita
travel without eight and twenty package,
and who will show herself pos-;e-z-e.l -11 ,
angelic self-denial as even to refu , te thin,.
offer of a dress simply becau'e Abe flunk.;
that she doesn't need it,"
There is a village in Stul,..n l`f,1111( .
N. Y., which bears the name of -Painted
Poet." The origin of the name is told :n.
follows: It takes its derivation from a w 0,141.
en monument in the form of a l.ergc 11,-,‘ it
square post, painted red, with imag,, in
black, which was erected by a band of vie
toriotui Indiana, at that point, some time
in the Seventeenth Century, incommemo
ration of a bloody battle in which t.onat,
sixty or seventy of an oppitig tribe were
slain and captured.
Sinam.As LAW Srir.—A singular
suit is in progress in New York. A young
lady, nineteen years old, suetilior guardian
to compel him to reveal her parents. She
has lived with him from infancy, :And
claims that ho has property belonging to
her. Reoently he has refused to support
her, or to deliver the property, or disclutie
the facts connected with her birth.
ExesiAxamo Lgos.—A gentleman's le,f
was amputated on Wednesday, at the MA--
sachusetts Hospital in order that he mi„,:ht
have an artificial leg applied. -The am pit
Wed leg was four inches shorter than it:,
fellow, but pafectly sera. The patient has
walked for twenty-seven 3 eur. upon a
crutch, but prefers to try the other style
of "going ahead," even if it is by Inv it
of a wooden propeller.
j God hears the heart without thv
words, but he never hears the won I- with
otilt the heart.