The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 06, 1859, Image 1

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    Flit 6rit gthserrtt
7 - L ,,.+ stet& aaboeribara, if paid in adroit°,
C.,pies will be loot to one addr.l. for 1 , 5, and
mime rate for larger clubs.
.• ttl y ruloCrlber allifig to pi) within the year, the
dierontanued and the aorount made oat at
ef 11 per ear, and left with a proper °Mbar tor.
Inum or Was make a winare.lsll.
e. one $ 761 On* plume 3 months S 3 00
tso " 100 One " 6 " 600
. thrre 126 One " V " II 76
~,usre o year, changeable at pleasure, $lO.
month*, $6. 6 months, Stl; 9 months,
sou 11,5
r 10 Nam/ye—one year, 1010; 6 menthe,
• inaorted to ttip SUBJOINS Itterret.ry at $3 p er
• . , elh.eed for a Card, over et; and under
es,. and I..iistortal notices, 10 cents • line , but Do
sli Inserted among the Special Notices
than 00e dollar
r „, •. and others requiring frequent changes
se itenients will be allowed two squares, paper,
„ •r /I 5 I. or additional epacie, the charges wln
,n • and the dverthwinents amid be strictly
t• toe legitimate business of the adrertiaer. Pay
•• • • ranpit.nt advertisements required a d eggic ,,..._
s rash ats ertising will be presented
%lit ILI',
1,1.1.1 i 1} HIPORTZO WINDS AND Dui OHA,
i'renth Brsndun, Gina, he., Champaiwne,
. t, Madeira, Malaga, Sherry, Port,and all kinds
• O alsi• manufacturer of rectified Whir
Bourbon, Monongahela, tc , Heed House, on
rn ..tre•vt,
. & CO..
Wnousaalt Dakticas IN GROCIMIC+I AND
, •••Mate sitniot, No. 10 Brown a llloek.
I %I. 1111. E,
hoon BLANK B‘okrk M•%l fACITKLN,
• . 11• . . t..ry t,r hitv4rruccllo. 1,m., Va.
11%1 U. L%W.N,
rioa‘l4l jk t IrL ~k1.1„, ) It AT LAS., Ene Pa
re . ' , tate Mreil„ Dear the Park, in the American
of the occupied I'. I. M
will alwa.. in i.”lllti iti 114. . thee, and
• nuctu•lly •tteu..i...l 1,,
I )1,1 h 31 . 11,0.
I )N linlaa•La HILT• 11. GLOCIERS, and
•• • I Flow, Pork, Full, Salt, Seeds. N I and
11 V. are., Nall. and Glaut, at 'No
K ..KRIN.III 11A3K1 1,44.1.1,5111.
ArrtllNl.l tr 1.A.. JI Lure, 11 u .
st • p: m 1 t •,( tet3 tt. , rl to 1/, lora Wig .4
St arrattta and tn.. partn.W. ofllll.llll the Aster,
• al,d a aI I el!.. b:1 ail 01 , 1,0 tar the purchase
la.!. At.
%. E. COLE,
mrerresoar to T R Rfaks,l
x.+l r. n NAM and
' • Potnenuc A•tkfietal 1'1"M era,
laced, and astitousble VIZ/neer, , Piragoo
truting the Park.,}Jte, l'a l'arcuiar attention
• srt,.
ATTO/ANNI •T 1.. x
11. Al miTIN.
ip l L,rka, Watch..., I. int' Jr. —
' • ~ -; • 4,, arP, L.w.ktog 4:144,...ir5, Lilt
L • arid soi) Parse:: !hold/Lig,
, , l'arft u.vr Pt./tell .t
tl h.. t J ()et
1 1 . , 11,AL1A /A. 1.1.7 ♦IL 1 / I ...ALIJA.PA In 1.
t••••• 11., t au - pct., ,
. 1. . Lne, i .
TTOk?Illi •I LAW —4411,,
A Haler ClutL'ag ,
• W•
• t t:
I T I TI I k i .:II. T Y 1 • 11 ; s Ott. Fait,
• • .• • trnt 1../1«, I a
. surell/..• In %le.talq
. 1.,,A IL 1 , 141,4.ini, I artier q. 2 Male ai..l
„ , an~ ~. , aillphetw
\‘ 111 it t/
T71141.%.111T ASD 14. t ssisr.t.slss 4 7
• • r c.rorr r,a,ln. of ki...tlaws-tig . . ' block
.1 and the Public , quare. h ne Pa.
• II • 111.• 411.
1,•11.1111r1p , ♦w - l rth.r to Haft u•
• . .te P Hotel, ri.tnorr tql Uwe
or • A liuteb,„... aud
". • .• to talP • 0./ TrI71:0 r 30x
0 • 11l TC1:1 I.
V 1 . $1 1•11.1..
111 II aaaaa
tr. • t I. t.. 0 krie, l'a
\ 1.1.1. N A. CRAIG.
/ •To or 1111 last r. urt • r
11,1 I , f I't•set, , tro-rt •nil the Publ.. Nytarr. ik..
i oh IiENN Err,
$l l l NC,L.N.SAI A •%!. R,T AIL I , vlAletl. ILI 114A,A. -
' L.rv. (;la,sware and : 4 addlery, N,d4 11 and 1 . 1
if I. dth and Slat• Atrerte., Erie, l'a
If • I ON h E V& 5111.%:41,40,.
1 1 Successors to Rdrnort, 4 3r( oak', •
1 ri.n. all I !apt% ai• aud
••• \tiu, Anv, 1., Ir. •11.1 I. N 4.
• • F
I 1111 ••• LI Tl.h.
Pi I. 11.4411, 11, thv r,..121 .. , .. l.'. t.. • • , p , r 4 t ' V
• • r ..., .11 • I aw law, •nd tier 0....0. r.• ..t
. . ...• I. 11, H. 4 ,1 ii ..1..... IL I lir..A LI I , h. te,
N 1.141 1141. k Nl.t,
• ,•.. • ••i• 111. I I'm.
• • • , I. r ;ale 1•C..• '• E. •
‘ 1 11.... CROOK & CO..
fit'll.l.llFo and Urtiofa. t
n -t 4
1 ) MiNNit
~ rata. rue.,
WrmxiVTl, Wia:(111 ;kb.: ••!. , 11W V. are
I.orma N. .1 : • L10a...
-•-•• t, ...F.. n!..•• t /.. P.
1....z: - ....
I ( I.: J. It 17'11111 ,N,
.„ 49—
I , ENTlvim, flie, :i Liar. p'.1111.4.6
.. -:1, 01. . 4.1 1 . 14,1 C ~ u aro., I , rmeriv .. , y,...1 ~)
^ • l , .. 1 I . , rk Ikarranled
A Hit tit,
r 1.4 I k ,k 1 oCIS*4. an•l •1.•• • •-• 10
• .• , •••1• P•••• 1••• r r1. ,, 1. 1 al. t, I,le,
or., •••:, . N.. 11 owl..
I oil.. II t: I.ILN d: l'o..
r A Kl,l am! f• Illti tA,
• I al, Hour, Viah, aad sprat 6, a d.ll, hue of
• ••te.mera. Pulthe In.. re,
I I EWELL. % LAN , 6;
N • •I PACT• ItKlL*ol: , tratil Envura,kl..k:nrit,
•,•• t„.rrul•ural um; letueut.% Cars,
•eutiox,,ati MAkui....,.1 Agent
" • • .1 V4 . 4lPon'• Sevrlng Ifiarhine it ••m• Ors,
• • J .. -try Store, 'West Park. Ene, Pa. rr:..tltch.
Allll , lOl, •T I.•er, Girard, Erie fount
....,diona and other boi,ueits attet,ed to rtth
I• ne •nd t:il.4pata,
1 Oil Ne SWEENt.
Jr Trek or Silk sin k.Whet. in B*.atty'r
g. p-•talnk, /Eine. Pt
( •ki 4:llRi dlz I CLARK.
WHoLZSALIC ,:anczaa. and Dealer. , in
•• and imported Womea and Liquor., alw. :..e i tara..
}'rust, Flab, on, and Alien f or Moffat., Bu ff alo
7 Bunnell Block, State at Ertl., Pa.
•r raciniT.
1 Mil w. A VILMA.
r Il a vrr.eTtLiu, Wholesale and lietal:
- • kimi• of YancT, Drawl°, 114,11:13, Rneklng
.• I.inatle CktaLes. No. 4 Key .totte kleet rte. Pa
Ir it it of, KELSEY.
I.i.•trita to Plce,te and.Shoe , a stWbole—
.. • Leta.% at No. 13, ra.lareil'a Block State street,
I 1 1 Iti 4. Low.
m rr r Arir amm k Wholesale and Retail
• 'A •il and Cutero Pumps of anpenor quality, the
.• and tsst nor its use. shop on Twelfth street
x .1. Fr!. P..
rp- for carrying .ester for Gunny, farms (Cr
tas pu rpneos fur sale cheap.
1 ) 1/. 0. 1.. kir.Lioz-r. -
Rasters? 1.4.11./PIT ..... .
- . Ir..::lnz 113 .oath ['ark Ko., ifs G•aa
• , a east of Ert• Rank building*
' ' - jia a 10, 1%.04.
' J.OII(JF. .1. 311411tT(P.i.
1 01.11r•kj.j)li, &ad CofUSIWS/.1 Merchant,
k, 1.. ((.al, in ( nal, ' , alt. Irish. flour and
. . _
Nr( titTliit a KIS 1.1.066.
MnLI/ Igs and Retail deal.'.. rn iirrlnerlVlL.
, L.. ` , L•p Cliandlery, Wand sod Wiilwor
• • --.t, Peen.
1 111 R NVTOIL
m A GRISWOLD. Jobber and Retail
-Ter• derreeriptioa of aad ek.uw•stic Dry
• • •rv.tln f its. 011 Clog I r e, kr Igo 13, State. street.
V ihr., Erie. Pa.
11 .1.1 (M Till)11{,41TO "
rrr OF rya Pura. Agri.-
„ „ )F ortesees, losaft, he.,aneuralety and
' 1 ".• 'Bee pa -French, rtmet, ovvr Jam. 8
• ''''""r , Enc. Pa.
I v. 1141 it
• ; ...tire in lb...venal Court" of Elie Con•ty,
'opt non faithful attention to all bnamessen•
. • lian Is *
rah... as an Attorrnry Modirtr.t.•
n h ropl re Mork, corner of Stab/amid Fifth
.1 %. Ittet
tiTOITIRT AT I.• .- 0 111. Te rvovoired to
state 4troct, no 4bi twit tide of lb*
' • - Pt
) I ‘Y tNif KUNIO.
4 .1.1111W.A., su4
• .• Stieet, Buffalo. S. V
"••• • , tr. , t ..... exclusively to ibe troatatwat of
•••,, t. I. t, sod 1,4,
)I t , /10,111,10--41.17
Beau= In all kinds of Coal, Salt, Plaster, Flour,
Kah. kn., ke. Public Rock, Rria,
A. SOOT?, J. n. assails.
TT C. SE 16 DEN,
• • -
tk • Wilot.seAl.i and Retail dealer in all kinds
of German and American Hardware, Anella, Floes,
iron, alia, Steel, Son BaskiliiTl
mu m! C arriage Trimmings,
Machine Belting and Packing opposite the
Reed Howe, Reis, Pa.
For Sale at a Great Sacrifice !
THE owner having no use for them
India Rubber Air little used. Prime Goose
Feather Bed, welch Si It.. Chamber Suit, Marble Tops,
Gilt Flowers, Gilt Mirror beet plate, 40z111, Bea Bed
stead, nearly new, liosx Matinee and Coverild, with
Kitehen Requisites. For rel. on Commission, by
Ent , July 9. G. W. ELLSRY, State Street.
persons having friends In the United Preabytie
nan Burying ground. (on the corner of Eighth and French
Stresta,) in Erie, to remove or cause the removal of their
remalzus on or before the 16th day of October amt.—
Those remaining In the grounds after that tine will be
removed by the Trustees of the Congregation, agreeably
to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, pulsed at the
last session of the legislature, authorising said removal.
En., July 2. 11169.-4td By order of the Trustees
F_ -A__ IJCPINT Cl- , M_ 3:, ..,
Physician, Surgeon and Dentist
entit co., Pim:4ll . A.
DR. 1.. having permanently located at
Union Mills, will attend all calls in hid profession
itti promptness. All useful oi erations no the Teeth
performed and warranted. Arti6eial teeth inserted from
one to an entire mgt. July 2, 1669.--4
P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
Has been thoroughly repaired and refurnish
ed, and is now open for the reception of gnesta.
hy the Day, Week or Month on rea
sonable terms, the Proprietor pledging Atnueif that
no effort shall he wanting to give entire satisfaction.
InlrPrirate Parties, Dinner Parties, or Managers of
Pohlie'llails will find the aecornsoodattons at thus Howse
superior to any other in the city and the charges as rea
tlrGood Stabliar attached where guests from the
country lir 11 1 Myra) a And attentive hostler* to take charge
of then . teams. May 6, 1669.tf48
A: ag o g For Chicago adr oi t
And Intermediate Ports !
ON E l)l."rilE PFA)PLE'S UNE (JI:
Propeller,. x 111 irate this Port for Chicairi and
Intermediate Port,. on WEDNESDAY and !UWE,-
DAY .f rm h R. rk, w Itol and arathor permitting
For (might or paling,. apply to
F.rie..h.or, 4, IMO Public Dock.
m a
Rs. A. has re urn
R i ' l i kN ntfrotri N. York
t to- tariroat awl twat complrtr saaortment of
BuNNETS. RIBBoNs. FLull'ERS.'&c.. &(,
lu short, r‘ery thing In the Ylllinen llon, which will be
...Id whole...door retail at pore. thai defy competition
Country Milliners supplied utb tiowoda at New York
prtera adding a small 1 c Lunt . Al abe bu made ar
raneementa to rameire good• every hie weeks, she ndrr•
pecultar 10doebements to those buying to roll again tr.
to,ke tb«tr putcbamis at ber establishment_
r. M. desires to inform the public that she is prepor
r,L 1. 3 la W.% and brr 'alba promos, to tenovate and Color
gtr.w, Mopolttao, I Lip, end Leghorn, in a moat asopenor
et) M.
rir I atO and a►Gatartrnn warranted
I ..”14.1 .•1 :4.4 ale And Eighth Streets, En* P►
April I.
- MRS.: , H. HALL.
atm%e the 114rt,..t Erie, Pa
ju .t opened y L-lir and oplondid Stock of
Ar Alpo, BoNNFTS, RI - SCIRE, AND T.A1113..
311 , 1 band bonnet tram., ...Irrownp.
3DO „rt. EIS/3BM
I InteAt At, Ir.
rt- PartirulAr Alt•nt pout! to
•Itd l'ltroAtog 111. •If ft.', And itlttlug Ilnln 411,110nd thr
rt raMll4 , llshie Ir
. .1:11
rap- Also, • 5u,...1101. ika Ladies i• dither
oi l • g•rirrail liii.ortmetit t.A.t ) • (;•.“..•
lis. M. 1'1'1;1'1s ,
te nine r...1,9ty • Lerice kb 1 11111 A•
•L•runvut .1 11'1 11♦ F ;sn.l FA \t
ng , ..f • ,reat Ines. ty ..f W Int• and
iILoRED STri 11()NNTF:S. 1i LI II/VIER:+.
And t bildren's Ilato , of every Kt, le, Shaker Boons, Floy•
ke., kr., Itarbrit, Mee.:
I ireraea, Kul Gjoera, Howlers , Lace etia,
nrh l'oraett. •r.. 1 MateHala et all kinds for Fm
brnrJrn, Valet...truant, Lane, Applique sad reach M
Slrevra, kC
1111.1.1,irRs eupplled with Itnettla at 111 h.i.eSak •]..•
l'''a.ter Bonnet Block', It iellrillo/ and ?minting done in
the lwet mariner, al.o, Straw Bonnet' , colored I /rwb, Hroa
April 9, 1a. , 9 MRS, M. CURTIS,
'my KmArt, KEN ow CO,
No 2. Wright a Block. Erie. Pa..
I GREEN. M. 111:
1“ STED.
wiitTlC KISH.
I AK!),
1111.5 AND GLASS,
Together with ► large armortmetit of all kiwis of GOODS
kept io a Grorwry :atom, which we oflet to tell at the
limpid market price. CALI. AND S GS'
Apnl 16. 16.59 So. 2, Wrigbt'e Mork
Wili i \ V A Nl'S A SAFE.
The eabserlber haw ow large FIN
SAFE. which be will <lmpose choop for
Cub or apitrove.l pap, W. 1.. ACC ,
Erie, A pnl 9. —
N I. 1..,w,
ere memo every genuine lady, each &a
uses the Garden Raie and Pruning Eras, shoulJ procure
by which bar hands will h F perfectly protected frotn
J ury, and modemd ann, kite and delicate, to be had at
New Drug Amy a
April 41, 1660. CARTY k BRO.
dry and pound in white Deaner Varnish. for Por
celain 6nuh, at 0. 6 Reed House.
Erie. JIM.' 4. IhS9.-52 L. I BALDWIN.
Shute Lead, dry and in oil, American sad French
Lis, thaw sod Bolted Liaseed Oft Venetian Red,
Trench Ochre, Chrome and Frisch Green, and In abort
every thing in the line of PAINTI4, fo alr walo Ups Moro
blav 12. T. S. MINN-AIR
from Philadelphia by Railroad la the State of Ii;PTI
J•rary. Soil among the Man Mr Agricultural porpoise,
being a good houn sail, with • clay bottom. The land I.
a lam. -woe, divided into small farms and hundredths=
all part,. of the smeary are now settling and building.—
The crops produced aralarge and ma be seem wing.—
The climate to delighMl, sad ~UN from tieeta. Terms
ltoaq $lO to 11241 per sae, payable within foot year ity ift
italments. To visit the dace — Lasso Tina StheiS Wharf
at pailadelpbta at 7jd A. IL by Railroad for liamaiontoe,
or address R. J. Byrom, by letter, Liamanwipa Poet Oece,
Atlantic County, New Jerry. See fell vordawooot in
another column. - .
F -
At July 2 CARTER It Elltirel.
bralth. 84* .a..rai torHHa .
"Aga Lamm* amottkor
E ILE ''.:111110H:--_,, ' o BsERITER.
li 11.1) Ul D .4
Lvar brought to li.ot
city, locludtog all t h r•
ES XI-air-ED.
iiitOt ND
WOOD mull
IIT Nil. =tat 1194310 M.
My little boy Us. sleeping. Stiller new
Are the bare feet, so quick and restless lately,
And the blue eyes, beashath kla %smeared brow,
Are closed sedately.
One hstid lies hid among the locks that goat,
In careless grace, upon the yielding pillows
The other on him breast ride* like a boat
On inimner billows.
About the couch where they his waking MA*
Ilis whtloto playthings lie la nue ooeleadoa
And uutiertheeth the shoes he thought to hide
la late lierinlliOn.
He calmly sleeps. The wind meant at Um door,
And in the room the firellikit's fitful gleaming
Malmo pleasant 'Widows on his crimson Bow—
-1 sit a-dreaming.
I ace afar the veiled, uncertain land,
That to the future waits his manhood's coating.
And strive to dissipate, with lore's streoug hand
Its mists benumbing.
And as he of that ram of laturedod kin"
The wearers of the purple of the Poet r
11r lake the heroes whom the Poet slap '
His life will show it.
II him should be • eoul from falsehood bor t
Though he should wear oo laurel, stag so story.
TJ hear his part with honest men, shall be
Enough of glory.
tE koict granatutt.
4 From the San Francisco Golden Ira ]
1 h4ve a mind to tell a little story. That
it is brief, may be seen at a glance; that
it's true I most emphatically avow. If the
reieli•ti de..pise it because of the first, or the
editor;, of the Era reject it for the reason
of thelliust, then I will eschew truth in the
fuiuro and devote myself to the elabora
tion of hes into chapters anti the purest
fictions into voltunee of seventeen hundred
page,. each.
With thi, understanding, I proceed at
once to remark that five years ago, or there
abouts, John Ainsley—or "Pap Ainaley,"
aA he was familiarly called—was the owner
of a hand cart, and earned a living by con
veying miscellaneous pawls from one sec
tion of the city to another, and receiving
therefor the reasonable rentuneration of fit
t) cents per load. To designate the occu
t ion in the prosiest language possible, he
11, a hand-cart man, and when not em
ployed, could always be found during
working hours at the corner of Montgomery
and California streets. His hair and long
beard were quite gray and his limbs feeble;
and if he could not shove as heavy a load
through the deep sand or up the steep grade
above him as the stalwart Teuton on the
opposite corner, thereby losing many ajob
and many a dollar, all the light loads in
the neighborhood fell to his lot, and kind
hearted men re4 ,- eisiteeplismiairtrarreten
s,..ittart• or two out of t heir way to give an easy
jot , to ••Pap AinAey.' *
Four years ago last September. (I recol
lect the month, for I had a note of four
thousand dollars to pay. and was compelled
to do some pretty sharp financiering to meet
it.l having two or three dozen volumes to
trazisicr to my lodging, I gave Pap Ainsley
ill, task oftrausportation. Arrivaig at my
r, won; jtl,4 as he had depositea the last arm
ful on the table. and observing that the old
nian looked fatigued after climbing three
Hight,. of stair> five or all tunesi. t invited
hint to take a glass of brandy --a bottle of
all', h 1 u-wally kept in in) rain for med
ical and aopotifie purposes. Although
,zrateful for the situation. lie politel% cle
eline+l. I urged but he Wft , inflexible
•• h) , 111 11, I
-Ver) e replied, dropping in
to a hair at inn re.iiiest, and wiping the
pn-piranon froigt foreliraol.
if ye] ;Intik at all. - I itisistial.
- ) ou will ia,t MIA icv faur un excuse in the
o%elvvinotli I indulging, for you
1S fat igu.4l airn I .4eareely able t.. stand."
- To he frank.l said the old man, - I do
not (kink now. i I have not tasted intoxi
cating liquor loritifteetj years
-Sinco when'.'? I inquired. thoughtless
-16(4 hesitation.
'rho old maii tfld me. Sixteen y mint ago
he w: is a well-to farmer near Syracuse,
Neu York. 110 lad one child, a daughter.
While attondin a boarding school in that
eity. then a girl f sixteen years of age, she
termed an attac ment for a young physi
eian. Acquain ing her father of the cir
(ii nista nee-, he tly refused his consent to
her union with i man whom he had never
seen; and removing her from school, dis
patched a note In the young gallant, with
the somewhat pointed information, that
his presence in the neighborhood of the
Ainsley farm would not meet with favor.—
The reader of course surmises the result.
In less than a month there was an elope
ment. The father loaded his double-bar
relled shot-gun, and swore vengeance, but
failing to find the fugitives, he took to the
bottle. 1i is good wife implored him not to
give way to ,iespair, but he drank the deep
er, and accused her of encouraging the
elopement. In three moths the wife died.
and at the expiration of a year, when the
young couple returned to Syracuse from
Connecticut, where they had remained with
the parents of the husband, they learned
that the old man had sold his farm, squan
dered the proceeds, and was almost desti
tute. Learning of their arrival, Ainsley
drank himself into a frenzy, and proceeded
to the hotel where. they were stopping, at
tacked the husband, wounding him in the
arm with a pistol shot, and then attempt
ing the fife of his daughter, who happily
escaped uninjured through the interposi
tion of persons brought to the spot by the
report of the pistol. Ainsley was arrested,
tried and acquitted on the plea of insanity.
The daughter and her husband returned
to Connecticut, since which time the fath
er had not heard from them. He was sent
to a lunatic asylum. from which he was
dismiss ad after remaining six months. In
15.51 he canoe to California. He had fol
lowed mining for two years, but finding his
strength unequal to the pursuit, rean ( ed
to this city. purchased a hand - cart,—
the rest is known. "Since there' conclu
-1 ded the old man, bowing hie face in his
hands in agony, "I have zioi, tasted liquor,
nor have I seen my poet child."
I regretted that I-had oeen so inquisi
tive. and expressed to the sufferer the sym
pathy I really felt for him. After that, I
seldom passed the corner without looking
for Pap Anisley, and never saw him but
to think of the sad story he had told me.
tine chilly, drialing day in the Decem
ber follow ing,a gentleman having purchased
a small marble top table at an auction room
opposite, proffered to the old man the job
of conveying it to his residence, on Stockton
street. Not wishing to accompany the °W
rier, he bad selected the face, probaby giv
ing the beat assurance of the carefuldelivery
of the purchase.
Furnished with the number of the house,
the old cartman, after a pretty trying
struggle withr the steep ascentof California
street, reached his destination, and depos
ited the table in the hall. Lingering a
moment, the lady did not surmise the rim
the cartage.
pf ri
"Very well, I will ou," said the la
dy, stepping into an mg room. She
returned, and stating she had no small
coin in the house. Lin cid the man a twen
ty dollar piece.
He could not make , „change. - Never
mind, I will call to-mo," said he turn
ing to go.
"No, no !" replied *ady, glancing pity
tingly at his white lots and trembling
~ bs ; "I will sot y ou to so much
'trouble ;" and she the coin to Bridg
et, with instructions to if she could get
it changed at one of th stores or markets
in the neigborhood. s:-.. _
"Step . into the parlorinitil the girl returns:
the air is chilly, andyou must be cold,"
continued the lady, kindly. "Come," she
added, as he looked at his attire and hesi
tated: "there is a fire in the grate, and no
one there but the children."
"It is somewhat chilly," replied the old
man, following her intothe parlor, and tak
ing a seat near the fire,: •Perhaps I may
find some silverin the house," said the lady.
leaving the room, for I Ilber Bridget will not
succeed in getting the sweaty dollar piece
"Cdme—l love little 'children," and the
child who had been watphing him with cu
riosity run behind the borge arm chair, hcs
itatingly approached. -
"What is your name, dear ?" inquired
the cartman.
"Maria," lisped the little one.
"Maria?" he repeated while the great
tears gathered in his eyes ; I once had a
little girl named Maria, and you look very
much like she did.,'
"Did you ?" inquired the child with seem
ing interest, "and was her name Maria
man, too ?"
"Merciful God !" exclaimed the old man,
starting from his chair mid dropping into
it with his head bowed upon his breast.—
"This cannot be! and yet, why not !"
Ile caught the child in his arms with in
eagerness that frightened her, and gazing
into her face until he found cum iction
there, suddenly rose to leave the house.--
"I cannot meet her without betraying my
self, and I dare not tell her that I am that
drunken father who once attempted to tak e'
her life, and perhaps aa kft ; her husband a
cripple," he groaned, h hurried towards
the door.
The little ones were bewildered. ••You
are not going ?" said the mother re-appear
iug, and discovering the old man in the act
of passing into the hall.
He stopped and apparently turned his
face, but seemed to lack the resolution to
do ought else.
"He said lie had a little Maria once, that
looked just like me, mother," shouted the
child, her eyes sparkling with delight -
The knees of the old eartman trembled
and he leaned against the door for support.
The lady sprang towards him, seized him
by the arm, and attempted to conduct him.
to a chair.
"110,0°1" he exclaimed, "not till you tell
me I am forgiven !"
"Forgiven 7—for wbar • replied the
mother, in alarm.
"Recognize in me y,
• ' y poor father!" she criet I, throwing her
arms round his neck ; is forgiven—all
All was forgiven, and the husband when
he returned late in the afternoon, was
scarcely less rejoiced than his good wife at
the discovery. Whether or not Bridget
succeeded in t ehanging the double eagle, I
never learned ; but this I do know—it took
the honest female all of two months to un
ravel the knot into %quell the domestic
affairs of the family had tied themselves
during her absence. Pap Ainsle) -till keep
his cart.for money would not induce him to
part with it. 1 peeped into the back-yard
of Dr. Eastman. one day last week, and
discovered the old man dragging the favor
ite vehicle round the enclosure, with his
four grand children piled promiscuousl y
into it.
- -
What a Blind Ilan can Do
The Springfield Rtpdflican gives the en
flexed interesting account of the remarkable
achievements of a blind genius now lit ing
in Ludlow:
Ho is a young man. ta ent) -tbur ~t
age, who has been blind since he was two
Tears old, and who does not remember that
he ever saw. The circumstances which at
tended the loss of his vision are almiist too
horrible for belief; yet we hare no reason
to doubt them as they have been related to
us. His widowed mother married a drunk
ard, and his step-father, conceiving a aptte
against the child, undertook, when intoxi
cated, to put his eyes out. tioing further
in his diabolical purpose, he was about to
thrust a red-hot poker down his throat.
when the frightened but desperate mother
interfered and prevented it. The child wit.-
then thrown down the cellar, where he by
all night, taking cold which so far aggra
vated thesu 'rig in flamation of the eyes.
that the sclerotic coat of each was burst.—
Of all this he has no memory, and a blessed
thing it is for him. At nine years of age,
he lost his mother, and in that loss became
perfectly friendless.—From that day to this
he has mainly taken care of himself; and
now, although cheated by rascally agents.
and laboring under every possible disad
vantage, has money at interest !
Now let us see what this man has done.
He is a mechanic and knows every part of
a steam engine as well as if he could see.—
He is an engineer, has not only had charge
of stationary engines, but has run as en
gineer on the Mad River Railroad of Ohio!
Of course, he ran with a look out, and be
tween his lookout and himself he had ar
ranged a series of abbreviations of language,
so that he could learn from him the posi
tion of any object on the track instantane
ously. He was engineer, let it be remem
bered of a passenger train ! What is more
remarkable than all is, that he has made a
beautiful little steam engine with his own
hands, so small that hetan carry the whole
of it in hispocket,., and get up steam at
pleasure. This -B ight well be considered
accomplishmeds enough for one blind man
but this istrot a bginning.
"Hekas a great genius for music, and I
a voice which, in many charac- j
' tics, is without doubt the most won
derful voice in the world. On Tuesday
eveninr of the present week he was invited
to a prrvate house in this -city to give an '
exhibition of his musical abilities, and a
few musical hien and women were invited
to hear him, all of whom will bear testi
mony to their astonishment and delight. '
We suppose that all Musical people will
shrug their shoulders with incredulity,
when we tell them that his voice has the ,
compass of five octaves ; yet such is the bat '
that be demonstrated to this company.--
Of course, the lowest notes are guttural.
and the highest' falsetto ; but the falsetto
notes are pleasant and good, and the gut
turals true tones, and as musical se such
tones can be. We are not sufficiently
versed in musical terms to tell what his
lowest note is, but it is the lowest in the
piano, arranged upon the usual scale—or
triple C, as he calls it. His chest tones are
excellent ; and although Carl Formes may
have more power, his quality is no better,
while in his low notes he goes down “out
of sight" of Carl Formes altogether. We
can gkis no ides'of this voice by any com
parison, for we have never heard a voice
with which to compare it.
lIGUST f, 1859
t her
le for
vf course, with such a voice as this, the
owner is tempted to try tricks. The moat
interesting of these was the application of
it to seven purposes. He began by singing
in a delicate soprano, the first lines of "Oft
in the stilly night :" then, as he proceed
ed, he slid into the alto, then into the ten
or, then into the base, and then into the
-double base," au octave below. This fin
ished the tune, when he rose, and turning
his back to the audience, executed some
most excellent feats of ventriloquism, and
wound off by imitating an old fashioned
spinning wheel so perfectly that the as
sembly wa, thrown into roars of laughter.
He usually accompanies himself with a
melodeon, to which he has added a swell
of his own invention, that produces all the
effects of the swell in the organ. One of
the numt delightful of his performances
was a s o '., on the cornet ; he playing it wit h
one hand, and aceompanyinF himself on
the piano with the other. Lpon this in
strument, and in this way, he played a few
airs with great sweetness and taste, and
executed Aollle very difficult variations.—
The instrument itself has been thesuhject
of his improving hand, in what respects
we do not know. Added to all this, he
plays the guitar and other instruments.
and is a leader and a teacher of bands !
He seemed to take a great deal of interest
in explaining his steam engine to the com
pany, and to be thoroughly. versed in me
chaniillid matters.
This nian's name is W. A. (yarns. He
war horn, we think, in one of the Western
States, and has lived where he could Fit
a chance. lie is of nedium height, thick
set, modest in demeanor, interesting in
coil% ration, and has received an education
at come asylum tor the blind for which he
appears unhouirdedly Fateful. He is now
engaged in the invention of some means
by which the blind may be enabled to
have their regular newspapers ; and if
anybody earl aecomphsh so benevolent a
result, he• will do it.
- - -.---
A Glance at Utah
A %oltinte emit/eta, "Adventures Among
the NI ormon-," hit:. Just been published in
Englat.d. It con tains much that is curious.
The tsruet -t..tes that the -distance- from
t.. Utah is e-ven thousand eight
hutalred and fort‘ miles. Thus
liverpc.ol to N. Orleans.
Ae• tlrl•an• to St. Louis...
St I.ut . t. Wulter Quarters
Utah Territory is divided into fourteen
c °untie.-- in length, from east to west, it
e. lain.lre.l and fifty miles; breadth,
from north to south, three hundred and
fifty eres. ii‘o hundred and twenty-five
thousawl •;cit,ire mile. The population is
not kile,wn, the ilavin particular
refiSOTP , t.) make it appear fabulously large.
Some of the elder., bay it is one hundred
thou.and • chile in the Ovri-1ti,,,/ Route,
publi.hcd by F D. Richard, it is stated at
from forty to sixty thousand. The valley
ie flour thousand teet above the level of the
sea, burrounded by mountain_, many of
them eternally covered with snow. There
is no rain or water for irrigation purposes
except %%hat comes down from the moun
tains, chiefly melted now, which makes
successful agriculture • impossibility.
d hither
' osp ere. we sou imagine tA e
to be the healthiest region in the world ;
but quite the reverse is the case. Sickness
is very common. and mortality great. This
is supposed to I.e due, in a great measure,
to the abuielance of alkaline salts, or snip
ratus, in the soil. which shows itself ui a
white effloresernce on the surface of the
ground. covering whole acres with the ap
pearam e of white frost Many of the
, trealn- hr. so trongly impregnated with
it a- to make it dangerous for cattle to drink
frotn them It not only effects health, but
destroys vegetation. ruining whole fields of
corn sn a -ingle j night Salt Lake Valley
po.:ses.c. one kigaluahle property to. the
Mormon leadend that is insolation.—
Herein lirs the difficulty of persons return
when one.. there It is one thousand miles
tn,ro -4trites. And si\ hundred from Cal
ifornia through a conntri Of ho,tile ndi
er mil/ridge+ rit er prreipitate
roc k• and barren plain- t Medialf of the
year the infiali:talits of Utah are entirely
bound up. for the only tamnees, the kan
yon: (cannon.' and ravines, are tidied with
snow, rendering, egress and ingress alike
impo.s I.le The government is entirely in
the 11 of Brigham Young and his friends
and polyram) is almost muvermlly recog
nized. Marriage is a veil slight contract,
as a diuerve May Is obtained at almost any
tituc, on tin 1,41) menu of a -mall fee to the
prophet. By the time a female reaches
twenty-fife years. she is comparitively an
old woman, In large harems. as in the care
of Brigharn, l'arle) Pratt. c.. the women
work, the men are “u,r-eers. It is found
goes I polity t, sepal ate the women. and por
tion• lit.' on one part of the estate, and an
ot h, r l al i.,n el-ew here. When the soldiers
under Colonel' Steritoe passed through the
valley in over cite hundred of the
Mormon women begged of the , okliera` to
to take them to Callforn ia . They to, ,k a large, , otne of them the wives of the
apostle: but tn.ini- they hail to leave be
hind on account of the scarcity of provis
ions. The elder- made a dreadful noiso
about it. The Post ('lice i- in the hands
of Brigham and his confederates, so that
he know. , the mind of every letter writer
there. He was heard to 'Lay to the congre
gation at the beginningof last year--There
are many of you have written complaining
letters to England , I know you . A. D i d
you think I'd let them go? I have nearly
a wagon load of them behind my house!"
That is the way he gets his revelations. In
the "JournAl of bi.entlrWS." V O l. iii.,he
says • "Know ye not that I have my thrads
strung through all this territory, so that I
know what each man is doing?" Each
faithful saint is required to sign a deed of
consecration, whereby he mak e s over to the
church for ever his house, land, wi yes, child
ren, and everything he possesses. so that
when lie leaves—lit' leaves alone. This
picture is doubtless. highly colored, but if
only partially tat!'. it furnishes a sad ac
count of Mormcmisni—such as it was but a
little while ago. The presenceofthe United
Scat- troops, however, might have changed
a few of the harsher features. But the spit
it of Mormonism remains the same.—Phil
arlelplua ,'Or.
Consider how universal are newspapers
in America. They penetrate every nook
and corner of society. 'No other element
of power has such a sphere. The pulpit.
the court. the lecture, comparedwith the
newspaper, touch society ii'ew places.
The newspaper in America is universal.—
It reaches within and without from surface
to core. It travels everywhere, is bought
by everybo* • read by all classes, and is
wholly or nearly the only reading of more
than half our population. Its service to
good morals and to intelligence among the
people is incalculable. All the libraries of
I Europe are not of as much service to the
nations of Europe as the newspaper is to
the Americin nation. Its power is grow-
Mg. Who would, twenty years ago, have
dreamed of moth a growth and power as has
been developed? But the next twenty
years will witness a greater. The best tal
ent will find im highest sphere in the ed
itorial room. Already that chair is more
influential thap the bench or the platform.
No brain can act upon so many as that
which speaks by the printing press of the
daily paper. Ink beats like blood in the
veins of the nation.—/adepeedwat.
NOW the summer grass is wiring,
And the simmer flowers are seen,
And the merry birds are singing
On the testy woods so green
Now the summer corn is growing,
And the early fruit is red,
And the busy bees are humming
Where ihe yellow blossoms wed
Now the balmy wind is blowing
- Through the summer woodlands green
And fairer birds are singing than
In royal park, I wean
And the plover wild is screaming
In the downy woodland meads,
And the turtle "dove is 000ing
Where the harmless green snake feeds
In the marsh the mule is calling
Where she feeds her sable young
Anti the mavis' note is thrilling
Where the ivy.vinee are hung
In the fern the hare is crouching,
In the brake the serpent creeps
In the swale the curlew's piping,
In the pool the troutlet sleeps.
On the bill the lamb is bleating,
In the shade the bullocks lie :
On the rocks the kid is leaping.
While the sheperd reefs him nigh
Over all the sun is throwing,
Far and wide, its quickening heat
And the pulse of Nature's throbbing
With a strong and healthy beat
Into ear the corn is ♦erging—
ll the cereals of the kind ,
And the ruby fruit is scattered
By the insect and the wind
To the garner fast are hurrying
golden stores—life's best ddfenc•
Bummer yielding up her bounty,
dicing labor recompense
From tkup Widatuxian and aitiketor
"There, Mary—now don't you think I
deserve to be called a pretty good husband?"
laughed the youhg man a►r he dropped
down in theiady's palm half a dozen gold
"Yes, you are, Edward, the very best
husband in the world," and she lifted up
her sweet face beaming with smiles, as a
June day with sunshine.
"Thank you, thank you, for the very
dattoring words. And now, dear, I want
you to have the cloak by next Christmas.
I'm anxious to ree how you will look in
"But, Edward," gating seriously at the
shining pieces in her rosy palm, "yon know
we are not rich people, and it really seems
a piece of extravagance for me to give thirty
dollars for a velvet cloak."
' ,l lCo,lliii not, either. You de,erve the
cloak, Mary, and I've set my mind upon
your having it. Then, it'll last you so many
years, that it will be more economical in
the end than a less expensive article."
It was evident the lady was predisposed
to conviction. She made no further at
tempt to refuse her husband's arguments,
and her small fingers closed over the gold
pieces, as she rose up saying. "Well, dear,
the supper has been waiting half an hour,
and I know you must be hungry."
Edward and Mary Clark were the hus
band and wife of a year. He was a book
keeper in a ltirge establishment, with a sal
ary of fifteen hundred dollars His fair
young wife made a little earthly paradise
of his cottage home in the suburbs of the
city, for within its walls dwelt two lives
that were set like music to poetry, keeping
time to each other. And here dwelt, also,
thatwhich God giveth to those who
Mrs. Clark came into the sitting-room
suddenly, and the girl lifted her head, and
then turned it away quickly, but not until
the first,glance told the lady that the fair
face wastavrollen and stained with tears.
Janet Hill was a young seamstress whom.
Mrs. Clark had occasionally employed for
the last six months. She was always at
tracted by her young bright face, her mod
est yet dignified manner, and now the lady
saw at once that some great sorrow had
smitten the girl.
Obeying the promptings of a warm, im
pulsive heart, she went to her and laid her
hand 'on" her arm, raying softly, "Won't
you tell!me what is troubling you, Janet?"
" Nothing that anybody can help." an
swered the girl, trying still to avert her
face, while the tears swelled in her eyes
from the effort she made to speak.
But perhaps I can. At any rate you
know, it does us good sometimes to confide
our sorrows to a friend, and I need not as
sure you that I sincerely grieve because of
your distress."
And do with kind words and half-caress
ing moviements, of the little band, laid on
the seamstress's arm, Mrs. C. drew from
her lips, her sad story.
She was an orphan, supporting herself
E l y her daily - labors, and she had one broth
er,- just sixteen, three years her junior.—
He had been for some time a kind of under
clerk, in a Large wholesale establishment,
where there was every prospect of his pro
motion ; but he had seriously injured him
self in the summer by lifting some heavy
bales of goods, and at last a dangerous fever
set in, which had finally left him in so ex
hausted a state that the Doctor despaired
of his recovery.
"And to think I shall never see him more,
Mrs. Clark," cried the poor girl. with a
fresh burst of tears. "To think he must
die away there, among strangers, in the
hospital, with no loving face to bend over
him in his last hours, or brush away the
dampenrls from the forehead which =lnv
ma-used to be so proud of. o—George—
my darling bright-faced little brother
George," and here the poor girl broke
down in a storm of tears.
-Poor child, poor child," murmered
Mrs. Clark, her sweet eyed; swimming
with tears. "Row much would it cost for
you to go to your brother and return?"
she asked at last.
"About thirty dollars. I haven't so
much money in the world. You see, it's
nearly four hundred miles off ; but-I could
to supportmyself after I got there.
mlu A u rought passed quickly through Mrs.
Clark's mind. She stood still a few me
meats, her blue eye fined in deep medi
tation. At last she said kindly, "Well.
my child try and bear up bravely, and
we will see what an be done for you,"
and the warm; cheerful tones comforted
the sad hems of the seastuttrees.
• The lady west up debs and took the
pieces out - of her ivory portemonnaie.
There was a brief sharp struggle in her
mind. "SomehOw I've set my heart on
this velvet cloak," she thought. "and
Edward will be disappointed. I was go.
ing to select the velvet this very .after
noon. But then. there's that dying boy
lying there with strange faces all about
him, and longinf, as the slow hours go by,
fora sight of a sister that Ores him, and
would not the - thought haunt me every
time I pet on my new cloak! After all,
my old broadcloth is not so Inid„ if IS'S
only turned . And, I'm sue, I iamb. hilng
ni‘suri over to my way of thinlking.
you must go without a cloak this time,
and have the pleasure of knowing you've
smoothed the prath going down to the
valley of the sha do w dfttit, Mary Clark."
And she closed the port-monnaie reeointa
ly, and went down stairs.
"Janet, put up your work this moment
—there is no time to be lost. Hate is the
money. Take it and go to your brother."
The girl lifted up her eyes a moment,
almost in bewilderment, to the lady, and
then, as she comprehended the truth, the
cry of such joy broke from her lips, that its
memory never faded from the heart thro'
all the after years of Mrs. Clark's life.
"George! George !" The words leaped
from her lips, as the sister sprang forward
to the low bed where the youth la, his
white, sharpened face, gleaming deat h-like
from amidst his thick yellow curls.
He opened his large eyes suddenly—s
flush passed over his pallid face. He
stretched out his thin arms : "0 Janet I
Janet ! I have prayed God for the sight of
you once more before I die."
"His pulse is stronger than it has been
for two weeks, and his face has a better
hue," said the Doctor, a few hours later, as
he made his morning visit through the
wards of the hospital.
"His sister came yesterday, and watched
with him," answered the attendant, glanc
ing at the young girl, who hung breathless
over the sleeping invalid.
"Ah, that explains it. I'm not certain
but that the young man has recuperative
power enough left to recover, if he could
have the care and tenderness for the next
two months, which love alone can furnish."
Flow Janet's heart leaped at the blessed
words ! That very morning she had an
interview with her brother's employers.—
They had been careless, but not intention.
ally unkind, and the girl's story onlim.r.ti
their sympathies.
In a day or two, George was removitti
a quiet, comfortable private home, and his
sister installed herself by his couch, his
nurse and comforter.
Three years have passed. The shadows
of the night were dropping already around.
Mrs. Clark sat in her chamber, humming
a nursery tune, to which the cradle kept a
sort of rythmic movement. Sometimes
she would pause suddenly, and adjust the
snowy blankets around the face of tho lit
le slurnberer, shinixwout from their brown
curls as red apple shine out amid fading
leaves in October orchards. "Sh—sb."
said the young mother, as she lifted her
finger with a smiling warning, as her hus
band entered.
"There's something foryou, Mary. It
came by expre , s this afternoon," he said
the words in an undertone, placing a small
packet in her lap
The lady opened the packet with eyes
filled with wonder, while her husband
leaned over her shoulder and watched her
A white box disclosed itself, and remov
ing the cove M rs. Clark described &small
elegantly c hunting watch. She lift
ed it with a cry of delighted surprise, and
touching the spring, the case flew back
and on the inside was engrared these words,
"lb Mrs. Mary Clark In Inken of tAellfe she
- 0, Edward, it must have come from
George and Janet Hill," exclaimed the
lady and the quick tears leaped into her
eyes. "You know she's been with him
ever since that time, and she wrote me last
spring, that he'd obtained an excellent
situation as head clerk in the firm. What
an exquisite gift, and how I shall value it.
Not simply for itself, either."
"Well, Mary, you were in tire right then.
though I'm sorry to say, I was half vexed
with you, for giving up your velvet cloak,
and you're not had one yet."
No, I've not had one, but I've neve'
regretted it." She said the words with hei
eyes fastened admiringly on the beautiful
"Nor I, Marv. for 1 cannot doubt that
your aacrifice bought the young man's
"0, sit) those w ords aain, Edward.—
Blessed be God for them , ' added the lady,
The husband drew his arm around Lus
wife, and murmured reverently, "Blessed
be God, Mary, who put it into your heart
to do this good deed."
stands upon his own soil, who feels that
by the law of the land in which he lives--
by the laws of civilised nations—he is the
rightful and exclusive owner of the land
which he tills, is, by the constitution of
our nature, under the wholesome influ
ence not easily inbibed from any other
source. 'He feels—other things being
equal—more strongly than another the
character of a man as lord of an animated
world Of this great and wonderful where,
which, fashioned by the hand of God, and
upheld by his power, is rolling through the
heavens, a part is his—his from centre to
the sky. It is the space on which the
generation before moved in its round of
duties, and he feels himself connected by
visible link with those who follow him,
and to whom he has to transmit a home.
Perhaps his farm has come down to him
from his fathers. They have gone to their
last home; but he can trace their footsteps
over the scenes of Lis daily labors. The
roof which shelters him was reared by
those to- whom lie owes his being. Some
intereateig domestic tradition is connected
with every inclosure. The favorite fruit
tree was planted by his father's hand. He
sported in boyhood beside the brook which
winch' through the meadow. Through the
field lies the path of the village school ot
earlier days. He still hears from the win:
dow the yoke ot the Sabbath bell which
called hib father to the house of God ; and
near at hand is the spot where his parents
laid down to rest ; and when his time has
come :he shall be laid down by his child
ren. These are the feelings of the owners. ,
of the soil. Words cannot paint them—
gold cannot buy them they flow out of
the deepest fountains of the heart : the)
are the life springs of a fresh, healthy and
generous national character.—Erereu.
The Wheeling runes relates the murder, in
Marshall county, Va., of a beautiful young
lady of respectable character, named Me.
Lissa Morris, whose parents live near Lime
stone, in Marshall county. -- Miss Morris
had been living in the families of some of
the farmers in the vicinity. The supposed
murderer is a man named Nathaniel Bar
ten, who is described as a dark complex
ioned man who stammer* somewhat in his
The supposition is that liarten overtook
her where she had sat down upon a log to
rest, as the handkerchief which contained
-some apples she was known to have gath
ered, was found lying on it. That her per
son had been outraged before she was mur
dered, was also evident. The murder was
committed by the side of the public road.
from which her body was dragged 91
'or 30 yards by the feet, to a small ,in
which it was found. Theinurder w
mitred by by heavy blows of a stone or club.
The side of her head was broken and one
eye knocked out, besides indications of a
numberof severe blows upon _different parts
of her person.
If Barton is caught as he surely will be,
there is a fine chance for him to obtain the
benefit of a dispensation of justice from
Judge 14 Yueh. - i
$ A German at Cincinnati made a
bet of $5O that he could drink half,a bar
rel of lager in twenty-four hours.
how he wad going on, the other partriai
him $lO to stop and throw up the bet. ,
Mr A notorious. ruffian. know in south
western Arkansas as Jake Cade. was recent
ly killed by a woman whose husband helad
shot. The widow challenged him to fight
a duel, and as the ruffian declined, she at
tacked him with a revolver and lodged
three balls in his body, one of which paw
ed through his heart.