The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 06, 1859, Image 2

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B. F. SLOAN, FAlitt3i
71.2X/3: $l5O PIM YEAR IN ADVAN(•Y;
State Democratic Ticket.
An Imposture Exposed
The Express professes to Is' a Itemocratie
paper. and its editor claim; e.vtraordinai)
love for the men, measures. and principles
of the Democratic' party—Auld yet it 14,n.1-ily
ily refuses to support the nominees of that
party nay, it goes farther. and week oiler
week opens its columns to the falselvsol
and misrepreeentations of the Republican
press in regard to the party it
The Ga;ette, which i- an open and
manly enemy of the Dentoi racy, doe- not
contain one quarter of the
Lion and venom of the /....rpe.s., I
the True Anunean must yield the h alm to
that payer in dirty and malignant at t ack
upon the Democratic. part . NV heti ilii•
E.rproir first assumed this position it ex
cused itself upon the ground; that the
Democratic State Convention h a ,l ignored
the administration of tiov. :tut
it affected to sympathise with that ch.sttn
guished functionary. itt that excit-e
ceased to be a valet On now, if it , t -r « ‘ 5
and yet the venom of the L. pi
as ever. We say it has ceased to %alut
one, because it i, well ken that, how
ever much the Govern,ir ma) I. ~t,•
Dias . lf agrieved by the action of the state
convention, heill now reconciled to tie'
candidates thentiominated, slot anxloll.
for their election. We have this from the
most reliable private source,- -beside-, the
fact that the Clinton.Denuona, edited Lout
owned by his Deputy Secretary of (fotu
monwealth, and the Lycoming
ited by his son-in-law, are loth fully com
mitted to the support of the Demotratie
nominees, is conclusive LLuilie
that, in its attack, upon the Demoerati,
party, the Express has not the excuse of
fealty to Wm. F. PAcssi.s. This much we
deem just to Gov. PAr CAR. for we do nut
think it right that the falsehood, folly r nil
medacity of the Erp ss u. ..tik1.11.4 I
upon his shoulders, And as a ;ample of the
medacious slanders which the
weekly promulgating against portie , n , of
the Democratic party,we clip the folloN‘ing
from the last issue.—a paragraph, liy the
by, which first ,aw the light in the )i-a
York Tribune It appear" a- Eilitoritil in
the Express.
"It is reported in NVasintigion that the
Mississippi State Convention ha% c 1.11 . A1 114 t -
ed their delegates to the Cluirle-ton
Tendon to withdraw frcin that 1Ks1)
they succeed in engrafting uton the plat
form the repeal of all laws against the .k I
rican slave trade, and the enactment hy
Co rk gr esti of laws for the protects.n et -lay,
property in the United States "ferrite% le-
The South Carolina delegation ‘N
them. The next, ruovetne.nt in the prc.,-
gramme is to call a convention, if it is licit
already called, of disatfected staithern
States, to meet on the loth of Sevcruber.
to declare the th.gsolution of the l'uiun.
and to induce as many State, a ‘N 1 I
'crate to withdraw from it
We quote the paragraph au- it
appeared,it the Tribi,„, the 26th %tit -
The Expreu ascribe-Lit to the ••4'..nunelei it '
.-4 1 (what "Commercial" ii doe. et„t -
because we presume, as it profe--.0- to be.:.
"Democratic paper," the -tale it litt( ti.le ei
LO inflict upon the part) a e.utel 100-e .ell it
force if the Tribune 'WAS author-'
ity. It is the baled of the. Now Ye t 1 1'
tune to midead rend deceive the pttj.lie
mind by giving current.) tee n 1 e rt... %\ hi, i t
it knows to have no foundation a hat, i .•t
in truth. And it i. the province of
"Democratic" papers as the. Er,
the scandal of the Tr;bun,. Whatt•\ rr tei.t‘
have been "reported in IVashingtoti" ii itli
regard to the kliitsisi..ippi conven it). it a
fact that the Tilleate. had rceeiveel :411,11.11h
lashed the resolution- and the
proceedings of that convegta .11 , c% et..l ,Liy
prior to the publication by itnt tlic byrego
"ing paragraph ; hence it could have po-i
-tively stated, and it wa- it duty to • o ctate
if it said anything, that the Washing reyori
was absolutely untrue.—that 1-, pr.a elm,:
there was any such report in \Vs.iiingtoii.
which we do not belies e. Our Leli. ti- that
the alleged report was fabricated the
Triburit . And here let US remark that Ulu
is the same Tribune which has gained mu( li
of its circulation by the pr tenet , care
ful accuracy in all its wtatemenut, and whit li
commends itself to the moral and religion ,
world by offering its different issued th -cler
gymen at half price." We hat rosti)
times exposed the falsity of thi, pretence.
and we now submit that the New York-it c
bunt is the most medaeirsts now‘pal,ci twit it
on.the continent,and that the Erie
while it makes loud and lung profei-i‘uy.nt
Democracy, is - but a miserable echo of that
sheet--n penny whistle to a full h an d '
sir A fern days since, a tdr*..lacksott,
resident of Cincinnati, wishing to get rid of a
troublesome dog, strewed around the and
of her dwelling several hits of meat ,priok
led with strychnine. Fier little daughter.
unfortunately, picked up a piece and ate
it, when she was instantly attacked with
vomiting, followed by terrible ,pamus,
.which, after four or fire days, terminat,4l
in death. We do not env) the feling4 of
the mother who perpetrated this piece of
culpable carelessness.
The Kansas Constitutional Com en
tion.has made sundry concessions to the
fair sex, or otherwise have imporod upon
them new burdens and responsibilities. A
provision has been adopted giving fennel ft 4 an
equal voice in all mattery pertaining to the
common schook They are also allowed
equal property rights with males, and equal
authority In the management of children
during their minority is granted to hull anal
and wife. Much of this reform 1. due to
Xrs. *Aar Gort litcnozs, who has been
very active in the lobby. The experiruetas
thus made are not very hazardous. and au.,
in the main, comment with just idea,- of
the sphere of woman.
MIL Dr. Prank Royal, an intemperate,
physician of Chicago, and formerly an army
-surgeon, cut his wife's throat on Wetin(i.-
day night. The wound IQ not likely to
prove fatal. Mrs. Royal, says the Prrie. had
got together a little money by her needle.
which the miserable husband to get
possession of,hence the quarrel and v Mien eo
with the tragic scene so narrowly escaping
fatal issue.
Sunday Travel in Philadelphia
...111 , 1,111‘.111111.1
J i m ( i t l
tit, I 4 , 11111)‘ 1111 .1t t sh~} 14 t11)(1 nii)-e-urft
to inn on the ttt •t 40eit . ; ote
41,1- an
1,, ii,„•;rot .tie ' Aat l iStri . l`t Nalkkily
pant. %%111111. Ilirttc Vll‘ftli, /WO latd Sunday,
ran their eat- met. a portion of the road. as
1- ti.tual nu week t tnilie next Sun
,lay. they ttarrod the t irlit• 111
the nfterhonn: - :titer the rii.tnertril of the
Chi/relit -. but diet! . iprogrit-- wa, at olive
•4teppett It\ att• iNltlCat, Arre--te.l the
.1m el- anti 1tti1..1 , 101 - ttrtherlat-ine-t. On that
tilt clue tL n er. minted .4%11111'41e,
3,, oqinnitt,a
It, .i\t.ld 1111 II tal. tin ,t ttl I,l : vaa'll of
iLr pe,tilt. ;111,1 .t 1101:111t.1i 14 11111 SIIIIday
Ltw ot 17' 1 1 t nutnlKt nletttzen•, iul.tur
111 ... 4 111i 1 1.1V 11 4 215 4 1 4 1. INN - 4111141V 14 111A1 4. 11 I. 11)1 4
R. 111)% .1) 'oinpfinv eonc , rno4.l. at otter took
nte.t-iirt - 11 44 4 11k , .111 1•- '1i. 411 in th e I',,Hrt.t.
rit •/I prOtllled be
halt ttc .11.11itft•Ilt , It 11.111111,1t,t before tititige
(1, , s‘tipreine • ;
anti on
Tine ,101 %.a-.
,1 at lemnii 011 ItOth Ity t'lnlllolll,
1:0%%••1- Tht• 11Q4 . 1 , i4111 of the Judg. , ‘‘ :t .
_l‘,•11 , imr.i.., it it nri I et, In the
who ii orikre.l i•nten toil
hi , iltv.iralici• at
hi lin• t 0111 , 0 01 hi" opinion. the
,111.1;ze •
11.11..1)11g ut ritlttig I i reereallifit t lit
111 , 7'104 , ith. )/1•I . \AM.. 111:I%
tttr rt.lmg tiling the .tn•et , 1.)1
.tich putporwt•- TI/v , 11,1 tirlJaitcoot . I IC
111"4 Tli it
.•r\ A•1111"1, , a r r y in g ~f pas.
-.lit!. I 11. a N.•ikl. 1.• Along the,. I•.tit,
.•\ v mintito, 11itt•114e.) I.t 111.•
1111 1111 On .lat 1110 ,meat IVa‘ 111:1.10:
11.'1 .1.. I I , eliev. , nt thc right to arrest lor
un t url.ll, Itere
th, 111-41010 W
pas.. g e will Nll(nr in..r.•
.IL-liiivll\ th. •liorit
1 . 14/ , i/Ullllled awl titti
\cal- it'
.• iII Sttithlltil nnit it is n o t pci
~• 1 x .1.. V , liereth mriter its priaspent‘
t. sutioretl. It It I, ilkOly to,io
, 1116-1 ilitvrit4.4llllll.4 Mph to the
0\ making liottc, rfi the CulllLllollWettit
it the W,I-li to t•Xer411.42 brit Ilegch lit I.l*e!--
eta v%ltlilicla 1 , 1411.1ted cisr
pioations La, r :11,01 • pt 0 , 1 th ,it chart,•!.- lin'
111'i 1.0 V• ai othor
not 1., dn.! th , t In gra.-1. at
p.iyror- not fill e!n thorn the cxyrcl-.• of
I ,,,,fitnLie• nil hcncticial
chn. thent ht tin. Illwrallty
"I I Tlint tli NI-ful-I
lv nn and tiv isassynger
railw:iy company, tor which his w:k.
is not 1rn1, , 1 11, was thoir sorvant,
~ 'aml t hi. dlisen , sion of his rights was
gii:iatlN alai& on rficruzlitcof
Th , y4 wprt- not ionornutiv violating the
law , . in ihre•etlll;.; tilts ritiNning ui tholr Par.,
t‘..i 4 It 111-1-t Pd that the violation wits to
he kit 1 I rip f n h • it wa.= rat her
to k• th , •111.111,1111,1t1.sli I , e ft new era ro.titnr
it-elf not niudi on t hir• 1:11‘ • ot our own
fiart.‘ laud. but the "examph- , 01
10, 13 1-, !owl. io-."1ii...14ir;a14,11 , 10..1i1l
ITII- of t [we." of ot 11,1 r 1,11101 r t e. 1. 0 ,..., 4 --
.ing neither nu .tnorality, \ trine. freodoni
'fh , ct I 1 llt .t u .l g rA, outiuoil given
1.11 di.' 10/Jolt Lilp
'I he eotielutloti I haveconte to i.:.- to:vita.,
tI di-charge atilt:. titan 11111 further thi
:de tipcni iii. ease than to r,•t t i s e hi d 1!
. harp., and kt the Lov hand him over II
t lie. pri 11 , Vi Jill I ge,, it t In• I.roper t inn' The!,
%% ilf d -ci.h• N% hat 1... hi-et to ht. don,: 1% hell
tis,y hall h.4t e liettlii 3.11 the le-tationv ill
the e-e. tlit...\ ha% e milide potAt•r-, to hoe
It ilt
nt I ~ 1- .t Lloitur twit
,e•. the t, c. to gtri
suelt I-,etirit% to ki., i. it. .oid to he tat goo,
I.• hat ioi •as tint should think right. lan
,at 141,1 thHt the , ~ 1 ), 1 1.1•1.11, 1 11311 e 111 - 111t1
31 are -.11.1 11111 , 1 1.1 18%1..111.1 31., V.lll.lUelVo
1.. 1111. ).. 134. 311.1 14.-.1 11111.1'...,1s 111 thi, turn
11.1111 th
ha •• 1.41 110 HO( wg• got the lad
that dip Imp n. t enhinwiii.tll VIII 11111111.! tilt
C:11 , :It 4 , 1* 141)0111 lit 11Iv WI(
(hits hit DIM i• ,lowly by
Ow chili.. It,, (it Thi• light
the 1 4, 1111.1 lir entlry
1111.1.•. i. j.• tilt 111 111 , 01 i thr Call
tai .11llttIi it I- 1101,1101
to i I It*,
11 tt ane.unt 1.) a hiunlnun. then it 1•••
a kreeeli of the peace, alit/ it people our
tllide-11111.41.1 tiit•
ittiv, t are v11[4[1..11.. the tthnlr (.1 it. •
Xor it the tight lit the pre...Ater. or hi
ent).l.o et- u, 3,-uatie that the people 1%111
vert..rrit th. ir ridigant. I' N. en ` , M iieloreone
I'. M ..r
the form
of wor-Ittp. —mite wor-hip, nor to engage
in it at, all poaer. much l,v
111• 1 :til to Which they are
no porta tieetiou t t on the. I..uutt i-
Viliratitet• ..t t I ii.whargi•
redrll," , l atoll th.• I,t i-olier reut.unl•~l. but
he nu. ill M enter rect iIC with 54 . ( 1-
rit‘ tl ai.tieat at the next I.,timrt..r
:1.11 th.• Mat deterne
oration to enforce the lan • hat. ere:Mit
Will, i1 . 11./1 t ht
ki‘ 114,1 no el r r. net.. tun in the
y.roper and quirt prevail...l I n thePlittreh
..-. I.•tp tn. 1t di-cti--ed the .0.--tion of
..1.•••.•1N ante. nto-t o f ti w n 1a ,h,,,.,0-
mg 3 7trwt entorcement of the l a w
.111r.1.A - 111. lit 111 %%oddly pur , Ants. --
t itt c% ening, a mi l - , tneeting wa
held lu Italepettdcnee Square, I, the An
u-sabbatar...ns, euniletutttn.4
entoreetn.•nt of I hi- t.4tiniltir lust and the
- The F.Alitni ot the 1::,,, , ,,.i11, % er) in
dignant hisciiii-.. Ile gaol he had Leen a
N noir Nothmg. Ile ilenie4 the .., :ott int
pear/nent." p.inl 1 , 1 ink. and ,ay, that
tie ittieir ,ticli , A it.i not the 1.0.1. I. , ecati4e we
kilm; hr. •erliteil a Demo, ratie paper in
"Wairen in 1*:, I. when that party larrietl
• true Wl` klik`tl he edited a
octane paper ii, li.:4—a pa
like the Erpri.m. given to
" A
In6dle.nd now. that
ha-,tired up our recollec
tion. it «une• over u' like a dream that
lL Aate It i
per very much
awl -On
Our 'rats• frig
Warren e.unt_ used to Le good for around
Democratic nit tnrity--- , ny from two to six
hundred—an that in 1554. it took a sud
d,n turn and " ent over to Know Nothing
ism and has r er sine.. been a reliable op-
Position 'count • . About the game time the
Editor of the g., p re.s .t.01(1 out, and he too
we ll ; ov e r. boy y and breeches; all of whieb
pro'vos cenelusively that he -aa'nt a Know
Nothing : he Inew which side his "bread
was buttered,"' or thought he did soh*.
crawled into tlee 01v:wit tom ranks, shouted
himself bourse for Fremont and Wilmot.
and then made "one grand effort" to rep
resent the Know Nothing party of 1554,
under the name of Republicans in 15.159,
In the Legislature. Failing m that, he
took the "Pie eon n t y and ever since
has been fooling himself with the idea that
be can make the Erie county Democracy
believe him a Democrat. After thia, if he
earl ?inanity ...twelve ritirensof-iound mind
and good! repute" who will say on their
le boor that he knows auy thing. we'll ac
knowledge that he ts'nt a Know Nothing.
TUE tlt EsTION SETTLED. —The Pittsburg
publidies the annexed letter, written
b) President IWO/alm to lion. Wilson
miCsea)letk-, oePilb.,l,ur * . This tittertit
ly Ituttisient tisatislytto pub)u at (
vreaent. chief Magic rateOi not a WIWI
tho charleitton nomitiatioi ; and it i.
..eart expecting too much from the
/..,,,m4/.1, portion of his opponents to antici
pate that here-after he will not be abused
and misrepresented tx-cause of the fear that
he a ill again be before the people for their
support. There are some, however, who
will not be silenced by this positive an
nouncement. W about a pretext on which
to assail the Prtwillent. their occupation
would be gone, and they would relavee
into insignificance. These will "make the
wish lather to the thought,'' and will
pursue the venerable statesman until the
grave hide, him from their enmity. Rut
the 11111.56 of the people devise these 4 ma
lignants, and their yellowed attacks must
recoil upon themselves. The President's
letter is as follow-:
DRAR SIR: I IlitrC received your kind
114,1 e of the l9th., With the leader from the
W mist I apprt, de,erV 444 , the
ability and friendship displayed in the
editorial, I yet regret that it has been pub
lished. My determination, not, under
any circtuustances, to become a canidate
for re-election is final and conclusive.
My best judgement and strong inclination
unite in favor of this course. To east
doubts upott my predetermined purpose k
calculated to impair my influence, in carry
ing important measures, and afford a pre
text for saying that they have been dic
tated by the desire to be re-nominated.
With the kindest regards, &c.,
Ile-poofially, your hie's,-
AMEs i l lUt 11 AN 'N.
kir We used to hear a great deal in the
Republican papers about "slavery being
lOroed upon Kansas," and the Republican
oratots were wont to groan over it until
they were red in the face,. Well, the Con
stitutional Convention of Kansas hat, just
adjourned. and 'Xo learn that the section
prohibiting slavery or involuntary •ervi
tudc it as adoptell by a vote of fort) -eight
to one Vorty-eight to one What more
ettectual commentary could there tie upon
the misrepresentations of Republican
ism than this fact. They raised the cry
that Slavery was to he forced upon Kansas.
and upon that they rode into power in
most of the northern States Here we be
hold the result. (quil the delegates elected
to the eonstitutional convention hut one can
hi' loato l to vote for making Kansas aslave
State Is not this better—and we put the
question to these quack Repulicans them
selves—ls not this letter than it would have
been for 'ongress to have prohibited it by
special enactment, as they were advocating
ju 15,16.!
g a ys The New Haven Re : /.say, in allud
ing 10 the nevi-born zeal of the opposition
in hehalfot our naturalized citizens abroad,
remark- that it c. easier for them to com
plain of the foreign nations treat our
naturalized citizens, than to show them the
smallest courtesy Isere at home. It is an
ea , ,y matter for thiqn to deplore the risks
hieh attend the travels in Europe of na
turalized citizens tir the LT”ite , l Suite. ; hut
have they forgotten the bloody scenes en
acted in Baltimore. Louisville, New or
leans, and elsewhere, our own .v.,/--where
these same toreign-horn voters, for whom
they now expi es* so much atle,rtion, were
tiutchereil in cold blood lo the scores, and
-hot loon like logs for daring to rote the
if,.mocratie ticket ?"
/dr The Lantaster La. iliorwyr, a devidell
Aduumustrat ion paper, thinks that "no man
lirtng, nom th or south of Mason and I Imxon's
Jule, could rally the legions of the m mid Key
stone with greater unanimity and entliusi-
Mlll. than the gifted anti eltkinent young
statesman of Kentucky"—Viee President
Ilreeltenrulge.—Ntit, ,' ,.tit„
Well, a hat of it ? We claim to publish a
straightsmut-ttisandsdown "Administration
paper. - al-to; and wt concur with the /n
-it thg, ?Le , 111 . Th, time, however, to dis
cuss the titmostions necessarily arising in the
selection:of a candidate--character, quabti
mations, anti availaltility —has not arrived.
Next winter, when C-ongress has convened
anti the Democrats of every section have
find an opportunity of eomparing views,
the question of time succession will becom e
of mweessity a legitimate subject of discus
sion. in the.mrantime, however, let us re
deem the State, and to that end let the
Demo, raise party devote its energies.
sm. carli,,ii• pulilislie4
liiogratill) of tien. 1.41111.. and with/Mt in.
tending to commit itself on the subject of
the next Pre.iileney, say. • "Lane posse es
the element. of IKlrularity in an eminent
.legree, and. -liould lie lie the choice of the
National Convention. Penmvlvania will go
for him with a rush."
-The Boston and Woret%ter Railroad
co, It - as -settled tilt. case with Mrs. Strew, of
Neel I haM, who was injured upon their road
some eight year. ago, by the payment to her
of ~5.24,71i4, the total of the yen het and eo'ts
°taloned by the plaintiff. A rather expen
sive seeident.
The Chirum Deorrui raises the name
.lohn c. Breekinridge as its first choice
for President in lgfiff. That paper claims
the honor of having been the drat in the
Union to name Mr. Buchanan for the Pres
idency in 1)4.56, and declares that. were he
a candidate for re-nomination, his name
-hould again be at the head of its columns
on, senator Seward has gone to Russia,
where the serfs will no doubt occupy a
large share of his attention. He had visit
ed the North of England manufactories
prevtotts In his trip.
or John Mitebel—the Irish patriot—
the Tribune's particular detestation—the
editor of The Southern Citizen—outspoken
John Mitchel is going to Europe. Where
to Europe he proposes a visit we can hardly
say— perhaps to France. perhaps to Italy.
Th 4. lion. Richard Rush's death is
announced in the Philadelphia morning
papers, with eulogies on his life and ser
vices. Ills d'ecs• ()mum' on Saturday
at his residence in Philadelphia.
ti RIMORTe— A Methodist mir er at
the West, living on a small pular). was
greatly troubled tolget his quarterly instal
ment. lie at last told the non paying
trustees that he must have his money as his
family ware - suffering for the necessaries of
life. "Money ?" replied the steward, "you
preach for money. I thought you preaches
1.. r the good of souls ?" "Souls!
the minister. "I can't eat souls; and if I
could it would take a thousand mach as yours
to make a meal."
BEDFORD SPRINGS, '.'.sth July, 1.7.60
Eks. "— l py below an art 4 .m the
Frank/is 'llinzarkgront
Maine,) •. -celi att h i t e d t o
strengthen • et* , y agreat
many . • deal
moreitigiliW• ro
ft.sisions of the Republica. s of New Eng
land, us well as of those anther portions of
the country.
-Mr. Ric. dieditituipoespngoiin
Boonville, Missou , Whe he Ided leav
ing-ati-tattlft . VdTfllteirek&
tars, about one half of winch consisted of
slave property. Dying Without issue, his
blithers and - sisters, anti their represents,-
tires, inherited the estate. Three of these
heirs reside in this town. one in Strong,
one iu New Sharon, one in Fayette, one in
liartliner, and one in Lowell, Massaalumetts,
and every one of them belong to that class
Niho are ever ready to "shriek for freedom"
and shed crocodile tears over the suffering'
of the "poor slave." A$ the slaves came
into their hands without any effort, cost or
sacrifice on their part to obtain them, it
would certainly be more reasonable to en
pect their liberation at, their hands than
from Southern slaveholders who have paid
for their slaves, acquired them as they do
other property, been scetestornesl to their
service's, and familiar with the institution
all their lives; yet. the i result proves the
reverse to be true. These oouscientious
anty-slavery Republicans unanimously de
cided to have their shires. sold into that
perpetual bondage which they have so
strenuously denouncedpas the "sum of all
villainies." Their decision has been car
ried into effect. The slimes have-been sold
by the administrator in Missouri by their
orders. A gentleman of this village who
went to Missouri as 14301111 for the heirs to
clo.e up the estate has just retureil, bring
ing with him or "even thousand dol
lars dividends arising from the side of slaves
and other property up to this time, a por
tion of the property having been sold on
time, the proceeds of Which are not avail
able. Doubtless these "freedom and hu
nianikv" brethren will continue to advo
cate fhe abolition of slavery jingling their
slave money in their pockets while they
abuse Southern slaveholders, including
those to whom they have sold theirs, for
not liberating their bondmen. Such i.
Republieanisin in New England."
And go it is everywhere!
Dar.nrrr. RAtutoAn Accuritat.—A
Aug. 3.—A terrible accident occurred on
the Northern Railroad, near Sehagticoke.
last night.
The down train due in Albany at 7.25,
while passing over thin bridge which spans
the Tomhannock, vitas percipitated into
the creek below, a distance of D) to 25
fret. The water wets' about I; to s feet
iyer 13 persons are reported killed.
The following are the nAmsw as far Si
they are known of the killed and wounded.
KILLED--Mrs. Schuyler of Albany, Mrs.
Cooley wife of the eondueu)r. Charles tier
thelon, brakeman, Charles Plimpton, mail
agent. Vt.: David Rnasel, express messen
ger, P. Conholly trackman.
The wounded arel--6 , . S. Cooley, con
ductor, badly injured: Thos. MoCarttek,
newsboy. right leg broken and ntherwi*.
injured: Michael klamery. Troy, head and
chest bruised and supposed to he internally
injured. The engineer and fireman e'enp
ed with slight bruise-4.
The accident took place about one mile
from the village of Shagticoke. The mo
ment the train struck the bridge, the
~ tructure Ear e way. The locomotive, how
ever. got across, and became detached from
the tender.
The lattor went down and the baggage
car and two passenger cars followed. The
first passenger car went down on the tend
er and the Itel illimusseuger ran into Anil kool
ed it over. Most of the dead and wound
ed have 'been brought to this city.
A Hoirartme Swittv.—The Valparaiso
(hot.) Reire•thea., of the 'elth inst., tells the
following story of an accident on the Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne and *lien() Railroad.
"The freight train which killed Mr. Butler
at this place, on Wednesday evening, ran
over a drunken man, on the track, about
14 miles west of here, cutting otf both legs
- --one above and the other I.elow the knee.
He was put off from the Tpassenger train
coming from( It icagn near Liverpool. where
he belonged. being in a state of intoxica
tion. He wandered along on the truck,
instead of going home. and laiddown until
he way run over, some two hours afterwards.
The conductor left him at Liverpool,
al,d the next morning, when the freight
train came out from t
. they found
bun still uncared for, lying on the floor,
his wounds undressed, and while groaning
with pain and begging for water, his wife
lay upon thi. bed in a quiet sleep, and the
men at the station proceeded asif nothing
happened. and there wa. , no misery to n
here, In one ooruer of the room they
found the dog busily engaged with a piece
of the limb remaining in the boot. The
men on the freight train, after threatening
the whole town of Liverpool with a lynch
ing, came down here: and sent two men to
take care of the wounded num. They ar
rived in time on Thursday to see him die.
141.-ag. Journal, July
TuE,Es N.trott:o% lll.—_%n
editorial aritcle signed -C," and wo ,up
pose from Caleb Cushing, iti the I-1046ai
Traveler, conclutk.,:
"'Napoleon by the acttutl aid of great
Britain, has baiancod the Russian success
of Moscow by the reduction of s e h as t o p o l.
Ile ham with the passive COUlliellarlt•C of
;teat Ilritain,balaneed the Austrian occupa
tion of Paris by the victory of Soiferino.
The debt to Prussia remains to be paid ott
but above all that to tireat
falgar and Waterloo are memories of rage
and shame in the hearts of all Frenchmen,
and especially of all Bonapartes. And, if
in this respect, the turn of tireat Britain
i s to come, she will only have herself to
thank, for the present proud and powerful
position of Louis Napoleon, is her work
quite as much as that of his own genius.
Certain we may be, that of this great drama
of the Second Empire. the Fourth and
Fifth and greatest of its acts are yet to
correspondent of the Philadelphia Ameri
can (opposition paper) in announcing that
President Buchanan will return from Bed
ford Springs early next week, thus speaks
of his untiring industry and regular habits :
Few men could have stood the wear and
tear so well during the last two years, and
but for his excellent habit, which some of
us envy, of sleeping. a given number of
hours, whether the u n ion was safe or not
at night fall. he must have fallen a victim
to his high office as others have done in
my day. fie works harder and more
constantl than any ilruds . e in the public
service, and pursues details even to their
trifling oonclusiotts. It might be assrted•
with some degree of confidence that all the
Presidents in twenty years have not read
as many papers, cfr heard as many cases as
he has done, and, iwhat is more, appears to
have gained strength by it.
drareasrie Reanzar.—MichaelAtter,
h RUM who has been twenty years in the
employ of Dr. T. S. Wilson, a whohitede
druggist of Louisville, has been detected
it. robbing his employer. 'lt is probable
that he has beenin a systematic
course of pilfering & s i gr il . lj years. The house
has lost, in two years, from $B.OOO to $lO,OOO
worth of goods in a manner until now
A Yot• Na Tot RIST.—JALE, Thompson
of New haven, Conn., a lad thirteen years,
of age, has nxseutly returned from a Eu
ropean tour, including a visit
,to Paris,.
w 1.-re he wept tklnne apd unprot ected, arid'
r. Apollt a week. Ma sefioolmatesi
Lovell school of New Haven hare!
honored the young traveler with a public
reception, at which adresses of congratu
lation were made and responded to.
goat kud gittrarg.
__ ; •
pIXO to lira ~
. 8 b ' elth '
T oche street Catholic ,
Church, are to have a pic-nie at the tipper Cas
cade on the 10th.
,i• Rev. N. Wm, now of Cincinnati, for
netly 4414 UL-reek, near this city, has become
. intent sitrocetevt-Vreetimmiskiitg. • -- •
war The 11114 psesstirter locomotive of lie
Sunbury and Erie rod is here' It is called
the Erse,
lir The North Western Bank, at Warren,
is now redeeming the notes of the defunct
Warren County Bank. Persona haring sorb
on hand can now dispose of them.
air The young man named (MLR. who we
injured by the cannon at itestfield, on the •Ith,
died on the 26th inst. Both the •ictima of the
explosion are now dead. •
11110". A little boy, five or , *ix _years old,
named McCarty, fell from one of the pier. in
our bay on Saturday night, and was ilrownr , l.
Iliv body was not recovered till neat day
gar Samuel A. Black, Esti., from one t.)t the
nterior counties, bra been appointed Supertri
cadent of the Western Division of the Sun
tory and Erie road.
Ise' At last the track layers have laid the
iron scrolls the WaterfortA "sink hole. - l'er
st Terence and money has surmounted this only
obstacle in the progress of the work We %hall
now have a ride to Colon, "in a few day.
gar One of the papers says that "(Joy feu
tier is selling at $1:1 a ton to a German toaso
elation of tanners in lowa, who use it for inn
ning purposes. As its nays, indicate, it doubt
less has all the properties of 64int
ignilr The Republican county commit tee,
which. Wet bast Monday. %greed to hold their
county convention un Thursday, the I.t of
September. Delegates are to he /fleeted on
Saturday, Aug 7th
s ir A Conventibn of Denti.t. t. uolv in
session at Niagara Pall. —e;a:.ti.
And if they get away without having their
.teye-teeth cut." they'll he sharper praeticton
ers than any that ever visited that celehrtte4
place before !_
bar A Sew Yorlt correspondent .ayr that
ten millions of hooped skirts are manufactured
in that city per year. House,. there make itiore
than three thowiantl per day. and -till
fill their order , In the name of lii.t
where can much a world of emptine. go'
Jr` Colonel E. 0 Parker, of Po-ton. the
author of the article upon Mr. Rufus Choate
publialiell in Putnam Yontnisf, will soon pro
duce a hook entitled "Reutinisenees of Rufus
Choate " We predict it will he a readable aro!
valuable eoatribution to our literature
l We learn !fiat Prof W H It%tcr,i, a
brother of the celebrated Ilur-e Tamer now to
Europe. will rm.: city felt week for Hie
purpose of giving in course of tit,truction in the
'science He wt/I lecture at l'itrk Hall, en the
wubjeet. on Thurwlay evenint next
sion fr'.
Bier The Crawford Journal .111 . 1 `I 01111 Rodol
phue Dewey. a respectable ritizrn of the west
ern part of Crawford county, coral:pitted qui
side by hanging Ititudelf, at Penn Ltne. ha.
residence. ou Sunday morning. Spiritualom
is said to have been the route
air A drunken fellow named
boring und'er the effect. or It protracted
bnuch, w 3 ,1 taken to Jail ou Sunday nnirning
in a PIMP of insanity Soon after he ulnae :in
attempt upon his life by curtiughnt hrwt wit II
it dull hack-knife be haul upon his per:gm. lie
infl icte d a gh t i.stly wound, hot under the Care
of J H. Stewart, he i+ likele t reciiNer
Jam' The ~ hower on Sunday la , t wn+ a per
feet god,end to our fanner~ and gardeners -
The earth. front t belong cow inued dry and warm
weather was in want of rain very much. and
it. came none too soon. Consideralde ‘laturage
was done t.y the wind in tilt. city among. the
choice fruit trees
par Mr. Frederic E. Foster hipy purehl-etl
the Interest of W. L. Faulk in the Pitt.burg
Journal, and has heeoutv n , sor int et! with Thom
as J—lligharn, in the e , litiug and publiKh
ing of that paper ,Mr. F is raid to he au
dustriou• and laborions journalist, awl we wi-h
the new firm nhuntlnnt success
ler. An e%perimental trip was made by the
canal propeller Rayyt.s. of the Erie Canal, a
Week 'r
two since, which seem. to u vi of cast
impor ce to our commercial interests. The
Rugg .19 is, as most of our readers know, a
steam canal hunt, running between Many and
Buffalo Some ten lay• ago the proprietor
conceived the idea, of extending her trips, and
encountering the dangoili of lake navigation
lie therefore passed Buffalo, and shaped his
eifttrite for Cleveland He made the voyage in
safety, and after putting oh a load of wheat
and dour returned, and peony Buffalo again,
in less than six -days ittiloade,i his cargo on the
docks at New Y'ork. Here then it is demon
strated that freight can he shipped from the
lake ports. Eric and Clevelenti, all the way by
water, and without transhipment. to New York
Now then let us apply this fact practically to
onr town. By the Pittsburg and Erie. and the
Sunbury and Erie. we shall have two avenues
t o th e best coal regions of the state By one
of them, also, an inexhaustible supply of lum
ber will find its cheapest and best route to
market. For both of these products the market
along the Erie Csinal, from Buffalo to Albany.
is unlimited. Now the point which strikes us
forcibly is simply this—if the Propeller Rny
glea (tan snake anerperimentul trip from Cleve
land to New York, , is it not fair to presume
that an immense4rade in coal and lumber way
be built up between our wharves and the cities
and towns in the interior of New York, flux:
avoiding transhipment at Buffalo, and hence
placing ua without a rival in the trade named.
We are aware that Buffalo thinks she is to be
come, in time, a great coal mart, made so by
building a-railroad to time M'Kean coal fields;
but we apprehend she is,&cned to disappoint
ment. The road may be . tilt, tt when it is,
it will he found that the, ti I not tailed to
the ptirposes of gas and of manufacture, and
hence can never compete with the pure article
from the Shenango valley.
Nig- We see by the proceedings of criuncils
is the -official paper." that his Honor, the
Mayor. sent $ message in on Monday night
calling their attention to the necessity of pro
viding some better police regulations. After
reading it, the magnificent sum of one hundred
do4itirs was appropriated for the purpose just
fifty dollars lasi•thaa the sante body appropri
ated be Melinda the 4th of July. We used to
think we were "some patriotic," hut we con
fir it—we never appreciated the greatness of
the "glorious fourth" until now. According
to our fathers" it is as $lOO is to ..9150,
just one-third/greater than all the other days
of the year, combined. Let the American eagle
EAstssix MAlLs.—Whendst he Post ,Master
Gieneral ordered the distributing tacit closed
at Erie, we hted the movement am one calcu
to facili e ettilltuunission of until mat
ter alllnglite La wits, —to place us line day
nearill t ei tteaste itiee. But the Post Matt
tar _ , eppl i the knife without effecting
. -ior to '' - first ofJuly, letters mailed
.et f
I i
those haling
rertisement of
other columa.:
a c
east B e we nt:
ty ato that office and Were for
wit the (taxing day and now all mat
ter mailed from Buffalo to Eric, for the towns
this side of Cleveland, lie over at Erie as for
nierly. The mall train from Buffalo ceases to
be such when it reaches Erie, end the mail matter
lies over at that point until the nestdny. This
iLnUt_n(Gtingn .1:4 gorse than before the clohing
of the distributing office at Ekiig. Thtl remedy
is simple, and one which should be lutought to
the notice of the P. M. - General The way
mail should he continuous from Bitffalo to
„ .
Our friend of tlis Erie Observer, and also
Post Master at that point. is disphaell to be
facetious over our expression ofratiocationat
the prospect of improved mail facilities, and
takes to himself airs over his superior knowl
edge of postal affairs. We care not for this :
only that he will disabuse us of entertaining
hostility to his locality, or approving of the or
der which cut down his office, other than that
which would result in otfordingto all improved
nail facilit ies.
We understand from our lost Master that
arrangements have been made with the P. M.
at Buffalo, by which a letter hag, for the towns
weal of Erie will be made up at Buffalo, and
forwarded by Morning Express train to Erie.—
This will he an improvement, and enable our
bulimia men to get their letters front that point
one day earlier than under the arrangetnent
which has existed. This applies only to the
kite- hag,—lcaving our papers still lie over at
Erie 114 usual —Onlintauf Rrporl , r
We Bite the above await, AotioraMi ut the
Conneaut r, iti regard to marl mutters,
with pleasure. :Still. our friend is about as
far out of the way now as he was before.—
"Prior to the first of July, letters mailed East
of Erie.' except witch as were mailed along the
New York and Erie road, and in New lork.
d i d sot go into the Erie iirflice, and were fur
warded on the following day. - t tor Conneaut
friends sent their Ituffaki correspondence. and
that between here and Haab), and received
it, just Its they do now--direct Ind inure
than this, we can assure our Come/int friends,
that they may work at this matter from now
until dooms day, and they will never have any
better mail facilities than they have now, un
less the Buffalo office is aliolisheil, and the New
ork 'thee ordered to make up a direct bag to
ci ivy office along the lake The trouble is
just here--all eastern matter for this region of
country, except that addressed toanoffice with
Which New York e tecrhanges hags, Ti. with the
Erie office. has of necessity to go to Buffalo .
nearly fifty mules out of its road, to he -sepa
rated,- and there is where it lies over and not
at Erie We w tidi the I 'onne.illt and
every h“dy else interested, 14,11istincil) under
stand, than twit her hy this arrangement nor that
previous to the fird of July, pap rs de -
ta,,,,d .1. f., . the preiept arrange.
went. papers for points west of Erie. di not,
nor they. some to the Erie office at all
The trouble all in Buffalo, and when we ex
plain it, the reader will see at once why the
I' M. at Buffalo promises to send to Conneaut
-n letter leig . in the -morning Express train
but not a paper hag The mass of the New
York paper s ai d rri LP. in Buffalo in the night.
smountilic n e pip-iiine 1 , , •e•Teral tun._--tioW it
itupo-;sible to si liar.ite such an Sinotilit ut
matter in tom. for eNen the M/111 n• ,in west.
the mails for which li.‘e to leave that other by
.1 M less to do so fur the •Auurning
express train tii Erie'' on which tie promises
to dispatch a ' , r to t . olllle'llit Now,
we hale iiu doubt the I'. M and his as,udante
lit 13111Itibi, arr /1/t . 1 ,, fitCilit Mt'
the prompt transint--mn nialk we.zt l•itt
iheltert3l•l l / 1 0911 h r ph/ i i up , at rhe•ir
PTA en tatipo , •4l) , ltily in :I %min etct to t , sice
tea , lollter- et II ii Tit, I , it the c 3-.
now 110 w WM: , it before the Erie olhee wt. at--
omit-tuned Pre% ion- to tin , 1 -t . Nett I ,irk t it le
up •t.ll let cr , awl paperb for offices South and
1Ve..1 ot o , tot t he Erie office The matter
tuapl,• up re•u-hed that office a 2 A. SI ,
1 ,It-itt Wilted nail made up, laud sent on
its vw.t,y it 7 the -lint' morning—thus remain
ing ut Illy Cnr othce but a few hour% This
arrangement our oout hern and
e-tern fnewl , tever MO, or e•rct• will hare. Hut
the power•• that he %tiled it othrrwt,e, and
so • 'mole 11 he.
MO !tie aw.tre there :Ire ...we wlio content
!lint tll •I Qtrihtuion "nice , h oubl 3 1 .011Me.1.
rind the l'".0 \lll-4er, m hrr letter
PI I Stu, 111 relation to tite dis
c.,tttirittuticet,t the Erie °thee. tritium:t. :t de-
tei initiation to earr) out 'itch n
Ilia let in *itch a inuamire
would he a "I-florin' take elpirge .f the letter
,li.triton hal in i lre.iribillion otih e month..
sad we are very certain he will- Irate it per
factly t iire.l of tll -itch crotchet-. It i t the
ea , ip‘t thing in the viltll.l ',take a perpetual
motion in theory—hut when you come to
the practical working. there your theorist
fail. it ,) in postal :natter.
.\n , l yet we ackn.wle.l4e there might he ,nett
a cotolition of :oldie , that lii•trihntion offices
could lit. 41.peti.e.l witit aN well as 111.1 When
our thirty thou l'oPt Master.: ind Rome
%gentm Are all intelligent wen —when they hate
heen taught .itch a perfect knowledge ~t tieog.
mph) that they will :ill knew the e‘aci geo
graphieallocai ion ctcn count!, .itt ery +tate
and territory, and eiery "thee in those
counties—when all letter writer., and "then(
who i.el the mail. learn to spell. to read. and
In write intelligthly- when there 1, no town
known in
the community Ity one name, tut.' ti
the Po,a, other Department by :Ludt her-- , 3nd
when many other things growing out 'the
cause• hinted at cease to send 'Neer. e.tray
—then, and not till then, will the liistribution
system to he fin our
pomal gCrt lee %% het iter•itch i -t-tie of `•hles
.e.l perfection" a ill el er be re:o. lied ii out day
and veneration t.. ver)
S. it Ira. reperte,l that the 'shor of
paper in western New York had lwett fined
itlOtal for libel in a humorous report of a trial
for breach of promise, in which that was the
exact sum recovered The effect or I. a
gOod deal modified by later news that both
suits were tried befor a meek court of young
taw student, ,
se- On Nlonday lam. a ratan by the name of
'His. (1 1 the town of Portland. Chantauque
county, in attempting to jump on to the train
as it was leaving Salem. on the Erie and Buf
falo road, missed hi+ footing and had one foot
smashed under the wheels. The limb was am
putated. and we understand there 14 a good
prospect of the man's recovery.
*dr The liazfile stateicihat the dead body
of a man was found on thebeach opposite Fair
view. on Sunday last—hearing the markN of a
sailor. and far advanced in decomposition.' It
was boxed and properly interred. under. the
direction of ISAAC ViaIISTSII, EN., Who previ
ously held an inquest upon It.
Iftirliow is this ? We see it stated that
DANISL E. Stems was expelled froutthe Sons
of Malta, immediately upon the fact becoming
known tat he had renewed conjugal relations
with-his wife. Much excitement is said to
ha-re existed on the subject, and the case has
been appealed by his friends iu the lodge
How is this ' Will some one who understands
the prase "tie well," explain.
marr /391110017, 7rho.lthe tindoabletlly
through the "null." says that a than wlu, ha.
soul worth a sixpence, must have enrittir,
is utterly impossible for the best man to pi,,,
the whole world, and the sooner this ii
awed, and a position taken in view of theta.
the better. Do right, though you ham : et r o
mien,. You cannot ewcape them by dot n g Art,„;
and it is little gain to barter your Iloilo) 1 ,,
integrity, and divest yourselvetol.mor a l
age to gain—nothing. Better abide by 1 ,,
truth—frown down all opposition, am!
in the feeling which must inspire a frro.,„
independent man.
It is wonderful what a ditierencp % 1,,
years makes in the course and nature of ital.
POT example—a few years since the prima
business of Buffalo was in receiving fv.i r „
and passengers by lake, and shipping 1 , 3 cu.,
and Tice*Tersa. In that trade the city tun,,,
,and her business men grew fat and _
This year the principle business of that
serted Tillage" appears to be in receiving % L ,
entertaining firemen and military coscipa i ,,.,
of the thlloger of New York, Phitaileti,u. l
Cleveland, and of the say of Dunkirk n)„,,
er Buffalo will thrive under the new or i e ,
things, as well as she did under the
mains to be seen
to The Rev. John Chambers, a l'hitint.
phis. clergyman, is very indignant with t,
newspapers for saying that be rode tutu,. it,.
his Church on a Sabbath day. Listen t
Mild denial : "In the more than thirty is.
years of my ministry in this city, 1 ilefy
man who hasany respect for himself, tt
rhyhtert regard for truth, to say I ever cut,.
a carriage to ride home from my church
therefore charge the author of the hltifiri• •itti
ment as guilty of a. willful and itioulteivw
hood. - If this indignant Reverend Lad
dulged in a ride every Sabbath for !Alf n .
tury, we doubt whether he would have
guilty of half the sin contained in his
nant denial of the soft impeachment it
itt'nt it, that -11 e strain at a gnat and 4ws.,
a camel.-
iter Dr. AaDnsw Nana, son of 1:1-(s
ernor Porter, died at the Columbia HAU4t. I
Island, whither he had gone to renorsie
health, on Saturday last week. The body
the deceased was taken to Harrisburg T..
day. and on Wednesday morning, followed
the mourning relatives, and a large C. , 1:10,,
of friends, was conveyed to the Cetneter •
interred In Harrisburg and vicinity
wherever else he was well known, Ur P
had many warm and attached friends, wh,
long remember hi+ truth, his constancy
generosity, and mourn hisearly departure t
their presence
oge- O n Monday the hqdy of a luau
picked up on the beach at Makliaon. I
Ohio, which is Fupposed to he that .41
111111 MCNEAL. ~ f the Bark Sunshine. 4
eeently of Fairport. On one arm ir”
letter• , ••1' NIeN. - the initials of the it •
nate gailor
:ter Among the Republican caul. 1 ce.
nuanced in the Gazetti, we notice the
11 Id of Girard, for
111i...stoner. If we were the ReptiLl,
the nll4ll i't
we are ii..t 111 6 •
114 eivinee. errt:titi, 4l• .ll.' I
nominate )401 er iwth
skar We accidentally • , crl,. n I • 1.
11011 itet wren couple •,. I
raltrua , i Met], t lie °titer d .1 I/ lIL. I slii,
••I(mc litany 31.1.1, MI. .u• 1 to:
tie. — ,11.1 ..iy there •ir:. I,r purr.„t,
rr.ui fitly it, 3 hun,lrt-.1
111 or tutu roticht,
lumber t%%
lie.l ul tLc -en tee vt the evtitp.m:. I -ut
"N e....; a t.l therep. the E.111,,r ..t
to politte-, that he ought to he net
agent —iteket
two. ••he make n better Itagg,i4te Int
the under ground railroad' In I
e"/ 71111 ence.l er• t
lozzenger. '•
Stir I n Try, N 5 , there
er l ittite accontith,lted and tern
ha.t a mot twirl ellon. attachment to
chil ,\ lren tine , Inc 1:1 , 1 week. 311.5 s
ller, the young lady teacher afore , aid
a fancy to correct the morals of the
eration, called one of her little echolar ,, ,:
a blight offetvie gain-T I
it just ninety-eight blows with al,.
She intended 10 gu the round hunlrrd
t•hr, rm.( the strap. and the child
he hone stretch. Professor Ran
needed in the Troy public 9Ch0014
KENTL( s:l' ALL. Rwur.- ' Ch,•
la, been very unwilling to bring u•
of the election in Kentucky, held last \I
da > —Mill sufficient is ascertained t.
us to say that. it is all right.. The I
racy have =wept' the State. Th.. 1v
r,..11 acknowledges the del, At
party. and says "They lose the
and Legislature. They elect three
gresstileti, which is again of one,
collie but we have a
from the Louisville Jor4rsat, concede , "
state to the Democracy. Th... 00-
Ashland district is close. The los tb
Legislature gives a U. S. S4inator, 11. , \I
CRITTENDEN., to the Democrats." W, nr
when the f rii,nl al gets full returns it
find its party has not made a gain •
( MgreN.4Man.
aft_ 'olonel Herman Thorn, ()tie ~
tell man in the fashionable world. '
his resilience in Sixteenth street w •
York on Sunday, at the age of T•
nut< s says that Colonel Thorn ‘‘.e
a European than an American in 11.-
awl habits of life. He was b.rit
Jemey. and-was origiruilly a purer, •
Nary. marring in that capacity titi.l ,
modore Barron. Some difficult% 1 -.
ship converted him into a itaqt., et
way in the da i s when Canal -tr,
howling wilderneas; and he then "
and won the only daughter ot '
and cynical English millionaire .1
days, Mr. Jauncev. Mr. Thorn
Europe not many years after lie i't^
master of the Janney estates. an.' r. , :
WAS that he made himself, by hi- st ,
living, a sort of publie character
the exception of the Minister. Mr l'n
o f MI", in the days of cite
.Imerican ever maintainod in l'aro-'•'`
niticent a state as he. lira hotel .11 '
Fanbourg, his thrinera. his ball-, ,`Ol
ages, the retinue that followed hit
he rode posting over 'Europe. s t '
were posting in those days, !UPI tit' I
had not come to level the duke 11ith
lawman. and the millionaire sitti
ehanie.) are they not immortali7ed
pages of tlavartii! Col. Thorn •
again to America, built himself a n"
house in Sixteenth street, and t hal
his remaining ehiltlren he ha. , tic‘‘
his days. Ile had been a great -utter.
several 3 ears and haul li‘ ed
retirement. Vjeaves behind boil
ily consisting of eight daughter- .i[o (
son, to whom, with his whi.,l*. }ld
some property passes. Three of 11.41 '
daughters were married to Fren,binin
riak. to.d one of them. Ntadatii.• .le Fie"'
is at this time a (lame honne at the fr.
press of the French.
• I I •