New Agricultural Settlement TALL WANTINO • Ralik UPPuiCILISITI IN A DELIGHT! t 1 AND 116•LitiY CLIkATE. A-1 OF PLILLADk.I.kaIs, ON Tut 4 ANDE.N •Ni.) ATLANIIO RAlLRustii w allagY An old estate consisting of BMW thousands set. N I pre /cares eel nes been dtvideetlato Yana" of various so. to east Las purobabor. • of maw: bat, front various porta of tliv seitidle make La, land have nettled these the peel year, impri.ed taf. places, sag raised szestitat erg& the price ul at the Lou sum 4 MOM to $.ll pet arm the so., the best quality hr her ptoducUon of ends', t Cars, Peaces*, Griper anal stela/4m 11 1, t. 'll UM, Tide. teh;4l hLLGII bun. lilt THE UtiloN 11. place la pet tretly secure hose bis•ta—tbe Metro. ta, usy of the farmer. Crops of grain, gram and boil a., no.. growing nod ran be even. of emonsons t ei••..., 1•••• • correct judgement can be roamed of the pt oil, to es, the Land. ins terms ars made cosy t. eec,.re the Ist., imprevement of the land, winch 14. on. ) sold to urinal 11.1111prvoement. The result has Sem, Ufa' slt .ii the ,f fear, sotto area 411Bsiergd houses base •. Ull, one lour stores, s, b,t. steam orchards planed, cud s large otye. .p. ptvreenetita.-enaltud ft-If draftable au, .u.ti.• 1..1. • ••11 . Weed*. THE II'AREET, as the rr&der may perceive (tom I ISEzI IN Ink. 1.N1..Z. Produce bringing doutole the prtcu tine. 1.1 t.• away LI ow the vit„t, and more t hau pt .cv the Wee . It a known that we ear.text trutts v.. vegetablee W true latitude Cellar !rot, • I s are RAZIMiliv exported to the extent of In Ica:stink here, th • betty, nee wan, so,s at Lager. 1/ 411•11/1a11111/ Avg/ Loud ride u/ Lite great till. Ls, laud and *addle •tates, he LS urar cum a ro & wemaim:is, he .a in a settled CullwiTy tr.era et:ry lenprut I Natal te Colikiort ea/ earth:eat.. le et //and /bu oul ewer) article want s the clarayebl /.1/ , /, t. 4 II 1,, roduce for tne Llgbee. OU the Ia e•fil tn. lb 11.1 has schools for ham thou,, n, dartat attract anal 411! ea • a 1(1.11 open winter, sud orlightfu. hula fca era ere %Marty unknown The result .1 tile • haaa,:e • pasta L.. • bow the north, hit& rUrraily .Ia il• exoelleur elate of health. In the way of building and Irupr,ing, '01,41., ext. 1.. r tobtalatd at the at toe rate of f sad. Bneks trona the brtelt ~peord tile! article -Me be proccilee-In tee rerpewer,. s r a et band, and there is uu elect tu we t I lit., i'irs Sad improvements eau to. userle The render wilt St Odor ire t•tru. a 4 Vas n - Dere presented, eud ask 1:11t.e. Li... • t: been taken up beture. lLe AI, at Wan U. I. .1410.5. ID U:111 market , add latdee• there hLat.:suestn Vit . 4.• • L.. DO OD, troaltl be istettrO to eassolOe the law, t. hoe put• chewing Tot, all are sip-oral to tli• /Lot rl, e.te tat lead under euitivatlue, tutu • e COIL ut ht . tl.l, went that they ell, Du O t t,obt, ntstel ,A.totot, lit to tto•t: own risighbornood , tory al., wither.a the imp rtt,tot LP, LDOCaII judge the chars ter of tht pttrttet.tto tls• torne with a new W Setltltt, lltet stit , Ultt .''toe Viol/tn. to Stay a day or two 4613, OV .s.l I lltrl••bl, w.•,.. twos cannot be field utt There aro'wo t.• 11. treat., to l'!...•delphia, tad F. a. settlers woo 11.11i1Tote. TOL ife'Llttt•Lt I.trspAt t dt . ,s FUNS TICEST ?On SIT itOSTat, •to • UAL.' I it 11. I it K.l toa sssss TS tats THK TOWS uF lIAIIMANMN la 00.11..eetiiil nuh the 14.;7.CUitilr.1 alert •rul,..t, A I (..1 and Will - lug .1 1....r1 ./.". Lath.: i‘ anwu vl.trt prr,e l $ la MCclieliLa I eAI. parfsful.rlv stores and 1.0•1141 , ... TIC. F IRt 'i it 5.1./t .. Ulm , .•• 1 . a • 11-a Yl. Liati J , A, %.r/ , - V. *160,4 It O.J•4' 1114.. hat beet+ 1 talk.. • I 121Crek.11 . poll ta.4lloll.'e, Ile It ou., pace, c.aa L. Ltad at I, The lisautoition 4rostrr, a cultural fat: o ' can be übtalned St •zi crut. Title ,othapu tablv-- In al rautt, ~'PSI l n,l lacumbnance when moor, p.ll iothe to leave Vine street w hart, l'hiladelpL 1. I anu to• /1 ,or 4 I' 35 r.l, itatuosd, at 7. A the' (of Mr By rnr. Firrar•ilug I t 111.,11Ce• • 0 hand eartlrs tutu belt. r 1.3, .51r b.., a ptIL cipat, until they ha•o .1. t .1,, kJ..., w .,l show them over the I• 1111 In Lis rad - 1121,0-, fr.e ,if e• p. Lre Letters and applicatiuLs • al, to Byrnes, liandtuouton I' u , AtiaLtu , S. B. toughie, Zunln fr If'd/ ILI/4,4,Ln* -- Map. ,tifortuatiun July 16, .049 —0- 0 _ - " HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. IT II • lict tttat, at aortae pet tut:, y t... human Maul) , re eallvo. olowaek dalLa bodily lulletluall, !hit, %lib the 'Lid 01 a the elefflet hi p aan Low, they L., to regulate the .)stem as to re;ere yelrneoeut -- la 0[4(.1' than ot,P . Ct. ILV true to pursue is eel talh/y that wLxh wt prv..uce I, II slur •i state of thlogs at the least hazard Of rlf at atf - rugll. Jaw: Itte. For thu parpuse, Ur Iluitt•qtrf boo tt 1, , .• U. .d t this eountri a inept/at:on Learlog h.a nso.,, oblcb It I, , a new media tut Ohs that has 400 a ti gt•lag aattetexatan to nll who h•ve aced it the 61..tet5 operate powerfutly on the ff , tumech, Lowrn tail Ln er, re storing them to a boa/thy and vtgorOtta action, and by the simple process of streugtbeutog natule, rush[[ tht system to triumph 0551 CAM., For the cure ut byspeptut, ludigraLson, Naurrs, Fiat TA 'Attie), Lou of Appouto, or any nututue 4.o4uplaluta, art flag from • Morbid naactsoo of toe or bow, all producing Lrasupa, 1.,,t 1.411 trry, Cubc, l..f.oacra Morbaa, C those bitten 11••• DO equal LPIAI7OOCa, LP)111.11ter) or Flux, Co geoer►tty coOt r 3 raid by new settlers, and caused principally Ly rue cLauge t I Walt/ end Met, 014 be 4),-e•Pltly 07 a 1., 0.1 00 at tom preparstaola. LP) Ppr, u., • lorL 1. ably mute prevalent, toe lUD d OIIDS, Mau 00) oitt ar, and the cause of wroca may •iwaye tp, I..itt-P1 1 , • derangement* of the eltgeett,e or walla, can Loa Cora! a 'l/ Slat fail by using klUare.llEtt'z a lon p I LPL" ea per directions en the bottle. For tois ev. t, 'hyaena will reensineeed linters of borne lino; IL, o why not ocean artmie known to he 4/1 Were Gatt rl, Ye pra•eoaat, it duo aa• YLJ etrengineser of the system in general, an.: aah.tig them ill there le not to be found a more hemitly pt-opie turn the Germans, /rum whom tbs. preparaPPLai eturtopatet:, md upon mieutanc experitueute w LAO.I Gave to prove the rattle of thts greet preparatiou 11P the eca.• medical science. _ _ • Ys••s. •ILD •OCll.—Tbta try lag LL - LI pr,,vttin, ate, ,ae. Vbial aIMI eta rwbentLaft... grasp. the boo) 01 WWI, V• ur tag hap to a Olen shadow la • abort tame, •t.t. l elgder,l, s physically end menially °Aegean, cat. be L. In•il "behold, by the Mee of 110,1 bT tt Tritd• Furth•r, none of the shore-stated du.-..•s can Le banatitebied, even to ezpoleeLl tantiotne, d the ',it., • or used us per chrectioe. Ana sa they orttber create 1:111.114 , 1 nor °Bond the palate, and render ouoreesperi so, of diet or Interruption of °Atlioar" purautia, but 1,1 tu,te frond sleep and heathy dtgestion, the c,,mptai tit is r, moved as speedily Ca la Connlateng • ILO. the too‘uctiou e tborebagla end permanent cure Per ferrous ter Atlvereced /4sra, o hoe,e aufTerlOC from enfeebled constitution arld Wee. tilt en are inveluab,e as a r-oft.rattee of 04.1011 wu ,tgor eon need Gal; be tend to 3S at,t.rectattta bud to r while nOrldag tbeee nittet • are 10,114,e5...tab1e, nape. when II goad tome, each em Hostetter • nt•on.,co u.: t. /speeded to impart temporary etrea,,tb and •L,,,0r th, system Ladies should by all means , •C . L 'Lae evened, eh cease of debility, and, before 6,, phylaCian, who, if be Is acquatisted wit., the tutor • ' 11114 , 11011, will recommend their our 113 All use. a 0/ •• r-sk LTION caution the pututca,,a.hst usiug Al, • of the amity imitation/tor coULtertetta, but mot tor , u•- riTTSR'S meaty &&&&&& Orunern alga Me 14%1 Aden oottie has the err rda H t•r• hitters" blown On the side of the huttle. ARIA •Lantpe, the metallic rip coeertng the rank, a d 0h...1,e 'oat nett autograph signature bon the ..Prepared and 'old 6y HI .O‘,TETTER 4 SMITE, Pittsburgh, Pa , and a 4,1 ) , y dr-iv yesu, yr .cers, and dealeTo yenera.l4,_: , o vuglioe.! rh Untied Statu, Canada. .South .1 , -rrisa and Gr.- many For sior by CARTER L Bito i ., eee i• II ALI., Ere ELY, Girard; li. SIib.RILAN A r•ii.%, LONG k CO., Fairview. June MORE TO BE AINTREE) THAN THE B.XCErairr .41.. D Eat MEI Worn by Kings or. Emperors. What 1 - Why a Beautiful Head of Hsu- Because it V the ornament leed lionoolf pr vr 14.14 d all our rate. bradet, although the roee we) r •0 brightly to the gtowtog cheek. the i)e 1.. v• • I •• eparitling, the teeth be th• Dr of peed., ti tke reft of its covering, or the hair be mewed attur.l.o. Vrd sad dry, or worse Pull, it aprtoklet nita eaters will lose more lbw:, half her charm. l'r..f W,,.. flak Reetorative, if need two or three limes a weak, us ed restore and oermanentJy secure to ad such au ornv mew bead the following sonjudge. The wrtitr of the Mat f. the aka:rats/ Pignut, Maker Da. Wooly: New York, April Dar Sv •—Permit me to express to you the ohligrithiri• I am wider for the entire restoration of my hair to l'e original color ; about the tame of my arrival to the Unit. Sts im it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the al ldi mtlon of your "Haar Restorative" it 11..11 r,cover, .1 it• original boo. I ecmeider tour iteetoratire as a wet, 0,3 dertul triventiou, quite effitstioile at well on !Wren , VTI, dear 1:S, )1,1111. trni ~ "' , recta is •Jr-r!led,d. Wash N. we„aper otbc. 18 S ft l'tott Puot. 0 R AD —.bear me u. nth .eats siro I le Cet,ed holl(e of your H. R,4( 1•11. at . _Yr bay who c t.. .t u Lil :Mite tbl - 411.1 at tud tam tat •• lb. F,nt hair tr. Ita ung.u,l e or, o.t to a, aft*. t t aft LI, . after L. law WO.Ntle :Mat It bss poifbrined :bat Aleut by turning al' the gray Lau, to a la•it Ltnorn, at the sane time beautifying and chic, elan.; t... Liu: 1 strongly recommend the above !Mod , ' ratme to all, in want of such a change in their ha.: CHar.LES ( . ..1111 - 4:1% Na. Yos.c, July 20, loo: Pao/. 0..1. troop roulidence an I recommend t OCT Blur BleatOtlitlrt , , LB being the m e at etlicaciou•artol. ever saw. Since using your liar fieOttt two years ago n.y hair ”112- , stiltDOP4 &Mug off and turning gray , I .Meat becoming bald, and had tried many Remedies to no efloct I con, maimed using your Restoratlve in January Lent. .t Sew applications bateesel my hair firmly. It began to Oil up, grew out, and tsursod back to ita former color, (black.) At this time It is fully restored to Its original color, health, and appearance, and cheerfully recommend tie u... to all J. D. Hui...-. The Restoratfve Li put up to bottles of 1 a.res, large, medial.), and small ; the small bold!. hi a plut, srof retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium bold, et least twenty per amt. more in proportion than th. smaltf retails for tea d ellen per bottle the largo. hold's quarc 40 per cent more in proportion, and nulls for O. J. WOOD ir CO , Proprietors, 3i Itroutwar, Now York, (lithe ireet N. Y. Wire Ruling Establishmortro and 114 learkert St., St. Look, No. And told by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods 'los]. ere. July 2,1929.-3 m Valuable Land for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR mile • tenet of hied known as the "Riddle tract" It lag *tar sties east at Waterford, on the Erie k Waterford nbaa t0e5145550 mobil& about 1.000 sexes. Th4s land wsn tiobowd. y adopted. when elepred, let *We mipsairiik is sir ditid*die the Qunbary Eris hairiest It 55111 be slid In •b* gubdiTyrd in taigas to emit pautimerra. f ' • .1 Ali r , Atty' Girard July, Ulna-6U PERSONS WISHING TOCHANGE their bashost b a nOtty taeressiar Coanay, A New Saittlamint what hastheastre_ _ptag. Where climate Sa IBUII tad dingbtfal. diet iirthiment of the Ham dettLawit. weer Moan. NW. pi - I)F ANL) NIV:,I • f 1: . , •.t A. , lar , •lrf .11.raf.4, "rot . for,. I.•' • of qtral.r.: a., , 14fitar, , „... 1, f •r• Irree,ln. A. c ,, rriv , ort• r rail, Trastsg A, t urfit.g him acrd il•tutorn. .„11 . 1.,1 l',Uillll4 MrlUipt, 10 • II ' , II". I , la. f..r haler, I'Lar.r,l4. .• abtl r_f.afrrs, an, . Lam'. • fa: r• 6 r,:r .11PET 1111 .11. ••on, •,.I..r•th. 11.1 11. tilt rtl b•... 1, aII.: all kin I •• . 111. 1. , I loin A i.'l, 11. c , , 1. ;111. 110% 1., =III •• f_V••• • V.:•&• • and nt, • +• I. ••• i• , I $1 I; • j/k.i. n n p 1 ,, f• , l• •• • \ 011 T 3-0 1, ty), 1..3c• sa Odra pt gage, pa. $1 4 :30. Wile/ • • • • :I*3:A.), ft!, -1... %.411.11r 0,,1111• teces ono— a • , t f j .l A t• itig) (uro,l tiurdorf. - .1.1. • • .1 , : • ": b T Mgt./4114 ha. U.Q. , . • t.•I. II -4 N 11/111, 1,1 11.11 F. Anna. ••ar) a.s.•• 7.••uvilpi• •S• '9431 Wuslelio.,t, N.. 1.••• i• • • - I - $ 41 . , N. 71, . 'o4„,r • , Y• 11.• • 4.5‘1,: • I ',el, fJ I tZ 1. !!!, A 1.. 1•I' Ar• Svpla - L, 4 k ‘ 4, - • •",, D $l.• • f.: ....1 Ff. kill. \ \ S 'NW pa,. 1 • I . • '• 4 1 vol.. Lta..r..l TI-.!..T1111)".1.t TII 11 1, :tAci. .iITILS PIA.N US kt ,on.• I 1., In 111.4 rat,. 4.:,1,-••• It , MEIN la; r f. : _t wr ISE IME d•. pi u,• titotaisi )i 'it pr•.mptt..r k, ,rr. • Lan. if. .ao: , •1 ,r 1 •..,. ; • .••• •.•• .1 • . 110 . „ • IC 0. - I IL! 14.0 AN t I.pur• :we.— rl-• ! er 0.1 nr •‘• 11. .A 1 • het t. r, nt tprr lr, a , •• • I . us.J.Jusrmal It ,r• fU.i. n. lork %top al RE, itv Ila I rill It , ti „ 111 Lb. At Mr •lor*. ;fir rt-r:i f.I \.l rtit. All.] • I I 144•.•• to la b• 1.11... u. lb* • .••••.• or trri, .r rig 2,0 14 ralrrrt. Is L., • .1 Al/ .4 yele, r Uri got. , yurk: —Graßam ..ihrgazlft• 11 tit Athol, 333 1311,4111) WA Y, New I ark. 1;, .)..Y.-1 ti SuME I lIINU NEW.-B. T. BA - BBIIT'S ,„ , 'AL 68 Li 1.1.1 . 11.• LI •nd 68 LIL 'Nal] Utki, .1111 t IV OR All 11W Watt, F, • 1•1 ;, I; 0 !Ail t ; %pattiL,, 7 ,4,,e I:yeet.. fn oak.% , Stu:lrby pi„- 0 • _ _ .44.•0.50rac 40. tau 04 , 7 . pirti rig .4,ilbut rat us is ed I. 1P.+114 AWN* ,t It r Gif g la tl• t gaa.l nirtilbruit whhe Fliktiog:l 6 8 'IWO ....1111. Is lay 'iota,* regnietsba foam MUM (3 8 I too ta'axt rk4Aa. oa -W nada) asr . Vite . by tYr L.. turf 9.b. , e.1era446. Slat' If roek,d youtut pknerii: • h 0 k..) h ..1 tat,..l, • Lt 1/ -bi.itt . 6 I,* PI UMW. with • iplx.ol 6 t,,., lrhoqi )01.1 wilcurow , kfir 68 do t e*, PLoulti ; the It-tapper, u_st 1 c p*ll. , ,ular to get the next exactly AND LI &DU 3d AN D ‘tireCLl , no. 1.. r Bread with ry (At, Uhl ur Crapt lar 70 tar, ni.l LA kut O, 1,1 , 1 , k1at , /ON,. . . HORACE WATERS. Ag't. .t+ 16 , 10 I ....,,t,: 4 , 4, )!aloe B oo k, N o •• • ,tt .•• nit,. .urn, I y I .1• 4. • “ Ibte lto•ok • I, ilh •1, n I ... , I ri I •n. 11, MO I f L , nI. • ut,. Mllnie it•••• 1,, N. • I ni..l 4• .1.4 h , wt. JTler..r • I d 11,Lt h I t I I -• es 11. t I 7' ptt rt.! . it , iIC, • i...,1/1 • ) F ,f 1..1 1 “,•Ir• c• -t J •,,,t /ME ..• Y. it, 140 ha. 1111 , 1 UD tit• I VW , .1. r i4ol/11b I/1 .I.fli, II..• ;ill, for •, the t1111)Cr, =BIM lb,. • f• • - tt tGrt , •.:y anl .iurablltty " r‘rr "r F.ralg Lard • ,111.1111 0 ,1 II 11.1 I I'M 41. , 4S hegeei. I r..4%1 i* .• kr: mai. Lan in WI =lel J )1 I',. ,h 14.1 k, I t• I• I t• laly, .11 ,t frllt • • 0431 1 4.11.1 4 .41 Ull/6/ 1 4 4% i ng xen I lur 1.11 I . *• 4, 40 , 1 0. 1. ..L.', 141.1- 1.1140 ta• re .l• I. I , I.lglloii. 1-taut .41• at. IN I Lail.. 41. ikapt 11,t v 0, • [..1,/.... '0 0 leftl. "I 1 1./rft Ull,lll .• 1“1., . 4.1 ustg th. 4.1 of tllfrlte id 'Le If tort,... , 11l • ••1•1 11, LI 4 , 01. I,P, .. ..r ~,) I.ltaig • 4tar , 1.‘1.• .tar , .lni...•)t•J at. • Ilenn 1.0 4 . 411t1 ra 1.0{11 , 1 —CANT, I iv..l« a". 111, , akin TO HOUSE KEEPERS t. arab, • sr 14, AND ,-• ar 41: nitt: ~I.• it 1s frt•atietlin bait= , 44h. us r wlp, pietas, • Ipt 4.1r. - r'i-u• 0 • all kilo, 01 Parity . t -r L.aalug &ter aucl iiz 4.• ACLO 68 Blake Your Own Soap, 68 WISLI .ND ]3 13 13.3,13X3 ITT'S 70 Pure Concentrated Potash! 70 1 r t nter 4 d0u01: t1.0n1 , -.4116 of o:dinar) ••• • I'r 2.4, J:00 , - f u,, FC;Ir.. . 4,, 68 k:•: p r :It, , oft s“rip 010...i0L-r: • p LA • 1,09" 1 . . , 1ar•h In t,,,• AND GS: ~`~ „ 70. 1 .4/.4.01.1tt.i .b. 4 pow T ;•• •t , w 11. J 1!. , 1% 2 ott, 1 \ L6l, 4".,,t .1.) R._ JCD 1-1' INT S O.l\T 'S HERB DISPENSARY. llMaul t, cl• or, p -•talrao Buffalo, N r TIIL CELEBRATED DR. JOIINSON 1 . • tall le 11)4.14'1KP, tryst.. IICCCI•14U1 it t lul lo .111...1•• • 11111o\ I.Y PFI' , IA. 1-11111 1.%. 1 0( : 4 I Tls, lIFA i`Al 111 , curtql lu 10 In kiol.lll-A 1 , 1-.11.A:•1 , › UV 111 I. lik:l R T ItLFI KIL/NIP:1" A I. k L.1%1...1t ~ 1 ,14'1.11N1.- ANL/ kl.e. FAls.'s F.-m, 1t131,41,1 , - Of 11IE F: ARAN 11 1,1" ,„kc ATI ...iv are •n}7o•/la; I•orn o fthorw nam , 4l die ;tt• "Th., npl, atP.I tni tof r ,an itatlding r •1..• lli.. enxi 1 tv, I,•rw %r d. ( I 1., (.1 t •n! larkag SIN• 111- , n. .• ps nv s.f th, ,n nt Mnt / lit ft "in It.• ..1 r,t,n to f OM chr•L *IA 1 and It • • ' % , 11' • at 1.1.1 ) 19 / . 11/1- u• 1 II,: it I ..." , dry, lit, / , 1/1' Anfl Ott,/ ". r"--te r b. !...•ls ti% tfl;:. kl. trt , erne I tr l• %Vt. 1,,,r;t0s F , r TR - MIN FX! ,, \ I , - r. 110.01111 .1 1.11 Ir,p z,t 10.. r.t 11/g I•VVI , 6a r. n , . , )„r /I •.1,4 11).. u..t Tan, roF 100, /1101,1r0. A.: , ' , lll to xl,l to not pall of tbo rountry for T,0•10.t. p•suli \ti F .uotio h,l, Fl n 1.01 A 1 , 1/.•r. .1' 'IIN.,IIN, I t rn ter iW it (oft), q 5 110,11 s. , t Itufbitn, HAMS .kNI , t . treeirms , fnnn l'inetutiatt „j j iEu Cur.• liAtlif vome of the gen- Atte F /int “itto Iv the Jtr. 'e• }h,l 1.114.1, (ill-1.411* L , Y11. - I' AN!) llf.1.11:S rt, 114 •' • •, ruik - a `.,0.! arhci. ' . d e 11,0 • 1 ..k1..1.n .•1 k: - •,k , N., NI. nu. 11 • , laiuer I.vok! klnk! • I ; •1 :, . 1. 1 Jut, II I !/1 N•I • N • (./“.(I•lttY DEPOT F RESH T())1.11 1 1.1 HER3IETIC!ALI.I' 41, g tl ••, kg , kgkga . I.llll'l CP MI ,, qt.t. 11, 15,4 , -4- I NEW 'MUSIC. 4 ‘ 5.1i11.-01 JANE LEE." 4...erNr. AND cill)ltCt, A very heautoul slo w 11r.orfs law, r a.a ) , c ,„,.. toullalet.t, raw to. eo.n: 1, LlJildren I. • .41 as adults., and el.: . ...MI fs , e , In. Ms. is.l the moat popolar 4..1 .r Seep of the slat. Se-a/went& of ...eda expedient.— Pirtto .gi 01 tits. 1111.11 t 1/ lire Jklat p InlAber.l by lloaace W sTSk 1, _treat, so ......1 Itroadoky, :it, York. NI, w .Afrb VIJITLA it V (IC 4.L MI 1 1 --Kind WOl - 10" 'The A urn. told n..e to ..i.r.r. 0 f 11. gal.., , ' "r 1.141, f 1..,e IS .1.. , -, it . Ile 'tack 347 Ilf•tint.oto Hon,. .. r ,„, „. 1 ,, , , ~„.. . I rill rtlll thee :still , ' nli.‘er of 1 her . sip. " ,, to 5......a0 .a. rung hr IL.• of Prturretou tot-lege Pip, .....t rauta pact,. .lOW 1.11 P 4 'lll. a M INSTItt'IIYSTA I, 31t SIC. rop a i , it . L„,,,d,.5, 1. ika , ' tignette , "I. mime or Relcka Q„.,teili a ... a Se, Dance., +rine 40 rootr each ' "Piero -6 1„,,,,n, Polka:" ••••tartnglng , rtintllark '• - lbomas (taker ci,,,gliset, , ' a/i aath rtirt.el•sa, pee Alibertitau Quad rUt. "3i crab esah "t rmsoLlue Walla" "Manville Ma soak. ." 'Arabian War l'r Merck •.' "Reading Polka - aver/ law '1 asaowleene r* "Wttiniu• Pons ," and ' 'Alml rattolkaihuurkot ," price 28 canna each. ' .JOOO It, 1530 —l.lolr GILT FLOWERED, MARBLE TOP 9proviebe Chamber Suit .4 F u^Mun. . For Nal. Ou Cnm1in,...11.. Apply V. W P 1 LsKY. Erb.. JIM. 4, laz4 Spnng it...15t0n PURE. BRANDIES,--Jum received bong I HOUR. at Yrio, and fnr sal. by k BRO. • SELF ROCKINU CRADLES, on SALE y , aIiLasTING SPRING frrin f 5 in rub [ ..15.] re ir lILLSEY PIIYSICIANS ANI CONSUMPTIVES rip, at Can *Wow the 1 11, popbaephiQUlTS t tes, both dwrilla J. C. BIM e • 88 & CO., WHOLES, E GROCERS ! TT AVE T KEN THE STORE No. • Brown's Block, uorm.r! Whery/ 4,4 ROCETIT ES TAT 13.4colessekle! And tvella•etfully soli, it a share of the ME Erie, Jun,. I I, 1559 (r/' L ICATED Al BUFFALO, Corner knrLa Main Strarti. N 1 rITY, Cooper Intutute, - Astor l'lsoe PHILADELPHIA, Corner 7th & Chestnut 81 ALBANY, No 448 Broadway CLEVELAND, ('or Seneca & Superior Si reel DETROIT, No 70 Woodward ATenue NIICAGn. vor nark and Ww!hington Stre•.l. „ t 141.111% Ilteqil;,( ■n7 One 01 tbrar Colligrei, the went Or tan, become Wilt/tit to Li,.. pm lira., of t lin rUtila "chain,” complying attortta of the moot thorough. rstent.irr, complete and popular liusiDefii Sehtioll m tbr world. For Cataloguer and Clrem tarn, rail at th. roty g r add rem as above Mil . marlnl,. =I AMERICAN MERCHANT. hro otod ommerge, Banking, Illanata,turra, Awn culture, Mgehanical e‘t Commons:al Las, Political Ef• , nf , toy. Literal or., Art and StAtirttr . al Icforruafinn Pulkipkird monthly at Cooper inftti,ut., N. Y Terms $1 annum, uith 114•ugual rtult.ct in to CIO. The It otL dr •gto it to le a sound giponent of tl.* Conunerci... and In.:us - trial inter. ( Agorgys March. 211, / =I COMM The Latest & Beet Improvement in Dentistry IN-TEAD .4. GOLD AND 811 Vll.-}t TN the Ea,tern Citten, for a ..r titutt., ..L. % ulcauisr, }tubber awl Gut t• PercL• bare bum used . 4194 as bases (or Artatcaal Teeth, but owing to the difficulty lad rspedne of 4AtAlolnr a proper steam apparatus for ha:debug the taste, ul, Dentists located at a diataacr from those cutter have been deprived of tLe benefits a' the disc'.'. to Now, hose, er, theaat..ntees bate invented potiabh ',oat. r•„ sad I have availed mypasatTar the oppor• tul,r, 1.. li,lr.olure this cheap and eseelleat Matt lal ,•.. lase or , I have trattn tt warn slsewhere, and Imre sh used it I.leßrieetle in my practice an this Cat, to .weft the that at as the hi Attar if-ark let turreted , that it .lilt[ better than any oilier ; that it has all the al t iuts•rs which can be claimed for other Wort an, polo' ~t deembnes , that at as cheap, durable% tuft eard:y ',pair ed : good tar toth permader t and trtuto Tar , wig IffIIZEI I o who tut. 11..tal Plat, a •birh is I:1 uo• tt attno.phrrit Preaaure , this di•ernven oiler. • rertata 1.. r the kuhbre MVPs will fit. For C lava It t• the beet coatxrial ;et °Bend, becotope It will sot Kee" bi uatnral teeth I ant prepared to construct such work lot all who wlkh to use it, and nuke this fair offer, that It the !tubber [Sail to do all that can reasonably be aakeffr a hen tar• Is trim , I will replace It watt Gold or Silver and charge only the difirr,LlCe In price. ()FP ICE, in Eoaensweig's block, over the boot and sloe store 01 Nfflerand Henry W. F. 11.1611 1., Erse, Jon. •d 6, lay. —3 Dentist. ABIBROTYPES!! PUT UP F O R 1N 1 Y irf lt i ' 20 ,„/ • CABER _CENTS. COLBY will put up in cases the $1 picture fo ISO cents. COLBY will put up in rases the $2 pic- = ture for $1 ;;; COLRY will gil e you a beautiful new ,::.i style likeness to send by letter for 25 etc. = CULLY will give particular attention to r;-: taking cbildrems likenesise6. 7. .: COLBY will do all other work in hie _ profession in like proportion CoLBY can, with him mammoth sky-' rte, 2 light, throw more light on THE sullect in = a dark day than 14 really neceasary toE make an impression. COLBY will he tound during busine , ..::: how-4 in the Rosenzweig Block Erin. \lay 11, 1S 4' lisethiloaqtay isedd4o4qtale TrilOSEI)E1,1(2101:S STRAWBERRIE:, 11n) b•• preiwrvel for future. use, p. rfirtly It-.h and tine t1ay...1, by putting (hem up In Glam. Jsrps [web an ar• s .Id by CAKTEK k tifto I:nr 14 G R(X2ERIES.- A coot' supple of mot= ftr t,a, it, the I.te..i I'l ;If, 103 . 1 be 10110.1 ILt HAN , OVSFAM/LY I;IO.I,ERY. F.rte, .1.1:10 11, 1"59-1 Cheapaid. WALK IN GENTLEMEN ! ! N X IV SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS GENSEEEENEER'S Corner of State and Seventh sta., Erie, rilliE Yubscriber has lust re i... 1 • rcired at hia new caps cb.auc•itorr, on lb. Corns, of Stabs andl 5.., •Ire e tr, a !ar t :. stock ortzFRINO AND t,l'iniElt 11.101.1 4 , of the lateat atria, MA trill eontinue to keep on band • large nwsortmestt of Salted lIIIDY MIDI CLOTIIIIIG, to taw Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ..1 e‘er, pt. I. And price, l rot,. of all kinds, Crarstr r 'Phirts I niter :shirts. Inn. era, Itanelkerchiels, Ittoisiery of different qualities, t, Le keeps evertr article k e pt ins tiothing gatabitabsneot. Wi bottling i. niatitiractorrit by bitopelf, 'sod warranted stoat to any in the city Persons wishing articles to WS hue ant do at 11 to . nII and examine his stock, as be4nteoda ant to be undersold by auy eo.tablishinent nest, of Sew York Clothing made to order on short notice. Mr /knit forget Mt pease. Geisaitsater's Corner, rye tier of l; rte and ...recall strerfs Erie. Apnl, al —lkr.O. JVIIN GENSHRIIIER. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FIIR SALE.- THE ..ul,..hriber, as Assignee of Edwin .1 Kr !so, "arm for sale •t erre (educed prices, all or •ur part of tbd following Valuable Real Itiatate in the Lity of Erie, *iv 1. A very valdand, bustne•s Lot fronting on the North ride of the Public Square, between the Reed Hones and Itrown'• Hotel, having a front of 20 fret 1),, inches on the Public Square. ind a like front on rifth - dreet, and ex tending Ituo fret from Said Square to Fifth street, on clutch is erected a large three story frame building, fu good order, nail affording a enperlor po-ition for a dry go. ds or other store, and 1.4 offices; of which immediate po•aeaslon can be given The premises on the Square have heretofore commanded a rent at the rate of $6OO per annum, which may be largely Increased by leasing the front on rah street. BM= oetvpird by J . Barr .1 they are offering a largo and gen- t•ral .tcw•k of PROVISIONS Exelit,ivelv nt BRI ANT .v STRATTON'S A MONTHLY MAGAZINE ELT R I.:K _A_ ! RUBBER AND GFTTA PERCHA. Myrna, con.ixting or 2 Water Lot No 74, haring 33 front on Front street and tbe same on the outer Canal Basin Pier, and extend ing from Street to Pier: having a Grocery building there on ervetr.:. a. The undivided half of In-Lot No, g39:1, fronting on Peach, Front and Aecoon streeta, with a large trams dwelling bowie and other buildings thereon. 4 In-Lots Nos. =l, 3.T.A., ,Z3O, 3331 a 3332, situate be te een State, Peach, Front and Second rte., and fronting to part on each of said streets. this ground will be sold by the foot to ouch parcels as ms snit the purchasers. The al.ose property IN all in the most improving por tions r f the City, and otters an opportunity fur securing favorable locations, and tusking profitable izirestments, soy Las will probably not occur again in th 6 City. A sale thereof must positively be made to the muffle.' meats of an assignment of •n Id property for the benefit of creditors. And if not Donner clime .1 pH rate Ma*, •F In he coltet auction t, the loghe.t I.ohlers, at the Markt. Ranee, in Eno, ofttato.tley the eth of August next, it to o'clock. A 31 F BABBITT, Att'y at law, Erie. July b, MA/ Sou th• West car. Pah. f 441316•1. BRUSHES AT WHOLESALE. PAINT scRUBBING, HAIR TEETH. SHuE TANNERS, WORSE And all other kinds of BRUSELEB, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at very reduced Priem by CARTER & BRO Ene, July 2 LL WANTING FARMS IN A DBLICHT NI climate rich roil. rod swan tram !rata s« al Inds is Styr riskaag. .T• that cannot fail to ■attdy all Boy's Coati! for 50 cis. liplArlM42.4. HAVING been at considerable expense in preettring tbelatest napes godpitteralpt iwoloits • share of ',Oats pat/soilage. He has slim for We imLeteu,t a eu l o rrtroeut of DY REA MADE CLO'TEUNGIA virigtocki .hies b e mold greatly below Gel n order to close out the ooneeru. Nitrous in want of Clothing will not woo hare mothermat o BA onotgweity to buy cheap. H. Naval d Military Clutb lug wade t 0 order la' Y. (al reasonable tem, d iatistaetion warranted. Erie, June 96„ it. 9.1-4. HCiIIBEItotIS FURNITURE F RUNT and Back Parlor Bed Room an( KITCHEN VCR NI WILE. IF:ATM:It BEDS, COVERLIDS, 01 fi gfp. 4 .4:(i c A A R 7I I: 3rD T o il 141 • . T-T 0:31. 43 „1 4 ,riewuaim• p it INT INCA, .11.301) 01 . 11Xit - Hodsebold Requisite., Stott*, kc , Tale nin daily for Ale, trade, or exettauur. COMMI .40 Is. 0. W. ELLSET, z ) / /I,i Spring 8.41 sad Furniture store, June 24.- 1 .1. Near St h at, on Stale street, Erie, Pa "OLD FoUNDRY - STILL AHEAD". HARK A:%NON are to forninti at VI loileanle and tinfoil, Maws of the beat and tenet il.pio•ed jaitterw., and I ante the atteutina a Fanner. and others to their Stork on hand n•u.utan2 0. EEMI9 MoUNTAIN KING ar., tr. together with Co Itlratera, Corti Meters and other artietem 0.,-..wry to he wen to be properly appreetatxd. IN.ret forget, " Old Foundry." N. ir Corner state and Eleventh Streets, Erie hi April 2, I VAI. HARR & . -1111INSilh... L .IIiNV • R hate a la•gr .lurk of I hipped 004 poundl 4 which we °fret at vvry low tateviol the tiowtel. March G. CARTER k BRA PURE NATIVE WINE, CATAWBA, WINK and lOLANDA. jut up at Curirannat:, cat. be Lad ot Aprll 3U I,ARTER k tilto (j - REA.SI; :! II pt.!' c.ot aa.rd I urlog LIARDT'I4 Pattrilf Axle I.rtaNe, for Umasbusess, Hagona, and Larta, which found to be far superior to arty other pnivaration, as it rombmrs oil the blandness of Oil with the free 'creamy nature of tallow, Reps tb.. &oleos:soya cool and clean, And remotas on donb:e the now of any other more known. A singly trust eLti ODOrtnee an) of its value cad chrapnena. Bold In 9 lb. Boxes Ity Eric, Slay 14, 1159 49 CARTER k. 88... FURNITURE 'FURNITURE! JH. RIBLET HAS REMOVED HIS . 14toek of Purokale down to bus Ness I.urdrug, `late street, one di nr Soul Is of fatty Block, built expressly for that purpose., bete way le found 4 large and well selected &NW tment of FURNITURE, Embracing all kind. of Cabinet Ware usually kept in ucli an establiabtnent. On the Orst Beer toy be found Brew.* Take, Laminae Tablas, lecisessi Weak .Marla. Cassava Wash .•taites, Ls& .Mead, Freed, Cottage mot Catosota bedstead" War& e4l, Cribs, , Yauulacturo4 teeth, with a lare noel of AptCl-3AIRS,Ift (if *von, Fruit and wit* to wit etottoiberor. The eeeonu tfo..r Le full of LArlErt( FlitNlTt RE, moth as i-otaar. Tele—a irks, Large }toclurrs, Lamy CI atm and all Mode of t uthlooed Chairs, Marble Top Centre Lod Coact Tables, W bat Hots sad Quartette maodo The th,rd floor eontatns materials and a large number of wor►men, competent irr manufacture any article in the cabinet line In tl e beat alyle and abortmt - _ I he public, parttcularlj tte lash tiara rter-ctfidly Ine ilted to call sod exazone ttrrattut, and rice., so I sal not to be undervelo arry eatabliebrutrut to the tit) or elsewhere. All kinds ut lowilsersod prerhour Weep to to• change fur furniture. J D itlisLlT. He, Larch 19, 1149—J1 Sole Proprietor. N. H —Just received • largo stock of Mirror% en:Alme lo, all sure. qualities sod prices. .p_iRlS FANS AND FLEGA.NT FANCY Article*. Tbe Ladles trill Avila kw more of %boas apse odullaas and Combsleft % at the Paragon Building. Werth 12. T. X. ♦USTIh. GILT PORTRAIT FRAMES. Gilt Loulatugs, Looking Otameee, Floe Freeach Litb ographa to Frames, or oat, selling cheap at the Paragon Building, Mardi 12. T W A VIM GILT SHADES. GILT SHADE A urautlfal lot of GUI Shadesitt very low priCl.l ma♦ bo fo o rid at J. C. ELDEN '`L W I DoW coRNI i CE.s. co rlsio Bands, Wisd• w Ciirtatees, Cords sod Tassels iodow F iatorcti for sale ebday.l.,y J. BA} MIT METAL- A ouperior •rtklr STEAM PLA N 1.,11...11. DOOR AND BLIND MANCFAitirOBV• IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS y , • I Z an, fOtaa-tior di" 711 kit eiLl znr. HAVE A LARGE TeX Or TD 4 lio y AgAs lON Et Ash and Poplar °vying, and Sid it*, =tubed and face planed Pine. Windows, Doors , llouldinp, Lath, Shingle.. Window If nines, Lkapt Framer, am-, &c., which they will 'ell rhea' Inc ciiiki. Having two of Woodworth', Improved Planing klactiloes and competent mechanics to operate them, we apli pnrparet to do cuatom Plantog, Matching and itippme at all time. and in , eat 'elector) , manner. All order' wril receive prompt attention. Erie. Sept. 25, inn& 20 —,, GOLD AND SILB'ER (3001)6. Fine Ittamonitaaidd all kindoofJentlry made and 1. / repaired by the eery be t workmen. : 4 .llver tipoota eon- Atatitly on hand and de to order. Clock. and Watches carefully repaired a ow nand, and cumerroramosed. T, B. ACYTIN, Paragon Bs-Ming. D Y - A,l.,Nun CE. D E. W. H. LI'CE, Would inform bin patrons and the public t ruerally tLct hi has Jura returned front New York WIT/41 A LARGE AND VALUABLE ST(McK, embeiritir rill the VARIETIES 01."rEET1I NOW 1N rSE, wit), e bleb he in ri slily to do VOA /II approved At)ir 11. desires especially to call attention to the CONTINUOUS GUM WORK, M. to prvparml to virtu tr promptly and uwatlr It prmwata mloantagmt OVER ALL irr MOLE. allow,ng no pram§ • 1 4,. for the n 4 rjunalstlon ut ioo.l nod gis ing tbr MOUTH A PERFECTLN hal HAL EX PRESSION. while minotering to the strength of the voice anti gener al comfort of the subject. Operations for the regulation, preservation, amoral and replacing of Teeth, performed to the entire eatiaturtion of all who desildw hi. proles/Min al (service*. Erie, April 23, I ii+s9.—tien.-143 REMOVAL sPRINIi :STOCK OF GROCERIF. , ;. JJoHN, , ;()N & BRO., . Wive removed to Kindernecht'a Block, Lorne: of State and Fifth Street', and are up with the isrgest and most extensive Stock et WET AND DRY WOODEN AND . WILLOW WARE, ever offered fu tWe wuket , and *bleb roll be sold se tonlsbingly cheap for Lamb or Country Produce Call and examine there Stock of sUGARB, IMPERIAL TEAS JAVA AND RIO COFFEE. Mi )LkSSES STARCH, CANDLES. WHITE FISH, CODFISH. *o' K. IitITTER, HUGS, &e., 4c., Ste. Together with every thing eine good to eat, Drink, Snuff. Chew or' Smoke. Erie, April 9. IS5f).-44 41ACKEREL, EIC3 CASH FUR WWI, have spin been appointed Agent for lour Ex tensive Manufactures, and am enabled to offer the high price for all kinds of WOOL. and will pay CASH for One hundred Thoneend pounds. AIITH. Kr* hay 254, 11169. AI D ASSORTMENT awry tub and Note Paps" RH.. April 2 12611. Post (Mks Nun torpolt, . • - INDIGO AND MADDER. 46 COU.TRY msUCHANTSAND DYERS. —W h•re • quantity, which we eel floebtelle •t Tin► rotes Miush 15, 1860 SEED RiTaK*HEAT on band and for We by Ja:) O. 1669. J ACOB HANSON. PERSONS WlSVfliq .TO l - mrißirsu Ifsaufsetoriis to deo gad 11611•11== bestow Is good. Soo advortissiord lb, isUissiMman_ Osoi. I - r / I Ile. AM, at. ourth ..., ke4 , : kaedyrdier, EN'S 0, prices woLvERISL DUTCH ER, MEE= GROCERIES, PROVISIGNS GREEN. BLACK AND ROASTED, GROUND, 81r RUTS, RICE. SOAP FitUtTS, it UTS, C R k SRO rzt*.l3LE'S NET SHOE STORE. B 414 ! uriziettotrif BOOT*, PROM AND RUBBERS! OP EVERY DROCRI PTIOR FOR LaWkaWMPITPthiImiMMINa , AT , GABLE'S NW SHOE STORE. 01 &cas, L. beerwas Bth avid Ild greets. Abs.THE PAITSOCKINIER MOS TO in form Ma friends and the Public ironer- Mly I barb. has just opened a eery su perior titock of the above articles. and anti manufacture So cog saw wag ka tap Boa an shore notice., which ha gill pell sei dist as tbe amplest Call and examine quality and prima. - Kris, Feb 26. Mg.—MA& 3011S1 GABLE CUM'IyA,TOR TEETH. ar steel 6ttitivaiirrept6 at J. C. SELDEN BARR & BROTHER, ti.tVIS jut received from Ptalsdelphia • very large Stock of sTAPLIC OUT GOODS, Which they will •t the Lowest Rate. for CASH, Country Prod's,. (err& essiOrd) or Fair Courtly or City Rondo at ft pickiest Abo stb. hi hat cash rates They hare also a good stock of Boots LEO Shoes, Shirts, Drawen% CtCt tng , k., tte., lur sale on the same term' Groeeries as cheap an the cheapest for Cash Erie, March 6. 1869 - _ " Magmg,l;Nuil gaper, Stationery, WALL•PAPER, &.c., MI PARK ROW BOOK STORE. V. P. ENSIGN, t'rogorleser Enr, Feb VI, 1834. a T. (1()M Is. NJ' • IS THIS DAY oPEN IN.. a •i.i. who moorunent of rich Gilt Chins Vases, Motto Cop,. Arid saucers, Huge, Catidleatleka, and a groat ‘artery or f • vESE/L OR:CAME:VT.IG ALIZ Ti imitable lortbo glignist Cake lianliets,lra Piteliera, Slleer Cup*, Forkm, tiptionx, Ladles, Napkin (beantlitil patterns,) and lots of tich J•art•lr,, %Vat ebea, and Fagg Gonda —.Call and Erie, Dee 26, MM=IMMEMI I WOl. LD SAS VI my friends .ssel the l uhlie general that I havicommenced the Tailoring Rag Heady Made Clothing 8it01a...., in an Its carious branches, in the Store labor iircutoei b) Mr. Caw, on the Public r>yuaie, Lel Vrti Br. and the Heed HOLM., •I .re 1 em utirllv..r to, ha,. ill ttmeo a choice oelecti.,ll of CLOTH', cAriNixtuk.s. which I will make up to order Laptop, stout uuUoe, Lod warrant to gt•e astiweactfuo nt DO see. Nina• Lb sat I of any 01104 ILI my hue COW depend upon being fairly dealt as lam determined out to wake up any gown. t t •uch IA will give •atiaiaetton I al, mak au; I. Kg , L 2 Ok ,- .ort meat of READY MADE CLOTHING, irtikth adid be Or HOED* MOIR and 1 , 1 ar rab •-•: to oe a• presented or money refunded Persons purchasing for are ro•tt. I to rail &IA izanune m 7 Uuods and Prices, as I am &A,., cheap for Omit. CUTTING uncle on short notice and warranted hnie, Oct. JOHN 1.1 .11,7101. THE DELAWARE SIUTT'AL I N ANck; Luml'ANY uF PHILAIik I.IIIIA AKE now doinK haIMIIO.O6 on the MU:ua, piao . g ivio, the to cured • participation in the pronts id IL. 1 ..mpa ny i wtl2ron t. liability hey oad the premium paid Rieke *pent it. lake« and lanai, tei..oreo an the I ,•t fa•oral tern. w,ll I.e 111,141. t and pr• ml.. • ad4uated tire ruin' ou Lta••:thautlimi. tru 'dings and of her y in town ar counti ; , lot • limited term perrr•ioni.i DIRECTORS. Jon. ph H. Seal, Ismer Theophilua l'aub;ing. JoliD • I , a‘ Robert Burtdn, John I,arrtt, Hugh Craig, :••amued 'Awards Henry Lan reties. Da•id B Cliarle• Lean It init.., William Falwell, William Day, Dr 8. Thomas, Dr. H. N. John Teller, Ji Spencer Hellvane, George Sem. 11, John .1 Newlin, Ell Ward i)arlinton, John H l'.nrc••• .1 G JohDaoD. H. Jones 14.4.1,,, • Edmon•l A louder, Wa. R•ItTIA, 1 relit I RICHARD c Sna t uetP, Sec'y •ffj Application be made 4. ne, April 4, 1867. • .1 KEI.LOCIi, F,ro. CROCKERY AND r;LASS WARE STORE, , ., No 12 Empir; Block. by ROGpe April 9, IMP HAIIIYV7ARE. ROGERS ANN BENNETT Hare the Largest and Beat Selected St. k out [RON, , ~AIL.'. AXLES SF'RING~, ANVILS MEM SHOVELS AND SPADES, \ kILS 11 AS SAWS ItSE SADDLERY, II .1 It NEN :` TItINI NI I N r ,k , PLATED %%.' RE In filet alino.t every illlng aellif•tilher i he I lid man,' EMPLRE BLOCK, Nu II awl 111 -e State Strtet. Erie. Pa April 9, 1559 FARM FOR SALE. lIF SI'BScRIBER 00ers her fllllll b r sole, Ull terms It Is situated one-ball nine from •pringthrld Bosun, Coe Count), Pa , and - Til F. acrea of land, thirty hire ef whlib are tauter • good etch of improvement there n.e tiro large tin o n the W.- one ;U by :Wand the other 90 i. 40, the is bele watered by never failing Spring, For Lnittla apply to the subecriber to z,pungtdd' April 9, 166b-446m. LAN INA CRAW BRASS & BELL FOUNDRY. REM (i AL. The auto...rib, has ' , ln ii e,l his BRASS AND BU.I.Ftii"NDRY in Am. Hari Block, one door Weld of Netler and Waxreha, where be will be happy to owe all his old ( i.stosorle all an many rice Man. an mar want an) thing in his line Kn. April 2, 1669.-43 6m. JARkon. VINDJAR! VINEGAR VINEGAIe " Pure Cider Vinegar can be bad at April 9, 1 td4l„' 134.CKIIAN, KENDIO k Cu, CARP - .17) -- 1 STE its 7-7 1 ; 66 1 I Lave recently Wade large adtlatione to my form.•r saga It of Carpenteni Mot JoiLere Toole, making It the moat complete In the: city March 12 'MI .1 t II DISSOLUTION of' !ITN Elts II IP. The Partnership heretofore ellsting between the kcalMielibery under the name •nd st, Ir 01 1.11 , DE1.1., SHEY, t Co„ baa been this day doulolved by mat nal roe- Rent, and the whole Block, Ifisehisery and Business ~f the Firm baa been sold to LIDDELL, MARSH k t o , who will enoUnue the business at the old stand. 8. P. ILEPLIII hue been duly appolotal Agent to oettle the ItuaMem of the old aim at thrtr former otßeft, wbere all persons haring uneetUed Lustre re wtth the late Ann are reinfrted to eall and make immediate pa) meat W. .1 F LIDDELL, J. 13,E).RSHEY, Erie, April k. IBhel—.l4l all JOU!, FAIRBAIRN HE , E XTRACTS. for Flat...ton of all klUde. at ipril 9,18 M. REC./MAN, ILLNDIG at C. .25 PER CENT. CASH SAVED The sparetal attettikto of Manufacturer., Cons= era, Physicians and Country Merchant., a Melted to my Mliza }f !1 t *acted withgnat cars, and .IMbICSsIV„, treattling me to offer Inducements worthy of attention. My stock cannot; of DRUCH3 and , MEDICINES, Cbeasioals, Palati, 01la, V. lab. Dye merep, Perfmiery Rad 1 Ir Painter's /Utensil% Wind°. G 1... awl 1 Flop Toilet Soap, Bair and Tooth Brnabea, ke. te., PURE - WINES AND BRANDIES, Mr matheMial um, and all the Patent or Propriety Medi chars of the day. Orders promptly filed and satisfaction rranteeil . eith regard to price mad quality, No. 6. Reed L I. BaLDWIN Ltle, May 21, Is6ll. 60. GRIND STONES ! 10 Tuna Berea Grind Woes and Grind Stan Banging for Welty t0r211.61. J. C SELDEN. APILUDLOW'S. SEI 4 F SEALING Os T a iOll merit * at ' 1, 'IIIOIPIBrs. GRAPE GRAPE GROWERS CAN CAR -17 Os their business mot smoseethtly at Hammr n- Son, km film &onto Sem forty Vinyard& met out the put MUMtho advertisement el Hammonton Lands, another eolialan.. iima. r'{o-PARTNERSHIP—NEW FIRM. 11 , 110k/NAN, IL S/45116 'L. co.. HAvs imosisked with sis in the and Provi sion Beeirmeee HENRY DISCILNIAN mai ILLI YYNDIG, ea d the bulbar will hereafter be Is the ma* end eittIDSGEXAN MIDIS eOO. t Apse li, lei Wm: II .RDIDLINIZEIT . _ ... 1 'i NEW YORK ii. ERIE R. `D OPENING' ... .• OF Summer CßAM styles and ehntee ieleet:OnA a MONDAY, APRIL 4,, 111441. pc, pjaILLINE.R y , i Trains will leave Duokirk at about the folio,. lo g i.,.. Eastward Bound—Dep ar t. ;qr. . York Express ....• .......... . • ..2 45 A. x Ott Saturday June I Ith, at Mall. 8 Cinein •loti Express 2 00 U • r'r i Night a . ..tlortml 4 11 r, , Stock Est V 4,4 - Freight No, 2 1 60 , . Tret;bt No. 41 5 40 , . Passfrengers by Night Expels Traits Easton Fabmk, win r ... 4. , alight at Elmira, sad proceed roc., ' eittaati Barer* bu aiday worming. a CHARLES MORAN, pr.• t. Dunkirk, Mural 19. 1.869.—i1.U. Bonnet Room,. Parngnn Erie, inset 11, 111.511. 68.A.N0.1i " HIIYMF When wife said •ti.reeeriel," the other day, Where did I go without delay, And bring a load home on a dray • To 11. 8../.tear tire. When Tea as wanted, iresh and rare, And Sugar to &elect with care. Your . hays sun to Dud them where • At llai.nw Who has lots of choices Bailee t ripod, And other kinds of wholtworne rood, Besides some other. underatood Bs Low is Who greet. you with a smiling mien, Anal shows you all that'. to he seen. tiot up so Willey, nine and dean WI.O keeps the ersor•a/ "Hi %I. t f• I'll - The brat that'. made Is neat!, tl.. For whit h so many tug ant au , h Info . at Li. loth early sod tat.. To wait nn all- small and gni°. Al the streets corner ..1 5th snit State 11 RA 1.1 , 1 k hrie. Mardi 19, At the old Stand. N M - I' H . Betweeen Brown's Hotel & Reed House, (s O. liAst) \ i, A, , 4 F.NT 1 PI , lit 11' , 1.:- 11.(II I) lit )I)s. 11' ES, A.• A lan, a largr and ci ml let. artaurtnient of copper, and .`beet Lourt aare. A 3.0, a lat h , . arsarort • • . went un ary and I'oc t Knives, a. , I. ttar..• labia tastes and Tas sato*sa tr, aisr• 1. a snd Table Bras, ' nrcela.n lint is rou olKel• tins, •1...,. Isrce aia.n.rinnslit I f Japan ti ar a of nll a arida, and line beet %swirl & 10.11 i ~f T. • !raj I a Ma", of ail-hap.. and '.s-s al.. , 1,110 M i ll, I non l'oppsln. Aster*, Choriinne ht. It .at !row., • loirels and loaßn, Pokers, f nal Ilinis. -proles, Hoe., Potato llook•, lio.oka, h i m To, H ip R at h. and Wthtnii Tuns, In atria Masses Patent Cream I• ter art r. sl•n, irnis ',l *II de•rrif.t in r.• land Pale Shert Lead, Pump Itton•,111.. ...toil- Pips. aid I , :lbows. • anal l'unins, and a no.; nta f 1 1., and filters, fluid taroks of all kind., and sit alyarda, ZLnk awl n heel Iron, line, Dish a Ole ra , l andit •t it 1.• and Table Matt, in I isk• lisanno r• `hors.: 4,1 Tnnirs.s. !sta. • and Milk ant T..,lnt War,-. T. a ro••111., Tumbler I trainorrt, :tt u u flr is an.: 1 s, 14. on' ant tint I raps, Nails, *screwy, lark" and lila I r uder,, F. allies Dusters, Brasil r., Dre4lane (i.tiers. French Odle ,t.ll • and . tilt :•-creerra Ali of a litch is int ( ash ouir Jobbing lane on t a rt o borti at n.,t tee Copper, Hr.., P0w..., and Daestake t. in r ',fiance f..r ,eocrlii ri t .em., al, ,yro,i i ne 11, .1., 1 a 1..: r ',unwires. &tie, May 1., I sZrs. - lours N. Ili unty. N E W It .t - rME,s- I-R11 , A71- .IND I 0. 1, F111£ NTI 41 111 lilt Al. .4114 1C4 1 : T4I It( %LI/ Pit I V ‘TE 1100.I'ITA I. t o r,ll.r. el , e: ph,. Lk mina' mamma, and 'the sineirt l'nolt. sa..t )isi. it . .. by Dr AYti.%k anti, Burial," N V lilts.. r..rner of Mall/ soil (emir streets, . • 110hT I F.NTI ( INVENTION. ,A 0 .o.trimurnt for .L. inn. of (tent's' I..lot t t k Nocturnal us•.. .nr. II) Ite. , •II I au, i+ d -I in ' I •if Olt la.. u., 0 •r. 111., u 05.41 • tot) . • • VOUNII: N 14 I. tltTlt tI. %It NOTI('E. li e k m,- t. -tt\in i 'loll I.n• •' I m•iran..nt sale ni ins„ e . a a lest ne tl.i. rue l r 1 1...iflar, in • ti In. Phi 10,11 LIR rt. \ tn . as at has iesen anci i tilt . a ruefult 11. I It ' • I lite • • -.11..1•461 oak Es. se, .• I • , /'ll.r r•tutsl ;an .auwJ 1.1 11. ~ rt f . r,lprlraa NI Itl tlE1)1E , '.NI) Qt lllk 1 t It ES. UR .Ito • & `on mar 1.. ....Wit d Ira-ni I o'clostir fie ITIon ... • ...' 1.1 . sa.l oWrakatroal, Its ' potrof... 61.1 stn. lure. of it rt l it 114 r, awl all those drrtattfu' rtit• n• fr n riot secret halals 01 I re al "1141 , 01111U' 0,,al debility. tenders Ir n• 1 d.P N.. • In th tinely 1-nn. .1,. . •, Is the torillt oftlp. I st• itsiss• sliccessiul I, I • nu•l Artl* , •• • A tI. It IV %lit: AT} II It. A 314 Icon ~ tr.' bow nit 111.• 0 , 1.1,4k...ti11 , I.rL ha , ,• •• •• 1, • el - Y.llhr, II lullr 111 , 11t1.9 AI 1 coota pc, lit pallIt•I hi fruul all vArt. .1 11, '• tio ou 4,t p•Ciati , %ill,. It. \ 1.. 11'0.'11.1 t • 1, 11/0 ru •I tI.a.J h , m 'what th., lis, ell .11, •dm lIRVIir I, l at., 11,. I n •• •IP m 11.• .r m.o.'. • r 1 ,1•14. 4 w. 1 .1. El to ELIE I •t h. • %. r•. 1.• lit. al yr..vr1.3111. tto • o - Ire•• 1 Is , I, Rti• rri./otal, kuu .Itt • 11, I.VP 11,0 •••••nt h• r !Able. anti maltrnant nom rk(tl.7;itter-uld alu.•-t al wat •• tr 7.. • to •he • .1.. •• ni.••• • 1_:••••••••••, fl. , 41' 111 • ffect• ut0.1.1 tul V.11111.1/1• lb., lon, Allitltk • -V2 , 1 hare .at... e 4 In ...1.,. et the 4(1100 of 'hell rem. dn.!, I .115, CAU SIOUP MP:•tuo•irt: .11 0.11.11 ut r. la hi, 11 bee, quit ••• 7: ri ntn• .. • • n• I .1 , .4 I I kIY pro Ira . ut.- •Li 17%11 t .4 tl • II! 1•• ). r kt. C r).. 101 1.. • • a, hi,. . And.. of olt•i•• I•lut0.. In 413,•rt. the litudal•le ..nd • f thrir rtn.em, In, •to cr..l fro" r•I holl•nr• snore h ant, tainon, r• 11 i kll.l I.revot 11 , n hat 1 , it, teCity •• ''l .11, mutt •b,h. bey ..Ven.l% fly r ,. •1411 7 ... 1 . , I. n -• I , I 1 nn.l In!• rt. re 134 r for ,TELL ~PIXE. 'tit IT t 14111.111h:11 01 :NI Tit 11 1 \Y.I LI CU'C~ r. nollnLe.• I A,1 , 11 • I , r A HELD i‘t )(trm• N 1 ir••I• - - Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. P. m.t, lilt ;dng. • I, -111 tri lilt id MAUI r 1' i•• 11 I • lb.. 1 Ili lie, s Ilan amortment IFf 'a 1., sn.l r,ther Gootig are ~ 5 haw: r it short cc, PIPE I;4lxEs MEM rhPnwnr. th• i• . .% 1," I I • Nc24 lir its t• tit!! 1, q. !t• r rt 1 "`" . !`!' I I ''`' • to tr 441.• ft I t AI %I C% Ito, 1,1 t• ~'C'I'LEKI ,o 1.;•I Ii• • IIII• • I }.!, • lb. I n ttlo }lag 1101,1,.. Ott ti..- n. Marei% 1., lk:•0 ERIE CITY MILLS! n 11.111:1t.'41'IcK. fitNiERS k BENNET' M it iA H•oi • lik I ~llidx.s Flour , Corn Meal, Mill Feed, Al ~, t $l,l !•tar.l, • . t:: ~, k, ro• ..nth el the weir r, earl I Ito l'n , k, F r• tl.ll •1:0.• t, w Let.. 1 hare ot,!ictittr , I kit,!• 1., o. 11‘,1 d, firen mud short., orb, rat., Ac, 11rt ntrket \irwiv t•-• . .A " ,• fr. , - I I haktte to H it II 1\ FR...11CH... 11 r' 1.0 , I 7 SEWING MACHINES. G RE 11' A I N Tt e ••nt.eettle r lifo• FiVF of Siuqvun ( o , • N•.' •, •c preeel, nonnutaot tirrol for Tad., u.r, vn hitli fie AI, -Vii ..Ii I IT, Io v 1t.,:00d wo•urtly, at a hal gain 1% I W I IT, Fru., .4t,1 4,1 • I am now inaktng la•K. nJ.1.1 ntr stock of P trEtt fl tN(. INtio t r the Spring 1I , for beauty Of sty lo ,lo•t cannot I.e onrposkeno. Erie. larch P• 59 D— - , AN DELIN t'oFFEE Tltt. Ittional am: crnuinr Prlpirst,on, tot eriehrato.: Lath a. t to tl.t.R l / 1 •11li Sll o llot,'Ll fun' DVSpeill*lO and wit.ela *try maur pot , and fano . ~11,11 Oo well to floe In Med of Ito , . Joy, or Latzoira, 1.. , ,141 at the No+. tnro Apra ' , ti, %I.TFR pAi P kix - N• I'.llN White Lead, Dry and In 'III. carious brands and 411.111i1tarin, also, /I\l' WHITE., of French and krnertcao suanufselTre. RAW AND IiOILF.D IJSSEED OIL,' ENITIT .N; RED, French and Ant. neat Yellow o c hr e ., ~T canons 9hades for fthode • Toot .n phort Ty , htnc to the hoe of !louse, Shipp, Carr ta,e, Bart or Orosinentsl fainting, ran t had at ti.. It.. -I :at. •...1 the , tort. April 9.19 , 4 th T SIITFI2 k Mitt R EF' I N D t' 44 11. 4)1 1. . Z't rti,:trtt 11110 , , 1 , 1 • •••••.-tvg,l ea the Drug 4, I I 41.1.% IN. tan YOUTH AND MATURITY ! Just Published, Gratis, 25th Thousand AFE"? w..RDs t)N THE ria RATIONAL TREATMENT, with- out Medicine, DI 4 1.ermntnrrhen, or LocAl Weitkne.4, Nocturnal EM11131011%, Gentian! and N•rvoun DeWitt-, Premature Decay of the system, Impotency, sad Impediment. to RN" B. DE LANEY. M. I) The important fact that the many alarming ,iteipleint e originatieu In 'he imprudence and 'Mita& of youth, may. be wilily .moved wyrtirirt Detiirtels, le in this small tract el. • y demonstranted ; and the entirely new and highly •t ...vestal treatment, an adopted by the Author, p e tty eepietned, by means of which every nee in enabled to cure 1111111611.1 , perfectly and e t the t ee .t pe „ e ibi e „ wk, thereby avoiding all the adeertleed minimum of the day. Sent to any adders', gratis and poet (no in a nailed en v Lope by reinittln, tpoat paid) two postage stamps to Da. U. DF. LANRI, Kant Slid Street, Now York Caty. Jane 24.1839.-3". NEW ARRIVAL ! 44 Liki. 8A8.33 it 1i.:1.83E - r. NO 13 Empire Block, havel:L Just received a large addition to trek' stock of BOOTS AND - SHOE:4. and will. not be undersold IT any Bankrept stock from ,ay place of the BONK estatiry of Goods Gal on us before fooling away your money on Oh hallooed sad coat off stock from 4Aer ohm Is* Jim SS, 1110).-4. KISS A. E. COLE'S MIME i• .1 ctr. f Ir • R. 1,111 I. .u , • R.14411111' • R c c.c . :. • t rc thrtr cur, With In • x ... k - .s. no tun etpect I ,1, Il,rtr 1 ;•••••114 • ••• ••••, ~• steco•ll , ln• hi% • • 1 • 11,1. , i• Ie • • , n• •I. tll.l, 1 I nd .1 , • ra)••• ••••• •ty to BIM 1101.1'.. RL tN, FLOUR AND FEED STORE, . • ...•:,111;100 THE SECRET INFISHiTIES OF BUFFALO & ERIE R. R. NEW saserQL 23"11 ON and after Monday, April 4, and until furtl. l ~„ tine, Passenger Trainsartll run as follow: 1 20 A. M. Night Tiptoes, stops at Westfield. Dust„, and rillvet Creek, arrives at SuSalo at 4 44 A- 11 2 (r.: P. Y., Mall stops at North Earl, State Line, tn, Westfield, Salem, Dunkirk, flilvereveek sn.l Ir, ' arrives at Banal° at 6 20 P. M. W P. M. Cincinnati Kapresa, stopa at Werthel4,ll, kirk and rillvareissk, arriea at BMW. ip 20,A The above trains connect at Dunkirk and Soltalo silk Empress trains on N. Y. & E, and New York Central Road. I=l I= 10 00 AM. Ma - slops ,t Brans Centre, Iry-n`, reek, rikraSzrk, Salem, Westfield, Qateeey, Line, North - East and 1 art.orcreek, arnees al i.•. at 1 40 P. M. no, Y. Y. Sight Express, steps at SCrer Creek, lituslari and Westfield, anitea at Ene at 12 30 A. M. . 4 00, A. M., Boston Express, 14 , 01 , 4 at Stivererrek„ Den kirk, Westfield and .ts orth kart, arrives at Erie 71.! A. U April 4, 18:•9.R. N BROWN, Rapt ' - Cleveland and Erie Railroad. .1101MINIPMERIMIN N AND AFTER. Monday. April 4 t 7 O 18a, and until further notice. l'aamoger Tram..l ma 14 1011 , 444 Vii.— LEAVE CLEVELAND 1U 10 k. M. all Train steps at all Way Statibm %lett, Perry, Uni o nville Saybrook, 4,1 44.451... and T.a at Erie 142 P. k , Dunktrli 347 Buffalo 5 20 P. Y. 9 1:. P Y. 141ght Eiptera Tram stops at Psia.s.t.. Anil tabula and litrard, only, and arrtses at I. A. IL; Budaio, 4 4:1 A. M. 20. I' Y. C inesuall Exprssa, stop* at Pakorostllr, v n . sou, Ashtabula, Com:maul, and Giraz-5, Erie 5 42, P. Y. Bullafo 10 20, P. Y. LEAVE ERIE. 1".! OZ, A.M. Night Express Train stops at Girard, ( Ashtabula, and Painesville only, sad rano. . Lieveland 3 40, 1. M. 7 A. M. !lad Train,st.,pa at all Way Stations "ee l Saybrook, Union•ille, l'erry, Mentor and h te Lae. and arrives at Cleorelane sill On, .11 isprtss T:11111 stops at Girard, Conneaut, A.: tabula sad Partiestille only, and arrives at C 1.,,, sw, P. M. bay freight train., Feat Ind West, will have sr attached, ant " will stop" at all Stations. All the through trains gotng Westward, ronne , t s• Clereland w tth trains tar Toledo, Chicago, Columboa, elonati, tr. Me. AI: the throsigh trains romp Lastwarsl, rooneet at its, kirk with the trains of the Y k Erie Railroad ar.t: Buffalo with the N Y. Central and Buffalo and N Y kalif-owls 11. SOTTINGLIAII, Sapennteadeut t I« Apra 4. 164,14 Pittsburg Cleveland and it IL R. T.kß I. E. --DI TAKE EFFE.: I IwAY, AI HIL llt h, 1x59 Train. leer.. CI,, daily—Sunday • rorcpt.-d 10 IA) A M. Mall for Pitta.urgh and Whetlto, 45. P M Art on.tesdation 1. r karts us sod lhilerab's ..lal I . 11 I...spiesa fi r Plti.burgh and It Letting. Th.. 10 IMP A IL and 11,2.; P. M trains make direct aomms ntrationt. este I'ron's. I'. IL fur Baltnnore, Philadelphia Nee 1 ork and Boston Alen sill/ baltlmore k Ob.. K. dalldmore and Washington Cite. 10 00 A 11. train alas ronne , ts at iludson for Akt , s and blallemburgb. J. N. M'CULLOUGH, opt K. F. Gam Ticket Agent. 43 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL A. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIi Lrullllrllr-t1 11 94, !al E.:, aalrlt 11• r the- t ,iek and • dfattel.l alth Vllti LEST 41.: 1W OW AS...(oCIATIIIN, in tew of th, a. $1...t 1,1, lion of Marl lilt callftell b) Stint! dameas,,,. t` r a.etpttons practireal upon thr unfort unate nlct Itentr• I f t. t htneir, .a,. ral ) rata a .•ukulling Surge , •n S(HARITAHI M. AI T • ..r.; I ki• tr Want., to oprn a Dial...noir) (or the tit IV In. f v141%84,1 In ill Melt' furtni t , at d i. sn. , ADVICE. GHAT', t o . 11 „, t. „,.1, , , triptiori i.l their n nnthon, lAt,r, el, lat In. • lii.,kr litot in rap+ of • Itrrn r • •, I t t .11 Li) IN In 11:}.}. in I.IIAI-,f ,• ISEEI IMEMEMED thnt th• Argot toklion f I n I. • I 1 1.. I, I I tut. age, •tsu *A/ tut nlols th• 11 • .L• ~1 • I, MEMO lLe litiveltt,g,l 30•••••. 't • I • 1 ~p,u tLe t,airll4riti 1.1 N. %...41 •111.1 . 4.• - • \ ' t .o• 1 1 1111.t.ilift1l/n w MI ILe 1.1.61'11• - 11. .. t. P has Ia L .ra of their 00.r„..4.1,44 m t ,ho a , ...initial 1% eakne,a, ik•iir, I 1.., ~ iert, t • ler 4.1 I inaniain r !•rif-At a • .• 3. and Bladder, 4%,,, and 0,1, t,..t oaLlt• plat for the .enrui.g !ear ILe iltri•trtont on a Tel 1•16 .1 the 1 ..% • a.. r , • 'belt latetta In Mi. later. • l tette, ..Lt rib It bat. 't ttl treat bereft( Is. the .MteHd, Lahr •. rte . and the bare rrimiTell to deyo.le s petto it, II It t evtetl Leal, to this Lee, tittportant and mut t cause AD admit attle Het 411 rt fa SperULA:Orrha /L. • A Wrakneee, the tier of Uoanum , )la►•e ( •Luse; aLd other diseases of the Sexual Urgau•, ( .onm:tiling Surgeon, will be pent b mini. Au ncelopeo Fit Et., 44' CHARI.F., 1.0 recaps U Its STAIIPS for postage: Other Reports •..t1 Tracts on nature end trraiturta of !..entlai dpwar,p, , 14et, Sc , • lialf, .0.1 4 way rottataritly being published G r rati.ti,up and will be sent to the athicte.l me of thr new ro.n,. di., and methods of treatment ' past year, are of great Tofu, Address for Report or treatment. I.r 1 ‘hll I ' II 'I GIITON, Acting Surgenn, A•roelation, 1: south Ninth Street, l'himi.letiLia, i'a ,kO ly 41. Srerrtan Prt.idoot ANTIIE I. J 1 I I \A t Efts 1 , 1 tt. v. It 1 01., tour And..n nat” ta..l,owltolett. t W Uri!) VeUleintrlt, 111t0n 1401411111 t I Su gar • The:. I. Whin nn it( Inil, or an. fiber Injt to. i n¢rr.nruta, lot It, 1 n .t. and Grye: aprl a ttt Ton a het, t h... atot, • nal 10.1 it lo all eases. 13.,. oar of oulitatiocb. and _pooch. , 11,. d arlrbrat. • .1 ut Ite•miLtte 11,1 1.. I% are the 4.121 orlOnal and c only oafe and rrloal... I. 041.1011m0 now In t. . on kite, No. b Hie d 111 La karth 19, 1tt440.-41 BALIM 1.4 1 1? I I. ( . 1 ) 1' NT 1' 311' Tr .‘ I I N . -4' 1; ANI'F. COMPANY Incorpt), cited in 1839-- (la rter Per e ft,,s '• Property Insured Against Loos by Fire for an. Terra mot exceeding gve years. Poilrles 'spited upon the deposit of Premium Note, upon the payment of the usual Stock Rates IA Money ' out the liability of a I remium Note. Louea paid w• out litigation. tine cult only has ever been brought • lust thu Company. ThseCorapsoy to aufiraigfree • de M, sad is a safe Uwe tarestutioa. DIRECTORS. Jam. • C Manhall, C. It. Tlbbals, Win. F Rindere. Smith, .1 Zimmerly, Jo.. M.Sterrett, Thos. Moorhead, Jacob Hanson, tieurer A. Elliot, E. Babbitt, Win. B. Hays, J. II Jambe*. OFFICERS. J C M DISH ALL, PrPla,l ore Orsarspow, se. Olriee, in fleenre Gunninua t Ilet:nraty's Law Cheapside Erie, Pa. Erie, April 25, 18.5121. 8. 1 I.DW I N 's c. 1 .11 - A RTIC lElzstircoly• liTeserteabole dab-81/Isetas, Thew, ehd datt-Dyspeprid , I. lushes Item, Cuatremess, heartbeire, ileettache Dripper/a Jaeoettee„sieteess of the :•tomeek, *um. of the Lorre, and derangement of the taw SysAtse festered:lt. =MEM PRICE 23 CENTS PER box Sold in Ens by BALDWIN. No. S 7444 Bouw Nlarrb 12. 1849.-40. HANDLES! floe, Fork, liakr, SLuvri; ♦ugwr, Churn. sun MAL,. kiandlts, at AL J. C. SELDEN • Cl(i RS.-A lot of very fine ones. t! .ale st bINCLAIR , Nay 21, 1&.9. Sn C 4 - ICOA 1 N E.—That very superior coin pound for the HAIR, BURNETT'S C 04. 11 tl ‘ 1. eau he had genuine it lb. Drug Store of April :At CARTER & fillo NEW GROCERY. c .1l'(;11EY BROTHERS. Bay! opened a "Croce, •ud `tort ID Beatty's _Block, North SM. ot . the Weft I'.•t where a and rupply of FREsit FAMILY GlifwERIF-'• txn PROVII4Wym THIS B Emit' WOODEN & W ELLOW WARE, Eir Cash and Oat bighead market priee paid, kinds of Country Produce ti.C.CAUGHET. Erie. April S ES of all KI N DS, at No 2, Wright's Block Apnl 9, 1869. SZCILMAN. KENDk k . _ C ASH paid for Whet, Rye. Corn 201.1 Oats at the Die City Milk Fanners gm* m• • call .OrlBo. 11. B. HAVER:4I4'N SCALES. PLATFORM Juni COUNTFR St A I • rreotrd the best peamoOrturrd,for %PIO W. 1869. ROGFRS k ALWAYS REAM". Colre sad other manullecture of Natoli, ftu .•l• =vz AUSTIN'S, Paragon Beadle'. LEAVE ERIE LEAVE BUFFALO By order of the lar~rt.•r INsuRP , bw. A. ELuorr, Trma EIZIM KIND.I. V.,U QUALITV MAY NE Iruc.o A L.. 40- R. C CAI unil